#after saving the duke again so i had to read it AND THEN save the duke
killjoy-prince · 7 months
After 10+ Long Rests to clear out any event that can override this one and another Duke rescue later, I finally got Wyll's last romance scene
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There had always been a goblin and an orc at the sides of the Overlord.
Once upon a time, it probably had a symbolic meaning. Over the centuries it had dwindled to a way for orcs to offload embarrassing family members, while goblins sent prisoners who probably wouldn't bite too much.
At the sides of the Overlord, they were decorative and invisible.
The only one who saw them was the magician.
At first, she had thought of them as a convenient way to have a pair of eyes and ears in the Overlord's presence at all times. Then one day, after the Overlord had ordered his whole chamber out while he ruminated, there had been a very convenient death.
Then she planned on blackmailing them.
It was a delicious thought. In the dead of night she slunk through the castle halls with the deliberate slowness of a spider enjoying every tantalizing wriggle of a panicking fly.
She got to the iron doors of the Overlord's chamber and was about to spring the trap when she heard the orc say, "How is this bloody country still running?!"
The goblin said, "Look, it's not that important, we have to go."
"Look at this." There was a rustle of paper. "They've been paying the giants thousands of gold pieces a year for them to make war machines that they haven't been making!"
"So what?"
"So, if instead of paying them, we took that money-" There was furious scribbling. "And put it in an interest-earning savings account... for twelve months..."
Paper was slid across a table.
There was a long pause.
"Huh," said the goblin.
"That's," said the orc. "Roads. Bridges. Actual infrastructure in the empire. We could really do something here!"
"We were going to!" said the goblin. "We were going to get out of here!"
"Look. I'm good at numbers. You're good at words. We can run tomorrow, but we have a once in a lifetime chance here."
There was a longer pause.
"Okay," said the goblin. "Okay. But as soon as someone even thinks they've found us out-"
"Oh, the second that happens, we're gone."
"Good. All right. How many roads?"
The magician blinked.
Huh, she thought.
It's not a good look to slink where you've just slunk. She slunk nevertheless in a thoughtful mood.
The next day, she brought a long scroll to the attention of the Overlord.
Other members of the chamber had learned to recognize it by sight. They groaned and braced for the inevitable.
She pointedly ignored them. "A thousand apologies, O Master Of Midnight And Bane Of The Dawn," she said. "But I felt I must once again bring this proposal to your attention."
She put the scroll into the Overlord's huge, gauntleted hands. "It is, of course, my proposal for infrastructure reforms within the Empire," she said. "A nation as mighty as thine must have roads, my lord."
The Overlord looked at her. The Overlord read it. The magician winced as the goblin obviously craned to read it as well, lips moving silently.
The Overlord looked at the goblin. The goblin looked at the Overlord.
The Overlord waved a hand. The goblin bowed. "His Magnificent Presence, The Overlord, Accepts Your Proposal," she recited. "By The Will Of The Overlord, May This Work Be Done, And May You Continue To Make Such Useful Contributions To Your Empire."
Yeah, don't lay it on too thick, the magician thought.
The next week, around a corner where she thought nobody could see her, the orc pulled off the Overlord's helmet, shaking out long coils of dark hair that curled and tangled against the breastplate of the armor.
The magician stared.
Huh, she thought, more emphatically this time.
The next month, the duke came to her and said it was obvious that the Overlord had been replaced by an imposter.
She let him rave for a few minutes about the affront to the dignity of the Empire, sighed, stood, thanked him for bringing it to her attention, and waved a hand. There was a rush of air, a wooden clatter, and then a sad little mechanical squeaking noise as her new office chair swiveled where the duke had stood.
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walpu · 2 months
walp walp hear me out
remember that trailblazer scene with firefly and how she just just gets stabby stabbed by the creature (memory zone meme i think)
and + Aventurine having access to the 'real' dreamscape, combine that with bodyguard! reader who will go through hell and back to make sure Aventurine will. Live.
reader follows aven during the entirety of the Penacony quest, including when Black Swan teleports the both of them to the real memory zone. (also, does anyone else feel like bodyguard! reader and Trailblazer would be besties... no, just me?)
now, keep in mind, Aven and reader have a... complicated bond. IPC workers here and there say their dating, the Trailblazer has straightup asked if they would just get a room (you get their vibe, you can go along with the secret assassin! bodyguard! reader req i sent in)
a little bit more insight on their dynamic (again, going with the assassin reader thing, its already known between the two atp, so this can be set after that period), Aven wants to love reader, wants to hold them close, and wants their affection, but dammit, he just cant bring himself to. Not when he's sure he'll just hurt everyone that comes close to him (his sister, cough cough)
and reader has the same mindset, they love Aven, as a boss, as that annoying but endearing friend, and perhaps as more. But they have blood, the lives of people that they've unlawfully taken, not to mention, they are 100% sure Aven would never love a person who killed just for monetary income.
now, here's where the real show starts. There's also another assassin (seriously, Duke Inferno should save his manpower) following reader and Aven. Safe to say, only one is making it out alive. How the assassin followed the two of them? No fucking clue, but somehow it does.
After i assume beating the living shit out of hordes of memory zone monsters, the assassin appears, and just when Aventurine's unsuspecting?? Boom, goes in for the kill.
Yeah, too bad. Aven's not dying. But reader is! Yeah, in a act of (cliche) protection, reader allowed themselves to be the one to suffer from the attack. (Bonus if they get decapitated, or just stabbed like how Trailblazer was by Cocolia). Aven will never forget the way that he just- watched reader's body fall, the light just gone from their eyes.
Anyways, he doesn't even get to hold their body. You just- poof into bubbles like Firefly did. The last thing he has left of his beloved bodyguard? Just a simple red earring, matching the one he wore. Nothing left.
Okay, im also going to cope here that the whole shitshow with Aven and Acheron did not happen, he returns to the room that reader had, and he just... stands there. He takes in the way that half of the room was messy, half of it was untouched. So much like them, unpredictable and just had a touch of the weirdness he loved so damn much.
(Bonus if you want a happy scenario, reader's alive and well, afterall, dying in the dreamscape doesn't kill anyone. Reader is probably smiling very awkwardly while they stare at a teary eyed Aventurine, then they make out /hj)
yay another rant, i had this idea for days, the decapitation part may or may not have been plaguing me (should i be concerned), anyways, thanks for listening to my word vomit, stay safe and stay healthy <33
feel like falling on my knees and begging to forgive me for taking so long this spring doesn't let me breath istg. I've got this request before 2.1 and only got to it now that's why Aven is ghosting me.
bodyguard!reader "dying" in the dreamscape to protect Aventurine
sort of a sequel to this but can be read as a separate work as well, the main thing you need to know is that reader was originally an assassin sent by Duke Inferno but they've changed their mind and stayed by Aven's side
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notes - gn!reader, angst, unestablished relationship, no beta
You both knew the trip to Penacony would be difficult. You, in particular, knew that something big and very sinister is coming, judging by the way Aventurine danced around the subject, not giving you full information.
You may not know all the details of Aventurine's plan but you know him well enough to realize that he's planning on doing something extremely reckless and dangerous.
So you do your best to protect him. To shiels him from any possible danger, to keep him within your reach.
Of course Aventirune notices. How can he not notice when he already keeps his eye on you most of the time anyway. And just as you're trying to look out for him, he wants to looks out for you.
This mission already could be considered suicidal and he doesn't want you to be caught in this. Better to keep you in the dark, away from it.
Yet he can't help but selfishly enjoy your attention, your tenderness. You go out of your ways to make sure he's fine and he feels so undeserving of it. How can you be so kind when he's keeping so much from you?
You've seen him at his worst and you've stayed. You've proven so many times that you care for him not because it's just your job, not because of his money or status but because it's him.
He still struggles to believe in it sometimes. When he feels doubtful , he rubs his cheek against your shoulder in a playful cat-like manner and watches your reaction. Amusement you're trying to hide. Adoration you can't hide.
How can he doubt you? You're the one who should be doubting him.
He wants to melt into you, to be even closer than the two of you already are, but how can he love you without putting you in danger? Without draining your luck, without cursing you?
Sometimes he sees the same struggles in your eyes. When you carefully trace his face with the tips of your gloved fingers, your gaze sometimes lowers and you pull your hand away, as if you're ashamed.
But of what, of what? The blood on your hands? He has it too!
He wants to tell you this, to hold you tight, to never ever let go. The wish is so primal that everyone else can see. The memokeeper giving him a knowing smile as soon as she sees you two together, the masked fool taunting him about the only one willing to listen to him being his loyal dog ("though, judging by the way you look at them, little peacock, you're the one on the leash here~" she says. It feels like even a lower blow than the comments about his past. At least he expected those, but being taunted about his obvious feelings for is new), mx. Stellaron asking you two to get a room with a deadpun expression.
The worst one is the doctor though. Asking Aventurine to focus on the mission, then, in a softer tone, suggesting to tell you more about the plan. "It's foolish to keep it from your most trusted person, gambler. In the end, it may hurt them even more than your obsessive concerns".
If Ratio of all people gives you relationship advice you're doing soooo bad.
Yet Aventurine can't bring himself to listen to his words. He wants you safe and well, and he's sure (he's not sure) he's doing the right thing.
And yet he's wrong. He can't shield you, he can't. One of the richest people in the IPC, one of the Ten Stonehearts, the blessed one, yet he can't protect the one he loves no matter how much he tries. He's cursed, doomed, isn't he?
Damned Duke Inferno. He's dead, annihilated, and yet, somehow, one of his wretched dogs, his sneaky little assassin, finds you two in the depths of the memory zone. Such dedication to the cause!
There are two gunshots. Inferno's little rat and you strike at the same time. Them, aiming at Aventurine, and you, aiming at them. Only one bullet reaches it's target though.
It all happens so fast. You react immediately, covering Aventurine with your body. You move instinctively at the same second you shoot.
When their bullet hits you, you don't even feel it. Maybe because it's still a dreamland? The pain just won't come even though your back feels like it's on fire. You don't understand it yet but your body already starts disappearing.
All you can focus on is Aventurine's wide shocked eyes. His beautiful, beautiful eyes.
You smile weakly at him. That's all he can see before you're gone. He doesn't even have time to reach out to you, to hold you. As if he ever had the privilege of holding his loved ones in their final moments.
You just poof into the blue bubbles.
He rushes into the real world, in your room, praying to any deity that may here for you to be alive and well. It was a dream, not a real world. You can't die in a dream, not really. You weren't even killed by the memory zone meme, surely you're fine!
Yet you're not. You're not here, not anywhere in the hotel. You're truly gone.
He feels everything and nothing at the same time.
Of course, of course, of course he wasn't able to protect you!
How lucky he is, he has avoided death once again! His beloved died to protect him but he has survived! He's so blessed, truly, so blessed!
He finds himself on his knees, on the verge of hysterical laughter. The only thing you left behind is a small red earring he has gifted. And he clatches it so tightly his hand bleeds. Perhaps the pain is the only thing keeping him sane at this moment.
It feels like a cruel joke. It doesn't feel real, it shouldn't be real.
Wait... That's it! It isn't real. It's impossible to die in a dream! It was his theory all along, after all. It must be true. You just can't be dead, you can't, not you too.
His plan hasn't changed, he tells Ratio when he comes to check on Aventurine. He just needs to reach the real Penacony. To reach it and to find you there. You're strong and brave and so wonderful. You're out there somewhere, he just needs to help you to get back to the real world.
He holds into that idea like a madman. It doesn't matter how dangerous it is. It never did, to be honest. But now it's like he can't focus on anything else.
He hasn't feel so despaired in years. He just needs to find you, everything else is meaningless.
So when it's time for the final act, he gets on stage, fears not and doesn't look back.
He still holds his hand behind his back though. Clutching your earrings for dear life.
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bosbas · 2 months
Chapter 5: I fear I have fallen from grace
series masterlist previous part || next part
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pairing: colin bridgerton x enemy!fem!reader WC: 3.4k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, a small part of the dialogue is in French, our girl is in her feels asf, some small hints of ~feelings~, Eloise being the best
Summary: It took precisely two days in England for you to utterly despise Colin Bridgerton. It took him approximately twelve hours after that to hate you right back. But he doesn't care that you're the only person in the ton who doesn't like him. You're set to marry someone else anyway, right?
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May 23, 1816 – Of course, this author saved the most scandalous tidbit for last. It seems something dark lurked beneath the waters of the seemingly perfect courtship of Lady Montclair and Lord Barlow. Yesterday evening, Lady Montclair retired early from the Bridgerton ball, citing a debilitating headache as the reason for her early departure.
And the Duke… Well, this author can say that he had a very productive evening, indeed. A quick trip to the private Bridgerton courtyard found him locking lips with Lady Barrington in what seemed like a very passionate affair. 
But what of Lady Montclair? One can be certain she has deftly avoided a most unfortunate situation, for what use is a Duke if he is not truly yours? Shall we witness Lady Montclair's endeavors for another match this season, or perhaps she will retreat to the sunlit hills of Tuscany? Hopefully, today’s races will reveal more about her intentions.
You crumpled the gossip column in your hands, eyes wide in shock as you felt your heartbeat in your ears. It seemed like the walls of your bedroom were closing in around you as tears blurred your vision. Surely this couldn’t be true. Surely Lord Barlow hadn’t completely betrayed you so far into your courtship. There had to be another explanation. 
The longer you read and re-read Lady Whistledown’s words, the more you needed to convince yourself that they weren’t real. You felt anger rising in your chest, your chest constricting as your breathing quickened. It had to be Louis. There was absolutely no universe in which you got so close to getting everything you had worked for only for it to be taken away from you in such an unceremonious way. 
You felt tears prickling your eyes and aggressively wiped them away, too angry to care about your appearance. 
Standing abruptly and rushing to your door, you slammed it open and yelled into the hallway, “Louis!” 
If he had somehow managed to create a fake Whistledown column as his idea of a sick joke, you were quite ready to kill him. But this was your only hope. It had to be him.
Not receiving a response from your brother, you desperately screamed out, “Je vais te crever !” (I’m going to kill you!)
Rushing out of his room, bewildered at your agitated state, Louis stopped in front of your open door. “Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez toi ? Arrête de crier.” (What the hell is your problem? Stop yelling.)
You shoved the crumpled gossip sheet into his chest, forcing him to take a step back with the force of your push. He steadied himself on your doorframe, a questioning look on his face, and you felt your hope dwindling.
Shoving the paper into him once again, you cried, “T'as vu ça? C'était toi qui as fait ça?” (Have you seen this? Did you do this?) Tears were streaming down your face as you unsuccessfully tried to contain your emotions.
Though it certainly would have been cruel of Louis, you wished more than anything that he had been the one to do this. That Lord Barlow's betrayal wasn’t real. That you would go to the races today and see the Duke and that he would greet you with a soft kiss on the back of your hand as the two of you walked pleasantly. 
But your hopes quickly came crumbling down. Louis looked as confused as you felt, and you came to the realization that Whistledown’s words were, in fact, accurate. You choked back a sob, covering your mouth with the back of your hand as you fought to keep yourself under control. 
“Attends, attends,” Louis said nervously (Hold on, hold on). 
Recognizing that you were very much in the middle of a crisis, but having absolutely no idea why, he grabbed your hands and gently pushed you back into your room. Sitting you both down on your bed, he took the paper from your hands and smoothed it out to read as he placed a comforting arm around you, rubbing your arm up and down. 
His comforting touch did away with the last of your resolve. You started crying freely, and you could do nothing but sob into his shoulder as he read, feeling him tense as his eyes scanned the words on the page.
As he got to the part where Lady Whistledown outlined the Duke’s promiscuity, he abruptly stood up, face contorted in what you knew to be fury. You would have been relieved that it wasn’t aimed at you just this once if your situation wasn’t so dire. 
“Putain,” he muttered under his breath (Fuck).
He grabbed your hand and dragged you down the stairs with him as fast as possible. You stumbled after him, anxiety mounting as you realized he was taking you to your mother. 
What would she think now that you had lost everything? You and the Duke were finished, evidently. But you were still unmarried. You were still out in society. Could you even bear the shame of having been rejected by Arthur? Would any gentleman ever look at you again, or would Lord Barlow’s impatience reflect too negatively on you?
After what felt like an eternity, you reached the open doorway of the sitting room. You could see your mother chatting pleasantly inside, and fear gripped your chest as you realized you were about to shatter any semblance of peace she might be feeling right now.
“Maman!” yelled Louis angrily as he stormed into the room, still clutching your hand.
Your mother let out a startled gasp, bringing a hand to her chest.
“Louis, darling, you scared me! Charlotte and Edward are here,” she said warmly, assuming that you and your brother were having nothing more than another silly argument that would be resolved in a matter of minutes. 
But Louis was not in the mood for pleasantries. 
“Y/N and the Duke are finished,” he announced, slamming the Whistledown column on the table in the middle of the room. 
You sniffled as you saw the looks of confusion on your family’s faces, no longer crying but your breathing was still uneven.
“Pardon?” questioned Charlotte. “I don’t understand; I saw them dancing last night! She’ll be lucky to receive a proposal this week.”
“He’ll be lucky if I don’t kill him,” growled your brother. 
“Louis!” your mother snapped, appalled by his language. “That is not-”
But Louis quickly interrupted, reading directly from the sheet in front of him.
“And the Duke… Well, this author can say that he had a very productive evening, indeed. A quick trip to the private Bridgerton courtyard…”
As your brother read, you saw the faces in the room slowly turn from confused to horrified, and you couldn’t help the choked sob that escaped your lips. Your mother quickly reached out to you, holding you tightly to her as you cried into her dress.
“Bloody bastard,” said Edward, shaking his head once Louis was finished reading. No one commented on his strong language, given that it encapsulated exactly how everyone else was feeling. 
“Louis, go fetch your father,” ordered your mother, immediately falling into her protective mode. 
Without complaint, Louis nodded and headed toward your father’s office. 
"Y/N, my love, I do apologize terribly. We didn't catch a glimpse of anything last night," Charlotte insisted, sinking beside you on the settee.
"If I'd laid eyes on him in that courtyard last night, he'd be wishing he hadn't walked out of there," your mother grumbled with an edge to her voice.
Slightly unsure about how to react to three emotional women in one room who seemed ready to kill a man, Edward fidgeted while he decided what to do. Of course, he knew he wasn’t the duke you wanted to kill, but it couldn’t hurt to be on the safe side.
“Shall I ring for some tea? Yes, I think I’ll go fetch some tea,” he bumbled, awkwardly patting you on the head and making his escape toward the kitchen. 
As Charlotte stroked your hair and your mother held you in her arms, you heard your father’s footsteps storming down the hall. 
“Louis has explained everything,” Philippe said, crossing his arms as he entered the sitting room. “Y/N, you must go to the races today.”
You no longer had any prospects and all your father could think about were the horse races today. Was he serious? 
“I can’t!” you argued. “I’ll be a pariah! Everyone knows I’m the girl who couldn’t keep a Duke.” You choked back a sob. 
“What exactly happened between you two last night?” probed your mother, wanting to know just how badly your reputation was damaged. 
Lady Whistledown’s account did not implicate you in any way, but Catherine knew how vicious the ton could be. She needed to know what level of damage control would be necessary to secure your standing in society.
“Nothing!” you insisted, sniffling. “He said he liked my necklace, we danced, and he asked to go outside. I was unsure about whether he wanted to propose or… do whatever he ended up doing with Miss Barrington.”
Louis’ eyebrows shot up, disbelief and newfound anger taking over his features. “He asked you to go to the courtyard with him? Alone?”
“Surely you said no! That’s ridiculous!” exclaimed Charlotte, equally as upset.
“I told him I had a headache and couldn’t stay the rest of the evening,” you said, fiddling with the hem of your dress nervously. “I don’t know what I did wrong! Should I have gone with him? Did I lose my only chance at a proposal?”
“You’ve certainly done nothing wrong,” your father shot back firmly. “No daughter of mine would act in such a crass manner, and the Duke’s shortcomings are most definitely not a reflection on you. Nor us.”
Your mother sighed. “He’s right, dearest. The Duke is simply a man lacking in character, and now the ton knows he is not to be trusted. It’s a horrible thing, what he did. But you’re not at fault,” she insisted, looking at your father. “Which is why you must attend the races today.”
You groaned at the prospect of facing the ton with their judgmental stares and wagging tongues. What your parents were saying made sense, though. You rubbed your temples, frustrated that you were now in such a precarious social standing. 
Perhaps you had been right at the beginning of the season. Lord Barlow, along with Colin and Nigel and the rest of them, viewed women merely as breeding stock. There was nothing in it for you. No hope of romance, no hope of ever finding someone who could respect you. 
“If you stay home today everyone will wonder if you somehow were involved,” chimed in Charlotte, ignoring your glare. “If you go and act like nothing is wrong, you can prove that the Duke is nothing but a man with a debilitating lack of self-control.”
You looked around to the rest of your family, who all seemed to agree with your sister. 
However, seeing Edward walk back into the room followed by a lady’s maid carrying a tray, you tried one last time to get out of leaving your home today, or for the next three years.
“What about you, Edward? Do you think it’s a bad idea to go to the races today?”
“Oh, certainly not! In fact, it might be the best way to assure your future,” he said sympathetically. 
You threw your head back in frustration. He had probably heard the conversation as he walked up and didn’t want to disagree with the rest of your family, you thought glumly. Nevertheless feeling quite defeated, you slumped back in your seat and crossed your arms.
“Fine. I’ll go,” you conceded as if you even had a choice. 
The horrible feeling in your chest had subsided somewhat, but you were still devastated. At least your family was on your side. However, you were still feeling dreadfully embarrassed, and you knew being out in plain view today would only make it worse. 
“And you saw them?” asked Eloise, a disturbed look on her face as she walked toward the bustling paddock. 
Colin nodded, careful to keep his voice down. “I wish I could claw my eyes out. I think his tongue was so far down that-”
“Colin!” scolded Violet, failing to hide her small giggle at her son’s retelling of the previous night. 
“I’m sorry, Mother, but it was a horrific sight!” said Colin, also struggling to contain his laughter. 
But as soon as your family came into view, the Bridgertons sobered. It might have seemed funny at the moment, but Lord Barlow’s actions had the potential to ruin your future. It was doubtful that they would, since you were from a titled family and had done nothing wrong, but Colin could sense the whispers and pointed looks aimed at you as you walked toward the racetrack. 
“Oh, Y/N!” called Eloise, quickly leaving her family as she rushed to your side. “Colin’s just told me what happened. He found Lord Barlow in the courtyard last night! Are you alright?”
Colin felt a bit ashamed of himself for making light of the situation as he saw tears welling in your eyes at his sister's words. The regret gnawed at him; he wished he could have told you himself, or at least had his mother break the news more gently. Yet, time had been against them.
For all the sorrow he felt at seeing you hurt, a selfish part of him couldn't help but feel a flicker of relief that the impending marriage was off the table. But he quickly quashed that thought, not quite sure where it had come from and not caring to understand why he felt this way.
You blinked quickly to try to keep your tears from spilling as you looked at Eloise making her way to your side. Taking a few deep breaths, you grabbed onto her hand. Nodding at the rest of your family, you waited until they were a few paces ahead of you to answer Eloise.
“Oh, El, it’s dreadful,” you sniffled. “I don’t know what I did to lose him is the worst part. I can barely believe it. I thought it was Louis at first, trying to wind me up.”
Eloise cooed sympathetically. “I know, it must be horrible. I have no idea how he managed to get into our private courtyard. But at least he hadn’t proposed yet! Seeing the kind of man Lord Barlow is, it’s lucky that this happened now and not three months into your marriage.”
“I suppose,” you answered, not quite ready to see the positives in the situation yet. 
Suddenly, you heard snickering behind you and turned to see two women who looked to be your age pointing at you and talking in hushed tones. 
Turning around back to Eloise, you hissed, “The nerve! Why are they laughing at me? It’s Lord Barlow they should be laughing at.”
“I assume they would be if he was here.”
“He’s not here?”
“No one’s heard from him since last night,” Eloise remarked, linking her arm with yours as she guided you back to the stands. “And it’s all for the better. I daresay I might have given him a swift kick to the face if I laid eyes on him today.”
You chuckled, the first glimmer of lightness since reading Lady Whistledown this morning, thankful for Eloise’s friendship. Giving her arm a grateful squeeze, you found comfort in her mischievous smile.
“Our mothers are likely already planning the Duke’s demise as we speak,” she quipped, gesturing towards where your families were seated together.
But a deep weariness overtook you at the thought of being the subject of ton gossip for the next few days. “It’s all anyone’s going to be talking about for the next week, isn’t it?” you sighed.
Eloise’s heart twinged with empathy, knowing the delicate balance you now faced in the unforgiving eyes of society. She wished desperately that your worth wasn’t tied to another man’s title or fortune.
“Well, actually,” she began with a twinkle in her eye, “the real scandal will be that the beautiful Lady Y/N Montclair is still unclaimed by any suitor. You’re in a prime position to be selective now! It might just be a bit of fun.” 
You shot her a wry look. “How much more selective can I get than a duke?”
Eloise was intimately familiar with the high pressure you faced to get married. She knew that you had been preparing for this your entire life, but she also suspected you weren’t entirely aligned with your parents’ view of marriage. She had seen the uncertainty in your gaze whenever Lord Barlow walked away, the fluttering nerves you disguised as excitement.
“Tell me honestly,” she pressed gently. “Is there not a small part of you, deep down, that feels a sense of relief now that your courtship with the Duke has ended?”
Pausing thoughtfully, you mulled over her words. Maybe you weren’t actually as attached to Lord Barlow as you thought. After all, you weren’t upset that you had lost him, only that he had embarrassed you and that you had to begin your search for a husband anew. 
With a tentative smile, you nodded, admitting, “Just don’t let my mother hear you say that.”
Stepping onto the stands, you and Eloise quickly found your way to your families. Unfortunately, the only empty seats were next to Colin. You were tempted to turn around and leave, but Eloise placed a hand on your back and pushed you forward, forcing you next to your least favorite member of the ton. 
You unsuccessfully tried to hide your disdain as you sat next to Colin, who looked the picture of serenity. It made you unreasonably angry that he seemed completely unaffected by last night’s events while you had to face the social repercussions. 
“I’m sorry about Lord Barlow,” he spoke softly, a hint of sincerity in his voice that caught you off guard.
You hesitated, the anger in you momentarily waning as you looked at him. It was a rare moment of vulnerability from Colin Bridgerton, and you found yourself unexpectedly moved.
“I’m sure you are,” you shot back, tone more biting than you intended.
“Pardon?” Colin’s brow furrowed, a touch of offense creeping into his voice at your sharp retort.
“Oh, spare me,” you rolled your eyes, a familiar frustration you only felt around Colin coming back to you. “You expect me to believe you just happened upon the Duke and Miss Barrington? It’s a bit too convenient, don’t you think?”
Colin’s eyes widened, a flicker of hurt crossing his features before it was masked by indignation. Did you really think he was capable of something like that? Of making up a lie that would sabotage your future marriage to a duke? The thought stung more than he cared to admit.
“Other people saw them, you know,” he retorted, a hint of anger seeping into his words. “And I wouldn’t lie about something like that,” he snapped.
The two of you had spent enough time that he was thoroughly offended that you thought so lowly of him. You were just entrenched in your grudge against him and refused to budge. He regretted trying to be agreeable at all. 
“Really?” You raised an eyebrow skeptically, feeling your own anger rise in response. “So they just magically appeared in your private courtyard without being given access?”
Colin opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat. He was too angry, too upset that you thought so lowly of him.
“Fine,” he finally bit out, his jaw clenched. “Believe what you will.”
Colin turned away, unable to face you any longer. His reputation among the ton be damned; why did you think he was some kind of monster? He supposed he hadn’t made a good case for himself, tormenting you whenever possible, but he was still furious that you were acting like Lord Barlow’s actions were somehow his fault. Why was he chronically unable to be in your good graces?
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nevertheless-moving · 4 months
unable to stop dwelling on the discworld trouser leg of time where, in the penultimate fight scene in Nightwatch, Carcer manages to kill teenage Sam Vimes.
Which means that the future that Duke Vimes came from can no longer exist, which means he can’t go home. Meanwhile you’ve got a bunch of history monks with stored up temporal energy, a prepared space outside of time, and the need to do some desperate damage control before the Auditors get involved. Death shows up, reality is unweaving, Sam is reading Carcer his discworld miranda rights because what else is he supposed to do.
and finally, with little other option, the monks de-age Sam so he fits the time period and send him back out into the fray.
(they didn't call it deageing of course. His memory is hazy, splintered during that terrible in between moment, They....took the time out of him? Sanded away the edges of his self for a terrible, workable fit? It...wasn't a good feeling.)
Just—damn. Sam Vimes having to live his whole crapsack life over again, but this time as his disillusioned-reillusioned, unwillingly-character-developed, noir-epic, Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes self. 
Younger (Older? He's never felt so Old, His steps so Childlike, reality twisting in his gut like one of Dibbler's pies) Sam Vimes walking around in a haze after the revolution. Desperate to go home, knowing he can’t. Wanting to drink. Knowing he can’t.
The whole precinct feels pity, he really took Keel’s death hard, hardly speaks except to do his job. Eventually he has to grit his teeth and start being present, because what else is there to do?
Resists the urge to drink until Colon takes the whole watch out to celebrate because -he’s going to be a father!
Come on Sammy, one drink won’t kill you— and after the first drink he’s cracking jokes and after the second hes smiling and after the third hes honestly the life of the party and sometime after that he’s crying about how he was going to be a father and my wife would be ashamed if she saw me drinking like this and— 
Oh shit, Did anyone else know he had a wife?? A PREGNANT wife??? What—aren’t you like 12—no you're 17 now aren't you but when did—
You guys n’ver met ’er—oh gods none if you ev’n know ‘er, is jus’ me...
What—when did you lose—
I lost her the same damn day I los’ ev’rythin else, whadya think...bleeding Carcer...the fuckin revolution...
So! That! Sam only vaguely remembers the night, but rumors travel faster than light on the disc, so by the next day the whole damn city knows about poor Sam brung low by the loss of his poor, tragic, pregnant wife, so young to be a widower, and the Seamstresses nod because they already knew, don’t ask them how, somethings you just have to know in that trade.
And his mother—I don’t know, sue me, I’m a time travel fiend but there’s something deeply intriguing about a man meeting his dead parent, who is somewhat younger than him, and stepping into the old relationship like a badly fitting thing that's supposed to fit well. She would know, right? How would she deal with her son’s impossible grief? Maybe she wouldn’t know—he spent most of the time out of the house, running with different street gangs, maybe he avoids her until she dies and lives with the guilt twice over. God, we don’t even know her name. There’s just so much narrative and emotional potential that I don’t even know where to start.
When he’s on duty, which is most time - it’s agonizing because at first he remembers cases, saves lives that would have been lost. But the more time passes, the hazier his memory because in the original timeline he was becoming an alcoholic. Fuck! A kid dies and he could have saved her if he hadn’t been such a drunk, if he had just remembered where the asshole lived, but it’s all a haze, and he wants to drown out his guilt, but that’s what caused this in the first place.
Good young Sammy, who spends his rare off-time in dusty libraries (and yes, the irony that he’s apparently Carrot now is not lost on him) reading gods-only-know.
It’s not like he can ask the wizards for help, cutthroat and vicious as they are now in the not-so-distant-past.
Good young Sam, who...talks to the Broken Drum’s pet Bouncer like he’s a real person and not a dumb rock? That’s a bit weird, but he’s a bit of a funny guy.
Good old Sam, who believed the testimony of the dwarf who said the humans were trying to rob him and let the dwarf go??
the PROBLEMS this man would cause, good grief. Can you imagine a moderately progressive middle aged man with some degree of begrudging diversity and equity training that he did, for all his sins, pay attention to, suddenly going back to like, 1990, going back just 30 years, and going...oh damn this is kind of fucked up, no man you can’t say that, holy shit.
Except Sam’s lived through even more rapidly shifting social moroes! There’s no seamstress guild, there’s no women allowed inside the university, there’s no black ribboner’s society. People hunted trolls for their teeth! But Sam can’t just unlearn everything, and he can’t shut up, and he has no real luck and anyway he would absolutely get himself (temporarily) fired.
FUCK. Sam has no idea what to do with that. None. Zero clue. Wanders around in a haze until that dwarf he saved from police brutality finds him and insists on repaying the debt. No, he insists, do you have any idea what debt means to a dwarf?
“Sort-of?” he replies hesitantly, and that honest admission of incomplete knowledge shows a hell of a lot more respect and understanding than any self proclaimed dwarf-expert ever did.
Gets a job as a surface man, hauling rocks into the city. It’s backbreaking work, but, in true Discworld fashion, it’s also one hell of a workout (again the irony of being Carrot is not lost him. he freezes for a minute while hauling a rock cart, when he remembers he's technically Lost Nobility too, in a strict sense, but someone curses at him in the street and he's comfortingly grounded)
And here is where this au slides into a SPECTACULAR romantic comedy, BEAR WITH ME. Because in his time on the Watch he’s already done noir, action adventure, war story, detective who dunnit, psychological horror, but guards guards only allowed him to be a romance protagonist in an extremely limited context.
Give me righteous, twenty-something-looking, can’t-say-he-doesn’t-have-style, young Sam Vimes, not an alcoholic,  being fed three square meals a day by his dwarven forced found family, hauling rocks. He is startled to find him bumping his head on a low hanging bar that he doesn’t think used to be there, eventually realizing that he’s an inch or two taller than he remembers. Huh. Guess all that bearhuggers really did stunt his growth.
Still doesn’t get what some of the looks from women he’s getting are about, sure, he’s dirty but so is everyone else. Fine, he took his shirt off, but it’s hot out, there’s far wrinklier than him hauling heavy loads, get a life. 
Happens to glance in the Ankh one day when it’s particularly slow and shiny and is startled to realize that he might be turning heads for a different reason. Oh. Right, not that he was ever a heartbreaker, but he did alright for himself... when he was a younger and his face hadn’t been broken so many times. Which...it isn't now.
Is mildly disturbed by the revelation.
Especially once things blow over at the precinct and what with high mortality rates, he ends up with getting hired again. The boys are delighted to have him back, nevermind that he’s an odd one, noone is ever quite in your corner like Vimsey, absence makes the heart fonder, no one else works that hard, and he’s not even competition for promotion. All around great guy, we should set him up with somebody and just, no.
It just keeps getting worse! He’s literate! He’s a feminist! He believes abuse victims! He’s got a tragic backstory! He’s unreasonably good in a fistfight! He’s kind to animals! Word gets around that there’s a good man on the watch and he’s just waiting for a good woman to come snap him up. The widower excuse doesn’t hold people off completely, and for some it’s its own sort-of appeal. 
Things REALLY become stressful after he rescues that carriage full of noblewoman.
What’s he supposed to do? Let them get robbed? Or worse? Chasing down and beating up 10 goons is as easy as beating up one, when they’re that stupid, getting separated like that, drunk and distracted, and he knows these streets better than anyone, really it’s nothing. And oh lord he’s Modest too.
I mean, they were genuinely greatful, as genuine as people like that are capable of being, the skill having grown rusty. And then there is something...magnetic about the man. An air of command.
So, soon enough you get Lady Marigold of Marigrave calling on Treckle Road for that gallant young officer who rescued them, she really needs to thank him. And Viscountess Elanor Thitzferal specifically requesting that he guard her at her next soiree. And Baroness Julieta van Shoeholten insisting that he come to her home while her husband’s away, for... manly protection.
Aaaah just zero sympathy from the guys. None. 'It’s become a competition, they’re just trying to see who can get me into bed first, it’s like I’m a piece of meat, you can’t send me sir, the Marquess greeted me in a nightee last time you made me go to—' and 'small gods Vimes are you even listening to yourself, shut the hell up'.
Simultaneous to this, (again this is several years into the timeline) swamp dragon accessories come into style. Which means abandoned swamp dragons scrounging on the street. Vimes takes one back to his apartment, blows his paycheck on dragon medicine, and eventually, heart in his chest, brings it to the Ramkin estate. The sunshine orphanage doesn’t even exist yet and he’s just standing outside the gates like an idiot, what is he thinking. Turns around, but her carriage is pulling up and—
well. they meet. it's cute. he's never felt so young. he's never felt so old, too old for her, too poor—
and certainly her thoughts linger too long on the awkward, kindly, handsome young commoner, but is it any wonder she doesn't quite connect it to the stern, dangerous, sexy young guard the ladies seem to be in some quiet, cuthroat competition over?
i have this gorgeous, absurd scene in my head in which Vimes is strong armed into standing guard at some high society soiree and one of the pushiest ladies insists he dance with here, or, if he prefers, if he's not confident about his skills, he can dance with her in-private at her home and he’s like [grinding teeth, looking for a way out, seeinf one] “I would be honored to dance with you.”
Steps right into some ultra-complex dance with multiple partner swaps (she never thought he'd pick this one, devilishly intimidating to one not strictly trained, and you barely spend anytime with your first partner).
But he does alright. Better than alright, for a common man, sometimes misstepping but his hands and feet always end up where they need to be. Raises several eyebrows part way into the song because he's throuwing in some slightly scandalous, no innovative, extra lifts and twirls that wouldn't become fashionable for another decade or two. Who even is that guy? Some out of towner? No, no he's in a guards uniform...how very strange.
Gets to Sybll and she's used to embarrassment during these dances, she tries to get out of them when she can... but can't always. Men awkwardly skipping the lifts, or worse, trying and failing. But him — oh it's him, the one who helped little Erold, and looked at her like—like—well like she was someone beautiful. And he's doing it again, and he's strong and there's a quiet moment where she's in the air, they lock eyes, and the rest of the room melts away.
And then the partners change again, the moment ended.
Just...living throught it all again. To the left, a dance he almost knows the steps to, throwing others off balance with erratic moves , honest mistakes, and delibrate stepping on toes. Improvising. Ruining. Improving. Getting far, far too much attention.
Hes almost excited when the first assassains start coming after him. It's like a hobby.
Everyone tells him he should get a hobby.
Interactions with young vetinari...I don't have the energy to write it all down, the slow circling in on each other, both burning with the need to fix the city, save it, their city.
needless to say he ends up fired again, life under real threat after offending some high lord.
Conveniently enough he has an employment opportunity- bodyguard to fucking Vetinari on his 'grand sneer.' The bastard knows vimes isn't what he seems, though sam is pretty sure that he doesnt know the exacts.
Vetinari hypothesis:(the ghost of keel? Keels son, with some hereditary curse? Or a larger spirit of justice possessing a string of unrelated souls? He knows things he shouldn't- mind reader? Fortune teller? Havelock once arranged for a wizard to bump into him on the street, the magical fool gave an odd double look and then muttered something about destiny looping in on itself giving him a headache. Destiny? Lost noble? And hes far too familiar with sybyl, one of the few bearable noblewomen in this city. And his thoughts on guilds, when havelock can trip him into speaking... Most of all, if hes reading him at all correctly (for all the mystery hes not that hard to read, unless thats a very clever cover) then it seems that behind those dark haunted eyes is Respect. Loyalty. For vetinari. What an interesting man. A puzzling asset. An intriguing threat. )
Did I mention the timeline is changing, healing slowly around the place where it was torn? Healing enough around scars to perhaps get some flexibility back, with some painful stretches and...massaging of said scar tissue?
And hes heading to unresting uberwald, a place where a werewolf pack still hunts humans and, truely unrelated but perhaps equally exhausting, an eldritch spirit of vengeance just might be looking to stretch its legs in a hapless vessel?
Opening drabble Vimes Vetinari Meta (Unwell) Scene from the Uberwald Grand Sneer
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
Do you have any fic recs where dicks relationship with the batfam is the focus?
Yes! These are all fics I've adored
FAVORITE!! I place this fic on a pedestal. It's one of the best fics of all time - The primacy of personal conscience
Favorite! Another one of my all time favorites. Dick, Jason, Tim are deaged to their robin eras and Damian and Bruce are in their current ages - Just, How
Dick gets split into three personalities - The choice to be seen
FAVORITE!! - Dick's buried. But like hell is the batfamily going to let it stay that way - The unnecessary requiem
ALL of CamsthiSky's fics focus of Dick's batfam relations and are good reads - Link
Small moments with Dick and the family - Snippets
Dick, Damian, and Tim. Absent parent Bruce and needy Bruce are the same person as always- prodigal
Favorite! Dick and Damian's relationship and evolution - Snapshots
Sad fic if Dick's reaction after Ric was darker - Strength in a Lack of Continuity
Batfamily's reaction to Dick's sexual objectification - I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Good fic about something I don't remember (sorry! It's been years but I saved it so it must be good) with young justice and batfamily reactions that were accurate - End Days
If Bruce was a lot darker and acted on his overprotective tendencies collection. It's centered around Dick - Darkish Batfamily
How the batfamily reacts to Dick getting shot in the head - Fallen
Dick buys a bunch of plants and bonds with all of them - let your love grow tall
All of Danishsweethearts works are good - Danishsweethearts
Sad fic about Dick being batman again and batfamily's reaction. I think Tim would react differently. Maybe. But it's a fantastic angst fic - My life's going by but it's just begun
Dick, Damian, and Dick's massive group of friend and allies - Missed a spot
Dick's a civilian but he's still their big brother - Those times that Dick Grayson got tangled up with the batfamily
Dick, Peter Parker, Cat Noir, Danny Fenton and their fathers. PS they're all socialite friends. This has to be canon - The Black Tux Gang
Angst story about Dick if he had mental illness. No happy ending - Shattered Tea Cups
Dick is a changed man after spyral and batfamily's reaction - Downward spyral
Someone planning a hit on Nightwing? Not if Nightwing does it on himself first (fun) - Money for daffodils
Favorite! Dick has retrograde amnesia and Bruce struggles to cope - Harbor
Dick died seven years ago. And then woke up - Faith and fate
Dick's secret abilities the batfamily doesn't notice - Unusual skills and habits
The truth of Dick's death and everyone's reaction - Code B
Favorite! Dick is Talon, Tim is Red Hood, and Jason is Red Robin - A New Adversary
Favorite! Jason and Dick are close. Told through the eyes of everyone else - proximity
Soft fic. ABO but Dick acting as Tim and Damian's mother - Your truth is a deception meant to poison me
Dick's gone but the rape of him is not. The batfamily will avenge their brother. The whole world will - Take the night back
ABO robin reversal collection - Robin Reversal ABO
Werewolf au where Dick meets Jason and Bruce comes along - Den and Pack
If Dick got deaged to renegade era - Pause in the Pendulum
Sweet fic about the Batbros seeking comfort in Dick - Haven
Favorite! Duke time! The Batfamily teasing Dick lovingly - Shenanigans
Dark batfam fic around Dick - Gaslight Manor
Dick will do anything to protect his family (Has Constantine/Dick) - Time (to protect you)
If Dick was Terry McGinnis' biological father - Beyond the Night Collection
Talon!Dick in the Teen Titans universe with batfamily - Just a dead kid
Angst, sad fic about Dick getting tired of being the mediator - Please just get along (I can't do this anymore)
One of my all time favorites - Everyday one headcanon about Nightwing
Batfamily mourning the loss of Dick's hair - He's shorn, we're torn
Jason tries stealing in Bludhaven rather than Gotham. He meets Nightwing instead of Batman and his life gets a whole lot better - Hot wheels
Stephanie time travels and meets Robin Dick! - Oops
Favorite! ALL of iloveyourwords' fics - iloveyourwords
Favorite! ALL of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - ScarlettSwordMoon
Angst fic. So much angst. Sometimes Jason's anger gets the worst of him but it's not because he doesn't care - not even rain has such small hands
Favorite! The heroes are forced to forget Dick. And they regret (has constantine/dick/zatanna) - Love that burned green against skin
Favorite! ALL of Kuroaki's works - Kuroaki
Dick, Tim, and Jason watch Encanto and, well, Surface Pressure was made for Dick - Who am I if I don't have what it takes
Pre-robin Dick. Dick's only fault is his over-competence - lightning is the shine (but I've been working on the thunder)
Favorite! Dick's name comes out of the Hogwart's cup. This changes everything and nothing - heavy is the crown
The batkids are unhinged. Poor jason - The AU noone asked for
Dick falls. And so does everyone else (iloveyourwords' fic) - icarus
FAVORITE!! Dick, Jason, Damian undercover on a cruise. Everything goes wrong - Like those foreign stars
YJ where Dick joins Deathstroke and Bruce breaks inside - Fallen son
Favorite! ALL of miss_aphelion's works - miss_aphelion
Here's a starter for miss_aphelion's works - Dick of Troy
Dick and Bruce in the eyes of the JL - Boy on the couch
Favorite! Dick is stuck in his dreamworld and his family just want him back - Happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Hunger Games Au! Dick volunteers as a tribute - To get a dream of life again
Dick and Bruce and Dick's graceful manipulation of people - Some men fall from grace. Some are pushed
Dick takes time away from Bruce and finds himself again - Local oldest child takes time away from family
FAVORITE!! One of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - shipping rivalries
FAVORITE!! Dick reveals his trauma through singing - A robin's song
FAVORITE!! Dick's personality gets split in three - Three is a party
Dick runs away to Bludhaven but the batfamily won't let things rest - What stalks in my shadows
FAVORITE!! The batfamily is stuck in a timeloop where they can't save Dick - One thousand, Three hundred, and Nine Hours
Tim being a cute menace and feral Dick - little menace
FAVORITE!! Damian has a few choice words to say about Bruce's treatment of Dick - The threat
Slade saves Dick from the Court of Owls and Rose's view of him - Quiet now, you're going to wake the beast
FAVORITE!! Bruce is gone and Dick is seeing ghosts. The batfamily just wants to protect him - The haunting of Wayne house
FAVORITE!! Deaged Dick and Damian collection - you've always loved the strange birds
Dick's been deaged wakes up in a world with 5 robins no thanks to Slade - persephone's in hell
FAVORITE!! The batfamily's in a time loop trying to save Dick - rewind, remix, retry, redo
Funny fics I'm in love with!
Hilarious and all-around fun - Batbros Wreck Havoc
Favorite! ALL of pupeez4eva's fics but here's a starter for fun - That Torturous Thing Known as Time Travel
More fun fic (can you tell I like the humorous ones?) - A Bunch of Ridiculousness
Don't mess with Dick from Jason's perspective. Jason, Dick, and Bruce - Dig Down Deep
Accurate fic about batfamily's reaction to Dick dating Joey - Families Ever Changing
AU: Justice League meeting Nightwing focusing on Dick, Bruce, and Barry - Starry eyed
(Sorry had to slip another one in) JL's reaction to Dick - Your call may be interrupted
The batfamily will not let anyone take cover pictures of Dick - The annual Bludhaven firefighter's calander for charity
Another JLA story. Dick was a wild child nightmare robin - Adventures in batsitting
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the-witheredroses · 7 months
Oscar Isaac Characters Finding You Dead
Minors DNI
Featured Characters: Miguel O’Hara, Moon Knight System, Basil Stitt, Blue Jones, Poe Dameron, Nathan Bateman, Duke Leto Atreides, Prince John, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Anselm Vogelweide, Llewyn Davis, Abel Morales x gn!reader
Sorry if anyone is ooc!
CW: death, murder, suicide, blood/gore, break-in, various wounds, torture, etc. + pet names, untranslated Spanish, so on.
Notice! Not all of these scenarios are romantically founded, the reader is just someone who knew the character/was close with them.
These are just some short, dumb little rambles/headcannons of mine, so it’s not written the best.
Not proof read or heavily edited
Miguel O’Hara - Villain Attack
There was never a doubt in Miguel’s mind, he knew that one day he’d have to save you. But not like this…
A Green Goblin anomaly had appeared and started bombing Nueva York.
You’d think with all the Spider People so close by, there’d be no casualties. But being so focused on protecting other universes, he almost neglected his own.
The moment Miguel was aware of the anomaly, he and many other Spiders rushed in to help protect the city.
The damage was already extreme, with two buildings nearly demolished.
Spiders spread across the scene, saving and moving the bystanders as Miguel focused on the alternate Goblin.
After capturing the terrorizer, Miguel started barking orders to everyone, wanting everything cleared up asap.
He was heading back to base as the spiders cleared the rubble.
“Oh god- MIGUEL!” One of the Spiders cried out as they tried to lift a large blanket of concrete up. The urgency in their voice quickly set Miguel off.
Miguel rushed over, his heart dropping seeing your dust covered body.
How long had you been under there? Why didn’t anyone sense you sooner? Miguel’s mind raced with panic.
With his sheer strength, he threw the debris away from your body and checked your vitals, his eyes focused on your face the entire time.
Open your eyes… please… mi amor…
When didn’t feel a heartbeat, he went to start cpr, but realized your ribs were broken. The broken bones had stabbed your vital organs, he couldn’t save you, it would’ve only caused more damage.
Miguel didn’t even realize he was crying until he saw his tears hit your face, muddling the dust covering your skin.
It wasn’t often he cried, hell, it took a good few minutes for him to start crying over Gabriella’s death. But after another loss, he couldn’t hold in the pain he was already barely containing.
His arms cradled your broken body with the most care possible. It didn’t matter that you were gone, you were his, the person he swore to protect.
I failed again…
Sobs ruptured through the bombing site. The boss who everyone saw as intimidating and cold, was now hunched over, sobbing over your limp body.
I failed.
I failed.
I failed…
Moon Knight System - Steven / Marc / Jake - Break-in and Murder
Steven, once again, had a late night of work at the gift shop. He was exhausted when he came home, but was more than happy to be back home after stocking shelves for hours.
He was almost tempted to let Marc or Jake front instead, but Steven wanted to see you before Jake took off to do Konshu’s bidding later in the night.
“Love, I'm back!” He says, keeping up his cheerfulness. It had been a long day, he just wants to see you.
Looking around the house, Steven felt confused. You normally rushed to meet him, to welcome him back.
Where were you?
Walking into the bedroom, Steven saw your form under the blankets.
“Love? Are you not feeling well?” He asked quietly, worried he might wake you.
You looked at peace, your hair tousled as it lays on the pillow. Your skin was a bit pale, but Steven smiled softly, assuming you were just tired, he knew he sure was.
His hand fell on your covered stomach as he sat beside you. But a warmth quickly spread over where he had applied pressure to the blanket.
Looking over, Steven nearly had a heart attack. His hand was tacky from blood that now soaked the thick comforter that’s covering you.
With fear rushing through his veins, he ripped off the covers to reveal the stab wounds littered across your torso.
A scream ripped through his chest as he quickly tried to see if you were still alive. His heart dropped when he felt your cold skin and lack of a heart beat.
Despite Jake and Marc trying to desperately front, Steven wouldn’t let them or listen to their pleads.
Instead, he grabbed your body and sobbed. His hand clasped yours, wishing yours would squeeze his, that you’d wake up and kiss his worries away.
No, no, no— what happened— love… oh god…
It took a good while for Steven to let one of the others front, but Marc took over when he got the chance.
Both had been confined to the mirrors in the bedroom, wishing they could hold you like Steven had. Instead, for over an hour, they were stuck in the mirrors, cursed to grieve from a distance.
Steven faded back into the subconscious, too drained to watch Marc from the mirror.
Jake, on the other hand, took a step back into the subconscious because he had his own plans.
Marc didn’t sob as much as Steven did, but his pain was just as bad.
He had lost so much in life, he was almost confused on how to express his grief for you.
His fingers run along your face, tracing every detail he loves so much. Marc wished you would open your eyes, but your body was long since cold.
Marc wished he complimented you more. Sure, he praised you often, but did you know how much he loved you?
His heart ached with guilt. Marc wanted to make you blush once more from his compliments and soft kisses.
He didn’t know who did this. But he would. They’d find out who did this.
They all would get justice for you.
By Konshu’s word, he swore they would.
It was Marc who called the police and watched as you were dragged away to the hospital morgue.
It was Marc who watched the security footage that showed your killer breaking into the apartment and leaving an hour later.
It was Marc who found out the explicit details that came with your murder.
Marc was the one who told Steven and Jake the details.
This shouldn’t have ever happened… but now we know. What do we do next?
Jake was the protector, or so he’s supposed to be.
Standing over your body in the freezing morgue, Jake stared at your expressionless face.
He could remember the last time you two had a date night. The night was warm as he drove the two of you around town. He could remember the beautifully warm smile that broke across your face as the date came to a close.
Jake would do anything to see that smile again.
The others had already fronted to say their final goodbyes, Jake wanted to be the last one. He wanted to talk to you one last time.
“We found out who did this, amor.” He whispered, trying to contain his wavering voice.
“They won’t get away with this…” His lips brushed your forehead.
”I’m sorry I couldn’t save you…” His tears finally fell down as he reluctantly pulled away.
As he left the hospital, Jake dawned the suit and slipped into the night, ready to enact revenge for you.
Your murderer will regret ever laying a finger on you…
Basil Stitt - Suicide
Basil hadn’t seen you in a while. Yes, part of it was because he had locked himself in his apartment, but he also just hadn’t seen you pass by his door.
He always had his eye to the peephole when you should be leaving or getting home from work.
Is that weird? Of course, but it made him feel less alone. He wanted to talk to you, but his scars contained him to his room.
Where were you? He wondered after spending an entire day looking out into the hallway.
Basil’s heart dropped when he saw movers taking garbage bags out of your apartment.
What are they doing to your things?
Despite his fear, Basil dawned his paper bag and poked his head out.
“What are you guys doing?” Basil questioned nervously.
“There was a suicide. The family wanted us to collect the person’s belongings.” The confused and hesitant workers answered.
Basil slammed his door and collapsed to the ground instantly. The paper bag tumbling to the floor as he clutched and pulled his hair.
His body trembled with grief and hatred as tears pooled on the floor.
He never was good at reacting to bad information, but this was worse.
Why did you leave him too? What did he do wrong?
First it was his face, then his job, then his family and girlfriend, but now you too?
His tears turned to screams and Basil went on a destructive rampage in his apartment, the agony overwhelming him.
He blamed himself for your death, despite barely knowing anything about it.
Maybe if he hadn’t gone into hiding, you would’ve lived. Maybe you two could’ve been lonely together.
But he was also angry.
How could you leave him after everything that happened to him? When he needed you the most?
You didn’t know though. How could you? Your neighbor, the only person you saw everyday, had disappeared for weeks without a word.
Basil knew that, but nothing could stop the emotions flooding and pouring out of him.
Why did you leave me? Why? Why?! Why?!?
Blue Jones - Murdered by a Client
Working for Blue always had its risks, and everyone knew that, including him.
But Blue didn’t expect this.
You had been bought out for the night by a rich newcomer. Nothing bad was supposed to happen.
Blue gave them permission to use you as you saw fit. As long as the merchandise didn’t get damaged, anything went.
Blue stood over your strangled body, his face neutral and flat.
Your glossed over eyes stared back at him, lips hung open loosely.
He didn’t expect his toy to be destroyed, let alone strangled to death.
Your costume was still on, but your makeup was out of place. Blue’s doll was a beautiful, broken mess.
Blue exhaled a puff of smoke as he turned to the killer, the man a sobbing mess.
“I didn’t mean to- they wouldn’t listen to me- please let me go, I’ll compensate you-“ He tried to ramble out, shutting up when the barrel of Blue’s gun pressed against his forehead.
The shot rang through the entire building. The girls and clients quickly rushed out of the other rooms to see what happened.
Screams and tears broke out from the girls as Blue pushed past everyone going to his office.
But it was once he was alone that Blue had the chance to process what happened.
Everytime he closed his eyes, he saw your dead ones. It hurt seeing something he owned in such a state.
Only one tear falls down his cheek as he reviews the footage of what happened. He always kept cameras in the rooms, it was a security measure, but he didn’t think he’d actually ever watch the footage for something like this.
Blue already knew the man was lying about why he killed you, but it hurt to watch you get choked and beg to be let go of.
The man was just angry, he only wanted to kill. You had done nothing wrong. Which made Blue mad.
He leaned back in his seat as the hot, silent tears fell down his cheeks, hidden by the cigar smoke flooding the front of his face.
Blue decided that, from the forward, he was going to be far more strict with who could touch his toys…
My poor bunny…
Poe Dameron - Spaceship Crash
You and Poe had agreed to stay safe, to meet one another after the fight concluded.
Together, you were going to celebrate the victory.
Poe knew you were an intelligent flier, that you were going to do great things for the universe.
There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that everything went well, until he joined the celebrations…
Everyone was celebrating over the successful stop to the First Order. But as Poe searched the crowds, he realized you were missing.
Fearing the worst, he darted to the medical tents, desperately looking for you. His fears were met when he saw your barely breathing body.
Poe fell to his knees besides the cot you rested on, analyzing the damage you had taken.
He called out your name, to no response.
“Their ship was shot and crashed. There were some malfunctions and the safety’s didn’t trigger. They don’t have much longer, there’s nothing we can do on such short notice.” A nurse sadly explained.
“So you're just leaving them to die out!?” Poe exclaimed in horror, his tears falling fast and hard.
Despite wanting to reprimand the nurse, he knew it would do nothing. Instead, he held your hand to his lips as he watched you until your final breath.
In your final moments, Poe had been whispering soft and loving words to you, hoping you could hear him.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner, that any of this happened. You deserve the world, the galaxy. You helped save us. You’re a hero… you’re my galaxy…”
Poe couldn’t stop crying, and he could barely hear himself over the cheering outside.
He should’ve been celebrating with you, this shouldn’t have happened.
No one knew where Poe had gone, and hours later, Finn had to pull Poe away from your body.
Despite all reluctance, Poe eventually left your side for the night, but he didn’t stop mourning you.
That night, he spent his time in your room holding your belongings close, not wanting to lose the last bits of you he does have.
My galaxy, I’m so so sorry…
Nathan Bateman - Killed by a Prototype
You had been one of the few people Nathan trusted enough to come around the house.
Not that he ever let you go downstairs, no.
He didn’t need you to.
When first developing Ava and her predecessors, he had chosen to try and study a real person. Not through the cameras like he did later on, no.
He thought it’d be better to model the AI after someone he liked.
But he was wrong. One of the few times he had let his emotions make his decision, and it was the worst one.
While trying to work out the kinks of the AI, it had escaped. It had knocked him unconscious for long enough that it made its way upstairs.
The girl stared at you in horror as you stood in the kitchen, knife in hand from making dinner.
You looked just as shocked to see a nude woman coming up from the basement, wires hanging from her broken arm.
She even looked oddly similar to you.
Before you could even react, she tackled you, the knife going flying.
Nathan, having heard the crash, awoke and ran upstairs.
He came up from behind and broke the AI’s skull, the body falling on top of you.
“For fucks sake. That was awf…” he trailed off once he shoved the AI’s body to the side and saw you.
Nathan didn’t know how to react seeing your bleeding body, knife sticking out from where your heart is.
There was no hospital nearby, and with how glassy your eyes looked, he knew you were doomed.
Silently, Nathan sat back on his knees and feet, just staring down at your lifeless body.
He wasn’t an emotional person, but he didn’t like how he felt at that moment.
His eyes searched yours before shifting to the dead AI woman, his creation, your killer.
Nathan’s fists reacted quicker than his brain had, and before he knew it, his hands were bloody from breaking the AI down to nothing but shards.
His feet moved to the bar, and before he knew it, he had drunk a full bottle of vodka.
His knuckles, caked in dried blood, chucked the bottle at the wall. The shatters go flying, some even hitting you…
Nathan stood over your body, once again, staring down at you. His expression unclear.
After your death, Nathan was far more careful. Adding keycards to open doors, not just simple locks.
He even kept the prototypes locked up no matter what.
And who knows, maybe your death is what got him to start drinking so much…
How idiotic…
Duke Leto Atreides - Poisoning
Leto knew the dangers of loving you, yet he still did it.
He always made his love clear, practically worshiping you in private.
Leto would risk his life and title as Duke just to care for you for forever.
He wanted to propose eventually.
But your life was taken long before he had the chance.
The Duke looked down at your slumped body, your poisoned drink spilt from where your head had fallen.
In that moment, Leto regretted never marrying you.
He loved you, but in theory, it was better to stay unmarried, open to alliances with the other Great Houses.
But this wasn’t worth it.
Your life wasn’t worth it.
Leto had to keep his composure in front of his men, but in the comfort of his room, he cried. He weeped.
His sobs shook his body as remorse and grief overwhelmed his senses.
Seeing your body in such a way, it shook him to the core.
Sure, he had experienced death before, but this was different.
He loved you, and he saw where you died, he saw you dead.
Choked sobs escaped his lips as he recounted all the moments you two shared.
He wished he could’ve kept you safe, stopped you from drinking the poison.
You were in the House of Atreides, you should have been safe.
That’s what ate at him. That you died where he swore you were protected.
You died under his care.
Why you were killed, he wasn’t sure. But he swore to find out, to avenge you.
If nothing else, he’d make sure to get you justice.
He loved you, and he messed up never marrying you.
I wish I had made you mine, my dear…
Prince John - Assassination
John, the prideful idiot, should’ve never put a bounty on Robin Hood’s head.
It only made his reputation worse.
John should’ve lowered the taxes, but he didn’t.
And now all the citizens hate him, rightfully so.
But John always had you to go back to, you to love and receive love back.
You tried to reason with John, to show him he was being unreasonable and bleeding his kingdom dry.
Yet he never listened, and he now knows the danger of not listening to the advice he gets.
You had just been going about your business, crossing through the towns when you were attacked.
What was supposed to be a simple robbery, turned to an assassination. One of Robin’s troupe mates had gone rogue; they wanted to send Prince John a message.
The message was received.
John had gotten word of what happened.
He found out about how you begged for your life.
How you cried before your body was abandoned on a wooded path.
It made him angry. It made John furious.
You didn’t deserve this. You advocated for the citizens, yet you were the one killed.
John had destroyed everything in sight upon hearing of your murder.
His guards and mother had barely been able to calm him down. But once he had come down from the rage, John broke out into sobs.
He was barely consolable, all he wanted was to fall into your arms and be comforted by you.
Just one more time, John wanted to feel you caress his scalp as you reassured your love for him.
He couldn’t believe he lost you, the only person who loved him.
In spite and pure hatred, John raised the bounty on Robin Hood and his gaggle of followers.
John wanted them alive so he could execute them on your behalf, but he’d take their dead bodies as well.
As long as they were dead, he would be content.
Robin Hood… you’ll regret this… hurting my beloved…
Santiago “Pope” Garcia - Car Accident
Santi had been through so much in life, and it made him extremely overprotective of those he loved.
He always was worried and tried to protect you.
He didn’t want to risk you getting hurt, especially in the dangerous world we live in.
So why did the world still take you from him?
Santi didn’t know how to react when he got the call from the hospital.
He initially had ignored the call, thinking it was a reminder to set up an appointment or something. But when they called again a few minutes after, the blood in his face drained.
“… died… car crash…” those were the only words his brain registered the operator saying.
His heart broke into a million pieces and he felt like he was hyperventilating.
You died..? How could you die in a crash? After everything tried to do to protect you?
The call had ended and Santi sat hunched over, crying into the palms of his hands. His breathing was erratic and uncontrollable.
If he had picked up the first time, maybe he could have made it to the hospital. Maybe he could’ve said goodbye. At least, that’s what he thought.
“I’m so sorry- oh god, no…” He murmured over and over, desperately wishing it wasn’t true.
He almost wished he was at the crash, that way he could’ve seen you one last time. But now, he’s stuck waiting for the morgue to call, waiting to confirm that it’s your body on the table.
Santi’s sobs only stopped when he passed out from exhaustion.
Why did this happen to you? Why you…
Anselm Vogelweide - Shot on Accident
Anselm was known for his erratic and random behavior. That included when he’d change his mind on a whim.
Despite his absurd actions, you cared for him, as he did you.
Anselm always kept you nearby, and everyone knew that. Even people just passing through his office knew that.
He treated you differently, he treated you better than most of his other employees.
Where he’d change his mind as he saw fit with his clients, he was very firm with his decisions regarding you.
And it didn’t go unnoticed.
So when Anselm decided to raise the price out of the blue on a client, the client was pissed.
It wasn’t unexpected that a gun was going to be pulled, but the gunshot that rang out- that was a surprise.
His men had already detained the perpetrator before Anselm realized that you’d been shot.
Your hands clutched at your bleeding heart, and your eyes quickly fell shut, your body following suit.
Disregarding his squeaking leg brace, Anselm dove to collect your body in his arms.
His eyes were wide with horror and disbelief at the sight of you dying in his arms.
The world was practically silent for him as he watched you breath your last breath.
Anselm sat there for a moment, pulling your body close to his chest in an attempt to preserve your warmth. He felt an ache in his chest when you gave no response, your body limp and spilling blood.
Anselm didn’t give himself the time to mourn or cry, instead he went cold, his heart stilling for a moment as his attention turned to the shooter.
Looking through the fogged glass lens, Anselm ordered to have your killer chained up in the basement as he carried your body to another room.
For months after your death, Anselm tortured the person who killed you.
The basement became a crime scene of horrific activities. Teeth and nail pulling, breaking bones, slicing skin, it was all incomparable to what Anselm felt the murderer deserved.
They killed his dear dove. This was the least he could do.
His disappointment was immeasurable when he found the murderer dead one morning, Anselm felt far from done torturing them.
The body was disposed of swiftly, and afterwards, Anselm visited the extravagant grave he made special for you.
It was only then, after everything, that he let himself cry over your passing.
My dove…
Llewyn Davis - Suicide
Llewyn was your friend, and the two of you always helped one another out.
He needed a couch to sleep on, you were open. You needed a drinking buddy, he was there.
You both couldn’t offer much monetarily, both just trudging through life and old habits.
But you always left the window unlocked, just for him.
Llewyn hadn’t heard from you in a while, and it had just so happened, he needed a place to stay and was in the area.
Throwing open the fire escape window, he hopped through, entering your apartment.
He called your name as he wandered around, confused where you could be so late in the day.
Yet, when he arrived at the bathroom door he paused, knocking before entering.
He instantly wished he never opened the door.
In the tub, surrounded by bloodied water, he saw you. Your face was towards the window, like you were watching the sky before you died.
The sight made him nearly hurl, but the tears made it out first.
What have you done…
Just when Llewyn thought his life couldn’t get worse, you decided to leave him just like Mike did…
Of course, he knew it wasn’t actually a choice to go against him, but it still felt like he was part of why you took your life.
And that broke his heart.
If he had just visited you or bummed at your place more often, would you still have gone through with it?
He called the police after a bit of a breakdown, and a few days later, he was alerted that your only goodbye was a note scrawled with “I’m sorry.”
Maybe the note was for him, but boy, he wished there was more.
A simple “fuck you Llewyn” would’ve been better than this…
You had always asked him to play a song, but he alway said no. He always said he was too tired, that music was his work, not something he wanted to do all the time.
You never pushed him to play for you, not like other people did. So, he never played for you.
But now, in front of your grave, Llewyn played his heart out to you. His tears bouncing off his guitar, onto the frozen ground where you’d been buried.
‘If I had wings, like Norah’s dove,
I’d fly up the river to the one I love…’
Abel Morales - Accidentally Killed During Work
Abel knew the dangers of letting his employees continue their oil deliveries and solo inspections.
So many of his employees had already been attacked, yet he still took the risk.
He just didn’t expect the attacks to get worse.
Sure, some had been threatened with a gun, hell, one was kidnapped and beaten.
But this was the first time someone actually died…
Upon hearing about your death, Abel stopped in his tracks and demanded to know what happened.
He felt like his life was falling apart the moment his wife explained what happened.
After so many troubles and hoops he’s had to go through for his company, he didn’t think he’d be losing one of his best employees as well.
You were doing a simple house call and sales pitch.
That’s all it was supposed to be.
If he had known your colleague wasn’t feeling well, he wouldn’t have sent you out to the call at all.
He never would’ve guessed you’d decide to go alone…
Abel felt guilty over your death. You died because the competition was trying to send a message, or at least that’s what he assumed.
Abel held his head high as he found out about the circumstances of your death.
Apparently, the murderers were only meant to rough you up a bit and dump you just outside city limits, in a particularly snowy area.
But as you tried to run away, one of the goons tried to shoot a warning shot to get you to stop.
The bullet hit you in the Achilles tendon.
You collapsed into the dense snow instantly, crying out in pain.
In fear of getting arrested, the shooters fled, leaving you to bleed in the snow.
You died of hypothermia. You could’ve been saved.
That’s what hurt Abel the worst.
If your killers had just tried, they could’ve brought you to the hospital. But instead, they’re now awaiting a trial and eventual imprisonment.
But because they confessed, and it was an accidental death, they would be able to have parole, they could walk free one day.
To Abel, they deserved to rot in prison forever. But he didn’t have the right to oppose the judge, not when your family had already accepted the punishment.
Abel paid for the funeral, and there he saw you for the last time.
I’m sorry this happened… I’ll take care of your family from now on. I promise…
Brb sobbing in the club rn…
For real though, thank you for reading!
Feel free to send over any requests/suggestions
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galvanizedfriend · 4 months
Klaroline Fanfiction Masterlist
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It's been a minute since I last updated my masterlist so I decided to go ahead and start a new one. Yokan // ▪ Multi-chapters
. The Wolf Series [I, II, III and Outtakes - Incomplete] When Caroline wakes up shackled, powerless and very far away from Mystic Falls, she knows she's in serious trouble. But when a woman named Sophie Deveraux reveals the reason why she's been kidnapped and taken to New Orleans, she realizes things are far worse than she could've ever imagined.
[The Originals rewriting where Caroline is a witch and gets pregnant with Klaus' child. Seasons 1, 2 and 3 complete, season 4 coming.]
. Vice and Virtue [6/6 - Complete] As the second son of a Duke, Klaus Mikaelson has the means and all the time in the world to indulge in every manner of wild activity with very little respect for the regiment of polite society. That is until his brother decides he's had enough of his vulgar ways and gives him an ultimatum. Caroline Forbes is a young debutante in search of true love and adventure. Except her aunt wishes for her to marry a somber Viscount who's already buried three wives. When their paths cross, they realize they might yet strike a deal that could satisfy their relatives and benefit them both.
[AH Regency!AU inspired by Bridgerton and a dozen other period novels I have been reading lately.]
. Pedulum [2/2 - Complete] This is what Klaus Mikaelson knows: death isn't the end for him. From the moment he is brought into the world to his final shuddering breath, Klaus' life is pretty much the same as everyone else's. The difference lies in what happens after he dies: he goes right back to the beginning, a child in London with the memory of dozens of lives lived before. Nothing ever really changes, including the fact that no matter how hard he tries, he can never save Caroline Forbes' life for too long.
[AH/soulmates!AU with a slight magical twist. Technically a one-shot, chapter 2 is just an alternate ending.]
. We'll Always Have New Orleans [3/15 - Incomplete] Caroline wakes up in a world where everything looks exactly the same, only nothing really is. For starters, she's no longer a vampire, and no one else in Mystic Falls has ever heard of witches, vampires or werewolves - no one except for Klaus, who woke up just as human and twice as angry about it. Their search for answers and a way out takes them all the way to New Orleans, and Caroline could never anticipate how much this crazy fake world was about to alter her reality forever.
[Canon-divergence!AU. Set right after TVD 4x18.]
. Speed Dating [3/4 - Incomplete] Klaus is having a bad month, so Caroline decides it's a great idea to drag him along to a round of Speed Dating. Other men in the room do not approve.
AH/AU fluff that was inspired by an episode of House (yes, it is fluff, I promise).
. Gasoline [2/2 - Complete] "He doesn't apologize, of course he doesn't. He doesn't care. He calls everyone love. It's not meant to mean anything. Except it did, once, and it makes Caroline's stomach churn away inside, as she feels Klaus crawling underneath her skin like he never left at all. I've still got you."
AH/Band!AU. Two years after Klaus walked out on his band - on her -, Caroline finds herself in her least favorite place on earth - New Orleans. She really did try to stay away from him, escaping an event just to keep off his radar. He finds her anyway.
. Like It's Christmas Again [2/2 - Complete] As Christmas approaches, Caroline Forbes, a New York-based event planner, is sent to a quaint small town in Virginia to organize their holiday festival. But her plans are momentarily hindered by the presence of Klaus Mikaelson, the Mayor's brother and a grumpy billionaire lacking in any holiday spirit, who's in town to close the sale of his family's manor - the charming estate she was hoping to use as a venue.
[AKA that time when I committed Christmas fic. AU/AH inspired by a Hallmark movie, I kid you not.]
. Spin [5/5 - Complete] Since she was seven years old, Caroline Forbes has been preparing herself to become President of the United States. But before she gets to the Oval Office, she needs to win the election for senior student president at the prestigious Saint Sebastian High - which would be in the bag if only goddamn Klaus Mikaelson hadn't decided to run against her.
[AH/AU lovers-to rivals-to-lovers The Politician!AU where everyone takes school elections way more seriously than they should.]
. How Far I'd Go [2/2 - Complete for now] Set in TVD S6/TO S2. Unable to control Caroline after she turns her humanity off, Stefan reaches out to the only person he can think of for help.
[Slices of moments of Klaus in Mystic Falls while Caroline has her humanity off.] ▪ One-shots
. The Sound of Settling Klaus hates his job at Mikaelson & Sons. He hates wearing a suit. He also hates his brothers constantly butting into his life. Everything will be better once he gets his much desired transfer to the New York branch. Caroline Forbes is the owner of Mystic Café, and when Klaus accidentally wanders into her coffee shop, his whole perspective changes. [AH/Coffee Shop!AU where Klaus is a lawyer. Fluffity Fluff. Lots of Mikaelsons and some Carenzo friendship.] . The Witch Queen Caroline always knew she was different. She was keyed into her own otherness very early on. Strange things happened around the Forbes women. Her mother never really had to spell it out to her, give it a name. Caroline could always sort of feel it, and then at some point the feeling blossomed into comprehension, and comprehension hardened into fact. And with that came an altogether different kind of certainty: this was not a secret she'd be able to keep forever. One day, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, everyone would find out. And when they did, they would come for her.
. Worst Things Have Happened Klaus Mikaelson is a prince with a very dark secret that threatens to destroy his family's legacy. Caroline Forbes is a sorceress whose job is to make sure his secret remains buried. But would it hurt him to put some clothes on? [Royal!AU, with a magical twist.] . The Unexpected Grace of Falling Apart The whole incident was bound to go down as a funny anecdote to be shared among friends, a Oh, you think you've had the worst hook-up ever? Hold my beer kind of story. Provided, of course, that she never had to see him ever and could just wipe him out of her life and memory for good. Given that they live in different time zones, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
That is precisely why Caroline is livid when she emerges from the arrivals area at Richmond airport to find Douchebag, in the flesh - sunglasses indoors and all, like the proper jerk that he is - holding up a sign that readsClarisse.
[AH/AU. It's Tyler's wedding weekend and Caroline is back in Mystic Falls for the first time after the most traumatic and depressing year of her life. And it's about to get even worse as she's made to share breathing space with Klaus, The Worst Guy Ever. Except they might have to join forces to save the wedding, and to the discovery that things might not be what the seem. As Caroline teeters on the edge of a breakdown she'd been trying very hard to conceal, an unexpected savior appears to help her through the haze.]
. love, the monster's got me now [Canon compliant. Set in TVD S03E09 Homecoming.]
"Don't run," he says calmly, sounding almost bored, but with a clear warning. "I'm in the mood for a chase. Little spoiler: you can't outrun me." His eyebrows twitch up when he finally turns around to face her, lips curling into an amused grin. "Tyler's girl," he states, gesturing towards the now empty yard. "You missed out on the celebrations, I’m afraid."
[Or: the missing Klaroline scene between "There's your pretty little girlfriend, Caroline" and "There's a whole world out there waiting for you." Klaus and Caroline meet after Homecoming.]
. When It's Gone Suddenly, Caroline hates how nice the bed feels. How soft the pillows are. How smooth and cool and expensive those goddamn sheets are against her skin. She hates the giddiness in her belly, like she's a stupid schoolgirl when she's not allowed to be one anymore. She hates how right the space between Klaus' arms felt, how easily she molded against him. His lips were as full and as soft as they looked, but his hands were gentler and more reverent than they had any right to be, and Caroline hates it. Hates it, hates it, hates it. She hates that it suits her, hates that she wants it, hates that none of it is hers to keep.
[Set after TVD S04E19 Pictures of You. Caroline hears about Klaus' impending departure after a mysterious letter and decides to have some words.] . Wishing Each Sigh Might Be the Last The first time she sees him, Caroline thinks he's an angel.
[Set in 1800s New Orleans. As Caroline lies dying, she prays for God to send help or end her torment and save her soul. She thinks an angel has come for her. But he's no angel at all.] . Feel the Madness Closing In Set in TO S3. Caroline is in New Orleans when Lucien and the Ancestors make a move against the Mikaelson family - and they know exactly who to target in order to get to Klaus. Paranoia sets in, sending him to a very dark place, and Caroline finally learns the price of being loved so profoundly by a monster. . Issues When Klaus' Hollywood career takes a down turn after a nasty divorce and a viral mug shot, his manager decides his life is not yet miserable enough, bringing in a PR company famous for its high-profile damage control cases.
[AH!AU where Klaus is a problematic movie star and Caroline is a PR agent with no time for his BS.] . Urban Legend "I hate myself for saying this, but I have to agree with Little Miss Sunshine," Caroline cuts in. "This is Whitmore. Nothing ever happens here. Least of all a possession that leads to a massacre of slasher movie proportions."
"Thank you, love," Klaus returns brightly. "Very flattering to be validated by you."
"Bite me, Klaus."
"Find me later, after my shift, and we can see to it," comes the shameless rejoinder.
[Or: Caroline tries to navigate life in college having the worst roommate ever, a douchebag who cannot take a hint and a nosy journalist whom she's definitely not attracted to. Never in a million years.]
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beloved-blaiddyd · 2 months
A Tasteless Cup [Yandere!Joker/Reader]
Prompt: After the destruction of your previous reality, you and Akira Kurusu landed in Teyvat. In an effort to stay afloat, Akira had set up a book café in Mondstadt alongside you. However, is this the true flavor of "Freedom"? [Dedicated to: Riley H. Goodheart, for the Alone Together event]
CW: yandere themes, dubious food, manipulation/controlling behavior, toxic relationship dynamic. P.S: Akira is aged up [20s] in this fic, happens after Persona 5.
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To Akira, those he lets into his heart will become an intrinsic part of him. They are more than a trick of a card, more than a mask to mimic and steal for his own, more than a numbers game. Every bit of them is his soul. His relationships are the culmination of his being and, eventually, his raison d'etre. 
And Akira Kurusu had a hard time coping with losing these links. 
To others, relationships are no different from chains. The surrounding people are less a home and more like bars to a cage— a prison. And despite being somewhat of a Mr/Ms. Congeniality, you aren't as affected by the fact that neither of you can return to your respective world.
You are both empty. You have been handed a clean slate, an empty card, and an empty vision.
You are both "fools" again.      
"Bit too early in the morning to start a serious discussion…" Akira tiredly muttered, removing his glasses before rubbing his eyes.
But as long as the sun rises once more, does a rebirth truly matter?
Anyone would be remiss to disregard the sheer jadedness in his eyes and the slight breathlessness of his speech. Akira poured himself a cup. Normally served to others rather than his indulgence, you quietly noticed that his cup lacked sugar. The cafe owner drank and embraced its bitterness, unflinching. 
It's been three months since you both arrived in the world of Teyvat. Getting by as an Outlander proved difficult, and thankfully, Akira is kind towards you and a jack-of-all-trades. One might say he has "maxed out his stats." Charismatic, skilled, and bold, he has the makings for an entrepreneur with a pyro vision to boot. Unsurprisingly, he had become one of old Mond's eligible bachelors in a short time frame. 
So, by just the third week, he managed to persuade Master Ragnvindr with a solid pitch. The cafe you both sit in is a testament to your shared hard work. With his brew proficiency and your hobby of accumulating knowledge through books and art pieces, the cozy place had become a second home for individuals such as the local librarian and the Guild's investigator. 
But you'll always remember his words the night before he was invited into Duke Ragnvindr's study room.
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"Akira, are you sure about this?" You muttered, tugging his sleeve. "Once you finalize it, you can't just..."
"Hmm? Why are you hesitating?" He tilted his chin up slightly, confused. "It's a good way to keep our finances afloat, right? Don't you want to keep collecting books and art supplies? I thought you said you wanted to have a small library someday."
"But, for you to work this much for it-"
"You matter to me. You are the only thing left binding me down here in Teyvat." He casually shot you down, but his light tone could not erase the heaviness of his words. "Besides..."
"Don't you like it when I make a hot cup and fresh pastries just for you?" 
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That dream materialized into something called Cafe LeBlanc. Though he claims the name wasn't his but a charming, cranky old man's— you doubt anyone else can come up with that. But he sounded genuine enough. His unexplainable "silent" face can sometimes make him a hard read.
… This isn't one of those times. You know what's troubling him quite well. 
"Yeah…" you muttered. "Can't we save this conversation for the end of the day instead?"
Akira laughed. 
"Smart," he hummed humorlessly. 
"You know I get too tired to do anything at night except washing dishes and doing crosswords. It's not happening. We'll have this talk now."
Fair enough. Avoiding one's problems is a mindset you never advocated. You'd be a terrible hypocrite if you start now. "Alright, I'll hear you out."
You shifted from your seat, dragging it closer to the counter. Akira downed his cup on the other side, revealing no liquid gold in its bottom. His eyes were wide awake thanks to the caffeine, yet you couldn't even glance upward. 
"(Y/n), do you remember how I got this pyro vision?"
You blinked, unsure how he'd make the fact relevant. Still, you nodded.
A long time ago, you liked how open Akira was about himself. You can tell he had immense trust issues he had worked on fixing. Akira is a good man. Being wrongfully expelled and imprisoned at a young age must've done damages you can't quite comprehend fully. Sometimes, you wish you had the courage to be just as vulnerable, too.
He traced the outline of a pyro symbol on the table with his slender finger collecting not a single dust nor stain. Despite the warmth his vision may hold, it did not detract from the cold atmosphere you both had to face. With the angle you were viewing him, you can't help but notice his eyelashes. They're prettier than yours, you thought. If only his glare wasn't so pointed.
"When I arrived in this world, I was alone and confused. But you? You weren't. I saw your face— the face of someone who had nothing to lose to begin with."
Akira's gaze softened. He was right. You adapted to this new world so suspiciously well. 
"I couldn't tell whether you saw our situation as a positive or whether you thought this whole transfer to another reality was a cruel joke. But I had a feeling you were as horrified as I was. That you couldn't bear the thought of living alone. I think that you also had friends you cared for, but now, you will never be able to hear their voices again."
He breathed in shakily, his eyes heavy. Akira may seem like a silent person, no different from Duke Ragnvindr, but the time you spent together backs up what your instincts are testifying right this second.
There's one true thought in his mind.
After all his efforts.
After all that he has gone through so that you'll stay by his side.
What was it all for?
"So, when a Lawachurl wounded you in Windrise, I stepped in. I can't help but project myself onto you. I thought about how you must also have friends waiting– family waiting– whether it's a cat or a sister— I knew I just had to. I had to risk everything, even if you were just a stranger to me then." He clenched his fists. "And you were worth it. You were absolutely worth every risk. You were worth everything. I knew I had to survive, if not for myself, but to help you."
"Even without some sort of— card– or whatever— to indicate it, I knew our relationship was progressing. That our understanding of each other has reached such high ranks. I know we had become each other's most trusted confidant, so why? Listen, I value freedom too, but—"
He slammed his cup down— you jolted as you heard it chip slightly. It wasn't his intent to scare. Akira would never wish to frighten you. But he can't stop his emotions and movements from being brash and pointed. 
"... Why did you want to quit working with me?"
There it goes.
"Is it because I haven't spent much time with you lately? You know I've been busy with trying to invest in a better flat—"
The pace of his breathing was starting to quicken.
"Kurusu, it's not that…" You need to rationalize this with him. Fast.
"I-Is it because work has been too much? I told you we could hire someone if you feel too faint for the job. I care about your health— hell— maybe even more than you do—"
"Akira, listen to me—"
His futile attempt to maintain control was like an age-weakened thread. The fibers of his composure whittled away string by string, itching to snap entirely. Akira's jaw clenched. 
The manacle may not be anchoring his feet down as it did in the Velvet Room, but there's no denying that doubt is tugging and clawing at his neck. He knew that if he should continue, only strained words would come from his coffee-bitter lips. 
He rubbed his head against his shoulder. He had to have been wiping a tear away, trying to make it unnoticeable but failing.
"But why are you LEAVING m—"
"Behold, for this fine hour, you are not only graced with the presence of soft rays— you are also blessed by myself: Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
"Mein Fräulein meant to say good morning to you both, Arsene and Sholmes."
... Akira chuckled a short and strained sound that could easily be missed by a weak ear.
As though a switch had been flipped, Akira's contorted expression turned back to his customer service smile. You trembled slightly. Perhaps it's a skill he mastered during his part-time worker years in high school, but he seemed a little too good at hiding such overwhelming frustrations— almost shape-shifting.
He's smiling. It's his usual smile he has that has a calm allure and a hint of cockiness.
As if nothing happened five seconds ago.
"Ah, greetings, Your Highness!"
The guests were none other than some of the regulars, Amy and her bird familiar. This blonde, eye-patched girl is the only person in Little Mond who consistently makes Akira act dramatic. 
He bowed, not missing a beat of young Amy's theatrics. After spending so many years chatting with Yusuke, he's gotten used to bouncing back conversations of this nature. Akira enjoys the young investigator's company. He saw tiny bits of his friend in her.
"What shall we, humble servants, offer you this dawn? Will it be your usual order, or does our dear royal have something else in mind entirely? We will do our best to provide you with maximum entertainment! After all, this is your castle, Mein Fräulein."
You stiffened.
He's not letting you go just yet. You caught a glimpse of his dark pupils, slightly moving to meet yours. Imploring you without words to act out of his best interest.
Akira Kurusu has always been a witty man, but there is no way there's no anger beneath that mask.
"Are you alright, Sholmes?" Oz asked.
For whatever reason, Akira persuaded Amy to call you both Arsene Lupin and Herlock Sholmes. The former was likely a nod to his first persona's name. His explanation for the latter was something along the lines of "you strike me as the type who always wants to search for your truth."
You blinked.
Right. You're his version of Sherlock Holmes.
Even here, he gets to dictate everything about you.
"... Yes, Your Highness, to what do I owe the pleasure?" you said. The blonde girl smiled and tilted her head up pompously. 
"What other brew could I possibly order but the darkest taste that leaves any normal mortal to shrivel in imagination?" Amy shrugged, her eyebrow raised as though everyone knew what she babbled on with commendable sass. Her aviator companion thankfully cleared the air— albeit a little too blunt.
"Mein Fräulein desires a cinnamon ginger affogato with more sugar than last time, please. Two spoons for the poor Mein Fräulein."
It's easily one of the least bitter cups on the menu. It consists of vanilla gelato, a tablespoon of espresso powder, cinnamon sticks, hazelnut liqueur, and bits of dried sunsettia. I can't say what would make anyone fear such a thing except for those with complications. Someone else shared the same sentiment.
You and Akira laughed in unison.
Your eyes widened in astonishment. That was in sync. You immediately looked away as Akira busied himself with Amy's order. It was awkward knowing that even with your efforts to cut things off, there was still some vague commonality between you two.
"... Say, your Highness?" Akira smiled softly. "Would it be alright for me to probe some of your most revered royal musings?"
... What is his play this time?
"You have my ears, dear subject."
"Suppose there is a princess who is facing an uphill battle. Furthermore, her valiant knight aspires to rescue her. However, the princess, for unknown reasons, declines his assistance. Is that..." He shut his eyes, laughing that strained chuckle once more. "... equittable?"
"Oh, most grievous indeed! A knight, who is obligated by the code of chivalry, shall always respond to the plea of his princess when she is in peril. His solemn obligation is to protect her honor and safeguard her from any danger!"
Akira looked at you.
His eyes were cold.
"But what if the princess doesn't want to be saved? What if she believes she can handle the situation herself, or maybe she thinks having assistance would make her weak?"
"Ah, but thou dost speak in riddles!" Amy scoffed, unamused. "A princess may exhibit abundant power and courage, yet it is the responsibility of her faithful knight to guarantee her safety, especially when she questions her own necessity. For what good is a knight's valor if not to serve and protect his liege?"
"Would you say her actions essentially strip him of his purpose?"
"Why, of course!" Amy replied with full conviction. "One would not require Oz if he lacks such a necessary trait! It is the basis of our trust– our relationship! A true knight's honor lies not in the glory of battle, but in his unwavering commitment to his princess, even in the face of her refusal."
You sucked in a deep breath.
Akira, you—!
"Speak frankly. Do these inquiries pertain to me?" Amy glared at him. Akira shook his head immediately, umping up his flamboyant voice inflections.
It's about you.
It's always about you when it comes to him.
"Of course not!" Akira feigned worry. "It was for a novel I'm writing— to honor one's love."
… To honor one's "love".
Love? You froze. He calls this relationship love? It hadn't been that for the past few months! Love is meant to be like coming home to a comforting home— not a cold palace with your unfeeling statue at the heart of it all.  
You were hoping that your life would be dictated by what you want it to mean this time around. You hope to create your own purpose, your own identity. You hope to reject his titles—being his partner and his "Sholmes." 
But mostly, you sincerely hoped his words were untrue and did not allude to something as sinister and self-destructive as his love.
Besides, you already have a lover waiting for you to leave this mess behind.
You and he already have everything planned out. A rented flat, food, work— everything is set. The only box to tick off was leaving itself, and then you'll be in your lover's arms.
But you swore.
You swore you just saw him smirk.
"(Y/n), could you please lend me a hand? Can you pass the cinnamon sticks from the cupboard?"
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Starting your day by serving Amy leads to serving a hundred more. You can't just stand up and leave whenever someone asks for your service. It's impossible to make the shortest comment about how you no longer work for LeBlanc, even more so when people beg for book recommendations. Being friendly is part of who you are. It can't be helped.
What made matters worse was that people were ordering seconds. Apparently, Akira must've adjusted all the recipes on the menu because whatever was added to those cups made it all the more divine. You knew his skills were perfection, but to think he could even exceed that...
In the end, despite multiple delays, Akira still got you right where he wanted you.
"Thank you. Please come again!" He escorted the final customer outside and flipped the closing sign himself.
Now, it was just the two of you left.
"... You must be tired." You offered, hoping he wouldn't catch on. "It's been a long day, why don't you take a rest—"
"Nice try." 
Well, it was worth a shot.
You stiffly waited for him to say something. Anything. But instead, he took a kettle off the icebox and heated the stove with his vision. 
"Back to my story, do you remember where we left off?"
The wisest thing to have down was biting your tongue or pretending not to know what he was talking about. Unfortunately, your answer was immediate.
"Something about how you got your vision?"
"Ah, yes, that." Akira laughed. "Say, I told you about how I used to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves when I was in High School, right?"
While waiting, Akira tapped his fingers against the table but stopped when he realized you were becoming distracted. Snapping out of it, you cleared your throat.
"You were stealing hearts in the Metaverse, yes, I recall..." You mumbled. Due to the sudden need to speak, you ended up unwittingly playing by his script again. "You manifested a Persona and used that to reform the heart of rotten adults."
You flinched slightly when his tea was starting to release thin smokes. It smelled too much like rust. Maybe he exhausted it too much today. The customers you had were double the amount. You had to commend his willpower for still managing exceed his usual sleep schedule.
"Isn't the kettle burning?"
"Trust me, it's not," he answered nonchalantly. "I remember when I told my story to you, you were mostly understanding of our actions. You didn't judge us. Rather, you told me that humanity is selfish and destructive."
"But back to how I got my vision," he finally turned the stove off. "I genuinely thought my most distinct trait was my appreciation for Freedom."
"Yet you got a pyro vision." You joked lightly.
He didn't laugh. Instead, he nodded.
"Strange, isn't it?" Akira tilted his head to look at you for a bit, before back at the hot cup he was pouring. It's the same liquid he's been adding the entire day. This must be the last of those ten pints. "Here, try it."
You slowly took it. It's still a bit too warm, so you continued talking.
"I thought about it, too. If we go by theories, it will make more sense if Barbatos blessed me instead. But with you here..." Akira laughed. "Pyro is definitely my element. I'm seeing a pattern with vision-wielders like me. Based on what I've seen so far, pyro users are often the most passionate. And passion can put a leash on freedom when need be."
You took a sip.
He put an elbow on the table and propped his chin on his palm.
"How is it?"
"It's... tasteless?" You blinked. 
You thought he must've added something grand to the cups today. Was it all just one big placebo effect?
"Makes it no different than regular water, huh?"
"Well, yeah, I guess?"
"I've actually been disposing of this the entire day, that's why the coffees looked darker. Diluting the original sample is hard work but worth it. Enough as a substitute for normal water in case we run out. Who knew you could empty 10 pints so quickly in a day..." 
"You. In case you run out." You sighed, finally addressing it. "Akira, I'm no longer your partner."
"So is he."
You both paused.
He returned the kettle to the ice box before unmasking its contents.
"You were near-fatally wounded once before. You tasted it in your mouth when I defended you from that Lawachurl-
"You should know by now that blood isn't supposed to be tasteless."
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Riley H. Goodheart can now message Akira Kurusu
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kokomyass · 6 months
Wriothesley ☆ Comfort
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Wriothesley x Fem!Reader
Genre: 🥀/☁️
Word Count: 2723
Trigger warnings ⚠️: mentions of self harm, panic attacks, reader being abused as a child, sex mention VERYYY SLIGHTLY.
synopsis: in which, our seggsy papi wriothesley saves you from the Beret Society and keeps you with him, little do you know you develop a little feeling called love~!!
a/n: SPOILERS!!!!! if you have not done the wriothesley quest I strongly advise you don't read this if you care about spoilers!!
in this reader used to be a part of beret society and Dougier seemed to hate her more than the rest so she seemed to be punished severely
Second person POV
It had been 1 year since the Beret Society no longer existed and life seemed to be looking up for you and it was all thanks to the Duke and his companions.
1 year ago:
You were part of the Beret Society, however when joining you didn't know what you would be getting yourself into.
You had been feeling awfully low and lonely in the fortress as you knew no one and didn't really attempt to try to make friends either. That was when you saw the Beret Society and thought your life would perhaps be less miserable and you would possibly be able to become accustomed to life in the fortress.
Oh how incredibly wrong you were....as soon as you joined you were treated like mere animals. The smallest trip up would lead to the worst punishments.
You once forgot to ask to go to the bathroom. For some reason Dougier seemed to really despise you, perhaps because you were younger than the rest of the members...no matter what it was, it was very evident to not only you but the rest of the members too.
He straped you to a chair and forced a needle into your head with some sort of black ooze.
All your worst memories came flooding back: the way you killed your parents who abused you and your 2 siblings horribly. You relived that moment over and over again until it drove you to insanity.
Dougier didn't only do it once, but almost everyday he would punish you for something that many wouldn't even notice.
Eventually you had been tortured so much you couldn't really function anymore. You were locked up in a jail in the hidden headquarters of the Beret Society. Day after day you would rock back and forth muttering, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't hurt me, I'm sorry.' scratching your arms until they bled, wishing that you had Avice or Faissolle to comfort you. You were long gone and had to accept it.
That was until the Duke and the traveller managed to save you.
"Hey Traveller, Paimon, let's check on this girl she looks horrified..." you heard the duke's voice as you lifted your head. You began crying begging him to help you as you gripped his arm.
"Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, sir, save me, save me..." you bowed down to the Duke begging he would save you. suddenly you felt an arm on your shoulder.
"I will save you do not worry at all. Let me take care of this and I promise someone will take care of you and I will come back for you" you looked up to see the Duke smiling at you warmingly, his sky blue orbs calming the critical voices in your head as you stared at him silently before passing out.
You woke up in a bed. Something you hadn't slept in for a while. You analysed your surroundings. The room only had one bed (the one you were led in) and as soon as you realised what happened you began screaming and crying scratching at your arms again.
To your surprise a strong pair of arms gripped you making you calm slightly whilst your crying and screaming slowly faded.
"It's alright, just breathe, your safe now." you were being rocked back and forth as you stared into nothingness feeling calmer than before.
Once the person let go of you, resting their hands on your shoulders you looked up to be met with the same sky blue orbs as the one in the jail making your eyes widen in slight shock.
"So you didn't leave me behind...." you mumbled which didn't go unnoticed by the Duke.
"Why would I ever leave you behind?," he chuckled slightly. "I am Wriothesley, but you may call me whatever you like. The reason your in my room instead of the infirmary is due to multiple reasons."
Wriothesley leaned back crossing his arms, "One being, when you were in the infirmary you seemed to be having endless panic attacks so I brought you here because it is less busy. Second being, it was very evident to me that Dougier seemed to punish you the most out if all the members...this was also confirmed by Avice and Faissolle..."
Wriothesley failed to mention that the main reason was because after being told the reason for your arrival at the fortress he couldn't help but have a soft spot for you. After all you were in due to a similar reason as him.
You began trembling incredibly at the mention of Dougier....and Avice and Faissolle were okay? You were glad to hear that much.
"Hey, hey it's alright now. No one will hurt you." Wriothesley placed his hand in yours, squeezing it to stop your shaking.
After you had calmed down once again he began explaining what would happen.
"Sigewinne and I will be taking care of you privately. You will be living with me and staying here until you're okay to go out and if I cannot take care of you Sigewinne will and visa versa."
You nodded looking at Wriothesley with empty eyes. You gazed around the room suddenly noticing a cute little melusine smiling warmly at you.
"I am Sigewinne! We will try our best to take care of you Y/N!!" Sigewinne's soft spoken voice made your shoulders relax incredibly.
Maybe you would be okay after all...
"Avice...Faissolle..." you mumbled. You wanted to know how they were but couldn't seem to form an actual sentence.
Yet, Wriothesley smiled and still understood what you were saying.
"Luckily they are fine, I caught them just before the punishment. They were very worried about you Y/N and asked that you got proper treatment."
You nodded once more before moving you gaze back to Wriothesley. You wanted to say something but you weren't sure if you were allowed as memories of the consequences of speaken when not spoken to clouded your mind.
"It is alright, you may speak whenever and whatever you would like." you snapped your head back to Wriothesley, eyes widened from shock, to be met once more with his warm gaze.
"I know the Society was hard on you but here, you should be free to do as you please, within reason of course...." he paused looking down and grimacing.
"I'm truly sorry for the pain that has been inflicted on you Y/N...I hope you can forgive me and-"
"Thank you Wriothesley." Wriothesley looked up at you as you squeezed his hand and spoke softly.
You smiled warmly at him...it was the first time you had smiled in ages and the first time he woukd see you smile. He looked at you shocked before his expression softened and he sqeezed your hand back smiling.
"No matter what, I will protect you."
Back to present:
"Ah! Y/N thank you so so much, i am very lucky to have you!! Very lucky indeed!!" Sigewinne clapped and giggled as you had successfully gotten her some fruits and vegetables secretly from the coupon cafeteria.
"No worries Sigewinne, I am glad I could help you." you smiled slightly as you started packing up to leave the infirmary.
After the whole incident with the Beret Society happened, you initially didn't leave Wriothesley's room and struggled to speak. After a while your social anxiety decreased slightly so you could go out. However you stuck to Wriothesley like glue. Everywhere he went you went, there wasn't a moment when you wouldn't follow. Unless you were with Sigewinne. Not anymore though.
You also experienced panic attacks and night terrors which were much less frequent now.
You would be lying if you said you hadn't developed feelings for the Duke, after all he was the reason you were still functioning to this day. Even though you heard the rumors about him, deep down you knew he was a kind man who was ever so caring it made you blush.
"Where are you off to Y/N? I can see you blushing and smiling sheepishly...could you be going to see Wriothesley?" Sigewinne said placing her finger on her chin as your face flushed red.
She was right. You had bought some teas and made some pastries for him.
"Ermm yes...but what makes you say that...haha?" you rubbed the back of your head feeling embarrassed.
"Well I read somewhere that when humans think about someone they love or are around them they blush and smile!" you smiled at Sigewinne and laughed lightly.
"Well...I suppose your right but no saying anything, okay? Well I'm off." you quickly leave before Sigewinne can tease you.
"Bye Miss Y/N! Have fun with Mr Wriothesley!"
You shut your eyes and hum a little tune as you walk through to Wriothesley's office where he always is.
"Hey it is Y/N!! Heyyy Y/N!! How are you doing today?" you hear a high pitched voiced and open your eyes to see Paimon and the Traveller waving at you.
"Oh, hello there!" You run up to them. "I am quite alright, it's nice to see you. What are you doing outside Wriothesley's office?" you ask as you look up to the large doors wondering why they aren't in yet.
"Oh, we were told he is finishing some work and will come out soon! What about you huh? Still admiring from afar?" Paimon giggled and smirked at you folding her arms
You had gotten closer to the Traveller and Paimon and you would call them your close friends meaning they seemed to notice the crush you had on Wriothesley.
You blushed again and looked down fidgeting with the basket of goods. "I'm not admiring from afar! I just- I just wanted to give him a present because he's working hard and all..." you glanced up to see paimon and the traveller giving unimpressed looks.
"Fine! I'm giving them to him becaude I am in love with him! There I said it!" your face was bright red and paimon and the traveller just laughed happily looking at how flustered you had gotten.
Suddenly the doors swung open and there stood the Duke, arms crossed and smiling slightly.
You all froze as you prayed to the 7 archons that he didn't hear a word you said.
"Ah! Traveller, Paimon and Y/N! If I had known it was you I wouldn't have made you wait!" you stand frozen on your spot while Paimon answers.
"Oh no worries at all~ we will take our leave now! After all Y/N said she has something important to discuss....bye!" Paimon and The traveller make a quick escape as they whisper good luck to you, to which you returned a death glare at them.
"Oh? Well come in Y/N, you know you don't need to knock to come in." Wriothesley gestured you in as you shuffled in.
"Yes you are right but I got caught up in conversation with the duo..." you nervously laughed taking a seat on his desk.
"Of course, of course no worries. What's in that basket?" Wriothesley asked as he slowly made his way to you.
"Oh! these are some teas I bought, and some pastries I made for you! I came to give them to you, I hope you like them" you smiled with you cheeks flushing a warm pink. You handed the basket to Wriothesley as he inhaled the scent and let out a deep and relaxed breath.
"Ahhhh Y/N thank you so much, you know me too well. It means a lot to me." he smiled and patted your head softly.
"Let's chat while you're here I would like to pass time talking to you." he sat down behind his desk as you got up from the desk and sat down on a chair in front of him.
"Before I forget, what was it that you wanted to discuss?" he leaned back in his chair and you diverted your eyes, cursing paimon in your mind.
"Oh it was nothing..."
"Hmm, if you insist..." Wriothesley raised an eyebrow and that topic was dropped immediately, or so you thought.
You were drinking tea and eating pastries together as you enjoyed each other's presence.
"So, Wrio, why did you choose to take care of me personally? I mean I know you told me but I just feel there is more to it y'know?" you asked while sipping your fruit tea.
"So you have noticed..." Wriothesley let out a hearty laugh.
"Well all the reasons I gave are still true...but naturally when all that occurred I needed to know what must have caused such deep trauma...and after finding out the memory that you had been seeing from Avice and Faissolle, I empathised with you since I was in for a similar reason...and when I touched the black gem I felt those memories rush to me"
"What were you in for?" you asked inching closer to him feeling invested.
"When I was younger I killed my abusive adoptive parents to protect my siblings...I know it's horrible, and i hope you dont think differently of me" he sighed looking into his mug.
You got up and walked over to Wriothesley.
"Stand up, Duke." Wriothesley hesitantly stood up think he would get beat due to your demanding tone.
You wrapped your small arms around him resting your cheek on his chest.
Wriothesley was in shock before he wrapped his large arms around you caging you in his large figure.
"Wrio, I could never hate you...you saved my life and for the record us two are the same so all that's left to do is grow and learn from our mistakes, and if you hadn't done what you did...you probably wouldn't be here right now and I would never have been lucky enough to meet you!" you pulled away from the hug and smiled warmly at him.
There were few times you smiled like that and it made Wriothesley feel treasured and loved.
"Hah...thank you Y/N, I'm glad I met you and have you in my life."
"Does that mean I may also assume you still have a crush on me?"
"Yes of course!!" you answer before you can fully register what has been said and who said it.
Your eyes widen and your face goes bright red and you see Wriothesley smirking at you with his arms folded.
"W-wait- um that's not true...erm I mean I do but um..." you attempt to run away but Wriothesley grabs your arm and drags you back to him with ease.
Before you can start rambling again he kisses you softly as you melt into the euphoric kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as he grips your waist. Time feels like it has stopped and you want to live in this moment kissing Wriothesley's soft lips.
He pulls away and you are still as stunned as you were before the kiss.
"I hope that shows my answer to the matter you had to discuss." Wriothesley holds you in his arms as you remember what Paimon had said before leaving.
["After all Y/N said she has something important to discuss....bye!"]
You gasped realising he heard the whole conversation.
"You heard?! Why didn't you say anything?" you snuggled into his chest to hide your face from embarrassment, as he laughed.
"Who wouldn't have heard? You were fairly loud... and I wanted to be effective... did it work?" he smirked down at you, and you looked up and smacked his chest.
"Sadly, it did... remind me to be quieter next time..." You both laughed whilst still in each other's arms, enjoying the moment and looking forward to many more to come.
A lil extra!!:
"Oh my dear Y/N is now with the Duke!! I'm so glad she has found happiness!" Avice whisper shouted as she was gathered with Faissolle, Sigewinne, Paimon and The traveller.
"Yes look at how far she has come! I'm very proud!" Faissolle whispers.
"If we hadn't prompted her she wouldn't have done anything so give us some credit!" Paimon said folding her arms looking smug.
"Hmm, does this mean they will engage in sexual intercourse often?" Sigewinne said out of pocket.
a/n: WRIOTHESLEY SUPREMACYYYY!! I have an unnatural obsession with this man...he makes me act up
anyways I hope you enjoyed that and love you all of course 🩷🩷
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flamingpudding · 7 months
Lost in memories
A/N: personally I am currently hating myself and the writer part of my brain for this. This idea got stuck in my head after I read a couple of amnesiac Danny fics and prompts. I needed to get it out of my head because it occupied to much free estate and distracted me from other things. So with all ideas that bother me like this I write it out. Also I have no idea if I will continue on this or if I will leave it like this that depends on how much free estate it continues to occupies in my head. But here a warning. It's Angsty (?), but if I continue this it will probably be Angst with a happy ending.
Things were good. Danny was happy. After having lost everything before and after many struggles he was happy again, having gained a second family. They weren't replacing his previous family but they helped him fill the emptiness that nearly tore him apart before. They helped him over his grief and hurt as well as protected him from himself and others.
He had more brothers and sisters than before, he even was a big brother now. There was a father figure now also, one that was at least somewhat better at parenting that his father was before but well not perfect with still a bunch of faults Jazz would have loved to analyse. And a grandfather that made the best cookies he had ever eaten before. Best of all they had accepted him the way he was too, even his ghostlyness.
It was also an added bonus that his new family put in the effort to help him have a better schedule and a more regulated life. It came in handy when your entire new family was in the vigilante business and had experience in managing and balancing it. With them he was truly feeling safe and happy now and wished for it to last for as long as possible.
To the Waynes Danny was the baby of the family. Sure he wasn't the youngest, that was still Damian. But Danny was the most open about his feelings and his show of affection from the moment they had saved him and managed to keep him. Alfred wasn't even sure if it was Bruce that had initiated the adoption or if it were the children that did it. After all Jason had stated his brotherly claim on Danny first before Dick AND Damian fought him over it, leaving an opening for Tim and Duke whisking in by having shared interests only for Cass beat them all by gaining his trust first and giving her the favorite sibling spot.
Eitherway Danny had wormed his way into the Wayne family after all the initial struggles and trust issues and became the perfect addition. His way of openly showing how much he loved and cared about his new family quickly stirred the protectiveness the entire bat clan had over him. He might be not as innocent as he appears but to them Danny was the baby.
That was why they were in a close to panic state now.
There had been an oversight on their part. They thought that after dealing with the Anti-Ecto Acts and the disbanding of the Government branch dedicated to hunt beings like Danny that he would be save with them. That there was no danger to him anymore. That he could be free now and do what he wanted, be it a vigilante or life a semi normal life. Sure they knew about the small reminds of these people but, the bats had made sure they never would get even remotely close to Danny.
Jason especially had enjoyed hunting these guys.
Yet somehow a small group of them had managed to evade their attention. They had napped Danny from them. Tim and their ghost boy had been out on a coffee-run they had been discussing on of their latest invention they were working on together. Something that was going to emulate Danny's ice to make it easier to catch certain rogues. Tim had left Danny's side only shortly to get their coffee order but that little time frame had been enough.
At first Tim had thought that his little brother was pulling one of his vanishing pranks on him again. But when Danny didn't reappear no matter how long Tim waited or how much he looked for him, he had grown more and more worried. To the point that he messaged the group chat, alerting all their other siblings.
From there they quickly figured out thanks to the surveillance cameras that Danny got abducted. The fact that the group that took him used tech that Danny personally had shown to them before was the glaring fact that a leftover group was the culprit.
Of course they had instantly gone to rescue their brother. They hadn't forgotten the horrors they had seen before when they had disbanded the original government branch. Even Dick came from Bludhaven to help, knowing the seriousness of the situation.
Yet when they finally got to Danny, it made them feel like they had been too late. Unconscious and a lot of green red blood and wounds placed right where years old scarring was. It had driven Jason into a green haze, something that hadn't happened since Danny had joined the family.
Right now Danny laid unconscious in the medbay. Jason and Cass were with him. The second eldest Wayne had refused to leave Danny's side ever since they had recovered him. Tim wasn't too far away from there either, guilt making him unable to leave. Duke was the one staying next to him for comfort. Damian was pacing by the Batcomputer with Dick trying to help their youngest calming down while Bruce was working on finding if there was anything more they might have overlooked.
A crash in the medbay caused everything to stop. There was only one second of stillness before shouting resounded from there. Making them all rush towards it. But that was what appeared to make the situation worse.
The moment they burst through the door of the medbay they found their brother hovering near the ceiling, staring at them all wide eyed. One hand was clutching the area around his stomach, no doubt having reopened the wounds Alfred had stitched up with that special thread that was only used for Danny, while his other hand was outstretched towards them with a green glow.
"Danny calm down! You're safe!" They heard Dick shout as he tried to get closer but stopped when Jason held an arm out to stop them from getting closer, shaking his head as he glared. It wasn't a glare directed at them but something was clearly making him angry. That was when Damian noticed it, Danny had flinched back at Dick's shout.
He flinched back, from them, looking every bit like he was about to run away.
That was when the rest of them finally saw how Danny watched them with eyes blown wide and filled with fear and panic. But worst of all there was no recognition in his eyes. He looked like one of those affected by fear gas, even though that stuff didn't even work on Danny. He wasn't in a rational state of mind.
"Danny?" Tim carefully asked, he didn't step closer. Doing that right now would most likely trigger their brother even more, he remembered all too well how flighty Danny had been with them in the beginning. He exchanged side glances with his siblings. They needed to calm Danny down before he ripped open even more wounds. They could already see green red stains showing through the shirt Alfred had dressed him in earlier.
"Who…" Danny's voice was barely hearable, cracking even. There was a glass of water by the bedside table prepared for this. But there was no way they could get Danny to drink it right now.
"Who are you people?"
It wasn't often that one simple question could cause so much heartbreak at once. But if your loving brother that has known you for a little over a year or two, the one family member that showed you openly affection and constantly reminded you how much he cared and had come to love you, says it then there was no other way to avoid the pain it caused. None of them showed it but they all felt it the moment Danny finished his sentence.
All the bat siblings had one collective thought as Damian clicked his tongue in an especially frustrated and annoyed way.
I am going to murder these Guy's in White.
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midnight-pluto · 5 months
COFFEE: PG.15 — cuddles & confessions
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COFFEE: tim drake x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: Tim meets a barista that gives him what he needed most — a large coffee with way to many shots of espresso. Though what happens when just a single action changes the other's life, forever?
coffee master list || prev. || SPECIAL
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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 2023 — 2:43 AM
IN ALL HONESTY you didn't know what to expect when you pulled back the curtains.
Were you expecting to see Red Robin standing on your balcony, phone in hand, and cape trying it's best to cover more of his body for warmth? No, because who would.
For a moment the both of you just stared at one another, not knowing fully on what to do until the hero on your balcony began to aggressively type on his phone. Knowing what he's typing before he sends in you reach to the doors side and unlock, sliding it so he can get in.
"Thanks," he took a shivery breath and stepped inside. Sliding the door to a close once more as to not let the cold air in, you turn to your boyfriend just staring blankly at you.
"Is this your explanation?" you deadpan, looking up and down at him as to inspect his suit, "I swear if this isn't a joke and the suit is just a really good cosplay you wanted to show me I will shave your hair off."
"No it's real."
That was all that was said for a few moments, just you scanning over Tim's suit while he tried his best to stand as still as possible. There was no doubt in your mind that he was telling the truth as you had interacted with his hero persona a few times already and the voice that spoke to you was the same.
However despite the temperatures in Gotham making sure it would be impossible to sweat in its current weather, Tim couldn't help but feel his palms getting clammy underneath his gloves. Sure he was a genius and sure he hated describing himself with that word but he couldn't lie, it fit; yet he couldn't form one continuous thought with him under your piercing gaze.
To him it felt almost judgmental but he couldn't blame you — he could never. Who wouldn't judge the person who stood them up for multiple dates in a row? That was one of the only coherent thought racing through his mind since it was by far the loudest of them all.
In actuality, the silence in your apartment was heavy. It almost felt similar to a burden to Tim's shoulders, making them tense up under your observing eyes.
After a few more moments of quiet you decide to break the awkward tension in the air, "So are you going to change your name?"
"What?" he breathlessly asked, unknowing he was even holding the air in his lungs.
"Are you going to change your name so it won't be the same as a fast food chain?" you reiterated.
He scoffed, "No, I'm not changing my superhero name to Cardinal. I'm already established as it and to much merch has been made with my logo and name imprinted on it."
"What a capitalistic mindset," you jest with a smirk at his tired and amused expression.
"You find out your boyfriend's a hero and yet those are the words you speak to him afterwards? I'm hurt," he dramatically places a hand over his chest, "Not even a scolding for being reckless?"
"Well, maybe said boyfriend's partner is too tired to care."
"So you're too tired to be mad at me?" he asked, more perplexed rather than teasing.
"No I am definitely still angry with you," you deadpan with your arms now crossed. Walking towards Tim you rest your head on his shoulder, "But I'm glad you felt safe and trusted me enough to tell me this.
"But if you pull this shit again not even Duke can save you, you got it?"
"I understand," he nods with a smile, wrapping one of his arms around your back and softly kissing the crown of your head.
SPECIAL NOTE: and thats a wrap! i would like to first thank everyone who has stayed to read this smau from months ago or from just a few days ago since all of your likes, comments, and reblogs really helped keep me motivated to continue no matter how spontaneous my updates were
to all of the people in my taglist, i will have to disturb your inbox one last time with a special that contains random facts about this smau in early january so i hope you all don't mind; if you don't want me to tag you feel free to send me an ask
and with that, i wish all of you an amazing new year and wonderful rest of your day/night!
TAGLIST: @grandstrangerphantom @marsbars09 @fabitheraven @lovelypitasworld @dyjcksn @mae77eris @sugarrush-blush @djchik @soundsfunbutno @apizzacalledmel @strangetrashblog @cipheress-to-k-pop @harleycao @unhingedtimdrake @a-homosexual-homosapien @aquarii-doodles @love-stay @criminallycan @hecate-frenchfries @job-ross-the-second
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fantasy-relax · 5 months
Inefable plan
Part 1.
Bela Dimitrescu x g!p reader
This was not the plan.
Your father was a Carpenter and your mother a baker. With a tense relationship because of you existence, not quite a boy not quite a girl, the only reason that you were alive was because of your mother. Your dear mother that teach you how to read, write and count as best she could.
When you were old enough you started making errands to gain some money. You gave it to your mother but she refused instead she take you to the Duke were you bought books eager to be better.
You wish was to help your parents business to thrive. You did, your family got more money.
And your father spend it all in booze and gambling, until he tragically died one night that he was walking drunk as hell, Lycan attack was the verdict.
(You swear that the injury is his neck looked far too clean to be a Lycan even if his body was clawed apart)
Things got better with just your mother and you, until her bakery was burned by a jealous neighbor.
(That also died by a Lycan attack barely a week after)
More work to do but you two keep hopeful. Until she got sick, your savings keep you afloat but the medicine was too expensive.
So you made the decision to work in the dimitrescu castle, of all the lords lady dimitrescu was the one to pay the most and always had open vacants.
The plan was to work hard, stay away from trouble and after the three years agreed in the contract, you will be free.
(You try to don't think about how few have succeeded at that)
The Duke will send your mother medicine and prepared food as she was too weak too cook. You payed extra for that knowing that he always keeps his deals.
Stay away from the dimitrescu daughters. They were monsters, mutants, cold blooded killers behind their pretty faces, incapable of feeling. That was you thought until two events made you see them in other light.
First, you see Lady Daniela crying at the feet of one maid in a secluded room.
"You were just a good fuck, did you really think somebody could love any of you?"
Daniela just cried harder, heartbroken, she looked so small so human.
"How delu-AGH"
"How stupid"
In what moment the other two had came?. The middle daughter had grabbed the maid's hair and quickly she was carrying her away.
"Dani" The oldest said hugging the crying redhead.
"Unlovable, unlovable, unlovable"
"She lied to you, nothing she said is true" her voice was soft,you can see the sadness in her eyes at the words of her sister, her little sister.
You don't wanted to interrupt or get in trouble so you walked away, the sobs of the youngest daughter hiding your steps.
You noticed how she stayed in the library for a while. Ignoring the maids, just going out after her sisters or mother request.
You couldn't help yourself, picking a book that you known well and when was your turn to clean the library, you walked to her. She was reading in silence so different from the energetic girl you met.
"I think that story is pretty depressing"
She looked at you distrust and curiosity in her eyes.
"I prefer this one, made my bad days better" you handed your favorite book with some embarrassment, it was a little tattered, nothing like the majestic books in the library but it was yours. " Tell me what you think after you finished, lady Daniela."
She took the book nodding without words
The next time that it was you turn to clean the library, she ran at you talking excitedly.
"I had never read this! It was amazing! The coobler was so sweet! And the prince was such an ashole"
She was a ball of energy again.
"I know right? I was cheering every time the princess knocked his ego, after all the shitty ways he hurt her sister was well deserved, I almost pass out laughing when he fell in the stable direct in the horse shit"
"Me too!"
After that every time that you have duties in the library she will talk about some of her favorite stories and you will tell her yours. You feel the vigilant eyes of her sisters when they choose to hang out in the library with her. But you don't feel fear, they were worried about her and you don't wanted to hurt her, so you were fine.
The second event was when lady Cassandra was hunting outside taking longer because the lady of the house was in a meeting.
The temperature was dropping fast. You were thankful to be in the living room were the fireplace was the biggest.
Lady Bela appeared suddenly and pointed at you, a heavy coat In her shoulders.
" Make sure the fire keep burning less motive for me to cut your head"
You gulp and nod, moving to get more wood.
Later you hear the door open, anger and worry covering her face
You hear the door open with violence, Bela is supporting Cassandra weight.
"You irresponsable idiot, you are freezing"
"It's wasn't that cold before!"
"Then you should have been here before! You know better Cassandra!"
"There was a bear with white fur! And now the damn Lycans will be eating it!"
You put more wood until you feel like a roasted chicken, both sisters sit in front of the fireplace still bickering.
"Get lost"
You obey. But when the storm outside grow stronger later you came back worried that the wood wouldn't be enough.
The door was slightly open, you can hear quiet sobs coming from inside.
"She is here, she is alive, stop crying." the blonde was repeating that words to herself, hugging the fearsome huntress like a teddy bear.
How worried had she been?
You remember how scared you were after your father death, worried sick when your mom took longer to come home, the fear that she will never return haunted you.
The first letter that she send was after a month of working at the castle, meaning that she had gotten some of her strength, meaning that she was getting better, you holded it close to your chest murmuring "she is alive, she is okay, don't cry idiot".
You knocked. You heard some shuffling and her raspy voice.
" The storm is worsening my lady, I was worried that the wood wouldn't be enough"
You walked pretending to don't notice her ruined make up. You feed the fire and put the rest aside.
You sneak a look Cassandra was cuddled at Bela front, the heavy coat was over her.
Walking to next room, you picked a blanket a some pillows, going back knocked again
"Now what?"
"I bring you pillows, my lady, I don't think the floor is the most comfortable place to laid"
"Why I should care about what you think?... Enter, be quick."
You do as she said, putting the pillows close to her and the blanket in her shoulders. With that done you go back to your room to sleep.
You don't notice her eyes following you.
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ctitan98official · 5 months
@ghost-with-a-teacup : Hello! I've never made a request before but I absolutely adore your works, hehe. I'm popping in after reading your latest post about Y/N almost dying after saving the daughters, and you talked about them getting the cadou. I was just wondering if you could write something building off of that prompt; something along the lines of what you think their powers would be as well as them trying to get accustomed to their new abilities with the help of Alcina and the girls? That would be wonderful! Regardless of if you write it or not, keep up the amazing work!! With how much you write I have no idea how you pump out so many ideas, truly leaves me in awe <33 (also your crackfics are fucking amazing LOL). Have a great day~
Thank you so much, friend! That was a good prompt. I had trouble deciding what I thought Y/N’s power would be, but with how mischievous they are, I decided to go with something that they would absolutely wreak havoc with lol! Post this ask is referring to here! Let’s get into it!
You had been mortally wounded trying to protect castle Dimitrescu from hunters intent on killing your loved ones.
You thought you were done for, but Alcina made the decision to try and save you by having Mother Miranda give you the cadou.
It worked. You were so happy to be back with your girls again.
You were very weak when you first woke up but Alcina took excellent care of you.
She fed you and sat with you as you slept. She was just glad you would be okay after all you had been through.
A few weeks after you began recovering, you started noticing that you could… See through things? You thought you were imagining it when it first happened, but Alcina had been sitting right in front of you when you realized you could see her panties and bra from under her dress.
You were so embarrassed that you slapped your hands over your face.
Alcina was startled at your reaction. “Draga?! What’s wrong?” She asked.
You suddenly started laughing like an idiot once you learned what you could do. “I really like that bra, babe. I don’t think I’ve seen that one on you before.” You howled.
Alcina was confused. “What are you talking about, Y/N?!” She said, somewhat weirded out.
“I can totally see through your dress, Alci.” You informed her.
“WHAT?!” She looked down frantically, but her dress was not revealing anything. “Y/N, if this is another of your silly pranks-”
"I can prove it, Alci!” You exclaimed. You focused your attention on the book Alcina had next to her. “Hand me that book, babe!” You asked her.
Alcina was skeptical but gave you the book.
You concentrated very hard and, without opening the book, you were able to read the words on the inside pages.
Alcina’s eyes went wide with shock. “Draga! That must be an acquired skill from the cadou!” She said and brought a hand to her mouth in shock.
You cheered before you thought about something upsetting. “Ew! What if I accidentally see through Karl or Sal’s clothes! Blech, what about Duke or some rando?!” You said, horrified.
Alcina chuckled. “Well, draga. I guess that’s payback for all of the trouble you’ve ever caused.”
You cringed and screamed. “AHH! What if I accidentally see through the girls’ dresses?!” You said. You wanted to claw your eyeballs out.
Alcina didn’t find that part to be as funny. It was mutually decided that you would stay at Karl’s factory until you had better control of your powers. Better to be safe than sorry.
Karl was actually a good teacher. He had trained himself to be able to control his metal powers and he had tips to share with you.
After a few days with Karl, you discovered that you had another power. You were able to make yourself completely invisible!
You pranked and scared the shit out of him a couple of times until he got so mad that he kicked you out. Luckily, you had a pretty good grasp of your powers now.
You returned home to the castle and immediately went to go see Alcina… Well, you may have made yourself invisible first.
When you went into Alcina’s bedroom, you almost busted out laughing when you saw her practicing her smoke rings. She looked so focused and cute.
You snuck up beside her, and said “Boo.”
Alcina shrieked and almost fell back in her chair. Her hat went flying.
You started laughing crazily and made yourself visible again. “Sorry, babe! Couldn’t resist!” You said through your wheezing.
When I tell you Alcina bitch-smacked you so hard, smh. It didn’t hurt, though. You had also acquired heightened healing abilities and stronger skin like the rest of The Lords.
She questioned where you came from and you told her that you were able to make yourself invisible too.
Alcina groaned when she realized that these powers could not have been given to a worse person.
For as much of a troublemaker as you are, though, you keep your pranks with your X-ray vision and invisibility to a minimum. It was just too easy to prank someone that way. You were better than that and took your self-designated title of Prank Master seriously.
And yes, you could totally see, not only though Alcina’s dress, but through her bra and panties too, now. You use that particular skill on her a little bit too much.
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quitefair · 1 year
alright time to gripe about inquisition again (what’s new)
dyou know i barely understood what the fuck was going on in orlais politically from just playing the game? i’m basic, i never read the masked empire, also by the time we hit like wewh i am absolutely not reading all the codex entries because im distracted with how pretty orlais looks VISUALLY and also mentally scarred from all the warden nonsense
but in doing research i found out a bunch of COMPLETELY WILD THINGS that the game does that they don’t??? talk about???
okay so here’s the deal:
Vivienne’s lover is this guy called Duke Bastien of Ghislain. A dude you have to help kinda save as part of Vivienne’s personal quest (I have even more gripes about how Vivienne’s character and arc was so poorly handled but that’s a post of its own)
So yeah this dude
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Crusty old guy you kinda only see as some random B plot side quest with no relevance. But okay okay I went in and read up about him right? 
He’s the head of the College of Heralds. Yknow what they do? They literally handle any and all problems to do with titles and lineage related to them among the Orlesian nobility. They were called in when Emperor Florian died in 9:20 Dragon without an heir. They were the ones that chose Celene over Gaspard as the new ruler of Orlais.
They’re technically the reason the entire Civil War happens in the first place!!!! The Fuck!!!!!!! I may be stupid but I don’t think anybody stressed on this in the game???
Also wait, there’s more yeah!!!
This dude had a wife (who died or something idek the details sorry) and had two kids - Calienne and Laurent
Calienne, mind you, went on to fuckin MARRY??? GASPARD DE CHALONS??? Duke Gaspard was this DUDE’S SON IN LAW???? A dude that he (as part of the College of Heralds) chose to snub as they chose his cousin as the Empress instead of him????
This is fucking wild you guys.
Calienne supports Gaspards claim to the throne despite what her father did, plays a part in the assassination of Celene’s mother, and eventually was murdered by Celene’s father and cousin (another thing I had to read with my own eyes was that Duke Motherfucking Prosper of Mark of the Assassin infamy was Celene’s relative. Oh also that his son Cyril is also on the Council of Heralds and is also the Orlesian representative at the Exalted Council??? What the Motherfucking Shit???)
On the other hand, we have his other child Laurent.
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On first pass I seriously got him confused with the dude that tries to get the Inquisition to pay taxes to him cause he owns the land around Haven?? THEYRE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT???
But apparently they’re not the same guy. And the only time you interact with him in person is in Skyhold after Vivienne’s personal quest where he thanks you for helping his dad or something. You barely see the guy, and he’s apparently the heir to all his father’s lands and titles, including the seat at the Council of Heralds?? While his BROTHER IN LAW is MOTHERFUCKING GASPARD DE CHALONS????
And despite all of this, the only more you can learn about him is through this absolutely random war table mission where you help him out and they give the Inquisition some insignificant strip of land in Orlais??
Dude what the fuuuuuck.........
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auspicioustidings · 8 months
The Blood Druid
Blue Blood Part 3
Summary: Continuation of the Wild Prince/The War Duke. Your lack of knowledge about the birds and the bees finally gets revealed.
Words: 1.9k (look this was supposed to be longer but my keyboard keeps randomly double spacing so everything is taking way longer and typing is making me want to commit homicide so take this while I wait until I can get a new one)
CW: Very light smut
Price and Kyle had been ever so eager to continue and you had promptly shoved them out of your chambers. You were embarrassed and confused and you hated that your body kept so easily melting like that. What was happening to you? Had men always held such sway over a woman's body and you had never known before? It scared you that they could so easily make you feel like you had caught fire and you did not care to be saved. If it was so easy, why had nobody done it before?
You screamed into your pillow, just wanting to not be the only one not in on the joke. They had certainly seemed very pleased with themselves, seeming almost indulgent when they had left after you had somewhat angrily told them to. Like you were some misbehaving little pet that they found adorable. Like they hadn't just made you go boneless and dumb in front of a true Blood Druid. You had thought the moniker was just meant to scare, never in your wildest dreams did you think this Kingdom would be as reckless as to have one amongst them.
Ok, time to think. Time to stop being a child and figure out what was going on. You could do this, you were, are? You are a damn Duchess, you can read and write and for goodness sake you can think. 
You had been told that touching yourself between your legs was sinful, the Prince had been able to predict that from your reactions. So it had been apparent then that you had not done so? Did the feeling lessen then over time, allowing you to maintain some sort of wit about you if you were experienced enough? He had said, oh Gods, he had said something about a finger inside. You blushed crimson, feeling the pulse of that liquid heat again at the thought. Inside you. Like the Duke's tongue had been? Oh no, your body was already getting so worked up even remembering. 
You lay on the bed on your back, taking shuddering breaths and trying to find some sense of calm. Ok. All you needed do was practice. If you were more accustomed to the feeling, you would not be as taken off guard next time. You may not be able to emulate the feeling of a rough tongue against you, but you dipped your fingers down your body, slower and more tentative than they had been this morning. 
You were already so slick from what the Duke had done, closing your eyes and sighing when you felt your body begin to react again. You were languid now, viewing this as an exercise in patience the same way you did with learning Latin. That's what this was, learning. You would learn what this was.
Clit, he had called that little nub you rubbed over your clit. It was such a moody thing, so particular about how it liked to be teased. Not too hard, not too fast. But then as your blood started rushing it wanted more pressure and a faster pace. You found when you thought of the Prince kneeling by your bath or the Duke kneeling by the wall sparks fired inside you and your wetness grew. Your eyebrows furrowed as you took the pads of your fingers away from the sensitive bundle, feeling the loss instantly. You slid your fingers down to your entrance, rubbing and biting your lip as you felt the catch of your fingertips on the dripping hole. 
You only used your middle finger to press. The sponginess of your insides was a foreign texture and the feeling of being squeezed by the twitching walls made you withdraw. It frustrated you to tears, not understanding what you were doing. How did two strangers know your body so much better than you did? And why was there some suggestion that they needed to know it in order to ready you for your husband? The wave of feeling inadequate made all that delicious heat turn to ash in your mouth and you withdrew your hand, punching it down into the plush mattress beside you with a whine of frustration. 
There was a knock at the door which was novel in a way, nobody seemed to ever bother knocking. You fixed yourself, thinking that if it were the Prince or the Duke you'd want to just pull them in, have them touch you again in the way you wanted. It made you feel both hot and mortified at the same time. You should send them away, make it clear you were no little pet to be made to purr whenever they wanted. You'd not find out which you would have done.
"Hope ye'll naw mind if I don't call ye Duchess, nae such thing where I bide."
Gods he was such a compelling creature up close. The elaborate fabric wrapped around him was held in place by nothing but clever donning, his hair was shorn on the sides and his eyes were so... Saints help you they were so warm and kind on you. You were in equal parts intrigued and terrified of this man, caught frozen in your doorway.
"Looking a bit peely-wally there hen, why don't we get ye some water hm?"
You moved in a stiff shuffle as he herded you to sit on the edge of the bed and filled a glass from the pitcher, giving you little sips which you almost choked on with how close he was to you. Close enough to tear through your throat with his teeth you thought, close enough to drink your blood. He sighed with a little grin, making sure you got some water before putting down the glass and falling back gracelessly to sit cross legged on the floor by your feet, leaning back on his arms.
"Yer feart of me."
That pride that had been slowly waking up these past few days came alive.
"I am not 'feart' of you. You may have conquered a Kingdom, but I am not a King."
“Ye think I button up the back wee yin? Yer feart because I’m a blood druid and the West has always been feart of what they don’t understand. If naw for your betrothed everyone here would be the same.”
“Ghost. The Prince said his name was Ghost. And you are John MacTavish.”
You weren’t sure why you felt the need to say it, but somehow it seemed important to let this man know that you had some knowledge. Big scary Blood Druid sat on your floor looking up at you, relaxed as anything. He was the third man who had lowered himself to be beneath you and it made something fizz, some animal instinct purring at the small act of submission from men so dominant.
“Simon. His name is Simon Riley. And aye, my name is John MacTavish. Johnny is fine if it’s you.”
“Johnny”, you tried it out, wrapping your tongue around it. He seemed pleased and you could not stop the annoyance blossoming on your face at how easily you had moved from terrified to having a casual conversation. 
He laughed, leaning forward to put his hands on your thighs and lean his head on one like some affectionate puppy, big eyes seeming liquid gazing up at you with such fondness.
“Ye look at me the way Simon does before he skelps me wee yin. Cannae give me that look if ye want me to behave all proper for ye,” he said, his hand on your free thigh squeezing. Gods, not again.
He perked up at the strained cry coming from you, head raising so he could look fully at you. Whatever he found in his appraisal seemed to change his mood, his eyes narrowing for a moment.
“Wit’s that worry for? Whit did Gaz say tae ye? I’m naw going tae take yer maidenhood, just going tae make you feel good. Get you ready.”
“I don’t understand what you mean!” you shouted at him, tears starting that you tried to hide behind your hands.
You felt so stupid. So small and weak and stupid. What did you need to get ready for? What did he mean by your maidenhood and why had he assumed you were worried he would take it rather than the truth that you were worried he would make you feel as his companions had and it would overwhelm you? Gone was that relaxed nature of his, instead he seemed tense. 
“Look at me” he said with such a steady command that you followed the instruction, dropping your hands. “Tell me whit ye ken about yer wedding night. Naw the one in this Kingdom, the one ye thought ye’d have in yours. The one yer ma would have told you about.”
“My mother died when I was born.”
“Who looked after ye then?”
“I- well there were servants that attended to me.”
“There must have been one that telt ye aboot yer womanhood aye? Taught ye about yer bleeding and whit it meant?”
“Of course” you huffed, “father was furious when I stained the sheets as a girl. They made sure to teach me how to hide it properly after that to not damage anything.”
The hand on your thigh tightened and then loosened rapidly a few times, but the man in front of you kept his expression neutral. 
“Yer wedding night, whit did they tell ye about it?”
“Well I… it happened very quickly. I wasn’t told anything before I was in the carriage and then I was alone for the journey.”
He blew out a breath, stood and bent to press lips to your forehead and then looked at you with such a ferocity in his eyes that you remembered every horror story about Blood Druids and thought them all surely true. 
“I’ll naw kill yer father without yer permission wee yin even though I should, fucking hackit wee shite that he is. Seems he left a good bit out of yer schooling.”
That horrible feeling of missing something came to a crescendo. This was confirmation enough that there were some important facts you were missing. Some knowledge held from you that meant you were defenceless against all these new sensations. And it was this monster who was the one to tell you. Although who was it that had always told you that men from the Northern Isles were monsters? His hand now against your face, rough thumb rubbing at your tears, did not feel like that of a monster.
“Gaz and Price I cannae guarantee will be able to stop themselves if they find oot that ye didnae even ken whit they were doing. Fuck hen, we’ve been mean tae ye haven’t we? Poor thing naw even knowing whit’s expected of ye from yer husband.”
“Don’t treat me like a child.”
“Aww dinnae get all bratty on me now jist cause yer mad ye dinnae ken anything,” he cooed, making you feel that way you had with Price, that pulsating anger.
“Well stop using it against me and teach me then!”
John MacTavish had never really pretended to be a good man. He was probably as close to a decent one as he reckoned a young lady could find, but certainly not good. If he were a good man he’d have left, found Kate and asked her to teach this little Duchess all about the romantic and erotic arts. But the temptation to lead you into a little snare wasn’t one he was inclined to ignore. Fuck you were so easily led, so predictably lashing out and giving him exactly what he wanted.
Oh he would be more than happy to teach you all about what you wanted to know, and he  was going to take his time doing it.
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