#yandere persona 5 x reader
beloved-blaiddyd · 2 months
A Tasteless Cup [Yandere!Joker/Reader]
Prompt: After the destruction of your previous reality, you and Akira Kurusu landed in Teyvat. In an effort to stay afloat, Akira had set up a book café in Mondstadt alongside you. However, is this the true flavor of "Freedom"? [Dedicated to: Riley H. Goodheart, for the Alone Together event]
CW: yandere themes, dubious food, manipulation/controlling behavior, toxic relationship dynamic. P.S: Akira is aged up [20s] in this fic, happens after Persona 5.
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To Akira, those he lets into his heart will become an intrinsic part of him. They are more than a trick of a card, more than a mask to mimic and steal for his own, more than a numbers game. Every bit of them is his soul. His relationships are the culmination of his being and, eventually, his raison d'etre. 
And Akira Kurusu had a hard time coping with losing these links. 
To others, relationships are no different from chains. The surrounding people are less a home and more like bars to a cage— a prison. And despite being somewhat of a Mr/Ms. Congeniality, you aren't as affected by the fact that neither of you can return to your respective world.
You are both empty. You have been handed a clean slate, an empty card, and an empty vision.
You are both "fools" again.      
"Bit too early in the morning to start a serious discussion…" Akira tiredly muttered, removing his glasses before rubbing his eyes.
But as long as the sun rises once more, does a rebirth truly matter?
Anyone would be remiss to disregard the sheer jadedness in his eyes and the slight breathlessness of his speech. Akira poured himself a cup. Normally served to others rather than his indulgence, you quietly noticed that his cup lacked sugar. The cafe owner drank and embraced its bitterness, unflinching. 
It's been three months since you both arrived in the world of Teyvat. Getting by as an Outlander proved difficult, and thankfully, Akira is kind towards you and a jack-of-all-trades. One might say he has "maxed out his stats." Charismatic, skilled, and bold, he has the makings for an entrepreneur with a pyro vision to boot. Unsurprisingly, he had become one of old Mond's eligible bachelors in a short time frame. 
So, by just the third week, he managed to persuade Master Ragnvindr with a solid pitch. The cafe you both sit in is a testament to your shared hard work. With his brew proficiency and your hobby of accumulating knowledge through books and art pieces, the cozy place had become a second home for individuals such as the local librarian and the Guild's investigator. 
But you'll always remember his words the night before he was invited into Duke Ragnvindr's study room.
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"Akira, are you sure about this?" You muttered, tugging his sleeve. "Once you finalize it, you can't just..."
"Hmm? Why are you hesitating?" He tilted his chin up slightly, confused. "It's a good way to keep our finances afloat, right? Don't you want to keep collecting books and art supplies? I thought you said you wanted to have a small library someday."
"But, for you to work this much for it-"
"You matter to me. You are the only thing left binding me down here in Teyvat." He casually shot you down, but his light tone could not erase the heaviness of his words. "Besides..."
"Don't you like it when I make a hot cup and fresh pastries just for you?" 
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That dream materialized into something called Cafe LeBlanc. Though he claims the name wasn't his but a charming, cranky old man's— you doubt anyone else can come up with that. But he sounded genuine enough. His unexplainable "silent" face can sometimes make him a hard read.
… This isn't one of those times. You know what's troubling him quite well. 
"Yeah…" you muttered. "Can't we save this conversation for the end of the day instead?"
Akira laughed. 
"Smart," he hummed humorlessly. 
"You know I get too tired to do anything at night except washing dishes and doing crosswords. It's not happening. We'll have this talk now."
Fair enough. Avoiding one's problems is a mindset you never advocated. You'd be a terrible hypocrite if you start now. "Alright, I'll hear you out."
You shifted from your seat, dragging it closer to the counter. Akira downed his cup on the other side, revealing no liquid gold in its bottom. His eyes were wide awake thanks to the caffeine, yet you couldn't even glance upward. 
"(Y/n), do you remember how I got this pyro vision?"
You blinked, unsure how he'd make the fact relevant. Still, you nodded.
A long time ago, you liked how open Akira was about himself. You can tell he had immense trust issues he had worked on fixing. Akira is a good man. Being wrongfully expelled and imprisoned at a young age must've done damages you can't quite comprehend fully. Sometimes, you wish you had the courage to be just as vulnerable, too.
He traced the outline of a pyro symbol on the table with his slender finger collecting not a single dust nor stain. Despite the warmth his vision may hold, it did not detract from the cold atmosphere you both had to face. With the angle you were viewing him, you can't help but notice his eyelashes. They're prettier than yours, you thought. If only his glare wasn't so pointed.
"When I arrived in this world, I was alone and confused. But you? You weren't. I saw your face— the face of someone who had nothing to lose to begin with."
Akira's gaze softened. He was right. You adapted to this new world so suspiciously well. 
"I couldn't tell whether you saw our situation as a positive or whether you thought this whole transfer to another reality was a cruel joke. But I had a feeling you were as horrified as I was. That you couldn't bear the thought of living alone. I think that you also had friends you cared for, but now, you will never be able to hear their voices again."
He breathed in shakily, his eyes heavy. Akira may seem like a silent person, no different from Duke Ragnvindr, but the time you spent together backs up what your instincts are testifying right this second.
There's one true thought in his mind.
After all his efforts.
After all that he has gone through so that you'll stay by his side.
What was it all for?
"So, when a Lawachurl wounded you in Windrise, I stepped in. I can't help but project myself onto you. I thought about how you must also have friends waiting– family waiting– whether it's a cat or a sister— I knew I just had to. I had to risk everything, even if you were just a stranger to me then." He clenched his fists. "And you were worth it. You were absolutely worth every risk. You were worth everything. I knew I had to survive, if not for myself, but to help you."
"Even without some sort of— card– or whatever— to indicate it, I knew our relationship was progressing. That our understanding of each other has reached such high ranks. I know we had become each other's most trusted confidant, so why? Listen, I value freedom too, but—"
He slammed his cup down— you jolted as you heard it chip slightly. It wasn't his intent to scare. Akira would never wish to frighten you. But he can't stop his emotions and movements from being brash and pointed. 
"... Why did you want to quit working with me?"
There it goes.
"Is it because I haven't spent much time with you lately? You know I've been busy with trying to invest in a better flat—"
The pace of his breathing was starting to quicken.
"Kurusu, it's not that…" You need to rationalize this with him. Fast.
"I-Is it because work has been too much? I told you we could hire someone if you feel too faint for the job. I care about your health— hell— maybe even more than you do—"
"Akira, listen to me—"
His futile attempt to maintain control was like an age-weakened thread. The fibers of his composure whittled away string by string, itching to snap entirely. Akira's jaw clenched. 
The manacle may not be anchoring his feet down as it did in the Velvet Room, but there's no denying that doubt is tugging and clawing at his neck. He knew that if he should continue, only strained words would come from his coffee-bitter lips. 
He rubbed his head against his shoulder. He had to have been wiping a tear away, trying to make it unnoticeable but failing.
"But why are you LEAVING m—"
"Behold, for this fine hour, you are not only graced with the presence of soft rays— you are also blessed by myself: Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
"Mein Fräulein meant to say good morning to you both, Arsene and Sholmes."
... Akira chuckled a short and strained sound that could easily be missed by a weak ear.
As though a switch had been flipped, Akira's contorted expression turned back to his customer service smile. You trembled slightly. Perhaps it's a skill he mastered during his part-time worker years in high school, but he seemed a little too good at hiding such overwhelming frustrations— almost shape-shifting.
He's smiling. It's his usual smile he has that has a calm allure and a hint of cockiness.
As if nothing happened five seconds ago.
"Ah, greetings, Your Highness!"
The guests were none other than some of the regulars, Amy and her bird familiar. This blonde, eye-patched girl is the only person in Little Mond who consistently makes Akira act dramatic. 
He bowed, not missing a beat of young Amy's theatrics. After spending so many years chatting with Yusuke, he's gotten used to bouncing back conversations of this nature. Akira enjoys the young investigator's company. He saw tiny bits of his friend in her.
"What shall we, humble servants, offer you this dawn? Will it be your usual order, or does our dear royal have something else in mind entirely? We will do our best to provide you with maximum entertainment! After all, this is your castle, Mein Fräulein."
You stiffened.
He's not letting you go just yet. You caught a glimpse of his dark pupils, slightly moving to meet yours. Imploring you without words to act out of his best interest.
Akira Kurusu has always been a witty man, but there is no way there's no anger beneath that mask.
"Are you alright, Sholmes?" Oz asked.
For whatever reason, Akira persuaded Amy to call you both Arsene Lupin and Herlock Sholmes. The former was likely a nod to his first persona's name. His explanation for the latter was something along the lines of "you strike me as the type who always wants to search for your truth."
You blinked.
Right. You're his version of Sherlock Holmes.
Even here, he gets to dictate everything about you.
"... Yes, Your Highness, to what do I owe the pleasure?" you said. The blonde girl smiled and tilted her head up pompously. 
"What other brew could I possibly order but the darkest taste that leaves any normal mortal to shrivel in imagination?" Amy shrugged, her eyebrow raised as though everyone knew what she babbled on with commendable sass. Her aviator companion thankfully cleared the air— albeit a little too blunt.
"Mein Fräulein desires a cinnamon ginger affogato with more sugar than last time, please. Two spoons for the poor Mein Fräulein."
It's easily one of the least bitter cups on the menu. It consists of vanilla gelato, a tablespoon of espresso powder, cinnamon sticks, hazelnut liqueur, and bits of dried sunsettia. I can't say what would make anyone fear such a thing except for those with complications. Someone else shared the same sentiment.
You and Akira laughed in unison.
Your eyes widened in astonishment. That was in sync. You immediately looked away as Akira busied himself with Amy's order. It was awkward knowing that even with your efforts to cut things off, there was still some vague commonality between you two.
"... Say, your Highness?" Akira smiled softly. "Would it be alright for me to probe some of your most revered royal musings?"
... What is his play this time?
"You have my ears, dear subject."
"Suppose there is a princess who is facing an uphill battle. Furthermore, her valiant knight aspires to rescue her. However, the princess, for unknown reasons, declines his assistance. Is that..." He shut his eyes, laughing that strained chuckle once more. "... equittable?"
"Oh, most grievous indeed! A knight, who is obligated by the code of chivalry, shall always respond to the plea of his princess when she is in peril. His solemn obligation is to protect her honor and safeguard her from any danger!"
Akira looked at you.
His eyes were cold.
"But what if the princess doesn't want to be saved? What if she believes she can handle the situation herself, or maybe she thinks having assistance would make her weak?"
"Ah, but thou dost speak in riddles!" Amy scoffed, unamused. "A princess may exhibit abundant power and courage, yet it is the responsibility of her faithful knight to guarantee her safety, especially when she questions her own necessity. For what good is a knight's valor if not to serve and protect his liege?"
"Would you say her actions essentially strip him of his purpose?"
"Why, of course!" Amy replied with full conviction. "One would not require Oz if he lacks such a necessary trait! It is the basis of our trust– our relationship! A true knight's honor lies not in the glory of battle, but in his unwavering commitment to his princess, even in the face of her refusal."
You sucked in a deep breath.
Akira, you—!
"Speak frankly. Do these inquiries pertain to me?" Amy glared at him. Akira shook his head immediately, umping up his flamboyant voice inflections.
It's about you.
It's always about you when it comes to him.
"Of course not!" Akira feigned worry. "It was for a novel I'm writing— to honor one's love."
… To honor one's "love".
Love? You froze. He calls this relationship love? It hadn't been that for the past few months! Love is meant to be like coming home to a comforting home— not a cold palace with your unfeeling statue at the heart of it all.  
You were hoping that your life would be dictated by what you want it to mean this time around. You hope to create your own purpose, your own identity. You hope to reject his titles—being his partner and his "Sholmes." 
But mostly, you sincerely hoped his words were untrue and did not allude to something as sinister and self-destructive as his love.
Besides, you already have a lover waiting for you to leave this mess behind.
You and he already have everything planned out. A rented flat, food, work— everything is set. The only box to tick off was leaving itself, and then you'll be in your lover's arms.
But you swore.
You swore you just saw him smirk.
"(Y/n), could you please lend me a hand? Can you pass the cinnamon sticks from the cupboard?"
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Starting your day by serving Amy leads to serving a hundred more. You can't just stand up and leave whenever someone asks for your service. It's impossible to make the shortest comment about how you no longer work for LeBlanc, even more so when people beg for book recommendations. Being friendly is part of who you are. It can't be helped.
What made matters worse was that people were ordering seconds. Apparently, Akira must've adjusted all the recipes on the menu because whatever was added to those cups made it all the more divine. You knew his skills were perfection, but to think he could even exceed that...
In the end, despite multiple delays, Akira still got you right where he wanted you.
"Thank you. Please come again!" He escorted the final customer outside and flipped the closing sign himself.
Now, it was just the two of you left.
"... You must be tired." You offered, hoping he wouldn't catch on. "It's been a long day, why don't you take a rest—"
"Nice try." 
Well, it was worth a shot.
You stiffly waited for him to say something. Anything. But instead, he took a kettle off the icebox and heated the stove with his vision. 
"Back to my story, do you remember where we left off?"
The wisest thing to have down was biting your tongue or pretending not to know what he was talking about. Unfortunately, your answer was immediate.
"Something about how you got your vision?"
"Ah, yes, that." Akira laughed. "Say, I told you about how I used to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves when I was in High School, right?"
While waiting, Akira tapped his fingers against the table but stopped when he realized you were becoming distracted. Snapping out of it, you cleared your throat.
"You were stealing hearts in the Metaverse, yes, I recall..." You mumbled. Due to the sudden need to speak, you ended up unwittingly playing by his script again. "You manifested a Persona and used that to reform the heart of rotten adults."
You flinched slightly when his tea was starting to release thin smokes. It smelled too much like rust. Maybe he exhausted it too much today. The customers you had were double the amount. You had to commend his willpower for still managing exceed his usual sleep schedule.
"Isn't the kettle burning?"
"Trust me, it's not," he answered nonchalantly. "I remember when I told my story to you, you were mostly understanding of our actions. You didn't judge us. Rather, you told me that humanity is selfish and destructive."
"But back to how I got my vision," he finally turned the stove off. "I genuinely thought my most distinct trait was my appreciation for Freedom."
"Yet you got a pyro vision." You joked lightly.
He didn't laugh. Instead, he nodded.
"Strange, isn't it?" Akira tilted his head to look at you for a bit, before back at the hot cup he was pouring. It's the same liquid he's been adding the entire day. This must be the last of those ten pints. "Here, try it."
You slowly took it. It's still a bit too warm, so you continued talking.
"I thought about it, too. If we go by theories, it will make more sense if Barbatos blessed me instead. But with you here..." Akira laughed. "Pyro is definitely my element. I'm seeing a pattern with vision-wielders like me. Based on what I've seen so far, pyro users are often the most passionate. And passion can put a leash on freedom when need be."
You took a sip.
He put an elbow on the table and propped his chin on his palm.
"How is it?"
"It's... tasteless?" You blinked. 
You thought he must've added something grand to the cups today. Was it all just one big placebo effect?
"Makes it no different than regular water, huh?"
"Well, yeah, I guess?"
"I've actually been disposing of this the entire day, that's why the coffees looked darker. Diluting the original sample is hard work but worth it. Enough as a substitute for normal water in case we run out. Who knew you could empty 10 pints so quickly in a day..." 
"You. In case you run out." You sighed, finally addressing it. "Akira, I'm no longer your partner."
"So is he."
You both paused.
He returned the kettle to the ice box before unmasking its contents.
"You were near-fatally wounded once before. You tasted it in your mouth when I defended you from that Lawachurl-
"You should know by now that blood isn't supposed to be tasteless."
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Riley H. Goodheart can now message Akira Kurusu
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spicyicetea · 8 months
To change a thief’s heart
Yandere Persona 5 X Reader
Chapter 1: What a nice coffee
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Art by Anastasiya Osichkina
Warning: This story is a yandere x reader story and will contain obsessive, violent and inappropriate behaviour. This story will eventually contain NSFW and various kinks, decently large age gaps and potentially triggering themes so please only read at your own discretion. MDNI
I took the final sip of the warm coffee/tea as the bell above the door jingled. The soft thudding of shoes filled the shop as I placed the cup down and fished around in my bag for my wallet. The cup was almost completely refilled by the time I had placed the cup back on the saucer.
“Ah, you’re back, and you brought your friends. Don’t make a mess or bother the customers alright?” A voice said as I looked to the door at the group of people in uniform.
“Oh? I had no idea you knew people who went to Shujin. You should’ve told me Sojiro, you know I’ve been looking into the Kamoshida incident…” I mumbled puffing my cheeks out.
He just chuckled as he turned to face the group in the doorway. With a flick of the wrist he motioned them in and they gathered around the counter. A girl with pale blonde pigtails messed with her hair before looking at Sojiro.
“Is this your girlfriend mr Sakura?”
I coughed on my coffee and spun to look at them. He laughed, taking the now spilt coffee away from me. After patting my back a few times he put the cloth he had been cleaning with down.
“No, this is Miss Y/N, she’s an… old friend of mine.”
“Hey! I’m not that old Sojiro,” I laughed, standing up from the stool I was on. Fixing my hair, dusting off my sweater vest while smiling at the group. I offered my hand to the central black haired person. “Hello, my name is F/N L/N, I take it you’re the one staying upstairs.”
“Uh, how did you-“
Sojiro interrupted the boy with a hearty chuckle.
“She’s always been like that, people used to think she’s psychic when she first started getting coffee here.”
“So you come here often? I’ve never seen you here before…” The girl questioned.
“Oh, I’ve been away on business. I’m a detective investigating the strange mind breaking incidents. Recently I’ve heard about those Phantom thieves and I think their recent acts are similar and potentially their methods could be linked to the mind breaks.”
“Wait! You for real believe they’re behind it?!”
“No, but I do believe learning their methods could help understand who is abusing this strange phenomenon to murder people.”
“So do you think that the Phantom thieves are… just?” The black haired one said.
I smiled as I slung my bag over my shoulder. “I think those who can view mementos should use their powers for good. So yes, I think they are.” I say before leaving, not missing the shocked face the boy had.
As I left I turned as the black haired person held a boon I had been reading to me. I thanked him and bowed before he said it was unnecessary. He seemed to be holding something back so I just smiled and ran a hand through my hair.
“Your name is Akira, correct?”
His eyes widened and he just nodded.
“I won’t ask you upfront, I know even if you had the answer I suspected you wouldn’t answer truthfully. But, I think I could help you… but I’d need something in return. You were involved in the Kamoshida incident, correct?”
“Do you want to use me for information? Like an interrogation?”
“No, it’s just… my boss is putting pressure on me to find the phantom thieves… he wants them arrested.”
“You want my help to find them?”
“… His name is Akihiro Junpei, he treats the station and all of his colleagues as slaves. He believes that place is his Mansion and we’re just his servants.”
His phone buzzed and he looked at it with wide eyes. Bingo, a perfect hit. I spun on my heel and walked off. It’s going to be fun playing cat and mouse with the phantom thieves.
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lyomeii · 1 year
an older sibling figure
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->warnings: yandere themes, platonic relationship, reader is kinda self aware of his behavior, death mentions, spoiler for the original version of the game,
-> request by anon! hi! i really love your writing style! i was wondering if you could do some headcannons or a little one shot of akechi with like a sibling reader. they aren't actually siblings but he kinda met the reader one day and the reader went "bro why r u so polite all the time?". as in reader kinda gets that he's faking it and stuff. He liked that and kinda hangs out with them. sorry for this very messy request lol thank you and have a great day! and another anon! hii, i love your writing so much! can you do a plutonic hc thing for akechi? like either being a good friend of his or like a sibling like thing? thank you!
->a/n: don’t worry anons ;) I had no problem with tu your request, in fact, you have a good english. hope you enjoy it :) and yes I combined these two request since they are quite similar ;p and proud of myself finishing this way earlier than I expected
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-> akechi is an unique person to your eyes. you never met someone so fake like him that manage to entertain you in such way, not even the greatest tv shows nor gossip catch your attention like him. So why not approach him and befriend the famous detective boy?
-> you catch him off the guard with your words, friends and no shame in your voice when reminding him to be the real him whatever you two are alone. How could you discover that? Are you someone hired to destroy him? No? You are trying to know him better? That’s weird, but akechi allows it to happen.
-> quickly befriend with goro, yeah he said to call him that way, you leaned much about his personality and life style ( at least what he let you know about him ). He enjoy the time he spend with you, how he can express himself with no worry to you abandon him, by the opposite, you always looked so proud of him with all those achievements and even give him homemade pancakes! Is that joy he feels? Maybe. He loves knowing that someone cares about him.
-> didn’t took much time you two become closer, you acting like the older sibling that akechi never had, someone to take care of him and be protective of while the detective took the role of the younger and sometimes problematic brother. A great duo, if you think. And he hopes that none will destroy that.
-> when the phantom thieves began gaining popularity, you got extremely worried over akechi’s health, he doesn’t eat as much as before, sleep neither talk with you as used to. Because of that, you’ve to take alternative ways to find a solution and that took you to visit a cafe.
-> there you met ren, sojiro, futaba and a cute cat, morgana if you recall. they looked friendly and seem to know akechi by how you mentioned his name, so you asked them if something had had happened in your friend’s life to he acting this way, but the three don’t know or are too uncomfortable to tell you, making you leave the cafe without answers.
-> the thieves got interest on you, after all, who are you? How you closer to akechi and what are your intentions with him? Could you be a spy? They made futaba search about your past, but nothing special show up, except for you being a closer friend ( and probably the only) that the detective trust and cares about. With that in mind, they start look forward to kno you better, to discover more about akechi and his intentions.
-> he didn’t like that, never in a millions years, goro would let you met and befriended the thieves! You know them for a few days, yet you act they are old friends from school, are you going to replace him for the thieves? He can’t let that happen! He can’t lose against ren and the others!
-> the day you promised to met with yusuke at the cafe, you never show up neither when futaba asked you to accompany her to a game shop and to the little met with ann and ryuji… something bad happened with you and they have a guess who could have been behind it, yet how they are going to get akechi to confess? How they will tell your parents about it?
-> til this happen, you are going to stay at goro’s place where you can’t leave without him neither contact anyone you love or care about. You don’t have anyone to rely one except for me, he says. None one will ever find you, he added. Those words are making you losing hope as days passed and you might start to believing him after all, he is your “ younger brother”, your only family now.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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leblancc · 2 years
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after weeks of helplessly watching as he loses you to the leader of the phantom thieves, he can no longer sit back and do nothing. an innocuous message later and he lures you to this month’s palace to settle things once and for all. as they say, desperate means come to desperate measures. ft. goro akechi
— THEMES: yandere au, gender neutral reader, major spoilers, the palace is left ambiguous, goro has his hand around the reader’s neck at the end, fear, dark themes, implied romantic relationship with joker.
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Your throat burns with every inhale you take. Your legs ache with each lunge and every step across the floor beneath. Your entire being desperately seeks a respite that you won’t allow yourself to have. No. Not won’t, but can’t, because if you stop, you’re screwed.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been running for and such a thing is beyond irrelevant in the current moment, but you hope that whatever time frame it has been since you’ve stepped foot in the cognitive realm ignites a spark of concern in someone to help you get out of this mess. What you do know is that no matter where you go, you’re met with the terrifying realization that you’re nowhere close to the exit than you were when you first started. The walls and decorations strewn about blurred together into splatters of color than any coherent hint that could have given you a general idea of your current location on the static mental image of the Palace map your teammates collected. It felt more like running in an endless loop than through a complex labyrinth that you thought you knew well enough to confidently traverse, but your increasing panic was doing numbers on you. From your composure, to your recollection of what you thought you knew by heart, and ending at the dwindling stamina by tearing it to shreds as you would with a wrapped present. The metaphor was rather savage, but so was he and you were sure he’d do just that to you.
He was there before you could move to turn the corner and he was there when you looked back. He was everywhere, and it made you start to wonder if it was really him or a haunting fragment of your imagination being used against you. It was as though he was shifting the cognition to his every whim to frighten you enough that you ended up pleading for mercy, or to simply wait until you tired yourself out of health and magic. Or maybe he just liked to see you defeated at his feet. Or rather, to make sure you couldn’t wander too far from his bloodied grasp without him allowing you to do so first. All of those theories seemed rational enough, but you’d never know with him. What did you know? Apparently nothing because he read you like an open book from front to back and took elaborate notes that made you question how much you knew about yourself. He knew what to do to bend you to his very will to allow yourself to willingly step into his trap, what to say to the newest member of the Thieves without eliciting suspicion because you knew no better. How predictable were you to someone like him? The maniac laughter that echoed through the halls and your ears became a cruel answer that you would have rather done without.
Any and all items that Joker had given to you throughout your journey as Phantom Thieves had been used up early on in this wicked game of cat-and-mouse you had no say in joining. They left you with pockets lined with wrappers and bottles that you didn’t dare toss behind you in fear he’d use that as a trail, but a small voice whispered in your ear that he knew regardless. The recently awakened wildfire of willpower that allowed you to summon your Persona was but a meager flame that became impossible to reignite when any and all of the matches in your palms slipped between your fingers like grains of sand. You could feel the spirit of rebellion deep within you and the fact that you were still in your getup and had your mask was a relieving sign that it was still there, but no matter how many times you tried to call out for it or extend your hand outward for that resolute power it felt so far away like a distant memory. You were sure your lack of experience had something to do with that, but it didn’t help that you had used some of it up before the chase and during it to get through the Shadows blocking your escape.
The ammunition to your firearm had replenished itself countless times after successful chains of counterattacks against Shadows you were unfortunate enough to be caught by. You liked to think that it was out of your own budding talent that you managed to escape in one piece, but also a miracle that you were able to get away before something far more sinister started to nip at your heels. You could always start chucking the empty bottles of what were once healing items at him if you grew desperate enough in hopes that it would slow him down. Your time was limited, but the longer you were caught by a create naive to your turmoil, the sooner he would draw near. It’s thanks to the team leader that your weapon has several upgrades—an unprompted yet generous decision—that you were sure that you could take down any opponent who stood in your way. Any that didn’t resist or block them, in any case, but knocking them down at the very least long enough for you to flee the least you asked for.
Shadows were one thing and something you had grown accustomed to battling knowing that it was being of distortion, but using your weaponry against another person? This was a matter of life and death—if not yours, then that of someone you treasured dearly—but could you pull the trigger on him? Someone who had a life outside of the Metaverse and actual flesh? Someone you knew and cared about? How could you care about someone who was doing this to you? You wondered, but that didn’t stop the memories you cherished from appearing at the forefront of your mind, almost chipping away your caution. Once cherished. Not anymore. Your finger rested on the trigger, but struggled to find the resolve to squeeze when his charming smile and memories of the fun hangouts materialized. Trying to use your blade on him was no easier, but the phantom feeling of plunging it deep into his chest left you borderline nauseous. You hated it, and you hated him. You hated yourself most of all for falling into the same trap thousands of other people have before you and it wasn’t until now that you actually started to care.
Thinking of his calculated but easy smile, every feature that you found to be quite attractive and flattering not too long ago, rekindled the memory of the catalyst of the game you were tossed into. His slaughter of Shadows left and right fueled what was meant to be a passionate confession that became warped and vile in seconds until he refused to hear what you were saying at all. You had never seen the Detective Prince lose his composure before, so his sudden fit of anger-induced hysterics was terrifying. The princely garb of red, white, and gold was consumed by a dark miasma until it was replaced by black and blue with shredded ends and a dark helmet. The sight of it and the wicked smile fit the descriptor you had only heard mentions of from your teammates. You didn’t believe it at first, this couldn’t be happening, but it wasn’t until he mercilessly slaughtered the appearing Shadows with twisted taunts and screams. It only got worse when one tried to attack you, where his anger seemed to become significantly worse despite your attempts of calming him and yourself down.
You expected him to summon Robin Hood in all of his glory, and yet it didn’t appear. Instead, he called a different name entirely. One you recognized from folklore alone, but as a Thief who believed they knew their ally, it was totally foreign. There was something undoubtedly regal and heroic about it in appearance, and the massive insignia on its chest amplified that. The way its cape flapped behind it was majestic and you’d never forget how it protected you without Crow’s command, as well as the way it looked at you before it disappeared: with nothing but human affection. What stood in Robin Hood’s place was a massive and lanky entity that sat perched on a red blade pierced into the ground, hunched over with a hand against its cheek. With two long horns that curled behind it, it was covered in asymmetrical black and white stripes with golden hooves and incredibly long braids tainted with red at the ends. It had no facial features, but its stare bore into you and the red smile that looked like it was scribbled on in marker unsettled you.
Unable to continue any longer, your legs gave out from under you with a buckle and a surprised yelp. Nothing about what happened next registered in your head until there was a chill against your cheek that felt freaking amazing against your sweat-soaked skin and you were pressed against smooth tiles. Your vision was hazy at best, but what you could make out was the weakened distortion sitting right in front of you. You knew you couldn’t stay in there for any longer than a minute, but you didn’t know how much longer you could keep pushing yourself on fear and determination to escape alone. Your arms and legs trembled as you tried to pick yourself back up and refused to allow you on your aching feet, so you crawled with whatever energy you could muster up. One arm and leg at a time, you dragged yourself forward as fast as you could but it felt more like crawling through quicksand, growing slower and slower until you were collapsed against the floor again. The best you could do was twitch your fingers and listen to the erratic and booming heartbeat in your ears, but you could go no further.
Get up. Your body remained still, unable to obey your command. Get. Up! He’ll-
A squeal of metal silenced everything around you and you froze as though your stillness would render you invisible, but you knew there wasn’t anything else you could do. If you believed hard enough, maybe you would and that this could be a cruel dream. Your eyes drew upwards as far as they could go where they caught onto the door sliding open. A flash of hope overcame you, that Joker and his miraculous powers were here to keep you safe as he had promised. You tried his name on your tongue, but your voice barely cracked out a syllable. A chuckle sounded, one you knew wasn’t your leader’s, and your blood ran cold. Dark shoes framed by blue and black wisps of cloth wandered closer until they were right in front of you, soon kneeling. He easily tossed you over onto your back, causing a wheeze to leave your lips and you should have socked him in the face for chuckling. Your anger must have been palpable because it only spurned him on a bit more as he lingered at your side, as if he wasn’t just chasing you.
You didn’t know what hurt more: Everywhere on your body, his betrayal, or the smile that brought on tainted memories you’d regretfully always cherish. It was as if nothing was going on at all, as if this was just another hangout between the two of you. The way his eyes closed as his lips turned upwards and poked into the bottom of his eyes, one you noticed that only occurred around you when it hardly reached his cheeks with others. A hint you blindly overlooked. Your fingers twitched again, and it was only then that you realized you were without your gun. You must have dropped it because it refused to materialize like your melee weapon, but even that proved difficult. You weren’t sure if he noticed your attempts, but if he did then he was certainly not giving you much of a reaction. He moved to be on top of you until he was straddling your hips and leaning over you where his breath fanned across your face. His hand curled around your throat but had yet to squeeze despite the twitching as the other rested on your cheek, gloved fingers brushing against the skin beneath your mask.
“I found you.”
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frickingnerd · 3 months
throw away your mask
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pairing: ren amamiya / joker x gn!reader
summary: after finding out about the deal your boyfriend made with the god of control, you confront him! but ren has since changed...
tags: evil joker, kinda yandere joker too, established relationship, angst, spoilers for persona 5's bad ending, implied corruption
a/n: i replayed persona 5 and went for a bad ending this time! after seeing evil joker, i had to write this immediately! <3
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“w-who are you…?”
the man in front of you wore your boyfriend's face, but there wasn't a single trace of the boy you once loved. ren amamiya was a good guy, who wanted to help people! never would he have made a deal with a god, that only brought suffering upon people!
“you know me.”
ren's eyes were covered by his glasses, making his expression impossible to read. only the hint of a smile on the corner of his lips was there to show any sort of emotion.
“you're not the boy i fell in love with! the ren amamiya that i know would've never sided with a god, much less the god of control! how could you betray everything the phantom thieves stood against!?”
ren took a step towards you, his lips parting, as he was ready to talk back at you. but you quickly stepped back and cried out:
“don't come any closer!”
ren adjusted his glasses, finally allowing you to get a glimpse of his eyes. they were staring at you uncomfortably from behind those glasses, almost as if they were piercing right through you. could this really be the same boy you once fell in love with? could those same kind eyes that made you feel all warm and fuzzy now scare you like this?
“i didn't betray the phantom thieves. i saved us! we can continue our work and finally get the recognition we deserve! the public loves us, just like they should! isn't that what we all wanted? we are heroes!”
he sounded insane! with each word that left his lips, you felt more disgusted with him. is this truly how he viewed the world? how he viewed the phantom thieves?
“heroes? don't make me laugh!” you yelled at ren. “you are not a hero! you are the villain of this story! you enslaved the whole world for your selfish wants! you are no better than those we took down! you are… just like them…”
for a split second, ren's face distorted. your words seemed to wound him, but the anger quickly faded from his face again. slowly, he stepped forward. even as you took steps backwards, it was impossible for you to escape him. soon, he had you cornered, his hand resting on your cheek.
“i am not like the palace rulers we disposed of. they were weak fools, but me? i am on the same level as a god now! the people worship and adore me! all of us, all phantom thieves, can be as gods! we can forever continue this way of life! we never have to change! we can simply live as heroes, worshiped like gods, for eternity!”
a twisted smile had spread over ren's face.
“why should we waste our time worrying about humans? humanity is enslaved by the god of control? well, this isn't our problem! you and i, we stand above them! so, join me! you and i, we can become as gods! you only have to join me and give up your foolish rebellion against me…”
ren took a step back, yet reached out his hand towards you. he didn't force you to take it, but whether you'd accept his hand or reject him would change your life forever. there were only two options; either you were with him or against him!
“what do you say, darling? will you choose humanity over me? or will you come to your senses and realize you belong by my side?”
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Phantom Thieves x reader
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A/n: So, I'm taking a break from The Last of Us to write some P5 headcanons. After this, I'm going to start on Regret pt.2 and then some headcanons for The Last of Us, so expect that this weekend. Please Like, Comment, and Relog if you enjoy. (Also warning, I am very much American and don't know how the Japanese schooling system works, so please take that into account before reading)
The Phantom Thieves are as thick as, well, thieves. They are pretty protective of each other, mostly due to all they been through together. They were all once loners and outcasts, you know? That's a big reason why you become friends with them.
You transferred to Shujin in your second year. You were new to the area, and you weren't in a rush to make friends. You planned on just keeping to yourself until you graduated. Unlike a lot of your peers, you were not that worried about the "delinquent" school who was on parole. You've seen him around hanging with some other students. He didn't look that bad. His friend group was pretty diverse though, a true delinquent and a model, both of which were in your year.
A part of you was jealous, this guy who was branded as a criminal was able to make more friends than you. You shouldn't be upset at him for something that he can't control, but when you're eating lunch alone and catch them out of the corner of your eye, or when your when you're at the shopping district and you hear them loudly talking in the store you're in, even over your music, you can't help but get agitated. It's like they're following you, flaunting their friendship in your face.
You were doing your thing for about a few months before the supposed delinquent introduced himself to you. Akira Kurusu was his name, and he asked if you wanted to have lunch with him and his friends. You were kind of surprised, since he's literally never talked to you before this, nor has any of his friends. You were reluctant to except his invitation, thinking it was some sort of a prank, but you took the risk, since you were very desperate for friends.
Lunch was nice, and you learned a lot about his friend group. Akira was very much, not a delinquent, and shared some food with you. The real delinquent, Ryuji Sakamoto, was also really nice. He was pretty talkative and argued a lot with one of Akira's other friend Ann Takamaki. She was girly and sweet, which made it impossible to dislike her. Finally, there was Makoto Niijima, a third year, and the student council president. She was definitely the most intimidating, but of course, she was very nice, even offering to help you study if you ever needed.
You really enjoyed your time together with them. It was surprising that such a seemingly tightknit group was willing to let you hang out with them. At first, you thought this was a onetime thing, them just taking pity on a new student, but then the next day they acted confused when you went to your regular spot for lunch, Ann having to drag you over to their table. Then a week past and you had each of their phone numbers, each of them texting you nonstop. After a month went by, you met their other friend, Yusuke Kitagawa, who was definitely strange, but still very friendly and likeable.
You even got to meet Akira's strange cat Morgana, who definitely seemed more human than cat. You've seen him around school, appearing in some of the areas you would hang around by yourself. You assumed it was a coincidence, that they Akira took him in because he was a stray, but you couldn't help but feel as though he was watching you.
It was a strange friendship, but you were thankful, nonetheless. However, they were times when they would disappear for a while, with very little words for why. When you'd ask, they would play it off as being busy. You knew it was a lie, all of them were busy? At all the same time? Not very likely.
A part of you thought the problem was you. They all conveniently stopped hanging out with you around the time they became friends with another third year, Haru Okumura, a semi-celebrity and a young prodigy Futaba Sakura. They were obviously bored of you; you didn't offer them anything. You weren't extremely smart or attractive, nor were you particularly talented at anything. You were nothing compared to them, of course they wouldn't want to be around you anymore.
You stopped hanging out with them, and slowly stopped responding to their messages, even when your phone blew up with messages asking about where you were. You didn't show up to school as often, your grades dropping. You didn't care about your grades anymore, to busy wallowing in yourself pity to even notice your friends attempts on reaching out to you.
The Phantom Thieves were worried. Everything was going fine until you randomly stopped talking with them. You didn't respond to their messages, nor did you show up to school, so how were they supposed to help you? Ryuji immediately accused you of having a palace, and it took both Akira and Makoto both to calm him down enough so that they could come up with a plan to help you. Haru suggested that they just corner you at your home, which they of course new the location of. They all agreed that that would be the best solution.
When they arrived at you home, they let themselves in, knowing that your family wouldn't be home around this time. Ryuji immediately finds your room and starts demanding that you talk to them, even when you tell him to go away. After many minutes of pleading from the Phantom Thieves, you finally told them how you were feeling.
They all were conflicted. They didn't know whether or not to just straight up tell you what's been going on, since there's a large chance you wouldn't believe them. However, the took the chance and told you everything, claiming they were The Phantom Thieves. At first you though it was a joke, that they came up with an outlandish excuse for ignoring you, but you remembered the calling cards littered around the school during the incident with Mr. Kamoshida. You remember feeling eyes on you when you picked up one of them and read it out to yourself. Suddenly, everything made a little bit more sense.
It was strange, learning that your friends were a secrete group of vagilities, but you were happy to have them back. Though, you couldn't help but feel as though they were more possessive. Suddenly, one of them was walking you to and from school. You were always with one of them when they weren't busy, and they were checking up on you obsessively when they couldn't be with you. It became a little suffocating, but you assumed that's just what friends do, right?
A/n: Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to request persona 5 stuff from now on.
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random-and-average · 11 months
Yandere Maruki Takuto Headcanons
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Author's Note: What can I say? I simp for the clumsy man with the messiah complex. (Actually, I just simp for a good amount of the Confidant cast because you cannot tell me that Ryuji, Akechi, Haru, Joker, Yusuke, and Iwai wouldn't treat their loved one right. Do I have a problem? Maybe.)
Content Warning(s): Mentions of psychological manipulation, possible OOC Maruki
Regardless of how you met him, Maruki will always cherish you
Rain or shine, you can guarantee that he will do everything in his power to make you as happy as you make him—which is an amount that cannot possibly be quantified due to the fact that you make him so extraordinarily and immensely joyous
(And when I mean everything in his power, I truly mean everything in his power, but I’ll address that point later)
Even if the two of you are polar opposites, he will try his best to make you smile in his own way
I’d like to imagine that he’s a hopeless romantic too
While his career field usually makes one more practical and pragmatic, Dr. Maruki still holds onto the dream of being able to share an idealized romance with someone
Because of this, he’ll often write letters and poems professing his love for you, even though you two might already be in a relationship
Romantic dinners are a frequent occurrence, and they’ll either be at a place that is very expensive, significant to the two of you, or well-known for serving your favorite type of food
Just imagine that you want fried chicken, and he takes you out for some gourmet place that serves the best fried chicken you ever had in your life
Obviously, he always pays the bill
In fact, you never get to see the final price of the meal because he refuses to let you see the bill in the first place
Don’t worry though! He doesn’t mind the price
Seeing your face light up in delight makes the cost of the food completely worth it
There’s only one problem: he likes keeping all of this a secret from you in order to surprise you, but his clumsy disposition often results in you finding out anyway
In a perfect world, you would wake up to an eloquent letter—filled with nothing but compliments and thanks—right beside your pillow; though in actuality, Maruki trips on air and faceplants onto the ground with his letter in hand, waking you up immediately and spoiling the surprise
(In that situation, he prepares an amazing breakfast as an apology despite any protests from you that he doesn’t have to apologize)
When it comes to comforting you (and, if needed, providing advice), Maruki never fails to make to feel better as he’ll go out of his way to make the space comfortable for you before sitting next to you and listening to whatever is troubling you
If you prefer him to comfort you physically, he’ll give you all the hugs and cuddles you want until you feel better
Unless he has to deal with something extremely important, his time will be entirely dedicated to you and reducing your sorrow
(Although, it’d be important to note that advice he will provide might be a bit biased)
On another note, you can bet that he will always have your favorite snacks and candy on hand
But, don't think that Maruki is a complete softie
However, I can't blame you if you do think that way since he only shows you his more vulnerable and affectionate side
For all of the man's clumsiness, he is still capable of perfectly executing a malicious scheme
This is mainly done through psychological and emotional manipulation
(As one, the doctor literally studied the mind, and two, he is aware that he doesn't pose that much of a physical threat)
Any potential romantic rivals are driven away, believing that their flaws make them worthless individuals that burdens others
Your friends/family that don't like him become ostracized as he makes them out to be overly critical people who has it out for him for no apparent reason
And after all of this manipulation, he is still seen as the perfect boyfriend, or husband (。ᐤヮᐤ 。), that is head over heels in love with you
(Okay, so the last part is true, but not the first part)
Unless he wants you to know of his schemes, you are most likely none the wiser to his wicked ways!
Once his Persona fully awakens and he takes control of reality, Maruki will make the world your paradise, even if it's at the expense of other people
(I did say he'd do everything in his power to make you happy)
You wish that you didn't have to work a day in your life? Suddenly, you are a billionaire as some mysterious benefactor chose you as the lucky person to receive all of his money!
You really miss a deceased loved one or a pet? They never passed away, silly!
You want someone gone? Who are you talking about? No one even remembers they existed in the first place.
(He decided that simply removing them from reality was the best possible method of getting rid of them without causing emotional suffering onto those who don't deserve it)
"I love you so, so, so much, sweetheart. You're my entire world, just as I am yours."
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love-toxin · 2 years
omg are we talking p5....i wouldn't mind ryuji being my yandere because he's just so cute 🥺 yes we can go get 5 bowls of ramen and yes we can do whatever u want bc i love that one brain cell floating around
you are touching my brain wrinkles rn i love u......mwah.....my hand has been coerced.....
Yandere Ryuji Sakamoto HCs
cws: yandere, jealousy, college-era phantom thieves, stalking, mentions of murder, intense worshipper complex, ryuji being well-endowed, rough sex, bruises, pregnancy mention
☆ hc / ♡ spicy hc / ♀️♂️ gendered hc / ‼️ dark hc
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☆ Ryuji just happens to bump into you everywhere, primarily at school but also around the city when you're out and about. Each time it happens he tries to strike up a conversation, a couple times you've heard him psyching himself up and practicing beforehand, but when he doesn't he just slinks away and you think that's the end of it--not that he's hanging around and watching you from afar, which he is. It's rare that he's not, not that you've ever noticed.
☆ When he awakens his Persona, he feels unstoppable. It just hits him like a train that he has power, he can protect you, and he gets so much bolder than he was, though he still has to work himself up to talk to you or look you in the eyes. He just fantasizes about rescuing you from villains and getting a kiss from you for his efforts, wondering if he'll ever get to hear you call his name first when you're in trouble.
☆ While his friendship with Akira is too strong to crumble completely, he does get wildly jealous when you show any kind of affection for him, no matter how benign. It could be as simple as chatting away with him on the train or between classes, and Ryuji will be biting his tongue and clenching his fists to keep from throwing something or punching someone. Even if he can't identify exactly why he feels so strongly about it (because it's more than just jealousy, he can feel it) he knows that it's a feeling he has to tamp down as much as possible, because it'll surely scare you away if he shows that side of him to you.
☆ Speaking of friends, his whole friend group knows and routinely teases him for treating you so differently than he does anyone else. He's soft with you and gentle like he isn't with other people, he drops everything to talk to you and you make him laugh so hard even when your jokes aren't the least bit clever. Sometimes they poke fun at him for being so crude and loudmouthed and that he doesn't have a chance with you, especially since he can barely string together a sentence when you fluster him, but they know how much he likes you--some of them have an inkling of just how much, and although it's concerning, those people keep their mouths shut for the most part. Especially considering the tongue lashing they know they'll get if they say a bad word about you.
☆ His love languages are gifts and acts of service, both of which can have a lot to do with food. He'll give you things you never asked for either because he knows you need them, because he snooped on you or because it just reminded him of you and he thought you'd like it. It could be anything from little trinkets, drinks from the vending machines, pens, snacks, bread from the school store, or even an offer to join him for dinner which he promises will be on him. Usually that's ramen, with loooooots of ginger!
☆ In this same vein, acts of service encompass a lot of things, too. He'll sneak an extra pencil or an eraser into your backpack in case you lose yours, and he'll insist on offering you his water bottle because it's important to stay hydrated, and no it doesn't matter if you're playing sports or not. It's still important. Give him his indirect kiss. He'll run things for you if you mention needing to drop something off, he'll pick up things like library books or study materials from your teachers for you (and ignore the scrutinizing looks and disparaging comments from them), and he even risks being late to class when he runs all the way to your house and back to get the assignment you needed to hand in that day and forgot. For lack of better term, he does husband duties at a friend price--he's hoping to change that one day, though.
☆ You know that Ryuji will do anything you ask, he's practically waiting in anticipation for you to ask something of him so he can show you how devoted he is and how capable he can be. He doesn't care if people look down on him for hanging around a nice person like you, but he does get irrationally mad if someone makes a comment about you because you're hanging around him. He's completely convinced that you're nothing but an angel, that even your flaws are beautiful, and that's probably the only way you'll truly understand how he feels about you--when he blurts those feelings out while he's arguing with one of those guys spreading rumours about you, all while you're standing in earshot. So if you ask him, no matter how meekly, if he can do one more thing for you--if he can be your boyfriend--Ryuji is obviously more than eager to fulfill that wish, even though he's embarrassed about the way he confessed.
☆ And being your boyfriend means there's much more room for him to stretch his overprotective muscles. Just being your friend and defending you against rumours or ill whispering just doesn't ring as right as your boyfriend. Trust him, he'll use that term a lot, and in an especially smug way whenever someone either compliments you or tries to ask you out. "See that one there? That one's mine. I'm their boyfriend." he'll say with a grin, his arms folded over his puffed chest, because how much better does it get than this? Even though he's even more scrutinizing about people getting near you, it's totally worth it to have you look at him like he holds the world, even though you're the one that makes it better just by existing. And he's quite happy with that arrangement.
☆ It evolves, though, his obsession with you. Talking about you and showing off your pictures to people isn't enough, it doesn't fully encapsulate how wonderful you are, and he needs more. He both wants people to keep their filthy hands off you and to realize that you're better than anyone they'll have ever met--he wants you to be untouchable to everyone but him, maybe even him, because he's the one that deserves you the least. The worshipper complex develops in him slowly, but it'll come to a head, rest assured. There will come a time when things between you aren't as sweet, and Ryuji will be willingly destroying his life just to lift you up. Abandoning school, ignoring his friends, forgetting about his future.....nothing matters unless it has to do with you.
☆ The only one who can stop him is you. You're the one who has to stop him in his tracks, and encourage him to attend to the things he has to do to get by and will make him happy (even though he insists you're the only one he needs to do that). If you don't facilitate that regression back to his usual self, Ryuji will completely unravel--and that's when he's the most likely to end someone for your own good. That's when he might turn on his own friends just to make an example out of them, while you watch on in horror.
‼️ The worst of this would be if you're also a Persona user, but you're not like him or the others. If you share a similar power to Akira, and you have access to the Velvet Room, Ryuji will be consumed with jealousy over the fact that you two share something he doesn't. You two have a bond that's just different from everyone else's, and you can be sure that Ryuji will be trying to inject himself into those whispered conversations you have--and if he can't, he'll be listening in on them. He can be so stealthy that even Akira won't notice him, and if he hears one word of perceived flirtation or affection, then your black-haired friend might suddenly become indisposed for your upcoming mission. Maybe permanently, depending on how much force Ryuji ends up using in his rage.
♡ Ryuji doesn't know his own strength in many aspects, and the bedroom is also one of those places. Sweet, sensitive Ryuji is not a virgin, but he's not experienced either. His first time was some girl in his third year of high school that he barely even remembers, only that it was embarrassing and a bit unsatisfying to boot. Mostly because he wasn't able to please her, didn't know how, so he's determined not to make the same mistake with you. Meaning, of course, that he's desperate to prove himself--and that he may leave some bruises on you and ruin your ability to walk straight in the process.
♡ He's well aware that sticking it in and calling it a day is not the way to go--so he does what most would be too anxious or proud to do, and he asks you what you like. It's just as good if you don't know, cause you can figure it out together. But if you do, Ryuji pays close attention to everything you say and every area you reveal is most sensitive. He's mostly a neck kisser and a thigh grabber, so if those places are your sweet spots, he'll have quite the fun time seeing how he can get you to react to his mouth and his fingers. He might even suggest touching yourselves in front of each other before trying anything too serious first, to get a feel for what each of you like. And while it's definitely a plus for Ryuji to get to see you so vulnerable and cute, you'll also get to see how totally ruined he can look when he's getting off (because he definitely doesn't hold back) and get a gauge on the size you're working with, cause wow. Whatever you were expecting, it doesn't do his real self justice--it doesn't even begin to measure up to what you're gonna face, which may be either thrilling or anxiety-inducing depending on your experience.
♡ He's completely content with spending the initial moments of foreplay with his clothes on, his lips on your neck, and his hand down your underwear as he lies next to you in bed. He'll lick and spit on his own fingers to make it nice and easy to move around down there, but he won't spend much time away from that soft spot above your collar--he leaves mark upon bruise upon sore little teeth imprint, all spelling out the warning "this belongs to me" without having to say a word.
♡ By the time it gets to penetration, which doesn't always happen if he can get you off sufficiently before then, Ryuji is riled up. This is where strength often becomes a problem--he can barely keep it together long enough to get a condom on, so when he slides in for the first time of the night, he's almost totally gone within seconds of the sensation hitting him. Ryuji will just go hard, pounding your poor guts into mush with hips so wide and strong that it feels like he might crush you, and he could if he really wanted to. But he would never--he much prefers you to be alive, especially when you make such sweet mewls and squeaks and moans when there's air in your lungs and your body's pinned underneath his.
♡ As one might expect, he's a big fan of hitting it from behind. The act of dragging your hips back to meet his thrusts, his blunt nails dug into the fat there to leave visible marks, just strokes that spot inside him that makes him feel like he could cum just thinking about it. Each buck of his hips is so strong it's enough to bruise, and his size doesn't make it any easier, so it's almost certain that he's going to leave you bedridden more often than not if you don't ask him to be gentle.
♡♀️ If you're a female or you're able to carry a pregnancy, yandere Ryuji will beg you to think about having a baby with him. He's on track to getting a good job, he's got money now, and he wants a little product of your love so badly. What better way to flaunt you around as his precious partner than to have a baby cradled in your arms? And he would treat you like such a princess when you're pregnant, it would be just like when you first started dating, except to an even higher power. He would literally ban you from walking as soon as you get to the third or fourth month when you're really starting to show, and would insist on carrying you and your baby around whenever he's home. Refer to him as "papa" or "daddy" when you're talking about him as a father, and Ryuji will just melt right in front of you.
☆ He's just such a good man at heart, such a sweet man, that luring you in to his love is not nearly the task that one might think it is based on his reputation. He can make you love him without really trying, or trying so hard he abandons every other thought in his mind--because you're really all there is residing in there anyways.
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spitdrunken · 11 months
maruki concepts that are bouncing around in my brain;
notes: yandere(? not really but i see how it could be read as such here haha)
After becoming the God of Happiness and realising his ideal, Maruki ceases to be human, and instead becomes a concept. He is generally believed to be a being that exists on a different plane of existence, and as Mementos and reality are now merged, that is what he becomes. His presence, as he watches over the humans he loves more than himself, is nothing more than a warmth at their back, or a brush against their cheek, or in happy coincidences. Every day that he exists like this, another part of his sense of self chips away, and Takuto Maruki is a name that is lost to time. That is, until you can see him. 
Being kept in a tucked away corner of Maruki’s palace, filled with trees heavy with fruit, affectionate doves that nuzzle up against you, and a thick layer of vines and flowers covering the floor. (Sometimes, out of the corner of your eye, you see these vines moving. Sometimes, when you walk, you feel them pulsate underneath your feet.) Everything you can think of that you want, appears right in front of you. The only thing you could wish for is that you would be alone a little less, but Takuto, as he tells you to call him, visits you at least once a day. At a time, you tried to ask him about how you got here, and what happened, but though he answered you, what he actually told you is a blur. When you try to remember, your head hurts, your vision blurs, and your ears ring, so you’ve stopped trying. The door is there, it’s unlocked, but you’ve never tried to leave.
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cryptid-catnip · 10 months
Yandere!Makoto Niijima Headcanons
that's right I'm doing p5 stuff now (I'm currently doing all the socialinks for p3 and p4, so expect stuff for that)
Makoto is a very intense, and lucid, yandere. Her self-worth issues, which still stick around even after she joins the Phantom Thieves, would lead her to experience yandere tendencies. However, if you met her before her awakening, her obsession would be much more severe.
That doesn't mean that she wouldn't be any less ashamed of it. She would be all too aware that her obsession is wrong, but you're just... too amazing. She would fill notebooks upon notebooks with rambling about you and how amazing you are, collect pictures of you, she would even build a shrine of you. She knows she shouldn't be like this, she knows it's wrong, she knows it's not normal, but she just... can't resist you.
About that shrine, she would build it in a place where her sister wouldn't be able to find it. She would be terrified of her sister finding out about her obsession and thinking ill of her, even after her awakening, and that fear, as well as her own lucidity as a yandere, would lead to her trying to suppress her obsession for as long as she could.
She would even think about changing her own heart, but wouldn't be able to bring herself to do it.
She would definitely think of her obsession as an addiction, one that, for all her will power, she just couldn't be able to fight, and one that she can't help but indulge in. Every time she thinks of you, her obsession would grow deeper.
Eventually, she wouldn't be able to take it anymore, she needs you. She begins stalking you to learn your routines better, and, eventually, even though it's horrible and she would see herself as a monster for doing it, she would kidnap you. She needs to have you to herself. She takes as many precautions as humanly possible to not be caught, and she would bring you to her and her sister's apartment (The one time her sister's constant work worked to her advantage). She would as good care of you as possible, but she would still gag you. She would constantly assure you that it's for her own good, she just needs you to be quiet, she can't let her sis hear you.
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yyxandere · 4 months
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Note: These peices of fiction with yandere themes are strictly for entertainment purposes. I do not condone with any of the following in real life. If triggered I highly suggest to click off. Yandere are only kept to be fictional!
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𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚 [𝟏]
[𝐍𝐨𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐨𝐮]
[𝐊𝐞𝐢 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐨]
[𝐘𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢]
[𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚]
[𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚]
[𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐚]
[𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐤𝐨 𝐔𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢]
[𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐨]
[𝐘𝐮𝐤𝐚 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐞]
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nunezs-stuff · 1 year
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She's a soft spoken and gentle person.
She also likes wearing Mary Jane's to make her a bit taller.
Her smile is very soft and gentle.
She always likes to watch magical girl animes.
especially the ones that go on a darker turn of magical girls.
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It's pretty rare to see her angry since she usually prefers to talk it out without screaming.
But when she is angry my advice is run for your life and Sure she's looking for a husband but she doesn't mind having a wife.
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Sometimes when she's scared or has a bad nightmare she climbs into her closet and stays there for hours she usually brings one of her magical girl figures and her phone with her
Whenever she cries her face is always bright red
So it's extremely hard to hide the fact she's been crying
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spicyicetea · 8 months
So far, based on the polls it seems like Y/N is going to be:
A persona user (who isn’t a phantom thief)
Shipped with all confidants
Not a student at Shujin but someone who meets the phantom thieves and other confidants starting at Cafe Leblanc.
All of this is subject to change until the polls are over if you want to vote and haven’t already Click Here
As usual this will be a Yandere x reader story and may contain NSFW topics so read at your own discretion. If you’ve read my writing before you know I tend to write Fem!readers so I apologise if you can’t identify or look past the she/her pronouns. If there’s a character you want an x reader ship but with gn! Or Masc! Pronouns you can always send a request my way, they’re always open. The first chapter is already underway but I won’t publish until the poll is officially over. I am taking suggests for the name of this story as it will be one of my longer ones.
I’ll see you all later
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lyomeii · 1 year
akechi with a phantom thieve! darling
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->warnings: yandere theme, obsession, manipulation, reader is kinda naive for their good, spoilers, gender natural reader (they/them)
-> a/n: being a while since i wrote for persona 5 and with @i-might-be-vanny idea, I got really excited to write something for the detective boy over here, it’s being a while since I played persona and i barely began playing the royal, so pardon for my memorie. if you want, the request still open!
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-> he always knew that you were different from your lolvely teammates. Your posture, attitude, manners and personality made you standout in comparison to your friends, at least to akechi’s scarlet eyes.
-> since the first glance inside the okumura’s palace, the detective couldn’t think about anything or anyone else other than you. You stood so unique from the others, your clothes were in a much light and soft aesthetic compared to the usual darker colors from ren and his companions. you reminder him as the many princess from numerous fairy tales he read as a child.
-> soon after okumura death in public, akechi decided to visit the Leblanc to met with ren and share a talk with him, but for his luck, the boy wasn’t there but you were. Turned out that you were replacing ren for the day and by the smell of coffee in your clothes it’s seem that you’ve being here since morning.
-> without any other clients around neither the gang, you and akechi began chit chat around many subjects, but mostly ended with you being the main topic. He desperate wants to know more about yourself and the group, but mostly about how you, your life, your family, just about you.
-> well, didn’t took much time to learn about your personal life, at least what you let escape for the detective. Grades above the average rate, first year at Shujin, no club after classes and of course, single. In the other hand, you are happy that he never brought the phantoms thieves in the conversation.
-> the time he spend there with you meant so much to him! you don’t treat him differently from your friends, in fact, you talk with him as you even know him before, like an old friend who you met in the street after years of not seeing each others and now able to spend so much time talking what everything, oh he was loving it! unfortunately, he has to left after receiving a call from his “ superiors”, at least that what he said before finally leaving.
-> lucky or unlucky, akechi almost bumped into ren when he exit the coffee. Neither of them were expecting to met each other at this hour and both boys look kind irritated with their presence, but they didn’t exchange a single word. ren entered the shop and akechi stood still for a few more moments to see your interactions with the black haired boy.
-> fear, rage, despair, obsession. All those words describe the detective boy who witness his enemy hugging you, akechi hold himself to not entering the coffee and take you away from that dark haired boy. However he knew if he did that, you would never cared about him anymore.
-> days have passed since this lovely meeting and he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Your presence during that day made him feel not only better and he quickly realize that he fall in love with way faster than he expected nor want to admit it… he is slowly becoming crazy.
-> he will have you no matter what, he kept saying it to himself when checking your socials media and finding out your closer relationship with ren. The photo of you holding hands with that criminal made him almost throw his phone at the wall, but he calmed himself and took a long breath. He needs to focus, he needs a plan to take you away from that idiot and make you his.
-> the moment you were invited to visit akechi at his house, you were a little suspicious about it. How someone who your beloved boyfriend and friends say to be dangerous asked you to visit him? Well, it a good opportunity to learn more about his schemes and to lure him to tell you about shido!
-> when goro called you (he insisted to be called by his first name), his voice sounded like he was hurt or in problems. As a good person, you said “ I will be there when I tell my parents and ren—“ but then the call ended almost immediately, making you try to call him numerous times and no responses. Leaving you go at his apartment.
-> arriving there, you felt suspicious about this entire situation. The staff working there were waiting for you and were so calmly about your presence, they were waiting for to show up. That’s mean goro were never in dangerous and you were a fool to believe him!
-> you tried to call ren and the others, but no signal, making you hopeless to being rescue by your loved ones, yet something catch your attention, the metaverse app acting crazy and by showing a closer palace to your location. With the elevator getting closer to the apartment, you opened the app and instantly that effect took over your vision for a few seconds…but nothing changed, you never left reality, could be that an erro? This might be a good conversation for later
-> entering goro’s apartment, you were surprised by the it size and the fancy furniture, but you are quirky brought back to reality by his voice. His appearance is the usual as always, but the tone of voice give away how scary and desperate he is. What happened to the sweet boy you met a few days ago?
-> his hand on your shoulders isn’t giving much comfortable and how his words are failing whatever you tried to ask why he invited you to visit him with the fact that your phone isn’t working at all and the metaverse app going crazy, giving notifications every second. Your heart is beating so fast, your vision seems to get worsen every time you try to focus on what goro is speaking, something will happen, something bad.
“ [name], Is everything alright?”
His voice brought you back to reality and made you realize that you are sitting next to him at a white couch, how long have you been spacing out? And why his hands are holding your? Maybe is better to ignore the last part, after all, your mind is begging you to take it easy.
“ Don’t worry about it. I just little nervous to be here, you know, this place is quite big for living by yourself.” their remark are true, the pentahouse is huge enough to fit her family and many friends to live a comfortable live for years! “ Oh— I am sorry! I didn’t meant to say that…”
If he is sad or angry about what they said then Goro is really good at hiding his true feelings like expected, a celebrity like him knows how to properly act to the public and anyone who he interact. Once a neutral expression shift to a smiley one, giving the guest a glimpse of safety, maybe he isn’t that bad like many rumored him to be.
His hand, the one that isn’t holding their hand, moves and slowly began caressing your face. Goro kept doing it for a few more times until you finally gain some courage and move his hand off, his touch felt not only difficult to remove away, but also made them more uncomfortable than before.
“ No hard feelings, [name]. In fact, I think you are curious to why it invited you here, aren’t you?” the smirk on his face is a easy indication to know that he is ready to tell them something, however he is holding himself to not spoil.
Agreeing with the detective, you view him raising from the couch and searching for something inside of a drawer from nearby. When done, he walked his way back and stood in front of you while holding few photographs with a smile on his face, but this smile hide his true intentions.
Without saying a single word, Goro gave you the photos and the look in your eyes were what he has waiting. Your face is full of shame and distress for context in the many photos, showing your mother buying drugs in a dark alley then a older photo of her with many men and lastly, a photo of you and her posing in front of a poor area of the city, know it for the crimes and criminal who live there.
“ W-why you have such photos of my mother?” you can’t hide it and the trembled words give away how panicked you are with this, you knows about your mother’s past and how difficult was to her raising you due to her younger age, but you never expected to someone else knowing about it, “ You know what, I don’t care. I am leaving and going to have a conversation about this with the others.”
Not wanting to spend more time at his side, you got your things and quick walk toward the door with many emotions consuming your inside out. Anger, he made you worry about nothing. Sadness, you though he was different. Fear, he manage to track down your mother’s actions involve illegal acts.
Opening the door to leave and enter the elevator to leave the pentahouse, you find something else instead. A dark red mixed with black blocking the exit, making you trapped inside this place… This can’t be a palace, right? Taking steps back, you turn your head to the immense windows and realize you can’t the others buildings or skyscrapers from before, all being replaced by the same tone of colors, proving your previous theory.
Panicking. Your mind is slowly going crazy and losing itself as seconds pass, why is this happening? Why are trapped with him? And if this a palace, then where is the treasure? The pentahouse looks the same, the only difference is Goro whose clothes resemble more a suit like the Pharom Thieves, but darker and scarier than they want to admit it.
“ [name]~[name]…” your name in his lips sound so perfect. You trembling in his arms while accepting your fate in his hands is making him fall over and over! “ You know where is the treasure, right?”
They stood still, thinking about his question and trying to find an answer, nothing changed and even with furniture being expensive, he doesn’t really care about it, unless… The treasure isn’t an object this time, rather a person, you.
“ I love you so much, [name].”
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@lyomeii || don’t repost
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angxlyxn · 2 years
satisfaction - goro akechi x reader
summary: akechi does not take kindly to misbehavior. 
warnings: obsessive behavior, a leetle yandere-ish, verbal/physical abuse, rough sex, hair pulling, degradation, nsfw.
word count: ~1.2k
"So dumb, so pathetic to bend at my every whim, and yet so perfect for it." Goro stood over you, wistful eyes not able to conceal the expression of scorn on his face.  He gazed down, tracing his eyes from your bruised knees, which were pressing oh so alluringly into the hardwood floor all the way up to your eyes, gleaming with cresting tears.  He folded his hands over his lap, feeling a slight hard-on coming on.
He really should humiliate you for what you did.  Of everything that he expected from you, he never had considered that you would throw yourself at someone as... as repulsive as Akira.  He remembered how you had pleaded with him after, begging and griping at his feet, trying to convince him that it was just a friendly conversation, that you would never be so inclined towards the phantom thief.  To doubt him was a comparable sin to the actual offense.  After all, he knew what was best for you.  You weren't allowed to decide for yourself- or rather, you weren't informed enough. So naive and stupid were you, he really did have to do everything for you.  
He deserved a reward. He wanted to push his control over you, make you afraid and yet so aroused and completely at his disposal.   
"Down," he spoke simply. You knew the command. You had been through this same process of punishment many times before, any possible defiance leaving your body as you pressed your head to the floor, bowing down to him and leaving your ass up.  He let his hands fall, revealing the tent in his pants that was ever hardening at your submission.  To turn him on like this would be unforgivable- if you were anyone else than his favorite angel, his little doll.  He shant succumb to the pressure of cheap arousement, but the things you did to him made him feel so weak, so inferior.  Even so, he was truly better than you in every way.  He knew it, he knew he was. He was superior, better than you could ever be, better than anyone...
He lifted his foot and, before he could think about what he was doing, placed it upon the crook of your neck, pushing you down further.  Your eyes squinted in pain as your forehead rubbed against the rough hardwood.  The position, however, was far more humiliating than it was painful.  Bowing there, you were reduced to nothing more than a slave, a toy for the prince to pander with.  And that he did.
And still, Goro hated you.  Hated the memories of how he molded you into the perfect partner for him, hated that he always had to hurt you in the way he did. And yet, he so hated how he would search for reasons to reprimand you.  He hated how much of an angel you were, how utterly saintly you were, only for him. 
He emerged from his cacophony of thoughts, peering at you through long lashes.  He felt as his pants grew unbearably tight, chafing against his erect cock.  How arousing you were, with your arched back, ass on display like a cheap whore.  The things you did to him were ungodly, but the things he wished he could do to you were much more devious, many of them qualifying as morally unethical. Although, how could he help these sick fantasies of his when you looked like this? When you acted like this!
You quivered, involuntarily putting on a show for him. His boot was still against your head, although the strength of his press had slightly let up as he wandered through his thoughts.
He considered a bit before removing his foot from you, visible relief passing through your body as you shuddered from the lack of contact.  Your little victory was short-lived, however, as the prince spoke once more, voice thick with poorly concealed lust.
"Come.." he started. "I need... " he grunted through his words, shaky breathing nearly in time with yours. "Come atone for what you did." 
You raised your head, finally bringing yourself up to meet his crimson eyes, which were veiled behind his fluttering eyelids.  
You looked up at him, testing your luck as you braced yourself against the floor, preparing to walk over to him and save yourself the embarrassment of crawling like a puppy to his feet. 
However, a hum came from his mouth.  A drawling, condescending sound, wordlessly telling you to stay on your knees, where you belong.  You clenched your hands against the floor, assuming all fours as you sheepishly crawled towards the male, face flushing as you felt his red gaze burn itself into your back.
He cleared his throat, signifying for you to stop at his feet, which you did.  Sitting back onto your knees, you raised a pair of shaking hands toward his crotch, carefully unbuckling his belt before fumbling with his pants button, erection brushing against your hands and eliciting a cringe from you, even though you had done this many a time before.  You braced yourself, eyelids squeezing together as you pulled on the zipper of his pants.
You were so adorable.  Goro felt his cock spring free, nearly moaning as you handled it, ever so carefully maneuvering the substantial length from his pants. 
Your chest shoved itself against his knees, a few kitten licks being pressed to the tip of his length.  Goro groaned at the contact, but impatiently grabbed your hair, forcing you around him and causing you to gag, a pathetic sound.  The friction of your helpless noises only spurred him on, long digits finding your hair and digging into your skull.  You were whimpering now, tears wetting your cheeks just as he grew slicker with each moment. He thrusted into you, his angel’s mouth reduced to a fleshlight as he did so.  But you deserved it.  You deserved everything he decided to give you, every slap, every meaningless fuck, every week without food.  He loved you so much, and he knew that you returned it.  You were made to service him, and you were well aware of your place.
Goro felt himself approaching his climax, deep growls falling from his lips.  His mouth spilled venom, mutterings of worthlessness raining down on you.  He finally stilled, and you gasped for breath around him, hungry for air as a drowned man would be.  He soon released, seed spurting against your throat and coating your aching mouth.  His head was thrown back in ecstasy, eyes crossing and watering with pleasure.  
“Swallow,” he demanded, a deathly command seeping out from his breathy voice.  You obeyed, cringing as you did so.  
The prince was satisfied now.
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lovelybrooke · 10 months
Hello hello :)
Could you write some HC for a yandere goro akechi from persona 5 ? And if you can could you make the reader his childhood friend ?
Good Day/Night!
Platonic Yandere Goro Akechi x childhood best friend.
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Check out my other work here: Masterlist
Goro never really got the opportunity to make real friends. The people who he surrounded himself with were mostly people who just wanted to get the chance to meet the famous Detective Prince. With you, it was different. You never ask anything from him only for him to be himself.
In honesty, Goro doesn't know who "himself" really is without you. Whenever he's not around you he feels like he's an actor on one elaborate stage, all eyes on him waiting for him to fail. You instead, are like a pleasant ray on light shining down on him, allowing him to be freed from the metaphorical performance that is his life.
Goro is a totally different person around you. Even you are able to notice how scripted his life and actions seem. You can tell from a mile away how the fake smile that constantly adorns his face hurts or how badly he wants to punch the idiot talking to him by the tight fist he's balling up to his side. In turn, you allow him a much-needed reprieve from all the stress and pretending. With you, he rants about how terrible work was or how tired he is with school. With you, he gets to be his authentic self.
Goro's main way of showing affection is with gifts. Goro makes a good amount of money, and so he offers to take you shopping under the guise of just hanging out. He'll buy the first thing you look at, ignoring your protests. Goro was never taught how to show someone you care, so he gets offended when you don't except his gifts, thinking it's a fault on his part.
Manipulation is Goro's middle name. You're the first person he actually cares about to also care about him, he's not going to let that be taken from him. If push comes to shove, he's not afraid to use his trauma against you mentioning his mother's death, his father's abuse, and how without you, there would be no reason to keep going. If that didn't work, then he's willing to use the metaverse. Eliminating the shadows of people who take up too much of your time is a regular day for him. When you eventually become sad that all your friends and acquaintances go missing, he'll be there to comfort you like the great friend he is.
When the Phantom Thieves start to become an issue, he tries to keep you keep you away from it all. He doesn't want you to potentially realize their connection. When it finally becomes too much to handle, he asks for your opinion on them, and regardless of your answer, it further drives his motivation to eliminate them. If you reveal you're a fan, then he'll try and get you to realize how corrupt they are. If you reveal that you don't agree with their ideals, he's proud while mentioning vaguely that they won't be around for long.
Goro tries to keep you out of his personal life, only using his family situation as a way of keeping you with him. Goro doesn't want you to really know about how terrible his father is, afraid you'll hate him and leave. He wants so badly to have a normal life, it's not uncommon for him to stay with you and your family on weekends when he doesn't have anything to do. Instead of pretending to be some brilliant detective or the dutiful son, he gets to pretend that he's just some random kid, with a boring life, no unfathomable expectations or duties. He gets to enjoy the simple things like eating cereal in his pajamas while watching cartoons or playing video games together. He gets to be a teenager when he's with you, and he detests whenever he has to go home and face reality.
I like to believe Goro's motives eventually change. Instead of trying to please his father and do whatever he wants, he instead tries sculpting the perfect life with you. He no longer cares about his father and his ideals; he wants to run away with you and live a simple life. Regardless of if you're relationship with him is platonic or romantic, he can't see a life without you. He needs you like he needs are to breath. In a way, he's just repeating the same cycle with of toxicity he had with his father.
Goro is stubborn and he's not going to let anyone get in the way of his happy ending. Not the Phantom Thieves, not his father, not even you. You'll eventually realize how great everything will be with just you and him. While he doesn't want it to come to kidnapping, he won't hesitate to do so if you don't comply. He has everything ready; you'll eventually learn to rely on him. When it's just you and him, he'll finally be able to stop pretending.
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