#age regression rep
cxmembert · 2 months
shoutout to moral orel and metalocalypse for creating peak (these shows SHOULD be the standard for when it comes to making age regressor characters)
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littlest-nightingale · 6 months
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The silly!!!!!!!
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arseniccatnip-meow · 7 months
:33 < people r sl33ping on trolls regressing and acting like grubs❗️❗️
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playgroundpinwheelz · 11 months
SPRINKLES AGERE PLS !!! i love ur boards it’s like adorable like a tootsit to me even if i do not pawsonally age regress :3c thank u for being a hero in the blues clues community for providing the sprinkles rep we desperately need . ur da BEST silly billy!!!!!!!
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awww thank you so much!!!^_^ i truly appreciate it very very much 🥺 it makes my day to know ive made other sprinkles lovers happy!!^_^ i hope you like it and i also hope you have a lovely day!!^_^
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
lazy morning
mushy may ; day twelve !! (approx. 1k words)
(1k words of self-indulgent fluff, featuring age-regressed little!rain and caregiver!swiss)
read under the cut or on ao3 :)
Rain emerges from his bedroom in the early morning, rubbing his eyes clumsily with hands that feel too big as he tries to shield himself against the light streaming in from the common room windows.
Swiss raises his head from the book he’s reading from and grins at Rain’s blurry outline—these new glasses work wonders for reading, not for much else. “Hey, baby. You’re up early.” He has his suspicions as to the direction this conversation will be taken, and they’re proven the moment Rain opens his mouth.
“Early,” Rain parrots as a complaint, scrunching his eyebrows in annoyance. He stumbles over to where Swiss is sitting—making sure his plushie is still clutched securely in his hands—and plonks himself along the couch, resting his head on the multi ghoul’s thigh.
Swiss’ hand moves to Rain’s head automatically, stroking his hair and scratching at his scalp. “You woke up too early, huh, Rainy?”
Rain nods, pouting. “Wanna go back to sleep,” he frowns, curling in on himself and hugging his stuffed toy close to his chest.
Swiss leans over Rain, placing his book down on the back of the couch. “You wanna try sleeping like this, little one? We can get you a blanket and everything, if you want.” Swiss’ fingers are still carding through Rain’s hair, and the gentle, circular rhythm is making the water ghoul sleepy; it’s nice.
“Just you. please?” Rain requests, looking up at Swiss from his position at the multi ghoul’s thigh with such baby puppy dog eyes that Swiss  is certain he would be sent back to the ninth circle if he denied Rain his request. “I have my, uhm– my…” He trails off, unsure of the word; he only ever has a few when he’s like this, and more often than not, his pronunciation is a little off as well.
“Your what, baby?” Swiss prompts gently. He knows Rain’s lost the word for now, but if he can get another descriptor out of the water ghoul he might be able to help Rain find it again.
Rain holds up his plushie—it’s a stegosaurus Cumulus gifted him a couple of months ago; when Rain is regressed, Swiss would be hard pressed to find him without the air ghoulette’s gift somewhere on his person or in a bag nearby. “This!”
“Ooh, that's a tricky word, baby. Well done for trying, little one!” Swiss leans down to press a quick kiss to Rain’s forehead. “There’s a few words we could use, ‘kay?” Swiss holds Rain’s hands in his own, dragging the water ghoul’s hands over the plush plates along the dinosaur’s spine. “We could call it a plushie or a stuffie, because it's a plush, stuffed toy. See?” Swiss guides Rain’s hands and encourages him to squeeze the dinosaur, feeling the softness of the toy. “Oh, plush means soft and squishy, Rainy,” Swiss explains patiently at Rain’s confused look. “Do those words make more sense to your little brain?”
Rain nods along happily. At any other time, Swiss’ words would seem infuriatingly patronising, but right now, it’s exactly what Rain wants—what he needs—and he loves it. Swiss is his safe place when he’s like this; wherever the multi ghoul is can be deemed safe, if only thanks to his comforting aura and general ability to make Rain feel at home.
“What’s…” Rain wonders. “What’s th’other word?”
“The other word? Well, it’s also in the shape of a dinosaur.” Swiss grins as he sees Rain’s eyes light up. “You know all about those, little tadpole, I know you do. But do you know what kind of dinosaur this is?”
Rain shakes his head sadly, and swipes at the tears brimming in his eyes. “I– I don’t know a’ th’moment. ‘M sorry, Swissy…”
“Hey, hey, no apologies, baby,” Swiss consoles. “We’re here to have fun, yeah? You don’t have to remember everything right now, okay? It’s okay, Rainy.”
There’s a shaky few breaths, followed by a big sniffle, and when Swiss looks down again, Rain is wiping his eyes on his sleeve. “It– it’s… ‘s okay,” Rain repeats, over and over again until his voice starts to sound stronger, more sure of his little self, Swiss thinks.
The multi ghoul keeps stroking his fingers through Rain’s hair and whispering soft and comforting words to him until he calms down enough for Swiss to begin talking again. “You ready now, little one? Yeah? Okay, well, we could also call it a stegosaurus. Mhmm, it is a funny word, isn’t it!”
Rain repeats the dinosaur’s name, trying to wrap his tongue around the words. He mispronounces it horribly, and Swiss can’t help but feel overjoyed at how adorable Rain can get when he’s little. But as much as he loves chatting with Rain…
“How ‘bout we get you off to sleep, baby? You still look a little tired…”
“Can we… lazy morning?” Rain suggests, his eyes big and hopeful. “I wanna couch w’you, Swissy…”
Swiss chuckles, unable to contain the happiness he’s experiencing at being able to witness Rain like this—and in a relatively good mood, too. “You wanna keep sitting on the couch with me for a bit? Yeah, Rainy, we can do that.”
Rain hums happily and nuzzles his face further against Swiss’ thigh, wrapping his arms around the multi ghoul’s waist to the best of his ability.
Swiss just sighs good-naturedly and wraps his own arms around Rain. “Go on, baby. You go to sleep, I might– Uuah.” He interrupted his own sentence with a wide yawn. “I might fall asleep with you, actually. We can start our own little mini cuddle pile, and cuddle the day away. How’s that sound, hmm?”
“Mmm, sounds… sounds, uhm…”
“Take your time, Rainy,” Swiss assured him. “We’ve got all the time in the world, baby.”
“‘t sounds… perfect!” The water ghoul giggled and clapped his hands together, excited that he’d managed to remember a larger word.
Swiss gasps and shakes Rain gently in excitement. “Rainy! That was such a good word, well done, tadpole!” Now, c’mon. Off to sleep for a bit, yeah? We’ll have a bit of a lazy morning for a while.”
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bratzforchris · 3 months
rules 𓇼 🌊 🐚 🌴 🥂✧˖
bullying or harassment is not allowed on this blog. this is a safe space for all<3 stay kind when requesting, commenting, or messaging! be kind and respectful to me and i will do the same for you 🏝️🍹⛱️ 🌊 i'm a latina and an auDHD baddie: all of my works are poc and neurodivergent friendly! if you don't like it, kiss my princess ass
🫧 this blog has 18+ nsfw content
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everything i write is fiction! i am not saying or assuming that anyone i write for acts that way in real life. it is all for fun 🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
who i write for ⋆。゚🌅゚。⋆
🫧 the sturniolo triplets
what i write ⋆。゚🌅゚。⋆
🫧 fluff/smut/angst, AU's, age regression fics
🫧 headcanons, drabbles, oneshots, blurbs, multi part fics
🫧 POC!reader<3 all of my works are poc friendly for my brown internet family 🎀🤎
🫧 neurodivergent!reader and chronically ill!reader<3 gotta rep my hot disabled babes 💋
🫧 nick x platonic fem!reader
what i don't write ⋆。゚🌅゚。⋆
🫧 incest, nick x fem!reader, x male reader, illegal age gaps (20 and 24 is fine but no 17 and 21, etc), any weird romantic/sexual shit that’s not already listed
🫧 active self harm/eating disorders (will write recovery fics!!), hard drug usage (anything that’s not alcohol or marijuana), homo or transphobia/racism/ableism fics
requests ⋆。゚🌅゚。⋆
right now, i am focused on my personal writing projects. i am not accepting requests, but i will do headcanons and blurbs!! be kind <3
𝒙𝒐𝒙𝒐 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚 💋⋆˙ᝰ.ᐟ
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Jess Piper at The View From Rural Missouri:
When I first moved to Missouri, I taught at a school in Kansas City. I introduced myself for the first time to a co-worker, and she asked where I was from; I told her Arkansas. I didn’t specify a town because no one has heard of Altus, AR. She said, “What’s it like moving to a big city?” She assumed I was from a small town because I was from Arkansas. I laughed and asked her if she’d ever heard of Little Rock or any town in Northwest Arkansas? They are pretty big cities and all are in Arkansas.
To be clear, I was not offended. I am rural, but I have noticed over the years that folks confuse GOP-dominated states with rural spaces. They aren’t the same. Even the reddest states have blue cities. Even the most regressive of states will have progressive voters. And, rural communities always have Democratic voters. Ask me how I know. I know there has been much written on the vote-against-our-their-self-interest, redneck voter. Something about red hats and diners. Something about guns and racism. A lot of it isn’t nice or even true. I have some thoughts…
Reaching rural voters.
Rural folks aren’t props. You don’t have to pander to us with pickups or jeans or boots, although if you showed up in a pair of Mucks, I’d know you were the real deal. You don’t have to wear a plaid shirt, or drive a flat bed— looking at you, Josh Hawley. You don’t have to use the word “y’all” unless it’s natural. You don’t have to talk down to us like we aren’t educated. You don’t have to ask about crop prices unless you know enough to not embarrass yourself. You don’t have to act any differently with rural people than you would with any other bloc of voters.
It’s not that difficult to understand rural people. Many of us have been rural all of our lives and we want the same things every other American wants. We are like you in most respects, but we might value physical privacy and a hands-off approach to government a little more — and we don’t mind a long drive to town. Here are a few misconceptions about rural Americans:
We all live on farms. In fact, most of us don’t. Many of us work in ag, but we don’t own big farms. You need generational wealth to buy a farm that you can make a living off of. There is a listing just down the highway from me for 220 acres of tillable ground. No house, no out buildings, no barns. It’s listed at 1.5 million. That’s just the land. Now, go price a combine. You’ll need generational wealth.
We all vote against our self-interest. We often vote for progressive ballot initiatives (hello, legalized weed) so you know that’s not true. However, I will not be able to vote for a State Representative in November. My current Rep has no Democratic opposition. Last cycle, it was me running against him, but I couldn’t afford to run again this cycle. When tallying up Dem voters, it will be easy to write my district off, but we will have no one to vote for. I couldn’t vote in my self-interest if I wanted to.
We are all gun nuts. I mean, a lot of us own guns, but we also use them. They are tools in my house, not accessories to wear to town and never used to intimidate. My kids hunt (we eat what we harvest) and we also use them to protect livestock. It’s also handy if you’re in FFA and enjoy competing in shooting events. P.S. Not all of our kids are in FFA or 4H, but those programs are awesome…especially for young women.
We are all racists. I’m absolutely positive rural America has its share of racists, but guess what? So do the cities. There are Black folks who have lived in rural spaces for generations (shocking!) There are people of all backgrounds who call rural America home, just like every other corner of the US. We have racists, but racism isn’t just contained in rural spaces. It’s an American epidemic, not a rural one.
We are all angry. I recently read a book title about the “angry white rural voter” written by a couple of progressives and my first though was, well, this will help the cause. Yes, there is anger, and if you visit places like my town, you’d see why. We aren’t building, we are razing. We aren’t growing, we are diminishing. The anger isn’t from some pissed off redneck. It’s local folks seeing their way of life dying. Their children moving away and never coming back. It’s not anger…it’s sadness. Yes, many of us could vote better, but back to not having a Democratic nominee…
Here’s what I truly think; the way back to sanity is through rural America and red states. Wyoming has the same amount of Senators as California — why not send money and resources to Wyoming? Or Montana. Or Arkansas. Or Iowa. Or Missouri. Contest every seat on every ballot — even in rural spaces. Especially in rural spaces.
Jess Piper writes yet another home-run piece on rural voters and Democrats: they are in rural areas, even if they are outnumbered and oftentimes don't have a candidate running for such offices.
Hopefully the trend reverses.
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agerefandom · 1 year
(For the "ABC game")
Hm... How about... Stanley Pines from Gravity Falls? I know most people would usually see Dipper and Mabel as Regressors (and it's really cute, no arguing there), but Stan is my favorite character and older regressors need representation too!
Yesss!!! Anon I couldn't agree more, Stan is such an age regressor and older regressors are incredibly valid and deserve more rep!! I did write a headcanon set specially for Stanley last year, but I'm excited to write more about him.
Thank you for the follow-up message with letter prompts! When people don't specify letters, I'm just doing an acrostic of the name (Stan would be S, T, A, and N) but I'm glad that you told me what you were most interested in hearing about ^-^
(abc headcanon game)
Baby- Do they have any nicknames that people give them while regressed?
Stan likes the classic boyhood names: sport, buddy, big guy/little guy (both are nice)
Caregiver- Do they have a caregiver? Do they want one?
Stan has never had a caregiver before, and he's never really wanted one: if he's being honest with himself, he feels like he's already disappointed enough family members, why add more? But I think that after reuniting with his brother and they do some travelling together, he might come to trust Ford with that side of himself.
Difference- What changes about them from being their usual self to regressed self?
Stan is usually pretty hard to impress, but as a regressor he's enthusiastic about toys, swimming, rubber ducks, and theme songs. He's also less bound to his adult routines, where he tends to get up at the same time, eat the same food, and visit the same places.
Gear- Do they have any regression gear?
Stan splurged on a stuffed bear with a big sweater that he really loves. He takes stim toys from the lost and found or from the shop itself (he really likes the cryptid snowglobes). He has a VHS box set of the Land Before Time. Nothing from his actual childhood: he didn't take anything nostalgic when he left.
Involuntary- Is their age regression through choice?
Not usually. He can sometimes choose whether to force himself out of it, when he wakes up feeling regressed, but sometimes it's too much work to get out of it.
Object- Do they have a comfort item while regressed?
His bear! With the sweater. They have matching sweaters. It's adorable.
Relationship- Do their partners or friends know about their regression? Are they supportive?
Ford had the slightest idea about it when he and Stan were teens, but he mostly brushed it off thinking that it was Stan being goofy. I don't think he's really opened up to anyone about it since then.
Yuck- Is there any part of their regression that they don't like or feel embarrassed about?
Stan used to really hate crying when he regressed, but as he's gotten older he's come around to the whole business. He does sometimes hurt his knees while playing with trucks though!
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Age regression culture is just being a little baby trans boy but still liking pink and other girly things! Still wanna see some more masc rep tho<33
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Scarless aus are just so so disgusting and I am very worried that hori is going to get rid of dabis scars at least…. It’s scary how ignorant so many fans are about burns scars…
I rarely shy away from dishing out criticism when I think it's due, but I actually disagree in this particular case! I have faith that Horikoshi won't get rid of the villains' scars altogether. So far, there has been no precedent for that, and I see no reason for him to suddenly change direction.
In my opinion, Horikoshi's portrayal of scars is pretty tasteful. For one, he's the only mangaka off the top of my head that depicts such a huge portion of the cast with them. I can't think of any other manga, or battle shonen in particular, that does it to quite the same extent. Bnha has not only a lot of scarred characters, a lot of which are main leads, but for all of them those scars are also permanent. In battle shounen, injuries are typically temporary, and the characters—especially the main ones—normally heal from them after some time. This doesn't happen in bnha. It would've been fairly easy for Horikoshi to introduce a quirk that acts as magic healing™ that removes any traces that an injury was even there, and yet, most of the time when characters sport serious wounds, they don't walk away as good as new. Scars aren't simply thrown in there for rep points, either, because in a few cases they impact the writing itself. Think of Deku having to switch to kicking to avoid further harming his already strained arms, for example.
But there are cases of magic healing, someone might object. There's Shigaraki's regen quirk and Eri's rewind. Except, both times we've seen them in action, they didn't remove scars altogether. In Shigaraki's case, his regen returned him to the state he was in right before Endvr melted the skin off his bones, but it didn't erase the cuts over his eye and mouth, nor did it make his skin baby smooth. And when Eri rewound Deku in Chisaki's arc, she didn't return his arms to a state that nullified the damage he'd already done by breaking them over and over, she just healed him long enough to cancel out the injuries sustained during that fight itself.
and while we might argue that Eri might eventually be used as a tool to remove the narrative consequences of this arc, with particular regards to injuries, I'm fairly skeptical that any work she might do would return them to being scarless. As I just explained, so far the precedent is healing the damage sustained recently. But Hori has never healed a character 100% before.
So far, the two times Eri used Rewind to heal someone, she was able to do so because Erasure stopped it for her. And while it's true that with external help, maybe from Monoma, she could do it again for the villains, I think she's written as incapable of stopping her quirk for a reason. Those limitations were put there to remind us how volatile and risky the process still is. In both cases, she never rewound a lot of time. Only minutes in Deku's case and a handful of months in Mirio's. To rewind Dabi or Shigaraki she'd have to go back years, and I don't think she has the control to avoid the age regression, quite yet. Since I don't see the villain being de-aged fitting anywhere in the story (because this is still a coming-of-age tale), I am very very skeptical of how likely this scenario is.
I think Horikoshi is sensible enough to know better than to erase scars. He has given no indication to make us think he perceives them as inherently villainous, either. The portion of scarred heroes and scarred villains is evenly distributed imho, and in neither case do the characters become "lesser" because of their injuries. I mean, think of Dabi and how his whole arc turns on its head the (false) notion that his scars are his major weakness. Think of what Deku's scars mean to him, and think of Iida willingly choosing not to undergo surgery for his arm after Stain's arc to remind himself of his values and his dedication never to betray them again.
In my experience, whenever the topic of scars erasure comes up, it's always in fandom spaces more than in the canon text. I think that part of it is due to the reader's ingnorance of the implications of certain headcanons/theories. As I said, battle shounen typically isn't the best at portraying permanent injuries, and I think that influences a lot of reader's expectations regarding the eventual wrapping up of the story.
As for scarless AUs, though, particularly hero AUs that only diverge from canon because of the scarless designs of the villains, that's a much dicier topic. I won't make blanket statements about the intentions of the creators behind them, but I personally find them distasteful.
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plunder413 · 21 days
mac and goo are lesbians to me. whenever i watch go goo go, the episode she shoes up and my favorite episode of fosters home for imaginary friends, im just like fuuuuuuck i ship them hard. idk as a kinda butchy dykey girl who likes to age regress i like seeing mac as a little butch lesbian with an imaginary friend. the show can sorta be read as a queer metaphor too. like, damn my mom wont accept this thing about me so i go to the house of weirdos secretly to hang out and be myself. and yeah thats like a super comfy reading of an already super comfy show, just the warm feeling of togetherness the show emits despite definitely having that trademark 2000s cartoon mean spirited comedy.
and like, goo feels like this creative special kid and then u get into the fact that this show is hella neurodivergent. its literally about imaginary friends and caring for said friends who have unique needs. goo feels right at home as she clearly has adhd and i feel like that was an intended thing. it honestly reminds me of maud pie from mlp a little bit, a character who's clearly supposed to represent neurodivergence as it goes through what that entails, but not saying it out loud. Also Go Goo Go was written by Lauren Faust so yeah yknow.
goo and mac being friends and connecting after the most heartfelt moment in the show is like, rly meaningful to me as someone who's found other neurodivergent and queer people to connect to in our seemingly lonely experiences. and like, they bring out the sweetness in each other in a way thats just like dawwwww yeahhhhh! also goo is a rainbow so gay confirmed???
they need to smooch also goo needs to tease mac takagi-san style so i can get my fucking yuri high. i also need goo to eat mac's pussy and show that butch a good time. i need subby butch rep because thats so me fr.
anyway yeah fosters is pretty good i need to get back to it because i finished season 4 and knew goo isnt in as many episodes after that and season 4 is THE GOO SEASON so i was just like fuuuuuuck idk i just wanna watch go goo go over and over again and also make believe it or not. im just very very fixated on goo and want to hug her and sniff her fuuuuuuck im a total creep when i think about her for too long ehehehhehehe
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topgunruinedme · 1 year
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Dagger’s Daycare||o.2
Synopsis: Maverick finds himself in a situation he cant explain. The daggers are unavailable, and he finds himself in need of help from his old crew. Of cause this wasn't the reunion they expected.
“Did you kidnap an orphanage Mav?”
Warning: age regression (they get turned into children), slight whump mostly fluff, slight swearing, homophobia and 5 idiots with no knowledge on kids caring for some.
Word Count: 1.6k
Read on Ao3
Previous chapters: Chapter||o.1.
Next Chapter: Chapter||o.3.
This was not what Ice expected at all when he arrive at Maverick’s off-base temporary housing. Of cause he hadn't expected anything good given the manner he was called in.  He hadn't seen the man or any of the others in 3 years, not since his wedding night. They had called, Wolf and Wood had been called away on a deployment soon after the wedding, Slider was dating someone and Maverick was doing what he did best, he pissed of Admirals.  They drifted apart, got busy, moved on.  He kept in contact with them, brief phone calls between meetings and saving Mavericks hide the best he could without seeing the man.  He knew they had been here of cause, Miramer. They had all been floating around for a while, it was hard not to know as a Four Star Admiral with access to everyones reports. He had to approve their leave after all.  He just never bumped into them, he wasn't actively avoiding them. He was busy between meetings and late nights at the office. He had been busy with his own issues, making his way to a promotion and trying to save his marriage. While the others had been together hanging out.  He had been busy trying to fix what had been a broken marriage to start with.  He was over Sarah walking out on him, mostly. He knew it would come, it was unavoidable. Their relationship had been leading towards it since th start.  It still hurt to walk into his home with exciting news of his promotion, only for it to shatter at the sight of his wife standing in the entry way with her bags packed. Who passed him his key back with a  small smiled, “Goodbye Tom”. They had been divorced 4 months later, apparently having a divorce lawyer as  a friend was helpful.  The house he had bought for them, to raise a family in. It was still painful to live in but he pushed past it. He had to. Now it was just a house, no longer his and Sarah’s. No longer Mrs and Mr Kazansky home.  Just Tom’s house. 
So he was pleasantly surprised to find outside Maverick’s house was Slider waiting at the door, frowning down at his phone. Ice raised an eyebrow and called out to the man, “Slider”.  The mans head shot up into relief, “Ice”.  He pulled Ice into a hug, “It’s good to see you man, Wolfie and Wood should be here soon”.  He cupped his hand at the nap of Ice neck with a brilliant dorky smile that Ice had missed, he had missed the familiarity in the gesture.  Did Maverick bring over the whole class? Why were they all here? If Maverick pulled him out of an important mission just for a few drinks eh was going to strangle the man. Wingman or not. There was the distinct sound of tires crunching against gravel of the drive way as black car pulled in, followed closely by a red car. A familiar cowboy hat and mischievous grin hit ice, the nistolaga hit him hard.  “Ice you sly son of a bitch! Your a hard man to track down” Wolf grinned as he shut the door to his black beast.  Wood got out of the red car rolling his eyes fondly and slapped him on the back, “How have you been man its been what 2 years?”. “3” Ice corrected automatically. 3 very very long years.  36 months, 1,576,800 minutes, 94,672,800 seconds. His marriage had only lasted 1 year, before shit started to fall apart. 
Wolf slapped Slider on the shoulder, “Getting lazy big boy?” he asked coyly as he squeezed Sliders bicep. Slider rolled his eyes dragging Wolf into his arm, shifting as he forced Wolf into a head lock. “Yeah you know just slacking on a few reps, you cant tell can you?” he asked with a smirk as he squeezed down on the mans neck until Wolf choked and tapped out.  “Bastard” Wolf choked out in a laugh as he was released, Wood grabbing his arm quickly as he got his bearings back. 
“Shall we?” Ice interrupted as he motioned to the door, he saw Sliders amused look and the shake of Woods head. Ice had always punctual why waste time on pointless things, he didn’t like wasting time. Maybe that's why his marriage had failed.  He signed pushing the door open, aware that the rest of the men were following him.  
The first thing they heard stepping into the house was squealing, it sent an odd feeling on unease down Ice’s spine. Why would their be kids here? Dear god, Maverick hadn't done something stupid again had he? He had taken an oath that if Maverick turned up with a baby one day, he would kill the man himself. He really didn't want to have to make due with that promise now.
The living room was a mess, there was books pulled out all over the ground, chairs knocked over. Clothes covering the floor, cards randomly scattered around.  They found Maverick  sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands, bowed over. More importantly, there was a little girl who was sitting in front of him on the ground. She looked like she was wearing someone's top as a dress, it was over-sized. She was playing with another little boys hair, who had an over-sized pair of glasses balancing dangerously on the end of his nose.  He also wore an over-sized shirt, he had boxers on that brushed the bottom of the top when he shifted. He seamed to be attempting to retie Maverick’s shoe lace with his tongue between his teeth in concentration.  A impossibly familiar face popped out from behind the couch laughing as two other boys chased him. They seamed to be semi-dressed in boxers chasing each other around, as they shrieked trying to avoid the other. There was a smaller blond boy huddled in the corner of the room watching them all, calculating. He was deadly silent, one wouldn't have noticed he was there if it hadn't been for the taller boy staring them all down, warning them to stay away. Standing protectively in front of him with his arms crossed. 
Slider was the first to react, the man staggering to a stop at his side.  “What the f-“ Slider grunted when Ice elbowed him rather harshly in the ribs. “Language” he hissed at his former Rio. Maverick’s head shot up and he looked exhausted, lost.  Maverick was the youngest out of all of them, he had always had baby fat that clung to him it gave him a younger appearance. But now he looked haunted. He looked his age.  There was a strange charge in the room, tense. Some of the kids had stopped playing tag to see the new visitors and Ice found himself staring down at the memory of something he didn't want to relive.  Bradley Bradshaw.  The same age as he was when he lost his father, he remembered the smaller boy dressed up wrapped in his mothers arms at Goose funeral. Carol who had him wrapped in a black shawl as he sucked on his thumb tears running down his red chubby checks.   Who’s mother cried into his hair mourning a man Bradley wouldn't remember. He swallowed hard as the kid stared at him with an odd expression, as if he wanted to say something but wasn't sure what to say. He could share the sentiment. Slider nudged his arm slightly with a worried expression, clearly he hadn't been the only one shocked by the smaller boy.  
“Did you kidnap an orphanage Mav?” Wood joked in an attempt to break the ice. It was a poor choice of words and it made him grimace.   Maverick looked like he was on the verge of hysteria, he opened his mouth before shutting it again doing a wonderful impression of a goldfish. Maybe the kids could learn that from him, ‘what not to do with Maverick’. 
“Meet the daggers” Maverick joked back weakly, waving his hand around to the room filled with kids doing odd bits and bobs.  He signed helplessly “Don’t ask how”, he looked around his shoulder’s slumping, “I don’t know how it happened”. He seamed to understand just how ridiculous this situation was.
“Your telling me” Ice started slowly trying to grasp the words he wanted, “That my best squadron, are now children” he paused stared down Maverick, “And you don’t know how it happened?”. Maverick shrugged helplessly. “One moment we were all watching a movie, I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know. I’m surround by children and the kids were gone”. There was a hint of hysteria bleeding into the mans voice.  “Your sure its them?” Wolf asked with a nervous look at the children as if resisting the urge to reach out and grab one just so they would stop running around recklessly.  Maverick nodded sullenly, “Bradley!” he called out.  The boys head shot up as he dashed over to his godfathers spot on the couch, placing his chin on the mans knee looking up at him, “Mav!” he beamed.  Maverick smiled weakly, running his hand though the boys hair, “Nothing kiddo, go play”. 
Ice needed a minute, this was to much, it was all far to much.  He brushed off Slider’s concern, stepping away from them towards the quietness of the entry.  He pulled out phone  silently waiting for it to connect.  “Admiral Kazansky?”, the familiar voice on the other forced his muscles to relax slightly. “Doris” he let out a tired sign, “Can you clear my schedule for the week? This is going to take a lot longer then I originally thought”. 
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A new budget by a large and influential group of House Republicans calls for raising the Social Security retirement age for future retirees and restructuring Medicare.
The proposals, which are unlikely to become law this year, reflect how many Republicans will seek to govern if they win the 2024 elections. And they play into a fight President Joe Biden is seeking to have with former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party as he runs for re-election.
The budget was released Wednesday by the Republican Study Committee, a group of more than 170 House GOP lawmakers, including many allies of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Apart from fiscal policy, the budget endorses a series of bills “designed to advance the cause of life,” including the Life at Conception Act, which would aggressively restrict abortion and potentially threaten in vitro fertilization, or IVF, by establishing legal protections for human beings at “the moment of fertilization.” It has recently caused consternation within the GOP following backlash to an Alabama Supreme Court ruling that threatened IVF.
The RSC, which is chaired by Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Okla., counts among its members Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and his top three deputies in leadership. Johnson chaired the RSC from 2019 to 2021; his office did not immediately respond when asked about the new budget.
For Social Security, the budget endorses "modest adjustments to the retirement age for future retirees to account for increases in life expectancy." It calls for lowering benefits for the highest-earning beneficiaries. And it emphasizes that those ideas are not designed to take effect immediately: "The RSC Budget does not cut or delay retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement."
The new budget also calls for converting Medicare to a "premium support model," echoing a proposal that Republican former Speaker Paul Ryan had rallied support for. Under the new RSC plan, traditional Medicare would compete with private plans and beneficiaries would be given subsidies to shop for the policies of their choice. The size of the subsidies could be pegged to the "average premium" or "second lowest price" in a particular market, the budget says.
The plan became a flashpoint in the 2012 election, when Ryan was GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's running mate, and President Barack Obama charged that it would "end Medicare as we know it." Ryan defended it as a way to put Medicare on better financial footing, and most of his party stood by him.
Medicare is projected to become insolvent in 2028, and Social Security will follow in 2033. After that, benefits will be forcibly cut unless more revenues are added.
Biden has blasted Republican proposals for the retirement programs, promising that he will not cut benefits and instead proposing in his recent White House budget to cover the future shortfall by raising taxes on upper earners.
The RSC budget also presents a conundrum for Trump, who has offered shifting rhetoric on Social Security and Medicare without proposing a clear vision for the future of the programs.
Notably, the RSC budget presents three possible options to address the projected insolvency of the retirement programs: raise taxes, transfer money from the general fund or reduce spending to cover the shortfall.
It rejects the first two options.
"Raising taxes on people will further punish them and burden the broader economy–something that the spend and print regime has proven to be disastrous and regressive," the budget says, adding that the committee also opposes "a multi-trillion-dollar general fund transfer that worsens our fiscal situation."
That leaves spending cuts.
The RSC budget launches blistering criticism at "Obamacare," or the Affordable Care Act, and calls for rolling back its subsidies and regulations that were aimed at extending insurance coverage.
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pixelword · 4 months
• ⸝⸝ ꒰ RULES 💿 ⁞ ˎˊ˗
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‧₊˚❀༉ don’t be afraid to interact! i love chatting with people and i don’t bite <3
‧₊˚❀༉ don’t rush me, i have a short attention span and I’m a very busy person
‧₊˚❀༉ don’t involve me in drama i’m not part of, it’s mad annoying ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
‧₊˚❀༉ reblog my fics! tumblr heavily relies on reblogs and it’s the best way to support writers!
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• ⸝⸝ ꒰ WILLS AND WONT’S 💿 ⁞ ˎˊ˗
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‧₊˚❀༉ I write; fluff, angst, smut, polyamory, platonic relationships, age regression, tba…
‧₊˚❀༉ if they’re not on my masterlists, i don’t write for them! •`_´•
‧₊˚❀༉ i do write male readers, non-binary readers, trans readers, female readers, gender neutral readers, intersex readers, and more
‧₊˚❀༉ I don’t write; incest, stepcest, rape/noncon, pedophilia, forced intoxication, race play, scat/piss kink, foot fetish, necro, and baby trapping, age play, tba…
‧₊˚❀༉ i don’t write sexual fics for alastor, he’s a sex repulsed aroace, I ain’t writing that for him
‧₊˚❀༉ I don’t write fem readers with Angel and male readers with Vaggie in a romantic way. He’s gay and she’s a lesbian. Don’t be weird and erase queer rep.
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spandexinspace · 1 year
OK I'm still mad because how is the Bendisboot so goddamn regressive in this day and age? The rep we have is either non-existens or barely any better than it was in the 50-60s and it just keeps going like that. And how doesn't that get more attention?
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c0rpseductor · 1 year
also like its kind of funny bc in terms of video game franchises dragon age actually DOES do fairly (?) well when it comes to representation of lgbt characters. at least by sheer volume. and a lot of games whose writing i prefer fall extremely flat in comparison. so it probably seems silly that im so much more ready to tear da apart
like in ffxiv, emet-selch isn't actually gay despite how many posts i make about his loving joan crawford and dolly parton. he's heavily queercoded (ESPECIALLY in the localization) in order to remind you he's the bad guy. like, it's cheap; the best xiv can do in terms of lgbt rep among its cast is Heavily Imply a relationship between ryne and gaia, and i don't deny that it's really great that they did that, but it's also like...not much. and i think it does suffer from this pitfall of like, "we intentionally chose pretty teenage girls in a very chaste relationship to Imply Homosexuality About, because male homosexuality is gross." like i'm not saying Less Lesbian Rep Is Good or something or that it's a contest or some shit like that, i just think it's clear in this case they made this choice bc the devs have kind of evinced a bit of disgust toward gay men. most of the time (not all the time!) when male homosexuality or homoerotic imagery with men is brought up in the game i think it's sort of as a gross-out joke. also, as sort of an aside, transmisogyny is like. A Gag That Happens Way Too Much. However i think xiv is a much better-written game/series as a whole and i will be sucking it off until the end of time.
dragon age is like, nominally a lot less homophobic and transphobic, but i feel a lot more critical of and less generous toward its representation of lgbt characters because this is also a Big Selling Point for them. bioware i think has sort of built this image as like a really character-driven sensitive liberal crunchy kind of studio (i just really wanted to say crunchy lol) and seem to kind of pride themselves on having this really deep tactful groundbreaking lgbt rep. so if it falls short of those standards i'm going to be mad at being ripped off, naturally, and at bioware for patting their own asses for doing ultimately very little.
ffxiv did not at any point try to sell me Gay Rep. ffxiv did not say "hey, we're square enix and we're a really cool progressive company, we're going to make an mmo for the gays!" square enix looked me in the eyes and said "we have an mmo. our character creator has catgirls, and almost every single outfit in the base game is unconscionably hideous," and i said "HOLY SHIT CATGIRLS!!!" and have been playing it for nearly a decade now. i've never felt cheated out of sensitivity square promised me. i kind of know the score with them, as a company they can be pretty regressive and that often reflects in how they handle real-world issues in their games.
to use a food metaphor here, if i'm told i'm going to be given the most enormous delicious tasty stake ever and then it's like...good enough but ultimately very average, i'm going to feel a little cheated and probably be meaner about that steak than i would if i were simply told "i made steak. have some." i might even appreciate a kind of middling or even Not That Good steak without complaint if i'm not hyped up for no fucking reason first. this is kind of my feelings.
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