#aj demas
wearethekat · 9 months
May Book Reviews: Sword Dance by AJ Demas
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Finally got my hands on this book via Seattle's extremely exciting Books Unbanned program. Damiskos is vacationing with an old friend after he was forcibly retired from his military career. Unfortunately the old friend is plagued by a number of unwanted guests, plunging Damiskos into a tangle of intrigue, dead bodies, mystery solving-- and the company of the mysterious sword-dancer Varazda.
I'm very fond of Demas' Ancient Greece flavored alt-historicals, which are the closest I've found to the thrill of reading new KJ Charles books. It's something about the excellent balance of well-written romance plot and MURDER. I love a good dead body. She's also got an excellent feel for writing a setting and characters that don't feel like modern people dressed up in costume.
Contains: a bad philosophy cult, fish sauce, and just a little bit of assassination. Highly recommended.
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rowan-blood · 7 months
Book Recommendations
Kellen Graves
Prince of the Sorrows (Rowan Blood, #1) Lord of Silver Ashes (Rowan Blood, #2) Herald of the Witch’s Mark (Rowan Blood #3) The Fox and the Dryad
K.J. Charles
The Smuggler and the Warlord (A Charm of Magpies, #0.5) The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) Interlude with Tattoos (A Charm of Magpies, #1.5) A Case of Possession (A Charm of Magpies, #2) A Case of Spirits (A Charm of Magpies, #2.5 Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies, #3) Feast of Stephen (A Charm of Magpies, #3.5) Five For Heaven (A Charm of Magpies, #3.6) Jackdaw (A Charm of Magpies, #4) Rag and Bone (A Charm of Magpies, #5) A Queer Trade (A Charm of Magpies, #5.5) The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal Butterflies (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #2) Remnant: A Caldwell & Feximal/Whyborne & Griffin Mystery (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #3; Whyborne & Griffin, #3.5) Proper English (England World, #1) Think of England (England World, #2) Song for a Viking (England World, #2.1) A Fashionable Indulgence (Society of Gentlemen, #1) A Seditious Affair (Society of Gentlemen, #2) A Gentleman’s Position (Society of Gentlemen, #3) Wanted, A Gentleman An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the Cities, #1) An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities, #2) An Unsuitable Heir (Sins of the Cities, #3) Spectred Isle (Green Men, #1) The Henchmen of Zenda Unfit to Print Band Sinister The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter (Lilywhite Boys, #0.5) Any Old Diamonds (Lilywhite Boys, #1) Gilded Cage (Lilywhite Boys, #2) Masters in This Hall (Lilywhite Boys, #3) Slippery Creatures (The Will Darling Adventures, #1) The Sugared Game (The Will Darling Adventures, #2) Subtle Blood (The Will Darling Adventures, #3) The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen (The Doomsday Books, #1) A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel (The Doomsday Books, #2) A Thief in the Night
A.J. Demas
One Night in Boukos Something Human Sword Dance (Sword Dance, #1) Saffron Alley (Sword Dance, #2) Strong Wine (Sword Dance, #3) Honey and Pepper (When in Pheme, #1)
C.S. Pacat
Captive Prince (Captive Prince, #1) Captive Prince: Volume Two (Captive Prince, #2) Kings Rising (Captive Prince, #3) Dark Rise (Dark Rise, #1) Dark Heir (Dark Rise, #2)
Joanna Chambers
Provoked (Enlightenment, #1) Beguiled (Enlightenment, #2) Enlightened (Enlightenment, #3) Unnatural (Enlightenment, #4) Restored (Enlightenment, #5) Gentleman Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #1) Master Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #2)
Tamara Allen
Downtime Whistling in the Dark The Only Gold If It Ain’t Love The Road to Silver Plume (Secret Service #1) Playing the Ace (Secret Service #2) Invitation to the Dance
Harper Fox
Brothers of the Wild North Sea Once Upon a Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #1) Tinsel Fish (Tyack & Frayne #2) Don’t Let Go (Tyack & Frayne #3) Kitto (Tyack & Frayne #4) Guardians of the Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #5) Third Solstice (Tyack & Frayne #6) Preacher, Prophet, Beast (Tyack & Frayne #7) Out
Sebastian Nothwell
Mr Warren’s Profession (Aubrey & Lindsey, #1) Throw His Heart Over (Aubrey & Lindsey, #2) Hold Fast Oak King Holly King
Lydia Gastrell
One Indulgence (Indulgence #1) One Glimpse (Indulgence, #2)
Hale Ginn
Lord of the White Hell, Book 1 (Lord of the White Hell, #1) Lord of the White Hell, Book 2 (Lord of the White Hell, #2)
Adella J. Harris
The Marquess of Gorsewall Manor (After the Swan’s Nest, #1) The Earl of Klesamor Hall (After the Swan’s Nest, #2)
Cat Sebastian
The Soldier’s Scoundrel (The Turners, #1) The Lawrence Browne Affair (The Turners, #2) The Ruin of a Rake (The Turners, #3) It Takes Two to Tumble (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #1) A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #2) Two Rogues Make a Right (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #3)
Lily Morton
The Mysterious and Amazing Blue Billings (Black and Blue #1) The Quiet House (Black and Blue #2) Something Wicked (Black and Blue #3)
Freya Marske
A Marvellous Light (The Last Binding #1) A Restless Truth (The Last Binding #2)
Other Authors
The Devil Lancer by Amara, Astrid The Reluctant Berserker by Beecroft, Alex The Scottish Boy by Campi, Alex de Catalina Blues by York, Marlo The Rake, the Rogue and the Roué by Westfall, Eric Alan The Gladiator’s Master by Sutherland, Fae The Song of Achilles by Miller, Madeline When Skies Have Fallen by McGowan, Debbie Nova Praetorian by N.R. Walker The Reanimator's Heart (The Reanimator Mysteries #1) by Kara Jorgensen
(last update 2024/04/19)
I would appreciate your recommendations if you enjoy one or more books from this list.
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pretensesoup · 10 months
Queer books, day 31/30
Turns out I like writing about books in this format, but I read a lot more slowly than I write.
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I asked on Mastodon for everyone's favorite romance novels with an NB character in them. Partly because I'm in the process of writing my own NB character and I wanted to see how other people had dealt with sex scenes (in the anatomic sense). Partly because I just wanted to see how anyone else conceptualized nonbinaryness*. That request led me to Sword Dance by AJ Demas. It only sort of answers my questions, but that's okay because it's amazing.
In an alternative version of the Mediterranean, Damiskos is an ex-soldier (now disabled) and current quartermaster who has been sent to visit an old friend (Nione) to secure a contract for fish sauce. At her house, he meets: a bunch of tedious philosophers led by Eurydemos (who seems to preach a very anti-alien, anti-LGBTQ agenda, and yet is writing poems for...), Varazda (a sword dancer and eunuch from Zash, another country in which Damiskos was once stationed and for which he harbors a deep affection), Varazda's "owner" Aristokles, and a few others. Quickly, Damiskos surmises that all is not as it seems--first, he foils an attempt on Varazda's life, and it becomes apparent that the relationship between Varazda and Aristokles may be a lie--in fact, they are conspiring to hide something far greater than the fact that Varazda is not actually a slave. Soon, Damiskos is teaming up with Varazda to solve a murder, then to avert a war and recapture Nione's villa from the philosophers. Oh, and falling in love.
Varazda is an interesting character. He (Damiskos's POV is the only one we get, and he uses male pronouns for him, although he says he thinks of himself as both male and female) was made a eunuch after his father lost a military engagement of some kind. He was then enslaved for a while, until he was sent to the Zashian embassy in Boukos, and then he was freed. This is obviously a major source of trauma, and Damiskos is in a unique place to appreciate that because of his time in Zash. As a result, Damiskos is extremely careful in their nascent relationship to let Varazda lead. Their relationship is very sweet in part because of this deference, and they deal with consent very well.
Key quote: (Varazda has been discussing how he doesn't always achieve an erection because of being a eunuch.)
Rather boldly, Damiskos said, "Want to see if we can make it happen again?" Varazda looked up in surprise. "What--right now?" "Yes, of course right now! Immortal gods. We're sitting on your bed, talking about how beautiful you are and whether or not you like sex--it's surprising I even need to say anything." "I am literally a eunuch, First Spear." After that they were both laughing...
As you might have guessed from the summary above, this is a world in which there is violence, homophobia/transphobia, and slavery, including sexual slavery. Women have some rights to own property, but they aren't voting citizens. The implication, reading between the lines, is that in the world generally, same-sex couples aren't too uncommon, and it's just Eurydemos's students who have a problem with them. (Eurydemos and his students reminded me a bit of Socrates and Plato, but of course Plato doesn't care that much about same-sex relationships, c.f. that one story from Symposium that got turned into a song from Hedwig and the Angry Inch. But I've been privileged to hear some angry Jesse rants about Plato since doing the podcast, and it reminded me of that. Anyway, as Plato says a lot, philosophers with bad opinions were a dime a dozen back in Athens, so.) Also, warning for explicit on-page sex.
*: Is Varazda nonbinary or is he gender fluid? I don't know. At one point, he says, "I never really think of myself as a man, but most of the time I'm quite happy for other people to think of me that way." Elsewhere, he implies that he doesn't want to be neither male or female, so he tries to be both. Maybe genderfluid is a better word for him. Maybe he can't articulate exactly how he feels, because he's not speaking to Damiskos in his first language, or because there isn't a word for how he feels. Either way, I enjoyed the way the character was portrayed.
That's it. Lots of action/plot, a good amount of romance, very engaging, love the setting. 10/10, go read it.
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poisindonottouch · 1 year
Queer reads: AJ Demas
I’m home from my vacation, so you’d think I’ll be good about my blog schedule, yeah? No, no I am not. Anyway.. here’s day 25: AJ Demas.
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AJ Demas writes alt-ancient Mediterranean historical romances, which is to say her romances take place in a set of city states that bears a striking resemblance to Greece, but she’s not tied down to the things that actually happened in Greece. 
There are six books so far, with three of them in one trilogy and the other three stand alones. There’s a bit of crossover, especially in the details of the world building, and it’s fun to recognize faces and places between books. 
Demas’s stories are sweet, queer, and all about found family. They have spicy scenes, and they also have fantastic world building, interesting politics, and great character voice. If you like historical romance, but you want something slightly further afield than Regency England, these are for you. 
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shsenhaji · 2 years
📚 Saffron Alley - Book Review
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4794886779
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: M/M romance, fantasy historical setting, conspiracies, identity, found family
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Saffron Alley by A.J. Demas, the second book in the Sword Dance trilogy, was even more delightful and enjoyable. It was warm, fluffy, entertaining, heartwarming, with a mystery subplot that I enjoyed. Both Damiskos and Varadza grew as characters, and it was great seeing their relationship continue to develop and deepen.
I liked Boukos as a setting much better than Pheme, and it was a delight to read about Varadza in his element — his home, family, acquaintances, etc. The worldbuilding as always was immersive and detailed, from the description of the buildings to the various cultures to the religions practiced by the characters. The themes of identity, belonging, and found family were quite prevalent and happened to be some of my favourite parts of the book. Even the angst of Varadza’s family not fully accepting Damiskos was quite well-done, delivering heart-wrenching feels yet never feeling out of place, and concluding in a satisfying way.
Finally, I felt that the plot was more engaging and fun to follow along, and I absolutely loved the ending of Saffron Alley. Very excited to read the conclusion to the Sword Dance trilogy!
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door · 2 months
Hello! How about 17, 41, and 44 for the book asks? 📚
hi hi! ty for asking. (link to asks)
17. Favorite finished book series.
oh god this is TOUGH. ok i can't do favourites, i'm very bad at favourites. i will list for you some that i love very much and which i revisit often.
the will darling adventures by kj charles (truly a triumph of a trilogy, i reread huge chunks of it after finishing death in the spires last weekend)
the sword dance trilogy by aj demas (another fantastic queer romance/mystery trilogy, set in a fictional ancient mediterraneanish world)
chrestomanci by diana wynne jones (lovelovelovelovelove)
edit to add: i knew there were manga i wanted to include!! CROSS GAME by Mitsuru Adachi and PLANETES by makoto yukimura
41. When you get ready for a week long trip to somewhere how many books do you download/pack inside the suitcase?
entirely depends on the kind of trip! when i go to beach with my family, i fill a tote bag with books + my kindle, because i will be reading interspersed with swimming nearly the entire time. i regularly read a book a day on those trips. if i'm expecting to be doing a lot of sight-seeing or socializing, i'll usually bring one book and/or my kindle. (the caveat to both of these is that i will always manage to bring home more books somehow.)
44. The book(s) whose stories have become part of your very makeup.
neverwhere, for obvious reasons lol. but there are so many. some things i read while very young, some that resonated with me due to place or setting.
i was talking about crooked house by agatha christie with a coworker yesterday because i read it when i was a kid and the twist so shocked me that it stayed with me, until i'd half convinced myself that i'd imagined it. many years later i mentioned this to a friend, who confirmed that yes, it existed, and what it was, and sometime after that someone sold a very cool paperback of it to the bookshop where i worked so i took it home and reread it. turns out i was right to remember it: it's very, very good.
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ajibooks · 1 year
I made a list of published books I've enjoyed with asexual and/or aromantic main characters for a friend on Discord and I am sharing it here with links.
alloromantic asexual characters, primarily romance novels but have plots unrelated to the romance:
- The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz - my favorite f/f book, about a robot and a mechanic who works on robots. CW for bigotry (against robots). Sci-fi.
- The Rat-Catcher's Daughter by KJ Charles - m/f (cis man and trans woman). This one is loosely linked to a longer series but stands alone. Historical (late Victorian London).
- His Quiet Agent by Ada Maria Soto - m/m, one man is a sex-repulsed asexual and the other is demisexual, they are co-workers who fall in love. Looks very normal from the cover and blurb but is actually very strange and dreamlike. Contemporary.
aromantic characters:
- A Conspiracy of Truths by Alexandra Rowland - secondary world fantasy, aromantic bisexual main character, other queer characters.
- The Murderbot Diaries (series) by Martha Wells - sci-fi adventure novels. The main character is agender, aromantic, and asexual.
- The Dragon of Ynys by Minerva Cerridwen - fantasy and all-ages fairy tale about an aromantic asexual knight who befriends a dragon and finds queer family while on a quest.
Possibly of interest but these do not have explicitly aro or ace characters:
- Sword Dance trilogy by AJ Demas - M/nb romance with intrigue and mystery. I read the nonbinary character as gray ace. There is on-page sex in this series (not in any of the other books I'm listing here). Secondary world fantasy (set in an imaginary version of the ancient Mediterranean).
- The Design by China Miéville - m/m with non-specific queer vibes, is not a story about being queer. Horror-themed. Historical (early 20th century). Audio version is free online here.
- The Apple-Tree Throne by Premee Mohamed - m/m (ish) but even less romance-y than the last one. Also horror-themed. Set in a fantasy version of post-WWI England. Audiobook is on Hoopla.
- The Bedlam Stacks by Natasha Pulley - m/m, definitely a romance but undefined in nature. Fantasy, magical realism. Historical (set in Victorian-era Peru).
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profiterole-reads · 1 year
2022 Favourites
In no particular order. This is content I've read and watched in 2022, not necessarily content released in 2022.
1. A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland: m/m heroic fantasy + non-binary characters. This was one of my most expected novels of the year and I was fully satisfied with the result. One of the protagonists suffers from severe anxiety.
2. [French] L’Héritage des Rois-Passeurs by Manon Fargetton: portal fantasy with a lesbian protagonist. The French language in the secondary world is different, but I don't know if the author invented the variations or based them on something real.
3. Sword Dance by AJ Demas: m/nb historical fantasy. This trilogy takes place in a fictional world based on Ancient Greece. It's a delightful mix of intrigue and domesticity shenanigans.
4. The Hollow Star Saga by Ashley Shuttleworth: f/f and m/m urban fantasy (YA). This series about the fae also includes a touch of Greek mythology. I care a lot about all the characters.
5. Youngblood by Sasha Laurens: f/f urban fantasy (YA). This is my favourite queer vampire novel. It's an excellent mix of vampire lore, romance and mystery.
6. The Magic Between by Stephanie Hoyt: m/m magical realism. The characters have superpowers, but it's not superhero fiction. It's a fun bi4bi romance.
7. One Verse Multi by Sander Santiago: m/m/m science fiction with a trans male protagonist. This is my favourite read of the year. I loved the science in this story and how the author played with the Mandela effect (false memories shared by many people).
8. Safe and Sound by EM Lindsey: m/m romance. This is a very moving hurt & comfort novel. This author always does a great job with the intersectionality of queerness and disability, deafness and vertigo in this case.
9. If You Still Recognise Me by Cynthia So: f/f romance. This novel is about identity (queer, but also British and Cantonese) and fandom.
10. [Spanish] Anne sin Filtros by Iria Parente and Selene Pascual: f/f/m romance with a trans male protagonist (YA). This novel is also about queerness and fandom. I've read several books by these authors and this is my fave.
 TV shows
1. Ancient Detective: murder mystery/wuxia with BL vibes + a non-binary character in the last few episodes. While this c-drama is mostly m/f, I appreciated the queer touches, as well as the complex plot.
2. Legend of Yunze: GL wuxia. This c-drama is a quick watch, with episodes that are only a few minutes long. What's nice is that the f/f is not very censored for a Chinese show.
3. The Lost Tomb/DMBJ franchise: adventure/fantasy with BL vibes. This c-drama franchise kept me busy for a good part of the year and I estimate that I've seen about half of it. It covers a genre that is relatively rare in Western shows.
4. Bulgasal: urban fantasy with a queer-coded villain. Sure, queer-coded villains aren't the best form of representation, but the one in this k-drama is very well-written. The reincarnation plot is fascinating as well.
5. Vampire Academy: urban fantasy with some f/f and some m/m (YA). I loved the movie way back and I'm glad that they've added queer representation to the show, even though it would have been even better if they had made the Lissa/Rose subtext canon.
6. Wednesday: murder mystery/urban fantasy with a probably a-spec protagonist (YA). This is a delightful adaptation of the Addams Family, true to the old movies.
7. Love in the Air: BL romance. This addictive Thai drama is my favourite show of the year. Payu/Rain are my fave couple, they're so playful and loving. For Prapai/Sky, there's a lot of hurt & comfort, which gave me so many feels.
8. Semantic Error: BL romance. This k-drama's protagonist is on the autism spectrum. It's enemies-to-lovers, or rather annoyances-to-lovers.
9. She Makes My Heart Flutter: GL romance. This k-drama is a quick watch. I love that it mostly focuses on sapphic friendships.
10. Heartstopper: m/m romance with some f/f and a trans girl (YA). I love the webcomic and the adaptation is really well done. It's such a sweet story.
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
I have a question what are your thoughts on Subaru in both anime and game
Subaru in the games OBVIOUSLY has a lot more development and depth than the anime (which is basically the living stereotype of "oh, he's an insufferable tsundere but he has ✨TrAuMaS WITH HIS MOTHER✨").
Subaru is like this in the games as a result of his mother's poor mental health, which precisely led him to take it out on others because he had no other way. Subaru, being a child, only imitated what his mother did because she was the ONLY authority figure he knew and he absorbed everything she "taught" him.
He literally says it "I could bond with her because of that and because of the hatred towards that man" and apart from that, his hatred for Karlheinz is more than justified because he KNOWS what he did to his mother from a very young age, how he "ruined" her ".
and it is understandable why he felt hurt when his mother rejected him in favor of his father who was a product of the Stockholm Syndrome.
Even if Subaru has (in my opinion) one of the creepiest stories in DL, the important thing is that they don't use it as something to forgive him, he is still AN IMBECILE, but he has remorse, he feels GUILT for his actions, he even tries to help Yui in various sections of the game. HE IS AWARE that what he is doing IS WRONG.
but he continues to do so as a result of TRAUMA and his horrible upbringing. Much like Laito clings to what Cordelia "gave" him, Subaru follows his mother's "example" as a defense mechanism.
but of course, he is still an abusive, sexist, misogynist BASTARD, who has no problem making Yui MISERABLE or seeing her suffer if he feels that he "deserves it" which is honestly AWFUL. Not counting the times when he physically attacks her, insults or degrades her, the bad endings, etc.
but that is more than anything an opinion, because it is still a terrible option to have as a partner or friend even if it has reasons to be that way, it is an explanation, not an excuse. Either of them is a horrible person.
Subaru en los juegos OBVIAMENTE tiene mucho mas desarrollo y profundidad que el de el anime (que es básicamente el esteriotipo vivo de "oh, es un tsundere insoportable pero tiene ✨TrAuMaS cOn Su MaDrE✨").
Subaru es asi en los juegos producto de la pobre salud mental de su madre, qie justamente le llevo a desquitarse con los demas al no tener otra forma. Subaru siendo un niño solo imito lo que su madre hacia porque era la UNICA figura de autoridad que el conocia y absorbió todo lo que ella le "enseño".
literalmente el lo dice "podia vincularme con ella por eso y por el odio hacia ese hombre" y aparte eso, su odio por Karlheinz esta mas que justificado porque SABE lo que le hizo a su madre desde muy joven, el como el la "arruino".
y se entiende porque se sintio herido cuando su madre lo rechazo en favor de su padre producto del sindfome de Estocolmo.
aun si Subaru tiene(en mi opinión) una de las historias mas creepys de DL, lo importante es que no lo usan como algo para perdonarlo, sigue siendo UN IMBECIL, pero tiene remordimiento, siente CULPA por sus acciones, incluso trata de ayudar a Yui en varios tramos del juego. TIENE CONCIENCIA de que lo que hace ESTA MAL.
pero lo sigue haciendo producto de un TRAUMA y de su horrible crianza. de forma similar a como Laito se aferra a lo que le "dio" Cordelia, Subaru sigue el "ejemplo" de su madre como un mecanismo de defenza.
pero claro, sigue siendo un BASTARDO abusivo, machista, misogino, que no tiene problema en hacer MISERABLE a Yui o verla sufrir si siente que "se lo merece" lo aje sinceramente es ESPANTOSO. Sin contar las veces en las que la agrede físicamente, la insulta o la degrada, los finales malos, etc.
pero eso es mas que nada una opinion, porque sigue siendo una pesima opción para tener de pareja o amigo aun si tiene razones para ser asi, es una explicación, no una excusa. cualquiera de los dos es horrible persona.
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mickycute · 2 years
Esta semana y la anterior estuve estresada, cansada , enojada, nerviosa, preocupada, gaste mucha plata, llore hasta pensaba en rendirme, bueno todo esto paso por culpa de esta torta de mierda que tenia que hacer para mi nota final de reposteria
Lo bueno de todo es que asi me quedo , ya lo acabe , esta torta era una falsa hecha por plastofor , lo demas lo que cubre es fondant, porcelana fria , luego tiene cintas que compre en donde venden telas, flores artificiales que tambien compre (lo cual no se podia hacer eso(yo dije que me importa) ) otras estaba hechas a porcelana, y algunas partes lo pinte en aerosol
osea yo me estaba Rindiendo de verdad porque hacerlo era dificil para mi ,pasaban los dias y avanzaba muy lento por culpa de ese fondant que odio aj 😡
Yo vine aprender tortas no tortas falsa para decoracion
Lo que no me gusto tambien fue gastar al pedo bolsas de kilo de azucar para nada mas preparar el fondant y cubrir en una torta falsa de plastoform
Tambien de que mi profe no le gustaba lo que hacia y me decia que lo haga de nuevo o que lo rompa , osea el fondant cuando cubria la torta falsa
Luego 2 plastofom lo lleve a que otra persona me lo rellene con fondant pero no hacian eso, y al final me lo hicieron con goma eva , gaste plata al pedo porque al dia siguiente fui a mis clases le mostre a mi profe y tampoco le gusto dijo que era una ofensa a la reposteria y que lo quite o no me va a poner nota , obvio que a las demas chicas les gusto pero mi profe con su cara de orto me repetia que lo quitara
Y me enoje hasta queria llorar me estaba aguantando ... (ahi fue cuando en mi mente decia ya fue, este fue mi limite, que queria abandonar respsteria) y nada pasaron tantas cosas pero recorde que cada vez que me meto a algo para aprender casi nunca lo termino
Asi que me di una ultima oportunidad , y si me dio resultado, me quede mas horas fuera de clases, me canse de estar parada , tengo todavia cansado mis hombros por llevar cosas osea la masa y asi lo termine
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La verdad no me gusto este mes porque aca tocaba avanzar tortas falsas
Pero el resultado me gusto
Mi billetera no piensa lo mismo
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wearethekat · 10 months
May Book Reviews: Honey and Pepper by AJ Demas
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Reading through Demas' backlist. Nikias is working as a snack vendor and thinking of expanding into his own booth. Unfortunately, his crush, an elegant young clerk, is working for the most notorious crime family in the city, and he's about to accidentally entangle Nikias into some trouble...
As I've said before, I'm extremely fond of Demas' alt-ancient Mediterranean romances. This book falls on the fluffier side, despite some darker elements (serious discussions of slavery and abuse, the aforementioned mob boss). It's lucky the romance is sweet and executed well, otherwise I'd be disappointed by the summary dismissal of the action sideplot.*
A fun example of the Historical Romances With Murders In Them Genre, with bonus details about selling fried food in an ancient Greek city (more or less).
(Spoilers in the footnote below the cut)
*the mob boss got EATEN BY A CROCODILE offpage
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aurorawest · 2 years
In case anyone is curious, here’s a list of books I’ve read since I fell off the wagon posting about them. Feel free to ask about any of them!
Infinity Son - Adam Silvera
In Deeper Waters - FT Lukens
Autoboyography - Christina Lauren
All That’s Left in the World - Erik J Brown
The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamper
Kiss & Tell - Adib Khorram
And They Lived... - Steven Salvatore
The Hate Project - Kris Ripper
Witchmark - CL Polk
The Wicker King - K Ancrum
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
Blaine for the Win - Robbie Couch
The City of Dusk - Tara Sim
It Takes Two to Tumble - Cat Sebastian
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee (reread)
A Gentleman Never Keeps Score - Cat Sebastian
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli
Book Boyfriend - Kris Ripper
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
Camp - Lev AC Rosen
A Complicated Love Story Set in Space - Shaun David Hutchinson
So This is Ever After - FT Lukens
Young Mungo - Douglas Stewart
Icebreaker - AL Graziadei
The Darkness Outside Us - Eliot Schrefer
Something Human - AJ Demas
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon
All Systems Red - Martha Wells
Yes, Daddy - Jonathan Parks-Ramage
The Last Sun - KD Edwards
King of Scars - Leigh Bardugo
Lord of the White Hell - Ginn Hale
Flash Fire - TJ Klune
Bath Haus - PJ Vernon
A Case of Possession - KJ Charles
The Library of the Dead - TL Huchu
Never Been Kissed - Timothy Janovsky
Black Leopard, Red Wolf - Marlon James
Nate Plus One - Kevin van Whye
Out of the Blue - Jason June
Ready When You Are - Gary Lonesborough
Out There: Into the Queer New Yonder - ed. by Saundra Mitchell
Jay’s Gay Agenda - Jason June
Black Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse
If This Gets Out - Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich
Lava Red Feather Blue - Molly Ringle
The Loophole - Naz Kutub
Best Laid Plans - Roan Parrish
Café con Lychee - Emery Lee
Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell
A Lady for a Duke - Alexis Hall
Scourge of the Seas of Time (and Space) - ed. by Catherine Lundoff
Two Rogues Make a Right - Cat Sebastian
We All Fall Down - Rose Szabo
Date Me, Bryson Keller - Kevin van Whye
Okay so I apparently...vastly underestimated how much I’ve read since May!
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lucifer-kane · 2 years
I was recced a series called Sword Dance by AJ Demas and I wanted to know if anyone has read them and can tell me how they are. I saw the non binary love interest and I’m vvv interested at the moment
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poisindonottouch · 11 months
Queer reads: a month of links
Here are the 30 books/authors I’ve recommended for the month of June.
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Science Fiction
1: The Locked Tomb, by Tamsyn Muir
2: Provenance, by Ann Leckie 
3: A Memory Called Empire, by Arkady Martine 
4: The Left Hand Of Darkness, by Ursula K LeGuin 
5: The Roads of Heaven, by Melissa Scott 
6: Winter’s Orbit & Ocean’s Echo, by Everina Maxwell
7: Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells 
8: Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, by Samuel R Delany
9: The Vorkosigan Saga, by Lois McMaster Bujold
(I don’t really read too much horror, because I’m a scaredy-cat, but these were both so good!) 
10: The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
11: Summer Sons, by Lee Mandelo 
12: The Greenhollow Duology, by Emily Tesh 
13: The Manifold Worlds, by Foz Meadows
14:  Paladin’s Hope, by T Kingfisher
15: The Last Binding, by Freya Marske
16: The Scholomance trilogy, by Naomi Novik
17:  Rain Wild Chronicle, by Robin Hobb
18: The Cemeteries of Amalo, by Katherine Addison
19: My Real Children, by Jo Walton
20: The Amberlough Dossier, by Lara Elena Donnelly
21: The Broken Earth trilogy, by N.K. Jemisin
22: K.J. Charles
23: Cat Sebastian
24: Alexis Hall
25: AJ Demas
26: Elin Gregory
27: Roan Parrish
Sport Romances! 
28: KD Casey
29: Rachel Reid
30: Avon Gale & Piper Vaughn
Go enjoy some queer books! 
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