#alistain valin
moon-warrior-books · 7 months
Some art that I got a while ago. Poor Alistain being tormented by Tsuki❣️
🎨 by S4D_CLOWN
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moon-warrior-books · 6 months
WWYD if you saw him in a dark alley?
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Lunar Awakening, my debut dark fantasy novel is set to come out early 2024. Keep and eye out for more snipits and character art!
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moon-warrior-books · 7 months
This blog is dedicated to the Moon Wrrior book series that is written by me.
Book 1, Lunar Awakening, is set to come out early 2024. It is a fast-paced Dark Fantasy novel.
Main cast under cut
Tsuki (MC)
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moon-warrior-books · 7 months
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Yes, he's hot
If you like this, please follow this blog for updates of the book plus more art❣️
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moon-warrior-books · 7 months
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A vampire catching his (willing) prey
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moon-warrior-books · 5 years
Book fan cast
Moon Warrior fan cast by the author
Tsuki- Maya Rudolph
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Takagi- Lee Pace
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Kiriuk- Manny Jacinto
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Alistain Valin- Jabrizio Moro
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Willianna- Erica Ash
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moon-warrior-books · 6 years
Takagi's backstory
For @memesnotwelcome. I hope your test went ok. Idk what kind of test it was but know that I sent good vibes your way.
Takagi was always a lonely child in the castle. Sure he had people around him, guiding him but they were never his parents. Once he showed a great affinity to magic and mastered his first spell at the age of three he was a target for many people. That's why he was taken from his parents to the castle so he could be bred into a great wizard. Little did they know he would be one of the greatest wizards of their era.
He had a rough childhood, especially after he was taken from his parents. He was teased for it and felt like an outsider, all because he had an affinity to magic. The other kids of the castle were apprenticing around the castle and he was left with the court wizard and head butler.
The court wizard was exceptionally harsh to Takagi, always pushing him to his limits and giving him little time to rest between duties. The head butler was stern but not harsh. Takagi looked up to the both of them and saw great wisdom that he wished to obtain for himself. But because his apprenticeship was so hard he had to steel himself and he went into a depression.
While he was in his late teens he became the court wizard to the new king, Tsuki's father. And soon after her father took the throne they had a child, a baby girl. Becuase he was also had the duties of the head butler he took care of the new families needs as well as his duties as court wizard. He watched tsuki grow from a baby into a child and he learned about cetin quirks she had. Such quirks were her liking of animals and her ability to handle them with care even though she was so young and her interest in peace keeping among the other children. Most days she would be with her mother. But on occasion Takagi would be tasked to take care of Tsuki for the day. And while that would add to his duties he loved it. He admired her curiosity about everything and her questions never ceased to make him smile. He saw joy in her. He was happy.
He also found a friends in the new king and queen. They were adamant to create a world thelat lived without fear or worry. And he admired that. He was fast friends with the king even while he was a prince. They would talk strategy and politics all day if they could. They were also sparing partners because, "A good king knows how to fight a magic user as well as a normal brute." Is what Takagi would say.
When the king and queen were killed and Tsuki missing he was broken for a long time. He thought it was his fault they were dead, like he had failed to protect the most important people in his life. He fell into another depression, and it worsened as he saw what type a person the kings brother, Lentus was when he took the throne. But becuase he had yet to take an apprentice he still had a duty to the crown to help lead the country. But when Lentus ordered the killing of Heltavin civilians and the burning of other countries farms he had just about had enough.
That's when he met Kiriuk. Kiriuk was just a boy of eleven when he ran up on the castle after what had happened to his "father" and had been separated from Tsuki. When they checked the rubble of the cabin there was no body and when they looked for his sister she was nowhere to be found. That's when Takagi asked who his sister was and found that his story of Tsuki matched up with the story of his Tsuki. And so Takagi went to King Lentus and asked for a group of men, either from the castle or adventurers, to go looking for her. But Lentus swore that they had done that when the attack on the family had just happened, he was lying, and that he couldnt afford to waste time, money, and men on a little boys words.
So, Takagi cursed Lentus, grabbed supplies for an adventure with Kiriuk and searched the country for Tsuki. They became like brothers and had many adventures themselves as they searched. He became happy again, even though he didnt recognize it. When they found Tsuki he immediately saw her mother and father in her. He was overjoyed. He knelt because that's what his predecessor would have done, but he really wanted to hug her so tightly and never let go.
He never talked about the past, especially his, to anyone. So Tsuki herd it from others in the castle, little tidbits here and there. Once she herd about how hard his past was she ran to him and hugged him from behind with tears I  her eyes.
"Who? Oh, my lady! What is it? Is something the matter?"
"No. I just needed a hug."
"Well if that is all you need then I'll be happy to oblige you."
She respected him more after that and felt more for him. Not in a romantic way but in a familial way. Like they both had gone through the same type of trauma, even though that is not the case. She sees him as a brother of sorts but not at the same time. I mean he's 38 and she's 22 at the end if the first book. But she also is in love with a vampire who is in his 200s. So it's a weird romantic/familial thing that she feels.
Hope you like this cuz I know Takagi is ya boi. ♡♡♡
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moon-warrior-books · 6 years
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moon-warrior-books · 6 years
Short HCs
Tsuki is chubby and has wide hips. Like she be thick yall. It's mostly because she eats a LOT of bread.
Takagi is a horrible flirt. Like he sucks at it.
While Kiriuk is an accidental flirt.
Willianna has a crush on Clarent, and a few of the maids.
Ailistain is a horrible tease to Tsuki. Like whispering naughty things in her ear teasing.
Takagi is so stuck in his books that he neglects his own needs and so Tsuki and Kiriuk check on him every so often to make sure hes ok.
Tsuki is not white. Her mother is black and her father is Asian-white.
Kiriuk likes to spend time among the animals in the forest. Makes him feel closer to being an actual wolf.
Alistain and Willianna have made a pact to make sure Tsuki doesnt get into any real trouble outside the castle.
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moon-warrior-books · 6 years
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The main group
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