#alistair x inquisitor
ndostairlyrium · 9 months
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...I did skip WIP Wednesday but I'm leaving u a munched up ball of yarn at your door as compensation
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pinayelf · 10 months
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stylization/coloring experiment w my fave ship dynamic ❤️ feat the magic girls and their knights
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jessitasquirrelart · 3 months
I made a silly goofy animatic about my Dragon Age OC-turned JJK OC staring at Nanami's butt.
Using audio from Origins.
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lgvalenzuela · 3 months
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Main Dragon Age ships but wlw because I almost have no wlw ships and I feel like a traitor to my kind
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beetnik-jay · 1 year
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Dragon Age romances 🤌🤌🤌
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cosmic-darikano · 1 year
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Dragon Age is a dating sim TO ME
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videogame-ocs · 1 year
Dragon Age characters IRL#1: protagonists and love interests:
So I recently (like last year) discovered Artbreeder and so decided I’d make a series of some of the dragon age characters as I’d imagine them to look, in real life.
Amelia Cousland* & Alistair Theirin:
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*Normally, Amelia’s hair would be up in a braided bun but I couldn’t get the bun to work on her portrait so, enjoy Amelia without her hair down.
Freya Hawke & Anders:
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Anya Trevelyan & Cullen Rutherford:
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lockescoles · 2 years
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TOP 5 DRAGON AGE ROMANCES ↳ for @pastramis​
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selky · 8 months
My Dragon Age Couples
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Alistair Theirin x Selky Cousland
a young, playful couple who coped with shouldering the fate of the world by carving out time to have many sweet, silly, and tender moments together
when I think of my Cousland, I'm reminded of a song lyric: "a little innocent, a little naughty" as she lived a sheltered noble life, but found she loved getting her hands dirty--and couldn't keep them off Alistair either
she also gets jealous easily even though she has nothing to worry about since King Alistair is madly in love with his rough-and-tumble, ball-and-chain queen
the legendary, fairytale union between the witty, handsome King Alistair and the pretty, doe-eyed Hero of Ferelden are often gossiped about throughout Thedas
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Fenris x Liora Hawke
a serious couple who went through a lot of highs and lows and have many differences, but will always be there for each other
my Hawke is sarcastic and as charming as a politician, but shows her tender side only to those closest to her
she's rather vain about her appearance and her warrior fighting style left her with many facial scars over the years which causes her much dismay
Fenris easily picks up on her self-consciousness and reminds her that she is still the most beautiful woman he's ever seen
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Cullen Rutherford x Tauni Trevelyan
a caring, passionate couple who share guilt over finding such a beautiful romance with each other due to the weight of responsibilities and burdens they bear
my Trevelyan is very kind and faithful, which many might consider weak or naive, but it's because of her strength that she can walk a path of compassion
she always gives more than she takes so her tenderness cracked the heart of her beloved commander, allowing him to finally recover from his lyrium addiction
With her a mage and Cullen a former templar, Tauni always ruminated over what he thought about her and she struggled to overcome her reservations despite her deep attraction to him
Cullen's awkwardness empowered Tauni to open up and relax since she found teasing him to be very amusing
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theluckywizard · 6 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch. 62: Vertigo
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Summary: Rose navigates the fall out of her handling of Crestwood's mayor, her intensifying liaison with Hawke, a surprise that comes from Skyhold and meets yet another legendary warrior.
Fic Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
Excerpt below the cut 👇
When Hawke returns, he motions for me alone to follow. We walk silently together ducking protrusions and stalactites and shimming through narrow passages, the lightness of yesterday, the brightness between us cast in the shade of today’s revelations. The doorway we push through is marked with a whitewashed skull with a red streak across its eyes, the old smuggling ring’s stamp.
“It’s us,” he says. A man rises from a makeshift table covered in scribbled and crumpled notes, his features overtaken by the kind of beard one doesn’t choose to have. His armor is nondescript, his Warden credentials hidden away for safety’s sake.
Alistair Theirin. 
Another legend. 
Perhaps this time I can keep it together. He looks about my age, with dark blonde hair and a noble brow, but his overgrown beard and generally haggard appearance make him look worn beyond his years.
“Maker, man, you look like shit,” says Hawke with a grin.
“Cave chic,” he answers, yanking Hawke in for a firm handshake that quickly escalates into a bear hug. Alistair’s hazel eyes land on me next, nearly as bright and mischievous as Hawke’s and then jump to investigate my hands. At this point it feels like my blush is merely part of my uniform.
“You must be looking for this,” I say, holding up the anchor.
“Maker’s breath ,” he says. “I’ve always maintained there’s too much bizarre shit in the world.”
“That’s me. Bizarre shit,” I laugh. “Pleased to meet you.”
“Rose, Alistair. Alistair, Rose,” says Hawke. “We’re good with first names here, right?”
“Of course we are, Garrett ,” says Alistair pleasantly and I suppress my smile. He comes forward to shake my hand. “I’m glad you’re here. I wish it was someplace less— moldy. And you’ll have to forgive my looks. The combined effect of fugitive life, cave life and a missing wife is pretty potent. If I’d known you were coming I might have broken out the fancy soap.”
“I’m just happy we found you before the Wardens did,” I answer.
“As am I, my lady Inquisitor,” says Alistair.
“Well. Here we all are,” says Hawke. “I’m as eager as Rose is to hear what you have to say about the Wardens. I haven’t heard from Carver. Last letter I received was from the Anderfels. I asked Aveline to try and track him down to convince him to stay far from Orlais, but I’m assuming he told her to fuck right off.”
“As far as I know Carver is back in the Marches,” says Alistair, “But that was months ago. Who knows how far this nonsense has spread.”
“Then we can’t waste time,” says Hawke.
Read the rest here
Start the Fic Here
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yesiplaygamez · 1 year
What is you're canon lover in all 3 games. Mine is
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
Everyone complaining about Dorian going back to Tevinter in Tresspasser irks me. Because if you romance Alistar in DA:O you do the same thing to him. Regardless of if you’re queen consort or consort. The HOF leaves. She goes on big adventures heading the Grey Wardens and finding a cure for the ritual. Hawke does the same thing too. They go to help the inquisition without their li and have the potential of actually dying.
Dorian saving Tevinter from itself is no better than the past actions of player characters. At least we get a funky locket to stay in touch and hear his voice.
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hello, I’m looking for 18+ writers ✍️ to RP with for the fandom Dragon Age. Preferred ships include Handers, anyone with Alistair or Morrigan, and Solas x inquisitor, but I’m open to others.
I write literary RPs and prefer my partner to RP with paragraph replies and to reply at least once weekly, if possible.
I’m pro dark kink and 18+ themes and would like to include those when appropriate.
I roleplay mostly on discord.
Please message me if you’re interested! Thank you.
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fangirlforthewin · 2 years
Dragon Age Fanfic Recommendation
Not too long ago, I had asked for some fic recommendations from you all (which I am ALWAYS accepting), and I thought I'd put in one place all the fanfics I've been recommended in case anyone else is interested and wanted to see them all in one place.
Cullen x Inquisitor
In Waking Dreams by AParisianShakespearean (AO3) or on Tumblr - Completed 100/100 Chapters. Summary: The love story between Inquisitor Lydia Trevelyan and her Commander. As the Inquisition begins and unravels, so do their own personal struggles, issues, torrid pasts, and feelings for one another. Sprinklings of other characters here and there. Slightly diverges from canon. Rated E for later chapters.
The Lion and the Halla by Samdancer (AO3) / Derpyfangirl (Tumblr) - Ongoing Summary: Cullen Rutherford has never had much luck with mages. Mages tended to view him with distrust or outright hatred for being a former Templar. And then he meets Helia- the Dalish mage who is the Herald of Andraste. As their relationship evolves, Cullen finds that not only does he have to command the Inquisition's army, but has to contend with jealous Elven apostates, lyrium withdrawal, murder games, and so much more! WHy did he let Cassandra talk him into this?
The Silver Lining by Decim (AO3) - Completed 64/64 Chapters Summary: Canon friendly re-imagining of templar-sided DA:I. POV Cullen and Elsa Trevelyan — a noble girl with a secret who is more familiar with the Game than with combat. Gradual build with a lot of character development, fleshing out of game events, and between-the-scenes detail.
Lay it on Me by Reindrops (AO3) / iamanavenger (Tumblr) - Ongoing Summary: Everyone thinks being the Inquisitor is all glory and honor. No one talks about how it's just surviving, trying to save who you can, and not letting yourself get caught up in the grief of those you couldn't. A darker story of all the hardships our Inquisitor deals with as a Circle Mage, who was not conditioned to be fighting for her life and making life and death decisions.
Alistair x Warden
In Good times and in Bad by PookatheCat (AO3) - Completed 101/101 Chapters Summary: Alistair's POV of the events during the Fifth Blight and his love for the Cousland Warden. The story follows the game with lots of extras.
Come Together by Charlatron (AO3) - Completed 1/1 Chapters Summary: So, I always hated that the only way a female Cousland could get her happy ever after with King Alistair was to let him sleep with another woman. This is my smutty way of making said affair just a little easier to swallow.
Shit Flavored Candy by ACatNamedCrowley (AO3) - Completed 1/1 Chapters Summary: Alistair and Morrigan uncomfortable, barely consensual, archdemon old god baby-making catastrophe.
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sapphirebunnyart · 1 year
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I think I may have a thing for ferelden blonds with redhead elven mages lol.
Messy sketches of my Inquisitor, Kayla with Cullen and my Warden, Rose with Alistair.
I love these dorks so much *sob*
Commissions are open!
See full wips by supporting me on my kofi membership for as little as $1 a month
Also my Carrd! https://sapphireangelbunny.carrd.co/
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