#all things princessy
cavsthighs · 4 months
g is so. when someone asks him to make them a cup of tea he does it poorly on purpose so they wont ask him again. hes notoriously shit at buying rounds in whatever form that may be. charged with multiple counts of not answering his damn phone (ignored rod ellingworths leaving calls 🫣 "itll not be that important"). never cleans his bike and cant change a tyre. absolutely unbearable as a personality on paper and yet. winner of my heart for every year since 2012.
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pine-tree-system · 1 year
Thinking about that last post I reblogged made me remember an older post that folks have forgotten about it. So rather than find it, I'm gonna rewrite it in my own words with my thoughts added to it.
(if anything, it'll be my interpretation of it and an encapsulation of how our system runs things. I wanna say the original post was made by @/system-of-a-feather but I could be wrong)
Littles won't always "act their age." Littles are not actual children. They are alters, a part of a whole identity that has been fractured off to cope with complex trauma via dissociation.
In our system, most of the littles embody parts of our childhood and that can include "pure, wholesome" parts. That can also include "unwholesome" parts, like sexual trauma or physical trauma. So you can expect their worldview to be a bit different from the average child. Hell, some littles will hold different perspectives of the SAME memory and will react accordingly.
We have littles who curse, watch Markiplier, read/watch things that are aimed at an older audience, make references to adult concepts, and some are even hypersexual. Yes, I know it's not pretty, especially when you picture an actual child. But guess what? They're not actual children. They're a reaction to trauma. So don't expect us to "react pretty."
For us, as an adult system, who is currently 24 years old, we cannot hide adult concepts from them. We can help them cope and stay safe, but all of them already know that the concepts exist. Especially when they're in the presence of our protectors and caretakers.
Now, while final fusion isn't our goal, some systems do have that goal. And to achieve that, you cannot hide these concepts from littles. I'm certain that if you do that, you'll only strengthen dissociative barriers, which is bad for recovery, final fusion or not. I mean think about it. How can you be fully fused while also sectioning off parts of your brain because you're treating those parts like actual children?
Littles are a case-by-case situation, just like all alters. They're people. They're not actual kids, but they're still people with a specific worldview. All we can do with ours is teach them that things are now safe and they don't have to be scared anymore. They can cope in ways that help them. They can be treated how they want to be treated. They're worthy of respect and love and deserve autonomy. They can grow up. (And if them growing up means not being a little anymore, then that's fine. But if they still wanna be a little who can act like a grownup when needed, that's also fine)
We do worry about them acting in ways that are immature and unhelpful but that is the same for many other alters in our system, little or not.
This also reminds me of age regression, which may not be the same for singlets, but for us, even during regression, we still understand adult concepts. We may interact with them or maybe we avoid them. It's situational! All that matters is making sure we're not fucking things up and that we're not doing things we'll regret. That includes making sure we are able to cope with triggers, should they happen, and avoid making decisions we KNOW we are not able to in the current state of mind.
All in all, do not expect littles to act like children and do not shame them for acting any differently than you expect them to. They are not physical kids, especially if the system they're a part of is not a child.
I would not expect a 40 year old alter in a physical body of an 18 year old to act their age. So I'm not gonna do the same for a little. It's case-by-case. It's up to the system, mainly the protectors and caretakers, to decide.
Our system goal is healthy multiplicity, lowering dissociative barriers, and communication through all parts. Sheltering our littles from adult concepts and treating them in ways they don't want to be treated will NOT help that. We're not going to force adult concepts on them, but we're not going to hide them from the littles either.
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legoliomanikas · 2 years
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The new skins look pretty cute lol
Instagram || Redbubble [Fischl / Diluc stickers]
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highwaydiamonds · 2 years
guys... there are these dresses from jessa kae that are actually in my size and they are so pretty. they're not teuta matoshi level but a couple of them are selkie adjacent... I have a couple of their summery dresses ( one of their strawberry ones and another one) but i haven't worn them out yet? I don't have occasions for them - especially what is essentially a long poufy formal gown, but ohhhhhhhhhhh my gosh I WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT one ( or two...)
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aberooski · 3 months
As an October baby, please enough with being assigned dark and spooky things I'm not a dark and spooky girl ugh
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fatuismooches · 10 months
a lesson in happiness.
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Kabukimono did not know the day of his creation.
It was already a sad thing, you thought, to not have been given a name at birth. Much less to not know the day you were first brought into this world. To not have a birthday. Though Kabukimono initially didn’t care, due to having no knowledge of the concepts of birthdays at first, seeing other villagers celebrate their own caused him to be excited about his birthday, and then be crushed by the realization that he didn’t have one.
He acted like it didn’t hurt him. But it did. And it hurt you too. Though, you had an idea.
January third. That was the day Katsuragi and the others found the puppet lying inside Shakkei Pavilion. It wasn’t his day of birth, but still an important day. A day when he was found. Seen. And you wanted Kabukimono to feel special, just like every human does, on a day of the year. So you devised a little plan. It wasn’t anything grand of course, no, you didn’t have the Mora for that. But to Kabukimono, he would probably think you may have just given him a five-star course anyway. You hadn’t told him about this yet, as you wanted it to be a surprise.
The first step was baking a cake, which wasn’t as simple as one would think.
Kabukimono was always open to trying new human foods, but surprisingly, he did not enjoy sweets. You’ll never forget the screwed-up expression on his face when you introduced him to dango. He tried to speak while eating it but it sounded all jumbled up because his teeth were stuck together. It was quite adorable.
So therefore, you had to make sure that the cake wasn’t too sweet and also tasted good at the same time. Admittedly, it wasn’t easy, and it took you a good amount of tries. Not to mention Kabukimono was constantly glued at your hip so it was hard to find time to do it so he wouldn’t find out about the surprise. But at last, you had done it. It was light, fluffy, and yummy, with not too much sugar so you hoped Kabukimono would find it delicious.
The second thing was to acquire a gift. It was hard to think of something to get your lover. It felt like, no matter what you gave him, it wouldn’t be enough. No matter how much it was (not that you had the money for that anyway.) But you had settled on something simple but pretty - you had commissioned someone in the village to produce a lovely, handmade comb for you. It was beautiful, sturdy and practical, and the best part it had your and Kabukimono’s initials carved into it with a plus sign.
Kabukimono always loved it when you brushed his hair. It had become a nightly and morning routine actually. Every night you’d brush out the knots that may have accumulated during the day. And in the morning you’d brush out any tangles he may have gotten in his sleep. You took care of his silky princessy hair better than your own. So you think he’d appreciate this comb especially, for when he had to brush his hair when you weren’t around. 
Regardless, you were set and prepared to make Kabukimono’s first birthday with you a success. The night before, you were trying to hide your giddiness, but it seemed like you weren’t the only one. Kabukimono kept looking at you with shy eyes, to which you smiled and came to hug him from behind, wrapping your arms around him.
“Something you want to say, love?” You asked, nuzzling your face into his neck. He blushed a little bit.
“I was just thinking a bit.”
“About? Perhaps little old me?”
“Yes,” he said honestly. “But also about tomorrow. It was the day I…” The puppet’s memory was always sharp, you noticed. Of course he wouldn’t forget about such a notable day.
“The day Katsuragi and the others found you,” you finished. “And the day I met you,” you softly pressed a kiss against his cheek. 
“You remembered!” Kabukimono beamed.
“Of course I did,” you chuckled. “How could I forget about the love of my life?” You squeezed him tighter and pulled him down, both of you falling together onto the futon as giggles filled the air. “I can’t believe it’s already been a year,” you sighed nostalgically. To think time would pass so fast.
“I remember it so clearly. Like it was yesterday…” The puppet drifted off as he buried his face in your chest. “So many things have happened since then. Sometimes I can’t believe it.”
“Me either,” you agreed, stroking his hair. “I’m quite happy to have been able to be with you for this long though.”
“Me too, [Name]! You’ve always made my days so much better,” he reached up to kiss your cheek and you grinned, cupping his face and pulling him in for another. Intimate moments like this were always lovely.
… But you knew for Kabukimono, this would eventually become nothing but a drop in the eternity that would stretch on endlessly for him.
It was Kabukimono’s birthday today.
That was the first thing you thought when you cracked your eyes open. You turned to face your lover and there he was, sleeping peacefully, snuggled into your shoulder. Stunning, as usual. For someone who didn’t need to sleep, he sure seemed to enjoy it. Though you hoped that today he’d stay asleep by himself for a while now. He always seemed to know when you left the futon and would soon follow you. So this time you placed a pillow for him to snuggle into instead. Hopefully, that’d keep him at bay for a bit until you finished baking the cake. You already knew the process like the back of your hand so it wouldn’t be too long.
… Unfortunately, Kabukimono was awake and pouting at you in the kitchen before you finished, the baked cake lying on the counter to cool while you had just finished whisking the icing.
“[Name], what are you doing up so early?” He whined, rubbing his eyes and sleepily making his way over to you. As he got closer he squinted at the stuff on the cupboard. “Are you making a cake? Is it someone’s birthday?”
Looks like the jig was up. “Yes, indeed. It’s for someone very important,” you hummed, as you began to spread the frosting over the layers of cake. Kabukimono blinked at you, trying to figure out who it could be. January third… January third. Not Niwa, nor Katsuragi… Kinjirou? No, not him either.
“You, silly.” There was a pause after your words as your lover stared at you blankly, processing your words.
“What? I-I don’t understand, [Name],” the puppet looked at you with a perplexed expression. You merely smiled back in response.
“A year ago today, when we all found you, you became part of this village’s family. You became irreplaceable to all of us. Especially me,” you uttered softly, looking straight into his eyes. “It may not have been the day you were brought into this world, but instead a day you were introduced to the world. A fitting day for a birthday, no? And I’d love to celebrate it with you… as long as it’s okay with you, dear.”
Kabukimono was stunned into near silence. “Is that… really possible? Can I really do that?”
“Of course you can. There are no rules.” Within seconds, a large smile appeared on Kabukimono’s face.
“January third… my birthday. My birthday! I actually have one now!” He looked so joyful, that it would make anyone smile. The puppet felt as though he was a little bit more human now.
“Indeed you do! Now, go get ready. We’re going out soon. There’s a really pretty spot I want to take you.” At this point, Kabukimono was practically jumping in excitement.
“Thank you so much [Name]! I love you so much!” He threw his hands around you quickly and then released you to go off and get changed.
“Love you… too.” Before you could even finish your sentence he was already out of the room. You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself as you retrieved a basket to place the cake and other small foods in.
Today was going to be an excellent day.
Kabukimono was too thrilled to walk at a normal pace, so the two of you were virtually running to the spot you had picked out. Thankfully the food was okay. Once the two of you had settled down at the scenic spot, the puppet marveled at the snacks and most importantly, the cake. It had been a hit with him, considering how he gobbled it down before you even finished your first slice. You made a mental note to make more non-sweet pastries for him. 
Not to mention how over the moon he was when you finally presented his gift, the comb. He couldn’t stop staring and fiddling with it, despite the fact there was really not much to see after a few minutes. Regardless, he asked you to comb his hair with it while he played with the finches and squirrels that had somehow shown up in his lap.
It really was a beautiful day, a birthday well celebrated. Now, it was going to be the evening time soon, so you two began to make it back to your home. Kabukimono wanted to cuddle in bed with you and read some stories. But when you arrived, you had one more surprise for your lover.
“There’s one last thing for you.”
“There’s even more?” Kabukimono looked at you with pure awe and adoration, making your heart squeeze.
“Yup! Though this one… it’s something for both of us, kind of. You’ll see. Wait here!” And with that you were running off, leaving the puppet confused and intrigued. But in no time you were back, carrying something.
It was… a tree? With the bottom of it contained in a bag with soil.
“[Name], you got us a tree?”
“Not just any tree, love. A Lavender Melon tree,” you grinned, setting the plant down with a huff. “You know what that means?”
“… We’re going to grow our own Lavender Melons!” The boy launched himself at you and you almost toppled over, but you gladly accepted his affection. “Oh but, how do we take care of it? I’ve never done something like this before!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll take it step by step. It’s not easy, but it’ll be rewarding and fun! Here, would you help me plant it now?” The puppet eagerly agreed and you two got to work finding a nice spot for your new tree and shoveling the ground (which Kabukimono insisted on doing himself despite it being his birthday.) Soon enough, the fruit tree was tucked firmly into the ground and watered. Kabukimono looked rather proud.
“I’ve never seen a tree this short. So this is how they look before they’re all grown up.” 
“This one isn’t even that tiny. I’ve seen saplings much smaller. Though, maybe if you sing to it, it’ll grow faster.”
“Really? Is that true?!” Kabukimono was now staring at you with wide, impressed eyes. Before you could even respond, he spoke again. “Well, I’ll sing as much as it wants every day.” Your eyes softened at his declaration. You couldn’t wait to hear that.
“But [Name], how long will it take to bear some Lavender Melons?”
“Well, it’s going to be a long journey. We might see some in a few years from now.”
“Oh, that isn’t too far away! How juicy do you think our melons will be? I can’t wait!”
Your heart felt a prick of pain at his words. A few years, a blink of an eye for Kabukimono, but ages for you. His perception of time was so different from yours, the more time you spent with him, the more it hurt you badly to think of how it would scar him in the future.
“But [Name], why did you get this tree in the first place? We can always buy Lavender Melons from the market.” His innocent voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Today was a happy day for both of you. It was rude to think such things today of all days.
“You’re right, we can. But I just thought it would be nice to raise something together.”
“Raise something?”
“Yes. Human life is beautiful, but so is the life of nature, animals, and things around us. It’s a nice feeling to be able to nourish and take care of something. Perhaps later on we can get a cat too. What do you think?” You expected a response but you received nothing.
“Kabuki-” You froze mid-sentence when you saw your lover’s face.
Kabukimono was crying.
“Oh Kabukimono, what’s wrong?” You immediately went to embrace and comfort him. “You can talk to me.” The only problem was that Kabukimono himself did not know where these tears came from. This whole day had been so incredible and joyous, so why was he crying?
The only experience he had with tears were moments when it felt like his chest had been pierced and left with a gaping hole. When he was abandoned. When he sat alone in Shakkei Pavilion, his whole body ached as he believed himself to be tossed out like trash. So why…? Why was he crying when you were being so kind to him…?
“I- I don’t know,” he croaked. “It just came out of nowhere,” he wept into your chest. You were silent for a bit, stroking his hair before you spoke.
“Tears are not only a sign of sadness, Kabukimono. They are also for anger, surprise, jealousy, fear… but most importantly, happiness. If I may take a little guess here… you are feeling so much happiness, you became a bit overwhelmed,” you gently explained, wiping his tears with your fingers and sleeves. Kabukimono looked at you with teary eyes. “Am I right, love?”
The puppet looked down, contemplating your words and trying to understand his own emotions. You were right. Though there was a tinge of sadness in his chest, all he could think about was how grateful he was to have you. His light, his support. The one who gave him a second chance after he thought he was useless, the one who gave him worth and meaning to himself and this world.
“Happy birthday, Kabukimono. May we spend many more together.”
The puppet’s heart felt oddly at ease at your words, and he slowly nodded as he enjoyed the homely warmth your embrace provided.
He thought you would be right.
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lesson 1. lesson 2. lesson 3. lesson 4. lesson 5. lesson 6. lesson 7. lesson 8. lesson 9. lesson 10. bonus lesson.
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volturissideslut · 7 months
Hello!! Are you taking requests rn? If yes, could you please do something for poly!volturi kings were one (or all) of them hear someone singing "once upon a dream" from that maleficent movie in a florest (just like aurora <3) and when they go to have a closer look at who's singing they discover that the person is their mate? Thanks in advantage! I love your writting ♡
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖞)
I made this a bit dark and nursery rather than Disney princessy, hope you don't mind <3
"I know you,"
It's rare for the kings to leave the castle simply to walk, always having things to do. It's even rarer for them to come out as a trio, usually just talking it as an opportunity for alone time. But rarest of all? They were out with no guard. But something within them called to them, leading them to the forest.
"I walked with you once upon a dream."
Caius hears you first, the low and soothing vibrations of your voice, faint from the distance. Like a pit within him, he just knew he had to see you. All he wanted was to put a name to face, right? That'd what he's telling himself. But this enchanting song was like a sirens call to him. A lullaby of death. Though he was fully conscious, he felt almost in a trance as he followed your voice, leading back to you.
"I know you,"
His brother, Aro and Marcus, followed behind him until they came to a clearing.
"that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam"
And there was you. Oh magnificent you.
"and I know it's true"
Fangs bared and buried into the neck of a man but he stood there, just accepting his fate. More men, some standing in a similar trance, some laid of the floor with bleeding necks.
"that visions are seldom all they seem"
And yet, the trance never broke. Not when you looked up from your meal. Not when you made eye contact with Caius. Not when you held out your arm, beckoning him forward. And not when he bit into the other side of the man's neck, sharing im your meal.
"but if I know you,"
And definitely not when you kissed him, both still high on the rush of the blood, teeth clatter in rough against eachother.
"I know what you'll do"
And now here you were, Aro kissing up your arm slowly, neither of you caring about the blood staining your skin and clothes. Marcus bit down on your lip, the venom still stinging your marble skin.
"you'll love me at once,"
Caius, who you had previously been kissing, drained the last few drops of the last man standing and dropped his body without a care in the world.
"the way you did once,"
All they knew is that you were their mate. And they were definitely going to have you perform for them again.
"upon a dream"
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WIBTA for ditching my parents for my birthday?
Some backstory: I (17F) am turning 18 as of 2024. The 17th birthday is a lot more important in my culture because that's our country's age of majority, and my parents had insisted on celebrating it with a whole party/massive dinner like most other girls do, but I am in fact a loser and absolutely hate these festivities. I am also gender nonconforming/masc and the parties are like, think princessy stuff that I don't super vibe with. My mother is like me. She hates birthday parties and feminine clothing. I have no idea why she was pushing it so hard, but eventually her plans for my birthday fell through. I told her not to bother getting me gifts or anything because I thought I had evaded the celebration ordeal.
However. Much to my misfortune. My whole family decided to barge into my room at 2 in the morning to shower me in confetti!! Confetti!! It was all over the goddamn place, on my bed, in my clothes, etc. I hid under my blanket because there was nowhere else to go and my parents like to do this (barge into the one area of the house I occupy, and start demanding stuff) and my mother was telling me to at least come out for pictures. I was literally in my pajamas like dawg what.
I couldn't take it anymore and started screaming like a banshee because that was the only thing that would get them to leave, but they still stuck around for a couple more minutes being awkwardly like oh... sorry... you really hate this. My room was full of pink balloons (my favorite color is yellow???) and they got me an enormous cake with frosting. I hate cake and especially I hate frosting. It was actually hell.
Anyway more insane stuff happened, not important, but that's essentially the disaster of a seventeenth birthday that I had. I know they want to do something for my eighteenth. I really don't like celebrating things, nor do I particularly want to, but judging by that whole ordeal I think they're going to try something again anyway.
So my plan is to just... not come home after school. Or if I don't have school then I'd just go out in the morning. I don't leave the house, so I don't have curfew, and I don't even want to stay out that long. Just long enough that they're all passed out and I can escape ANY AND ALL ATTEMPTS at giving me gifts, congratulating me, and shooting confetti all over my fucking room.
They're probably not going to call the cops, I'd tell them I'm going out and not kidnapped, just not where and for how long. I also think they kind of can't call the cops on me because I've been a legal adult where I'm from since the disaster birthday. Maybe that will help with the plan. I honestly think I'm just going to go to a café and write or something. I'm so over it, I want to have a birthday that isn't messy, that day means absolutely nothing to me and confetti pisses me off. Since my childhood my birthday has never been about me, like I don't really get what I would like to get, so I'm cool with not celebrating it at all. It doesn't matter.
To me simply avoiding them for the whole day is such a win-win scenario but I don't really know if this is an underdeveloped frontal lobe speaking. I also know they're likely to buy a cake in advance and I may be ruining plans by disappearing. My birthday is late in the year, so I have time to think about it, but I do think my parents are kind of insane. I don't think I can talk them out of doing any more of this stuff. Sorry this got long, but WIBTA?
(And yes I would love to move out but capitalism)
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princessbrunette · 5 months
So quick q do u think jj, rafe of John b would be ok with a girl who absolutely hates bjs and rough sex?
Also don’t respond if ur uncomfy and happy new year:3
i really don’t think they care. they’re guys, they’re happy with anything honestly. jj and john b (especially) i feel are on the gentler side of sex as it is, and both seem to be obsessed with making YOU feel good so i don’t think they care too much about going super hard or would make you do anything you don’t wanna do.
i feel like a common misconception with rafe is that he’s gonna make you do things you don’t wanna do in the bedroom. he’s a lot of things, but i don’t get the sense that he’d ever go against a sexual boundary because whilst he’s a disrespectful piece of shit sometimes, i really don’t think forcing someone against their will is a turn on for him. at all. rafe likes to feel needed and wanted, so if rough sex / blowjobs is something you don’t wanna do— he would pick up on that quickly. as a lover, he’s obsessed with the idea of keeping you. he doesn’t want you to ever leave, so he’s not gonna go out of his way to ensure that. especially if you’re like a princessy type— rough sex and blowjobs in his eyes would be too degrading for you. he’d never put you on his knees or treat his girl like the girls he used to fuck. he wants you to be different so i think if anything he wouldn’t encourage it.
also. they’re not real. sooo… they will do whatever u want them to do. i can write them however i want. it’s not something u have to worry about 😭🫶🏼
happy new year!
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mochib3ar · 1 month
Guys genuine question. Where did the personality of Snow white being an unaccepting mother come from? Is it just a headcanon or from the books?
Like yeh I get it she seems pretty strict in ways, controlling and also obsessed with destiny, but idk to me she's caring and kinda understanding too. Like Apple white from the start? After reading the comic "class of classics" it made me think about it more. Her having an interest on dragon riding(which was longing and she feared about trying which was observed by the evil queen) which is very un-princessy even spoken by her peers, but she still went through with it(after her curse wore off) and continued on about it(becoming legends and all which was spoken at the dragon games movie)
Idk, to me she's a caring mother, there's generational pressure that passed on even to her probably but her being aggressive is quite off to me? I like the idea of Snow for example finding out about Apple's actual destiny, at first would be upset but slowly starts to accept it with logic that if it's what destiny decided then it's that. She seems like she loves Apple for more than continuing as the Snow White, but care for her to follow her destiny because of the things that might happen if she didn't.
She even considered reviving the dragon games because Apple took a sudden interest in it on "Class of Classics" And that's genuinely sweet. Truly I think Snow is more than the aggressive and unaccepting woman that most fanfics portray her as.
Apple could've feared her mother because of the disappointment, that seems reasonable, but as far as I know Apple held her mother highly and find her respectable which is weird for the fact that many fics shows Snow to be extremely uncaring and manipulative and only finds destiny to matter the most than Apple.
Idk tho what chu guys think? I like the Fact that Snow is actually caring, altho flawed in some ways, but genuinely cares about her daughter and would give her everything. Let me know your opinions. :)) ❤️
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 11 months
Hey!! I really loved your writing of some of the proxies with a child! Spoiled reader (can’t remember exactly what it was called, but the reader was bratty and princessy) and I’d like to ask for something similar!
Could you possibly write jeff, toby, ej and anyone else you’d want to add with a child! Reader that’s a lot like young Ellie Williams from tlou 1?
So swears a lot, a bit rude/blunt, quite tomboyish, but overall just a funny and badass kid?
(Extra points if you make them good with weapons, like guns, knives, bows, etc.)
If you can’t do it, no worries! I really love ur writing and thought I’d leave a request <33
Ooooh! I've been wanting to play tlou for so long!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Creeps with a Child!Ellie Williams!Reader
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You are Jeff's favorite
You are often his "sidekick" on missions
He gets in trouble for teaching you new swear words
If one thing doesn't go your way, you are screaming "MOTHER FUCKING BITCH"
Everyone in the room gives Jeff the stink eye
Jeff just laughs his ass off
You are also his personal fashion advisor
"Should we go clothes shopping at Hot topic or Claires"
"They're both overpriced we're better off dumpster diving"
"sniFF...im so proud 🥹"
Hes a big brother to you
If you're on a mission with him, you will be the designated weapon carrier
And the sneak attack
You run up his arm, jump off his back and ATTACK!
He dresses you up in his mcr merch and you absolutely go to concerts together
You get to ride on his shoulders, and he buys you anything you could want from the venue
Even Smile dog has taken a liking to you
He wil lick your face, and protects you like you are his own child
Mind you, this is the dog that hates everyone
You make him nervous/pos
With you being so reckless, and clearly lacking a positive adult influence, it makes him worry
But he does enjoy your wild side
For instance, when being introduced to his raccoon children, you were the only one that actually cared about them
The raccoons like you too, knowing that whenever you're around, they get treats
He is one of the few creeps who helps you set up your room when you first arrive at the mansion
He buys you your first set of toys and new clothes, as well as getting you your own pocket knife
"For protection" he says
He knows good and well youre gonna use it to dig out your toenails lmao
He also pays you to do his work for him
"Heeey y/n! You want some candy?"
"Hell yeah!!"
"Thats greeaaaat! All you have to do is wrangle smile dog for me and bring him back inside!"
Challenge accepted
And hey, you when he took you to the gas station, he even let you get a slushie!
Eyeless Jack
When you heard of all the nasty stuff jack keeps in his medical wing, you immediately wanted to check it out
You found all sorts of things
Liver, intestines, blood bags...
Lots of gross stuff to fuel your interest
For about 30 minutes
Then jack came back into the medical wing
He picks you up by the collar of your shirt and glares at you
You giggle innocently "um...oopsies?"
"Don't try that with me. What were you doing in here"
"I just wanted to look..." you mumble in a whiny tone
He sighs and rubs his face, before placing you back down on the ground
"Well, you've had your fun. Now get out."
You pout "awww come on! Can't I stay just a little longer?"
Good lord how your whining hurts his head
He massages his temples before handing you a scalpel
"Here. Now run along and go find something dead to poke at"
You gasp and observe the shiny metal for a moment, before running off and doing just that
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thecluelessdoctor · 2 months
sparkles at you
So in a fit of anger I was thinking about hazbin hotel, and wanted to redesign some of the characters.
So little bit of rambling time
So here's my thing with hazbin. Some of the characters look good ON THEIR OWN. However, all together its too much. Also I have a grudge against the matching body types because I'm fluffy and I would like representation in the show I hate watch LMAO.
Anyway to the redesigns!
Being honest I was scared to post this but then I realized I'm a tiny blog to it's very unlikely stans, or viv herself would get pissy so <3
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first up is CHARLIE
I wanted to give her a more princessy look seeing how she is a parody of Disney princesses. I also gave her peak character design, fingerless gloves. I feel like she would keep them like a momento from her emo phase lolz
I really wanted her goat features to be. There. So I made her hooves ✨ visible ✨
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Next is Vaggie
I made her a bit stronger, more bulky looking seeing her background. I also gave her cool armor because.. why not lol.
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Finally for now is alastor
Probably the most changed.
As you can see I've made his horns more visible and cool lmao. I also smoothed out his hair based on creole men in the 20s. I made him mostly grays with red and yellow as accents. I also gave him a animal nose and actual deer ears, tail, and hooves because hooves are PEAK.
Also I swear I didn't intend for him to look really gay. I gave him eyelashes because I thought he looked nice sjsbhdbd
Anyway please reblog becuase.
Reblogs are fun.
I like followers. And Interaction so
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jessmarianosslut · 1 year
Stewy Hosseini smut hcs bc i make the rules!
also i have a huge daddy kink don’t come at me
stewy hosseini x reader
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imagine him coming home after a day of dealing with kendall’s shit.
he’s all pissed off because how dare kendall discredit him again and again
so he’s muttering under his breath, cursing the world
when you walk out of your shared room
you’re startled to see him home, especially since he hasn’t been home in a week because of some stupid business thing
and you are also pretty angry at him for not being there
but you let him walk over to you and just hold you
you let him lead you back to the bedroom without a word
you let him settle between your thighs and start raking your fingers through his hair
“what’s happened now stewy?”
and that sets him off so he just starts ranting
“kendall is a fucking asshole, his fucking ego gets in the way of everything. i try to explain something to him and he just won’t fucking have it.”
and then you had an idea
you knew that stewy needed to let some steam off
and you really wanted to piss him off as punishment for leaving you the entire week
“ yeah, i get it, love. kendall’s ego is probably just a result of being hot and getting everything handed to him his whole life.”
(you never once found kendall attractive)
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. what the fuck did you just say.”
“I said that kendall is just hot and rich, i was agreeing with you.”
and for a second you were so scared that you went overboard
and then stewy got that glint in his eyes
the one that made you know you fucked up big time
stewy pushed himself off the bed and circled you for a moment
“you think he’s hot?”
“hotter than me?”
“probably would be better at fucking me”
he snatched the pillow out from under your head and very unceremoniously dropped it on the floor
“what are you doing, stewy?”
you feigned exasperation
then he lifted you up gently placed you on the floor
“ you want to talk like a fucking whore? you’re gonna get fucked like one. none of the princessy shit i normally give you. let’s see kendall do this, slut.”
“take off the shorts”
you really wanted to draw this out
“you fucking asked for it.”
stewy lowered himself on to the ground and all but tore the silk shorts off you
“stewy! i liked those shorts you asshole.”
and then he was gripping your chin
“don’t talk to me like that, princess.”
a sick smile started to form on his face
he settled between your thighs again, but this time facing your wet cunt
he started like normal, pressing the flat of his tongue to your clit swirling it around
but then he got more aggressive
he slipped a single digit into your cunt and kept eating
fucking his finger in and out of you as he was licking and sucking and grazing the bridge of your clit with his teeth ever so slightly
when your orgasm began to wash over you, you started begging stewy to keep going
but when it was over he didn’t stop
he just kept licking and sucking as you drenched his face
and you were trying desperately to close your legs to no avail
stewy just held your legs in place and administered a swat to your ass
“ please, please no more” as your second orgasm came
mercifully, stewy got up, and you thought it was just to get a washcloth
you started shaking in fear as you heard the sound of a vibrator being turned on
stewy just gave you a kiss on the forehead and shoved it between your legs
you started begging
“please daddy, don’t want to cum anymore.” you were practically sobbing
but he didn’t relent
instead he turned the vibrator up and laughed
he mocked you and pouted “aw, the little slut thinks crying for daddy is going to make this stop.”
your thighs were shaking at this point, already feeling your third orgasm creeping up
you’re trying to curl your head into his shoulder and simultaneously trying to let your cunt escape the vibrator
but he caught on and gripped your hips tightly, pushing the vibrator back on your clit.
“daddy, daddy, please.” as you tried to grip his arm
“no, you’re cumming as much as i want you too. i make the rules, i’m in charge. right now i want you to cum until the only word you can remember is my name.”
and you bursted again, shaking and crying as you did
trying to scramble into stewy’s lap, you clung on to his dress shirt, hoping to avail to his sense of kindness
he laughed though, and said, “kendall’s so hot, why don’t you go beg him for mercy?”
you started slurring your words “please daddy, i don’t even think he’s hot, just wanted attention. you left me, and i just wanted you to pay attention.”
you were starting to get emotional, so stewy just rubbed your back and patted your head.
“i know sweetheart, you know i don’t like being away from you.”
“so it’s over then, we can forget about it?”
and stewy’s smile returned as he chuckled
“I haven’t cum yet.”
he started unzipping his slacks
you were in for it
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Total Drama pokemon AU: Team Star
So I was thinking about this and managed to figure out the bosses and cassiopia. Courtney, Izzy, Harold, Noah, and Eva are the squad bosses.
Courtney's reason is the same as Giacomo's (way too strict class president who was over throwned) except with her anger issues playing a role in it too. Instead of dark types she specializes in fairy and her team star uniform is really princessy.
Izzy's bullying was more ostracization and behind her back than to her face. She's the weird girl, the nut-case, the unpredictable. She specializes in fire like Mela for half obvious reasons half that was the only one left and her uniform is probably cannon izzy but more exploso.
Harold's was what it is in the show for the same reasons. He's the Atticus of the group so the ninja part is more prevalent. He also specializes in poison types and his outfit is similar to Atticus's too.
Noah's kinda obvious I think? He's a small, snarky, gay, no-it-all. He's an obvious target and there's only so much his insults can do. Dark types are is specialty cuz of the snark but also the schemer thing fresh never elaborated on. His outfit is probably has minimal adjustment from the school uniforms.
Eva is the Eri. I have alot of thoughts about the bullying she got but in short it was her being "man-ish" and the anger issues. She specializes in fighting types like Eri and while I didn't list them in the actual order of how you should face them she's the strongest like Eri too. I'm kinda lost when it comes to her outfit besides wanting her to have face paint like eri does. (Side note, I think Heather is Carmen in this scenario, fight me)
Sierra is Cassiopia. She's less how she actually is in Canon and more like the version in my head. She's socially awkward and tries to overcompensate by being overly friendly and overenthusiastic, so she's way more comfortable behind a screen. Like cassiopia she doesn't have a type speciality but I don't know what her team gimmick is yet.
But yea, that's my idea. I think the order for the bosses are Izzy, Harold, Noah, Courtney, Eva or something along those lines.
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Rumple's hair here is how mine is 24/7
Love the follow the strand, makes me think of the red string soulmate au thing.
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Him plopping the baby basket on the desk makes me think of The Devil Wears Prada
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Rumplestiltskin is the miranda priestly of the Enchanted forest.
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It annoys me how backwards these are but whatever.
Where are it's parents?
We're it's parents now, mummy belle and daddy rumple.
And belle you sound like Jackie from Roseanne when she thinks Fred is wanting to be a part of the baby's life just to see her.
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Hot angry rumple.
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Love the short hair
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On the other hand you kidnapped the woman I loved and starved her to death in a tower.
I went looking foe belle and this is what I found.
But it wasn't me me it was the other me.
Oh I know that dearie. But I have to hurt someone.
I can still make you bleed.
Horrifying and a nice declaration of love.
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Of all the aus in the show itself I like this one a little bit.
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I like seeing emma all princessy
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Love rumple.
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canirove · 8 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 5
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"And then he completely ignored me! He called me annoying and then, goodbye. Can you believe it?"
"June, you've been talking about your encounter with Chilly for the past 15 minutes. Why don't you tell us about your date with Leah's cousin? How did that go?" Vittoria asked. 
"Oh, it was ok."
"Are you meeting again?"
"He's coming to Saturday's game and then we are going out for dinner. I just hope Chilwell isn't at that game, I don't want him to ruin the day again and… why are you laughing?" she said, looking from Vittoria to Lauren.
"Because you are back to talking about Chilly. You had a nice date with a nice guy, yet all you can talk about is the guy who supposedly is obsessed with you."
"He is obsessed with me, Lauren. Not supposedly."
"And don't you think that maybe you also are a bit obsessed with him?"
"Yes, you, June. You can't stop talking about him."
"Because he… he… urgh."
"Yes, he urgh" Lauren laughed. "Anyway, changing the topic. You guys are coming to Reece's birthday party."
"I'm not."
"June, it wasn't a question, it was an order. Besides, it's a costume party, it'll be fun."
"We could go dressed as the Power Puff Girls!"
"No" June and Lauren said at the same time.
"Boring" Vittoria replied, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I'm dressing as Lara Croft."
"Oh, cool. I'm thinking about choosing something princessy like. What about you, June?" Vittoria asked her.
"I already told you, I'm not going."
"It's gonna be a big party, you won't cross paths with Mason if that's what worries you."
"I wasn't thinking about him."
"She was thinking about the man she definitely isn't obsessed with" Vittoria giggled.
"I'm not obsessed with him!" June protested.
"Of course not, honey."
"If we stop saying it will you come to the party? Please, please, please. Do it for Reece" Lauren pouted.
"Do you promise you will stop saying I'm obsessed with Chilwell?"
"I promise. Vittoria?"
"Yeah, I promise" she said, rolling her eyes.
"Then I guess I'll attend the party" June sighed.
"Yay!" Lauren said, hugging her. 
"But only because I like Reece and I know he'll want me there."
"Only because of Reece."
"Thank you very much for coming, June. It means a lot."
"You're very welcome. And again, happy birthday."
"Thank you" Reece smiled. "Oh, I must go say goodbye to those guys. See you soon, ok?"
"See you soon" she replied before leaving his apartment. Outside it was as packed as inside, but it looked like no one else was leaving. When she walked into the lift, it was just her and another guy. 
"Going down?" he asked.
"Yep" she said while the doors closed, busy texting Lauren to tell her that she was going home. She had asked Reece to tell her, but he would definitely forget about it.
"Maxwell? Is that you?"
"Chilwell?" she said as she turned to look at the guy standing next to her. "What the fuck?"
"I could say the same thing. Where is your Julius Caesar, Cleopatra?"
"There is no Julius Caesar."
"That was fast" he chuckled. "But good for him. He realised how annoying you are and left before it was too late."
"Ha ha ha" she replied, rolling her eyes. "Where is your Sandy?"
"Making out with Spiderman."
"Your date is making out with one of your best friends?" June laughed. 
"It wasn't Mason. There was another guy dressed as Spiderman."
"I see… You don't look too gutted about it."
"Meh" he shrugged. "You don't look too gutted about Leah's cousin either."
"He couldn't come, he has to work tomorrow."
"Yes, of course" Ben smiled.
"He does, he is a teacher."
"I believe you, Maxwell. No need to explain anything" he said, still smiling.
"Whatever" she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. Though if she had known what was going to happen, she would have not done it.
The moment she did, the lift suddenly stopped, making her lose her balance and land on Ben's arms.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yes, yes. Thank you" she said, quickly leaving his embrace. "What happened?"
"The lift stopped."
"No way, really?" June said, rolling her eyes. "I meant if it was you or if it was the lift on its own."
"I didn't touch anything."
"Great. So we are stuck inside a lift."
"Looks like it. Let me call for help" Ben said, pressing the emergency button. "No one is answering. That's odd."
"Let me call Reece" she offered. "Fuck."
"What is it?"
"There is no signal" she said, starting to feel her heart beating too fast.
"I'll keep calling the emergency button. There should be someone on the other side and… Maxwell, are you ok? You have gone so pale… Come, sit down" Ben said, helping her. "Better?"
"No" she said, taking deep breaths. "I feel so hot."
"Well, you aren't wearing too many clothes, I don't think we can do much about that" he chuckled. "Wait, June… Are you afraid of getting stuck inside a lift?"
"Yes" she whispered.
"Oh, ok. Ok" he said, sitting down next to her. "What can I do to help?"
"Yes, talk. About whatever you want, but just talk. That way I won't think about where I am or what is going on."
"Ok. What about your performance in yesterday's game?" 
"Anything but football" she said, giving him a murderous look.
"Anything but football. Got it. I… umm…"
"Why the guy from Grease."
"Why did you choose to get dressed as the guy from Grease? Isn't that too… basic?" June asked.
"Meghan had always dreamt about dressing as Sandy at the end of the movie, so" Ben shrugged.
"But then she changed Danny Zuko for Peter Parker" she laughed.
"Yeah, she did" he chuckled. 
"I can't remember the last time I saw you with the slick hair" June said, resting her head on the lift's wall and looking at Ben.
"I hadn't worn my hair like this since… you know" he sighed, also resting his head against the wall. 
"Bad memories."
"Yeah. When I did it earlier it felt so weird... It was like traveling back in time."
"If someone told me right now I couldn't play football anymore, I don't know what I would do, to be honest."
"Kill that someone, probably" Ben laughed.
"Yeah… it's very likely" she smiled. "I'm sorry."
"About what?"
"About what happened."
"It's in the past, don't worry. But thank you" he smiled back. 
That probably was the first time June had seen him properly smile at her. He wasn't teasing her or making fun of her, it was an honest smile. And she liked it. She liked it very much. She liked the way his eyes wrinkled, the way his upper lip curled. He had one of the most beautiful smiles she had ever seen. 
"Are you feeling better?" he asked, bringing her back to the real world.
"I don't feel as hot, so that's something. Thank you."
"Look at us, saying thank you to each other" he laughed.
"Don't get used to it, Chilwell."
"You are the one who should not get used to it, Maxwell. Once those doors open, my facts will come back" he said with a teasing smile.
"Your wrong facts, you mean."
"They are not wrong" he said, slowly leaning forward.
"They are wrong. Very wrong" June said, also moving towards him. 
"Meh meh meh" he whispered, his face now way too close to hers.
"Idiot" she whispered back, her nose brushing against his.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?"
"Holy shit!" June yelled, jumping and hitting her head against the wall. "Fuck."
"Are you ok?" Ben asked her.
"Yes, yes. Who is that?"
"Hello?" the voice said again. "Is anyone in there?"
"The emergency button" Ben said, quickly getting up. "Hello? We are stuck inside the lift."
"Oh, finally. I thought it had just stopped and there was no one inside. Are you alright?"
"We are, but we would like to get out of here the sooner the better."
"Give me a couple of minutes and you'll be free. Sorry for making you wait."
"It's ok" Ben said, looking down at June. But she wasn't listening, her mind busy repeating over and over again what had just happened.
She had almost kissed Ben fucking Chilwell.
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