#alone togehter
boldlyvoid · 1 year
I can't wait for more alone together 2 it's made my Christmas break
oh i'm glad!!!! here, this is a little part about the kids and what they're like, get to know them, spencer and reader have the cutest little babies in the world
tw: choking & baby cpr mention, broken arms, general kid shit
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“You guys hungry?” She asks as she walks back over to the bed. 
They all nod and scramble to pause their video so they can jump out of bed and race her downstairs. They each get their choice between Eggos, scrambled eggs and cereal, she ends up making them all scrambles and waffles with some cut-up grapes and orange juice. 
They have little conversations with each other that just amaze her, she somehow created 3 amazing little geniuses. Much like her, Atlas was into dinosaurs, he was often asking to go to work with her on weekends and snow days off from school, and he would give anything to dig something up and learn about it all day. He collects rocks, he knows everything about mummies and he plans to work at the Smithsonian one day too. And he probably will, seeing as he has his dad's genius brain and will be able to get a Ph.D. or two by the time he’s 25.  
Noelle is more into learning how things work and move, she loves the cars movie franchise and thus all things with wheels. She’s been spending a lot of time with Henry and Michael, playing Tony Hawk games on the play station which caused them to build a skate ramp in the backyard while Will wasn’t looking and using her as the test dummy. 
She broke her arm in 2 places and the cast comes off next week. 
Luna, on the other hand, wouldn’t be caught dead near a bike or anything that could get her dirty. She’s always been very meticulous, she learned fine motor skills long before she wanted to walk, which wasn’t helpful when babies also love putting things in their mouths... Spencer’s knowledge of CPR came in handy a few times, unfortunately.
Now she’s 4 and her attention to detail is mainly spent on legos which she has learned don’t go in her nose, mouth ears or anything thing that’s not lego branded… She has all the LEGO art pieces that match the art at mom's work, they’re her favourite. She’s also started to draw a lot, she was probably going to be their artist. 
The 3 of them are so incredibly different yet so wondrously alike. They absorb knowledge like a sponge, they respect each other's talk time, and they butt heads often, but they never hate each other. Fights never last long. They end with hugs and apologies and understanding that they’re all learning how to be people and mistakes happen. 
That was always their fear when they became parents. That their kids wouldn’t get along. You see, not having siblings meant that Y/N and Spencer didn’t know what it was like. From what they knew about JJ, she took her sister for granted till it was too late and wishes every day that she still had her around. Then there was Hotch, he loved his brother but they were so different that now they never talk anymore. 
They didn’t want that for their own kids. So seeing them so happy together, they were best friends and co-conspirators, 3 unstoppable forces that could band together within the blink of an eye… How was she going to add a 4th to their already perfect group without it disrupting everything?
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moviereviews101web · 7 days
Alone Together (2022) Movie Review
Alone Together – ABC Film Challenge – Romance – A – Alone Together – Movie Review Director: Katie Holmes Writer: Katie Holmes (Screenplay) Cast Kaite Holmes (Batman Begins) Jim Sturgess (Geostorm) Derek Luke (Antwone Fisher) Melissa Leo (The Fighter) Plot: Two strangers embroiled in bad relationships wind up in the same upstate New York Airbnb. Runtime: 1 Hour 38 Minutes There may be…
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hörk needs work
why the fuck is the element of "this could be smt good" so fucking strong in unhealthy relationships?
Aren't we all just thinking - "we could fix them"?
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nuoc7mia · 2 years
congrats to suetsugu for creating the best trio in existence with chihaya, taichi, and arata
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frogchiro · 8 months
virgin sacrifice reader offered to war god ghost?? prepare to be his lovely wife instead of a sacrifice with at least 10 demigods running around, he wants to raise strong warriors!
Ghost would definitely be a god similiar to Ares; a god of war, brutality, bloodshed, masculinity and virility. Men go and pray by his shrine or in his dedicated temple to give them strength in both battle and bed, to be a strong and unbeatable warrior and be able to father strong, healthy children.
One such temple, the main one, is in a surprisingly remote location, surrounded not by a major city or capital but a few villages. According to myths it was this place where a brutal battle took place millenia ago where the fearsome god Ghost defeated an army all by himself, the blood of his slain enemies served to make the land fertile and for many villages to grow and prosper...until now.
Usually sacrifaces to appease the god would be made by the men of the villages; black stallions, the strongest bulls, wine, silver and pure steel, everything that has connections to masculinity and power, however some kind of horrible fatum seems to hang over your little village. The animals either die young or are sickly and weak, the wine turns out sour like vinegar, there in so money to buy anything either and it's taken as a curse by the elders. If nothing will be done and Ghost won't have his sacrifice who knows what will happen?
So they decide on the next best thing, a desperate last choice reach in hopes to appease the brutal god-a virgin sacrifice. The prettiest, unmarried and untouched young woman is to be chosen, dressed in the finest, gauzy silks and locked inside the stone temple in hopes that the god will come down and the blood of a slain virgin will calm his fury. Luck wasn't on your side it seems, you were chosen.
All you could remember were the desperate cries of your mother, the dissapointed remorseful look on your father's face and the ritual cleansing of the old crones in the village. You were cleaned in rose water, intricate patterns were drawn with a mixture of honey, mushed up berries and flowers on your breasts, around your nipples and bellybutton, and the most intricate was drawn on the place where your womb was. You were clothed in a white gauzy dress that was a symbol of your purity and then you were bound and dragged to the temple no matter how much you struggled and kicked and pleaded until you were finally locked in the dimly lit temple, only the many candles present to lighten the main chamber and to show the powerful, majestic sculpture of the god, Ghost.
Imagine crying yourself to sleep, everything hurt, you were scared and confused, all alone to die in this forsaken temple because some old men decided on it. Falling asleep out of exhaustion, the images of your crying, terrified mother haunting you even when sleeping.
Imagine waking up and instead of feeling cold and sore from sleeping on the unforgiving stone floor, and instead finding yourself laying on and under the most luxurious furs you've ever seen, the warmth of them felt like a blanket and the smell of them, pleasant warm masculine musk made a shiver run down your spine, just where were you?
Before you had the chance of looking around the room, you felt huge, strong arms clamping togehter around you and bringing you into a powerful, broad chest which rumbled with a growl like purr and a stern voice saying:
"Stay. Don't move around girl."
And the very same arms turned you gently around to face the man behind you and you couldn't help but gasp and breath out a tiny, frightened yelp-behind you was laying a man who looked like the stone sculpture of Ghost cane to life and became human. It...it was Ghost. You laid next to a god.
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dreamings-free · 1 year
I personally suspect we will see Harry pop up in LA this week! I think they prob did something for NYE
yeah he probably will. and I agree they’ve been together since a few days after xmas and definitely on new years. either somewhere sunny or at home.
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Ich habe ganz viele liebe Menschen durchs streamen getroffen die mir treust zur Seite stehen ♡
Ich bin so glücklich sie zu haben und freue mich immer, wenn sie mit mir zusammen spielen ♡
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stiffyck · 9 months
okay so yesterday i complained about how i dislike fanon desert duo and how toxic and dysfunctional they always seem to be so here are my favorite ways to interpret desert duo:
1- totally in love and head over heels for each other. they love each other, they tease each other, they make fun of each other but its always in good spirits. they hold hands and kiss and theyre sweet.
theyre like the perfect couple.
2- the aro ace solidarity. everyone keeps telling them how cute theyd be togehter and how its so obvious they have crushes on each other and to just "tell him you like him!".
So at some point theyre like. "Should we... date?" so they try but it's so weird. Scar doesn't like the kissing, grian isn't particularly fond of hand holding, scar doesn't want to cuddle and it's just. More awkward than anything. The others tell them "finally" and "aw you guys are so cute!"
At some point when they're both alone- "Scar I don't want to date you." "Oh thank God me neither"
they keep calling each other "partner" and shit but they most of the romantic stuff. They talk shit about others. "Ew did you see that. They just kissed." "I know right? Unbelievable. We're right here."
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yanderemommabean · 5 months
I bring you; Lucifer and Satan having to work togehter to get MC [love your writing happy new years]
I can see them bickering and incessantly fighting one another every step of the way, but eventually their plans work and they end up closer and closer to getting you as theirs and theirs alone.
Lucifer only allows Satan to share you with him because he knows Satan would treat you like you deserve, being cut from literally the same soul as him, they're more alike in their love for you than they are brothers who butt heads at every turn.
Satan has wanted you far before this virus has taken ahold of his brothers, he's ahead on everything he needs to know to make sure everything goes smoothly. Your morning routine, your usual outfit picks, what you decide to eat, who you decide to sit by- every minute little detail is stowed away in his mind, and every little bit of it is needed to make sure you see that you belong to him and (sadly) his eldest brother.
They definitely fight over the smallest of things such as how you should dress, where you will be spending the day, who's arms you're going to lay in when you're tired, who's going to feed you, so on and so on, but other than that they work in sync!
Terrifyingly so. Its as if they can read one another's minds, stopping you at every turn when you get a bit too eager to leave or get too nosy for your own good. It's really best if you just sit back down and let them do the planning! A small human such as yourself against two of the easiest to anger demons isn't so smart you know?
(-Mommabean Hope you enjoyed! )
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taesanrot · 4 days
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[moved on] fwb!taesan x f!reader | 0.7k words shorter drabble inspired by the song moved on by laundry day!
my heart is saying things my mind just cannot speak ... i don't know what is wrong with me
taesan was an avoidant. he was good at ignoring things, pushing away the elephant in the room and pretending he doesn't care, that it couldn't bother him any less. he was good at ignoring the way your glances at him grew longer and fonder. he was even better at ignoring the way your doe eyes and soft hair made his heart race and stomach turn.
i'm clinging onto you just like i cannot breathe ... i don't know what is wrong with me
he knew it hurt you and he hated himself for it. you two had agreed to keep things between the two of you casual, seeking comfort in each others' touch in the late hours of the weekend and barely speaking the days in between. at the time it started, taesan's fleeting presence filled you up, bringing you out of the emotional trenches school had sent you into.
maybе I'm the problem saying this is alright ... am i coming on too strong?
that was your first mistake -- you should've known you were setting yourself up for failure right then and there. letting the raven haired boy light up your day with a simple stroke of his hand against your cheek; your heart never stood a chance against the curse of time.
please make sure you call, just to say it's alright ... am i waking you all night?
as the days passed, it was taesan who became the reason you ached on late nights. staring at your still unread message, you wondered why things were like this. the boy's actions twisted your mind in ways he'd never know. at times like this your mind flashed back to the way he was after the sun had set, when it was just the two of you in your own world.
we get together but things might just be better if we moved on
the way his warm lips felt against your neck, the way his fingers burned into your skin, it was all imprinted on your mind. the moments you two shared felt so intimate, and they replayed in your mind over and over like a broken record.
turning around under your heavy blanket for the tenth time that night, you screwed your eyes shut as more and more memories invaded your mind and dreams.
the two of you had been watching a movie, your head laying on his chest and his hand rubbing your shoulder softly. eyes trained on your laptop, you almost missed taesan’s face in your peripheral vision, peeking over at you. he had a habit of doing this — you always assumed he was simply checking if you were awake. you always stayed silent, just smiling and blinking delicately at him.
“i’m awake, san” you don’t know what made you blurt out defensively, but taesan shook his head softly at your words.
“i know, i was just looking at you.” your stomach still turns at the thought of the smile he was adorning as those words fell from his pretty lips.
his fond smile only looked wicked to you now, his words singing your skin and burning your resolve. how could he say all of that without feeling a single thing? you thought to yourself bitterly.
am i giving you up? ... changing seasons, can't believe it now i'm leaving you
sometimes taesan too thought he was insane. it stung to think about the sweet things he'd said or done to you -- it scared him how he meant it all completely. the boy didn't know what was wrong with him, why he couldn't just let the two of you be happy and togehter. he felt like a speed bump in the road, stubbornly and selfishly guarding his heart at the expense of your fragile mind.
hindsight is 20/20, and sitting alone in his cold and you-less bed, taesan knows what he should've done and said to you, what was staring him in the face this whole time. he was utterly in love with you and he didn't even realize.
bitterly, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and reads over your last text to him again.
[2:47 a.m]
y/n: i can't keep doing this anymore. i'm sorry, let's stop seeing each other.
you have been blocked by this number!
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borzoilover69 · 2 months
I *need* the 3 paragraph essay on davejake. They give me brainworms, please
Alright here it is, me rambling at length about davejake to some person, now copy pasted on tumblr!
So as you already know (or dont) i often frame dave and jake hanging out as clubbing buddies. That's all there is to their relationship. My personal headcanon is that dave is such a loser postgame. I think he would fall out with karkat because he doesnt know how to clean up after himself and gets more aloof and sort of a jackass down the line (count it on bad parenting!!) and it pisses off karkat so bad they dont have a tumultuous breakup they just sort of fizzle out bcus both of them dont have the balls or the energy to tell the other its over they just sort of stop talking. 
It doesnt just impact his relationship with Karkat, I imagine he'd fall out with a lot of his friends because it's okay to be an insufferable prick when youre 13 or 16 but less so when youre in your 20s. This would especially impact his relationship with John. If you look at it from a subjective opinion, its a wonder they ended up friends in the first place. They have different interests, contrasting personalities, and different ideas of fun. I like the idea that John would have depression postgame, and I think that Dave just wouldnt know how to handle it at all, doesnt really know how to connect. Theyd be stuck in this thing where they can't think of a single good thing about the other when they're apart, but when they're togehter it's fine. You know its bad when you dont have literally anything to talk abt with your best friend. hes totally indifferent to any of daves comments on politics or the ilk. 
Dave understands that time and relationships dont go well at all he cant stay in touch with old friends, but also doesnt really desire cant new friends, stuck perpetually in limbo.
and thats the thing sort of the same with jake. jake hits it off big but realising so many people want him and desire to be around him makes him lose touch with his old group so hes grown distant too, theyd get along because they dont care enough to know the other on a deeper level and it suits them just fine.  like they might wonder but thatd open a pandoras box.  
For Dave it’s the fact that Jake doesn’t show outward opposition to his brand of bullshit, and doesn’t ask nor desires to get deep with him, so it’s fine. Here for a good time not for a long time.  They can do all the things that dirk is too much of a shut-in prude to do. (Same goes for John) and just hangout. Hookup a few times. 
For Jake, Dave is a strider (something he likes) and again, doesn’t ask and isn’t someone who wants to get deep with him which suits him just fine because Dave can be fun if they’re doing something fun and Jake doesn’t want to go alone. Which he doesn’t. Jake English is the type of guy to fill his entire schedule just to avoid talking to people one on one that hes known for a long time (doesn’t want to get intimate just wants to have a lot to talk about with no qualms.) 
Like he also doesn’t want to know Dave on a personal level but he can convince the guy to go on benders because Dave has nothing really going for him and they can bitch about their selective friend groups w/o it coming back to bite both of them in the ass due to them obviously not going to tell the others about it.  Which is great. For them. 
Its funny as hell to imagine them helping each other but they genuinely do not give a fuck about that at all. Funny In the glaringly not endgame our friend groups both sort of ditched us but we sort of also enabled that to happen (we lack the ability to try hard at it for too long without getting uncomfortable) and base level of similiartiy that doesn’t show signs of fluctuating so as long as they’re generally entertaining and on board to party and do fun things they are friends and or in relations (complicated and a sworn open secret) to each other.
Honestly it’s likee canon. To me. Im a big fan of less than conventional relationships. A lot of the fun comes from exploring the lengths they would go to stave off boredom in the face of immortality and  trying to stave off having a deep conversation or revelation while tiptoeing around issues they have with others and with themselves through a safe haze of vices. Like they’d get close to it but get interrupted. 
Dave and Jake are silly as heck. Love those goobers. Their relationship to Dirk is purely they know to not fuck with each other because it’d genuinely upset dirk really bad but they do it anyway. And it’s true they see attributes of their best friend in the other with added benefits of them not being so uptight as their best friends from childhood. 
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violetszone · 1 year
Hot Tub Problem
Lewis x fem!reader
From this request
Summary: You and Lewis in antartica spending some time togehter with his famous friends and in the hot tub you gets jealous over a girl sitting on his lap.Lewis made up for it when he was alone with you at night.
WARNINGS: Bad English (a little google translate, not edited writing), smut , fluff ,quick end
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Spending the winter break with Lewis was a dream, skiing, going to countries you've never seen, jogging with penguins.
But your favorite thing was to meet celebrities who are Lewis's friends and spend time with them as well.It didn't seem like a bad idea to spend time together in the hot tub.Lewis, you and your other friends were enjoying yourself in the jacuzzi despite the cold of Antartica. until one of his model friends was jokingly sat on Lewis's lap. 
Lewis's first reaction, of course, was to look at you and take her off his lap, but it really pissed you off Lewis was also aware of this because your face had fallen and you look at them like you want to kill her. Still, you tried to have fun as if nothing had happened.After dinner, when you said goodbye to your friends and returned to the room, Lewis said that he would prepare the hot tub for both of you.
You didn't want to show your anger and spoil the taste of both of you, after all it wasn't Lewis' fault.When you returned to the room, you saw Lewis waiting for you in the Jacuzzi, you undressed and sat next to him. He put his hand on your waist and pulled you towards him and kissed your cheek, your tense body instantly relaxed "I know you're down because of the morning, darling" You tried to smile and climbed into Lewis's lap "It's not your fault it's okay"
He pulled back a little and looked at her face "Of course it's important you're my girlfriend and no one else can sit on my lap without my permission" you nodded and you hugged Lewis tight, your bare cunt rubbed his dick and you sighed his hands went down to your hips and squeezed, he lifted your hips and helped you sit on his dick.
He cursed for a second when he got inside,you put your hands on his shoulders and his hands were still on your hips he helped you move so you started to rise and fall in his lap after a while when it wasn't enough for both of you Lewis started to push his hips towards youHe was going in and out with hard and sharp movements you bit your lips to stop your moans, and finally you couldn't stand it and buried your head in Lewis' neck "Shit baby calm down or everyone will hear how well we fucked"
Your cheeks blushed  at his words and your pussy tightened, causing Lewis to groan and speed up. "Fuck Lewis please" you moaned and you raised your head he covered your mouth with his hand "I know you're close honey just hold on a little longer" after a few moves he put his hand on your waist again and pressed his lips to yours to stop your moaning you were still kissing when you both cum.
You looked at each other with tired and smiling expressions Lewis placed kisses on your neck, got out of the hot tub and came to you with a towel, dried you, he took you in his arms and you went to bed now you were happy and peaceful.
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arminreindl · 1 year
So honestly I'm relatively new to digital painting. I sketched a little here and there, made skeletals, but actual painting I've done very little. But I ended up putting this together for my work on the Wikipedia page for meiolaniid turtles. (Yes the Ninjemys colours are a reference to it being named after the TMNT)
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I've rambled a bit about them before, but basically, meiolaniids are weird stem-turtles thought to be outside the two main modern groups we have. They were decently large animals, their shells alone range from 1 meter to 2 meters in length (3 to 6ft I believe?), they were land animals, had some crazy horns and tails that were encased in spiky armored rings and tipped with a tail club. Here some photos with paleontologist Victoria Arbour, a Ninjemys tail club photographed by Serjoscha Evers and a Meiolania tail club illustrated by W.H. Wesley.
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They were found throughout almost the whole Cenozoic, with the oldest form dating to the Eocene of South America and the most recent ones living from the Pleistocene to Holocene in Australia and on various South Pacific Islands. They are honestly pretty cool animals and super underrated, which is why I decided to give their wikipedia pages upgrades in the first place. Which also meant doing a bunch of other illustrations (that I was more in tune with) and pulling a bunch of public domain photos and putting them on wikimedia. Here some skeletals and charts I made, open the last pic, it shows multiple different Meiolania species atop each other.
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The results were pretty mixed tbh. Some of the most recent forms, Gaffneylania, Warkalania and even Ninjemys had relatively little to write about. But things were more exciting with Niolamia (if you remember my rant about its messed up history). Meiolaniidae itself was just a big summary of all the other stuff, but easily the most extensive was Meiolania itself, which took AGES to research and put togehter. Tho I'm pretty happy with the result. Here's a little side by side, old and new.
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simpforfandom231 · 5 months
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Jealous songbird
Pairing: lucy gray x Fem!reader
Warning: just Lucy gray being a jealous cutie! It’s bad written so sorry
Lucy Gray was a sweet, kind, ray of sunshine kinda girl but when it came to you, oh boy could she be jealous.
You were always bubbly, a bit naive and so in love with Lucy that you never had eyes for anyone else but as you two were in the hobb where Lucy gray was performing with the covey, you couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes burning in your back. ‘Hey sweetcheeks, lonely tonight?’ A man asked as he came up to you. You felt a bit uncomfterable by his present and the smell of his breath didn’t do good to it but as always you didn’t want to be rude so you just answered in your bubbly tone, ‘oh no i’m here to watch my…’ as i was about to tell him about Lucy Gray he interrupted with an drunkely laugh wich made my stomach turn. ‘You know what hot stuff, let’s go back to my place and have some fun’ he tried to take my hand but was suddenly pushed back. ‘Sorry frank, guess you have to find another one or just…have some manners will you.’ A voice said and when i looked over a young girl, probably the age of lucy gray appeared. She had dirty blond hair and her figure was pretty athletic, ‘get lost Yelena, i know you didn’t had a good fuck in forever but leave me alone!’ The man snapped at the girl. She laughed sweetly but there was a hint of threatening, ‘look Frankie, i warned you but if you think i was level 10…wait for her girlfriend.’ Yelena pointed to me and i felt akward. ‘Yelena is right Frank, better get your ass away and stick your dick in a tree before i smack you with my guitar.’ I heard a familiar voice and a small smile formed on my face. ‘I would apriciate if you step away from MY girlfriend because if you don’t do it, we can talk outside buddy..’ lucy gray wrapped an arm around my waist and i saw this sparkle in her eyes, i’ve never seen her like this. She kissed my temple and i felt safe in her embrace, ‘oh so your baird’s little bitch? Explaines a lot!’ The man laughed and i could feel the grip tightening on my hips. ‘Oh buddy, i’ll tell you a little secret here. I know 23 ways to either kill you with 2 fingers or break your pathetic 265 bones in that…body of yours, don’t test my patience here Frank cause you think you can look, touch or even breath on my girlfriend your very very wrong. So be wise now buddy and go fuck a tree.’ Lucy said and she stepped in front of me, she might be small and her figure might be very elegant but damn… if i was that man i would have pooped my pants 6 times already by now. The man scoffed and started to back away, walking towards the door but suddenly yelena yelled something. ‘Oi Frank, if i ever see you again in my bar, the capitol and Lucy Gray won’t be the only things you should be scared of then.’ He stuck his middle finger in the air and vanished. ‘Are you okay my love?’ She turned to me and i nodded, the hard and possesive look was gone and instead the soft and caring Lucy was back. ‘I am but dang…your hot when you are possesive songbird..’ i said shyly and Lucy Gray chuckled, ‘what is mine is mine and dour buddy frank just needed a reminder’ she smiled and i crashed our lips togehter. The taste of strawberries and forest berries on her lips was addicting and as i wanted to deepen the kiss, yelena cleared her throat. ‘Not to be rude or anything…but ehm your still in the hobb wich means, keep your hand of each other you horny weirdo’s’ i giggled at yelena’s comment and turned into lucy gray’s embrace so she hugged me from behind. ‘Hey eh thank you, for sticking up…i’m pretty sure Frank will never talk to a girl again if you two are around’ i snickered and the girls smiled, ‘wasn’t that the goal yel?’ Lucy said with a smirk. ‘Defenitly! But imma go back to selling drinks now, have a goodnight ladies’ she winked and walked back to the bar where probably 4 drunken man were hanging half asleep. ‘I love you songbird, i need to make you jealous in the bedroom, your hot!’ I smirked and we swayed to the soft music that was playing, lucy gray smiled and hummed as she rested her chin on my shoulder. ‘I’ll always protect you moonshine, even if i have to break my guitar on some weirdo’s head. I love you truly Moonshine’ she said and just like that we danced the night away.
A/N: kinda liked this idea, i know it is bad written but hey at least i threw some yelena belova shit in there…i guess.
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winter-kh-sideblog · 8 months
The thing with Kairi is, for all of the “she has no autonomy and is barely a character” jokes, she is so so interesting if you are willing to put a little bit of effort into understanding her. And this is kingdom hearts, the fandom of digging through offhand comments from games across every console imaginable to put together snippets of backstories, so like, I KNOW there’s an audience of people willing to put in effort? So here is my little essay on why Kairi has so much potential
I think a lot of people get lost because they assume that Kairi is Sora’s girlfriend? And they say “oh well the narrative doesn’t show that, the narrative is giving us more reasons they should move on than that they should stay togehter” and it’s like!!! You’re correct!!!! The narrative IS saying that!!! This is because Kairi is not, and never was Sora’s girlfriend!!!
Most people (correctly, sadly) get the “thrown to the side, no autonomy, barely a character” vibes from Kairi. But then they just go “oh she’s a one-dimentional stock Woman ™ character” and don’t think farther
i think that, a LOT of Kairi’s canon treatment makes more sense when you realize she’s not the “hot popular girl who’s a prize to be won” trope that people think she is. She’s the dead wife.
This sounds wild at first, because she 
Is a teenager
Has never been in a relationship, let alone married
So it’s like. What the heck. How could she be the dead wife. But she IS. and i think it’s impossible to unsee once you realize it.
She’s been dead from the beginning. She’s always haunting the narrative. She’s barely present and doesn’t get to make decisions, but the things that happen to her catalyze the entire plot of almost every game?
The thing is, her stock cliche ending is not, and never was “she ends up with Sora bc she’s the Prize and the symbol of Winning and they live heteronormatively ever after.” Her ending was always. She is perfect and innocent and pure. She dies. Everyone is sad and angry for a bit. They fight for justice. Then they move on. The happy ending is catalyzed by her and she gets credit, but she doesn’t do anything, she doesn’t have autonomy, and she doesn’t get to stick around for the ending. 
And this is a REPEATING motif in her life. When she was FOUR years old she was sent ahead to stop the apocalypse. She is basically dead to her homeworld. They weren’t getting her back. She lost her memories and her family and her life.
In kingdom hearts one, she dies in the apocolypse and becomes motivation and a prop for Sora and Riku. She doesn’t get to fight, she doesn’t get blood on her hands, she isn’t faced with messy decisions.
In kingdom hearts 2, she’s again kidnapped to start the plot. She doesnt get to be with sora or riku or even know what’s happening for most of the game.
And then of course in kingdom hearts 3, she’s literally killed, and it’s like. It’s not even a fight. She’s literally just slaughtered for no reason other than Sora fight motivation.
She’s the symbol of home and family to Sora. It’s not just a matter of romance, there’s not even romance between them? Not really? It’s about childhood and closeness and the promise of forever.
And the thing is. She clearly doesn’t want to be the dead wife character. I don’t think anyone would??? But it is ALL she’s good at. And that’s the problem. She’s a princess of heart, which is defined by absence. She doesn’t have darkness. She doesn’t have evil or badness or anger or malice or anything. And it’s just so?????? She’s narratively destined to die young before she has the chance to get older and get involved in anything messy or morally dubious. Her “job” is to be perfect and good enough that people miss her when she’s gone.
And then???? They don’t????? That’s the whole thing with melody of memory. They let her stay in a coma for an ENTIRE YEAR. Her friends are upset when she dies, but Sora’s the only one actually fighting to bring her back. No one else makes an effort to be with her???? It doesn’t seem like Riku makes any effort to contact her at all in the time between kh1 and kh2 when Sora’s in a coma for an entire year???? They fight and kill to wake Sora up but not Kairi anymore?????
They can't even make a kairi GAME without making her basically dead because that's her Role.
And it’s like????? What do you do when you’re the dead wife. When everyone theoretically loves you but only for what you’re not. When they love you because you’re fragile and pure and have never done anything wrong. When you’re not allowed the chance to live enough to become anything complicated, and people act like that’s for the best?
What do you do when you’ve been dead since the beginning, when everyone has already mourned you??? When they've all reached the acceptance phase and you're not sure if they want you back? They've spent too long learning to be Without you to remember how to be With you and now you're an inconvenience and a reminder of closed wounds?
What do you do when you’re alive but you never learned How to be alive, because you weren’t Supposed To survive????? What do you do when no one knows what to do with you??????
I think a lot of people who want Kairi to break free from the narrative are the ones who keep saying things like “oh she needs to move on from Sora and get better friends” but Sora is one of the only people who gets it?????? He’s been one of the only people that we see onscreen???? making any kind of attempt????? To love her like she’s alive?????? Its not much but its literally ALL shes given?????? And i dont fault her for holding onto that?????? And cherishing it????
And I do think it can be very cool to see her move on???? But i dont think people understand that,,,, if Sora and Kairi were to end up together, it wouldn’t be playing into the cliche, expected ending. Kairi LIVING is already breaking free of the tropes. Kairi being allowed to be messy and hurt and heartbroken,,,, being allowed to want things for herself,,,, being able to ask for help IN THE MOMENT instead of having people guess what she would have wanted after she’s gone,,,, being loved as a person rather than as an idea,,,,, Thats breaking free of the narrative tropes in such a profound way. And i don’t even think it matters much whether it’s romantic or as bffs or as teammates???? It’s just about being chersished as a human person and given a support system.
So yes, i do want to see Kairi make new friends and get some self confidence and move past her layers and layers of survivors guilt and make an identity for herself that doesn’t revolve around a man???? But also????? I think that its 2023 and people should stop pretending that sokai is inherently the boring or cliche expected ending when they’re LITERALLY doomed by the narrative already. Like do you guys actually not realize how subversive it would be if they were to end up together. The romance of staying alive for each other and breaking the cycle out of pure love and spite. The rebellious act of LIVING and taking up space while you're alive, of being a person instead of a concept to be idealized.
You can ship what you want and whatever sparks joy but PLEASE for the love of everything do not call sokai the boring ending. Please stop saying that letting kairi continue to exist and be alive will make the games suck or be cliche. Please.  Just like put a little bit of effort into themes and narratives i beg of you. It is so much more fun.
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theosconfessions · 7 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
robin- you and river break up or something?
blake- [mumbles] being that we werent dating..kinda hard to do that.
robin- jesus. attitude.
blake- its five am,bobbi.
robin- mmhmm okay. weve been doing this before school everyday for the past few weeks but sure the problem is the time. come on.
blake- come on?
robin- yeah this is the first time..besides when you were grounded ..i didnt find you in rivs room.
blake- maybe i just wanted to sleep on the couch?
robin- NO ONE wants to sleep on that couch. you now how many times ive caught my dads humping on that thing?
blake- WHAT NO?! actually... [smirks] you know what im kinda into it..
robin- youre gross.
blake- ive been told. can we study or?
robin- i can help. i can talk to river?
blake- you can help? theres nothing to fix,bobbi. everythings fine. everythings normal.
robin- yeah i dont think so.
blake- and why dont you think so, bobbi?
robin- because i heard you two last night.
blake- ah okay well. NOT having this conversation with his little sister. sorry you heard shit. but bobbi, leave it. we're good. back to normal.
robin- mmhmm seems like it.
blake- bobbi. seriously. lets just study. please leave the river stuff alone. if its not okay we'll figure it out . promise.
robin- okaaayyyyy..if you want to keep dancing around your feelings for him like you have been for the past i dont know a long ass time ...okay. BUT
blake- but nothing bobbi. we crossed some lines he wasnt ready to. thats it. we're fine. we talked about it. we're good.
robin- you didnt talk about shit i heard you. you guys friendzoned eachother and then you spent the next few hours crying
blake- okay i wasnt crying. first of all. second like i said bobbi. we'll figure it out. i dont need more interference from the stephens-kline sisters in this shit. PLEASE the last time i ended up in my room for two weeks.
robin- okay i just have seen him as happy as he is with you..like ever. and i kinda miss my best friend being happy instead of being in his room mad or sad or whatever. you guys are kinda..cute togehter.
blake- appreciate it. but hes not into me. can we let this go
robin- okay yeah. so book report right?
blake- right.
robin- maybe just go talk to him.
blake- BOBBI!
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