#also everyone reacts to the caffeine differently + the amount of caffeine depends on the type of drink
superbellsubways · 28 days
can u give me coffee advice as someone who has never had it and wants to try it? like what do i start with do i make it at home or buy it from a coffee shop etc
im not a coffee expert + i drink it very rarely so take my advice with a grain of salt.
if you do have machines at home to make it then go ahead and look up some recipes that sound most appealing to you!
if not then i totes suggest looking into some coffee or donut places in ur area, maybe start off with something iced and move onto the hot drinks later (personally i dont like hot drinks so i just stick to iced/frozen coffee lol)
or if ur completely unfamiliar with how it tastes try out some coffee icecream? its close enough
if any avid coffee drinkers can give their own suggestions in the notes that'd be great 👍
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crystalgood · 1 year
Caffeine is a stimulant found in many beverages, including coffee, tea, and energy drinks. One of the most popular coffee drinks is the double shot of espresso, which is a concentrated form of coffee that packs a powerful punch of caffeine. If you're wondering how much caffeine is in a double shot of espresso, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll discuss the amount of caffeine in a double shot of espresso, as well as other factors that can affect the caffeine content. How Much Caffeine Is In A Double Shot Of Espresso? A double shot of espresso contains approximately 80-100 milligrams of caffeine, depending on the size of the shot and the type of coffee beans used. That's about twice the amount of caffeine found in a single shot of espresso, making it a great pick-me-up for those who need an extra boost of energy. So if you're looking for a quick and easy way to get your caffeine fix, a double shot of espresso is the perfect choice! What Are The Benefits Of Drinking A Double Shot Of Espresso? Drinking a double shot of espresso can provide a number of benefits! Not only does it provide a quick and easy way to get your daily dose of caffeine, but it can also help to improve your mental and physical performance. A double shot of espresso can give you an energy boost that can help you stay alert and focused throughout the day. It can also help to improve your concentration and memory, allowing you to stay productive and on task. In addition to providing an energy boost, a double shot of espresso can also help to improve your physical performance. Studies have shown that drinking espresso can help to increase your endurance and strength, allowing you to push yourself further during workouts. Finally, a double shot of espresso can also help to improve your mood. Caffeine has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain, which can help to improve your mood and reduce stress. So, if you're looking for a quick and easy way to get your daily dose of caffeine, a double shot of espresso is a great option! Not only will it provide you with an energy boost, but it can also help to improve your mental and physical performance. What Are The Risks Of Consuming Too Much Caffeine From A Double Shot Of Espresso? Consuming too much caffeine from a double shot of espresso can have some serious side effects. Caffeine is a stimulant, and too much of it can cause jitters, anxiety, and insomnia. It can also increase your heart rate and blood pressure, leading to palpitations and headaches. In extreme cases, it can even cause seizures. It's important to remember that everyone's body is different and reacts differently to caffeine. Some people may be more sensitive to it than others. If you're drinking a double shot of espresso, it's best to monitor your caffeine intake and be aware of how your body is responding. If you're feeling any of the side effects mentioned above, it's best to cut back on your caffeine consumption. Try drinking a single shot of espresso instead, or switch to decaf. You can also try drinking herbal teas or other caffeine-free beverages. By being mindful of your caffeine intake, you can enjoy the benefits of a double shot of espresso without the risks. How Does The Caffeine Content Of A Double Shot Of Espresso Compare To Other Caffeinated Beverages? A double shot of espresso packs a powerful punch of caffeine! Compared to other caffeinated beverages, a double shot of espresso contains more caffeine than a cup of brewed coffee, but less than a cup of black tea. It also contains more caffeine than a can of soda, but less than an energy drink. So, if you're looking for a quick pick-me-up, a double shot of espresso is a great choice! What Are The Different Ways To Prepare A Double Shot Of Espresso? Brewing a double shot of espresso is a great way to get your day started with a delicious and energizing pick-me-up. There are several different ways to prepare a double shot of espresso, each with its own unique flavor and texture. Here are some of the most popular methods:
1. Traditional Espresso Machine: This is the classic way to make a double shot of espresso. You’ll need an espresso machine with a portafilter, a tamper, and freshly ground espresso beans. Simply fill the portafilter with the ground espresso, tamp it down, and place it in the machine. Then, press the button to start the brewing process. 2. Moka Pot: This is a stovetop espresso maker that uses steam pressure to force hot water through the ground espresso. It’s a great way to make a double shot of espresso without an espresso machine. 3. Aeropress: This is a handheld device that uses air pressure to force hot water through the ground espresso. It’s a great way to make a double shot of espresso quickly and easily. 4. Cold Brew: This is a method of making espresso without heat. You’ll need to steep the ground espresso in cold water for several hours before straining it. The result is a smooth and flavorful double shot of espresso. No matter which method you choose, you’ll be sure to enjoy a delicious double shot of espresso. So, go ahead and give one of these methods a try! What Are The Different Types Of Espresso Roasts And How Does This Affect The Caffeine Content? There are four main types of espresso roasts: light, medium, dark, and extra dark. Each roast has its own unique flavor profile and affects the caffeine content of the espresso. Light roast espresso has a light brown color and a mild flavor. It has a higher acidity and a higher caffeine content than other roasts. This roast is often used for cappuccinos and lattes. Medium roast espresso has a medium brown color and a slightly more intense flavor. It has a lower acidity and a slightly lower caffeine content than light roast espresso. This roast is often used for macchiatos and cortados. Dark roast espresso has a dark brown color and a bold flavor. It has a lower acidity and a lower caffeine content than medium roast espresso. This roast is often used for espresso shots and Americanos. Extra dark roast espresso has a very dark brown color and a strong flavor. It has a very low acidity and a very low caffeine content. This roast is often used for espresso-based drinks such as mochas and cappuccinos. No matter which roast you choose, you can be sure that your espresso will have a unique flavor and a unique caffeine content. So, go ahead and experiment with different roasts to find the one that best suits your taste! How Can You Tell If A Double Shot Of Espresso Has Too Much Caffeine? If you're worried that your double shot of espresso may have too much caffeine, there are a few signs to look out for. Firstly, if you find yourself feeling jittery or anxious, this could be a sign that you've had too much caffeine. You may also experience a rapid heartbeat, headaches, or difficulty sleeping. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's best to cut back on your caffeine intake. What Are The Best Practices For Enjoying A Double Shot Of Espresso Without Overdoing The Caffeine? Enjoying a double shot of espresso without overdoing the caffeine can be a great way to get a quick energy boost. Here are some best practices to help you get the most out of your espresso without overdoing it: 1. Start with a single shot. If you’re new to espresso, it’s best to start with a single shot to get a feel for the flavor and the caffeine content. 2. Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help keep your caffeine intake in check. 3. Limit your intake. Try to limit your espresso intake to one or two shots per day. 4. Choose a lighter roast. Lighter roasts tend to have less caffeine than darker roasts, so if you’re looking to reduce your caffeine intake, opt for a lighter roast. 5. Enjoy it slowly. Savor the flavor of your espresso and take your time drinking it. This will help you enjoy the experience without overdoing the caffeine. By following these best practices, you can enjoy a double shot of espresso without overdoing the caffeine.
So go ahead and enjoy your espresso – just remember to do it in moderation! Conclusion In conclusion, a double shot of espresso contains approximately 77-150 mg of caffeine, depending on the size of the shot and the type of espresso beans used. This amount of caffeine is significantly higher than the amount found in a single shot of espresso, making it a powerful pick-me-up for those who need a quick energy boost. However, it is important to remember that too much caffeine can have negative effects on your health, so it is important to consume it in moderation.
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psychic-refugee · 5 years
Sometimes I get basic and like to read gossip.
So, there’s this thread going about that mainly focuses on Dove Cameron.
I cannot and do not make any claims to the validity of the thread’s contents.
This is all internet gossip from an anonymous “set employee” who does not name themselves. Please take this with a grain of salt. I do not necessarily believe this gossip, and I write about it mostly for entertainment purposes. Remember, this is the internet, anyone can make up anything. Whatever you happen to believe is true is based solely on your own preconceptions and biases, as nothing is substantiated, and it all amounts to hearsay.
Please also remember that any anecdote is solely from one person’s point of view. A point of view they are expressing behind the back of said celebrity who is not given a chance to defend themselves nor have they put forth their version of events.  
It does not paint her in a flattering light. It literally goes on for 61 pages of mostly people ragging on her plastic surgery (“PS”). I am not a plastic surgeon, so I cannot 100% say what she has gotten done, but as a layperson and from my own opinion, I would suspect that she has had fillers (specifically for her lips), a nose job, and something done to her cheeks. I do agree with that she looks vastly different in each movie, with more work done as time progresses. I’ve also seen her stint on Shameless and bearing in mind that she was 15/16 vs 19/20, I still think she had a lot of work done. I don’t think her transformation can be brushed off as losing baby fat or growing into her looks.   
I’m not super offended by PS. There’s this notion that celebrities maintain this impossible standard, but I think it goes both ways. The public isn’t interested in flaws. They want and even demand perfection from their idols. Fans are quick to “cancel” people or they move on to the next hot new thing. It’s kind of a destructive co-dependent relationship. Like honestly, how many celebrities would you “stan” if you didn’t find them attractive? And what do we find attractive? How quick are people to point out flaws in candid photos? I’m not saying everyone does this, but it’s enough to be pervasive in celebrity culture and I think it’s unfair to try to say it doesn’t exist or to not acknowledge the extreme pressure celebrities are under. The thread itself is an example of it. It’s mostly people ragging on Dove about how bad they think she looks now.
No one is famous without our permission and I have yet to see anyone boost anyone who wasn’t at least conventionally good looking. If they are selling an impossible standard, we are the ones buying it.
So, no. I do not find PS all that problematic in itself. I will agree there is something disingenuous about going on about self-love while heavily filtering/photoshopping pictures on top of PS.
But I also find it disingenuous to talk about body dysmorphia or the mental health dangers of PS and then rag on someone and speculate about every PS they may have had.
Pot, meet kettle.
People bring up that young people look up to her and while I agree that she does have great influence, I just don’t know if it’s really her (or any celebrities’) responsibility to be a good role model. A human is a human, is a human, right? No one person is ever going to be perfect and while they may do something admirable in one part of their life, that doesn’t mean they have to be admirable in every part of their life. That’s another impossible standard fans put on celebrities. I think we should all critically think when giving our time, attention, energy, etc…to anyone. Learning how to critically think is a parent’s job. My mother specifically raised me without celebrity magazines and to take into account what they do and say, and to be skeptical of anything anyone tries to sell me.
Why is it a celebrities’ job to be a third parent?
They’re only responsible for what they do, you’re responsible for what you do.
Holding celebrities accountable for false things they say or try to hock is different. Example, if X celebrity says that this specific tea or vitamin is what they owe their beauty and success to when really it’s the lifestyle they can afford and genetics. Then yes, point out that what they’re selling is snake oil and a lie or just don’t buy it. At some point we have to take personal responsibility for what we consume. Or if these are impressionable young people, then hold their parents accountable as well. If they’re so young, then they’re not buying this stuff, their parents are. And we should take into account what celebrities associate themselves with. I think it’s telling if a person literally doesn’t care what they sell as long as they make money. If someone is willing to sell you dangerous laxatives and call it a diet, that should clue you in on how much they respect their fans and you should rethink giving them your money.
Again, the celebrity is just the spokesperson/seller. It’s up to us to actually research and determine if what they’re selling is worth it or safe. It’s also up to us to figure out if the celebrity uses their fame wisely. If no to either, then it’s also up to us to keep admiring them or not. Celebrities tend to change their tune if their money is threatened.    
I feel like Dove’s PS in itself is a non-issue. Whatever pic of herself that she posts on Insta or any surgery she admits to is her own business. How I react and what I spend my money on is my business. I do not buy into her proclamations of self-love, I do not buy into her vitamins, I do not buy into the highlight reel of the life she’s trying to portray. I see her for what she is: a celebrity. No more, no less.
I am interested in the reports of her diva behavior. Throwing fits, stealing from set, and yelling at set employees does give a bigger picture of her as a person. And it also helps shatter the illusion of a perfect, happy, person. I don’t want to demonize her, but it is good to humanize celebrities. I do think people should take into account how celebrities treat people that are their subordinates.
I don’t think anyone is so talented or famous that they should be given a pass to be a monster to people.
Dove is not so unique in looks or talent where she can’t be replaced.  
There were implications that she is struggling with an eating disorder, it kind of fed into why she may be getting all this PS and the types of photos she takes for Insta. I also wonder if it explains (not excuses) her behavior. She’s probably constantly hungry!
They also alleged that she had been taken “illegal” diet pills. The illegal part might be relative, because the commenter mentioned it may have been Hydroxycut. In the States, it’s an over the counter diet supplement that is mostly just a high dose of caffeine and some herbs. It’s not like an upper or some prescription. Hydroxycut is legal in the States and she probably just brought it over with her. I don’t think it’s a controlled substance, merely just banned for sale in Canada. I’d be more worried that she’s taking it with other stimulants like coffee and soda.
There’s also allegations that she had been cheating on her former fiancé with Thomas during filming of Descendant’s 2, while Thomas also was in another relationship. These things happen, they’re human. It’s a personal issue they should deal with. I wouldn’t want either as a significant other in light of it, but that’s about it. I would be weary of anyone who has an affair as potential mates. If they’ll cheat with you, chances are they’ll cheat on you. But I’m never going to date either of them, so it’s not really my place to judge.
Another tidbit that came from the thread that I’m interested in is Mitchell Hope’s alleged drug use. The comments didn’t specify what he was on, only that he seemed “strung out.” So, if I were making a bet, then it’d be on him to write a tell-all book. I’m pretty jaded on the fact that there are drug addled teen stars. I think it’s just par for the course. Disney makes sure they have a clean image while making and promoting the movies, they literally will protect and pay for good coverage. But once that protection is over then everything comes to light. Mitchell isn’t even really the most famous of the stars for Descendants. He hasn’t really done anything worth noting outside of Descendants. It looks like he has a role in a Netflix Christmas rom-com coming out, but again nothing to really be too impressed with.
I don’t see him lasting long if he’s already showing up to work high. Money goes quick between jobs, especially if you’re blowing it on drugs. There’s also an allegation of hooking up with a set employee. I don’t see anything wrong in terms of two consenting adults, but it’s bad form professional wise. It’s especially in poor taste if he’s 1) obvious about it and 2) makes it public knowledge that it’s just a hook up. Have your fun and all but be discreet and classy about it. Otherwise you’re burning bridges. I think she’ll have more issues than he would, which is why discretion should have been practiced. Like even if he had no intention of getting into a relationship with her, at least respect your partner enough to not endanger their livelihood. But I guess she’ll live and learn.
I was glad to see that Cameron really wasn’t mentioned, at least not in terms of anything bad like diva behavior. He was implicated in stealing items from the set (like costume pieces) but the commenter used the universal “everyone,” so they didn’t outright name him like with Dove and Sofia, so they may have been hyperbolic. Otherwise they said he was always nice, which is good to hear.
I saw a post from another blog asking their opinion about Cameron being friends with Dove despite the behavior alleged in the thread. I want to say that I think their friendship is over conflated. Most of their interactions have been for promos/BTS for Descendants. I don’t think I recall ever seeing them hang together on a purely platonic level, not like he did with Sophie and Karan.
I think people, mostly kids, want to see their movie best friends be best friends in real life. I feel like all the promo stuff insinuated that they all LOVED each other, and they all got along ALL THE TIME. I think most people know that there’s never an instance where literally every person in a large group gets along all the time. They might be cordial and polite to them to be professional, and I think we need to remember that the cast are co-workers.
We also have to remember that they’re young and want to do well in the industry. They won’t want to get a reputation of being difficult or even a snitch. So, while Cameron may or may not have liked Dove that deeply on a personal level, I’ve always felt he was the utmost professional. He’s not going to antagonize her or call her out unless she did something super egregious like hit someone (and maybe not even then, I did not know him personally). From the thread, Dove threw tantrums and yelled at people, none of that warrants risking his reputation for. Even the original poster of the thread wouldn’t give out their name for fear of reprimand and possible legal action. On some level, they too do not think it’s worth calling Dove out for any real consequences.
They’re willing to gossip about it, but they’re not willing to give actual credibility to their story.
When his manager was indicted, he immediately fired him. I think that speaks to his character and if Dove had done something truly heinous, he would have stood up to her.
We also have to remember that it’s possible that this entire thread in terms of Dove’s behavior might be completely made up. We have nothing to go on besides this one person’s account, and we have no idea who this person is. Literally anyone can create a username, open a thread account, and say “I work for X company and I had Y position with Z celebrity.” I can’t verify any of that. One person can also make dozens of accounts, say they’re different people, and try to tell the same story. Again, that doesn’t make any of it true. Even if we took their account as true, we only have their side of the story.
I would never judge Cameron or the others on who they’re friends with based on salacious gossip.
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Matcha. Green Tea. Camellia Sinensis.
Let’s talk about matcha. Green tea. Matcha. Are they the same thing?
Matcha and green tea come from the same plant, the shrub camellia sinensis, but the difference is in how they’re processed. Green tea comes from the leaves of the shrub, which are dried after they’re picked. To make matcha, the leaves in their entirety are dried then ground into the fine, bright green powder you may be familiar with.
Because matcha uses the whole leaf, grinding it down without using heat, matcha is more concentrated than green tea. Some studies even estimate that matcha has 3 times the antioxidants as green tea.
Does that mean matcha is better than green tea?
Not exactly — it just means that matcha and green tea are different and suited for different uses.
Let’s talk briefly about drinking matcha and green tea. Matcha is typically swirled into hot water (not scalding water), and it’s kind of like espresso — you’re typically going to drink a small amount of it, not a giant mugful, because of its intensity. Matcha has a bolder, more vibrant flavor, often with its own natural sweetness and body, depending on the quality of the matcha.
Green tea, on the other hand, is steeped in boiling water, and it has a different flavor, less intense, maybe slightly nutty, without the sweetness you might find in matcha. It’s also less concentrated, a more traditional tea you can sip throughout the day if you so wanted. (Of course, green tea does still contain caffeine!)
Because matcha is more concentrated, it’ll likely have a stronger impact on you — if you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine, you might opt to sip green tea instead of matcha. You probably wouldn’t bake with green tea, but matcha is more versatile, its intense matcha flavor and vivid green color welcome additions to baked goods.
All of which goes to say — neither is better or worse than the other. They’re just different.
What about in skincare then?
Let us explain by describing these three different products.
The Peach & Lily Matcha Pudding Antioxidant Cream uses matcha (obviously). It’s where it gets its natural green color, and the presence of matcha means the cream is full of antioxidants, which come from flavanoids, a type of polyphenol. Flavanoids are particularly known to have strong anti-inflammatory effects, helping reduce redness and fight acne, which can be caused by inflammation. Further, matcha actually also helps with sebum production, helping reduce the presence of oil on skin and slow the production of excess sebum.
You want your skin to have a chance to absorb all the goodness of the ingredients, so you might want a moisturizer that harnesses the extra power of matcha. The Matcha Pudding Antioxidant Cream boosts the antioxidative goodness of matcha with other beautiful ingredients, like cape lilac extract, niacinamide, and adenosine, so your skin can thrive.
Then there’s the Femmue Gentle Green Relief Mask, a kaolin clay mask that includes actual green tea leaves to help provide gentle exfoliation while also helping manage excess sebum. Ultimately, you’re going to wash the clay mask off, and you want the kaolin clay to be pulling out all the excess oil, bacteria, and gunk that might be trapped in your pores. That means you’re not necessarily going to need the intense concentration of matcha in a clay mask — green tea leaves will still provide all the amazing properties of green tea, helping fight off free radical damage, reduce redness and inflammation, and manage sebum. The leaves themselves will also bring the added benefit of gentle exfoliation when you’re rinsing the mask off.
Green tea can also be found in the essences of sheet masks! When it comes to sheet masks, you need something that will soak into skin, which means green tea extract might be the likely choice. Ariul’s Green Tea 7 Days Mask is soaked in a formula that highlights the balancing and gently exfoliating properties of green tea, without the added texture of tea leaves or matcha powder.
Should you be wary of matcha if you have sensitive skin?
There are so many great things about matcha, and one of them is that matcha is generally suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Of course, though, everyone’s skin is different, so you never know how your skin will react to any given ingredient! To be safe, we always recommend spot-testing anything new.
We love the versatility that comes from this one shrub, camellia sinensis. Just like matcha and green tea have different uses when it comes to drinking or consuming them, they have that same versatility in skincare, which we love — there isn’t  just one way for us to reap the benefits of this superstar ingredient.
The post Matcha. Green Tea. Camellia Sinensis. appeared first on Pibuu.
Matcha. Green Tea. Camellia Sinensis. published first on https://www.pibuu.co/2019/05/16/matcha-green-tea-camellia-sinensis/
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Anon Ask
Anon Asked...
The text, which now appears to be entirely vanished, was not really anything about spirituality, but this bit caught my eye:
“When the great god Sherlock enters the shooting shed in the sun, there seems to be a kind of fantastic color. When the light is cast onto his face, I even feel the golden light shining.”
They also mentioned a bit similar thing about his eyes (“The blue eyes who are aware of everything, their eyes are focused”) than the Rolling Stones interviewer (“Suddenly, Cumberbatch is Sherlock, a model of perspicacity, as observant and wise as an owl. Even his eyes have gotten in on the act, changing in color from pale green to medium plumbago blue”), so maybe they were just astonished by his uniqueness.
There are all sorts of addictions, not just drugs: cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate, sugar, caffeine… I trust you were not implying that his twin soul is a drug addict, but there is already so much speculation around, and not all of the readers are so fluent in interpretation. Not all the above-mentioned are as bad for health as drugs, but bad enough. I know that because I am addicted to smoking, drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee and consuming sweets. I have quit smoking many times, left all the sugar and caffeine. The cold turkey method is the most efficient for me, but the withdrawal symptoms are truly nightmarish. There are many recent interviews where Ben mentions quite a many different favorite drinks by name, him having really sweet tooth, preferring coffee to tea etc. As a smoker myself, I say he is a man who makes love to his cigarettes. Much more intimate than any of the the kissing scenes 😀
It could also be him (or the twin) trying to quit some or all of these “addictions”. It is as important as the change to the plant based diet, which usually will be essential in raising the vibrational frequency, which also has an effect on tolerance for any toxins. Ben already mentioned he has cut the alcohol consuming to the minimum, which is good, as drinking as little as few glasses might now be visible in both of the twins’ appearance. In general, people raising their vibrational frequency become more sensitive… well to everything really: light, chemicals in cosmetics, and other people’s vibrational energy or any lower frequency vibrations. This cleaning process might have a knock-on effect on both of them, more so if happening simultaneously. The twin flame energy itself is so powerful and intense; therefore, the above mentioned cleansing is necessary in order to maintain the balance.
However long the flame has burnt it still might raise questions and feeling that one knows absolutely nothing what is going on. Sometimes it might feel bit empty or disconnected, as nothing really feels the same as it did before, even regular sexuality might seem meaningless when one has tasted the glimpse of a love beyond the physical. People might see bits of that in his appearance as well, i.e. that he has changed, he might sometimes look bit out-of-place, his once so visible sexual spark is transforming into something else. It does not necessarily mean he would transform into a monk 😇, but merely into a manifestation of that spiritual, unconditional love.
Addiction is a troublesome word. People can have an addictive personality. You can be addicted to things or people. Google offers this definition for addiction
noun: addiction; plural noun: addictions
the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.
"he committed the theft to finance his drug addiction"
synonyms:dependency, dependence, habit, problem More
"his heroin addiction"
devotion to, dedication to, obsession with, infatuation with, passion for, love of, mania for, enslavement to
"a slavish addiction to fashion"
If you ask a Diabetic if they have a dependency on Insulin, the answer is yes. Does that make them addicted? Chemically, yes.
A twinsoul/twinflame is also addicted to their other half. They can show the same signs, symptoms and withdrawal issues that any addict can. This is partially why I phrased it as addiction issues.
The other reason I brought it up is that people were suggesting that he personally looked like he was abusing drugs. I was suggesting that he could have the appearance of drug abuse without the physical use/depence/addiction.
As far as his Twinflame/twinsoul being a drug addict? They may take something palliatively(i.e. pain medication or even something harmless like an herbal soother) that Benedict's body interprets as a recreation drug, causing him to show the side effects of a recreational drug abuse issue, without actually taking anything at all. It could also be a regular prescription like I said, such as insulin, which would have devastating effects if you were not diabetic. Other normal medications could also do the same. Many people do this intentionally. Think of people who abuse things like Ativan, Adderal, and Ambien and that's just the drugs that start with A! So if his twinflame/twinsoul was on one of these drug for legitimate reasons, he could be feeling the effects of it and his body would react like he was taking it recreationally.
People often talk about lightworkers, twinsouls, those who are considered godtouched, and old souls as having eyes that look straight through you or look into your soul. It can be a technique that can be taught, but it can make people uncomfortable as well. I think what you are talking about though, is the difference between want and need. People drawn to him because he wants love and people drawn to him because he radiates love.
Both Twinflames and lightworkers are put here to change the world. Because of that, they shine with an inner light. Lightworkers can do this on their own and sometimes with other people. Twinflames always do this by working with each other and other people, never by themselves. Everyone knows someone like this although they may not realise this or make the connection. That person who always does a good deed or the couple who is friendly and has all the adopted kids. They begin to stand out more in this day and age of selfishness and internet trolls.
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pagsys-writings · 7 years
And Everything I See Is Just A Reminder
“But my words became stained with your love. You occupy everything, you occupy everything.” - Pablo Neruda
The straps of his bag dug into his shoulders as he made his way across campus. The edges of his books dug into his lower back, and he shifted the bag, trying to alleviate the uncomfortable feeling. He thought that by now, with a whole year under his belt, he’d be used to the aches and pains of university, but he was was wrong. The weariness just seemed to build and build. He was tired most days, and the long classes and hours of work did nothing to help.
He needed a coffee. Once he had some caffeine coursing through his veins, he knew he’d feel at least a little better. He could do without the heaviness in his eyes or the constant headache. He never thought he - of all people - would be one that needed coffee to get through his day. The sluggishness of his brain, however, indicated that he was desperately needing his next cup soon, so he turned in the direction of his favorite coffee shop.
“Hanai!” Startled, he stopped in his tracks and looked around, confused. “Over here!” He found Suyama waving to him with Sakaeguchi sitting beside him on a bench. Both had cups of what he could assume were coffee, but Sakaeguchi held two cups.
A relieved sigh fell from his lips as he smiled. The two knew him so well that it honestly surprised him. He never once thought he’d be as close to them as he was now, but he wasn’t about to complain. Especially since they had an extra coffee just waiting to be taken.
“Thanks,” Hanai said, taking the offered cup from Sakaeguchi. Just the smell of the coffee was enough to ease his headache some. He sat beside Suyama and took a much needed drink. “I needed this.”
“We had a feeling,” Sakaeguchi smiled over at him. “How was your class?”
“Anatomy…” He glared down at his cup. “Well, it was long and boring. My professor isn’t very enthusiastic.”
Suyama hummed, taking a sip of his own drink. “I’m glad culinary school is more hands on.”
“But Hanai’s studying physical therapy,” Sakaeguchi mumbled as he glanced over at the other, “so it shouldn’t be so bad?”
“It is though,” Hanai responded. “Right now, it’s mostly classes and not practical, but the head of the athletic department agreed to let me shadow one of the athletic trainers. I do that after classes in the afternoon.” He took another welcomed drink of his coffee, enjoying the taste. He was glad it was how he usually had it.
“That sounds interesting,” Suyama said, draping his arm around the back of the bench behind Sakaeguchi. Hanai noticed the way Sakaeguchi leaned toward Suyama slightly. It got him thinking. “When do you have to go for that?”
“What time is it?” Hanai asked.
“About 2.”
Humming, Hanai took another sip. As a future physical therapist, he should really be concerned about this caffeine dependence. Maybe he should start reducing the amount he takes in, but the headache told him otherwise. “Uh…” He rubbed his tired eyes. “The soccer team is practicing at 4, and I need to be at the training room at 3. I still have another hour.”
Suyama nodded. “So you’re shadowing the soccer team’s trainer?”
“Yeah, Ito-san is great. She also works with the baseball team in the spring.”
“That’ll be nice to be around baseball again,” Suyama smiled. “I know how much you’ve been missing it. Still don’t want to play?”
Hanai shook his head. “No, I want to really focus on my studies. Besides,” he took another sip, “if I played I wouldn’t be able to do the shadowing that I am now. I'm hoping to volunteer with a physical therapist in the summer as well.”
“That's a lot…” Sakaeguchi looked at him concerned.
Shrugging, Hanai brushed it off. “It's not so bad. It keeps me busy.”
The conversation died off as all three drank their coffee. Hanai took the time to just relax. He liked this part of the campus. It was a small courtyard with trees and bushes - similar to a park - and it was filled with students hanging out and waiting for their next classes. He liked the mixture of business and relaxation. There was always something to watch and take his mind off things.
“Hey, Hanai.” Blinking, he looked over at Sakaeguchi, who was now leaning against Suyama’s side. The ex-shortstop looked a little embarrassed, but Hanai focused his attention on Sakaeguchi. “How have you been?”
The question confused him. Did he look as bad as he felt sometimes? Maybe it was the perpetual bags under his eyes that he never seemed to be able to hide. “Good? I guess?” It was a lame answer, but he didn’t really understand what the other was trying to get at.
“You guess?” There was a mixture of amusement and concern in his eyes as he watched Hanai. “You’re not working yourself too hard, right? You’re taking care of yourself?”
Hanai held his tongue. There was a quip that was just begging to get out. What are you, my mother? He thought it, but didn’t voice it. He knew he was still a little tired and cranky from his lack of caffeine, and it wasn’t Sakaeguchi’s fault that Hanai didn’t like being checked on all the time. “I’m fine.” His words, however, seemed anything but. They were strained and laced with exhaustion. So maybe he was pushing himself a little harder than he should, but he needed to make sure he stood out among the other students. If he was just one of the same, he’d never achieve his goals.
Humming, Sakaeguchi looked away and out at the people. “Why don’t you come to a party with us this weekend? It’s on my campus and Shinooka and Mizutani are coming by as well. We invited a few others, but we’re not sure if they’re going to make it or not.”
Hanai had heard that Mizutani finally worked up the courage to ask Shinooka on a date. Good for them. They seemed to be working. It had already been a couple of months and they were still together.
He looked at the two next to him. They were always close in high school, but now they seemed closer. He always wanted to ask, but…
“You don't have to come if you don't want to,” Sakaeguchi said after Hanai’s prolonged silence. “I just thought it would be a nice break from the constant work of school.”
“I'll come,” he said, surprising both himself and the others.
“Really?” Suyama just blinked. “You sure?”
“Yeah.” Hanai looked away from them. He really wasn't. He had so many other things he could do with his time, but Sakaeguchi’s questions were now starting to hit him differently. Maybe he needed to take some time for himself. He wasn't much of a partier, but one day couldn't hurt. “I have to go get some things before the practice, but text me when and where.”
“Okay!” Sakaeguchi grinned happily. “I'll let you know when to come to our place!” Sakaeguchi didn't seem phased by the words, but Suyama’s face seemed to darken a few shades of red.
“Great,” Hanai smiled as he stood. “Thanks for the coffee by the way.”
“No problem,” Suyama said, recovering from his embarrassment. “We thought you'd need it.”
“You weren't wrong.” He laughed as he stretched his legs. “Alright talk to you guys later.”
On his way back to his dorm, Hanai wondered about his friends. He hadn't known they were living together. Maybe they just weren't telling people? It really wouldn't make sense unless they were actually dating, right? They could just be rooming together to save money. But maybe they are together. It would make sense then for them to keep it quiet, and they were showing more affection towards each other than normal. I wonder if they would be okay with me asking them…
Hanai dressed in casual clothes for the party - jeans, a button up, and sneakers. He hoped he wasn't too over or under dressed but too late now, he told himself. He was already a five minute walk from Sakaeguchi and Suyama’s place.
When he arrived, Sakaeguchi greeted him happily at the door. “Hanai! You made it! Come in!” He grabbed his arm and tugged him inside. “Do you want anything to drink? We have a few different alcohol choices to choose from.”
Sakaeguchi disappeared into the apartment and Suyama came over offering an apology. “Sorry, he's already had a few mixed drinks and he's really excited that you're coming out with us tonight.”
“It has been a bit since I was out like this so I'm not surprised,” he laughed.
“Shouji~” Sakaeguchi called from the kitchen. Hanai had never seen Suyama so embarrassed and red in his life. “Ask Hanai what he wants to drink!”
“So uh… you two…?” It was the perfect moment to ask, but Hanai couldn’t help the awkwardness of his question.
Suyama rubbed the back of his neck. His face was still a nice shade of red. “Y-yeah…” He mumbled under his breath. “We- we were going to tell everyone from Nishiura eventually. It’s just not the easiest thing to bring up in conversation.”
“You know we wouldn’t care, right?” Hanai asked, hoping that the two didn’t think - after all they’ve been through - that their ex-teammates would judge them over something like that. “We only hope for each other’s happiness.”
“We know!” Suyama rushed out. “It’s just hard to talk about, you know?” Hanai nodded. He could understand that. Even if they were all good friends, he wasn’t surprised Suyama and Sakaeguchi would be worried about bringing up something so personal. It was a touchy subject and it would be hard to judge how a person would react. Hanai was just happy they were comfortable enough to tell him about it. “So what would you like to drink?”
“No idea,” Hanai said laughing. “Why don’t you surprise me.”
The party was louder than he thought it would be, but maybe that was because it’d been months since he had been to one. He wasn’t much of a dancer, so he stood off to the side and just watched everyone have fun. Surprisingly, Oki had showed up to the party as well and joined him by the window away from the center of attention.
If Tajima was here, he’d be right smack in the middle of it all, he thought with a small smile. His ex-teammate wasn’t far from his mind these days.
“You’re not wrong,” Oki said, startling Hanai from his thoughts.
“You said Tajima would be in the middle of everyone,” Oki frowned a little at him. “I was agreeing with you.”
“Oh,” Hanai smiled a little embarrassed. He looked down at the drink in his hand. Maybe he’d drank a little more than he thought. He didn’t want to lose his inhibitions to the point of him speaking his thoughts.
“You know,” Oki laughed a little. “I can imagine Tajima dragging Mihashi out to dance. Can you imagine the two of them?”
Hanai couldn’t help but laugh. Just the thought of Mihashi attempting to dance to the music playing was hysterical. The only result would have been an awkward flailing of arms. “It would have been comical.”
Oki nodded, grinning from ear to ear as he held in his laughter. “Once Abe or Izumi saved Mihashi from dancing Tajima would have come for you.”
“M-me?” Hanai tensed at the thought. “Why would he come to me?”
“He always did.” Oki looked at him like Hanai was crazy. “Didn’t you notice? The two of you were always together.”
“Oh?” Hanai took another sip of the drink that Sakaeguchi made him when they’d arrived at the party. “Have… have you talked to him lately?”
“Me?” Oki laughed. “Nah, but I talk to a few others. I bet you talk to him all the time though! How is he?”
He didn’t know what to say. Oki just assumed that he spoke to Tajima all the time, but Hanai hadn’t spoken to the other since… graduation. “I don’t know…” He whispered sadly. Was he seriously missing Tajima? “It’s been a long time since I spoke to him.”
“Really?” Oki didn’t notice how uncomfortable Hanai was. “I would have guessed you guys talked all the time!” Oki laughed and Hanai attempted to join.
“I’m gonna go get some water,” Hanai said, attempting to flee. “I’ll be back.” Oki let him go without a fight.
As he weaved through the crowd, he felt a tug on his arm. A girl with long brown hair smiled at him and pulled him back toward the dance floor. “Dance with me!” She yelled over the music, her grin turning sultry as the music shifted to a new song. Her body moved against his, and her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling herself closer to him.
Hanai placed his hands on her hips, and tried to dance as best he could. It didn’t feel right. Something was missing, but what bothered Hanai the most was the way his mind instantly thought of a certain ex-teammate. As soon as the song ended, he excused himself and made his way to the bathroom to splash some cool water in his face, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t get Tajima’s face out of his head. Why? He asked his reflection. It’d been over a year since he last saw him. Hanai thought this thing would have faded by now.
“Hanai?” He looked away from the mirror. Sakaeguchi stood there looking concerned. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Hanai nodded more to himself. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Sakaeguchi looked him over carefully. Closing and locking the bathroom door, he walked over and sat on the counter beside Hanai. “I saw you dancing with that girl.” Hanai stiffened, but forced himself to relax. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Sighing, Hanai leaned against the counter. “I… I don’t know…” His words were mumbled, and he looked to Sakaeguchi for help. The smile was comforting on the other’s face and it put him at ease. But as much as he wanted to talk, Hanai just didn’t know where to begin.
Perhaps sensing Hanai’s troubles, Sakaeguchi began talking. “Suyama told me he talked to you about us.” Hanai nodded his head. “Sorry we didn’t tell you sooner, and I guess… sorry I made it so embarrassing.”
Hanai laughed. “It’s okay. I understand the cautiousness.”
“You do?” Hanai nodded. Sakaeguchi hummed a little and closed his eyes. Silence hung between them for a few moments. “Can I ask you a serious question?”
“Sure,” Hanai said, but he was a little nervous to know what the other wanted to know.
“Oki said something to me.” Hanai didn’t like where this question was starting. “You and Tajima…”
Hanai stiffened and even his voice was tense. “What about him?”
Sakaeguchi watched him carefully. “Do you miss him?”
Miss him? Hanai opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again when he couldn’t find the words to speak. His mind had gone blank and his heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest. He almost felt afraid. “I…”
A loud bang on the bathroom door broke him out of his thoughts. “Hey!” A slurred voice yelled from the other side. “Hurry up in there!”
“Er…” Hanai pushed away from the counter. “I guess we should go.”
Sakaeguchi’s hand grabbed his shoulder holding him in place. “Hold on!” He yelled at the door, causing the person to groan loudly. “Hanai, it’s okay if you miss him,” he said getting serious again.
“I mean…” He pulled out of Sakaeguchi’s reach. “I wouldn’t say I miss him, but…” But I can’t stop thinking about him lately…
Smiling softly, Sakaeguchi jumped down off the counter. “Well,” he walked over to the door, “Suyama and I are both here if you ever need any advice on anything.”
“Advice?” Hanai asked confused. A nod was his only response before Sakaeguchi opened the door, apologizing to the guy outside, who looked between him and Hanai suspiciously. Hanai flushed at the implications and rushed out of the room without looking back. Advice. Maybe he’d take up their offer soon.
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
Exercise Moves that can Help Lower your Blood Pressure – Part 3
Living an active lifestyle not only helps manage your weight, but it also strengthens your heart, lowers stress levels, and helps control high blood pressure. Get your health on track by taking control of your lifestyle habits to prevent and minimize serious heart problems from occurring. In the previous two blogs I discussed the signs, symptoms, and effects of developing high blood pressure which could in turn develop into heart disease or other illnesses. If you missed this valuable information, these thinks will take you right to them! FACTS ON BLOOD PRESSURE (PART 1) HEART DISEASE (PART 2)
Lifestyle routines play an important role in preventing as well as treating high blood pressure. If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, know that there are ways to take control of your health that may avoid, delay, or reduce the need for medication. By making lifestyle changes, you can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease. Nothing is ever easy, but if you commit to yourself and your beautiful life, you can make small changes that will equate to big results.
Lose excess weight, especially around the middle.
• Weight loss is one of the most effective lifestyle changes to control BP. • As weight increases, typically blood pressure follows. • Excess weight can cause sleep apnea (disrupted breathing while sleeping), which further raises blood pressure. • Carrying a ‘spare tire’ around the waistline increases HBP risk.
Exercise regularly
• Regular physical activity helps avoid developing hypertension. • If you have hypertension or HBP, exercise can lower levels by about 5-8 mm Hg. • As a simple rule, aim to achieve 30 minutes most days of the week. • Commit to make exercise part of your daily routine. If it’s not consistent, BP could rise again. • Consult with your doctor, or a qualified health professional about developing a specific exercise program for you.
Eat a healthy diet
• Learn what foods are best for your diet to get your weight on track. • Changing eating habits aren’t easy, but you can adopt a healthy diet by in taking real foods that are rich in nutrients and colors. • Read food labels before you buy. If you don’t know what the ingredients are, why would you eat it? • Eat foods low in sodium (1,500 mg a day or less). Flavor with herbs instead! • Monitor what, how much, and when to understand your true eating habits. • Be patient for your palate to adjust over time.
Limit alcohol
• Drinking alcohol in moderation can be both good and bad for your health. • Good: Generally, one drink a day for women, or two a day for men can potentially lower blood pressure by about 4 mm Hg. • Bad: Drinking more than moderate amounts can actually raise blood pressure. It can also reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure medications. • Be aware and responsible!
Quit smoking
• A single cigarette increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you finish. • Quitting can reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health.
Reduce caffeine
• Having that jolt of caffeine can increase your energy, but it may also contribute to raising your blood pressure up to 10 mm Hg! • Caffeine sensitivity effects everyone differently, so know your own effects.
Manage stress
• Stress may contribute to HBP causing you to react by eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, or smoking. • Learn what triggers your stress and consider ways to eliminate or reduce the associated causes. • Make time to relax and do activities or hobbies you enjoy.
Monitor blood pressure & have regular check ups
• Home monitoring can help you keep tabs on your BP, make certain your lifestyle changes are working, and alert you and your doctor to potential health complications. • Regular doctor visits are important to be cared for by a health professional and to control your blood pressure appropriately.
While there are many types of exercises that are beneficial for lowering blood pressure, aerobic (cardio) activities are the best choice. Aerobic exercises include; power walking, jogging, hiking, swimming, any sports activity, and even household chores like vacuuming. In order to reap the aerobic training benefits, maintain a moderate intensity for a period of time to elevate the heart rate and condition your heart muscle. Commit to an aerobic program 3-4 days a week and progress to more when you feel comfortable! Remember, it’s not a competition. Conditioning your body takes self patience and continual effort to develop. So, start slowly by taking rest when needed so that your body builds up your endurance and stamina strength.
To keep your health on a positive track, take charge of your fitness with a workout that delivers strength for your muscles, your heart, and your mind. This Total Gym circuit, along with a healthy diet, contains all you need to condition your major muscles, elevate your heart rate, and improve your overall wellbeing. The workout contains 3 short circuits of cardio exercises followed by a core drill. It’s designed to help burn calories and keep your body in motion. The workout can be performed by either: a continual circuit or repeated intervals • Continual circuit: performing each exercise once through for the desired time • Repeated intervals: perform each exercise in the circuit, perform 2-3 sets, then move on to the next circuit and perform in the same manor Once you become familiar with all the exercises in each circuit, you then can begin to vary the circuits by either: 1. mixing up the exercises in a different order 2. vary the duration of the performed exercises 3. add in other exercises you want to include For example; perform each cardio exercise for 2-3 minutes, then incorporate an active rest by doing a strength exercise of your choice. The main goal is to stay in continual motion for a set period of time and keep your workouts interesting. Equipment needed: Total Gym, Squat Stand, timer Directions: • Set a timer for a designated period of time. (Try to sustain your workout time for 20 minutes to start, even if you need to take rest.) • Dynamically warm-up prior to starting the workout. • Perform the exercises within each circuit for 30-60 seconds. • If time permits, repeat each circuit twice (as noted ‘REPEAT 2xs’). WARM-UP (3-5 minutes) 10 Side Bends (10/side) 10 Waist Twists 20 Squats 10 Side to Side Squats (10/leg) 10 Plie Squat & Reach 10 Lateral Lunge & Reach (10/leg) CIRCUIT #1 Jump Squats Jumping Jacks Pendulum Hops REPEAT 2xs CORE: Incline Forearm Plank CIRCUIT #2 Single Leg Jumps Alternating Single Leg Jumps Running + Elbow-Knee Twists REPEAT 2xs CORE: Jack Taps CIRCUIT #3 Side Lying Hops (Right & Left leg) Swivel Hops REPEAT 2xs CORE: Incline Plank Tucks COOL DOWN End your workout with a series of stretches to lengthen the muscles you just worked as well as prevent injury! NOTE: The total circuit time will vary depending on how many sets you perform. The goal is to build stamina and muscular endurance. • Total Time for 1 set: approximately 15 minutes including warm-up • Total Time for 2 sets: approximately 25 minutes including warm-up See how it goes and how you feel. More time can always be added to your cardio workout! Be sure to check out the video to see how these exercises are performed on your Total Gym! The best prevention from high blood pressure is to manage your health and make changes that matter! Now get to it by moving and pumping that heart rate up! Best always, Maria
The post Exercise Moves that can Help Lower your Blood Pressure – Part 3 appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.
Exercise Moves that can Help Lower your Blood Pressure – Part 3 published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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rebeccasible · 5 years
Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019
This is a complete review of Soylent meal replacement products. 
In this review, you’ll obtain access and knowledge of the Soylent meal replacement drink product, the Soylent company, and what people are saying about the product. 
This review is made to provide you with all the insights you may need on the Soylent drink and for you to be able to make your own well-informed decisions. 
First, Let’s Look At The Soylent Company
The co-founders of Soylent came up with the meal replacement product when they grew frustrated over living off a diet full of ramen and fast foods that didn’t make them feel good about their health. Not only did they feel unhealthy and crummy eating these foods, but it took time out of their day and money to obtain these foods that weren’t enjoyable. 
They developed soylent as an experiment, and when people online found out about it, the co-founders realized that they weren’t the only ones having these types of problems. Thousands of people around the world were looking for an easier and more cost-effective way to eat more nutritiously without having to give up the time to do so. 
Thus was born soylent meal replacements, a more natural way to provide maximum nutrition with minimal effort. 
What is Soylent?
As we all know, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle isn’t always as easy as it seems. Everybody has felt like trying their best to eat healthily and keep their physical regimens consistent, but sometimes life is hectic, and you find yourself stuck. 
Soylent, as advertised by the company, produces healthy and functional foods that are good for the body and the planet.  All of their products are to be used as a meal replacement for when you don’t have the time or motivation to make other healthy choices. We’ve all been in the situation where you are hungry, but are in a time crunch and don’t have any other option except getting fast food. In this sort of situation, Soylent is perfect to use since there is no hassle in preparing it or taking time out of your busy schedule.
Soylent has produced multiple products such as meal replacement drinks, the cafe version, meal replacement powder, and Soylent Bridge, all of which we will be discussing today.
Soylent Meal Replacement: Original Drink, Cafe Drink, Powder
Soylent Original Drink
The Soylent meal replacement drinks are the original Soylent pre-mixed bottled product that comes in four flavors: 
It is advertised as a ready to drink, nutritional meal replacement shake in a bottle, each being 400 calories. They are plant-based, non-dairy, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly, which makes them very accessible to everyone. They are also made to be consumed on their own without any added ingredients being subtle and sweet, but can certainly be used in smoothies or shakes.  
Soylent Cafe
The Soylent cafe meal replacement drinks are the same as the original Soylent drink, but they contain added caffeine and L-carnitine. The cafe drink comes in three flavors: 
Cafe Chai
Cafe Coffiest 
Cafe Vanilla
The idea behind the Soylent cafe drinks is that it will save you the time in the morning of brewing a cup of coffee and preparing a healthy breakfast. Soylent cafe is made with 150 mg of caffeine so you can feel more awake while drinking your Soylent without having to take the time out of your hectic morning. 
Soylent Powder
The Soylent powder can be mixed with water to make a soylent drink or mixed into shakes and smoothies. The powder is also available in three flavors: 
Cafe Mocha
The idea behind Soylent Powder is to make the product of the drink more versatile and used much like protein powder. It also has a longer shelf life and is not needed to be used in a short amount of time as the other drinks. 
What Is Inside the Products?
Soylent meal replacement drinks are a mix of ingredients such as soy protein isolate, isomaltulose, high oleic sunflower oils, and vitamins and minerals. Now, because Soylent is a meal replacement drink, some of these ingredients may not be very recognizable. But do not fret, let’s briefly go over some of these ingredients:  
Soy Protein
Soy protein isolate is a plant protein derived from soybeans. It is a very popular ingredient in the food industry because of it being cost-effective and a protein source that improves textures of different foods. 
It is also known as a complete protein, containing all of the nine essential amino acids that your body needs. One 400 calorie drink of soylent includes 20 grams of protein from soy protein, which makes a high protein drink. 
Isomaltulose is a carbohydrate made up of two sugars: glucose and fructose. It is used a lot in the food industry as a replacement for table sugar because it is seen to react better in the body. Even though it is made up of the same ingredients as table sugar, they are bonded dissimilarly causing our blood sugar to rise much more slowly.  
High Oleic Sunflower Oil
The primary fat source in Soylent drinks is high oleic sunflower oil. Sunflower oil is high in polyunsaturated fats, however, specific plants are bred to have higher oleic acid which is a type of monounsaturated fatty acid. 
This makes it so soylent is only high in monounsaturated fats and free of trans fats that are unhealthy for our bodies. 
Vitamins and Minerals
Since Soylent is just a meal replacement drink and not made from whole foods, vitamins and minerals are added into each bottle. 
Vitamins and minerals are always needed in soylent whether people use it to sustain them before they can eat next, to replace actual whole meals or as a dieting technique. Since you are not eating whole foods where they naturally occur, it is best to pack as many nutrients as possible into the drinks.  
Breakdown of Nutrition
The Calories. There are 400 calories in the Soylent meal replacement drinks, which is pretty good on the scale of meal replacement products. Since soylent is also seen as a weight loss product, but not advertised as such, 400 calories may seem a bit steep. Although people using it as a meal replacement or weight loss strategy don’t seem to have a problem either way with the calorie count. 
Fat. The amount of fat in soylent is 21 grams per bottle, which seems to be the most worrisome problem with the Soylent product.
Although high-fat content isn’t always a bad thing, especially when it is full of healthy fats like in Soylent. People consuming the product should be mindful of the fat content in each bottle and respond according to how much fat their body should consume daily.
Carbohydrates and protein. There are 36 grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein in the Soylent meal replacement drink. This is a great macro amount for the 400 calories provided in the bottle. The protein amount is particularly high, which is essential for feeling fuller and more satisfied throughout the day. 
Vitamins and minerals. The list of vitamins provided in Soylent is a long, but much needed one:  
Vitamin D 
Vitamin C
Are Soylent Meal Replacement Drinks Healthy?
Deciding whether Soylent meal replacement drinks are healthy is not seen as black and white since it depends on how your body works and how you use the product. Each Soylent meal replacement drink provides about 400 calories and 20 percent of specific vitamins and minerals. 
The macronutrient breakdown of the product is suitable for people who are looking to consume a higher fat diet or respond well to such. Even though the fat in this Soylent product is considered healthy, the daily total fat consumption is higher than health experts recommend.
Depending on how you consume your soylent drink, whether it’s for every meal, one meal daily, or in between meals, you should watch for your total fat intake. Which means making sure your body is equipped for consuming high amounts of fat or preparing your other meals to be lower in fat content.
Soylent drinks are also considered to be low glycemic foods because their glycemic index is below 55.
Overall, Soylent’s primary problem would be to watch out for the fat content and not entirely rely on it long term. While Soylent is very efficient and handy when it comes to consuming something healthy without wasting time, you should also learn how to prepare healthy meals for the long term.  
Each vitamin and mineral on the label at 20% of the daily recommended amount, plus many more, are provided in each Soylent bottle. These vitamins and minerals are much needed if you are drinking Soylent as your whole meal or multiple meals a day. 
Soylent Cafe
Now when it comes explicitly to the cafe drink, it is essential to state that while it contains caffeine, it also has L-theanine. L-theanine is a component found in green tea that counters effects the jittery effects of caffeine, so it provides positive benefits in comparison to a regular cup of coffee.  
Soylent Powder
The only difference between the nutrition of the drink version of soylent is that the powder contains two more grams of fiber per serving. This can be somewhat beneficial for people looking to add more fiber and satiety effects in their diet. 
Side Effects?
Soylent meal replacement drinks are generally considered safe and don’t produce any severe side effects. Some people have reported that they experience excessive flatulence, bloating, and even some constipation when consuming Soylent.
Although something to note is that since Soylent does contain soy protein isolate, the drinks are not safe for people with soy allergies. 
What People Have Been Saying About The Product
The taste is good. Upon many reviews and claims from people using the product, the taste is relatively good depending on which flavor you prefer.
It’s not the type of drink you would consume out of choice and binge on, but it’s pleasant and gets the job done. It has been praised for being a helping factor in people not mindlessly eating throughout the day because of its taste and satiety factors.
Keeps you away from junk food. Customers have claimed that it has helped them feel less tempted to get fast food as meals or even snacks in between meals. It is also suitable for a quick bite while working late at night or gaming since it is easy to make unhealthy freezer meals at these times. People have used Soylent as a last-ditch effort for not falling back into the same old patterns of eating fast foods or quick unhealthy snacks. 
Feeling more satisfied. Soylent is packed with vitamins, healthy fats, and protein, which is a perfect combination for feeling full and satisfied. When customers of Soylent started drinking the meal replacement drink, they realized that they felt fuller while consuming less. This is because when you are eating fast foods filled with empty calories, your body craves the nutrients it needs, and you tend to overeat. Soylent beats this problem with packing the 400 calorie drink with the macros and nutrients you will need for daily life. 
Makes it easier to lose weight. People with desk jobs or lifestyles where it’s hard to create time for preparing healthy food find it easiest to use soylent. Instead of getting fast foods when hungry on the run, they instead always keep Soylent handy. This also helps customers keep track of calories, feel fuller, and feel more satisfied while restricting calories. 
How to Buy and Store Soylent Drinks
The Soylent meal replacement drink comes in 12 bottles a pack, and each bottle is 14 oz. You can buy one pack either as all one flavor of your choosing or a variety pack of flavors. 
Soylent Meal Replacement Drink
Complete, convenient nutritional meal replacement 
 20 grams of Protein
Vegan & Plant Based
Original, Cocoa, Strawberry, & Vanilla flavors
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Cafe Meal Replacement Shake
Complete & convienent nutritional Meal replacement 
150mg of Caffiene per bottle
Zero preparations 
Vegan & Plant Friendly
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Meal Replacement Powder
Delivers quick & efficient meals 
Complete nutrition 
Vegan & Plant friendly
Easily blendable with water, shakes, and smoothies
Shop Now On Amazon
When it comes to ordering Soylent, you can make it as a one-time purchase or a subscription. We recommend ordering the product first if you are curious in trying it out for the first time, then subscribing after you have made your final decision. Only subscribe if you know the rate at which you will be consuming the product, so you don’t end up with too much at one time or too little.
Soylent should be stored in a cool, dry place and always refrigerated directly after opening. You can choose to refrigerate your soylent before opening if you like cold beverages, but as far as a personal preference, it does not affect the product either way. Soylent is usually good for about two months without opening, but it is always best to check for the date on the labeling of the product that you receive. 
Soylent Bridge: The Inbetween Meal
The Soylent Bridge product is a healthy snacking alternative to the original Soylent drinks specifically for in-between meal snacking. It is advertised as having more protein-packed into the bottle, but also still nutritional with 36 essential nutrients. There is only one flavor to Soylent Bridge, which is chocolate, and it’s all only 180 calories per bottle.  
Nutrition Breakdown
The Soylent Bridge product has all of the same ingredients as the original Soylent drinks, making them also vegan and made of pure plant protein. The drink is known as one of the only ready-to-drink(RTD) products with extra high protein at a lower calorie count. Much of the macronutrients and nutrients are very much the same compared to the other Soylent drink products, but there are a couple of differences. 
The Calories.  The Soylent Bridge is 180 calories per bottle, which is perfect for snacking in between meals. A lot of people don’t want to open a regular bottle of Soylent and save it for later with the possibility of it going bad or having to carry it around. The Bridge product is specifically smaller for being on the go and lower calories for keeping weight under control. 
Protein. There are 15 grams of pure plant-based protein in each bottle of Soylent Bridge, which is a higher protein to calorie ratio in comparison to other products. This is for the very reason of being a satiating snack that keeps you fuller for longer in-between meals during hectic days. 
What People Are Saying About The Product
The Taste. Many customers seem to be the most disappointed in the taste of this drink over all of the Soylent products reviewed. The taste of the product has come off as watery to some people as if they were more lazy with this specific drink. The taste is tolerable, but it seems to be the biggest weakness of the product. 
The smaller portion size. The lower portion sizes have been appealing to many people since the regular soylent drink is 400 calories and used as a full meal replacement. It has been very popular among the weight loss community using Soylent products since it can be easier to eat smaller portions or even drinking it instead of unhealthy snacks. 
The Protein. The most praised quality by far on the Soylent Bridge product is the protein content in comparison to the original Soylent products. The protein content at 15 grams per bottle and the calorie amount being at 180, is considered a high protein product. The protein count in comparison to the other Soylent products is higher, and that had people raising their eyebrows. This improves the satiety of the product and helps you feel fuller for longer; a perfect product for long days and people looking to lose weight. 
Buying and Storing the Product
The Soylent Bridge product comes in a pack of 12 bottles for $26.00 and you are also able to set up a subscription for auto-delivery. 
Soylent Bridge
On-the-go nutrition
15 grams of protein per bottle 
36 Essential Nutrients
Used for in-between meals & healthy snacking 
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Bridge can be stored similarly to the regular Soylent drinks either refrigerated or not, depending on your personal preference. Whenever you open a Soylent Bridge bottle it must be refrigerated afterward to keep fresh. 
The shelf life of Soylent is usually around 2 months, but it is always best to check the label on your specific package.  
var starter = new SktbuilderStarter({"mode": "prod", "skip":["jquery","underscore","backbone"],"sktbuilderUrl": "https://healthenergyguru.com/wp-content/plugins/skt-builder/sktbuilder/", "driver": new SktbuilderWordpressDriver({"ajaxUrl": "https://healthenergyguru.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", "iframeUrl": "https://healthenergyguru.com/soylent-the-comprehensive-product-review2019/?sktbuilder=true", "pageId": 5511, "pages": [], "page": "Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019" }) });
The post Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019 appeared first on Health Energy Guru.
from https://healthenergyguru.com/soylent-the-comprehensive-product-review2019/ from https://healthenergygur.tumblr.com/post/186706988613
0 notes
markhaskins0 · 5 years
Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019
This is a complete review of Soylent meal replacement products. 
In this review, you’ll obtain access and knowledge of the Soylent meal replacement drink product, the Soylent company, and what people are saying about the product. 
This review is made to provide you with all the insights you may need on the Soylent drink and for you to be able to make your own well-informed decisions. 
First, Let’s Look At The Soylent Company
The co-founders of Soylent came up with the meal replacement product when they grew frustrated over living off a diet full of ramen and fast foods that didn’t make them feel good about their health. Not only did they feel unhealthy and crummy eating these foods, but it took time out of their day and money to obtain these foods that weren’t enjoyable. 
They developed soylent as an experiment, and when people online found out about it, the co-founders realized that they weren’t the only ones having these types of problems. Thousands of people around the world were looking for an easier and more cost-effective way to eat more nutritiously without having to give up the time to do so. 
Thus was born soylent meal replacements, a more natural way to provide maximum nutrition with minimal effort. 
What is Soylent?
As we all know, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle isn’t always as easy as it seems. Everybody has felt like trying their best to eat healthily and keep their physical regimens consistent, but sometimes life is hectic, and you find yourself stuck. 
Soylent, as advertised by the company, produces healthy and functional foods that are good for the body and the planet.  All of their products are to be used as a meal replacement for when you don’t have the time or motivation to make other healthy choices. We’ve all been in the situation where you are hungry, but are in a time crunch and don’t have any other option except getting fast food. In this sort of situation, Soylent is perfect to use since there is no hassle in preparing it or taking time out of your busy schedule.
Soylent has produced multiple products such as meal replacement drinks, the cafe version, meal replacement powder, and Soylent Bridge, all of which we will be discussing today.
Soylent Meal Replacement: Original Drink, Cafe Drink, Powder
Soylent Original Drink
The Soylent meal replacement drinks are the original Soylent pre-mixed bottled product that comes in four flavors: 
It is advertised as a ready to drink, nutritional meal replacement shake in a bottle, each being 400 calories. They are plant-based, non-dairy, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly, which makes them very accessible to everyone. They are also made to be consumed on their own without any added ingredients being subtle and sweet, but can certainly be used in smoothies or shakes.  
Soylent Cafe
The Soylent cafe meal replacement drinks are the same as the original Soylent drink, but they contain added caffeine and L-carnitine. The cafe drink comes in three flavors: 
Cafe Chai
Cafe Coffiest 
Cafe Vanilla
The idea behind the Soylent cafe drinks is that it will save you the time in the morning of brewing a cup of coffee and preparing a healthy breakfast. Soylent cafe is made with 150 mg of caffeine so you can feel more awake while drinking your Soylent without having to take the time out of your hectic morning. 
Soylent Powder
The Soylent powder can be mixed with water to make a soylent drink or mixed into shakes and smoothies. The powder is also available in three flavors: 
Cafe Mocha
The idea behind Soylent Powder is to make the product of the drink more versatile and used much like protein powder. It also has a longer shelf life and is not needed to be used in a short amount of time as the other drinks. 
What Is Inside the Products?
Soylent meal replacement drinks are a mix of ingredients such as soy protein isolate, isomaltulose, high oleic sunflower oils, and vitamins and minerals. Now, because Soylent is a meal replacement drink, some of these ingredients may not be very recognizable. But do not fret, let’s briefly go over some of these ingredients:  
Soy Protein
Soy protein isolate is a plant protein derived from soybeans. It is a very popular ingredient in the food industry because of it being cost-effective and a protein source that improves textures of different foods. 
It is also known as a complete protein, containing all of the nine essential amino acids that your body needs. One 400 calorie drink of soylent includes 20 grams of protein from soy protein, which makes a high protein drink. 
Isomaltulose is a carbohydrate made up of two sugars: glucose and fructose. It is used a lot in the food industry as a replacement for table sugar because it is seen to react better in the body. Even though it is made up of the same ingredients as table sugar, they are bonded dissimilarly causing our blood sugar to rise much more slowly.  
High Oleic Sunflower Oil
The primary fat source in Soylent drinks is high oleic sunflower oil. Sunflower oil is high in polyunsaturated fats, however, specific plants are bred to have higher oleic acid which is a type of monounsaturated fatty acid. 
This makes it so soylent is only high in monounsaturated fats and free of trans fats that are unhealthy for our bodies. 
Vitamins and Minerals
Since Soylent is just a meal replacement drink and not made from whole foods, vitamins and minerals are added into each bottle. 
Vitamins and minerals are always needed in soylent whether people use it to sustain them before they can eat next, to replace actual whole meals or as a dieting technique. Since you are not eating whole foods where they naturally occur, it is best to pack as many nutrients as possible into the drinks.  
Breakdown of Nutrition
The Calories. There are 400 calories in the Soylent meal replacement drinks, which is pretty good on the scale of meal replacement products. Since soylent is also seen as a weight loss product, but not advertised as such, 400 calories may seem a bit steep. Although people using it as a meal replacement or weight loss strategy don’t seem to have a problem either way with the calorie count. 
Fat. The amount of fat in soylent is 21 grams per bottle, which seems to be the most worrisome problem with the Soylent product.
Although high-fat content isn’t always a bad thing, especially when it is full of healthy fats like in Soylent. People consuming the product should be mindful of the fat content in each bottle and respond according to how much fat their body should consume daily.
Carbohydrates and protein. There are 36 grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein in the Soylent meal replacement drink. This is a great macro amount for the 400 calories provided in the bottle. The protein amount is particularly high, which is essential for feeling fuller and more satisfied throughout the day. 
Vitamins and minerals. The list of vitamins provided in Soylent is a long, but much needed one:  
Vitamin D 
Vitamin C
Are Soylent Meal Replacement Drinks Healthy?
Deciding whether Soylent meal replacement drinks are healthy is not seen as black and white since it depends on how your body works and how you use the product. Each Soylent meal replacement drink provides about 400 calories and 20 percent of specific vitamins and minerals. 
The macronutrient breakdown of the product is suitable for people who are looking to consume a higher fat diet or respond well to such. Even though the fat in this Soylent product is considered healthy, the daily total fat consumption is higher than health experts recommend.
Depending on how you consume your soylent drink, whether it’s for every meal, one meal daily, or in between meals, you should watch for your total fat intake. Which means making sure your body is equipped for consuming high amounts of fat or preparing your other meals to be lower in fat content.
Soylent drinks are also considered to be low glycemic foods because their glycemic index is below 55.
Overall, Soylent’s primary problem would be to watch out for the fat content and not entirely rely on it long term. While Soylent is very efficient and handy when it comes to consuming something healthy without wasting time, you should also learn how to prepare healthy meals for the long term.  
Each vitamin and mineral on the label at 20% of the daily recommended amount, plus many more, are provided in each Soylent bottle. These vitamins and minerals are much needed if you are drinking Soylent as your whole meal or multiple meals a day. 
Soylent Cafe
Now when it comes explicitly to the cafe drink, it is essential to state that while it contains caffeine, it also has L-theanine. L-theanine is a component found in green tea that counters effects the jittery effects of caffeine, so it provides positive benefits in comparison to a regular cup of coffee.  
Soylent Powder
The only difference between the nutrition of the drink version of soylent is that the powder contains two more grams of fiber per serving. This can be somewhat beneficial for people looking to add more fiber and satiety effects in their diet. 
Side Effects?
Soylent meal replacement drinks are generally considered safe and don’t produce any severe side effects. Some people have reported that they experience excessive flatulence, bloating, and even some constipation when consuming Soylent.
Although something to note is that since Soylent does contain soy protein isolate, the drinks are not safe for people with soy allergies. 
What People Have Been Saying About The Product
The taste is good. Upon many reviews and claims from people using the product, the taste is relatively good depending on which flavor you prefer.
It’s not the type of drink you would consume out of choice and binge on, but it’s pleasant and gets the job done. It has been praised for being a helping factor in people not mindlessly eating throughout the day because of its taste and satiety factors.
Keeps you away from junk food. Customers have claimed that it has helped them feel less tempted to get fast food as meals or even snacks in between meals. It is also suitable for a quick bite while working late at night or gaming since it is easy to make unhealthy freezer meals at these times. People have used Soylent as a last-ditch effort for not falling back into the same old patterns of eating fast foods or quick unhealthy snacks. 
Feeling more satisfied. Soylent is packed with vitamins, healthy fats, and protein, which is a perfect combination for feeling full and satisfied. When customers of Soylent started drinking the meal replacement drink, they realized that they felt fuller while consuming less. This is because when you are eating fast foods filled with empty calories, your body craves the nutrients it needs, and you tend to overeat. Soylent beats this problem with packing the 400 calorie drink with the macros and nutrients you will need for daily life. 
Makes it easier to lose weight. People with desk jobs or lifestyles where it’s hard to create time for preparing healthy food find it easiest to use soylent. Instead of getting fast foods when hungry on the run, they instead always keep Soylent handy. This also helps customers keep track of calories, feel fuller, and feel more satisfied while restricting calories. 
How to Buy and Store Soylent Drinks
The Soylent meal replacement drink comes in 12 bottles a pack, and each bottle is 14 oz. You can buy one pack either as all one flavor of your choosing or a variety pack of flavors. 
Soylent Meal Replacement Drink
Complete, convenient nutritional meal replacement 
 20 grams of Protein
Vegan & Plant Based
Original, Cocoa, Strawberry, & Vanilla flavors
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Cafe Meal Replacement Shake
Complete & convienent nutritional Meal replacement 
150mg of Caffiene per bottle
Zero preparations 
Vegan & Plant Friendly
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Meal Replacement Powder
Delivers quick & efficient meals 
Complete nutrition 
Vegan & Plant friendly
Easily blendable with water, shakes, and smoothies
Shop Now On Amazon
When it comes to ordering Soylent, you can make it as a one-time purchase or a subscription. We recommend ordering the product first if you are curious in trying it out for the first time, then subscribing after you have made your final decision. Only subscribe if you know the rate at which you will be consuming the product, so you don’t end up with too much at one time or too little.
Soylent should be stored in a cool, dry place and always refrigerated directly after opening. You can choose to refrigerate your soylent before opening if you like cold beverages, but as far as a personal preference, it does not affect the product either way. Soylent is usually good for about two months without opening, but it is always best to check for the date on the labeling of the product that you receive. 
Soylent Bridge: The Inbetween Meal
The Soylent Bridge product is a healthy snacking alternative to the original Soylent drinks specifically for in-between meal snacking. It is advertised as having more protein-packed into the bottle, but also still nutritional with 36 essential nutrients. There is only one flavor to Soylent Bridge, which is chocolate, and it’s all only 180 calories per bottle.  
Nutrition Breakdown
The Soylent Bridge product has all of the same ingredients as the original Soylent drinks, making them also vegan and made of pure plant protein. The drink is known as one of the only ready-to-drink(RTD) products with extra high protein at a lower calorie count. Much of the macronutrients and nutrients are very much the same compared to the other Soylent drink products, but there are a couple of differences. 
The Calories.  The Soylent Bridge is 180 calories per bottle, which is perfect for snacking in between meals. A lot of people don’t want to open a regular bottle of Soylent and save it for later with the possibility of it going bad or having to carry it around. The Bridge product is specifically smaller for being on the go and lower calories for keeping weight under control. 
Protein. There are 15 grams of pure plant-based protein in each bottle of Soylent Bridge, which is a higher protein to calorie ratio in comparison to other products. This is for the very reason of being a satiating snack that keeps you fuller for longer in-between meals during hectic days. 
  What People Are Saying About The Product
The Taste. Many customers seem to be the most disappointed in the taste of this drink over all of the Soylent products reviewed. The taste of the product has come off as watery to some people as if they were more lazy with this specific drink. The taste is tolerable, but it seems to be the biggest weakness of the product. 
The smaller portion size. The lower portion sizes have been appealing to many people since the regular soylent drink is 400 calories and used as a full meal replacement. It has been very popular among the weight loss community using Soylent products since it can be easier to eat smaller portions or even drinking it instead of unhealthy snacks. 
The Protein. The most praised quality by far on the Soylent Bridge product is the protein content in comparison to the original Soylent products. The protein content at 15 grams per bottle and the calorie amount being at 180, is considered a high protein product. The protein count in comparison to the other Soylent products is higher, and that had people raising their eyebrows. This improves the satiety of the product and helps you feel fuller for longer; a perfect product for long days and people looking to lose weight. 
Buying and Storing the Product
The Soylent Bridge product comes in a pack of 12 bottles for $26.00 and you are also able to set up a subscription for auto-delivery. 
Soylent Bridge
On-the-go nutrition
15 grams of protein per bottle 
36 Essential Nutrients
Used for in-between meals & healthy snacking 
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Bridge can be stored similarly to the regular Soylent drinks either refrigerated or not, depending on your personal preference. Whenever you open a Soylent Bridge bottle it must be refrigerated afterward to keep fresh. 
The shelf life of Soylent is usually around 2 months, but it is always best to check the label on your specific package.  
https://healthenergyguru.com/wp-content/plugins/skt-builder/sktbuilder/sktbuilder-frontend-starter.jshttps://healthenergyguru.com/wp-content/plugins/skt-builder/sktbuilder-wordpress-driver.js var starter = new SktbuilderStarter({“mode”: “prod”, “skip”:[“jquery”,”underscore”,”backbone”],”sktbuilderUrl”: “https://healthenergyguru.com/wp-content/plugins/skt-builder/sktbuilder/”, “driver”: new SktbuilderWordpressDriver({“ajaxUrl”: “https://healthenergyguru.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”, “iframeUrl”: “https://healthenergyguru.com/soylent-the-comprehensive-product-review2019/?sktbuilder=true”, “pageId”: 5511, “pages”: [], “page”: “Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019” }) });
The post Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019 appeared first on Health Energy Guru.
From https://healthenergyguru.com/soylent-the-comprehensive-product-review2019/
from https://healthenergyguru1.wordpress.com/2019/08/01/soylent-the-comprehensive-product-review2019/
0 notes
healthenergygur · 5 years
Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019
This is a complete review of Soylent meal replacement products. 
In this review, you’ll obtain access and knowledge of the Soylent meal replacement drink product, the Soylent company, and what people are saying about the product. 
This review is made to provide you with all the insights you may need on the Soylent drink and for you to be able to make your own well-informed decisions. 
First, Let's Look At The Soylent Company
The co-founders of Soylent came up with the meal replacement product when they grew frustrated over living off a diet full of ramen and fast foods that didn’t make them feel good about their health. Not only did they feel unhealthy and crummy eating these foods, but it took time out of their day and money to obtain these foods that weren’t enjoyable. 
They developed soylent as an experiment, and when people online found out about it, the co-founders realized that they weren’t the only ones having these types of problems. Thousands of people around the world were looking for an easier and more cost-effective way to eat more nutritiously without having to give up the time to do so. 
Thus was born soylent meal replacements, a more natural way to provide maximum nutrition with minimal effort. 
What is Soylent?
As we all know, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle isn’t always as easy as it seems. Everybody has felt like trying their best to eat healthily and keep their physical regimens consistent, but sometimes life is hectic, and you find yourself stuck. 
Soylent, as advertised by the company, produces healthy and functional foods that are good for the body and the planet.  All of their products are to be used as a meal replacement for when you don’t have the time or motivation to make other healthy choices. We’ve all been in the situation where you are hungry, but are in a time crunch and don’t have any other option except getting fast food. In this sort of situation, Soylent is perfect to use since there is no hassle in preparing it or taking time out of your busy schedule.
Soylent has produced multiple products such as meal replacement drinks, the cafe version, meal replacement powder, and Soylent Bridge, all of which we will be discussing today.
Soylent Meal Replacement: Original Drink, Cafe Drink, Powder
Soylent Original Drink
The Soylent meal replacement drinks are the original Soylent pre-mixed bottled product that comes in four flavors: 
It is advertised as a ready to drink, nutritional meal replacement shake in a bottle, each being 400 calories. They are plant-based, non-dairy, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly, which makes them very accessible to everyone. They are also made to be consumed on their own without any added ingredients being subtle and sweet, but can certainly be used in smoothies or shakes.  
Soylent Cafe
The Soylent cafe meal replacement drinks are the same as the original Soylent drink, but they contain added caffeine and L-carnitine. The cafe drink comes in three flavors: 
Cafe Chai
Cafe Coffiest 
Cafe Vanilla
The idea behind the Soylent cafe drinks is that it will save you the time in the morning of brewing a cup of coffee and preparing a healthy breakfast. Soylent cafe is made with 150 mg of caffeine so you can feel more awake while drinking your Soylent without having to take the time out of your hectic morning. 
Soylent Powder
The Soylent powder can be mixed with water to make a soylent drink or mixed into shakes and smoothies. The powder is also available in three flavors: 
Cafe Mocha
The idea behind Soylent Powder is to make the product of the drink more versatile and used much like protein powder. It also has a longer shelf life and is not needed to be used in a short amount of time as the other drinks. 
What Is Inside the Products?
Soylent meal replacement drinks are a mix of ingredients such as soy protein isolate, isomaltulose, high oleic sunflower oils, and vitamins and minerals. Now, because Soylent is a meal replacement drink, some of these ingredients may not be very recognizable. But do not fret, let’s briefly go over some of these ingredients:  
Soy Protein
Soy protein isolate is a plant protein derived from soybeans. It is a very popular ingredient in the food industry because of it being cost-effective and a protein source that improves textures of different foods. 
It is also known as a complete protein, containing all of the nine essential amino acids that your body needs. One 400 calorie drink of soylent includes 20 grams of protein from soy protein, which makes a high protein drink. 
Isomaltulose is a carbohydrate made up of two sugars: glucose and fructose. It is used a lot in the food industry as a replacement for table sugar because it is seen to react better in the body. Even though it is made up of the same ingredients as table sugar, they are bonded dissimilarly causing our blood sugar to rise much more slowly.  
High Oleic Sunflower Oil
The primary fat source in Soylent drinks is high oleic sunflower oil. Sunflower oil is high in polyunsaturated fats, however, specific plants are bred to have higher oleic acid which is a type of monounsaturated fatty acid. 
This makes it so soylent is only high in monounsaturated fats and free of trans fats that are unhealthy for our bodies. 
Vitamins and Minerals
Since Soylent is just a meal replacement drink and not made from whole foods, vitamins and minerals are added into each bottle. 
Vitamins and minerals are always needed in soylent whether people use it to sustain them before they can eat next, to replace actual whole meals or as a dieting technique. Since you are not eating whole foods where they naturally occur, it is best to pack as many nutrients as possible into the drinks.  
Breakdown of Nutrition
The Calories. There are 400 calories in the Soylent meal replacement drinks, which is pretty good on the scale of meal replacement products. Since soylent is also seen as a weight loss product, but not advertised as such, 400 calories may seem a bit steep. Although people using it as a meal replacement or weight loss strategy don’t seem to have a problem either way with the calorie count. 
Fat. The amount of fat in soylent is 21 grams per bottle, which seems to be the most worrisome problem with the Soylent product.
Although high-fat content isn’t always a bad thing, especially when it is full of healthy fats like in Soylent. People consuming the product should be mindful of the fat content in each bottle and respond according to how much fat their body should consume daily.
Carbohydrates and protein. There are 36 grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein in the Soylent meal replacement drink. This is a great macro amount for the 400 calories provided in the bottle. The protein amount is particularly high, which is essential for feeling fuller and more satisfied throughout the day. 
Vitamins and minerals. The list of vitamins provided in Soylent is a long, but much needed one:  
Vitamin D 
Vitamin C
Are Soylent Meal Replacement Drinks Healthy?
Deciding whether Soylent meal replacement drinks are healthy is not seen as black and white since it depends on how your body works and how you use the product. Each Soylent meal replacement drink provides about 400 calories and 20 percent of specific vitamins and minerals. 
The macronutrient breakdown of the product is suitable for people who are looking to consume a higher fat diet or respond well to such. Even though the fat in this Soylent product is considered healthy, the daily total fat consumption is higher than health experts recommend.
Depending on how you consume your soylent drink, whether it’s for every meal, one meal daily, or in between meals, you should watch for your total fat intake. Which means making sure your body is equipped for consuming high amounts of fat or preparing your other meals to be lower in fat content.
Soylent drinks are also considered to be low glycemic foods because their glycemic index is below 55.
Overall, Soylent’s primary problem would be to watch out for the fat content and not entirely rely on it long term. While Soylent is very efficient and handy when it comes to consuming something healthy without wasting time, you should also learn how to prepare healthy meals for the long term.  
Each vitamin and mineral on the label at 20% of the daily recommended amount, plus many more, are provided in each Soylent bottle. These vitamins and minerals are much needed if you are drinking Soylent as your whole meal or multiple meals a day. 
Soylent Cafe
Now when it comes explicitly to the cafe drink, it is essential to state that while it contains caffeine, it also has L-theanine. L-theanine is a component found in green tea that counters effects the jittery effects of caffeine, so it provides positive benefits in comparison to a regular cup of coffee.  
Soylent Powder
The only difference between the nutrition of the drink version of soylent is that the powder contains two more grams of fiber per serving. This can be somewhat beneficial for people looking to add more fiber and satiety effects in their diet. 
Side Effects?
Soylent meal replacement drinks are generally considered safe and don’t produce any severe side effects. Some people have reported that they experience excessive flatulence, bloating, and even some constipation when consuming Soylent.
Although something to note is that since Soylent does contain soy protein isolate, the drinks are not safe for people with soy allergies. 
What People Have Been Saying About The Product
The taste is good. Upon many reviews and claims from people using the product, the taste is relatively good depending on which flavor you prefer.
It’s not the type of drink you would consume out of choice and binge on, but it’s pleasant and gets the job done. It has been praised for being a helping factor in people not mindlessly eating throughout the day because of its taste and satiety factors.
Keeps you away from junk food. Customers have claimed that it has helped them feel less tempted to get fast food as meals or even snacks in between meals. It is also suitable for a quick bite while working late at night or gaming since it is easy to make unhealthy freezer meals at these times. People have used Soylent as a last-ditch effort for not falling back into the same old patterns of eating fast foods or quick unhealthy snacks. 
Feeling more satisfied. Soylent is packed with vitamins, healthy fats, and protein, which is a perfect combination for feeling full and satisfied. When customers of Soylent started drinking the meal replacement drink, they realized that they felt fuller while consuming less. This is because when you are eating fast foods filled with empty calories, your body craves the nutrients it needs, and you tend to overeat. Soylent beats this problem with packing the 400 calorie drink with the macros and nutrients you will need for daily life. 
Makes it easier to lose weight. People with desk jobs or lifestyles where it’s hard to create time for preparing healthy food find it easiest to use soylent. Instead of getting fast foods when hungry on the run, they instead always keep Soylent handy. This also helps customers keep track of calories, feel fuller, and feel more satisfied while restricting calories. 
How to Buy and Store Soylent Drinks
The Soylent meal replacement drink comes in 12 bottles a pack, and each bottle is 14 oz. You can buy one pack either as all one flavor of your choosing or a variety pack of flavors. 
Soylent Meal Replacement Drink
Complete, convenient nutritional meal replacement 
 20 grams of Protein
Vegan & Plant Based
Original, Cocoa, Strawberry, & Vanilla flavors
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Cafe Meal Replacement Shake
Complete & convienent nutritional Meal replacement 
150mg of Caffiene per bottle
Zero preparations 
Vegan & Plant Friendly
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Meal Replacement Powder
Delivers quick & efficient meals 
Complete nutrition 
Vegan & Plant friendly
Easily blendable with water, shakes, and smoothies
Shop Now On Amazon
When it comes to ordering Soylent, you can make it as a one-time purchase or a subscription. We recommend ordering the product first if you are curious in trying it out for the first time, then subscribing after you have made your final decision. Only subscribe if you know the rate at which you will be consuming the product, so you don’t end up with too much at one time or too little.
Soylent should be stored in a cool, dry place and always refrigerated directly after opening. You can choose to refrigerate your soylent before opening if you like cold beverages, but as far as a personal preference, it does not affect the product either way. Soylent is usually good for about two months without opening, but it is always best to check for the date on the labeling of the product that you receive. 
Soylent Bridge: The Inbetween Meal
The Soylent Bridge product is a healthy snacking alternative to the original Soylent drinks specifically for in-between meal snacking. It is advertised as having more protein-packed into the bottle, but also still nutritional with 36 essential nutrients. There is only one flavor to Soylent Bridge, which is chocolate, and it’s all only 180 calories per bottle.  
Nutrition Breakdown
The Soylent Bridge product has all of the same ingredients as the original Soylent drinks, making them also vegan and made of pure plant protein. The drink is known as one of the only ready-to-drink(RTD) products with extra high protein at a lower calorie count. Much of the macronutrients and nutrients are very much the same compared to the other Soylent drink products, but there are a couple of differences. 
The Calories.  The Soylent Bridge is 180 calories per bottle, which is perfect for snacking in between meals. A lot of people don’t want to open a regular bottle of Soylent and save it for later with the possibility of it going bad or having to carry it around. The Bridge product is specifically smaller for being on the go and lower calories for keeping weight under control. 
Protein. There are 15 grams of pure plant-based protein in each bottle of Soylent Bridge, which is a higher protein to calorie ratio in comparison to other products. This is for the very reason of being a satiating snack that keeps you fuller for longer in-between meals during hectic days. 
  What People Are Saying About The Product
The Taste. Many customers seem to be the most disappointed in the taste of this drink over all of the Soylent products reviewed. The taste of the product has come off as watery to some people as if they were more lazy with this specific drink. The taste is tolerable, but it seems to be the biggest weakness of the product. 
The smaller portion size. The lower portion sizes have been appealing to many people since the regular soylent drink is 400 calories and used as a full meal replacement. It has been very popular among the weight loss community using Soylent products since it can be easier to eat smaller portions or even drinking it instead of unhealthy snacks. 
The Protein. The most praised quality by far on the Soylent Bridge product is the protein content in comparison to the original Soylent products. The protein content at 15 grams per bottle and the calorie amount being at 180, is considered a high protein product. The protein count in comparison to the other Soylent products is higher, and that had people raising their eyebrows. This improves the satiety of the product and helps you feel fuller for longer; a perfect product for long days and people looking to lose weight. 
Buying and Storing the Product
The Soylent Bridge product comes in a pack of 12 bottles for $26.00 and you are also able to set up a subscription for auto-delivery. 
Soylent Bridge
On-the-go nutrition
15 grams of protein per bottle 
36 Essential Nutrients
Used for in-between meals & healthy snacking 
Shop Now On Amazon
Soylent Bridge can be stored similarly to the regular Soylent drinks either refrigerated or not, depending on your personal preference. Whenever you open a Soylent Bridge bottle it must be refrigerated afterward to keep fresh. 
The shelf life of Soylent is usually around 2 months, but it is always best to check the label on your specific package.  
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The post Soylent: The Comprehensive Product Review|2019 appeared first on Health Energy Guru.
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Does eating chocolate improve your brain function?
New Post has been published on https://dietguideto.com/awesome/does-eating-chocolate-improve-your-brain-function/
Does eating chocolate improve your brain function?
Thanks to Dr Amy Reichelt for this tasty article! Amy’s research focuses on addictive memories, reward, motivation and behavioural control. She’s particularly interested in how diet impacts on behaviour and the formation of memories, and how our environments change how we react and learn about certain events. Read more of her work in The Conversation .
Does eating chocolate improve your brain function?
Everyone loves a study that turns one of our favourite vices into a health benefit. Recently, the news headlines tell us “eating chocolate improves brain function” and that it “could help protect against normal age-related decline”.
The study, published in May 2016 in the peer-reviewed journal, Appetite, found that memory and abstract reasoning improved in those reporting more chocolate intake. These consequences were reported not to be influenced by factors such as age, weight and general health measures.
Before you reach for a Mars bar or a Dairy Milk, let’s take a step back.
This is a correlational study. That entails it presents an association between people who reported regularly eating chocolate and better scores on brain function exams. It doesn’t demonstrated that chocolate consumption directly improves brain function.
Other factors are also at play. The people who ate more chocolate also had better diets and drink less alcohol. And both groups relied on their memory to report their chocolate consumption levels.
Sorry folks, but you won’t be able to rely on this study to justify your 3pm chocolate binge.
How was the study conducted?
The 968 participants were from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study, which has followed the same group of New Yorkers for more than 35 years. The participants undertake questionnaires and physical examinations at various intervals so researchers can determine changes associated with ageing, the development of heart disease and also cognitive performance.
In 2006, the participants reported how often during the week they ate various categories of foods, including chocolate, meat, eggs, bread, rice, fruit, veggies, dairy, nuts and beverages such as tea, coffee, water, fruit juice and alcohol. Chocolate was not differentiated according to whether it was dark, milk or white chocolate.
The participants reported their food intake retrospectively via a questionnaire. racorn/ Shutterstock
The researchers compared those who never or rarely ate chocolate( 337 people) and those who consume chocolate at least once a week( 631 people ).
Participants were given various brain function tests- including recollecting where things were( spatial memory ), abstract reasoning, running memory and attention. The relationships between chocolate intake and performance on the cognitive undertakings were then analysed.
The results from people who had dementia were excluded, as this is a serious cognitive impairment, as were people who had experienced a stroke, as this would skew the results.
What were the results?
The participants reporting that they feed chocolate more than once a week performed better in most of the cognitive tests, particularly on their “visual-spatial memory and organisation” rating. There was no relationship with working memory.
More females were self-reported chocolate eaters, so this could bias the results. Women often perform better than humen in certain tests of cognitive function, particularly in the elderly.
The chocolate-eating group was less likely to have high blood pressure or diabetes and had lower fasting blood glucose levels( indicative of pre-diabetes) than non-chocolate-eating participants.
However, chocolate eaters had higher cholesterol, including low-density lipoprotein( bad) cholesterol, which is associated with poorer cardiovascular health.
So what does it all mean?
Chocolate is often demonised due to the high sugar and fat content in chocolate bars and its association with “guilty pleasure”. But cocoa( or chocolate in its raw kind) actually contains lots of compounds that act in the brain.
In particular, chocolate contains flavanoids, which are found in fruits such as grapes and apples. Cocoa also contains caffeine and theobromine, which are the stimulants found in coffee and tea. These natural compounds are thought to improve alertness and so can improve brain function.
Both coffee and chocolate contain caffeine. successo images/ Shutterstock
But the amounts of these chemicals depend on the cocoa concentration of chocolate- and milk chocolate contains much less of these active ingredients than dark chocolate. The study points out that the type of chocolate devoured wasn’t assessed, so we don’t know whether this had an impact on the results.
It’s important to remember that this is a correlational study. So it doesn’t examine whether chocolate intake directly improves brain function. To test this, an experiment would ask people to feed a chocolate-rich diet or a no-chocolate diet for a reasonable quantity of time, and then carry out the brain function exams. This would be a style of establishing whether chocolate can enhance cognitive performance.
What else do we need to take into account?
The participants who ate chocolate also reported eating more serves of vegetables, meat and dairy foods, and more food overall, as well as drinking less alcohol. This indicates they may have had better diets overall, regardless of their reports of feeing more chocolate.
Alcohol intake is known to diminish brain function, so could have impacted on the non-chocolate-eating group. The writers followed up this observation by examining alcohol intake separately and discovered no association between alcohol intake and the tests of brain function. This suggests that alcohol didn’t have an impact on brain functions measured. However, it could indicate differences in general health and well-being.
More people in the non-chocolate-eating group had diabetes, so they may have been avoiding chocolate because of the high sugar content. Diabetes has been linked with cognitive impairments, particularly in memory performance, so this could affect the results.
Light, darknes, whole blocks or single squares: not all chocolate is equal. Pauline Mak/ Shutterstock, CC BY
Another issue is that the participants were retrospectively self-reporting their food intake in response to a questionnaire. People can easily misreport or underrate their consumption.
( In fact, the lower ratings on the brain function exams by people who ingested less chocolate could reflect the working group that was less able to accurately report their food consumption. Asking someone to recall their food for the week is a test of memory in itself !)
Portion sizes weren’t reported either, only the frequency of foods feed over days. So the research didn’t differentiate between whether you feed a family-sized bar of chocolate, or simply a single square.
This type of cross-sectional study is great for showing the relationship between diet and health at a snapshot in time. But correlation does not equal causation. To truly get to the bottom of this issue, we need carefully designed experimental studies to examine the association between chocolate and cognitive health, and the mechanisms connecting them.- Amy Reichelt
Peer review
This review of the article is a sound interpretation of the results.
The important point is that although the participants were in a longitudinal study that recruited people in waves between 1975 and 2000, the measurement of dietary intake and the cognitive function testing was merely done on a sub-group who came in for testing during the sixth wave of follow-up, between 2001 and 2006. So the main analysis could only look at cross-sectional associations.
The participants were be split into three groups based on usual chocolate intake: never, once a week, or more than once a week. But it’s not clear whether usual uptake was over the past year, or just for the past week, which could affect the results.
The review clearly highlights some other potential the purpose of explaining the findings, including that those who feed chocolate also reported some healthier feeing patterns. It’s very likely that those with diabetes would have been advised to eat less chocolate.
The observation of a lower proportion of chocolate eaters having high blood pressure is consistent with a systematic review showing that regular chocolate consumption can have a small blood-pressure-lowering effect.
However, as much as we would all love the results of the cross-sectional analysis to be true, a 2013 systematic review found that in trials lasting between five days to six weeks, chocolate did not improve cognitive function.
I agree with the conclusion that better quality trials, including mechanistic studies, are needed.- Clare Collins
This tasty piece was writing by Dr Amy Reichelt, Senior Research Fellow, UNSW Australia. And was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.
Check out Dr Amy Reichelt’s research blog’ BrainStemmed ‘. Dr Reichelt has a major research focus on the impact of diet and exert on the formation of memories, and the addictive nature of junk food. And she’s particularly interested in how we can change our existing memories- which could help those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, phobium and addiction.
The post Does feeing chocolate improve your brain function ? appeared first on Your Brain Health.
Read more: yourbrainhealth.com.au
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Worth the sacrifice
You’ve decided to get more serious about your running and push your performance to the next level. You’re happy to train hard, but you’re not sure how strict you need to be with lifestyle factors like diet, sleep and alcohol. Do you have to constantly live like an athlete, get to bed early every night and ditch the occasional takeaway and glass of wine if you want to start nailing those personal bests?
“There will definitely have to be some sacrifices and lifestyle adjustments along the way,” says Jennifer Irvine, founder of healthy food company Pure Package (purepackage.com). “It’s all part of the process of making your body healthier and stronger. It really depends on each individual and how seriously you are taking your training regime and how much you want to achieve your goal.”
“Addressing all of these things would yield the best results,” says ultrarunner and Herbalife ambassador Martin Kelly (herbalifeactive.co.uk/martinkelly).
Most of us know we could improve our lifestyle. We aren’t athletes and we can’t devote all our time to running. So, let’s look at the significance of changing or improving various elements of our lives and see which ones will make the most difference to our ability to run well.
Sleep Can you get away with less than you need? Unlikely. Nutritionist and former competitive cross-country runner Clare Goodwin (thepcosnutritionist.com) believes you can’t cut corners when it comes to sleep, especially when you’re training hard. “If I had to look at all three [lifestyle elements] out of nutrition, sleep and alcohol then sleep would be the one to improve,” she says. “Thinking you’re OK when you’re eating well and doing your training but not getting enough sleep is not good. I don’t think people take recovery seriously enough.”
Experts all agree that lack of sleep can be very damaging. “Sleep is the time when the body repairs and reacts to the stimulus from training,” says Professor John Brewer, Head of School of Sport, Health & Applied Science at St. Mary’s University (stmarys.ac.uk/home.aspx ). “Regular late nights will build up fatigue and a lack of sleep could eventually impact on the body’s immune system and increase the chance of injury or illness, so making sure that sleep is of good quality, rather than for lengthy periods, is the most important thing.”
Look at your evening routine carefully and see where you can make improvements. “If you’re spending your evenings sitting up watching TV and you’re not gaining anything from that, that’s probably the easiest habit to change,” says running coach George Anderson (runningbygeorge.com). “When we recover, we get benefits from the sessions we have done. Rest is as important as the training. When you train hard and push your body, it creates adaptation. It makes the body go: ‘Wow, she’s never had me run this fast before. I’m going to have to grow new muscle fibres’. It’s only when you have the rest period that your body gets the chance to do that.”
Nutrition Can you still have the occasional takeaway or treat food? “Nutrition is a little bit more challenging to change as it’s not just a logical issue – it’s an emotional one too,” says Anderson. “It’s not just about being more disciplined and knowing what you should do. It’s about understanding how your emotions will control your decisions. However, there are plenty of small, marginal gains you can
make with your diet that will help boost performance. I’d encourage runners to eat oily fish, chia seeds, flaxseeds – anything high in omega 3. If you are going to have a takeaway, go out for a meal or have cake or alcohol then don’t feel guilty about it. Take away that judgement of whether you should or shouldn’t have done it. Enjoy it and move on if it’s occasional, but if it’s something you’re doing on a regular basis then you have an opportunity to change.”
Brewer points out that poor food choices can lead to weight gain, which in itself is unhelpful for fast running. “If you are getting the results you desire and having alcohol in moderation and the odd poor meal, then there’s your answer,” says Kelly. “If you aren’t hitting your goals and still indulging, then perhaps it’s time to let go of those things that may be blocking you.”
Alcohol Can you have the occasional glass of wine or should you abstain completely? “The nutritional value of booze is negligible,” says Kelly. “It clearly isn’t going to help you run faster, but eradicating the odd glass of wine probably won’t increase speed significantly. The sacrifice may drive a resentment if results don’t come, leading to less motivation.”
If you have an important race coming up, you may want to abstain in the months leading up to the race. “I would abstain completely three months before the world championship,” says Goodwin. “Alcohol can interfere with your sleep and, during really heavy training phases, anything that’s going to slightly decrease ability to sleep is a big no-no. Even moderate amounts of alcohol have been known to disrupt sleep.”
Caffeine Should you drink more caffeine? “Scientific studies show that caffeine levels peak in the blood about an hour after consumption and this is associated with improved mental alertness and concentration,” says Brewer. “Timing is important and the mental focus associated with caffeine could help to improve running performance. However, if alertness is too high, a runner may start off too quickly, consequently fatiguing during the latter stages of a run. Caffeine can also act as a diuretic, increasing the urge to pee, which can be a problem in longer races.”
Training Should your training plan be completely strict or can you ‘freefall’ with your running now and then? “It’s very hard to stick with a training plan for 12 months of the year, unless you are a really top athlete,” says Brewer. “Peaking, periodisation, tapering, training volume and training intensity are all part of the domain of a good coach. The simplest way to get a more structured training plan is to join a club. Great coaches will get their athletes to a state where they can almost look after themselves, with a ‘menu’ of training sessions that can be called upon at different times, blending both high intensity and recovery sessions into their running week. We know from scientific studies that simply doing more of the same does not lead to continuous improvement, so including high-intensity sessions such as fartlek running, interval sessions and hill running is important.”
Does that mean you should ditch that weekly parkrun that you enjoy with your friends? “It depends on your training plan,” says Kelly. “If you want to keep doing it because you enjoy the social element, then try to incorporate it into your training plan. Some weeks, just use it as part of the long slow run and, on other weeks, use it as a tempo run or timed effort.”
Friends Should you focus on spending time with like-minded runners in order to improve and avoid friends who want to party? “Behaviour breeds behaviour,” says Martin. “It’s harder to stay true to a path when influences around you are heading in different directions. Conversely, if you are around people on the same journey, the ‘pack’ mentality comes in and everyone pushes each other to do more. It’s not impossible to go it alone and swim against the tide, but it is harder. But that doesn’t mean cut your social groups out. Just limit the time you spend with them. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose those people wisely.”
The post Worth the sacrifice appeared first on Women's Running.
Credits: Original Content Source
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sepiiduh · 6 years
Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing
Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing.
CALL (07) 5562 1289 or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230, To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing .
Expert Tips On Waxing Everyone Should Read Before Their Next Appointment.
A good razor and shaving cream can definitely get the job done right, but sometimes, waxing proves to be a much better hair removal method. Not only does waxing remove larger amounts of hair with more speed than shaving, but it also guarantees noticeably longer periods of smoothness.
And sure, waxing at home is totally convenient, but it won’t get you same results you normally see at the salon. So, if you’re looking for a completely hygienic and safe means of hair removal, seeking out professional assistance is probably the best way to go.
“Go to a professional technician that specialises in waxing. You want someone that not only has the underpinning knowledge of what is happening to the skin before waxing, but also who has perfected the art of application and removal” Wax It CEO Peggy Millios recommends.
Whether you’re about to start waxing for the first time or are a seasoned pro, here are some expert-approved tips to help you achieve the best results possible.
1. Do A Test Before Your Appointment
Before you book any waxing appointment, it’s crucial to do some prep work first. Since wax can contain some artificial ingredients and fragrances, you’ll definitely want to check with your doctor or dermatologist to see if they think your skin can handle waxing.
“If you’re not sure how your skin will react to the wax, always do an allergy patch test beforehand,” says RealSelf contributor, and board certified dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger via email. “You should always wait at least 24 hours [after the test] to make sure there’s no irritation.”
2. Tell Your Waxer Everything
Once waxing is determined to be a safe method of hair removal, it’s important to inform your wax-performing esthetician about your allergies and skin sensitivities prior to your service. This can help your esthetician choose the appropriate kind of wax for your skin type, and make the process a lot easier on your skin.
In addition, scheduling your appointment around certain times of the month can be helpful, especially since sensitivity caused from your menstrual cycle, can make the removal process more painful than it really should be.
3. Prep Skin Beforehand
Preparing your skin is just as important as making aware of any allergies, medication or products, etc you maybe taking. You should always start with exfoliated skin to ensure your wax goes without any setbacks.
Exfoliating before waxing removes any built up dead skin to allow hairs to come through the surface for easy removal. Hair needs to be about quarter of an inch long in order to be effective.
“Try and refrain from shaving in between waxing as hair grows in different cycles and may take up to three wax treatments for a smooth feel. If you must, tweeze a day or two after your wax but anything longer is best to grow out and caught on your next wax treatment” CEO Peggy Millios mentions.
4. Get Ready For The Wax
Probably the most unavoidable part of waxing for the first time is the feel of the wax removal as the hair is quite course and your skin has not yet experienced this process.
To minimize discomfort try and drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin, exfoliate and moisturize. Avoid alcohol and caffeine a few days before your wax which will also help.
Call (07) 5562 1289 To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing, or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230.
5. Choose Your Wax
Waxing may seem like one-formula-fits-all kind of situation, but there are actually a few different types of waxes that each tackle different kinds of jobs. The biggest difference comes between hard and soft waxes.
Its important which wax gets used depending on the area that is being waxed. Hard is highly recommended for the face, underarms and intimate areas. Soft wax on the other hand, is recommend for much larger areas of body such as the legs, arms and torso.
6. Try To Go To A Salon
While there are tons of at-home waxing kits found at your local drugstore, waxing tends to be a service best left to the experts. Estheticians go through an extensive amount of training to become certified in waxing, so if you want a quick and easy wax, it’s always best to seek the help a professional.
In addition, waxing in salon allows experts to work on hard-to-reach areas you may not want to wax at home. These areas tend to be overly sensitive, and can bruise if not waxed correctly.
Pulling the wax off the wrong way can lead to lifted skin, bruising and snapped hairs.
7. But If You Wax At Home, Do It Cautiously
But if you decide to wax at home, please do so with caution. You should always test the temperature of your wax first, as wax that’s too hot can cause both burns and discoloration to the skin.
“Always test the temperature of the wax on the inside of your wrist. If it’s too hot, wait for it to cool,” says dermatologist Schlessinger. “Additionally, if you’re waxing sensitive areas like your underarms or bikini line, you might want to wait a little longer.” If something feels a little uncomfortable on your wrist, it’s going to really burn on those sensitive spots.
Once the temperature of your wax is safe to use on your skin, Schlessinger recommends passing on that at-home bikini wax, and sticking with simpler areas like the face, arms, and legs. These areas are much easier to reach, and can be done correctly on your own, if done carefully.
“Areas like the upper lip, face, arms and legs are some of the easiest to reach, and make excellent areas to try at-home waxing,” Dr. Schlessinger adds. “When doing waxing yourself, always read and follow the directions on your product package. Also, make sure you never wax skin that is sunburned, irritated, inflamed or cut.”
8. Follow Proper Aftercare
Caring for your skin post-waxing is as important as all that prep. Typically you should wait at least four to six weeks until scheduling your next wax and ensuring you care for your skin until your next visit.
“Its important to maintain skin care in between your wax visits,” Wax it’s CEO Peggy Millios encourages. “Keeping your skin exfoliated and moisturized will give you a more comfortable treatment and minimize ingrowns”.
Keeping your skin moisturized between waxes is the key. Dry and flaking skin can cause major discomfort to the skin while waxing, so it’s important to keep your skin hydrated at all times.
With these tips, I bid you to go forth and get smooth and as Wax it CEO Peggy Millios says “look great, feel confident”.
Call (07) 5562 1289 To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing , or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230.
The post Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing appeared first on Wax It.
Source: http://waxit.net.au/best-waxing-salon-robina-for-brazilian-bikini-waxing/
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hadimustology · 6 years
Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing
Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing.
CALL (07) 5562 1289 or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230, To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing .
Expert Tips On Waxing Everyone Should Read Before Their Next Appointment.
A good razor and shaving cream can definitely get the job done right, but sometimes, waxing proves to be a much better hair removal method. Not only does waxing remove larger amounts of hair with more speed than shaving, but it also guarantees noticeably longer periods of smoothness.
And sure, waxing at home is totally convenient, but it won’t get you same results you normally see at the salon. So, if you’re looking for a completely hygienic and safe means of hair removal, seeking out professional assistance is probably the best way to go.
“Go to a professional technician that specialises in waxing. You want someone that not only has the underpinning knowledge of what is happening to the skin before waxing, but also who has perfected the art of application and removal” Wax It CEO Peggy Millios recommends.
Whether you’re about to start waxing for the first time or are a seasoned pro, here are some expert-approved tips to help you achieve the best results possible.
1. Do A Test Before Your Appointment
Before you book any waxing appointment, it’s crucial to do some prep work first. Since wax can contain some artificial ingredients and fragrances, you’ll definitely want to check with your doctor or dermatologist to see if they think your skin can handle waxing.
“If you’re not sure how your skin will react to the wax, always do an allergy patch test beforehand,” says RealSelf contributor, and board certified dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger via email. “You should always wait at least 24 hours [after the test] to make sure there’s no irritation.”
2. Tell Your Waxer Everything
Once waxing is determined to be a safe method of hair removal, it’s important to inform your wax-performing esthetician about your allergies and skin sensitivities prior to your service. This can help your esthetician choose the appropriate kind of wax for your skin type, and make the process a lot easier on your skin.
In addition, scheduling your appointment around certain times of the month can be helpful, especially since sensitivity caused from your menstrual cycle, can make the removal process more painful than it really should be.
3. Prep Skin Beforehand
Preparing your skin is just as important as making aware of any allergies, medication or products, etc you maybe taking. You should always start with exfoliated skin to ensure your wax goes without any setbacks.
Exfoliating before waxing removes any built up dead skin to allow hairs to come through the surface for easy removal. Hair needs to be about quarter of an inch long in order to be effective.
“Try and refrain from shaving in between waxing as hair grows in different cycles and may take up to three wax treatments for a smooth feel. If you must, tweeze a day or two after your wax but anything longer is best to grow out and caught on your next wax treatment” CEO Peggy Millios mentions.
4. Get Ready For The Wax
Probably the most unavoidable part of waxing for the first time is the feel of the wax removal as the hair is quite course and your skin has not yet experienced this process.
To minimize discomfort try and drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin, exfoliate and moisturize. Avoid alcohol and caffeine a few days before your wax which will also help.
Call (07) 5562 1289 To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing, or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230.
5. Choose Your Wax
Waxing may seem like one-formula-fits-all kind of situation, but there are actually a few different types of waxes that each tackle different kinds of jobs. The biggest difference comes between hard and soft waxes.
Its important which wax gets used depending on the area that is being waxed. Hard is highly recommended for the face, underarms and intimate areas. Soft wax on the other hand, is recommend for much larger areas of body such as the legs, arms and torso.
6. Try To Go To A Salon
While there are tons of at-home waxing kits found at your local drugstore, waxing tends to be a service best left to the experts. Estheticians go through an extensive amount of training to become certified in waxing, so if you want a quick and easy wax, it’s always best to seek the help a professional.
In addition, waxing in salon allows experts to work on hard-to-reach areas you may not want to wax at home. These areas tend to be overly sensitive, and can bruise if not waxed correctly.
Pulling the wax off the wrong way can lead to lifted skin, bruising and snapped hairs.
7. But If You Wax At Home, Do It Cautiously
But if you decide to wax at home, please do so with caution. You should always test the temperature of your wax first, as wax that’s too hot can cause both burns and discoloration to the skin.
“Always test the temperature of the wax on the inside of your wrist. If it’s too hot, wait for it to cool,” says dermatologist Schlessinger. “Additionally, if you’re waxing sensitive areas like your underarms or bikini line, you might want to wait a little longer.” If something feels a little uncomfortable on your wrist, it’s going to really burn on those sensitive spots.
Once the temperature of your wax is safe to use on your skin, Schlessinger recommends passing on that at-home bikini wax, and sticking with simpler areas like the face, arms, and legs. These areas are much easier to reach, and can be done correctly on your own, if done carefully.
“Areas like the upper lip, face, arms and legs are some of the easiest to reach, and make excellent areas to try at-home waxing,” Dr. Schlessinger adds. “When doing waxing yourself, always read and follow the directions on your product package. Also, make sure you never wax skin that is sunburned, irritated, inflamed or cut.”
8. Follow Proper Aftercare
Caring for your skin post-waxing is as important as all that prep. Typically you should wait at least four to six weeks until scheduling your next wax and ensuring you care for your skin until your next visit.
“Its important to maintain skin care in between your wax visits,” Wax it’s CEO Peggy Millios encourages. “Keeping your skin exfoliated and moisturized will give you a more comfortable treatment and minimize ingrowns”.
Keeping your skin moisturized between waxes is the key. Dry and flaking skin can cause major discomfort to the skin while waxing, so it’s important to keep your skin hydrated at all times.
With these tips, I bid you to go forth and get smooth and as Wax it CEO Peggy Millios says “look great, feel confident”.
Call (07) 5562 1289 To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing , or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230.
The post Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing appeared first on Wax It.
Source: http://waxit.net.au/best-waxing-salon-robina-for-brazilian-bikini-waxing/
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adrugsdealer · 6 years
Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing
Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing.
CALL (07) 5562 1289 or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230, To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing .
Expert Tips On Waxing Everyone Should Read Before Their Next Appointment.
A good razor and shaving cream can definitely get the job done right, but sometimes, waxing proves to be a much better hair removal method. Not only does waxing remove larger amounts of hair with more speed than shaving, but it also guarantees noticeably longer periods of smoothness.
And sure, waxing at home is totally convenient, but it won’t get you same results you normally see at the salon. So, if you’re looking for a completely hygienic and safe means of hair removal, seeking out professional assistance is probably the best way to go.
“Go to a professional technician that specialises in waxing. You want someone that not only has the underpinning knowledge of what is happening to the skin before waxing, but also who has perfected the art of application and removal” Wax It CEO Peggy Millios recommends.
Whether you’re about to start waxing for the first time or are a seasoned pro, here are some expert-approved tips to help you achieve the best results possible.
1. Do A Test Before Your Appointment
Before you book any waxing appointment, it’s crucial to do some prep work first. Since wax can contain some artificial ingredients and fragrances, you’ll definitely want to check with your doctor or dermatologist to see if they think your skin can handle waxing.
“If you’re not sure how your skin will react to the wax, always do an allergy patch test beforehand,” says RealSelf contributor, and board certified dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger via email. “You should always wait at least 24 hours [after the test] to make sure there’s no irritation.”
2. Tell Your Waxer Everything
Once waxing is determined to be a safe method of hair removal, it’s important to inform your wax-performing esthetician about your allergies and skin sensitivities prior to your service. This can help your esthetician choose the appropriate kind of wax for your skin type, and make the process a lot easier on your skin.
In addition, scheduling your appointment around certain times of the month can be helpful, especially since sensitivity caused from your menstrual cycle, can make the removal process more painful than it really should be.
3. Prep Skin Beforehand
Preparing your skin is just as important as making aware of any allergies, medication or products, etc you maybe taking. You should always start with exfoliated skin to ensure your wax goes without any setbacks.
Exfoliating before waxing removes any built up dead skin to allow hairs to come through the surface for easy removal. Hair needs to be about quarter of an inch long in order to be effective.
“Try and refrain from shaving in between waxing as hair grows in different cycles and may take up to three wax treatments for a smooth feel. If you must, tweeze a day or two after your wax but anything longer is best to grow out and caught on your next wax treatment” CEO Peggy Millios mentions.
4. Get Ready For The Wax
Probably the most unavoidable part of waxing for the first time is the feel of the wax removal as the hair is quite course and your skin has not yet experienced this process.
To minimize discomfort try and drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin, exfoliate and moisturize. Avoid alcohol and caffeine a few days before your wax which will also help.
Call (07) 5562 1289 To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing, or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230.
5. Choose Your Wax
Waxing may seem like one-formula-fits-all kind of situation, but there are actually a few different types of waxes that each tackle different kinds of jobs. The biggest difference comes between hard and soft waxes.
Its important which wax gets used depending on the area that is being waxed. Hard is highly recommended for the face, underarms and intimate areas. Soft wax on the other hand, is recommend for much larger areas of body such as the legs, arms and torso.
6. Try To Go To A Salon
While there are tons of at-home waxing kits found at your local drugstore, waxing tends to be a service best left to the experts. Estheticians go through an extensive amount of training to become certified in waxing, so if you want a quick and easy wax, it’s always best to seek the help a professional.
In addition, waxing in salon allows experts to work on hard-to-reach areas you may not want to wax at home. These areas tend to be overly sensitive, and can bruise if not waxed correctly.
Pulling the wax off the wrong way can lead to lifted skin, bruising and snapped hairs.
7. But If You Wax At Home, Do It Cautiously
But if you decide to wax at home, please do so with caution. You should always test the temperature of your wax first, as wax that’s too hot can cause both burns and discoloration to the skin.
“Always test the temperature of the wax on the inside of your wrist. If it’s too hot, wait for it to cool,” says dermatologist Schlessinger. “Additionally, if you’re waxing sensitive areas like your underarms or bikini line, you might want to wait a little longer.” If something feels a little uncomfortable on your wrist, it’s going to really burn on those sensitive spots.
Once the temperature of your wax is safe to use on your skin, Schlessinger recommends passing on that at-home bikini wax, and sticking with simpler areas like the face, arms, and legs. These areas are much easier to reach, and can be done correctly on your own, if done carefully.
“Areas like the upper lip, face, arms and legs are some of the easiest to reach, and make excellent areas to try at-home waxing,” Dr. Schlessinger adds. “When doing waxing yourself, always read and follow the directions on your product package. Also, make sure you never wax skin that is sunburned, irritated, inflamed or cut.”
8. Follow Proper Aftercare
Caring for your skin post-waxing is as important as all that prep. Typically you should wait at least four to six weeks until scheduling your next wax and ensuring you care for your skin until your next visit.
“Its important to maintain skin care in between your wax visits,” Wax it’s CEO Peggy Millios encourages. “Keeping your skin exfoliated and moisturized will give you a more comfortable treatment and minimize ingrowns”.
Keeping your skin moisturized between waxes is the key. Dry and flaking skin can cause major discomfort to the skin while waxing, so it’s important to keep your skin hydrated at all times.
With these tips, I bid you to go forth and get smooth and as Wax it CEO Peggy Millios says “look great, feel confident”.
Call (07) 5562 1289 To Set An Appointment For The Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing , or go to http://Waxit.net.au at Robina Town Centre Office, Level 2, Shop 2028b, Robina QLD 4230.
The post Best Waxing Salon Robina For Brazilian Bikini Waxing appeared first on Wax It.
Source: http://waxit.net.au/best-waxing-salon-robina-for-brazilian-bikini-waxing/
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finessingthefitness · 7 years
Fitness FAQ’s
Q. "What gym is best for me?"
A. You have to first ask yourself what you hope to gain from working out; do you want to partake in group exercises, do you want a personal trainer, are you interested in using a sauna or steam room, are there certain exercise machines your looking for?...these are the amenities that will make the basis for your decision.
My Recommendation: Take advantage of guest passes that are offered at most gyms, some allow a single visit or a one week trial. Being able to visit gives you the opportunity to get a feel for what the gym has to offer, you can see all the amenities in person which will help you decide if that's the gym for you. Some people believe that a gym membership is too expensive and cannot fit their budget however, that isn't true. There are gyms with low monthly dues, it's all about doing a little research to find out what features make one more appealing than the next.
Q. "What's the key to burning a lot of calories?"
A. I made a statement via Snapchat where I revealed that I burn over one thousand calories each time I workout. This sparked a lot of questions from friends asking me "how?" & the secret is (...drumroll, please) keeping an elevated heart rate! Simply walking on the treadmill isn't going to get you the most calorie burn, its a great start but eventually you must increase your heart rate to really get the most out of your workout. A great way to gradually introduce yourself to a more intense cardio workout is to work in intervals. If you normally walk for half an hour on the treadmill switch things up; warmup by walking for two minutes then run/jog for three, rest and walk for one minute then sprint at a high speed for two minutes alternating this pattern for the duration of your treadmill workout. Another great way to burn more calories is by trying high intensity exercises; cycling, boxing, kickboxing, zumba, etc. If you are just starting out you may be intimidated to jump right into one of these classes but remember that it's your workout and you work at the level of your ability, never that of someone else.
My Recommendation: Keep your exercises fun and challenging, try a different workout each time you visit the gym and increase the amount of time you spend doing cardio workouts. For example, your first cycling class may be difficult, commit for half an hour, then the next time try to complete the full hour. Once you build up your strength and endurance you will be able to increase your ability to be active during workouts. One of my favorite workout pairings includes treadmill intervals for fifteen minutes, cycling/spinning for an hour, cool down with stairs, and then strength training before ending my workout in the sauna.
Q. "Are Pre-workouts Necessary?"
A. Are they necessary, absolutely not. You don't HAVE to take a pre-workout however, they do help enhance your workout and give you the energy to exercise. I like to take Redline Xtreme or Celsius before my workouts, these products are classified more as energy products. I'm very sensitive to caffeine and drinks that are too strong make me jittery, these two products work well for me by giving me energy that I may lack due to my work schedule/sleep cycle.
My Recommendation: Research any product that you're interested in taking, know your body and what you should or should not take. Everyone's body reacts differently so please make sure you know the contents of what you plan to consume. Here are the links to the products that I take; look at the websites, read what they do, and what the ingredients are. Redline Xtreme (Click) My Favorite Flavors: Watermelon, Grape, Sour Heads, Star Blast, Blue Razz, & Peach Mango Celsius (Click) My Favorite Flavors: Sparkling Grape, Sparkling Watermelon, Sparkling Orange, & Peach Mango Green Tea
Q. "Which is More Important, Diet or Exercise?" A. There is a saying that goes something like "Great abs are made in the kitchen not the gym" and this statement is extremely true. No matter how hard you workout, if you aren't eating right your goals will be harder to achieve. This is a principle that I've learned from experience, when I first started to workout my eating habits were good but not perfect, I cheated a lot more than I should have and it took me a lot longer to lose weight. Today my diet is based on the paleo lifestyle and with the combination of working out five to six times a week, I have lost a substantial amount of weight in a short amount of time.
My Recommendation: When embarking on your fitness journey, start with researching healthier eating habits. Begin a more nutritious diet the first week then incorporate your exercise regiment the following week, this way you have already become accustomed to new eating habits. Again, everyone is different. Research is vital when it comes to what you consume, what works for others may not work for you. Personally, I use a variation of the paleo diet paired with avoiding nightshade fruits and vegetables...basically I avoid processed foods and meats (eating mainly organic poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts)but there are certain foods encouraged within the paleo diet that I cannot eat so, I replace them with certain foods discouraged by the paleo diet. For example, the paleo diet allows the consumption of tomatoes and recommends that you avoid consuming pickles. Since I cannot eat tomatoes (it has an adverse effect on my immune system) I modified my diet to include pickles while excluding tomatoes. Depending on any health issues or allergies you have, you may also have to alter your diet to fit your needs. When I use the term "diet" I'm referencing a long term way of life not a crash diet where you avoid things for a certain period of time. Beginning this journey you must think of these habits as a way of life and not temporary, this viewpoint will help you stick to a more fit way of living.
Q. "How many days a week should I workout?"
A. I would begin dedicating at least three to four days a week to the gym. Just starting out you may only be able to handle three days, which is great! Remember this isn't a race, it's a new way of living and you must enter gradually. Your body will thank you and your ability to exercise more frequently will boost.
My recommendation: Begin working out three days a week while skipping a day in between for rest and increase the amount of days as your athleticism and endurance increases. By your second month of exercising, you may be ready to dedicate four days to the gym and then by month five you could be ready to move on to six days a week without needing days in between to rest! Don't underestimate your body, habits are easy to create and hard to break. Once you set your mind to it and actually commit to action, your mind will tell you to get up and workout even when you don't feel like it because you have made it a routine. There are days where I say "I'm not working out today" and the next thing I know, I'm putting on my workout clothes.
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