#also i hate tiktok as much as the next person but when you blanket-trash all popular books as booktok garbage
trans-cuchulainn · 7 months
there is no moral value in reading fast and there's also no moral value in reading slowly. people who read slowly aren't automatically/necessarily reading more thoroughly and thoughtfully than people who read quickly, and at the same time reading is not a race. some people read fast because that's how their brains work; some people read slowly because that's how THEIR brains work. some fast readers are getting deep into analysis and close reading and some slow readers are just along for the ride and not thinking too hard. these are both equally valid and valuable ways of engaging with books
and nobody should shame anybody else for reading slowly but also if i see one more post that suggests people who read quickly only read meaningless garbage (your elitism is showing btw) and lack reading comprehension, i will start blocking people. it's just bullshit, and it's weird judgy bullshit at that. some people have jobs in books where reading hundreds of books a year is part of it. some people are academics. some people are bedridden or isolated and trust me you get through a lot of books when you're stuck in your room alone for days. and some people love the books you consider garbage and they're just having fun passing the time with light fiction that isn't too brain intensive and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that either, because reading can be a form of relaxation and doesn't always have to be an ~intellectual challenge~ to be worth doing, actually
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 24
People were starting to settle down as the night stretched on.
Chat felt kind of weird about the sleepover, if he was being honest. He was technically the host, but he hadn’t planned any of the activities. They also hadn’t let him help out at all. Sure, it seemed they were throwing the sleepover for him, but it felt weird to not be involved at all when it was being held in his own room.
(He also wasn’t stupid enough to think that they had decided to do the sleepover for purely innocent reasons. Rena and Ladybug were paying just a little bit too much attention for it to be mere curiosity. He had nothing to hide except for the trash and clothes he’d stuffed in his closet to make his room look cleaner, though, so he was fine with it.)
Still, it was kind of nice.
He looked at the other four.
Carapace was sitting cross-legged a few feet away, his back facing away from everyone as he worked on his bracelets. He was singing random showtunes to himself, but his singing was getting cut off at random due to his giggles at whatever he was doing. Chat tried to peek over his shoulder and Carapace gave an overexaggerated gasp and flung himself across the floor to keep the bracelets out of his sight.
“No peeking!”
“Alright! Alright!” Said Chat, shaking his head exasperatedly even as a smile threatened to make its way across his face.
Carapace narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously for a moment before slowly returning to his spot.
Ladybug was apparently only half awake, though it was hard to tell if this was the effect of the wine or the lack of coffee. Carapace had given her his hoodie when he’d seen her shivering and now she was swamped in the fabric. This didn’t seem to bother her, though, as she barely swayed in time with his singing.
Rena had finished all her bracelets for everyone already, opting to just make braids of each of their costume colors. Now she was weaving thread into Chloe’s hair.
Chloe was putting the finishing touches on her fifth bracelet. They were all the same, alternating black and yellow threads. Still, it took a while to make all the knots necessary for hers.
He looked down at the friendship bracelet attempts in his hands and bit his lip. The strings he’d chosen were knotted and bent awkwardly and, really, it was beyond repair --.
He gave up, tossing down the attempts and grabbing new strings. He started just spelling out everyone’s hero names on strings that were the colors of everyone’s eyes.
“Done,” he said, his ears burning with shame. He didn’t know anything about friendship bracelets or friendships and general and if it wasn’t clear to everyone before they’d definitely have figured it out now --.
“Wow. Amazing job, Chat. You’re a master craftsman,” said Chloe, sarcasm dripping from every letter she spoke.
“You… you don’t have to wear it.”
Chloe scoffed. “Shut up. I’m never taking it off.”
“Oh… but you don’t have to, really --.”
“I’m. Wearing. It. Screw. Off.”
“... okay,” he said, a tiny smile playing at his lips.
He gave everyone else theirs and, though he noticed they were all putting them on their ankles where they’d be harder for people to see, he couldn’t help but be happy that they were accepting them at all.
Carapace held up his five completed bracelets with a bright smile. “Tada!”
He walked around and started tying them to everyone’s wrists.
Chat saw both of the bugs look confused as they read over the block letters on theirs, Rena gave a short puff of laughter when she saw hers, and then he finally got to see his...
He rolled his eyes at Carapace but let him tie the bracelet to his ankle.
“What’s a ‘buggie’?” Said Chloe in a voice that said she was pretty sure she didn’t want to know.
“It’s a furry, but for bugs.”
“... how do you know that?” Asked Ladybug, sinking back into Carapace’s/her hoodie with a yawn.
“A few years back I joked that I was a furry and someone told me I was technically a ‘scaley’. Obviously, I had to know if everyone else was a furry after that or something else.”
Rena snickered. “Likely story.”
“It’s true!”
“Hm. Sure. Chloe, I’m done with you. Ladybug --.”
“I have an important meeting for work tomorrow, sorry.”
“Fine. Chat, c’mere.”
He hesitated before he made his way over and allowed her to start messing with his hair obediently.
Chloe shuffled over to Ladybug. There was a beat before Ladybug lifted the bottom of the hoodie and allowed Chloe to climb inside.
Carapace groaned. “Why are you stretching out my hoodie?”
Ladybug smiled and brought a hand up to stretch the neck so Chloe could pop her head out the top. “Forgot it was yours, honestly.”
“I hate you.”
“Guess I won’t fix this, then.”
“Wait -- Ladybug -- listen -- I didn’t mean it --.”
Ladybug and Chloe laid back and stuck their tongues out at him in unison. Carapace glared halfheartedly at them for a little while before walking over and laying on top of them.
“Ughhhh get off you’re heavy,” complained Ladybug. “You’re going to crush me.”
“Good. I’m squashing two annoying bugs.”
“Renaaaaa,” tried Chloe.
“Can’t help right now, I’m doing Chat’s hair.”
“Rena,” tried Carapace.
There was a moment’s hesitation before Rena gently tugged Chat over so she could help Carapace smother the two and still add colors to his hair.
“Chat help,” Ladybug squeaked, reaching out a hand in an attempt to pull him closer for help.
He considered the hand for a minute before pointedly looking away, a smile pulling at his lips.
Ladybug mumbled a curse and resigned herself to the fate of being crushed under three of her housemates.
Rena eventually finished with his hair and she took a picture to show him the results. He’d always wanted to do stuff with his hair, and since his haircolor was so light it wouldn’t have been hard, but his dad had never allowed it…
He smiled brightly and sent it to himself.
Rena shielded her eyes and he looked up at her, his smile dropping into a confused frown.
“Are you okay?”
“You’re, like… sunshine incarnate. Can’t look at you dead on, it’s too bright.”
“Right? He could give Adrien Agreste a run for his money,” joked Carapace.
He wasn’t sure if he was blushing because his housemates thought of him like that or because his civilian identity was apparently that popular. Still, he brought a hand up to cover his mouth as a new smile stretched across his face.
Rena slipped off of the pile of miraculous holders easily and took a seat about a meter away with her phone, leaning back in a pile of pillows. “Carapace, Ladybug, both of you should get to sleep. You both have stuff in the morning.”
“But --,” tried Carapace.
“I WILL knock you out if I have to. And there’s no coffee to keep you awake.”
The two groaned quietly and Carapace fell beside the two bugs. Instead of leaving, though, he just grabbed the nearest blanket and wrapped it around the three of them.
Chloe scoffed and started shifting around in the blanket/hoodie prison she was currently trapped in. “Hey, let me out, I’m not tired yet.”
Ladybug and Carapace wrapped an arm around her and held her still before she could get up. “We have to sleep, you have to sleep.”
“I don’t --.”
“Pillows don’t talk,” said Ladybug, nuzzling her face into Chloe’s neck with a yawn.
Chloe didn’t look particularly happy about it, but she did quiet herself.
Carapace reached his free hand towards Chat without looking over and he stared at it before taking it. He was pulled down to join the cuddle pile so fast that they knocked heads. There was a mumbled ‘ow’ and a hiss of pain, but otherwise it was hard to tell that it had happened.
Rena tossed a pillow at the lightswitch, which was… odd, but it did turn off the lights, so… yay?
He closed his eyes and wrapped an arm around Carapace’s stomach. He could hear the others’ steady breathing as they drifted off one by one.
But, for once, Chat wasn’t finding it easy to sleep.
Some things are easy to ignore.
For example, Chat could, for the most part, ignore the knowledge that he was likely the only person in the house who was genuinely interested in being friends. Everyone else was perfectly happy being friendly (because who wants to fight people in their own house?), but that’s not nearly the same thing.
But, since Chat was starved for affection, he opted to ignore what he knew to be the truth. Did it really matter if Carapace was only allowing him to hang off of him for the sake of preventing a strong akuma if he was getting the physical touch he hadn’t received since his mother had died? Did it really matter if Ladybug was only playing nicer for the sake of convenience if it meant he could get compliments from her instead of insults?
Kinda. But he was willing to push those thoughts aside.
And, while he wanted to ignore this problem too, he really shouldn’t. Their safety was much too important for that.
There should be very few people that knew where they were. There were the people who Chloe had hired to help her move in, Master Fu, each other...
But that didn’t explain why Chat’s room was left untouched.
The only thing that made sense for that was his dad… He tried to brush the thought aside like he had been doing for the entire night, but it was far more difficult when the others were asleep and weren’t serving as a distraction.
Would his dad sell him out? Sure, their relationship wasn’t near ‘close’, but that didn’t mean that his father hated him, right? His dad had known for a while, though, almost since the beginning. Why would he sell out now? The information was slightly more valuable now that they were living together, yes, but was that enough to make him betray his son for a super terrorist?
Worse yet, could his father be Hawkmoth? He didn’t think so, because his father had been akumatized multiple times, but there was nothing saying Hawkmoth couldn’t akumatize himself. Then again, he’d been pretty interested in Chat’s ring when he realized who he was… or was that just innocent curiosity? He also lived in the center of the area that Ladybug had mentioned she’d traced the akumas to, but so did every rich person --.
Carapace pulled him closer, his hand sliding up his back to work at a knot in his back.
“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?” Chat teased, even as he pressed his face against his shoulder.
“You’re too tense.”
He let himself relax a bit. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault you’re the worst pillow ever.”
“Even worse than Chloe?”
“Somehow,” said Carapace, and Chat could almost hear the smile in his voice.
And, because it’s really hard to have bad thoughts when you’re cuddling a friend and getting a massage, Chat fell asleep in minutes.
@nathleigh @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write @trippingovermyfeet @melicmusicmagic
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imma-potatoo · 4 years
Hello Hello friends!
This is going to be my first full fanfic which is written for k.c.cosplays_13 on tiktok. If you don't follow them you should. They have amazing sanders sides cosplays and are a really nice person.
*Logan is a dark side in this fic*
A Typical Movie Night
Ships: Loceit
Janus was running back and forth between the couch and the kitchen, stepping over the occasional blood spatter and thrown about crayons.
It was the dark side movie night; aka, the night where they watched horror and documentaries until it's three am or they pass out. After getting into a huge argument with the light sides, Logan refuses to watch anything disney or animated. Not that the others minded, they weren't a huge fan.
Humming a show tune that he could barely remember the name of, Janus slowly cut up a vegetable tray. Making sure that the pieces were even and arranged perfectly on the plate. He picked it up to put it with the rest of the food on their coffee table, only to slip on a crayon.
A huge bang sounded throughout the dark household, veggies were everywhere, a plate was broken and Janus layed on his back. Face mixed between anger, slight pain and annoyance. He groaned and went to stand up only to have a blue side leaning above him with a spreading smile.
"The vegetables are meant to go on the plate Darling, not on the floor," a slight smirk rised on his cheeks -slightly showing off a dimple- as he helped the yellow side up, brushing off a few peas.
Janus let out a massive sigh, twisting his neck so it let out a crack. "I'm not going to kill the other two if they keep making a mess like this," fixing his hat slightly, "I didn't just clean this morning!" Janus couldn't stay irritated, not when he saw Logan with a ear to ear grin and soft chuckles leaving his lips.
Logan was so much happier as a dark side. He still played the role of logic but he was free to be himself. He opened the buttons on his shirt, he left the tie hanging around his neck -instead of having it suffocate him- and he even wore ice blue makeup sometimes. Logan could use little nicknames and still be taken seriously. He didn't even have to worry about his Crofters being taken! Right now though. Logan just had his dress shirt with a few buttons undone and a little bit of blue eyeshadow.
Logan towered over his boyfriend. Grabbing Janus' hand and pulling his body to his chest. Wrapping the right arm around his back and using the left to remove his gloves. Logan raised Janus' hand to his lips and gave them a soft - almost like it wasn't there- kiss. Letting out a soft squeak as Logan dusted his lips across his hand, face flushing beet red. Logan's smirk grew as he saw the flustered side. Lifting up Janus' head, he leaned in towards his lips. Only to swerve and whisper in his ear instead.
"As much as I love staring into your beautiful eyes, you are still covered in broccoli. Go get changed, I'll clean up here." Logan pecked his nose with a kiss before stealing his hat.
"Logan don't give that back!" Janus wanted to keep down that grin but he couldn't keep the smile off.
"Nah, I think I'll keep it. It reminds me of you." winking to the already flustered side "now do get changed"
Huffing slightly Janus left his boyfriend to clean up.
Heading up the stairs and passing a orange door and a green door. Janus headed into the black door with a snake and a brain etched on to the wood.
Walking inside the room, ever changing constellations danced upon the ceiling with twisting galaxies with legions of colours lighting the sky. Blue and yellow roses sat on both sides of a elegant four poster bed. A whole wall was just full of bookshelves and two plush chairs were placed in front of a floor to ceiling window, a small tea set off to the side.
Pulling out a yellow T-Shirt (reading: 'What do you call a snake thats 3.14 Metres long? A PI-THON!') Logan would hate it.....It was perfect. He also pulled a pair of black jeans.
Changing quickly, Janus walked back out of the room, only stopping to adjust the roses in the vase. He walked up to the green door and knocked.
"Remus! The movie isn't almost set up, you don't have five minutes! Remember it isn't your movie first."
He continued to walk down the corridor. Stopping to knock on a bright orange door.
"Augustus, the movie isn't starting in five!"
Janus continued his journey to rejoin his boyfriend, walking down the steps and looking up to see the taller side playing on his phone.
The room was all set up. Fairy lights hung above the couch twinkling as the title screen for "Murder Beach Party" played on the television. The coffee table was covered in food. Nachos sat in the middle with chips and candy by its side. Chocolate covered pretzels (Janus' favourite) was the closest to his seat and a new veggie platter was next to it for Logan. Pillows and blankets were piled high and nearby was a multitude of different electronics and chargers in case Remus got bored.
Janus smiled as he looked at how his boyfriend could now freely wear his smile. Pulling a silly smile of his own he flopped next to Logan and put his chin on top of his phone. Logan looked up and beamed at the yellow side... Before he saw the yellow T-Shirt.
"Bee, you know how much I hate the shirt."
"And honey, you know how much I don't love it."
"Well, who am I to get in the way of your smile?" a smirk was growing on the blue sides face as he tugged Janus closer to him.
"A pretty rude one, considering how you don't cause it most of the time." Janus leaned forward and let out a purr like hiss. Forked tongue peeking through his lips.
This time, it was Logan who turned bright red. Fumbling over his words until he simply gave up and pulled Janus closer to him. Burying his nose in the deceitful sides blond locks. Janus in response, curling up in his lap.
They stayed like that for about half an hour. Then the concern for the two missing sides grew. They were about to leave the comfort of the blanket fort when Janus' phone rung.
Logan passed the ringing phone to his partner and looked in curiosity as he answered the call.
"Remus, what don't you mean you got arrested again? And Augustus isn't with you too..."
"Remus! This isn't the third time this week you two have gotten arrested."
"Don't you 'JanJan' me"
"I totally care if the body didn't fit in the trash can."
"No, you and Augustus can stay in there for a few days to see if you two can't learn how to properly dispose of a body."
"Well maybe you two shouldn't pay attention when we are teaching you how to do those things."
"No Remus, Logan and I won't come get you tomorrow or the day after."
Pulling the phone away from his ear, the shorter side looked up at the blue side. "He didn't hang up on me..."
The two sides stared into each others eyes before they both started cackling. Tears leaking by the time they could stop.
Logan wrapped his arms around the smaller side, drawing him close before picking up the remote; wiggling the remote back and forth. He smiled and gazed into Janus' eyes
"Want to watch Remus' gore filled movie or find something else, my love?"
Janus tapped his chin in thought, "well, If we do change the film we get to spoil it for Remus, but if don't we might enjoy our date night."
Logan hummed in response, "So, different movie?" chuckling at the excessive nodding of the head. Logan switched it to a different movie.
Logan liked the rapping and clever word play. While Janus liked the songs and the story.
Snuggling in further Janus grabbed his chocolate covered pretzels before leaning up to kiss Logans jaw. "I love you Logan."
Logan ran his fingers through Janus' curls, stroking his fingers over his scales. "I love you too Janus."
Well, thats a thing.
@mother-snake I did a thing! It has a lot of fluff...
@girl-with-many-fandoms you seem to really like my writing... Have some Loceit fluff!
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
About my day | Bold what is also true for you :
I’m fond of:
Cats. Weed. New experiences. Getting to know people I have things in common with. Aliens. Horror films. Surveys. Mythology. Nature. The beach. The X-Files. Conspiracy theories. Documentaries. History. Reading. Clothes. Taking walks. Tattoos. Quadding/four-wheeling. Classic rock. Straight-forward people. Metal. Poetry. The Sims.
I’m not fond of:
Extremists. Closed-minded people. Cheese. People who judge or worry about the decisions/opinions of others. Disrespect/ignorance. The media. Cleaning. Romantic comedies. Bugs. ‘Reality’ TV shows. Technology taking over *every* aspect of life. Overdramatic people. Today’s music. Cliches. People who hold certain sentiments simply because the mass majority feels that way. Facebook. Self-righteousness. Being stared at. The US government system. Being condescended to. Being ignored. Beer. Snow/ice. Feeling trapped in my own head.
I enjoy eating/drinking:
Steak. Shrimp. Pizza. Pringles. Ben & Jerry’s. Rice. Potatoes. Bagels. Fruit. Skor bars. Aloe Vera drinks. Bolthouses. Water. Chicken. Salads. Omelets. Zucchini. Dark Russet chips. Hot chocolate.
I like to watch:
The X-Files. Law & Order: SVU. The Twilight Zone. American Horror Story. Married With Children. Twin Peaks. King Of The Hill. Nightmare Next Door. Wicked Attraction. Roseanne. That 70’s Show. Freaks & Geeks. Breaking Bad. Charmed. Family Guy. The Wonder Years.
I would describe myself as:
Laid back. Accepting. Indifferent. Realistic. Ill-tempered. Sarcastic. Blunt. Introverted. Witty. Good-natured. Understanding. Open-minded. Anxious. Headstrong. Honest. Lazy. Moody/Neurotic. Wise. Thick-skinned. Logical. Aloof. Impartial. Cynical. Humorous. Indecisive. Intuitive. Loyal. Modest. Brooding.
I’ve experienced:
A hangover. A really bad break-up. Smoking weed. Doing drugs other than weed. Being in a fist fight. Having my own house. Being on a plane. Smoking a cigarette. Sexual assault/abuse. A pregnancy. Being kicked out of my parent’s house. Hitchhiking. Shooting a gun. Physical abuse. Being hospitalized. An abusive relationship. Watching someone die. Seeing someone stabbed and/or shot. Being robbed. Competing in some sort of competition. Being in love. Gambling in a casino. A surgery of some sort.
Little things I love:
Forehead kisses. Comfortable silences. Warm blankets fresh out of the dryer. Doing something unexpected that wasn’t asked of you. Getting mail. When my kitties snuggle with me. Warm pavement on bare feet. Perfect cereal to milk ratio. Buying the last of something. Fast moving lines. Friendly cashiers. Taking the back roads. Driving on the highway during sunset. Coming across that song on your iPod that you love and haven’t heard in a while. Smiling at strangers. When you come home after a long day and realize it was grocery day. When all of your electronics have a full charge. The fact that mom always seems to have everything I need in her purse. When the last bite of food tastes better than all the rest. Happy tears. That look you give your best friend and then you both burst out laughing. Knowing when your favorite artist is releasing a new album. The atmosphere in a movie theater during a really funny film. When the whole crowd is singing at a concert. Intense eye contact that gives you goosebumps. The feeling that country music gives me. Finding the right words to say. People with beautiful souls. That moment when you realize you finally made it. Finding the perfect thing to wear. When you put zero effort into your appearance and someone compliments you. That feeling of letting go. Pleasant wake up calls. Knowing you made someone’s day a little better. The cold side of the pillow. Spotting the person you’re looking for in a big crowd. Taking off your bra after a long day. When you can taste food again after a cold. Christmas morning. Bloopers. Exact change. Finally remembering what I was going to say. New episodes of your favorite show. Multiple choice exams. Smiling in the middle of a kiss. Not having a to do list. Head massages.
Millennial Things | bold what you do
Binging Netflix a lot Always Snapchatting everything
Struggling with Instagram captions Always having to delete stuff because of full storage
Eating out at a place you discovered on Instagram Used iPods/MP3 players to listen to music Wanted a flip phone before iPhones were invented Can’t help but post everything on social media
Have/had/want acrylic nails
Always looking at the phone Use a bunch of hashtags
Have tattoos or piercings
Shop online Eat a lot of avocado/avocado food
Closet is full of unnecessary clothes Get your food delivered
Love drinking coffee
Use public transport a lot Eat a lot of takeout food Buy clothes or things you don’t necessarily need Work out/go to the gym/want to be fit
Focus on self-love
Have at least one entertainment site subscription
Love traveling/traveled overseas recently Spend too much money
Gen Z
Spend most of your time online Procrastinate 24/7 Consume too much tv/media content Know a lot about technology
Aware and accepting of diversity Binge Netflix Enjoy creating things Share a lot on social media
Prefer to do things digitally Grew up in a digital world Talk to friends online more than in person Have met a lot of new people online
Prefer digital books to hard copy
Career-focused Prefer online shopping over physical
Interested in things like fashion, beauty, and health
Watch a lot of YouTubers Aware of world issues and want to help
Eat a lot of fast food People your age are Insta “baddies” and “influencers” Want diversity
Bold all the things you've done:
You pile the food you don't like into a corner on your plate. And sometimes hide it in a napkin so nobody notices. You're a pro at moving food around your plate so it ~looks~ like you've eaten more than you really did. You fold your plate at family parties so nobody gets offended that you didn't like it. You've become a pro at sneaking to the trash can without anyone noticing, too. You always cut the crust off your sandwiches. You pick everything but the pepperoni off of combo pizzas. ...And sometimes even the pepperoni, too. You ALWAYS check the menu before you go to a restaurant. You check the menu again on the ride there, just to be safe. You have that one meal that's always your go-to. And you've had it so many times you got tired of it and had to find a new ~safe meal~. You prefer the food on the kid's menu to the regular menu. Chicken tenders and fries are your best friend. Buttered noodles, too. You can spot the food you don't like in any meal, no matter how little of it there is. Picking the food you don't like off your meal isn't enough, because the taste lingers. You hate it when your food touches, period. Your food and drink orders are always complicated. You have that one food you'll NEVER try because you just know you'll hate it. Picking pizza toppings with your friends is always a struggle. Your friends ask a million questions before you come over to eat for the first time. You're 100% not a fan of anything slimy in texture. Your best friends and family have a running list of the foods you hate. They get REALLY excited when you try something new and like it. Or when you try something you used to hate and end up liking it. When you find a new food you like, it's just about all you eat for a while. You always have your own snacks on hand, just in case. You have a ~picky eater speech~ memorized at this point for whenever people ask why you won't eat something. You've claimed to be allergic to something so you don't have to say you're just picky. Total: 9
0-9: Not picky
10-19: Kinda picky
20-30: Definitely a picky eater
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