#also lawrusso stop making this about YOU think of your KIDS
landslided · 6 months
Sorry if it's boring, but continuing with LawRusso AU Johnny princess, I really like the "enchanted" movie and I can't stop thinking about Johnny being Giselle singing to the rats and cockroaches to clean Daniel and Sam's house lol
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as a rule of thumb it is NEVER boring to send me asks, especially ones like these where i can have fun and think of AUs! and you picked a movie i love so this is just a win win for me!!
let’s get into it:
lawrusso enchanted AU is such a good idea im almost jealous i didn’t think of it myself!!
i think daniel and amanda got divorced amicably a few years ago and she still lives in los angeles but daniel moved back to jersey to be closer to lucille and he took sam with him (im imagining this as a story without anthony because it fits better, sorry anthony).
daniel still works as a divorce lawyer because that is just funny to me and it’s canon to the movie and he has this perpetual look of "im one shirt sleeve caught on a door handle away from snapping" look because being a single father is hard work and yeah, he and amanda co-parent but sam is with him most of the time and by moving here he’s always made himself more prone to special lucille larusso mother attacks of "you never visit even now that you’re so close" "you’re so skinny, do you cook actual food or just eat take out?" "are you coming for christmas? all your cousins will be there and also that nice girl you liked when you were a kid, judy? maybe it’s time to get back into dating, daniel!"
amanda has planned to come into the city to spend the holidays with her daughter and ex-husband and i see her as a platonic nancy role.
sam is in her full princess era and she’s making both her parents crazy with all the singing and dancing (and kicking furniture because she’s a karate princess)
meanwhile, in andalasia, johnny who is both prince(ss) and hero dreams of finding his one true love and sighs at his window. he’s been locked away in a tower by his evil step-dad kreese and he’s waiting for someone to come and save him (or at least just open the door of his magically locked tower because he can surely save himself).
carmen who happens to be a princess and hero herself has gone on a quest to save the lost prince of andalasia and with her help, johnny manages to escape the tower, defeat a forest troll and take back his throne from kreese’s claws. he and carmen tentatively get together (but deep down both feel this might not be the right fit for each other) and as johnny makes his way to his own royal wedding he’s sent to Real Life New Jersey and meets daniel and sam.
i kind of see giselle’s wedding dress for him but with pants for a more Realistic outfit but… screw realism i want johnny lawrence in that EXACT outfit!
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also imagine scott mccall the equalizer soft mullet with a tiara, it’s just too good. ALSO imagine carmen IN THIS!!!!
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you KNOW she would rock this!!
oh and yeeees, johnny summoning rats and insects in daniel’s apartment to clean and sam is SOOOOO excited because that’s a real life prince(ss) who also happens to be a great fighter and they do karate moves while also talking about johnny’s best friend, a chipmunk called bobby.
sam and johnny going on a shopping spree and buying a bunch of stuff and eating ice cream. johnny going to the hairdresser and having his hair cut to look more traditionally masculine (daniel doesn’t want to look into why it makes him sad) because he he keeps getting looks from people in the street for his dress and long hair.
johnny making clothes out of daniel’s curtains and daniel is all you could just ASK me for MY clothes you are not THAT much bigger than i am. johnny making a gi for sam out of pastel pink flower fabric from an old blanket and daniel is like okay… i have to admit that’s pretty adorable.
johnny in the park singing to daniel, who has been wondering if he should take his mom’s advice and try to get back with amanda, hoooow dooooes she knooooow you loooove heeeer (johnny stop, people are looking at us) and johnny has that giselle/animated princess innocence but there is still very much an edge of assholery to him where every time he can he embarrasses daniel as much as possible.
(carmen running around new jersey trying to find her prince(ss) and being like i kind of hate this i wish this was more sunny, also why do i keep getting questions about being on broadway what is a broad a way)
daniel and johnny fighting because johnny keeps saying carmen will come get him and daniel is so fed up with it ("no, johnny, it’s just not gonna happen." "no? is that the only word you know, larusso? no?! oh my god you make me so, so so!!!" "so what?" "so angry!" cue sparring in the living room because that’s how they deal with emotions )
kreese coming to new jersey to finish the job, daniel and johnny going to the ball and daniel giving johnny a true love’s kiss, kreese turning into a dragon and kidnapping daniel, johnny chasing them on the roof with carmen’s sword in his hand and finally getting rid of his evil step-father to save his one true love!!
"is this an habit of yours, daniel? falling off of stuff?"
"only when you’re there to catch me."
lawrusso new jersey happy ending and carmanda los angeles happy ending because amanda wouldn’t go to andalasia when sam is there and hey! carmen would love a break from being a fairytale hero! she wants to go to the beach!
daniel quits his job because it makes him miserable and he and johnny open a dojo together which sam is very excited about and lucille is so happy that her son has found someone and seems to be happier than ever.
they all go to andalasia once in a while to visit bobby and the other three chipmunks (you know who they are) and they all live happily ever after.
the end!
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desolateice · 8 months
How would your versions of Lawrusso(and maybe og cobras) from Rootbeer floats and green tea react if they ended up in the cobra kai universe? Like they ended up traveling to this alternative dimension of their lives. And they see how this older version of themselves and their kids/students? The Kreese and Silver problem? I just have tons of thoughts about it. And would love to hear your opinion.
Thank you. This would be probably pretty difficult for them because what I wanted was to give a ripple effect that allowed them to avoid Cobra Kai. Like a video game where the show is the arguably bad ending. (I mean it's not, but like for them it would be in a way) I'll put the entirety of this under a read more because it's going to be long. Lol guess what it's too long. I've got to do this in two parts. I didn't know tumblr had a limit for posts. 🤣 I wrote too much for Daniel and Johnny so they're going in a reblog, so this is cobras and Chozen.
Chozen: I think people wouldn't notice but he would. Kumiko would notice if he was back home and so would his friends back in Okinawa but for RBF&GT specific Chozen he'd be so lost because he'd made a home for himself in LA and it just wouldn't exist. And he wouldn't have the cobras as his friends or flirting with him and I think he'd be lonely. But he would see that Johnny and Daniel aren't together and I think he'd very quickly adjust and test the waters with Johnny, realize that Johnny hadn't ever like healed or anything of that journey he'd been on and he'd see if there was any of the Johnny he loved in there, realize there was and go for it. It'd take a bit of work, but I think he might succeed. Bobby: Would be surprised Johnny and Daniel aren't together, that Johnny and Daniel are both hurting still because of Kreese and Silver (ect.) and would feel obligated to help them both. He'd also do everything in his power to get Dutch out of jail and then lecture him forever. He would be reticent to break Daniel and Amanda up, but he'd try to peace keep and counsel and he'd probably try to get Johnny to move in with him, though I have no clue how that'd work with his family since he's married but we haven't met or know all the details there. And for all we know he might've tried and his partner might've banned him from having Johnny sleep on their couch. Dutch: Dutch would be surprised he was in jail, but then would think it was a cool experience for a moment. He'd call Bobby and tell him what happened and ask to get out because Bobby never changed his number and he couldn't get through to Johnny. He would try and see what magic he could do to try and fix everything. He would probably end up just moving in with Johnny and hassle him into getting better and healing. He'd probably be super bummed that he never healed his relationship with his parents. Jimmy: Would not notice a difference at first. Not for a while. Not until he tries to call up Tommy or visit him for lunch and realize he's not there and then find out Tommy's gone. Then he'll start finding other differences until he realizes what's happened but he won't believe it and he might have to take a leave of absence or something because he'll just completely spiral because he's still married and still got his kids but so much else is different and eventually he'll figure out what it is and try and fix it. For Tommy. Tommy: My goal in Root Beer Floats was to not let Tommy end up alone. His friends would all stay close and by his side and he'd have a job in the public eye so his health would be kept on a close eye on him. And I feel like this version of him would be a warning specter nightmare for him that he'd wake up from and just be like oh man, glad I don't live in that time line and then he makes sure to stop ignoring people and visit doctors on a regular schedule.
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jaynovz · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @septemberskye 🥰
It took me so long to get round to this I think the whole pirate and sunder fam have already done it 🙈😔😭 ummm please take this as invitation to do it if you see it and want to 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
48. Notably, 19 of those are podfic. 🎙️💪
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 
380,544 💪💪💪
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Mostly Black Sails, but have also written for Cobra Kai, OFMD, and Sunder City/The Fetch Phillips Archives. Will probably write OPLA fic here sometime soon.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 
1. some ancient call, 7k, OFMD. A creature rom com I wrote right after s1. Weird, funny, and sweet.
2. Strike Hard, 4k, Cobra Kai/Karate Kid. LawRusso do the classic fighting to fucking. Baby's first porn in like 6 years to that point. Also written right after s1.
3. in over our heads, 13k, Black Sails. The first fic I wrote for Silverflint, called Flogging Verse because the events play out after Silver is flogged post 2.1 for firing on the warship.
4. don't let me in with no intention to keep me, 7k, Black Sails, nicknamed Petplay. Silver and Flint discover some things about themselves mid s2. Still one of like, hmmm four total petplay fics in the fandom.
5. the sweetest devotion, hitting me like an explosion, 39k, Black Sails, nicknamed Cupcakes AU. A bakery-street performer romcom, the only time I've give the boys a no strings attached happy ending.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
Religiously, lol. And it's because I want to talk about my story! I spent a lot of time on it so I take any chance to ramble more with someone who did me the compliment of reading it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely hand in unlovable hand aka The Worst Ending. Second place is Hanahaki.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Cupcakes AU 🧁 Generally speaking, if you're looking for unambiguously happy endings, you've come to the wrong place lol. However, if you want a fluff cheat sheet--besides Cupcakes, you can also check out the Soft Verse, Milkingfic, Bellyfic, and the Halloween Corn Maze fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
 Thankfully no 💜
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Lmao indeed. It's part of my Brand at this point. Love to use sex and kink as tools to dissect characters. Altered states my beloved.
What kind is a mix of if something tickles my brain/what the story needs, though you will most always find some amount of powerplay dynamics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? 
Ummm, back in middle school I wrote some crossovers, but none recently.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Yep. Many of my early offerings to the Black Sails fandom were collabs.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oh You Know... (It's Silverflint)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Black Sails post canon Fix It Fic that started it all. It's just very complex, which is why it was abandoned in the first place. And there are some other factors that just make it untouchable.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Overarching structure/plot beats, poetic language, characterization, conveying emotion, searing hot smut and kink.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing full stop. Historical/period accuracy type details. I have to do buckets of research for that kind of stuff. External pressures on the characters. I'm very very good at the zoomed in relationship view, but expanding/getting outside of their heads is not something I've done a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? 
It's fine, as long as there's a story reason for it to be there.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
InuYasha when I was about twelve years old. Those stories have since fallen into the void.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Break Up AU of course :)))) My baby, my masterpiece, my heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears. I was definitely possessed the year it took to write it.
Thanks for tagging me <3
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dykesynthezoid · 1 year
No bc the more I think of it the more I’m just. floored at Tory of all people being the mirror of Johnny in her relationship with Kreese whereas Sam is the mirror of Daniel in her relationship with Karate I guess? But then Sam is also Johnny with her privilege and Tory is Daniel in having to be the new kid and. I’m sorry I love KC but they dropped the ball on Miguel being the main character, or even Miguel and Robby being the new deuteragonists. And maybe that’s a bad thing, that the show kinda lost who it’s supposed to focus on. I love Miguel and Robby, but I am more compelled with Sam and Tory idk. Their relationship is Lawrusso but different and similar and lovely and.
anyway all this is to say I love your writing and it makes me have Big Feelings about everyone idk idk idk sorry for the rambles
Ahhh tysm and don’t apologize!!! Bc literally you’re so right, like. The focus on Miguel and Robby really stops making as much sense after season 1. Bc in season 1 you have the obvious parallels between Miguel and Daniel and Johnny and Miyagi (and to some extent Robby and Daniel and then Daniel and Miyagi), but after that, the story has grown and progressed in ways that doesn’t really make sense for having Robby and Miguel be The Rivals of the series.
They try to draw certain parallels like the fight at the party in 1x09, which is supposed to remind us of Johnny and Daniel meeting on the beach, but it doesn’t really work bc Robby already knows who Miguel is, lmao, and already has a reason to dislike him. Any attempts to make them seem more like Daniel and Johnny after that just sort of inevitably crumble bc their rivalry/antagonism is so clearly different than what Daniel and Johnny had going on.
Meanwhile Tory and Sam are like. So fucking representative of things coming full circle, of yin and yang, of just!!! Everything!!!
But like. Giving their story the full focus it should have would mean the show would have to admit that they as girls are like. Full people and may even have more interesting inner lives than some of the boys, which; can’t have that, right. (Also, god forbid they have to admit that Sam is actually the strongest fighter of the teenagers, practically and ideologically; bc if she’s the strongest fighter and Tory is about-or-almost on par with her, what does that mean for the guys).
And like, the tension that exists there surrounding female action heroes is not new. It’s been a thing since female action heroes became popular. (I’m literally reading about this rn in Spectacular Bodies: Gender, Genre and the Action Cinema by Yvonne Tasker, actually). There’s a push and pull between wanting to create a female hero for your show/movie bc of what they represent (and the female audience they bring with them) but then there’s a simultaneous inability to fully engage with them, to treat them with the same focus or depth or respect the male heroes get. There’s a tension, an anxiety. They can never just Be. (And it’s an anxiety that is like. Notably still invested in hetero-gender-normative-male supremacy and is basically gnawing on its own arm trying to have its cake and eat it too).
(I should say race is also quite a factor and that characters of color end up getting a similar treatment, which is a problem CK has pretty damn often, but ofc that is its whole own can of worms)
Anyway. Ur totally right to feel that way (much as I love Robby and Miguel). Honestly at times they remind me more of Daniel and Chozen than Daniel and Johnny. And meanwhile Sam and Tory are not only better parallels, but like; their rivalry, their story, is so much more unhinged and intense and overwhelming and feral and just fucking rabid. Miguel vs Robby peaked with the school fight, but bc of the consequences of said fight, their rivalry just kind of. Becomes more cold-and-bitter than the balls to the wall insane shit Sam and Tory have going on, which ofc also means Sam and Tory completely steal the show (especially once Hawk and Demetri have made up).
Overall I think they absolutely could have still focused on Robby and Miguel heavily as characters without inadvertently missing how narratively important Sam and Tory’s Whole Thing is. And that in and of itself is a good reminder that just bc the show chooses to focus on something or someone doesn’t mean they’re getting handled well (oh, Johnny, my man). But yeah. Samtory are just so on their own level tbh
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justveeing · 2 years
But my god, if Daniel just got rid of the need to be the “good guy” he would be so much happier and successful in his mentor role!!! Not even talking about his need to become the second Mr. Miyagi, just his need to be on the “high moral ground” ALWAYS. He is his own obstacle.
Like, he can’t even manage to work with Johnny bc he is so busy making sure his kids “don’t stray to the dark path”, which, really, Daniel? You expect to work well with Johnny implying at every turn that his karate is less than yours? And well this is the fault of the writers, they did a good job of convoluting the whole “good/evil” karate styles now that there are THREE DOJOS. How does the dichtonomy works now? Cobra Kai = Evil, Miyagi Do = Good, Eagle Fang = A little Less Evil? (Well ain’t This is another can of worms).
I digress. If Daniel just let himself befriend Johnny properly, without thinking that by doing that he has somehow sacrificed his morals bc Johnny teaches his own version of Cobra Kai, he would be much happier. I feel as though he thinks he would tarnish himself. Again. And then if he could maybe admit that his parenting has been kinda shitty (not by shouting at your kid! DANIEL PLEASE) he would also shed that layer of guilt. But he doesn’t acknowledge that either! If he ignores it, it doesn’t exist. he SCOFFS at the idea of a therapist helping them! And then he still treats the whole Sam turning to Johnny for help so badly, like her moral code had been broken and he is disappointed because we are the good guys sam! We can’t go around kicking first like Johnny, a bad influence, says!
I know this boils down to… questionable writing. But i wish Daniel understood that being perceived as the good guy is not the same as doing good things/the right thing. Saying you’re on the right side of the mat doesn’t mean you are. ie: his whole talk in the mini mart with Robby.
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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When Our Eyes Met
Robby Keene x Doug Rickenberger
A Huge thank you to @oceluna , for giving me the boost I needed to upload this new ship !
We are blessed for having this beautiful human (@oceluna ) being for giving us a part of their time to create wonderful LawRusso content and other ships !💖😊
( Binary Boyfriends + SamxMiguel + Lawrusso ) Part 3
.... ..... .....
He should've know having Sam and Demetri as friends would only cause him trouble . Now he's being forced on a date but he didn't even know who Hawk would set him up .
For all he knows Hawk would pick a random stranger , why did he think that life would go easy on him . He really can't catch a break , okay maybe he's exaggerating a little bit .
He thinks he's allowed to be dramatic , atleast they had already decided what Demetri was going to wear , black flannel shirt with a white shirt underneath and some skinny jeans .
Heading out to go home to change as well , but not before assuring Demetri that everything would turn out fine .  Hawk was in love with Demetri ass and well , vice versa .
He went to the kitchen to grab something to drink , his dad was there serving a cup of juice . Quickly going to cupboard and handing over the glass to his dad .
" Me and Daniel are going to watch a movie later , order some pizza wanna join . "
" I would love to dad but I got a date . "
" is she hot ? "
" Is actually a blind date . "
" She's blind ? " His dad had a funny look as he was confused , Dad L came in laughing along with  Robby .
" John the person isn't blind , it just means both people don't know what they look like . Robby be safe , i want the 3 of you back at 10  "
"you got it , dad . "
Hugging his Dad L , before leaving to go change .
Johnny makes sure the coast is clear before pining Daniel against the counter .
" Guess we're having the house to ourselves , I was thinking having you in nothing but my shirt -
" Laying down in bed , just waiting for you to join me "
" mhmm " The blonde puts his hand on Daniels ass , he really had the best ass . Daniel arms holds on to his neck , as he pulls him in more closer . He leans in to kiss him .
" for us to talk about our lovely deep  emotions . "
Daniel laughs at the face the blond has , he couldn't help it . He gives kiss on the cheek before leaving , with Johnny behind him .
" You really know how to kill a boner , Bambi.  "
..... ..... ...
One of the things he and his dad have in common was that they really didn't know how to receive compliments . Here he was blushing and not knowing what to say as Sam and Demetri kept talking .
" Damn Robby , lookin mighty fine !  . "
" So handsome   and those jeans , right  Demetri ? "
 " Agreed that ass is out of this world . "
" Shut up ! "
He quickly shouted as he got to the front seat , He quickly look one last time in the mirror of the car , while waiting for Sam and Demetri to get in . Pep talks were thrown , mainly for Demetri . Arriving , looking through the open glass window , they could see Hawks purple Mohawk , Miguels waving , and a taller boy .
" Hey guys " Miguel came over as the other two stayed back . He stood next to Demetri to reassure him everything was alright . It looked like hawk and his friend were fighting , until the two quickly came over .
" Everything okay ? " Demetri questioned Hawk , gosh Hawk wasn't subtle about his feelings for his best friend with that stare or gaze whatever you want to call it .
" Yeah , perfect ! Robby this is Doug Rickenberger , Doug this is Robby Keene shall we go in . "
They both incline their heads to each other for acknowledgment.  Doug was way taller than him and his broad shoulders didn't help Robbys height . He was wearing a Red shortsleve  shirt ,  black jeans and some vans . 
They were seated down, everyone was at the table with their individual date . The tables weren't together but enough distance where they all could hear each other . And it was awkward and quiet at first . Sam and Miguel tried to ease the moment , but it was clear him and Doug wish their were somewhere else but here .
It wasn't their first time seeing each other but their encounters were brief.  He had seen the tall boy with Hawk before . Once in awhile he would go to his dad dojo , Doug must've seen him those few times .
Also sometimes his Dad and Daniel would do classes together , but usually he would stick with Myagi-Do students .
Sam and Miguel were already in a relationship , so they were having a blast and it seemed Demetri and Hawk were hitting it off . So Here he was making small talk every time it got to quiet .
" so you like karate ? " He internally just cringed at himself but hey he was trying . He guess it wasn't that bad by the chuckle of  Doug
" Yeah , what's it like to have two dads - "
" There's no difference , their just parents . Just because their both dudes and i have a mom too "
" I was gonna say what's it like to have both parents that know karate . "
Guess he should've have left the other boy finish , it was just that some people still don't understand that times have changed .
" I'm sorry I got all defensive  on you . "
He gave Doug a small smile hoping the latter wouldn't notice how embarrassed he felt .
" Its alright , uhh do you play any other sports maybe soccer . "
Nodding to the question  but then realise he had to answer before the mood gets ruined again .
" uh yeah when I was little , haven't played recently actually . Do you ? "
" Yeah I'm on the soccer team . Maybe you should try out , I wouldn't mind having you on the team unless your not good as you are in karate . "
Doug finish with a teasing  smirk and a raised eyebrow waiting for the blonde to answer .
" I like to let you know that I was the best player on my team when I was a kid , well that's what my dad and Mom said but I withstand my point . "
Both burst out laughing , and once the waitress come with their food their both smiling at each other .
If felt kinda nice , it was awhile Robby hadn't laughed and gone out with someone that wasn't his friends or his parents .
...... ....... ........ Doug Pov
Doug was friends with Hawk since he joined cobra kai , they would hanged out in School.  After school he would go to the dojo or to soccer practice . 
Today he was free and had nothing to do , so he easily accepted Hawks idea . But he wasn't expecting said date to be a boy and son of his Sensei. 
He wasn't into guys ,but he didn't mind the idea of dating one but he's just never seem to find a guy he would date . Here he was standing in front of his date as Hawk introduces him .
Robby had green eyes and freckles across his cheeck and nose . Dark blond hair and a nice smile . He was short compared to his height , he wore a black shirt with blue jeans .
His brain came to a conclusion : Pretty boy
..... ...... ......
" Do you want get out of here ? "
" Like right now ? "
" Yeah "
The two couples were distracted as they both left the dinner . Grabbing a hoodie from their own car as quickly as they could . Who knows why but they started running without realising they were holding hands . Their laughter was left echoing behind them .
They stopped at the  skate park  as they got tired . There were few people skating there , he turned to look at Robby once he didn't feel his hand . He watched as he jogged back holding a skateboard .
" Do you know how to skate? "
Holding a skateboard felt unfamiliar to him , handing it back to Robby who was wearing a cheeky smile .
" No , I'm guessing you do . "
" I know a few things . "
He shouldve known by that cocky smile he was lying . He watched Robby do some amazing stuff , he even showed that one hand stand . Then it was his turn , he failed miserably all the times . He asked what was the secret , as he once again falls .
" Its all about  balance "
Robby looked up at him as he answered him .  He understood the answer , since Mr. Larusso  karate did involve balance .
Noticing they were standing close , face to face . Maybe it was the way the moon and street light illuminate the blondes face . Or the way he was smiling at him that he said those words .
" is there something on my face ? "
" Sorry it's just I never knew a boy could be as beautiful as you ... "
Seeing the surprise look and the addition of the blush contrasting his tan skin made his beat faster . God when did he become such a girl . His thoughts are interrupted when Robby quickly steps back ,  misstep and hurts his ankle .
.... ..... .. ...
Arriving at the dinner place he could see their friends waiting for them at their cars . Holdding on tight to Robby thighs for he wouldn't fall of his back . Chuckling as the boy groans in embarrassment as  the others start to come closer seeing their situation .
" Robby are you okay ? Where were you two , we were worried . ! "
" I'm alright Sam , Me and Doug went for a walk and I hurt my ankle , hence why Doug is giving me a piggyback ride . "
" Oh I thought you decided to climb him like a tree cause - "
" Demetri ! " Robby tightens his arms as he shouts to quiet his friend . walking to Sam's car he hears the blonde mumbling while his head nudging against his shoulder .
Meanwhile everyone were saying goodbye he helps Robby get in the car . As gently as he could , he was stopped when he was opening the door . The latter looked nervous as he looked at him while bitting his lip .
" I had a good time , we should do it sometime again if you want or not ? "
" Yeah definitely.  I will text you now that I have your number . "
He was already a sucker for that smile that showed off his dimples . Smiling , he leans in to give a kiss on the cheeck but Robby stops him as the blonde leans to give him a quick peck on the mouth .
" Bye ! "
" Bye . " Walking back he couldn't help but look back and wave at the blonde when he  catches his eye . shit , he was totally blushing now .
....... ...... ... Robby Pov .......
Sam and Demetri both entered asking questions if he was really fine or in pain . once he assured them that he was alright , Demetri took it as a sign to tease him .
" We want all the info , cause we totally saw you , you slutty marshmallow ! "
Sidenote : Part 3 of the triple date , hope you guys like it . Also what would the ship name be Roug or Dobby . I like Roug ! . Side mentions of Lawrusso because why not . This was supposed to be Apocalypse / Zombie au but this ^^ was made at the thought of a triple date with the binary boyfriends .
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
tagged by: @alienfuckeronmain @mochisquish @trillgutterbug & @ceruleangold (thank you for all the tags!!!!)
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?: Ahhhh I feel great! I I didn’t realise just how much I’d get into Cobra Kai when @pohjanneito gently encouraged me to start watching it, but the weirdly heated dynamic between Johnny and Daniel hooked me so fast. The history, the obsession, the violent passion, it’s all there. Plus I’m drowning in various WIPs, so that’s when I know I’m in the midst of a hyperfixation because I write like a little machine and ignore everything else in my life. I’ve also managed to get friends into CK through my sheer intensity for it. 
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?: NO! I never watched TKK when I was younger, I don’t think. I was big into fantasy and Disney as a little girl, and I didn’t really stray far from that. Though it’s a shame because I think I would have loved it if I had watched it. I would have fallen in love with Daniel and really rooted for him. I moved around a lot as a kid because of my dad’s job, so I think his loneliness and perpetual status as the new kid in town would have struck a deep chord with me.
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character: Ah this is so difficult because if we’re talking TKK then it’s Daniel but if we’re talking CK then it’s Johnny, a.k.a my trash god Apollo!! He’s the reason I got so into CK in the first place. I love how ridiculous he is, how behind the times, how damaged, how much he wants to be a better person. He’s really the heart of the show for me. I’ve said this before but I love that Johnny shows that you can start over at any time of your life. And yes he still stumbles, he still hurts people, he still makes mistakes, but he doesn’t stop trying. And the way he opens himself up to people after numbing himself for years is incredibly touching to watch.
Favorite ship: Lawrusso always and forever. I don’t even think I ship anyone else... Unless it’s Silverusso, which can be interesting and thorny when done right.
Underrated character: Bobby Brown ❤ I actually think there’s a lot of love for Bobby in the fandom, I just wish we had so much more of him. He’s sweet, loyal, strong, and doesn’t take any shit. He also isn’t as toxic as some of the other boys, and is genuinely sorry for hurting Daniel, so that shows he has a kind heart too. Plus I love that Johnny had a friend growing up who genuinely cared for him and looked out for him. All the CK boys are ride or die of course, but Bobby really earns his status as the best friend.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol): ermmm not a romantic ship, but I love the idea of Daniel and Ali being platonic soulmates... in my fic “ace of hearts” this is how I write their relationship, not actually as a romantic one, but as a strong platonic one where they understand each other and have a natural kinship. Platonic relationships can be just as strong as romantic ones, and that’s how I like to read into their dynamic.
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?: No idea, SORRY.
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?: Oh my goddd, this is so difficult because movie Daniel is such an accidental little fashionista at times. It probably has to be his first outfit in TKK (the blue jeans with the blue tank) because light blue looks so good against his skin tone. That OR the iconic blank tank with the shirt hanging off his shoulders, and the jeans and sandals. I love every outfit where he wears a tank top and shows off his slutty shoulders basically.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: I CAN’T DO THIS BECAUSE TERRY *IS* THE ONE I WANT TO SEE. I can’t wait until he waltzes back in, all weirdly intense and handsome and white-haired, and immediately starts calling Daniel “Danny” like a stalkery ex, and Johnny goes mad with jealousy. End scene.
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: Wah so every scene with Johnny and Daniel in TKK, but it’s probably the beach scene where Johnny and Daniel get into their first altercation because it informs the highly intense, push-pull, obsessive relationship they have in CK. That, or the scene from the rehearsal film on youtube where Johnny says he torments Daniel and beats him up because he likes it. I mean, hello?? Nothing encapsulates his destructive fixation with Daniel more than this scene! I’m so mad this didn’t make it into the final film but I’m so glad we at least have it in this form! 
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?: I actually had completely forgotten who this was until I googled it so I think that answers this DJDJD 🙈
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?: Oh god, it would have to be the Cobra Kai. I MEAN, it’s Johnny and I’d be in love with him so ddkdkd no contest!! I’d probably be far too soft for Cobra Kai and get shouted at a lot, but I’d get fully indoctrinated, to the point of making lots of cute merch, like crop tops with the CK logo on, and running all the social media accounts where I'd call the Topanga and Miyagi-do students big babies, and probably get into a ton of karate fights with other girls at the mall. Plus I’d probably think Daniel was a rich jerk and would hate him for looking down on Johnny haha.
What’s your training montage song?: Haha so it would probably have to be Gimme More by Britney Spears. I work out a lot to this song and it gets me so pumped!!! 
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?: WAH so not a current show but I always have these daydreams about TKK-era Daniel being a boy slayer in the BTVS universe, and Johnny being his hot but kinda useless jock boyfriend. Maybe there could be a special of CK where Daniel is this older slayer and his students are potential slayers he’s training?? And then it all turns out to be a fever dream or something. I don’t KNOW. Just give me Daniel as a slayer please!!
As a bonus, see this pic @captain-idgie​ drew of me as a Miyagi-do student! (Mack insists I'd be too soft for Cobra Kai, sigh.) This really shows how obsessed I am with CK 💙
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pinktintedmonocle · 3 years
Dedicated Followers of Fashion - A Cobra Kai Lawrusso Fanfic - Chapter 1
Daniel raised an eyebrow.  “That jacket is certainly something.  Where did you even get that?”
Johnny shrugged.  “Can’t remember.  Had it since the nineties.”
“Oh yeah?  Thought you didn’t own any clothes bought after 1989?”
When Johnny wears his sleeveless denim jacket to sparring practice, long buried feelings begin to emerge between him and Daniel.  As they try to deal with their emotions, a few iconic outfits from their past make a reappearance.
Set post season 3, so beware spoilers if you haven’t finished it yet.
“John Lawrence, here for the modelling gig.”
The receptionist looked at Johnny over the top of her wire rimmed glasses, pursing her lips in disapproval.
“You’re late.”
“Yeah, I know.  I ran outta juice half a mile from the nearest gas station and me and my friend Bobby had to push my Firebird – ”
“Just sign here”, said the woman, pushing a clipboard towards Johnny.  “Then take a left down there to get to costume and make-up.”
She pointed towards a corridor with a blood red nail and Johnny squiggled his signature then set off, walking briskly.  He knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by a harassed looking man in a brightly patterned shirt.
“Are you the model? You’re very late you know, we were expecting you almost an hour ago.”
“Yeah, I know”, said Johnny. “But my car -”
“I don’t care, just get in here”, said the man, dragging Johnny into the room and starting to unbutton his shirt.
“Right, we need to get your clothes off and the baby oil on. Miranda!”
A small woman with a measuring tape around her neck materialised out of seemingly nowhere, brandishing a bottle of oil.  Together, Miranda and the man prepared Johnny for the shoot, styling his hair and oiling him up.  They gave him a pair of low rise designer jeans to change into; he quickly took off his own very much not-designer jeans and pulled them on.
“Right!” said the man, clapping his hands together and surveying his handiwork.  “I think you’re all good to go!  Oh – apart from one thing -”
He handed Johnny a sleeveless denim jacket and Johnny shrugged it on over his bare chest before the man pushed him out of the room and Miranda led him to the set.
After the shoot, Johnny walked up to the photographer.
“Hey, look I was just wondering if there are any more jobs like this going.  It’s just I could really use the money and -”
“Oh, there are plenty of jobs like this going.  For people who show up on time”, said the photographer, glaring at Johnny before walking off.
Back in the dressing room, Johnny scrubbed the baby oil angrily off his chest.  He tugged his own jeans and shirt back on before his eyes fell on the denim jacket, now draped over the back of a chair.  He slung it over one arm and left the building, more than ready for a beer with Bobby.
“Maybe our new logo could be an eagle eating a snake”, suggested Johnny, picking up a pencil and beginning a crude sketch.
“Needs to have a bonsai in it”, said Daniel, not looking up from his phone.
“Alright.  How about an eagle sitting in a bonsai eating a snake?”
Daniel tutted.  “An eagle can’t sit in a bonsai, Johnny. It’s too big, the bonsai would just topple over.”
Johnny dropped the pencil and huffed, crossing his arms.
“Yeah, well, why don’t you try and come up with some ideas, LaRusso, rather than just staring at crap on your phone?  What are you looking at, anyway?”
“Your Facebook page”, Daniel answered without missing a beat.  “And you’re right, it is crap.  Why is there a photo of you pouting while standing in front of a mural of some angel wings?”
“Oh shit, thought I’d got rid of that one”, said Johnny, pulling a face.  “Can you delete it for me while you’re there?”
Daniel sighed.  “No, Johnny, I can’t delete it for you, that’s not how it works.”  He was for silent for a moment, still scrolling, then smiled.
“This one of you and Miguel is nice, though.  You at a concert or something?”
“Yeah, Dee Snider, the most badass rocker ever.” Johnny stuck his tongue out and raised his hand to his mouth, two middle fingers held down, mimicking the pose in the photo.
Daniel rolled his eyes. “That jacket is certainly something. Where did you even get that?”
Johnny shrugged. “Can’t remember.  Had it since the nineties.”
“Oh yeah?  Thought you didn’t own any clothes bought after 1989?”
Johnny threw the pencil at Daniel across the office they had set up in Miyagi-Do.  The smaller man caught it easily and scowled, but Johnny just grinned.
“Maybe I’ll wear it for you sometime, LaRusso”, he said with a wink.
“Lucky me”, Daniel muttered, looking back down at his phone.
Johnny wasn’t sure if it was just a trick of the light, but it almost looked like there was a faint blush on Daniel’s cheeks.
Johnny could tell before he even got out of bed that it was going to be a swelteringly hot day.  He woke in the early hours of the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, the sheets sticking uncomfortably to his skin.
Eventually he got up and munched on cereal while aimlessly scrolling through Facebook on his laptop. (He had recently learnt that the box which asked him ‘What’s on your mind?’ was not a space for private thought, and that anything written in there could be seen by anyone else on Facebook. He discovered this after typing ‘How to take down Kreese and also what is cotton candy made of’ and Daniel had replied thirty seconds later with ‘You’re an idiot, Johnny’.)
As the heat continued to build Johnny took a cold shower before selecting an outfit for the day’s training.  He threw on shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt and was just about to walk out of the bedroom when the denim jacket caught his eye, crumpled up on the floor of his closet.
Maybe I’ll wear it for you sometime, LaRusso.
Johnny picked it up, and before he could change his mind he shoved it into his gym bag and headed out of his apartment.
“Good work today everyone”, said Daniel, nodding approvingly as the students filtered out of Miyagi-Do, wiping sweat off their foreheads and glugging from water bottles.
“Yeah, getting badass”, agreed Johnny.  “Barely any pussies among you now.  Well, apart from maybe you.”  He pointed at Demetri.
The pale boy looked offended.  “Hey, what’s wrong with me?  I thought I did pretty well today!”
“You did, Demetri”, Daniel said reassuringly, patting him on the back as he left and frowning at Johnny.
Johnny just smirked and glanced towards the house, thinking longingly of the ice cold Coors Banquet waiting for him in the newly installed refrigerator.
“Hey Sensei!”
Johnny turned to see Miguel standing in front of him.
“You wanna come over to mine for dinner tonight?  My mom says you’re welcome to join us if you don’t have any other plans.”
“Not tonight, kid. I’m gonna stay here for a bit, work on some new moves with LaRusso.  But another time, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course”, said Miguel with a smile.  “See you later, Sensei.”  He started to walk out of the dojo, waving goodbye to Daniel as he went before looping an arm around Sam’s shoulders.
When the kids had left, Daniel turned to Johnny.
“You hungry?”
Johnny shrugged.  “I could eat.”
He followed Daniel into the house, allowing his eyes to trail down the other man’s petite form.  It had been a while since Johnny had seen Daniel train in anything that wasn’t a tracksuit or a gi, but due to the temperature Daniel was dressed similarly to Johnny in shorts and a sleeveless workout top.  Johnny watched as Daniel’s long legs carried him out of the yard and inside, a slight sheen of sweat glinting on the tanned skin.  Johnny bit his lip and fetched his longed for beer from the refrigerator, taking a swig.
“You want a cold one, LaRusso?” he asked.
“Do you have any beer, or in fact any form of alcohol, that isn’t a Coors Banquet?”
“Then I’ll stick with water”, Daniel said dryly.  He turned around to start preparing the dinner and Johnny held up his middle finger behind his back.
As Daniel busied himself Johnny opened his gym bag, reaching inside and pulling out a towel to wipe the sweat off his brow.  He paused when he saw the jacket, scrunched up in the corner of the bag along with a can of deodorant and a packet of corn nuts.
Maybe I’ll wear it for you sometime, LaRusso.
Lucky me.
He took it out of the bag and pulled it on, feeling the rough denim scratch against his skin, before strutting back into the yard and sitting on the deck.  He sipped his beer as the early evening sun beat down, trying and failing to think of something that wasn’t Daniel LaRusso’s legs.
Daniel soon emerged from the house and strode over with two plates of food.  When he caught sight of Johnny he stopped mid-stride, mouth opening and closing a few times before he settled on just shaking his head.
Johnny grinned. “What?  Told you I’d wear it for you sometime, LaRusso.”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that Johnny?” said Daniel, joining Johnny on the deck and handing him a plate and cutlery.
“I’m ridiculous?  You’re the one who has a dojo in an ornamental garden.”
“What, as opposed to a more sensible location for teaching children karate, like a public park or a seedy strip mall with faulty wiring?”
Johnny ignored the jibe and poked at his dinner with a fork, wrinkling his nose in distaste.  “A salad?”  He put the bowl down.  “Think I’ll go and grab a burger.”
“Really, Johnny?  You want something hot in this heat?”
“Maybe I do”, Johnny replied, making eye contact with the smaller man.
This time the blush that bloomed on Daniel’s cheeks was definitely not a trick of the light.
After a moment Daniel coughed and looked away.  “Come on Johnny, eat your salad.  It’s good, I swear.”
Johnny pulled a face again but still speared a carrot and a lettuce leaf with his fork and popped them in his mouth, munching nosily.  As green stuff went it actually wasn’t too bad.  Not that he would ever tell Daniel that.
After dinner they discussed potential new moves they could teach their students for the tournament, Daniel diligently writing them all down while Johnny lounged on the deck, nursing another Coors Banquet.  (“Why don’t you just teach them that move you used on Kreese, the one that made his arms go limp?  Then we’d win no problem.” asked Johnny.  Daniel had rolled his eyes.  “Funnily enough, temporarily paralysing your opponent is considered an illegal move in a karate tournament for children.”  “But you can at least teach me, LaRusso.”  “I’m not doing that, Johnny.  You’d use it on anybody who annoyed you, which would mean practically everyone in the valley would have numb limbs.”)
Eventually Daniel put the pen down and stood up, offering a hand out to Johnny.  
“You wanna try putting some of these moves into action?”
Johnny nodded and clasped Daniel’s hand, letting the smaller man pull him up.  As he did, Johnny let his thumb rub gently over the back of Daniel’s hand for just a moment, noting with interest the slight but noticeable hitch in Daniel’s breathing as he did so.  He thought of the blush from earlier, the way the pink tinge had spread prettily across Daniel’s olive skin, and swallowed thickly.  The sensible thing would be to ignore these feelings, to push them back into the distant corner of his mind where they had been dwelling for the past three decades.  
But Johnny Lawrence was not good at doing the sensible thing.
Daniel started to warm up while Johnny did a few half-hearted stretches of his own.  Then they got into position in the middle of the yard.
“You gonna be able to move properly in that, Johnny?” asked Daniel, eyes flicking up and down Johnny’s denim clad torso.
“I can move in anything, LaRusso.  Don’t think you’ve got an advantage over me just because you’re wearing some fancy-ass designer workout gear and $300 sneakers.”
“Whatever, Johnny. You wanna start with the new set of kicks?”
They trained for about forty minutes, moving from the kicks to a new punching technique and then into some blocks (“Can’t we just keep punching?” Johnny had asked.  “’Cause you know, the best type of defence is just more offence.”  Daniel raised an eyebrow.  “That’s the winning attitude that got us into this mess to begin with.  Come on Johnny, let’s just try it my way, OK?”)  
The sun was low in the sky but it was still baking hot, and Johnny could feel the sweat running down his chest, exacerbated by the heavyweight denim.  It was worth it though.  Johnny hadn’t really planned what would happen once he’d put the jacket on, but the first time Daniel’s bare skin had come into contact with the fabric he had let out a breathy little gasp.  Johnny had then deliberately started to make sure his jacket touched Daniel whenever possible, and by the time they had worked through most of the new moves Daniel was looking dishevelled, hair unruly and falling into his eyes, skin slick with sweat, breath ragged.  He lashed out with a front kick and Johnny blocked as planned, but rather than backing off he spun Daniel around and pulled him into an embrace so the smaller man’s back was flush against his chest before dragging his jacket slowly over Daniel’s damp skin.  Daniel shuddered and let out a small whimper.  He went to move away but Johnny grabbed his wrist and pulled him back in so that they were face to face.  Johnny let go of Daniel’s wrist, moving his hand instead to the other man’s waist, letting his fingers rub over the slight swell of softness at Daniel’s middle.  
“Johnny”, Daniel breathed, voice breaking, eyes wide, leaning in just ever so slightly.
Johnny gulped.  This was dangerous territory; flirting was one thing, but they were now on the verge of something else entirely.  An image of Carmen and Miguel flashed into his mind, happily chatting away at their family meal, and he felt a sudden rush of guilt. Daniel was still staring at him with those big doe eyes, and he suspected that if he went in for a kiss the smaller man wouldn’t resist him.
Instead he stepped back, arms dropping to his sides, almost tripping over a rock as he put some distance between him and Daniel (who designs a dojo with freaking great lumps of stone in it, anyway?  And Daniel had the nerve to criticise him for being unsafe).
“Uh”, he said, throat dry, voice coming out low and scratchy.  “That was good.  I mean, good – uh – session.  With the new moves.”
Daniel just stared at him for a moment before he seemed to come to his senses.
“Uh, yeah”, he said, clearing his throat.  “Good, uh, good work Johnny.”
“Uh, yeah.  You too”, said Johnny, gesturing vaguely in Daniel’s direction.  They were both silent for a second and then they both spoke at once.
“It’s getting late, I should –”
“So I need to get back –”
They smiled tightly at each other.
“See you tomorrow, LaRusso”, Johnny said awkwardly.
“Yeah.  Tomorrow.”
Johnny fetched his stuff from the house and left by the front door, slinging his bag into the back seat of his car.  He pulled out of the driveway, glancing for a second in the rear view mirror.  Daniel stood in the doorway, watching him, an unreadable expression on his face.
At home, Johnny peeled off the denim jacket and threw it back into the closet.  He grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and drank it in one before cracking open another and sitting down in front of the TV.  He let a mindless action film wash over him until he felt his eyelids start to droop and he drifted off on the couch to dreams of long legs and big eyes and a soft New Jersey accent that just whispered Johnny, Johnny, Johnny over and over again.
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
What we want, have and need - chapter 11
Notes: This is the eleventh chapter of the of the Lawrusso and Sam/Robby long fic that I'm posting on AO3 and on Tumblr. You can read the next chapters on AO3 or the previous chapters on Tumblr here. I hope you enjoy this!
Ready, set, fight! - part 2
The next are Sam and a big redhead. Daniel fears for his child, but the feeling lasts just a second, since she nearly breaks his arm, but she doesn’t, so, whatever.
This is it. Sam, Tory, Robby and Maxime, a Topanga student, are in the semifinals.  Now, Robby is a little worried. Any of them could take him down if he were on one piece and he can’t even have this advantage – being alright is an advantage at all?
Robby’s set to face Tory. The crowd is glad to see he’s back, but everybody knows the drill: the boy with a broken shoulder is going down. He can’t give up now. Johnny is watching very carefully, watching his son, waiting to see if he’ll succeed.
“You can do this”, someone says it, either Sam or Johnny.
Tory scores a point. He tries to stop her by blocking her powerful punches, and he in fact makes her take a step back. Kreese yells something, Tory responds with a little nod.
Her next move is a hand on his chin. Robby hits back with a punch on her ribs. That little white flag gets up – at least once. Then, Tory basically shoves him – another point – and punches his shoulder.
Robby falls down on his knees, fighting a wild sob and some tears. Daniel walks to the tatami to pick him up. Johnny takes a step to follow them, but the look on Sam’s face keeps him still.  The tournament goes on, with Sam facing Maxime for the last spot on the finals.
“Now it’s enough, ok?”, Daniel affirms with a soft tone and strong words.
“Ok”, he places the ice bag on his shoulder.
They come back and see Maxime kicking Sam’s stomach. She hits her ear and wins her last point with a kick on the neck.
“Karate is also about learning from other students”, Daniel lectures. “What you can learn from Sam here is… stretching may save your life.”
The final fight is on. Tory approaches the tatami after one more advice of Kreese – which judging by the girl’s face, sounded more like an order, if you want to know Johnny’s opinion.
Tory shakes her head from a shoulder to the other, staring Sam right in the eyes.
“You’re dead, LaRusso.”
Time to be a Cobra Kai, Sam thinks, preparing the fist for a left punch. She strikes first, but not quite hard. Tory kicks her in the side. Her flag is risen. Sam manages to block three hits in a row and kicks her stomach. Tory tries to dodge, but she falls down.
Suddenly, Sam remembers something her 6-year-old self knew quite well: how to paint a house – even if it was just a doll one. Sam’s flag rises once again as she dodges an attempt of grabbing her. Tory sweeps the opponent off her feet, getting a warning for illegal contact.
At the same time her head hits the mat, all her training is shown in her mind as a flash. When the presentation is over, she gets up, ready to make all of her senseis proud. The initial pose is still hard to get right, but once her arms are on that particular position, the only phrase she can hear is:
“Holy. Shit.”
Sam hops, striking Tory’s cheek with her heel. The girl falls flat on her back. The crowd is shouting “Cobra Kai” at the top of their lungs. Robby makes his way until the referee to take the trophy from him and hand it to Sam.
The mob surrounds the winner to greet her. Daniel would like to go there and hug his child, but he decides to let her have her moment. He’s summoned up by the council members to a meeting with the senseis – probably to discuss Kreese.
The kids are leaving – some of them really need a shower – and so does the council. Johnny and the Topanga sensei follow Daniel and the others to the conference room.
“First of all, I’d like to congratulate the senseis for the excellent work you did with your students. All of them fought well”, the head of the council start a round of claps. “Now, let’s get to business. Should John Kreese’s dojo be allowed to compete ever again?”
The woman sitting by Daniel’s side raises a hand.
“I think he should be given a lifetime ban”, she says. “We gave him a second chance and I don’t think he deserves a third one.”
Johnny opens his mouth and a syllable comes out of it, but they keep talking. Him and Daniel make an instantaneous eye contact. LaRusso gives him a head sign and Johnny feels like nothing could harm him right now. Jesus, this is so fucked up.
“I agree to all that, but I think we should listen to Mr. Lawrence’s opinion on the matter”, says Daniel. “He once was John Kreese’s student.”
There’s no judgement or shame in his words, everything Johnny gets out of his little speech is trust.  Each head turns to face him.
“Yes, he taught me, but what his students shown today has nothing to do with what I learned from him.”
Johnny’s invited to give them a lecture about Kreese’s old teachings. Speaking in public isn’t truly Johnny’s cup of tea, but he accepts he’ll have to go through this for Karate’s sake. They all listen carefully and quietly.
In the middle of his speech, Johnny finds a peaceful corner to relax. On Daniel’s eyes. Their brown color is so calm… it reminds him of his favorite childhood sweater. The cute orbs stare at Johnny as if he were the most interesting thing in the world.
When he’s done, they vote. No one wants Kreese to come back next year. The council head thanks everybody for helping and they get out of the room. Daniel makes his way back to the gym and Johnny follows him.
“What are you doing here alone this late, pretty boy?”, he approaches the ’84 All-Valley champion.
“Just reviving some memories”, he sighs at the banner with his B&W picture. “And you, blondie?”
“I’m following you, isn’t that obvious?”, Johnny looks at his own pictures, next to LaRusso’s. “Listen, I want to thank you.”
“For what?”
“What you did back there at the meeting. They wouldn’t have listened to me if you hadn’t convinced them.”
“That was nothing, really. You did all the hard work.”
“Good old Saint Danny LaRusso”,
I kind of missed this guy?, Daniel thinks with a cocked eyebrow.
“So, I think we should talk about Sam and Robby.”
“Yeah, we should”, his eyes faulter for a second and his hands are shaking a bit. “How did she get to you?”
“She said she found me on the Internet. How did Robby find you?”
“YouTube ad”, Daniel stares at his shoes. “I’m glad she found someone she could train with, since I clearly let her down on that area.”
“At least you already knew your daughter likes Karate. I found out today, when I saw Robby stepping on that tatami.”
“Would you have trained him? If he asked?”
“Of course. I would have invited him to join if I had paid more attention to him.”
“You know, even though we are, we, it’s good to know they are not learning Karate from Kreese.”
“Agreed”, Johnny’s eyes get lost on the night horizon. “Can I ask you one more thing?”, he doesn’t wait for an answer. “Did Robby tell you anything about his home life?”
“Not much. Only that he missed his father a lot and wanted to feel close to him in some way. This made me spend me a month thinking my student's dad was dead.”
“What changed your mind?”, he grins back at Daniel.
“One night, Sam sneaked out to pick him up. He was beaten up by Shannon’s boyfriend”, a chill goes down Johnny’s spine. “Sam asked if he could stay with us until you came back from your camping trip.”
“Thank you for taking care of him”, what the hell…?
“My pleasure. Did Sam say something...?”, Daniel can’t hold his tongue. He never could. Not even when he wore diapers.
“In Samantha LaRusso’s very own words: ‘I want to learn how to defend myself, I don't want to stay home and I want to compete in the All-Valley tournament, because I want to show my dad that I like Karate too’.”
Thanks for making me feel the worst parent ever, kiddo.
“I know you made a lot for me today”, Johnny rubs the inner side of his elbow, “but can you talk to Sam? She really needs it.”
“What’s this? A parent-teacher conference?”, they laugh, a little bit constrained. “Ok, but only if you talk to Robby too.”
“Deal”, they shake hands.
“Good grip”, Daniel’s confused while saying this phrase.
“Wish I could say the same.”
They take separate ways in the parking lot. The only route Johnny can think of will lead him to his dojo. It wouldn’t hurt to spend some time there and clear his mind with some training, right?
He draws three fight positions when he hears the voice.
“You’re doing it wrong.”
Johnny sees Kreese standing in front of him within the ghost of his former glory, converted to a smoke cloud. Facing this is depressing – mainly when he thinks about his own former glory.
“What are you doing in my dojo?”, Johnny howls, his eyes have an evil shine
“I just came to say congratulations. What you have done with those kids was amazing. You have become a great sensei. Just as great as yours.”
Should I remind you that my student defeated your student?
“Right, thank you. Now leave.”
Kreese looks to a spot over Johnny’s shoulder. Something is not right in his face, but Johnny can’t identify it.
“What you started on the tournament is far from over.”
“What I started? What did you expect the girl to do? Not fight her opponent?”
“Don’t take me for a dumb old man, Johnny Lawrence, or you’ll regret it.”
“And you will regret it if you don’t get out of my dojo right now.”
“One more thing”, Kreese takes a step closer to him. “You should take care of that LaRusso kid. She seems pretty fragile to me.”
“You dare try hurting that girl and I finish you off”, his fists are curled into balls, the tired face turns into a threatening frown.
“Uuuh, scary.”
Kreese turns on his heels and goes back to the shadows, where he belongs. The office door slams as the man closes the front door.
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sisterpiranha · 4 years
The Art of Snake Charming, ch. 8
Pairing: Lawrusso, Daniel Larusso/Amanda Larusso (at the start, I mean, they are engaged)
Summary:  Johnny is a stripper. Daniel has a bachelor party. Louie is an idiot.
(translations for the Spanish text at the end)
“Your son? How?” Daniel asked, still finding it difficult to comprehend the situation.
“Are you still a virgin, Larusso? How do you think?” Johnny said mockingly.
Daniel rolled his eyes. 
“I mean, how come he’s with you? Where’s his mother?” he insisted, hearing his voice going louder and louder.
One of the other doors from the hallway crack opened slightly. Johnny looked up and frowned.
“Let’s go inside,” he said, grabbing Daniel by the shirt and pushing him into his apartment. “Goodbye, Mrs Doherty“ he called before closing the door. “She’s nosy. And doesn’t approve of my lifestyle or some sh… or something. Like I didn’t see his nephew stuffing singles down my pants in the club the other day.”
Daniel looked around. Johnny’s apartment was small. There were toys and clothes everywhere, and just random things strewn on the floor. Every single available surface seemed to be occupied by one thing or another. 
“Sorry for the mess, I guess. Robby likes to take things out of drawers. He has a lot of energy, so it’s difficult to keep up with him sometimes,” Johnny said when he noticed Daniel looking around. 
He placed the little boy on the floor in front of a few car toys, then grabbed a pile of clothes that was covering the sofa.
“Take a seat,” he said, self consciously “I’ll just go and put in a shirt.”
Daniel was going to tell him not to bother but managed to stop himself just in time before he could make a fool of himself. When Johnny came back he was not only wearing a shirt but also shoes. He took a seat next to Daniel on the small sofa.
“So, you have a son.”
“Johnny, why didn’t you tell me? Why did you let me think that he was your boyfriend?” He didn’t mean to sound desperate, but he was truly confused as to why Johnny had kept this from him. 
“I don’t know, I liked messing with you at first. But then, I guess didn’t say anything because I wanted to protect him.”
“Protect him? From me?” Daniel said full of indignation. He felt wounded that Johnny thought that he may hurt Robby somehow.
“God, no! Not like that. It’s just… Look, you represent the past. A past I’m not… really proud of. When Robby was born, I… I wasn’t there. I was a mess, too much of a pussy to face my responsibilities. And when Shannon died, there was no one else for him, only me. So I had to step up my game. I made him a promise, even if he couldn’t understand it then, I promised that I would change. I wouldn’t go back to how I was before. And then you come back into my life, and suddenly, it feels like I’m back in high school again. And I don’t want that anywhere near him. I don’t think it really makes sense, but when it came to it, I just couldn’t say anything.” His blue eyes were shining with unshed tears that he was trying to control. He was looking down at his hands, clamping down nervously like opening up like that had been physically painful. 
“Johnny,” Daniel said softly, taking the man’s shaking hands in his own and forcing their eyes to meet, “it’s fine, I’m not mad. It’s fine.”
Johnny just nodded and looked away. Daniel could tell he was trying to control his breathing and will away the tears, attempting to hide his weakness and, maybe, already regretting having shown it to the other man.
“Dada?” A small voice said next to them. As if sensing his father’s agitation, Robby appeared next to Johnny holding a small red car in his hands.
“Hey squirt, what do you have there?” Johnny asked, letting go of his hand and taking Robby into his lap. The gentleness and care of each of his movements stirred in Daniel a set of emotions that he didn’t care to analyze too closely.
The boy raised the car to his father smiling. 
“You should show it to Larusso, he works with cars.”
“L’uso,” the boy said proudly and extended the car to Daniel. Daniel took it awkwardly. He had never had much chance to be around children, so he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say.
“It’s nice,” he commented and then smiled when he looked at the car closer. “You know, your dad used to drive a car just like this one years ago. It was a beauty.”
“It was,” Johnny agreed, smiling.
“What happened to it?”
“My stepdad kept it after he threw me out. He was a…,” he covered Robby’s ears with his hands for a moment and finished whispering “piece of shit.”
Robby giggled.
“I’m sorry,” Danny said, thinking how much of Johnny’s story he didn’t know.
“It’s fine. I drive a Firebird now, much more badass. Right squirt?”
“Badass,” Robby repeated happily.
“That’s right! But don’t say that in front of aunt Carmen or she’ll kill me.”
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. But before Johnny could stand up, the door opened and an elder woman entered the apartment. She was carrying a child about Robby’s age.
“Migui!” Robby cried and jumped out of his dad's lap and into the woman’s direction.
“Robby!” The other child, Migui, screamed excitedly. The woman let Migui on the floor and smiled at Johnny. 
“Hola Johnny, siento interrumpir. La señora Doherty me dijo que tenías un hombre aquí y quería venir a ver si era cierto.”
Johnny jumped from his seat and Daniel stood up as well, giving the woman the opportunity to look him up and down.
“Buen trabajo, este me gusta.” She said smiling.
“Solo amigos,” Johnny said with some difficulty, a blush appearing on his cheeks. “Mrs Doherty, muy chismosa.”
“I didn’t know you spoke Spanish,” Daniel said surprised.
“Only a little. They have been teaching me. Larusso, this is Rosa, she’s Carmen’s mom. And this is Miguel, her son. Rosa, este Larusso… Daniel.”
“Daniel! Por supuesto, igualito a las fotos que nos mostraste. Es muy buenmozo,” Rosa said pinching Daniel’s cheek.
“What did she say?” Daniel asked.
“That you look like a girl with those big eyes of yours.”
“I don’t! And she didn’t say that!”
“How would you know?”
“God, you’re such a d… Uhm.” Daniel stopped looking at the boys. Johnny just laughed. When he looked to Rosa, she was looking at them with the same calculating look Rosa had given him earlier. 
“Me voy a llevar a los niños al parque, así puedes quedarte solo con tu amigo,” she said giving him a knowing smile.
“Solo amigos!” Johnny exclaimed, exasperated.
“¿Y yo que dije? Migui! Robby! Vengan acá!” Rosa shouted and both boys came running towards her. “Saluden, nos vamos un rato al parque. Adiós Daniel, un placer conocerte. Espero volver a verte pronto.”
Rosa winked and Johnny groaned loudly, making her laugh.
“Bye Bye!,” said both Robby and Migue in unison, and soon the boys and Rosa have left the apartment, leaving Johnny and Daniel completely alone.
“What was that about?” Daniel asked, confused.
“She’s taking the kids to the park,” Johnny answered simply, but didn’t elaborate further.
“She seemed to have said other things, too.”
“Nothing important. Do you want a beer?”
Daniel looked at the clock on the wall, it marked a few minutes past eleven.
“Sure,” he said, sitting back on the sofa. 
Johnny disappeared through a door that must have led to the kitchen, and came back with two cans of Coors Banquet. He opened them and handed one to Daniel then he sat next to him again.
They both sat silently for a few minutes, sipping the beer. Then Johnny spoke.
“You said you wanted to talk to me.”
“Yes, I…,” he tried, but no words really came out. He didn’t know how to say what he knew he had to say, how to explain it. Suddenly, the idea of losing Johnny seemed unfathomable. Before this past few days, the blonde had been like a ghost, a figure fixed in time that haunted his memories. But now he felt like so much more, now he knew his apartment, he knew his son and his work. He knew the music that he liked, and the soft smile that lit up his face when he looked at Robby. He knew how tender he could be when he let his barriers drop and what his lips tasted like. How could Daniel live knowing all of that, but never seeing the man again? How could he explain to Johnny how difficult it was to do what he had to when there was this unnamed thing between them inexorably pulling them together? How can he give Johnny up when being with him felt so right?
It turned out, he didn’t have to.
“Look, man, it’s fine. I know what you’re going to say. I understand.”
“Don’t say it’s fine. It’s not fine. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise, it’s not your fault.”
“Of course it is! I led you on, made you stay when you wanted to go. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I’m a grown man, I decided to stay because I wanted it because you look at me with those Bambi's eyes and I can’t resist you. I never could.”
“Still…” Daniel said, he felt a lump forming in his throat, so when he spoke again, his voice was hoarse. “Do you think we could have been friends then? Would it have changed things?”
“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter now.”
“I wanted to find you so bad after the tournament. I wanted to check on you, see if you were alright. And then you never came back to school, I never got the chance…”
“You dodged a bullet. I was a mess back then, I’m barely less of a mess now,” he laughed mirthlessly. 
“Maybe I don’t mind messes,” Daniel whispered, looking at the man earnestly.
“I think you should go,” Johnny said firmly, looking away.
“Of course.” He was about to stand up when he looked at Johnny again, “Could I…?”
Johnny looked at him quizzically and Daniel knew that the sadness in his blue eyes would be seared in his memory for the rest of his days.
“Could I kiss you? Just once, for the last time. Please, then I’ll leave.”
Johnny looked like he was about to say no, and Daniel understood him. He knew he was asking too much, and he was about to take back his request when Johnny nodded.
Daniel’s heart started beating fast as he got closer to the other man. He placed his hand on his cheek, revealing how soft the skin was. And then his lips were on Johnny’s. The kiss was short and chaste, barely more than a peck. When he opened his eyes, Johnny was looking at him. But now, there was a fire in the other man’s gaze. He felt a hand on his own cheek as Johnny dived for a second kiss, this time longer, and much less chaste. He moaned as he felt the kiss deepen. He felt a fire at the pit of the stomach. He felt engulfed by Johnny’s touch and taste. A hand on his hip brought him closer. He could feel Johnny’s chest hard against his, and the heat radiating from it almost enveloping him whole. 
All of a sudden, a loud bang sounded from outside, and the two men jumped apart, out of breath. He looked at Johnny. His lips were red and bright, his cheeks flushed, his hair fell messily over his shoulder. He looked more beautiful than anything Daniel had ever seen. But it wasn’t enough, reality came crashing down to his mind. This had gone too far. He saw understanding and resignation in the other man’s eyes when he stood up and, with one last look, left the apartment without saying another word.
“Hola Johnny, siento interrumpir. La señora Doherty me dijo que tenías un hombre aquí y quería venir a ver si era cierto.” Hi, Johnny, sorry to interrupt. Mrs Doherty told me you had a man here and I wanted to see if it was true.
“Buen trabajo, este me gusta.” Good job, I like this one.
“Solo amigos, Mrs Doherty, muy chismosa.” Only friends, Mrs Doherty, very gossipy.
“Daniel! Por supuesto, igualito a las fotos que nos mostraste. Es muy buenmozo” Daniel! Of course, he's exactly like the photos you showes us. Very handsome.
“Me voy a llevar a los niños al parque, así puedes quedarte solo con tu amigo,” I'm going to take the boys to the park, so you can be alone with your friend.
“¿Y yo que dije? Migui! Robby! Vengan acá! Saluden, nos vamos un rato al parque. Adiós Daniel, un placer conocerte. Espero volver a verte pronto.” And what did I say? Migui! Robby! Come here! Say goodbye, we are going to the park for a while. Bye, Daniel, it was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see you again soon.
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desolateice · 8 months
saw the new lawrusso fic you posted (love it by the way) and it made me want to rewatch the karate kid movies(I'm watching them out of order) I was watching the beginning of tkk2 and your right. There are people around as Johnny is being choked. Two adults by his car and other than Mr Miyagi's and Johnny's friends no one does anything. No one else even looks scared besides the og cobras and Daniel. And like Johnny is literally turning red and no one else does anything. And it makes me think of the third movie(I plan to watch that next) and how no one did anything try and stop Daniel from being hurt too. And it hits me how these two boys are being hurt over a karate tournament for teens and kids. Something that's suppose to be fun. I just feels like a nice angsty thing lawrusso can bond over.
Right? The All-Valley almost feels like entertainment for a bloodthirsty mob with how no one tries to protect the teens fighting. And they really should have some angsty bonding over no one helping them. I feel like it also says a lot about Mr. Miyagi being the only adult to help. It's all kinda of sad about what it says about the tournament, the atmosphere, and the community. Or how they view their champions and competitors. I hope you enjoy your rewatch! It's going to be interesting to watch them out of order. (Also thank you, I'm glad you are enjoying it!)
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desolateice · 2 years
🏔 Hardest Fic to Write (I think it's that one right? It's a mountain emoji?) Root Beer Floats and Green Tea though I foresee Buku Buku Cha (WIP’s current title) also being rough on me. RBF&GT for a few reasons, 1.) I wanted to attempt a slow burn with realistic healing and backsliding and it turned into something massive. 2.) is due to your next emoji. 3.)is that I wanted Johnny to go on a very specific healing path and maybe wanted to include more things then were feasible. And 4.) The big one is emotionally.
I started the fic like over a year ago and a lot has happened since I started it. While RBF&GT has brought me intense comfort, during the course of writing it my father went into hospice and passed away. And I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully disentangle that real life grief from the process of writing it. After he passed it was really hard to write again, which is why there was such a long gap between the last chapter and these final ones and why eventually I had to just say the fic was done and stop adding to it.  🔬The fic you had to make the most research for? Root Beer Floats and Green Tea hands down the most research but it automatically wins for length. I still did research for Konpeito and other fics. But I was researching laws, recipes, language, fashion in the 80s, road trips, places that were open in the 80s, fashion in Okinawa in the 80s, language of flowers, food of the 80s, food history, food culture, maps of how far places were from one another (I.e. all over LA), just honestly so much stuff. There’s some stuff I knew, but I still researched and double checked everything. Also cars. So much car research. 👀What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
So in my drafts I have this: Root Beer Floats & Honey (Dutch) Root Beer Floats & Cake (or some sweet Bobby) Root Beer Floats & Ucchin-cha (Chozen it’s a tumeric curry tea) Root Beer Floats & (Tommy) Root Beer Floats & Incan Kola (Jimmy) Initially I wanted to do like a bunch of AU’s of RBF&GT. I had this idea of like Laura opening the chapter speaking directly to the reader like ah, weren’t happy with that last one well that’s okay try this one. Because I kind of wanted RBF&GT to have like that cliche harem vibe? Like if you didn’t know it was LawRusso you could see maybe in an AU Johnny with anyone else. I wanted to explore different ripple effects but I ended up dropping all of them but two. Root Beer Floats & Ucchin-cha is now Buku Buku Cha and I haven’t decided the name for the Dutch one yet. I also was trying to think of a lot of Cobra Kai ideas. Because originally I was going to write one The Karate Kid fic and one Cobra Kai fic. And for some reason I liked this idea of Johnny being asked to like watch his student’s school project of a bunch of eggs because the kids had something to do and they all hatch and Johnny’s just followed around for a while by a bunch of ducklings. CK fics are so far away from me at the moment on my to do list that I have no clue if I’ll ever get there. 😅 I think I was also thinking of exploring other ships and some of the one’s we’ve talked about I’ve been tempted to write but I’m also have so many. That I lose track of the ideas and just run out of time. I think I wrote in one comment response about a reverse Johnny student of Miyagi meets new to town Daniel who becomes a Cobra instead but I also don’t have time. 🤣
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic? So many playlists. Almost every fic I write has a playlist. But for RBF&GT I would go hunt these down specifically though there’s a lot more but I’ll just do two because this is already a long response. 😅
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pinktintedmonocle · 3 years
Dedicated Followers of Fashion - A Cobra Kai Lawrusso Fanfic - Chapter 3
“Do you still have yours?” Daniel asked.
Johnny blinked in confusion.  “My what?”
Daniel inclined his head towards the tournament gi on the wall.
In which Daniel is not on fire, Johnny performs a heist and they finally attempt to deal with their feelings for each other with the help of two iconic outfits…
Trigger warning: some references to outdated and ill-informed views on homosexuality and bisexuality.
“Mr Lawrence.  Stay behind for a moment, will you?”
Kreese’s voice cut through the air, and although it was framed as a question Johnny knew that it was a command rather than a request.
“I’ll see you later”, Johnny murmured to Bobby, and hung back while the rest of the class shuffled out.
When they were alone Kreese surveyed him for a moment, his cool gaze sweeping Johnny from head to toe, and Johnny forced himself to stay standing straight up, head high, shoulders held back rather than turning tail.  He knew that gaze, not just from Kreese but from Sid as well, knew that it almost always preceded a sneer followed by a torrent of insults carefully constructed to inflict the most pain possible.
But no insults were forthcoming; instead Kreese just nodded, once, and walked past Johnny into his office. He emerged a few seconds later, a pile of black cloth held in his arms, and crossed back over to Johnny, holding out the bundle.
“For you, Mr Lawrence”, Kreese said smoothly, and Johnny’s jaw fell open when he realised what it was.
“A tournament gi?” he whispered, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice just in case he was mistaken.  “For me, Sensei?”
Kreese smiled indulgently and inclined his head down, indicating for Johnny to take the uniform.
Johnny picked it up, sucking in a deep breath as he did so.  He’d just been a spectator at the All Valley tournament for the last two years, sitting in the front row and cheering his fellow Cobras on, hoping against hope that one day it would be him up there, leading Cobra Kai to victory.  He ran his fingers over the patch on the front of the top, scarcely believing that he was seeing his own name (his own name!) printed above the motif of a fist.
“Do you really think I’m ready, Sensei?” he asked quietly, and Kreese’s smile widened as he laid a hand on Johnny’s shoulder, squeezing it softly.
“Yes son”, said Kreese. “It’s time for you to get out there and show everyone what a true champion is made of.  I have a feeling that gi is only the first of many.”
Johnny felt his chest swell with happiness as a grin spread over his face.
“I won’t let you down, Sensei”, he promised fervently.  “I swear it. I’ll never, ever let you down.”
 December 20th, 1984
“Johnny?  Johnny, are you OK sweetie?”
Johnny burrowed deeper under the bed covers, ignoring his mom.  His throat was throbbing painfully and he desperately needed to pee, but he didn’t want to move from his dark cocoon.  After a minute his mom stopped calling his name, and he thought she’d gone away when he heard his bedroom door open softly and feet pad across to him. He felt the bed dip as she sat down before her hand landed on his back, rubbing soft circles into it through the covers.
“Hey”, she said soothingly. “It’s OK, Johnny.  I know you did your best.”
“How?” croaked Johnny, voice muffled by the blankets.  “How do you know what I did when you weren’t even there?”
His mom’s hand stopped moving.  “I’m so sorry I missed it sweetie, but Sid had a work dinner and I had to go-”
“You always choose him over me”, Johnny said hoarsely, shifting across the bed out of his mom’s reach.
“You know that’s not true, Johnny”, Laura said quietly.
Johnny didn’t reply, and a few seconds later he felt his mom stand up and start to walk away.  He heard her footsteps pause, and then a rustling sound; the crinkle of cloth.
“Where do you want me to put this, Johnny?” she asked, and Johnny didn’t need to look to know that she was holding the gi that he’d torn off and discarded on the floor when he’d got home.
“I don’t care”, he said, curling up further under the blanket.
Laura sighed.  “OK, well I’m going to keep it if that’s alright with you.  I’ll put it with the others.”
Johnny was silent, and after a minute he heard his mom leave, the door closing behind her.  He held his breath for a moment, making sure she wasn’t about to come back, before he let himself cry, the tears running down tracks still present on his cheeks from the night before.  He didn’t care what his mom did with the gi; he never wanted to see it again.
They won the tournament, Miguel delivering the winning kick against Robby in a nail-biting final, and while the kids celebrated Johnny and Daniel had hotfooted it out of the All Valley Sports Arena, desperately searching for Robby and Kreese.  They eventually found them around the back of the building, Kreese having apparently learned his lesson from last time and avoiding the crowded parking lot.  He had Robby in a headlock, second place trophy in pieces on the ground, and for a sickening moment Johnny felt as if time had rewound thirty-five years and it was all happening again.
They had acted as one, Johnny sweeping Kreese’s leg while Daniel delivered the kick to his face, and while Daniel had pulled a shaken and spluttering Robby out of the way Johnny had stood over his old Sensei, mouth set in a hard line.
“Now get the hell out of here and never come back”, he had growled.  Before Kreese had a chance to respond Johnny had turned away, attending to Robby.
After an exhausting few weeks of sorting out the mess Kreese had left behind (“A lot of those kids he was brainwashing are going to need many years of therapy”, Daniel had said) and making sure Robby was OK (he had let Johnny and Daniel take him to hospital after the tournament, but had barely talked to either of them since, opting instead to move back in with Shannon who was fresh out of rehab), Johnny and Daniel had decided to keep their new dojo open, with them both teaching evening classes while Johnny managed most of the day sessions solo when Daniel was at the dealership.  (“Just try to be nice, OK Johnny?  No inappropriate nicknames.”  “Define inappropriate.”  “Anything you would’ve used in the 80’s.” Daniel answered drily.  “Then what the hell am I supposed to call them?” Johnny protested. “Their names, Johnny.”)
They had also managed to avoid being alone together for any length of time; Miguel, Sam and Hawk had begun to join them for lesson planning and nights out always included Amanda and Carmen.  Johnny was starting to think that Daniel had either forgotten or decided to abandon their plan to talk about The Thing between them (Johnny had started to refer to it as The Thing in his mind, even though that also made him think of the Kurt Russell film, which was confusing at times.  But he didn’t know what else to call it; what was the appropriate terminology for the overwhelming urge to kiss the face off your childhood karate rival turned reluctant co-sensei?), when he’d received a Facebook message from Daniel one night after practice.
Dinner.  My place. Saturday night, 7.30pm.  Amanda out and the kids at sleepovers.  And get a damn cell phone, Johnny.  I’m sick of having to wait for you to turn on your laptop before you pick up my messages.  (Johnny had rolled his eyes and responded with the middle finger emoji, followed shortly after by yeah, whatever, see you then.)
On Saturday night Johnny tried on the entire contents of his wardrobe, searching for just the right outfit in which to discuss what to do about The Thing.  After several hours his bedroom looked like an explosion in a thrift store and he finally settled on his dark suit and yellow shirt combo, telling himself as he adjusted his tie and slicked his hair back that he was going to Daniel’s to deal with the business of The Thing between them, so what better outfit than a business suit?  They would drink (there was no way Johnny was doing it sober), they would talk, they would eat, they would try and come up with a solution to their feelings which didn’t end with Johnny just pushing Daniel up against a wall and ramming his tongue down the other man’s throat.
The outfit selection had taken so long that it was well after 7.30pm by the time Johnny headed out of his apartment and drove round to the LaRusso house, but even after he arrived he still stayed in the car for a while, hands clutching the steering wheel as the Valley darkened around him.
Eventually he took a deep breath and got out, grabbing a bag from the passenger seat and locking the door before squaring his shoulders, walking purposefully up to the front door and ringing the bell.  He shifted nervously from foot to foot, and when Daniel didn’t come to the door after a minute he pressed the bell again, keeping his finger held down on it for a good ten seconds before letting go.  After there was still no response, Johnny started to feel a little uneasy.  What if something’s happened to him?  Johnny had a sudden vision of Daniel trying to cook some overly complicated recipe that involved a blow torch like Johnny had seen on the Food Network and setting fire to himself.  Or maybe he’d tripped over those ridiculously long legs of his and fallen down the stairs and was lying in a crumpled, broken heap at the bottom.  Or what if Kreese had returned despite his promise to stay away and had finally gotten his revenge?  Johnny’s heart started to race as he thought about what it would be like to live in world without Daniel LaRusso.  He felt bile rise in his throat and he swallowed it down as he found his feet carrying him swiftly around to the rear of the house.  He was making for the back door (rapidly formulating a break-in plan in his mind, which largely consisted of just kicking the door until it opened) when he saw that there was a light on in Daniel’s home dojo; he hurried in, shoes squeaking on the floor, half expecting to see Daniel’s lifeless body spread out in front of him.
“Johnny?” asked a familiar Jersey-accented voice, and Johnny turned to see Daniel sitting on a bench pushed up against a Japanese style screen, a wine glass raised halfway to his lips.  “Are you OK?”
Johnny breathed a huge sigh of relief, and then felt like an idiot.  His cheeks reddened.  “What? Er, yeah, I’m fine.  I just thought you might be on fire or something but you’re not, so we’re all good.”
Daniel frowned. “Johnny, why the hell would I be on fire - ” he started, before he cut himself off and shook his head.  “You know what?  I don’t want to know.  He shuffled along the bench, making room for Johnny, and gestured to a bottle of wine. “You want a drink?”  
“I’m good”, said Johnny, holding up his bag as he sat down and pulling out a crate of Coors Banquet.
Daniel rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything, instead reaching out for the bottle of wine and topping up his glass.  Johnny stared at him; he was dressed in corduroy pants and a fleecy blue sweatshirt, hair product-free and sticking up in fluffy tufts as if he’d been running his hands through it.  Johnny tore his eyes away, feeling a little hot.  He shrugged off his suit jacket and undid his top button, pulling at his collar. He took a bottle of Coors of out its cardboard container and twisted the cap off, taking a big gulp of beer.
“You missed dinner”, Daniel said.
“What was it?”
“Pesto and arugula linguine.”
Johnny pulled a face. “Sounds green.”
Daniel huffed, although Johnny thought he saw a hint of a smile on his lips.
“I didn’t think you were going to come.”
“Yeah, well.  I did”, Johnny said.  He was just close enough to Daniel that he could smell the smaller man’s aftershave (clean and fresh with just the slightest hint of musk).  He took another swig of beer.
“Yeah”, said Daniel, leaning in ever so slightly.  “For some reason you’re dressed like a detective from the 1970’s and you were over an hour late, but yeah, you came.”
Johnny reached out and shoved Daniel’s shoulder playfully, but rather than pulling back he left his hand there, fingers gently stroking Daniel’s arm through the soft fabric. Daniel bit his lip and Johnny realised he was about five seconds away from giving into temptation and kissing Daniel until his own lips were too sore to form coherent sentences.  He let his arm drop and glanced away, shifting on the bench to put a little more space between them, looking around the room for a distraction.  His eyes settled on the framed gi hanging on the wall.
“Of course you framed it. Bet you look at it every day and get a little thrill thinking about how you beat me.”
“Actually the reason I framed it was because Mr Miyagi gave it to me for my birthday”, Daniel replied. “The bonsai was embroidered by his wife before she died.”
“Oh”, Johnny said awkwardly, but then Daniel’s mouth quirked up in a smirk.
“But yeah, it does also remind me of kicking you in the face.”
Johnny picked up his discarded bottle cap and threw it at the smaller man.  It landed softly in Daniel’s hair and he scowled, plucking it out and throwing it back at Johnny who caught it easily.
They drank in silence for a minute before Johnny finally asked the question that had been bugging him for weeks.
“Why is blue my fault?”
Daniel didn’t even acknowledge that he’d heard Johnny, instead fiddling with a loose thread on the sleeve of his fleece.  He drained his glass and then picked up the bottle to re-fill, and Johnny was about to repeat the question when Daniel finally spoke.  
“I- I liked you in high school.”
Johnny snorted in derision. “I think we both know that’s not true.”
Daniel sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face.  “No, I mean I liked you in high school, Johnny.”
It took Johnny a moment to realise when Daniel meant; when he did, he blinked in surprise. “Oh.  Shit.”
Daniel swirled the wine around in his glass.  “Yeah. After the tournament I started having these dreams about you, and when I saw you at school…”.  He paused, taking a sip of wine and staring down at the floor. “There wasn’t any information about it in those days, you know?  About men who liked men or men who liked both men and women.  Not useful information, anyway.  The news just said it made you sick, and my neighbour Freddy told me he’d once seen an Al Pacino movie about it and that it meant you had to wear a lot of leather and might be murdered.”  He took a big gulp of wine and stared down at his feet, not meeting Johnny’s eye, and when he spoke again his voice was somehow both soft and brittle.  
“So I just tried to ignore it and hoped that it would go away, but of course it didn’t.  So the next time I needed new clothes I just bought everything in blue, because – I don’t know, it just seemed like a safe colour. Like people were less likely to know…” He trailed off, shaking his head.
“Oh”, Johnny said again.  (He felt that he should probably have said something else, but had no clue what that would be.)  “And then what?”
Daniel shrugged.  “And then, eventually, there was more information and I learned that it was OK to like both men and women, but by that time I was already with Amanda and I didn’t want anyone else.”  He went to take another sip of his wine but then seemed to change his mind, placing the glass down on the bench and running a hand through his hair.  
Johnny realised his mouth was hanging open and quickly closed it.
“And what about you, Johnny?”
“What about me, LaRusso?”
“Did – did you like me too? Back then?”
Johnny had a sudden, vivid memory of the day they first met, of looking down at Daniel playing with Ali on the beach and feeling an odd swooping sensation in his stomach at the sight of long legs and slim hips that he hadn’t fully understood and had masked with anger.
“Maybe”.  He went to take a pull on his Banquet, but the bottle was empty.  He cracked open another and took a long swig from it.
“We would be terrible together”, Daniel said bluntly.  “We’d argue over everything and we’d probably try and kill each other within a week.”
“Yeah”, Johnny agreed. “It’d be a fucking nightmare.”
“And yet –”, said Daniel, gesturing at the space between them, at the thirty-five year old heart-shaped elephant in the room.  “-there’s this”.            
“Yeah.  The Thing.  Our thing, I mean, nothing to do with Kurt Russell.”  Johnny looked down at his feet.  “I don’t know what to do about it, LaRusso.”
“No”, Daniel said miserably. “I don’t either.”
They looked at each other, and Johnny was suddenly overcome with the urge to just get up and run out of there at full pelt (he could be in his car and on his way home in under a minute if he moved fast).  He hadn’t expected it to go this way; he thought that Daniel would have some carefully constructed five-point plan for how to deal with their feelings, or that he’d get some sudden flash of inspiration (damn business suit had been no help at all). Instead he breathed deeply in and out and shifted just a little closer to Daniel, holding out a hand.  Daniel hesitated for a fraction of a second before he took it in his.
“Do you still have yours?” Daniel asked after a while.
Johnny blinked in confusion. “My what?”
Daniel inclined his head towards the tournament gi on the wall.
“Oh.  No.  But it might still be at Sid’s with some of my mom’s old stuff.”
Daniel nodded slowly. “You think you could go round there and see if you can find it?”
“Maybe”, said Johnny, frowning.  “Why?”
Johnny loitered outside the house, watching as Sid clambered into his car with the help of Rhonda. The chauffeur got in and started the engine and Johnny ducked behind a bush as the car swooped down the driveway. When it was safely out of sight he walked briskly up to the front door and rang the bell (he knew better than to try and sneak round the back; Sid’s home security systems had always been state of the art and he’d tripped the alarm more than once as a teenager, creeping back home after an all-night rager).
When the butler answered the door Johnny walked straight past him, talking fast.
“Hey, is my step-dad home? It’s just that I think I left something here last time I visited and I wanted to see if he’d found it.”
The butler hurried behind Johnny as he walked into Sid’s study.  “Mr Weinberg is out at the moment, Mr Lawrence, but perhaps if you come back another day after you’ve made an appointment-”
“Ah, it’s OK, I think I know where I left it”, said Johnny.  “I’ll go grab it and be out of your hair in just a sec.”  He looked at the butler again.  “Well, actually, you don’t have any hair, but you know what I mean.”
“Mr Lawrence, I must protest-” began the butler, but Johnny stepped around him and back out into the hall before turning left and taking the stairs two at a time.  He ran along the corridor to his old bedroom (now a storage room) and began to search for the boxes with his mom’s name on them. He could already hear the butler talking to someone on the phone and he reckoned he had about three minutes before the burly security guards that Sid kept on site found him, and a further two minutes before Sid arrived back home (Johnny knew that he would order his chauffeur to turn right back around as soon as the butler told him what was going on; his step-father would never miss an opportunity to kick Johnny out of his house).
After a minute of searching Johnny found the boxes marked ‘Laura’ and tore them open, pulling out high heels and floral dresses, some of which still smelt faintly of his mom’s perfume. His stomach clenched at the scent, memories flooding back; he shook his head, forcing himself to focus.  He opened another box, and then another, and was just starting to think they weren’t there, that Sid must have thrown them out, when he found them folded up neatly at the bottom of the last box. Four black gi’s with yellow trim. He pulled them all out and held them up one by one to determine which was the biggest, which was the one from 1984. When he’d identified it he quickly stuffed the pants, top and a belt into the backpack slung over his shoulder and sprinted back down the corridor and the stairs.  As he barrelled out of the door he heard heavy footsteps behind him and several deep voices shouting at him to stop, but he kept running, breath hitching in his chest.
Sid’s car pulled back into the driveway as Johnny ran out of it, and as Johnny raced down the road, the security guards puffing along behind him for a few paces before giving up, he heard Sid shout.
“And don’t you ever come back here, you good-for-nothing schmuck!”
Don’t worry, Johnny thought, slowing his pace a little as he turned a corner out of sight.  I won’t.
“Good work today everyone!”, said Sam, clapping her hands together, and Johnny smirked as Daniel raised an eyebrow at his daughter as their students began to talk amongst themselves.
“You know that’s my line, right?” Daniel asked.
Sam grinned.  “You snooze you lose, Dad.  Maybe it’s time for you to start thinking about stepping back a bit, let the new guard take the lead.”
Daniel rolled his eyes. “Hey, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.  Plenty of life left in this not-so-old dog yet.”
“So what’s the plan for tonight, Sensei and Mr LaRusso?” piped up Miguel, taking a slug of water from his bottle and wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. “More lesson planning?”
Johnny and Daniel exchanged a glance.
“Ah, no, not tonight kid”, said Johnny.  “Me and LaRusso have got some stuff we need to work on.  Just – er – just us two.”
The teenagers frowned.
“What is it?” asked Hawk. “Some kind of secret new move?”
“Paperwork”, Daniel replied quickly.  “Although if you really want to stay and help out-”
Sam, Miguel and Hawk all made noises of protest, muttering vaguely about needing to get home.  Sam gave Daniel a quick hug while Miguel and Hawk chorused “See you later, Sensei” at Johnny before all three of them joined the other students as they trooped out of the yard.
Robby smiled tightly at them as he passed.  He’d shown up a few days prior and stood at the back of the class, joining in with kata but abstaining from sparring.  He hadn’t talked to Johnny or Daniel yet, but it was a start.  
Then it was just the two of them.  Johnny stared down at his feet, scuffing his shoes against the grass, before raising his eyes to look at Daniel.
Daniel’s tongue darted out to lick his lips nervously.  “You hungry?” he asked.
Johnny took in Daniel’s appearance, skin flushed and hair mussed from training.  Not for food.
“Ah, no, I’m good. But if you wanna go get something for yourself-”
“No”, said Daniel.  “I just – I just want to get on with this. Did you bring it?”
Johnny nodded, and together they walked inside.  Daniel gestured around the dojo.  “I’ll get changed in here.  You take the office.”
“Alright”, agreed Johnny, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.  He walked into the next room and snagged a bottle of Banquet from the refrigerator before opening up his gym bag.  He pulled out the black uniform, freshly washed and neatly folded.
“It’s important it looked how it did then”, Daniel had said. “Don’t show up with it all smelly and crumpled.”
The plan had appeared to make something resembling sense when they were drunk.  Johnny, remembering Ali’s words (“Sometimes it’s good to visit the past to know where you are now”) had agreed to it, but sober (or at least as sober as Johnny ever was) the idea seemed more than a little bat-shit crazy.  But if it had even the slightest chance of helping them process their feelings for one another he was willing to give it a shot. Besides, Johnny had always felt most clear headed in the midst of a fight; adrenaline singing through his veins, blood pumping, everything appearing just that little bit sharper and brighter.
He pulled off his workout clothes and sneakers and held up the black gi pants, wondering if he was even going to be able to get them past his thighs.  He pulled them on very slowly, just about managing to get them all the way up without busting a seam, and then leaned down at an awkward angle to grab the rest of his uniform.  He put on the top (was it really a good idea to be showing so much chest around someone who was madly in lust with him?  Probably not), tied the belt and walked stiffly into the dojo.
Daniel was standing on the opposite side of the room, fiddling with his sleeves.
“You haven’t even changed yet!” Johnny protested, gesturing towards him.
“What?  I have!”, Daniel replied, pointing towards an identical heap of white cloth on the floor.
Johnny shook his head. “Of course it still fits you.”  He walked towards Daniel, trying not to bend his knees too much.  Daniel just stared at him.
“Jesus, Johnny.  How did you even get that on?”
Johnny shrugged, still moving robot-like across the room until he was in front of Daniel.  Close up Johnny could see that Daniel’s gi was not quite identical to the one he’d worn in class; it was slightly more worn, frayed around the edges, and it was also quite snug.  His hand crept out and he touched Daniel’s chest (fully covered unlike Johnny’s, no exposed nipples in sight), and let his fingers glide down the fabric, coming to rest low on Daniel’s stomach, skimming the softness there.
Daniel shifted, but didn’t pull away.  “Why do you always touch me there?”, he asked.
Johnny felt a smile pulling at his lips.  “Only place you’re not perfect, LaRusso.”
Daniel raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m perfect?”
“Well you’ve spent enough money tying to still look like you did in high school”, replied Johnny, gesturing with his free hand to Daniel’s carefully dyed hair and moisturiser-softened skin.
Daniel scowled, but then his eyes drifted down to Johnny’s hand, still resting on his stomach.  “So it’s my imperfections that you like, Johnny?”
“Maybe”, Johnny said. He thought back to the night of the pink shirt, of the brief glimpse of Daniel’s bare torso.  He would only have to move his fingers a little to the left to reach Daniel’s gi belt; one tug and the top would fall open, exposing Daniel’s body, just like opening a present on Christmas Day.  Instead he stepped back, arms dropping to his sides.
Daniel cleared his throat. “You remember your moves, Johnny?”
Johnny shrugged. “Yeah, I think so”.  (Of course he remembered them; that fight was part of him and always would be, whether he wanted it to be or not.)
“Just go easy on my knee this time, yeah?” asked Daniel.
“Ditto, but for my face”, countered Johnny.
They got into position and Johnny bowed, deep and deliberate, locking eyes with Daniel as the smaller man mirrored him.  Then they straightened up, getting into fighting stances, and began.
Johnny lunged forward with a jump kick and heard a tearing sound as the too-tight material of his gi pants gave way.  “Oh shit”, he muttered.
Daniel sidestepped Johnny’s leg, avoiding contact, “You alright there?” he asked, inclining his head towards Johnny’s crotch.
“I’m fine”, Johnny replied, feeling his cheeks redden.  He dived straight back into the fight with a flurry of kicks and Daniel landed a blow to the chest (“one point LaRusso”), his knuckles skimming over bare flesh.  Daniel went in for a punch and Johnny pushed him to the ground, hand lingering for a second on Daniel’s chest before Daniel flipped himself up (not quite as gracefully as the last time, Johnny noted a little smugly) and they circled each other, panting heavily, before Johnny kicked out and Daniel went low, pulling Johnny down with him and tapping him on the back (“That’s two for LaRusso”), and they both lay there for a moment, legs tangled together (those legs, what Johnny wouldn’t do to stay wrapped in them), before they clambered up, parting reluctantly, getting ready to face off again.
“You need a time out, Johnny?”  Daniel asked lightly, but there was an edge to his voice and his body was braced, ready for attack.
“I’m good.  Didn’t bust my nose this time, LaRusso.”
Daniel nodded, bouncing on the balls of his feet, and suddenly it was as if it was 1984 again and they were in the All Valley Sports Arena, the crowd roaring around them and Kreese standing to the side, arms crossed, confident that Johnny would obey him no matter what.
“Sweep the leg.”
“You have a problem with that?”
“No Sensei.”
“No mercy.”
Johnny’s leg went up, his body moving by itself as though he had no control over it, like a puppet on a string.  Daniel tensed, waiting for the inevitable blow to his own leg, and Johnny wasn’t sure which of them was more surprised when it never came.  Instead the kick struck Daniel’s chest, a fair kick, not targeting a known weakness, and the smaller man fell back onto his ass, blinking in surprise.  They stared at each other for a moment, panting heavily, and then Daniel’s face split into a grin before he got up again, and Johnny felt his own lips pull into a smile as they continued.
Johnny fought the rest of the fight with his own moves, every kick and punch shredding the material of his gi a little bit more, and he found that he felt lighter with every ripped seam as if shedding a too tight skin that he hadn’t realised he was still wearing.
“I won’t let you down, Sensei, I swear it.  I’ll never, ever let you down.”
“You’re nothing, you lost, you’re a loser”.
“I did warn you about this.  I told you not to show weakness.”
“I will never let my students lose.  Even if they have to learn the hard way.  One day you’ll thank me for this, Johnny.”
Johnny kept his eyes trained on Daniel as they sparred, on the man who Johnny had blamed for so many things that were never his fault, weren’t Johnny’s fault either, but instead were entirely the fault of someone who had seen Johnny as an impressionable young kid and decided to warp him into a solider.
Johnny didn’t grab Daniel’s leg, didn’t ram his elbow into the back of his knee.  Instead they danced around each other, Johnny’s cheeks aching from the smile that seemed to have taken up permanent residence on his face, and then Daniel raised two arms and a leg, preparing for the crane kick. There was a moment of stillness and Johnny stared at the person in front of him; this tiny, forceful creature who had crashed back into his life after thirty odd years, and he felt that same swooping sensation in his stomach that he had that night at the beach.  Then Daniel’s leg flew out, or at least it almost did; Daniel’s gi pants pulled tight around thighs that were just a little thicker than when he was a teenager, and as the material restricted his movements Daniel’s eyes went wide and he fell over backwards, landing on his ass.
Johnny felt something rise up his throat and into his mouth (for a second he thought he was going to barf all over Daniel’s precious gi, which would have kept him amused for weeks after even if he did have to pay the dry cleaning bill), but instead what came out was a snigger followed by a chuckle, and before he knew it Johnny’s body was wracked with laughter and he dropped to his knees next to Daniel, chest heaving.  For a moment Daniel stared at him as if he was mad, but then Daniel’s own shoulders started to shake and soon they were both laughing uncontrollably.  Johnny felt that lightness again, both wonderful and dizzying (“the unbearable lightness of being Johnny Lawrence”, Daniel said, years later, when Johnny tried to recall the feeling.  Johnny just rolled his eyes and threw his bottle cap at Daniel, grinning when it landed in the other man’s greying hair).
When they finally stopped, guffaws subsiding into giggles that eventually petered out into silence, Johnny felt limp but happy, as if all the tension had been drained from his body. He looked at Daniel sat on the floor before him, sweaty and out of breath but with his white gi still pristine and perfectly intact while Johnny’s black one hung off him in tatters (and if that wasn’t a perfect representation of their relationship then Johnny didn’t know what was).  He shuffled forward and raised a hand to Daniel’s face, thumb rubbing against a soft cheek where just the slightest hint of stubble had appeared.  
“Johnny”, Daniel murmured, leaning into the touch.
“Daniel”, whispered Johnny, the name unfamiliar on his lips, and they locked eyes before closing the distance between them and pressing their mouths together.
Johnny had never really understood the act of kissing as something in and of itself before; for him it had always been a means to an end, and that end was usually sex or at least a good grope (Dutch had taught him that; always try to put a hand on a girl’s boob while making out), and he had imagined it would be like that with Daniel; a desperate, frantic mashing together of lips and teeth as they ripped each other’s clothes off.  But although Johnny could feel lust coiling in his belly the kiss was nothing like that at all; it was slow and sweet, Daniel’s soft lips moving gently against his, his mouth warm and inviting.  It was somehow both too much and not enough, and Johnny didn’t know if it was the first kiss or the last, the beginning of something or the end.
Eventually they broke for air but stayed close, breath mingling, foreheads pressed together.
“It’s getting late”, Johnny said, pulling back and nodding towards the slight gap in the screen doors where a sliver of inky black sky was visible.  He gestured between them.  “We should – ah – we should probably get changed”.
“Yeah”, Daniel replied, glancing at Johnny’s ruined gi. “We should.”
But neither of them moved, and Johnny found himself wondering what would happen if they just stayed there forever, curled around each other in that little house (he could get Bobby to send food parcels).  But his legs had started to cramp and so he got up reluctantly, holding out a hand to help Daniel to his feet.  They smiled at each other for a moment longer before they both nodded in silent agreement and turned away.  Johnny started to walk into the office to gather his clothes, but only took a few steps before he turned, drinking in the sight of Daniel’s bare back as he carefully removed and folded up his gi top, muscles shifting.  Johnny tore his eyes away and forced himself into the next room, firmly closing the screen door between them.  Maybe there would be time in the years to come for him to explore Daniel’s body, maybe not, but whatever happened at least the past was finally behind them while the future stretched out in front, unwritten, a blank page ready to be filled with whatever story they chose for themselves.
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
What we want, have and need - chapter 4
Notes: This is the forth chapter of the of the Lawrusso and Sam/Robby long fic that I'm posting on AO3 and on Tumblr. You can read the next chapters on AO3 or the previous chapters on Tumblr (prologue; chapter 1; chapter 2; chapter 3) I hope you enjoy this!
It's time for some Lawrence advice
It doesn’t take too long for Sam to establish a working out routine, which includes exercising daily and being the first student to arrive and the last one to leave. Even Miguel leaves with the other students to hang out at the mall or somewhere else. Sam gets along with them, but she refuses the invitations that keep coming. All she wants to do is train, even though she's already pretty good.
"Why are you here?", Johnny interrupts her punching session, for the punching bag's sake. "And I want an honest answer."
"Three main reasons", she raises three fingers. "I want to learn how to defend myself", she puts one finger down. "I don't want to stay home", one more finger down. "And I want to compete in the All-Valley tournament", she punches the bag.
"Reasons one and two aren't related, are they?", there is a little more concerning in Johnny's tone. "I can help you if that's the case", he isn't sure what we can do for her if they are beating her up at home, but...
"Oh, no, no. It's fine. I just... don't get along with my dad anymore because he's always working and things are getting weird. I kind of want to play his game too. Staying away and everything."
"That sounds tough. Are you sure it's the right thing?"
Sam punches the bag once more.
"I know I should talk to him, but I just can't."
Sam stops punching. It's alright, she tells herself. I can talk to Johnny Lawrence about my dad.
"It's difficult because he leaves early in the morning and comes back later, even on some weekends and sometimes, he also goes out again to meet investors and other important people. When he is home, there is this tired look on his face and I can't open my mouth."
"I see. Think of it this way: your father knows all this. He knows he works too much and it's hard to talk to you because of that" now you're one to talk, right Johnny? "But if you try, you both can be surprised."
"Well...", he rubs his neck. What would he do if Robby were in Samantha's shoes? What would he want to do? "Don’t try expecting him to spend the whole day with you at once.  Start with baby steps. Tell him about your day and ask him about his when you have the chance."
"I'll give it a try", if you give it a try with Robby too.
"You know, most students don't exactly crave for the All-Valley."
"I want to show my dad that I like Karate too."
"Then why don't you ask him to train you?"
"He can't take big classes right now and I gave up my spot for someone else."
"That doesn't make much of a sense."
"I know, but they needed it more than me. And besides", she stops him at the obvious how? "I have to learn how to strike first and hard if I want to stop those bullies."
“The dumbasses at the beach? They’re still picking on you?”, the girl nods. “Fine. I'll teach you something that you can do with your legs, since they seem to be your strongest limbs, but I want you to use it only if you really need it, ok? Actually, it’d be better if you don't use it at the school, your teachers won't like it."
Johnny demonstrates what he wants Sam to do. A high kick with his arms up.
"Ouch", he massages the back side of his knee. "Did you get it? I won't be able to do it again right now."
"Can you really teach me how to do it?"
"That's exactly what I said, kid. Weren't you listening?"
Sam practices the initial hop for fifteen minutes. Johnny regards it with a victorious grin on his face.
"You need to work on that, of course, but you'll get the hang of it."
"Thanks, sensei."
"Now get out of here, I wanna go home."
She grabs her things and goes to her car.  She's less sore than in past classes, but her arms are aching a lot - thanks to all that punching on a guiltless bag.
On next class, not even Sensei is at the dojo when Sam arrives – thank heavens he allowed her to keep copies of the keys, as long as she cleans up some things. And this means she has lots of free time to do push-ups, sit-ups, to punch the bag and…think a lot. Robby’s bright eyes and shiny smile come up to Samantha’s mind.
Ever since the moment they met, Sam saw Robby as the adorable boy he is up to this day.  She wants to go out with him, not as friends having fun in the sandbox at the school playground, she wants it to be a date.
She could use some advice on the matter. Amanda wouldn’t be of much help, as well as Daniel. Neither of them got in a relationship after the divorce and are ok with it. She knows pretty damn well that Johnny is single ever since Robby was born, he had more dates than Amanda and Daniel combined and he has tons of cool date ideas.
He arrives, bringing Miguel along as always.
“Huuuh, Sensei?”, her head shows on the doorway and her fingers clench softly.
Johnny pats on the shoulder and the kid starts warming up.
“Don’t worry, you’re getting that kick right”, the man doesn’t look away from the punching bag.
“That’s not what I want to talk to you about”, he turns his head to the worried and reticent girl.
“Spit it out, then.”
“There’s the boy at school and…”
“Is he hot?”
Sam freezes. Maybe talking about Robby with Johnny wasn’t such a good idea.
“He’s smart and kind and has good sense of humor.”
“Sorry, kid. I’m not gonna help you date a loser.”
The girl rubs her face. This is a terrible idea, but she has no one else to turn.
“Yes, he’s hot”, she rubs her neck, looking down.
“Now we’re talking. Do you have a plan for your date?”
“I’m thinking of taking him to the movies. There’s a new musical on and…”
“A musical? It’s boring as fuck. In my day, I used to take the babes to Golf N Stuff. You can do that and then, when you are having tons of fun, you make your move.”
“My– my move?”
“Jesus Christ. I thought you were smart, Sasmy.  You have to kiss the boy.”
“Oh, ok I got it.”
“Good luck, then.”
Two weeks later, Sam notices her muscles getting stronger and more powerful and every time she takes a look at the All-Valley Tournament poster on the wall and on the notice board, she indulges herself feeling proud of her progress.
Ugh, progress. She hasn’t made a single move on her relationship with Robby or with her dad, despite Johnny’s advices on both matters. Her LaRusso-typical brain starts working on organizing a to-do list with her current priorities. Putting the tournament on the top of it feels a bit coward, but that’s the easiest thing she has to deal with.
The door is open. Johnny steps into the back room and hands her a subscription form to the All-Valley.
“I think you are ready for this.”
“The All-Valley? Are you sure?”
“I trust the quality of my teachings”, Sam’s face shines. “You might even win it.”
The first thing Sam will do when she gets home is calling Robby.
“You know, I have a son”, Sam is half a way to the door, but Johnny’s voice makes her turn around. “You’re both very alike, so I was thinking… could you help me choose his birthday present?”
“Tell me more about him.”
“I also don’t understand half the things he says, but I can see that he’s passionate about what he loves.”
“Ok, I’ll help you”, Johnny’s relief is notorious. “What does he like?” Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh.
The man’s genuinely trying to scan his memories for something that could fit in Robby’s likings list.
Robby used to like cats when he was seven, or soccer, when he was nine, or trash horror movies when he was eleven. But he gave up having a pet when he realized how expensive and untidy they are. He gave away his soccer ball to exchange it for his first skateboard and he just don’t watch these movies anymore.
“I can’t list a single thing he seems to be interested in, except for his skateboard.”
“I think he’d like an upgrade. How about a car?”
“Kid, I can’t afford buying him a car.”
“Well, it doesn’t have to be a new one. I know a place that sells nice and cheap old cars.”
“I know you do, but even so, I don’t have enough money. I’m a teacher and a single father, after all.”
Ok, time to be the best best friend ever.
“Sensei, is your son adopted?”
“Is his mother dead?”
“I’m pretty sure she’s still alive.”
“And she doesn’t pay for child support?”, the girl attempts to show wrath.
“Also no.”
“Oh, ok”, she remembers that time when Robby complained about broken earphones. “Does he like music?”, don’t you dare saying “no”, Johnny Lawrence, or I’ll kick you in the face.
“Well, I think so. He has his headphones on all the time”, he moves his hands, trying to imitate Robby carrying his headphones everywhere he goes. Sam laughs.
“Maybe you can get him a new pair, then?”
“This seems like a good idea. Thanks, Sasmy.”
“Anytime, sensei!”
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
I just wanted to say I'm genuinely happy that you’re happy and have found joy in lawrusso. And if anyone was going to make me interested in them as someone who hasn't seen karate kid in year's or any of Cobra Kai it's you 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️ I changed my running music to all 80’s songs from karate kid and rocky so it's more likely than you think 😉😉😉
Oh my gosh thank you, that’s very sweet of you!! People have mostly been really kind about my fandom transition haha. It feels a bit like when you’re at school and you decide to leave one friendship group for another, and there’s this period of time where you’re between both groups and the first group is kinda sad but also supportive... is this a universal experience, or did it only happen to me? dkdkkd I’m not sure. but anyway!! I love that my fics have got you interested in TKK/Cobra Kai! I also had zero interest in either of these things two months ago but I watched one episode of CK and was instantly hooked by Johnny’s story and his very loaded rivalry with Daniel. Now I’m OBSESSED!!
That’s so funny about changing your running music too because I’ve also done that! Now I’m working out to heavy 80s rock because Johnny listens to it and have been listening to Cruel Summer by Bananarama non-stop, plus 80s pop songs that were big around the time TKK came out. It’s fully a hyperfixation at this point. And it’s nice I’ve dragged you into it too 😄😉💜
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