#also now that I reread his initial bio
skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
Okay, so a big observation I've made about Four that really makes me enjoy his character more: unlike most of the others, who hide their abilities either out of distrust, disinterest, or shame, Four hides his for the drama.
Look at the look on his face when people ask about the Four Sword.
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Like, clearly he's leery of surprise because of it, but he isn't sorry for having it, I don't think, at least not for the most part. That boy is proud of it. He doesn't tell them what it can do because he'd rather show them what it can do.
I mean, every time someone finds out about his secret he's just all :3
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This boy may not have asked for the abilities he got but he sure does love to show them off when he gest the chance, and I honestly love that for him. It's about time these boys were proud of what they could accomplish, they deserve it.
(It also explains why he can keep his own secrets so well when he is garbage at keeping other's secrets - it's because he wants to be dramatic and surprise them LOL)
This update has definitely made me appreciate Four more <3
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hugshughes · 10 months
Hard Launch C. Bedard.
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Connor Bedard x fem!reader
synopsis - Connor has kept your relationship under wraps for a while just because he knows how crazy people can be; what happens when he knows he needs you right next to him at the draft?
wc - 2.1k
contains - cursing, reader has anxiety/is anxious, Connor picks at the skin around his nails, a ciwyw by taylor swift reference (sorry), probably some inaccuracies when it comes to like how the draft goes, kissing, fluff.
an - this was supposed to be posted a few days ago but when i proofread it i absolutely hated it so i started over! sorry about the inaccuracies related to the draft and how it works, i had to put a few things that probably aren’t true for the sake of the story. also!! when i reply to comments i have to do it from my primary blog which is @hugshughesy so i’ll reply but it won’t say like creator i don’t think. i’ve been like rereading this and i hate it might delete soon feeling silly. i hope you guys like it!!
“Baby, you have to stop doing that.”
You grab Connor’s hand and slip it into yours, partially because you just love him, and mostly to get him to stop picking at his cuticles. He blushes at your concern, looking over at you sheepishly.
“Sorry, just nervous.” You nodded, laying your head on his shoulder. He and you both. Although, Connor probably had a little more to be nervous about than you, seeing as he’s gonna be the #1 draft pick tonight and be blasted on the tv screens of millions.
You were more nervous about the fact that you’d never been seen with Connor before, no one knew he was off the market, and when they saw his golden girl sitting by him tonight at the draft, the 14 year old girls were definitely gonna track you down like FBI agents.
You’d seen all the fan accounts, ones with bios that would read, “Connor’s girlfriend (real)”. And those made you laugh, but you also saw the hostile people that would threaten you and say terrible things and they didn’t even know you actually existed.
“Well, everything will be okay because one, we already obviously know you’re gonna go #1 because you’re just like the best. And two, your family is here, and your friends are here. And they all love you so so much Connie.”
“What about my girlfriend, y’think she loves me?”
You giggled at his question, furrowing your eyebrows and letting out a ‘hmmmm’ as if you were thinking about the answer.
“Actually, I think she loves you the more than anything else.”
Connor laughed now, wrapping his arm around your waist, which you initially accepted as an act of love, but then your boyfriend start tasing your sides.
You squirm and squeal, jerking around in Connor’s hold, not until you quite literally roll yourself off the hotel bed are you free. You look up at him from your place on the floor, an unamused look displayed on your face. While Connor’s expression is quite the opposite, as he giggles to himself.
“I tell you how much I love you, and you just throw me on the floor? Wow.”
He laughs louder at this, his bright smile melting your heart.
“I didn’t throw you on the floor, you did that to yourself.”
He holds his arms out for you, grabbing your hands and pulling you back up on the bed.
“Well, you still haven’t even told me you love me back so.”
“You know I love you the most. I know you know that.”
You do know that, as surprising as it would be to someone that’s seen his awkwardness and shortness in interviews and things like that, Connor is very expressive with his love for you. He always shows you how grateful he is for you.
“Connor! Gotta start getting ready soon, cameras will be in here in 30!”
His mom shouts from the adjoining door between the two hotel rooms his family was currently in. He shouts back an affirmative then sighs, laying back on the bed.
“Everything’s gonna go perfect Con, you’re completely surrounded by people who love you so much, and I know it’s a huge event, but there’s no need to be nervous baby.”
He looks at you, he practically has hearts in his eyes, he gives you a smile. He nods and sits up, standing to go grab his garment bag with his suit.
While he went to do that you went into the bathroom, making sure he didn’t mess up your makeup you’d just done messing around with you. It was still perfect, thankfully, and you closed the door to put your dress on.
You changed, then fixed your hair, you’d gotten it done a few days before, so you could do it quickly on draft day.
You touch up everything, lastly taking off your necklace with a gold heart as the charm and taking out your new gold ‘C’ necklace. Wearing his initial meant more than “belonging” to him, it was because he’s your boy, the boy who knows you.
Connor walked into the bathroom, suit pants and button up on. He practically had hearts in his eyes when he saw you. He wraps his arms around your hips and leans down to lay his chin on your shoulder.
“Wow, gorgeous. You look fuckin’ perfect.”
You feel heat envelop your face, giving Connor a big smile.
“I have a little something to show you. Nothing special, but I think you’ll like it.
He nods, looking at you expectedly. You show him the necklace, and the hearts in his eyes double in size. He looks from the necklace to you, and then back down again.
“Are you serious?”
The hope in Connor’s voice was apparent. He was in awe at the idea of you wearing his initial. You knowing and showing your love for him gets him so happy. When you nod at him, his smile grows. He helps you put it on, then turns you around to look at you.
You looked perfect, so, so gorgeous. You left the bathroom, sitting on the bed to put your heels on. The Bedard family minus Connor was in the other room now, talking. You fastened the buckle on your last heel, and Connie sits next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Everything’s gonna change after tonight, can feel it.”
Connor whispers to you, you can’t be much comfort to him though because the second you’re about to try, his mom comes through, letting him know the camera guys are here.
He sighs and nods, going to stand up but not before you kiss his head, giving his hand a squeeze. You stayed where you were as you watched Connor enter the other room, closing the door behind him. He knew you were already on edge and he didn’t want your anxiety to spike earlier than it had to.
After about 20 minutes Madisen texts you that it’s time for everyone to go. You grab your wallet and exit the room, seeing the Bedards and a few off-duty cameramen already in the hallway. Connor’s hand was gripping yours the whole way to Bridgestone.
You guys were finally in your seats after almost an hour. You were sat in between Connor and his mom, much to your dismay. You felt it was only right for Connor to sit by his family with you on the end but he whined and whined until his mom urged you to sit next to him.
Right now you knew there were many cameras on you, your leg bounced at the thought. Connor brushed his hand over your knee, whispering your name. You snap out of your thoughts, jerking your head towards him.
“Are you alright baby?”
Your eyes soften at his question, smiling and nodding at him. You pat your hand on his that covers your knee.
“Y’know, just a little nervous that everyone’s about to see that you’re my mega-hot boyfriend.”
He laughs at that, his grip on your knee tightening. Your free hand moves to the charm on your necklace, holding it tightly.
“Well, I think everyone’s gonna be confused about how I have such a hot girlfriend.”
It was your turn to laugh, you could feel the nerves prickling at the back of your neck slightly fade as you looked at your boy.
“Well, I think that number one draft picks are super hot, so.”
He looks at you with a big smile, his eyes soft and full of adoration, he brings his hand up and pushes your hand from your necklace, fingers brushing over the ‘C’ sitting on your chest.
Before you know it, the draft begins to start and the Blackhawks are on the clock. You and Connor’s legs are bouncing in sync, but you can’t help but look at him with a smile. It obviously doesn’t take long before Kyle Davidson is up at the podium.
“And with the first overall selection of the 2023 NHL draft, the Chicago Blackhawks are very proud to select, from the Regina Pats of the Western Hockey League, Connor Bedard.”
He smiles so bright, so big. He stands up and you follow, he engulfs you in a huge hug.
“Thank you so much, I love you so much.”
You say it right back to him before he moves to hug the rest of his family and friends. When he walks past you again to get out to the aisle he takes you by complete surprise, kissing you in front of everyone. That was quite the way to hard launch your relationship. He quickly pulls away and goes to bro hug Adam. Your eyes completely widen, quickly turning your head to look at Madisen, who is laughing at your shock, and her brother’s boldness.
You would’ve never expected Connor to do that, you’re guessing the adrenaline got to him, but wow. You recovered from your moment and clapped as you watched your boyfriend strut up to the stage, shaking hands with the Blackhawks staff and sliding on his jersey.
You hold his mom’s hand as you feel tears rushing your waterline. You’d known Connor since you were both 10 and watching him up on the stage was definitely overwhelming.
You guys sit and celebrate the other picks and after about an hour you all were out somewhere on the inside of Bridgestone arena, waiting for Connor to finish up promotional stuff.
He comes out from a hallway and the smile on his face is absolutely heart melting. He hugs his family before he makes his way to you, hugging you very tightly.
“Connor Bedard. What was that?”
He smiles proudly, kissing you once again, just longer and harder. Once he pulls away you’re dazed, a love-struck look in your eyes, and if you could, you would have hearts in your eyes.
“I don’t even know, just felt like kissin’ you, and I think I was on like an adrenaline rush or something.”
You laughed and nodded at him with an amused look, cupping his face with your hands. His family absolutely loved you two, they had been waiting for the day you guys admitted you liked each other since the 2018 8th-grade dance.
They saw how you brought Connor out of his shell, and how incredibly happy you made him. You declared where you would be attending college the night of the draft lottery, for no apparent reason of course. The University of Chicago was a school you were always interested in, but Connor in Chicago meant that much more to you.
After hours of hanging out and celebrating you guys were finally back at the hotel. You showered after Connor finished up and then after you were standing at the sink, pajamas on as you did your skincare.
For the second time that day, Connor came into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around you. You looked at him through the mirror, smiling softly. Connor looked at you and saw everything he wanted. He felt so excited to be able to have you with him in the Windy City. He knew he was only 17, but thoughts of you being his wife crossed his mind.
You finished up in the bathroom and you both went back out to the room, the door between the two rooms you had was ajar, allowing his parents to keep watch of you two if they needed to. They trusted you both deeply, but you were still two teenagers sharing a bed, so.
You both snuggled up on your bed, and you scrolled through Twitter and Tiktok looking at things about the draft and Connor and your relationship. You had become a small meme among the hockey girl fandom, the video of Connor kissing you and then your reaction going viral.
There were so so so many kind comments, commenting on your beauty and smile, and how happy you made Connor look. He was very happy with how the night went, which made you happy obviously.
You both eventually fell asleep, only after whispering for hours about how everything is gonna be in Chicago, how much fun you think it’ll be. You played with Connor’s hair while his breathing slowed, his grip around you tightening.
You knew that no matter where Connor went, you would go too as long as he wanted you there. And he always would want you there. You were everything to him, you and hockey were what kept him going.
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crystallizsch · 23 days
hi ian i come bearing angst fuel for the yuusha as twsted elsa (maybe an idea for her possible overblot idk she kinda reads to me as someone whod preemptively isolate in the case she feels...blotty)
(also seeing that art of her playing violin totally didnt fuck me up im still nursing my bruised heart 🥴🥴💕💕)
^^this is from the frozen musical where they gave a song to elsa to explore her emotional turmoil and it just fleshed out her character so much more than the orig movie (ok i havent seen frozen 2 oops) but just this section here:
Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive?
Was I a monster from the start?
How did I end up with this frozen heart?
Bringing destruction to the stage
Caught in a war that I was never meant to wage
anyways lmao i jus think the song is neat i think yuushas neat (i wanna see more of her ahehehe i love seeing infodumps abt ur yuus)
(throwback to this “what if yuu had magic” ask where i had a ✨realization✨ and this more recent yuusha lore drop that i gave zero elaboration on 🙃)
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very rough ob yuu design??? idk i came up with it on the spot ;;; and it’s kinda based on disney’s concept art of elsa when she was supposed to be the villain.
evil ice queen vibes :3
also i know the ob monster is supposed to be based on the villain— which is elsa in this case— but lowkey. an ice monster is way cooler.
also also i just realized after i drew this i couldve done a grim/yuu tandem overblot ough 🤧🤧 (next time I'll do that instead if i ever go back to this concept)
(read more below because it got SO long)
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AAH anyways hi hi dio!!! when i saw your ask i went —
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— with this entire post
i guess watching the movie everyday when it came out when you’re like 9 does something to your brain chemistry (and still haunts you at least a decade later) 💀
but anyways the angst ;;; overblot yuu ;;;;; my brain is rotting and the worms have taken over
also i didn’t even know that there was a frozen broadway musical so im gonna have to check it out later 🏃💨💨💨
(also dont worry frozen 2 is a nice watch for the most part but the way they concluded the characters did not feel 100% satisfying to me 😭 BUT i love some of the songs tho ;;; kristoff’s goofy 80s ballad song is one of them specifically, i need everyone to listen to it)
hfgnnfhfgv anyways thank you so much i’m chugging that angst fuel as i expand more on a possible ob yuusha with another infodump 💪💪💪
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ ALSO IM SORRY BUT mentions of taking one’s own life so please proceed with caution ⚠️⚠️⚠️
i had to reread what my initial thoughts about it bc it was months ago??? and after rereading im just like, huh what was i on— (just that feeling when you just cringe at your old posts ;; but idk i think the insanity/cringe sometimes can loop back into being a genius and the cycle just continues)
anyways i’ve been on and off writing yuusha’s bio and overblot yuu was just at the back of my mind chilling but i didn’t really do anything with it.
but now that i have the opportunity,,,, im gonna go on the magicless route this time bc i feel like I've said all what i thought if it was an overblot due to her own magic.
so uh from what i gather overblots are a mix of overuse of magic + intense negative emotion.
since it’s magicless yuu, i guess the one of the general headcanons around the fandom is that they’ve been too exposed to overblots and then intense negative emotions suddenly just triggered their overblot.
uh anyways onto the elsa parts
Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive? Was I a monster from the start? How did I end up with this frozen heart? Bringing destruction to the stage Caught in a war that I was never meant to wage
THE LYRICS ARE SO GOOD ;;; i really love how some broadway interpretations expand on the source material
and yeah you're right 🤧🤧🤧— yuusha would try to hide and escape, especially as she overblots bc she would try to avoid hurting people (and like elsa, it'd only hurt others more trying to escape bc of probably how she leaves destruction in her wake trying to make others stay away from her 😔)
(this is a small tangent but i remember thinking about an overblot kalim and i imagine him to be similar, like he would not hurt anyone intentionally in his overblot.)
anyways so the way it would go is that i imagine her friends got fatally injured either because a) she feels that she’s too “useless” without magic to help and wasn’t able to do anything OR b) her attempts at helping to try and prove that she can help without magic made everything worse.
and then she just goes into a guilty spiral then boom — overblot.
ALSO in the song, the way elsa briefly contemplated taking her own life but then realizing there’s no guarantee that would solve anything hnghgh (<- another unintentional parallel to my yuusha lore because that’s actually how she ended up in twst except she did NOT have the latter realization)
there’s this “yuu is dead” theory i’m just using and that the black carriage actually just caught yuusha’s soul after she took her own life from all the burden.
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also some bonus angst context for that violin post :3
yuusha back in her homeworld is raised and known to be a gifted musician. people can feel the life and soul in her music but when people interact with her, they are usually met with an ice-cold (heh) personality.
the dead family member was the one who taught her music and the only one who was kind to her.
there’s always an expectation from her family to perform well and to keep up appearances as to not be a humiliation since anything she does can reflect on her entire family. (also hi, slight yuusha/jamil parallels maybe???)
the way she presents herself also stemmed from an incident as a child when she went apeshit on another kid bc she was defending a friend.
so from then on she was taught taught to conceal don’t feel those emotions — which just unfortunately extended to any positive ones, not just negative ones like rage.
so when she is brought to twst, there’s no memory of her being forced to hold back her emotions so she’s just unapologetically affectionate and open with everyone bc that’s how she really is.
but every now and then, memories of her breaking down haunt her in her dreams or as subtle reminders in the waking world.
then yuusha just goes on her day like she just wasn't reminded of her past.
(unnecessarily tragic lore my beloved, but anyway—)
another extremely brief tangent and bonus -> the two songs i had on loop while drawing pre-twst yuusha
lindsey stirling my beloved i love her music
the songs are such a vibe
her instrumentals in “lose you now” especially makes me feel some sort of way 😖
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meeblo · 9 months
I'm now realizing that while I've had it as my tumblr banner and said my blog had spoilers for it in my bio, I don't think I've ever actually posted anything about TBWF. Figured I'd make a post about it to recommend it to those who've never heard of it.
The Boy Who Fell (https://www.boywhofell.com/comic/ch00p00) is a longrunning webcomic by @boggmann, otherwise known as starfleetrambo (or SFR, or suffer). The comic started I believe as early as 2009 or 2010, before migrating to a different website in 2015.
Here is the synopsis as the website itself gives it:
The Boy Who Fell revolves around an innocent, softhearted and almost-spineless boy named Ren who suddenly finds himself in Hell after accidentally falling off a school rooftop. He is then forced to partake in a tournament full of powerful and vicious beings in order to attain his only way of going home: an all-powerful wish from the ruler of Hell himself. As the story progresses, lines between allies and enemies are blurred, dark pasts are revealed, political issues come to light and all the while, Ren slowly realizes that in order to survive this journey, he might have to give up the very things that make him human.
Don't let the tournament structure mentioned in the blurb give you the wrong expectations: the series is highly character focused and very tightly plotted. The series is neither power fantasy nor focused on power scaling, and it doesn't have filler fights. Every fight shown is shown for a reason and matters for the characters involved; unimportant fights are left off screen or breezed through quickly to devote more time to the character conflicts that really drive the series.
If I had to pick one thing that I think is the series' greatest strength, it's the characters and their arcs. Characters are complex and multilayered, with fascinating development as they progress in some areas while backsliding in others. This lends a multidirectionality to every character's growth as different aspects of them are changing for better or for worse at a given time due to various influences. Characters will attempt to influence each other positively, helping greatly in some regards but unknowingly reinforcing their own harmful biases in the other character. Characters may appear helpful and benevolent while toying with or corrupting someone to their own ends or simply for amusement. Seeing the cast, especially Ren, get both noticeably better and noticeably worse in various ways lends a richness to the story that makes every interaction gripping to read.
The story is quite good at slowly building up to reveals and recontextualizing prior events. As mentioned above, characters have biases and the things Ren learns are filtered through those biases. Seeing things through a new lens when those biases are confronted, made clear, or shaken off is fascinating. While the early sections of the comic are less complex than later on as the author gets much more skilled at, they are fascinating to reread due to the amount of things clearly planned out and set up from very early on. Characters who are vitally important 50 chapters later will be foreshadowed from the first handful of chapters of the series, or just straight up appear if you know where to look. Characters read entirely differently when you know what they were saying honestly and what was deception, or when you know the backstory that drives them to act how they do.
The series is initially black and white, with an art style that makes a distinctive heavy use of screentone. Later on, the series transitions to full color in chapter 29. The art gets very good as the series goes on, with some very well set up page structures and paneling that is easy to read while also being dynamic and enhancing the tone of each scene. The series reads right to left by the way.
The series also has a few spinoffs of varying lengths, such as Springtime of Yuuth, an AU where Ren never got dragged off the roof that has a romance focus mixed with working through more down to earth problems in Ren's life, Watchtower and Mapmaker, following a young demon boy who lives in a tower in the desert, Falltime of Ren, a sort of crossover with SoY in which the Ren from the main series gets to spend a brief emotional time in the world of SoY before returning to hell again, The Forest, a prequel chapter exploring some of the backstory of two major characters introduced later in the story (this one costs $5 but it's 200% worth it), Yuu vs the Cosmic Unknown, which is a short goofy Scott Pilgrim parody with eldritch exes rather than evil exes, and Spirit Bathhouse, the NSFW one.
The series and its spinoffs are currently on an indefinite hiatus while the author works on getting her PhD, but the series is absolutely worth reading (and rereading and rereading again) while it's ongoing. Leave positive comments and wish the author well on their PhD if you enjoy the series!
I'm generally bad at judging these sorts of things but I guess trigger warnings for blood at some points? Rarely there's gore. TW for manipulation and gaslighting. Is that a thing people need trigger warnings for? I'm not sure.
Here's the link to the first page again. I'd avoid looking ahead in the archive, some chapter covers are spoilers. Likewise, just going to boywhofell.com without anything else in the link takes you to the latest page, so watch out for that.
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soulmate-game · 3 years
New fic *test*
New Bio!dad Bruce story? I’m testing out this first chapter, and if I like where it’s going I might add it to my growing pile of WIPs. If I have inspiration, I might as well use it. Because of life events stressing me the hell out, I’m throwing any writing plans out the window and I’m purely gonna write to destress right now. Whether that means updating THG or not, or continuing Maribat March, we’ll just have to see how this all pans out. Things are subject to day-to-day change.
I got inspiration from this from rereading my day 1 story for Bio!dad Bruce Wayne month from last year. I’m just gonna change a few things.
For once, an unfamiliar face attracted the attention of everyone who caught even a glimpse of them. It wasn’t even because of the person themselves at first, but their dress. The skirt like the most fantastical of storybook ball gowns, fluffy layers of satin over a luxurious petticoat, with a stunning pink floral pattern whose busy appearance was tastefully offset by a shorter, sheer layer of leaf green tulle artistically weaved and somehow sculpted over the floral in order to tame it. The effect turned what should be a grandmotherly pattern into something softer, sophisticated and youthful and yet also reminiscent of fairytale princesses. Over top the short layer of green tulle was an even shorter later of white tulle, almost invisible except for the elegant embroidery of crystal-white vines that twined all over it, connecting the green below it to the bottom-most floral pattern and oddly adding a layer of childishness instead of maturity. At the waist of the dress was a dark plum pink satin ribbon, to separate the elaborate ballgown skirt from the bodice. Attached to the simple ribbon was a large brooch of fabric flowers, with a single plastic ladybug in the center.
The bodice of the dress came up into a cheongsam neckline, but was sleeveless. It was a simple design, of half green and half dark pink, with a white border separating the two. The white border had expertly done embroideries in a soft silver thread that would only be visible close up, the images the thread made being that of fairies and ladybugs dancing around one another.
It was, all in all, a stunning display that made the small eurasian woman wearing them look like absolute royalty. Perhaps a long lost fairy princess. Her black-blue hair was even done up in elaborate looping braids and a braided bun, with silver and green pins that further completed the regal ensemble. And yes, while the expertly done dress was what initially captivated her current audience, it was not what kept them from leaving her alone. That was all her personality, bubbly and bright as her blinding smile. It was a sunny disposition that very few people present had any exposure to at all, and it drew them like a sunflower to the daylight. They could not help but flock closer, or even just stand back and keep themselves turned to her presence. Already she had been at the gala for two hours, but there was no issue. She just kept proving her generosity, admitting she had donated both a dress and a suit of her own making to the charity auction that would begin soon, one of the main attractions of the gala. She skillfully charmed the more snooty of the attendants, and artfully twisted her words so that they felt compelled to donate more money that they truly had no use for. Later, they would remember their donation and wonder what compelled it, but come up with no satisfying answer.
And yet she was entirely unaware of her more silent audience, who stood back and observed. Truth be told, every one of them was glad to not be the center of that attention for a change, to have room to breathe for so long at an event where usually that commodity was so scarce that it demanded a fierce competition for. Compared to her garden of color, they were all shadows in shades of blacks and blues and whites, with a touch of red here and there that was entirely too thematic for their home city. The one who sported a royal blue suit tilted his head at the scene they were all calmly witnessing, his bright azure eyes glittering.
“She’s like magic,” he mused, clearly enchanted despite having not said a single word to the woman. “Perfect socialite. She’s kind, generous, she made that dress and the ones she donated to the auction herself so she’s obviously got an intimidating amount of skill for her age. She even tricks those old fuddy-duddies into spending money. It’s like a dream come true!”
“I don't trust it,” the one to his right said, a man just a few inches shorter in a classic black suit with a red dress shirt underneath. He absently swept his bangs away from his face as he narrowed his eyes at the woman. “It seems too perfect. She doesn’t have any identifiable character flaw, except maybe being a little clumsy and too energetic. She does babble a little… but nothing that actually suggests any depth besides her just being— good. That’s impossible, and I don’t trust it.”
“Tt. I agree with Drake for once. She seems entirely too comfortable with this setting, despite her blushes and rambles,” the one who spoke this like was taller, clearly a teen in the middle of his growth spurt. He, too, wore a plain black suit but his had subtle charcoal embroidery and he wore an emerald-green dress shirt under it that made his matching eyes gleam dangerously. “It seems almost playacted. Expertly so, but nonetheless not entirely genuine.”
“Wow, not many pick up on that. I’m gonna give your observations a solid eight out of ten. They’re all perfectly sound, but not quite complete,” a new voice made all of the silent group stiffen— somehow they had been snuck up on. The newcomer smirked at them as if having fully expected their reaction but still being pleased at being able to evoke it. This was yet another stunner; far too much color in her outfit to be a Gotham native, and far too much skill in the construction for it to signify anything less than extreme influence. She had bright golden-blond hair that was coiled into a low bun, with her bangs artfully curled and arranged to display her crystal blue eyes.
In contrast to the garden-themed dress of the Eurasian woman who had garnered their attention at first, this newcomer was wearing a pantsuit. It was all in a dark honey-gold, in a stiff fabric with construction that made it lay entirely in perfect, straight lines and hug her form in the right places. Black embroidery decorated the long, flared sleeves and pant legs and dripped around the square neckline like a faux necklace. A cape made out of the same material as the rest of the pantsuit was draped on one shoulder. It started out as the same honey-gold color, but it became a gradient as it faded to a solid black at the ends. Gold thread embroidery decorated the solid black bottom of the cape in delicate, deceptively simplistic swirls. The top half of the pantsuit was clearly inspired by military garb, simultaneously rigidly constructed yet fitted, with circular onyx buttons going down the center of the chest and a thick metal belt, all in swirling silver and black, sat perfectly clasped around her waist. It was far more solid-colored and simplistic compared to the fairytale dress in the center, but no less show stopping and luxurious. It simply showcased an entirely different attitude, almost as if the two women could never get along if their personalities matched their outfits.
“And who are you?” The man who had been the center of the group of shadow-like adults spoke up, back straightening to milk every speck of his generous six-feet-and-three-inches of height. This was none other than Bruce Wayne, the host of this annual charity gala. And normally, his current stance would either intimidate or utterly charm whoever it was directed at— but not this pantsuit-clad blond warrior. Her smirk merely widened, and her blue eyes took on a slight shade of teal as if trying to mimic the dangerous ocean depths.
“I am Chloe Bourgeois, the daughter of Andre Bourgeois, the mayor of Paris, and Audrey Bourgeois, the Style Queen. It’s nice to meet you again, Monsieur Wayne,” she introduced herself imperiously. “I also happen to be the best friend of the girl you were just staring at.”
Bruce nodded, but had trouble reconciling this clear powerhouse of a woman with the bratty and entitled preteen he had met years ago, at the last gala she had attended with her mother. “Of course, I didn’t recognize you at first Chloe. You’ve grown a lot since the last Gala I saw you at.”
Chloe wrinkled her nose, clearly not appreciating the reminder. “I was a bitch,” she admitted easily, seemingly not at all bothered by the confession. It caused not only Bruce but also the oldest three of his sons, who had all also met her in the past, to blink in silent shock. “Things have changed. Paris is apparently the perfect chaotic environment right now to promote emotional growth and smack spoiled kids over the head with reality,” she shrugged. Part of the reason her and her whole class had even been able to come to the Gala in the first place was the fact that Bruce wanted to offer the most attacked group of Parisians a respite and some support from their crazy lives. The fact that even Gotham seemed sane in comparison to Paris was a bit of a hard hit for both involved parties, but in the end everyone understood that “more sane” didn’t always equate with “less dangerous.” Considering all that, Chloe had no reason to sugarcoat the situation in her home city. “But it wasn’t easy at all, and Marinette was largely responsible for my improvement too.”
“Marinette?” The heathen who somehow got away with attending a gala in a black leather jacket over a dress shirt and suit pants asked, raising a brow. Chloe nodded.
“The girl you were just goggling at. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the class president and resident workaholic. Does she ever sleep? Nobody knows,” Chloe shrugged.
The blue-suited man, Dick Grayson, shot a suspicious glance at Tim, who was standing to his right, as if he was worried his brother had made a female clone of himself just so he could continue to work hard and never rest. Tim ignored him and sipped from the thermos of coffee he had somehow snuck in.
Bruce cleared his throat to bring the focus back onto himself, and shot his most charming smile at Chloe. “They would have known who she was, if they had read the brief information I gave them about your class. But they never do listen to me,” he complained with good humor. “But back to the original topic, Miss Bourgeois, do you care to correct us on how our observations are lacking?”
Chloe laughed easily, smiling and nodding to indicate Marinette, still stuck in a circle of socialites and not seeming the least bit worn out.
“Of course. First; She is not completely acting. She really is like magic sometimes— disgustingly kind, generous, far too willing to help just about anyone for just about any reason. She’s one of the best people I’ve ever met, as much as it pains me to admit it. But she is exaggerating her personality a bit and hiding the parts she doesn’t want anyone to see, so there is a little acting involved. Just not as much as you seem to think,” Chloe then waved her arm in a flourish as if she were presenting Marinette to them. “In short; behold Mari Dupain-Cheng, the ridiculously likeable, disgustingly cute, extremely philanthropic mask that she shows everyone at public events like this. You don’t see any of the insomnia, or the anxiety, or the self doubt. Just the parts she wants you to see, accompanied with a smile to blind you to everything else,” her all-too-deep blue eyes settled back on Bruce then, a knowing glint shining in them. “Don’t you think that’s ridiculously similar to Brucie Wayne for you, Monsieur? Utterly, ridiculously, similar?”
Bruce grit his teeth. He hadn’t expected anyone else to know about his exceptionally well hidden secret, not even his kids had caught on or found his buried evidence yet. Yet his heiress comes up, nearly flaunting her knowledge in his face with all too many unspoken questions and criticisms.
And her cryptic words had succeeded in making all of his kids look at him with extreme suspicion. Shit.
“What are you saying, Miss Bourgeois?” he cautiously prodded. She hummed noncommittally before dropping the bomb all too casually;
“I’m saying I’ve seen her adoption papers, and you won’t be able to run from her for long Monsieur Wayne. As soon as she gets an opening, she’s going to pounce,” Chloe’s eyes glittered dangerously again. “And nowadays, Marinette doesn’t ever let people escape her. Your problem with adoption has created a rather unique problem, you know. You’re at fault for a large majority of her self confidence issues, and I want you to know that I am not going to forget or forgive that anytime soon.”
“Bruce,” Jason’s voice was dark and threatening. “What is she talking about?”
“Something we don’t want getting in the tabloids,” Yet another new voice popped up, allowing Chloe to smugly sink back into the background.
Somewhere during their discussion, Marinette had ambushed them.
“Chloe and I are very good at locating all the reporters in a room and distracting them, but we’re not infallible and this event has far too much coverage,” Her smile reeked confidence and charm, but this close all the Waynes could see the doubt hiding in her bluebell eyes. “Since I’m about to turn eighteen, I figured this would be as good a time as any to finally confront you. I want to make it clear that I seek nothing from you, except the occasional contact. I would like to keep in touch, if nothing else. But if you are adverse to that… then at least answer my questions after the gala,” her eyes developed a hint of carefully controlled desperation. “Please.”
Bruce met her eyes evenly, trying to read her. But she was difficult, simultaneously too many emotions to sort through in her demeanor and much too little. After an extremely tense moment of silence, his voice came out barely above a whisper:
“You do not want anybody to know?”
And hell, if she didn’t recognize the hidden vulnerability in his voice as the very same she heard in her own far too often. In a much tamer version of her own rambling, he went on:
“I can keep it silent if that is what you want. But I want you to know that I will not be adverse to you admitting it anywhere. I don’t expect you to change your name, but I would not be ashamed of the truth getting out. I am not ashamed of it, of you.”
Marinette’s smile grew a little watery. She had to clear her throat to keep herself from tearing up. “Maybe eventually, but not yet. I… I want to stay a little more anonymous for now. It’s one thing to be a well known designer with good connections. It’s an entirely different thing to be…”
“A Wayne?” Bruce finished, ignoring the daggers that were being stared into his back. “I understand completely.
“Father,” Damian’s voice was all sharp edges and rapidly suppressed panic. “What. Is going. On?”
Marinette shot him an apologetic smile. “Apparently, eighteen years ago, his prerogative was to put the child he actually knew about up for adoption when the mother died in childbirth,” her voice was once again only barely loud enough for them to hear, since she didn’t want any eavesdroppers. “Imagine my surprise when I find out he completely flipped sides only months later.”
Hey, so please share your feedback on this. This is just to test out a possible new bio dad, multichapter fic and this is the opening scene I'm trying out. If you like it, please tell me what you like about it and please suggest titles for the story! I love you guys' feedback so much!
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thelivebookproject · 4 years
Talking Books With @libri-et-coffea!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
I might start looking up ways to say hi that don’t involve hello, hi, or welcome, because this is only the eighth interview and I’m already tired of myself. BUT ANYWAYS, let’s go! Today we talk covers, reading habits, and unknown authors.
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Anni, she/her; country: Germany; three adjectives to describe her: curious, calm & overthinker /end]
1. What type of cover do you like? Colourful, sober, etc.
I rather go for the minimalistic covers with maybe some stylized shapes and forms or single objects over the ones with people, regardless if they are drawn or photographed. I also tend to go for darker covers, it's just aesthetically more pleasing 😅 but what I really love about a cover is when it only makes sense in hindsight, when you've read the book.
[Personally, I like my covers colourful and cute! And the latest fashion of YA books and rom-com covers (see, for instance, the cover of The Hating Game) is lovely. But I like my classics with a more “sober” and minimalistic look because I feel something really colourful doesn’t match, haha]
2. Last book that made you question your intelligence because "oh no, I don't think I understand anything"?
Thankfully, that doesn't happen too often but when it happens, it's somehow always sci-fi. I'm thinking of The Martian or The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. Initially, I tried to follow the scientific explanations but gave up a few chapters in. It didn't stop me from enjoying these books, though, and I might have to reread them again because I probably understand everything better now. 
3. So talking about sci-fi; do you prefer fantasy, sci-fi, or both?
Those are the two genres I read the most, but if I have to choose I'll pick fantasy. Mostly because fantasy worlds are usually even more different to our own world and there is magic ✨ I also just love all the different commonly found species like witches, vampires, elves, dragons, dwarves...
[Magic being a selling point, 10/10 hard agree. Why would I care for science when I can just explain what’s happening by saying “magic”?]
4. How did you get into reading?
I feel like I've been into reading even before I started school. My parents love to read, too (though we don't have the same taste in books), so they taught me how to read and always encouraged my reading. In my teens I haven't read as much as I used to but then I found the booklr community and I'm reading as much as never before 😊
5. Where do you usually read? In your bed, your sofa, the train, etc?
I love to read in bed, it's just so cozy, especially in winter! What's not working for me is reading on the train or other places where it's busy and loud. I need to read in private, especially when the book is so good I need to laugh or grin.
Free space to say/add/recommend anything!
I'd like to use this opportunity to recommend an author I don't really see here on Tumblr. Paolo Bacigalupi writes scarily realistic dystopias. He tackles water scarcity in California, Nevada and Arizona in The Water Knife. He talks about rising sea levels in The Drowned Cities. He thinks about what bio-terrorism would do to the world as we know it in The Windup Girl. He's combining all these topics with brutal action and morally grey but likeable characters. His books will make you think about stuff you take for granted, long after you've finished reading them.
[I definitely haven’t heard of this author before! Thanks for sharing a lesser known one]
You can follow her at @libri-et-coffea​ and on Goodreads.
Thank you, Anni! I had a great time with you.
Next interview: Tuesday, 29th of September
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alexseanchai · 4 years
Saw your posts about unofficial and official work rules, and also people never explaining what the rules were, so, well, here is my take on some of the internet usage rules as I've seen them? I don't have a tumblr, so dropping this in your anon is the only way I know to get it to you. I'm not sure if this might be useful, or if it's a completely useless (hopefully not offensive or rude?) mishmash of gibberish, but frankly, 1/15
Not rude! (Though for future reference, I have a Dreamwidth under the same handle, linked in my Tumblr bio, and you can fit a lot more text in a logged-out Dreamwidth comment than an anon Tumblr ask.)
So some of what you’re describing in this series of asks (and I’m gonna paste all those in below) involves context not applicable to the job I mentioned. Case in point, no customer was ever going to see me using the internet on the clock, because with rare exceptions no customer was ever going to see me, and zero of those exceptions would involve the customer laying eyes on either my work computer or my personal phone.
Also I kind of figured that if I worked fast enough and made few enough mistakes, nobody would want to get me in trouble. FREE ADVICE, KIDS: do not attempt to do two typical-coworkers’ worth of work when you know damn well it will not earn you two employees’ worth of paycheck. Also, the day you walk out of that office for the last time is the day your boss stops caring altogether about any health conditions your work caused or worsened. (This job was largely data entry. I did in fact consistently do one and a half to two times as much work as most of my coworkers. I was there for seven years. My hands are kinda fucked now.)
And part of the reason I posted was, this is a specific and pretty non-identifying example of an ableist pattern I wanted to illustrate and then yell about. So while I am really pleased you laid all this out, I am also pretty surprised!
Anyway, this sounds like useful stuff to keep in mind. Thank you 😸
The rest of the ask series follows the read-more:
my ADHD brain would have caused me to go nuts if I hadn’t figured out the rules at my workplaces, because I can’t handle lack of stimulation. That said, I’m ADHD, so take my understanding with a grain of salt, but I’m trying here. In regards to the “official” rules vs the “real” rules of personal internet usage at work, I’ve found there are three broad umbrella rules. 2/15
1. It actually matches, and there is no personal internet usage at work. This is the least common, but is the one you should assume is being used until you catch someone following one of the other versions. This is the one people will claim is in effect though, especially when you are new to the job and trying to figure out the real rules, which can be very frustrating. 3/15
2. Don’t get caught using the internet for personal reasons at work. This is more common.If you catch coworkers using the internet, pretend not to notice. See how many coworkers use the internet for personal things. If it widespread, it may be this rule. If it is just one or two coworkers, or just the boss’s favorites or the people who have been there longest, or the highest ranking ones, it may be that you have to “earn” moving from umbrella rule type 1 to type 2 somehow, 4/15
which can be very, very confusing. Subtly watch coworkers to see which variant of the don’t get caught rule this workplace follows. Common variants are Don’t get caught by anyone, Don’t get caught by the boss, Don’t make the boss OFFICIALLY catch you, Don’t let the customers catch you, and Don’t let boss OR customers catch you. 5/15
(sorry, asks made me wait for flooding, rest is coming!) 3. Give the boss plausible deniability/don’t make them catch you, UNLESS they initiate the personal internet usage. If THEY instigate it, or catch someone and choose to engage in the activity with you, it is sort of mentally classified as sanctioned team building or morale boosting, just as long as you don’t mention it to outsiders or people above boss. In a relaxed enough workplace, this last option may well look like 6/15
“as long as you get your actual work done, and no outsiders are present, go ahead and use the internet for personal stuff, just make sure to parrot the official rule if asked.” In all cases, it is expected that when asked, you parrot the Official Rule, as being caught sharing the real rule can get the boss in trouble and lead to them having to enforce the official rule. 7/15
Very few workplaces actually have the official rule as the real rule, but it is expected you will pretend it is the real rule. If you have to clue someone in to the real rule vs official rule, you must never leave any evidence such as writing, texts, or emails, the real rule can only be shared verbally and away from anyone who might overhear, and should only be shared if you trust the person you are telling not to tell the boss. 8/15
As an example, my previous boss had Official Rule no personal internet usage, but the real rule was “Have a plausible sounding excuse for any personal internet usage so the boss doesn’t officially have to notice your personal internet usage and has a reason to assume any glimpses of personal use are actually somehow related to work. Do not allow any customers to catch you using personal internet. Do not leave record of personal internet usage, as boss could be forced to notice this. 9/15
During last hour of work, IF all other tasks for the day are completed and no new tasks are short enough to be started, you may check personal emails and look up dinner recipes semi-openly, so long as customers are not ever left waiting and periodical ‘we are closing soon’ tasks are carried out on time. Additionally, if you have just completed a mentally demanding major task and no customers need help, it is permissible to spend 5-15 minutes on personal internet usage, 10/15
so long as customers don’t notice. This personal internet usage is meant to clear the mind of the stress of the last task, and should be followed by starting another mentally taxing task, especially if you are caught by boss. The correct response if caught during this personal internet break is 'I just finished X task, just watching the desk for a bit and resetting my brain before I start on Y task, unless you wanted me to do something else next.’” 11/15
Fairly complex rule, honestly. Among ourselves, we shortened it to “Keep personal usage to the private browser, close it if you leave the desk, don’t do it in front of the boss unless you have a plausible excuse, never EVER let a customer catch you, one of them is a snitch and tells boss’s boss on us, and he feels bad whenever he is forced to tell us off for getting caught even though he personally doesn’t care.” He was an option 3 variety, 12/15
as he sometimes would share not-work internet stuff during slow times, or ask about co-worker’s dinner recipe searches at the end of the day, or very rarely mention if we needed to check our personal email for some reason, to use the private browser. If he hadn’t occasionally given the go ahead for personal usage in his presence, it would have been an option 2 of the “don’t make the boss official notice or let the customers catch you” rule situation. 13/15
Wow, rereading that is kind of daunting, to be honest. I hadn’t really realized how nuanced some of that was, and I know I’m probably leaving some stuff out. Boss recently changed, so I’ve been having to slowly test the waters with new boss, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have been able to articulate even this much. 14/15
I thought the comments about people not being willing to share the real rules sounded frustrated, and like trying to explain might not be taboo, so I tried to explain what I could, but if this isn’t welcome, I’m sorry for offending. Good luck trying to navigate this nonsense of unspoken rules. 15/15
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lovely-tothe-bone · 4 years
yay! okay a few questions: name? age? favorite thg book? least favorite thing about the series? favorite character? least favorite? anything you would change? any random advice you have about anything? favorite thg thing you've ever written? *hides face and scurries away*
So I can’t give out my name because it’s super identifiable and I really don’t want anyone IRL finding me on here. I try to keep my tumblr separate from the rest of my life for several reasons, though every once in awhile there’s some overlap. I will share my name privately but publicly everyone refers to me by Lovely, from my previous long term url Lovely-tothe-bone, or K which is my first initial. That used to be in my bio but it was gettin crowded in their.
I’m really curious what everyone think my age is. Send guesses! If someone gets it right I will give them some kind of content, an edit or meta or just any little thing they’d like. I’ll reveal it sometime tomorrow.
My favorite book is the first one. It’s hard to choose because I love each for
different reasons but everytime I reread THG I have a lot of strong sensations over Katniss and Peeta’s characterization and what develops between them.
I’ve never given much thought to what I don’t like about the books because I love them so much. But it’s something I’ll be thinking about now. I mean, it certainly isn’t perfect but it addresses some very important topics in an inclusive way, so I find it hard to pick apart on that level. Now as far as technical, I actually have an ask sitting in my box regarding that and I’m hoping to finally get to that this week. If I could change anything it would be that it’s an adult novel so we could have all the dark, gritty details. There’s so much SC had to hold back on to maintain it as young adult.
Katniss and Peeta are just about equally my favorite. There’s a lot I relate to in their stories, their thoughts and feelings, and personalities. But I really do love just about all the other characters, SC’s creations are incredible.
Least favorite character. I’m really not sure. There are characters I don’t like because that’s the point, but they are well written. I have a hard time stomaching Plutarch and Beetee but again, that’s the point. It’s all about shades of grey. And of course I have serious issues with Gale but this has to do with his treatment of Katniss and what he represents. I also have a lot of...sympathy I guess for him. I really hate Coin though. This latest reread gave me hesitations about Paylor because I’m seeing the D8 hospital scene with different eyes. But it all goes back to the point of the series, we are getting a true look at war and what that does to people and how we are capable of being both light and dark, doing many good things but also acting terribly as well.
I don’t think I have a favorite of the few things I’ve written so far. I have quite a bit unfinished that’s never been posted that I’m really excited for and one thing I’ve been dreaming on for months that I can’t start until Feast Your Eyes is finished. I do have quite attachment to FYE, especially that Peeta.
Seeing as this is already super long and I would need alot more time to piece together anything on advice I’ll just add that to my to do list. Thanks for the asks
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matt-eldritch · 4 years
Mortal Kombat Akademy
In between my work on the 31 Days of Original Characters challenge, I've begun to revisit my plans for the big Mortal Kombat story I'd wanted to do for awhile; Mortal Kombat Akademy. I've done a lot of character busts with backstory info and I did a sort of "season one" plots but this is something I'm not really satisfied with anymore. I'm gonna spend the new year trying to readjust and rework the overall story and characters to something more workable. Here's a few odds and ends of what I've planned so far;
Story Outline
Shaolin Monks, Lui Kang and Kung Lao, are recruited into the Mortal Kombat Akademy, the secret fighting school located on the island paradise of international crimelord, Shang Tsung. But those who step foot on the island are subjected to terrors beyond comprehension once they learn the true purpose of the school; a training ground for the soldiers of an interdimensional tyrant who conquers by use of a fighting tournaments ordained by the gods themselves. But one of the gods, Raiden, is willing to give Earth a fighting chance by training as many chosen Earthlings as he can so they may finally defeat the forces of evil in the Mortal Kombat tournament.
Kinda bare bones but for plot synopsis go, it helps me sort of make a launching pad for the ideas. Like my original idea, the story is still primarily about Lui Kang and Kung Lao going to the school and meeting/befriending the typical heroes of the Mortal Kombat world, Raiden being their mentor and Shang Tsung being the big bad to overcome.
But the story ideas I had just don’t really cut it for me now. I feel as though I was sort of putting the cart before the horse by putting so much time making elaborate details instead of snowballing one idea to make a big bright idea. I’ve made some titles for them;
Start the Semester!
Tour the Akademy!
Prepare for the First Exams!
Bond Like Your Lives Depend On It!
Learn the Fatalities!
Wills and Testaments!
Survive the Detetionrealm!
Survive the First Round of Exams!
Survive the Second Round of Exams!
Survive the Last Round of Exams!
Party Your Asses Off!
Mortal Kombat Akademy V. The DC Universe: Dawn of Pain!
To give some context to them, I had a storyarc planned; Early on, Raiden would want the Earthrealm class (the class would have Kang, Lao, Johnny, Sonya, Jax, Stryker and Nightwolf) to be friends and allies in order to survive the matches and save the world. Easier said than done when so many personalities were clashing together. And once they learn about fatalities, the class goes through some mental anguish over having to kill or be killed, Kang being the only one vowing to never kill anyone, to the disbelief of everyone else. Things start looking up once the class starts to trust and respect one another and become stronger fighters.
But Kano, on the behalf of Goro’s Class (Mileena, Kitana, Jade, Baraka, Sheeva, Skarlet, Reptile, Tanya and Kano himself) frames Sonya and Johnny for a crime, leading to Professor Quan Chi to exile them to the “Detention Realm” where his goons, Drahmin and Moloch, deal out the punishments. My idea for them that they’d be bumbling and dim so Johnny and Sonya could escape them, bonding while trying to make it to the final exams. Everyone but Kang and Lao have been defeated and since Sonya and Johnny were late, it’d all be up to them to beat Goro. Once Goro beast Lao half to death, Kang faces his fears and manages to defeat Goro without killing him, but not without making him suffer for all the pain he’s caused.
The class’ reward for passing the exams is an-all expense paid vacation to Edenia, which is basically a hellhole built to Shao Kahn’s pleasure. Here, Kang and Kitana get some alone time to romantically connect to one another during the celebratory feast hosted by Kitana and Mileena’s parents, Shao Kahn and Sindel. But really, the feast is for the Kahns to asses the threat that Raiden’s students hold to their long term plans. And finally, the DCU story is just a fun breather where I have the mid-1990s versions of their heroes (Superman with a mullet, Batman Forever styled Batman and the two Wonder Women, Artemis and Diana, for example).
And after rereading what I had for plots, I noticed how little the Lin Keui featured into the stories since I designed a lot of them for the series. Should try to fix that somehow.
Overall Art Style
As I stated in previous MKA concept art, I based the art style on the look of Steven Universe. I still intend for the project to be written fanfiction, but I do wish to have some elements of it to be drawn by myself. Not a full adaptation but maybe a full page illustration of each chapter, along with the general character/environment sketches, or like the ending credits of The Mandalorian series.
But back to the art style, I wish to change it. I can’t really go further on the style of Steven Universe if this story is going to be about such heavy violence and gore. It wouldn’t really look right, might cross over into unintentional hilarity or into the uncanny valley. I’m looking at something like the artist One, the man behind One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100 whose style is really unique, fast, sketchy and frenetic, all attributes I think will work well. I also love the anime aesthetic of the 1990s so that’s definitely a goal to achieve since I’m setting the story in 1995.
Story Ideas To Keep
* Koins: My idea for an in-canon reason for the koins you win in matches (at least in Mks 9-11, IDK how far back they go) to unlock Krypt stuff will be used as a way for the students to buy things like food, clothing and resurrections due to being killed by another student’s fatalities since its primarily a learning facility instead of a battlefield. Though if you’re broke, you’re not gonna be saved. Koins, like in the games, will be given for performing a fatality and a moral choice comes up when you think “do I do good and be paid less, or do something terrible but get more chances of being resurrected if I die?”
*Profiles: I’ve got to do some rewrites for the characters. Nothing too too major since I do like a lot of what I wrote, but its more to streamline it to fit in the new direction I’m doing. Like, having Sonya, Jax and Stryker being Hall Monitors, I don’t think something like that is gonna be part of my story since I’m trying to take it a tad more seriously. The idea of Detention Realm and having Dharmin and Moloch as lovable henchmen is still canon, as far as I’m concerned. Think the two mice henchmen from the film “Flushed Away”. And on a final note, the newly retconned origin for Sindel...that shit isn’t gonna be part of my story.
Overall, whatever backstories that’ll be changed will likely be on a case by case basis. No telling who or what will be changed right now, but I’ve now thought of some parts to start with.
Diversity and Inclusion
This one is probably gonna be one of the hardest to accomplish since I really want to make the series really diverse with body types, genders and sexuality, race, neurodiversity, that type of subject matter. Inclusion is really important to me, and I’m scared how I might screw it up like how Disney, JK Rowling, SNL, Simpsons, Big Mouth, Voltron so many more screw it all up since they all serve the needs of the capitalist, neoliberal status quo over the voices of the marginalised.
And with that, brings up some more challenges. Will I make so many diverse original characters that they take time away from the canon characters? Should I make more canon MK characters differently diverse?
I'm also planning on having the characters display prejudices and bigotries but I'm scared I'll go in too much of "Bright" territory, if you know what I mean.
Tackling Mature Content
I mean, it goes without saying that the series is going to be full of violence and gore since that’s basically in the DNA of Mortal Kombat in the first place. But there’s much more serious topics I want to try to write. Like the effects of abuse, queer rights, the above themes about diversity and inclusion, the seemingly never ending war and the ideas of the long defeat. Of course, my chapters will be marked with as clear as possible content warnings, those are important.
A Shared Universe
A month ago, I watched a video about Midway trying to recreate the success of Mortal Kombat into other fighting games. The video, “Remember when Midway tried to copy Mortal Kombat?” talked about three would-be franchises of Midway fighting games; Mace: The Dark Age, War Gods and Bio FREAKS. After watching the video and reading about the games, I think it’d be good for lore if they were integrated into my story. Mace and War Gods could be used as part of the backstory of the series. Like the idea of the Earthrealm Kombatants being the descendants of the characters of Mace and War Gods, maybe Raiden was involved with the later, I’m not sure. Bio FREAKS could be latter used if I go into a time travel story. Maybe a mix of the game and the story/characters of Mortal Kombat X. As for Midway’s other successful but overlooked franchise, Killer Instinct, that is probably going to be the most recurring element in the shared universe. UltraTech, the main villains of the series would be the people behind such things as Kano’s cyborg eye, the Lin Keui’s Cyber Initiative and being the rulers of Neo-Amerika in the Bio FREAKS timeline. I also wrote in the profiles of Nightwolf and Sub-Zero that the Killer Instinct universe is linked to my story (one of his divorced parents is dating one of the parents of KI’s Black Eagle and Thunder while Glacius was an alien that helped give Cryomancers their powers).
And on a side note, there is another Midway MK clone called Primal Rage, which I swear I had one of the toys based on it and saw a parody of it on an episode of Dexter’s Laboratory. Its pretty gruesome, its a bunch of savage Kaiju in a post-apocalyptic earth that resembles the stone age. Probably an alternate timeline/dimension if I use it in my series. Who knows, maybe elements of the worlds of Street Fighter and or God of War could make an appearance...
Writing the Damned Thing
Probably the absolute hardest part of this entire thing. I struggle with actually keeping attention to writing since I’m primarily a visual artist and it feels terrible to not even follow through on any idea I have and it just kinda sits and collects dust in my brain. If its sketching and rendering, I can do it. If its writing shit down, I just have executive dysfunction when it comes to it. I never know where to start writing it, how to continue writing it, how to finish it or how to put it all together cohesively.
I can’t do this without at least writing the complete first season, if I do it on a semi-regular basis, nothing is going to be done. Even like, less than a week of non-recurring writing is like a poison to me. I don’t know how, but if I make room for an hour or two of writing a day every day might help me get more prepared for longer writing.
In Conclusion
When will the first chapter be done? I don’t know. When will I start writing? Hopefully as soon as I can. I can try to post updates or work in progresses, but that’s still a pipe dream, in my honest opinion. But I want to make progress in 2020, I need to make a difference and to actually make this coming year worthwhile.
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Spider-Man 2099 v2 #5-8, ASM v3 #9-15 Thoughts...Sorta
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As part of rereading PAD’s modern runs on Spidey 2099 I inevitably smacked up against Spider-Verse and felt to be consistent I better skim through Miguel’s appearances there and make a post about them. However in reading those issues in order alongside the regular 2099 issues some new thoughts regarding the latter occurred. Thus this is sort of a scattershot post touching lightly upon Miguel in Spider-Verse as a whole.
So first of all let me be clear this post isn’t for in depth looks at the 2099 tie-in issues to Spider-Verse. I did those closer to the time they were released back in 2014.
But looking at them in the context of the wider event, in PAD’s run and a complete arc I’m sorry to report those issues represent a step down in quality from what came before.
This is a shame as the issues (starting with the ‘Edge of Spider-Verse’ tie-ins) showed some promise initially. Issues #5-7 managed to offer some minor progression for the stories PAD obviously preferred to tell regarding Alchemax, Liz Allan and Tempest. Issues #6-7 were among the stronger issues of the tie-ins and arguably of the second volume because they actually let us revisit the world of the future which by rights is where Miguel should’ve been situated out the gate with this series.
However the problems stem from the fact that there are inconsistencies between the ASM issues and these tie-ins.
Now again I skimmed ASM so maybe I am missing something. But there is a big deal made out of the interdimensional travel device Miguel got from his Exiles counterpart. But doesn’t he Spider Army already have such devices, how did they even get to the future of 2099 in the first place?
Lady Spider in ASM is claimed to be a bio expert but in the tie-ins is promoted as a techy person. And either way it doesn’t matter she’s from the 19th century she would be pretty useless due to lacking modern day scientific knowledge, let alone knowledge from 2099 and the biology of a non-human entity altogether.
Their efforts in dissecting Daemos amount to little beyond confirming they are weak to radiation which Peter Parker could’ve just TOLD them as he knows that from the original Morlun storyline, making the trip to 2099 redundant.
But the worst offender is issue #8. Because it is really an issue of Lady Spider but from Miguel’s point of view. This means it’s a bad Lady Spider story because it’s not focussing on her but it’s also a bad 2099 story because it’s involved with lore and world building applied to an entirely different character. If you bought this because you love Miguel or want to see the world of 2099 or him in the 616 Marvel universe or the plotlines PAD had set up in the first 4 issues then you will give 0 shits about 19th century Norman Osborn shooting 19th century Harry Osborn. It’s payoff to a plotline from a goddam anthology book about an entirely different character.
The cherry on top of the trainwreck is that the scenes of Miguel interacting with Peter in the issue and in ASM #13 are totally contradictory. The dialogue and locations are utterly different. I also question how tech from the 19th century could patch up an alien robot from the 1970s!
I dunno if this was PAD’s hands being tied because I know he’s better than this but that issue was just bad.
Mercifully Miguel’s tie-ins end there and his involvement in the main event over in ASM is fairly minimal.
I’ve little to say about him there beyond he’s once more written blandly by Slott being future slang that PAD never uses in the main book (except ‘shock’ and it’s variations).
If you ever needed more reasons to hate Spider-Worse (still not my joke but still funny) then derailing what had been a good, solid series a mere 5 issues in will grant your wish.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
I’m gonna answer the questions you sent me as soon as I have the time to give them the essay answers they deserve ò3ó but I also wanted to ask (cause I’m rereading the series for the 1000th time) if it’s cool if I drop in periodically (oftenly) to ask you questions/for opinions/yell about certain scenes?
*looks at you increduously*
Of course! Don't be a Pixie! Share the frustration. 💖 if you are re-reading the entire series you can send a quote or two so i can answer properly from the initial trilogy (as I'll only re-read IG). You can use the submission feature of tumblr if you have more to say.
Though, here are some warnings (I do come with warnings😉):
- I dislike Roque
- Darrow is my favourite male character, my favourite female character is Virginia (I do love Sevro and Victra to bits though as everyone should imo)
- I dislike both the Society and the Rim systems
- I think Lysander au Lune is a Pixie and doesn't deserve to be called an Iron Gold or and Arcos (at the moment)
- Ephraim deserves a major, life-threatening beating, but I'd settle for a kick in the nuts as well. And no, empathy supressants don't help his cause.
- The Vox Populi sucks and Dancer sucks as much as everyone little one of them at the same time
These are the major ones, anyway. No one can change my mond about these, but I do like discussing them if you're interested. Just don't try to change my mind (I won't try to change yours either).
I feel like fandoms shouldn't be about who's in the right, because in that quest the fun gets ruined and the fandom with it.
Sorry for the long ask, but I felt like putting this out there, haven't had a post like this in a while, so i figured I'll kill a two birds with two stones by answering this ask.
Oh, I already put this in my bio, but any kind of hate or hateful behavior is not tolerated. Had to mention it anyway for all to read 😁.
Ok, I'll stop highjacking this ask now.
Howl on!
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My Fiery Heart reread response (my Indigo Spell one here, my first-time Fiery Heart one here from 7.5 years ago)
before I get into it, I remembered looking up the Iolanthe coven name Sydney used; that wasn’t something I looked up until after reading it the first time though, so I didn’t realize the fairy court connection to Sydney recommending Zoe do her literature assignment on Midsummer Night’s Dream... I’m very certain it was an intentional reference to that opera now (even though the purple flower meaning was enough on its own)... if they get around to adapting this one, I half want to see Amberwood Prep put on a production of MND where Jill is helping with the costumes and Zoe gets to play Titania or something; I never got around to reading Richard III (Zoe’s original pick) but it’s interesting that free will/fatalism is apparently a major theme, and that Richard contrived to have his brother Clarence sent to the Tower of London...
also, I’m not sure if I cared about “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane all those years ago, but I got a thrill seeing it referenced this go around.
we get the first namedrop for Cicero (though we had heard about his propensity for killing birds and some other mention in the earlier BL books ETA, 7/19: “My family had a cat back in Utah that I was pretty sure was more responsible than Angeline” pg 31 TGL
Anyway, gosh Sydney makes bad decisions in this one. And it’s not because she has too much to do- she has no real outside strenuous challenges to protecting Jill or her group this go around. The friend group actually had to decide “yeah let’s go hunt down a Strigoi in LA” for there to be a major action scene. I realize she’s in her late teens and the burdens put on her are unfair, but she’s a great example of someone who thrives under pressure and falls apart when she’s given too much free time.
The switch to dual narrators was unnecessary. It wasn’t bad, but it was clearly only to set up for the big cliffhanger at the end, and so feels a bit pointless in this one. Btw, Rose didn’t lose her spirit link into Lissa’s mind after Lissa went on antidepressants. Now admittedly, the chemicals in Adrian’s mood stabilizers would have probably worked differently, or maybe Richelle was trying to retroactively make things more consistent (since alcohol could affect the bond), or maybe it was “Adrian and Jill’s bond is less established, so Jill can’t break through like Rose could”... but the sudden decision mid book (with no repercussions- Adrian doesn’t even bring it up to Sydney to be like “hey, one of your main concerns about having sex is taken care of”) is so pointless and really goes to the minimal page-time of the larger ensemble. I said it the first time I read the book, the absence of Kristin and Julia, and Micah, and even more important characters like Angeline or Trey is so frustrating. I realize Richelle couldn’t write a book that was 900 pages long, but I would have gladly taken any of those characters instead of the completely unnecessary Terwilliger/Malachi romance. Especially to see Jill’s reaction to getting to be a more typical high school human, since I think she would have gotten even more attached to Amberwood than Sydney did. I also just... really, the Alchemists decided to have Sydney’s bio sister on campus... pretending to be a cousin... while she was playing sister to Jill? I get they kind of backed themselves into a corner, but weird. That being said, I was happy to have Rowena and Cassie around. (give me Adrian and Rowena being wlw besties excellence to make me really happy)
Sydney’s coven initiation taking place in chapter 2, then she meets Inez (who gives her the books on charms)... and we never see a witch other than Jackie again in this book? Honestly, why bother with writing the initiation at that rate? I still like the cloak they made Sydney though. On reread, there’s the randomest bit where Trey’s like “is Neil even really British” and I wonder if that was a dropped storyline where Neil was faking. Olive and Nina are still pleasant characters, and I liked that they had a “unique” background, but knowing how those stories end was kind of a buzzkill on reread. Olive, especially, deserved better.
This is another one where I forgot quite a few events- Adrian getting drunk and the pawnshop (I think I remembered that obliquely, but not so much on it), or the trip to Texas (which actually came before the pawnshop but oh well). I was happy to finally get some actual Christian content again, although I regret we didn’t get more from Sydney & Rose or more Sydney & Lissa. On Adrian’s mental health storyline... I am less impressed by it than I was the first time (though I didn’t remember being super-impressed, but according to my first review?). I do actually like Adrian being insistent, once he’s started taking meds, that he’s going to continue, but the diagnosis of bipolar disorder doesn’t actually feel like it fits? I will say, I find Adrian’s “chicken or egg” pondering over whether spirit causes mental illness or mental illness means a predisposition to specializing in spirit is fascinating (though it’s probably for the best Richelle never actually answered it).
The way Adrian spoke (or thought) about Zoe really pissed me off. Like, one, you’re an adult, stop antagonizing the sister of the girl you like and just be cordial (which is less suspicious than suddenly acting like you and Sydney don’t get along at all), and two... Adrian’s super protective over Sydney after realizing the emotional abuse Jared heaped on, but somehow doesn’t realize that this fifteen year old has been spending time with said father’s attention solely focused on her for ages now, and he has no sympathy for her? Instead of seeing Zoe being like “Sydney shouldn’t have to provide for you all the time” and being like “aww, that’s a nice protective sister instinct even if she needs an attitude adjustment” he taunts a 15 year old about drinking from her the way he did to 20-something actual-predator Keith. He could have engaged yet another Sage sister in talking about his awesome car on the drive over, or at least made other good faith efforts.
The dabbling stuff made me more uncomfortable this time around (I think). Especially Sydney comparing her getting Keith’s eye ripped out to Adrian’s assault of a human girl... that was some real false equivalency on Richelle’s part. But other parts of it, like “oh here comes Adrian to save the day and at least he’s changed from these guys he used to hang out with (oh, look at that convenient statement that even back in the day Adrian wasn’t on the same level of bad as them)”  was really frustrating, or the fact that Adrian was very deliberately withholding information from her in his own chapters and it made me question his trustworthiness in her chapters. Or the “oh, hey, he made the concession of getting treatment for his mental illness, so all is forgiven” handwaving. Like, Richelle brought this in to be an obstacle to their relationship, but it’s addressed so quickly (with maybe a pittance effort of later being like “oh, at least Adrian didn’t take advantage when Sydney accidentally absorbed some Moroi endorphins- he learned his lessons!) that it doesn’t merit the actual consideration of so important a topic Idk. I do feel like I enjoy the Sydrian relationship more in this book than the others, but I also have some huge issues with it.
Adaptation-wise, I think genderbent Adrian would definitely mean a change to the dabbling storyline (yes, women can be sexual predators, but I don’t think this storyline would be maintained with different social expectations). Honestly, give me an Adrian who, instead of having victimized someone, doesn’t immediately fully grasp how upsetting this idea of vampires preying on her species (and risking exposure) is to Sydney... Adrian being like “it isn’t sexual, those guys would never consider sleeping with a human” but the consent even to give blood still being critical to Sydney. And you know what? Let Lissa “compelled a guy to almost hit himself over the head with a baseball bat for molesting a Feeder” Dragomir have a spirit freak out moment of rage and go off on these subjects of hers the way that was deserved (and then once she cools down, maybe she can’t punish them fully, but she uses it to leverage their royal families’ agreement to the Family Rule amendment). And just finish that law by the end of the season, so that when the Alchemists pull out Sydney and Zoe, they’re actually closing down the whole Palm Springs operation in a rage. (if I remember correctly Alicia kidnapped Jill between books 5 and 6, but that was a stupid plotline imo- let Sydney and her coven take care of Alicia in the downtime of this book instead) Let Rose figure out that Sydney and Adrian are in love- she’s smart and she would pick up on that; let her celebrate them and encourage them to be happy together. Also the “Sydney and Adrian get three days at an inn to sex it all up” was stupid... like I’m happy for them but am I really supposed to buy that they could afford all that time away from Palm Springs?
As bad as I feel for Syd, and Adrian, and Eddie, and Jill, and Jackie at the end of TFH, I do remember that I’m going to feel worst for Hopper. I’m sorry that demon dragon Calistana has my heart and I remember one scene from Silver Shadows featuring the little guy prominently...
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thefairefolk-rp · 6 years
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Hey, Zo! Your second character application for Kaya Pelt has been accepted!
Name/Nickname: Zo
Age: 27
Preferred Pronouns: They/Them
Timezone: EST
Activity and Availability (Please answer in words as well as rating your availability from 1-10): I would say my activity will range from a 6 to 7 out of 10. I expect that I’ll be able to write replies on most weekdays, but I won’t typically be doing replies on the weekend when most role players seem to be active.
As for my availability, I would rate that more of a 4 to 5 out of 10. I will probably be around briefly during weekdays in the evening to post replies, with Thursdays and Fridays being the days I am online for the longest amount of time. I tend not to be online during the weekends, as I like to spend them with my significant other, but I will pop in and check the dash for sure.
Have you read the rules and FAQ? Yes. Fairecode
Desired Character: Kaya Pelt
Second Choice Character: Poesy Dew
What made you choose this character?: I initially had a really hard time choosing between Poesy and Kaya when looking over open bios. While both characters appealed to me, their bios are wildly different, and I couldn’t decide who I felt more connected to. At first it was Poesy, who I thought would be a drastic change from the sort of characters I tend to write. But at the last minute, I went back and reread Kaya’s bio, and realized how much inspiration I had for her.
There’s a wealth of opportunity to build upon Kaya’s background and history. I love the idea of exploring how her experiences have made her into the person she is now. From her transition to the Unseelie court in her early years to her time fighting during the rebellion, there’s so much to explore that I couldn’t with another character. And to top it off, there’s just so much for her to do in-game, given the current political climate and her closeness to the Unseelie queen.
I think playing Kaya will also give me an opportunity to interact with characters that Hawk wouldn’t necessarily have access to. The Unseelie court isn’t exactly a safe place for a human girl, so I’m excited to have the chance to write with characters that I haven’t before. Also, this gives me the opportunity to be more involved in courtly intrigue. (Hawk couldn’t be any further removed from the troubles of the Sidhe if she tried.)
Long story short, the opportunities with Kaya’s bio are endless and I hope that you all will consider me a good fit for her!
Are there any changes you would like to make?: None that I can think of!
Questions/Comments: I think what initially made me shy away from Kaya’s bio is how big a role she plays in the Wolf clan and the Unseelie court, especially in regards to Queen Titania. If I get accepted, I hope the admins would be willing to help me out in regards to giving a little more structure and insight into Kaya and Titania’s relationship, as well as the intricacies of the Unseelie court.
Writing Sample (Must be 300 words or more, third person limited, in the character you’re auditioning for’s point of view):
There was a moment – just a moment – where all she knew was anger. The rush of blood in her ears, the taste of copper in her mouth, the flash of red before her eyes – it was a sensation she hadn’t experienced since the war. Kaya hadn’t expected such anger to consume her, especially not towards some unknown enemy. But no one had dared to threaten the life of her friend within the walls of the castle before. And Kaya would make sure it never happened again.
The door behind her had shut only moments ago, and yet it felt as if hours had passed since she laid eyes on Titania and her son. But the anxiety of uncertainty, of threats lurking around every corner, was a feeling Kaya was not unaccustomed to. She’d become all too familiar with it in her time trapped amongst the Unseelie court.
When she had met Titania’s gaze that morning, she saw a blaze of cruel vengeance that had not been there in some time. Kaya had wondered in recent years if the Wolf within Titania had died, and she felt foolish to have considered it after their meeting. The Queen was clear on what she wanted – the capture and torture of the one who threatened the life of her son. And as the ambassador to the Wolf clan, and best friend of the Queen herself, Kaya desperately wanted the same.
But it would take time for justice to be served, and time was one thing that Titania seemed to have no interest in. She wanted results now. She would see the streets of Belladonna drenched in the blood of her enemies come nightfall. But there would be no satisfaction for either of them, not any time soon, and that knowledge brought Kaya’s anger to the surface.
How had she not seen this coming? With the murders of Lords and knights growing more and more frequent, it was only a matter of time before the unrest reached the royal family. She should have been on her guard. She should have better protected Titania and Oleander.
Perhaps it wasn’t just Titania that was losing her edge.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Kaya set forth to discover just who had perpetrated such a crime against the crown. Striding quickly down the steps of the castle, she didn’t dignify any of the servants with a single glance. Kaya’s mind was focused, several courses of action already playing out within her mind. But her feet slowed to a stop when she heard the clinking of armor and a derisive murmur cast in her direction.
Kaya turned on her heel, only to meet the gaze of some lumbering knight. The way he looked down his nose at her was all too familiar, but Kaya stopped herself from sneering in return.
“Apologies, Ser, I think I missed whatever it was you said,” Kaya spoke.
The knight replied with a roll of his eyes, “Wasn’t talking to you, my Lady,” he snickered. “Just muttering something to myself.”
“Ah, I see,” Kaya said with a nod. “And is that a common thing for you? Talking to yourself?”
The knight shrugged, a smirk sprawling across his lips. “Dunno. Maybe so. You’re the only one whose ever commented on it, my Lady.”
“Is that so?” Kaya queried. “Well, I’m certain the Queen would have a great many comments to make on that particular matter.” Her eyes narrowed, she watched as the knight visibly stiffened, a look of unspoken anger upon his face. “A knight meant to defend the crown, so preoccupied with having conversations with himself that he fails to pay heed to his duties? It’s no wonder the crown prince was almost slaughtered in his bed with knights like you left to guard him.”
The knights Titania surrounded herself were woefully inadequate, in Kaya’s opinion, but the Queen was more than aware of her feelings. it seemed this chatty knight had nothing left to say though, and Kaya was content to let her words take the place of her fists.
Pinning him with a final, spiteful look, Kaya carried off down the staircase once more. She heard no other mutterings as she walked past, but still she bristled at the eyes that followed after her. With so many years past amid the Unseelie, Kaya thought she’d have been immune to their pettiness. But today, when she was already feeling so irritable, she was hard pressed to ignore it. She was happy to leave the castle behind, though her work for the day was far from over.
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Sensor Sweep: A. Conan Doyle, Barry Smith, Gardner Fox, Manly Wade Wellman, Sundered: Eldritch Edition
Tolkien (Jeffro Johnson): This came up the other day, so I had to look it up. Any classic character that is adapted to contemporary media is consistently mutilated into something they’re not. Most recently this can be observed in the many edits made to Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker in Disney’s cartoon adaptation of the original Star Wars film. It seems a small thing, maybe, but this is how people that hate us actively rewrite our culture right in front of us. Plenty of well meaning people take the knockoff for the original while their imaginations are dimmed. Before long, the waters are so muddied the original inspirational character concept is lost in the noise.
  Authors (DMR Books): Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would have turned one hundred and sixty today. If your average sword and sorcery fan were to be asked, “What British Victorian author had a major and lasting influence on S&S?”, chances are you’d get a blank stare or, maybe, “H. Rider Haggard.” “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle” would not likely be at the top of the list. And yet, Doyle profoundly affected the origins of S&S and continues to influence writers within the genre right up to 2019.
  Weird Tales (Don Herron): All the ruminating in re: Farnsworth Wright getting fired from the editorial chair at WeirdTales caused Brian to go digging through binder after binder until he pulled the note seen above from the trove. He has it mostly because of the “initial signature” of Farnsworth Wright — the squiggly “FW” — not initialed just to speed things up but because Wright, suffering from Parkinson’s disease, had a hell of a hard time doing a full autograph.
  Art (DMR Books): Legendary artist, Barry Windsor-Smith, turns seventy years old today. When I mentioned that fact earlier this week to a couple of older Barry fans, they were like, “No way!” Yes. Way.
Barry Windsor-Smith’s career history is a long and tangled one, spanning over fifty years. Time constraints prevent me–perhaps mercifully, for some readers–from looking at it in detail. For those unfamiliar with the life and work of BWS, you might check out this excellent link here. Or, you can read Barry’s own exhaustive bio here, though it only goes up to about 1995. For this post, I’m only going to touch on the highest of highlights, of which there are several.
  Authors (Goodman Games): Today is the birthday of Gardner F. Fox. Most people know him as the legendary and prolific writer for DC Comics who created the Justice Society of America as well as many of the most iconic DC Comics characters including Doctor Fate, the Flash, Hawkman, and Sandman. He also wrote many of the earliest Batman stories and was the first to introduce the Batarang. His contribution to the world of comics is well documented and uncontested.
  Fiction (Eldritch Paths): I wasn’t planning on it, but somehow I got sucked into rereading Brian Niemeier’s fantastic Soul Cycle series. These books are much better the second time. I say this as someone who’s never reread a novel. I’ll post the links to my initial reviews of each book below. I will be discussing some spoilers here so *SPOILER ALERT*.
  Science Fiction (John C. Wright): In science fiction stories, there are a limited number of ways to explain the conundrum of how time travel might work if it could work (obviously it cannot) but still to make a presentable and dramatic story.
I doubt I can list all the various answers of the various imaginative authors who have attempted in an entertaining way to address the paradox. It makes for entertaining bull sessions by college students and philosophers, however.
  Myth (Walk & Word): I’ll just say it. I like dragons. Yep, I’m that nerdy guy who’s into the fantasy genre: books, movies, art. If it’s about dragons, I’m into it. Now, if you mention dragons in the Bible, most people will immediately think about the dragon in the book of Revelation. However, what many people don’t know is that dragons are mentioned a lot in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament. In fact, familiarity with these references to dragons in the OT will actually help the reader understand the dragon in Revelation even better.
  Men’s Adventure Magazines (Men’s Pulp Mags): The World War II years are often cited as beginning of the end of the classic pulp mag genre. The years after WWII saw the beginning of the rise of men’s adventure magazines, which incorporated and continued key elements of the pulps, such as painted covers and rousing action/adventure stories. Fans know what someone means when they refer to “pulp magazines.”
  Authors (Goodman Games): Manly Wade Wellman arrived in this world on May 21st, 1903, born literally an ocean away from the place he’d be forever associated with in his later life. Young Manly’s playground was the land of Portuguese West Africa (now Angola), where his father was stationed as a medical officer. It was undoubtedly here, in a land far removed from the staid world of 20th century America, that the seeds of Manly’s imagination found their first fertile ground. Wellman would grow to become an accomplished writer, penning stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, occult detective stories, prehistoric adventure, and horror during a career lasting almost 75 years.
  Sherlock Holmes (Pulpfest): Looking for a way to efficiently exploit the growing market of monthly magazines, Conan Doyle decided to offer more of Holmes and Watson. In the summer of 1891, “A Scandal in Bohemia” appeared in THE STRAND MAGAZINE. It would be followed by eleven more tales, one per month for the next year. In writing the stories that became THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, Conan Doyle created the first short story series. In the years to follow, his idea would be imitated across the globe. It resounds to our very day in series television and throughout popular culture.
  Gaming (Eldritch Paths): I’ve never heard of Sundered: Eldritch Edition before yesterday. I saw a trailer and was immediately impressed by the art. This game has some fantastically eldritch art design. Take a look.
Magazines (Cirsova): Cirsova Summer Special Available for Pre-Order!
The Summer Special will be out June 3rd!
The Ghost of Torreón By EDD VICK and MANNY FRISHBERG A strange experiment gone wrong has granted Professor Rigoberto “Beto” Caminante an extraordinary power—the ability to “ride” radio waves!
  Gaming (Jonathan Moeller): A reader emailed to ask that since I’m self-publishing audiobooks if that meant I was going to start self-producing video games based on my books.
Not just no, but heck no!
Audiobooks are expensive. But video games are much more expensive and infinitely more complicated – you have to hire developers, programmers, artists, sound people, music people, QA people, and then the inevitable time fixing and patching bugs. All of that is enormously expensive.
  RPG (Goodman Games): My buddy Bob Bledsaw and I, both being avid wargamers, became fast friends in the fall of 1974. Dungeons & Dragons was the first game we played together and this launched a flurry of weekly adventures that he hosted at his house for about 18 months. Bob was an “older guy” of age 31; the rest of us were in our late teens. Along with D&D being a brand new game concept, we were in awe of his prodigious pace of campaign material production. I later learned that perhaps he had some insomnia that gave him more time than the average guy.
  Fantasy Fiction (Eldritch Paths): Modern fantasy just isn’t as fantastical as it could be. There is so much you can do in fantasy, and yet, the genre is mired in either Tolkien knock-offs or anti-Tolkien knock-offs. This is not a knock on Tolkien. I loved Lord of the Rings, it’s more a knock on Tolkien imitators.
If modern fantasy isn’t using Tolkien as an inspiration, it will tend to use history in a very copy-paste sort of way. I’m thinking here of Brent Weeks’ Night Angel Trilogy. It wasn’t a bad series, but the fantasy elements were the least interesting part of the story.
    Sensor Sweep: A. Conan Doyle, Barry Smith, Gardner Fox, Manly Wade Wellman, Sundered: Eldritch Edition published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
July 19th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on July 19th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Wednesday7 by Viki Kuli.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Wednesday7 by Viki Kuli~! (https://tapas.io/series/Wednesday7%20) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey super~!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad to see Wednesday7 get the CTP treatment!
I think my favorite moments thus far were Chapter 3 and the beginning of Chapter 4, mostly with the character interactions.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes there are definitely some interesting character actions going on
tho one of my fave moments is when the cat slips the key under the door for penn
that is an A+ cat
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah that moment was good too
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
actual favorite scene wise though i think id have to pick the scene at the bar. i like the visual nature of mercury's visual distortions. and i also really love mercury's reaction to it. i think just the pacing and expressions are entirely too real. like how he kind of snaps at Penn even though its not Penn's fault exactly. yet, you get why hes snapping cause hes freaking out. and just that little detail makes it a really engrossing scene for me.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I agree, the bar scene was really memorable.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats one thing i definitely like about this comic in general though. i feel that the emotions are really realstic and that helps you put you there in each moment
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but back to character interactions, i do enjoy mercury and penn's dynamics. its kind of this interesting mix of tenseness since penn is a stranger who got overly personal really fast. and like...its one of those things where id hate to be mercury cause that situation seems uncomfortable. having a stranger be the only one that can help.
WHOA HI lost track of time okay uhh
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Favorite scene....Okay no I gotta agree with @✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨ -- the scene at the bar was good
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
speaking of the bar scene again i also really love the game they played. i thought that was an interesting setup for getting expositionary info out of the way.
It does really make me wonder who Penn actually is though He definitely knows a lot more than you might think he would(edited)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Kind of speed read the comic but my stand out moment was the deal with Wednesday. Visual interesting, great angles, and the character at his lowest.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That was a really tense moment, making amends with (and ultimately assembling with) a wolf spirit/ghost/whatever
also eey Jonny
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
yo justin
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i really just want to know why penn so rando approached him. like was it really just being a neighbor thing? but it might just be strange to me cause ive never been rando approached by neighbors who want to introduce themselves so idk. XD
but yes, the deal with wednesday was really interesting visually for sure. i loved the tense drama as well cause you can really feel that eternal struggle but ultimate acceptance its probably better than death
For sure x.x It's like, "welp, this'll suck, but it's something?"
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
I don't think the initial meet up at the apartment was odd. He got real werid at the bar but that's because he found out some weird demony stuff about him.
And then there was the handshake before that, which clued Penn in to Merc's....weirdness
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
what ever life he leads could also make him not very social(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah once the handshake penn's behavior made more sense. just that initial approach even felt weird, but like i said just not something ive experienced with neighbors.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
For a sec I thought it was a "sixth sense" type of ordeal or ghost vision.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
maybe he does that with everyone to find demons or something.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. thats what im wondering. if penn is a demon hunter. cause if he went with purpose thatd make way more sense to me.
not that he cant be a nice but weird neighbor
QUESTION 2. Besides Mercury and Wednesday, there are two more characters worth discussing: Penn and Julia. Despite seeming normal, Penn seemed to have the best clue of what was going on with Mercury. Who exactly did Penn know that this same thing happened to? Why do you think this person supposedly didn’t make it? How do you think Penn found out about the house where he took Mercury? Was Penn approaching Mercury a coincidence, or was Penn somehow drawn to Mercury because of the impending possession? There is, of course, Julia as well to talk about. What do you think Julia’s past history is with Mercury, especially given she apologized vaguely for something in the past? Do you think Julia will find out about Wednesday, or will Mercury keep it a secret? What role in general do you think Julia will have to play in the story?
A demon hunter? Not sure about that since he basically helped get a demon stuck in Merc
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooooh, this'll be interesting
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well demon hunter in the sense of wants to find the ppl cursed by demons. he just may not know how to do the demon murdering yet
hes only in finding demons 101 at demon hunter school
Okay hahaha xD Yeah, getting into Penn's past will probably reveal a lot about Wednesday, too....like do they know each other? Penn seems to recognize Wednesday at least
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe he needs a demon to resurrect whoever he lost
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
idk. i didnt get a sense that penn had ill intentions or wanted to use mercury. but i could be wrong. penn could indeed have a specific goal in mind for helping mercury (besides just trying to not fail again). idk if penn knows wednesday. maybe penn knew another day of the week. like monday.
Actually yeah, rereading a bit, I don't think Penn knows much about Wednesday specifically, just that someone else previously went through this and died because they didn't get demon'd
I bet everyone hates Monday......
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
But that implies he's been searching for someone to by demon'd
I'm just super suspicious of Penn
With good reason x'D He seems good! Just......
What does he knooooooooow
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Who even knows!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
its good to be suspicious though cause how could penn tell mercury was possessed via a handshake. like...i know he knew someone who was possessed before but i doubt that just auto gives you the power to know possession via handshake
Fair xD
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
not to mention who does penn know that told him about the house
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
With Julia I figured that her and Merc tried to start a relationship that didn't work out. Maybe something to do with her leaving for town or maybe they were friends first n it was weird
the blushing implies something romantic
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i do get the distinct impression that there were romantic feelings involved. tho hard to say if they were together or not. though im leaning towards they were together...maybe like while they were in school. and then julia was rando one day like "welp im out i need more in my life"
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
maybe not that blunt
she got her dream job in town and Merc didn't/couldn't leave
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah, least that was worth it
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
it doesn't seems like things ended too badly but I could be wrong.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i mean its still possible they werent actually dating before either. which couldve actually been a motivation for julia to leave. like she liked mercury but since neither would make a move she felt that hoping and staying for that relationship wasnt worth it.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
My presence is really driven by the mood of my month old daughter. I'll be good for a while, checking the backlog here.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey Math
THat's fine- best keep your baby occupied and happy
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nice, someone already mentioned the scene with the cat passing off the keys, I liked that one too. :>
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf i also think all cats are A+ cats
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
And when all cats are A+.......no one will be........
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Cat MVP(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, if memory serves, Mercury was an "I" (introvert, in the character bio) while Penn seems pretty extroverted. That can be awkward. I also liked in that bar scene how if Mercury hadn't been quite so specific, he could have won. ("You have a child" versus specifying the gender.)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
he wanted to one up him and lost
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's true, A+ to cats. Was also very well behaved in the carrier on the trip!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah it was kind of sad how close mercury was to being right
and then just missed
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I feel like it was that handshake which had Penn press the point... agree that maybe he just shakes hands with everyone waiting for that sort of thing. Must get weird at family reunions.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
shakes everyone's hand at the bar until he gets kicked out
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Penn might have known Friday. Looking forward to the inevitable Robinson Crusoe cameo.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
a bit off topic, but as i think about penn's knowledge of the house more, im starting to wonder if the person he knew he brought to that house. and that person refused to make the deal so thus died. and so mercury is going to tell penn that and penn is going to be devastated.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, I thought maybe there was some kind of relationship thing with Merc and Julia. But I thought maybe he comforted her when she was having a bad relationship with someone else. But then she fled town to get away.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. Though Wednesday reveals a few tidbits of information, little is known about him. Do you believe Wednesday’s goals really are to just get closer to humanity, or do you think Wednesday has secret goals? Besides what we’ve seen so far, what do you think Wednesday will do with his newfound freedom? Do you believe Wednesday will continue to remain interested in the human world, or do you believe he’ll eventually get bored? Additionally, do you think Wednesday will find a way to bond with Mercury? Speaking of Mercury, why do you think of all the people in the world Wednesday picked Mercury? Was it just happenstance, or is there something special about Mercury? Of a last note, do you believe Wednesday will meet another demon/spirit?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the previous person was the owner of the house, and that's how Penn knew about it?
On the "why Merc" point...apparently Mercury's parents were in on it, naming him like that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I suspect that this isn't Wednesday's first merging with a person, but the seventh. Given the title. ^.- I'd be curious to know how the previous melds went.
Mercury = Mercredi = Wednesday I get the gist that Wed just wants a body to live in since he's probably trapped in whatever parallel purple world he comes from normally
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Respheal: Should you really speak about his parents Venus and Mars that way?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Mercury was also the messenger, hence the speeding around town, methinks.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
What about Saturn?
or Uranus?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
He seems to just want to cause mayhem
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
or Wednesday's alternate universe friend Friday?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i can only conclude mercury is from a hippie family and left town cause he didnt want to do anything with their new age stuff.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
horribly forced joke over
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i mean to be fair there could be a club. of planet named ppl who are all possessed by demons. and penn is gonna go introduce him.
i mean to be fair there could be a club. of planet named ppl who are all possessed by demons. and penn is gonna go introduce him.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Wed said something about destroying humanity.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but yeah with a title like wednesday 7 it could be implying that wednesday has done 7 possessions now. although there are also 7 days of the week so maybe wednesday is actually the last to possess someone in this generation
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the club is behind that bar that they went to? I feel like that wasn't coincidence that they were there, and that's when Mercury started having the swimmy visions.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
7 days of possession per haps
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
OH. Which reminds me. The talk Mercury had with the bartender in the background there was funny.
Rebel: Oooh, that's an interesting one. Wednesday's late to the game.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Then again getting drunk does really weird things
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Incidentally, I kind of like that idea that random names we give to things take on their own identity out in the ether somewhere. In part because it fits with my personifying math functions, but still. ^.-
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
could Penn be a previous possession?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe but i dont feel he is. although it would explain why he could tell via handshake
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(The scene I meant by the way was this one, where he's calling the bartender "Joey") https://tapas.io/episode/558419
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooohhhh, good find
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i thought that was a cute background convo.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh! Penn had a daughter, and he's divorced. Maybe his Daughter was the previous possession, and it led to the marriage breaking up.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and my thoughts still stand, don't underestimate the lower of alcohol
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
What's Joey's backstory?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Joey owns a small kangaroo.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ya know didnt penn just say he lost someone to a demon? i keep assuming it means said person died, but maybe said person is just 100% possessed all the time whereas mercury gets to get his body back somehow.
i think you mean joey was raised by kangaroos O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel: That's an interesting thought. Maybe after the person dies the spirit can still possess them, but only for a finite amount of time....?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Penn possessed killed someone.
would be pretty dark
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He's spent time in the state.... penn.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
"Back into your pen(n)!"
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
math no
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that could be tho. penn is secretly a murderer
although now im worried for mercury
petty thievery is one thing O_O
murder is a whole other ballpark
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
but if he's possessed then did he really kill them? or did the demon do it?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The cat trusted Penn though. He can't be too bad.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
So here's a question.... are there spirits for months too? Because August just refers to Augustus Caesar. Is the spirit of Caesar roaming around out there? Because I don't think he'd fit in too well.
Jonny: Hmmm. Maybe there's rules like with hypnosis, you can't do anything you wouldn't normally? (Is Mercury the type to steal watches?)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well given that a day of the week can have a demon spirit thing, its not inconceivable a month can. albeit i doubt august is the spirit of augustus ceasar XD unless the demon dresses up like it for fun.
and if hes possessed it depends on who controls the body O_O
i do hope wednesday and mercury can mentally communicate somehow
or leave like post it notes for one another at least
"Drank all the milk. Buy more. -Wednesday"(edited)
Yes please
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Julia... that's a bit like Julius, for Julius Caesar, for JULY, hmmm.
I need this in my life
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"That wasn't milk. -Merc" (Gotta keep him guessing.)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
would stories have demons since they embody thoughts and emotions for people?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Stories like Virgil's "The Illiad" kind of thing?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
would make sense if stories could
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Wait, he wrote the Aeneid, what am I thinking.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
although if stories can i think demons outdo humans in population
so there must be specific circumstances that allow someone to possess someone else
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though that reminds me of that old poem about the days of the week. And "Wednesday's child is full of woe".
Ref: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Monday%27s+child+is+fair+of+face
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Okay, so time for a fun theory. Penn and Wednesday used to date, but something went wrong with the possession. So now that Wednesday has a new body, we're in for hijinks as Mercury and Julia have a date at the same time as they do.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the real reason they divorced: penn's one true love is wednesday
and by they i mean penn and his other spouse
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
God I hope that doesn't happen
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Penn was born on a Wednesday.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Solomon Grundy born on a Monday
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe wednesday had to pick mercury because of the name and maybe mercury was born on a wednesday. maybe it takes that sort of high affiliation for possession
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It would cut down on the number of possessions per year.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
possession tax?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
They have a tax for that too?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the fact that Merc's place was partially furnished is also indicative of shenanigans.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. In order to save his own life, Mercury fuses himself with Wednesday. However, the full consequences of this act are yet to be known. How do you think Mercury might gain control of his body again, even if only temporarily speaking? Assuming he does (as the comic description implies), do you think Mercury will be completely normal, or will being possessed by Wednesday give him access to Wednesday’s supernatural powers? Do you feel Mercury will have an easy time having a normal life, or will the experience render him unable to fit in with society anymore? How do you think his relationships will affected by the change? Lastly, do you think Mercury will attempt to get rid of Wednesday, and if so, what lengths do you think he will go to?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Already contains Wednesday's favourite couch.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats a good point, math. it is suspicious the apartment was furnished without mercury knowing
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well look at the bight side
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe Merc's mind is in some other plain and we'll see that
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
you're merged with a bloody wolf
you can do wolf things
Like howl
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Merc regains control on the full moon.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
what other badass wolf things exist?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Julia tries to bring Merc back but Penn gets in the way(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Merc's probably going to have to do a bunch of research. I imagine he'll corner Penn for info, could create a rift there.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe it's a night thing. We've only seem Wed at night
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(I won't propose a Mercury Penn ship because that's too Sailor Moon jewelry-esque.)
Jonny: Oh, that's a good point.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe its a day thing and wednesday can only come out on wednesdays
cause wednesday did keep checking the time it seemed like
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Especially cause there's no thing as Wednesnight
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, we don't know what day of the week it is. Though that would make meetings awkward, if they can only possess on particular days... hmm.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
really hard to say this early on.
i definitely think mercury is gonna try to cure himself though
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
he has to
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause i mean on this first night wednesday has already caused a lot of chaos
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
No kidding
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
At least he has a totally different appearance from Merc. So the people with the camera phones and the theft videos won't be going after him.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Will Wednesday save the girl on purpose in that latest episode, you think? Or will he just mess them both up by blowing past? (Maybe giving the watches away is meant to show he's a ladies man himself?)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i think hell save her on purpose. but less cause hes like "oh no that girl allow me to save her"
but more as a "wow this looked fun"
i would be interested in seeing merc's mind on another plain as jonny suggested. i think that would lend to some very cool comic visuals
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That might be interesting. I wonder if he'd see the purplish vision things in living colour, and the real world as purplish blobs.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
now thatd be a cool reversal
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
With Penn living in both places, maybe.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder if well see wednesday and penn have a conversation
that could be interesting
and could reveal stuff about penn that maybe wednesday knows for whatever demon spirit reasons
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, I wonder how well they get along, since Wednesday just kind of blew by him.
There's also that mercury tattoo, maybe Merc lives there? O.o
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Interesting find
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
lots of little details I missed. probably cause I read it fast.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i just noticed
that sign says swift st.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i really hope that was an intentional joke XD
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well you do move swiftly along
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh! I noticed that at the time and thought it was really clever.
Glad you remembered to say something.
I wonder what does show up on traffic cameras, if anything.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well given the comic description probably just what it appears.
cause the descrip implies that basically wednesday is gonna be some wanted criminal
which is gonna suck if they collect dna evidence
suck for mercury that is
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ah, right, good point. Fingerprints even.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
possible story arcs
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. so mercury is definitely gonna be tapering on the edge there
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
OH crud only 4 minutes left
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I wonder how much Mercury's been watching of stuff like technology. He did seem to know to grab the more expensive watches. Surely he knows about surveillance systems?
Hi everyone! Sorry I just make it on, had work until now :/ but the discussion looks awesome so far! thoroughly enjoying it
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hello there!
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
hey man!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's actually about to end ^^;
3 minutes left
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hi author/writer/artist!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad you made it in time so I could tell ya you're an awesome person with lots of great skill and talent
and I wish you luck with working on more of the comic!
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I suppose one of the questions that Mercury should probably answer is what Wednesday did last time, given the remark "Good to be back".
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"You still have all these unpaid parking tickets from twenty years ago too."
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
glad you could make it, @vikikuli ~! even if it is towards the end
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
You'd think Penn could've paid them.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that would be wednesday's last body's job to pay im sure O_O
does anyone have any quick closing remarks?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It'll be interesting to see how the body sharing goes.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I already said mine so I'm good!
And yeah, I second that
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Penn is evil
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
But only on WEdnesdays.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Viki Kuli, as well, for making Wednesday7 and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Viki Kuli’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Stomp by Brodnork. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on July 26th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://stompwebcomic.com/
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beyondforks · 6 years
Playing Catch Up! The Belles Trilogy by Jen Calonita
Playing Catch Up has really been helping me through my ever growing TBR list. I'd like to welcome all other blogs to participate too! If you do, be sure to post your links in the comments section. I'd love to see your Playing Catch Up Reviews, and I'm sure others would too!! *wink*
Want to know more about Playing Catch Up? I'll tell you all about it here!
Belles (Belles #1) by Jen Calonita  Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary Romance) Date Published:  April 10, 2012 Publisher: Poppy Fifteen-year-old Isabelle Scott loves her life by the boardwalk on the supposed wrong side of the tracks in North Carolina. But when tragedy strikes, a social worker sends her to live with a long-lost uncle and his preppy privileged family. Isabelle is taken away from everything she's ever known, and, unfortunately, inserting her into the glamorous lifestyle of Emerald Cove doesn't go so well. Her cousin Mirabelle Monroe isn't thrilled to share her life with an outsider, and, in addition to dealing with all the rumors and backstabbing that lurk beneath their classmates' Southern charm, a secret is unfolding that will change both girls' lives forever.
Belles is the first book in the Belles series by Jen Calonita. I thought this was going to be more of a light, fluffy read when I picked it up, and it was, at times, but there was also a lot of depth to the characters and what their going through. The story is told from Izzy and Mira's points of view. Izzy is uprooted from her life and forced to live with her Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. This is a big change for her. Mira isn't handling it well. There is a lot of adjusting to be done by all, as this is a tough situation to be thrown into. There was a definite case of Mean Girls going on.. Southern Style of course. Insulting, rejecting, degrading, and humiliating a person all with complete politeness and a smile is a skill that can only be completely perfected in the South. (I can say that, since I live in the South. *wink*) These girls have the skill down to an art. I was furious at them at times. At the same time, sometimes they made me proud at how they overcame things and handled situations. Izzy stayed strong. I don't know how she did it. Mira probably had the most growth as a person. I feel invested in their lives now. It was a journey getting there, but, that was just part of this book's charm. 
Winter White (Belles #2) by Jen Calonita  Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary Romance) Date Published:  January 1, 2012 Publisher: Poppy Isabelle Scott and Mirabelle Monroe are still reeling from the revelation that they share more than just the roof over their heads. The media has pounced on their story, and while Izzie and Mira have each put on a happy public face, someone is leaking their true feelings to the press. It seems as if the world is watching their every move, but at least the girls have each other. With cotillion season right around the corner, however, Izzie and Mira have barely had time to process their newfound sisterhood. Mira has dreamed of making her debut in a gorgeous white gown forever--now if only she had an escort... Izzie, meanwhile, is still struggling to find her place in Emerald Cove, which seems ever more impossible with EC mean girls, young and old, trying to keep her down. As cotillion preparations heat up, there are dance steps to learn, manners to perfect... and secret initiations to complete?
It's time for the gowns to go on and the gloves to come off.
Winter White is the second book in the Belles series by Jen Calonita. Izzy and Mira are adapting to all the changes in their lives pretty well I think. I like the friendship and sense of sisterhood that I'm feeling between the two now. Everything seems to revolve around the Cotillion this time around, and with the hazing and other activities, it's pretty funny. Savannah still needs to get over herself, but you'll love some of the situations she gets put in through the hazing. Maybe she'll learn something. Probably not. I love these books. They're light and fun in a lot of ways, but they are also serious when it comes to loyalty and family. I'm really enjoying getting to know these characters.
The Grass is Always Greener (Belles #3) by Jen Calonita 
Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary Romance)
Date Published:  April 16, 2013
Publisher: Poppy How many secrets can one family keep? Amid preparations for Emerald Cove's extravagant Founders Day celebration and their own shared sweet sixteen, Isabelle Scott and Mirabelle Monroe are longing to break free from the tight constraints that come with being the daughters of a prominent public figure. When Izzie's estranged aunt, Zoe, breezes into town, the already uneasy family dynamic is turned on its head. Izzie's finally found her footing in Emerald Cove by leading the Social Butterflies, her school's prestigious club, and she has no interest in getting to know yet another long-lost family member. But Mira, who's on a mission to try new things and make new friends, is drawn to Izzie's artsy aunt. And when Mira meets a handsome, brooding painter, her entire perspective on life begins to shift.
As tensions mount in Emerald Cove, Zoe's laid-back attitude appeals to both girls. But when she offers Izzie the chance of a lifetime, it's time to make a tough decision. What's more important: family or freedom? 
The Grass is Always Greener is the third book in the Belle's trilogy by Jen Calonita. I love the family dynamic that is forming. It made me giddy to see how sisterly Mira and Izzy have become. Like the first two books, this one moved along quickly. I was surprised to see Mira and Kellen move on so quickly, especially since it didn't feel like there was real closure there but, I really liked Landon. He's a keeper. I know this is supposed to be a trilogy, but it felt like there was some unfinished business to still be wrapped up. There wasn't too much drama or plot this time around, but the story was simple and sweet. This was a fun little trilogy. I feel like I'm friends with these characters now, and I'm going to miss them.
It's no secret how Jen Calonita knows the inside scoop on Hollywood. A former entertainment editor at a teen magazine, Jen started out her career chronicling backstage life at concerts with Justin Timberlake and interviewing Zac Efron on film sets. It was her work in the entertainment world that inspired her first series, Secrets of My Hollywood Life. The six-book series about a teen starlet named Kaitlin Burke who grew weary of the fame game, but loved being an actress was published in nine countries. Jen's other young adult novels include Sleepaway Girls and Summer State of Mind (since she was a camp counselor as a teen), Reality Check and Belles, which is about two polar opposite girls who share one life-altering secret. Her latest young adult book, Turn It Up, is about a girls' high school acapella group. In her first middle grade series, Fairy Tale Reform School, readers explore a school run by Cinderella's formerly wicked stepmother. The series (Flunked, Charmed, Tricked, and Switched, which will be released March 2018) are told from spunky young former thief, Gillian Cobbler. In Jen's other middle grade series, VIP readers get a diary-eye look at life on the road with the world's biggest boy band as told by their number one fan, Mackenzie Lowell. (If you're wondering where Jen got that idea, go back and reread the first paragraph of this bio!) To learn more about Jen Calonita and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.
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