#also once again i'm sorry for not being on top of answering my asks lately trust me i am so aware of them sitting there unanswered
msmargaretmurry · 7 months
I feel less bad than I should but I laughed after last night's Sharks vs Oilers disaster. But also someone please comfort Leon. He needs it. (Talking to you, Matthew, you see each other in just over a week.)
wow how convenient that leon needs comforting right when he's about to be in florida! how serendipitous! i love when the narratives tee one up for us like this. hope they have some tendernasty sex about it.
and don't feel bad, i also laughed. but also i don't root for the oilers, lol (sorry to my oilers fan friends and followers. i respect your choices, but i did my time in the oilers trenches a decade ago and emerged deeply embittered.) like i feel very bad for all the players on that team that i like! i don't WANT connor and leon's entire careers to feel squandered! but a friend and i DID post up on my couch at 10:30 p.m. EST last night with a bottle of cava and a huge bag of potato chips and had the time of our lives watching that trainwreck. (also, i have several extremely lovely sharks fan friends, and they deserved that win so bad. i am so happy for them and their two whole wins.)
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runningfrom2am · 7 months
leveling the playing field III
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summary: you didn't meet the requirements for the plinth prize, only to find out that you're not just missing out on that- you're missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. your friend wants to help, because maybe you can help each other.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.9k
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows. this one is the arena bombing scene so yeah, regardless its not graphic so
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a/n: btw this is lowkey becoming a mix of the book and the movie so if there's inconsistencies dw about it lol, its all just a jumbled mess in my head at this point and i am for some reason working from memory
next part
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"Wait! Wait! I'm here!" You call out, urging the line of mentors and tributes to wait for you before they enter the arena, running up from your father's town car with a notebook and pencil in hand.
Coriolanus was simultaneously annoyed by your arrival, delayed or not, considering he didn't expect you, and also part of him was relieved to have you at his side. Entering the arena himself was a daunting task, now that he knows that the mentors are far from safe from harm in this situation.
You're slightly out of breath as you catch up to him and Lucy Gray, panting as you adjust your bag where it sits over your shoulder. "Sorry, I'm late." You breathe out, smoothing down your hair.
"Why are you even here, Y/L/N?" Felix asks, turning from his spot in front of you to look.
"Mind your own, for once." You spit, returning your attention to Coryo and Lucy Gray. "Hey, where's Clem?"
Coryo shakes his head slightly as the line starts to move forward. "I'll explain later." He answers vaguely. You're confused, sure, but you did have bigger things to worry about. He was right. You brought your notebook to take notes on the layout, potential hiding spots, and potential advantages that Lucy Gray could exploit in the games.
"Enjoy the show!" You hear the echo from the speakers as every duo enters the arena, and you cringe. 
"That's dark." You mutter to yourself, taking in your surroundings in the tunnel before being among the last few to enter. The first thing you notice is that the arena is bigger in person than on the screen, you hadn't been inside since you were a toddler- before the war. You try and pick your family's box along the top, but it's no use. You don't even have the slightest memory of this place before the games. 
The next thing you notice is Lucy Gray holding onto Coryo's hand as the door slams shut behind you and the windows slide open above you. You grip your pencil tighter in your palm and look down, attempting to scribble down a layout on the page in front of you as you regain a light source. You have one job, and you'll be damned if you don't do it. For now, your best shot at earning Dr. Gaul's favour is giving Lucy Gray an advantage due only to her surroundings. Making her play the game.
"Okay, so, options are limited but I think we just need to have a good look around. There ought to be a good hiding spot around here." You say, clocking how quickly the girl drops his hand.
Focus is a priority, unfortunately, her comfort will have to come second. She'll have time for comfort once you can get her out of this arena and back to Twelve.
"What do you need, Coriolanus?" You ask, noticing he seemingly zoned out taking in his surroundings.
He tries to process what you're asking of him, but just ends up giving you a blank stare as you tilt your head, looking up at the tall boy. "I beg your pardon?" He asks, clearly having not heard a word you said.
"What do you need me to do?" You ask again.
"Well," He starts, and both of you notice at the same time that other tributes are talking and realize that alliances are being built. "Go... do that. Talk to Lysistrata." He instructs and you nod, walking quickly toward where is standing trying to talk to a confused-looking Jessup.
"Lyssie." You grin, flipping to a fresh page of your notebook.
"Y/N, hi." She says, clearly focussed in on trying to get him to pay attention to her. 
"Is he okay?" You ask, feigning worry. Well, if this is Lucy Gray's only option for an ally, her odds are not looking good. That was genuinely worrying.
"I don't know..." Your classmate answers, reaching up to point out a wound on his neck. "He's got this bite... I think it could be infected. Your father is a doctor, what do you think?"
"Can you get him anything to help?" You ask, getting closer to take a better look. It does look infected, and you're unsure what it could be. You raise your hand to touch his forehead in search of a fever, but you suspect you will find one considering he is already delirious.
"Y/N!" You hear your name being called and you turn, seeing Coriolanus gesturing for you to back up.
You sigh to yourself and drop your hand, taking a step back. "I would bring him something but I don't know what would help." Lyssie sighs.
"If you can get him to agree to be an ally to Lucy Gray, I can bring antibiotics. Something strong. I'll discuss it with my father, see what he recommends." You offer, hoping to buy her a friend in the arena. 
"I'll try my best." She nods. "They've been close, I can't see why not."
"I'll bring him something tonight then." You nod, patting her on the shoulder before continuing on your path of selling Lucy Gray as an ally.
You look around the large room again, looking for whoever would be her best option, and whoever of your classmates would even agree to speak with you. Sejanus- of course.
You tuck your papers under your arm as you walk over to him and Marcus. You can quickly see they aren't on any kind of speaking terms, standing awkwardly together on the opposite side of the center. "Sejanus!" You call out, and he's visibly relieved to see that someone wants to talk to him.
"Y/N." He smiles sadly, which you try and return. Empathy has never been your strong suit, but with Sejanus, you always try your best.
"I'm hoping to negotiate the terms of an alliance between Marcus and Lucy Gray." You explain and he nods, clearly unsure what to do. It would be harder to buy their allegiance, seeing as his family had more influence than yours- after all being the namesake of the prize you had dreamt of for years, and Marcus clearly has more of a physical advantage in the games than Lucy Gray.
"Uh, Marcus?" Sejanus asks, looking over at his tribute, who is blatantly ignoring the two of you. "What do you think? What would you like to do?" You admire his consideration, it must be draining when Marcus clearly couldn't care less.
"Lucy Gray would not be a threat to you. If you would take the care to look at either of us directly I would be able to promise you that." You say, taking a different approach that also doesn't work. You sigh, shrugging as you look over at your friend.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. Thank you for trying." He tries to smile and you just nod, trying to figure out who you'll ask next.
Then, your eyes land on Clemensia's tribute, alone. He looks strong, definitely the most obvious threat. Having him as an ally definitely wouldn't hurt. While it would be ideal to discuss this with Clem, your options and time is limited. He's standing nearby, just staring at one of the flags on the wall. 
"It's Reaper, correct?" You ask to grab his attention, walking toward him. He spares you a glance over his shoulder, then huffs and turns away. "I have an offer for you, and I believe it's in your best interest to listen."
He doesn't look again, but you step in front of him so he has little to no choice.
"In the case that you win, which," You scoff, looking around at the other tributes, "looks quite likely, I will send you home with enough money in your pocket to feed you and your family for a year if you agree to at the very least not harm Lucy Gray in the games. And if you help her, the deal will be sweeter." You state, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Before he has the chance to respond, not that he was going to anyway, you're being grabbed by the arm and pulled away quickly, making you stumble over your feet. "I told you to keep your distance. Not once, but twice." Coriolanus scolds you, pulling you back toward Lucy Gray, who you can see by now has been crying.
"You told me to talk to people! I'm trying to help Lucy Gray-" 
"No, I told you to talk to Lysistrata." He corrects, dropping your arm and turning to face you. All he can see is Reaper threatening to kill him right in the back of the transport truck on the way to the zoo. Reaper was dangerous- how could you be so stupid? "You are making this so much more difficult than it already is."
You clench your teeth together, clutching your notepad to your chest now. "If you stopped thinking I'm so fragile you would see that I am helping. Don't worry about me- worry about Lucy Gray." You say after a moment of thought.
Coryo exhales heavily, looking around to see who was paying attention to the two of you fighting. The echo in this arena was not doing anything to help. "I didn't mean-"
He doesn't get the chance to articulate his thoughts before there's a loud bang, making you jump and rapidly search for the source of the noise as dust falls over the room. Then another explosion, then another, and by the way the light is disappearing in a circular pattern you can tell the arena is being bombed. 
Your ears are ringing and you're now kneeling on the ground, the force of the blasts having knocked you down. You try and get up, try to make a run for the exit, only to feel an impact on your side, throwing you back to the ground a few feet away and you blackout from the hit of your head onto the dusty cement.
"There she is..." You hear your father's voice as you open your eyes slowly, blinking at the warm lighting above you. "Enough is enough." He says, and you feel a pain in your hand as he removes an IV from under your skin.
You look up at him, trying to shake off the confusion as you sit up. "Just a concussion. You were out for a few hours, if you experience any amnesia symptoms let me know, but I do doubt that will be the case."
You rub your eyes with shakey hands, nodding a little bit as your dad steps away to leave your room, where you are lying in your own bed. "Dad..." You mumble, voice hardly there. 
He stops, looking at you and waiting for you to continue as you attempt to clear your throat. "Is Coryo okay?"
"I just got back from the hospital tending to everyone. Two students died, and five tributes. Coriolanus received extensive burns and bruising, but nothing was broken. He will be fine in a few days." He affirms.
"And Lucy Gray?"
"She is alive, the tributes who didn't escape or die were returned to the zoo. A vet is attending to them, I know nothing about it." He says, already on his way out of the door.
You sigh in slight relief, pushing yourself up fully to try and get moving again. Your whole body is stiff and sore, but you push through. You have a lot to do.
Thankful for your father's home stash of medications, luckily including morphing, you were able to gather medical supplies and get your driver to take you to the zoo. You would visit Coryo later, but you know he would want you to see to Lucy Gray, and so you shall.
As you arrive, you see no such vet in sight, the surviving tributes scattered around the cage, mostly either passed out or attempting to tend to their own injuries. This could be good for Lucy Gray, who looks mostly unharmed.
"Lucy Gray." You say, motioning for her to come over to the bars. She looks over Jessup laying against a rock next to her, whispering something to him before joining you quickly, grabbing the bars between you. 
"is Coriolanus okay?" This is her first question, which you honestly did not expect.
Though you were taken aback by this, you nod. "Yes. My father said he'll be fine, I haven't been to see him yet." You explain, crouching down to dig through your bag for your makeshift medical kit of stolen supplies.
"What do you need?" You ask, searching already for the antibiotics you grabbed for Jessup.
"I'm fine." She insists, which you only confirm when you look her over. "Just a couple bruises, I live to sing another day."
You smile a little bit, relieved to see your tribute is at least in a better state than most of the others. "Good. I'm glad to hear it."
"Do you think Coriolanus will be back on his feet soon?" She asks, clearly very worried about him.
"I don't know." You answer honestly. "It's a good thing you have me."
"It is..." She thinks for a moment. "He said he would try and get me a guitar. For my interview, He wants me to sing." 
"I'll make sure you have one." You nod. As much as you hope he'd be up and moving by the time the interviews come around in a couple of days, you know you have a guitar sitting in your brothers room that Coryo would likely ask you to borrow anyway. "This is for Jessup, I talked to his mentor, I think this should help." You tell her, grabbing the pot of topical antibiotics you took from your cupboard at home and handing it to her. 
Lucy Gray nods, taking it and opening the steel lid, her first urge being to smell the cream inside. "Get him to apply it morning and night, be generous with it." You explain, grabbing some bandages as well to accompany it. 
"You've got a full apothecary in that bag, huh?" Lucy Gray comments, straining her head to try and look inside.
"My father is a doctor." You explain, keeping it brief. "Don't share it with anyone else. Their injuries and ailments are to your benefit. Do you understand?"
Lucy Gray just nods solemnly, looking back at the tributes around her. "I understand." She answers, but she doesn't seem so sure. "You know, he pushed you clean out of the way."
"Sorry?" You ask, brows furrowed as you close your bag, having grabbed out the small paper bag of food for her.
"Coriolanus." She clarifies. "He saved your life, I reckon."
"Oh." Is all you can manage, pulling your bag back to his place over your shoulder. You clear your throat again, the remnants of dust and dirt still affecting your voice. "Well, I owe him a thank you I suppose. I'm off to check on him now."
"Tell him I send my love, won't you? I was awfully worried." 
"I will." You mumble, making an effort to not be aggressive with how you shove the bag of food into her hands before walking off.
Your next stop is the hospital. The pit in your stomach tells you that despite your confirmation that Coryo would be fine, you're still worried as to what state he will be in when you arrive. Is he awake? Will he remember a thing? Did he really save you only to face worse injuries himself?
You're escorted to his bedside when you arrive, a small room in emergency seperated only by curtains. Tigris is sitting next to him stroking his hair gently, and he is seemingly sleeping- or still out cold. It's chillingly difficult to tell. You clear your throat to notify her of your presence, and she quickly stands when she sees you.
"Y/N." She greets you with a hug, gently rubbing your back. "Are you alright? You were there, weren't you?"
"I was." You nod slightly as you pull away, eyes once again trained on your friend. "My father brought me home to be treated there. Is he asleep?"
"Yes, just sleeping. He woke for a few moments about an hour ago, but I think he's just exhausted. Couldn't keep his eyes open for more than a minute..." She sighs, looking him over as well. She's worried, of course.
You nod, chewing on your lip. "Well, I can't stay for long, but I wanted to bring these to him." You say, once again reaching into your bag and pulling out a container of food containing some fruit and cookies. You hold it out to her, and her eyes widen for just a moment. "I'm sure he'll be starving when he wakes up, and the food here is atrocious." You try and ease her panic with a joke.
This works and she nods, accepting it quietly. "I know it's a lot for one person, but I figured you or your grandmother would be here with him. I brought enough to share." You add, implying that she is more than welcome to it too.
"Thank you, Y/N. Thats very kind, I didn't have the chance to grab anything on my way- I came straight from work." Tigris makes up an excuse, and you just nod.
"He asked about you, you know." She whispers, panic now completely replaced with a small smile. "When he woke up. You were his first concern."
You try to ignore the pit in your stomach growing and shifting as she speaks, a flush forming over your chest and face. "Well, apparently he saved me. Would have been an awful waste if that had been for nothing." You deflect, forming it as a joke.
"You are his best friend. You know that, right?" Tigris asks you quietly.
That's unfortunate, you want to laugh, but it would definitely come off as either rude or self deprecating, so you come up with something else. "Coryo means a great deal to me, as well." 
Tigris tilts her head slightly, making it more difficult to maintain a straight face. "I must be going, but if he wakes again will you tell him I'm taking care of Lucy Gray?" You change the subject and she nods.
"Yes, of course. Thank you for coming, Y/N." She says again, and you spare Coryo another look over before leaving.
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taglist: @keziahcore, @kitscutie, @annaelise, @serrendiipty, @babyspice6, @fratboyharrysgf0201, @totallynotkaibiased, @stelleduarte, @klplynn, @secretsicanthideanymore, @bejeweledreverie, @gloryekaterina, @andrewgarfieldsbitch, @queenofspades6, @pixiepopz, @pepperonipastas, @ladybug0095, @lunamothwrites, @nhlfs, @sbrewer21, @mus-tbe-a-weasley, @splxtscreen, @unclecrunkle, @karmaswitch, @sunghoonsbakery, @coconut-dreamz, @nekee-lilac02, @ooooglymoooogly, @slytherinholland
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wongyuuu · 9 months
i just wanted to say that i love your works, you’re absolutely AMAZING !!
and that kind of led me to sending in my request (since i saw they’re open), because i really need to read another piece of art from you <3
is it possible for me to ask you to write something like an angst-to-fluff pregnancy imagine/drabble with wonwoo? i know that not everyone is comfortable with this topic, so feel totally free to ignore it or change it the way you want, i’ll be super ultra thankful anyways :))
once again i love your works, keep going !!
- anon
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i really got carried away with this but i'm also scared... a little really hope you like it!!
pairing: wonwoo x fem!reader genre:  angst, fluff word count: 1.9k warnings: none
a/n: not proofread
requests are open
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With a heavy heart, you sat down in the waiting room, your eyes filled with tears. Seeing your current estate, the attendant said that it was okay if you were late, she could just make a quick shift on the schedule. You thanked her, relieved. 
You took out your phone from your purse. No missed calls or unread texts from your fiance.
You told him that you could go by yourself to the ultrasound. But Wonwoo said that he wanted to be there, that since he missed the last one he had to be there for the next one.
So you believed him and waited. 
You tried calling him fifteen minutes before you were supposed to leave the apartment. Then again when you were already late. Tried texting him many times in between but you never got an answer. So you called an Uber and left by yourself. Though you wanted to call him again, you forced yourself not to. 
Since you got pregnant you felt as if Wonwoo was slowly pushing you away and you didn't know what to do. He was working longer hours, leaving the apartment when the sun had just risen to the sky, and coming home every night almost at midnight. He’d just shower and go to bed.
On many different occasions, you asked him if everything was okay, and why he was working over hours so much. His answers were always evasive and never told you much of anything. You knew Wonwoo wasn’t cheating but you couldn’t help but think that maybe this wasn’t the lift that he wanted. That once a child was involved in the equation he wasn’t all that sure if getting married and officially starting a life together was something that he still wanted. 
You didn’t want to doubt him at all but his actions didn’t leave you with many other options but that one. 
The entrance door suddenly opened and Wonwoo rushed in. His hair was a mess on top of his head, his glasses slightly crocked over his face, and a thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. He looked around for a second before his eyes finally landed on you. He sat down by your side, his eyes wide.
“I’m sorry” he kissed your head, taking your hands in his “I’m so sorry”
You just shook your head, eyes forward, refusing to look at him. Not out of anger, but because if you did you would start crying again and had just managed to pull yourself together. You didn’t want to see the doctor while crying. Your tears were only yours, to be shed in the privacy of your home — preferably in the shower when no one could see you. 
“Please, look at me” he begged and you almost caved “I didn’t forget but I was stuck in the office, that’s why I didn't take any of your calls”
A shake of your head was still all he got. Wonwoo didn’t know what else he could say. He knew that he was in the wrong in the situation but he didn’t know what he was supposed to say or do. And he didn’t have a chance to think of anything because a nurse came out to take you to get the ultrasound.
For a second Wonwoo was scared that you wouldn’t let him inside the room with you but you never let go of his hand while walking in. 
Wonwo had missed your first ultrasound, the one both of you had considered the most special one. It was the first time you’d get to hear your baby’s heartbeat. Wonwoo hated himself for not being there, hated how all he had was the video you took on your phone to show to him. He knew that you were disappointed in him. 
“You didn’t come alone this time,” the doctor said once she walked in, a smile on her face.
Wonwoo squeezed your hand, kissing your knuckles. 
He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous but he couldn’t keep his heart at a normal rate. Maybe it was because he was going to hear his child’s heart for the first time or maybe it was because you refused to look his way, your hand completely limp on his hold. Or maybe it was just a mixture of both.
“Do you want to know what you’re having?”
“Yes,” both of you said at the same time
“I don’t really like the whole gender reveal thing”
The doctor laughed, pressing the transducer to your stomach.
“If I get to say so myself, I don’t like it either” she moved her hand a little to the left, smiling again looking at the screen, lightly moving it towards you “Everything looks fine, as it should. Now, for the moment you’ve been waiting for”
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Wonwoo followed you out of the clinic, his hand on your lower back guiding you to where he had parked the car.
You didn't speak to him once or even looked his away. You seemed to be lost in your mind since the moment you saw him, only ever talking with the doctor.  
He opened the passenger door for you and hurried to the other side. 
“What do you want for dinner?” he tried saying 
“I… If…” your voice shook as you tried to get the words out “If this is not something you want, marriage, being a father, I need you to tell me now. Don’t wait until the baby is born to make up your mind. Don’t be that cruel to me”
The silence in the car was deafening. Wonwoo felt as if the world had stopped moving.
The truth was having a child wasn’t a topic you talked about frequently. Yes, it was mentioned a couple of times over the years but nothing more. However, when you told him that you were pregnant, he couldn’t be happier. He felt as if his entire life was falling into place just at the right time. His job was going great, he finally got the promotion he had worked himself crazy for, you had said yes to his proposal, and you had a baby on the way. 
It was the life he imagined for himself, the life he so desperately wanted. And he wanted it all with you. So the fact that he was hurting you, even if he didn’t mean to, even if all that he was doing was so that you could have the life you also dreamed of, drove him insane. 
“I want to show you something”
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You did your best to not let your tears fall. Wonwoo had been silent since you asked him to be honest with you. And it was the first time, in a very long time, that you had no idea of what his silence meant. He gripped the wheel tight enough that his knuckles turned white, his lips pressed into a thin line. It was hard to resist the urge to pull his hand into yours, to do something that would change the atmosphere between the two of you.
Yet, you forced your hands to remain on your lap while you tried to discover where he was taking you. The streets felt vaguely familiar, you knew that you had been there once before. All of it made sense when Wonwoo parked the car in front of a house you had visited a few moments before you found out that you were pregnant. 
After Wonwoo proposed, the two of you decided that instead of having a huge wedding party you wanted to get a place of your own. It felt much more important to have a home than a party. And you could still celebrate with your friends and family, just maybe in a more modest way.
In one of your conversations with Wonwoo, you told him that you wanted to live in an actual house, not in an apartment. It’s just a dream though, you told him. Still, when looking for a place, Wonwoo only took you to see houses, while you only chose apartments. 
But, of course, you had a favorite and Wonwoo knew it, even if you never said it out loud. He saw the way your eyes shone when he took you there, when you looked at the rooms, the kitchen, the small garden in the back, the old swing set. 
You watched in complete wonder as Wonwoo took a key out of his pocket and opened the gate. 
“How do you have a key to this place?”
Unlike the last time you had been there, the place seemed entirely different. It was clear the house was being renovated.
“I wanted to make a surprise but I think my idea wasn’t as great as I thought it was”
He pushed the door open. It was like you remembered but also different. The walls were no longer an ugly shade of gray but a shade of pearl. The carpet had been removed and it was finally possible to see the floor.
Wonwoo wrapped his arms around you from behind, his hand on your belly that was starting to grow round.
“The promotion I got at work came with a bonus, much bigger than we thought. It was more than enough to get the house we wanted”
His lips dropped feather like kisses on your shoulder, the curve of your neck, behind your ear, and on top of your head.
"I've been coming here every day before and after work, to make sure that it will be ready in a few more days. But after today…" 
You turned around in his arms, needing to look at him. 
"Wonwoo, I wanted the house, not you"
He shook his head, a smile on his lips as he pushed the hair that fell onto your forehead. 
"I wanted whatever you wanted. And I agree with you, raising a child in a house with enough space is much better than inside the apartment" he kissed you once, then twice. "There's something I want to show you"
Wonwoo took you by the hand, pulling you through the house. You only had a chance to peek at the rooms. All of them had been slightly modified.
That moment felt like a dream, the kind of thing someone doesn't actually get to live. You felt as if at any moment you'd wake up and you'd be back in bed. 
All the doors in the hall were open except for one on the right.
Taking a deep breath, Wonwoo pushed the door open and took a step aside to let in first.
Tears burned the back of your eyes, a knot pressing your throat. It was a fully furnished nursery. It was everything you ever dreamed of and then some more. The white walls, the little clouds on the ceiling. Even the furniture itself was one you had chosen. 
"How…? When…?"
"I might have snooped on your phone," he said with a laugh "We finished it just this morning. Mingyu helped with putting the furniture together and Seungkwan with the details"
At that point, tears already ran freely down your face. While Wonwoo was busy doing everything he could to get you your dream, you were worried that he might have fallen out of love with you, that he longer wanted to be with you. 
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't…"
"It's fine, I shouldn't have kept it a secret" he held your face in his hands, he had tears in his eyes too but also a beautiful smile "But this is where we start the rest of our lives. You, me, and our son"
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @ryuwonieebae, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @mhlsy_mlysn @feat-sun
if you want to be tagged in my next fics, please fill out this form
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lees-chaotic-brain · 7 months
I don't know if the soulmate event is still open (depends on your time zone, I guess), but if it's still open: purple (inumaki toge) with lilac (angst to fluff) #6 (flowers on your body where your soulmate got injured)
If you've already closed your requests, I'm sorry for bothering you! I just really like this event and am looking forward to reading all the stories (again 🙊)
Hi anon! My event was still open, so don't worry about it. I'm glad that you enjoyed the event so much. Thank you for giving my man inumaki some love (secretly, he's my fav)
Also, sorry this took so long. I was going through some serious creativity drought...
Hold You (Inumaki x Reader)
Word Count: 1.7k
CW: Blood, injury, panic attack, reader has female pronouns, angst to fluff, not proof read (as always)
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The first thing Inumaki does upon awakening is reach for you. Realizing your side of his bed was cold, he momentarily panicked before remembering that you had a mission early this morning.
With a little grumble and a pout, he snuggled further down into his blankets intending to sleep a little more before he had to get up.
But without you, staying in bed was no fun, so with reluctance he hauled himself out of bed and headed downstairs to find something to eat.
Mmm...maybe he could have his leftover onigiri from last night. He could probably heat up some miso soup too...and he was going to kill you.
Heartbroken, he gazed into the empty spot in the fridge that once housed his onigiri.
Instead, there was a pale pink post-it with the word "sorry" written on it in your handwriting.
After mourning the loss of his precious onigiri, he forlornly set about making himself a cup of tea.
As he reached to grab the tea bags from the top shelf he heard someone entering the kitchen. Grabbing the tea and turning, he realized that it was Maki.
He began to greet her but paused as he realized she was staring intently at the spot just above his waistband where a sliver of his skin had been exposed while he was reaching for the tea.
He asked, worried and a little perplexed.
"Tuna mayo?"
He asked, instantly on edge. It was rare for Maki to show this much concern.
Suddenly she surged at him and was tugging at his shirt with barely contained panic shining in her eyes.
"Your shirt. Take it off. You have to take it off. I need to see."
She bellowed, frantically lifting the hem when he didn't instantly move.
Staring at the giant petals slashed across his torso in vicious crimson swathes, the two froze.
"Your soulmate trait makes any injury she has appear on your body as flowers and vice versa, right?"
Exhaling shakily, she wasn't sure she wanted to hear the answer.
There was no response. She didn't need one either way - she was just confirming, but his lack of reaction concerned her.
Taking a good look at his face, she realized he was frozen, pupils blown out as he quivered staring at the marks on his midriff.
But he was gone. Tearing down the hall he headed towards Gojo's room. Gojo. He would be able to help. He would have to trust Maki to go get Shoko.
Slamming his shoulder into the wall as he made a sharp turn into the next corridor, he stumbled but kept going.
What if he was too late? God, he never should've let you go on this mission alone. You're a strong sorcerer, he knows that. Maybe even stronger than him. But if he isn't able to protect you, how can he call himself worthy of being your boyfriend. Of being your soulmate.
Tears pricked the back of his eyes as he burst into Gojo's room.
Looking up from his kikufuku, Gojo was greeted with one of his students tearing off his shirt.
"Whoa-whoa hold on now, it's a little early to be getting this frisky-"
He stopped seeing the flowers etched into Inumaki's skin.
In near hysterics, Inumaki pointed at his chest.
He managed to get out between pants.
Luckily, Gojo understood what he was trying to say. He had understood in sickening clarity the second he had seen the marks.
Something was about to steal the bright future of not just one, but two of his students. And he'd be damned if he let that happen.
Striding over and placing a hand on Inumaki's shoulder he spoke.
"It's going to be okay. We're going to go get her."
And with that, he teleported them off.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Pain. Mind-numbing, nauseating pain. Pain was all you knew.
Crumpled against a wall on your back, you could vaguely hear Ichiji's worried voice calling your name as he searched for you.
For a split second, you registered a muted panic, unsure if your final attack had been enough to take out the special-grade, but then you realized that Ichiji wouldn't even be in here if the curse was still alive, because the veil would still be up.
Relief slowly drifted in among the fog clouding your brain. At least you got your job done.
As your blood leaked out and stained the concrete beneath you your hand slowly started slipping off the three violent gashes that had been clawed across your torso.
Clinging desperately to consciousness you fought to stay awake as your vision fuzzed with black.
Toge. You had to think of Toge. You couldn't do this to him. You had to hold on for him.
Your hand slid fully off your upper body and fell with a quiet splash into the puddle of blood surrounding you.
I'm so sorry Toge..."
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Appearing next to the black car that had transported you and Ichiji to the scene, Gojo and Inumaki instantly got to work searching for you. Following the sound of Ichiji's voice, they were eventually led to a frantic Ichiji calling your name as he stumbled across rubble. When he looked over and noticed the two of them he frantically waved them over.
"Thank god you're here!"
He exclaimed as he made his way to meet them.
"I don't know what happened! The veil went down so I assumed the curse was exorcized but when she didn't appear, I became worried and went to search for her. I still haven't found her though and I'm beginning to be quite concerned...."
"She'll be fine."
Gojo said confidently, waving away Ichiji's concerns.
"We'll find her, right Inumaki?"
Trying his best to ease the tightness in his chest and breathe, Inumaki nodded.
Splitting up they began searching, calling out your name. It would've been easier to track your cursed energy, but it appeared you'd fallen unconscious, so that was out of the question.
Minutes passed, and with each one Inumaki found it harder and harder to breathe. He began to fear the worst, and images of your beautiful body mangled and broken flashed in his mind's eye.
Finally he found you. But instead of feeling better, the sight he was greeted with only kicked his oncoming panic attack up a couple notches.
Blood. There was so much blood. Crashing to his knees, he attempted to put pressure on the gashes clawed across your torso. Wait, when did he even get to your side? Dimly he heard a high pitched keening sound, not unlike a dying animal.
It wasn't until hands pulled him off you that he realized that the sound was coming from him. Or that blood was dripping from his mouth because he had been using his cursed speech to attempt to command you to wake up, to stay with him.
He cried out and tried to throw himself back over you. They couldn't touch you! Didn't they understand? You were hurt! But the same hands from before gripped his shoulders and held him back as Gojo teleported you off to Shoko.
"She'll be okay son."
Nanami murmured into his ear. When had he gotten here?
"She'll be okay, just calm down. Take a breath."
Listlessly staring at the puddle of blood that you had been lying in, he allowed Nanami to gently pull him away and guide him back to the car waiting to drive them back to the campus.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
When they arrived back on campus Inumaki was out of the car and tearing off towards the infirmary before it had even fully stopped.
Bursting into the room, the door hit the wall with a bang, causing everyone in it to look up.
You asked, sitting up a little straighter as Shoko finished up examining you.
Frozen in the doorway, he stared at you, hesitant to believe that you were okay after witnessing the gory aftermath of your injuries.
Lowering the t-shirt you had been changed into, Shoko patted your shoulder and advised you to take it easy before standing.
“C’mon Gojo. Get out of here. Give the two some privacy.”
Shoko herded Gojo out, shutting the door behind them. Then the two of you were alone in the quiet room.
The quiet sound of you sniffling filled the room.
“I-I’m so sorry.”
You cried quietly as you wiped your tears with the palms of your hands.
“I’m so sorry I worried you because I wasn’t strong enough. I was so scared. I thought I was going to die. I thought I was never going to see you again…”
A choked sound escaped Inumaki as he took a hesitant step forwards. You looked up at him, your tear-filled eyes making his own fill.
“Can you come here and hold me?”
You asked, extending your arms.
And that was all you needed to say. He barreled into you, mindful of your injuries as he nuzzled his face into the crook of neck and relished in the feeling of having you in his arms again.
He sobbed, pressing kisses to your pulse point.
He repeated, unable to say anything else for fear of hurting you with his cursed speech.
“No, why are you sorry?”
Your tears trailed down your face, dripping off your chin and mixing with his before staining your shirt.
“You didn’t do anything-”
I couldn’t protect you.
He traced the words into the palm of your hand. 
“Of course you couldn’t!”
You exclaimed, thumping him lightly on the back.
“You weren’t even on the mission with me, dummy! How could you have? Plus, it’s not your responsibility to protect me. That’s not your job as my boyfriend. All I ever asked of you is to hold me like you are now, and to love me.”
You buried your face in his hair, inhaling deeply.
“Stop blaming yourself. Just stay with me like this for a while, okay?”
Nodding, he snuggled further against you.
That’s right. Everything was okay. You were okay. Everything would always be okay.
As long as you were holding him.
And he was holding you.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
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cat-loves-music · 3 months
Hi Cat! I was wondering if I could request Mattheo Riddle x fem reader who gets migraines? And it would be her skipping class over getting a really bad one which is unusual and so he goes to check on her and he cuddles her, gives her head massages (and she has curly hair or it’s just not described as like easy to comb through so more of a scalp massage ig lol) and whatever else you want to add. Also they call each other like mi amor and cute stuff like that. If you don’t want to write this it’s totally fine! I love your work and hope you have a great day or night <3
Omg hi! So sorry this took so long. Finding motivation is a pain in the ass. 😅
I also am not really familiar with migraines, so I hope I do this justice. Anyways I hope you like it!
Warnings: migraines, fluff, House not specified, fem!reader, not proofread!, somewhat shitty writing, and if there are more plz let me know!
The sound of a switch and the sudden blinding light of my dorm room awakes me from my peaceful slumber.
"Come on, Y/n! You need to get up, you'll be late," my dormmate says before leaving.
I groan as I sit up in bed, my head throbbing with pain and the contents of my stomach swish around uncomfortably inside the organ. The lights reflecting off of the vibrant colors of the dorm room make my head spin so I begrudgingly stand up to turn the light back off.
"Not today," I whisper to myself as I chase my relief in the comfort of my own bed.
Mattheo's POV
"Hey Malfoy, have you seen Y/n today?" I asked him as we sat down in the Great Hall for lunch.
"Nah, mate. I would have thought you would have since you're the one dating her," he answers, shrugging.
I sigh as more of my friends come to the table.
"Have any of you guys seen Y/n by any chance?" I asked them.
"I didn't see her in class," Enzo replied, "she's almost never even late much less not show up."
"Yeah she wasn't in Defense or Charms," Pansy said, worry lacing her voice.
I get up from the table, my heart feeling like it's being squeezed. Something is wrong, I know it.
"I'll see you all later, I'm gonna go find her," I stated.
We bid our goodbyes before I head to her dorm. I arrive there and I knock on the door.
"Go away!" I hear her groan.
Twisting open the door knob, the lights are completely off and the curtains are drawn closed. Darkness envelopes the room, but I can still see Y/n's form buried underneath the covers.
"Mi amor," I whisper, "what's wrong?"
"I have a migraine," she speaks, her words slightly slurred.
I frown, "It must be a bad one because you never miss class, my love."
"Please stop yelling," she whines, "it hurts."
I walk over to beside her bed, take my shoes off and climb in next to her. Snaking my arms around her, I hold her close and she snuggles into my chest.
"Can I get a head massage please?" She requests, looking up at me with her tear stained cheeks.
"Of course, princess," I said, my heart squeezing once more.
I hate that she's in pain, sometimes I wish I could take it away from her so she'll never have to feel it again. I'd bear the burden so she doesn't have to, but unfortunately I can't so the next best thing would be helping her with a massage. My hands find their way to her head as I work my fingers into her temples and scalp. Y/n sighs in contentment as I do so.
"Thank you, love," she says, "that feels so much better."
I provide a kiss to the top of her head, "I'm glad."
For the rest of the day, we stay in bed with our bodies entwined in each other's arms.
Hi! I hope you liked it, but it’s been a hot minute since I've written an imagine so I'm sorry if it sucks. I tried my best to make it decent since I don't personally get migraines, but if you want me to add something, let me know!
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svnaaaaaa · 8 months
Monte Carlo : Charles Leclerc AU
Tumblr media
pairing : charles leclerc x fem reader
summary : inspired by 'monte carlo' staring selena gomez. a tale of two sisters, one announced as heiress and one just a backup incase something bad happened.
warning(s) : french-google translated
previous : -
next : part two
author's note : hi all. i know i have a lot of explaining to do but, what i can say is that, i am sorry. i cannot go on with the 'corpse bride timothée chalamet au', because i felt out of interest for him (same goes with my past relationships, a bit personal sorry). recently i posted a formula one driver imagine and it was the bomb and i found that it has piqued a lot of people than what i posted before the imagine. i am sorry once again but i have no longer interest in writing about timothée chalamet anymore and right after i posted all ten parts of 'the parent trap', there will be no second season or whatever you called after a second part of a whole series. so yea, i hope this one also pique your interest and liking and as always, enjoy.
a sun rises as a sign that the next day has come by and a new day has started. a social work course university student, y/n thomas, brisk-walked through her way to her faculty building placed in university of sydney as she was late for her 8-am class. "i'm late, i'm late, i'm late." was all muttered from her mouth as she walked through a sea of people here and there.
"this is all grace's fault for taking me to that stupid party." y/n mumbled, and as she almost reached her class, she almost slipped off to the floor while grabbing the door handle. a hand, not hers, grabbed her by her waist, stablized her back to her feet. "woah there, steady." an almost-french male voice was heard. y/n looked up and it was one of her classmates. it felt like a korean drama moment but both y/n and the guy snapped out of it once they realized where they're at. "uh, sorry and thanks." y/n said and she opened the door, entered the class hall, trying not to disturb the ongoing class.
"as you all are fully aware, next year will be your field education 1. be sure you are ready in preparing whichever places you picked and make sure that you have contacted your advisor regarding the locations you've picked whether it is suitable or not." the professor, dr. aikenmann explained and after that, the class continues on.
there was a knock on a huge bedroom door by one of the helpers. "mademoiselle, c'est déjà le matin. (miss, it is the morning already.)" said the helper. "attends une minute. (wait a minute.)" a young woman answered as she was half-fully awake, patting on her fluffy cover blanket, searching for her beloved cat, samuel. as she felt the fur body of a cat, she smiled while her eyes were still shut. "te voilà. (there you are.)" she mumbled.
"good morning mother, father."
"good morning my sweetheart." mother replied as she was sipping her tea. mother wasn't her real mother, it was a step-mother. marie auclair-thomas, heiress herself to her father's company, being one of the most stock-share holder from the company itself. despite that, after the marriage with beau thomas himself, two of three beau's children left nice, french. but not amélie colette thomas, she was announced as a heiress and it was her duty to stay in nice for the sake of company's stock holders.
it has been five years since then.
"morning buttercup." father replied as he was scrolling his tablet, probably reading news or look into this morning stocks condition. "remember, you have to come with me to paris later on." father said as he set his glasses on the dining table, on top of the tablet. "is it about that racing thing? can i pass?" amélie asked as she took a bit from her toast. "no you cannot sweetie. you have a reputation and people need to see the heiress in the company." father explained. "what am i? paris hilton?" amélie replied smugly. "oh sweetheart, our company is one of the teams sponsor, of course you need to go and show your face at the race. even paris hilton went to the race and met her drivers. what was it honey?" mother explained as she looked at father's way. "mclaren i believe." father added and amélie, being herself, a snobby little brat, sighed heavily. "okay, okay." amélie said. "i'll go to your stupid race." amélie added.
"hey, y/n right?" a male's voice was heard as y/n turned around and saw the earlier guy that caught in a moment with her as well. "urm yea." confused, y/n stopped her walking and fully turned her body. "i was just wondering, if you would like to meet up with the advisor together because i realized that we do have the same advisor." the guy said and realization hit on y/n.
"oh yea, and you are?"
as they walked their way to the their academic advisor's office regarding the field education, they saw their advisor, professor dans, talking to some other students. "professor dans." robert said as they approached the professor and the students. the students dismissed. "oh hi robert, y/n, here to talk about your field education?" professor dans asked as her hand was on the door handle. "yes professor dans, we would like to ask for your suggestions as well." y/n added as robert nodded at her. professor dans smiled as she opened up her room office, entering and turning on the lights and air condition while saying, "please come in."
both robert and y/n entered the room office and professor dans made a gesture to ask them to take a seat each at the sofa that was placed in the room office while professor dans take a seat at the single seated sofa. "so what do you have in mind?" professor dans asked. "uh.." robert started. "i was thinking to do it at my home country, doing some volunteering works there." robert stated as professor dans nodded her head yes. "i see, interesting. it does have volunteering center there yes?" professor dans asked. "because if you just doing a volunteering job with having an office then your field education will be 'not complete', you need to find an office that does the job because you're still a student, not a volunteer worker." professor dans reasoned. she's good, no wonder they called her professor dansgon as in dragon. she looks all sweet on the outside but in reality, her words are kinda harsh but sometimes can bring down someone's self-esteem.
"how about you y/n, have you thought of yours? if not, please don't waste my time." ouch, professor dans said. her true colors are truly showing up.
"actually, i would like to do in unicef if it is possible?" y/n replied unsurely as professor dans just stared at her. then she just sighed. "look children, doing volunteer job is good because that is what your major is but don't forget, doing your field education while volunteering requires a lot of paperworks, you might have no time because doing volunteer job means most of your time totally focused on the jobs. you won't have enough time for your paperworks and never forget, you have to make a presentation once your field education ends. have you two even thinking about all of these?" professor dans snapped. y/n just biting hard on her bottom lip, an old, bad habit of hers while robert just looked down. professor dans continued on looking at them.
"listen, i give you two to rethink over this matter and come back to finalize on your field education. remember, as important in helping people, you need to know where your ground is as a student." professor dans said, and then dismissed.
"WHAT A BITCH!" grace's voice rose up as their surroundings were looking at them. y/n stared at grace with bored in her eyes as she knew how grace's reaction when came things like this. "who does she thinks she is?" grace continued. "a professor and an advisor and also an educator, no doubt she would say things like that grace." y/n explained. grace sighed. "but still, don't need to be so bitchy about it." grace defended, being a good friend which y/n being thankful for, sometimes grace don't know when to know how to limit her supportive self.
to y/n, it is common for an educator like professor dans being like that. because she (professor dans) knows what will happen if just solely doing what she (y/n) planned before. right now, she just wants sleep away the thought of wanting to kill professor dans for being her dragon self.
y/n sighed as she sloped her head on the dining hall table, groaning. grace looked at her best friend as she sipping on her milk tea. "you know, you could ask your sister about this." grace mentioned. y/n snapped her head at grace. her eyed were as if she could shallow grace alive right now, without a doubt. "i mean, that dragon did mention on how you need to apply from a company and duhh, your dad's company held a charity event for some children' helping solidarity whatever right?" grace said. y/n sighed once again. "i guess, i'll ask her later on." y/n said.
"welcome along to the france grand prix, which could be the last french grand prix." an announcer announced as the screen of the circuit shown. "it is round 12, as we headed to part two to this formula 1 season in 2022 as we take place over 53 laps." the announcer continues as the graphic of a circuit shown where the race took place in.
amélia who stood in the ferrari hospitality, fanning herself as the heat from outside haven't left from her yet. "ugh, can't this thing get over with?" amélia grumbled to herself as she stood and watched her father's back alongside with ferrari's team principal fred. beau turned around to see amélia awkwardly stood there while fanning herself. "fred, this is my daughter, amélia. sweetheart, this is fred, ferrari's very own team principal." beau introduced as fred laughed to himself, humoured by beau's introduction. "pleasure to meet you fred." amélia said plainly. fred who understood, just smiled, knowing that not all can accept this kind of sport. "pleasures all mine madamoiselle, what a beautiful daughter came from a beautiful father aye?" fred said as he nudged beau's arm as beau just chuckled.
"ah charles." fred called as a guy in red suit walked by while sipping on his long strawed-bottle. the guy named charles walked over to fred. "i want you to meet amélia thomas, daughter of beau thomas." fred introduced as charles looked over to a girl who looked kinda annoyed by being here. "miss." charles said as he nodded his head. amélia, just nodded her head back, making things more awkward. "ah charles, pleasure to meet the driver that will bring victory to this team." beau said as he pat on charles' back, making charles chuckled to himself. "that is fluttering comibg from you sir. thank you." charles said while beau pat charles' back. "i need to go now, i'll see you later on mr thomas." charles said and off he goes to the ferrari's garage.
"let's go amé, the race is about to start." beau said while amélia walked towards the paddock, amélia's phone went off, signalling a notification.
hey ames, i was wondering if father's company still accepting field education student? - y/n sis
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muzicgenerator · 9 months
Hey, can I request an angst story with Bill and reader (the reader is female) abt crazy fans please? Like them (Bill and the reader) admitting somewhere (idk maybe in an interview for a magazine) that they almost broke up because of that (maybe reader's fanbase is known for being "too much" sometimes like following the reader everywhere, being so in love with her etc)
(Also could the story take place in the 2000s please?)
Goodbye 👋
i like this one im actually excited abt writing this one shot
btw im so sorry for late reply AHSJHFKDHDK please expect ill take like AT LEAST a week to answer yalls request bc im busy as hell w school 😭😭 love u guys pls understand
and again this aint entirely proof read
Too Much?
Pairing: Bill Kaulitz x Fem Reader
Genre: Angst, Mostly fluff
Warnings: Stalking, mention of nonconsensual touching, very embarrassing storytime from bill
Request Status: closed :(
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮ I'm Not Okay (I Promise) : My Chemical Romance
(Time set back in late November of 2007)
Being a famous actress since as a child was unbelievably tough.
You had worked so hard and expertly; you didn't even have time to spend your childhood properly.
Just at the age of 19 and you've finished numerous movies and series. A true self-made millionaire, really.
You and your ravenette boyfriend are currently doing an interview for a night show.
"So ____, wow! After a long pause from doing films you're finally gonna have one showing soon! How is it like? Being back and all; being the talk of the country."
In the past one and a half year you hadn't done any projects since you've decided to take a break for yourself. And now you're once again busy taping with film staff and directors for your new and upcoming Teenage Romance movie.
Rest assured it's not your typical boy-meets-girl or vice versa and they do sappy sweet stuff and get together kind of film; it has its own uniqueness that will surely be called as "One of 2000s greatest Teen Romance movies of all time."
"Oh, I feel great Hanna. I had a deserving break and I'm back to doing one of the things I love most. I'm even happier because I got my lover and his band to sing the theme song for the movie." You truthfully answered and chuckled by the end of your statement.
"How about you Bill? How are things with your band?" Hanna included Bill to the conversation.
At that, he smiled politely. "Everything's great with us y'know, we're still together and all. Which I'm grateful for."
After a few more minutes for pep talk; the blonde interviewer finally decided to get onto the exciting part of the show.
"And now, for the moment we've all been waiting for! Dunk Tank!" Hanna smiled widely at the selected crowd.
"Where in this game; you will pick someone from the crowd who will accompany you with this game.
Your selected teammate will ask any question they want; to which you will answer, and if you don't want to then they'll get a chance to throw a ball on the target. Where if they hit it, you'll fall down the tank."
Hanna excitedly announced despite having done this for the nth time.
"____ and Bill, play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who goes first."
You knew you'd beat Bill since every single time you played it - he'd miserably lose.
"Oh, I'm confident in winning this one!" you proudly say.
"Just because you've beat me all the other times we played this, doesn't mean I'll lose now!" Bill accepted your challenge and laughed.
He was right. He won for the very first time.
"Oh my God! Did I seriously win?!" your black clothed boyfriend exclaimed.
"I only let you win this time because I felt sorry." you playfully rolled your eyes with a smirk.
"Whatever, I'm gonna choose now." he giggled and stepped closer to the crowd.
His fan girls were screaming at the top of their lings, begging to be chosen by him.
No, you weren't jealous. Not one bit. Sometimes Bill would even complain about you not being possessive of him from time to time and would think you're not as in love as he thought.
It's cute, really. Then you'll show him how much you love him through actions rather than words.
Bill chose a girl who seemingly looked two or three years younger.
The joyous girl screamed in surprise; "Oh my god! What?! Me??! SERIOUSLY??"
It made Bill giggle, "Yes, you! Now get down here!"
A body guard helped the girl down; and when she was no longer at the stairs she rushed Bill to hug him but abruptly stopped. "Hi oh my god you're more beautiful up close! Can I hug you?!" she says excitingly.
It made your heart flutter just how kinder your boyfriend's fans are compared to yours.
To say your fan base is crazy is an understatement. Many would harass you through nasty words or touching you with no consent; it didn't matter if they did that out of how much they "love" you, it was still disgusting.
"Um, yeah. Sure!" he hesitantly looked at you; his eyes asking for permission. To which you subtly nodded.
Again, your heart melted by how he's making sure you're okay with it. Honestly, you very much understood that being famous would mean people wanting to hug you or any form of physical contact. Plus, it's not like you can say no to Bill from hugging a fan; you'd be a scandal. And you knew Bill wouldn't have any other choice as well.
He wrapped an arm over her shoulders while she fully embraced him. Okay, you're a teensy bit jealous especially by the way she's holding him like he's her man.
But that was soon washed away when she turns to you.
"Hi! What's your name sweetie?" Hanna asked and put a mic on her mouth.
"My name is Pauline!"
Before Hanna could say anything further, Pauline beat her to it.
"____!! I'm such a big fan of you too! I've been watching your movies since forever." saying she's over the moon is definitely an understatement! This will definitely be a core memory.
Almost immediately you wrapped your arms around her back and squeezed her. This girl is definitely one of the most respectable and sweetest fan you've ever met.
Was it really low? Yes.
The audience cheered by how sweet you and Bill had been to the girl and by how jealous they were.
As Bill and Hanna chattered about God knows what; the girl leaned closer to you in order to ask a favour which no one can hear.
"Can I ask you to shout out my brother? He has a huge crush on you!"
"Sorry darling but we're in the middle of a show right now. How about later I ask the staff to send you to the backstage? Then I'll give him my magazine with an autograph, and if you have a camera with you - you can video me saying hi to him!" you came up with a resolution.
Was it over the top? You didn't know and you didn't care. You're just fleeting with joy by how this girl isn't like any other of your fans.
"Seriously? You'd do that for me and my brother?" she gasped.
"Well, yeah. I mean it's not always that I have such nice interactions with people who are a fan."
"Okay lovebirds what are you two talking about there?" Hanna teased with a smirk and Bill playfully pouted.
"Nothing, nothing" you laughed and held Bill's arm as the crowd laughed and cheered.
"If you say sooo." she replied. "Alright, your turn to pick!"
You carefully looked around the crowd and walked five steps of the stairs to get a better view of the people on the back. A fifteen year old boy was holding a banner stating "Bill's No.1 Boy", it was cute, really. So you planned to steal your boyfriend's fan! (this a joke dont hate reader pls)
"The ginger at the back with the banner please." you said to the mic.
The boy squeeled in delight and threw his banner somewhere before running down to you. Your arms opened for an embrace which he immediately jumped into.
"What's your name?" you put the mic to his mouth as you both carefully went down the stairs and back to the stage.
"Sam, I'm Sam! My name is Sam!" his rather high pitched voice said.
"Okay, Sam. I know you're Bill's fan so I'm gonna have to steal you, that okay?"
"Hey, no fair!" Bill patted the boy's head and shot a smile at him.
This moment for him is definitely a core memory and will brag about it to every living human he sees.
"Now, who wants to go first in the tank?" Hanna asked.
"I'll do it" Bill says excitingly.
They agreed and the staff helped him get up. Once he were seated and adjusted in the circular surface; he challenge you.
"Ask a good one!"
"Ohohoo, we definitely will!" you smirked.
You turn to Sam and ask him without the mics near your faces; "What're you gonna ask your idol?"
"Oh uhmm, I don't really know." he says bashfully.
"Maybe his most embarrassing moment?"
"That'll work, definitely." you smile supportively and fist bumped him.
"Bill, you read?!" Hanna exclaimed.
"Born ready!!"
"Alright Sam, ask away!"
"What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?" Sam asked with twinkles in his eyes.
"Oh, definitely when me and ____ weren't dating yet; she threw a sleepover party and she invited me and my mates, and there were three bathrooms, right? The three were being used and in one of those bathrooms it was Tom using it, and I had to rush him because I really needed to take a shit, like I couldn't hold it any farther!
So he went out really pissed and I pushed him off the door and quickly shut it and went right into business."
Bill paused and tried to compose himself as the crowd started to get louder.
"And when I washed and pushed the flush button - It wouldn't flush! So I got really scared because I just shit in my crush's toilet and I can't let anyone know that I'm the one who did it. So i looked around and saw a pack of pads so I took one of them; and forced myself to dip my hand down to grab it and I almost puked!
I look around and see there's no trash bin. So I panic again, and eventually decided I'll just rush down to throw it in the garbage in her garage. I quickly make a run for it and almost bumped into ___"
He now covered his hands in shame and embarrassment. "And she saw the pad in my hand! So she asked me like, 'Is that a pad?' and I'm like yes and so she asks whose it is...... and I said it's mine....."
You know of this story long ago; and it just gets better and better whenever you think or hear of it.
The audience and interviewer roared with laughter; as well as the staff behind and securities who tried to contain their smiles.
"I wish I never asked!" Sam wiped his tears from laughing too hard.
"Get down here Bill! That was too much!" Hanna's cheeks started to hurt, "Sorry to the viewers who are eating."
Bill went down immediately and squeezed the living life out of you. He does this whenever he's feeling embarrassed or nervous, and calls it his "Physical Support" from you.
"You should've let yourself get thrown in the water!" you giggled and hugged him back before he pulled away with a red face.
"Next goes ____!"
Once you were seated and made yourself comfortable on the seat; you tell them you're ready.
It was Pauline's turn to question whatever she wishes. "____, what do you think of your fans?"
She asks sincerely; she must've noticed something by the way you're like to your fan base and to Bill's. A part of you wished she hadn't asked but you've been dying to let the creepers out there know that whatever they'd been doing to you for a long long time - greatly affects you, especially as a young stat growing up in this sort of industry.
You rarely held any meet and greet, rarely had photos with fans where you look actually comfortable and where they weren't touching your waist or hips or near your ass - and ones where you do look comfortable it was mostly with girls or kids, which was not as often as when you do with the rest; who are pedophiles and creepy boys.
Of course you've always been nice when interacting with them; you didn't want to be rude and only wanted to be kind.
Definitely, there were times when you couldn't take it and couldn't do anything about it - other than cry and complain in your lover's arms.
You're forever thankful to have someone like him; he'd always listen to whatever you say and support everything you do.
Not realising; you zoned out quite a bit and snapped out of it when Bill called out your name with worry that he's trying to mask from everyone.
"Oh-, well, obviously I love them so much, if it weren't for them I wouldn't have succeed this much - of course the people who helped me get up in this industry as well.
I truly do appreciate their love and support, seriously. But quite the number of them are uh, how do I say this." you nervously chuckled as everyone listened intently to the tea you're telling.
"Crossing my boundaries? Yes, uh- that." you say not quite satisfied with the word you chose. It was evident that it's worse than just that but the safest.
"We all know people would cross it by taking unsolicited pictures of you, that's given because you're a celebrity, but are there some other ways they would? If you don't mind me asking of course." Hanna carefully asked.
You smiled softly, "Well a few have stalked me to my house - which I dunno how the hell they did so and took pictures of me and they'd send it to me and tell me how they thought of me. Some leave love letters, flowers, food in front of my gate, sent death threats to my exes when I was dating them and even now to my Bill." you left the worse parts out since you didn't want half of the world to be talking about your most private part of life. What you're even telling them now is a whole lot.
"Wow.. we all knew your fan base could get a bit crazy judging from all the videos we see and the news, but not by this much!" Hanna says empathetically.
"It happens, I guess." you try to laugh it off. However, Bill looked at your hues with his that sent the message of "Are you okay?"
In which yours replied with "I'm not okay."
The game went on a for it was Pauline's turn to the dunk tank, then Sam's.
You continued your cheery self through the whole taping and told yourself you'll regret what you said later in your dressing room. Bill kept his distance close to you and would caress your hand or shoulder as a sign of support - as well as slipping a "How're you holding up?" every now and then.
If there were billions of ways to show gratitude to this man; you'd do every single one of it to him.
After the agonizing show was over; you and Bill kissed Hanna's cheeks as a goodbye and thank you. To which she said back to you both as well and wished to see you soon.
As you made your way to the dressing room in silence with your fingers intertwined with Bill's; you abruptly stop in your tracks.
"I almost forgot I have to sign a magazine for Pauline!"
Your lover looked confused for a second "What? Why?"
"I kinda promised Pauline I'll just sign a magazine for her brother because she asked me to shout him out while taping." you let a small huff and loosened your grip on your boyfriend's slender hand. "How about I'll see you later in the van? You can wait for me there instead if I haven't been back by five minutes."
Bill smiled, "Of course sweetheart, I'll see you later. Love you." he pecked your lips and lovingly looked into your eyes for a moment before heading to his dressing room.
Quickly; you asked a staff to bring Pauline to your dressing room to give her an autograph - to which they agreed to. Thankfully.
While they did that, you strided to your room and grabbed your magazine and marker - which immediately after doing so, a knock was heard on your door.
You hand held the paper as the other gripped the violet ink marker. When you did, you were greeted by a Pauline smiling widely with a camera on her right hand.
"Hi!" she says excitingly.
You greet back and quickly hugged her, "I see you have a camera with you."
"Oh, yes, uhm.. I was wondering if i can take a video of you signing an autograph? So my brother would believe me that it really is from you." she nervously giggled. "I might or might now have pranked him once by giving him a fake autograph."
"Yeah, sure. What's your brother's name?" you say softly.
"It's Percy." she answers as she readies her camera.
"Alright, is it rolling?" you ask with a smile on your face. Pauline says yes with a grateful smile; grateful for being how considerate and kind you are.
"Hi Paul! So I heard from your sister that you're a fan? Too bad you didn't come with her." you looked behind the camera to Pauline.
"And I heard she gave you a fake autograph of mine? Well now, you're getting a real one, and this is the proof." you say still giggling as you signed the magazine.
"There, and keep the pen. I gotta go now, bye and love you!" you say as you waved goodbye and gave your iconic kiss blow alongside a wink.
Once Pauline returned the camera back to her bag; she immediately thanked you.
"I'm serious - thank you thank you sooo much! And uh.. I'm really sorry if what I asked earlier was too personal. I really am. I was just curious and didn't thoroughly before it slipped my mouth." she noticed the change of the atmosphere long ago. Even if she's just fifteen, she knew how to read the room well.
"Aw, sweetie.. it's nothing." you pat her shoulder, "It's fine I tell ya, also I better get going - you should too, it'll get dark in just two hours. Bye bye and stay safe!" you wave goodbye as she still exclaimed thank you's as she walked backwards towards the exit.
(that footage is definitely gonna go viral after many years)
In a light speed; you gathered your essential belongings and had your personal assistant help you carry your other belongings to the van; to which Bill noticed through the windows that you're carrying back pack and a purse and immediately helped you despite having it under perfect control.
He opened the door for you and let you in first before him and closed the door. Your personal assistant sat in the passenger seat next to the driver, while you and your beloved were at the very back despite the space up front.
You rested your head on his shoulder and he put his above yours while he held your hand with both of his; tracing every outline, massaging it, and kissing it once in a while.
"R'you okay now?" Bill mumbled and kissed your head.
"Yes, hon. I'm great actually.. thanks so much for being there, I love you so much." you turn your head to face his and pecked his lips.
"I love you more than you'll ever know, I'm glad you're okay." he smiled genuinely and kissed you deep and passionate.
You returned to your head's original position and fell to sleep; not caring if tomorrow, you'll be the town's talk.
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limerencedisorder · 1 year
series masterlist
note: ive been busy af sorry for taking eleven days to write another chapter lmfao. also i have a writers block for genshin impact. apologies😢
cws: Forced relationship, Childe is disgusting, suggestive, other canon characters mentioned, implied sex, I don't ship chilumi lol, kinda just childe being clingy af, bro this chapter is kinda random help
Chapter 1
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You awake with an unfamiliar pair of eyes burning through the back of your head. Just as unfamiliar as this bedroom. The bedroom of Childe. It's been six days since the murder of your late-boyfriend and you were accused of the murder.
Fortunately, your "new boyfriend" stepped in and claimed you were with him and his friends the whole time, and you both found the body. Surprisingly "Scaramouche" and "Signora" were the friends and they agreed. Are there more horrible people like Childe?? Is that why they stood up for him?? You thought.
Lost in thought, Childe snapped you out of it.
"Mornin' pretty." He spoke softly. You hesitantly looked behind you, locking eyes with the ginger. Dull eyes. So dark and deep like the abyss. You just stared at him, lost in thought once again.
"Got lost in my eyes?" He questioned. Moving a hand up to caress your cheek.
Finally, you spoke. "No. I was just wondering where I went wrong." You slowly got up, stripped of your clothes because of last night. Gosh you hate to admit but he was amazing. He grinned. "Get changed." He spoke casually.
"For what reason?" You asked him. Lost in thought again. Maybe it wasn't so bad you spent all your attention on Zhongli. After all, he's gone now. At least you made the most of it. Childe glanced at you, putting on his button up. "If something's on your mind you can speak it." He said, completely ignoring your question. He climbed onto the bed and on top of you. "Get off of me." You glared at him. He ignored you and grabbed a shirt from his drawer.
"Wear this." He gently held the shirt against your bare chest. Looking down on the floor, your ripped panties and new shirt in the corner of the room. "Don't you have a girlfriend Childe.." You mumbled. That blonde hair girl with golden eyes. She was clingy towards Childe and Childe seemed to reciprocate her acts and feelings. It would make sense if they were dating. Unless it was another regular girl pining after him.
"I told you last night to call me Ajax." Childe noticed your staring at your panties and shirt, then walked up to it and picked up some of its pieces. "I'll buy you a new one." He looked at your face. Blank. Gosh why were you acting so hard? Is it really that hard to act normal now? He sighed. "You didn't answer my question." You looked up at him.
"You mean that girl named Lumine?" He questioned. "So you do have a girlfriend." You sighed.
"Well-" "I don't think she'll be very happy after finding out her boyfriend committed a crime then proceeded to cheat on her with the victims girlfriend." You interrupted.
He chuckled. "Jealous?" You scoffed. "Of course not. I feel bad for the girl." He just looked at you, his smile fading for a quick second. "Just get changed." His smile returning as fast as it faded. Oh that poor girl.. What would she do when she sees her dear boyfriend with another woman?
Childe left the room, shutting it gently as you watched him leave. You then laid back on the bed, wondering- where did it go wrong? And then you remember. The moment you met eyes with Childe, you should have scrambled away. But you didn't. You curse yourself for being so reckless. His eyes were so bright, but so dead. They were so sharp as if it could cut you with a knife. Many girls found him attractive and you couldn't blame them for it. But he just wasn't your type.
Now he's here, doing whatever he thinks is called love. Gosh you just wished he killed you as soon as you found out. Take what he has to offer? You scoffed. As if.
Childe entered the room, opening the door slightly. "What're you doing? Stay awake pretty I'm making breakfast for you." You rolled your eyes then got off the bed, walking out the door as he shut it gently. He took your hand and led you to the table and smiled. You sat down, him sitting in front of you. You stared at him for a little, a little awkward. He chuckled then rested his head on his hand, smiling at you.
"Eat up pretty." He spoke softly, waiting for you to take a bite of his eggs. You grabbed your utensil that was place on the side of the table, using it to cut the egg. It was odd how Childe would always stare at you when you eat. No matter what it was- A quick snack from him or a drink. But this time, he looked desperate for you to take a bite of his eggs. So you did, and he immediately sat up straight with a huge grin on his face.
Well at least he knew how to cook. You thought, still tasting the food from before.
He had you cuddling against his chest, his soft snores as his grip on you was too tight to be comfortable. A hand on the back of your thigh and the other wrapped around your body, holding you close. You could barely move in the position, squeezed so tight against him. You couldn't breathe too well.
Childe shifted slightly, giving you more space to breathe as you took a deep breath. You sighed in relief. Just this one time, I'll let him. You thought. You were too weary to even care.
You've just been here for the meantime. Childe went out to buy stuff and you would always be left behind. It was irritating. He acted as if you couldn't take care of yourself. In the mean time you just did whatever you wanted. You fucked up some of his stuff and hid them in the corner of his closet.
It's petty but who cares?
Oh you can't wait to see his face when he arrives.
..A voice.
A feminine voice.
It sounds like.. Her.
Tag list:
@notsodivininglover @homopheli
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lost-inthedream · 11 months
Love your sf9 stuff!
Was wondering if you could write an SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night?? Thank you!
Sorry for the late answer. Thank you for requesting!
SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night
Pairing: SF9 x female reader
Warnings: oral, fingering, masturbation, mentions of sex, everything in this piece happens with consent.
Bonus song rec: UFO, by Gemini ft. Seori.
smut content under the cut
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You deliberately wake him up, but with kind touches. Once he asks what the problem is, you say you need his help. "Nightmare??" he supposes pulling you closer, which obligates you to be explicit. He chuckles with a hint of malice and tells you to undress both of you then he is gonna do the job. The way he penetrates you is rather romantic at this time.
Waking him up is harder than you expected. However, the more you talk profanities into his ear as you lay very closer to him, the wetter you get. "You nasty" he finally moans back in a low tone. "Yes, I'm the nastiest!" you whine out excited. "Will you fuck yourself on my dick right now?" he asks with a jerk, knowing that this is all you want. You just need to climb on top of him.
Jaeyoon immediately smiles at your filthy approach under the sheets but he is lazy. He slowly palms you back to reach your folds. "Are you wet?" He sounds curious but also hazy. Anyways, he is pretty caring and starts pumping your hole with two fingers as soon he figures out that you are lubrificated.
This boy is easily woken up. The first complaint that reaches his ear gets him alert. "Yes, doll". When you kiss him in the mouth, he gets it right away. You won't even need to move, he blindly goes to your bottoms and removes them, you are curious to discover what's he's going for. Maybe he will eat you out, maybe he will tease your entrance with those thick fingers of his.
He wakes up so lost and confused, you have to kiss him into comprehension. Since your kiss is much dirtier than he expects in the middle of the night, he slowly understands that there's something off. He places his hand spread onto your butt cheek and massages its flesh. "Oh shit, my princess needs to be fucked back to sleep". He will do it still half-asleep and still clothed but it's perfect to have your eyelids heavy again.
Dragging him out of dreamland this late is harder than anything. He turns to the side and purrs at your approach. You are almost giving up, resigned to only sucking on his fingers when he suddenly asks if you need your pussy eaten out. "Please, my love" you cry, pulling his damp fingers out of your mouth. He clumsily slides underneath the blanket, intruding between your legs.
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang having a hard-on even though he is asleep is quite frequent. He often fix it without bothering you when his cock wakes him up. It goes differently when you are the one opening your eyes to your wet pussy instead. You palm him tenderly, with a pouty in your lips and kisses onto his neck. "What's it, baby girl?" he asks, feeling his member hardening into your fist. "Give it to me" you implore. Just a few more strokes and he stretches you out.
He can't do nothing but whine once you interrupt his rest so you apologize. It's embarrassing but you're still very needy. You spread your legs, intent on taking care of yourself when Youngkyun start sucking on your shoulder and covers your hand with his. He stops the circles you were making with your fingers and checks your arousal without a word. Your fluids are enough to coat his digits thus he rubs your clit with ease.
You all have established something similar to free use, hence you start touching his body as your whines fill the room. He takes a while to wake up, you humping his front with effort. At some point, he hisses a curse and grinds back on you before sliding his hand between the two of you. Just a small movement and his half-hard shaft is free for you to play with.
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iambellarose1816 · 4 months
Mama Bear And Papa Bear 🥰
Day 5: Domestic
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She had just arrived home from work a few hours ago and now she brushes her daughter's hair with small strokes and hums a small tune as she completes the task at hand.
"Mommy, can daddy put me to bed?" Her daughter asks sweetly. Carmen smiles and kisses her daughter on the head. "Sure, my baby."
Their 4 year old daughter, Camilla giggles and runs off to find her father.
Camilla hears shouting coming from her father's at home office and takes a peek inside only to find him talking to someone on the phone.
"Daddy?" She calls. Graham turns to his little girl's voice and smiles when he sees her. "I'm sorry, Shadowsan, but I have to go." With that he cuts the call and takes his little girl into his arms.
"My little fighter, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in bed?" He asks as he runs his one hand through her light brown locks.
Camilla giggles and hugs her father tightly. "She wants you to put her to bed." He looks at the entrance of his office door to see his beautiful wife in a red silk nightgown.
His heart skips a beat just staring at her. "Did she now?" Carmen nods and smiles at her husband and daughter.
"Daddy, can I sleep by you and mommy?" Graham looks at Carmen and she nods slowly. "I guess you can, little fighter." Camilla cheers and Graham walks them to their bedroom.
Carmen goes and sits in bed and takes her little girl into her arms. "I'll be back, let me change first." Graham says and kisses his girls on the head.
Carmen places Camilla in the middle and covers her with the comforter. Graham returns and slips into bed and smiles at his daughter.
"How was work? I am sorry I couldn't come see you when you came home." Graham says as he taps his daughter lightly.
Carmen shakes her head and smiles at him. "I can completely understand that the projects you are working on take time, and to answer your question, work was boring as usual. I hate signing papers all day."
Graham chuckles. "That's my Carm." Carmen blushes and looks at Camilla who is already fast asleep. "I know we haven't had much family time lately due to both of us being really busy with work, but I really want to start."
Graham nods in agreement. "Yeah, I think we should take a few weeks off to spend with Camilla."
Graham kisses his girls once more and sighs. "I love you." He mutters to Carmen. Carmen smiles and puts her hand on top of his that rests on their daughter and squeezes it.
"I love you too, Gray."
They both have busy lives, not having much time to spend with their baby girl, but they decided to give themselves time to be with her, to love her and cherish her.
Work isn't important to them, their daughter is. Everyday when they come from work there was always a routine they followed, but now they decided to change that for the better.
They decided to change it for their daughter and to have family time again.
I think their daughter's name would be Camilla, it just fits 🤭 also when I thought of Domestic I thought of them with their kid, something fluffy 🥺
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witchyafterdark · 6 months
The Statute of Secrecy 📜
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Disclaimer: This is just my personal opinion. I'm sorry if this was answered late but... I just wanted to answer this properly. And perhaps a late birthday post! 🎉 I'd love to hear more thoughts in the comments section or give me more asks!
The anon was pertaining to a previous post of mine, which you can find here.
Once again, this is a very, very long post. ✨ Please take your time!
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Thank you so much for sending me this ask. This is my first one ever, and I couldn't be happier! You have no idea how long I've been stewing on this topic but didn't know where to start.
Let's talk about it! I originally just wanted to post my vague take about this topic but I got to thinking 🤔 If we're really going to talk about this, let's delve deep into it, and get all the proper information out. Lots of people are divided about this statute; some in agreeance, some in complete opposition.
Also, I know that I'm no expert in the areas of government that I'm going to mention here. But I think I have a decent handle on the topic at hand, and for once, I'd like to put my degree on International Relations and Politics to good use!
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What is the Statute of Secrecy?
According to the wiki, the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy (commonly shortened to Statute of Secrecy) was a law in the Wizarding World that was first signed in 1689, then established officially in 1692. The purpose of this law was to safeguard the wizarding community from Muggles, and hide its presence from the world at large. This statute was inveterated by the International Confederation of Wizards — which is the equivalent of the United Nations in the muggle world.
The ultimate reason as to why this law had to be made and laid down in the 17th century was due to the severe Wizard-Muggle relations at that time. Witch trials were at an all-time-high across European nations. It was said that, "...[witches and wizards] that offer to aid their muggle neighbors with the use of magic was tantamount to volunteering to fetch the firewood for one's own funeral pure." This was evident in the many witches and wizards that were imprisoned and sentenced to death on the charge of practicing witchcraft.
On top of that, there had also been a time of widespread persecution of wizarding children by muggles, and both witches and wizards being forced by muggles to perform and teach magic for the latter's benefit; thus, increasing the numbers of persecution that inevitably included those of muggles mistakenly tried and burned as witches. At this point in time, the Wizarding World had to establish interventional measures.
During that period, Great Britain was ruled by King William III alongside his wife, Queen Mary II. There was a time during their reign when the newly-created Ministry of Magic attempted to convene with the muggle British Monarchy via a special Ministry Delegation. The British Wizarding World went as far as begging the muggle monarchy for the protection of wizards under muggle law. Of course, this attempt had failed, which promptly resulted in the collective decision of Wizardkind to voluntarily remove themselves from muggle societies, and went towards the direction of hiding and secrecy.
Now that the historical background of this law has been covered, let's now talk about what would happen if the Statute of Secrecy were to be abolished; which will make the Wizarding World known to all muggles. (Again, these are my personal views and hypotheses, backed by ample amount of research from both sides of the debate).
Of course, in an ideal world, we would all be accepting of each other, holding hands and singing Kumbaya. 😀🤝😀
But given the current status of wars we're facing today, we have to be honest with each other here. The power of love and acceptance is not going to be enough if the muggles themselves cannot even reach an amicable understanding between themselves. And this is without magic to begin with!
So, what will happen if the Wizarding World were to reveal themselves to the muggles?
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I. Economic Repercussions
There are so many bases to cover when it comes to the economic impact of what the abolishment of the Statute would entail. If the Wizarding World were to reveal their truth during this time, I can only imagine the economic upheaval both the muggle and wizards will face. Assuming that the Wizarding World would unveil themselves today, year 2023, these are the highly anticipated events that may occur:
1. At least half of the Muggle jobs will be obsolete
The first that comes to mind are people who work blue-collar jobs. I believe they will be hit the hardest in the event that magic will be known.
Why would you need a couple of dozen of construction workers (who work at a slower pace, and costs more) if you have magic to do if for you; which is considerably cheaper, faster, more efficient, and safer for all who are involved? Sure, wizarding engineers do exist as Hogwarts was built both by hand and magic. But for the most part? Utilizing magic to build and construct infrastructure will be far easier and faster than its muggle counterparts. This alone would affect the economy of manual labor of the muggle workforce.
How about housekeepers? Servers? Customer service? Handymans? They are surely the backbone of our society. But with the integration of magic, again, it would be cheaper to hire one witch or wizard to do the job, and it would be faster if magic was involved with stacking grocery goods into shelves, enchanted clothing stores that automatically alter your clothes to your size and shape, and a swish of the Scouring Charm (a charm used for cleaning and washing things) will inevitably cut the muggle labor-force into considerable numbers.
Didn't we see the Leaky Cauldron's tables being cleaned and chairs being put up by one wizard? A restaurant wouldn't need lots of servers if this would be the case. That alone would wreak havoc on muggle economy. (Less workers = less income tax revenue for the muggle government).
We've seen in real life how the recent pandemic messed with our economic recovery simply because the service industry was not wholly available as it used to be during pre-pandemic times. Everything else became impossibly expensive and difficult to obtain.
2. Pharmaceutical Corporations and Insurance Companies
Come on, now. We all know this is a gargantuan beast to tackle.
The first thing that came to mind are the magical creatures and plants that will be harvested to extinction if the muggles knew of their medicinal properties. Poaching will be at an its height (poor Poppy) with both muggles and crooked wizards selling and auctioning these creatures for mass breeding programs. There will be a race to find and get ahold of the rarest magical creatures, such as the Phoenix, Unicorn, and some species of Dragons and Winged Horses.
Wizarding potioneers and apothecaries will be reaping the benefits of this, of course, but they will be swamped with millions (if not, billions) of desperate muggles who are in search of cures for their ailments. Skele-Gro for immediate regrowth of bone-related accidents, Wiggenweld for the immediate treatment of open wounds and post-operative incisions, and the Forgetfulness Potion and Draught of Peace for patients who are suffering PTSD or any other trauma-related symptoms; just to name a few.
But the most dangerous part is that there will be a race for the recreation of the Philosopher's Stone. This is the key to create the Elixir of Life. And this is something both the wizarding world and the muggle world will fight to the death over.
Muggle pharmaceutical corporations will be affected considerably due to the magical competition of potions and healing spells that are far better than some of the muggle medications. However, there are still medicines that are needed and irreplaceable at this time; such as post-operative maintenance medicine, emergency care, anti-psychotic drugs, chemotherapy, anti-seizure aid, and the like.
And as much as we all loathe our respective countries' insurance companies and policies, they are still an important factor in our economic system. These companies will also be affected by the decline of both muggle medicinal and medical procedures.
3. Doctors, Nurses, and Healthcare Professionals
In that same vein, all healthcare professionals and providers will be affected. There will be a demand for more wizarding healers than doctors, and there will be an influx of muggle patients seeking treatment from the Wizarding World. Yes, there will be muggles who will still be wary and untrusting of wizarding procedures. This will be the saving grace of the muggle doctors and nurses — but only for a little while. Once the legitimacy and credibility of wizarding medicine becomes apparent (which it will over time), lots of muggle physicians will be at a loss of employment as more and more wizarding healers will be on demand worldwide.
The bright side to this dilemma is if both wizard and muggle medical professionals learn to cooperate with one another and have an exchange of training information with each other. Wizarding healers can learn how to do first aid; such as CPR, resuscitation, defibrillation, Heimlich maneuver, etc. We also have to give lots and lots of credit to the muggles. We have survived thus far with our own studies and the sheer will to live.
And so, we also have a lot of knowledge to impart to the wizard healers. Surgery would be even more revolutionary with the brainpower of muggle surgeons and wizard healer's magic and potions; perhaps to the point where mortality rates would go even lower than what we currently have. Maybe the muggles would give the wizards an idea of replicating organs instead of relying on donors! These are some of the positives that can happen for sure.
The Wizarding World will finally get to know dentistry! 😂 I honestly can't believe they don't know the existence of dentists all the way to as late as the 1990's.
4. Transportation
Commercial air and sea travel will most definitely be hit by the presence of wizarding means of transport. Imagine: Floo Stations can be built almost entirely anywhere (from major cities to remote islands), Witches and Wizards can be hired to apparate and disapparate (making traveling much faster, given the Wizarding World could figure out a way to bypass splinching), and Portkeys can be made and sold for a price! (There had been an incident where a muggle accidentally touched a Portkey, and was transported in the middle of a Celestina Warbeck concert!)
Surely, the muggle way of transporting goods will still be there simply because there is just too many parcels and packages to deliver. But human transportation will be affected, putting a dent the industry of airlines and seafaring companies. Plus, wizarding travel methods are easier on the planet! They don't use fuel and gas to begin with.
Another thing is broom flight! Yes, it's fun for the most part. But there will need to be an entirely new set of transportation systems and rules to be implemented before it can even be introduced for public consumption. I assume it's cheaper to buy than a car, and so a lot of muggles will be enticed to opt for brooms instead of cars — and they can just hire the aid of wizards to enchant their bags with Extension Charms for their personal belongings.
But ultimately, automobile manufacturers and corporations will, once again, become obsolete. It would push for smaller car companies into bankruptcy, and the larger ones would probably have to sell their now-surplus stock of cars for a drastically cheaper price just to be sold. Can you imagine what this would do to the economy?
5. Muggle-Made Products vs. Magically Modified Products
Funny enough, I added this part last-minute. But I immediately thought about this from seeing a review of Lady Gaga's beauty brand, Haus Labs, and their "Atomic Lip Lacquer." A product review said:
I'm 100% convinced Lady Gaga found some glamour witches and hired them! This product is impossibly good and effective!
This set my idea lightbulbs off because true enough, I had sampled this product before — and it works! It's smudge-proof, transfer-proof, and the color is quite universal on a lot of skin tones. (This is not an advertisement, nor is this post sponsored by Lady Gaga). 😂
But of course, the caveat is that if this truly was enhanced by glamour witches, then there will be a problem. Right now, we know that Haus Labs probably just have really good cosmetic chemists in their lab. But if the world was to know that glamour witches can be hired to amp up certain products, there will be a power and economic impact in the market competition.
Sure, all major companies can hire their own witches and wizards to magically enhance their products. But what about small, family-owned businesses? What about those actually honest companies that pay their workers fair wages? What about small companies who rely on ethically-sourced products from indigenous communities; like woven garments and furniture? What happens to them, then? They will be obliterated by these major corporations who have the money to hire people of magic to modify their products that will ultimately (and unfortunately) overpower smaller businesses.
Even if we are to ethically buy muggle-made products in support of their honest work, it will become much more expensive to procure over time. Much like cultural products made by locals are more expensive than your factory-produced goods, even the masses will have no choice but to buy products that are magically enhanced because they're cheaper and they take less time to manufacture. And most importantly, the magical products are going to be much more effective.
Just like that Atomic Lip Lacquer.
6. Currency, Trade, and Stock Markets
This one's pretty straightforward. With the use of divination, legilimency, seers, and all sorts of other methods of prediction, the odds are in the wizards' favor. Even with muggle technology that aids them in stock market predictions, it wouldn't stand a chance against magical seers and divination. Not only that but it would wreak havoc upon the value of both muggle and Wizarding currency exchange.
Since their community is considerably smaller than the rest of the world's, their economy is pretty stable. The system of currency isn't really expounded in great detail in the books, aside from what we know that there are 29 Knuts for 1 Sickle, and there are 17 Sickles for 1 Galleon.
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Interestingly, there have been systems from forums and websites that have shown the actual money exchange rates between the Wizarding and the muggle currency:
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(This one, however, is no longer the actual rates because we all know that rates change daily. There used to be a website for daily conversion rates but it's currently inaccessible or have been taken down. Do try to see if this website's working by the time I published this post).
I am not an economist, and I suck at economics, but judging from how a Galleon is worth more than the Euro, the US dollar, and British pound, Wizarding currency is more powerful than muggle currencies. If the Statute would be taken down, the Galleon would now have to enter the International Stock Exchange! But the worst part is that the British Galleon is not the only Wizarding currency there is. In France, they operate with the Bezant (which was established around 1927), and in the US, they have the Dragot and the Sprink (from at least the 18th century).
Yes, Gringotts Bank do accept muggle currency for Galleons in the case that muggleborns needed to have them exchanged. But the goblins do find the way to put muggle money back into circulation. So, in reality, muggle money is worthless in the Wizarding World. Not only that, but assuming that Galleons are made from gold, that in itself will cause a lot of confusion as to how it would be converted, and which method of conversion would yield higher returns. The bottom line is that the Wizarding currency would suffer from the process of joining the muggle market.
🔹 Now these are the things that I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there are tons of other things to consider. We're barely scratching the surface of the economic repercussions. Sure, there are advantages in the long run. But will the muggles and wizards even get to the long run with other factors to consider?
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II. Religious Opposition
(Note: I am NOT pertaining to the derogation of any specific religion on this section of the post. Anything mentioned here is alluded to in a generic way or historical context. I am not siding nor criticizing any particular group or religious organization by refering to "real life" events; I am merely making historical references that align with the canonical events in the Harry Potter universe).
One of the other factors that I just mentioned is the religious opposition the Wizarding World will inevitably face. The contrasting beliefs and practices of the Wizarding World against the muggle religious organizations is the prime reason why the International Statute of Secrecy had to be made to begin with.
There are extensive historical references, records, and studies about the subject of the European Witch Hunts and Trials that go way back to the 1400's. There was a book — which is famous, even today — that is considered as the "handbook" of identifying, capturing, torturing, and executing a witch in captivity. This is called the Malleus Maleficarum, also known as the 'Hammer of Witches.'
It is because of this book that tens of thousands of people, 80% of them were women, have been put to death. Inevitably, this became the ultimate cause why the Wizarding World have decided to completely go into hiding. The differences in the acceptance of religious beliefs and practices were the driving force why the Statute of Secrecy had been passed and enforced.
Given that today's religious climate is arguably better than how it used to be during those days, there is a bigger and better chance that the youth will have a far greater sense of open-mindedness about the existence of witches and wizards. A lot of Millennials, Generation Z, and the oldest of Generation Alpha are scientifically considered smarter and the most educated generations in all of modern history. We are, as a collective whole, the most progressive and accepting when it comes to considering things that are unknown or are yet to be discovered. Most of us won't react with violence or have the need to gather our pitchforks against the Wizarding World.
However, the same couldn't be said for religious orders. Witchcraft and wizardry are real punishable violations under scriptures, and the history of this practice is one of dark times. If the Wizarding World is to be revealed to the masses, alongside the demonstrations of magic for everyone to witness, religious organizations will most likely take action against the Wizarding population. It would not be a surprise if religious extremists host groups of people willing to revive witch hunts and take matters into their own hands, citing holy scriptures and rights against the perceived enemy. (Keyword: Extremists; not the religious organizations as a whole).
Taking note of the political upheaval in today's warring nations (and to completely acknowledge the severity of what's going on these days without disrespecting real-life situations), muggles alone have taken part in religious crusades after another. Dominant empires of the past have conquered and colonized solitary societies who are living in peace solely in the name of their respective religions. We see this even today. It is not far-fetched to think that some (not all) factions within religious organizations will take up arms against the Wizarding World. It is easier to find a common enemy to attack and fight against. It is easier to wave white flags toward your usual enemy, and join forces to defeat the new threat.
On the other hand, we see a new wave of several revivals of pagan faiths by today's youth. More and more people participate in different forms of divination (such as tarot and astrology; here's my shameless plug: @tarotwitchy), some practice the Goetic rituals and methods of communicating with deities and spirits, others prefer to continue with their ancestors' lost pagan traditions according to their ethnic roots.
So, that is a good thing... right? Unfortunately for the youth, majority of world religious leaders are the elderly; who have grown accustomed to conservative and very traditional practices and systems. And while there's technically nothing wrong with that, I personally do not see them willing to put aside their beliefs in order to allow the Wizarding World to be acquainted and assimilated in the muggle world. Pagan and indigenous spiritual people (and those who have folk religions in their cultural heritage) have a higher chance of tolerance towards the new comers. Again, I could be wrong, and I'm very open for discussion. But the judging from the current situation of the world, muggles cannot even set aside their differences to realize that we're all human with the right to live. What more when it comes to a completely new "species" of humans that will most definitely be perceived as a threat?
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III. Cultural Nuances
There are obvious cultural nuances when it comes to the acceptance of the practice of witchcraft around the world; as a matter of fact, it wouldn't be so popular in today's new age of spiritual resurgence if these nuances haven't been a part of ethnic cultures in the first place. Some countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the Carribean, and in Central and South America, witchcraft is basically a part of "folk culture," wherein the practice is deeply embedded into the traditional heritage of the people. Some cultures do not necessarily look upon witchcraft and wizardry as evil practices but something to respect (or at the very least, steer clear from out of ambivalence).
I can only speak for my own culture, but here in my country, located in Southeast Asia, we are part of a handful of countries that practice "folk Catholicism." This is when the influence of colonial religions have meshed alongside the natives' pagan traditions and practices. The assimilation of the two groups make for quite an interesting culture! Here, as much as 86% of the population are Catholic. But in spite of the clear-cut religious law that witchcraft and wizardry are not to be tolerated, the indigenous roots of folk practices can never be forgotten nor erased. For example, whenever the Church has done all they could do to help someone under spiritual attack, most people would turn to the ancient pagan practices for cures and solutions.
And I know we aren't the only country that does this. The Haitians and Romanians also have these practices deeply embedded in their culture. (I don't claim to expertly know about these countries, and I understand that not all citizens of those two nations practice witchcraft and wizardry). Mesoamerican culture entails the assimilation of the Catholic faith and its indigenous beliefs as well! (This was a really interesting and enlightening read for me to have researched, and people should read about it, too).
Therefore, I think majority of the muggle population around the world would have a lukewarm reception of the revelation of magic, in general. Of course, there will be fear. There will be wary people who might even spurn the existence entirely. But with how the younger generations have been extremely curious and eager to participate in these practices with an open mind, I wouldn't be surprised if the culture of the Wizarding World will be assimilated into the mainstream in just under a decade. That is, idealistically speaking, if the younger generation would really push for the human rights of the wizards as well. None of this would matter if wizards won't be given the same human rights and freedom as the next muggle. Only then would the wizards be granted the lawful freedom of practicing their own culture (besides other lawful implications and regulations).
Nevertheless, as good as that sounded on paper, greediness and envy does not have an age bracket. Both young and old will be tempted to take advantage of magic simply because it is power, in its natural form. You can see this phenomenon happening in high school students' social experiments; wherein one group of students are being given good school materials, better grades, more attention from teachers than the other group. The less "privileged" group of students began to complain and raise their concerns, and some even gave up entirely. But at the end, since their concerns were left unheard, they plotted against the other group to covet what those students have for themselves.
Of course, these feelings can somehow be justified on the perspective of the muggles. Why should the wizards have all the power? Now that they revealed themselves, they should also share their magic! These muggle concerns, in turn, will alarm and scare the Wizarding World even more. Given their respective histories, they didn't have a good parting to begin with. And this is why, on the grounds of Cultural Nuances, it would really depend on the heritage of the country or region; and how they received and perceived witchcraft and wizardry throughout their histories.
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IV. Sociopolitical Upheaval and Power Vacuums
[Note: I have seen and read different takes on this issue, and I must say, there are some who see this issue in an entirely new light that I haven't considered before. Alongside my own personal research and beliefs, I will try to put all of the information together in a cohesive way. Again, all of these are the amalgamation of my own opinions and of others'. This post is for entertainment purposes only, and I am in no way pertaining or pointing fingers to a specific governmental body of any nation in real life. If there are countries mentioned in this segment, it's only because of comparison, and I'm correlating the given information that coincides with the Harry Potter universe]. 🙂
A little interesting fact: It was common knowledge that the Malfoys used to be staunch and vocal protesters against the Statute. Why? Well, during the time before the Statute, they enjoyed being part of high-society muggle circles that ensured the steady rise of their wealth from collecting muggle artifacts, currency, and assets. They also used to align themselves with the muggle monarchy, providing discreet (and shady) services to King William the First. The Crown rewarded these services by giving them annexed land from local landowners in Wiltshire — that's why they have a huge manor! But when the new law was passed, the Malfoys became adamant in their denials of interactions with upperclass and royalty muggles.
Now, the discovery of the existence of the Wizarding World can most certainly go in so many different directions. I'm about 99.99% sure that at least half of the world's governments would not take kindly to this shocking revelation. Personally, these are the things I think would happen from the moment witches and wizards made themselves known to the masses, to name a few:
1. Governments would be on high alert
The first thing that I can imagine happening is that the muggle world will be in a state of frenzy. The simple fact that the Wizarding World has managed to hide under the muggles' noses this entire time could make the majority believe that they are not safe at all. If the wizards have lasted this long without the muggles knowing their existence, what else could they be hiding, right? Not only would the public masses become paranoid and fearful of their surroundings, their respective governments will issue a high-alert status all over their nations.
Remember, the wizards are considered the aliens and new outsiders in this scenario. We've seen time and time again in different movies (Transformers, The Fourth Kind, Signs, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Arrival, Edge of Tomorrow, and The 5th Wave) that humans in general will employ all strategies to contain and annihilate the foreign species. And so, this is most likely the first thing muggle governments would do. It wouldn't be far-fetched if these world leaders might also go as far as to call for martial laws to their countries for total control over all citizens. But of course, this would just be a façade for what would actually happen; which is the unlawful and literal witch hunt for the wizarding population that may have been living in muggle communities.
Looking back at when the existence of aliens have been "confirmed" by the US government, most people didn't even bat an eyelash or react with frenzied panic. Given that it's because these disclosed aliens don't pose a perceived threat, most of the youth didn't really react with hostility or fear. If anything, they treated the whole thing with a tired lightheartedness. People knew all along that aliens existed. While some muggles might have an interest for learning magic, the government would treat magic as an ultimate threat against their security, AND they would covet it at the same time. Which brings us to the next point. ⬇️
2. Political upheaval, and the struggles for positions of power in the government
Personally, I don't see fair play happening at all. The first thing that I thought of is assassinations. Dark witches and wizards for hire will do the bidding of high-ranking muggle officials "under the table." That is if the Wizarding World will even allow themselves to be henchmen for long. Can you imagine: the only reason why wizards would "work" for muggles is to truly get to know the entire system from top to bottom, then dismantling everything themselves? National security would be compromised, muggle protective and intelligence agencies will be on red alert, targeting all of the Wizarding World (even the good ones). It will all just be a disaster.
{I wanted to get into the entire Warfare and Security Issues but this post has gotten so long already. So, if anyone is interested in seeing that, I can insert that in another post. Maybe a presentation?}
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1. Develop a whole 'International Muggle Affairs and Intelligence Agency' for all Ministries of Magic.
As far as I know, the British Ministry of Magic only has TWO offices that cater to handling muggle affairs — not even official departments! One is the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office (the same one where Arthur Weasley is working for), and the other is Muggle Liaisons Office (which is more like catastrophe-handlers office at this point. They're in charge of fixing the collateral damages wizards have caused to the muggle world than anything).
But what they need the most is a wizard equivalent of a CIA or FBI. They need to be on top of all muggle affairs in each region and continent. There is a Japanese Ministry of Magic (since they also have Mahoutokoro School). They should work with other neighboring Asian wizarding bodies to stay on top of political, social, economic, and technological developments of the muggle world. The British Ministry of Magic should also get off their high-horses and collaborate with neighboring European wizarding officials to maintain the latest knowledge of muggle happenings.
The only reason why the Wizarding World was unscathed during the World Wars of the muggles was because they were sequestered and protected with spells around their secret territories. But I don't think that would suffice any longer against muggle technology and nuclear weapons. Drones are everywhere, the countryside are getting more and more urbanized, and the wizards communities are getting smaller and smaller. If I were them, I wouldn't wait until the very last minute to get to understand the importance of muggle powers and knowledge. I'd get on top of it now.
2. Secret Muggle Integration Project
On top of that, I truly believe there needs to be a Ministry project that hire muggleborns to report back the situation of the muggle world to their respective wizarding ministries. They know it best, as they were born and most likely raised in those communities. They need to collect gadgets, latest hand-held weaponry, books, clothing, and other materials for the Muggle Artifacts Office to study very carefully.
The Wizarding World needs to adapt to the changing times. The muggles are already looking to the stars and neighboring solar systems for new life and possible habitation for the next generation of humanity, whilst the wizards are stuck with their narrow-minded ways. Quill and parchment, really? This isn't to scoff at traditional ways. But we all know that they are severely stuck in the middle ages. They have become complacent and comfortable with the tried and tested magical methods.
Muggles have bled and learned the hard ways of life. That's why they soared to new knowledgeable heights. Muggles weren't handed things the easy way. People died from illnesses and catastrophes and accidents; and that's when we learned to advance ourselves as a collective whole. Wizards need to understand this, and assimilate this kind of thinking in their lives if they hope to catch up with the muggle status quo, or they'll be sorry they didn't once the muggles discover them in due time.
I understand the historical bad-blood between the two factions. The primary reason why wizards cloistered themselves away from the muggles were because they were being persecuted in the first place. And it would be very insensitive to force their communities to accept the muggle ways.
That's why in my honest opinion, they shouldn't lift the Statute of Secrecy.
They should only study and be up to date with everything else that's going on in the world while maintaining anonymity and secrecy.
I hope this truly provided a complete picture and breakdown of what would happen in this scenario, and I apologize that I do not agree with your position. I still hope you enjoyed this, anon! Thank you for being my very first ask.
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icemankazansky · 2 years
Hi! So I have been stalking your blog lately (sorry for spamming of likes 🫣) because I have once again fallen into this rabbit hole that is Icemav and I'm loving your posts on them and the gifset you made for Iceman.
My question is, and I'm sorry if you have already answered something like this before: what are your fav Iceman HCs?
Hello! First of all, never apology for spamming me with likes and reblogs, because I love that shit. That is why the content is here.
I love this question! Let's see.
Ice is Russian and Jewish
This one came to me* pretty simply, because I got there by looking up the roots of Kazansky as a surname, mostly for a throwaway line in Lightning Strikes Twice. (If you're wondering why it takes me so long to finish a story, that is the reason. I spent two and a half hours writing yesterday, and a solid hour of it was research.) I've done a little bit with it, but @boasamishipper has really been the champion of this headcanon, and she's done a lot of work developing it.
It's difficult for me to believe that, given the political landscape when Top Gun OG was made and the way we're meant to see Ice initially, that giving him a Russian last name was not a purposeful decision. The year before, Rocky IV was a major success, breaking box office records worldwide. Rocky's opponent in the film is Russian Ivan Drago:
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Does this look familiar to anybody?
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Russia and Russians were bad guys a lot during this time period. The Cold War, which had started after World War II, was still going on. Maverick is our protagonist, and he embodies traits that have been considered uniquely American since the 18th century: Being the best, being a rebel who does things his own way no matter what The Establishment says, pulling one's self up by the bootstraps to become extraordinary, etc. And initially, Ice is positioned as Maverick's foil. He is self-disciplined, self-contained, and believes in collectivism and responsibility to the group over everything. To anyone bothered by the Red Scare, that could definitely be read as communist. I think that giving Ice a Russian last name and these qualities isn't to paint him as the bad guy, but rather to get the audience to feel unsure about him. Maverick asks, "What's your problem, Kazansky?" and the audience is meant to think, "Yeah, what is his problem?"
(I've gone a little off track, but I don't expect everyone who follows this blog to have a critical understanding of the political climate in America in the 1980s.) But what does this mean for Ice as a person? It means that he grew up in America during the Cold War as someone with a Russian last name, at the very least. It's conspicuous. He definitely got called a Commie at school. And if (as I like to believe) he is close to his heritage, especially if it's recent (like he's a third generation American rather than a twelfth), it creates an interesting ambivalence. Like, my last name is German, but it's so far removed from me that it doesn't mean anything to me as a person. It's not part of my culture or identity. I don't consider myself German. I don't have that ambivalence. If Ice considers himself Russian, if that's part of his life and identity, that is difficult during the time period in which he grew up, and it's going to change things about his character. People are going to talk shit about Russians, and there are people who are going to question his allegiances, and he's going to have to balance that while being proud of his identity and his culture. I like the world it creates for him. I like him mentally cursing in Russian whenever Maverick is especially Maverick-y. I like him being offered a beer and wrinkling his nose at that American piss water (@victimofthemusic I love you forever for writing that).
Okay, I've talked way too much about Russian Iceman without getting into Jewish Iceman, so I'm just going to say: Yes. Also. It just makes sense to me, and I love all the headcanons and work @boasamishipper especially has created (I would protect Rachel Kazansky with my life), and I want more of it. All of it. Gimme.
*I don't mean to imply that I originated the headcanon; I'm just saying that is how I, personally, first started thinking about it.
Ice Has (a) Sister(s)
I've seen only children ask questions about this, but yes, there are totally vibes that speak to whether you have siblings, what genders they are, what the birth order is, etc. Ice is way too patient, good at sharing, and willing to play a supporting role to be an only child. He also screams sisters to me because he is capable of emotional regulation, sensitive to other people's emotions (I want you to think of him watching Maverick storm off the tarmac after the hop with Sundown), and values the collective over the individual. In general, when boys have brothers, they spend at least the first 20 years of their lives in constant competition. Everything is a challenge. Everything is a target. Ice is certainly driven, and he likes to win, but the amount of emphasis he puts on working as a team and helping each other suggests that his own desire to succeed is not the most important thing to him. Brothers also do not talk to each other. Sisters value open communication and group cohesion. (They've done studies on this. I'm not just making this up.)
And I like the thought that he has support. Ice has kind of a hard road to walk, and the thought that he has (a) supportive sister(s) there to talk to and to help him and to make sure he doesn't get away with any shit is lovely.
Ice is Smart AF
This is not a huge leap from canon, because we already know he's the best of the best and that he got into a competitive university, and that you have to be able to understand a lot of math and science and do it in your head at Mach 2 to be a fighter pilot. But Ice strikes me as the smartest guy in the room. The scene I keep coming back to is the one in the TAC trailer. Here's Ice:
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He's not really paying attention. And I don't think it's because he's apathetic. It looks to me (because this was me) that he's bored because he's already figured out the problem, he already understands what's being taught, and he just has to sit there until everyone else catches up. And he's relaxed about it; he's used to it. He's probably been in this situation hundreds of times before. I talk about this more in this post, but that's the gist.
Ice is an August Leo with Capricorn Rising
I know a lot of people use Val Kilmer's birthday for Ice, and that is fine. You're totally valid. I just cannot. He's too fiery and bold, too sunny and fiercely loyal (that lion has teeth, and they use them to protect the people they love the most) once that Iceman mask slips down. I can have my little zodiac headcanons, as a treat.
I think I've gone on long enough. Thank you for the question! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer it. I'm trying, ragazzi.
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juergenklopp · 1 year
hiii i hope youre enjoying le mans rn! unrelated but id like to get into baseball and youre one of the only blogs i know that follows it, do you have any tips for where to start? :)
Hi hi hello dearest Anon! I had a great time at Le Mans, thank you, sorry for taking this long to answer your ask, hope you're still interested in checking baseball out!
I was drafting a writeup on how and where to start following the MLB, but @baiyunli beat me out to it with this primer that's better than anything I could ever put together—I'm a new fan myself, I'm sure I would've missed so many things. I used to watch it growing up, so getting back into it did feel 'easier' than if I'd gone in completely oblivious of the sport. I'm going to put a little addition to their wonderful post, some notes from my short career of being a baseball fan.
MLB.TV The official streaming service. A season pass for all team is now $60, blackouts and restrictions apply if you're located in the market. With a mlb.com account, you can watch a selected game for free each day. MLB66 (mlb66 [dot] ir) The layout is a bit unintuitive, but it's by far the best 🏴‍☠️ streaming site for MLB. Click on the Select Game button on the top right, and navigate to the game you want to watch. On the bottom right, there's an option to select the home or away broadcast. It can take a few seconds to a minute to load, but so far, it has worked well for me. FSL (mk [dot] freestreams-live1 [dot] top) My go-to for sports streaming. The domain changes regularly, it's worth joining the Discord server for updates.
There's a kind of nostalgic longing for a time I've never been a part of when I scoured Tumblr tags to find mid-late 2010s baseballblr posts: hundreds of notes, some reaching quadruple digits. Anything going double digits feel like breaching containment now, but there are still some blogs posting about baseball on Tumblr.
Here are some, sorted by their allegiance—by no means a complete list and it will be very biased, but it's a start...
GENERAL BASEBALL BLOGS (and those whose allegiance I can't quite place and I'm scared of offending by assuming but I love your blogs I'm so sorry guys) @ baiyunli, once again thank you for the wonderful primer! @ nacseo-scrawl, + Braves, also the go-to for Bananaball content @ greinkeephus, + Phillies and Red Sox @ pindergarten, + the A's @ hootball, for your Americacentric sportsball needs (NHL, MLB, NFL...) PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES @ soyouwinagain, my most beloved, and @ toyotagazoo, also my dearest, who dragged me down to this hell with them... @ kurchatovium, my original Philly sports brain rot enabler (GO BIRDS) @ jcamilov06, + for all your Philadelphia sports needs @ phillyphangirl @ janosglove TORONTO BLUE JAYS @ donttelltheelff @ byebyebichette @ danny-jansen @ 7th-inningstretch @ based--ball @ kevin-gausman LOS ANGELES ANGELS @ whatincornation, the most wonderful and delightful artist in all of sportsblr @ iichliwps @ auditers BOSTON RED SOX @ eovaldi @ barbiebobby PITTSBURGH PIRATES @ fryinreynolds ATLANTA BRAVES @ colonel-clucker @ emietook SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS @ everydaywynns MILWAUKEE BREWERS @ kimsparis NEW YORK YANKEES @ judgerizzo @ gleyby LOS ANGELES DODGERS @ miggys
(Please @ me if you want to be included in/excluded from this list!)
Well, two at-bats, actually, but let's not talk about that one and instead talk about the storied matchup, the one now written in immortality and will be talked about for years to come.
Baseball is considered a slow-burner sport by many, even more so before the official introduction of the pitch clock, 'boring' even on the surface especially compared to sports with constant high-octane action like hockey or basketball. But as with sports in general, among the things that makes the game so exciting (or devastating) is the buildup to the matchup—the storylines and the narratives, as well as the ebb and flow of the clash itself with how the game is structured—it's not over until it's over, a comeback to tie the game and a walkoff win is always possible.
The final of the 2023 World Baseball Classic is one of the prime example of all the stars aligning to make a historic matchup between the best of the best.
Mike Trout is a three-time MVP in the MLB, and is considered as one of the best baseball players of all time. Ohtani Shohei is nicknamed 'The Unicorn' by fans and experts alike, being the first elite two-way player (a player who pitches and bats) and is regarded as the most talented baseball player of all time. They are both in their primes and are currently considered to be two of the best players in the MLB. The term 'generational talent' tends to be thrown around casually in sports—for Trout and Ohtani, it's more than a worthy title.
Ohtani and Trout both play for the Los Angeles Angels in the MLB, with Trout being one of the reasons why Ohtani chose to play for the Angels in the first place. They've been good friends since Ohtani signed with the Angels leading up to the 2018 season. Unfortunately the Angels haven't found success despite both players being extremely successful, breaking long-standing records left right and center. Many consider it to be a shame that Trout and Ohtani were 'wasting' the prime years of their careers not playing 'meaningful' games since the Angels have not made it to the playoffs since their last appearance in 2014.
So we have two of the best players in the game, who happen to be teammates and good friends, playing in the final of baseball's equivalent of the FIFA World Cup on opposite sides representing their respective countries. Added to that is of course the novelty of an elite and truly one of a kind two-way player in Ohtani, pitching to one of the best hitters of all time in Trout.
The matchup was pretty unlikely in the first place too because of how batting orders work, and yet everything aligned for them to be up against each other in the top of the 9th—final barring extra innings—with two outs.
Japan were leading 3–2: strike Trout out, and Ohtani would win it all for Japan.
Here's the link to the full game on YouTube.
The whole tournament was such a treat all throughout, with exciting pool games, upsets, and rallying comebacks in the knockout stage. Two standout games for me are the quarterfinals matchup between Venezuela and the USA and the semifinals clash between Mexico and Japan. Both games were rife with gutsy baserunning and hitting, back-and-forth offense and lead change, and topped off by clutch plays to lead the respective teams to victory.
As much as we can weave romantics about America's pastime, it's also inseparable from how the US projected itself abroad in its foreign and military policy. My dearest @outofbodyinjury's research project led me to look into the history of the sport and its role in USA's long history of war and foreign intervention.
Starting from the 19th and 20th century as the game was growing and all throughout the 21st century, for example in response to 9/11 and the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, baseball has been omnipresent as a tool to promote and serve US interests. The book The Empire Strikes Out: How Baseball Sold U.S. Foreign Policy and Promoted the American Way Abroad by Robert Elias dives deep into this topic. I have yet to find a DRM-free .epub of the book, but I will try to rip it if there's interest. Here's an .m4b rip of the audiobook, and here's a condensed version of the book: an article by the same author published in The International Journal of the History of Sport.
Once again: @baiyunli is the MVP for their primer, it has pretty much everything you need to know to start getting into the sport, so check that out. Don't hesitate to send me asks or DMs if you have questions! And I fully believe sports teams pick you: it could be through a player that happens to compel you, or the mascot, or the colors of the unis, or just for no reason at all. You'll know and feel it when you're chosen. That being said: LET'S GO PHILS!
And I hope you'll fall in love with baseball as I did :]
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royaltysuite · 1 year
Hi! I saw that u also write for Ryung-Gu and wanted to request an imagine :) How about the reader is a normal human girl (maybe she knew Ryung-Gu in a past life though and - obviously - just doesn’t remember that atm?) and Ryung-Gu keeps appearing around her and talking to her after meeting her during a mission, even though he knows he probably shouldn’t. He can’t help but fall in love with her (or if u choose to take the option where they already knew each other, he is STILL in love with her but she falls for him again). When she’s about to take her own life later on, he saves her (and maybe she also remembers him from then on cause someone gave her her memories back? Like the Jade Emperor? :) ) Thank you <3
Sorry for the late response, but this request is almost finished. Just some proof-reading to do and it'll be ready to go!!!!
Edit: HERE IT IS!!!! It has now been completed and is ready for you all to read. Thank you to the sender for requesting this. I had a lot of fun writing this because I honestly think that Ryung-gu deserves all the love and affection he needs and wants. Anyways, enough of my rambling... I hope you all enjoy this and if you all have any commission requests, please send them to my inbox or leave a comment on my commissions post which is pinned to the top of the blog. With that being said, STAY CLASSY~~~
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Lover's Reunited (Ryung-gu x Reader)
Y/n's Pov
"Welcome to the team, Y/n. I hope you're ready for everything that comes your way." Ryeon said as I followed her into the Risk Management's Team Office. "I'm ready for anything." I answered. Once we entered the office, my eyes drifted across the room and connected to a pair of widened ones. " Ryung-gu, Jun-woong, this is L/n Y/n. She's now the newest member of the Risk Management Team. Ryung-gu, could you show here a quick little rundown of how we operate?"
Turning my head in the direction of her question, I made eye contact with the handsomest man ever. I waited a few seconds for his answer, but all he did was stare at me. "Is there, uh, something on my face?" I asked, starting to feel a bit awkward from his harsh stare. That seemed to snap him out of his daze. "Sorry, umm, let me give you a tour of our day-to-day agenda and how we keep track of our job." He stumbled, his cheeks gaining a light flush to them. "Great! I can't wait to start."
Ryung-gu's Pov
The day was going by slowly as I waited for my shift to come to an end. Jun-woong and I were currently finishing up our latest mission reports when Ryeon came walking in, except she wasn't alone.  "Ryung-gu, Jun-woong, this is L/n Y/n. She's now the newest member of the Risk Management Team. Ryung-gu, could you show here a quick little rundown of how we operate?" She asked.
The question just went through one ear and out the other. 'It couldn't be her, could it?' I thought, my eyes widening in surprise as I got a look at the person behind Ryeon. It was Y/n. Standing right in front of me, it was her. It's been at least four centuries since I last saw her. But, she's here.
"Is there, uh, something on my face?" She asked, touching her face. Her voice sounded the exact same, but not trying to make her feel any more awkward, I answered. "Sorry, umm, let me give you a tour of our day-to-day agenda and how we keep track of our job." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up a little. "Great! I can't wait to start." She chirped.
Y/n's Pov
It's been a little over 6 months since I joined the RM team. With each chance I got after every mission, I got closer and closer to finding out where and who my killer was. That was my sole purpose for joining this team. Only problem, Ryung-gu seems to be avoiding me ever since my first day on the job.
However, there was no time for worrying about it. "Hey, listen to me. I've been where you are. Feeling like you couldn't do anything to prevent him from his death? Feeling like it should've been you instead of him? It's natural for that to happen. It's why people call it grief. But, let me tell you, he wouldn't have wanted you to do this. He wants to believe that he'll see you again in the next life and the one after that. So, trust me when I say, it's going to get better. It's going to be like hell going through it, but it will get better. So, take my hand and I'll help you start the journey to healing." I spoke, reaching my hand out to the young girl in front of me.
"Do you really believe that? That we'll be together again?" The girl sobbed. "Yes, I do. Now, grab my hand." She hesitated for a bit, but she stepped down from the ledge and ran into my arms. Collapsing on the floor, I cradled her in my arms and let her cry until she calmed down.
"Thank you. I know that's probably weird to say after everything, but I really mean it." "There's no need to thank me, now let's get you home and out of this cold. "
"Hey, Y/n, great work today. She seemed to really trust you." Jun-woong chimed, setting down a coffee right in front of me. "Thanks, you are a life-saver. But, it wasn't much. I just understood where she was coming from. When I was younger, I went through the same thing when my brother died in battle. The only person I could really trust after that was my best friend. But, I don't really remember much after my death so..."
We continued to chat until I noticed Ryung-gu walking into the room, looking troubled. "Ryung-gu, what's up? You seem worried." I asked. "It's nothing. The Director wants to see you. Something about your report." He answered. "Oh, okay....well, I guess I'll see you guys in a few."
Finishing up my coffee, I quickly made my way to the Director. On my way there, I bumped shoulders with someone. I turned to apologize but froze up. "Y-you...You!" I growled, my blood starting to boil. The man turned and I got a clear look at his face. It was the man that murdered me.
Letting out a scream, I ran and tackled him to the ground. The both of us grunted as we made contact to the ground. I began throwing punches left and right, each blow I let out a yell. What felt like hours was actually minutes. Soon enough, I felt arms wrap around me and Ryung-gu's voice flooding my ears. "Y/n, stop! He's not worth it!" "It is worth it! He killed me! He killed me and my brother!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.
Ryung-gu and Jun-woong, who showed up minutes later, pulled me off the guy who was smirking at me. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" A booming voice echoed deep in the hall. Reapers on every side stood silent as the Director came closer to the scene. “Who escorted this criminal in this building?” “No one. I came here on my own…” He stated, a cold smirk still lying on his face. I struggled in Ryung-gu’s grasp, just wanting to land one, killing strike on this asshole. 
“YOU LIAR! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME! TO MY FAMILY!!!” “You deserved what came to you. Your father owed huge debts and when he couldn’t pay himself, I did it for him.” He chortled in a sarcastic tone. “After all, it ended well for you. You’re back with your lowly lover, Lim Ryung-gu, so you should be thanking me.” 
‘What….?’ I thought, anger slowly turning into confusion. Apparently, that amused him. “Oh, she never told you? The Director here sealed off your memories with him with MY recommendation. My plan to get away with it would’ve gone smoothly if you hadn’t started meddling with him or his team.” He spoke. “Enough!” The Director hissed before turning to another reaper. “Call for the Escort team’s best reaper and have them escort this man to the punishment room. Mr.Lim, if you could bring Y/n to my chambers. I will explain everything in great detail very soon. Everyone else, please continue on with your previous duties. That is enough discord for today.” She ordered, shuffling down the corridor .
As she walked off, Ryung-gu brought me into her office as instructed. Once we reached the door, I stopped in my tracks. “Did you know…?” I whispered. “What?” “Did you know? About me losing my memories? About our past together?” I cried, whipping my head in his direction with tears beading in the corners of my eyes. Ryung-gu’s once stoic expression softened into one of guilt and embarrassment. “Yes, I did.” He answered. “How long did you know?” “Since your first day here. When I saw you enter the office, I was in disbelief. I tried convincing myself that it was someone that looked like you, but after every mission, the more I came to terms with the truth. That you were real. Everything was confirmed when the Director called me into her office. She told me the truth about how you died, how you murdered. It took a long time for you to be reincarnated as a reaper and for our ties to appear again. I’m sorry that I kept this from you, I just didn’t know how to tell you properly.”
Each word he spoke was genuine and I knew it was the truth. Turning around to face him, I placed a gentle hand on his cheek and softly caressed it. “I- I’m sorry it took so long to come back to you. I’m so, so sorry” I sobbed. Ryung-gu pulled into his warm embrace, stroking my head as my tears soaked into his clothes. We sat like this for what felt like ages before we separated. 
“I see you both have resolved everything on your own.” The Director spoke, her presence becoming known as she entered the room. “This day was never supposed to work out like this, but fate can be wildly mysterious. So, tell me, what will you two do now?” We turned to look at each other before I answered. “I think…We’ll do what we’ve always done. And that’s to help the ones who need it and we’ll do it together.” “Together.”
Author’s Note: Here we are, everyone. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Ryung-gu ended up being a teddy bear type of guy, but that’s how I see him. I’ve added in the small detail of Y/n having a brother and the relationship between them and Ryung-gu already established. If any one has any commission requests, I leave a link down below on how to request them. If you’d like to be added to the fandom taglist, leave a like and a comment. With that being said, Stay Classy~~
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kaerichan-yatta · 1 year
Don't mind me running to your inbox when you announced that requests were open. I've been having the worst obey me brainrot and I couldn't help myself akdhjsjdjs
So, could you please write anything with lee Levi?? He's my absolute fave! Feel free to choose the ler x3 And no pressure ofc!
Have a lovely day!
Top priorities chart
(Levi, Mammon & Lucifer)
Summary: a brand new game finally came out, and Levi had been waiting for it since weeks. However, as soon as he starts playing, it becomes his first priority, bringing his brothers to worry about him gaming for days straight. But no worries, Levi's top weakness against videogames is here to help!
A/N: GDHUAJDUS I'M SO SORRY I'VE MADE YOU WAIT FOR SO LONG😭 my health got in the middle and messed up everything and i even thought i had lost your request cause i was worried i accidentally canceled the fic💀but nope it was safe in my drafts ehehe. (ALSO MERRY -REALLY REALLY REALLY- LATE CHRISTMAS even if we already exchanged wishes many times lmao)
A/N2: also ignore me brainrotting about lee!levi with a hyper sensitive arms and spine and being L O U D when being tkled...
Hope you like it!! Enjoy!<3
"Oi, Satan. Where's Levi?" Mammon asked, his mind clearly up to something silly with money involved.
"I don't know, probably in his room playing videogames, as usual I'd say..." he answered, his eyes still fixed on the book he was reading.
"Again? It's been a whole day...damn. I wonder what he finds so interesting about gaming for so long"
Even if this was his idea, he went down the corridor, opening Leviathan's door without permission.
"Ah, little brother! Guess wha-"
"GAHH! OH NO, NOT AGAIN!" he screamed, both in pain (metaphorically) and for the nearly heart attack he had from Mammon's sudden entry into his room.
"Woah, what was that for?! What are you screaming about, I did nothing wrong!"
"YES YOU DID!" he pointed at the screen "Look at that! You scared me and I lost the match!"
Mammon's expression changed from surprised to annoyed.
"...really? That's my fault?"
"Yes!" he sighed. "Just, just leave me alone! I gotta play another match to win the final tournament!"
"But I needed to talk to you!"
"Later, c'mon! Don't make me lose again!"
Mammon closed the door behind his back, leaving his room. "How rude...!" he said to himself.
meanwhile, in the kitchen
"Lucifer, it's been two days and Levi still has been gaming non-stop" Beel said, adding carrot slices to the soup he was cooking for the dinner.
The eldest rubbed his forehead.
"There's not much we can do, however. I think you all know how Leviathan is made, and what he thinks about this"
"But it will have an extremely negative effect on him!" Asmodeus added, taking plates from the drawer, and taking one for Leviathan too, still hoping he would come at least for dinner.
"Oi, Lucifer, how about we go checking on him after dinner? He must be scared if it's you!" Mammon said.
"I doubt that, but for once I'm in with your idea"
"Levi, are you still awake?"
"Of course he is..."
"Ah, yes sure I am! Come in but be quiet" he sounded really nervous.
Lucifer opened the door.
Lucifer's eye twitched, he and Mammon looked at each other, then sat down on the floor at each side of Levi.
"That's it, that's it! Aaah! That's the boss! See how big and strong he is but HAHA! I prepared the best team ever and I won't let ANYONE and ANYTHING destroy my perfect path!"
"Why is he pointing out words...?" Mammon whispered to Lucifer.
"Well, you know how he is"
"Hey, I heard that, Mammon!"
Lucifer and Mammon exchanged another look, both of them clearly annoyed by his behavior.
"Levi, could you-"
"Bless of the New Moon!"
"Have a taste of my sword!"
Lucifer almost gave up in trying to convince him turn down the console volume.
"Leviathan...could you at the very least try not to scream so much?"
"What are you talking about?! I just won the ultimate tournament!"
"That's not the point...I think you need to revise you priorities" Lucifer said.
Levi blinked. "Huh?? Priorities?"
"Yes, in fact, you've been in your room for-"
"Oh, wait! Final showdown, I forgot! I gotta do this!"
"He's not even listening to you, Lucifer"
"Ah, see? How can that game be you first priority?"
Then, an idea popped into Mammon's head.
"Hey, Lucifer! Guess what I'm thinking about" he looked at his brother, his gaze playful, craking his knuckles.
"Well...that could be a good idea"
They closed up on their brother as he was keeping on playing, unaware of what was about to happen.
"Eh, Lucifer. What was that you were talking abAAH!" he suddenly arched his back, missing a button on the joystick, his character jumping instead of attacking.
Lucifer simply kept on poking and squeezing his sides. "Mammon, do you remember?"
Levi's character began to run all over the ring as he lost control of his own fingers, the cause? Mammon's fingers tracing along the inner side of his arm, going up to his armpit, then back down, and again.
"Ah, no! Sorry Lucifer, looks like I forgot...! Levi, can you remember?"
Levi immediately blushed, his character now jumping off the roof and dying. "NOHOHO! GAH- COHOHOME ON!" he laughed harder Lucifer's fingers found their way under Levi's shirt and scratched at his ribs.
"W-WahAHAIT! It W-WAHAS about p-priohohoritIHIHIES?!"
"Ah, right. I think you didn't exactly understand what are your top priorities, Levi. That's why we came here" he stopped for a moment.
"Guh- haah! Ehehahaha! W-whahat do you mehehean?!" he squirmed and giggled as Lucifer still slowly tickled his ribs, making him ten times more nervous about the conversation.
"You've been in your room for three days now, skipping meals and sleep, because your top priority was the game. But that should be less important than your health"
"B-buhuhut! The gahahame just cahahame out! And I was s-so excitehehed!"
"Ah, you're not even trying to understand!" Mammon paused the game in the middle of the fight, which was probably going to be a loss for Levi, since two more of his characters had died.
He tackled his brother down, sitting on his legs, scribbling at the sides of his tummy. Oh, a really bad spot.
"GAHAH- MAHAHAMMON!" he kicked his legs behind his back, shaking his head and trying to block his wrists, but his efforts got stopped by Lucifer blocking his hands under his knees, fully exposing Levi's arms.
Now Levi was in big trouble. Each of his brothers knew how his arms were sensitive.
Scribbles, feathers, tracing, even kisses from his beloved MC could get him there.
"I'm sorry, Levi. But I'm firmly fixed on the topic before" he brought wiggling fingers down.
"NOHOHOHO!" he twisted his torso, in a desperate attempt to free himself, but it was useless. Tickles could weaken him in no time.
"This is were it gets you for good, hmm?" Lucifer said, tickling the inner sides of his elbows.
"GUH- AHAHAHA! Q-QUIHIHIHIT THAHAHAT! IT TIHIHICKLES!" his laughter rose as Mammon started digging his finger into the back of his ribs.
"Well, that's the point. Since you wouldn't try to follow the conversation, that's one of the easiest way to make you" Lucifer said, in a slighty smug tone.
"Too much already? Aw, you're seriously that ticklish?" Mammon teased.
He panted heavily, his eyes closed, his face red.
"Well now, Levi. Are you ready to follow the conversation?"
"I t-think I am..."
"Good. First, I want you to know gaming must not be your priority, even if-"
Lucifer was almost immediately stopped by Levi.
"But Lucifer! This game is super- no, hyper! Hyper important!"
Lucifer sighed. "I suppose I have to resort to forced measures..."
"T-thihihis is insahaAHAne...." he laughed.
The current situation was indedd insane. Leviathan down on his stomach, Mammon sitting on his lower back, and Levi's shirt up so his back was uncovered.
"Let's try to convince you this way, shall we? So, top priority is health, then studies"
Mammon wrote "Health" on Leviathan's back, letter by letter, with his fingertip, giving a little tickle here and there just to tease him more. Levi kicked his legs and tried to muffle his laughter behind his hands.
Then, he wrote "Studies".
Leviathan's body spasmed as Mammon wrote the "S" and the "U".
"Then let's see..." Lucifer said.
"M-MC! MC is a p-priohohority..." he spat out between his giggles, the position he was in making it hard to take a proper breath.
"Right, I see you're starting to understand. Add that one, Mammon"
"W-whaHAHat about gAHAHames?!"
"Well that's one of the last I think...or maybe I could bring that one up...alright, that's a bonus"
Mammon wrote "Games" over his back, sending Levi into hysterical laughter.
And among all the priorities he was listing, Leviathan himself took a mental note about another priority. A good one that would probably save him in the future.
"Always listen to your brothers whenever they're feeling mischievous enough to tickle you to pieces!"
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 9 months
Meant to say this yesterday, but happy 1 year anniversary to WTWC!
And also, congrats to almost finishing Arc 1 soon!!
Excited (but, also nervous, because I have a feeling, since this is the last chapter of a Arc, that things might end, pretty crazy in some form) for the last chapter of Arc 1, whenever that ends up being.
I am totally going to ask some stuff on the WTWC Ask blog u are doing for the 1 year anniversary.
I also hope u are feeling better, I know u were sick for a bit (I have also, been sick, or/& have had really bad allergies. Like, really bad coughing, sore throat, not fun. So yeah, hope u feel better (too)).
I might have mentioned this already (i.e., stuff about MM) in my last ask(s), if so, just ignore this part of this ask or something, idk. I legit can't remember if said any of this yet. I'm sorry. Anyways, really happy u enjoyed TMNT: MM, I haven't been able to see it yet (just, so much life stuff, I couldn't yet. But I really want to), but I have heard and seen good things (I have been spoiled some, but ayyyy, it happens).
And it looks a lot of the characters were done really well, like Leo (very happy my boy looks to have been done well from what I have seen and/or heard), April (I have very good things about how she is written for example), and Donnie too! As some (top) examples. But others too. And that makes me happy. Happy to "hear" that the characters were done well. Excited for more TMNT: MM stuff (and I am also excited to actually see the movie, which I am! Just life stuff is really getting me lately. But I will properly see it).
See ya once again. And I am sorry that so many of my asks and stuff are so long and/or rambling. I have a problem.
(I very much like the long rambling asks I just take a long time to answer them because I like seeing them in my inbox)
And thanks for the congratulations! Arc 2 is gonna be wild (especially because 2012 Miley is gonna get smacked with the angst hammer next hehhehehe)
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