#also this isnt a dig at the movie whatsoever
now the the revice x geats movie is for sale, I am reminded of how extremely funny my viewing experience was I went to see it with my sibling in theaters and I tried to speedrun them thru geats the night beforehand (a major flop - we only finished ep 4) so they would understand at least some of the plot, only to find out it was like 75% revice so instead, we're sitting in the theater as my sibling rapidly tries to explain the plot of revice to me whenever that plot is relevant (read: the whole film) and then when the geats cast shows up, I'm like, "so, the plot that you need to know here... is literally nothing: look how cute neon looks in a mage hat"
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faelapis · 2 years
not to be back on my restorative justice bs but it annoys me so much when you watch some kind of true crime content and the person says something like "they ONLY got 20 years in jail!" essentially to make you go "doesn't that make you mad? doesn't that make you wish the criminal justice system was even more punitive?? we all agree they deserve worse right?? cuz thats how it works when you think someone is guilty. you must want them to rot in jail forever cuz thats what justice is. yes i'm american in case you can't tell."
ok. lets take like twenty steps back.
it does make me sad that the crimes in question happened. its sad that someone died or got hurt or whatever the case may be. that's not in dispute.
however, no, i really don't think putting a perpetrator in jail fixes things, especially not for inhumanely long sentences. it doesnt help victims in any tangible way, and life doesnt work like a hollywood movie where the world becomes safe when the evil is defeated. socioeconomic, cultural and psychological circumstances reproduce themselves over and over again. no one is born some kind of supervillain. massive structural change to everything from economics to families is the only way to truly make crime less desirable from the perspective of the criminal.
like. you have to believe crime comes from either internal (psychological) or external (environmental) factors, or a combination, and neither is solved by a punitive system. if you believe crime is primarily a psychological issue - genetics and such - then doesn't that make jail cruel by default? you're essentially saying that this was something inherent to the person's very biology, and they obviously did not choose to have that be inherent to them.
and if you believe crime is primarily about external (environmental) factors, then i feel like i shouldn't even need to say this, but that does kinda make things society's fault, at least partially. people don't choose their environments or upbringings or socioeconomic castes either. desperate people will remain desperate under desperate circumstances.
and i know free will advocates in the "free will vs determinism" debate will argue that at the end of the day its what you "do" with the circumstances given, how you interact with them without making "excuses" for yourself, but once more - you have to believe those choices are based on something. some become criminals, some don't. either its based on learning from your environment, or its based on some kind of inherent psyche, or a combination - in which case i'd refer you to the options above. even free will absolutists dont think choices are based on nothing whatsoever or that external factors dont matter.
the point being, even assuming everything is the individual criminal's "fault" still forces you to dig deeper and think about why they're doing what they're doing. in both a psychological and societal reading, you can't really just blame the person "in a vacuum", which puts a wrench into the logic of punishment as inherently just.
also, it just... doesn't solve things. look at reoffending rates. countries with lighter sentencing with focus on rehabilitation tend to have less people commit further crimes, almost like people dont automatically get better when you punish them more harshly. and if you punish them harsher anyway, you're not doing it for any constructive reason, you're just angry and want someone to hurt.
in a punitive system, a criminal is likely get worse, because they have it reinforced that nobody cares about them. the system isnt here to help them, they have to look out for themselves. vulnerability and seeking help is not rewarded, because the people in charge have already decided to focus on punishment, not healing. therefore, no psychological issues can be solved, nor coping strategies developed to deal with societal ills that affect them. its all just about "deserving" punishment, for its own sake. who cares what "helps!" if they don't "learn" from being punished, they were "clearly" a lost cause anyway!
at that point, its really just a circlejerk to validate your own anger. like. i understand true crime shit is just entertainment on some level, like its all a story being told, and people having the audacity to form punitive opinions on how if they were in charge they'd just kill the son of a gun... or whatever else makes them feel better. whatever allows them to express their anger uncritically. but thats all affecting how this shit works in the real world. its still deeply politically unpopular in america to even allow criminals to vote, much less lower sentencing.
culture doesn't control everything, no. but a lot of true crime shit is copaganda (in the sense of protecting the existing system by focusing your attention on how depraved evil criminals "have it coming" and giving you a "happy ending" when the prosecutors get them jailed).... and there's so many gen z leftist winged eyeliner cool kids churning out that content. with no self-awareness.
sorry but if you're like a youtube leftist or feminist or whatever, it is patently insane to me to be on the side of pumping out agitprop encouraging people to hate criminals more and more without any deeper examination of that impulse. jfc.
ok. done venting my own anger now. will go pet my cats. here's some random internet cats to help you with whatever bothers you.
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t4tlawlight · 4 years
Hello! Im genuinely interest of why you find L's monster speech ooc, I'd like a better understand of his character and you're one of the best people to ask so, seeing your blog!
the monster speech is ooc for the L we’re presented in the manga (which makes sense, because in the same-ish scene in the manga L says something COMPLETELY different, see this post for the comparison). manga L is extremely egotistical, self-confident, and kind of just doing what he finds fun. the moment he thinks that he was wrong he sulks about it (see: the “i’m depressed” bit) rather than accept that he was wrong and move on. His Last Fucking Words were basically “i was right.” he’s an extremely self-assured and egotistical man.
now in the anime he more or less retains this except in the monster scene and episode 25 (the rain / footwashing scenes namely). the anime/relight writers wanted him to be melancholy and sentimental and thus wrote the rain scene and the monster speech. the latter of which is him Literally calling himself a monster who doesnt understand people and who lies and how he inexplicably thinks this is a bad thing suddenly.... which directly contrasts with how much he thinks he’s hot shit the rest of the time lol. manga L in contrast straight up goes “Yes i don’t give a shit about justice. Yes this is my hobby. Yes by legal standards i break all sorts of laws.” like he does not give a shit.
Not to say that like.... changing him for an adaptation is wrong, nor is an adaptation trying to give him depth/digging into his emotions (my favorite adaptation is the tv drama, lol, which is one of the only adaptations where he receives solid & more or less logical character development and isnt a static character in contrast to Light, and also has the whole blue scene) 
the reason i find it OOC in the anime instead of just being an adaptational difference is that the creators of the anime didnt commit to it. the rest of the time he’s a 1:1 copy of manga L with no changes, but then randomly in episode 25 he’s waxing melancholic and washing Light’s feet??? RANDOMLY in a NON-CANON OVA he calls himself a monster and gets really poetic about it???????? Like. it comes out of nowhere in an attempt to make him Sympathetic and Deep and it just doesnt work because they didnt set it up whatsoever. like if you’re going to do it fucking DO IT. i wont like it but at least he’ll be consistent.
the movies also kind of have this problem (L tortures misa in a horrific and explicit way. this is never mentioned after the fact. then L: Change the WorLd happens and hes a hero) but i feel like thats kind of well known 
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yukippe · 5 years
UGH im rlly back in my anne of green gables phase press f
ok now im going to talk about my feelings on Anne. 
books = blessed. i will admit that its wack that anne’s a conservative bc her family is n she really doesn’t know anything about the tories fsgfhhdhs but! i will also so that the amount of god n praying is rlly funny n my mom made me catholic just by giving me these books like. little me mustve been holy based off all this praying n sunday school in the book. n . i Dig it. wack. its also blessed that anne doesnt actually start liking gilbert until halfway through the 2nd book like - bruh i love that she just full up like competing with him for top marks n barely cared about him el oh el. also EVERYTHING from redmond college hits me right. like anne n the weirdo...anne getting engaged...anne’s fiance’s sister being surprised she isnt bored by him...anne breaking the engagement n falling in love with gilbert n realizing it when hes so sick he might die n then he gets better n rushes to her side n They get engaged. like. im soft babey. BUT! its not a love story! even though in anne of avonlea theres the line, “If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman rhe description would have answered point for point  to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles who’s obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul.” like gilbert has been in love with her since he saw in her class and called her carrots bruhhh. Okay that was not the point whatsoever i just read that quote and wanted to include in anyways. anne doesn’t have romantic love story but she has a love story with the world and thats what the books are about. so like the first movie was rlly off lol, the others were better but i think a good bit of them focused too much on gilbert when she actually barely talks to him until like half way through the second book. while she definitely stresses about his opinion in book 1 its the second one when she acknowledges hes attractive and values him as friend. but! its the THIRD book where they actually start shit at the end of the book but AGAIN- windy poplars is just letters. no contact. we literally have to wait like 4 books to see them together all the time n then they have kids and the story starts to be handed over to the kids like.  anne’s story definitely highlights gilbert but it also highlights marilla and matthew and diana and mrs lynde and stella and priscilla and even jane andrews and ruby gillis. if they are not all highlights then wyd.  tbh i think anne with an e captures that her story is MORE than dianagilbertmarrillaandmatthew and it gets that shes also in love with the WORLD the only thing i have with anne with an e is that it forgets for the most part that anne is always supposed to be the light story that brings your day hope, that avonlea and green gables is where she reached everything gentle in her life. she found god, and friends and family and puffed sleeves! and that should be the focus! her imagination should always bring her better things! and anne with an e is definitely realistic i guess but its always way too dark for me to really be able to love it truly. like i love the cast, its one of my favourite casts for anne n co (except for ruby tho my personal favourite ruby gillis actually goes to my school so that might be a bias but whatever) but yeah! and i think part of the problem with anne with an e is that its told through a tv format and i think with certain books tv is a rlly bad field! n anne’s story is just not told best thru the current trends in tv. anne with an e is a rlly good show that i like but i cant love it as an anne adaptation, i have to love it separately, yaknow?
n of course, like it briefly mentioned above the books r dated n not perfect n dont have the best outlook on tings n honestly is probably not the best book for the average person bc its about an 11-17 yr old ginger white girl in the late-early 1900s which is why the anne with an e series is better at looking to a bigger more modern n diverse audience. if only it couldve captured more hope along with tackling important issues n having diversity n rep :,). but i guess it being “realistic” is more important or smth. idk.
nyways. stan anne shirley <3
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twunkhector · 7 years
1, 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10. go off 👀
 okay im gunna mostly tick to the dctv universe for this but i may stray
me: “dctv universe” its mostly legends and some flash lbr bc its late and i have alcohol in my system what is other tv 
salty ask list (answers under the cut, obviously)
#1 what otps in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
okay theres a lot of little crackships where i just yeah that can stay in the far depths of the sea over THERE bc wyd with that 
one i will get into is c*ldatom i just,,,,,,,, i do enjoy their interacts i think theyre entertaining and what not but i just dont really see the romantic link between them at all its p puzzling to me really. like i can see them being tolerated teammates at best but thats about as far as that relationship branches in my eyes. len was ultimately willing to let ray die at the oculus and i think that speaks for itself
#2 are there any popular fandom otps you only brotp?
i don’t know that its popular persay but captain canary??? i just really dig them as bros gaying it up throughout time no need for this unnecessary romance forced into it like begone demon
also vixenwave. is that popular again? im not sure. like its not that i would have hated if that actually became canon but i just think they are better suited as friends i hope they develop that bond a lot more in season three
um all of team flash basically (excluding iris + barry). but yeah everyone else like romance is just….i dont see it. theyre great friends and they care about each other but without the romance involved. 
not dc related but personally for me i only brotp like all of the fellowship i dont care if other people ship them like you do you (depending on that particular ship…….no frodoxgandalf nastiness out there ya hear) but yeah personally i just view them as friends i.e. the hobbits and the three hunters etc 
#4 do you have a notp in your fandom? are they a popular otp?
im not sure that they are popular i dont really know how to gage that but???? i guess a few actually lmao like that i havent mentioned already c*ldflash and sn*wbarry is that even the name??? also shipping either cisco or caitlyn with mick or len like nah that has crossed a line goodbye
#5 has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
yeah so when the fandom uses a ship to demonize other characters for really shitty and fucked up reasons that actually dont even make sense in addition its like HA okay yall are fucked and you cant stop associating that one ship with those shitty connotations and thoughts and its like :/ i literally dont ever wanna see these characters ever interact again like yall nasty smh
#9 most disliked character(s)? why?
oh boy all of the legends like bye yall
okay stein,,,,,,,,,,,,its not that i HATE him but,,,,he really fcuking gets my goat. especially since legends started hes just OVERLY cocky and really doesnt learn from his shitty behaviour often enough and will revert right back to it after he does learn from it and its like wyd u old dick take a nap like GOD stop talking down to everyone 
rip really ticks me off like 99% of the time there were points in season 2 where i didnt MIND him but most of the time im like,,,,,,yeah bye 👋 he also has an ego issue and Never Forgot “IQ of meat”
eobard can choke i genuinely find him boring af and he was useless imo
carter? also garbage dont go near me or kendra ever again (mon el is in this category as well nasties im not even getting into these)
um i can honestly say ive never found a version of HR that i didnt find annoying Noah Fence but he just isnt funny to me or endearing i just i could live without him 
to jump away from legends, tbag???????? like no. HARD NO. i hate him. ill always hate him. i can understand the purpose of his character in a show of that nature but i will never give a fuck about him or his redemption. 
i dont wanna say lj but,,,,,,,I DONT HATE LJ HE JUST EXHAUSTS ME 
jacob can also Die if for nothing else but that kiss in 5x07 where he shoved his tongue repetitively into sara’s mouth im still gagging from that
#10 most disliked arc? why?
oh boy its prison break time 
FIRST OF ALL veronica donovan dying like that? i know its not an arc but it was stupid and i hate the writers for essentially deciding only one of the females could live and that they were interchangeable like FUCK you and FUCK you again 
second all of season 4? no. dumb. the whole theyre not actually brothers plot line with how Shitty christina was i hated it and it exhausted me and i just thought it was a plot twist that didnt need to happen also did i mention i Hate her
third any redemption arc for tbag like i said hes fucking dead to me and i think hes way past the point of redemption and i just really am not interested in seeing that happen whatsoever (i.e. s2+ like bye)
also i wont lie i am quite side eye at the arc for snart in legends season 1 (and 2 if we are being honest but i dont wanna get started on doomworld it is LATE – one small thing, len calling mick a dog? bye 👋), as well as micks. i dont really like the way theyve developed the characters from the beginning of s1 to the end of s1 i think it was done a little sloppy like they didnt have the time to really do it properly and it was a little bit out of character anyways in some portions 
as well like i said they didnt really have the time to develop that relationship enough to the point to really break it down substantially as they could have it almost reminded me of doing civil war in one mcu movie with only 6 of the avengers present and the shitty mcu writing of them not really seeming like they like each other a whole lot for most of the time like show us SOMETHING MORE that would suggest this could happen
flash point. i dont like this. i am, for the most part, not a fan. i think its negatives way outweigh its positives, the few it has. 
julian? i also found his whole,,,,,,,,,existence for more than a mere few episodes redundant and uncomfortable. also like p much everything with caitlyn has been pretty,,,no……. like why 
must i even touch on mon el entering our lives and james olsen being viciously side swiped? probably not. 
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