#easily worth the price of admission
now the the revice x geats movie is for sale, I am reminded of how extremely funny my viewing experience was I went to see it with my sibling in theaters and I tried to speedrun them thru geats the night beforehand (a major flop - we only finished ep 4) so they would understand at least some of the plot, only to find out it was like 75% revice so instead, we're sitting in the theater as my sibling rapidly tries to explain the plot of revice to me whenever that plot is relevant (read: the whole film) and then when the geats cast shows up, I'm like, "so, the plot that you need to know here... is literally nothing: look how cute neon looks in a mage hat"
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guyfieriii · 1 year
Get Us Strung
We're back to our regularly scheduled programming with another angst-y piece. Inspired by the song Dirty Love by Mt. Joy comes the tale of John Price and his best friend. My apologies if it seems a bit disconnected, it was originally much larger but I decided to scrap a lot of it (See? I can be nice sometimes.), but I tried my best. Also, this was edited on pure audaciousness, a bottle of wine, and a pitcher of margaritas. Do with that what you will.
Lastly, the biggest thank you to @mvtthewmurdvck for once again tolerating me bombarding her with snippets galore and supporting me as she always does.
(Can we consider this as a somewhat happy ending? My original one was A LOT worse.)
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Pairing: John Price x f!Reader Warnings: Explicit Sexual Scenes and a gallon of pain :)
Nostalgia is a cruel consonance of sentimentality and longing. A honeyed trap you could easily get caught in if you aren’t careful. 
You weren’t. 
All it took was one precarious step forth into its birdlime confines and you’re stuck, forever adhered to moments gone by. Try as you might to break free, to rid yourself of the persistent fog that looms and live in the present — you’re simply unable. The struggle of it brands ropes into your skin. A chemical burn that scabs eventually, but it leaves you debilitated of every ounce of strength you have to leave. 
With time, you make do. 
You adjust to the circumstances you’ve found yourself in. It’s easy enough — to simply give in. It’s like the call of a warm bed on a cold winter morning. The arms of a man you love held open in an invitation. It’s the perfect balm to your stinging disappointments and embittered thoughts. 
Witness, reminisce — rinse and repeat. 
A moment here. An admission of love there, just not the right kind. Not enough to keep you satisfied, just enough you keep you—
There. Still. Stuck in time. Recycling the same out-of-date echoes through your trench of despondency till they fossilize. 
It’s his eyes that do you in, really. Lapis set in moonstone white reminding you of the ebb and flow of deep ocean currents that gently coax you inwards to drift among the waves. 
They were the first thing you noticed about him. 
A skinny kneed boy of eleven, head full of bistre-brown hair, and the bluest eyes you ever saw that suddenly wanted to be your friend. He was loud and brutish in contrast with your more reluctant and constrained demeanour and yet—
He was your best friend. Your first. Your only. 
Is your best friend. 
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Five years later, he left to join the infantry. 
He departed, eager to prove his worth. While you stayed back with a poor facsimile of a supportive smile as he promised his eventual return. 
I’ll be back on leave before you know it.
I’ll be back. 
And I’ll be here. 
You clung to him when he told you he was enlisting, fingers curling into the sleeves his Fleetwood Mac t-shirt — a gift from you for his fifteenth. He’d asked if you wanted to keep it, as a reminder of him.
Wouldn’t need to if you just stayed, Johnny. 
In the fortnight leading up to his departure, you prayed for a last-minute change of his mind. Maybe the realization that he couldn’t stay without you would finally come to the surface. 
It had to. Eventually. 
You couldn’t bear the thought of walking up the morning after he left, just missing a part of you. Feeling a crater right in the middle of your chest grow wider and deeper as the distance between you and him extended. 
But as the days counted down, his excitement grew nearly as fast as your despair. 
It began with you pulling out all the stops, reminding him of the comforts of home, of you. To him, it was only the perfect gift farewell. 
It wasn’t until just the day before that you decided to take the cheap shot and just beg.
Don’t leave. Just— please just stay, okay? You don’t have to go. You don’t have to leave me— please, Johnny. I can’t—
He stood at an arm’s length and listened to you in silence, watched you scrounge every ounce of emotional ammunition you could, until your voice ran hoarse, and your tears ran dry. 
The pained expression that your outburst gradually chiseled onto his face left you shamelessly hopeful, and you took a step forward to close the distance between you and him. 
He wordlessly took a step back.
The time slowed, and the seconds hemorrhaged until he finally spoke. 
All he responded with was—
I have to. 
You saw him standing out on my pavement by your house the next morning, walking across the same yard over and over. He’d glance upward at your window every now and then in such excruciating hope that you might grace him with something as simple as a wave goodbye. 
But you didn’t. You simply stood there, watching from the shadows, trying to find some relief in tears shed, but you came up dry. 
And he left. 
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When he returned, he came as Private Johnathan Price. 
Nearly half a foot taller since you saw him last. Mostly the same in disposition if only a bit more self-assured. 
In the 18 months of his absence, all you had was a shoebox full of unopened letters and that chasm left behind that grew deeper, still. Every week, unquestioningly, there’d be an envelope addressed to you. And every week, you’d hold it with measured trepidation and excitement. The first one brought you relief to know that you hadn’t lost him in your near ruinous parting of ways. But as you felt the weight of it in your hands, your fingers prudently tracing the ink, you couldn’t bring yourself to read what lay inside. It felt it would be ripping the bandaging off of a wound that had barely begun to heal. 
So, you kept it aside.  
18 months. 72 weeks. Every corresponding letter that followed underwent the same approach. You held them, appreciated them for their infallible arrival, and locked them away with repentance as the pile grew.  
The letter that followed, came hand-delivered. 
“You could have written back at least once, y’know.” He says with a smile. 
Sorry, Johnny. Forgive me. Forgive me. Please—
Your ensuing apology dies at your lips, and you nearly suffocate under the weight of it until—
“It’s okay.” He promises.
“It’s not.” You assert back.
His gaze softens and he tries again. “Hurt ya when I left, didn’t I?”
“You did.”
“So, it’s okay.”
He means to placate. You know this and an infinitesimal part of you appreciates it. But what takes more prominence is one blazing question left behind.
It blisters and leaves behind the blackened soot of your unmatched expectations. A skeletal impression of his well intended albeit anticlimactic confession. 
All you’re left wondering is—
Why didn’t it hurt you to leave me, too? 
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You met him in London to celebrate your collective 21st birthdays some time halfway in between them. 
It took some coordination, between your school and his training in Sandhurst. He never told you — said he wanted to keep you detached from that part of his life. 
How’re the— I don’t know what to ask, John. You never tell me anything. 
I tell you plenty. 
He does well— his mother informed you as much. But the details remained vacant. You try to fill in the blanks, hazard a guess — a poor approximation of the real thing, you’re certain. 
It wasn’t something you liked, but never fought him on it. It felt as though your paths diverged at too steep of an angle and you were the only one trying to get them to realign. He seemed content in this compartmentalization, while you worried your margin in it would grow smaller still. 
The disconnect it created left you unsettled. Like a trail down the woods that suddenly ends midway. You’re disoriented and unanchored, forever caught in an abridged narrative with his part missing. 
But you couldn’t keep waiting around—
Something you tell yourself to make it better. 
“Didn’t bring him with you, then?” He slides a glass of ale across the table to you, the bottom of it catching on the adherent buildup of many a spilled drink, causing the foam at the top to dribble over. 
“You asked me not to, John.” You mutter, indignant. 
You wouldn’t have asked to begin with, but for appearances sake—
“Didn’t want to have to share you with some other bloke, is all.” His self-satisfied grin tells you he sees right through it. 
The implications that simmered beneath that statement cut through you instantly. 
He didn’t want to have to share. 
What would happen if you told him that it was never even brought to question? That you were his, and his alone. 
Would he make it come true? 
Would he—
“I’d like for you to meet him eventually, y’know.” You opted for a safer route. Something more dependable. Everything John isn’t. 
That’s a lie. He’s nothing but. 
“If he stays around long enough.”
“Johnny.” You snap, irritably.
“Been a while since you called me that.” He murmurs, his grin slipping into something less presumptuous and more unshielded. Vulnerable. 
“We’re not kids anymore.” You turn your gaze downward, nails digging into the chipping laminate on the cheap bar top until he flicks the side of your palm to make you stop. 
“No, we’re not.” It’s his tone that makes you look back up— hinting at some kind of unspoken understanding that you recognize right away. 
Let’s not pretend, then.
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It’s in the dimming obscurity of alcohol when it finally happens. With your dress hiked up over the curve of your ass, and panties pulled to the side — he fucked you in a rush, outside in the cold fall air. The grain of the brick wall scratched your cheek with every thrust he buried himself in you. His ale-laden breath at the cusp of your ear, his hands cupping your breasts, squeezing — they were your only source of warmth.  
“Fuckin’ hell, I’ve wanted to—” He confessed.
“So have I, Johnny.” You matched his revelation with your own. 
But this wasn’t how it was supposed to—
You’ll take what you’re given. Even if it’s just this once, just tonight. A fleeting taste is better than the fantasy of him you’ve held on to. 
He’s better than what you’ve had in the past. Better than what you’d thought he’d be like. 
Or maybe, it’s just how well knows you. 
He knows how deep you need to feel him, no matter if it hurts just a little. It’s the kind of hurt you enjoy. 
How many women have you been with, John? 
Does it matter?
Yes. No. Maybe? 
It was you that crossed the line. A temerarious lapse in judgment, a flick of a wrist that knocked down an already precipitous house of cards when suddenly your lips descend upon his. He tastes of stale beer and the cigarette you bummed off an old man at the pub. With a grunt of surprise, he reciprocates, his tongue invading past your lips. 
In a flash of somewhat sloppy adjustment, your back remained firmly pressed against the brick wall of the side of the pub, while his hands to the side of you effectively cage you in. 
It’s not soon after that he takes the reins.
His mouth is everywhere — your lips, glossing over your jaw to the underside while he firmly grasps a fistful of your hair at the root, tilting your face upwards. He lays siege to the delicate column of your neck, armed with a stinging bite and the consolatory swipe of his tongue after. 
John. Johnny.
The straps of your top hang loosely off your shoulders as he pulls the front of it down haphazardly to latch on to your nipple. You helplessly mewl beneath him, fingers trembling as they undo the buckle of his belt. 
“Tell me to stop, love. Tell me, or I’ll—” He groans. Your hands sink in past the zipper to palm his erection. Warm. Solid. 
“Please, don't.” You sink to your knees with the excitement, the need to taste him chafing at your rib cage with every beat of your heart. 
“Fuck— fuck, okay. Just slow down—”
“John. Please.” 
“I’ll make it good, yeah? For you. I will.” He swears. 
I know you will. 
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You moved to Liverpool a year later. Something about staying in Hereford without him just kept you trapped in a state of inertia. Spending your time waiting more than anything else. It was time to move on. 
Or try to, at any rate.
Humble beginnings for you — a modest apartment, a job that paid the bills and nothing else. 
You settled into a routine — oscillating between work, home, and bisected friendships that you formed. 
It’s not the same. It’s not the same. 
It’s hard not to hold him somewhat accountable for your perpetual state of futility. There’s an essence of banality that follows you wherever you go. A life lived in half measures, mediocre and prosaic. It isn’t fair, and yet—
Why couldn’t you just stay, John? 
It’s usually at night when the bitter tendrils of your regret slink up your limbs, like stalks of Golden Pothos, that collect around neck and squeeze. 
A fire that kindles all too easily.
Can you even call it your own, when it’s caused by the choices of another?
It’s when you think back to that night in London, the weight of his cock in the palm of your hand— the way his eyes pinched shut and his head tilted back as you attempted to take him all the way in. 
“Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?” He’d asked in a choked groan. 
Had the head of his cock not been pressed against the back of your throat you’d have answered with:
Upset you weren’t the one to teach me, aren’t you Johnny?
Whatever remnants of that night that weren’t washed away by the glassy comber of one drink too many, replayed themselves a hundred times over. Every reiteration leaves you breathless and wanting — the evidence of it clearly shining on the inside of your thighs and the tips of your fingers. 
A knock. 
“You moved.” His voice was weight down by many an unspoken accusation. 
“I did.” There’s no point in an apology— he’s here now.
“You never said.” Anger. Hurt. Betrayal — all in coalescence that lacerates you so deeply, you might stain the walls blood red. 
“I— Do you want to come in—?” 
He walked across the threshold, brushing past your shoulder before you even finished inviting him in.
“You— it’s not much. I’ve only just—” You stumble your way through some kind of explanation as he sheds himself off his duffel and coat. Any reasoning you were able to muster trickles back down your throat as he makes himself comfortable on your sofa, the floral embellished cushion sinking under the weight of him like it’s his right to be. 
“It’s nice.”
You’d have expected him to feel out of sorts in this new home of yours, but he finds his place in it so naturally it fucking stings. 
It really could have been that easy— a life with him. It’s a dangerous thought experiment but you wonder if he also aches for that near miss of a surrogate life. A peripeteia of decisions that might have led you down a different path entirely. 
“How long are you on leave this time?” It’s a jibe and he notices. There’s an unmistakable clench in his jaw, a steely look set in his eyes at your question like he’s willing you to challenge him. 
You almost do. 
Good of you to waltz by after a year, Johnny. I’ve been waiting. 
You really have. 
“Two weeks. If you’ll have me.”
You considered turning him away simply out of spite. A laughable thought, really. An egomaniacal deliberation you pretend to have. 
You’d never—
“Aren’t you going home?” 
Don’t say yes. Please, don’t say yes.
“Would’ve — yeah. But you moved.”
Fuck. Don’t—
“You make it sound like I’m the only reason you come back.”
The words decamp themselves from you without any realization. Subdued embers relight themselves. Veiled desires now unwrapped — a festering infection that itched beneath near-mended dermis now touching air simply because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. 
“Would— would it be so bad if I said yes?” He asks, wavering slightly in his footing only to gauge your reaction, and you pray you’re not giving anything away. 
Yes. Yes, it fucking would, John. Because—
It means nothing in the scheme of its payoff. You don’t know what he expects, because to you his disclosure only exacerbates the acridity of his absence tenfold. It makes his eventual departure seem like a harsher slap to the face. 
You could accuse him of pretense. Tell him how hollow it makes you feel.
Or simply—
“No. Of course not.” You lie with a smile, instead. 
He believes you. 
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His parents pass within a year of each other. He attends both funerals in uniform — having only singular days granted to him in lieu of bereavement. 
It might have been a personal choice in his father’s case, which happened to be the latter. 
The first was an open casket, the second closed — both lowered into the ground while his hand firmly grasped yours. 
And after—
On both days, he found himself buried in you, however in polar opposite ways. 
It began gentle, with his need to be held and your need to oblige. You straddle him in the backseat of your busted-up Mondeo Estate, soaking in his silent grief as you whisper condolences. He finds his home in the crook of your neck, bedewed with the warmth of his breath and his tears. 
He tastes of grief. 
Regret, even. 
Maybe, one day, you’ll tell him it didn’t have to be that way.
Imagine what we could’ve been, John. 
Only seven months later, you find yourself in circumstances alike only in one solitary way. This time, it’s his anger that transcends the grief. You’re turned away, bent over the disjointed desk in the corner of his childhood bedroom. His fingers etching your skin in a mosaic of blue and purple, willing you to acquiesce to his baser instinct rather than envelop him in comfort. He fucked you, brutally — bare teeth, white knuckles. A lacquer of vitriol to coat you in. Only apologetic in the aftermath. 
He wouldn’t let you kiss him. 
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Change is a weight borne poorly by most relationships. 
You try to blame the distance between his visits, and the fact that he always seems more worse for wear than the last. A chronic transformation with every visit, like rust on iron — sandstone shaded corrosion bleeding into his edges. 
He tries to shed himself of it when he’s in your company but it’s ever-present, like a phantom limb. An undeniable extension of himself. 
You tell him not to pretend. 
Not with me, John.
You might as well be white noise. 
What started out as concern he’d brush off with a ‘this isn’t something you need to be worrying about, love’ slowly evolved into disregard which concluded with blatant contempt.  
This isn’t what I—
He stopped himself a moment too late. 
“This isn’t what I came back for.”
“Glad we’re both disappointments to each other.”
Finally, some truth spilled out. It felt oddly cathartic, even if it meant having your worst fears confirmed. 
He makes an implicit plea to retract what’s been said, undo the hurt caused, and return to your perpetual state of synthetic decorum. Two people who tip-toe around each other, chat about the weather, and when all redundancies are through and done with—
Let’s just leave it be. Dinner’s nearly—
He feasts on your cunt like a man starved. 
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It’s funny how rarely you consider the sheer probability of his safe return. Is it simply denial? Is he so deeply rooted within your being that imagining him not being there isn’t an ending you can enumerate? 
To you, there is simply no finality to John Price. Forever seems like a paltry presumption to have in his line of work and yet, you can never imagine the alternative. 
You’ve tried. You even asked him once.
Just once. 
“You’ll be informed if— I — they know you’re my— you’ll be informed.” He spoke with such unambiguous apathy like he was reading it off a manual. 
Ten different ways to prepare your loved ones for your eventual demise. 
“I’ll be informed?” This isn’t the hill to die on, but you just can’t help yourself. 
“I don’t know how else to—”
“I’m glad to know I’ll have the privileges of being your widow without you having to marry me, John.”
He recoils away like you just struck him. 
It was an unscrupulous remark to make. Atonement is futile, he’d see right through it. All you can do is wait for the dust to settle and carry on. 
But he— 
“I’d marry you tomorrow if I thought it would fix things.” 
It wouldn’t. 
Some things are just predestined to remain broken, you suppose. 
“I know you would.”
You find yourself at an impasse. Anyone pragmatic might think to cut their losses and retreat. Start anew. 
That’s just not who you are. 
You find other ways to meet each other halfway, on an equal plane of vulnerability and certitude. Nothing to hide behind in the arms of one another. There are shared breaths, harmonies of impassioned confessions and you find yourselves in the other once more. 
You shed the pain you wear like a second skin, disrobed in ways both actual and metaphorical. 
He’s kinder and you’re more forgiving. 
He tells you it’s his last night with you for a while and you request your goodbye before the morning. You need something to remain unsoiled. 
He leaves before you wake.
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Sometimes, he leaves a note. 
I’ll be back soon, darling.
Empty words. Hollow promises. An interminable echo in a cave that ripples in the subterranean waters you float in.
I’m doing the best I can. 
And that’s enough. 
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ghostsbimbo · 7 months
The boys and going to the Trinity Of Terror [3rd Leg] with you
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A/N: for those who don't know what the ToT Tour is, it's a 3 part tour containing Motionless in White, Ice Nine Kills, Black Veil Brides, and at some shows, Atreyu - I went to it last year and it's coming up on the one year since then, so why not make a whole post dedicated to it. Also, my very first attempt at writing Rudy and Alejandro!! :D hope you like it.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley.
the dude would much be the type to help you get to the barrier and keep your guys' spot safe, glaring at anyone who would complain about his tall stature being right at them. He didn't wear his skull mask or balaclava, but you did do his make up so it'd very much fit one of the aesthetics of the bands. - He agreed to do a horror movie-esque look for Ice Nine Kills. - He wouldn't show it, but he definitely admired you in all the lighting. He also managed to catch a rose and guitar pick at the end of Motionless in White's set for you <3. Oh and he watched with an amused look when you were squealing over getting the set list.
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John Price
Peepaw would be in the seats as you had the time of your life down in the general admissions area. He'd be watching with worried eyes when he seen the amount of mosh pits going, and get even more worried when you went into one. He's to old for this, and to see how you just ate up the energy of it all was amazing. He would definitely go through the concerts again if it meant seeing you so energized and happy after the show.
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
You can not deny he'd be one to join in on the fun that is mosh pits. Of course, you'd have to teach him pit etiquette first, but it'd still be so worth it in the end. He'd also make sure to get you guys matching hoodies for y'all afterwards. you'd guys argue over which band, before settling on Ice Nine Kills hoodie, and then the SpongeBob themed Motionless in White shirt.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can even see him at a metal concert. He'd be the type to drop you and a group of friends off and give you his card for merch - and food if you're hungry enough to spend money on stadium food. - He'd probably just sit in the car in the parking garage until you and your friends were ready to go. He knows the type of shows you like going to when you told him about one singular one, and his anxiety is like "nope, not for me, but I will totally drop you and your friends off at them"
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His build and stature REALLY helps you out, Barricade EASILY. Sticks out like a sore thumb to the bands. Chris Motionless even taking a few minutes during the show to point him out in the crowd. - being nice of course, because that man is a SWEET HEART, like if you look up the word sweetheart in the dictionary? An image of Chris pops up. - Anyways, he gets like two flowers from MIW easily, one for you, and one for a little kid that was about 6 or 7 he had seen in the crowd that was bummed out he didn't get one. oh and he definitely got a drum stick from the drummer who he remembered was your favorite members. [ How could he forget? You have a whole fan blog dedicated to the drummer, Vinny Mauro ]. He is also VERY fascinated by the Bombshells during Motionless's set, especially when they have the grind pads near their crotch and have sparks going everywhere - "Mein Gott, isn't that dangerous?" - He also is all heart eyes for Spencer from Ice Nine Kills. Dude changes his lock screen to a photo of Spencer that he got during the show, even.
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Alejandro Vargas
You would spend MONTHS begging him to go with you. He finally crumbles the night before. He definitely is the guy to stand there, straight faced and his arms crossed over his chest while you're headbanging and going into mosh pits and crowd surfing.
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Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
He'd probably surprise you with VIP tickets so you could do the meet and greet. - hell, he'd use the meet n greet to propose to you so you could be proposed to in front of your favorite band because that dork loves you. - He'd also spoil the FUCK out of you with merch after :)
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trivialbob · 9 months
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Today was scorching hot and very sunny. I doused myself with suncreen, filled a backpack with water, more sunscreen, and dental floss, and went over to the "Great Minnesota Get-Together," otherwise know as the annual Minnesota State Fair.
When I arrived at 10:00 AM the place was packed. If you do not revel in big crowds, sweaty people, fried food, food on a stick, high food and drink prices, farm animals, or tractors, this place is not for you. I can tolerate this mixture of things if I go to the fair every few years.
Lots of people. Did I already say that?
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Getting there is easy if one takes a bus. $5 buys a round trip ticket from one of several park-and-rides around the cities. Both the bus ticket and the admission ticket can be purchased online ahead of time. Very easy.
People watching is excellent. Food smells are delightful. The assortment of eats is interesting. It would never have occurred to me to make deep-fried pickles. I didn't try them but I heard some people raving about how good they were.
French fries and huge tubs of chocolate cookies are popular and available in several stands. I shudder thinking what a nutrition label on those cookies would look like. It likely would indicate a serving size as "one small bite" just so the amounts of sugar, sodium, and fat didn't exceed 200% of the recommended daily allowance.
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For my lunch I tried the HotDish-on-a-Stick. Hot Dish is a Minnesota thing, made with a tater tot topping over a mixture of meat, cream of mushroom soup, and maybe some veggies. The stand selling hotdish-on-a-stick didn't have a line of people. That is not a good sign. It did have a sign explaining what you got for $7 (a bargain compared to other food stands).
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I liked the concept, but results didn't work for me. It tasted like deep fried batter. The mushroom-hamburger dipping sauce was too salty, and I only dipped into it one time.
Some food stands had enormous lines. There must have been 150 people waiting for a new-this-year doughnut stand. "The Doughnut" was $5. Based on the long line, they easily could charged more. The Peanut Butter Cream doughnut was $10. At that price I would have thought it would be served on a stick. This stand had me curious, but I wasn't going to wait in that line.
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On Machinery Hill there were collections of vintage farm and garden tractors. Very cool. There were also lots of trucks, modern lawn equipment, side-by-sides, ATVs, and travel trailers on display. I sat on a swell little John Deer tractors and made revving noises with my mouth, much like I did as a 5-year-old in Sears stores long, long ago. I thought it was funny, but an actual 5-year-old boy today looked at me and backed away.
There are also a lot of the "as seen on TV" displays, selling items you didn't know you had to have!
The 4H people had farm displays. I like those kids. The Miracle of Birth Center had newborn calves, chicks, goats, and lambs.
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After several hours of walking around my feet were burning and my back hurt a little. As I made my way back to the gate where the buses were, I stopped to try some deep fried mac and cheese bites and have a beer. Those bites were delicious. The beer, while a little pricey, was extremely refreshing and frankly worth the price in that heat.
I plopped into a seat on the articulated bus. The air conditioning worked very well. I actually started to nod off as we waited to leave.
Four blondes and a brunette get on a bus...
No, this isn't a joke. It really happened. As my bus started to pull away and take us back to our cars, an adorable young woman, the brunette, walked up to the driver.
"Wait, where does this bus go?" She apparently missed the large banners with park-and-ride names and the those same names flashing on the bus LED signs.
The driver explained that we were going to the Bloomington park and ride, next to the Mall of America.
The brunette turned to her similarly cute cohorts, the four blondes with nearly identical haircuts, who sat midway down the bus.
"What bus did we take to get here?"
The other four came up to the front of the bus. They discussed it. I heard one blonde say she was sure they had not parked in Bloomington.
"Ohmygosh, will let us get off this bus?"
We hadn't left the parking area yet so the driver politely said he could do that. The brunette turned to address the rest of the passengers.
"I'm so sorry you guys, to make you wait like that." (It had been under a minute.)
Everyone said it was no problem and wished them well finding the correct bus. I smiled, then dozed off for the ride to Bloomington.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Sapphic Quote RP Meme
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 Some of these are made by lesbian or sapphic stars, varying for you roleplay purposes- inspired by the lovely @honeykeats​
“Cut the ending. Revise the script. The man of her dreams is a girl.”
“She’s inching forward.Is there a heterosexual explanation for why she’s inching forward?” 
“She was the sun, and she was shining on my face. That was a thing you didn’t look away from, even if you risked your eyes to look right at the light.” 
“Okay... You’re going to need to knock that the part where you keep putting yourself down or assuming I’d rather spend my time with someone other than you.”
“One thing is certain in this life: her would never, ever go out of style.” 
“Love will always have you at a disadvantage.” 
“I have infinite tenderness towards you. I always will my whole life.”
“You have to be willing to fight in order for a love story to last.”
“I'm crazy in love with you. It's fireworks and Fourth of July. I want...I want to stay. I want to stay here.” 
“Those eyes made love to me, long before your hands ever did. There is no resistance left in me, only love, and desire for you. It's all I have. I hope it will be enough.” 
“Are you trying to give me an aneurysm? Who’s this dirty-talking stranger and where did my girl go?”
“So you want to fall in love? You probably will soon, and if you do, enjoy it, it’s harder later on.” 
“Like is something you feel when you’re in an eighth grade about the girl or boy in your pre-algebra class. I don’t like you. I want you.” 
“I think everyone deserves to have someone make them their number one priority at least once in their life.” 
“I’m a one-woman woman, and I want total commitment. I’ve never been a fan of those date around things in the beginning either. I like exclusivity from the start.” 
“What fun is fantasy, if there is never a chance of reality?” 
“There’s nothing wrong with disappearing sometimes.” 
“Change had painted them both. Just with different brushes.” 
“A relationship comes with its own cost, but love is worth the price of admission. You don't get to set the price, but if you want to come aboard, you have to pay it.” 
“She’s the best part of me. All the love songs are about her.” 
“Losing her was the worst of it, but loving her hurt almost as much sometimes.” 
“There was no other love that could compare with the love of woman for woman.” 
“You can give life and take it away just as easily. You’re my blessing and my curse.” 
“I think I need to take frequent breaks from kissing your body to return to your lips, kissing you feels so good.” 
“This is stupid. We’re not fourteen. I like you. You like me. Let’s go out.” 
If I’m your home, then you’re my safe harbor. The sanctuary where I can finally rest. You’re my everything—my truth, my strength, my trust, my hope, and all my love. You’re the rest of my life.”
you have undone me. I am completely and utterly at your mercy.” 
“The compliment didn’t mean as much coming from him as it had from her. Compliments always meant more when they were from girls.” 
“You are the woman I love, and I will not let anything come between us. This is the only way we can be free. I’m trusting you with my heart. I’m in love with you and I want to be with you forever.” 
“One time. One time when I was sixteen, you asshole!” 
“I know I wasn't the person you needed me to be before, but I can be if you'll let me.” 
“In the end and in the beginning, there was only love. But more, obviously...intelligence, wit, laughter, touch, wisdom, strength...so much more. ”
“I guess I hope one day I’ll find someone that’s willing to fight for me because they don’t want what we have to end.” 
“How heavenly it would be to live their lives free from the thought that they were being criticized, pointed out - their love for each other discussed as though it were some low vulgar thing.” 
“Being your friend and knowing that you're happy, even if it's with someone else, even if my heart is breaking, is worth it. But if you love me? If you love me, then be brave and love me.”
“Does it hurt? Loving someone who can’t love you back?” 
“Everything is simple right now, but I won't go away if one day things become harder, because sometimes relationships are a choice. And if there's one thing I'm sure of right now, it's that you're my choice.” 
“Moments add up. Sometimes, we live in them. We stop to make a mental note that this is something we’ll want to remember forever.”
You are my route to happiness. All of my routes to happiness lead to you, and I haven’t ever found anyone else that has even come close. I love that you are willing to sit in an empty apartment until you find just the right piece of antique furniture that speaks to you even if it takes months.”
“She broke my heart, so now I have to write about her forever. It made everything different. It's something that can only happen once.” 
“A man can love another man. A woman can love other women. Homophobic bastards should keep their motherfucking mouths shut.” 
“I don't want to forget about anything that's happened since we met. If I forgot the stuff that caused me pain, I wouldn't remember all the happiness that I've had, too.” 
“She’s my role model, my traveling companion,my most reliable source of light, my fortitude.”
“I think when we meet someone that isn’t interested in us like that, it’s best to just move along. I don’t think you should have to convince the person you’re meant to be with to be with you.” 
“Like avocado refrigerators and outdated clothing, love becomes clutter—emotional clutter that takes up space better used for something else.” 
“That's what matters, isn't it? To be a person you're proud of, regardless of the judgment of others.”
“That's what matters, isn't it? To be a person you're proud of, regardless of the judgment of others.” 
“Sometimes something happens when two people get together. Something that's stronger than your resolve. Or any code.” 
“I'm saying love is a factor. If you really love someone, you accept and embrace who they are.” 
“Wasn't that what love was, really? Doing beautiful, funny things, just for the hell of it. Because you wanted to. Because the other person made you feel like you could.” 
“So often, beauty had absolutely nothing to do with the way something looked and everything to do with how it made you feel.” 
“Our lives were made infinitely better when we each accepted who we were and when we went for what we wanted.” 
“Life's full of baggage, you know? Some of it is heavier than others, but it's always there. Nothing's perfect, and that's a good thing. Life would be pretty boring and easy if there were no challenges.” 
“You are everything I have ever dreamed of. You are every constellation. You are the words to every song. I have never wanted anything more than to spend every day in your arms.” 
I want her with a ferocity that must be equal to the desire to live. The passion I feel for life matches the passion with which I desire her.” 
“You are everything I have ever dreamed of. You are every constellation. You are the words to every song. I have never wanted anything more than to spend every day in your arms.” 
Looking into those beautiful blues, that were so like the water they sailed on,”
“Breathing is supposed to be easy, right?"
“Isn't it funny how we can go through life thinking we're on top of the world only to realize that we've had our zipper down the entire time?” 
“Sometimes it made sense to lead from behind, and other times you had to take the situation to hand.” 
“People think that intimacy is about sex. But intimacy is about truth. When you realize you can tell someone your truth, when you can show yourself to them, when you stand in front of them bare and their response is "you're safe with me" - that's intimacy.” 
“They were a walking paradox, alright— an explosive collision of diametric opposites. There was no earthly reason why they should work together.And yet they did.” 
“Even the best things had some sadness with them.” 
How often had she dreamed herself here over the years, only to find herself alone in an empty bed?” 
“You will hurt the one you love, sometimes. You won't do it intentionally. You'll feel like shit when you do. It's unavoidable, but you start with an apology, and you end by telling them you love them. You work through it because they're the person you want to work through everything with.” 
“I've looked at you, the person that you are. The kind of person I want to be. You've been my guiding light back to myself, probably finding myself for the first time. My lighthouse, a light in the dark.” 
“There's more than one way to run. Sometimes, not moving an inch is the worst kind of running.”
“In ten years, I'll fight for you. And in twenty years, I'll fight for you. At the end of time, I'll fight for you. Because you don't make me happy. You are my happiness. And I think I'm yours.”
“How did the a girl like her and up with a girl like me?”
“Love is a choice you make moment to moment.”
“There’s happiness, and there’s love, and then there’s completion.”
“It can only be true love when you enable your other half to be better, to be the person they are destined to be.”
“You know inside yourself what's the right way to move forward. That said, in truth, there is no right or wrong. We shape our lives with every decision we make. The beauty is that if we don't like the path we're on, we can always make a different choice. Redirect.” 
“I don't want to change you, and I don't want to shame you. I want us both to be happy and to figure this out. I love you exactly the way you are, and I'm hoping you feel the same way, and not as though I'm trying to take what I want and ditch the best.” 
“Soulmate love is the most transformative and by far the most thrilling-but it sure can be challenging. It's a love that's pure at heart but often complicated greatly by human temperaments and layers upon layers of trauma and deeply held beliefs.” 
“I swear to love you always. To back you up even when you're wrong. To make you laugh when you realize you've built that IKEA bookshelf all backwards. To indulge every whim and passion. And to always be your number one fan. Until death do us part, I will stand by your side.” 
“Don't let happiness slip through your fingers because of old angers and mistakes.” 
“Being a lesbian means I have the opportunity to love what is uncommon and I am fine with that. I don’t cry myself to sleep or am upset by the life that I lead because of who I care about. Because I accept the fact that it is simply love.”
“Maybe sad stories need to be shared. Maybe grief doesn't need to be fought, but rather embraced in order to ever heal.”
“They were a walking paradox, alright— an explosive collision of diametric opposites. There was no earthly reason why they should work together.And yet they did.” 
“What do you want?I want to stop living in fear. I want to stop coming up with excuses about why I'm not interested in dating. I want my family to know me. I want to get to learn more about her. I want to stop feeling like everything I am is inadequate or makes me unworthy of love because of something I can't help.” 
I want my liar, I thought. I want her mouth. I want her perfume to rub off on my skin like bruised grass.” 
“I fell in love with you the day that I met you, and then I fell in love with the person you remembered you are. I got to fall in love with you twice. That’s— that’s magic. You’re the first thing I’ve believed in since— since I don’t even remember, okay, you’re— you’re movies and destiny and every stupid, impossible thing, and it’s not because of the fucking train, it’s because of you. It’s because you fight and you care and you’re always kind but never easy, and you won’t let anything take that away from you. You’re my hero. I don’t care if you think you’re not one. You are.” 
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bdzonthareel · 11 months
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When I first heard about a Barbie movie, I like many people rolled their eyes at the very thought of it. Barbie media has often (at times unfairly) lambasted for being a cash grab and that was my initial reaction, however we I heard that Margot Robbie was involved and her production company was fitting the bill, my interest was piqued. So without further ado, (and I never thought I would ever say these words) let’s talk about Barbie!
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We’re introduced to the fictional world of Barbieland, where every concept of Barbie exists and lives in perfect harmony with a respective Ken, and Allan (there’s only one of him.) But the harmony is disrupted when Robbie’s Stereotypical Barbie begins to suffer from an existential crisis and in order for her to fix what’s wrong she must go to the real world and meet the girl who is playing with her and figure out what’s wrong.
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In all genres of entertainment, comedy is one of those that I am insanely harsh on, as comedian myself I feel like there should be a flow to long form story, especially in comedy. But I can say that Director and co-screenwriter Greta Gerwig created a work that was heartfelt and hilarious in this film.
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The cinematography is nothing short of brilliant, lots and lots of pink paint was used to bring Barbieland to life and it felt like one massive play set. And the various Real World shots were not to be out done giving off a stark contrast to each other.
The soundtrack was a delightful mix of classic top 40s, newer hits and self-aware comedic songs. The score was equally light poppy and fun, composers (pop music legend) Mark Ronson and Andrew Wyatt brought an amazing upbeat energy to this film.
Co-writer Noah Baumbach, helped with some very well-timed jokes, and you know they worked because they triggered a metric ton of incels, and that alone was worth the price of admission. Together with Gerwig, I was throughly impressed with the amount of meta commentary on display, and despite what some might lead you to believe, the film doesn’t demonize men; the film’s message is far more complex than that. I also appreciate the fact that they made the movie about the titular character, with seems to be something that franchises like Transformers can’t seem to get right.
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And the performances were hilariously well done, Margot Robbie and Ryan Gossling have great chemistry as they lampoon the ideas of these characters’ roles. Simu Liu, is amazing versatile and brings the same amazing timing that he brought to Kim’s Convenience and it was delightful. Although my favorite Barbies were Issa Rei as President Barbie and Sharon Rooney as Lawyer Barbie. And I would be remised to ignore Hari Nef whose Doctor Barbie was whimsical and charming, Also since I’m madly in love with Alexandra Shipp I can say that she another of my favorite parts. America Ferreira and Ariana Greenblat served as great moral support for the various inhabitants of Barbieland and then there Will Ferrell I was almost convinced was Ken at one point given his goofball behavior. I also enjoyed seeing Rhea Pearlman as one (spoilers), she just gets better with age. Kate McKinnon really went all in as Weird Barbie as did Michael Cera as Allan (easily my favorite character in the film.) And last but certainly NOT least, Dame Hellen Mirren as the narrator brought a nice touch of her
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Barbie was more than what I and many others initially expected, it was packaged as a goofball fish-out-of-water comedy which is a tired cliché in its own right, I sat down on this for a good while before writing this and I feel like its one of the best comedies I have seen in a very long time. It was very funny, but it also had a lot to say about growing up, holding on to thing that we love, and letting go of them. The biggest message that we all have to find our own way, because we are all more than just an idea and life doesn’t exist in just a straight line and at the end of the day isn’t that what it means to be human?
I give Barbie a well-deserved, 5 out of 5.
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victoriansimmer · 1 year
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With a net worth of nearly 130,000, the Lawson family lived quite comfortably in their new estate.
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Heir and master of the house, Nathaniel was only one promotion away from reaching the top of the law career. He was well-liked, donning 12 friends. However, despite the fact that he could easily have thrown his hat in the ring for mayor, he never dreamt of that kind of limelight.
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In their spare time, Nathaniel and his wife Beatrice have both been writing novels. Beatrice reached the top of the dance career years ago--as a Sorbonne-trained ballerina. Now, only days away from elderhood and with every single skill maxed, it was almost time to retire.
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With their eldest son Marius away at Cambridge, the younger boys Theodore and Archibold were feeling the pressure of living up to steep expectations. Marius was always a star student, and moved away to Cambridge with many scholarships. Archie, in particularly, often found himself cracking under the pressure with a near-constant red aspiration meter.
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Although their family didn't own a coveted bookshelf of learning, Theo and Archie at least had two career rewards to help them skill. Even so, it is unlikely they will attend university with more than 3 skills beyond level 8. Although they are far from the prodigy of their older brother and heir, each will leave home with an inheritance of 40,000 simoleons. If they find equivalent marriage matches, they will enter the social world staunchly in the upper class.
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The Lawsons employed two maids, who were always running, trying to keep up with the heaps of laundry and cleaning tasks. It was no easy job to work for such a large and wealthy family, but they certainly did their best.
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Marvelously, Nathaniel aged up into an elder. His own father, Renaud, never made it to elderhood as he passed away during the tuberculosis epidemic.
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Beatrice and Nathaniel are the same age. While Nathaniel was excited to enter elderhood surrounded by family, Beatrice waited until the sun set, aging up in solitude and privacy.
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Step-father Maurice O'Neilly is only a few years older than Nathaniel and Beatrice. While he wasn't particularly their favorite sim, he is able to enjoy his life by playing whist with Beatrice most evenings.
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Before long, Nathaniel has released his second novel, with moderate fanfare.
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And Theo was granted admission into Cambridge, with three scholarships.
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Although his family would miss him, it is time for him to move out, his inheritance safely tucked away until after university.
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Later that evening, Beatrice and Nathaniel celebrated their golden anniversary, completing Beatrice's lifetime want.
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It was a social event for the decades, with roughly 15 of New Whitby's finest and wealthiest in attendance.
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Nathaniel, however, was threatening another plague to the town.
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Everyone who's anyone was there, including the Holloways, Prices, and Averys. Marius and Jasper both even came for a visit all the way from Cambridge! While most guests enjoyed the merriment of the bustling drawing room...
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Some, like the Averys, found the seclusion of the back parlor more to their taste.
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Flora Elmstone and Carolina Grundstrom enjoyed a riveting game of whist.
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And the whole party gathered together to toast the happy couple. Nathaniel and Beatrice were overwhelmed by the love surrounding them.
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One thing was certain, the social scene of New Whitby would be quite different if it weren't for the affluence of the Lawsons.
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rosewaterconley · 9 months
rgg just keep creating games that are like a handful of fatal flaws away from being perfect
my favorite genre of video game is "utter perfection in every regard except one fucking thing that makes you wonder if the dev even knows what a video game is" and RGG just won't stop doing that. love em for it.
Yakuza 4: +Incredible quantity and quality of side content - Tanimura's substories and master are the peak of Yakuza. Especially love the one substory with him that really sneaks up on you - it looks like normal police blotter but then oh shit it's a murder?? Love stuff like that, it really makes the setting feel bigger, wilder and more unpredictable not to mention lived-in. +Solid combat. No character isn't fun to play which is amazing since this is the first game with multiple distinctive fighting styles +Compelling main story +Best Kamurocho. Objectively think the Dragon Engine ones are better but this one has the best vibes. The sound design on the roofs is unparalleled -Story has too many moving parts for its relatively fast pace (0 and 7 both have similarly complex plots but knew to decompress so we had time to get to know everyone), and the fast pace also means there's really not much time to engage with all the side content
Yakuza 5: +Ridiculous breadth of content +Best combat in the series +Only game where the idea of characters having a secondary mode/storyline is explored to its full extent +I'm a huge sucker for the 4/5 era of "Kiryu, Akiyama, Saejima and some dude who never appears again" and Shinada is just absolutely perfect +Haruka's section really worked for me -That being said Akiyama has like nothing to do and his combat sucks -Ridiculous encounter rates -Main story feels like a D&D session where the DM had 1 cocktail napkin worth of notes prepared and forgot the napkin at home.
Yakuza 0: +Engaging and believable setting +Fun side activities including like half of the all time great substories +A plot that really understands how to balance complex conspiracy narratives and satisfying character writing +A bunch of memorable characters throughout both cities and a great feeling of never quite knowing what's around the next corner when guys like Kitajima are inhabiting parts of the map that you'd swear have never even HAD a purpose before +IMO the best implementation of befriending NPCs in any Yakuza game +Yakuza 5-ass encounter rates but also an easy way to get around street fights?? Why did no subsequent games do that. Seriously Yakuza 0's best innovation -Side content is top-heavy, with most substories available by their characters' second chapters. Cities feel dead by the end -Kiryu's side activity is a super lame grindfest -All the villains aside from Kuze are underwritten or just kinda weirdly written especially on Majima's end (though Kiryu's final boss is IMO the worst singular offender) -The combat is too easily cheesed to be engaging
Yakuza 6: +Best new city since Sotenbori, honest to God exploring Onomichi makes this game worth the price of admission on its own +Best iteration of Kamurocho in ages +My favorite cast of side characters in any Kiryu game +Amazing substories and general side content +Evil twink -Horrible combat -The only script in the series that I actively loathe
Yakuza 7: +Favorite cast of characters in the series, period +Almost perfectly paced for the scope of the story, every character had a chance to be fleshed out and even minor villains like Ishioda remain clearly defined in my memory +incredible rags-to-riches story with genius links back to every prior entry +Best new city since Onomichi, I love every inch of Ijincho +Super fun substories, especially fond of 7 choosing single long substories over using a series of short ones to artificually inflate the number of substories +Only substory to ever make me cry (Forget me Not) +Turn-based combat works way better than I thought it would -Yakuza 5 ass encounter rates -Exploration holds your hand too much. Substories all tell you where you're supposed to go and all the major side stuff goes out of its way to tell you it exists. This game doesn't really have any content you can miss, no real reward for being perceptive. It bashes you over the head with where it wants you to go and everything it's possible to do. Overly curated to the point of feeling like a theme park, which is like the opposite vibe it should have given Ichi has never been in this city before? Kamurocho in 4 felt more unfamiliar to me than Ijincho. -There's just not enough for Ichi to do outside of the main story. His two 'side dramas' are a business menugame without much in the way of character interaction and the Survive Bar stuff that shares a cast with the main plot and draws all its storylines from their pre-existing backstories -No unique activities in Sotenbori or Kamurocho. Would it have killed them to make like, one thing unique to these cities? I though golf was only in Sotenbori for a bit but nah. These things eat up so much hard drive space and they only exist for grinding and filling out checklists. Horrible treatment of legacy settings in a game that treats its legacy characters so well.
boy that was longer than I wanted it to be I'm sorry if you read all that. probably super obvious based on the length of each section which games I've played the most recently. might come back to this if I ever have the balls to attempt another Yakuza 5 playthrough.
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monsterkissed · 2 years
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i finished "me and my eldritch parasite" (or at least i got what i think is the Good End, after multiple ends of varying degrees of Badness)
i got it during the steam sale but even at full price it is only £2 and i think it's easily worth that £2!
it's short and weird and encouraging to see. i really like visual media that makes use of kind of low-res, grainy textures in horror, imo it has a similar effect to darkness as an enhancer. i could not tell you what most of the creatures i encountered Were, the art style obscures detail just enough that you're left uncertain as to what you're seeing and whether it's a threat.
the gameplay consists of going out into a randomly generated apartment complex (of a sort) called the eternal residence, trying to find objects you can use to remove your parasite. this is hampered by the other parasite hosts, some of which are benign and some of which will try and eat you, and your own parasite, which demands that you sate its hunger and anger regularly so that it, too, does not try to eat you. after multiple "runs" you might have enough objects to attempt a removal, which will probably kill you (my first try i did not have enough sharp objects, which failed miserably. my second try, i had perhaps Too Many sharp objects, which failed in a different, worse way). attempting a removal will lock you into an immediate ending and reset, but dying on a run just sends you back to try again with all your current items, which is imo a decent difficultly balance.
in addition to the endings the bulk of the charm comes from the people(??) you encounter and the drabs of info you get about what any of this Is. most of the nitty gritty details you might fill a wiki with are vague, which suits me down to the ground, but the glimpses into the bizarre culture of the residence are weird and fun. if you're going for Good End you'll probably have seen all/most of them by the end, which is a shame bc i would have been happy with way more. the dialogue is odd and tongue-in-cheek without veering into either pure edginess or lolsorandomness, there's always a sense that the peculiar things the characters are saying make sense in the context of their world. like the visuals, there's never quite Clarity, but what you can make out is intriguing and disquieting in equal measure.
it is a £2 indie jank horror game (tho i hesitated on the word "jank" because honestly it ran pretty flawlessly aside from rare instances of the camera zooming way out to turn levels into vast, endless backrooms voids, which i am not even 100% sure was a glitch and not intended play. it's that kind of experience.) but what's there is interesting enough to be worth the low, low price of admission imo if you are a fan of odd, offbeat horror and projects you can digest in a single evening.
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olddudemoviereviews · 2 years
Elvis review
Elvis: Austin Butler’s portrayal of Elvis Presley is worth the price of admission alone in the new Elvis movie. Butler’s energy, swagger, confidence, and musical performances must have worn him out during the filming of Elvis. I was not familiar with the actor prior to this movie; but he won me over. Toward the end of the movie, he was just as great as Elvis becomes more isolated and alone during his final Las Vegas years. 
The movie itself is strange, hyper, flashy, intimate, grand, and everything else in between. At more than two and a half hours, Elvis never seems to drag as the story unfolds. Baz Luhrmann does a fine job directing the King’s life story. Luhrmann also weaves in important historic moments into the plot as well. Tom Hanks plays Presley’s manager Colonel Tom Parker. As usual, Hanks delivers as he is basically the narrator of the film. The music is what really makes this movie enjoyable. The scenes shot in Las Vegas are especially fun to watch. Another important aspect of Elvis, is the influence of Black musicians throughout his career. Alton Mason easily steals the scene as Little Richard. I only wish he had a bigger role in the movie. 
 Even if you are not a fan of Elvis Presley, this movie will not disappoint. When Oscar nominations are given for best actor, don’t be surprised to see the name Austin Butler in the mix. The young man is that good. Butler’s performance as Elvis will leave you all shook up.   
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kirkebyurquhart7 · 10 days
Not known Details About Luxury designer replica bags
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Our replica purses appear and dress in just like the true offer, they’re equally as strong and reliable as the title brand, and each of the components functions easily and flawlessly. I feel you should backtrack for the scene from the Film home of Gucci when she discovers her maid incorporates a counterfeit Gucci bag LoL you cannot prevent it no matter how hard you are trying, basically anything is built in China anyway even what is classified as reliable, also In the event the airport is getting persons’s possessions then don’t help the travel industry by not flying. It’s as simple as that.I think whether it is real or faux in case you dress in it , have it and it helps make you feel very good then it absolutely was value the cost of admission. The price of residing is sky rocketing, affordable housing is diminishing, wage boosts are halting and buying fake bags can be a crackdown?? Oh Alright. Make it make sense Recently expanding from its sneaker roots (also an active re-sale Market) to include bags in its stock industry-like format, StockX is wherever the hypebaes shop. When you look for a bag you like, you'll be able to put a bid down below the inquiring value In case your merchandise will not arrive, you will get a refund. When the product is just not as it absolutely was explained, You will be eligible for a complete or partial refund. The amplified gain margin that emanates from driving up the worth and shelling out as small as one can to manufacture the products only serves to increase the Web really worth of These at the very best of the corporate as well as their shareholders. It truly is advisable to guard your self by keeping away from sellers who exhibit such procedures and as a substitute opting for those who offer distinct and truthful return guidelines. If aaa replica handbags wholesale come about and there are discrepancies regarding the products’s description, the organization will assist you to and the seller haggle the value down, way too. Plunge into our virtual treasure chest of your replica high-close LV outlet cheap bags and dismiss alike the large burden of The shop acquiring hassles. You guys extra concerned about some dam gucci than the real crimes obtain all of these lacking Girls and kids halt sex trafficking be worried about some actual shit who cares about what someone is carrying It will probably be injustice for being held in Other individuals airport for the reason that I have a faux for am not knowledgeable in trend nor fashion freak. Allow the brands investigate educating us to differentiate bogus, it pains to spend income on a thing, only to later on comprehend it pretend. Get notes, and act speedy—This can be the resale industry we’re talking about, meaning the inventory is going to be constrained. With regards to Chinese suppliers, we can have an impression fuelled of fabricated stereotypes. It’s worth declaring that not each factory in China is actually a mud tub of pressured labour. louis vuitton replica handbag Performing environment of China and other Asian nations around the world facilitates ‘flexible work rules’ established partially by Western firms. Luxury handbags have advanced into symbols of standing and affluence in modern-day Modern society. They offer us having a stylish visual appearance, elevate our refined Choices, and Enhance our self-assurance.
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boydkorsholm0 · 11 days
The 2-Minute Rule for Luxury designer bags replica
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klinemartin7 · 11 days
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mbbsblogsblog · 2 months
MBBS in Vietnam: Unlock the Incredible Opportunity for Studying MBBS Overseas
The Bachelor of medical and Bachelor of Surgery degree is a popular choice if you're thinking about going into medical. Due to its reasonably priced educational system, excellent medical education, and chances for MBBS practical training, Vietnam has been a popular choice for many international students.
Vietnam's six-year MBBS programme begins with two years of basic science coursework including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and medical ethics. Clinical research and hands-on training in various hospital and medical centre departments occupy the next four years. You may lay a strong basis for your medical career by pursuing an MBBS in Vietnam.
MBBS in Vietnam: Required Qualification:
HSC or equivalent (Science) with 50%
NEET Entrance Test   Compulsory for pursuing a profession in India
IELTS & TOEFL        Not required
MBBS in Vietnam: Noted Points
Medium of Instruction:          English
Universities Recognition:       MCI and WHO accredited
Minimum Course Fee:           ₹3 Lakhs/Year
Course Duration:                    6 years including internship
 Why Opt for study MBBS in Vietnam?
 Affordable course costs in comparison to private universities in other nations, including India.
·         Modified the course syllabus using MCI as a source and in accordance with Indian regulations.
·         Five years of coursework are followed by an Indian-standard one-year paid internship.
·         A hub of top-notch medical colleges that meets international standards.
·         Numerous career options exist in Vietnam for MBBS students.
·         English-speaking cities with reasonably priced and easily accessible transit.
·         Indian students wishing to study for an MBBS in Vietnam can find reasonably priced student housing.
·         Work is permitted on a part-time basis (20 hours per week).
·         Indian lecturers employed to assist students’ comprehension.
·         Hospitals offering a range of specialisations for clinical education.
 Application process
 Fill out the application form.
·         Submit academic documents like X & XII mark sheets, NEET scorecards, and passport-size photographs.
·         Apply for a passport (if you don’t have one).
·         Receive your admission letter from your chosen university.
·         Apply for a Visa Invitation letter using your passport, medical fitness certificate, HIV report, passport-size photographs with white background, and a bank statement of the last 6 months.
·         Get your visa stamped by the Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi.
·         Pack your bags and get ready to start your medical journey in Vietnam.
Procedure for applications
·         Complete the application.
·         Send in academic records such as NEET scorecards, X and XII grade sheets, and passport-sized photos.
·         Get a passport if you don't already have one.
·         Get your acceptance letter from the University of your Choice.
·         Use your passport, medical fitness certificate, HIV report, passport-size white background photos, and the last six months' worth of bank statements to apply for a visa invitation letter.
·         Get the Vietnam Embassy in New Delhi to stamp your visa.
·         Prepare for your medical journey in Vietnam by packing your baggage.
Ria Overseas is one of the leading consultant agencies that open the door of opportunities for you to study MBBS overseas. By offering need-based supports and guidance it your journey towards MBBS career successful.So dear MBBS aspirants feel free to call us!
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fitririzqy16yb · 5 months
Discover The Wonders of Malang City Through Malang City Tour
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From the mountains to the beaches, historical sites to popular tourist spots. Those are the choices of tourist destinations you can visit when you’re in Malang city. Malang is one of the cities with exceptional natural beauty and culture in East Java. The city, known as the ‘City of Rain’, has many interesting tourist destinations that attract tourists from all over the world.
In this article, we will take you on a journey to explore some popular tourist destinations in Malang city during a city tour or Malang City Tour. Famous for its green apples, Malang offers various tourist choices for all kinds of travelers. You can find both modern and natural countryside atmosphere here.
Well, for those of you who are planning to spend Eid in Malang, you will be delighted with the existence of this toll road. Besides making the journey faster, the trip will also be more enjoyable. Of course, it will create a desire to explore around Malang City or take a Malang City Tour.
Tourist Destinations to Visit Using Malang City Tour
Malang is famous for its cool and cold atmosphere. However, it does not mean that the area does not have tourist attractions worth visiting. If you need recommendations for fun and exciting tourist destinations in Malang, check out the list below!
1.    Alun Alun Kota Malang
Alun Alun Malang is already very famous throughout the Indonesian society, especially for the locals in Malang. Visiting Malang City will not feel complete if you don’t visit Alun Alun first.
In Alun Alun Kota Malang, there are many enjoyable activities and historical values that are kept. This place can be the starting point of your adventure to visit various tourist destinations in Malang. You can visit Alun Alun Malang by using a Malang tour package offered by travel agents.
Entrance Fee to Alun Alun Malang
To enter Alun Alun Malang, you are not charged any fee. You only need to pay for parking or lunch, and the cost is very affordable as follows:
Retribution Tariff
Free admission ticket
Motorcycle parking Rp 2,000.00
Car parking Rp 5,000.00
The prices listed above are subject to change depending on the policy of each manager. However, this list can be used as consideration and cost estimate if you want to visit Alun Alun Malang.
You can also visit other tourist attractions in Malang at an affordable cost by using a tour package from a travel agency. This package will take care of all your accommodation needs during the holiday and make your vacation the best.
Best deal! Bromo sunrise tour for $43
Location and Route to Alun Alun Malang
Alun Alun Merdeka is located on Jl. Merdeka Selatan, Kidul Dalem, Klojen District, Malang City. Its location is not too far from Alun Alun Bunder, which is only about 700 meters to the northeast.
Address of Alun-alun Bunder is located on Jl. Tugu, Kidul Dalem, Klojen District, Malang City. Both of these squares are very close to various tourist attractions in Malang, one of which is the Colorful Village of Jodipan.
You can easily get to the location of Alun-alun Kota Malang from Malang Kota Baru Station. On this trip, you will also pass Alun-alun Bunder, so you can visit both tourist attractions at once. Access to Alun-alun Kota Malang is very easy, as you can use public transportation or private vehicles.
Operational Hours of Alun-alun Kota Malang
As an open public space, Alun-alun Kota Malang can be visited at any time. This place is open 24 hours every day, but there are the best times to visit.
First, you can come in the morning when the sun is not too high and the air is still fresh. You can exercise calmly without being disturbed by air pollution from vehicles.
Second, you can come in the evening until around 11:00 PM. At that time, you can play comfortably around the Alun-alun area with doves and other birds.
2.    Ijen Boulevard
Ijen Boulevard or Jalan Ijen is a road that has now become one of the new tourism icons of Heritage in Malang City. The new face of Ijen Boulevard attracts the attention of the public and tourists to visit.
The neatly arranged palm trees in the middle of the park are the main attraction of Ijen Boulevard. Its beauty can be enjoyed not only during the day, but also at night with the city lights that make the road look very charming.
On Sunday mornings, Ijen Boulevard is used as a place for sports, while at night it becomes a place for hanging out and taking selfies for young people. Many young people in Malang spend their time relaxing at Ijen Boulevard.
Ijen Boulevard is also often used as a gathering place for communities such as BMX, skateboarding, antique bicycles, photography, and many more. Due to its large size, Ijen Boulevard is a comfortable place to gather, chat, and relax. There are also other buildings around it that add to the beautiful cityscape.
Ijen Boulevard offers a new free tourism destination for the people of Malang. The peaceful and calm atmosphere makes it suitable for relaxing with family, friends, or partners.
Taman Tugu Kota Malang, also known as the Tugu Monument Park, is one of the landmark symbols of Malang city in East Java. It is a circular park with a monument in the center, located in the heart of the city on Tugu Street, Kiduldalem, Klojen district. Its location, which is quite close to Malang City Hall and the New Malang City Station, makes it easy for tourists to find this place.
The park is equipped with beautiful lights that shine every night. Tourists can enjoy the atmosphere by sitting and relaxing or taking photos. This place also holds historical value, from the Dutch colonial era until now.
Tugu Monument Park in Malang city, as a historical place, receives special attention from the local government, so that the younger generation can remember and appreciate the history of the people’s struggle to drive out the colonizers.
The security, peace, and happiness they feel today are the result of the struggle of Arema’s heroes. Therefore, the next generation can repay their service by contributing to building Bumi Arema (the land of Arema) into a better place.
Best place to visit in Java: Bromo Mountain
3.    Brawijaya Museum
The Museum Brawijaya Malang is located on Jalan Ijen no. 25 A, Malang City. Established in 1962 by Brigadier General TNI (Ret.) Soerachman, the Museum Brawijaya serves as a place for education, recreation, scientific research, and fostering the spirit of patriotism and mental development among the people, as well as fostering the spirit of struggle in regional development.
There are many collections that can be found in the Museum Brawijaya, such as vehicles from the past, clothing worn by heroes, weapons used in wars, various keris (traditional Indonesian daggers) from heroes, Gerbong Maut (a train carriage that caused many deaths during the journey from Bondowoso to Surabaya), and computers from that era.
The Museum Brawijaya also has a library that displays books and historical documents about TNI’s struggle, public works, and references related to dedication to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. For visitors who want to visit the Museum Brawijaya, they can purchase tickets for Rp 10,000 per person with service hours from Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Free City Tour of Malang by Riding Macito Bus
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Currently, residents and tourists visiting Malang City can explore the heritage area by riding an open-air bus called Malang City Tour or Macito. Head of the Malang Transportation Agency, Widjaja Saleh Putra, said that currently there is only one unit of Macito bus in operation.
There are plans to add two more units of the bus next week. Out of the total number of buses, four units are equipped with accessibility facilities for people with disabilities. Each bus has a capacity of between 18 to 20 people. Tourists have shown high enthusiasm, especially on weekends. The bus can depart six times (back and forth), and visitors who want to ride it can use the Macito application.
How to Ride the Macito Bus
To ride the Macito bus, no fee is required. However, there are several steps that must be taken as follows:
Download the Macito application from Playstore.
Register by filling in personal information along with a phone number, ID card, and email.
Book the trip and choose the desired schedule.
Choose the individual option if traveling alone, or the group option if traveling with companions.
Select a seat number.
Get a notification of the booking code that must be shown to the officer of the Malang City Transportation Agency when boarding the Macito bus.
Come to the meeting point on Jalan Majapahit to get on the Macito bus.
There will be officers from the Malang City Transportation Agency in the bus to guide passengers on the journey.
Macito Bus Operation Schedule
To maximize your time and ensure that you arrive on time, it’s important to take note of the Macito bus operation schedule. Here is the complete schedule for the Macito bus:
Monday to Thursday: 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM
Saturday to Sunday: 10.00 AM to 05.30 PM
Macito Bus Route
The Macito bus will travel from the meeting point on Jalan Majapahit to the Alun-alun Bundaran Tugu. There, tourists can enjoy the view of the Dutch roundabout surrounded by lotus ponds and a monument as a symbol of the Indonesian people’s struggle.
Then, the Macito bus will pass through the Kayutangan Heritage area, which has an atmosphere of Malang Tempoe Doeloe. Here, tourists can still see old shop buildings and antique lamps ornaments like in Malioboro, Yogyakarta.
Additional Route
The Malang City Tourism and Culture Agency (Disporapar Kota Malang) will continue to collaborate with Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis) to add new experiences for passengers of the Macito bus. One of them is by adding a new atmosphere to the Macito bus route.
In the future, passengers of the Macito bus will be able to enter the Kayutangan Heritage Village for 30 minutes. This will allow tourists to take pictures inside the village and enjoy various tourist spots that are available.
Grand Mercure Mirama Malang Hotel
Hotel Grand Mercure Mirama Malang is located on Jl. Raden Panji Suroso No.7, Purwodadi, Blimbing, Malang City, East Java 65126. The hotel is approximately 10 km from Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport in Malang, which takes about 30 minutes by car if the roads are clear.
Grand Mercure Malang Mirama has 264 rooms, including 11 suites and 2 presidential suites. There are 3 restaurants, a café, a sky lounge, and a grand ballroom. It also offers 6 meeting rooms and 5 partial meeting rooms, a swimming pool, a gym, and a spa.
One of the attractions of Hotel Grand Mercure Mirama is its waterfall and child-friendly playground facilities. There are various fountains and water slides. In addition, there is also a special swimming pool for children.
These facilities can be seen from the hotel lobby when checking in. Unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to swim here because, due to fate, our children were not feeling well, so we spent the rest of the day in the room ordering various local foods from Malang and surrounding areas online.
Malang’s Typical Culinary Delights
1.    Bakso Malang
Bakso President
Bakso President is one of the most famous meatball dishes in the city of Malang. This dish has been around since 1977, when the seller used to roam around using a cart. Since 1990, Bakso President has had its own stall and has remained popular until now. With 45 years of existence, this shows that Bakso President really serves delicious cuisine that is timeless.
The menu options are also varied, ranging from beef meatballs, young bone meatballs, fried shrimp meatballs, to siomay. The delicious broth is sure to make visitors unable to get enough with just one serving.
One branch of Bakso President, the Batanghari branch, is located right next to the railway tracks. Here, you can enjoy the sensation of eating the meatballs while feeling the vibrations as the train passes by.
Main branch: Jl. Batanghari No.5, Rampal Celaket, Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang.
Pulosari branch: Jl. Pulosari No.19B, Gading Kasri, Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang.
Sudarmo branch: Jl. S. P. Sudarmo No. 55, Purwantoro, Kec. Blimbing, Kota Malang.
Operating hours:
Main branch: 08.00-21.30 WIB.
Pulosari branch: 11.00-21.30 WIB.
Sudarmo branch: 10.00-21.00 WIB.
Individual meatball starts from Rp5,000
Meatball package starts from Rp18,000.
Bakso Kota Cak Man
The next legendary meatball cuisine is Bakso Kota Cak Man. This meatball is famous for its delicious taste and has 36 outlets in various cities in Indonesia, such as Semarang, Yogyakarta, Tegal, Depok, Palembang, Jember, Gresik, and others. The menu options are also varied, ranging from fine meatballs, tendon meatballs, jumbo meatballs, various fried foods, and various noodles.
Malang branch 1: Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 56A, Purwantoro, Kec. Blimbing, Kota Malang.
Malang branch 2: Jl. Raya Mondoroko, Karanglo, Banjararum, Kec. Singosari, Kota Malang.
Batu branch: Jl. Diponegoro No. 2, Sisir, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu.
Operating hours: 10.30-21.00 WIB.
Individual meatball starts from Rp4-8 thousand
Meatball package starts from Rp30 thousand.
Bakso Prima Cak Bowo
For those of you who love to eat meatballs with friends, you must visit Bakso Prima Cak Bowo. With affordable prices, you can enjoy delicious Malang-style meatballs to your heart’s content.
Branch 1: Jl. Kalpataru No.2, Jatimulyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang.
Branch 2: Jl. Raya Tlogomas No.69, Tlogomas, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang.
Operating hours: 10.00-21.00 WIB.
Meatball package starts from Rp10 thousand.
Fried foods range from Rp1-3 thousand.
2.    Sego Buk
If you want to try a delicious traditional breakfast, you can visit Sego Buk in Malang, East Java. Sego Buk is a typical Madurese dish that is usually served with young jackfruit stew or tewel vegetable.
The side dishes consist of sweet beef jerky, serundeng, and a unique-tasting sambal. For the main course, there is empal daging (sweet and spicy beef). For the adventurous, there are also beef intestines, tripe, omasum, and liver available.
One of the legendary places is Sego Buk Tuni, located on Jalan Kyai Tamin in Malang. Since the 1960s, Sego Buk Tuni has been selling its dishes in front of a store and has become a favorite of the locals.
Every day, starting at 6 AM, customers begin to line up to buy the nasi buk, which is served in a banana leaf package. They are willing to wait in line to get a serving of this famous dish.
3.    Sego Resek
Sego Resek has become legendary in Malang city as it has been around since 1959. This fried rice dish can be found in the afternoon until evening, around 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The location is in the Kasin area, precisely on Brigjend Katamso street, Kauman, in the Klojen district, Malang city.
Sego Resek is similar to fried rice, with various vegetables such as cabbage and bean sprouts mixed together with rice, noodles, and shredded chicken so that it piles up like garbage. Sego Resek is also similar to Nasi Mawut, a typical East Javanese dish, only it is cooked using chicken broth.
The cooking process is done in a large wok using charcoal, making the distinctive taste of Sego Resek even more pronounced. Around the frying area, there are various side dishes available such as eggs, chicken liver, head, and wings.
The standard price for Sego Resek starts from 10,000 rupiahs, and it will increase depending on the additional side dishes ordered. For example, if you want to add an egg, the price for a portion of the dish will be 12,000 rupiahs.
Dont miss it: Bromo Tour from Surabaya only for $49
4.    Toko Oen
Toko Oen is a culinary destination that offers Western, traditional, and Chinese cuisine as its main dishes. Established since 1930, Toko Oen is one of the oldest and most famous culinary destinations in Malang. The menu and atmosphere have a classic feel with a touch of the Dutch colonial era.
The interior and taste of the dishes are maintained to preserve their historical value. Toko Oen is always a popular tourist destination for foreign tourists when visiting Malang. Some popular menu items include ice cream, steak, and Nasi Sop Buntut.
Toko Oen Malang is located at Jl. Jenderal Basuki Rahmat Number 5, Kauman, in the Klojen District, Malang City. The location is very close to Alun Alun Merdeka Malang, only about 100 meters away.
You can visit Toko Oen Malang every day from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. The place will be busier on weekends or holidays with visitors from CFD Malang.
The best time to visit Toko Oen is during the day in the dry season. You can enjoy the refreshing taste of Toko Oen’s ice cream in the heat of Malang, making it taste even better.
5.    Pecel Kawi
Pecel Kawi is a culinary dish that has been around since 1975 and has witnessed the development of Malang over time. It is a legendary cuisine founded by Hj. Musilah and passed down through generations, making it worthy of being called a legendary cuisine.
The price for one portion of Nasi Pecel at Pecel Kawi Hj. Musilah is only IDR 14,000. You can enjoy one serving of Nasi Pecel, which is complete with tempeh, rempeyek, water spinach, bean sprouts, long beans, kembang turi, and other vegetables. However, I recommend ordering additional menu items such as Dadar Jagung (corn fritters), Fried Eggs, or Telur Bacem.
The Nasi Pecel menu offered by Pecel Kawi Hj. Musilah is still original and authentic, so it’s no wonder that visitors and tourists always make time to stop by for breakfast or lunch before leaving Malang.
With various interesting destinations that can be visited, Malang City Tour is the right choice for those who want to enjoy the beauty of nature and rich culture. Don’t forget to bring a camera and create unforgettable memories at every destination visited. Come and explore the beauty of Malang City now!
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