#also trying to pin it on a lesbian is funny and just shows the depth of their lesbiphobia
sh3nhe · 3 months
Have noticed u in some discourse, I'm sorry if this is going too far, just wanted to say in the midst of all this yyt stuff, I've noticed that the yyts are currently lying saying that the fics were never made by a yyt shipper and never condoned, but the ppl saying this are actively following kokomeowie, who has also encouraged ppl around that time to write CR that were not even lesbians. Yyts are also trying to boost anon hate where a "lesbian" confessed to trying to commission or be cr writer
yeah they've always done that. the supposed eimiko account that commissioned cr fics was created after the first fic was posted, the author of the fics plainly stated why they posted it and was very obviously not an emk shipper, the fics were posted by multiple people and kokomeowie has literally posted some of them themself. regardless of the cr fics, they disregard lesbian coding so they're bigots without the cr fics and just disgusting with them. it doesn't rlly matter who posted them, they continue to excuse it and they'll always be bigots bc of what they ship anyway. no one needed to make them look bad w cr fics, they did that themselves and their ship often revolves around ayato taming miko and knocking her down a peg anyway. one of the smallest mlw shipping communities and yet they'll always be one of the most awful. fuck them.
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onlyyours2love · 8 months
How “A Tale of Two Sisters” (Tangled the Series) and “Promise” (She-Ra) are literally the same episode
I literally made this post on Twitter but it got no traction and I was looking to get a discussion going but I will just repeat what I said there and paste it here because I can’t get over this
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Angry Lesbians = Cassandra & Catra
Team Blondie = Adora & Rapunzel
Parallel #1: Close Proximity
It’s funny how the premise of both episodes is that the sworn rivals (lovers) are put in a position in which they are stuck and cannot find an exit. In TTS, Cassunzel is stuck in a cave with poisonous gas and Catradora is trapped in that weird chamber thingy with the First Ones tech.
Parallel #2: Dangerous Setting
Additionally not only are they trapped together, but they are trapped specifically in a dangerous environment that is hostile impartially to both parties which leads onto my next point...
Parallel #3: Enemy x Enemy Teamwork
Literally the designated Angry Lesbians (Catra & Cass) hate their counterparts' guts. They literally wanna kill them,
In fact, the reason why in both of these cases they ended up in that very same dangerous setting was because the designated angry lesbians decided to attack Team Blondie (Adora & Rapunzel) and got them stuck there IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!! ARGGHH !!
And now since they're stuck in a hostile environment that is way too distracting to kill Team Blondie -& that also threatens their lives as well- they're forced to put a pin on that whole "i need to kill my wife" plan so that they themselves don't die, which forces them to ✨work together✨
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Parallel #4: Facing the Past Pt. 1
This teamwork leads both parties to reminisce about their ex friendship. It’s actually funny to notice that these two share the same trope (aka friends to enemies to lovers [ok I know Cassunzel isn’t canon but the lesbians ship them idc]) AND since these two both have a past of being friends earlier in life they both get back into that groove that they easily slip back into while they’re trying to survive.
ie. Rapunzel and Cass reminiscing the memories they made during the trip to the dark kingdom & Catra and Adora just goofing around during that chamber after a while
Parallel #5 villain/hero enemies to lovers dynamic
This kinda goes hand in hand with Parallel #4
The designated Angry Lesbians (who are also the show’s labeled villains) are in constant turmoil about the way they feel about Team Blondie and its fucking hilarious because they’re so down bad for Team Blondie & you get these moments where they’re softening slowly throughout the episode // meanwhile Team Blondie (the show’s designated heroes) are just trying the whole time to get through their girlfriends and realize that they’re on the wrong side
Parallel #6: Facing the past Pt. 2 + Resentment
This one is super important because it really brings perspective to the rivalry and the motives behind why Cassandra and Catra are doing what they are doing and brings a depth and complexity to both Cassunzel and Catradora.
Facing the past also includes looking back into childhood memories and learning about a specific mother figure and the way this mother figure shaped the entire view in which they see themselves- whether it’s conscious or unconscious.
For Catra and Adora, it meant exploring Catra’s relationship with Shadow Weaver and how that influenced her own self worth during childhood and how she was always outshined by Adora, who was able to gain Shadow Weaver’s affections with ease thanks to her specialness as she’s a First One’s decendant.
For Cassandra and Rapunzel, it meant realizing that Gothel was a selfish person who never really loved either of them, and that Gothel only chose Rapunzel (and consequently, abandon Cassandra) for her magic hair. That is until Cassandra finds the broken mirror that shows Gothels apparent “love” for Cass.
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Parallel #7: the mother figures that traumatized our angry lesbians
This also kinda goes hand in hand with parallel #5 because these two women are the very root of why our angry lesbians are traumatized and on the ‘evil side’ of the story.
These women created all the insecurities that our angry lesbians cling onto & project onto Team Blondie by making them feel as if they were not enough or loved & made them feel inferior to their counterparts
In Catra’s case, it was shadow weaver
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For Cassandra, it was Gothel
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It was both of these women who actively made the decision to choose Adora/Rapunzel due to being “special” & treated Cass/Catra like shit
Parallel #8: The end + presumed death
this one makes me SCREAM
At the end of both episodes SOMETHING -and by something I mean a childhood memory is triggered- that makes the angry lesbians lash out and any hope that they return to the good side just vanishes.
Also they both leave Team Blondie out to die and walk away thinking they killed them.
But ofc team blondie never dies.
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I kept obsessing over this and thank god for tumblr for having unlimited character count because I could’ve not made my point thoroughly on twitter
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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