#also very much tried to make her a bit more muscular- theres no way with all the dancing and stuff she would be scrawny and silly
afuntimepartyy · 1 year
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ive been struggling with how to design her for MONTHS but im finally glad to say i think ive nailed it down!  also if her hair was down it would totally look more like a mane than anything else, lol 
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ginminowas · 1 year
grumpus designs addendummm
ANYWAYS. felt like doin a post talking abt how i draw the grumpuses or whatever for funsies bc im bored + since i did the design meme. lets go
in General : i draw them like furries, vaguely. which is fun because im not much of a furry artist so i have no idea what im doing and it shows. in general i give them sorta snouts in varying... snoutyness depending on their over/underbite. eg floofty, snorpy gramble and shelda have flatter faces while liz, lillow and wambus look like weird dogs, i guess. i draw them with human-shaped hands but put pawpads on them. sometimes. you could say i give them ears but to be honest they dont look functioning i just slap some squiggles on their heads and move on. i also give some of them tails. because i walk around irl like why dont i have a tail and well its their problem now.
I also give them more/detailed-er hair and clothes. character specific stuff below
Filbo is still just a guy. I mostly just slapped some freckles on him because I thought theyd be cute. in a spongebob kinda way. i put a hawaiian shirt on him. not pictured, i think he would have a little tuft of a tail. average goober
I draw Beffica with more... idk if id say realistic hair, but it’s less of a hat. as far as I can tell, her in-game model has orangeish-red eyes (color makes me think of ketchup), but I made them browner. not a lot of brown eyed characters in media but this is partially habit on my part coming from drawing genshin fanart (nobody has brown eyes). i made her nose heart shaped and put her in a off the shoulder shirt. she has a sort of... cheetah? pattern bc i think its cute.
Eggabell is round soft and pink. not as egg shaped in my style i suppose, but she prob looks more egg fullbody than just her bust lol. i like the ........ floofy thing ive seen ppl put on her so theres that, i also think she’d look cute w/ short hair. changed her med belt into a sort of... satchel lookin thing?
Liz. in the meme I forgot about her hat, LOL. I give her a ponytail haircut - she kinda looks like a wolf and less like a walrus I suppose... she’s muscular and scared from The Adventuring, and I put a vest thing on her. she still has the belt.
Wambus I made look a bit dilfy... kind of wolf shaped in my brain. him and Triffany feel like the types to be that thick beefy kind of muscled. gave him bushy eyebrows and sort of hair, w some grey hairs. he and Triffany are around 40-50s to me, they both have some wrinkles, but im. bad at drawing older ppl
Triffany..... her hat was a menace to draw. she’s just as beefed up as Wambus, but she’s very fluffy and soft looking. her vest is more Open in canon but I didn’t wanna redraw it but im sure she has amazing chest fur. she has curly-ish hair in a ponytail.
for Cromdo I tried to make him like.. idk... uncleish. danny devitocore. I’m not used to drawing characters like him so ??? its a little funny looking but I tried to make him look like he had body hair as if he wasnt covered in fur lmfao. gave him some wrinkles, he’s probably in his 40s. put a shirt on that freak. also, had trouble w his nose.
I’ve had trouble drawing shorter characters in relation to taller ones (chandlo) but I liked how I drew Gramble. I put freckles on him (cute factor), turned his vest into a full sweater (w shirt collar), gave him some curly strawberry red hair under the hat. he’s cute. I know he weighs like 3 apples
WIGGLE my beloved! I felt I made her a bit Much but honestly? fits her. I gave her short curly hair - I do like how other designs give her the spiky mohawk look from the cheepoof tho! in her model her eyes are blue, but I darkened them similarly to how I changed Beffica’s eyes, but its less noticeable with the glasses. I gave her a sorta... half tube top w a see thru part (forgot the word.) probably wears beach party clothes
Oddly, I have trouble with Chandlo. He’s kind of dog-ish like Liz an Lillow, also made his nose heart shaped cuz its cute. gave him hair under the hat but idk how I feel on it. he’s beefy obviously, but I think he’s a bit more defined than Wambus. I couldn’t quite show it but I imagine he has rather calloused paws, but is otherwise careful when carpenter-ing and such (unlike Snorpy and Floofty, OSHA enemies.)
SNORBYYYYY I love this little yellow thing. I draw him (and his sibling) with casual glasses usually, because I imagine the magnifying glass isnt Always necessary. I also put him in a sweater. I gave him some freckles and changed the direction of his hair + the style to be in a ponytail idk. his arms and hands are particularly scarred, from equipment and engineering accidents and such, probably has some burns too.
Floofty my beloved rude asshole. I have a little trouble w their hair on the left side of their head 😭 I also give them simpler glasses to wear when they don’t need the goggles because wearing that shit all day hurts. I put them in a hoodie/jacket + lab coat combo. I imagine the lab coat is blood stained. stuff’s hard to clean. They’re equally if not more scarred than their brother, and have a particularly bad burn/scar double whammy on their right hand which I hc they get after getting fired when having a meltdown. ANYWAYS
Shelda my gramma. I love her but MY GOD coloring the flowers was hard lol. I imagine her fur is on the shorter side. I don’t have too much to say I guess? I want to give her a hug.
Clumby I just drew a kind of Aunt-y ish garfield. the glasses and hat were hard. definitely the type of woman I saw in the middle school’s reception office.
is that all? I guess that’s all. there’s Lillow, but I dont have much to say I guess? besides that the scar on her nose is from snaktooth. what was it clumby said? “dont fall off a cliff onto your face?”
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kreweleaderbuuru · 4 years
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Part 3 baybeeee i realised that the babies I use more often these days werent included. Annoying elaboration that doesnt matter under the cut
Self explainitory
Self explanatory 
Singrid: The most in-shape member of her family. She’s very enthusiastic about honing her skills with her hammer, carving canoes with her bare hands, and punching sharks in the face.
Grunt: The grunt has been working on building muscle, but her years of starvation and abuse have left her permanently stunted. 
Algor: Despite being absolutely fuckall massive, he’s not too interested in honing his physique. He’s got some scholarly chub on the way. 
Poom: Actually more muscular than you’d give him credit for- though still malnourished and spindly. His baggy clothes are in part to hide a very embarrassing hourglass figure. 
Singrid: Just a few inches shorter than her brother, much to her dismay
Grunt: Shorty due to malnutrition
Algor: Fuckall massive
Poom: Comes from a pretty tall family, but just so happens to me the shortest member of that family. He thinks he’s shorter than he actually is. 
Self explanatory
Intelligence, Scholarly:
Singrid: While Singrid was offered the same education as her brother, she struggled with even the most basic concepts. At a certain point she decided her job was just to carry heavy equipment. Living proof of nature vs. nurture. 
Grunt: Scouted by inquest recruiters as a child. The Grunt was subjected to the standard foot soldiers ‘education’ within the Inquest. It wasn’t all that great, but it wasn’t like she could leave. 
Algor: Personally tutored by his adopted asuran father- surpassing the potential of even some asuran peers in Rata Sum. Living proof of nurture vs. nature. 
Poom: Got along okay in school, enough to Graduate Dynamics with above average grades. His true passions lie in paranormal investigation, which isnt as revered in Rata Sum. People just assume he’s crazy. 
Singrid: Would look a grenade launcher down the barrel as she’s trying to figure out how to fire it. 
Grunt: What the Grunt lacks in formal education, she makes up for in sheer experience. She’s worked on just about every Inquest base the Megakrewe allows such a low-ranking agent, and tangled with more bizarre magical creatures than most norn hunters will in their lifetime. 
Algor: Algor began making supply runs in greater Tyria when he was sixteen, allowing him to come into his own as a traveller and genius. 
Poom: Easily distracted and has a nasty habit of sharing his conspiracy theories to the members of the organisations he suspects. Common sense is not amongst his strengths. 
Singrid: Technically a ‘drop out’, seeing as her father gave up on teaching her alongside her brother. However, the special attention Ruffik can give Singrid while Algor is away has convinced her to give his lessons another go.  
Grunt: Didn’t so much as ‘graduate’ as she was drafted to punishment detail. Her propensity for disaster and mayhem did not make her school days enjoyable. 
Algor: Greatly exceeded his father’s expectations. 
Poom: A decent student, but easily distracted by his true passions. 
Social Ability:
Singrid: Dreamed all her life of leaving the Far Marina Base to party all through Tyria, only to suffer from extreme social anxiety. She’s since found happiness on the peaceful ice caps, content with her few friends and family. 
Grunt: Pretty amicable, if you can get over the whining and increased likelihood of the bar burning down. 
Algor: Still relatively uncomfortable in his own skin, but growing out of it. 
Poom: A highly contagious affliction and subsequent quarantine has given an already antisocial oddball agoraphobia. Poom has slowly been taking steps to be more comfortable with people, and can at the very least venture outside without a panic attack. 
Singrid: Sensitive, painfully sensitive, so sensitive she becomes overwhelmed in large gatherings. Is one of the few people who can really understand Ruffik’s emotions at any given time and could be mistaken for a mind reader when it comes to people she’s close to. 
Grunt: Despite her attempt at an aloof bounty huntress persona, the Grunt is mostly in wilful denial. She knows whats going on, why it’s going on, and how things will probably end. She’s very bad at pretending not to care. 
Algor: His time outside the Far Marina Base has taken him from clueless hermit to what is average teenage boy. He still doesnt understand girls, though. 
Poom: Absolute dogshit at reading social signals, to the point of being near debilitating. His friends have to intervene to keep him from being beaten up half the time. 
Singrid: There are two Singrids: The one who is comfortable and knows the people in the room, and the Singrid who is in public and trying to keep from crying. You wouldnt expect the firey young norn from the FMB to wilt so easily in a crowd, and you’d be wrong. 
Grunt: Any attempts to hide her emotions are humorously in vain. Its lucky her partner, krewemate, and totally-not-boyfriend is painfully dense. 
Algor: Can put up a pretty convincing stoic front. It’s when he opens his mouth the youthful bravado comes spilling out. 
Poom: His high anxiety and odd mannerisms make him an open book. An open book in a language you cant read, but nonetheless open. 
Self explanatory
Singrid: Straight
Grunt: Straight
Algor: Bisexual 
Poom: Pansexual with a male preference
Singrid: Straight, Monogamous 
Grunt: Straight, Monogamous
Algor: Biromantic, Open to Polyamory
Poom: Panromantic with a male preference, Monogamous
Singrid: Has a massive crush on her childhood friend, but he’s painfully oblivious. 
Grunt: Hopelessly in love with her partner, friend, and krewemate, Anakk. Even though they live together, work together, provide each other with emotional support, and sleep together exclusively, they insist they are not in a relationship.
Algor: Would do anything for a partner to share his intellect, but is still too insecure to ask anyone out. There’s also the size factor- none of the other apprentices so much as reach his knee. That ‘tragedy’ is a bit romantic in its own right- according to him. 
Poom: Is oblivious to romance, and hasnt had the best track record. His last relationship ended in nothing short of catastrophe, he’s still too ashamed to face his ex to stay long in Rata Sum. This has kept him rather guarded when it comes to relationships. 
Singrid: Very touchy. Will shamelessly pick up and snuggle anyone she cares about. 
Grunt: Has a pointed distaste for ‘mushy stuff’ and goes out of her way to avoid any intimacy that could be construed as romantic. 
Algor: Mostly only hugs his sister. Was more cuddly as a kid, but since the growth spurt he worries about accidentally crushing people. 
Poom: Has gone three years without touch due to his affliction. Avoids touch like the plague so as not to become overwhelmed. 
Disposition, Outwardly:
Singrid: Whether she’s in full swing or shyly hugging the wall, Singrid comes across as a friendly, if not rough around the edges- young norn. 
Grunt: Affable and friendly until things go wrong. They’re usually going wrong. 
Algor: Knows how to be polite in public. Snarks on occasion. 
Poom: Absolute bastard of a man. You know this. Why even ask. 
Disposition, Inwardly:
Singrid: Pretty neutral on people as a whole. Gets irritated easily, and doesnt have any kind words for people who make her uncomfortable. 
Grunt: Is far more effected by her past than she lets on. The grunt is generally distrustful to strangers and spiteful to those who hurt her- even a little. 
Algor: Has a healthy dollop of teen angst. 
Poom: One of the more kindly people you’ll meet, once you get past his eccentricities. Genuinely doesnt want to upset anyone, and is a die hard pacifist. 
Singrid, Grunt, Algor: All petty little drama queens. 
Poom: Will put up with a lot of bullshit, so long as you dont press one of his triggers. Can only really muster the energy to hate one thing at a time. Usually tries to solve ‘misunderstandings’ when they come up. 
Singrid: Crippling social anxiety 
Grunt: PTSD
Algor: He’s fine, honestly. 
Poom: Autism, PTSD, Depression, Social Anxiety, Agoraphobia, probably more. 
Singrid: She knows who she likes, and isnt particularly eager to make new friends. 
Grunt: Finds it relatively easy to get along with people, especially if theres alcohol involved. She has a strange habit for attracting the affections of much larger and more powerful beings. Anakk, her skyscale Mr. Bastard, and the hulking inquest abomination Brukk, to name a few. 
Algor: Able to chat up strangers so long as he’s not feeling too self-important. He’s growing out of that bit, though. 
Poom: Absolutely desperate for validation. Can and will join a cult if he’s not claimed. 
Singrid: Will break pretty easily either from her anxiety or by getting too excited about a cool rock. 
Grunt: Attempts are made at stoicism. They are laughable. 
Algor: Is prone to teen melodrama. He’s growing out of it, though. 
Poom: Will go home and cry for stepping on a bug.
Singrid: Her training in the harsh Far Marina conditions have made her an adept warrior. 
Grunt: Prone to disaster.
Algor: Is actually quite a talented dancer when no one’s watching. One of the ways he tries to stay in shape between studies. 
Poom: If he’s not knocking something over, he’s putting his foot in his mouth. 
Self explanatory
Singrid: Despite her issues with crowds, she’s run after icebrood twice her size with nothing but a dagger. Has wanted to cultivate an epic legend ever since she was a kid. 
Grunt: Complete snivelling coward.
Algor: Will run from conflict as easily as he runs from a spider. 
Poom: An almost destructive lack of self-preservation. 
Singrid: The few companions she has, she aims to keep. 
Grunt: Wont die for the ship, but will save her favourite pirate. 
Algor: Still has somewhat naive opinions on teamwork in a krewe. It’s almost a good thing he’ll likely never be in one. 
Poom: Not a lot of people understand him, those that try are greatly appreciated. Even people who dont try, he’ll gladly meet half way. Even if you dont even like him at all he’s got your back. Even if you’ve just spit in his mouth he’ll-
Singrid: Does what she wants. If that means breaking some heads, she’ll do it. If it means drinking tea and brushing up on her knitting, thats her glitching right!
Grunt: Rules are for people who don’t regularly get hit by lightning. 
Algor: Painfully naive. 
Poom: The rules suck, but he gets in trouble enough as it is without provoking others. 
They’re all edgy assholes lol
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koutatakahashi · 3 years
About Kouta Takahashi
Birthday: May 5th Zodiac: Taurus Looks: Short red hair, one side being shorter than the other. Deep red eyes. Muscular. Scars on his left cheek, shoulder, and forearm. Scar on his chest on the right side, almost like a hole. Red car ears from the top of his head, and a tail that he can make appear or disappear. Nails are kept clean and polished.
Hobbies: Guitar (Uses his claw as a pick), rock/mountain climbing, throwing knives.
Homelife/Past: Father died when he was 8 years old. After his death his mother took him to America, she was abusive and forbid him from being a Hero due to her PTSD with his father dying in a mission. When he was 10 he was forced into a cult with his mother in which they sealed a cat demon inside of him. In addition to his regular quirk he can now use the demon to give him exceptional strength, when he uses him a red aura will appear around him, and his eyes glow. When he was 12 he was rescued from the cult by social services and placed with a foster home for a year. They were kind, and he was able to do some much needed emotional healing which was made even more prominent when he was taken in by his grandparents on his dad's side moving him back to Japan. They encouraged his dream to become a hero so he could help others, and ensure their happiness. He trained with Yumi Usagiyama the #5 Pro Hero for 2 years. After his grandparents passed away Yumi refused to let him be in an orphanage and promptly contacted Aizawa, who took Kouta in and got him in UA being impressed with his ability. Kouta has a sister around his age, but after his father died he is not sure where she went as his mother did not take her with them to Japan. Her name is Ami. (Ah-Mee).
Personality: A major flirt, loves to make people blush. He can be sarcastic and blunt as well, but doesn't like to hurt people, so he often will word things differently if he feels it comes off as an insult or attack. Loves to nap, and can nap just about anywhere. He also has a habit of calling people by their first name from being in America for so long, a habit he doesn't care to break now that he's in Japan again.
Quirk: Called "Neko." he has the characteristics of a cat, but he can grow his claws at will, and they are as strong as steel. He can grow them as long as his body, and has trained excessively to be strong enough to handle them at any size. He also can climb just about anything, and is agile. Additional: Because of the Demon named Zu inside of him he can tap into his energy and use him to be stronger, when he does this he almost glows red all over including his eyes.
Favorites: --- Food: Tempura Shrimp Drink: Frozen Matcha Color: White and Red Candy: Honeycomb Lollipops, and enjoys just regular fresh honeycomb as well. Scent: Lavender and Honey Pro Hero: Yumi Usagiyama (Rabbit Hero: Mirko), but also admires Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) for her unique fighting style.
How he feels about each classmate. Katsuki Bakugou: Thinks his quirk is cool, but admits he wouldn't want to have it because it's so destructive, and comments that he could be dangerous to civilians if he doesn't train hard enough. Thinks hes a loud mouth, and underneath his tough boy exterior is a sad boy. Immediately thinks he has a crush on Izuku when he sees how they interact, especially when Kouta doesn't understand the "hatred" he has for the green haired boy. Comments often "There he goes denying his sexuality again." Also thinks him wanting to be a Hero simply to be "#1" is stupid.
Izuku Midoriya: Thinks he's too nice for his own good. Also thinks Izuku does like Katsuki because why else would he still try so hard to be his friend after all this time, not to mention he notices there are 10x as many notes on Katsuki in his hero notebook any even All Might!
Yuga Aoyama: Honestly thinks he's kind of annoying, and can't seem to find a way that his quirk is useful. He doesn't say this because he notices the boy is very sensitive.
Mina Ashido: She's she's downright adorable. Loves her quirk, and often makes positive remarks on her performance in Hero Studies.
Tsuyu Asui: Loves that she too is a aspiring hero with Animal Characteristics. Thinks her voice is cute.
Tenya Ida: Thinks he's a bit uptight, but admires him for his courage and determination.
Ochaco Uraraka: Thinks shes funny, and charming. Can obviously see she has a crush on Izuku, but doesn't make a comment on it since he's fairly certain Izuku and Katsuki have feelings for each other as well. Complicated. Feels bad for her for liking Izuku. Thinks her quirk is interesting.
Mashirao Ojiro: Thinks he's pretty cool. Invites him to go rock climbing with him often.
Denki Kaminari: Encourages Denki to train to control shooting out his quirk from his body. States it would be very useful in taking down dangerous enemies from afar. Thinks he's funny and might be hiding behind humour that he's depressed.
Eijiro Kirishima: Thinks his quirk is badass. Calls him a straight up "Tank". Invites him usually when he goes rock climbing as well. They get along well.
Koji Koda: Doesn't think much of him. Koji never talks to anyone but animals. Kouta one times confronts him and asks him if he can talk to the Demon inside him or not since he's a cat. and Koji nervously nods a yes, but wouldn't elaborate on what his demon would say. Koji is slightly scared of Kouta because of the demon, but Kouta assures him he has no control over him... anymore.
Rikido Sato: Thinks he's okay, but they rarely talk even in class or the dorms.
Mezo Shoji: Thinks his quirk is interesting, and they get along okay in school.
Kyoka Jiro: Thinks she could be a Super Spy with her quirk. Often getting into shenanigan's with her as he tries to get her to go spying with him.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Calls him Fumi-Kun much to his annoyance. Kouta makes references to his quirk and says it reminds him of his demon but his is out and about trying to control him when it's dark.
Shoto Todoroki: Immediately Kouta finds himself attracted to him. He makes flirty remarks, and often tries to get Shoto to hang out with him and others. Shoto's monotone voice and face often makes Kouta more determined to show emotion. Reminding him of himself when he was younger and troubled. Kouta later really hates Shoto's father.
Toru Hagakure: Kouta also comments on how useful Toru would be in spying purposes, and a key element to a Hero Team, he doesn't mention because of his demon he can see the outline of her body, and facial features because of her aura... He lets it slip one day when he asks if it's weird to have such long hair being invisible. One day he is asked who the prettiest girl is in the class and Kouta says "Toru, Duh." Everyone thinks he's joking around but he honestly does think she is the prettiest.
Minoru Mineta: Thinks theres a fine line between being flirty and a downright pervert. Doesn't like Mineta.
Momo Yaoyorozu: Thinks she is stunning, thinks her quirk is the most useful one he's ever really seen for support, and even strong on it's own. Thinks shes too sweet for her own good as well.
Hitoshi Shinso: Hates that people think his quirk could be villainous and gets along really well with him. Because Shinso is also in the custody of Aizawa - Kouta often refers to him as "Bubby" to annoy him. Sometimes they end up napping together because they both enjoy sleeping.
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candescentcalum · 7 years
if you could write literally anything about calum as a firefighter i would die omg
You weren’t sure how it happened or who started it, but your building was on fire. 
You were spending a quiet Friday night in your dorm room with your roommate when you heard the fire alarm suddenly blare. 
“What the fuck?” your roommate asked loudly as she covered her ears.You quickly leaped up from your bed and looked out your door into the hallway to see the other students on your floor doing the same thing. Once you saw a few other students start to evacuate, you waved your roommate out into the hallway   to do the same. 
“Was there a fire drill scheduled for today?” your roommate asked, her hands still tightly clasped over her ears. The alarm was starting to annoy you as well. 
“I don’t think so.” you shouted back over the buzzing of the alarm. You followed your peers down the stairs in one giant herd and entered the main entryway on the ground floor when you were stopped dead in your tracks. Standing in front of the doorway was the most beautiful fireman you’ve ever seen in your life. He was directing students out of the building and into the nearby parking lot. The other students were bumping into your shoulders trying to get passed you to get outside and were getting annoyed at your body that was currently in a stand still, but you could care less. You knew you looked like a complete idiot, you certainly felt like one, but you just couldn’t take your eves off the ruggedly handsome man standing a few feet in front of you. You were so entranced that it barely even registered in you that he was now walking right towards you. 
“Miss, are you okay?” he asked you. 
“Uhh,” was all you could muster up as a response. You were completely fine, but with the man standing this close to you and with you looking right into his beautiful brown eyes, you couldn’t really come up with anything better to say. 
“Miss?” he asked again. You smiled at him nervously and tried to say something, but before you could get it out you felt his strong arms wrap around your body and pick you up bridal style. He carried you all the way out into the parking lot and dropped you off a little bit away from the rest of the students. 
“I’ll try this again,” he said as he took off his helmet, exposing his beautiful raven colored hair and his chiseled face. 
“Are you alright? Do you need any medical attention?” he was looking straight into your eyes as he asked you these questions, making it even harder for you to answer. 
“She’s fine.” your roommate replied as she walked up and stood right next to you. “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.” your roommate smiled at the handsome firefighter as he walked away to do his job. 
“What was that all about?” she asked you with a look of concern on her face. “I froze up.” you replied, your cheeks turning pink at the realization of how embarrassing your actions really were. 
“He was so hot that I froze up.” your roommate laughed at you as you told her this. 
“C’mon, lets get back over by everyone else and wait for the all clear.” your roommate  said, still smiling and shaking her head at your actions. 
It had been two weeks since the fire in your dorm building. You were shopping at the grocery store and were about to walk down the cereal aisle when you noticed a familiar face enter the aisle from the opposite direction. 
“Shit.” you cursed under your breath quietly. It was the cute firefighter from the night of the fire. He was busy scanning the shelves looking for his cereal of choice so he didn’t notice that you were staring, but boy were you staring. He looked even more spectacular in his casual clothing than he did in his firefighting attire. He was wearing a pair of washed out black skinny jeans and a navy blue short sleeve shirt that read Maine across the chest that hugged every inch of his muscular upper half just perfectly. You knew you had to say something. You would regret it for the rest of your life if you didn’t, but you were also terrified that you would clam up again and make a fool of yourself. 
“Yolo.” you said sarcastically to yourself as you wandered farther down the aisle to stand right next to him.
“Cocoa pebbles, thats a good choice.” you said to him as he was setting them in his basket. 
“They’re my favorite kind.” he smiled.
“Have we met before? You look very familiar.” he said, a vague look of recognition spreading across his face. 
“Yeah, you carried me out of a burning building a couple weeks ago.” you said as a blush creeped across your cheeks. 
“I knew I knew you from somewhere.” 
“Were you alright after that? You seemed a little frazzled.” he asked, traces of concern evident in his voice. 
“I was perfectly fine, I was just a little thrown off.” you admitted as you looked up into his warm and comforting eyes. 
“Thanks for carrying me out by the way. I never got the chance to thank you for that.”
“Its really no problem, thats my job after all.” He chuckled. “And its totally normal to have been thrown off by that, I mean fires can be really scary and-” 
Honestly I was more thrown off by the cute firefighter than I was by the actual fire.” you interrupted, your eyes widening in horror at what you just said. You were never one to be so bold and confident. You had no idea where that comment even came from. 
“Im sorry, that was weird. I-” 
“You know, I was pretty distracted by the cute girl I carried out of a building too.” this time it was his turn to interrupt you, a deep pink blush spreading across your cheeks. You nervously tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he rocked back and forth on his heels. 
“I’m Calum by the way.” he said as he held out his hand. “Y/N.” you replied as you took his hand in your own and shook it. His hand was much larger than yours and touching him sent an electric spark tingling all the way up your spine. The moment was interrupted by Calum’s phone ringtone going off. “Hello?” he answered quickly as he pulled away from you. 
“Ill be right there.” he said not long after.
“I’m sorry, I’ve got to get back to the fire station, theres another fire.” he started to rush off but quickly turned back around and held out his phone to you. 
“I would love to take you out on a date sometime though.” he said with an apologetic smile on his face. You nodded yes and quickly typed your number into his phone, and before you knew it he was dashing off again. 
You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Calum, and knew that your date would ignite nothing but a burning fire between the two of you. 
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neburives · 7 years
Blab, similar, different, doing, psst (with Zarak) and dream for Sul, and Mwah and shh for both rorick and kogar? >w>
I’m gonna put the answers under a “read more” because this is gonna be long as fuck.
Lets just start with Sul’Jari since he’s gonna take the longest, right?
Blab: Three secrets they're keeping. 
Okay so Sul’s such an open person so most of his secrets arent really ones he keeps alone but rather stuff only very few people know about.
When he acts like Zaraks is annyoing him or is being too pushy it’s actually mostly because he’s way, waaaay to shy and bad with emotional talk to reveal to him that he basically crushes on everyone all the time. Zarak, Chiki und Naz very included.
Ever since he was on his own for so long after the destruction of Zul’Gurub, he’s had an addiction problem to some kind of plant or root. Chewing it or inhaling the smoke when it’s lit on fire really raises his spirits. He first discovered it when he was looking for something edible and quickly discovered that it would help him get out of the whole “all my friends are dead”-depression-hole for some time at least.
Lastly ever so often Sul’Jari, even though he’s a very social and outgoing person, likes to klimb up into one of the higher tree branches that span the city and just watch everyone going on their daily business from above. Those moments are one of the very few where he really likes being alone and he would probably never tell anyone about it in fear of losing that one point he can retreat to.
Similar: Three members of the same sex they find attractive.  
First and foremost Zarak of course but that shouldnt really be a surprise should it, because who couldn’t fall for that damn nerd?Apart from that he really liked the looks of one of the Hexdocs he used to spy on in Zul’Gurub, but more in an appreciative kinda sense.And not to forget: He just feels like Naoba is extremely fucking cute.
Different: Three members of the opposite sex they find attractive.
This one is a tiny bit simpler, since the people he finds attractive are also some of the ones he spends most time with.
First we have Chiki because how couldnt he like someone who is just as much of a frog nerd as he is. Aside from that he really feels drawn to her on a pure “personality” level. Then of course there’s Naz who happens to be one of the closest friends he has and lastly, though he has never ever talked to her but just seeing Kyu’cana from a far made him appreciate her looks quite a bit.
Doing: Three habits that they have.                                        
Sul is a person who tries to be friends with pretty much anyone he meets and correlating to that he has the habit of often going out of his way to find out about a persons favorite food or drink since he feels like thats the fastest way to get to know someone.Then theres a habit regarding his pet frog, Moochie. As some people might have learned recently Sul kisses Moochie goodnight every evening because he firmly believes that his Frogbaby won’t be able to sleep otherwise.The final habit I can think of is from way back when he was a child, but he has a habit of avoiding raptors. Even the nice, mounty ones he doesnt really like interacting with on his own.
Psst: Three things that they've always wanted to tell Zarak.
These are all things he really would like to tell Zarak but would never have the courage to do so in his curent state.
Firstly: Please don’t act stronger that you are to impress me. I’m already incredibly impressed by you and if you were to get hurt because of the way you want me to see you, I’d hate myself for it.Secondly: I love finally having a teacher, and I love having you as my teacher even more. But in your lessons there’s way too much talking and way to little setting things on fire with voodoo magic. Just sayin’And finally: Since I arrived this tribe has replaced the one I have lost. But you were the one who replaced the family I’ve been missing since and for that I love and appreciate you.
Dream: Three wishes they have.                                        
Since the usual wishes including other people would be the usual boring “he wants everyone to be happy” type of wishes, I’ll try to name three more selfish ones.
First he’d love to become a hexdoc one day, but honestly pretty much everything that is using Voodoo magic and stuff would work fine for him. Big, bad and feared but not by people he actually cares about. That would be terribleEven though he’s kinda afraid of them, he’d really like to overcome his fear and own a rinding raptor one day. Or a panther, but while scaring him more, raptors always seemed more interesting to him. Also just because he really wants to give it some silly name.Lastly he’d wish for him to get his whole addiction situation cleaned up because deep down that stuff really bothers him and he doesn’t want to rely on anything to be himself anymone.
So much for the Sul asks. Let’s go on with the Rorick and Kogar ones.
Mwah: Three people they'd like to kiss.                                        
Rorick: He’s not really the “kissing a lot of people” type (anymore) but there’s a few people he would definetely not deny a kiss from or even give one to himself. These people include:The lovely goblin bank lady in Dalaran, though he suspects that somethings odd about her.The giant tauren warrior woman that almost tripped over him during his last trip (heh) to Thunderbluff.And of course the gnome monk that once gave him a pretty bad beating... thinking of it maybe he really has a thing for stronger women.Kogar: First and foremost: Rekra. I mean seriously how could he resist that buff, muscular face of hers. Short answer: He couldn’t.Than Bömbur, his best friend and mentor for his time with the argent dawn. For an Orc that’s pretty proud of being part of the Horde, he really grew fond of that little dwarf during that time.And lastly: He’d probably have liked to kiss Zaela at some point. But more in a “I love your work” kind of way.
Shh: Three things they wouldn't want their parents to know.                     
Both their parents have been severely deathened by now, but if they were still alive (or come back in some way) there’s a few things they wouldn’t really want them to know.
Rorick: His parents were strict, but pretty honest and generous folks. And thats saying a lot for goblins. They always tried to teach him an relatively honest and good way of life. He’d love his parents to know that he made it to be a successful merchant and madequite a fortune for himself. On the other hand he would be really afraid of them finding out that he earned that fortune by selling useless junk to old people. On a sadder sidenote, he’d not want them to know that his younger brother already died a few years ago. But thats something he himself tries to forget as best as he can.Also he wouldn’t want them to know really how much of the things they tried to teach him he abandoned over time in favor of making a quick buck or selling someone out.Kogar: His father was a Warsong Clan shaman back in Nargrand but after him going all in with the whole demon situation, Kogar didn’t really feel like becoming his successor anymore so there’s always been kind of a unpleasant atmosphere between him and his parents. But from a pure “still his parents” way of looking at it there’s a few things he wouldn’t want them to know probably.He wouldn’t want them to know, just how deep friendships he has formed not only with non-orc horde members but even, to some extend, with the likes of dwarves and humans.He’d also probably be ashamend for them to learn that, while his decision to not wanting to become a shaman was purely his own decision, he later learned that even had he decided he wanted to become a shaman, there wouldn’t have been any way he could have, since he has little to no connection to the elements whatsoever.Lastly he wouldn’t want them to know, that the Warsongclan is basically non existant anymore. Though his own connection to the horde in itself is far stronger than to that what’s left of the clan he was born in, knowing what proud warsong orcs his parents were, he’d feel like it’d break their hearts to learn that their clan is nothing more than a shadow of the big, orcy awesomeness it has once been.
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