#also who gave us money to buy stuff on chrono
bigmeandragonlady · 2 years
I'm still bothered that we can't even react to the fact Alisa mentioned that we, the traveler, are who's wanted on tillarin. not the a6. specifically us.
Here's my mock dialog options in my head right now: >Why? >I guess it was only a matter of time. >[Have a panic attack on the bridge]
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big1ron · 3 years
Shampoo is a luxury item: clone wars shenanigans.
Tup laid across the men’s fresher counter of a space 7/11, or refuelling port. face up with his head in the far sink and a rolled up towel under his neck. his knees bent to fit in the space. He didn’t know if this was going to be a great or terrible idea. That would depend on just how competent Hardcase and Fives were. And Tup realized Hardcase didn’t actually have hair, and Fives’ was pretty short.
“Wait ok so you can’t do this in the sonic why?” Asked Fives again, genuinely curious for the 5th time, inspecting the much too bare-bones instructions on a bottle of shampoo they bought.
“The sonics don’t work with that stuff. You need actual water”
Hardcase was reading the other bottle, conditioner. “Don’t know why you’re making us go through all this trouble anyways. It’s just hair. Doesn’t the sonic wash it good enough?”
“Maybe. But these smell nice and you owe me after abandoning me.”
Hardcase sighs annoyed and slightly guilty. Fives runs the tap and cold water runs right into Tup’s face. Tup tries to sit up quickly but hits his forehead on the tap. Fives pushes his face back down and redirects the slowly warming water away from his face. “Oops. Sorry”
Tup groaned in annoyance and Hardcase sat onto the counter opposite to him, swinging his legs and reading out the instructions on the bottle. “Ok... first rinse the hair, which is what you’re doing now. Then massage in the product and wait 5 minutes before rinsing it out again. That’s what mine says anyways.”
“Shampoo says the exact same thing. So do you use both? Which ones first?” Fives asks semi rhetorically letting water splash back into Tup’s face as he reaches for the other bottle. Tup shields his eyes from the water and sighs annoyed.
“Shampoo first, then conditioner. Use both.”
“Oh. And how much are you supposed to use?” Fives asks, realizing his mistake and redirecting the water from Tup’s face again.
“I don’t know, never used it.”
“Well it’s says 2 in 1 so I assume that means half the bottle?” Hardcase suggests.
Fives turns off the water and pours some of the product onto Tup’s hair, face lighting up at the smell and shine, and again at the foam as he starts to massage it into Tup’s scalp. Hardcase sticks a finger into the foam and tastes it to see if it tastes as nice as it smells.
“Tastes like soap” he says, informing the others of his amazing discovery. That this fancy soap tastes like soap.
Fives chuckles lightly at Hardcase, though surprised at just how much this stuff was expanding. There was more than enough to cover Tup’s entire hair and the bubbles were quickly filling this sink. Hardcase watched with fascination.
“You having fun there?” Fives Asked Tup, who had his eyes closed looking like the very image or relaxation on the countertop of the men’s fresher in a space 7/11, at 23:00 hours local time. Tup hummed in contented confirmation.
“Man I’m kinda jealous” says Hardcase “I almost wish I had hair.”
Fives turns on the tap again to wash out the soap.
A natural born- or civilian togruta male walks in and stops at the entrance. Hardcase waves at him and he just turns around and leaves.
“Huh. Hope that’s not gonna be a problem.” Hardcase thinks aloud.
“What’s gonna be?” Asks Fives as he moves onto the bottle labeled ‘conditioner’, disappointed at how little this product puffs up compared to the other one.
“Someone saw us just now. They looked confused and kinda concerned.”
“Who was it?”
“I don’t know. Not an employee though. As long as they don’t tell anyone we should be good.” Hardcase dips a finger into the different floral smelling lather, and tastes the conditioner as well. Just in case it’s different. “This one also tastes like soap. They smell different but taste the same!”
“They’re both soap Hardcase. Do you eat every kind of soap you come into contact with?”
“No but these aren’t just soap. They’re hair soap. Maybe they taste different. I don’t know. Well now I do, cause I tasted them but I didn’t know that before I tried them.”
Fives shrugs. “You’re right I guess.” He reaches for the faucet again but Tup stops him.
“You have to let this one sit for five minutes remember?”
“Oh yeah.” Fives looks around for a chrono, but he can’t see anything to tell the time. He remembers seeing one by the cash register in the store. “Hardcase can you go outside and tell us when five minutes passes?”
“Give my five credits.”
“What? No! Why? It’s not even that big a task. Look I’ll do it if I have to I just-“
“It’s to buy us slushies, chill. If I’m out there I may as well.”
“Oh.” Fives produces the credits, as he was the one holding the money for the group. “Mix red and blue to make purple for me”
“And purple for me too” Tup adds.
“Sure, sure.” Hardcase waves them off as he grabs the credits and leaves the fresher, back into the store.
Fives takes Hardcase’s spot as soon as he leaves, swinging his legs idly until he decides to pack up the shampoo and conditioner in the backpack of stuff the group had brought with them. He assumed he wouldn’t need them again, all he had to do was rinse out the conditioner. In five minutes. He set the brush they had brought along with some hair ties onto the counter in preparation.
“Was it worth it?” He asks Tup, quickly growing impatient and ready to see the results.
“It felt really nice when you were washing it but now my neck kinda hurts from holding my head here. And it smells nice so, yeah so far I’d say it was worth it.”
“Cool, cool.” Fives had been having fun too, but he wanted to get on with the next step already. Where was Hardcase with those slushies? Surely five minutes had passed.
Some amount of time passed, which felt like an hour before Hardcase came back in with two purple slushies and one that leaned a bit more into magenta. “I think five minutes is up, I lost count.” He set them down on the countertop.
“Finally! What took you so long?” Fives sprung up, wasting no time turning on the water, not yet interested in his slushie.
“I was browsing to see if there was anything I thought looked more interesting. There wasn’t though. At least nothing in my price range” Hardcase took his spot back as soon as fives vacated it. He watched Fives through the mirror, sipping his magenta slushie through a straw.
Fives was delighted that Tup’s hair now felt silky smooth, even nicer to touch than before. He turned off the water and wrung the hair out before removing the towel from under Tup’s head and shoddily wrapping his hair with it.
Tup sat up cross legged on the counter and stretched, yawning. He turned to face the mirror and pulled off the towel. His face lit up as he saw his still wet hair, much shinier than he’d ever seen it. And it was soft to touch too! He ran his hands through it.
“I think it was worth it” he said happily. “It feels so nice!”
“Want me to brush it?” Fives asked, though he wasn’t really offering a favour, more asking one.
“Sure” Tup slid off the counter
“Wait I want to do it! Can I?” Hardcase interjected. Fives scowled at him. But Tup said it was more fair Hardcase got to do it, because Fives dis the entire washing. Fives drank his slushie dejectedly as Hardcase claimed Fives’ own prize.
Tup also insisted on them leaving with a shopping car because it was “just that easy” and riding in it because he “was too pretty to walk now.” Fives had pretended to be annoyed but he didn’t mind it. And it gave him somewhere to set his drink as they started the long walk back to base.
By the time they got back, some other troopers were also just returning from 79s. It’s was the early hours of the morning now, and the group had felt they spent the night well. Fives had regretted having to turn down their offer to go drinking earlier that evening, as Tup had forced him to come do this. But now? He bet he had had just as fun a time. And definitely a more memorable one.
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kannra21 · 4 years
okay, some headcanons for ya; 1. overhaul's reaction to a confession and 2. overhaul as a boyfriend
Asdfghjkhgfds thank you for sending me this he's the best boi I can't!!! 😍😍😍 I decided to turn headcanon into a scenario so I hope you enjoy!
Warning: T/M, don’t read if underage
Genres: fluff, angst, self insert
Overhaul's reaction to a confession-
First and foremost, we all know that he's pretty blunt regarding those things, so getting in touch with his feelings would be really weird, considering that he never let emotions interfere with his thoughts.
There's never the right time to talk to him since he's always so busy in his office. You'll often find him typing something on his laptop, roaming through his documents and filling his paperwork. He doesn't have time for trivial things, Shie Hassaikai needs him and he has to finish his project as soon as possible in order to repay his old man.
When you confess your feelings for him, he's genuinely confused and lowkey awkward. "What is the person supposed to say in this type of conversation?"/"Are they nuts? Why would they go after a person like me?"
Don't blame him, he never had this kind of experience and everything he's ever done in his life was restoring yakuza and producing Quirk erasing drugs. It's a miracle Hari even considers him a friend.
Since he doesn't really know how to give a proper answer, he'll grow frustrated, tell you not to bother him with stupid stuff and leave him alone.
When you exit the room, he'll feel terrible. He doesn't know what he did wrong, but there's a certain bug inside him that's telling him he messed up. He's growing uncomfortable, he can't finish his desk work because of the guilt eating him up. It felt as bad as his mysophobia.
Why does he feel this way? He decided to take a break to analyze his every thought. Why he tolerated you more than the rest of his underlings.
You were the only person after pops who showed how deeply you loved and cared for him. It was new, it was rare, and he couldn't brush off the fact that this affected him in more ways than he'd like to admit. No one really loved him for who he was, the monster that he's become. And still you decided to stay by his side, refusing to leave despite all the danger he persistently exposed you to.
And then he felt an odd ache in his heart. He's had enough, he really wanted to return to his project and not waste more time than necessary, but first he needed to get rid of these thoughts plaguing his mind.
He went to Chrono since he's the only person he can openly talk to about anything. He described what he's been going through, how disgusting it felt and that he recently started experiencing weird heart palpitations, making him seriously worry for his health.
Chrono gave him a sympathetic smile, he didn't want to laugh at him because he knew that this would only upset him even more. He calmly explained that he fell in love and that his so-called heart palpitations *he almost snorted but he was lucky he possessed enormous self-control* were a natural response from his body, that it was normal and that it was nothing he should be worrying about.
After his talk with Chrono he reached your room and almost knocked on the door if he hadn't barely made out your quiet sobs coming from the other side.
Fuck fuck FUCK! He knew he messed up. You were always so respectful of his space and fulfilled his every wish that, when you finally decided to be a little selfish, you became so coldly rejected by him. And that hurt him more than anything else. Pops was right, he always toyed with people and treated them like rubbish, he was a terrible person. He focused so hard on his goal that he completely forgot about everything around him. He handicapped his old man to make him happy, abused his granddaughter to make him happy, killed and mistreated his subordinates to make him happy. All for him, all for that grandiose goal that he had on mind, his sick mind. To make it clear, he wasn't sorry at all, but that didn't mean he couldn't realize his own mistakes. He wanted to conquer this world, but doing so alone would be kind of sad and miserable, now wouldn't it? For the first time in a long time he wanted to do something right.
He knocked on the doors to announce his presence, not expecting you to open and greet him. He started to apologize and confess his feelings for you, not expecting you to answer anything in return. He basically talked to a door so if anyone were to accidentally walk on him like this, they'd probably think that he's gone nuts. But he couldn't care less, he was that desperate.
After he finished, he slowly distanced himself and planed on walking away if it weren't for you opening the doors and stopping him in his leave.
You were so happy your feelings were reciprocated. You wanted to hug him, kiss him, anything. But you knew perfectly well that he couldn't stand human contact because of his mysophobia, so you held your respective distance and thanked him. He came to you and intertwined your pinky finger in his. He said that he's ready to take small steps. He was ready to change for you, and nothing could make you happier.
Overhaul as a boyfriend-
He's pretty awkward regarding relationship things. He's still learning how to open up and properly talk to you about feelings. The only way he can show it is through money so he'll spoil you and buy everything you want. But he himself isn't so affectionate as you'd like. You walked beside him carrying all the bags while he held nothing, and ofc he won't, he's the yakuza boss. Until some random people walking by shouted what an asshole he was for not helping his lady. Only then he realized and took all of your bags. Don't be angry with him, he's trying to figure out how all of this stuff works.
He's still busy with his work but he always makes sure to dedicate some time to you. He's asking Chrono for tips and keeping him regularly informed in case of emergency. Once when he payed you a visit, he accidentally let it slip and you laughed. You never guessed that the big bad yakuza boss would ask his subordinates for love advice. He felt embarrassed. You told him that this was very unlike him to which he replied that he's slowly starting to lose his guard around you. He's finally trusting you to the point where he's letting his guard down. Your presence made him feel comfortable and the sole thought of it warmed your heart.
He asked you to join his work in order to spend more time with you, you know, combining comfort with useful. Only to realize this wouldn't work out so well considering you two were doing everything but work, you were more of a distraction to him than anything else. He needed to continue on his own but he'd always miss you.
He's taking a walk with you and holding your pinky finger, this time he's not wearing any gloves. He thinks there are some things he'd need to get used to, and he can't feel you touch thought the latex material. He's edging every part of your being but you kind of felt grateful for it, it was a way of showing you his trust and love.
He loved to spend his time with you at night. For a disaster man he surely valued his peace a lot. The two of you would sit on a bench outside in his hydrangea garden, with lamp above you being the only source of light. It was quiet and you'd listen to the sounds of the night and his calm breathing. It was the most relaxing thing. You weren't cold since you wore warm clothes and seeing him in a good mood brought a smile to your face. He started to talk about his childhood and how he used to hang in this place with pops, more times than he can remember. He admitted that he brought you here because you were special to him and that he wanted you to be a part of his positive memories. You kissed his covered lips and this was the first time you saw him blushing. He expected his skin to break out in hives but nothing happened since you were sitting outside on the fresh air. The two of you decided you'll do things like this more often.
The next day you wanted to prepare a surprise for him. You cleaned your room entirely from each and every corner and aired it out. You also did the top-notch hygiene and made sure there wasn't a single ounce of dirt left, and then you told him to come over. Just by entering he could sense how clean and disinfected everything was. And you also smelled beautiful, like something flowery and sweet. He asked you why you did all those preparations and you told him you wanted to touch him without worrying about his problem. He understood and took off his gloves and mask. It was so unusual to see him like this, completely exposed without a care in this world. He carefully took your hands in his and you noticed how small they were compared to his. This was the first time you could feel his hands at full display, it was a special experience, a feeling you'll never forget. He kissed your fingers *and risked having Kardashian lips haha*, but surprisingly nothing has happened. He could feel your skin all he wanted and no reaction would be made. His lips were so warm and soft against your skin, you wondered if they felt any different from the night before. And although you wanted to reach them so badly, he slightly pulled away, teasing you like an overhole he is *yes fully pun-intended*. You were mad at him, you waited what felt like ages for this faithful moment to come and now when you're finally allowed to do so he's messing with you. You wanted to take all that dirt from the outside and smear it across his freakishly beautiful face. The fucker was lucky he looked good otherwise you'd throw him through the window, ending him once and for all *although you were Quirkless and didn't possess this sort of power but still*. Then you asked him why he started untying his tie to which he replied that he wanted to take things further with you, of course, if you're allowing it that is. You were worried because you had no protection with you, he told you he'll just use his latex gloves instead which made you yell at him for being an idiot and he laughed. This was the first time in a while that you heard his laugh, it sounded wonderful and you couldn't bring yourself to be angry at him anymore. It was so unusual to see him joking around. Was this really him? Or has someone drugged him perhaps? You weren't entirely sure but you wanted this moment to never meet its end. He said he'll enter his room for a second just to get the stuff from his drawer. Did he really just prepare for all of this? Has he seriously been thinking that one day something like this could possibly happen and decided to take precautions? He never ceased to surprise you, you thought to yourself. 
Long story short you had a great time and managed to take a nice nap afterwards. Overhaul's phone started buzzing and he saw that Chrono sent him a message to call him as soon as possible. He didn't want to wake you up so he went to the bathroom and answered the phone. Chrono sounded worried beyond belief and asked him where he had been. Apparently, he didn't leave a single message to anyone and they all thought something bad happened to him. Overhaul just answered that he's ok and that he'll join them soon after he takes a shower. Chrono wondered why he sounded so calm and dreamy but didn't want to push the conversation any further. After he showered and put his gloves on, he kissed your forehead before he left, leaving you in the warmth and comfort of your bed.
One day he decided to roam through your stuff while waiting for you since he thinks that he owns you so basically all of your stuff also belonged to him *the audacity*. And he accidentally found your diary, bingo. He went through some pages and read them at fast pace. He found out what stuff you liked and he took a note to himself to use it at the moment of need. From now on he's giving you presents you actually liked and you didn't have any idea how he knew all of this stuff. But you never got the chance to ask him about it, you just took everything you've been given.
He's very possessive of you. He's trusting Shie Hassaikai members with you but if any other germocarrier dared to hang with his precious lady he's ready to overhaul them at any given moment. Is he overreacting? Of course not. He's just giving you the treatment worth of a queen. And no, he's not joking around, he overhauled a person for real. It was some nice guy who was selling magazines and newspapers. He stood a bit too close to you for his liking and he killed him right on the spot.
You two broke into a terrible fight, you shouted that his possessiveness took the best of him but he insisted that this was the only possible solution to things. You distanced yourself for some time, refusing to talk to him or whatsoever. It has been three days by now and he can't take it anymore, he felt terrible and he wanted to do anything to return things as they once were. He bought you your favorite things, still no response from you. He took off his mask and gloves to show his vulnerability once again, still no response from you.
In the end he got to the doors and imitated the same apology he did a month ago, it worked.
He told you how horrible he felt and that he'll never repeat the same mistake again. You held his bare hand and even though it got covered in hives he couldn't care less. He was just glad this entire complication had reached its end.
One day you washed your hands together. He dried them in some cloth and then he handed you over to use it as well. As you dried your hands you felt something thin and cold underneath, you picked it up and noticed it was a ring. You started crying and he got genuinely concerned, he started blaming himself that he messed it up again but you shouted the word "yes" and he hugged you. You were both so happy to be with each other and share beautiful moments like this together.
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skyisnolimitviews · 6 years
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Buy or not buy? A delightful addition to any casual user with priorities and demands!
With my old laptop going into retirement, it was time to buy a new laptop. And despite all the hatred and bad reviews towards the new Apple MacBook Pro Edition of 2018, I still bought the base model 13 inch model. 
Either I was really lucky or the Apple Store in Korea owns only perfect devices, my “baby” runs smooth as butter and even with the 8gb Ram can run anything fluently. I have not experienced any lag or stuttering while using the device (as of yet). Even when I flood the screen with apps, software, also programming tools. In terms of programming stuff, I have used nothing straining like using virtual machines as most coders probably do. To your informatio: I am journalist and media producer and  Final Cut Pro, After Effects and Photoshop are part of my usage portfolio and still… everything is portrayed without delays.
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I guess, though, I am not speaking for true professionals, who need every little bit of their RAM or core processing. Considering I am rather a casual to light user even with editing work, I would still recommend the 13 inch base model, whoever is looking into a new device that will last for the next couple of years. I am actually planning on using this device for 4-5 years hopefully, if not even longer.
8GB or 16GB RAM?
If you have googled MacBook Pro 2018 and RAM in one search, you have probably already come across the comment sections of pretty much every review or anything thematically related urging you to buy the 16 GB RAM version, spending an extra $200 for just that one upgrade. I urge strongly against it, unless you really need the extra RAM. Why am I saying that? Well, I am not a Apple fan boy, but Macs just run smooth probably due to being a different eco-system than Windows. Unless you want to game or do intensive professional work with files being hundreds of gigabytes large, the 13 inch base model delivers in power, speed and design.
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To be fair, I would never buy a device by the looks alone, it is not even in my priorities, to be honest. But this Apple device is so well built and even the hinge or the keyboard show no signs of slack. 
Talking about the Butterfly keyboard (3rd Gen)
 I have also specifically googled the Butterfly keyboard and came across even more complaints. When someone buys a laptop, especially as highly priced as Apple laptops, I completely understand the hysteria when the keyboard stops working, not even too long after the purchase. But speaking of typing on the already 3rd generation of Butterfly keyboards, I never experienced anything like this before. It feels somehow like a mix of typing on an ATM machine in combination with a Blackberry, except you can use all fingers at the same time. And to be frank, I really enjoy the experience. The travel time of keys have been a major concern to many people, but it feels good, you will get used to it fast, as did I and I actually cannot think of going back to the old keyboard of my Samsung Chronos laptop. Travel time on keyboards is not everything, but to each his own.
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I hope this article gave you at least a little bit of insight if the never mentioned 13 Inch base model in any review on the net is worth your while and money.
P.S. typed on my new 2018 MBP 13″ base model
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miximax-hell · 7 years
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Well, let’s do something special this time!
I haven’t introduced a new miximax with anything but reference sheets since the very birth of this blog. For those of you who weren’t there (aka none of you, quite literally), I got this blog going by reblogging old illustrations of Max’s and Kageno’s miximaxes, and I added some information about them to turn those old drawings into proper blog posts. I thought that, for a change, it might be interesting to do that again.
Sure, a lazy sketch is hardly as interesting as a full illustration, but full illustrations have never been popular in this blog, anyway, so it hardly even matters at this point. One of the perks of being unpopular is that no one really cares, so you can do whatever you want! Hah!
But let’s move on. Today, I am truly glad to introduce you all to Tetsukado’s miximax--or an early concept of it, at least. Here’s my answer for those of you who were mad because Tsunami wasn’t part of this project (and if you didn’t know about that, you should check this link--or the “Characters” link on the sidebar).
The final design will come soon enough too. But, for those of you who want more information about TetsuTsuna, feel free to continue reading. uvu
Today, I would like to talk about why I chose Tetsukado to take Tsunami’s powers. To be completely honest, it was a very long process and is probably the most interesting thing about this miximax, although it’s also one of those things only 1-2 people care about. I’d rather talk about it now, along with this early sketch that no one will care about either, than along with the final design, which tends to get a tiny bit more love. I only hope that those of you who do stop by to read this will be satisfied...! If you aren’t, though, by all means, let me know what else you’d like me to talk about.
Enough babbling. Let’s get started.
As I mentioned long ago and a couple of times, while this project is mostly based on crossovers, I do want a fair amount of Inazuma-only miximaxes. Ideally, I want one Inazuma-only miximax for every Inazuma Eleven game released--that is, 15. Right now, and counting TetsuTsuna, I have 6, plus another 7 ideas yet to explore. It’s very difficult to choose characters from this franchise to bring back as auras, but I knew from the very beginning that Tsunami (and Tyranno) had to be part of this. So, in their case, it was mostly a matter of finding the right person to inherit their massive and super cool power.
Now, Tsunami is a very interesting case. He is a defender, but he is a defender whose main perk or distinctive trait was that his ability to shoot was rather remarkable. In fact, despite being a defender, the anime never showed him using anything but shot hissatsus. Even in the games, the main story only ever gave him shots. We can’t ignore he was superb at shooting, but we can’t ignore that he was a defender either. I wouldn’t be doing my work properly if I ignored either of those things, and, even if my art is subpar to say the least, I pride myself in my concepts, okay. ww
I had many candidates to take his aura. My first thought was to give it to any defender from Inazuma Japan, because, well, the team is losing a player, so it’d be rather cool to get Tsunami back through a miximax. But... none really seemed fitting to me. For reasons I will explain some other time, Kabeyama would never be a good candidate. The closest candidate was Tobitaka, since his kicks are strong and both characters are linked through their character songs, but Tobitaka has enough with his own crazy hairdo the connection still seemed quite feeble.
I eventually realised that the best candidate within Inazuma Japan was Hijikata: they are seen together often, are arguably the oldest members of the team, they both come from Okinawa, I’ve always thought that Hijikata has a sea theme going on too, and, well, they’re a nice match in general.
But Hijikata has two problems.
He’s not a defender, and Tsunami’s aura would therefore not benefit him as much as it should. Yes, I’m picky.
He can’t take Tsunami’s aura for the exact same reason as Kabeyama. You smart kids can probably guess why by now, but I won’t reveal it publicly juuust yet.
Those problems, while seemingly minor, really get in the way of the miximax. So, instead of trying to push a wrong aura onto someone, I decided to look elsewhere for a combination that would really suit my tastes. ...Tough as it may be.
After a quick look, I realised no Raimon player suited my tastes either. Which, honestly, I was glad to see. I wanted him in Inazuma Japan if I was going to keep him in the first trilogy.
...And that’s when I took the first real step towards enlightment. Why keep him in the first trilogy when Tsunami had already shone plenty there? Giving love to his adult self, who had NO RELEVANCE WHATSOEVER in Go and barely appeared at all, was faaar more interesting. Why limit ourselves with the power of a kid when we can have the power of an adult? A power that, by the way, had yet to be explored, because all he did in InaDan was shoot once.
So, as much as I was fond of Tsunami making a grand return to Inazuma Japan, I eventually ditched that idea. And it wasn’t easy, because I hate ditching good ideas. ...Or ideas in general.
I started looking for alternatives. The first person who came to my mind was Hamano, because I looove Hamano and he deserves huge amounts of love. Thank @raishiteru for my bias. But... well, Tsunami and Hamano are complete opposites, and not in a good way. While I love contrast, it didn’t feel right to change Hamano from a laidback cutie to some... ADHD guy all of a sudden. It’s a change that doesn’t really help Hamano. And, once I realised that, I also realised that Hamano is a midfielder. If Hijikata lost points for that, so should Hamano. Let’s be fair here.
Once Kai-Kai stopped being an option, I looked at Go Raimon’s defenders. Kurumada, Amagi, Kariya, Kirino, Shinsuke... Meh. I love Kurumada and Amagi, but, well, I don’t see how they’d benefit from Tsunami, and they didn’t fit together either. Considering Tsunami is an Inazuma character, why’d you settle for some half-assed miximax when there are infinite universes out there waiting for you to find your perfect partner? It’s such a waste, both for Tsunami and for the vessel. Tsunami deserves to share his power with someone who will think, “It’s Tsunami or no one else.”
Still, not finding a right candidate in Go got me quite down. I really wanted Tsunami in, and I was afraid I’d have to go for something half-assed or something I was simply not personally content with. I will admit that, despite how much I love it, I didn’t remember Galaxy existed until a long time after I started thinking. But, as soon as I did, everything clicked extremely well.
Galaxy, the ignored season, has Tetsukado in it, and Tetsukado is the absolute perfect choice.
Tetsukado is a defender, like Tsunami. Tetsukado is hot-headed, like Tsunami--although what that hot-headedness causes is completely different and that’s really interesting to look into. Tetsukado is closely related to the sea, like Tsunami, because he wanted money to buy a boat for his dad. Tetsukado is very muscular and strong, which makes him excel at something defenders don’t usually do: shoot--which, again, is Tsunami’s specialty. Tetsukado gets a shoot hissatsu that he uses strategically from his position as a defender, like Tsunami. And, heck, both Tsunami and Tetsukado are newbies when they are first introduced to us. If we’re just looking at them, they truly are a match made in heaven.
But what if we don’t just look at them? Because this is what bothered me the most.
Again, not having Tsunami in InaJapan irked me, but I’ve set this whole project with a simple idea in mind: teams don’t each go in one direction. They move together towards one goal, and players can move around, mix and have different partners. This is why groups aren’t necessarily made of people from the same team. So, even if Tetsukado is an Earth Eleven player, he could very well mingle and play with InaJapan members. In fact, doing that could lead to some very interesting situations, like some InaJapan members being happy about having Tsunami back and treating Tetsukado, to an extent, as little more than a vessel that holds Tsunami’s power instead of acknowledging Tetsukado’s own power and own self. Hmm hmm, nice stuff there.
But, for those times when Earth Eleven is the one who needs to battle alone, can Tetsukado really make the most out of Tsunami’s power if it comes to that? And the answer is yes, he sure can. Those of you who know what I was getting at before will probably understand what I mean, but the rest of you will have to wait until I decide to explain TetsuTsuna’s powers thoroughly to understand why Earth Eleven can let TetsuTsuna run wild. Trust me--it’s cool.
And last, but not least, a question beyond objectivity. Let’s remember for a second that this is not Chrono Stone. Jii-chan isn’t here with his notebook to go around choosing auras and assigning them to whomever he finds fitting. Here, everyone can decide their destiny. Gouenji chose Yuuichi. Endou chose Yagami and Jii-chan himself. Fudou chose Layton, Kurama chose Tyranno and Rika chose Bayonetta. The vessel has full control over their aura. So, Tetsukado should have a reason to want Tsunami.
Beyond the objective fact that they are really similar in many senses, I think Tetsukado would be very okay with receiving the aura of a legendary player who is so similar to him and whom he shares so much with. But, in this case, I think Tsunami would actually suggest it, because Tetsukado is hot-headed in a way that’d probably make him embarrassed to ask for anyone’s aura. But look at Tsunami. All of his friends are fighting (as kids), but he can’t because he was born one year too soon and his young self really can’t take part in that. Tsunami, both young and adult, would feel very, very pissed and frustrated. He would like to be part of the battle, lend a hand, be useful somehow. And he’d probably be on the lookout for someone to take his power as soon as he heard that the whole miximax stuff was a thing.
So not only is this match perfect, but it has the special touch of being the one match where the aura proposes and starves for as much as the vessel. ...You know, other than Handa’s. But Handa’s is a tad different, as you may remember.
Also, much like Handa is my favourite original Raimon player, Tetsukado is my favourite Earth Eleven player. By far, in both cases. ...I see a trend here.
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carterashofficial · 7 years
More Captain Shade Fic Stuff
more installments of everyone’s favorite bitter and snarky smuggler
Feedback is welcome! This stuff is also on AO3, including everything leading up to this point
Carmadda woke up feeling like she’d been run over by a Jawa trawler. She cracked open her eyes and saw MT-4T standing guard at the door, tazer half-out and right where he was when she’d fallen asleep…
A glance at her chrono on the floor told her.
Five hours ago.
She groaned and buried her head back into the pillow Corso had loaned her.
That hurt her face.
Oh great, I’ve probably got a black eye.
“Good, you’re awake.” Viidu’s voice came from the other side of the room.
Carmadda sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her non-black eye. “Gimme some tea and I will be.”
“How about caf?”
She stared blearily at her knuckles. Those were aching, too.
Dad would be proud.
“I’ll pass.” Carmadda looked over at Viidu and frowned at his smile. “Got a brilliant plan or something?”
“I’ll share it with you once you get cleaned up, Captain Shade. You look like you could use shower.” Viidu gestured towards the door. “Syreena’s offered up her refresher.”
She stood, knees cracking and hip flaring in pain. “Thanks.” Carmadda stiffly hobbled down the hall, looking for Syreena’s room. MT-4T was trailing behind her. She stopped and looked up and down the hallway.
Don’t people label their doors?
Carmadda backtracked to Corso’s room and knocked on the door. “Corso.”
He opened the door, barefoot and dreads loose. “Need somethin’?”
“Where’s Syreena’s room? Viidu said I could use her ‘fresher. Apparently how I feel on the inside is how I look on the outside.” Carmadda smiled thinly.
Corso pointed down the hall. “Second to last on the left, Captain.”
She saluted him and trudged down the hall to the door he’d pointed at. The door looked identical to all the others, and from the other side of it came the sounds of two people talking. “Syreena.” She rapped on the door. “It’s Shade.”
A moment later the door rolled open and Syreena gasped at Carmadda, tucking a comm unit into her belt pouch. “Oh, you… You must be hurting.”
“Viidu said you offered your ‘fresher.”
“And anything else you need. Hair stuff, soap… Captain, please don’t get mad at me, but you look terrible.”
Carmadda headed towards the refresher in the corner. “So everyone says.” She turned around and grimaced. “If I hand you my clothes through the door, could you get them washed?”
“I can do you one better and give you some of mine.” She rummaged through her closet. “Tell me what you want and I’ll find something.”
“Mechanic’s shirt. Pants.”
The lady pouted. “I’ll have to go find a shirt. Would these pants do?”
Carmadda stared at the leather leggings Syreena held up. “I’ll keep what pants I’ve got on.” She turned and stepped into the refresher, shutting the door behind her.
Viidu anxiously tapped his fingers on his desk, impatient for Captain Shade to finish cleaning up.
Braaco had come in a few minutes ago and quit.
Down another.
Corso knocked on the doorframe. “Hey, Boss, slicer kid’s halfway done with the data.”
He stopped with his fingers and fixed on a calm smile. “The sooner we have it, the sooner we can get those blasters back.”
And my neck won’t be on the line.
Corso didn’t buy the smiling act. He crossed the room and claimed the seat across from him. “You doin’ okay?”
“Hm?” Viidu cleared his throat. “Of course. I’ve got a plan for Captain Shade to give Rogun something exciting.” He glanced towards the door. “As soon as she gets here.”
“She’s all beat up and probably sore. I’ll bet she’s takin’ her time.”
Viidu turned in surprise to Corso, studying the young man. “You wouldn’t be catching something for her, now, would you? Something… romantic?”
His eyes widened in surprise. “No, Boss, don’t need to worry about me. She’s… uh…. A lady-“
“Not a nice lady?”
Corso frowned. “Now I don’t like talkin’ bad about- You’re teasin’ me.”
The Seps are getting to you. Usually you’re quicker than that.
“Yes.” Viidu realized his fingers were tapping again and stopped. “You hear from Kata recently?”
“Nah, she sent me a message on Life-Day, but not since then. She’s on Felucia now.”
“She was a nice girl.”
And you could use someone nice once Rogun comes for me.
Corso looked pained. “Stop tryin’ to work on my love life, Boss, it’s kinda weird.”
They fell silent.
Viidu’s finger tapping became a thunderous echo.
“So what’s this plan?” Captain Shade asked as she walked in, holding her boots in one hand and an energy bar in the other. She looked better than she had an hour ago, and certainly more alert. Her shirt was different and about two sizes too big.
“It’s a special job only you can do, Captain.” Viidu grinned.
Oh, that reminds me, I need to thank Syreena for this idea.
Captain Shade munched on the power bar and looked expectant. “Until I get my ship back, my schedule’s pretty open.”
Viidu looked between her and Corso. “I have an exciting opportunity for us all to stay alive.” He pointed at Captain Shade. “I need you to keep Rogun the Butcher off our back. Syreena stalled him yesterday, but it’s not enough. We need to distract Rogun by giving him something he really wants: A canister of some special chemicals from a nearby village.”
Captain Shade looked doubtful as she bit into the energy bar.
Corso scoffed in outrage. “The Big-Boom Run? Are you kiddin’, Boss?” He gaped at Viidu in disbelief. “I can see it makin’ Rogun’s day, but it’s blasted risky.”
“All I care about is finding Skavak and getting back what’s mine.” Captain Shade leaned back and winced, rubbing her side.
Viidu flicked his eyes to her, frustrated. “If we don’t get Rogun off our backs, you won’t get the chance to do that.”
“Fine, I’ll bite. How does this ‘Big Boom’ run make Rogun happy?” The captain made air quotes with her fingers.
Corso ran a hand down his face, looking unhappy but waiting for Viidu to answer.
“There’s a loopy scientist with a chemical that can supercharge artillery cannons, make them do more damage.”
“But it’s less stable than a drunk Savrip on a speeder bike,” Corso added darkly. “Handle it wrong, and you’re little chunks of ex-captain.”
She looked between the two of them, still skeptical.
Viidu plastered on his most charming smile to put Captain Shade at ease. “Sure, it’s tricky, but you’ve got the skill to get it here. Weren’t you a swoop racer on Malastair a few years ago?”
“I don’t do that anymore.”
I got her.
“Oh, did I mention this run pays unbelievably well?” Viidu leaned back, waiting for her to commit.
She didn’t. Captain Shade absentmindedly picked at the bandaged on her knuckles, flatly meeting his eyes. “I don’t care about the money.”
What… but it’s money.
“Captain Shade,” Viidu said easily. “You’re the best of the best. You’ll keep Rogun off our backs, and make a ton of credits.” He dropped the smiling façade and spoke in his business tones. “Trymbo is the scientist’s name. Got a place in Oradam Village. I’ll let him know you’re coming,” he said with an air of finality.
You’re doing this, Shade, or we’re all toast.
“Fine, but I’m going to need to soup up a speeder.”
“Yeah, sure, I don’t need the details.” Viidu picked up his datapad and scrolled through his contacts, looking for someone to get the chemicals off planet and to Rogun. “Good luck.”
Carmadda fumbled with her servodriver and gave up with the bandages. She tore the tape off with her teeth and slowly peeled them away from the scabbed scrapes, wincing at a few spots where bandage and dried blood were one.
“Captain, the Big-Boom run isn’t a stroll on the beach.” She looked over the rear compartment of the engine and found Corso sitting on a crate, twiddling his thumbs. He continued, “you’ll need an edge to make it back alive.”
She leaned over the speeder’s seat and smirked. “I’ve raced swoops on Malastair. I’ve got an edge.”
“You raced ‘em without bangin’ up the bike?”
She eyed him, curious as to where this was going. “Sure, during the qualifiers for the real races.”
“That chemical’s not ‘posed to be movin’ around a whole lot. And the Seps are after it. They’re goin’ to be shootin’ at you, and you can’t let the chemicals get hit or bounced around, or boom.” Corso frowned apologetically. “It’s okay if you’re not up to it.”
Carmadda dropped back to the floor and slid under the speeder. “I’m up for it. I’d feel better if I had my bike on my ship, but that’s not gonna happen. But I’m getting those chemicals ‘cause I don’t want to be worm fodder just yet. Pass me that wrench.” She pointed to the toolbox sitting open just out of arms reach.
He didn’t move. “It’s dangerous, Captain.”
“I’m not scared.”
“You oughta be.”
She pushed herself out from under the speeder. “I’ll get the wrench.” Carmadda snatched it, giving Corso a dark look. “I can fly this thing and get the chemicals here, okay?”
“I’m not sayin’ you can’t, I’m sayin’ it’s mighty dangerous. Even for experienced pilots.”
Carmadda got the engine pried open and started adjusting the pistons. “You got a point here?” Her hand slipped and she banged her knuckles on the fuel lines. “Fuck.”
“Be careful, Captain.” He glanced at MT-4T, who was currently chasing after a full-sized astromech. “And I’m not watchin’ your droid again.”
“He’s coming with me anyway.” Carmadda sneered at the bike. “This is retrofitted all wrong. Stars damn it, I gotta fucking redo the whole braking system.” She turned to Corso. “I’m gonna need some welding stuff, goggles, gloves, and a blow-” She stopped midsentence and shouted across the warehouse. “SHORTY, C’MERE, I NEED YOUR TORCH.”
Corso stood and nodded. “Okay. Anythin’ you need, just holler.”
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