#also yeah i'm just always using memes as my references lol
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1941 aziracrow my beloved <3
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catboybiologist · 10 months
Okay maybe it's time to make an actual designated pinned post
Edit: hiya! A new pinned post will come, but quick note that I am starting my transition MtF now. This pinned post, and all the pictures in it, predate that, however. General guide is that I'm referring to pre transition me as a femboy, and will be referring to myself as a trans woman to moment I start HRT. But I'm leaving this old pinned post up for now.
Hi! I'm CatboyBiologist. I'm a grad student in Molecular Biology with a passion for the ocean, nature, Fromsoft games, national parks, and weird tech stuff. I tastefully hornypost about men, women, and all others (so be warned), post spicy hot memes (fuck you I'm the funniest mfer alive), type out long rambles about science and nature, and play Fromsoft games. PLEASE send me cute pictures of your pets.
Oh yeah, I'm also a cis man who does this sometimes:
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I also make shitposts out of myself sometimes
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I've also made a couple guides on how to replicate these kinds of looks.
General overview of femboy stuff:
How I create cleavage looks from a relatively flat chest:
If you want a somewhat more realistic idea of what my figure looks like:
The best way to specifically see those posts and filter out everything else is probably to use the femboy tag on my profile.
Pronouns? Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh, idk dude just use whatever. It's far more gratifying to me to throw a look out there and see what people wanna use for it than to declare my pronouns. If that doesn't make sense to you, they/them or he/him is cool.
Asks and DMs are always open for science talk, cute animal pictures, casual non creepy flirting, or whatever else... With the SOLE exception of these two questions that I get WAY too often and will give final answers to here:
"Are you a biologist who studies catboys or a biologist that just happens to be a Catboy?"
Both. Do humans not study human biology?
(also I'm actually studying bio irl)
"why is it not catboyologist, hmmm? I am very clever"
To give a serious answer to a joking question I get way too much: This online persona (or whatever you want to call it) is about balancing and integrating two large parts of my personality: my career in and passion for biology, and my queerness and gender nonconformity. I wanted both of those parts to be clear, in a cute and fun username. Basically, "catboyologist" only has the same effect as my actual username if you already know my actual username- you can't interpret the "biologist" part from "catboyologist".
Plus, "catboyologist" has too many consecutive wide vowels. CatboyBiologist breaks it up so it sounds punchier.
Oh yeah and apparently I was a 196 microcelebrity? I never to thought I was popular enough for that but apparently some people do 🤷‍♀️. So uh, hi 196 tag, I'm abusing you for my pinned post LOL
I'll also abuse other tags I use somewhat frequently, so hi y'all
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levshany · 1 year
Hi. How do you feel about AI drawings? I may not say the most popular opinion, but I think it's a good way to get some simple idea done quickly, and then make it up on your own. For example, using AI work as a reference for your own work (that's what Photoshop layers are for, right?) And progress is unstoppable, no matter how many people try to boycott this system. Yes, the AI uses assets from the drawings of ordinary people, but we also use assets of other people (for exampl: Undertale, Deltarun, A Hat in Time, FNAF, Poppy play time and ect. ect.) This is my humble opinion.
honestly I don’t care about AI at all. I just don't see it as my competitor. as long as it doesn't learn how to draw shitty fandom memes, I have nothing to worry about lol
but yeah, I’m agree with you! I think, AI is just another tool for artist, not the opponent. even I played around with AI possibilities a year ago when it could only draw abstract shapes and colors. and this thing actually gave me inspiration and a couple of ideas for arts!
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(i'm afraid i'll never finish this one)
SO YEAH. as I said, I don’t think we should be afraid of AI and that it will take our jobs, no way. because human art will always be a hundred points ahead of any AI drawings
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shadow-genesis-yay · 7 months
Gimme them Memory headcanons! Please!
Say less! o7
>headcanons under the more/reading<
(Sorry it's long & for late response, was shopping for birthday stuff)
First 1: Memory in my design has white streaks they got from Void's side! Void just dyes his hair black to hide em for unknown reasons (probably ego or smth I dunno. Voids out of my control /j)
2: They're 6'4, uses mostly It/They but also uses he. They prefer mostly the other two tho but won't get mad if he is also used. (This one's mostly based off how in canon, Memory was referred to as a thing by Sabre, and he would use It/They until switching to He. Mem was still called a thing but used he ig). Oh and ig they also used nicknamed but only like it when Void calls em them. Like Memmy/Mem/Memoy/Fancy Steve lol
3: He has light sensitivity and uses their mask to help it when outside of the void/memory dimension
4: It has heterochromia, but in a different way! His left eye doesn't have a iris/pupil, and the area that's supposed to be white is pure red like Voids. (I think it's called the sclera) and also on said left side, they have a scar on its cheek that it got during some event they doesn't like talking about
5: Memmy likes cats and owns two! One tuxedo cat named Voodoo, and the other, a black cat (Bombay I think) called Morticia! Memmys had them since they was a smol lil swirly peppermint boi, and treats them like royalty as deserved 😤
6: (this one's kinda from a quote my friend made but it's too funny to not make a Memory headcanon) If Memory got called a specific slur I'm not gonna say, he'd just be like "Yeah no duh, it's obvious. Now please tell me something I already don't know about myself, or leave please and thanks."
7: Memory is highly skilled in swordsman ship, archery, and fighting. It's won awards in competitions they entered secretly (not because Void would be mad, but because they're Void's son. Void's like a king/God in the eyes of the other steves [of course except Nightmare LMAO] and terrifies em.) They's only lost once and that was more on its end since he didn't want to do competitions anymore, so they purposely disqualified itself by starting a fight.
8: while this one may be more of a ship that was started for funnies, it took my brain over so uh yeah. Memory is married to Faceless. The reason for why (to me) is because since Faceless doesn't have a face (no duh), he's immune to Memory's powers, even when mimicking others. And Faceless just couldn't resist a fancy boi in a suit. (I love this ship but at the same time I'm like "I want it gone from my mind its been 3 months help") ik they never met canonically but I speculate they met a tiny bit when Elemental worked for Void and El had to capture Faceless. It's a long shot but yolo I was bored
9: Memmy boi like flowers. Mostly roses or any black flower, but they'll be content with any other color if red & black are unavailable :)
10: While Memory may seem stern and cold, when you get to know them, he's really nice! Though it's usually always on guard and will unintentionally break your arm if you happen to spook them (somehow).
11: Memmys very sneaky and will smile a cheeky smile when it scares someone from behind.
12: Memory really hates cameras. Like, REALLY REALLY hates em. Whether it's off or not, they don't care and WILL throw a dagger at it. This one's more from a funny thing Sabre himself replied with in his discord when I said "I wish Memory had more screen time. He would of bee such a cool villain" with Sabre replying "maybe he did but we forgot".....I walked basically right into that joke but I love it so I'm considering it canon /hj
Uhhhh yeah anyways I think that's it other than more funny meme ones me and a friend made when I was bored and thought 'what if after the camera was off, Sabre and the steves would have a smp world together' and Memory would be the sometimes chaotic one of the server.
Ye uh I rambled alot lmao idk if this will even post but thank you so much for the ask and willingness to hear the headcanons about our silly little peppermint boi! Memory deserves so much more love that what's seen, I love him so much
Memory Steve, our beloved 'forgotten' king <3 👑
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grimgiblog · 8 months
Using this blog to collect animation references and post about our hyperfixations. Surprise surprise I really like Victor Saltzpyre as a written character, their voice actor does a phenomenal job, and the Witch Hunter Captain class is just really fun to play.
I will complain and say that the warhammer fanbase being filled with fascists who don't have the braincells to comprehend subtext and parody makes things a bit of a slog.
I will also complain that Saltzpyre is the fruitiest character alive, whose VA developed his voice from gay actor Kenneth Williams. 15:50 in this interview stream.
"And he was very you know, very camp, very gay. And in the days when you weren't allowed to be. When it was illegal. The weird thing it happened in America as well, was it was alright to be kind of camp and you know sound a bit fae and a bit kind of....you know. Gay. But you weren't allowed to be. So homosexuality was illegal. But being funny and camp was okay. And Kenneth Williams used to do this thing where he'd be; at one minute kind of completely London and then go into a whole posh sort of voice like that. And talk to any englishman and they go: yeah man you're just channeling Kenneth Williams."
I notice that in the fanbase where Victor's character, his gay way of being is sort of skewed and interpreted as him being just silly. Lot of meme shit has him as this straight pussy slayer gangster. How they kind of overide such mannerisms as just him being funny and camp. Not that he isn't funny or silly on his own right, but I reflect on how if this very same character was revealed as gay a lot of people who enjoy him probably wouldn't anymore. How the games themselves are littered with both homophobes and lgbt individuals. I think a lot about censorship.
And I think about straight interpretations of the character, which while there are some good bits of fanfic--quite a few of them derive on the nonconsensual. On unhealthy male and female dynamics. I also think of the lack of chemistry involved there. How with Sienna it's considered a "forbidden love" sort of deal, even though, it is in fact: a straight couple. It's not to say that the pairing can't be done well, and not to admonish those who do like it. (It's a dumb funny rat game and none of this matters in the grand scheme of things ship who you want I'm just an old grumpy cuss.) and it will probably be confirmed by the devs to be cannon anyways. But I always saw Victor and Kruber, two soldiers of the empire, one of polytheism and monotheism, sir and subordinate dynamics to be more interesting and barely written about. I want to make more stories and characters following their relationship. I want to write about gay 40 year old men, puritans who haven't experienced love, and big old male sluts who have shagged and been shagged more times than they can count. Of power and subservience and breaking the gender binaries. Of healing and of faggy banter.
There's a lot to explore and writing about them and drawing them has helped me figure out a lot about my own characters I want to write about. As well as what I enjoy and my own homosexuality as well. A lot to ruminate on. Just goes to show what a good game with great writers and actors can do lol.
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quiet-nocturne · 28 days
ohhh for the writing ask meme how about 11, 20, and 28?
oooh, thank you for the ask!! ok, so: 11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated. honestly, I love a lot of tropes (lol @ myself, earlier, looking through a list of tropes and desperately scrolling to find one I don't love - like literally give me a soulmark au anyday), but the ones that aren't my favorites are: 1. Regency/Royalty AUs - I love, love period dramas, but often I feel like when fics are written with this trope, the characters feel totally off for me. There's not a lot in the royai fandom, but definitely in some other ones I've been in. 2. Virgin!fics - I just don't consider it to be all that accurate (for royai, anyway - it could definitely work more for other fandoms/pairings, depending). Like, even for Riza, I really don't think her back tattoo prevented her from having sex at least once (excluding/before Roy) - in my opinion, anyway! I find general inexperience is more fun to play with then straight up virgin fics. 3. major character death - I will usually avoid reading something involving this, because it usually makes me big sad. :( not that it can't be well done, butttt yeah haha. I love some good angst, but I don't enjoy when it's too angsty. also for royai, I'm like... at least let them have some happiness, jeez?
but honestly, any trope can be cool and interesting depending on how the writer does it! and, like, whatever floats your boat, ya know? 20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you? okay, so this depends on my mood, and current wip hyperfixation, but generally I do enjoy working on multiple at once. it's nice to be able to switch between projects when you get stuck... but sometimes it's also nice to focus on one thing.
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
so writing advice can be very... self-specific, if that makes sense? i find a lot of writing advice out there that's supposed to be geared towards anyone sometimes doesn't always work for everyone. but! a few things that I find helpful for myself are: 1. don't believe the voice in your head telling you that your writing is awful - that is the devil talking, lol. let it sit for a bit, and come back, and I promise that it'll be better when you're reading it using a different mindset. it's happened to me so many times where I'm like "this is fucking awful why did I ever write this" and then I reread it a few days/weeks/months later and I'm like "wait, this is actually good??" it just needs to simmer for a bit. 2. as stated earlier, let your writing sit for a bit, especially while editing, or trying to figure out transitions or plot holes. I'll get really frustrated with an issue sometimes, and believe it's impossible to fix - but mostly that's just me hitting a wall. if I let it sit for a while, and stop reading my own words for a bit (i basically get sick of my own writing lol), then suddenly a lot of the problems are a lot easier to solve. 3. keep a list of words/phrasing that you like - then you have a reference to look at when you're struggling with word choice. super helpful, as I often get stuck with descriptions, and then I have a nice little list to use as reference. 4. skip over stuff that you're struggling with in the initial writing process - can't think of a name? add it later! not sure how to describe something? skip it and come back! don't like your word choice? fix it later! basically don't fixate on small details, as it can always be added in later. this is why I always have to tell myself that editing is not as bad as I blow it up to be in my head, because honestly the best parts of my writing usually happen during the editing process.
i don't know how helpful those are, but yeah!
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pawzels-artbin · 4 months
Ight i'm gonna go ahead and dump my CQ OCs here real quick- hope you guys like reading long ass paragraphs because hoo boy did i yap with this one (may post art later; still being revised <3)
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Dark, rusty red. 
Long ass hair that goes to their toes. 
Likes trees. Nature. Mmm yeees gimme that fresh air 
Hates being cold
Feels the urge to take care of things she thinks are small and helpless 
Swamp dwelling plant mom. Rises out of the water lady of the lake style when someone comes to her swamp to speak to her lmao
Her carapace is odd. When in the sun or in a hot area her body radiates more heat that it should take in. 
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5ul_oVObONA 
𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦)
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Based HEAVILY on Ramiel from Evangelion. GOD I’m such a nerd. 
Rearranges her body parts, and can make them smaller or bigger to some extent to suit her attack or defense style. Reflects an insanely intense and hot light she produces off of them, then concentrates it into a beam that she can fire directly at an opponent. Unfortunately despite her terrifying power, her attacks eat up large amounts of hemolymph, meaning she can only battle for 12 minutes at most if she conserves her energy and 5 minutes if she uses more powerful attacks. 
Her beams can (theoretically) melt through mountains. (Technically if she did this she’d expend almost all her hemolymph in one go and die though lmfao, talk about a one-trick pony) 
She does not usually speak in her puppet form, nor produce any noise. She can establish weak, fragile psychological contact with people. Sometimes when mortally wounded she will let out a deafening screech.  The mimes have only ever heard this sound once or twice. 
Her body parts can move around to protect her carapace, but usually can’t completely cover her. She always has a weak spot somewhere. She usually is fast enough to cover it though. 
Her attack power is boosted in hot and bright locations. 
Her attack power is weakened at night and in misty, cold areas. 
They have no discernible head in their puppet form, though they can manifest various body parts: 
She has a single eye with three massive eyelashes on the top and bottom that can see 180 degrees around her. This is a permanent and unchangeable feature of her puppet form. 
Sometimes she can manifest in a pair of disembodied jaws (think something like a beartrap) that can bite. 
When mortally wounded, she will make her body parts as large as possible and tries to put them together in a manner that will shield as much as her body allows while arranging them in a fashion that deflects as much damage as possible and makes it harder to do close range damage. If near a large open area with dirt, they will burrow their exposed weak spot into the ground. 
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OB-MvZBAiU 
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Not much rn, she just likes lamps and sleeping even though she doesn't really need to
Based on a Venezuelan poodle moth
She is in a similar place on the color spectrum to Atrox and therefore is somewhat aware of things to come, albeit to a lesser extent.
Yeah uh she is. Uh a lot more mature than she looks lol
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrvMNLJJpWU
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐚 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦)
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Projectiles will just get trapped in her fluff. 
Her wingbeats stir up breezes when she flies by virtue of just how large she is. 
When in flight she tucks her legs in and folds them close together. She does the same for her antennae to make her more aerodynamic. She can also float. 
She can sleep while flying or floating, sometimes remaining motionless for hours floating in a warm spot under the sun. 
She is probably the most peaceful puppet form of all my OCs tbh. No fighting, just eeber deebers
Nothing super special atm.
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Bad relationship with Laurus and by extension Holly
Big believer in being your true self
Meme and YTP references. Will laugh if you say "fresh avocado" or "I wonder what's for dinner"
Hair is fluffy n soft
Hates. Being yelled at
Hot topic dweller
Yes her belts are either stolen or yoinks from abandoned places she has scavenged from lmao
"iS tHaT (insert Pokemon game here)" (super exaggerated :0 face)
Afraid of disappointing people close to her and making them mad
Frigus doesn't really like her (she has a bad habit of infantilizing him and babying him since she thinks he's the cutest thing ever and ends up fawning over him to an overbearing degree)
Loves partying and nightlife but ironically is the type of person to drink apple juice instead of booze (and somehow act drunk off it), say "frick", and tell people why vaping is bad for you
𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐡 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦)
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She glows and flickers like a neon sign-glowstick and can show patterns on her body like an LED display. She usually just changes through the colors of the rainbow though. Like one of those gaming PCs. 
Loud and energetic as ever. Still friendly af in puppet form- will talk to you and hang out. Kinda like a neon scene kid bat version of Clifford the Big Red Dog.
Vomits up neon rainbow glowstick fluid. Is it hemolymph? Who knows! 
Drools acid and can and will inject it into your bloodstream with an efficiently delivered bite (tfw someone wont stop fucking w you and you """accidentally""" increase the pH in their blood to fatal levels :3). 
Voiceclaim (both mime and puppet form): https://youtu.be/HRQsMCk1PpI?si=o-haxW7XpXXFO-m6
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲 (incomplete!)
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If insanity were measured with a thermometer, Misery would be fever pitch. Wired, beset with an endless hunger that only gets worse when they host, endowed with an unholy amount of stamina, and hyperviolent, she’s at best an annoyance and at worst a living chainsaw. 
Sometimes, he'll be laughing hysterically, chasing after a meal and wallowing in madness. Other times he'll bawl hysterically or have outbursts of wrath. His emotions are so extreme, they blur together sometimes.
Without moving and using up their energy (regardless of whether they're hungry or not), they'll find themselves stressed out (kind of like Vigoroth from Pokemon, i guess).
When they're on a rampage, Misery can't be stopped (sort of)! They're one hell of a biter. they've also got razor-sharp claws on them, so they've got no problem tearing through a carapace or shredding down a door or two to catch you!
Their brain will solely run on adrenaline and instinct, so consequences are(n't) a problem for them.
Misery isn’t stupid- however, his impulsivity is his downfall. In the end his hunger and boredom are what drive him and almost all of his actions. They're in a constant cycle of madness and sobriety.
They’re willing to try their best to be good- of course they’ll try to be good, whatever the hell that means! They’ll try until their frenzied hunger consumes them once more. :)
Voiceclaim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd9GxCqCGnU
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲 (𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦) (incomplete!)
[art missing]
[desc missing]
Voiceclaim: [missing]
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hii, i was wondering if u had some advice for getting into worshipping deities, i kinda have a feeling that i'd like to work with apollo and dionysus and i've started to just research apollo but i'm unsure how to go about things or if i wanna work with them and stuff i should and shouldn't do
(also i really like ur blog bc i age regress and i love stray kids and i've always been interested in witchcraft and hellenic polytheism so the serotonin boost is strong lol)
(thank you! thats so nice :])
about going into worship hmm
just kinda do research and find out if you want to work with them (you can still worship without working with deities)
if you just want to worship a deity its cool to just start to do that like pray and make offerings sometimes (if youre not sure if its okay you can ask a deity using a pendulum!)
but if you want to work with them then like i said do research, get to know their aspects and what they help with and then you can just kinda wait till they give you a sign (cus its really easy to attract a deitys attention just researching them or talking about them)or you can reach out to them yourself and just ask if theyre interested in working with you (you can do that using pendulum,tarot, whatever works for you)
and then you just kinda talk about what you want their help with and boundaries and all that and then you talk some more (about a possible altar, about what they maybe see you need help with as well, you can ask them if they want to tell you something)
and yeah that's how it looks like in my case
stuff you should do is probably just be respectful
you can talk casually but with respect
uhh ive heard about checking on offerings so they wont get moldy
and basically just work hard to be the better version of yourself like they will probably advice you to
and dont treat Apollo and Dionysus like only gay memes or sth cus i know there are people who think theyre those funny gay uncles but theyre more than that so make sure you treat them with respect /nm /lh
dont be scared to ask them questions if youre unsure about something
dont think theyre going to punish you for making mistakes just be relaxed and feel the comfort they give you
and uhhh if you get the feeling you want to work with them just go with it cus it might as well be a sign but idk for sure so its better to confirm with them
what i would add from myself as a tiny upg is ask their pronouns! cus i used to refer to dionysus as a male and he/him pronouns but she told me shes actually a woman and uses she/her pronouns (just god things i guess) so now i use those for her but shes okay with calling her w god,deity,goddess or whatever other name but yeah ask pronouns i think deities change for different practitioners so like idk 😶 hope i helped somehow!! good luck kid!:3
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novelcain · 1 year
shit sent that while shiffling stuff around
mc is such a fucking mood, like thats me the fuck! (but its also probably you the fuck and most of us tumblr crawlers the fuck (affectionate)) "I’m dying and my brain is producing chemicals to make me hallucinate to save me from the pain of death" fucking love that! got the same fucking vibes as 'me? im more likely a stress induced hallucination' "so what youre saying is, i finally snapped :)" which is my fucking jam i love that type of humor and also just the overthinking which like, YEAH BITCH ME TOO, THE FUCK, those illnesses arent to be messed with, in both ways really since theoretically mc could be an asymptotic carrier of stuff (yay, more things for mc to overthink and panic about :D) and ARGH guanyin has so much girlboss (positive) energy and her interacting with mc is great i love it!
also do correct me if im wrong but is frank's existence like a checkov's gun/parallel for like bajie n stuff with how he usually characterized or?
ANYWAYS ILL PROBABLY RETURN WITH MORE RAMBLINGS, or maybe even some memes or incorrect quotes (:0 can i be a secret friend? am i going at too fast a pace? idk im not really good at gauging this stuff, if i can, can i be 🎵 by chance? or maybe nah, idk im just very excited im gonna go on a stimmy trip now)
Eeeeeee! thank you! I had so much fun writing reader but especially that part like that would literally be my reaction if I died and some god/goddess met me on the other side. I'd be like "hahaha so this is what insanity is like :)" And YES! THE ILLNESSES! I always dislike it when isekai or time travel is involved and people just DON'T talk about sicknesses like wtf if you sent a teenager from 2023 (omg its 2023) back even like 50 years old they'd probably fucking die. SO CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT 1500+ YEARS AND ANOTHER WORLD (kinda) WOULD BE LIKE! I glad that you liked Guanyin really wanted to portray her as a confident goddess since while she is the Bodhisattva of Mercy she's ready to cut a bitch like when Wukong was fighting Erlang on ffm she really said "nah I gotchu i'll drop my vase on this bitch ass monkey so they can get the drop on him" and I love that attitude of wanting to help people but not standing for their shit.
lmao i'm glad you caught that. mc is gonna just love bajie.
(You want to be my friend?🥺👉👈 Lol yeah we can be friends🎵 anon. Im actually not that good at making friends so it's nice when I do make them. just be prepared for a lot of cursing and random references lmao) Feel free to come back any time!
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
texting fics for the fic tropes ask?
somehow A++ and a big fat red F at the same time LOL
okay so like. you may not know this about me, but i love social media fic (ik ik, hold your shocked gasps til the end). i absolutely love epistolary stories in general--i am a huge, huge fan of outsider POV and unreliable narrator tropes, and epistolary stories are so well suited to one or both of these things. epistolary stories put either a very, very narrow telescope on and/or a very broad/vague/heavily filtered overview of a narrative and i love reading between the lines and teasing out the story that way. plus, especially with a lot of neat ao3 works skins (which i...don't use because im lazy 💦), a lot of these stories play with the traditional way to tell a story and explore narratives told through different types of media, often very punchy types of environmental storytelling, and more, which is so cool to me. i'm not even talking about all the ways epistolary fic can play with character voice, and the differences between speaking vs texting, conversation habits across mediums, etc!!
chat fics...sometimes manage the above.
unfortunately though, many also often fall into referential humor traps and like...sitcom storylines (i'm not sure if that made up term makes sense lol). my point though is that some chat fics are really just treated like those incorrect quotes blogs but in a format that can be posted to ao3. and i already have a lot of irritation with incorrect quotes--it's very rare that a genuinely funny joke can just be ripped from its original context and still be funny, and a lot of people use referential humor as a crutch because they're scared of writing their own humor/jokes. but the thing is, the more references you use, the more you isolate and/or narrow your audience because not everyone is going to know what you're referencing; and it's one thing as a reader to skip over one joke you don't recognize, it's another to skip over multiple jokes in a row that make no sense to you. this goes doubly for chat fics that rely primarily on memes, which are esp flavor-of-the-week references whose original context gets lost almost immediately. and then on top of the humor crutch, a lot of these fics forget that like...epistolary stories still have a narrative? they still have a plot? you still have to explain how the characters started talking to each other, why they're still talking to each other, wrap it up in a good end goal, etc. and a lot of fic just...doesn't. i have zero interest in reading a fic that throws everyone into a groupchat with zero regard for how the individual characterizations, just to ramble out a bunch of ill-fitting references with no end goal or point in sight. sighs
so yeah! epistolary/social media/texting/etc fics are almost always the first set of tags i run through when i first enter a fandom tag and i'll often read those first over everything else because when they're done right, they're so. good.
but if there's no explanation to the how or the why, or zero regard to characterization or voice, or too many memes, i'm immediately out and will probably even mute the story so that it's easier for me to navigate the tags in the future 😂
send me a fic trope!
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hwiyoungies · 6 months
Yes que si hablo español JAJAJAJA I just thought it would be weird to straight up start talking in spanish but I really needed to reference that meme (and here’s the moment where I’m unsure which language I should keep using WJDIEBD) y no me molestaría que me compartieras el video<3 bc I don’t mind shipping!! I’m not hardcore either but I love the dynamics too so it’s hard not to agree with a bunch of ships lol
NO ACTUALLY FAIR tbh I did skip some flashbacks back in the first season (see: Syrup Village) and if it’s dragging too much bc of that I do skip the flashbacks
Fr no one can convince me these guys don’t curse, I love they decided to show that side of them AND how it is unique for both of their personalities (see: Zoro saying ass and Sanji saying arse) but yes a documentary about the process would be *chef’s kiss*
NADIE SE MUERE JAJAJA I just finished the Alabasta arc (thank gOD) and I lowkey cried for Pell juST FOR HIM TO COME BACK??? I’m glad but wth they’re going to make me desensitized/skeptical with future ‘deaths’ atp bc most of them seem to come back anyways
Zoro literally just said “Sorry, but…I’ve never once prayed to God” and I was like “holy sh*t that’s hot” just for him to freaking scream like Tarzan while swinging on a vine minutes later LMAO and two things: 1) is this a good lose my mind or a bad lose my mind?? and may I know if it’s during the 100s?💀😭 2) I’ve seen people saying pre time skip a lot!! Is that like a canon event that just happens and we don’t see that ‘time skip’ (kinda like the blip for the avengers) or is it like a time travel thing or something?? If the answer is too much of a spoiler I’m fine without knowing it, just sounds confusing LOL
I have my fair share of songs that I didn’t think I listened to them that much so I get it 😂😂 my #81 song is Not Fine by Day6!!! which feels kinda fitting to me rn ngl JAJAJAJA
AJAJAJ the constant struggle of wait what language do i speak in now. i tend to always go with english because i'm aware of how Chilean i am and sometimes people don't understand what i'm saying, so whatever makes you feel more comfy <3 this is the video it's SO stupid but it made me cackle and i couldn't sent it to my friend that's watching it because she hasn't reached alabasta or ace yet
the one thing i will complain about one piece (well, one of the things LMAO) is the flashbacks like yeah i do love how fleshed out all the characters are but man keep it short and sweet
i LOVE that sanji is the only one with a different accent in english from the straw hats, like it makes so much sense for his background this is all i can say without spoiling anything (y weno en español también acento canario de taz mi amado)
NO BUT SAME i was fucking sobbing over pell and then they were like teehee actually he's not dead 😋 there is a reason for that tho i think it had to do with 9/11 no i'm not joking LMAO
SKYPIEA ZORO MY FUCKING BELOVEEEEEEED everytime he says that when someone is like "omg you're gonna make god mad!" i went a little insane because yEAH MAN TELL THEM, and him doing the tarzan scream he's just a little guy he's feeling goofy and silly and we love him for it. also!! are you watching it in japanese or dubbed? because luffy sings an iconic song during this arc that everyone loves LMAO. it's a uuuh it's a mix LMAO and it's in the 300's i think. the only thing i will say about the time skip is that it's a canon event and nothing more because it's more entertaining that way teehee
ooof man now that's a song LMAO it could've been zombie which i would ask all good dear is everything ok (obviously the answer would be no)
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vesperewrites · 7 months
About the odd takes post, i agree vehemently. Honestly from my time on hotd twitter, the quotes and calling out happens all the time and about everything. Someone made this meme which encapsulated all of the asoiaf fans and it even caused a meltdown https://twitter.com/thelaughinstorm/status/1676291270937813002?t=qbKd-dpdyT4llG38Pe6rZg&s=19
Anyway for rhncts, they're known for accusing people of being lesbophobic for not liking the ship or preferring other ships. And lcmd have had accusations of being racist (other than the debacle over elliot's age which always comes up as if we don't have 5k fancasts for older lucerys) because we didn't fixate on the laenorxjoffrey ship instead as they are "canon gays". Lukeharem had also caused a stir when people found that thread or the abo lcmd ones. Like it's not something you're into, why roast people who are?
With every time we surpassed an asoiaf ship on ao3, came another wave of hate from other shippers (as lcmdrs i think we keep our issues inside the subfandom for better or for worse). Apparently jcmd shippers also called us out last week for our "boring" ship??? But yeah i think everyone should focus on making content and just ignore whatever else anyone is doing like the mean girl energy in this fandom is off the walls. So many creators have been driven out and it's just sad. Also the same discourse repeats roughly every 2 weeks and it's so dull to see the same fights happen again, exhausting.
Still here though because the lcmd brainrot has not gone away and I adore these idiots still.
Hi Odd Takes anon <3
I had a good laugh reading that meme! I'm definitely the l*cmder staying in my lane. I usually don't qrt/comment because it's pointless and I don't want to waste the energy, but the lack of reasoning is what got me.
I think it's immensely funny when people cannot separate fiction from reality and that extends to non-con kinks, reading/writing incest etc. Crazy how people don't see how they think thoughtcrime is real (someone, please catch the 1984 reference).
Ah, yeah I saw the jace*mond stuff and missed most of it on TL, but whenever someone resorts to name-calling a ship, it doesn't really bother me. It's just someone with a random take. We don't like the same cake, end-of-story. I think I missed the Lukeharem one too lol.
Yeah, agreed, I've only been here a few months and it's stale, cyclical, so it's not worth the effort. Mean girl attitude is so funny to me. Yawn. I dealt with it enough in my grad program. Often, when someone insults you without merit, it's because of jealousy or feeling threatened. Very telling.
I just brainrot privately with a couple friends and agreed, anon! The idiot uncle/nephew dynamic have got me in a chokehold and I wish they didn't.
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lemonjamdraws · 3 years
Me accidentally hitting unfollow while desperately trying to get to your ask box for the character meme lol but bro I know next to nothing about Rona please tell me your thoughts about Rona lol
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WHO IS RONA (leftmost character)
Rona is a tabletop character I have for a scifi TTRPG called Stars Without Number. she is the most selfish and morally gray character i have ever made
pro martial artist & a masseuse & 1000 charisma
STRONK BEEFCAKE. mechanically, she can NEVER miss a punch. she will ALways deal damage thanks to cool buffs
she is a HENCHKEEPER which means she has "a knack for collecting lost souls to do her bidding"
GIRLBOSS GASLIGHT GATEKEEP - she is so freaking arrogant
she is literally a SNAKE she has spied on the other party members
SIMILARITIES TO LILITH: fallen from grace from an incredibly high position and ALSO she has SISTER DRAMA
she's actually perfect. some party members don't think so though
ok she is a wine alcoholic though
I've actually been the most objectively useful person around, so I should be the most-liked.
(spoilers, she is not the most-liked and she is Dumb of Ass)
Rona and party member named Garrett. The two of them are called the SNAKE SQUAD bc he helped her spy on a third party member LMFAO
Rona & Sho, her doormat henchman who she is using as a chef and then also a boyfriend. this is very problematic behavior.
Rona & Myka (15yo psychic kid PC who is her roommate. she is an awful parent and he is an awful kid who probably was grown in a lab)
Rona and Ash, ash is the most normal player character and actually confronted rona about Snakedom
ok it just wouldn't be healthy for anyone involved but right now the only potential outcome is her and her doormat boy Sho
HER otp is her and revenge
unfortunately it is a tabletop game and yall aint know anything about it
due to her fucked up arrogance, she is also emotionally reserved
UNPOPULAR OPINION (amongst the other players)
i think she's great
I don't take insults lightly If I could speak politely With just a touch I could disperse your atoms into dust With just a breath I'll bring you screaming from the brink of death I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
If God's a Woman then you should be praying 'Cause I'm the only bitch that capable of sparing you Concrete cracks and crumbles Foundations fall to rubble The jaws of death are snapping The beak of Ravens cackling I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
this is like the MOST girlboss song out of all my girlboss songs
Hello, it's so good to see you We met before but nice to meet you Yeah, I don't really wanna be here like, ah-ah-ah-ah What's my name, do you remember? I'm pretty sure you have my number So let's pretend we like each other like, ah-ah-ah-ah
This room is so suffocating Walking on ice, but nobody breaks it Stuck in this one-way conversation Guess I'll be here for awhile And you're blowing smoke in my face And telling me all about your paycheck Take a shot with a fake smile to chase it Guess I'll take another round
Everybody in this party feels so fake I really wish that I could say it to your face But I won't, so
this refers to ronas past life. she was basically heir to the number 1 richest most dystopian company and therefore had to do annyoing business networking. rona was a dumb party girl and her younger sister Katriane was actually like smart and fit to a run a company so they gave CEO-ship to katriane.
rona threatened to expose a company secret in exchange for ceo-ship and then her parents kicked her ass into the physical lowest level of the world. (its a vertical 3-tiered city, with the top tier being for rich fucks and bottom tier for like, 90% of the population in super poor land) and now she has to climb back for revenge.
i have a FAT playlist of songs but here a few more
PRAY FOR YOU by JARON and the LONG ROAD to LOVE (About revenge)
(thats her doormat henchman boyfriend Sho)
(she got 3d modelled)
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slimysnaildaddy · 4 years
You said asks are open, right? If not, then just ignore this. I'm one of the many chaotic people that reads your stories on ao3 (love them BTW, keep up the good work. ❤) And I was wondering how the brothers would react to a gen Z MC who communicates through dead memes, dark jokes, and tik tok trends. Ya know, uses the word yeet, does ALL the tik tok dances and trends, doesn't react when they threaten them with death like "lol please kill me". Ya know, a chaotic crackhead like you and me.
Yeah, asks are 110% open! Please give me attention lol
His immediate reaction is pure confusion mixed with a dash of annoyance, which crops up again every once in a while when MC does something exceptionally chaotic. Idk, he gives me some boomer/early gen x vibes sometimes.
After a while, he kind of gets used to it and sort of starts to understand, if not the whole origin and meaning of the memes, what they sort of mean. Over time he learns what “yeet” means, for example (eg: MC always says that when they throw something or are particularly excited, etc). He still thinks it’s dumb and maybe a bit childish, but hey. He’s been around a while, and every generation is different.
On the other hand, some of the jokes about wanting to die do concern him quite a bit, and he will actually stop in his tracks at some of the darker ones, like in those occasions when MC is threatened by a demon (could be a random demon, could be one of the Boys) and is just like “lol bring it, bro, I WANT to die”. He arranges a counseling session with them.
It does not go well.
Probably joins in on some of it, to be honest. He seems to get up to the human world fairly regularly because of the witches, so he might be almost up to date on some of the Memes (Tm). Even if he doesn’t know all the TikTok dances, he’ll still learn them just for shits and giggles. And, more importantly, to join in with MC.
I feel like he’s more well versed in 2016 meme culture, that late 2010′s neo-dadaist sense of humor with deep-fried images and lens flare eyes and vine. He WILL make vine references with MC and telling him to “do it for the vine” with ANYTHING will persuade him fairly quickly, especially if you’ve got a camera phone trained on him.
He is rather concerned with MC’s jokes about death, especially after the events of Ch16 or shortly after one of the many threats to MC’s life. Before Ch16 he’s probably just like “yeah whatever it’s not *that* big a deal” but now he’s a lot more protective.
He still doesn’t say anything though cause haha the Great Mammon doesn’t care. Shut up he totally doesn’t care.
While he doesn’t physically get up to the human world as often, it seems that he is very connected to human world culture because of his interest in a lot of human world media. Anime, games, etc. He knows a lot of the references and jokes, the TikTok dances, all of it.
Some small part of him, the part that makes up his status as the Avatar of Envy, is very pleased that he’s the one who understands MC’s brand of humor the best.
Will join in on the dark jokes.
Also a bit connected to the human world through TV and books. Unfortunately, all this has done is given him knowledge of that special sitcom irreverent humor, and not any actual real-world Zoomer Humor.
At first, thinks MC genuinely means they want to die. I mean, they’ve been dragged into Hell and have to be around his dumbass brothers. Early Satan is pretty cool with that idea. It would certainly cause Lucifer some inconvenience!
Mc: Lol, fucking end my life, I’m ready to die
Early Satan: Gladly :^)
Current Satan: *deep sigh* What has mildly inconvenienced you this time?
Does not really get the appeal but lowkey thinks MC’s TikTok/Vine/Fortnite dances are kinda cute. Only when MC does them, though. Probably recognizes some of the Fortnite ones bc some of them are based off of older irl stuff.
Also connected, though more in the Instagram/influencer side of things.
Probably knows some of the thirstbait TikTok stuff already, but never really considered making an account until now. Congrats, MC, you’ve created a new E-boy.
Will drag MC into his TikToks. If MC makes TikToks, he will join in on theirs.
“Oh, honey. Dying is terrible for your skin.”
Regarding the dances...? Let’s just say he’s a quick learner when it comes to new ways to move his body.
Kind of tries to humor MC and join in on The Memes but like, lowkey he doesn’t get it. That’s fine, though. He does get very well versed in how to use the word “yeet”. To the point where he will say it upon throwing away food wrappers or when throwing the ball at a game.
Is a very good sport and will be easy to persuade to join in on MC’s TikToks, if they make them. Especially enjoys any in which he gets to hold up or carry MC.
Quiet confusion whenever MC jokes about dying. Actual concern when they do so while being completely unintimidated by a literal demon about to attack them. If MC explains that it’s just a joke he’ll still not like it very much.
Has eaten a tide pod. Not for the meme, he just did it. He’ll do it again if prompted, even though he thought it tasted like shit.
“I wanna fuckin stop existing and for my consciousness to exist only in a pit of blackness and silence where nothing can bother me.” “SAME.”
For real though he 100% understands nihilistic humor.
Gets tired just looking at MC doing the high energy TikTok dances.
Slowly assimilates the Gen Z humor into his own brand of humor.
Including talking about how much he wants to die. Beel is concern.
Ngl the first time MC says something along the lines of “please fucking kill me” while Belphie’s still in the attic, Belphie’s immediate response is “Don’t worry, I will” and he is ??? when MC just laughs. He was serious.
Becomes much less comfortable with the jokes once he’s actually done it.
Bonus: Diavolo:
Is EXTREMELY enthusiastic about learning current human culture.
Will do his very best to learn all the hottest memes and shit so he can join in, but he takes it 100% seriously.
MC teaches him to dab.
He dabs at literally anything.
“Lucifer look what the human showed me! *dabs*”
Lucifer: god has truly abandoned us
MC: there you go luci now you’re getting the hang of it
I hope this is to your liking *Fortnite default dances into the abyss*
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ultrahamilham · 4 years
You tagged me in a thing and I had a stroke, bless you
I get all Pikachu meme whenever I see you in my dash and you've referred to me and acknowledged my existence because it is literally the best thing ever, I have a mini stroke every time
Three ships: Jamilton, Jamilams and Jamilmads (would've said lams but then it just sounds like I'm saying the same ship in three different ways lol)
Last song: Uhh, I don't listen to music much, but Ultimately by Khai dreams
Last movie: The Hunchback of Notre dame
Currently craving: Sushi, oddly enough (I haven't had it in about nine years but still, want)
Currently reading: The Da Vinci code, and about five different fanfictions
About a very late answer to your question (My family has COVID, which is shocking to hear, or so I'm told, but they're recovering and they fortunately had a mild case and no one has any history of disease so they're going to be okay! That's what the doctor said and I'm praying), Taco hell made me laugh really hard when I read it and really lifted my spirits because I remember being in not a great place when I started it but it made me smile which was like, a thing for me, and don't judge me but I think The three way was probably my favourite and I don't want to think about what that says about me but it was really because I love works that are that long (around 50k is always my sweet spot). I'm not sure if I'm remembering right and I'm so so sorry if I'm getting the title song wrong but that one Jamilton fic with uh, Gucci and fendi in the title was really fun to read ;-;
I also remeber the first work of yours I ever read was this comfort Whamilton around 1.5 or 2k where it starts raining and Alexander is on edge but George comforts him- Okay, I'm ranting now, apologies. ;-; (idk You're super cool and I want to talk to you like, normally, but you'll hateee me and I don't want that and so here)
I never really get a chance to respond as soon as I'd like, BUT I never get to and if you don't want to know/care about my life- please skip to the next paragraph thank you. So, I did end up watching Snowpiercer! I watched all ten episodes in one day which is iffy to say the least, but I'm still alive! I did love it. And I've been alright- a bit anxious with everything, but I've been giving my tests and uni and stuff. Yesterday, I was about to go to the vet when u realised about two minutes into the ride that I forgot my dog so that was embarrassing. Almost competing with the time I dropped my phone and then followed it, dropping to my knees and immediately bursting into tears (Nothing even happened to my phone!). So if you read this, thank you again.
I wanted to ask how you were doing too! If you don't mind xxx
And as for the fanfic writer asks, would you mind answering 50 ;-;
Wgjfvqkcwkh also I heard about you and Henni getting married so CONGRATULATIONS that is the most amazing, sweetest thing and in honestly so f*cking happy for both of you. I audibly awwed when I saw that post and I can't believe I just remembered.
I'm so sorry this got out of hand with how long it is, I didn't mean for it to be ;-;
-shy anon, sincerely apologising for possibly ruining your day by oversharing and/or overstepping (also with love and congratulations for you and her)
I get the surprised pikachu face whenever you show up in my ask box ;-; It always makes me happy!!!
Okay but sushi is always good. The craving comes randomly for me as well. I didn’t crave it at all when I used to make it for a living, because I got so tired of it, but now I crave it every once in a while lol it’s really good ;-;
I really hope everyone is doing okay! COVID is scary and it’s no joke. Having it before was horrible for me and I would never wish it on anyone. I hope everyone including you is okay ;-;
I’m glad Taco Hell did what I was meaning for it to do! It’s meant to be lighthearted and make people laugh. It’s based off of my life and it’s actual situations I end up in all the time. It’s quite amusing lol
I would never judge you. The Three Way is literally the one fic I am most proud of. I could never judge you. I literally go back and read it every once in a while and go like “I made that... Holy fuck...”
Oh! Gucci Not Fendi is the title. I’m glad you liked it!!!
Rant all you want! I adore that Whamilton fic ;-;
Seriously, my dear, I can promise you that I won’t hate you at all. Believe me, I really won’t. I’m probably the most awkward and annoying person anyone will ever know and I overshare like everything. People know more about me than they really should.. Lol
I care about your life, I was the one that asked you to tell me! But honestly, snowpiercer was soooo good... Like I tried to binge it all in one day but I was trying to write as well and it didn’t go over well lmao, snowpiercer ended up winning! I’m really glad you watched it!!!
That whole forgetting your dog thing is a mood. Today I forgot to turn on the food heaters and I realized it right before it was too late. Almost lost $200 worth of meat... Oops... Lmao
I do that with my phone if I drop it even if it’s okay. I just freak the fuck out and cry before I know if there really is an issue
Also I’m doing good! I decided to just lay back and relax tonight so I’m having a few drinks and I’m gonna watch random shit lol I was up for 33 hours the night before last and slept for 15 hours after. I can’t recommend doing that, especially not when you’re like 24. I’m too old for that shit.
Hell yeah I can do 50! I will give you a sneak peak at the 3rd part of the three way... .-. It will be posted on Oct 19th!!!
Here it is. This is seriously NSFW lol:
Alexander looked down at Thomas and ran the fingers of his free hand through Thomas' hair. He licked his lips as he watched Thomas work his tongue expertly inside George. "You're such a good boy Thomas, you're already wrecking him." He purred. 
Thomas let out a low moan and kept up the work, getting a little more aggressive. Alexander could feel himself getting hard in his pants at the sight coupled with George's shameless moans. Alexander looked back at George's face and grinned a bit. "Are you proud of us, Daddy?" He asked. 
George pressed his forehead against the headrest and panted as Thomas wrecked him. He tried to push back against Thomas to no avail. "Fuck… Y-yes… Yes you two did so good… Please… Please do as you wish… Whatever you choose, do it… I will take whatever you give me, you de-deserve it…" George bit out desperately.
Alexander grinned in delight at that. He looked at Thomas who looked just as excited from what George just said. He then touched Thomas' shoulder. "Alright, that's enough babe. I'm going to stretch him, then we can give him a good spanking. Why don't you undress for me? I have a little treat for you." He purred.  -END of the preview.
Thank you so much! We are so freaking happy that it’s happening. We were planning it more today! It’s so amazing ugh.
I appreciate it all the same! It’s not too long for me at all!! Don’t you worry my dear <3 you didn’t overstep at all!
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autistic-reptile · 5 years
So this D&D podcast I was listening to used REE as a sound effect. The exact quote is "REEEE I'm an angry crab!!!" I don't know if they were trying to do that autistic screeching meme or if they were mimicking a yell. That specific episode came out in 2014 so I'm not sure if I should give it a pass because of the year or stop listening... Advice?
hmmm well I don’t want to defend anyone who is potentially making fun of autistic people, and if the episode was more current i’d probably have a very different opinion. BUT in my own experience, I personally wasn’t aware that the whole REEE thing was part of the autistic screeching meme until I saw them together one day and finally realized it (i still didn’t like the joke prior to that but i didn’t have a reason why). idk what I thought it was but I didn’t make the connection, and I know that “joke” was really popular around that time so it’s possible the podcast also used it without necessarily knowing the connection or meaning to make fun of autistic people.
I mean, either way it’s insensitive and if it makes you uncomfortable then by all means, stop listening. but if it’s a podcast you like and you want to keep listening to it, there’s nothing wrong with that. a lot of people make stupid mistakes like that and it’s often due to ignorance rather than malice. i’ll probably get hate for this but when i was younger I used to use the r-word because I just thought it was a funny synonym for “stupid.” I never genuinely called people a r*tard or anything like that, but I would use it when making fun of myself or when referring to a bad process or something. I didn’t know it was offensive and both peers and adults around me used it the same way, so I never thought I was doing something wrong. OBVIOUSLY I no longer use the word because I’m much more informed now (and I’m now also aware of how much that word has been specifically used against autistic people). but yeah, I’m embarrassed about it but I’d also be upset if someone wanted to “cancel” me because of something I said in 2014 that was out of ignorance and that I’ve since corrected. so I have a hard time judging people too harshly off of past comments and such. we’re all growing all the time, you know?
sorry that got a bit off topic lol but I’d say it’s totally up to you to decide if you want to keep listening to the podcast. don’t feel anxious about other people finding it “problematic” or anything. that’s important to a certain degree but tbh your happiness is more important in this situation (obviously that’s not always the case but here I think the comment was innocuous enough that you can ignore it IF you’re comfortable doing so)
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