#also yeah this is why he's a werewolf. so maybe it will come up
deoidesign · 1 year
Hi! im not sure if you read tags on reblogs. But your recent drawing of Steve in trans colours.. was that meant to be a reference to the Vibes he has, or is it a confirmation of anything...? He'll still be transition goals no matter the answer, but i was just curious how /hj or /srs it was.
It's serious! He's trans. Got transed by werewolves.
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theemporium · 7 months
Hiii!!! This is my first request but I love your writing so I know you won’t lead me astray!! Im thinking about 💰 with sugar daddies Charlos who maybe find out reader has needed something really badly (maybe something like school textbooks or the like) and instead of asking them, she has been saving up and stressing about it or even looking for grants/scholarships and they find out and are like ☹️ “why didn’t you tell us???” And it’s just really fluffy and sweet!!
(ALSO,,, pleaseee when the proper time comes and if you want to, write the werewolf!lestappen request!! It sounds so good!!)
Thank you loads xx
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
You were going to turn yourself grey with the stress this paper was giving you.
The whole class had been taking over your life in the worst way possible. It had a low pass rate, the paper was worth a majority of your grade and the professor that already seemed like a dick seemed to have it out for you—or at least that's what it felt like with all the feedback you received from her.
It was overwhelming and frustrating and it seemed like no matter how hard you tried, it wasn’t getting any easier.
Your tipping point had been when the professor announced a massive essentials reading list that you had to complete before you started the paper, along with the announcement that she expected to see each one in the reference. The kicker? None of the papers or textbooks were available in the library or free online. It seemed like you had to pay for it. 
And if being a student with crippling debt wasn’t enough, the price of academic textbooks could have sent you to an early grave. 
You had resorted to picking up a job with crappy shifts at a bar on campus. The hours were horrible, the manager was an asshole and the customers were anything but polite (mostly consisting of cocky frat boys and trust fund babies who flaunted money like it was enough to look past fake IDs). Between the hours you were pulling and the hours spent studying in the library, you barely had time to sleep—let alone keep a thriving social life. 
You hadn’t even realised you had been ignoring Charles and Carlos’ messages until you opened the door to your flat and found them waiting inside.
“Oh.” Your eyes widened, a feeling of dread washing over you. “Did I forget something? Is there a gala tonight?”
Carlos frowned, a hint of concern in his eyes. “You weren’t answering our messages.”
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, your cheeks flushing a little in embarrassment. “I didn’t take my charger to the library and then it died during my shift—”
“Your shift?” Charles repeated, his brain wracking around to figure out if he was misinterpreting your words. “What shift?”
You fell quiet, realising you had slipped up.
Carlos stepped forward, his fingers pushing your chin up when you tried to look away. “He asked you a question, amor.” 
“It was just a few shifts at the campus bar,” you murmured with a sheepish expression on your face. “It was no big deal. It was just so I could buy–”
“If you needed to buy something, you tell us,” Charles said, almost looking like a kicked puppy when he spoke. “That was our deal, cherie.”
“Yeah but,” you started but even you weren’t sure where it was going. “I thought that was for gifts and stuff…like materialistic things.”
“Whatever you need, we want to provide,” Carlos corrected you, his large hands cupping your face whilst you stared up at him with wide eyes. “Whether it’s textbooks or vacations or a car.”
“Please don’t buy me a car,” you murmured. 
Charles snorted. “We won’t, but we can. If you need it, we will.” 
“I just feel bad asking,” you admitted shyly. “It’s different when you give me things compared to when I ask.”
“Well, get used to it because I don’t want a repeat of this,” Carlos said with a frown as his eyes glanced over your face. “You look exhausted.”
“It’s been a very stressful few weeks,” you told the boys and you watched Charles’ frown deepen a little.
“Then let us help you destress,” Charles said before nodding towards your bedroom. “Go get changed. We are taking you out.”
“Charles—” You started but he cut you off.
“You’re ours to take care of, physically and financially,” Charles said, taking one of your hands in his as he pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “We will call your job and tell them you’re quitting.”
You rolled your eyes. “Please don’t say anything stupid or dramatic.”
Charles grinned. “Me? Never, cherie.”
“I’ll make sure he behaves,” Carlos told you with a smile. “Now go get ready, amor. Let us take care of our pretty girl.”
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evilminji · 9 months
Okay, you know how City Spirits are a thing?
And Superheros both Die, Un-Die, Re-Die, Dimensionally Sorta Maybe Die But Then Don't, and also never Died in the first place? And probably do at least a portion of that in Medical? While ALSO hanging out, quantumly maybe Dead, maybe alive, in their Super Cool Clubhouse?
Which is ALSO exposed to space rays, the entirety of The Magic Club, weird alien Technology, aaaaand whatever they decide to store on it??
I'm just SAYING...
For as long as dwellings Of Significance have existed, there have been house spirits. They are the IDEA of the house. The SIGNIFICANCE of it. What makes it HOME. The weight of the halls that turn into Halls. And The Watchtower? Is KNOWN to enough people, to have SIGNIFICANCE.
It's a HALL where Heros Live. A Place Of Safety. It GAURDS.
It is also inanimate. Steeped heavily in every sort of energy, be it magic or science, and multidimensional fuckery imaginable. But? Not SENTIENT. Yet.
Until of course... this new fangled Anti-Ghost Shield comes out. By the new and recently no-longer on the run (from the Goverment they're at war with) Dr.'s Fenton! Why were they are war? Don't worry about it!
They Won.
Unrelated! Never threaten their kids. They WILL find you. Not a threat, just informing!
:) :)
The security guy they sent to the expo was from Gotham, unfortunately. So he found the couple to be completely normal. They? Should not have sent Thomas. He was hired BECAUSE his parents were Mad Scientists in the making. Batman was steering him away from a life of crime. Thomas could judge "normal" from "deeply unhinged" if it belly danced infront of him, in the seduction dance of a thousand, deep fried, mackerel.
It's his version of face blindness. Great with technology though! And the shield worked a treat. Even promised to be both ethical AND programmable! Not harming the ghosts it pushed out unless they try to force entry AND allowing them to program in exceptions. Allowing Heros such as Deadman to freely enter!
Is it a little janky looking? Yeah. But if it works, it works. They add it to the systems and flip it on.
One small and immediate problem. There is now a small knight shaped child in the engine room. She was NOT there a second ago. She has controlo of the ENTIRE Watchtower, claims to BE the Watchtower, and knows all their names. Knows a disturbing level of information about every employee on the Tower.
Oh and apparently "No one is leaving."
No one panic! Just unplug the... she has swallowed the ghost shielding unit into a wall. Slightly panic.
Panic lite.
Luckily, no one is willing to throw the first punch at what appears to be a small child. So the JLA Dark have a chance to literally run over.
They demand to know who's bright idea it was to add... "ectoplasm"? Was THAT the energy source? Oooh. Their departments probably in trouble. Later though, the hero's are trying to negotiate with a small child. Who is apparently a ghost.
It's not SAFE, she's insisting. Everyone has to stay HERE where she can protect them. From the nebulous threat of Bad Guys. They LEAVE and come back HURT. She is UPSET and everyone is going to STAY! Forever!
Not good.
Then Thomas pipes up, like the oblivious asshole he is, that he should PROBABLY call the engines makers. They did mention something a long these lines might happen.
You think, Thomas? Might be a good idea, maybe? Just a bit? YES FUCKING CALL THEM!
(All right, all right! No need to YELL! *ring ring* 'Ello? Maddie? Sorry to catch you at dinner-)
So now? There is a glowing college student, who was escorted here by a WEREWOLF, who just? Tore open reality? To some green, swirling hellscape? And popped through like "sup, sorry I'm late. Was in a council meeting!" And judging by the ficking CROWN and the various quietly panicking magic users, he probably didn't mean student council, and just?
Guess he's hear to talk to their newly sentient Tower.
Question! Asks Thomas, of the fucking Ghost King because of course he does, are they Dads now? Or if they already have kids, Dads AGAIN? Do they have to come up with a baby name?
.......oh dear lord, the Ghost King looks like he has to think about it.
What are we gonna tell our SPOUSES!? "Hey honey, guess what I got at work today! A NEW CHILD. They're a space station!"
@hdgnj @nerdpoe @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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mrs-kmikaelson · 11 months
07| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader, Marcel Gerard x mostly platonic!reader Summary: Trying to figure out a way to get Klaus to trust you, you reminisce over the past and how trust was earned in a similar situation. Warnings: none Words: 3.7K
a/n: does anyone know how i can fix the gifs from like not centring? it looks fine on my laptop but horrible on mobile😭
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Strobe lights went all across the room, music blaring, but I could barely tell what song was playing, too distracted by what I was doing—or, rather, who I was about to do. I ran my fingers through his hair while his hand crept up my skirt, our kiss getting more passionate by the second.
His name didn't matter. All I cared about was the fun we were about to have. 
"Why don't we take this somewhere more private," he mumbled in between kisses. 
I nodded against him, giving him one last kiss before whispering in his ear. "Back alley." The fact that I was drunk didn't stop me from leading us across the dance floor to the back where I'd been many times before. I knew the owner—who was also a really good kisser—and so I knew where to go.
I felt the cold air hit us as soon as we got outside, despite feeling so hot. As soon as the door closed, I turned around, intending on pulling him back in for a kiss, but I almost staggered back when I saw the same man I was kissing just moments ago with veins crawling underneath his eyes, fangs protruding in his mouth.
What the fuck?
I quickly sobered up, baring my own fangs at him. The atmosphere went from hot and sexy to dark in an instant. 
His eyes widened. While his voice was surprised, there was still an undertone of hostility. "You're a vampire?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You didn't know?" God, how drunk was he? I smelt that he was a night crawler immediately. Clearly, he thought I was a human and wanted to leave so he could suck me dry.
That wasn't happening. For obvious reasons.
He cursed under his breath. For a second, I thought we'd get back to what we were doing; I mean, I just cleared this up. I was gonna be generous and continue to make out with him in spite of the fact that he just tried to kill me, but this dude just had to kill my fun, too.
He tried charging at me, but my magic worked faster than even vamp speed. Quickly, I rushed, "Motus!" and he was sent flying into the wall. My eyes widened. Fuckkkkkk, man.
I just wanted to get laid.
I wasn't supposed to do that. I was supposed to punch him, maybe snap his neck—I was supposed to do something that a vampire would do. A vampire doesn't just move things with their mind.
I thought I was soberer than that, but it seemed that the alcohol was still affecting me because I just sent a fucking vampire flying. Shock was all over the guy's face, his pretty, pretty face that I just wanted to have a good time with.
Fuck. Now I'd have to kill him.
He remained against the wall, but he didn't wait much longer before firing questions at me. "What the hell was that-"
I cut him off, "Look, man, I wasn't planning on doing a lot of talking with you tonight." Annoyance laced my voice. He didn't respond as quickly, just looking at me with an extremely analyzing gaze. I didn't doubt that he was confused. People don't just come across people like me. 
He was silent until it looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "Tribrid," he muttered under his breath, almost like I wasn't meant to hear it, but I did.
My blood went cold. "What did you just say?" I asked, but he ignored me, continuing to mutter under his breath.
"I knew a guy once—he was half wolf, half vampire." If he didn't have my attention before, he sure as hell did now. Because I only knew one person that matched that description, and that was Klaus Mikaelson.
My body went rigid while the guy took little notice, seeming to put together a bunch of puzzle pieces in his head. "Yeah-" he paused, looking up at me, "I've heard chatter. Witches saying something about a... triangle: werewolf, vampire... and witch."
Chatter? He's heard chatter? A thousand things went through my mind at once. That was impossible. Nobody knew about me. I just got to this city; there was no way witches have managed to decipher a secret I've spent centuries keeping.
Against my will, my tone was now less calm. "I don't know what you're-"
"I think you do know what I'm talking about." The guy's eyes were hard as he stared right back at me. I thought he was just some baby vamp, but it appeared that he was proving me wrong. He took a step closer to me. "You're the tribrid, aren't you?"
I almost laughed, even though I was full of nerves while, just seconds ago, I was fine. "You must have a death wish," I remarked. Maybe I could've left him alone, convinced him to forget about my display of magic and just left town. But now he not only saw that, but he also knew exactly who I was and he'd go running to tell everyone else.
He had to go. It's a shame, though, I thought, he was such a good kisser.
I stepped closer to him and he immediately got the message, eyes widening again once he realized that I had the upper hand. "No, no," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "I promise you; you do not want to kill me."
I scoffed, "And why is that?"
"Listen, I hold a lot of influence around here-"
I scoffed again. "I really don't care." Throwing power around was a politician's move, and politicians only lied to you. I wasn't gonna take my chances.
I was walking towards him, taking one step forward for every step he took back until he blurted, "My name is Marcel Gerard." At this, I stopped. Marcel Gerard... I knew that name. I stood still, racking my brain until I realized why his name sounded so familiar.
Marcel Gerard literally ruled this city. I'd been in New Orleans for not even a few days yet you could hear vampires and witches alike mentioning him often.
Damnit. Of course, I not only meet the guy who the vampires in this city worship, but I also end up locking lips with him and have him find out what I am.
I just wanted to have fun.
He saw recognition on my face, causing his own to light up. "So, you know who I am." I nodded in response, exasperatedly rolling my eyes. All of this had completely caused my buzz to dissipate into thin air. "Look..." he trailed off, making a gesture with his hands.
I rolled my again. "Y/N."
"Look, Y/N, I know what you are. I figured it out in seconds. There's already speculation of a tribrid going around with the witches-"
"Get to the fucking point, Marcel, before I just decide to kill you. Believe me, I am not in the mood to deal with this right now."
He didn't waste any more time. "I can get the witches to back off and find something else to fixate on. I can bury just the thought of a tribrid being out there, Y/N," he emphasized. 
I wonder just how dumb he thought I was. I shook my head. "So you want me not to kill you, just so you can go blab to whoever you see as soon as I leave you alone?" He shook his head right back at me.
"I won't say a thing, trust me." He paused. "We can help each other."
"Oh, c'mon-"
"No, I'm being serious," he asserted, no longer looking like he was backed into a corner but much more assured than before. "Killing me wouldn't do you any good. My people would search relentlessly for my killer, and the witches would only keep digging, possibly striking gold at some point. You keep me alive, and I can get rid of that for you." 
I only stared at him with narrow eyes. He looked confident in the bar, that's what drew me to him, but I wasn't expecting anything like this. He had a point, but that didn't mean it was enough to stop me from killing him. And if I didn't like this city, then I'd kill him without any qualms and leave. But I do like this city. I want to stay here, and I knew I couldn't stay here with him dead and with the witches suspicious.
I couldn't afford to make enemies. Right now, what I needed were friends.
I'd already made up my mind, but Marcel didn't know that, still trying to get me to see a vision that I already understood. "We can make a good team, Y/N."
I didn't say anything for a few more seconds, thinking everything over in my mind. I could possibly be making the biggest mistake of my life right now, I thought. But I was already set. I kept my voice cold and devoid of emotion. "I'm giving you twenty-four hours to make this witch thing go away, Marcel."
A weight was lifted off his shoulders. "And I'll do just that." I wasn't gonna stick around much longer. This was already much more conversation than I was anticipating to have tonight, and we clearly weren't gonna have sex, so without another thought, I sped out of the alley.
Little did I know, that night marked the start of one of the rest of my life in New Orleans.
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I was pulled out of my reverie when I saw Marcel came into my vision, sitting down on the chair opposite to me. We started out trying to kill each other, and now look: we were meeting for coffee. 
I didn't trust him when I first met him, even after he made my problems with the witches disappear. That wasn't enough. And it also wasn't enough for him to insist I work with him. Those were things he was doing for his own benefit, so, of course, that didn't inspire my trust in him.
I only started trusting Marcel after he opened up to me about his past. Doing that, getting vulnerable with someone—that showed that you trusted them. And what better way to get someone to trust you than to show that you trust them?
I wasn't just reminiscing for the sake of it. The way Marcel got me to trust him was what I'd been forgetting throughout all my interactions with Klaus. I couldn't just ask him to trust blindly, the same way Marcel couldn't ask me to, or the same way I couldn't get the witches to.
I needed a show of good faith. The trick was just figuring out what.
"Hey, Y/N/N." 
I nodded back to Cellie's greeting, pushing a tumbler over to his side of the table. While I actually liked coffee, Marcel wasn't a fan. "Got you your drink."
He grinned. "Ah, have I told you how much I love you recently?"
"Definitely not enough," I quipped back. "Now drink." His smile only got wider as he brought the tumbler up to his lips, sipping from his blood while I worked at finishing my Americano.
It's been about a week since I gave the contract to Klaus and went out with Marcel and Cami, who were now accepting the title of "dating" (after lots of resistance from Cami's side). Things have otherwise been quiet. I've been over to the Abattoir a few times to speak with Elijah, sometimes speaking to Hayley, and rarely talking to Klaus, but everything was fine if you didn't count the fact that he was still staring at me every time I came over.
You'd think that I'd be the one behaving that way after constantly seeing my father, his baby mama, and his brother, but nope. I've been calm; the whole Mikaelson thing has been getting to me less, but Klaus would look at me like he was trying to pick apart everything I said or did.
Sooner or later, it wouldn't matter how well I kept my secret. He was just gonna keep digging, so I needed to stop him before he struck gold.
"How's D been doing?" He asked, and the Mikaelsons were instantly pushed to the back of my mind. Davina had that effect.
"She's been good. Doing her school work, getting better with her magic by the day. You should come by for dinner soon, actually."
"Yeah, I-" he cut himself off when a "ping" sounded. He glanced down at his phone on the table, muttering a curse under his breath. When he looked back up at me, his expression was a mix of annoyance at the disturbance and apology. "Sorry, Y/N/N, I've gotta-"
"No, no, it's fine," I told him. "Go on and deal with it." He gave me a silent thank you before getting up, kissing my cheek in parting.
"I'll make it up to you. Dinner at mine," he said, walking away backwards. I smiled, telling him I'd see him later, and then he was out the door. Although we'd been sitting for all of one minute before he had to go, I wasn't irritated. He was getting back into the groove with the Quarter's happenings, so I'd be fully supportive.
I got up, throwing my empty coffee cup into the trash and walking out of the little café, mentally running over my schedule: housekeeping, then dinner with Marcel and Davina later. Right now, I'd go game plan my pitch to the vampires.
Or not.
Just as I was about to cross the street, a black car abruptly skirted in front of me, making me jump back. Before I could make anything of it, two men stepped out of it. Their expressions were practically lifeless, not a trace of emotion in sight.
"Get into the car," one of them ordered, causing me to furrow my brows. What the fuck?
I voiced my concerns not a moment later. "Excuse me?"
The other one stepped forward as if he was threatening me. I looked him up and down. Who the fuck was he stepping to like that? "Ma'am, you're gonna need to get into the car willingly before we force you to." 
Force me to? I only stared at him, debating on whether or not I was gonna bash his head into the car he was threatening me to get into in front of any passers-by. I was then reminded of the exact thing I was on my way to work on: the peace pacts. If I exacted any violence, that wouldn't be setting the right example.
Still, though, I was tempted.
After a few seconds of eying them both, I realized I not only knew them, but I also understood what was happening here.
These were some of Marcel's old vampires.
And they were compelled.
Damnit. I glanced to the car behind them. I was willing to bet money that, inside that very car, sat Klaus. I rolled my eyes. A week ago, I would've been more put off by this, and I was, but I was more annoyed than anything.
I'd find some way to get him to trust me later, but if I didn't get into this car right now, then he'd only become even more suspicious of me, and I didn't need that.
I shook my head in disbelief that I was even gonna do this, gesturing for them to move so I could get into the car. One of them opened the back door for me and I got in.
I turned to my left, fully expecting Klaus to be sitting next to me, but instead I was met with the sight of a blonde with big, voluminous curls and bright blue eyes. Despite fitting into the dumb blonde mold exactly, I knew she was anything but.
This was Rebekah Mikaelson.
I (hopefully) hid my shock quickly, but my eyes still narrowed. My mind raced, wondering what the hell she could possibly want from me. I first jumped to conclusions, but I shut them down immediately, knowing that there was no way anyone knew I was related to the Mikaelsons, including the Mikaelsons themselves.
While I'd been visiting the Abattoir often, Rebekah was basically nowhere to be found. I never would've guessed that this was how I'd be meeting her, being pushed into a car by vampires acting like they were secret service. But, with the Mikaelsons, so far nothing has gone as I expected it.
When she turned to me, she didn't stop and observe me first like her brother did. I'd learned from my research that Rebekah Mikaelson was impulsive, possibly even more so than Klaus. So it didn't surprise me when she cut right to the chase. 
"You must be Y/N," she said. Her voice sounded like honey and a smile was on her lips, but it didn't take rocket science to know that it was all an act. "I'm Rebekah Mikaelson, but I'm sure you're already aware of that." 
I was. And so I said that. "I am." 
She hummed at my response, indirectly reminding me so much of Klaus. She pressed a button to her side, causing the partition to roll up, never looking away from me once. Her smile then quickly dropped. "What are you doing with Marcel?"
Now, I couldn't hide the surprise on my face. "What?"
"You heard me," she asserted, unwilling to elaborate any further and just continuing to look at me, waiting for a reply.
Out of all the reasons she could've pulled me into this car, that one had never even crossed my mind. I paused for a few seconds, thinking over how I'd respond. I knew Rebekah and Marcel had history, and Rebekah had created a reputation for herself as not only being a lover, but a rather possessive one.
Saying the wrong thing here could get me into a tight situation I did not want to be in, so I had to be sure that my words wouldn't piss her off. "He's my friend," I told her, but she didn't look very convinced.
"Really?" She questioned, sarcasm noticeable in her voice. "Are you so cozy with all of your friends? Because you both looked rather close in that café." So she was watching us.
I backtracked, remembering how he kissed me on the cheek on his way out. I see how that could look bad to some people, especially his ex-girlfriend who seemed much more attached to him than he let on. From the way Marcel told the story, him and Rebekah were over, but the way she was acting didn't suggest that at all.
Suddenly, Camille was brought to the forefront of my mind. "We are close," I defended. "I've known him a long time, and we're just friends." I could've left it there—should've left it there, but with Cami on my mind I couldn't help but add, "Besides, he has a girlfriend."
Rebekah narrowed her eyes at me; although, something told me she was already conscious of that little fact. Her jaw tensed, making me more alert. While Elijah and even Klaus wouldn't immediately deal with their problems physically, I knew Rebekah was a different story.
She was smart, don't get me wrong, but if there was something to know about her it was that her emotions overpowered her mind more often than not. She was impulsive, and so this could go real bad, real quick.
I had to get out of this.
I decided to just say something instead of letting her make the first move. If I said something first, then I could take control of the situation and spin it before she could.
"Look," I started. "Marcel and I have a completely platonic relationship." Well, not completely, but I wasn't gonna tell her that. "After we met, I was just helping him keep things running smoothly in the Quarter, the same thing I'm doing with your family now."
While her expression remained blank, I could tell I was swaying her in the right direction. She just needed one last push. "We talk so often because of Davina. She's important to both of us, and we just want to make sure she gets the childhood she deserves." Her eyes immediately softened, and I knew I got her.
Davina was just a child. As ruthless as Rebekah could be, she still had humanity inside her—Marcel had told me this time and time again when he was under the influence. There was something in her that he fell for, and it was her ability to care when she really wanted to.
She finally looked away from me. "I understand," she said. If I knew anything about her, then I knew she was probably embarrassed right now. It turned out that Rebekah's emotional nature had actually helped, not harmed. "Sorry for the inconvenience," she apologized, but her eyes never met mine.
She rolled the partition back down, telling the driver to stop the car and unlock the doors. "You're free to go, Y/N." I stared at her for a few seconds, wondering if there was anything else I was supposed to say, but I came up empty. So I just got out of the car and watched as they drove away right after.
Once I could no longer see the car, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
I just met Rebekah Mikaelson.
And I just barely dodged a bullet. I directed my thoughts away from freaking out because I just met yet another member of my family to how I was gonna fix the problem I had.
I couldn't keep tiptoeing on this tight-rope around the Mikaelsons. Sooner or later, I'd fall. I needed to do something to get them, all of them, to trust me. If they caught me at the right time, then everything could be exposed.
I had all of these thoughts running through my mind until a light bulb went off, and all of the puzzle pieces suddenly assembled themselves into a clear picture.
I knew what to do.
I had my show of good faith.
Taglist: @scrynexxtins @thisnameistaken1234 @honestlycasualarcade @xlittlestarling @thatgirljas13 @rosecentury
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skulla-rxcks · 7 months
A wolfs puppies
Paring: werewolf!chan x fem reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: smut
Warnings: cr3ampie, breedlng
Day 31 of k-tober
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Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28
A/n: sorta pt2 of werewolf in heat, it’s not needed to read it but you’ll understand what’s happening better if you do :)
P.s; i’m afraid kinktober has come to an end, thank you for all the new supporters and all of the reads on my stuff throughout this month, as much as it’s been tiring for me, i’m really fucking thankful for all of you <3
It’s been a while since I’ve been in the woods, after what happened last time I mean; a whole fucking werewolf fucked me against a tree, definitely something that wouldn’t happen on a daily day basis, hell. I didn’t even believe in myths like werewolves before then. Maybe I should go back and see how he’s doing, If I remember correctly Chan was his name.
Anyways I should probably head off now, maybe I’ll bring him some food too? Maybe I’ll meet others like him sometime. I sigh going to my fridge and grabbing a chunk of cooked beef, he’d eat that right? Either way, I slip on my boots and exit my house, as I shut the door I think about why the fuck am I going out at like 12AM again, but whatever I guess, it’s a full moon tonight so hopefully that’ll up my chances of him showing up.
I made my way to the path once again and begin to walk down it, a smile forming on my face as I see the familiar trees get closer and closer to me. I continue to walk down the pavement until I reach the lake, taking a seat on the log before frantically looking around if I can find the strange creature from about a week ago.
The stars are brighting so I pay my attention to them as I’m waiting for the man/werewolf thing to come out of the shadows. It doesn’t take long until I hear a rustle in the bushes, followed along with someone tapping my shoulder.
“Oh, you’re back” a voice says to me, I turn around. It’s Chan, it’s really him. “Y-yeah I uhm, wanted to see how you were doing.” I stutter as my cheeks become visibly flustered.
“Ah, I’m not too bad myself, what about you?” He replies. As I’m thinking of an answer I pull the slab of meat out from my bag and hand it to him. “I’m okay, t-this is for you, I sort of have an idea what you’ll eat but I also don’t..” I turn my head embarrassed.
“Oh thank you~ of course I’ll eat anything from you.” The creature smirks. “So why did you come here this late again? It’s pretty dangerous for a girl to be walking alone in the woods, or perhaps.. you wanted something from me” Chan whispers into my ear before pulling away to see my bright red face.
“I.. I told you, I just.. wanted to see how you’ve been and if you want anything else from me..” a splash of fear and lust runs through my veins, also being visible on my face too.
“Hmm? Only that? Fucking boring, well may I at least one thing. Has your body recovered from me breaking your pretty little cunt yet..?” He grins, taking my hands in his.
“C-chan.. why are you asking?” I question, feeling my cunt grow wet as I drip down my thighs.
“Because I want to fuck you again. I want to breed you, fill you with my puppies and claim you as mine.” He responds boldly with no hesitation at all, making me gasp in shock as I feel my body growing weak due to the slutty words he’s saying to me.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about how fucking good you felt around me. Please, may I?” Chan asks me, I nod in response letting the strange werewolf begin to strip me of my clothes, he unbuttons my jeans and slides my panties off, taking my shirt and bra off slowly after, he licks his lips at the sight of my tits, wanting to touch me, wanting to fuck me, but most importantly; Wanting to pleasure me until I can’t take it anymore.
“Channie… please.” Whimpers fell out of my mouth as he begins to make circular motions with his fingers around my clit, making me buck my hips for more. “Patience baby doll.” Chan chuckles, moving his head down between my thighs and taking my swollen clit In into his mouth and sucking on it lightly. “Mmgh.. more.. I need you inside of me..” I cry out. He thrusts two fingers into my cunt slowly changing the speed and pressure of the thrusts. “There you go, I’m inside of you now”
“N-no..” I whine. “No?”
“Dick.. I want your dick.. I need your cock in me..” I plead, needing more of him so fucking badly.
“You whine so fucking much..” he growls, positioning his tip at my opening before slowly pushing me open, I let out an airy gasp as he does so. It’s almost like I’ve forgotten how thick his cock is. “B-big” I moan, wrapping my legs around his waist as he begins to pound in and out of my tight, wet hole, stretching it really fucking good. Way better than last time we did this. “Yeah fuck.. god you’re such a good girl.” He praises me, this thrusts getting more and more rougher than ever before, making me squeal out in pleasure. “Shh” he chuckles, connecting his lips to mine making our mouths dance together, as well as our tongues.
“Chan..~” I moan into the kiss, feeling myself get tighter as I drive closer towards my orgasm, hoping he also is. “Mm, I wanna fill your pretty hole with my pups..” Chan teases, pulling away from the kiss to watch my face as he’s fucking me good, making my body into his property. “Please.. please” I answer him, wanting him to feel me with his seed until I can’t take anymore. “Yeah? You wanna get filled with my cum until you take all of my puppies?” He teases, a chuckle escaping his mouth as he hears how god damn eager I am for him to thoroughly breed my cunt until his balls are dead empty from spilling all of his semen inside of my hole. “Yes.. yes please, give me your babies.. please Chan..” I beg again, tears beginning to swell up in my eyes from how badly I want this.
“Mm, I’m gonna fill you up. You ready babes?” He smirks, holding my body still holding himself from releasing as he waits for my answer. “M-mhm, do it.. I want to carry your puppies.” I cry out, my pussy tightening around his cock as he finally, fills me up with his seed, not pulling out until he’s certain that all of it’s gone into my womb. I climax not long after, my nails scraping into his back as I cum around him. “Do you wanna come back to mine for a bit? So we’re out of this shitty looking forest?” I ask, blushing. “Of course babes.”
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magicalqueennightmare · 5 months
The Originals
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(Eventual) Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Rebekah takes you to meet her brothers
This was insane, you were actively avoiding going to the place you could call your own. You were back to crashing in hotels and the nearest couch or your nova. Why, one may ask? You weren't trying to avoid Rebekah, technically.
You'd answer her calls and even her texts. If you were being honest the two of you had actually developed a pretty good friendship since you met. She wasn't the problem. The problem was your vampiric friend wanted you to meet her family. Rebekah was one thing, while you knew she was dangerous she'd never made a move against you and had never even asked to be invited into your home. 
Her brothers on the other hand? She'd told you stories about them. Klaus was a hybrid, vampire and werewolf. He had also daggered her numerous times for going against his wishes. What if he decided to simply kill you then dagger her until she got over it? Against any other vamp you'd bet on yourself but an original? And a hybrid at that? Yeah you were scared. As for Elijah she'd said he was calmer than Klaus on most things but that his beast was just better hidden beneath tailored suits and a charming smile. Kol was a wild card, Rebekah had said even she had a hard time reading his temperament at any given moment. 
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So your plan was to stay away from New Orleans for a few weeks. Who knows, maybe you were just a new shiny toy and she'd get tired of you? Unfortunately you hadn't planned on Garth calling you to take care of a ghoul problem in Chalmette which was about twenty minutes outside of New Orleans. 
Which meant you were now heading on the road to Chalmette in hopes to take care of the problem before Rebekah realized you were nearby again. 
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You walked slowly into the door of your apartment. You were sore as hell and your torso was bruised but all in all you'd fared well going against a pack of ghouls solo. You'd never heard Garth curse before you called to tell him that it had indeed been a pack, not a couple of ghouls. He'd apologized profusely but you'd told him it wasn't a big deal, you'd made it through just fine. Kyle was now black listed from hunting for failure to give accurate information but that was well deserved.
Being hurt meant you had no choice but to go home. No hotel would be comfortable enough. You dropped your bags next to the door and locked it. A hot shower was due then you wanted to crash for a few hours.
You had just laid across your bed when your phone rang. You snatched it off the nightstand and glanced at the screen, Rebekah. “Hello?” You laid back amongst the pillows as her voice hit your ears “Are you back in town yet?” You nodded and then said “Yeah, just got back but I'm crashing for the next however many hours I can manage” “What was it?” She asked “Pack of ghouls” “Savage little creatures aren't they? I'll leave you to rest but I'm coming by tomorrow. We're going shopping then you're coming by my place with me” 
“Rebekah..” you tried but she cut you off “They'll be on their best behavior, I promise. Bring weapons if you need to feel safer” you let out a breath then said “Ok. Just make it later tomorrow so I can sleep in?” “Of course” with that she hung up so you plugged your phone in and was asleep almost time your head hit the pillow.
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You walked behind Rebekah feeling the nerves roll through your stomach as you looked around at the house. It was in the center of the french quarter and nothing short of elegant. It had a fucking courtyard for Christ's sake. Now you were feeling twice as out of place as you did before. Not only were you a human and a hunter walking into the home of the Original vampires but you were poor too. Hunting wasn't exactly lucrative, you got by on a card that was attached to a bank account in Sweden that a friend had set up by removing money from some very bad people. 
She looked back at you and smiled “Come on now, don't lurk in the doorways. Klaus enjoys doing that enough for all of us” you plastered a small smile onto your face all the time wondering what the hell were you doing.
She led the way into the sitting room. You swallowed down the nerves in your stomach to see only one man inside. At least it was just one of her brothers? 
He glanced up when the two of you walked in but did a double take when he noticed you “Sister, what have you dragged home?” You spun towards him at that comment “Excuse me?” 
You saw the hint of a smile pulling at his lips “Oh I like this one” Rebekah laughed lightly “Easy Kol. She may hurt you human or not” he eyed you for a moment then nodded and offered his hand  “Nice to meet you”  you shook his hand “I'd like to say the same but we'll see won't we?” a laugh escaped him at that “I see why you like her. Klaus and Elijah should be back anytime. Let's see how they like your little hunter” 
He left the room after that something about having a date so you turned to look at Rebekah “If your brothers kill me I'm going to find a way to haunt you the rest of your life and considering you're a vampire that's a very long time” she laughed lightly “I promise I'll make sure you have a way to haunt me” “Not very promising there Rebekah”
You heard a man's voice calling her name and felt the tattoo on your shoulder twitch. The two men that walked into the room were nothing short of gorgeous. 
One had lighter colored hair, cut short that was almost curly in places. He was wearing jeans and a henley with blue eyes watching your every movement. You'd be willing to bet money on that one being Klaus. 
That meant the other was one Elijah. He had darker hair, styled perfectly. He was wearing a suit that was obviously made for him and hugged his shoulders deliciously. Brown eyes held your gaze. 
“Rebekah?” You spoke after a moment looking over at her. She smiled then did the introductions between all of you. 
“So this is the hunter you've been spending time with” Klaus acknowledged walking over to where you stood. Your mind was screaming to step back, give room between yourself and this man. The hybrid. You knew though that space wouldn't do any good if he meant you harm and besides if he chose to kill you, the last thing you did would not be to cower. He stared you down for a moment and you felt the urge to drop your gaze, to show some kind of submission but you refused to give in to it. Even if it caused a throbbing just behind your eyes. 
After a moment a smile split his face “Oh she is something indeed isn't she?” He looked amused and that was when it hit you, the urge to submit. He'd been trying to compel you and you hadn't given in. The surprising part was his amusement at that fact. 
He stepped aside and that was when you realized Elijah's eyes were now focused on you. You fought the urge to squirm under his attention. He was absolutely gorgeous, a sculpted jawline and a smile that flickered to his lips with a capability to make the strongest knees go weak. Damn, were you attracted to a vampire? To Rebekah's oldest brother at that? 
He studied you much the same way Kol and Klaus had. “Must be strong magic infused in that tattoo of yours if Niklaus failed to compel you” you shrugged “My line of work I can't exactly leave my neck open as an appetizer. I have an anti possession tattoo as well along with a few others that give me some protection from different odds and ends of the supernatural world” 
He nodded slowly “I must say my sister has the strangest taste in companions” without much thought process you did the thing you always did which was to allow yourself to be as surprised at what came out of your mouth as everyone else around you was “Well I mean with brothers like the lot of you she needs a different flavor of crazy every now and then as a break” 
Klaus and Rebekah exchanged a look out of the corner of your eye as all three vampires went still before laughter broke out of them all “She does fit in well doesn't she?” Elijah asked Rebekah then turned to you “You're welcome in our home and you have my word no harm will fall to you inside these walls” you smiled “Thank you” he nodded then looked at Klaus “Come Niklaus we still have business to attend to” 
Before he left Elijah shook your hand “Pleasure to meet you” you watched him walk out along with Klaus and felt Rebekah at your side before she whispered “Please tell me you're not checking my brother out” You cut your eyes at her “I wasn't” she raised an eyebrow “For a hunter you're a terrible liar at times” you shook your head then motioned around “Well show me around the place!” 
Governor's Ball
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deansapplepie · 3 months
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Marchweres Day 1-2
Prompt: Full Moon, Shapeshifting, Predator-Prey
Pairing: Werewolf! Daryl Dixon x f!Reader
Word Count: 1,5k
Warnings: NSFW, smut, predator-prey dynamic, at first it looks like they don’t know each other (it soon is proved to be the opposite), a little role-play maybe(?), mentions of fingering, mentions of cunnilingus, teasing, dirty talking, dumbfication if you squint, praising. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+
A/N: I wrote the werewolf thing in a vibe more Twilight, but at the same time I’m creating my own things about it.
Also, It may or may not be in twd universe. You can consider anything. There’s no mentions of walkers or the apocalypse.
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It was full moon. She was big, round and high on the sky. Despite not having a single light with you, it illuminated well almost everything and it also created shadows.
You walked by yourself in the woods, a dumb choice most people would say. The full moon was when monsters crawled from their holes and came to earth so they could feed from humans. Or at least, that was what your grandmother said. You never believed on this shit, until you listened to a howl, and by how the sound was high it came from somewhere close to you.
How could you forget there were wolves in those woods? Why did you come to the woods in the first place?
The leaves rustled nearby, you looked to your sides and saw nothing. You felt a warm breath on your nape and turned very slowly, your heart beaten fast, and the nervousness was all around you. When you turned back you were presented to a big dark brown wolf, it was the biggest wolf you had ever seen, his nose was in the same height as your face. It was so furry and had some white hair here and there, specially around the snout. The wolf’s eyes were a bright blue that could be recognized anywhere, because you never saw something as shiny as it. It let out a small huff and showed a little of teeth and you interpreted that as “Run.”
Your instincts heightened and you turned your back to it and started running. You knew it was stupid. You knew you had no chance. Your 2 little legs against the ginormous wolf 4 legs? No chance! You ran as if your life depended on this. You took some glances at your back and you saw it chasing you. It could be faster, but it wasn’t the intention. The Wolf was playing with you, playing with the food.
You ran as much as your body allowed you, until you were faced with a Stone Mountain, and you had nowhere to go, you turned back to the monster and saw it approaching you, cornering you… planning the exact moment it would jump on you. His blue eyes illuminated the night like two lanterns. You looked both sides, no way to run and you looked back again, it was like he had a grin on his animal face before attacking you and tackling you to the ground.
You closed your eyes for an instant anticipating the fall, the fluffy leaves made floor of the place welcomed your body and when you opened your eyes, there he was… a huge man caging you to the ground, his hands holding yours up your head, his medium length hair falling like a curtain in his face, his wavy hair framing his face, that same blue eyes now adorning his face and when your eyes roomed lower you were presented with his marvelous chest full of scars from old battles and tattoos. Going a little lower you could see his happy trail and your eyes tentatively roomed down, until you heard him. “Ma eyes are up here sunshine…” the gruff voice sending chills throughout your body.
Your eyes moved back to his face and he couldn’t hide the amusement on his face. You smirked at him, and he continued to talk. “You probably sucked at playing hide and seek.” He took a long sniff on your neck and continued to talk in your ear. “Ya were all around the woods. Can’t even hide yourself for living. And yer smell? Could smell your arousal miles away before finding ya.”
“It’s because of the expectation of you catching me.” You admitted.
“Yes, of what you’re going to do to me.”
It was true your grandmother told you everything about werewolves, but she never told you how it was to be one or live with one. And if there was one thing you learned it was that every full moon they got so much energy accumulated, having to control themselves and spend this energy hunting… but that wasn’t the best way of spending this energy, it was till they matured and learned that sex was the best option to go through this phase. Just after meeting him you got to learn all of this.
Knowing this, that night, you decided to do a game. More like a tag game than hide and seek, to spend some energy, for the adrenaline to run in your veins, especially his, to build the expectation. But while you did that, you couldn’t help but feel excited all the way through to your ending agreed point.
“So what will the big bad wolf do to me?” You asked looking at him with the best clueless look you could manage to give him.
He held a laugh at your act. “What do ya suggest?”
“I don’t know, this was your idea…”
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For fuck’s sake, you had already lost count of how many times he had made you cum. It was like his battery was never low. He started fingering and eating you out, then he made his sick game of teasing your folds, clit and entrance with his dick but not doing what you needed the most… next thing he hammered into you for so long that you lost count of time.
Now after your, god knows how many, orgasm he pounded into you, producing the filthiest sounds of your juices and bodies colliding against each other. You had your arms folded in front of you so you could support your face and prevent from laying it against the leaves, your ass up high while he grabbed your hips and fucked you senseless, otherwise you’d not be able to hold yourself in the position.
“D-D-D-Daryl…” you cried while he hit that spot again and again.
“D-D-D-D…” he mocked you. “So fucked up that can’t even say one simple word.”
Damn… he loved you in every way he could have you, but gods he loved to watch your ass while he disappeared inside of you. He grunted with his thoughts and what he saw in front of him and felt. How could him have so many dirty thoughts about you when he was already doing the dirty?
One of his hands came to your body and helped your body up to be flush against his while he continued trusting his hips on you. One of his hands wandered up your body stopping for a little on your breasts and then continuing its way to your neck stopping there, no pressure just giving you the sensation of being held there. His other hand traveled from your hips down to your clit rubbing torturing circles on it. You whined and whimpered against him, feeling that one more time you were getting close to your release.
“Fuck. Ya always do so good for me, taking everything I give you.” He breathed on your ear. “Do ya have any idea off how good you make me feel?”
Your body trembled, a bunch of moans and incoherent words coming from your lips, you had reached your orgasm one more time. He felt that he was finally getting there, he continued riding your orgasm till he felt like he couldn’t hold it anymore. He pulled out, his cock rubbing up and down between your folds while you where still coming out from your orgasm. He bursted in pleasure spending his seed on your stomach and on the floor. Even though he was deeply tempted on finishing inside of you, he couldn’t. You still didn’t feel prepared to have his puppies so he was waiting for your time.
He laid on the floor holding you in his arms waiting for both of you to recover your breaths. You turned around and your mouth found his giving him a passionate kiss. “I love you, but I don’t know if I can walk.” You pouted.
“Don’t need ta. I’ll carry you home.” He said nuzzling your hair. “I love you, and thank you for spending this time with me.”
“Next full moon again?” You asked, and he laughed he couldn’t believe you had enjoyed this crazy idea.
“If ya want to, yeah.”
You dressed your clothes, Daryl helping you and then you realized he didn’t dress the clothes you brought him on your backpack. “I’m not walking home with your naked ass. Nothing against it, but what if people see it?
“I ain’t walking.” He shifted again into his wolf form and signed with his snout for you to get on his back.
“Really? This isn’t what I imagine when you ask me to ride you.” You joked, he left a huff from his nose, and you knew that was a snort.
He lowered himself so you could get on his back, you laid there on his dark brown fur, one leg on each side and your arms around his neck. As soon as you were on his back and holding yourself, he ran through the woods, this time not behind you, but with you.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
MDNI banner by @cafekitsune
Cute Paw divider by @lazyneonrabbitt
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
Do you think John ever used to hit Sam and Dean? If so do you think he hit one of specifically or do you think he hit the both of them?
I don't think there's any solid evidence that John hit Sam and Dean. Some people do believe he did at least a few times (maybe when he was drinking—see: 7.03). I can't think of anything that I believe would 100% confirm John hit either of them.
I can think of three episodes that might imply Dean was occasionally physically abused by John:
1.14 "Nightmare": Dean's "All things considered". Haunting little set of screencaps.
5.16 "Dark Side of the Moon": This one is mainly down to jacting joices. When the brothers enter Sam's memory of running away to Flagstaff, Dean gets upset as Sam's lack of memory of the ramifications. Dean says "Well, you don’t remember, do you? You ran away on my watch. I looked everywhere for you. I thought you were dead. And when Dad came home…" The look Dean gives on that last line tends to stick with people.
9.07 "Bad Boys": In the scene where Dean and Sonny first meet, Dean has finger-shaped bruises all over his wrists. Sonny first asks if the deputy harmed Dean, then asks if it was John. Dean says it was a werewolf, but that story doesn't necessarily make sense either.
Another suggestive hint comes from young Sam in 7.03 "Girl Next Door":
YOUNG AMY Yeah, well, she [my mom] has a temper. Sometimes. It's... no big deal. YOUNG SAM My dad does, too. You don't want to see him when he's drinking.
Sam doesn't necessarily understand the implication of physical abuse in this scene, but he later finds out that Amy's mother is physically abusive toward Amy. We also knew that John had a drinking problem long prior to 7.03. Sam in particular resents this to the point of making several references to John's excessive drinking in 1.01 inside his apartment building. He says John's probably just "Working overtime on a Miller Time shift", then tells Jess that John's probably somewhere with "Jim, Jack, and Jose” (these are all brands of alcohol for anyone unfamiliar).
While 7.03 seems potentially damning, Sam explicitly denies that John physically abused him in 1.14 "Nightmare". When confronted with Max's extensive physical abuse, he ends the episode being thankful that they had John instead of some other dad who might not have coped as well:
Well, it coulda gone a whole other way after Mom. A little more tequila and a little less demon hunting and we woulda had Max's childhood. All things considered, we turned out ok. Thanks to him.
One might also consider how Sam responds to hearing about abusive relationships in 1.14 and 2.17 with Max and Madison respectively. He asks Max why he didn't just leave when the abuse continued into his adulthood, and suggests that he doesn't see Madison as the type to be caught up in an abusive relationship (questions that do make one wince, yeah...)
My own thinking is the following: I don't think there's anything wrong with exploring the idea that physical abuse did occur. I think John's well-documented neglect is enough child abuse for me personally. I think 1.14 probably rules out John hitting Sam (but one could argue otherwise). I think some incidents can be used to suit the narrative that John hit Dean, but I don't find any of the hints we're given are concrete proof of physical abuse.
1.14's "All things considered" line might be interpreted as a convincing suggestion that Dean suffered physical abuse, but it also might just represent Dean slowly trading places with Sam over the season as the John Defender, as he becomes more and more angry with their father (especially considering 1.14 comes after both of Dean's pleas for help went unanswered in 1.09 and 1.12, and 1.11 where he says he wishes he could stand up to John).
5.16 comes down to a look that, at the end of the day, could be interpreted a multitude of ways (and if I think about it... it seems to me that words would haunt Dean more at that point in his life than fists).
It seems to me that 9.07 might actually rule out John being responsible for Dean's injuries. John had been gone on a hunt when Dean got caught for stealing, leaving Sam and Dean behind at a motel. John had been gone long enough for Dean to risk gambling to try and get more cash. This suggests John had been gone for a while, meaning Dean and John probably hadn't been in the same room for a while. This also means I'm not sure if I buy Dean's story about a werewolf though (John was on a Rugaru hunt. Dean wasn't with him).
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Right After All: Final Part
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: A hunt takes you to the mountains where werewolves are. A serious injury forces feelings to be confessed and hearts to be sewn on sleeves.
Right After All Masterlist
Square Filled: “I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” (2021) for @spnquotebingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Okay, Dean’s single. He’s single which means you have free reign to date him if you want to. What are you talking about? ‘If you want to’? You want to. Yes, you do want to. You’ve wanted to since the moment you set eyes on him. How the hell are you going to bring this up to him? What if he doesn’t want you? It’s been a week since you’ve talked to Clarissa but Dean hasn’t said anything to you. Maybe he won’t and if he won’t, you’re sure as hell not going to.
It’s harder to confront your feelings because you’ve quit your nursing job as much as it pained you to do it. You’re a hunter full time now which is something you’ve wanted since Disneyland, but you’re not going to stop being a nurse. If a hunter needs your help, you’re going to do whatever you can to heal them.
Over the past week, you and Dean have been practicing your fighting skills which has given him plenty of opportunities to say something to you. Maybe you two aren’t meant to be. Maybe you should man up and ask him about it. You have to focus on the hunt before you can even think about your potential relationship with Dean.
There is a pack of werewolves attacking campers that need your attention so you’re going to do your job and help those people first. While Sam and Dean get ready, you’re standing on the small porch of the motel and stare at the beach right next to it. This place is the closest thing to the hunting grounds which is good for you because you love the ocean. Too bad none are in Kansas.
“Y/N?” You turn to Dean. “We’re ready to go.”
You head to the car but Dean stops you before you can get inside.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just thinking.”
“Oh, okay.”
He grabs the handle of the car door but you stop him this time.
You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. No, you can’t do this now.
“Never mind.”
You get into the back seat of the car while Dean slides in behind the wheel. It’s a short drive to the trail where you’ll have to walk the rest of the way. You three trek through the woods until you come to the campsite you know the werewolves favor since it’s in the middle of their hunting grounds. You three look like hikers instead of hunters which you hope won’t tip off the werewolves.
“Thank God,” you laugh when you see them. “People. We’re lucky we found you. We’re as lost as someone can get. Do you know where the nearest hiking trail is?”
“What’s the rush? We’re about to cook something to eat. Want to join?”
“Why not?” Sam chuckles.
You join their group and sit down at the fire next to a man who hasn’t stopped looking at you. You smile politely at him and set your bag down on the ground. You look at Sam and Dean who give you a single nod. That’s your cue. You act like you’re taking off your jacket when really, you’re taking out the silver knife from your inner pocket. Without blinking, you stab the werewolf in the chest with the knife.
All hell breaks loose. Someone grabs you from behind and tosses you into the tree behind you, and you gasp in pain. It’s not the worst kind of pain so you immediately get up and face the female werewolf in front of you. She bares her fangs at you but you swipe the knife at her. She dodges all of your attempts until one of your swipes gets her arm. She cries out in pain as her skin sizzles from the burn.
Her claws come out and she uses them as her weapons. You don’t see them until too late and you’re thrown back into a tree. Pain erupts on your side and you look to see she slashes your skin with three nails. Dean looks at you when he hears your scream and shoves the silver knife into his werewolf’s chest. He runs at the woman who advances to you but he tackles her to the ground. She tries to bite him but he takes his knife and slices her throat vertically.
“Shit,” you gasp and press your hand to your side. Blood pours out between your fingers but you’re not going to let something like this kill you. “At least it’s not a bite mark.”
“You’re going to be okay.”
Sam kills the last werewolf in the pack so Dean picks you up bridal style. He doesn’t care if you’re getting blood in the car. He can always clean it later. He sits with you in the back so Sam drives back to the motel room. He lays down a towel on the bed but you know the blood will soak through onto the mattress.
“Where is your medical kit?”
“In my bag,” you groan.
Dean removes your jacket and uses scissors to cut your shirt open so you don’t have to move as much. You’re not worried about him seeing you in your bra since you have a more threatening matter to deal with. Sam grabs the kit and looks through it but there isn’t much that will help.
“There’s not enough to help you. I’ll run to the store. This will help until I get back.”
Sam hands the bag to Dean and doesn’t waste time. It’s you and Dean alone before you know it. Dean grabs a towel from the bathroom, wets it so it’s damp, and returns back to you. He cleans the blood as best as he can without hurting you further but every touch no matter how gentle hurts like a bitch.
“I’m so sorry,” Dean sighs.
“For what?”
“For you getting hurt.”
“Dean, come on, we both know that wasn’t your fault,” you scoff.
“Still. I should have protected you.”
“Don’t give me that sappy bullshit. This wasn’t your fault. We’re fighting monsters. Getting hurt is kind of in the job description.”
Dean lays down gauze over your wounds to help soak up some of the blood.
“Yeah, that’s the problem, Y/N. You shouldn’t have to do this. You should have stayed at your hospital and continued to be a nurse.”
You catch his eye and understand the meaning behind his words. If you’re going to confront your feelings, may as well do it now.
“You mean I should have stayed away from you?”
“It seems easier that way, no?”
You continue to stare at him as your mind races a million miles a second. He touches your side with an alcohol pad and you hiss in pain, causing you to break eye contact. Just then, Sam comes back with better medical supplies than the one in your kit. You’ll have to upgrade yours and add a bunch of shit you thought you weren't going to need. Dean easily fixes you up but the moment is over now.
You’ll head back home tomorrow after a long night’s rest. The sun is going down which means it’s your bedtime according to Sam and Dean. They let you have your own room but you’re not tired. Sure, you’re exhausted from the pain but you don’t want to sleep yet. When you know Sam and Dean are retired to their room, you sneak out of your own carefully to not break open your stitches. You slowly walk down to the beach near the motel and the water shimmers with the different colors of the sky.
You can’t keep doing this back and forth with Dean. Either he fesses up or you’re gone. You love hunting because the Winchesters make it fun but hurting every time you look at him is too damn difficult. Maybe they’ll let you back in your old hospital. Maybe you should go to a new one. Dean looks out the window and sees you standing on the small pier overlooking the ocean. Sam is already reading in bed so he leaves to give him some space. He looks both ways before crossing the street and joining you on the pier.
“I can’t keep doing this, Dean.” You whip around to face him. “I can’t live and hunt with you knowing you and Clarissa broke up. I thought you wanted space so I gave you space. I thought you needed to sort out your feelings so I didn’t say anything to you. It’s been two weeks and you’re giving me nothing. Radio silence. It’s killing me. I gotta know… Do you love me or not?” Dean stares at you with parted lips, his expression unreadable. “If you don’t, you gotta let me go because I love you so much and it hurts knowing you’re right there and I can’t touch you.”
“Fuck,” Dean whispers to himself. “Ever since we first kissed, you haven’t left my head. I’ve wanted to kiss you and hold you every night since then. Hell, I even thought about you when I was with her. I could have left Clarissa for you but people die around me, Y/N. You almost did at Disneyland and now here. Call me selfish but I’d rather lose Clarissa than you. I know you’ll be pissed at me for saying that but it’s the truth. At least if I was with her, I still got to see you.”
“I make my own decisions, Dean. You don’t get people killed. Shitty things happen to you. That doesn’t make you the cause of it. This is the life we live. Monsters will do what monsters do, so we try like hell to make sure they don’t get us before we get them. I’m not gonna let that fear control me. I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. If I want to be with you, I’m going to be with you. Do you want to be with me?”
“Of course, I do--”
“Then do something about it.”
Dean makes up his mind right there and then. He stalks over to you and gently grabs the side of your face. He leans down and kisses you like how he’s wanted to for months. It’s cliche but it’s instant fireworks between you two. Everything wrong in your life finally falls into place to complete the puzzle.
“From now on, you’re mine,” you say against his lips. “I’m not letting you go.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”
He kisses you again but is careful not to open your stitches. Guess you two were right after all.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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cinemastyles-backup · 8 months
Loved You First
Summary: a requested by: roryknoelle -"Could you do a friends to lovers smut with y/n and Harry, where Harry keeps seeing her date someone else, gets jealous and finally confesses. Also could you make it as dirty as possible lmao"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, jealous Harry, oral (both), fingering, slight cockwarming, slight punishment, praising, absolute filth
My original CinemaStyles-blog has been terminated, so I created a new one.
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"So." Harry says, "You have a date tonight?"
I nod, "Yeah." I look over at him, "Is that okay with you?"
He laughs, "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
I shrug, "I don't know. It seemed like there was more to it." He shakes his head and goes back to watching tv, "I just wasn't sure if we were hanging out tonight or not."
"Oh god, did we have plans to? Did I totally double book myself?" I ask in a panic. He smile and shakes his head, "No, no. I was just asking."
I let out a sigh, "Oh okay. Good. We can hang out after?"
He raises his eyebrows, "What if he wants to come back here after? What are you going to tell him about the very handsome man camping out on your couch?"
He smirks and I laugh, "Okay first off. That was very egotistical, and second off, I wouldn't bring a guy back to my place. I don't want them knowing where I live until I know them better."
I look up from washing the dishes and he's looking at the tv, "Did you hear anything I said?"
He looks over at me, "What? Sorry. You lost me after you called me egotistical." He smirks and looks back at the tv.
I roll my eyes and smile. My eyes linger on Harry until my phone dings. He looks over and I quickly look away from him. I wipe my hands on my pants and pick up my phone,
Shawn: Would you like to meet at 6 for dinner instead of 8?
"He wants to meet at six instead of eight? Is that weird?" I bite my fingernail and look at Harry.
He shrugs, "Maybe he turns into a werewolf at nine." He move his fingers up and down, "Oooooo."
I laugh, "Stop it."
"How many dates have you been on with this guy?" Harry walks up and leans on the counter.
"This will be three."
"Three? Hmm." He shakes his head.
He shakes his head and holds his hands out.
"Harry. What?" I walk over and set my phone down on the counter, "Talk to me."
"I think.. I'm going to go to the bar tonight." He taps the counter, "Feel free to join me?"
"You know.. hold on."  I tap my screen and smile as I do.
"What are you doing? Y/N. What are you-" he snatches my phone right after I hit send.
"Does your sister want to come out for drinks with us? I have a friend who is single and we can do a double date if you want." He drops the phone and looks at me with his mouth open, "Why? What. I don't-" he shakes his head.
"Come on, Harry. We can still hang out and you can maybe meet someone. His sister is very pretty and he did mention that all she ever finds is assholes, so I kind of talked you up a little bit so please. Don't be an asshole."
He sighs, "Y/N.. I don't.. I meant alone. With-"
"I know. But going to the bar sounds a lot more fun than some boring dinner." I look down at my phone.
"So he's boring?" Harry crosses his arms, "Hmm."
I shake my head, "No, no. I just mea-"
"No no." He cuts me off, "I know. You'd rather have me there incase things go south and you need a little pick me up."
I tilt my head, "That was one time Harry." I smirk slightly, "But it was a very good time. I will say that."
"My ego thanks you." He laughs, "I'm going to head home and get ready, I guess I'll go to the bar with you and your thing. I'll be back later."
"The thing's sister, Harry. You have a date, too!" I yell as he shuts my door.
There's a knock on my door and I walk to it, "Coming."
I open the door and put the back of my earring on, "Hey." I say with a smile. Harry is dressed in a pair of white pants and a black half unbuttoned shirt. I close the door and turn around, eyeing him up and down.
Harry looks me up and down and walks in, "Hello to you, too." I smile and pull my dress down, "Too much?"
He shakes his head and gives me a quick, "No."
"You okay?"
He mumbles something, but I can hear what he says.
"I said I'm great. I just need a drink." He smiles and motions to the door, "Are we ready to go meet thing one and thing two?"
I laugh slightly, "Yeah yeah. I have to grab my purse and then we can go."
The car ride to the bar was very quiet, which isn't normal for Harry, but I didn't push because if it was really bothering him he'd talk to me .. eventually.
"Ready?" I ask giving him a smile. He smiles slightly and reaches over to fix my hair, "You look beautiful. If he doesn't see it, he's a fucking idiot."
He gets out of the car and I get out after him, "Thank you, Harry." I nudge his arm as he opens the door for me. I walk in and stand there, looking through the people for Shawn and his sister.
He raises his hand and I wave back, "They're over there. Come on!" I yell over the music to Harry and grab his wrist, pulling him along behind me.
"Hey, you look beautiful." Shawn says pulling me in for a hug. He glances over at Harry and his face kind of falls. Harry smirks and holds his hand out, "Hi, I'm Harry."
Shawn looks down at me and slowly stretches his arm out, "Shawn." He looks back at me and smiles, "Oh." His voice is nervous, "My sister is.." his hand falls down with a slap on his leg, "Already dancing with another guy."
I frown, "Did you tell her about Harry?"
He nods, "Yeah. Yeah I-"
"Oh my god, you must be y/n. Shawn talks about you all the time." She leans in and hugs me.
She's clearly tipsy already.
"Who's your friend?" She asks biting her lip while looking at Harry.
"That's Harry, Zoe." Shawn says quickly, "Harry. Zoe."
She walks over and lays a hand on Harry's arm.
I straighten up and look up at Harry, who looks very unamused.
"You're much more good looking than Shawn made you out to be. Come dance with me?" Zoe pulls on his arm and he pulls his arm away, "I need to drink."
He keeps his eyes on me until he turns to the bartender.
"He seems very.. gentleman like." Shawn clears his throat and looks down at me, "What are you having?"
"Already got it." Harry cuts in. He places a glass in my hand, "Tequila sunrise." He smiles and winks at me.
"Oh, yeah. Cool, cool." Shawn clenches his jaw and lets out a sigh, "Why don't we go dance? Yeah?"
I look over my shoulder mouthing a "thank you" to Harry. He nods and holds his drink up and Zoe walks back up to him.
I kind of feel guilty for setting him up on a blind date.
Shawn grabs my hips with his hands and I sip my drink. He spins me around and my eyes immediately find Harry.
His eyes are set on me and only me. Zoe keeps trying to talk to him but he just shrugs and nods, not breaking his stare.
She looks over at me and gives me a mean look, moving closer to Harry with a smirk growing on her face.
Shawn spins me around and pulls me closer to him, moving his body with mine.
I suddenly feel sick, like I don't want to be here anymore. I step back and finish my drink, "I need another one."
He nods and leads me back to the bar.
Zoe is still blabbing to Harry and he nods, "Mhm." Shawn hands me drink and I sit down on the bar stool.
"So, y/n." Shawn sits down and lays a hand on my thigh, "What are your plans after this?"
I shrug and aggressively sip my straw, "I'm not.. too sure really."
"Oh well I thought you'd like to maybe come back to my place?"
"Oh, well.. I actually have to be up early so.. I really wasn't planning on staying out too late." I lie, "Maybe so-"
"Ah." Zoe yells, "What the hell, Shawn. I thought you were setting me up with someone who wasn't an asshole." Zoe slams her glass down and scoffs as she walks away.
"What the hell did you do to my sister, Harry?" Shawn says standing up. Harry turns slowly and sets his glass down, "I didn't do anything, Shawn." Harry chuckles slightly, "That was the issue, apparently."
"What are you saying?" Shawn steps closer and I get up, putting my hands on each of their chests, "okay. Okay. Stop it." I look at both of them and Harry shakes his head, "Fuck this. I'm not settling for someone's slutty sister."
"You mother fu-" Shawn goes for Harry but I step in between them, "You gonna hit me too?" He sighs and steps back.
"I'm out of here." Harry grumbles and walks away.
"I don't know what his problem is, but he needs to seriously work on his shit." Shawn runs a hand through his hair, "I'm going to go find Zoe." He kisses my head, "I'll call you later."
I stand there for a a moment before I walk out of the bar. I walk down the street a few steps looking for Harry before I pull my phone out to call him.
I hear his phone ring and I jump turning towards the ally, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Harry?" I yell as I shove my phone back into my purse. He walks towards me and shakes his head, "If you're just going to yell at me, I'd rather not hear it."
"What the hell was that?" I ask but he keeps walking. I let out a groan, "Fuck. Harry." I walk quickly to catch up to him, my heels clicking and clacking against the side walk.
He stops when he reaches his car and turns around, "What do you want me to say? Hmm?" He flings his hands in the air, "I wasn't interested in Zoe.. I'm-"
He stops talking and sighs, "You know what.. not even going to waste my breathe."
"What is going on with you? Seriously Harry."
He reaches for the door handle and I put my hands on the hood of his car, "You're not going anywhere until you talk to me."
He stands there with his arms crossed.
"I tried to do you a favor and help you by setting you up with someone who-"
"Help me?" He cuts me off and laughs, "No." he shakes his head.
I sigh and shake my head, "I don't know what you want me to do."
"We'll for starters, don't set me up with your boyfriend's sister." He yells and fails to hold back his laugh.
"What did you do that caused her to make a scene like that?" I look up at him and he shrugs, "Is because I just didn't like her not a good enough answer?"
"But why didn't you-"
"Because she isn't you." He yells cutting me off.
I stand there staring at him and watch at he slowly walks over to me. I stand up from leaning on the car and turn towards him.
"She isn't you." He whispers as he walks up to me quickly, grabbing my face and pulling me in to kiss him.
Our lips move in sync as he pushes be back against the car, "I'm so fucking in love with you, y/n. I wish you would have noticed it sooner."
His lips go back to mine before I even have a chance to say anything. His tongue pushes against mine and he kisses back my jaw line, "Please." He begs, "Just let me finally have you."
I slowly look up at him and nod, "Take me home, Harry." He kisses me again and quickly opens the car door. I slide in and take a deep breathe as I pull the seat belt over my body.
"There's a lot of things I've been waiting for, y/n." He starts the car, "you being all of them."
I reach over and twirl his hair around my fingers, "Then let's cross them off." I bite my lip, "I love you. I just-" I sigh and shrug, "I wasn't sure if you were just my friend or not."
"I don't want to be friends, y/n. Since that night, I've had this.. this love for you and seeing you date other guys.. fuck." He tilts his head and sigh, "Makes me so-"
"Jealous?" I ask with a smirk.
He nods, "And so fucking pissed." He lays a hand on my thigh, "Seeing him touch you.." he slides his hand up, "Made me want to take you, lift that hot little dress up, and fuck the absolute fucking shit out of you on the bar."
His words make my breathe catch in my throat, "Harry." I whisper lowly.
"I've wanted you. For so long, y/n. I just can't sit back and watch you leave me anymore."
I unbuckle and lean over. I plant kisses along his jaw line and lay a hand on his already hard cock that straining against his pants, "I'm not going anywhere."
He moans as I palm his cock, "I promise I'll make it up to you when we get home." I lick up his neck and gently sink my teeth onto his ear lobe, "Punish me, baby. Treat me like your little slut."
He leans his head back slightly and groans, "Oh fuck, I'm going to. I promise."
I continue to kiss his neck, leaving little hickeys here and there. He moans as I grip his cock, "Almost home, baby."
I fall back into the seat and nod, "You have me so wet, Harry." I bring my dress up slightly and run a finger up and down my clothed pussy.
"I can't wait for your cock to be inside of me." I smile and bite my lip as he glances over at me. He clenches his jaw and reaches over. He slips his fingers inside the side of my panties and rubs a finger up and down my slit.
"Fuck." He groans shifting in his seat, "You are so fucking soaked for me."
His finger plays around with my folds, sliding in and out every now and then.
I moan loudly and tilt my head back, "Fuck, Harry."
He sucks in air, "My name is so hot coming from your lips." He takes his hand away and parks the car. He doesn't give me a moment to move before he's unbuckled and leaning over the center console.
His fingers find their place in my pussy, this time he isn't teasing me.
He thrusts his fingers in and out at a fast but satisfyingly pace.
I arch my back and slam my hand against the dash, letting out a pleasured scream.
Harry kisses me to quiet me, "Shh, baby. Don't want to cause a scene in the parking lot."
His hand keeps fucking me, quickly bringing me to, what I assume is, the first orgasm of many. I whimper against his lips and he chuckles, "No one can make you cum like I can."
I nod, my chest rising and falling quickly, "Only you, Harry."
"Only me. Now, come on." He slowly pulls his fingers out and fixes my drenched panties. I slowly spin around and set my legs on the floor. Harry opens my door and helps me out.
He pulls me over and kisses me, "I can't keep my hands off of you." He presses his cock into my leg, "Fuck." He shuts the door with a slam, "Come on."
I follow him up to my door and he unlocks it with his key, not letting go of my hand. He pulls me in and my back meets the door as it slams shut.
He drops to his knees and pulls the wet fabric down my legs. He pushes my dress up and lifts my leg as His mouth attaches to me and I let out a gasp, "Fuck. Fuck." I grab the door knob and grab a fistful of Harry's hair with my other.
He moans against me and nudges my clit with his nose, "Mmm."
"H-Harry." I already feel like I'm going to cum again, "Fu-" I whimper and push my head into the door, "Fuck." I moan and roll my hips on his tongue.
"You taste heavenly, y/n." He groans as he stands up. He places a hand around my neck, his fingers slowly squeezing the sides. He kisses me and I moan as I taste myself on his tongue.
"Don't you taste good, sweetheart?" He whispers, "I could eat you all day."
I nod and moan at his words.
He slips his hands behind me to my back and slowly unzips my dress and quickly takes it off my body.
He takes a step back, his eyes scan over my naked figure and he smirks, "I've missed seeing you like this."
I bite my lip and watch him as he admires me.
He unbuttons his shirt the rest of the way, shrugging it off his shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. He kicks off his shoes and undoes his pants.
I look down at his cock that's straining against his boxers and I step towards him.
"Let's go somewhere that's more comfortable for your knees, baby." He holds his hand out and I take it. He leads me up the steps and as soon as we reach the top, we're on each other making out as we back into the bedroom.
I kick my heels off before falling back onto the bed, "Fuck." He groans as he takes his boxers off. He pumps his cock a few times and crawl up and lay on my stomach, "Let me."
Before he answers I take his cock in my mouth. I work the tip with my tongue and his breathe hitches and he moans. "Fuck, y/n."
I wrap my hand around him, stroking him, "Does that feel good, daddy?"
His snaps down quickly and a smirk grows on his lips, "It feels amazing, baby." He brushes a hand over my hair, "Now keep doing it." He pushes my head back down onto his cock and he lets out a groan, "Fuck, yeah baby."
I bob my head up and down and reach up to gently massage his balls. He lets out a gasp and bucks his hips, "Sh-shit."
He pulls back, "You're going to make me cum, and I really don't want to end the night this early." He smiles and walks around to sit on the bed. I turn my body and lay on my side, "How do you want me?"
He smirks and leans back against the headboard. He motions for me to come to him, "Any way I can get you." He whispers as I straddle him.
I drag my fingers down his chest and stomach and wrap my fingers around his cock, holding it as I slide down onto him. I bring my hand up and lay it on his chest, "Harry." I breathe out.
He bites his lip and grips my hips, "That feel good?"
I nod quickly, "Yes."
He brushes hair from my face, "Don't move."
"You heard me." He smirks and tilts his head back and rests it, "I'm punishing you. Remember? So you're going to sit there for a little bit and I'm going to admire how fucking sexy you look on my cock."
I whimper slightly, "no, please."
He smirks, "Uh huh."
I dig my nails into his shoulders, "Harry." I whine, "Please."
"If you move, I'll make your wait longer for my cock and I know you want it so bad." He reaches up and plays with my nipples, "I love you."
I look at him, forgetting what we're doing for a moment and smile, "I love y-you." He thrusts his hips up gasping me to gasp, "Harry."
"Say it again. I love when you say it."
He grips my hips and slowly rocks them on his cock. The teasing has my brain fuzzy, "I-I.." I moan, "I love.. fuck.. I love you." I wrap my arms around his neck, "I love you."
He presses his lips to mine and slides a hand up my back, "I've waited to hear you say that." He kisses down my neck, "Now fuck your self on my cock, baby."
I quickly start to bounce, moaning loudly against his neck, "H-Harry."
He moans and holds me tighter, "Fuck."
He lets me ride him for a little longer before he leans me back, "Bend over." I nod and roll off of him, getting onto my knees. I slowly bend over and rest my head on the bed.
Harry positions himself behind me and brings his hand down on my ass cheek with a hard slap before he grips my hips.
I let out a whimper and he pushes himself into me, "Fuck."
He pulls out and thrusts in hard which causes me to let out a scream, "Fuck."
His thrusts are hard and slow and his moans are loud.
"You sound so hot, Harry." I moan pushing my hips back to meet his. He trails a hand up my back and wraps my hair around it, "Do I?" He groans as he pulls me up so my back meets his chest, "You like it when I moan for you?"
"Yes daddy." I moan, "Fuck, yesyesyes."
"Only for you, huh?" He pulls my hair and pushes into me, "Hmm?"
"O-only for me." I repeat, "Only me."
"You're damn right baby." He starts to thrusts again and rests his head on my shoulder, "Fuck." I reach back to grab his wrist but he takes my arm and pins it against my lower back.
He reaches around and his fingers wrap around my throat with his other hand.
I bite my lip and my moans are slightly muffled.
"Your pussy feels fucking good squeezing around my cock." He moans, "Fuck."
I whimper and my eyes roll back as I cum again.
"Again? Look at you, sweetheart. Keeping daddy's cock wet." He lets go of my throat and his thrusts slow down. He lets go of my arm and rolls me over, leaning down to hover his body over mine, "You're going to make me cum soon, where do you want it?"
I lean up and kiss him, "Where ever you want me to have it."
He smirks, "Good answer, sweetheart." He slide aback in and groans, "You're so good to me." He interlocks his fingers with mine and pins my hands above my head.
I wrap my legs around his waist and arch my back, "Fuck. Fuck." I moan and tilt my head back.
"Y/N." Harry breathes out, "I-I.. you need to.. un-"
I tighten my legs around him, "I want all of you."
He smirks and his head falls slightly as he groans one final time. He squeezes my hands as he cums.
He lifts his head and shakes it's while looking at me, "You.." he laughs slightly and gently let's go of my hands.
"Hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time, okay." I laugh and shrug, "Nothing we can do about it now." He nods, "You're right. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?"
He reaches out and brushes my cheek with his thumb. I shake my head and lay a hand on his, "No. I'm okay." He leans in and kisses me, "You know. I should probably ask just to make it official."
I tilt my head, my head still slightly fuzzy.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
I smile and nod, "Yes, Harry. Only if you'll be my boyfriend?" I laugh and he smiles.
"I think I can do that." He leans in and kisses me, "I really do love you."
I look down at him and run a hand through his hair, "And I really love you." He smiles and gets up and walks over to my dresser, "Here." He pulls out a shirt and throws it to me.
I unfold it and smile, "When did you put that in there?" I slip his shirt on. He shrugs, "Earlier today. I knew you liked it so much, so." He slips on a a pair of sweats he had in the bottom drawer and I laugh, "When did you move in?"
He shrugs, "I'm always here so."
"No, no. I'm not complaining, that's actually smart." I stand up and he holds up a lace pair of panties, "Wear these ones please? And no pants." He winks.
"Give them here." I smile and shake my head, "Spoiled is what you are, Harry. Spoiled." He walks over to me and holds me, "I know. I know. But. I'll make you something to eat in return."
"Oh okay, now I'm spoiled. Please do."
We walk downstairs and I laugh as I seen the trail of clothes going from the door to the steps.
My phone rings in my purse and I grab it off the floor and get it out, "Oh shit."
"What babe?" Harry asks peaking his head out from the kitchen.
"It's thing one calling." I roll my eyes and toss it onto the couch. I go to walk away and it rings again. Harry walks out with a smirk and picks it up, "She's busy."
He chuckles and hangs up, "Took care of that for you."
He tosses my phone down and pulls me with him to the kitchen.
"Thank you." I say looking up at him. He gives me a kiss, "Anything for you."
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snarky-magpie · 2 months
(Moonwater! I really need to write them their own fic. The nerds deserve to be happy together.) A shadow falls over their table before James composes a reply.
“Hey, Reg. Didn’t expect to find you here, but it’s a nice surprise.” Remus accompanies the greeting with a friendly grin. “James,” he adds with a flinch. Didn’t he notice James at first? But why would he approach them in the first place otherwise? Side note, this hiding spot sucks if so many people found him here. But also. Reg? Since when are Remus and Regulus, which, by the way, sounds like one of those muggle myths Lily told him about, on a nickname basis? As troubled as he is by Regulus’ news and worried about Sirius, he can’t help but observe the scene in front of him with fascination. 
Remus is still watching Regulus with a gentle smile, crooked thanks to the scar that tugs at the left corner of his lips, and James expects a scathing reply, possibly containing any or all of the following: filth, half-breed, scum, impure, not worth to lick the soles of my shoes. Or at least that’s what Sirius has him believe. Instead, the younger Black’s behavior performs a complete turnaround. The aloof amusement shrouding him during the conversation with James disappears as if Remus has put a Disillusionment spell on him. Red blotches pop up on his cheeks, and he sputters for a moment before he replies, and when he does, his voice comes out all squeaky, all its posh enunciation gone. 
“Hi, Remus, uh. Sorry. Hope I’m not intruding. I’ve had—a thing, well, a problem, really, I needed to discuss with James.”
“No, of course not. I’m just surprised because you usually take the nook under the stairs, right?” Remus says as if his familiarity with Regulus’ study habits is normal, then blushes furiously.
What in Godric’s name is happening here?
“Yeah.” Regulus meets Remus’ eyes. 
“Quietest place in the library,” they say in unison, both turning even redder than before. 
James bites his lips to stop himself from doubling over in laughter. Oh, this is beyond excellent. Regulus, stand-offish, holier-than-though, stuck-up Regulus, the pureblood heir par excellence, has a crush on the resident werewolf. You can’t come up with this stuff. And Remus seems to be crushing right back. He’ll so owe him for the wingman service he’s about to provide. 
“Regulus was just telling me how he needs help with his transfiguration work. Don’t you, Reg?” he says, dragging out the nickname. Savoring it. The younger Black stares daggers at him but holds his tongue. Clever boy. He understands James is working in his favor here.
“Really? I’ve got Transfiguration to review for the NEWTS. Maybe I could help you?” Remus offers, guileless. Regulus swivels his focus to him, and the daggers melt into puppy eyes in an instant. If James weren’t beside himself with worry about Sirius, he’d pop over to the kitchens for some snacks and then spend the rest of the evening sitting here, enjoying the show.
“That’d be, um, appreciated,” Regulus mumbles.
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captain-mj · 1 year
I have an idea.
Werewolf 141, except Soap who is a Wulver. This does not get discovered until Soap starts leaving fish on Ghosts desk.
Listen... Listen... Wulvers are one of my favorite creatures (ignore that I have a ridiculous amount) and I fucking love this. Also wrote this super sleep deprived and I did not edit so good luck y'all
Ghost stared at the fish on his desk for a stupid amount of time.
Was this a prank? It was a weird prank. Maybe if he was a cat shifter, it would make sense, but this was... odd. He didn't even get the joke.
Slowly, he knocked the fish into the trashcan.
Alright, just gonna... ignore that.
He grabbed the paperwork and went back to work as normal.
The next time, Price was with him. They both just stared at the fish.
"Why is there a fresh caught carp on your desk?"
"I don't know." Ghost was now angry. It was annoying, gross and made the room smell awful. He didn't fucking like fish normally, why the fuck would he want it RAW and WET on his desk. "Do you want it?"
Price grabbed it immediately. "Yeah. I'll give it to the cooks or something... Who did you piss off?"
"A dead man." Ghost growled. Whoever was doing this was going to keep a chunk taken out of them. Maybe lose a leg too. He staked out in his office for a while but caught nothing.
Ghost didn't bring it up to anyone else just yet. The culprit might get skittish and stop.
Instead, Ghost shifted and sat under his desk one day. He was a large wolf, but he had made sure he could fit under his desk when he got it. At the time, it had been for if he wanted to take a break from paperwork, not hide out in an attempt to catch a criminal. His insomnia would keep him up forever anyway.
When he woke up to a fish, now placed right in front of his nose, he almost went ballistic.
The nerve.
The audacity.
How had they managed to not wake him up? He woke up at everything! A FNG sneezed on the other side of the base and he woke up!!
Soap noticed something was wrong. "You alright, Lt?"
"I'm fucking fine." He snapped, narrowing his eyes at Soap.
Soap winced. "Aye..." Ghost shoved down the feeling he got from that. He didn't have time to feel bad!
"Have you seen anyone acting weird lately?"
"How so sir?"
"Coming in with wet hands. Going near where my office is. Lingering."
Soap looked confused. "No. I can't say I have. What's going on?"
"Nothing." Ghost grabbed his tea and escaped into his new room. Luckily, there's no fish to deal with. His room is clear. Thank goodness.
His office... His safe space... No longer safe...
Okay, a touch dramatic there. Ghost drank his tea and told himself that he needed to focus on work, not his tiny mystery.
He woke up again. Head down on his desk. Tea cold. Was there a fucking gas leak? Since when did he sleep so much?
Soap was there.
With a trout.
"You motherfucker." Ghost threw himself over the desk, watching Soap jump back and start sprinting down the halls. He chased after him. Soap tried to shift to get away, but that was ineffective. Ghost slammed into him, sending them both tumbling to the ground before he got his arm around his throat.
"I don't care if you look like a mutt, I'll still kick your ass. Now shift back and explain yourself."
Soap did not shift back, instead wiggling to try to get away. Ghost tightened his grip until Soap stopped fighting him. He slowly shifted back, clearly embarrased.
"Hey, Lt. Fancy seeing you here."
"Why? Just why?"
"So... ya see... I am not a werewolf."
"You turned into a wolf, did you fucking not?"
"Actually.... I am a wulver."
"A wulver?"
"I uh... bring people fish."
"Why me?? Why did you bring me fish??" Ghost sounded accusatory.
Soap stuttered.
"Don't wulvers do that for people who are poor? Or can't feed themselves?"
Soap looked panicked.
"Fuck you."
"I'm sorry!" Soap yelped. "I don't know. i just wanted to... do something for you."
Ghost glared but dropped him. "Don't do it again."
Soap shakily gave him a thumbs up.
"I like mugs. Give me those next time."
"Yes, sir."
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wren-kitchens · 7 months
happy halloween! this is an idea me and stiff were talking about last night and of course I forgot about it until the very last minute soo
“your costume is stupid, by the way.”
jimmy squawks in surprise, almost falling over his own feet as he stumbles backwards from the voice. he knows even before he looks that it’s joel—who else would go out of their way to let him know that his ‘costume’ is stupid. he can’t decide whether or not to be offended by this—after all, it isn’t even a costume. 
every halloween, jimmy has debated going as his true form- as a canary, and every halloween, jimmy has backed out and gone in one of the cheap costumes he found at the corner shop. after all, what if people found out that he is a canary? what would they think if they knew they had an omen of death in their house? maybe they’d connect the dots, just as jimmy has, and they’d realise that jimmy is more than just clumsy- than just unlucky. 
but this halloween, jimmy confessed about being unsure whether to wear his ‘costume’ or just use the same dracula one that still has pizza stains from last year. joel being joel, of course, told him that it’s no use getting het up about some silly old costume, and that he should wear what he wants. (joel also said he’d look dumb either way, but it was said with love and jimmy is choosing to ignore it.)
and so.. here he is. in all his canary glory. big ol’ omen of death, ready to bring all his friends to their graves. this was a very bad idea.
“I thought you said to wear what I wanted?” jimmy says, with a distinct lack of the indignation he was trying to muster.
“yeah but- canaries aren’t scary.” joel (who has come as a werewolf this year—tail, ears and everything) is grinning. there’s a distinct fondness to it that seems entirely unconscious, and jimmy can’t exactly take the attempted insult to heart.
“yes they are!” jimmy scowls. that kind of thinking is going to get joel killed someday. “besides, it’s not like youroutfit is scary either.”
joel splutters, and jimmy can’t help the snort at how offended he looks. “wh- i’m a wolf! i’m so scary!”
“you look more like a puppy.” jimmy teases. “you’re less scary and more.. cute.”
joel’s jaw drops and jimmy laughs. it’s been so long, he realises, since he’s been able to laugh so genuinely about something.
“okay, mr canary.” joel says, folding his arms. “at least dogs can actually hurt you.”
the nickname of ‘mr canary’ hits jimmy like a smack in the face. “canaries mean that death is coming. they’re dangerous- more dangerous than a dog.”
joel scoffs. “lad- canaries stop death. they actually prevent danger.”
it’s as if all the air has been knocked out of jimmy’s lungs. “they- they what?” he manages.
“they stop death.” joel repeats, gentler. he’s clearly confused as to why this elicited such a reaction from jimmy, but he keeps going. “y’know they- when they’re in the mines, they warn the miners of gas, so the miners can get out before they all die. canaries stop death.”
and- fuck. he had it so wrong all this time. all these years of fearing for the lives of his friends simply because he was with them, all these years of believing that his very existence was a curse to those around him, all these years of hating who he was..
it was all a lie.
canaries stop death.
“so see, your costume is-“
joel doesn’t manage to finish his sentence because jimmy is upon him, burying his face in joel’s hair, wrapping his arms around him, tears pouring down his face. all this time, all this time.
“thank you.” jimmy whispers through his grief.
“‘course dude.” joel whispers back, his own voice breaking a little. what a sap. “I, uh- it isn’t a costume, is it?”
“how could you tell?” jimmy laughs a little, and he’s still crying, but he’s so happy.
“just- just a hunch.” joel jokes back, squeezing him tighter. “do you- do you wanna go somewhere a little more private, or are you cool to sob in front of the punch bowl a bit more?”
jimmy snorts as he pulls back and wipes his eyes. “the punch should be left alone in this time of crisis.”
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖙 [Teaser] 🔞
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They told you to be careful with him, that he's much more than meets the eye, but you'd been convinced that you had him all figured out; all bark and no bite, just like any other big buff alpha you've met before. Oh how wrong you were.
Tags/Warnings: (here we go...) werewolf!kook, Alpha!kook, werewolf!reader, omega!reader, some angst, blood and fighting, we love drama, strangers to mates, soulmate AU, major injury, hurt & Comfort, fluff, Primal Play, slight powerplay (mc fights for dominance but looses), biting, rough manhandling, Dom!Jungkook, protected sex (an implant is mentioned we practice safe sex even in our imagination after all), Size kink because it's me writing this get over it, strength kink because it's me writing this get over it², spitting oops, spanking oops², mean dom kook, scratching oops³, orgasm control, knotting oops⁴, happy ending Yay
Length: unsure, approx. 5 chapters, ~2k words each.
A/N: Hi hello look it's technically not a hybrid fic. Also yes this teaser contains partial smut so please do not read this at church or your mom's birthday thanks.
"Hm, but I'll play with you, won't you like that, hm?" He hums into your ear, and you melt underneath his words, easily nodding at his proposal, because you've waited way too long for this.
He's finally made his move, and you're gonna enjoy every last second of it.
"You think I haven't heard you talk to Jimin about me, don't you?" He suddenly brings up, inked arm reaching over your thigh so his hand can cup your heat- harshly so, forcing your body upright even, and you can't help but mewl at the way it puts pressure on your aching core. "You think I don't know how you yap about me to your friends hm? How you call me nothing but what? A 'bitch in heat', wasn't it?" He recalls, and you whimper a bit because you did call him that.
You called him a lot of other nasty things, and you do regret it a little. Just a tiny bit though. Or maybe a lot.
"Yeah well-" you huff impatiently, throwing your head back over his shoulder. "-You're all talk and nothing more." You complain. "You'll just- you just wanna fuck me and then toss me aside like everyone else!" You tell him with a slightly angry bite to your tone, and he clicks his tongue, fingers of his effortlessly opening the buttons of your shorts.
"Stupid omega-bullshit." You blame, hips moving impatiently as you curl your toes from the sensation. He shakes his head.
"And yet you let me." He chuckles, and you want to cry. Because you do let him fuck you over like this, right now. You do, with full knowledge of the consequences after. But you also want him, because he's got these.. glimpses of something you've never had before.
These moments of actual happiness, actual care and gentle adoration- something similar to the love everyone always gushes about around you, the thing you've never quite experienced before. "Why, I wonder." He asks you, while his fingers easily dip in between your legs, slick making it easy for him to move around.
"I think you know why." He shakes his head however, free hand moving to pull you up properly against his chest again, perched up on his thigh, legs spread open while your shorts and underwear pool at your ankles. "You know exactly why you let me, and why I'm doing this in the first place." He offers, and you don't answer.
Cause you're not sure. If it's not your omega hormones, then what? Is he going to come at you with some fated soulmate bullshit?
"You've got me tangled around your fingers, darling, and you don't even know it." Jungkook tells you with ear amusement in his tone, voice vibrating against your back. "Your body is calling out to me, and only me, isn't it?" He wonders, two fingers dipping inside you, finally giving you something at last. "You crave me, and can't bear the thought of anyone else touching you like this." He explains, while he leans in to let his lips run over the skin near your ear, searching for where your scent is strongest. "You feel empty without my touch, cold without my presence, lonely without my eyes on you." He goes on, and you want to cry out of frustration because first of all how does he know, and second of all why can't you fucking cum?!
"You know I'm right." The alpha wolf tells you. "Because I feel the exact same things." He offers.
"Wha-" you start, before you're interrupted by a specific motion of his fingers inside you, legs kicking out.
"Dont act so surprised." He mumbles against your skin, watching from above how you squirm in his grip, arm holding you close while the other plays around with you. "Its not like I'm hiding anything from you or anyone else." Jungkook chuckles. "Not like you, that is." He teasingly bites at your earlobe, making you shudder.
You're absolutely boneless in his grip right now, close to crying as he keeps your final high always a breath away.
"You're testing my patience, darling." The wolf continues, really making sure you know he's truly playing with you. "One moment you want me, the next you don't. Who's really playing a cruel game here, I wonder?" He accuses, and now you're really close to tears, but for different reasons.
"I dont-" you start, moving your legs in desperation. "- Wanna talk 'bout that now.." you whine, and he clicks his tongue.
"You don't ever want to." He almost growls. "And I'm sick of it, darling." He says, the pet name said almost like a threat, harsh and sharp. "You either talk-" he starts, and you're sweating at what cruel thing he's got in mind. "-or I'm leaving you."
And you know that by leaving, he's not only talking about his hand between your legs.
And that- the prospect of him leaving you alone- finally breaks the floodgates, making you cry.
Because you dont want him to leave.
Not anymore.
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Can I get a poly!yandere alpha werewolf pack where we are an omega and we don't know it, as omega are very precious and rarely found the pack takes it upon them to keep us safe , sound and satisfyed and breeded full with pups....I love ur works very much author-nim🥰❤
Thank you nim🥰 ❤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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A hundred years ago this would probably be a lot harder for you 
Probably them seeing you on a chance encounter
Before dragging you to their den in the forest before smothering and stuffing you in an insane and aggressive dogpile
But nowadays they’ve mellowed 
Or at least some of them have and lucky for you you have whole pack just like that
Consisting of 2 alphas and 2 (special case) betas 
Typically considered head-Alpha is Nero Nakamura
Who also happens to be a silent billionaire that runs his company with an iron-fist
He’d like to run his home life the same way but that couldn’t ever be a possibility when you have characters like Rori Tongs in control
Rori is a world-reknowned model and coach for Olympic swimmers
He’s sly he’s domineering and he loves nothing more than to make his fellow alpha squirm
His alphaness is more like a switch he chooses to turn on rather than a constant agenda but any of his betas or omega on the line and he’s an absolute villain
Next tier in their relationship Suki Nakamura the beta with alpha like tendencies that can woo even Nero into submission
He’s Nero’s number one assistant or was until he politely asked pummeled Nero into giving him a smaller role in the company, a manager position
He’s often called during business emergencies or whenever his Ceo is feeling peckish so he’s not above calling in his own favors
And last on the hierarchy until you come along is Eve Tongs
A shy and quiet beta with omega tendencies
Who’s constantly fighting off being bred because
“It’d be weird if I looked pregnant all the time!”
He says his worry is about being discovered but really he doesn’t want to close his shop to be heavily pregnant all alone
But now that you’re in the picture it won’t nearly be as bad: 
“Aww darling, no need to cry Suki’ll be back from the store with your craving snack.”
Rori cooed rubbing your swollen belly as he peppered your neck with kisses. You were crying again and while part of it was your craving for your typical low-priced meals it was a side-effect of your absolute confusion. Whoever you met at work or on your daily commute somehow goaded you into their trap of a penthouse. Which sooner than you could gather had you plump and at the whim to the multiple men who claimed to be werewolves. 
“I-I d-don’t understand, w-why is this happening?”
You continued to sob as Nero only seemed to pull you closer to him. Nero who had been in the room over came in sensing your distress cuddled on your other side to massage your head. 
“Love, I’m sure it's hard to realize this but as werewolves there's an order that we live by. I’m sure you’ll adapt as we go through our life together.”
“Yeah baby, you’ll get used to it!” 
You shook your head, resisting the weird calm that was being brought over you as the two men cuddled up against you. More tears fell from your eyes and you pushed away their affections unsuccessfully.
“Uhm m-maybe they don’t believe us about the…uh…werewolf thing…”
A silence formed as everyone had realized they never really did show you. Eve spoke from experience, he too was especially skeptical when Rori first came to him. Rori immediately perked up.
“Oh well that's an easy fix!” 
Immediately a pair of wolf-ears flicked out from his head and a tail from his lower back. Nero did the same and so did Eve. Stunned to silence you immediately stopped crying to just take in the strange sight. Hearing the door open Suki returns with store bags hanging from his arms.
“Oh! You guys are having a tails and ear party without me?!” 
He too flicks his own ears and tails out as he begins preparing the snack he just fetched. Still stunned you just sat still as Eve kneeled in front of you laying his head on your stomach before knowingly whispering. 
“After this liter is born you’ll turn into one too.”
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
Loved You First
Summary: This was a request by: roryknoelle on Wattpad - "Could you do a friends to lovers smut with y/n and Harry, where Harry keeps seeing her date someone else, gets jealous and finally confesses. Also could you make it as dirty as possible lmao"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, semi forced actions, unprotected sex, oral(both), fingering, semi masterbation, alcohol use, F I L T H
Fine Line Harry
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"So." Harry says, "You have a date tonight?"
I nod, "Yeah." I look over at him, "Is that okay with you?"
He laughs, "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
I shrug, "I don't know. It seemed like there was more to it." He shakes his head and goes back to watching tv, "I just wasn't sure if we were hanging out tonight or not."
"Oh god, did we have plans to? Did I totally double book myself?" I ask in a panic. He smile and shakes his head, "No, no. I was just asking."
I let out a sigh, "Oh okay. Good. We can hang out after?"
He raises his eyebrows, "What if he wants to come back here after? What are you going to tell him about the very handsome man camping out on your couch?"
He smirks and I laugh, "Okay first off. That was very egotistical, and second off, I wouldn't bring a guy back to my place. I don't want them knowing where I live until I know them better."
I look up from washing the dishes and he's looking at the tv, "Did you hear anything I said?"
He looks over at me, "What? Sorry. You lost me after you called me egotistical." He smirks and looks back at the tv.
I roll my eyes and smile. My eyes linger on Harry until my phone dings. He looks over and I quickly look away from him. I wipe my hands on my pants and pick up my phone,
Shawn: Would you like to meet at 6 for dinner instead of 8?
"He wants to meet at six instead of eight? Is that weird?" I bite my fingernail and look at Harry.
He shrugs, "Maybe he turns into a werewolf at nine." He move his fingers up and down, "Oooooo."
I laugh, "Stop it."
"How many dates have you been on with this guy?" Harry walks up and leans on the counter.
"This will be three."
"Three? Hmm." He shakes his head.
He shakes his head and holds his hands out.
"Harry. What?" I walk over and set my phone down on the counter, "Talk to me."
"I think.. I'm going to go to the bar tonight." He taps the counter, "Feel free to join me?"
"You know.. hold on." I tap my screen and smile as I do.
"What are you doing? Y/N. What are you-" he snatches my phone right after I hit send.
"Does your sister want to come out for drinks with us? I have a friend who is single and we can do a double date if you want." He drops the phone and looks at me with his mouth open, "Why? What. I don't-" he shakes his head.
"Come on, Harry. We can still hang out and you can maybe meet someone. His sister is very pretty and he did mention that all she ever finds is assholes, so I kind of talked you up a little bit so please. Don't be an asshole."
He sighs, "Y/N.. I don't.. I meant alone. With-"
"I know. But going to the bar sounds a lot more fun than some boring dinner." I look down at my phone.
"So he's boring?" Harry crosses his arms, "Hmm."
I shake my head, "No, no. I just mea-"
"No no." He cuts me off, "I know. You'd rather have me there incase things go south and you need a little pick me up."
I tilt my head, "That was one time Harry." I smirk slightly, "But it was a very good time. I will say that."
"My ego thanks you." He laughs, "I'm going to head home and get ready, I guess I'll go to the bar with you and your thing. I'll be back later."
"The thing's sister, Harry. You have a date, too!" I yell as he shuts my door.
There's a knock on my door and I walk to it, "Coming."
I open the door and put the back of my earring on, "Hey." I say with a smile. Harry is dressed in a pair of white pants and a black half unbuttoned shirt. I close the door and turn around, eyeing him up and down.
Harry looks me up and down and walks in, "Hello to you, too." I smile and pull my dress down, "Too much?"
He shakes his head and gives me a quick, "No."
"You okay?"
He mumbles something, but I can hear what he says.
"I said I'm great. I just need a drink." He smiles and motions to the door, "Are we ready to go meet thing one and thing two?"
I laugh slightly, "Yeah yeah. I have to grab my purse and then we can go."
The car ride to the bar was very quiet, which isn't normal for Harry, but I didn't push because if it was really bothering him he'd talk to me .. eventually.
"Ready?" I ask giving him a smile. He smiles slightly and reaches over to fix my hair, "You look beautiful. If he doesn't see it, he's a fucking idiot."
He gets out of the car and I get out after him, "Thank you, Harry." I nudge his arm as he opens the door for me. I walk in and stand there, looking through the people for Shawn and his sister.
He raises his hand and I wave back, "They're over there. Come on!" I yell over the music to Harry and grab his wrist, pulling him along behind me.
"Hey, you look beautiful." Shawn says pulling me in for a hug. He glances over at Harry and his face kind of falls. Harry smirks and holds his hand out, "Hi, I'm Harry."
Shawn looks down at me and slowly stretches his arm out, "Shawn." He looks back at me and smiles, "Oh." His voice is nervous, "My sister is.." his hand falls down with a slap on his leg, "Already dancing with another guy."
I frown, "Did you tell her about Harry?"
He nods, "Yeah. Yeah I-"
"Oh my god, you must be y/n. Shawn talks about you all the time." She leans in and hugs me.
She's clearly tipsy already.
"Who's your friend?" She asks biting her lip while looking at Harry.
"That's Harry, Zoe." Shawn says quickly, "Harry. Zoe."
She walks over and lays a hand on Harry's arm.
I straighten up and look up at Harry, who looks very unamused.
"You're much more good looking than Shawn made you out to be. Come dance with me?" Zoe pulls on his arm and he pulls his arm away, "I need to drink."
He keeps his eyes on me until he turns to the bartender.
"He seems very.. gentleman like." Shawn clears his throat and looks down at me, "What are you having?"
"Already got it." Harry cuts in. He places a glass in my hand, "Tequila sunrise." He smiles and winks at me.
"Oh, yeah. Cool, cool." Shawn clenches his jaw and lets out a sigh, "Why don't we go dance? Yeah?"
I look over my shoulder mouthing a "thank you" to Harry. He nods and holds his drink up and Zoe walks back up to him.
I kind of feel guilty for setting him up on a blind date.
Shawn grabs my hips with his hands and I sip my drink. He spins me around and my eyes immediately find Harry.
His eyes are set on me and only me. Zoe keeps trying to talk to him but he just shrugs and nods, not breaking his stare.
She looks over at me and gives me a mean look, moving closer to Harry with a smirk growing on her face.
Shawn spins me around and pulls me closer to him, moving his body with mine.
I suddenly feel sick, like I don't want to be here anymore. I step back and finish my drink, "I need another one."
He nods and leads me back to the bar.
Zoe is still blabbing to Harry and he nods, "Mhm." Shawn hands me drink and I sit down on the bar stool.
"So, y/n." Shawn sits down and lays a hand on my thigh, "What are your plans after this?"
I shrug and aggressively sip my straw, "I'm not.. too sure really."
"Oh well I thought you'd like to maybe come back to my place?"
"Oh, well.. I actually have to be up early so.. I really wasn't planning on staying out too late." I lie, "Maybe so-"
"Ah." Zoe yells, "What the hell, Shawn. I thought you were setting me up with someone who wasn't an asshole." Zoe slams her glass down and scoffs as she walks away.
"What the hell did you do to my sister, Harry?" Shawn says standing up. Harry turns slowly and sets his glass down, "I didn't do anything, Shawn." Harry chuckles slightly, "That was the issue, apparently."
"What are you saying?" Shawn steps closer and I get up, putting my hands on each of their chests, "okay. Okay. Stop it." I look at both of them and Harry shakes his head, "Fuck this. I'm not settling for someone's slutty sister."
"You mother fu-" Shawn goes for Harry but I step in between them, "You gonna hit me too?" He sighs and steps back.
"I'm out of here." Harry grumbles and walks away.
"I don't know what his problem is, but he needs to seriously work on his shit." Shawn runs a hand through his hair, "I'm going to go find Zoe." He kisses my head, "I'll call you later."
I stand there for a a moment before I walk out of the bar. I walk down the street a few steps looking for Harry before I pull my phone out to call him.
I hear his phone ring and I jump turning towards the ally, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Harry?" I yell as I shove my phone back into my purse. He walks towards me and shakes his head, "If you're just going to yell at me, I'd rather not hear it."
"What the hell was that?" I ask but he keeps walking. I let out a groan, "Fuck. Harry." I walk quickly to catch up to him, my heels clicking and clacking against the side walk.
He stops when he reaches his car and turns around, "What do you want me to say? Hmm?" He flings his hands in the air, "I wasn't interested in Zoe.. I'm-"
He stops talking and sighs, "You know what.. not even going to waste my breathe."
"What is going on with you? Seriously Harry."
He reaches for the door handle and I put my hands on the hood of his car, "You're not going anywhere until you talk to me."
He stands there with his arms crossed.
"I tried to do you a favor and help you by setting you up with someone who-"
"Help me?" He cuts me off and laughs, "No." he shakes his head.
I sigh and shake my head, "I don't know what you want me to do."
"We'll for starters, don't set me up with your boyfriend's sister." He yells and fails to hold back his laugh.
"What did you do that caused her to make a scene like that?" I look up at him and he shrugs, "Is because I just didn't like her not a good enough answer?"
"But why didn't you-"
"Because she isn't you." He yells cutting me off.
I stand there staring at him and watch at he slowly walks over to me. I stand up from leaning on the car and turn towards him.
"She isn't you." He whispers as he walks up to me quickly, grabbing my face and pulling me in to kiss him.
Our lips move in sync as he pushes be back against the car, "I'm so fucking in love with you, y/n. I wish you would have noticed it sooner."
His lips go back to mine before I even have a chance to say anything. His tongue pushes against mine and he kisses back my jaw line, "Please." He begs, "Just let me finally have you."
I slowly look up at him and nod, "Take me home, Harry." He kisses me again and quickly opens the car door. I slide in and take a deep breathe as I pull the seat belt over my body.
"There's a lot of things I've been waiting for, y/n." He starts the car, "you being all of them."
I reach over and twirl his hair around my fingers, "Then let's cross them off." I bite my lip, "I love you. I just-" I sigh and shrug, "I wasn't sure if you were just my friend or not."
"I don't want to be friends, y/n. Since that night, I've had this.. this love for you and seeing you date other guys.. fuck." He tilts his head and sigh, "Makes me so-"
"Jealous?" I ask with a smirk.
He nods, "And so fucking pissed." He lays a hand on my thigh, "Seeing him touch you.." he slides his hand up, "Made me want to take you, lift that hot little dress up, and fuck the absolute fucking shit out of you on the bar."
His words make my breathe catch in my throat, "Harry." I whisper lowly.
"I've wanted you. For so long, y/n. I just can't sit back and watch you leave me anymore."
I unbuckle and lean over. I plant kisses along his jaw line and lay a hand on his already hard cock that straining against his pants, "I'm not going anywhere."
He moans as I palm his cock, "I promise I'll make it up to you when we get home." I lick up his neck and gently sink my teeth onto his ear lobe, "Punish me, baby. Treat me like your little slut."
He leans his head back slightly and groans, "Oh fuck, I'm going to. I promise."
I continue to kiss his neck, leaving little hickeys here and there. He moans as I grip his cock, "Almost home, baby."
I fall back into the seat and nod, "You have me so wet, Harry." I bring my dress up slightly and run a finger up and now my clothed pussy.
"I can't wait for your cock to be inside of me." I smile and bite my lip as he glances over at me. He clenches his jaw and reaches over. He slips his fingers inside the side of my panties and rubs a finger up and down my slit.
"Fuck." He groans shifting in his seat, "You are so fucking soaked for me."
His finger plays around with my folds, sliding in and out every now and then.
I moan loudly and tilt my head back, "Fuck, Harry."
He sucks in air, "My name is so hot coming from your lips." He takes his hand away and parks the car. He doesn't give me a moment to move before he's unbuckled and leaning over the center console.
His fingers find their place in my pussy, this time he isn't teasing me.
He thrusts his fingers in and out at a fast but satisfyingly pace.
I arch my back and slam my hand against the dash, letting out a pleasured scream.
Harry kisses me to quiet me, "Shh, baby. Don't want to cause a scene in the parking lot."
His hand keeps fucking me, quickly bringing me to, what I assume is, the first orgasm of many. I whimper against his lips and he chuckles, "No one can make you cum like I can."
I nod, my chest rising and falling quickly, "Only you, Harry."
"Only me. Now, come on." He slowly pulls his fingers out and fixes my drenched panties. I slowly spin around and set my legs on the floor. Harry opens my door and helps me out.
He pulls me over and kisses me, "I can't keep my hands off of you." He presses his cock into my leg, "Fuck." He shuts the door with a slam, "Come on."
I follow him up to my door and he unlocks it with his key, not letting go of my hand. He pulls me in and my back meets the door as it slams shut.
He drops to his knees and pulls the wet fabric down my legs. He pushes my dress up and lifts my leg. His mouth attaches to me and I let out a gasp, "Fuck. Fuck." I grab the door knob and grab a fistful of Harry's hair with my other.
He moans against me and nudges my clit with his nose, "Mmm."
"H-Harry." I already feel like I'm going to cum again, "Fu-" I whimper and push my head into the door, "Fuck." I moan and roll my hips on his tongue.
"You taste heavenly, y/n." He groans as he stands up. He places a hand around my neck, his fingers slowly squeezing the sides. He kisses me and I moan as I taste myself on his tongue.
"Don't you taste good, sweetheart?" He whispers, "I could eat you all day."
I nod and moan at his words.
He slips his hands behind me to my back and slowly unzips my dress and quickly takes it off my body.
He takes a step back, his eyes scan over my naked figure and he smirks, "I've missed seeing you like this."
I bite my lip and watch him as he admires me.
He unbuttons his shirt the rest of the way, shrugging it off his shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. He kicks off his shoes and undoes his pants.
I look down at his cock that's straining against his boxers and I step towards him.
"Let's go somewhere that's more comfortable for your knees, baby." He holds his hand out and I take it. He leads me up the steps and as soon as we reach the top, we're on each other making out as we back into the bedroom.
I kick my heels off before falling back onto the bed, "Fuck." He groans as he takes his boxers off. He pumps his cock a few times and crawl up and lay on my stomach, "Let me."
Before he answers I take his cock in my mouth. I work the tip with my tongue and his breathe hitches and he moans. "Fuck, y/n."
I wrap my hand around him, stroking him, "Does that feel good, daddy?"
His snaps down quickly and a smirk grows on his lips, "It feels amazing, baby." He brushes a hand over my hair, "Now keep doing it." He pushes my head back down onto his cock and he lets out a groan, "Fuck, yeah baby."
I bob my head up and down and reach up to gently massage his balls. He lets out a gasp and bucks his hips, "Sh-shit."
He pulls back, "You're going to make me cum, and I really don't want to end the night this early." He smiles and walks around to sit on the bed. I turn my body and lay on my side, "How do you want me?"
He smirks and leans back against the headboard. He motions for me to come to him, "Any way I can get you." He whispers as I straddle him.
I drag my fingers down his chest and stomach and wrap my fingers around his cock, holding it as I slide down onto him. I bring my hand up and lay it on his chest, "Harry." I breathe out.
He bites his lip and grips my hips, "That feel good?"
I nod quickly, "Yes."
He brushes hair from my face, "Don't move."
"You heard me." He smirks and tilts his head back and rests it, "I'm punishing you. Remember? So you're going to sit there for a little bit and I'm going to admire how fucking sexy you look on my cock."
I whimper slightly, "no, please."
He smirks, "Uh huh."
I dig my nails into his shoulders, "Harry." I whine, "Please."
"If you move, I'll make your wait longer for my cock and I know you want it so bad." He reaches up and plays with my nipples, "I love you."
I look at him, forgetting what we're doing for a moment and smile, "I love y-you." He thrusts his hips up gasping me to gasp, "Harry."
"Say it again. I love when you say it."
He grips my hips and slowly rocks them on his cock. The teasing has my brain fuzzy, "I-I.." I moan, "I love.. fuck.. I love you." I wrap my arms around his neck, "I love you."
He presses his lips to mine and slides a hand up my back, "I've waited to hear you say that." He kisses down my neck, "Now fuck your self on my cock, baby."
I quickly start to bounce, moaning loudly against his neck, "H-Harry."
He moans and holds me tighter, "Fuck."
He lets me ride him for a little longer before he leans me back, "Bend over." I nod and roll off of him, getting onto my knees. I slowly bend over and rest my head on the bed.
Harry positions himself behind me and brings his hand down on my ass cheek with a hard slap before he grips my hips.
I let out a whimper and he pushes himself into me, "Fuck."
He pulls out and thrusts in hard which causes me to let out a scream, "Fuck."
His thrusts are hard and slow and his moans are loud.
"You sound so hot, Harry." I moan pushing my hips back to meet his. He trails a hand up my back and wraps my hair around it, "Do I?" He groans as he pulls me up so my back meets his chest, "You like it when I moan for you?"
"Yes daddy." I moan, "Fuck, yesyesyes."
"Only for you, huh?" He pulls my hair and pushes into me, "Hmm?"
"O-only for me." I repeat, "Only me."
"You're damn right baby." He starts to thrusts again and rests his head on my shoulder, "Fuck." I reach back to grab his wrist but he takes my arm and pins it against my lower back.
He reaches around and his fingers wrap around my throat with his other hand.
I bite my lip and my moans are slightly muffled.
"Your pussy feels fucking good squeezing around my cock." He moans, "Fuck."
I whimper and my eyes roll back as I cum again.
"Again? Look at you, sweetheart. Keeping daddy's cock wet." He lets go of my throat and his thrusts slow down. He lets go of my arm and rolls me over, leaning down to hover his body over mine, "You're going to make me cum soon, where do you want it?"
I lean up and kiss him, "Where ever you want me to have it."
He smirks, "Good answer, sweetheart." He slide aback in and groans, "You're so good to me." He interlocks his fingers with mine and pins my hands above my head.
I wrap my legs around his waist and arch my back, "Fuck. Fuck." I moan and tilt my head back.
"Y/N." Harry breathes out, "I-I.. you need to.. un-"
I tighten my legs around him, "I want all of you."
He smirks and his head falls slightly as he groans one final time. He squeezes my hands as he cums.
He lifts his head and shakes it's while looking at me, "You.." he laughs slightly and gently let's go of my hands.
"Hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time, okay." I laugh and shrug, "Nothing we can do about it now." He nods, "You're right. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?"
He reaches out and brushes my cheek with his thumb. I shake my head and lay a hand on his, "No. I'm okay." He leans in and kisses me, "You know. I should probably ask just to make it official."
I tilt my head, my head still slightly fuzzy.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
I smile and nod, "Yes, Harry. Only if you'll be my boyfriend?" I laugh and he smiles.
"I think I can do that." He leans in and kisses me, "I really do love you."
I look down at him and run a hand through his hair, "And I really love you." He smiles and gets up and walks over to my dresser, "Here." He pulls out a shirt and throws it to me.
I unfold it and smile, "When did you put that in there?" I slip his shirt on. He shrugs, "Earlier today. I knew you liked it so much, so." He slips on a a pair of sweats he had in the bottom drawer and I laugh, "When did you move in?"
He shrugs, "I'm always here so."
"No, no. I'm not complaining, that's actually smart." I stand up and he holds up a lace pair of panties, "Wear these ones please? And no pants." He winks.
"Give them here." I smile and shake my head, "Spoiled is what you are, Harry. Spoiled." He walks over to me and holds me, "I know. I know. But. I'll make you something to eat in return."
"Oh okay, now I'm spoiled. Please do."
We walk downstairs and I laugh as I seen the trail of clothes going from the door to the steps.
My phone rings in my purse and I grab it off the floor and get it out, "Oh shit."
"What babe?" Harry asks peaking his head out from the kitchen.
"It's thing one calling." I roll my eyes and toss it onto the couch. I go to walk away and it rings again. Harry walks out with a smirk and picks it up, "She's busy."
He chuckles and hangs up, "Took care of that for you."
He tosses my phone down and pulls me with him to the kitchen.
"Thank you." I say looking up at him. He gives me a kiss, "Anything for you."
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