#always loved the music box locket but again I Am Biased from my love of music boxes
cozylittleartblog · 2 years
Did you also played Undertale? I am really curios to know you opinions about that😄
i Fucking love undertale. like yeah i didn’t latch onto UTDR like a feral animal until ch2 last year but i’ve still always loved it and it’s still something that’s very near and dear to my heart! it's such a beautiful game with such fun characters and a soundtrack so good it's nearly all i listened to my last year of high school (... along with diamond city radio lmfao.) my itunes library had over 1000 plays on “UNDERTALE” before i switched computers. my faves have changed over the years but back then they were mettaton muffet and papyrus (... mettaton is still up there though. I’m Biased.)
it's been 6 years and i still cry when i get to the end of the pacifist route or when i listen to the soundtrack that goes to it. i don’t have the patience or energy to do anything but draw these days but damn undertale makes me wanna make a video game 🥺 tl;dr undertale good.
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amoliveiraofficial · 4 years
happy pride ;; averoe discord thread
WHERE: Kingsboro, New York
WHEN: June 27th, 2020
TIME: Early-mid afternoon
WARNINGS: So fucking adorable- and long. But mainly adorable lmao
CHARACTER FEATURES: Avery Chopra, Monroe Oliveira ( @monroephile ), Cleo Lopez
CHARACTER MENTIONS: Mars Slater (NPC), Zane Bishara ( @zanebishara ), Devin Stewart ( @devinxstewart )
PROMPT: Averoe celebrates Monroe’s 25th birthday during Pride Month in a very special way.
She was nervous. She was really, really fucking nervous. She'd been up all night trying to decide if this was the right idea or if it was too soon. But... When she thought about it, she knew in her heart and her soul that this was the right idea. Asking for Cleo's help, she had the older woman spend the morning with Monroe to take her to a couple of music shops with the offer to buy her anything and everything she wanted, as a birthday treat. While Cleo was distracting her, Avery got to work. With their landlord's permission, the girl was able to set up a small table and to decorate the rooftop, having a beautiful view of Kingsboro in the early afternoon. With vases of French marigolds circling the gazebo, the table decorated in Monroe's favourite colours while set up with chicken and waffles along with one glass of root beer and one glass of screwdriver cocktails for each of them. The rooftop gazebo was decorated with balloons and streamers in the DJ's favourite colours, a banner with the words 'Happy Birthday!' hung up. With Cleo texting her saying that she was dropping Monroe off at the complex, Avery was nervous. But so excited. She texted her girlfriend to see if she could join her up on the roof, telling herself to breathe. The moment she saw the shorter brunette, Avery beamed brightly and held her arms out wide while she stood in the gazebo next to the table with her lunch. "Surprised! Happy birthday, Monroe Eilam Oliveira."
it’s her birthday, wow, she hasn’t even planned anything for herself that day. usually she’d spend the whole day at home, doing the usual things as if it was just another day. she really wasn’t used to celebrating her birthday, not until she met avery. the girl definitely changed that, with something planned out for them last year, she was sure she has something up her sleeve again. but she wasn’t sure, instead, she had spent the earlier hours with cleo, roaming around kingboro with the offer of buying whatever she wants for her birthday. she kind of did take advantage of that, buying a new dj controller, that model she’s been saving up for months, along with a new pair of headphones. the older woman was that sister she’s never had, she was always there to look out for her and avery, and she’s very grateful for that. she didn’t want to bring up that she knew that she was being distracted though, to just have them carry on this little plan they have for her. once she was dropped off at the apartment complex, the dj tried not to rush upstairs, to the roof as the writer instructed her. “wow….you never ever fail too woo me, aves….,” she looks around the place, in awe of how it was transformed. she walked up to the other and pulled her close for a hug. “thank you….this is the best already. you’re the best.”
God... There she is... There's the woman of her dreams. Wow... Wow, wow, wow. Avery beamed so brightly, walking quickly to meet her and hold her in her arms. It was only for a few hours and she was the one who planned this in the first place... But god, she missed her. She missed her so much. "You're welcome, baby. I also made some cupcakes! Well... Attempted, is the best word for it... but they're downstairs in the kitchen. I didn't want to risk bringing them out here and potentially melting." Fortunately, the day wasn't super hot, but she didn't want to risk it. Pulling away, she moved to pull out Monroe's chair for her. "I made you your favourite! I tried to recreate that one pasta from the Cove that you like but... um, well, anyways." Clearing her throat, she giggled awkwardly. God, she has been in ten different theatre productions- try to act like you're not a nervous, awkward bean, for once! "Shall we, um, shall we eat? Oh, and Laurel's watching Mars! She promised to bring him back later. I just... selfishly wanted a few hours with you. Oops?"
monroe loves this certain...clinginess, the affection her and avery shares. their bond has only just gotten stronger when they've become official. it was nice to be back home with avery, cleo may have suffered an hour of two of her nagging while they were at various music shops. "cupcakes? the classic mocha cupcakes? i love those so much," she hums, giving her a cheeky smile. "i have a feeling you did great though, i'm going to love that pasta, i'm just sure. anything that's made for you is truly a chef's kiss," she reassures the other as she kisses her cheek. the dj hated the heat so much, thank god it's a little bit cold today, cuddling with avery after this would be perfect. monroe just loves how....warm and safe she feels in her arms. she's just looking for....mars, where's mars? "thank you--oh, i was about to ask," she chuckles lightly, sitting down. "though....i'm giving you permission to be selfish with me for a few hours. i'd love to spend time alone with you."
She knew that some people hated clinginess, that they absolutely despised it. Avery, on the other hand, loved it with Monroe. Loved how they always needed to be touching each other one way or another. Holding hands, holding each other, kissing, sitting on each others's laps; Any way they're able to be close to one another, she loved it. "Tried to," she giggled, cheeks turning pink. "They're... not very pretty... I had trouble decorating them... But I promise I tried my best! I really hope you'll like them." Avery just blushed even more by her sweet words. She touched her cheek, a dorky grin gracing her lips at the kiss. God, what has this woman done to her? She loves it. She loves her. "You're welcome. I knew she and Lissy were missing Mars, so it was a win-win on all accounts." Softly kissing her after she sat down and settled in, the dancer took her seat across from her. She instantly reached out her hand, heart eyes for Monroe. "I... I have another surprise for you. I mean, I was going to wait until after lunch... But I don't think I can wait any longer."
“i just know you’ve done great, baby, plus, decorating is really a hard task. i bet my taste buds would love them so much. i mean, you already make the awesomest chicken and waffles in the whole wide galaxy, i am very sure you did great on those too, and the pasta,  don't tell cleo this, but i know this is already better that the one at the cove." she winks playfully at the other. alright, she may be biased, but it's true, avery has been doing really great in the kitchen lately, both of them working around in the kitchen, she wanted to make more homecooked meals for them and for mars instead of ordering out, it's a form of bond for the family as well. "i mean....i don't blame them, mars is a little bit of a charmer. one look at those eyes and you're done for," she chuckles. she swore to make sure the little boy had the best things in the world, he and avery are her life now. and she wanted to make sure both are always safe and getting the good things they truly deserve. she raised an eyebrow at her next words. "hmm....another surprise? wow.... i've been having a lot of those today...."
"Baaaaaabe..." The brunette couldn't help it as she giggled, her compliments causing her to blush a bright red. It had been a joke for basically all her life about how awful her cooking was. It was honestly quite embarrassing, really. But Monroe... she was always so encouraging and kind, always bringing her up whenever she felt down with her cooking. While she has grown confident with cooking breakfast, other foods... Those made her nervous. But she felt better when they decide to cook together. "He most definitely got his charming ways from you," she mused, her grin becoming cheeky. However, her one minute of confidence soon vanish and she cleared her throat. "Um... Well... I... Um, h-here..." Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a medium-sized jewelry box consisting of a beautiful locket. She held the box out for her, hoping that she'll like it. Oh god... Please let her like it.
“maybe he got some from me, but it’s definitely from you, babe, you’re quite a charmer yourself, i mean….” she takes her hand close to her lips, kissing the back of her palm. “whenever i watch you at the cove you just….everyone’s eyes are on you. it makes me feel like tristan thorn, your suitor?” monroe knows the vibe in the whole restaurant anytime that the spotlight’s on her. god, why did she not realize shit at that point in time? what’s important though, is that they’re finally official, as most of their friends would say. she could remember them rolling their eyes at her most of the time when avery’s been brought up in a conversation. she sat there as she watches the girl getting something from her pocket, revealing what looked like a jewelry box. she takes it and examines the box for a moment before opening it, revealing a…necklace? no…it’s definitely a locket. “holy shit….baby…this is wonderful….,” she glances up at the writer in admiration.
Avery was about as red as a tomato at this point, her cheeks so red. "Our sweet, charming little boy," she mused. Her heart was beating past as she opened the box. She felt like she could breathe a little as she admitted her love for the locket. She reached out her hands to hold Monroe's. "It... It belonged to my grandmother," she explained, keeping her eyes on the girl. "When my grandfather proposed to her, he knew he wanted to do something special. Something unique. So... He designed that locket specifically for her... and he proposed to her with it." The writer took a deep breath. "Monroe Eilam Oliveira... This past year with you has been the greatest, happiest time of my life. Before I met you, I was... I was going through a rough patch. For five years, every day seemed to be a nightmare and all I ever knew was heartbreak and misery. Before you showed up, after things got bad with Luca and Max, I told myself that I was going to work on myself and focus on Mars. Become the person I needed to be for him. And then you showed up. And... And you helped me. Over a year now, I have grown in s many ways I thought would never be possible for me. I have laughed more, smiled more, have been more happy than I ever was the twenty years without you in my life. You have been by my side and helped me raised Mars, watched him grow from being a few months old to turning one, to now turning two soon. You have shown me that the world can be a warm and caring place. You have loved me, even before we realized that what we shared for each other was love. And I love you, Monroe. I love you so, so much. The past few days, learning about Zane and Devin being back... I know that we were both nervous there. All my life it seemed that whenever things are going good, something always comes to take it away. Not this time, not with us. I don't want anyone else, Monroe. All I want is you. I want to fall asleep in your arms just for us to wake up with you in mine. I want to share chicken and waffles with you forever, sharing screwdriver cocktails with you forever. I want to sing for you, dance with you, learn to cook more food with you. I want to watch Treasure Planet with you a thousand times with Mars and then a thousand times more. I want to take care of Waffles with you, give him a loving home. I want to go on adventures with you, whether it's something small as being in our own apartment or something huge as going to another country. I want to grow old with you, watch you grow as a DJ and as a cook while I grow as a writer and performer. I want... I want us to grow our family together some day. I want us to live in a house together some day. I want us to be grandparents some day. I want to live the rest of my life with you. I don't want to live in fear of losing you; I want to be able to know that I am never, ever, going to lose you. And for you to know that you're not going to lose me, either. You are my Roe, my baby. My babe, my darling, my sweetheart. My lioness, my bunny, my Tristan Thorne. You are my Jack, my Lula, my Jack of all trades. My Robin Hood, my pirate. My Aladdin... My Al... My Ali... You are my soulmate and the love of my life... You are the mother of Mars and the future grandmother of our grandchildren... I want you to be my wife." Getting up from her seat and keeping her eyes on Monroe, she got down on one knee. "I love you. I love you with everything I am and more. And I promise to love you more and more of every second of every day. I promise to love you for now, for tomorrow, for next week, for next month, for next year, for forever. I promise to love you for the rest of my life and for longer. I promise with my fingers and my toes. And so... With the promise of my love, I must ask... Monroe Eilam Oliveira: will you marry me?"
if you ever get to ask monroe who her first love is, she would instantly say it’s avery, not a second more to think. for the past quarter of a century of her life, for so many people that she’s met, interacted with, some of them she got to share nights with, they never had this feeling she’s shared with the writer. at first, would be mistaken as infatuation, but as time has passed, the pull she felt for her got stronger and stronger that monroe was struggling to put a word for it. for the past year that she’s shared the same apartment with avery and mars, she knew that these were the people she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, that they are already her family, before things even got to the state of being official. yet here lies the conflict, devin and zane. it was this force that made her worry a lot. the moment she and the other got official, she discovers about this….this man. a rich….talented, well-know artist. and she was just someone who mixes pre-recorded music, as some people would refer. she was scared that she’ll lose avery to this guy. though right now….knowing where this locket came from, the history behind it, and then the taller brunette going along with her speech, all the worries monroe had slowly dissipates, tears starting to form in her eyes as she watches her get down on one knee. it may look like they were moving fast, but somehow….this all made sense. they’ve always been acting like a couple for what seemed like forever, both of them are just that oblivious enough to notice. with her mind and her heart, she knew this is the right time. “yes….oh my god, yes….i will marry you, avery. avery marina chopra…oh my god,” she finds herself bawling, pulling up the girl close to kiss and hold her in her arms. “god, marry me right now, i…i don’t think i can ever wait….fuck—fuck i love you, baby. i love you so much.”
Monroe, unfortunately, wasn't her first love; But god, she's her true love. Her and Mars have given her a love no one else ever did. When she looked in her future, she saw them. She saw them being a family, hopefully even growing it some day. For the first time in her life, Avery could truly say that she was happy and not be lying. The love she shares for the two has been so pure and so wonderful, it felt too good to be true. But perhaps that was a good thing. Avery use to always run from the things that could be good for her. But with Monroe? With Monroe, she'd stayed. She'd get scared and worried she was awful for her; But then they'd get to talk and her fears would ended up being calmed. She loves her so much, she was crying. But god, she's happy. She is so happy and in love. She laughed joyfully when she said yes, quickly grabbing her in her arms to spin her around as they kissed. She could've sworn she heard fireworks. "Yes! Yes, yes, right now! W-We can go to the courthouse right now and, and get married there. Maybe we can do a big one in the future! I just... I just love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want to start now." They've already been dating basically for over a year now: this was meant to happen. This is the right moment and time for them. She's going to become her wife. Giggling, she pulled her back into another kiss. "Happy birthday, baby... and happy pride?"
at the start of the month, getting married to her best friend, to her soulmate is something monroe expected the least, this hasn’t even come to mind. she was also used to things temporary, friendships, relationships, any form of bond she could list off of her mind that she had with other people. thought with avery, she’s become a different person as time passed. she was so contrasting to the old version of herself that was just so numbed up with the number of people who has left her in her life, even her parents have left her the moment she was born. with avery, monroe couldn’t bring herself to doing that, even the thought of it kills her, as if there’s a knife twisted in her chest, making her bleed endlessly. from the first time they had a disagreement, she never let the other go, instead of letting her completely leave, the two learned how to communicate over things like this together and in time grew into so much better versions of themselves. monroe giggles into the kiss as the other spun her around. “courthouse, yes, let’s go to the courthouse, the big wedding can wait, but the thing i can’t wait about is being yours for the rest of our lives, and so on.” she melts in her arms, rubbing their noses together. “happy pride….,” she giggles. “oh, what should i wear? i should—we should ask cleo for help about these things, hmm?”
If you had told Avery at the beginning of June that not only would she and Monroe have confessed their love for each other, officially get together, and get married of all things near the end of Pride, she would never have believed you. But here we are. And god, she couldn't ask for anything better. Ever since they met each other, things were different. Natural, warm, all just so right. Meeting her was like starting a puzzle and finding all of the perfect pieces, creating a masterpiece. This felt exactly like that. And now, they're able to move onto a bigger puzzle to create an even more spectacular masterpiece: their marriage life. God, the girl was buzzing with excitement. She's about to marry to love of her life, her soulmate, her other half. Not everyone was lucky to have that. "Perfect," she mused, giggling as she gave her soft kisses. "We should most definitely dress in something nice... I have that one white suit I've been wanting to wear or this one blue dress that's rather nice... Yes, Cleo! We should-... oh... Oh god, I have no idea how Cleo's gonna react. Should we ask her to be our witness?" The thought of the woman's reaction... She just knows she's going to need to hide their pans. "You're actually going to be my wife... I-I truly never thought that I was ever going to get married... And now, I'm going to get to marry the most incredible and talented and smart and beautiful woman in the world? I just... Whoa. I love you so much, baby."
monroe is really going to get married, on her birthday. god, she’s not going to ask for anything else. looks like 25 isn’t bad after all, when she’s spending it with the love of her life. “oh god, how should we tell our friends? should we tell them right now? or just….when it’s all done?” she had a giddy smile on her face. nope. she has no idea how weddings work. she’s been to two or three weddings, but honestly, she doesn’t have a fucking clue what went on the whole time. “oh, we have to….,” monroe hums, poking avery’s cheek while she was still in her arms. “i do want to see you in a white suit, if i’m being honest,” she winks, pecking along her jawline. “i do have two pairs of dresses in our closet, you want the black or the red one?,” she wiggles her eyebrows at the other. “you know….how about we tell her over the phone, and then ban her from the apartment…the pan threat seemed to be serious the last time,” she giggles raspily. “i never thought i was going to get married either….no—baby, sshhh. you’re the most incredible and talented and smart and beautiful between the two of us,” she leans close, rubbing their noses together. ���i love you too, so so much. now….are you ready to call cleo?”
She's getting married at 21... That never seemed to be a possibility until now. But god, she's so happy that this is happening. That this has become a part of their life. That she was actually going to marry her. Then she brought up their friends... "Maybe... Maybe we should tell them when it's all done. Surprise them." She was worried about how they'd react. They were all very happy when they became official... But would they be supportive of them getting married so soon? She was hopeful. But she didn't want to risk them trying to change their minds beforehand. She giggled at the poke, grinning brightly at the beautiful girl in her arms. "Suit it is. Oooo... You are absolutely stunning in red, baby. You'd look so beautiful in both." Avery laughed, nodding at the idea. "Yes, that's perfect. I'm really not wanting to see her until we get to the courthouse." The writer held her closer, kissing her softly. "Nooo, you are. I'm ready, baby. Let's go get married, Monroe Eilam Oliveira."
“i’ll go get my red dress then, baby. though….i haven’t worn that one before, did i buy that one or did you?” monroe’s wardrobe has always leaned towards street wear, sometimes she would wear an oversized hoodie and cycling shorts whenever she’s just taking a stroll around town. she did save a few dresses; in case she has formal occasions to go to. in this case as of now, her own wedding. the trip to the courthouse was short, monroe glancing at avery for a moment and back on the road, taking her hand to hold whenever she’s got the chance. she used to despise this day, since it was the same day her parents decided that she’s not welcome in their lives. but now….now it’s going to change. it’s the day her and avery are officially going to be wives, just strengthening the word family. “who’s gonna have who’s last name?,” she looks at the other, asking that question that’s suddenly formed in her head.
"Ooo, I think that we got it together? Or maybe Cleo did... Either way, you're going to look incredible, like you always do." Avery loved her style, knowing that it was something the girl felt comfortable in and was happy with. Avery was more so of a boho/artsy girl herself when it came to fashion, but she did like to experiment every now and then. So wearing a suit for her wedding? Sounded amazing. Holding Monroe's hand with one and Mars's hand with the other (after calling her, Laurel had brought him back home- there was no way they'd do this without him), she thought about her question. "Is... Is it okay if I take your last name?" she asked almost shyly, smiling softly at her soon-to-be wife. "I'd love to be known as Avery Marina Oliveira." God, even just saying it as an example sounded so right. 'Cleo! Cleo!’ Mars cried out, the older woman walking towards them and scooping the one year old in her arms. Kissing his cheek and cooing softly at first, the blonde looked at the two with raised eyebrows. "Do I slap you both or hug you both? I'm conflicted."
“you look dashing in your suit, by the way—but we’re not switching roles, you’re still yvaine and i’m tristan.” monroe playfully teases the other. fuck, she really looks so good in a white suit, why hasn’t she suggested avery to wear this one before? though….this is appropriate for the occasion. she’s going to fucking marry the most wonderful girl (in all aspects) in the galaxy, she feels the luckiest. speaking of galaxy, their little space monkey looks handsome right now, and she couldn’t help but let out an aawww whenever she looks at him. sometimes, since she and avery got official, she’s wondered if even mars have seen something between the two of them that she hasn’t noticed at all. “of course, baby.” she was surprised, but in a good way. she was going to take monroe’s last name, and that made her even more excited. “i love the sound of that.” the moment she’s heard mars call for cleo, an awkward smile formed on her face as she approaches them. “well…it’s my birthday still?,” she chuckles. “so you really can’t say or do mean things to me….and avery.”
"Damn... One day. One day, I will get to top," she teased back, kissing her lips with a grin. Of course, she has grown to love their 'roles' and rarely jokingly asked if she could topped at some point. If she did, however, it was typically as a joke. Glancing back at Mars, her heart just burst. This was his first time wearing a little suit and tie and god, did he look absolutely adorable. His curls were unruly and he had a bright smile on his face, causing the girl to softly kiss his head. "Me too, baby," Avery giggled. Going from Chopra to Oliveira soon sounded so surprising but so fitting and just right. She loves it. God... She was just so happy right now. Not even Cleo's snark could dampen her mood. "Hiiii, Cleo. Thank you so much for coming to witness." Sighing, the older woman shook her head and hugged each girl while holding the toddler, who was rather fascinated with her hair. "Fine, but tomorrow? Fair game. Now... Let's go get you two inside and married." Despite her attitude, the woman was truly happy for them. And in fact... she even had a surprised for the two girls. But that was going to wait until after they're married.
"avery marina oliveira.... i'm the luckiest woman in the galaxy to ever be your wife, and also be the mother of mars. but before i start a speech in public, i should really stop now, we cannot be late to our own wedding." monroe exaggeratingly takes a sigh of relief when cleo said she's going to let her slide for today. "oop, good luck looking for us tomorrow though," she teases her in reply. the blonde is like one of the sisters she's never had. she knew they only met recently, but she already made an impact in her life, she became one of the few people monroe confides to, asks for advice, whenever it's career or personal-wise, she could really trust her. she does love annoying her, maybe tease her along with avery whenever they sneak around to one of the ship's hiding spots at the cove, sometimes they would even run off the moment she starts rambling in spanish. after that hug they shared with cleo, monroe holds avery's hand, intertwining their fingers. "are you ready to be mrs. oliveira, miss chopra?," she asks the taller brunette with a loving smile.
Avery couldn't help but to grin brightly as she said her new name. It sounded so perfect- she loves it deeply. Nodding, she laughed. "We most definitely cannot be late for this, my love." She kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer. Avery rolled her eyes playfully at Cleo, the woman giving out a grossed out reaction to her words. "Nope, stop right there," the blonde said, only causing the taller girl to laugh. Despite loving to give her grief, the performer truly appreciated the restaurant owner. The fact that came to witness for their wedding in spite of all of the shit they put her through to mess with her meant so much. The woman was like an older sister figure and she cared about her deeply. "Thank you," she whispered as they hug, causing a soft smile to grace the blonde's face. Looking at her future wife, she nodded with a grin before kissing her softly. "I was born ready, Miss Oliveira. Are you ready to become Mrs. Oliveira?"
“i know i’ve been ready ever since i laid my eyes on you.” monroe kisses avery softly before they entered the courthouse together. she doesn’t know that much about weddings, specifically this one, but she was aware cleo’s already taken care of it. she had only a little bit of knowledge, with how long should marriage licenses take, the fees, yada yada. before the ceremony started, both of them signed on necessary forms first (of course, while holding hands, as usual), then headed where the wedding presider was. they had exchange of vows, i do’s, and instead of rings, the locket was put on her neck by the taller brunette. maybe they’re just going to buy those rings tomorrow? they really do. “you may now kiss—the bride, yes.” the judge was chuckling at monroe not being able to wait, pulling avery close for a kiss. “that was hell of a first kiss as my wife, mrs. oliveira.”
It was perfect. The whole entire thing was perfect. Cleo paying the fees and taking care of things had been surprising, but once they were able to start the ceremony, everything had fallen into place. It was so hard not to pull her in to kiss her, her excitement only growing more and more. By the time she was able to put the locket on her wife, the grin on the face was bright and warm. She squealed excitedly as she was finally able to kiss Monroe, lifting her up in the air as she kissed her. "I couldn't agree more, Mrs. Oliveira," she giggled, bringing her back on her feet as she rubbed their noses together. Cleo had been sitting on a bench, holding Mars and watching the Oliveiras share their first kiss as a married couple. "Congratulations, you two," she mused, standing up to walk over to them as she held the toddler. "Well... I certainly hope you two are ready to celebrate- in about two hours, Amphitrite's Cove is going to become a birthday party and a wedding reception." Avery's eyes widened, taken aback by the older woman's words. "I- You- Wait, what?" A small laugh left her lips, the taller brunette looking at her wife in bewilderment.
avery has now taken her last name, she’s now avery marina oliveira, monroe eilam oliveira’s wife. her heart just leaps in excitement with the knowledge. “thank you, cleo i—i didn’t expect this woman right here would be my wife today, but i wouldn’t have this any other way,” she says, letting go of the taller brunette for a moment to hug her. the woman has witnessed enough of their relationship that others haven’t witnessed, she just knew the way they looked at each other, she is somehow one of the few people who has made her realize that she’s indeed, in love with avery. monroe was surprised at the mention of having a reception. “so….wow, you planned all of this?,” she asked with a hint of surprise in her voice. “i—i guess we should tell people right now, am i right?,” she returns back to her wife’s side. “oh my god….they are going to lose their shit about this, babe.”
Avery had her arm wrapped around the girl's waist, resting her cheek against the top of her head. On one hand, she wasn't surprised. Cleo has been one of the few people who has witnessed the more raw parts of their relationship even before they became official. Despite only knowing them for about two months, Cleo has bear witness to their relationship in ways others hadn't. But at the same time, the fact that she organized this... It was unexpected. The blonde just smiled warmly. "Planned it the moment you got off the phone with me and told me you were getting married," she admitted, chuckling at their reactions. "Everything should be ready in two hours. Guess you better let people know so that they can get ready and come celebrate with you two." The taller brunette laughed softly, tearing up. "I... Thank you, Cleo. I don't... I don't know how to repay you." Waving off her words, the restaurant owner shook her head and said, "No need- I got you two." Reaching out to take her son's hand, Avery grinned at her wife before kissing her softly on the lips. "We really should. And god, if we thought their reactions to us becoming official was extreme... We better get started, Mrs. Oliveira."
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