#always pocky day
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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pocky pocky
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dovelyscribbles · 2 years
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I forgot it’s Pocky Day today so I doodled a quick thing~
They shared the rest of the leftover pocky plus the kiss that Cove awaited for and DEFINITELY deserved after Cam’s little stunt 😌✨
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starishsky · 2 years
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pocky day (yeah this is late what about it)
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neptunesailing · 7 months
hm some of my art on here is old enough right. maybe its time for some redraws
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yume-fanfare · 7 months
its so heartbreaking that i didn't have time to draw any halloween art
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avoiltaire · 2 years
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i cannot emphasise how much this godsend of a boy means to me
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artifedexx · 7 months
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Katsuya's pocky day revenge (aka. "My Himbo Husband Can't Possibly Be That Seductive!?")
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starfoam · 7 months
No pocky day. She's learned from her mistakes.
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lunarscaled · 7 months
11.11 ( POCKY DAY )
-> Their downtime is competitive over the stupidest things, even Lyric can see that. Who got the most hits, or who spilled the most blood, or who can carry the most supplies; they are always pitting themselves against him to prove that his strength isn't everything, and sometimes falling short when it's just enough to edge them out of the ranks, but this by far has to be the simplest and stupidest thing they've competed over. A game they only vaguely overheard in a tavern played over biscuit---if Lyric hadn't made some offhanded parry of a remark to Cassian saying it sounded like fun, they may not have been put in this position: hands flat on the table, face to face, with chocolate and cookie balanced between their teeth. The pinch at the corner of his eyelids tells them he's just as ready to pull a dirty trick to win as them, and Lyric has not forgotten Cassian also knows magic. They merely have to be faster than him in their deception. Whoever pulls away first loses. It doesn't matter how. Just as someone counts them down, Lyric is mindful to take little bites of the treat and not advance to the center too quickly; the excuse for a kiss might be fine for someone else, but Cassian hardly needed any more reasons to flirt and pick at them. They catch the white of his sharp teeth when his mouth peels back when he eats, and though there is a smattering of eyes on them, Lyric is careful not to be too obvious with their casting.
-> The drum of their fingers as they wait for the right moment; the lash of his tail just in sight and the sudden curl of their fist as they grip it firmly with Mage Hand. They see him twitch when the end is in their grip, and even if it pulled back it wouldn't be far enough to prevent Lyric from yanking on it sharply, such force that they watch Cassian's mouth snap shut on his end of the biscuit as his spine straightens out. By extension, he pulls away first, and Lyric rolls the remained of the cookie back and forth in their teeth with the smugness so common among rogues even when he gives them an unpleasant look.
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"I win. Better luck next time."
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cauterisen · 7 months
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@champiionic asked:🍫 From Rai! Buddy pocky day :3
Homesickness is something Kimiko's learned to get over, for the most part.
She has to, though, to move on and go about life in a somewhat normal way. She can't be racked by the past constantly, nor should she. She doesn't want to think about what she is missing out on, or what she missed out on. She doesn't want to think about Japan too much, or what would happen if she ever went back. (Would she fit in? Is she too different now? Was she always?)
Nevertheless, sometimes it can be sweet to think of home... Sometimes literally. She doesn't know how Raimundo got a hold of a pocky box way out here, but she appreciates it despite the English words on the label rather than the kanji she was (is?) used to. Him thinking of her is a kindness in and of itself, which she also appreciates. Appreciates most of all, really.
'Haven't had this in years.' Kimiko grins as she takes pocky candy from her dear friend. 'Thanks. What kind of Pocky is this, drizzle chocolate?'
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
On the one hand, I want angsty memory loss fanfics; on the other, I want cute pocky game fanfics and am getting neither.
Life is unfair and I will either have to deal with it or write the fanfics myself.
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ngai0 · 7 months
[Your Attention on Me, Please!] - Fan Comic Pt. 5
LIST: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |Original Fanfic by Dulcesiabits
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Note: As always thank you for reading till the end! Every chapter seems to just get longer and further detailed haha, so this took longer than expected to finish. Liya was with me through this process. (fr my editor and my emotional support HAHA).
I'm used to just drawing pretty girls but this comic really got me to expand my skills and draw further dynamic and dramatic scenes such as MC's relay race scene! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter!
BONUS: 11/11 (late) POCKY DAY
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Note: Once again, thank you, truly for all your support from the previous chapters. It really encouraged me to finish until the end!!
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
*wakes up in cold sweat* POCKY DAY
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thefantasyden · 5 days
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Pairing: Sleeper Hybrid Seungmin + Canine Hybrid F Reader
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Warnings: Hybrid reader, tsundere(?) Reader, hybrid in heat (reader), unprotected sex, creampie, crying, dub con (but not really), fingering, oral (f receiving), primal, biting, marking, possessive behaving kind of but barely, Seungmin fighting his instincts.
Word count: 2,394
Synopsis: Seungmin has always felt differently about the groups hybrid, but he has never been able to figure out the cause of his pining.
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You always avoided Seungmin. It had become a trademark of your relationship the moment the group chose to adopt you, your tail always flitting low and slow when he was around.
Neither of you really knew why. Something about him was different, and you could never figure out what exactly it was.
He smelled different from any other human you'd met, and it was a scent that would surround you almost suffocatingly. It was slightly sweet and earthy, but wholly too strong to provide you with any sense of comfort when the contrast was so stark compared to that of his friends.
Seungmin watches you carefully slip past him in the small space between the kitchen counter and the stove, carefully avoiding any chance of your skin touching. He'd never ask about your behaviour in fear of making you uncomfortable or perhaps fear of what your answer would be, but it was a constant battle when he felt so drawn to you, taking any chance to breathe in your own warm, woody scent.
He had started finding any excuse he could to follow you around the dorms. It was hard at times, often resulting in a stuttered explanation as he tried to give reason to him suddenly needing to talk to Felix when you were hanging out in his room.
༄ જ⁀➴
They can all tell you're feeling off. You don't avoid Seungmin when you drag yourself toward the snack cupboard, and you sit far too close to him on the couch, immediately flagging to Chris that something was wrong.
"Pup, are you feeling okay?" He asks softly, concern only growing when you're slow to respond, your face almost dazed as you try to zone back in.
"Hm? Yeah. I'm just feeling weird."
༄ જ⁀➴
You're snappier that day than usual, quick to scold any member that dared to try and pet you or assign you a task. Everything blows up completely when Changbin helps himself to your leftover pasta, and the escalation to you both screaming across the living room happens before anyone can register what's happened, a threatening growl filling the room for mere seconds before you're being tugged away by Hyunjin and Chris who carefully guide you back to your room and apologise profusely for his mistake, promises of takeout meeting deaf ears as you bury yourself into your comforter.
Sleep is quick to welcome you, but the unbearable cramps that accompany your bad mood have you tossing and turning in the uncomfortable in-between where your conscious and unconscious battle to pull you to their side.
Gentle knocking at your door finally gets you moving, sitting up against your many pillows as you mumble out your response, watching the door slowly open to a nervous looking Seungmin holding multiple plastic bags.
"I heard what happened earlier, and thought maybe you could use some snacks."
He speaks quietly, and it's almost soothing, the end of your bed dipping beneath him as he sets the bags infront of you and watches you rummage through them curiously, a squeak of excitement making him smile when you grab at the multiple boxes of cookies and cream pocky.
You're too distracted by the many treats to respond, and he takes that as a cue to leave, barely able to move before you're grabbing at his arm and staring him down with wide pleading eyes.
"Can you stay? Please..."
Shocked isn't a strong enough word to explain how he feels, but he's quick to accept, waiting as you move yourself forward before he cautiously slots himself behind you. He can't even deny how his heart races when you settle back into him. Any sense of your usual avoidant self had completely melted away, leaving you pliant and dreamy against him.
The fact that your heat was hitting still hadn't clicked for you, instead only aware of how comforting it felt to have Seungmins scent wrapped around you like the warmest hug and his firm chest pressed against your back. It was cosy and safe and had your instincts taking hold.
You're flicking through shows, keening slightly as a warm hand finds your tummy and rubs absentminded circles that soothe the ache of your cramping muscles as another pokes and prods at your hip like a stress toy, the soft supple flesh soothing Seungmins own anxieties.
It happens without you realising. Subtle movements shift you further back into his lap and even the firm grip he has on your hips as he calls your name don't stop the subtle grind that has him hardening against you, his mind hazy as his teeth find your shoulder, resting against the skin as you apologise profusely, tiny moans echoing in his mind.
"You smell so good..."
The words are spoken more to himself than to you, but the need that laces them encourages your movement, voice cracking as you ask him to help you.
"What?" There's no way he's heard you correctly. Surely, you'd never dare to ask him for something like this.
"I know I shouldn't. I'm sorry, Minnie, but it hurts so much and just- your hands. It's so warm... It feels so good, Minnie."
You're practically whining, and the fog in his mind grows thicker, a rumble in his chest surprising you both.
"How do you want me to help you?"
Teeth nip at your neck as your hand finds his, guiding it lower until it's slipping beneath your underwear, his fingers immediately covered in your slick when they find your clit, your sticky thighs tensing against his as he rubs firm circles against the bundle of nerves, groaning against your neck when your head is thrown back against his shoulder, your delicate moans spurring him on.
It doesn't even register to him that he's started lapping at your flesh as you cum for him, your body tensing and relaxing, shaking against him as he holds you close.
He stays with you until you fall asleep before sneaking out, embarrassment flooding him as he rushes to his own dorm to lock himself in his room, tugging at his aching cock like a man possessed as he very quickly cums all over himself to the thought of pinning you to your mattress.
༄ જ⁀➴
Even the idea of facing you after what happened is enough to have him sulking in the practice room for hours, anxiety flooding him as his thoughts bounced between the fear of having made you uncomfortable and the question of why he felt so out of control around you. He was almost more ashamed to admit how much he enjoyed it than he was to have caved so easily.
Did you like him now? What changed? He had been so well versed on hybrid behaviour before you came into his life, but now it was like everything he had learned had been wiped from his memory.
You try to text him casually, but you're riddled with a kind of seperation anxiety that you'd never felt before as your polite greetings quickly turn to questions of 'did I do something to upset you?' that fill Seungmin with guilt, his heart clenching as he pictures the confusion that would be painting your face.
He does text back, but you don't physically see him until Chris charges him with keeping an eye on you while the boys worked on projects, trusting him to be the most responsible of the available members.
It's brief. You catch a glimpse of him as you rush back to your room from the kitchen, burying yourself in the comfort and safety of your blankets until the mere knowledge of his presence becomes enough to overwhelm you, your desire for skin to skin contact overriding your rational brain as you call out to him, not quite willing to leave the cosy space you'd built perfectly around you.
The creak of your door is almost silent, but fluffy brown hair peaks around the corner and you can feel your worries easing as he watches you in quiet curiosity.
"What's up? Are you okay?"
He's so gentle when he speaks to you, and you whine in response, a loud huff following as your animal instincts take the lead.
"Cuddle. Please? I don't feel good, Minnie."
The pout tugging at your lips and your pained expression were stronger than his shame, urging him to find comfort in the warmth of your body pressed close against his, your scent persuading him to relinquish his racing thoughts to the deep lull of tranquility he felt overcome his body with his nose nuzzling your hair and his arm around your waist as he held you gently.
Sleep comes too easily to the both of you and he's sure he could have stayed happily bound to the realm of his dreams if it wasn't for an unexpected pressure moving firmly against his crotch, jolting him awake with a slight panic before he registers your whining form moving slowly against him. His reasonable mind tells him to wake you up, but something deeper inside him is fighting for freedom with a ferocity he had never felt in his life, a deep growl rumbling in his chest seemingly causing you to keen against him, eager and tempting as he tried to resist the urge to touch you.
It's not until he hears you quietly call his name that he breaks, the hum of your voice as your hips grind harder back on to him flipping a switch, hands tugging at your thigh and waist until he's managed to cage you beneath him, chest heaving as he buries his nose into your neck and inhales deeply. He can feel your hands slip under his shirt, but his ears are ringing and his mind is too fuzzy to speak. He feels almost hungry, teeth nipping your neck a little too roughly as he marks your skin, fingers digging into the pillowy flesh of your thighs in order to hook them around his waist and offer him better access to grind his hardening length against you.
He swears he can smell it. There's a wet patch on your pyjama pants and the scent of your arousal is driving him to insanity, only spurred on by the delicate touch of your hand palming his cock.
"Please, Min. Need you. Please!"
You can barely whisper your pleas between gasped breaths, barely finishing your begging before your lips are caught by his and his tongue is dipping into your mouth in a forceful kiss, the passion between you bubbling over and manifesting in a mess of gasps and wet lips as he struggles to get his pants down enough to free his cock which throbs painfully as it presses against you.
"Can I? Fuck, please let me. Need to make you mine so bad."
He's as far gone as you are and the lewd moan you bless him with is more than enough for him to be pulling your pyjamas off, your slick covered cunt laid bare for him causing him to short circuit completely, his plans quickly changing as he slips down from his current position to lay flat on his stomach where he immediately begins biting and sucking at your thighs, marking more of you before his tongue finds your slit and laps hungrily at your arousal.
The taste is nothing short of addictive, hands wrapping underneath your thighs to hold you still against his face as he focuses his attention or your clit, lapping at sucking at the bud until he has you on the verge of sobbing, your hands pushing at his head as you beg him to just fuck you already, which he's more than happy to do once he's had his fill.
You're so far gone by the time his tip is nudging at your entrance that all you can do is whimper, welcoming the intrusion as he slowly presses the entirety of his length into you. It's more than you would have expected, but you're given no time to contemplate that thought as he immediately sets a rapid pace, his thrust careful but firm as he lets the instincts he'd been fighting take over completely, teeth sinking into your neck just deep enough to provide a delicious sting without breaking the skin at all.
He's babbling incoherently against you, alternating constantly between biting at your flesh and pressing harsh kisses to your lips, occasionally lapping at your mouth in a way he's sure he'd be embarrassed of later, but the pretty sounds that it coaxes from you are more than enough to encourage him right now.
"Gonna be mine now, right? Need you to be mine. Please. Wanna make you mine forever."
Your aching cunt is pulsing around him and you can't reply as your high hits you, nails digging into his back as your legs lock around his waist. You can feel his hips faltering and you know he's close too, wanting nothing more than for him to claim you in the most primal way.
"Fill me, Min. Want you to cum in me! Wanna be yours forever!"
If the idea of filling you wasn't enough, your desire to be his is more than enough to have him gripping your hips and pulling you roughly to meet his final thrust as he came with breathless pants, watching with wide eyes as his cum spilled out around his cock with every forward jerk of his hips.
He doesn't pull out until he hears you sniffling through the fog in his mind, quickly pulling you into his chest and petting your hair, sparing no thought for the mess it was creating. He'd deal with that later.
"Are you okay baby? Did I hurt you?"
He's flooded with concern and you can see it on his face, one hand cupping your cheek as he stared at you with a tenderness you could never have imagined.
"No... I just..."
It's as if he can read your mind, the lightest kiss pressing to your forehead before he tucks your head into his neck.
"You're all mine, if you want to be."
His voice is sure, yet a little nervous and you can't help but melt into him, sighing contentedly as you nod your affirmation, a sigh of relief causing you to giggle and earning a playful growl in response.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a hybrid yourself."
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vsimp · 7 months
greed (nsfw 18+)
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pairing: kamisato ayato x f!reader word count: 1.3k genre: smut minors pls do not interact
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Ayato knew that it was his duty to give an heir to the Kamisato Clan. It was one of the reasons why he had agreed to a marriage in the first place. He always kept his expectations low, as he knew a marriage with love was more rare when it came to nobles like him.
When he had met you, however, you had exceeded his expectations. He was never the type of man to get so close to just anybody, maintaining his boundaries with everybody else. He even kept you at a distance for a bit, but then you broke down his barriers, loved him for who he truly was, not who he displayed himself to be.
That was why he was no stranger when it came to you. You made him smile on the days when he was stressed out, and you never judged him for any of his weaknesses, the ones in which he had done everything to conceal. You helped him around the household by assisting him with his work, despite him telling you that it was unnecessary; yet you kept telling him that it was no problem at all and that it was your duty as his wife and lady of the estate.
He was no stranger to the nuances of romance, finding some acts quite puzzling, but he never questioned you as you pulled him to rest his head on your lap at times, or when you would ask him to play some strange “pocky” game with him, only for your lips to sneakily make their way against his once you “accidentally got too close.” He started to crave for your affection more and more the closer he got to you. You were like the moonlight to his darkest days, all of the stars that graced the skies in the endless void. You were his only flower amongst fields of grass and the rainwater to his arid soil. At some point during your relationship, he realized that you were more than just any other woman to him; you were his light, the love of his life.
He wanted to give you everything you could possibly dream of and spoil you rotten, for your smile was enough to get him through even his hardest days.
Ayato, however, had always expressed some hesitation when it came to producing an heir. He didn’t know if it was fear or nervousness that set him back. All he knew was that he didn’t want to lose you for whatever reason, be it from pressuring or scaring you away when you weren’t ready to get intimate.
But as you sat in bed with him, the dim amber light illuminating all of your features, as the silk robe slid down your shoulders to the sheets, he felt like his breath was being taken away. You told him that it was okay, that you were ready for him, but he still held some reserve. After all, he had spent his entire life all by himself, and then you somehow came in and managed to rock the world he built so sturdy that it seemed impenetrable. Was he truly ready to be vulnerable in front of someone, just as you showed your very own vulnerability to him at this very moment? 
And then you kissed him. Slowly and gently, your lips moved with his. Your warmth emanated from your body as you encouraged his hands to caress your soft skin. There were no other thoughts running through his mind but you, you, and you.
He was turning greedy. He craved you more and more. He wanted to drown in your lips, drown in the sound of your moans. His arm wrapped around your back, pulling you closer and closer to him. 
“Ayato…” You whispered softly to him. “I love you…”
He felt his resolve to resist you waver right then and there, his breath trembling slightly as he felt something in his heart burst open. He loved you, he loved you so much that he was willing to do anything for you.
Ayato truly wanted to spoil you rotten, to let you sink into pure pleasure from him, and him alone. He kissed you, his tongue departing your lips as he lapped up every single drop of your taste. Your sweet moans filled his ears as his hands wandered everywhere, from your breasts, pinching your nipples, down to your thighs. You felt so soft, so supple and welcoming. He wanted to worship your body, drench you in all of his unchaste desires, making you completely his.
He wanted to possess you.
These thoughts were uncouth and remained hidden in the deepest parts of his mind. He didn’t want to frighten you, but his actions and the way he looked at you had spoken otherwise, betraying his desire to upkeep his composure.
His hands started making its way down your body before rubbing you through your underwear, giving you shockwaves of pleasure as you moaned sweetly in his ears. His tongue lapped up the sensitive buds of your nipples as he started to rub at your clit, before slipping his hand under the thin fabric, dipping one finger and then two into your wetness. He was breathing harder from how much he desired you, and his hot breath beat against your skin, letting out low groans whenever you whimpered or cried out. 
Sweat started to gather at his forehead as he pulled your underwear off, before he lapped up your slit, making you moan even louder. He drank you as if you were sweet honey, oozing all over his tongue while he licked your most sensitive areas. His tongue even buried deep in your pussy, all whilst his hands gripped your thighs, pushing them as far back as they could go as he allowed himself further and further into your sopping cunt. His lips kissed your clit, your moans filled his ears as he felt himself growing harder and harder. Even after you cum, he continues to devour you, savoring your every taste.
When he departed, he looked down at you as you pant, trying to recover from your high. Your body looked utterly enticing, and he knew he had to have you.
But before anything, he wanted to throw in some tenderness, to convey his true feelings for you.
“My love…” Ayato uttered softly as he pressed his forehead to yours, his elbows on either side of your head as he positioned himself in between your legs, all while his azure blue eyes stared straight into yours. “I love you very much…”
You’d let out a gasp as his cock entered, before any sound you could make was blocked by his lips. His lips kissed you so gently despite how your body had started to tremble in pleasure.
Ayato would start panting, his groans growing louder as he buried his face in your neck, his hips starting to move at a slow pace. Your body would rock in time with his thrusts. His teeth would mark and claim you, leaving pink and red bites all down your neck. Your pussy would slosh with wet noises as he slid his cock deeper and deeper, in and out, your sweet moans filling his ears.
“Y/n…” He groaned, his half lidded eyes stared down at you in pure lust. “You’re so beautiful, my love…”
He would adjust his tempo and strength, holding back based off of any discomfort you may or may not feel. Once you’ve fully acclimated to him, he wouldn’t be able to hold back, increasing his thrusts until he was pounding into you all whilst playing with your body. He would caress your entire body, pinch your nipples, squeeze your breasts, anything to make your pussy clench tightly against him, to which he would hiss in reaction to. He would fuck you hard and deep, changing his angles based off of your reaction, make you cum so hard until the only words that you could mutter out was his name. He would turn your brain into pure putty, knowing very well that the only thing wracking through you brain at the moment was just him and his hard cock inside of you.
And whenever you came, he would kiss you deeply, his tongue intertwining with yours as his seed filled your inner walls, coating you so lusciously in his sinful desires.
That was right, if you two wanted to make an heir, he would have to claim you like this every night. He was looking forward to pumping his children into you, and the various methods that will get your body wracking in pure pleasure once more.
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umeumeumee · 7 days
𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐧
summary: after one fateful conversation with gojo-sensei, itadori finally realized the importance of his feelings for you.
warnings: fluff!
authors note: this was so cute and so fun to write! enjoy!
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windy afternoons were always the most troublesome.
especially in spring, between the brink of winter and summer, when the temperature is warm but the breeze is oh so cold, leaving someone who was minding their business to be left as victim of the weather, not sure what emotion it might be feeling that day.
unfortunately, itadori was one of those said people. so he found himself lounging inside Jujutsu high instead of his usual hobbies he took part of outside, instead occupying himself with manga he’d found lying on the couch side table.
he chewed on a strawberry pocky as he read, awfully invested in the story of the book in his arms, even though it was the third volume. who knew he would be so invested in a shoujo manga?
“hm? you’re here too?” Gojo’s voice rang playfully across the walls of the lounge, causing the pink haired boy to jerk his head to the side to meet the teasing gaze of his teacher.
“ooh, gojo-sensei,” he greeted, watching as his teacher lazily took a seat beside him on the couch, relaxing in the soft cushions.
“why’re you here? i thought you usually get lunch out.” he rose brow at his teacher, who’s smirk failed to fade. “same reason as you. it’s too windy!” he whined, scratching his head as his head pointed upward, only to pause for a moment before turning to face yuji.
Itadori couldn’t see his teachers eyes, but knew they were on him. “where’s y/n-chan? you two are always together.” satoru’s tone had a hint of something yuji couldn’t quite place his finger on, and so he decided to ignore it. “She’s with kugisaki. they went shopping.” he grinned at the thought, unaware of the absolute teasing eyes that were trained on the glint in his own eyes.
“ah, girls,” Gojo tsked, crossing his arms, looking straight ahead. “especially nobara.” he hummed, pausing a few before turning back to his student.
Satoru smirked and scooted closer, Yuji side glancing him at the mischievous smile on his face. “so, itadori-kun,” gojo mused, “what’s your relationship with y/n-chan?” the white haired man almost laughed at the confused expression on itadori’s face, he swore he saw question marks on either side of his head
“huh? what do you mean?” his head tilted to the left a little, “we’re friends.”
gojo hummed, nodding his head as if he understood. “really? i wouldn’t have thought that.” he put a lengthy finger to his chin, holding in his amusement. sometimes his student was so oblivious.
“hah? why?” itadori nudged, looking more and more confused as the seconds continued. his sensei shrugged, “i guess because you two always seem so close, i mean— i would’ve thought you two were boyfriend and girlfriend!” satoru said those two words loudly, quickly looking to yuji in excitement to see the absolutely bewildered look that was likely to be on his face, but was only met with a neutral one. gojo’s joy fell. damn kids.
"oh. well, we're just friends, it's not like that with me and her, you know?" he said back, his eyes glistening over as they usually do when he talks about someone he cares for, but his were extra bright when talking about you.
"Why not?" gojo mused, continuing to milk the subject.
Itadori shrugged, “We just.. we've known each other too long, I think." his reply came with a low tone to it as he flipped to the next page of the shoujo in his lap, unaware of the buzzing man beside him.
Satoru hummed again, silence followed for a moment before he spoke, putting his hand to his chin. "So, you wouldn't go out with her if she asked?"
"I didn't say that.”
yuji’s response came as natural as a human breathes, his voice was smooth and steady— almost like he’d wanted to say it. ah, satoru was right once again, utahime ows him 500 yen for sure.
with that, he stood up, and Yuji’s eyes moved to the menacing smirk on his teachers face. “Ah, well, you should ask her out.” he said with a laugh, “i’m sure she’ll say yes!” he slapped the top of itadori’s head before he dashed out the open door, leaving the boy to ponder.
though, sometimes yuji wasn’t the smartest boy.
but… he did wonder what his teachers goal was. Yuji didn’t like you like that… did he?
you were his friend, someone he loved, so much.
someone he loved.
he loved.
he loved you.
with the realization, the shoujo he had in his lap was long forgotten as he walked out of the room.
you sighed, placing a few of Nobara’s shopping bags on the table. really, where does she get the money for all this?
“ah, finally,” kugisaki kicked off her shoes, plopping on the couch of the lounging room with an exasperated sigh. You sat down at the table, flopping your arms over the wood and placing your head down, cheek on the side as you shut your eyes. shopping was exasperating.
“have fun, n/n-chan?” Nobara teased a little, knowing that you were exhausted. you nod, a little laugh left your throat as you did so.
you shut your eyes, breathing slowly. as you began to drift off, the shoji door suddenly slid open to reveal Itadori, who scanned the room.
“Ah! Itadori-kun, you should’ve gone with us, you— hey!” Nobara was cut off when he suddenly reached for you, hauling you to your feet. You blinked away, gasping as you were pulled out of the room. “Hey! get back here! where are you taking her, hah?!” Nobara’s calls were left to deaf ears as your friend dragged you down the hall, “Itadori-kun! what’s going on?” you yawned a little, eyes watering some at the end, as you waited for his reply. but it never came.
you couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was in thought. he suddenly pulled you behind a wall, releasing your wrist from his grasp and letting out a deep exhale. you rose a brow.
“Yuji, what’s all this?” you cross your arms, looking at his face. His eyes were looking at your own, yet they seemed so far away, so distant. “i need to say something.” his reply came out as his usual voice does, but it was different.
"What? What's so important you couldn't say it infront of kugisa-" you were cut off when his lips met yours, a sqeak left your mouth with the sudden action, eyes widening at the unexpected moment. your cheeks heated wildly when he pulled back, but he seemed just as shocked as you.
“I just kissed you." he breathed out, almost like he couldn’t believe it himself.
“You just kissed me..." your voice came out hoarse, and your throat was as dry as it sounded.
"I just kissed you." he says again, looking at your lips, dazed.
"Why did you just kiss me?" you stutter out, heart racing inside your chest wildly, suffocating you.
"I just wanted to try it once to know what it felt like, and it felt...good. really good. I'm gonna kiss you again." he announced, looking determined as he met your eye. you absolutely exploded into different shades of red, breath hitching as you saw him step closer, your hands coming to grip the end of your skirt for support.
"o-okay!" you shut your eyes, missing the pink that dusted yuji’s cheeks as well.
"okay!" he mirrored, and his lips met yours again.
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