#an ding disciple luo binghe
chezpillow · 1 year
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Imitating behaviors, luo binghe does Not appreciate!! Inspired by @tossawary an ding disciple!LBH
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tossawary · 1 year
I really love your platonic interpretation of lbh and sqh throughout your fics, and in stepping up in particular. it’s really interesting to see lbh as his clingy, sticky self with sqh as hus shizun but not as lovesick compared to svsss lbh to Shen yuan as his shizun. I do wonder what are your thoughts on the difference on LBH his feelings for Shizun!SY and Shizun!SQH? 
Thank you! I've been thinking on this question and I still don't think I'm satisfied on the wording of my answer. I wrote some long rambles, but they were kind of directionless, so I'm going to try and squish it down into something more coherent. SPOILERS.
I think Luo Binghe in both "Stepping Up" and SVSSS is a person of very intense and complicated feelings, partially due to his youth, his past, and his position in life. And so... I don't actually think Luo Binghe's feelings are that different for SQH versus SQQ (SY). The relationship is platonic and will never be romantic, but I intentionally wrote Luo Binghe's feelings to be a little ambiguous.
I think it would be out-of-character for Luo Binghe not to have had the thought: "I would treat Shizun so much better than that wicked, ungrateful bully of a demon if he loved me instead." He wants his teacher's attention, approval, and affection. I think Luo Binghe at this stage in his life wants both everything and anything he can get.
Entrance to Cang Qiong is equivalent to saving his life. Poverty kills and Luo Binghe has witnessed this firsthand in the death of his adoptive mother. Cultivation skills potentially guarantee survival forever, even if he gets kicked out of the sect. So, he starts out desperate to impress so that he doesn't lose everything.
There's lot to be said about the quality of life that SQH and SY both offer LBH. In "Stepping Up", I think that LBH has more immediate and greater stability on An Ding, but the introduction of Mobei-Jun and revelation of his demonic heritage brings some desperation and uncertainty back to LBH's life. SQH and SY are both revealed to be imperfect and in need of help and potentially protection.
I think that the main difference here is mostly just that Shang Qinghua has positioned himself as interested in someone else romantically and exclusively sees LBH as a disciple and a son figure. SQH doesn't have the System breathing down his neck like SY did (SY is fighting for his life to show any kind of kindness to LBH at first in SVSSS), so SQH can be a lot more straightforward about exactly why he was interested in LBH (demon kid) and more clearly set the boundaries and expectations of their relationship.
SQH and MBJ are a mess, but they're also arguably already a form of life partners even at their messed-up master-servant stage, and LBH is the intruder on a relationship of nearly 20 years. SQH and MBJ have a lot more life experience in this world and it shows. As LBH adjusts to the rather confusing Moshang relationship, which SQH is clearly intent on maintaining, whatever desperate teenage romantic crush he might have is fading rather than developing, as things start to settle into something better and it becomes clear that there's not one spot in SQH's life to fight over.
Honestly? I think a lot of romantic and platonic affection overlaps. Gestures of affection can be very subjective and context-dependent. Awkward crushes on inappropriate figures happen, especially in a period of sexual development and discovery. I think LBH being able to develop interest in people who aren't Shen Yuan is fun (rarepairs are fun to explore!) and makes Bingqiu more interesting overall.
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forgetallenvies · 2 years
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Qiong ding Sy meets his precious shidi after the abyss arc. 😔
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i-bring-crack · 2 years
Thinking of an Idea where Qing Jing peak and An Ding Peak disciples share talks about their Shizuns and theirs demon lovers.
All started in a conference with both head disciples:
Yue Qingyuan' disciple: "And about the new documentations of demon realm..."
Ming fan whispering to himself: oh this again?
An Ding head disciple: At this point I know more about demons than humans.
MF: ...
HD: ...
*Friendship acquired*
*Bonding over late workout hours and the underappreaciation they get from their Shizuns due to their demon husbands*
Guessing most other disciples start talking about their Shizuns and all the drama they have.
"Hey, can you um... barricade the wall of the bamboo house?"
"They are doing it again! And it's too obvious it's hurting our ears! They aren't even being quiet about it!"
Suddenly another An Ding disciples goes like "Well that's probably not going to be their first time. Don't you remember when—"
"Shidi no."
They might bond over demon behavior.
"Okay so, don't fret but demons can tend to be a little possessive."
The Qing Jing peak disciple crying "Is that why I was hit with a vase? I didn't know bringing food to Shizun was going to cause Luo Shixiong to hit me !"
*An Ding disciple suddenly having flashbacks to the time he brought a comb as a birthday gift and was almost annihilated for no reason.* "They can be possessive."
It would have been fun to get to know how Binghe's Shidis would have all thought about this. Like watching their Shizun blossom from a kindhearted disciple to a demon lord!?! An Ding explain!
Meanwhile An Ding's youngest disciples are having a field day with their demon dad who decided to start dropping off more as of lately.
Imagine they also talk to other peaks about this.
Yang Yixuan: Pst, any tips on how to defeat demons?
Ming Fan: yes!
Liu Mingyang: Pst, any tips on how to defeat demons (in bed)?
An Ding peak disciple: Buckle up cuz this going to be long.
Eventually An Ding and Qing Jing sometimes get into husbando fights. Mostly between younger disciples who don't know any better.
"Shixiong is a much better husband! He cleans, he cooks, he sometimes even wants to help us practice our swordsmanship! That's a lot of generosity from Luo Shixiong!"
"Bullshit! Shizhang is much more careful about our Shizun! He brings a lot of gifts, takes us to the winter palace to learn, go to night hunts with us and we can play with his hair!"
Meanwhile the older disciples know that both demon lords are doing this to gain points with their husbands, it's no suprise. So instead of meddling with the demon lord and have their faces carved to be the next enemies, they decide to just respect the husbands as they are.
Also the whole guilt with some Shixiongs having bullied the husbands in the past. Qing Jing peak fears to its knees as it remembers the many times they bullied Luo Binghe, and if the demon now so much as looks at them they are instantly trying to find the nearest Shizun or Ning Shijie. And Ding peak disciples just have some awkward moments where they tried to stop Mobei Jun from getting inside An Ding Peak beacuse they thought he was finally going to kill their Shizun. The Head Disciple doesn't really care and just let it happen because she had too much work to do.
Female disciples having sleepovers and thinking how cool it would be to have their own demon husbands.
Ning Shijie is sighing at the back, wondering how Liu Mingyang got in too.
Can't help but think over how some shidis and shimeis would try to help Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu on their relationship.
"Shizun does have some work overtime but I can fill it in for the date if you wish Luo shixiong." And they just go off to hand it to an An Ding peak disciple who is already overworked because "Shang Shizun has been awake for three nights straight no you cannot ask why."
Every An Ding peak disciple is just already so used to the cold weather and other demons that at this point they call An Ding disciples whenever they have to deal with demons in the north. Though they still call the disciples as cowards and weakest of any peak they are, in fact, one of the smartest and strongest, most resistant to different weathers but usually don't show it because their occupations mostly rely on being cooped up in the peak or running errands for other peaks.
An Ding peak eventually gains a bit of respect after hearing the wedding of their Shizun.
Some younger An Ding disciple: wait, they weren't married?
Head disciple trying to keep face because she told them of it: it's their second wedding, they love each other so much you know.
Bonus of the An Ding disciples helping Mobei Jun make noodles while the head disciple takes care of Shang Qinghua and she is just with the most disappointed face after hearing the whole story of Mobei Jun's ascension and their get toguether.
Another bonus of An Ding peak disciples and the demon generals or advisors of the mobei clan being friends because of their shared panic experience when SQH decided to bail out of nowhere.
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sunderwight · 6 months
disciple luo binghe, running errands for his shizun one day, somehow manages to be in the exact wrong (right) place at the exact wrong (right) time and catches shang qinghua meeting with mobei jun
in order to keep luo binghe from tattling right away, shang qinghua dissembles in a panic and claims that his clandestine meetings with mobei jun are happening because they're lovers and definitely not because shang qinghua is betraying the sect and handing their secrets over to demons in order to save his own hide. when that almost doesn't work, he also tells luo binghe that he knows he's part demon, and that if luo binghe rats him out then shang qinghua will take him down with him. mutually assured destruction
it works, and even though luo binghe threatens him quite a bit (jeez kid calm down, you might be the almighty protagonist but also you're like sixteen) he agrees to keep shang qinghua's fraternizing a secret. but if ANYTHING BAD should happen to the sect or especially to luo binghe's shizun because of this, luo binghe will take shang qinghua down even if it does ruin his life too
shang qinghua, now sweating even more bullets about the impending immortal alliance conference: cool! cool cool cool sounds great cool yeah
so shang qinghua can add "being blackmailed by the punk ass brat I sort of created" to his list of stress-inducing woes. which gets even worse when luo binghe keeps somehow sensing if mobei jun is around for more than a couple hours and showing up, and picking fights with him?? kind of??
wtf has the protagonist been taking tips from liu qingge or something...?
shang qinghua feels like he's gonna have a heart attack when mobei jun just snorts and tosses luo binghe by the scruff like he's an annoying yappy dog
mobei jun actually knows what's up though. teenage half-demon who has never been around his own kind has become spoiled by the lack of competition on this front, and now his hackles are all up because he wants to claim the whole mountain range as his territory, and his instincts are screaming at him to challenge mobei jun about it so that they can decide who is actually top dog. since mobei jun could easily kill him, especially with his blood sealed, and has been clawing rocks and pissing on trees along the borders of an ding peak since before luo binghe was born, he's clearly got seniority here
and since qinghua doesn't want mobei jun to just kill the little shit (fair enough -- that sealed bloodline does look kind of interesting) that means it's up to mobei jun to teach him how to do things like interact with other demons without making a complete fool of himself. lesson one: what to do when you challenge someone out of your league and they win, assuming they don't just kill you
so luo binghe reluctantly gains another demon tutor
meng mo actually approves. he's been out of the loop on demon high society for a long time, and has lacked a body for long enough too that he's forgotten a lot of the particulars of socializing. it'll be good for luo binghe to pick up some manners that aren't just silly human tea ceremonies and things. maybe he'll start addressing meng mo more respectfully for a change!
(lol no)
luo binghe is partly like "I don't need to learn demon social skills since I'm spending the rest of my life as a disciple of qing jing peak" but partly like, well, if shizun knew about this and didn't freak out about it, he'd probably say that knowledge is power and learning how to handle politics and diplomacy of all kinds is important. and despite himself luo binghe is also interested, because this is a whole perspective on his own nature that he's never really gotten advice about
also, mobei jun is the lover of shang qinghua? mobei jun is a demon who successfully seduced a cang qiong peak lord? does he have any advice about that?
(he does -- all of it very bad)
anyway all of this sort of fucks up the immortal alliance conference developments really good, so the system kind of gives up and settles on some other big transformative achievements that luo binghe has to complete in order to be suitably heroic
but shen qingqiu has no idea and so the reprieve just seems to come out of nowhere until several years later, when he walks in on luo binghe with his claws out and huadian gleaming in the company the demon king of the northern desert, the two of them playing weiqi or something while they wait for shang qinghua to get back from some random logistics crisis he had to rush off to
shen qingqiu: ...?!?
luo binghe, panicking: wait shizun I can explain it's not what it looks like SHIZUN I SWEAR I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU PLEASE DON'T BE MAD--!
shen qingqiu: all this time I thought you were sneaking out to meet a girl, and this was what you were doing instead?!
luo binghe: WHAT?? shizun no I'd never do that I swear I don't even like girls!
shen qingqiu: that's not -- wait what do you mean you don't even like girls?!
mobei jun, unperturbed and still focused on the weiqi board: he's gay
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ineffectualdemon · 5 months
Fun idea:
When Shang Qinghua is particularly stressed the world glitches to his benefit
Cargo that should take weeks to travel through the mountains take a moment
- The people in the caravans are dazed and don't know what happened
- Shang Qinghua thinks Mobei Jun helped him
Monsters that are about to attack him glitch sideways so they miss
- Shang Qinghua thinks it was Mobei or luck
- other people around think he's good at dodging if they notice
Supplies that are empty glitch and refill
His inkstone that's dried out or run out glitches and is fresh again
The peak lords are fighting with him about his budget and he closes his eyes and grits his teeth and misses how everyone glitches and just hears someone say they should let him do what he thinks is best
Here's my added bit of fun:
Heavenly demons can see the glitches
Luo Binghe seeing An Ding disciples driving a cart suddenly pop out of nowhere with a weird scratchy sound
Luo Binghe passing through Bai Zhan and seeing destroyed training dummies twitch and pull unnaturally before turning back into fresh new ones
Luo Binghe seeing Shen Qingqiu say the forms from An Ding can wait as he walks across the room only to pop out of existence only to appear at his desk filling in the forms
It doesn't happen often but it happens enough
Enough he makes an excuse to go somewhere where he can see the Peak Lord of An Ding and while everyone one else sees a mousy little coward Luo Binghe hears the weird scratch sound coming from him.
Sees the bends in reality around him
Sees an ever shifting face
He doesn't know what Shang Qinghua is
All he knows is it's not human, he's the only one who can see it, and it makes him very very scared
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gurggggleburgle · 2 months
I need yall to understand how funny and terrifying it is that Luo Binghe was doing his shizun's paperwork before legally he could drive a car. This child was filing tax forms and making schedules. If he had Excell he'd have been a monster of logistical paperwork power.
Like we have no proof he wasn't grading papers.
But he could have been grading papers.
Like this child for all we know was influencing the curriculum of the entire peak and his shizun would just nod and say yes to 90% of it because he's such a been so cute and perfect of course Binghe knows best. He's the protagonist. And SIR! That is a child. He's like what 5 and smoll????? What does he know about academic curricular and proper cultivation techniques??? You left him and a bunch of other children alone for like half a year and I understand there are other teachers on the peak. Senior Disciples and all that but where are they getting the lesson plan? Who's determining classroom funds? What was the extent of our boy's power????? Could he have convinced Shizun to start a home ec class just to show off how much he's marrying material and prove he's better than everyone else? Did he spitefully give lower grades to people who looked at Shizun too long? What is the extent of his power and how little Shen Qingqiu understands about his own job. Is one guy who teaches the music lessons just getting 40 students while everyone else is in a classroom of 10 just because nobody is paying attention the to the course scheduling or because they can't enforce anything without the peak lord's signature. are the teachers filing out duplicate requests at An Ding Peak and driving Shang Qinghua insane because this is the fourth requests for new textbooks this year. WHY!!!!!!!
And then Shen Yuan took a depression sabbatical for 3 years basically followed by a 5 year nap. He's not qualified. That man is going to sit at his desk. Look at his paperwork. AND UNDERSTAND NONE OF IT. It's been like 10 years since he even pretended to look at his desk with interest and comprehension. Help. Like he can't even train a successor because that would require knowing what the fuck he's doing.
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tcfactory · 1 month
Thinking about an AU where the manual did cause Binghe to qi-deviate and ruin his cultivation potential exactly one year after he's taken in as disciple. Seeing that anyone would have suffered the same fate, it wasn't some kind of karmic punishment directed at Shen Qingqiu for being an unpleasant, hateful little thing (the self-hatred and projection is Real in this one) settles something in him, like a broken peace of him is suddenly jolted back into its proper place. It makes him lose interest in torturing Binghe any further.
That does leave him with a disciple that's not suited to his peak in any way shape or form, so clearly the next step is to have one of the other peaks take him off his hands. He subtly puts out word while Binghe is on Qian Cao recovering, so that anyone who might want the brat can take him after the next peak lord meeting, but there really is only one choice.
Out of the peaks with a physical cultivation style, Bai Zhan is out of the question on account of Binghe's ruined potential, Ku Xing doesn't take children this young and, in his opinion, Binghe is just too stupid and trusting to make it on Qiong Ding or An Ding, so clearly that only leaves Zui Xian. If the little beast is fortunate, eating all the spiritual food might even help him recover a little.
Perfect plan!
All he needs is to make up a good enough excuse as to why he allowed the little beast to cultivate from a faulty manual or let him be bullied. And he knows already how he's going to do it: he will let Qi Qingqi make the excuse for him.
"Qi-shimei," he says, the very picture of nonchalance, as if Liu Qingge didn't have a sword at his neck. "I know you assume that any disciple of yours returning to secular life will do so at the side of a powerful husband, but if that was not the case: how would you test if someone of lowly birth and no connections could survive the court environment?" Qi Qingqi thinks about it for just a moment before her mouth twists into an unhappy pout, eyes lighting up with understanding. "Let him go, Liu-shidi. It was not an attempt at murder, merely Shen-shixiong being a crafty old dog who made a test too harsh for Luo-shizhi." "But-" "Scholars, like my girls, are intrinsically linked to the mortal courts, as much sages and exemplars in the four arts as advisors in politics. If one has no allies, then connections must be made. Bullies that can't be fought head on must be outwitted or circumvented." She gives the fake manual a disgusted glance. "Ill intent and sabotage must be recognized, regardless of its source. Without these qualities, someone without proper backing will be dead the week they set foot in court." "Quite. Disciple Luo has failed each and every one of those criteria: he bent obediently to the whims of his bullies, made no friends or sought no help from anyone on or off peak, and kept cultivating from the faulty manual with a bullheaded stubbornness that surprised even me. I fully expected him to realize at least as much, but he proved too simple even for that." He resists the urge to smile when Liu Qingge reluctantly withdraws his sword. It's a sweet, if easy victory.
So Luo Binghe goes to the food and wine peak, where he can make friends, his heart (and to a degree his cultivation) can be mended and his trust in his higher ups isn't scorned or abused, but he never forgets that Shen Qingqiu sent him away because he found him too stupid for his peak. Shen Qingqiu picked him, only him, from dozens of potential disciples and was disappointed. He keeps striving, even years later, to somehow get Shen Qingqiu's approval, taking every opportunity to loiter on Qing Jing with food offerings and all sorts of excuses. He's almost as bad as the sect leader! They do, indeed, bond with Yue Qingyuan over being the frequent targets of Shen Qingqiu's ire.
Then one day when Binghe is around 17 a qi deviation splits Shen Qingqiu into two: the scarred, sharp-tongued and vicious Shen Jiu and the sickly, soft hearted and kind Shen Yuan, and Luo Binghe suddenly feels vindicated in his dogged insistence because the soft Shen Qingqiu likes him! It's literally the best thing in the world!! And maybe sect leader Yue helps him a few times to steal Shen Yuan away on some absolutely-not-a-date picnics, so it's really only fair that he helps him reconcile with the sharper Shen Jiu (Binghe can't see the appeal, personally, but as long as Yue-shibo doesn't want to take his Shen Qingqiu too then he's fine with those two doing whatever).
Everything seems to be going perfectly (QiJiu have reconciled, BingQiu are almost inseparable), but then Binghe leaves the mountain to gather ingredients for the very special meal he wants to propose with, trips and stumbles straight into the Abyss and the rest is SVSSS-typical miscommunication and demon shenanigans.
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forbidden-sunlight · 8 months
yandere! luo binghe with shixiong!male!reader headcanons
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Warnings: obsessive behavior, mentions of violence, physical abuse, and blood.
There may also be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the 'back' button on your device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
I would like to thank @berrypuddingpwease for helping me expand a concept to full-fledged headcanons featuring one of my favorite characters from MXTX's danmei series, Scum Villian's Self-Saving System, aka SVSSS. This is dedicated to you, my friend :)
So without being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Luo Binghe had suffered one tragedy after another in his life, and being a disciple of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect with a scummy master would later serve as the foundation of his twisted personality in the future. You know it will happen because you have read it. This world you had woken up in, is none other than the famous stallion novel, Proud Immortal Demon Way. Your current incarnation wasn’t a member of Luo Binghe’s three digit harem nor the villain Shen Quingqui, but an extra, a senior disciple in Qing Ding Peak. 
Since you weren’t equipped with a system, at least that you were currently aware of at the moment, it wouldn’t be considered OOC for canon fodder to try and be a good mentor to the current white lotus that is Luo Binghe, or try to improve your own cultivation so there was a chance you would survive the sect’s demise when the protagonist emerged from the Endless Abyss as an awakened Heavenly Demon. 
It started off with the small things; greeting Luo Binghe  with a smile whenever you saw him, sneaking an extra bit of food or medicine into the woodshed when you were sure no one was watching you, especially Shen Qingqiu. He might be a good teacher, but his temper was a legend in this peak. 
The only way you could help Luo Binghe improve himself was to purposely compare your cultivation manual with the one he had, the false one written by the peak lord in an attempt to thwart the protagonist’s growth. By doing this, it would add another reason for Luo Binghe to hate his shizun. 
You allowed him to borrow your book to copy any information he needed, as long as he was discreet. Lup Binghe swore to take good care of the manual, holding it close to his chest with sparkling eyes as he stared at you with a smile. It was cute, this white lotus version of Binghe. 
Seeing positive changes in how behavior had been worth withstanding Shen Qingqiu’s anger, especially when he found out just the other day that you were the culprit who had been sneaking an extra portion of food to the protagonist. Good things the sleeves of the cultivation uniform were long enough to hide the bruises starting to form on your arms. There’s no doubt that the sect leader will start dishing out punishment to you from now on, even for the smallest mistake. 
Oh, well. You’ll just have to be more careful in behaving around the rest of the sect and Binghe from now on. Still, how could he continue to grow without triggering the events that would lead to his blackening?
As you contemplated these thoughts, you could not have realized nor believed just how much of your presence in this world the plot of Proud Immortal Demon Way in very unexpected ways until it was too late to revert the damage that had already been done. 
Luo Binghe is a  very sticky, lovesick puppy for the shixiong who has treated him with so much kindness and respect and it scares him. He’s afraid he’ll wake up one morning….and realize that it had been a sweet, sweet dream. But he wakes up early every morning, and he sees his shixiong teaching the others alongside Ming Fan….and when his shixiong sees him, he smiles. And it is a warm, friendly smile that Binghe secretly wishes would belong only to him and no one else. 
With his shixiong, Binghe’s life in the peak is so much better. He hasn’t been this happy in a long, long time…so why was his shizun continuing to punish his shixiong so unfairly? His shixiong didn’t do anything wrong! He is training him and the other disciples in preparation for the Immoral Alliance Conference, and doing more than his fair share of the chores around the peak! 
But no matter what his shixiong did or did not do, their shizun would pull him away from him or the others, and his shixiong would not return to the bamboo house until it was past dinner-time. 
Shixiong tried to brush off his concerns with a smile, but Binghe wasn’t blind! He sees the angry whip marks on his senior’s arms, his head and robes soaked with tea, the pained look in his eyes! Shixiong….Shixiong doesn’t deserve to be treated like this!
He needed to get stronger. Not just to protect himself but to make sure Shen Quingqui wouldn’t hurt his shixiong ever again! And if the sect didn’t accept them being together, then they will find happiness elsewhere. Rogue cultivators did exist beyond these mountains, although the other disciples believed they were wholly evil. But Binghe has come to realize that this world isn’t just black and white. 
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 6 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 3/∞
Rating: CANON
Fanworks will often depict the disciples of Cang Qiong Mountain's twelve peaks in matching, color-coded uniforms to each of their peak. This is not something that is often mentioned in the novel itself, but it is canonically accurate.
However, we do not know many of the peaks' signature colors. The fact that they do have specific uniforms in specific colors is canon, but many of the colors used in fanworks are, in fact, fanon.
In the text, only two peaks have canonically-designated uniform colors.
It is stated that there are set uniforms for all of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect's disciples:
Though the disciples on the peaks had to wear uniforms, there were also many acclaimed cultivators who weren’t subject to these restrictions...
Thankfully, on An Ding Peak, trivial matters like assigning rooms and uniforms to newly accepted disciples didn’t require the peak lord’s involvement.
and also a passage here:
 Several hundred disciples in uniformly colored robes and furious expressions surrounded the invaders
In the original, the phrase "uniformly colored robes (服色统一)" could be read as all of Cang Qiong Mountain's disciples wearing the same-color uniform, but it could also be read that they were all dressed in uniform, as 服色 denotes both color and style of clothes (notable that "color" in Chinese is a more abstract concept than in English).
This passage isn't clear on its own, but there are other places where it is confirmed that the colors worn by the disciples of various peaks are different, and can be used to tell which peak a disciple belongs to:
[Shen Qingqiu] held his breath, attention rapt, and watched a youth in black rush out... ...The color of his robes confirmed that he really was from Bai Zhan Peak...
Aside from this, Qing Jing Peak's uniforms are the only others that are given a description:
Enveloped in Qing Jing Peak’s many-layered teal uniform, [SQQ] was immaculate and slender, with a great deal of graceful beauty.
While this passage describes the Peak Lord's attire and might not necessarily extend to the disciples, another passage shortly after this says:
A group of teal-robed boys and girls ran down Qing Jing Peak in a trailing conga line, one after another.
This confirms a uniform color used by the peak's disciples.
These passages, however, are the only ones which definitively state a uniform color for any of the twelve peaks-- meaning that we only know that Qing Jing Peak's uniforms are teal (青色)and Bai Zhan Peak's uniforms are black (黑色). Anything other than this is fanon and headcanon.
One more side note-- Luo Binghe is described as wearing white:
A seventeen-year-old youth, slim and tall and graceful, dressed in white robes
But this description only begins after the timeskip at the beginning of Chapter 4 (7S TL). Luo Binghe is, as of now, still a disciple of the sect, and thus would be required to wear a uniform. However, one important change had occured during this time-- Luo Binghe, at the time of the Immortal Alliance Conference, is Qing Jing Peak's head disciple.
The only time another head disciple's appearance is described is regarding Shen Qingqiu:
Shang Qinghua suddenly heard the tinkling of sword tassel pendants, and a youth wearing Qing Jing Peak’s uniform slowly approached him... ... His black hair was neatly tied behind his head with a light-green ribbon...
The color of his uniform is not stated, other than it being Qing Jing Peak's, and the "light-green" color of the hair ribbon is 青色,which is the same color translated as "teal" when describing QJP's uniforms above.
Therefore, one interpretation could be that head disciples of Cang Qiong Mountain's twelve peaks wear white uniforms with accessories in their peaks' designated color.
This, of course, is not explicitly canon and should still be taken as headcanon (I would categorize it as supported or neutral fanon on this blog).
However, the idea that the twelve peaks have each their own uniform colors, and that QJP's is teal and BZP's is black, are canonical facts.
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chezpillow · 1 year
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pats are good but the temptation is great to pinch. inspired by @tossawary stepping up
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tossawary · 1 year
I will not be updating “Stepping Up” this week with Chapter 9. I am taking a break. And I think we’ve only got one or two chapters left before I wrap things off here. This fic has been longer than originally intended, but it was a lot of fun. I’ve enjoyed working out some “Airplane Bro and Luo Binghe are very different people, but they’re also... like... the same” feelings.
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Even though the Chinese don’t really celebrate Halloween, I feel like Airplane Bro would be the kind of person to really be into American Halloween and write it into PIDW. (Cucumber Bro is judging him harshly).
Picture if you will, October 31st on Cang Qiong. All of the disciples are dressed up in costumes and going back and forth between the different peaks getting candy.
Shang Qinghua and Luo Binghe coerce their husbands into wearing couple costumes with them.
The youngest disciples thinking Binghe and Mobei-Jun “have the best costumes ever!”
An Ding throws a massive party and hosts a costume contest. (Won by Tianlang-Jun who somehow managed to sneak in)
Liu Qingge walks in covered in blood. Mu Qingfang compliments his costume to which Liu Qingge replies “What costume?”
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 1 month
Anyone ever think about how some people probably miss Shen Jiu in Svvss.
How some Bai Zhan dissolves probably attacked because they were jealous of the Qing Jing disciples who had a teacher for all his sharp tongue and non existent tact was actually there. Where for all his harsh punishments and glares never beat you into the ground in the name of training.
How some of the older Qing Jing peak disciples liked the old one better than the new one without memories because he understood and while he was not nice he was kind in his own weird way.
How some Qiong Ding disciples liked him better when he had his memories because there was a peak lord with eyes like theirs. Someone so unequivocally looks like a wolf and a snake so unafriad to hide how hungry he is for more. But still so loyal.
How someone of the older Xian Shu girls mourned the man who treated them as the hidden blades they were. Who looked at them with a weary sort of respect and never once thought of them as belongings or things to be owned.
How some of the older hall masters and sect cultivators miss the sharp tongue and un forgiving wit of their former martial nephew and shidi. Who for all he never asked for help was never rude when it was offered for all the used to bristle at the implications of him needing help. He never lied to spare their feelings.
How a few peak lords miss their sharped tongued shixiong. He didn’t look down on them for being in the lower peaks. They miss the way their verbal spars would go and even if they rarely won the challenge was fun. As no one wants to challenge the beat of the best and that’s what the peak lords were.
How they all collectively feel like Shen Jiu losing his memory was a slap in the face to the man. Because all through the body of the same, the sharp mind is the same, they aren’t the same. No more sharp eyes or poisonous tongue instead there’s something soft. Something that if pushed slightly would die kneeling and not with a broken or straight back.
They all know that this wasn’t the ending that he would have wanted or even deserved.
As know instead of dying and being known as Shen Qingqiu the master tactician and the Xiu Ya sword he is known as Shen Qingqiu the Qing Jing peak lord, empress of the demon realm, husband of Luo Binghe.
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sunderwight · 2 months
SV AU where after Shen Qingqiu's self-destruction and apparent death, Luo Binghe decides to pursue a time travel option after several resurrection attempts come up short.
Said time travel option sadly isn't customizable. It's an unstable time vortex that can only take the traveler back a fixed 30 years into the past. In PIDW, by the time Bingge found it, he had already ruled his kingdom for centuries and it was only used as part of a wife acquisition plot. So going back thirty years didn't make much of a difference to him. In Bingmei's case, thirty years might be further than he'd choose to go, but it will get him back to a point in time when his Shizun is still alive. This is the most important thing.
He'll have to reintroduce himself, and carefully rebuild a relationship, but at this point that might even be for the best. This time he will successfully disguise his demon heritage. He'll greet Shen Qingqiu as an equal and potential friend and ally, fix all of his past mistakes, and make everything right! Though he realizes during the planning stages that he's still assuming at first that he'll meet Shen Qingqiu as Qing Jing Peak Lord because in Luo Binghe's head, his shizun must have been on Qing Jing Peak for a hundred years at least. Intellectually, though, he knows that the Qing generation of peak lords didn't ascend until like 20-ish years ago, which means he's more likely to be meeting Shen Qingqiu as a disciple.
Which is a mind trip! That's very bizarre for him to contemplate, actually! Shizun might even be younger than him! But it's still his best chance at getting his shizun back, so in the end it doesn't deter him.
The System, of course, isn't interested in losing its power source. So it goes along for the temporal journey, and drags along its users.
Shang Qinghua is very confused to wake up and find himself 30 years in the past, once again the Head Disciple of An Ding Peak instead of its lord, with a young Mobei Jun glowering at him for daring to pass out randomly in his presence.
Shen Yuan is very confused to wake up alive, back in the bamboo house, with Yue Qingyuan hovering at his bedside and telling him about a qi deviation -- wait, did he reset his entire transmigration somehow? But then, why does Yue Qingyuan look so young? Dressed like a disciple, no less! And why are they in the side room of the bamboo house instead of the main one...? Who dared redecorate Binghe's room?! Questions that will have to wait because a moment later, the disembodied voice of the original goods is screaming in his head, accusing him of being a demon who has snatched his body! What the heck is "system error: double occupancy" supposed to mean?!
Luo Binghe thinks he knows what to expect by the time he makes it to Cang Qiong mountain (after a brief detour to visit a certain washerwoman and gently trick her into eating a miraculous medicinal pill + taking a ton of money off of him).
But as with most things in his life, it doesn't go according to plan.
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rarepears · 8 months
Nie Huaisang, Lan Xichen, Jin Guangyao, and Nie Mingjue all reincarnate together into PIDW, and become disciples around the same time as Luo Binghe.
The drama of this is of course enhanced by the facts that NMJ & JGY died "early," but NHS & LXC lived to the end of their natural lives as cultivators, and so some of their perspectives and opinions on events have naturally changed with age. (tfw the passage of time renders you unfamiliar to your once-loved ones)
Eventually they talk about their feelings and reconcile and such, and this ends up derailing the plot of PIDW severely as the rest of the PIDW characters confusedly observe quite possibly the weirdest disciples Cang Qiong's ever seen
NMJ on Bai Zhan, with no clue what's going on because he died first and NHS & LXC haven't told him anything
NHS on An Ding, thoroughly enjoying what's pretty much a vacation to him at this point and possibly running an interpeak illicit goods market (definitely not to distract himself from any of the emotions having NMJ & JGY alive and nearby would be causing him, Everything Is Fine) I haven't decided if he'd get involved with the whole og!SQH and MBJ situation tho
LXC on Qiong Ding, because I feel like he'd see himself in Yue Qingyuan and lowkey hate him for it and I think that could be interesting
JGY on Qing Jing, because he's the objectively the funniest/most interesting character to throw into the mess that is SJ and LBH. The way I imagine it, he's doing the most direct derailing of the plot, because he mostly accidentally gets right in the middle of the thing that is going on between those two
I feel like as I wrote this it became more serious than I originally intended so just know that I'm mentally picturing this like a fic that's interspersed with outsider POV of the 4 of them being completely deranged about eachother
(Also I'd feel bad taking away LXC's brother so LWJ and WWX + friends are busy doing hot girl shit being rogue cultivators. I think WWX should be a half demon so he gets to keep the cultivation and steal some of LBH's protagonist energy. If this was a fic then the rest of the Untamed gang would be perfect to use for side characters during off-peak missions)
*grabs popcorn and sits down to hear more*
Nie Huaisang is having too much fun waiting the two idiots called his shizun and shizun's poorly kept secret of a boyfriend go flailing around on these terribly unromantic dates BUT THE TWO WERE TRYING SO HARD that it was cute. He wonders if he should do something to help the poor idiots out... Should he?
Maybe he should...
(Watch Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun suddenly have a number of sex pollen accidents over the next few months....)
Lan Xichen would be an old man and a good voice of reason for Yue Qingyuan. Although he's head disciple and a very good one at that (if only because his Big Brother instincts can't be held back and he MUST interfere to help prevent history repeating once more), Lan Xichen has made it very clear that he would never accept becoming sect leader.
Also don't forget Liu Mingyan in the background writing about a 4 person sex orgy. At least, that's her personal theory for why there's so much UNRESOLVED TENSION between these four sus male disciples. And also, because it's fun.
It's even funner when you consider that Nie Mingjue is out of the loop of Cang Qiong stuff even on Bai Zhan because he tags along on so many of Liu Qingge's missions that he's probably spending like 8 months of the year outside of the sect.
(Nie Huaisang gets "assigned" to missions that happen to take place near Nie Mingjue's hunts.)
Meng Yao is Meng Yao and he still craves the approval of Male Authority Figures That Could be his dad. Also Meng Yao still likes to climb up the social hierarchy and power. AKA Luo Binghe growing mushrooms in the corner at seeing ANOTHER QING JING disciple THE SAME AGE AS HIM being given SO MUCH ATTENTION AND APPROVAL by shizun.
Luo Binghe develops a complex over Meng Yao of course.
(Shen Jiu approves of Meng Yao because he understands these characters very well and know how to manipulate (cough kill or injury them physically or mentally) them easily. Plus Meng Yao is actually competent.)
[More in #Nie Huaisang Lan Xichen Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue reincarnate into PIDW and are Cang Qiong disciples at the same time as Luo Binghe is AU
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