#and also why im so convinced the lady used to have the hunger as well. to have the solution to a problem you must first experience it no?
imaginewithtearose · 3 years
OH MY GOOSH- heyyy again it's me the one who requested the "dangerous lullaby" idia fic and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE what you did with the idea! you absolutely made my day <3 ngl that was my first request ever, and I'm glad that I am your first scenario request! I would love a part 2, y'know when you aren't busy ^^ thank you again soo much!!
Im so proud of you!! It was such a good idea, i will make part two here, answering this ask!
Lemme present to you ladies, gentlemans, and non binary hoes;
Pomegranate Wishes
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Time has passed and you don't know if it has been hours of days since Idia left you in this white space that he calls “your new room”, but you are more than sure that this is your cage in this mysterious island.
In rage and desperation, you decided to private yourself from anything. Just lay on the white bed and look at the roof; Robots may come with food but you rejected it. At first, it included screams and throwing stuff, but with time passing and not a clue from anything, you just decided to ignore the food offerings. And this just got weirded.
The more you rejected this, the less food they offer you; From a whole meal, to a simple bottle of red pills that you watched in disgust.
You couldn't do anything, and you resisted to eat or accept anything from anyone in this nightmare island. What keep you up at night, or day, was the screams and voices of your classmates that you slightly heard trough your door.
You were defeated. Both mentally and physically. You didn't wanted to even move, or say anything. Neither think. You would sleep sometimes, but hunger kept you wake up.
On one of these so called nights, the door suddenly opened and a humanoid figure that you can easily recognize appeared. But you didn't react at all; The tall figure of your boyfriend approached your bed, while you you turned around in bed, giving him the cold shoulder.
“ Y/n... Its me, Idia...”
He spoke in a tone that sounded both tired and sad. You still didn't answer, and soon Idia tought you were sleeping; So he kneeled beside your bed and caressed your head with care, moving some strands of hair on your face. You could feel the warmth of another person finally after who knows, but you promised to not do anything until you got answers, and standed by that.
“Im sorry...”
His voice cracked and he started sobbing while hiding his head in your bed, taking your covers and pressing them in his hands with force. He was being the Idia you know, a sentimental guy.
You finally faced him, well, half faced. His head was still hiding on your sheets. You patted his head slowly, only for him to sob even more.
“ Idia, i only want to know what's going on... ”
That was a half-lie, you did wanna know that, but you also wanna go and save your friends.
“ Im so sorry, this shouldn't have happened, i can handle everything, everyone, but not you .. i can't convince myself to treat you like an experiment, and force you to do things... Horribly things... Why mom and dad can't do this?... Why... Why... Why... ”
You got that answer with his cracked voice rough voice. You still patted his head and then, he hide his head in your lap, just like he used to do when feeling bad for losing at some game. You now and then, patted his head and listened to him, but this was different.
“ But there is something i can do, y-y/n, you.... You really trust m-me, right? ”
He asked this while looking at you, Head up, eyes puffed and red from crying, with more dark circles than usual. Even if you didn't answer, he takes from his pocket the same red pills that the boths tried to feed you.
They looked like seeds, red seeds, and this didn't like you at all; Idia put his hand in yours and let some of those pills in there.
“ Hear me out, y/n... T-These things... I know that they aren't dangerous, a-and i promise that these t-things can help you get out of here safe... That's t-the only thing i can do... But if you tell somebody... Im gonna be in trouble... ”
He sounded like he was telling the truth, and with hunger, tired, and just trusting your insticts, your nodded.
“ These carries m..my wish for you to have a normal l..life... They are... My wishes... For you, y/n.... ”
The pills in your hand looked weird, but it was your only option.
“ Then, i hope that my wish of getting out of here with everyone comes true ”
You said and then, you take the pills, Idia watches you with a small smile in his head. He didn't wanted to leave, so he stayed watching you from your lap for a while, smiling softly at you after you dozed off.
You wake up, and Idia is nowhere to be seen, but you feel better; Stronger, refreshed. What did he give you? And why there was a bottle of these pills there in your bed?
But most of all
Why was the door open?
Hope this answer pleases you! Probably im gonna make this a whole series but for now i don't have idea of what to write next, lol, have some ideas or comments about this saga? Tell me! Maybe we can write this together :)
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barryjeanblues · 4 years
taako meets death (again)
(also posted to my ao3)
taako has met two raven queens in his life before now.
well, close enough, at least. most - though not all - of the worlds the starblaster had traveled to had gods, and surprisingly enough, those gods were usually - though not always - strikingly similar to their homeworlds gods. (this was useful, because one of the crews number relied very heavily on a certain nature god for his magic. luckily, the nature or life god of each world always seemed to have a soft spot for little old merle, even if they werent merles traditional cloven-hoofed pan.)
twice, taako had met the death god - someone equivalent to faeruns raven queen. 
this had led to taakos understandable trepidation upon kravitz finally putting his foot down and insisting taako meet his mother boss. 
the first time taako had met a raven queen, she had been… overwhelming. the light of creation had fallen into a forest dedicated to her and her followers, and the head acolyte refused to give the wandering crew the light unless they first received permission from the queen.
the crew had agreed, with no other option, bracing themselves to firmly explain the direness of the situation. surely a goddess would be intelligent enough to understand. 
that raven queen had burst into a forest cleaning in an explosion of black feathers, half illusion, half steel, so that when lup brushed the smoky feathers from her eyes they blurred and dissipated, but when magnus tried the same thing he yelped and brought his hand back bleeding. 
that raven queens laughter had been eerie and echoing, almost but not quite mocking, almost but not quite infectious, almost but not quite joyous. the crew had stood firm and offered their argument, and the queen had given them tests and tokens and bargains and tricky promises with too many clauses and loopholes and at the end of it all the ipres numbers had been halved and the rest were weary and worn as they caught the light of creation and fled with only minutes to spare, the faelike laughter of death following them terribly even through the overwhelming cacophony of the hungers assault. 
that laughter had trailed after them longer, if only in their heads. taako would be making stir fry, planning outfits, swapping merles shampoo for hair-loss potions, when hed have to sit down suddenly and breathe through the musical trills of the raven queens cruel pleasure. it had seemed to bounce in his head the way a rubber ball might, ricocheting off thoughts and feelings until it rolled under a couch to be forgotten about, till some slight movement sent it rolling and bouncing about once more. 
davenport had died in an illusion, thinking he was saving his crew. poor merle had been choked by his own plants, betrayal writ across hos face. barrys skin had grown sickly purple with poison - ten to one odds arent very good odds. taako doesnt forget easily. he decides the goddess of death can go fuck herself. 
the second raven queen taako had met much later in their journey, and taako had met her alone. 
lup and barry had become liches a few cycles back. it was something taako had still been coming to terms with. 
taako loves lup. this is an immutable fact of any and every universe. taako loves lup and lup loves taako and not death or memory or space can separate them, not for long. but seeing your sister die, and then… go beyond death, to twist herself and latch on to a chance that she may never return except in madness and spite - thats a hard thing to grasp, even when she succeeds. taako had still found himself shivering when his sister forgot she had a body again and grabbed a hot pan off the stove, crying out in pain. taako still woke sweating from nightmares in which his sister and his friend flew apart and reformed as cackling red robed horrors of insanity and cruelty, too far for him to reach. 
until that cycle, though, barry and lups choice had only been an asset. 
but some raven queens do not take kindly to anything they see as a perversion of their domain. 
barely a week into that cycle, taako had awoken from the guilty non-elven pleasure of a nap only to find himself in some cold, hard court, fashioned seemingly of steel and silver and concrete, onyx lining the floor and the only color coming from sparse sapphires sparkled throughout the long echoing hall. 
at the end of it - and taako had known his eyes must have played tricks on him, because at first the being at the end of the hall seemed, while large, not much larger than a giant, but when hed called a nervous greeting his voice had echoed so awfully he knew the hall stretched much farther than hed thought and the goddess at the end of it must have been unimaginably huge. 
her eyes had glinted a flinty sapphire in her carven steel face when she ordered him to defend the existence of his sister and his sisters lover. 
taako had tried. he truly, truly had. but while taako is a being of preservation and caution, full of intelligence and cleverness, he is not one of cold hard logic. perhaps lucretia could have convinced this raven queen, the only of their number who had ever been able to grasp true hard reason… but taako doubts it. he had doubted it then and he doubts it even more these days. 
the point is, taako, for all his love for his family and his brilliant wit and devotion (probably, in fact, because of it) taakos arguments couldnt convince that raven queen. she saw past his genuine belief that lup and barry had made a good decision, and into his fears for her, and the goddess of death had based her own argument on those. she won. taako never had a chance. 
he, lup, and barry had woken up in the next cycle, newly resurrected. taako never stops feeling guilty about it. 
so. yes. 
taako is more than a little nervous about meeting the goddess his boyfriend serves so devotedly. but, and youd be hard pressed to convince him to admit it, taako would do anything for kravitz. and despite it all he does actually want to see what the deal is with his sister and his best friends boss, and his patron gods… friend? lover? girlfriend? taako isnt quite sure what fate and death are to each other, but its definitely something.
kravitz lays a warm hand on taakos shoulder, but taako squares them up. he can do this, for fucks sake - hes died a shitton of times, he can meet death. 
the doors open and taakos breath - the only breath in this realm of the dead - catches in his throat.
taako is a die hard istus fan, and shell always be his goddess. but if taako wasnt a taken elf, hed follow the raven queen, he realizes with a startle.
shes beautiful, yes. shes gorgeous, and taakos always been weak for beauty, but hers isnt the cold hard beauty of gemstones and gold, thinks his nimble fingers snatch up and hoard in his endless pockets. the raven queen is beautiful in a way that taako cant describe as anything other than simple.
he cant pin down any features. she has a kind face, gentle hands, bright eyes, but taako can tell she is a goddess because despite staying still the image of her flicks and shifts in his head. at once she seems to have every kind face hes ever seen, even if he doesnt recognize anyone. her hands reach out to comfort him - no more than comfort - but she stands without moving in front of taako and kravitz. her eyes glitter and sparkle and crinkle up with cheerful laughter, except taako isnt entirely sure she has eyes at all, or maybe she has too many. 
he thinks… he thinks maybe she has wings, or maybe theyre arms, or maybe theyre black fabric, draped around and behind and below and above her, shifting with the last breaths of every mortal in the universe. its darkness but its not scary, taako realizes, its solacing, healing, the way that he feels when dusk passes to night and the sky is huge and warm and the brush of lups hand against his as she says goodbye for the night is a relief and a love. 
hello, taako, death says. its lovely to meet you. 
she means it, taako knows. he can tell, somehow. shes just happy to meet him. nothing more, nothing less. 
'oh,' taako says aloud, and kravitz laughs his quiet sweet dorky laugh, and the raven queen laughs too, and its just that. its just a laugh, and its a nice one.
'oh indeed,' kravitz says. 'taako, did you really think id serve a monster or a cruel master?'
'well,' taako replies hesitantly, 'honestly, homie, i kind of thought you were, and id, like, have to start some quest to slay death itself and rescue you.'
the anthropomorphic personification of death laughs again, a note of delight in her tender voice. i like him, my kravitz, she says, good job.
kravitz does the dead-reaper equivalent of blushing. taako grins a little because its very cute. 
'death is different here,' taako hums. 'its… it wasnt like this anywhere else i went. it was cold, or cruel, or empty. i dunno why its different in your world.'
'then i guess we're the lucky ones, huh?' kravitz asks. taako leans up against him and murmurs an agreement. 'its why i love my job so much, why it means so much to me. its not that im some hardass, i just…'
'yea, cha'boy gets it now,' assures taako. 'still.' he looks at the ever-shifting, ever-stable face of death again. 'you better treat my boy kravitz and my lady istus well, capiche? or we will have issues.'
its a deal, taako, the raven queen says, smiling. 
when taako opens his eyes, hes in his home in the material plane, and kravitz is next to him, and theyre both smiling. 
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dillydedalus · 4 years
october reading
i finished my masters thesis this month (yay!) so while i still read quite a lot for escapism i was also operating on no more than 2 braincells at any time, and one of those braincells was just. continuously screaming. so any incoherence or whatever here is. because of that.
i am sovereign, nicola barker a fantastically weird & enjoyable novella about a house-viewing gone wrong that eventually blows up the novella form. i don’t want to give away the meta aspect too much, even tho it’s not entirely unpredictable, but it is so very entertaining and delightful to read. had such a fun time with this. also has a great cover. 4/5
the lifted veil, george eliot i’ve only read middlemarch by eliot, so a 75-page novella about the supernatural sure was... different. it’s fine, but nothing special imo. i enjoyed the first chapter, which sets up latimer, a soft young man with the gift of foresight/telepathy and his fascination with his brother’s fiancee, whose mind remains opaque to him (....twilight???), but the second half is pretty meh. 2/5
the notebooks of malte laurids brigge, rainer maria rilke (read the german obvi) loved the beginning of this, where morbid, too-intense, death-obsessed author-insert malte laurids brigge walks around paris, seeing everyone carry their death with them, which then makes him think of the deaths he has witnessed in his childhood. the parts about his childhood in a danish noble family were also good, but it really lost me with the overtly poetic, weird historical/religious stuff?? feel like this might have been a victim of termin master’s thesis like maybe that’s not the time for poetic, fragmentary, modernist-ish novels. 3/5
wie der soldat das grammofon repariert, saša stanišić (read in german, english translation by anthea bell) i really enjoyed stanišić‘s memoir herkunft last year so i went back to his 2006 classic, about a kid called aleksandar growing up in yugoslavia and eventually fleeing to germany as a refugee during the war. it’s very similar to herkunft in story, although the presentation is very different. honestly overall i found it a bit Too Much, too long & too stylised in its structure. but like, i can see why it’s so popular. 2.5/5
i capture the castle, dodie smith i really liked this! cassandra mortmain is a very strong narrator, the atmosphere of the dilapidated castle and the dysfunctional family are great, & i was surprised by the crushing poverty of the family in the beginning - cassandra obviously attempts to cover this up both in her own head & in her journal, but for much of the first half or so i was genuinely really worried for the kids - and this makes rose so much more sympathetic in her resolution to escape poverty. i was less convinced by the whole love quadrangle this book got going on, but on the whole this was very charming, but often very melancholy in a far deeper way than i expected. 4/5 
the death of vivek oji, akwaeke emezi my second emezi this year, altho sadly neither of them have lived up to the glory of freshwater. this one is about (gender) identity, grief, trauma, love, and solidarity/community based on otherness, which are similar thematically to freshwater, but in a novel that is, i would say, both more stylistically conventional and more hopeful/uplifting (altho it is still very depressing in parts). i enjoyed this on the whole, but it just doesn’t grab you by the throat the way freshwater does, and the reveal/central mystery just feels a bit lacking. 3/5
gott wohnt im wedding, regina scheer listen, this book is probably more competent & historically interesting than literarily great BUT it’s literally (literally) set around the corner from where i live, i know pretty much every single place & business mentioned in it & the house troubles are extremely relatable, if a lot worse than what i am currently experiencing. anyway. this novel is centered around a house in berlin-wedding & the people who live in it & it's about the holocaust & the porajmos, current discrimination against sinti&roma, the history of the wedding, gentrification, familial trauma & all that. it’s very interesting historically, slow but still very readable, and like.... i just really love the wedding! it’s kinda shitty & depressing but i love it!!! 4/5 the only good indians, stephen graham jones note: the elk in this book is not what you, a european, think of as an elk. that’s a moose. anyway, this is a horror novel about four native american men who hunt for elk when, where and how they shouldn’t have and ten years later find themselves pursued by a vengeful elk spirit. i enjoyed this! the scenes where shit goes down were certainly very horrible & gruesome & very sad as well. 3.5/5
solutions & other problems, allie brosh this book really is out there & exists. anyway hyperbole & a half was like, one of my formative internet things and i still love it a lot. this book is second only to the winds of winter in eternally getting pushed back and back and back, so this even getting published was def a pleasant surprise. it’s still really funny, and the weird ugly drawings are still amazingly effective, but this one is. very sad. some really bad shit happened to brosh inbetween and it’s kinda a downer (i mean the first one had the depression saga but this one... is darker). 3.5/5
a supposedly fun thing i’ll never do again, david foster wallace .....i might have to stan dfw, just a little bit. like, i read infinite jest when i was way too young to appreciate it (still traumatised by the uh. creative use of brooms tho) & i have NO intentions of ever rereading it BUT this essay collection was so good that i may just have to read a lot of his other stuff. particular highlights are the title essay, about a cruise journey, and an essay about the illinois state fair, two things that feel particularly fascinating and offputting in equal measure in this year of plague, where even the idea of being in enclosed spaces with many people freaks you out. but i also really appreciated his essays on david lynch & television & fiction, even if i don’t agree with all of his takes. he just has such a good voice! funny, smart, precisely observed but always with a strange spin. 4/5, minus points for too much tennis, but oh well
gruppenbild mit dame, heinrich böll (group portrait with lady) marcel reich-ranicki criticised this book for being, essentially, a sloppy mess and that’s kind of accurate - it’s definitely too long & a bit draggy & böll (and the narrator/“author”) go on tangents and into details with indulgence & abandon, but it’s also... kind of brilliant? the way the “author” collects material and testimony on leni (the lady), her family, coming-of-age and the love affair with a soviet forced labourer that made her an outcast, constructing a documented history of her while leni herself remains ever elusive, the focus on structure, architecture, construction, the endless loops of self-justification (pelzer’s insistance that he is not inhuman, the real estate tycoon’s insistence that they just want what’s best for leni & that her resistance to profit-logic is abnormal)... there’s so much in here, and a lot of it doesn’t need to be there, but a lot of it does. 3.5/5 
sweet fruit, sour land, rebecca ley very lyrical, quiet, feminist climate dystopia. it’s good, well-written, very evocative of hunger and loss, a dystopia but really more about grief and identity, and i read it during the last few days of my master’s thesis and thus have absolutely nothing to say about it. 3.5/5
i also & this will be a shock, dnf’d burning down the haus: punk rock, revolution & the fall of the berlin wall, a book about the east-berlin/german punk subculture. it just felt like a longform essay artificially extended into a 400-page book & the writing was pretty basic in a music bro tries to be deep and like, subversive and shit kinda way. 
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beaufortswan42 · 4 years
The Forks P. 2
Edythe’s POV
“OMG! noooo way! This is so funny!” Archie surprisingly gasped as he concentrated on his vision.
“What happened archie?” I quickly asked with curiosity, already trying to read his thoughts. We were sitting at our usual table during lunch, just a normal day at forks high school. Well...as normal as it could be.
“Yeah, spill the goods arch, you know some of us won’t know until you actually say it out loud.” Eleanor exclaimed as the bell rang.
“Change of plans for Friday ladies and royal. You guys can go hunting without me I’m definitely coming to the talent show.” Archie excitingly said as he walked away to class, singing a Wheatus song that I forgot the name of.
“Hey arch wait, I wanna know what you saw. Did you see Edythe hooking up with the new kid?!” Eleanor snickered as she taunted me with a not so innocent expression on her face. I kindly returned the favor with a not so lady like hand gesture.
As impatient as I am I immediately tried reading his thoughts but strangely enough he was reciting the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet in Spanish. Anytime Archie blocks his thoughts is to hide something from me. I tried focusing on him again but another student’s thoughts interfered with my spy mission of archie’s vision.
I hope he says yes we desperately need him...and hopefully it’ll be the perfect excuse to spend some alone time after it’s over. “Come on beau we really need you!” McKayla Newton was saying as she walked along side beau towards bio class. I could see from McKayla’s mind how red splotches started forming on beau’s beautiful face as he tried to walk away from her.
“Oh no no, there’s no way you can convince me to do that. There’s no way in hell im going to go up on that stage in front of the whole school...” beau loudly exclaimed as he leaned towards the lockers outside of our class.
What is it that this bi- person is begging beau to do for her? I couldn’t help but feel annoyed at how territorial and pushy she was being when it came it to beau. Ever since she found out the outcome of my conversation with beau (which I’m sure she eavesdropped on) from a few weeks ago she’s been practically throwing herself at beau like some kind of wench. I focused myself and read McKayla’s mind as her thoughts of the school talent show and her band popped up.
What?! No way!
I was flabbergasted at the idea of her asking beau to be the lead singer for their band for this Friday after the Salinger boy came down with mono. No doubt it was from the ski trip the class went to last Friday. Humans and their weak immune systems, I thought as I shook my head. Now I was starting to realize this was related to archie’s vision. But what did he see exactly?! I was impatiently trying to figure out if he saw beau performing or if he saw something else happen. What if he saw McKayla trying to kiss him backstage or after the song? What would beau do? Would he feel the same? Or would he reject her? The need to know was clawing at my mind as I quickly walked to class. Beau was clearly uncomfortable with the idea and was looking for any reason or way to get out of it. But it seems that my beau has such a selfless spirit that a small part of him was maybe considering it from the look on his face.
This is the perfect plan, if I can get him alone after band practice I can find a way to ask him out on a date or if I’m lucky we can make out. Oh god, I can picture it now... his warm lips touching mine, his hands around my waist as he pulls me in, the feeling of his muscles as he-
I immediately tuned out McKayla and her erroneous sexual fantasies with beau as her leading man. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach of frustration and disgust. The idea of her attempts to flirt with beau at all costs made me despise her even more than before. I immediately gazed at them as they came into my view. I tried to quickly control the hiss that escaped my lips as I noticed how that desperate girl started touching beau’s biceps. The way she looked at him with that sorry excuse of what humans say “puppy dog eyes”. The way her fake eyelashes fluttered at him made me want to interrupt their conversation so I could save beau from this girl. But the question remained: Why hasn’t he said no? Is he actually entertaining the idea of him and McKayla together everyday for the next days. Does he have feelings for her? Does he think of her as-
My thoughts ceased the moment his head turned to my direction. I couldn’t help but feel triumph and shyness as I felt his cerulean eyes drinking me in. I decided to sashay my way over to class just to see the reaction I would get. One thing I notice is human males always seem to pay attention to my hips whenever I’m around them. Would beau be any different? I answered my own question when I noticed that he kept admiring me with that adorable puppy dog look on his face, the red splotches already forming on his face, his heart beat racing fast. I did my best to not look in his direction to keep up the facade of me ignoring him. I wasn’t going to make it easy for him. I tried to hide a smirk as I heard McKayla cursing me in her head for easily redirecting his attention from her to me. I purposely walked close by, trying to not brush against his arm. I wanted his attention but I also didn’t want to tempt myself by the sweet scent of the rich blood running through his veins. His enticing scent was succulent and my throat did burn...but for a different type of hunger.
I sat down at my seat as I once again searched for archie’s mind to read his thoughts regarding his vision. He was thinking about the new Armani tux he purchased for one of our cousin’s wedding. I must admit out of all my family Archie definitely had the best taste in clothing. I too got so absorbed in Archie’s suit that I almost missed the action happening right next to me. I was able to refocus on the blasphemy that I just heard. McKayla just finished begging beau to be in their band by offering her services as a cheater, car washer, and negotiator. Apparently the human girl has many tricks up her sleeve to get what she wants, to say I despise her doesn’t truly explain it. I subtlety tilted my head in their direction to hear beau’s response while looking straight ahead.
If she thinks she can-What is she doing? From the corner of my eye I watched how McKayla slowly pushed back the hairs on beau’s forehead letting her fingers linger for a second longer than necessary. It took all the power and control that I gained over the last century to not get up and smack the girl to the back of this classroom. I could feel the venom in me forming as my muscles clenched from anger. My fists rolled up in tight fists to avoid damaging the table in front of me. Carine wouldn’t appreciate it if I lost control and got in a school fight. We were model students who set the example of good wholesome kids. I also didn’t want to kill her, but if she keeps up this despicable behavior I may consider it.
“Ok sure I’ll do it. I’ll perform with you and your band” beau mumbled to her. No human could’ve heard him but any immortal would have. The jealousy was consuming me. I watched how excited McKayla was as she started thanking the universe and her mundane cosmopolitan magazines for the chance to actually spend time with beau outside of school. YES! This is my time now I will have beau all to myself for the next days and I will do what I can to get closer to him. Well well well, Look at her acting like she doesn’t care but I know she’s jealous. Oh well Edythe Cullen, you had your chance. Now you can get off your high horse and see how it’s really done.
What’s even worse was that the little wench smirked in my direction trying to get a reaction out of me. Little did she know that she succeeded.
“Ok cool! So it’s a date then!” A what?!!!! I mentally yelled as I nearly broke the stool I sat on by almost banging my hand on it.
“Oh wait no, that’s not what I meant...umm I meant to say-“
Mrs. Banner finally arrived in time to start class and end the blasphemy before me. But that wasn’t enough to control the feelings of jealousy that boiled within me. All I could think of was them two kissing and doing god knows what unforgivable things the Newton girl would attempt to execute these next few days. He wasn’t off the hook either. Why would he agree to this knowing her feelings for him? Was his pureness that blind to not see her intentions? Was he an idiot who couldn’t see the feelings I have for him? I mean yes I told him we shouldn’t be friends but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to be. I am just trying to protect him so he can have a happy, normal life. Regardless of the reason I couldn’t help but stare at him without looking away. All feelings of anger and frustration were directed at him as my eyes burned a hole through his skull. He then met my gaze for a quick instant before he put his head down. He must’ve been nervous because his heart was racing fast and his pale complexion was turning red. I kept my laser eyes on his adorable but ignorant face before I forced myself to look ahead and to focus on mrs. Banner’s regurgitated lecture. I tried even harder now to look into Archie’s mind to see what he saw. I need to know...the curiosity was killing me. What’s going to happen this Friday?
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blccdbourne · 5 years
⧼    daisy ridley, cisfemale, she/her   /   copycat – billie eilish   +   black roses, abandoned castles, and half-drunk glasses of red wine    ⧽   ━━      don’t look now, but that’s christine langdon . the twenty-five ( two hundred and sixty-four ) year old vampire has been here in seattle for two weeks, and is considered to be a nomad. they’ve always been charismatic & persuasive, but i guess this town just brings out the worst in people ; apparently, they’ve been way more manipulative & deceitful than usual. it wouldn’t surprise me if they knew what was going on.   [   gi, 23, est, she/her   ]
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hello, i’m v excited to be here and introduce you all to my lil baby christine. i’m filling em’s wanted connection for liam doran’s on & off again gf, and here’s what you need to know about her.
the beginning
christine was born in london, england in 1755.
she attended music school, but when it came time to send soldiers to the colonies, she took up nursing studies as well.
at the end of what seemed to be a promising date with a soldier in 1780, she was turned and abandoned. she couldn’t return home or she’d kill her family, so she left. she has some morals.
she traveled around, learning from others like her how to control her bloodlust, her hunger.
she also learned in this time that men will do anything for a pretty lady, and she took advantage of this, seducing men into doing her bidding.
she has the power/ability of siren song, basically meaning she has the power to “emit irresistible sound that lures anyone who hears it towards the user.” when she uses this power, it also allows her some semblance of control over her victim. she mostly uses the power to recruit new boys/men and then when she really needs them to obey, she’ll use control, but the song is usually enticing enough.
imagine she sounds something like miss christine daaé from phantom of the opera when she sings, but her voice is magnetizing.
enter liam
christine met liam around 1825, and they immediately hit it off.
like with every new recruit, christine needed to test his loyalty. however, she needed to form a romantic bond with this one, so he’d have reason to trust her. 
the next bits in bold are directly from em’s bio for liam: 
she began to test his loyalty, asking him to do things, things that a normal person would do, but he did them anyway. 
the tasks started out easy, like stealing, then escalated to killing people. liam still did them, because she asked, because she promised him a life with her.
whenever liam seemed to be growing suspicious, christine would up and disappear for a short while and she’d keep repeating the cycle until she’d manipulated him enough where she could trust him.
once she was satisfied, once she convinced him that she loved him, and she was convinced his loyalty would always lie with her, she changed him.
yeah, it was heartless to play with his emotions, but attachments got you killed, and he’d need to learn that. well, he sort of did when she turned him, but that’s beside the point. 
after turning liam, she abandoned him. she’d had to adjust to this life on her own -- why should she help him? he’d learn better on his own.
after a few months of liam traveling and searching, she found him.
they fell right back into their cycle of manipulation, with christine promising she loved him so he’d do whatever she asked. she’d disappear and show up again every few years, knowing he’d fall for her tricks because he was blinded by his love for her.
some part of her started to miss their little cat and mouse game so she made her way to the united states, starting on the east coast and moving her way west in recent months.
she’s been in seattle for about two weeks and is keeping a low profile while she tracks liam so she can stage their next reunion.
she hasn’t figured it out yet but over the decades/centuries, she’s started to actually develop some sort of feelings for liam. gross, emotions.
she’s a combo of the vixen and siren archetypes. she’s a seductress.
probably an aries?? we’ll see.
highkey always wearing a red or dark lip. it’s her signature look.
if there’s other things you wanna know or if you wanna plot, drop me an IM or hmu in my discord DMs. 
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warmau · 6 years
victorian vampire!au hyungwon
inspired by a conversation between a friend and i~
when the new doctor moves into town,,,,,,there are a lot of hushed whispers about who he is 
but most importantly where in the world is he from
no one seems to know the answer,,,but everyone is sure they heard that he studied in england’s finest medical school
and even has a background in ancient korean medicine
either way,,,,,,no one - and i mean no one - expects the new doctor to look well like that
and by that i mean ,,,,,,,, handsome. hauntingly handsome
dr. chae is tall. his body is slim, shaped perfectly by the luck of such long limbs and his skin is always a bit too cold for normal
it gives off a sort of palish glow, and his hair falls in a perfect mid-part onto his forehead
his lips are full and gorgeous, his nose looks as if it was sketched by the most talented of portrait-makers 
but it’s his eyes,,,,,,,his eyes that seem,,,,,,so unreal
although they’re just a plain brown,,,,like many of the other people who live in town,,,,something about them is off
marvelously, mysteriously, almost synthetically off
but his eyes are only a bother to you - everyone else is much more interested in his relationship status and his degree from whatever highbrow school he attended
the first time you introduce yourself formally with the new doctor is at a ball some of the local ladies throw in his honor 
you two end up being in the refreshment hall together
you’d been looking at a plate of jellies when he walked in,,,,,his frock was off revealing the crimson waistcoat beneath it
you noticed that his collared shirt had puffed arms - uncommon nowadays,,,more of a past style
and the ascot matched perfectly with the waistcoat
he was holding his homburg in his hand and for a second you entertained the thought of a high class doctor shoving sandwiches into his hat to save for later
“i believe we haven’t met yet,,,,”
you began - and then stopped when dr. chae finally made eye contact with you
the swirls of brown that usually exist within a humans eyes,,,,seemed unnaturally stoic in his
“ah, pleased to make your acquaintance. i am dr. chae. close associates simply call me hyungwon.”
he reached out, taking your hand bringing it up as if to kiss it
but instead of doing so he let it hover away from his lips and then sit it back down with an overly grandeur smile
“why are you not inside?”
he asked,,,,as if to make conversation even though he didn’t see any reason to
“i don’t fancy dancing.”
“me either, it’s gotten so,,,,,,,boring over the years.”
you perked up at this,,,,curious of what ‘over the years’ meant to dr. chae who didn’t look a day past twenty three
“i assume so,,,,although i wouldn’t know.”
dr. chae turns and smiles,,,,,but its tightlipped - as if he’s hiding his teeth on purpose
those unmoving brown eyes bore a hole into you
“well, ill be returning to the dance hall. do join us soon,,,,”
he says your name and for some reason it sends a shiver down your spine
“if you ever feel unwell, please also stop in by my clinic. it’s opening on rose street.”
with that, he bid a goodbye to you with a respectful bow
you reciprocated, but didn’t lift your head till he was out of the room
something about him was so,,,,,,convoluted,,,,,,,so fabricated
yet something,,,,,,pulled you in - some kind of charm, some kind of curiosity about someone so painfully beautiful
a couple of weeks later, after the dr. chae craze had calmed in the town you were having tea with a friend
who suddenly clapped her hands together
“i forgot to tell you,,,,,,dr. chae has a new method of helping keep healthy! i was at his office a day ago to see if my poor brother had caught the fever and when dr. chae was done with him he asked if id want to get a ‘cleaning’!”
you raised an eyebrow, “a cleaning?”
“essentially he draws blood from you for about a three to five minutes and it’s all the bad blood that’s been clogged up inside of you! he recommends getting it down once a month!”
all the bad blood that’s been clogged up inside of you? 
that sounds rather,,,,,farfetched
“did you feel better afterwards?” you question with caution and you friend gives a full spirited nod
“i felt a bit dizzy, but after that - i was as strong as a carriage horse!”
you maul it over in your head after tea,,,,,,,is that a new science? did humans really produce ‘bad blood’ that needs to be,,,,,cleaned out of them?
you walk past grass street and the next one up is rose,,,,,where the shiny new window for dr. chae’s clinic is up
inside you can see people are waiting for him
there’s a young looking boy whose talking with them all,,,,,apparently the assistant who arrived with dr. chae - changkyun
he catches you through the window and you hurry away
when you start feeling a bit under the weather ,,,,,your friends all suggest you get a ‘cleaning’ form dr. chae
you don’t want too,,,but when your coughing wont let up and you feel as if you’re fatiguing 
you find yourself in his clinic
his assistant, changkyun eyes you carefully and then brightens up like a light switch being flicked on
“dr. chae is excited to see you, he says you two conversed at a ball?”
your hand twitches and you hide it behind your back
“the doctor remembered, how kind.”
changkyun smiles back and you notice that his eyes are the same,,,,,empty brown like dr. chae’s
neither of you say anything until dr. chae comes around the corner
towering over everyone else, he adjusts the collar of his shirt and you notice the blood red ruby that shines around it
“so, i hear that you’ve been convinced to finally get a cleaning. im glad you’ve come.”
dr. chae has you lay down on a table covered by a cotton white sheet
a bookshelf stands to your right and his desk to your left
he has another, smaller table with all his tools laid out
and then for a moment you swear you notice a splatter of blood beside one of them
but you shake your head,,,and open your eyes to see it’s gone
dr. chae hovers over you for a bit - his eyes don’t meet yours even once
he’s fixated,,,,on your neck
“will you,,,be taking my blood from there?”
that snaps him from is momentary fascination and he smiles - it’s cold
“of course not, ill be taking it from you arm. it will pinch for a bit,,,,,,but after that you will be fine.”
“wh-what is this procedure called, if you mind me asking,,,,”
dr. chae rolled up the cuffs of his shirt and again smiled - no teeth showing
“blood-letting. feel free to relax sweetheart, for i know what im doing. ive been a doctor for,,,,,,,,a while.”
there’s something menacing but ever so inviting about the statement 
as if,,,,,you’re just a silly piece of bait dancing into the mouth of a hungry shark
but you close your eyes and let dr. chae do his work
and after you open them,,,your head spins and your arm is bandaged tight and dr. chae is looking at the bucket of your blood with
with hunger
no,,,,,,no that cant be - he meets your eyes and helps you off the bed
“you come back whenever else you please, my assistant outside can make sure you get a carriage home safe.”
you’re not sure what it is that truly cures your under-the-weather feelings
the blood-letting or just some time out in the country side
either way,,,,when you return,,,,,,you’re surprised to find that dr. chae is waiting for you
“would you be willing to have another ‘cleaning’?” 
he asks, standing in your parlor with his frock thrown over his hand and that same ruby jewel on his collar
“oh i don’t think i need it right now, plus the fee is nothing to laugh about-”
“it’ll be a,,,,,a gift from me. ill do it with not charge.”
you furrow your eyebrows,,,perplexed by dr. chae’s insistence
“are not enough people getting ‘cleaned’? that you’re offering free service?”
dr. chae lets out a low laugh
“nothing of that sort, i am only offering this to you.”
“and why is that?”
his jaw seems to tighten in just the slightest
“as a doctor, my opinion is that you have much to gain from it. the blood letting ,,,,, you need it,,,,,,your bad blood level seems higher than the average.”
that worries you,,,,coming from a doctor - but at the same time it makes you suspicious
why is this gorgeous person,,,,whose got enough people in this town clamoring for an appointment with him 
for you,,,,,,,and for you specifically
you agree - only out of your own curiosity - and dr. chae lights up
for a second those fake browns seems to have a hint of life - but it’s fleeting
he thanks you, exiting your home to where changkyun awaits him at the door with the carriage
they both eye you ,,,,, like something,,,,,,,like the way a child eyes sweets before dinner
and when you show up for this second cleaning
the clinic is dark and changkyun is missing and you make the mistake on entering the doctor’s room before knocking
and you see,,,,,,,,,,,,,dr.chae for who he really is
for what,,,,,he really is
his beautiful skin marked with red stripes down his chin - he gouges himself on the blood he’s collected
until he realizes your presence and turns to look at you
those brown eyes are gone - swiveling a violent, flurry red
“oh, you’re here”
he says,,,voice deeper than on other occasions
and you step back,,,,,shaking “yo-you are a -”
he grins, this time his teeth show and they’re stark white and sharp. glittering with blood
“a vampire, now come - i need your blood.”
you turn, ready to flee - to run away
but dr. chae is fast,, fast enough to get to you and shut the door in your face and corner you
one hand comes up to tilt your cheek so your neck is expopsed
and he leans closer 
you beg - asking that he not kill you,,,,that you dont want to die so young
and he laughs against your skin, his cold lips graze it
“i wont kill you, your blood is the best ive ever had.”
and instead of biting he kisses your neck, tenderly and with such care
you forget that behind those lips are teeth that could pull you apart
“and in all my years,,,,ive never tasted something like you. ive never seen something like you.”
his kisses travel up to the shell of your ear
and you don’t understand why but the fear that had swelled tight in your chest has slowly unraveled into subtle,,,enjoyment 
“will you let me have it,,,,some of it,,,,,,,some of your blood?”
you shudder at his words but,,,,,you find yourself parting your lips to say
“how much?”
it’s the first time dr. chae performs a ‘cleaning’ or a blood-letting or whatever you want to call it without his tools
he simply, bites down on the base of your neck and drinks
but stops himself,,,,,just as you fall limp into his hands
and when you awaken your head is in his lap and he’s got a small book in his hand as his cold fingers weave through your hair
you sit up and he watches you from the corner of his eye
“are you afraid?”
“are you going to tell anyone?”
“do you think you’d be ok with letting me feed again,,,,,at a later time?”
he turns to you, beautiful face and melodic voice
“didn’t i say when we met, that i allow close associates to cal me hyungwon.”
you feel your mouth dry, “i-is that what this is? associates?”
hyungwon comes closer and closer till he takes your face in his hands and lets you stare into the real color of his eyes
“ill be whatever you want to be,,,,as long as that blood courses through your veins.”
he leans in and kisses you - you want to say you taste your own blood,,,but you dont 
and if anything you only fall deeper because of it,,,,,because of his words 
and you ask against his lips “is it only for my blood?”
“no, it’s for all of you. a vampire knows when they’ve found,,,,,the one.”
you sit beside him and hyungwon lets his hand come up to unclasp the ruby collar
it falls into his hand and he places it in yours
putting it on, you feel the velvet cover the mark of his fangs and hyungwon whispers that it looks just perfect on you
just so perfect
after that,,,,dr. chae is sad to announce that he won’t be offering ‘cleanings’ anymore
and that hopefully,,,,,,you and him,,,,will be welcomed together in union 
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typicalmidnight · 5 years
iron man 2 running commentary
okay so watching iron man 2 for the first time and i have a feeling im gonna have lots of commentary to share so it will all be under the cut! i’m gonna keep updating it as i watch!
*starts watching iron man 2 without watching iron man first cause it’s not on netflix and is only 2 minutes in but completely confused*
*questions my intelligence because i was able to understand the other marvel movies without watching other ones first*
*wonders if somehow i haven’t seen enough tony stark on tumblr to understand but i’ve somehow seen enough of other things to understand other movies*
*cue suprised and upset anon* sorry anon!!
okay anon!! help me pls! is the guy in the very beginning of iron man 2 someone from the first movie, and if he is who is he?? or is he new in this movie? edit: nevermind i looked it up
omg the first scene we see iron man is so cooool i love it!
holy sh*t he just landed on a stage omggg *freaks out so much because WOW*
im not even 7 minutes in yet but WOW IM SHOOK
i litterally just watched that first scene of tony/iron man in awe the whole time
“the possibility of world peace” BAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAA there’s a whole lot in store for the world, and i can guarantee it wont be peaceful lol
the stark expo is year long?!?!!?!!??? wow....
oooh oooh oooh that’s happy!
tony with kids awww
wait what did tony do??
AHHHHH pepper!!
does tony like pepper yet?? are they dating??
god tony. his sense of humor omg.
pepper isnt impressed lol
tony is so savage we stan a queen lol
you’re right, it isn’t canada cause we’re AWESOME and dont have ppl trying to get rid of iron man
rhodey!! i know who that is!
litterally everything tony says is amazing
oooooh whats tony up to?...
world peace? dream on tony
did he just say f**k you to tony stark? UM NO YOU DID NOT
oof the scenes with this bad dude are boring
wait i take that back HE JUST CUT A TV IN HALF!!
“wake up, daddy’s home” god i love tony
i think im getting too excited about everything lolll
tony insulting that robot arm thing gives me life
whats that thing in tony’s chest?? im guessing it has something to do with him being iron man and was part of the first movie
im confused about the relationship between pepper and tony
oooh shes ceo congrats to her!!
is this actually good tho?? the look on her face isnt great
oh okay its good she was just suprised
are those like fake documents or something?
i got way too excited there and hit my wrist on my wall and now it hurts
wait he doesn’t know nat yet??? HOW?!
also ummm natalie rushman?? that name kinda suits her?? ish idk
NATASHA IS A QUEEEEEEN!!!! I STANNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i also got so excited about nat that my eyes started to water
“i want one” okay tony nat could knock you out in a second and she for sure doesn’t need a man! also PEPPER!!!!!! LIKE WHAT ABOUT HER!
its the grand prix! it looks just like it does in cars 2!! lollll i was super shooketh about that when i made the connection
WAIT is tony gonna drive that race car??? is he gonna race??? OMG i hope he does
also my wrist still hurts
wait pepper is suprised?? tony you didnt tell pepper? TONY YOU DIDNT TELL PEPPER??? TONY COME ONNNNNN
also is nat working for tony or something
oof its 12 am i should sleep i have school tmrw
haha bish that reporter lady left cause ur boring and nobody cares about you
omg tony is racing tony is racing TONY IS RACING TONY IS RACING!!!! TONY PLS DONT DIE OR SOMETHING
hello my name is leea and i’m a huge drama queen that loves and cares so much about tony stark
im still super dramatic lol
and also 100% convinced tony is gonna die even tho i know that wont happen
i hit my elbow and my head (not too hard dont worry) and the elbow is the same arm that i hurt my wrist so now my arm hurts from my elbow to my hand
i litterally pressed play and then pressed pause two seconds later ooooof
peppers face omg she is shooketh lol
WTF IS HE DOING??!!!!!! also wth is he wearing on his chest?
OOOOOOOOOMG he has his slicy electricity weapon thingies TONY IS GONNA DIE AHHHH
^big example of me being a drama queen and innocent and sweet at the same time
i paused it right before he hits the car omg the suspense!!!!!
IM BREATHING SO DEEP AND FAST RIGHT NOW IM PANICKING FOR TONY (it’s called hyperventalating. future me remembered the word lol)
dude WHYYY would you take off your helmet??!!!!
there is a dude coming to kill you and i think a helmet would help protect you idiot!!
i just choked because i was like WHAT JUST HAPPENED
there are cars exploding behind him and this dude just doesnt care!!
why have i started saying dude?
owww my wrist hurts
typing hurts
its actually really not that bad im dramatic
is pepper gonna save tony????
does the case have the rescue armor ive read about?????
*facepalms* tony WHY did you just hit him on the head with whatever that was??? what did you think it would accomplish??????? this dude just sliced your car in half and tried to kill you, do you think you can take him out by hitting him on the head??? just get tf out of there!!!
i just hit my head again (not hard it fine)
okay i’m going to bed cause its almost 1 am and i have school. anyway, this is the 100th comment which is kinda good to leave off at! i’ll finish watching tmrw and keep posting!
okay i’m back! about to start watching the movie!
ahhhhhh poor tony!!! i’m only a few seconds in but already panicking for him!!
omg hes getting ready to kill tony!! and tony is just lying on the ground!!!
pepper and happy come save him! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!
or nat!!!!
ahhhhhhhhh tonys gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with every second i freak out moreeeee
oh thank GOD tony moved!!!
that car just exploded omg tony almost diedddd!!!
how tf is he so calm!!!!????!?!?!?!?!?
i mean hes not that calm but way calmer than any normal human should be in this situation
is he just like used to people trying to kill him??
OMG thats soo saaaaaaaddddd
please run over him!!!
but they hit the bad guy yay!!!
awww tony is bleeding!
well i mean thats kinda expected lol
oof tony is mad
shes acting like a mom lol
tony just GET IN THE CAR
okay pepper i love you but JUST GIVE TONY THE CASE
tony your armor is taking WAY TOO LONG to get on!!!
like not old
but compared to his current suit
the “it’s nanotech. you like it?” one
its nothing
#drama queen much? #yes thats me
love how i’ve only gotten 3 more minutes into the movie and i’m already at 47 comments
omg poor tony!!!!
can everyone just leave my dad alone PLEASE
oh thank god tony is okay hes not dead he won for now
eww he just spat out a bunch of blood
“you loose” how??? like what???
ooooooooooh wait no is tony gonna get in trouble.......
i forgot to say this yesterday but this whole scene with the guy on the track and stuff and the exploding cars in kinda similar to cars 2
i guess you cant have a racing scene in a movie without a car exploding tho
what is up with that guy with glasses?? like hes weird i dont trust him
why arent there subtitles translating whatever language they are speaking in (french? idk)
ya its french
ofc tony talks about the technology lol
and critcizes the bad guy’s
tony this guy tried to kill you WHY are you sitting down next to him??!!?
that guy is weird and kinda creepy
okay just f off senator dude nobody likes you, your opinion isnt valid, and i wanna punch you
“these suits exist now”????? wtf b*tch no they dont!
wait what ever happened to nat??
pepper is really responsible shes great i love her
what does that note say???
omg is that a bomb or something??!
why do guards always help prisoners escape like seriously
is that guy gonna take his place or something??
also he kinda looks like haymitch from hunger games
omg wait WTF WAS THAT
i was right! it was a bomb!
why did they throw him in a truck??
omg why are they in an airport?!
are they gonna help him escape??!!
why is there a table and people....
is that glasses guy sitting at the table?
i was right it is glasses guy!
i didn’t trust him from the start
why is he helping him tho...
friend? fan? what is going on?!!!???
YAYYYYY theres nat!!!
“erratic behaviour”??? what are you talking about???? he just saved himself from being killed how is that erratic?????!!
awwww poor tony
i beleive in you tony, and i love you, but no honey, you don’t know exactly what you’re doing you need help!
“software sh*t” aaaaaaaaaaahahahahhaahhaaaaa
make iron man look like an antique? ya no way is that gonna happen
is nat his assistant or something im a bit confused
aww tony is like so depressed i feel so bad for him!!
stannnnn nat
back on watch? what does that mean...
omg tony is so drunkkkkkk nooooo
ohhhhh tonyyyyy noooo come onnnn
you’re so drunk dude stopppp
god tony you’re so drunk pleaseee
wait why is rhodey fighting him anyway?
wow this is my 101 comment today and i’ve only watched 20 mins today
omggggg people are recordingggg this isn’t gonna end well
*sighs* oh god tony dont yell at them whyyyyy
omg tonys in the fire place!!!
omg that just happened. they just fired at each other.
also just saying tony, he does have what it takes to be war machine cause he continues to be...
ohhhh is tony okay??
im confused tho why did they start fighting in the first place?
okay i just looked it up, it was because he was being irresponsible and drunk, and putting people at the party in danger, and he wouldnt stop
ngl its getting kinda tiring to keep updating this but i’m gonna keep going cause i want this record for myself, and i’m not gonna quit something
ok i’m gonna continue the movie tmrw cause its prob gonna be a snow day (lol i left off at 111)
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sacrasm · 7 years
okay so i usually dont dream/remember my dreams and of course last night i remember what i assume is the later half of my dream 
and of course this one is all kinds of crazy.  im still confused.  how can you put a child lock on a car so it can only go 65 mph.  what is glitterball.   this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life
dont read if you want to keep your sanity intact.   (tl;dr: i hosted the weirdest house party, cars come capped at one speed, tyler hoechlin was our responsible adult of the night, everything seemed so unrealistic but totally shit we’d do.  i think im going crazy.)
it goes like this: 
for some reason im driving this dark blue fiat but it had a child lock on the gas.  it was literally impossible for the car to go anything but 65.  not any faster, not any slower, and if you held your foot down long enough you might get to 66.  
so im driving to my grandmother’s house, and pull up in the driveway, and when i get out my dad tells me that he hired a babysitter to make sure things don’t spiral out of control.  apparently i’m throwing a house party, except the house looks like my grandmother’s, but is actually my parent’s and the inside is a weird fusion of my grandmother’s home, a friend’s home, and the valley fair mall if any of you know what that looks like.
the babysitter gave me the evil eye when i went inside, and told me that just because there were 15+ teens in the house doesnt mean we can go wild and skip bedtime.  she looked like this little crotchety old blonde lady, like the kind you’d get for a sub in highschool that just hates any and all teenagers and stress knits.
i didn’t see anyone when i actually went into the house, aside from a comically large escalator and doorways and thirty or so pizza boxes in the kitchen.  some still have pizza in them, but no one knows which boxes. my fiat was in the middle of the living room.  the babysitter had a shotgun and told me that she’d use it if we got too raunchy.  tyler hoechlin was sitting in an armchair.  he complimented my car. 
for some odd reason the halls and doorways were all the size of one car, so you could drive in the hallways.  the fiat still had the child lock, so i just drove around the hallways at 66mph until i accidentally hit someone, that turned out to be one of my friends, who was riding a horse.  somehow he was fine and uninjured, as was his horse. he refused to answer to anything except napoleon, which doesn’t make sense because that friend isn’t short.
idk how but somehow i’m in a different room, the horse is on top of my car, and all of us are trying to do as much irresponsible shit that we could get away with before getting caught by the babysitter, like drinking copious amounts of alcohol and having indoor paintball tournaments.  time is a social construct inside the house and doesn’t exist, which we’re all fine with.  
and then i drove down a hallway and then a door opened, which the car hit at 66 mph and the door stayed intact.  two of my crushes were sitting in someone’s bedroom, which i guess was mine bc a ton of my shit was in there. they were playing a weird cards against humanity and truth or dare fusion game, that also included pokemon cards.  hoechlin is doing vertical pushups on my bed while simultaneously playing the strange card game.  he’s not doing so good. i went back out into the hallway and my best friend had a rainbow donkey pinata that was as tall as her shoulder.  we both couldve fit in it.  she told me that it was filled with the world’s greatest chocolate, but she refused to open it because she didn’t want to ruin the donkey.  irl that friend loves chocolate.  her boyfriend was following her around the house/mansion trying to convince her to just smash the paper mache donkey already.
i got back in the car, a different best friend was in the fiat with me.  she liked throwing smokebombs out the window at anyone she saw.  somehow she got her hands on a t-shirt cannon and shot confetti in people’s faces despite never leaving the car.  someone bet that i couldn’t kick a hole through a refrigerator. they lost the bet.  everyone was suddenly betting that i couldn’t kick through anything.  i could kick through anything as long as i was wearing my necklace.  my necklace gave me power.
all the tvs in the house only played the sports channel, which had this game going on 24/7 called glitterball.  it looked like football meets ice hockey, except there were pits on the field and whack-a-moles would pop up and players would slam into them or fall in.  there was no glitter involved.  someone stole the babysitter’s shotgun and was trying to shoot her since she kept interrupting us during shit but she was faster than sonic and kept matrix dodging the shotgun shells. tyler was rooting for us.  actually i think he started a betting pool with other celebrity friends to see who could shoot the babysitter.  it turned into a little hunger games, except we were all hunting the babysitter.
one of my other friend’s bedrooms since they all had rooms at my parent’s house was literally filled with weed.  there was a path big enough for a car to squeeze through and a sofa in the middle of the room but other than that, floor to wall weed.  nothing else.  he called it the posey room. he also had a lamborghini which also had a child lock, but his was stuck at 45 mph.  i always passed him in the halls in my tiny ass car even though the hallways are one car so idfk how i managed to pass him.  whenever he honked it was just a yeaaaaaaaaaa boiiiiiiiii.  there was a record player in the exact center of the house, suspended in midair.  it played whatever you wanted to hear the most.  we called i the record player of erised.  no one could hear what it played for themselves, and no one could give accurate descriptions of what they heard for someone.  someone would argue they heard smooth criminal, another would say moaning, and someone else would say fireworks.  we knew they weren’t right.  without fail hoechlin would always say it sounded like wonderwall.  we all looked at him funny because that was the only thing we found weird in the dream.
since the house was part mall there was a weird amc extension.  we watched a movie that was a combo of ferris bueller, me before you, avatar, and your name.  the friend with the pinata had a whole kiddie pool filled with popcorn and was sitting on the pinata, which was still intact even though someone had ran it over in the 45mph lambo.  i watched it get rekt.  but there it was, whole and fully intact.  the friend on the horse was still on the horse and refused to dismount, and managed to convince most of us that he was actually attached to it so he couldn’t get off.  i had seen him get off the horse to kick someone in the balls.  after the movie none of us could find the babysitter.  she disappeared.  we were all fine with that.  we found tyler eating leftover pizza in the kitchen and watching glitterball.  he said the babysitter left him in charge because she was sick of us.  we were fine with that as well.
the fridge that i put a hole in was the door to his room.  there was a camaro in there, and it was locked at 120mph.  my car was faster than his.  no one thought it was strange.  someone drank sriracha like it was water. someone else buttered the hardwood flooring and put lube on the doorknobs and faucets.  we all stayed in our cars for a while to avoid the buttery floors, all capped at different speeds.  the camaro was still the slowest, even slower than the horse. hoechlin’s car horn was just assorted swear words.  every time he honked it would stop our cars.  someone traded cars with him and just honked at random intervals .  we could hear the muted swearing every time our cars jerked to a stop.  eventually tyler traded back.
i got in a fight with my other friend about what would be in a sandwich called the lgbtq+.  i said edible glitter and anything the person making it wanted.  she said that was literally just glittery subway.  she argued that it had to be  lamb, grain, bacon, tabbouleh, quince, and an ingredient starting with the letter of the maker’s sexuality.   hoechlin said that we had to fight and whoever won would be right.  someone backhanded me before the fight started and i woke up.  what the fuck.
mildly concerning facts about this shitshow:
how does someones brain create this nightmare??  
why was i driving a fiat?? 
none of the neighbors filed an noise complaint. 
 im so confused.  
how did tyler hoechlin get into the house.  
do they even make pinatas bigger than small children
how does a fucking pinata survive a rollover from a lamborghini
why did no one stop us
we drank enough alcohol to die of poisoning three times over but werent drunk
a  room full of weed.  an entire room.
this is the second half so what was i doing before this
what was i doing
why did i dream this
what the fuck is wrong with me
if this was the second half, then what the hell happened in the first half
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