#and crafting and building becomes a big part of the gameplay
sack-thing · 1 year
So about my post-game stories (again), I got a sudden thought last night.
Basically once you beat the game (or my imaginary version of it), there are three post-games stories to play.
They can be played in any order. Once they're done, the ultimate post-game story becomes available. It'll mostly be tied to the things discovered in the story with Weylin, Roy, Linitaa and Délia.
Until now, I was simply imagining that all three stories would end with the teams going home, and then they'd discuss things and have to get ready for a new journey the next year.
But what if instead of that, Weylin and the trio (and Weylin's parents with them) never come home and no one gets news from them again, because something has happened? What about ending that story with a cliffhanger? And so Lylia, Edan, Ramsey and Luu Kah go home and get worried as time goes and eventually decide to go and search for them.
But right now I admit this idea is more about spicing things up than a real necessity, cause this story is still pretty vague in my head 😂
That's all, just needed to get that written down, ty.
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orcboxer · 5 months
Do you have any of your own recommendations for choicescript/interactive fiction? Your game was pretty much my entry point for choicescript and I'd love to find more
Oh yeah! So it won't come as a surprise to anyone who's played ORCS RPG but my favorite choicescript games tend to be the crunchier ttrpg-inspired kind. I won't get super in depth about it but suffice to say I prefer a high amount of interactivity. (also I'm gonna mention up front that all of these are ongoing series, none of which have wrapped up as of yet)
My current favorite is Breach: The Archangel Job, by Michael Maxwell and Ben Luigi, a heist thriller where you join a crime organization called The Archangels and well, you do heists. There's a ton of customization, lots of characters, a dice rolling mechanic, and even cheat codes if you like playing around with those. It's very high-energy, very silly, and you can play as almost entirely nonverbal if you want and nobody minds, which is a massive plus for me, as someone with selective mutism. I would love to see more choicescript games like this one, it makes great use of the medium, and I hope it sets some lasting trends in that regard, if I'm being fully honest. Also you get to design and wear your own special crime mask, and masks are badass. I love not having a face.
My second favorite is Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, by Jim Dattilo, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, a zombie survival game. I don't even normally like zombie stories, but this one kicks ass. Again, high customization, dozens of characters with their own arcs, a big inventory system, lots of exploration, crafting and shelter-building mechanics, it's buckwild how much stuff is piled into this game. This one started years ago and it continues to be one of the all time greats in terms of gameplay. I'm very much looking forward to Part 4.
If you prefer a less crunchy experience with higher emphasis on storytelling, may I direct you to the singular exception to my "don't talk to me about superheroes" rule -- Fallen Hero: Rebirth, by Malin Rydén. In this one, you play as a former hero who has decided to become a villain. Your power is telepathy, and my god, telepathy can be terrifying. The storytelling is incredible, and the massive sequel, which dropped this year, did not disappoint. This one dips into some very dark waters, particularly in regards to identity and depression and trauma, but it is also an exceptionally cathartic experience. I know this one is popular because I've seen folks taggin posts as "sidestep" in my activity feed.
Another story-based one with minimal crunch, and somehow the first fantasy genre game I've mentioned: I, the Forgotten One, by John Louis. I actually should have put this one before Fallen Hero because I am still reeling from how much I loved this one. You play as the Marshal, bastard child of the late king. Long ago disinherited and sent off to die in a bloody war that failed to kill you, you now find yourself in the unenviable position of not only delivering news of the king's death to a court that despises you, but also having to take up your sword to defend them all from a second war that is being waged against them by one of your old trusted comrades. And you are, unfortunately, incredibly good at your job. This is a story about trauma and violence and the horrors of war, and it is so, so, so good. Again, it touches on some very dark topics, so be mindful of the content warnings. But this one drew me in like a gotdam riptide, I could not put it down. Can't recommend it highly enough.
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ashperiences · 4 months
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Meant for this to just be part of talking about the first game but didn't realise how much I'd go on lol
Didn't like this one as much, on paper most things sound better and I liked a lot of those ideas but I left without much of a real impression left on me.
The stratums never really ended up feeling like a place to me, I got a little shot of excitement going into the airship but it ultimately just felt like a big bunch of yellow corridors with a knock off version of the previous final boss. The areas could be really pretty and I liked some of the level design and the bringing a specific class gimmicks that unfortunately feel more fun of an idea than actually evocative but oh well.
Therein lies a big problem I had with this, the gameplay mostly turns into spamming big damage, the enemies and levels can get really obnoxious in response and the quests routinely become pains in the ass even as they build some genuinely endearing steps and events in them that make them more than just go to A or collect 6 of B (loved the one that made me mad that finding a guy to deliver a thing to relied on an rng roll to check if he runs away over and over owning me by having the guy eventually be like why the hell are you chasing me who are you though).
I like all these ideas it has, getting to know people in town better, weird FOE gimmicks and all but a lot of the quiet imaginative space is lost, I didn't really wonder about my party, the npcs were more fleshed out and likeable but they weren't really memorable enough to make up for feeling like just some decently entertaining guys in some dlc pack levels.
So much is hampered by relation to the first game, class design is heavily built around nerfing old strategies and over empowering other ones, the story has the same structure but less interesting as an attempt at playing the hits again, we got bird people again but they're magical helpful natives now. It's all just kind of uncomplicated heroics where your attack goes up and eventually you beat up god who is mean and make friends with everyone.
Its fun enough though although similarly the gameplay made it hard to distinguish any real sense of character between my variety of big numbers damage guys. The new class concepts are fun but not tremendously well implemented and the reuse of old classes doesn't help the stale feeling.
I can't stop complaining about it but whenever I think about parts of it I think of them fondly anyway, its not charmless it's just, it's overshadowed and directionless, everything you like feels nice but overtime it kind of just eats away at itself until its a town of slightly charming people and their heroes in a world that just feels built for purpose. I can barely remember any of the actual exploring.
If etrian odyssey 1 ends with your party literally going to hell this one feels like a conscious attempt at crafting explorer heaven - nothing complicates your role, doing big damage almost always wins, everyone ends up loving you and you can live forever as a cool sword guy (suppose there's a fun little thing to think about on context of the villain speech there actually).
I think you can summarise this game with two things:
1. The pathways only open to certain classes that just give you an rpg narration of your guy doing some cool stuff that repeats exactly the same the next time you find one without any of the environment reflecting it and usually organised into some weird box room with multiple class paths like you've found some side mission level select.
2. The way the gunner just inherits a strong move from the now decimated survivalist and also functions as a superior alchemist, the way the war magus can awkwardly remove any mp consideration or how the hexer can just turn hp loss into practically instant killing everything. The game gets flattened under this stuff to the point that the struggle of it all ceases to feel real, no monster is a real threat except by just doing something annoying, every boss gets steamrolled and as if representing the shift in genre the survivalist ends up with practically no purpose.
It was fun while it lasted for sure but also super annoying and I spent most of it thinking about my previous party and looking back on it all I can imagine my party as is an endless succession of multi attack skills.
A true dlc side story 6/10 where you go oh that's a nice idea I guess oh that's a funny guy they put in here and then evaporates.
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miikarin · 8 months
time to get cozy with this game
I have been playing Moonstone Island primarily offline as a nice casual cozy game and it is certainly delivering that to me. The story goes that you are a budding alchemist who has to do a year-long trial away from home so that you can pass and become a full alchemist. So you set off on your journey and then crash into an island: Moonstone Island, in fact.
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There you get to meet people and perform a lot of the life-farm sim aspects of growing crops, building up a home, crafting better tools, getting to know your neighbours, etc.
However, this island is actually at the center of a whole slew of islands each with their own types of biomes, and more importantly, wildlife, including spirits. Creature collection/battling of spirits is the second gameplay genre to add to the life-farm sim aspect and there are some quite cute spirits. However, the battles work slightly different than the pokemon line of games in that you battle with decks of moves - so yes, add deckbuilding to that list of gameplay elements. And there you have Moonstone Island.
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There are a lot of parts to this game and initially it may feel like a lot to keep track of but I think it rewards slowing down and just focusing on a few things at a time, especially when your stamina is limited. I don't think I really need to include this statement but it is something I needed to remind myself of, as someone who has spent a lot of time playing adventure or puzzle games with very specific goals for the last little while - it's been a few years since I had my big Stardew moment.
As for the battling part, I do not play a lot of deckbuilders but I found this fairly straightforward. There is definitely some optimizing I can do with my decks (especially getting out of hoarding/card collecting mindset) but it still works. Battle is not overly tough and there are spirit types (like water, earth, fire, etc.) that help you but more importantly, losing doesn't come with a heavy penalty. It makes you faint, so yes, you lose the rest of the day (and whoops if you had a date, well, there goes that) but you don't lose items and there's no other real effects. So in some ways, just battling more is a great way to learn boundaries and what you can do.
However, as with anything that tries to put in a lot of different parts together, there are some things I feel could be improved upon but the devs are definitely listening to player feedback and making tweaks. As someone who primarily came for the cozy life-sim game, I'd say this met my expectations. Not sure how someone who is more into the creature-collection or the deckbuilding aspects would feel about those areas.
I have put in around 40 hours into it so far and have made it through a year in game and I have been enjoying it so much that I want to spend more time in it. There are still spirits to find and tame, I need to expand my house and greenhouse and spirit barn. There still are so many plot threads that I want to resolve. I have gone on dates with the island folk (who are all delightful by the way) but unsure of who I want to romance. In short, I want to hop right back in. But I thought someone here might enjoy learning about this delightful cozy game.
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linuxgamenews · 1 month
Exploring Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao - Unraveling the Mysteries of Valta
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Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao first person action adventure game seeks feedback for Steam Deck and Linux via Windows PC. Big thanks to the skilled team at Honour Bound Game Studios. Available via Steam Early Access along with 94% Very Positive reviews. Let's dive into Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao and join Samuel, Sarah, and their quirky robot, Clunky, as they explore the mysterious planet of Valtar. The journey promises action with its dangerous creatures, tricky smugglers, and the daunting Collector who's after the ancient powers hidden in the Xantao ruins.
Current Progress and Feedback
The Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao full release is scheduled for August 2024, but are currently in Early Access. Along with making a lot of upgrades. Thanks to the 100+ players who've already joined the Playtest, Honour Bound Game Studios keeps upgrading and enhancing your experience. If you're playing on a Steam Deck, don't forget to drop your thoughts in their Discord feedback forum. Since every little bit helps. The title is not officially Verified, but Honour Bound are looking for support from the Linux community. The developer also states via email, "We are currently trying to reduce our memory footprint to fit on the Steam Deck. But it is a Windows build running on Proton." Going on to explain that they not yet explored the Linux market or assessed the effort needed to make a native port. Which is interesting, since this is a Unity 3D title.
Early Access Gameplay Trailer Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao
Get ready to battle it out. You'll also face all sorts of enemies as you move through research centers, lairs, and ancient ruins. With a variety of weapons and gadgets at your disposal, each fight demands a new strategy. The AVARITE POWERED GLOVES are your best friend here — they let you shove your foes around and even exploit the environment. Imagine pulling an enemy right into your trap! Every trip into the planet's depths is a new thrill. The Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao levels change each time you play. So you’ll always find new places, faces, and challenges. You'll also traverse through sparkling crystal caverns and ancient ruins buried underground. Use your gloves to sense enemies and hidden treasures. Or manipulate objects to clear your path and solve puzzles.
Crafting and Upgrades
As you explore, you'll gather resources that are crucial for making new weapons and survival gear. These include setting up mobile medical stations to heal, or boost your drilling rig’s power to dig deeper into the planet’s secrets. Since upgrading your gear is key to surviving tougher challenges and enemies. Check out Relic Odyssey: Ruins of Xantao first person action adventure on Steam Early Access. Priced at $14.99 USD / £12.79 / 14,79€. Become part of their growing community. Now testing on Steam Deck and Linux via Windows PC. So, whether you're looking for thrills, puzzles, or just a good story, get into the Playtest.
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sims5leaks · 6 months
What are your hopes and dreams for InZoi ?
Ive seen the gameplay footage from an honest youtuber and was pleased with what i saw from this 1 year in development game. i’m gonna write down my hopes and dreams for inzoi, please feel free to state yours too :
accurate genetics. graphics looks great but i’m still traumatized from sims 4 borked genetics, i’m hoping the team at inzoi took that aspect seriously.
fun job days. they said work was a big part of the game and it indeed looked fun but a bit repetitive. i’m hoping they develop that aspect more. As an example, why not tie the advanced create an outfit mechanic to a fashion career ? Or since every character look so beautiful, a modeling job could be adequate.
meaningful relationships. i’ve not yet seen characters reject others people advances but i did see a proposal refusal.
engaging events. there is the schedule thing that is nice but surface level. since the IA seems rather smart in this game i’m pretty certain they can make events (mariage, girls night out, games night) memorable.
well thought out hobbies. i pray solo hobbies like programming, crafting, painting are immersive and engaging. i like playing party animals but loners too
Oh I have such a list, but its probably nothing wildly new. As a player that enjoys gameplay more than decorating/playing with styles in character creation, I'm really hoping that inZOI is more than just pretty window dressing and has some fun gameplay.
Robust AI. I would love for characters to autonomously pick their actions based on their personality, their needs, their surroundings/context, their schedule, and what other characters are around them. No dancing for hours on end despite hating dancing.
Mods. Whether that be simply adding in new clothing styles, hair, makeup, and accessories, adding new furniture and devices for the home, adding new jobs, or going further with more changes and even script changes for new functionality. The longevity of a game often depends on the ability to mod it.
Optimized performance and ongoing bug-quashing. Maybe its a given we all hope for this, but I really hope that on a computer that meets recommended specs (whatever those turn out to be) the game runs nicely, looks good, isn't bogged down in obnoxious bugs, etc.
Multiple neighborhoods/maps. Cities, suburbs, and rural spaces - and each one with LOTS of lots to use, at various price ranges for the character to buy/rent. The ability to build/decorate community lots is a must as well, and to assign what type of lot it is (cafe, gym, arcade, etc - hopefully a wide array of these). The city looks gorgeous, I'd love to see what they do with rural and suburban spaces. On that note, not everything needs to be pretty and glamourous. I'd love a run-down side of town with high crime, cheap property, trash in the street, etc for a rougher gameplay experience too. Please, give me a ghetto for my stories.
Diversity. I have admittedly become very spoiled with the way Sims 4 handles diversity these days. I remember Sims 1 when gay marriage just wasn't possible in the game (or IRL....) What the game does with gender and sexuality representation is the best thing I've seen in games to date. Some games are still struggling in this department. I hope inZOI doesn't become one that struggles, and instead is one where I can see the whole LGBTQ+ spectrum. As far as other backgrounds, I'm unfamiliar with Korean culture and kpop has gone over my head musically, but I'm really looking forward to exploring how it is depicted in the game - something fresh and new to me. But I'd also love to see other cultures represented in terms of locations to play in - particularly because the game is so dang pretty, how could we not want this?
Variety in clothing/styles. Hopefully that diversity extends to clothing and hair styles too. Give me your classic timeless looks, goth, scene, metalhead, country, in addition to the modern styles popular in Korea. At least a little bit, and if modding exists, hopefully the modders pick up the slack.
A wide variety of jobs, each with numerous tasks to complete during the day - and each day's tasks are different. A long list of possibilities, with a few picked at random to complete that day, would keep things fresh. The job types are hopefully a mix of 'flavors' from quirky and odd to serious and and intellectual.
A memory and relationship system that means something. Did your bully from grade school start a new job, and as it turns out your his/her boss? Time to decide whether to take the high road or low road with that jerk.
Flow of time that makes sense. Once more comparing it to the Sims, because we have nothing else really to compare it to.... tasks that are completed quickly IRL shouldn't take an hour or more to complete in game. That likely means some animations need to be simpler and shorter. As much as we love a well-done animation, I cannot watch my character take two hours to eat a grilled cheese and drink water while talking to one other person in their kitchen.
Consequences. If my characters cheat on their spouse, I want their spouse to react accordingly (furious, heartbroken, shocked, etc) and never forget this event. Consequences for poor work performance or bad actions (stealing from the cash register!) that lead to being fired, or even handed over to the police. Workplace romances and rivalries. School bullies. Crushes and unrequited love. Police and crime in general, even if that means your character is a victim (remember that car on fire picture?). Eviction or repossession when bills go unpaid. Homelessness. Children getting taken away for neglect. Strained relationships when personalities conflict too much. Mean, crude, evil characters. Sickness and health problems (maybe with a toggle for this in gameplay options for people who don't want it). The effects of drug and alcohol abuse would be great too but for ratings purposes that likely will have to come from mods.
Accurate genetics, with some guardrails. I'd like the kids to look like their parents and be surprised at how good looking (or bad looking!) the kids wind up looking when you couple different characters up, but genetics should avoid giving us things like randomly disappearing chins for no reason, or bizarrely glitched smushed faces, or weird potato bodies with no shoulders.
Wide range of skills, and increasing them provides some kind of benefit, bonus, or something else fun besides just profit or ticking a box to say you did it.
Pets! Cats and dogs but also smaller critters like fish, lizards, turtles, birds, mice, etc. Fun gameplay that makes them feel like part of the family, but without taking up a family character slot.
The ability to turn on/off aging and on/off neighborhood developments, or decide which characters/character households do and do not age or see progression.
Meaningful childhood and elder life states. Life states before being a young adult shouldn't exist simply to pick traits and wait out the age timer while occasionally watching the character do something cute or funny. The character's childhood should have an actual impact on their memories, relationship, and character - good or bad. Similarly, being an elder shouldn't mean the character just takes up space, waiting to die.
No microtransactions. I'm not paying $5 for a set of new furniture meshes and a hat.
Expansions worth their price point. A new expansion shouldn't cost the same as the base game unless you're literally doubling the amount of content. That doesn't happen these days, tbh.
Occults, fantasy, and magic elements as optional expansion someday. I'm torn on this, because it does conflict with the realism I'm looking for, and sometimes I don't want to deal with it in a game. On the other hand, I have a feeling it would be utterly beautiful to see in this game and I know I'd eventually get a wild hair and feel like trying it out, just like I did with the Sims. At least as an expansion, people who have no interest can ignore it.
Education matters. Private schools, schools that aren't rabbit holes, universities, trade schools, etc. would be excellent as an expansion pack. Without the pack, all kids go to the same school(s) and its a rabbit hole. With it, you can follow the character to school just like you can follow a character to work. There are tasks to get through the day and opportunities to socialize, learn skills, get into trouble, etc. The better your character's grades, the better their future university prospects are, which not just increases what the character gets paid, but unlocks certain career paths (doctor, lawyer, etc). Poor performance locks out choices, and terrible performance or misbehavior leads to suspension or expulsion. Online schooling and night school for a GED equivalent (does Korea have something similar?) would be neat too.
Vacation locations. Beaches, camping, cultural/historical sites, ruins, mountain climbing, the list could go on and on. I'm especially interested in anything having to do with water and beaches.
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What Year Is It?! Five Games That Will Make You Forget What Time Is
   Have you ever started playing an open-world game early in the day, before realising you’ve completely lost track of time and suddenly you’ve been playing for ten hours straight? Video games have a unique way of drawing us in and letting us get lost in the fun of it - some much more so than others. Assuming you don’t have any schedules to maintain, letting yourself get lost in these games is often both fun and incredibly relaxing, so I’ve found a small handful of games here that are perfect for it. Who needs to keep an eye on the time anyway?
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Stardew Valley    Farming simulators are always surprisingly relaxing, and Stardew Valley is one of gaming’s best examples. Not bad for a game developed by just one person! It’s easy to lose track of both real-life time and the in-game clock, but be careful not to end up passing out at 2:00am from exhaustion - in both cases! Tending crops, walking around the valley, talking to all the townspeople, exploring the mines and more takes hours of real time, yet never gets particularly tedious thanks to the upbeat music and fun, simple artstyle. The game starts out slow with sluggish tools, but upgrading your equipment over time and unlocking more abilities as the game progresses means everything gets much quicker. Of course, that just means you have more stuff you can fit into the entire day!
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Minecraft    It may have changed and evolved an insane amount over the last decade or so, but Minecraft will always be an all-time classic time killer. Exploring both on and under the surface can lead to hours of peacefully wandering around long after you’ve forgotten why you even set out in the first place (always try to remember your home’s coordinates!). For an idea of just how vast Minecraft’s overworld is, it can potentially stretch to over 60 million metre-long blocks - that’s about five times the diameter of Earth, and almost as big as Neptune! Building your base is always a loop of exploring for resources, crafting them together, building with them, exploring, crafting, building, and so on. Even the music is so soft and calm, you almost never get particularly frustrated no matter what happens!
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Slime Rancher 2    What happens when you take all the stressful or tedious parts of running a farm out and replace them with adorable graphics and easy-going gameplay? You get Slime Rancher 2. Once you get started, you’ll quickly form a routine over time and your brain ends up going into autopilot mode as you make the rounds through your ranch and beyond. Before you know it, several in-game weeks have passed and you’ll know the entire map like the back of your hand! Hunting down the various resources of Rainbow Island can be a bit time-consuming, but it isn’t long before you figure out the most efficient paths to take to find everything and it becomes like a habit. With the cheerful style and relaxing music that stop the game from getting boring, you’ll sink into Slime Rancher 2 in no time.
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom    Breath of the Wild was already a massive game in its own right, but its sequel Tears of the Kingdom took it two steps further. Adding countless islands floating above the kingdom of Hyrule and the vast, cavernous depths beneath, TotK effectively tripled the explorable map - and tripled the amount of distractions. As soon as you decide to do something in the game, there’s always ten more things you’ll spot on the horizon that lead you away from your original objective, and before you know it you’ve spent six hours doing side quests before you realise you’ve barely started the first actual story quest. Between hundreds of shrine challenges, hidden koroks and other collectables scattered across the three-layered world, there’s always something nearby to do no matter how lost you get.
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Horizon: Forbidden West    There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of a finished to-do list. Why not take that feeling and put it into a post-apocalyptic robo-dinosaur world? Horizon: Forbidden West has seemingly near-endless side quests, errands and collectables, and as intimidating as it might seem at first, it’s extremely satisfying to slowly chip away at it and watch all the icons covering the map disappear one by one. You can even make your own to-do list with the “jobs” mechanic - don’t have enough resources to buy or craft that important bit of gear you’ve been eyeing? Turn it into a job, and those resources will appear on the map for you to track down with ease. Even just riding across the map is relaxing; you could use fast travel, but why not take your time and enjoy the scenic route?
   Wait, it’s time for the end of the article already? I wasn’t ready! Well, if you enjoyed it, or if there’s any other games you know that fit this list, feel free to let me know! Likes and reblogs are much appreciated!   Thanks for reading!
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gertlushgaming · 2 years
Sword Of The Vagrant Review (PlayStation 4)
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For our Sword Of The Vagrant Review, Where we journey into a gorgeous hand-painted fantasy world known as Mythrilia and discover the truth about your bloodline and its darkest secret. Play as Vivian the Vagrant, a traveling sellsword, who follows her lost father's research in an effort to reunite with her family. Hack and slash a path from a quiet coastal village through mysterious forests, haunted castles, and wrecked battlegrounds. When the endless barrage of enemies has been vanquished, what solace will be left for our hero? The Vagrant is a 2D action RPG. As Vivian, you will experience an exciting and challenging adventure focused on combat gameplay that utilizes combo chains, charge attacks, and special skills, all while improving your character's build through new equipment and abilities. Play casually or become a master combatant.
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Sword Of The Vagrant Review Pros:
- Beautiful graphics. - 2.47GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Works on Playstation 5. - Action RPG gameplay. - 2D perspective. - Controller settings - rebind controls. - 3 save slots. - The gallery shows off concept art. - Metroidvania aspects. - Maps uncover as you play and show any additional routes and exits. - Loot drops from enemies, Breakable objects in the world, and loot chests. - Rune stones can be attached to a weapon to add a new attribute or boost abilities. - Equipment loadout - weapon, armor, accessory, and potions. - Abilities tree where earning mana lets you spend it on new abilities or upgrades. - Skills can be obtained and equipped as you see fit with each costing X amount of Rage to use. - String Dragons Crown vibes from the atmosphere to the gameplay. - Solid combat system complete with combos and dodging attacks. - Change outfit within the menu. - In-game cutscenes. - Big boss encounters. - Collect food to replenish health. - Full stats breakdown. - Vendors allow you to buy and sell, blacksmiths can let you craft a new item if you have the materials and cash. - Items that can be sold will have a for-sale tag to make it easier. - Random encounters where you get locked in an area until all are dead. - Day/night can happen as you play. - Excellent atmosphere. - Stone tablets and campfires allow you to save and travel fast. - The mini-map can be left on the screen as you play. - Combo counter. - Items have a one to five-star rating. - Cooking will give temporary and permanent buffs. - Gets quite addictive.
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Sword Of The Vagrant Review Cons: - Slow starter. - Knockback is a pain in the ass, especially in the platforming sections. - The major obstacles will always be if you have the necessary abilities unlocked. - Can be hard to know what parts of the environment can be broken. - Combat gets very hectic and hard to deal with mobs. - Repeats the same task over and over. - No quick way to check if you have new loot or better loot. Related Post: Finding The Soul Orb Review (PlayStation 5)
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Sword Of The Vagrant: Official website. Developer: OTK Games Publisher: Rainy Frog Store Links -  PlayStation Read the full article
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yurayborushko · 2 years
Elden Knights - The Future of Blockchain Gaming Ecosystem |Enjoy Game And Get Passive Income
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Introduction of Elden Knights
Elden Knights is a blockchain based game that is looking to revolutionize the gaming industry by allowing players to earn crypto while they play their favourite games. 
You are a group of like minded individuals who were tired of the same old way of making money in games, wanted something different something better. So you took it upon ourselves to create our own platform where you can allow for people to make real money doing what they love.
This platform is being developed by some very talented programmers and designers which have already got some great looking trailers up showcasing exactly what this new game has to offer. 
In case you're wondering why we say this is going to be the next big thing, it's because of all the reasons that have been mentioned above; the game mechanics, the graphics, the atmosphere. Not only will you be able to have fun, but you'll also be able to earn some crypto at both the same time!
The game will be a space adventure with lots of action, quests, and content. It's an RPG with a futuristic theme that players can enjoy while earning money in cryptocurrency. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay is fun. You'll feel like you're actually in the game world!
The cool thing about this project is that it's not just a game - you can earn money while playing it! Imagine getting paid to play games. With the help of DeFi technology, players will be able to spend their crypto earnings on different in-game items so they can get ahead in their adventures.
The best part? Players don't have to leave their own homes to get paid—they can earn money by playing from their computers or mobile devices!
Mission of Elden Knights?
Elden Knights  are on a mission to be the first blockchain based game where gamers will earn Elden Knights tokens every time they play. The gaming industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and it's no stranger to blockchain technology. 
With the goal of conquering the Metaverse, they took aim at Elvoy for the missing piece of the puzzle in their conquest. Deep in the Village Temple, the Orb of Kitera resides.
Legend has it, the sphere is the power source of the entire Metaverse, anyone who awakens the orb will be granted unlimited strength. And ultimately defeat Lord Kaiden and his entourages to bring peace to Elvoy.
Players will receive their in-game character 1:1 with the purchase of an NFT. Each character is unique in both appearance and base stats. Upon receiving their character in Elvoy, a player will be able to train their skills, upgrade their weapons and gears, and craft boosts to use for PVP. Along the development journey, with each achievement and win, they are rewarded with $KNIGHTS token.
About Genesis NFT
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As long as there is a demand for Elder Knight Genesis, NFT hodler will always have access to play2earn income stream on those assets via Elvoy game in the future. It provides a way for people to become stakeholders of the company without investing money in it directly.
Elder Knight NFT will be used for in-game purpose. We know that most of the NFT projects are just for speculation, but we have a different vision for our game. This platform want to build an online game company. The core purpose of Elder Knight is to build amazing online games that everyone can enjoy. With this goal is to make Elder Knight Genesis a successful game and provide fun, engaging experiences to gamers.
Elden Knights want NFT holders to receive the full value of their assets and generate passive income on their assets when they are not playing our games. That is why we make sure that all NFTs will be tradable on exchanges. Not only will NFT holders be able to sell their NFTs on exchanges, they can also purchase back the assets in the future.
$Knight Token Usage
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Elden Knights is the crypto gaming project that makes use of blockchain technology to make new inroads into a rapidly growing market.
By utilizing the nonfungible properties of ERC721, Elden Knights provides players with a novel means of engaging with one another and the game's setting. The first comprehensive crypto-gaming platform, Elden Knights is both groundbreaking and disruptive.
These tokens can be used to buy or sell rare or valuable in-game goods that other players may have on hand. In-game items will also have an associated price tag in $KNIGHTS. Players will be able to purchase these items using $KNIGHTS tokens from the game directly or from other players within the game's ecosystem.
Elden Knights is an innovative new way to play non-fungible video games. It does this by combining the decentralized ledger technology of blockchain with the value of non-fungible game assets. Using the game's mechanics, Elden Knights gives players a new way to interact with each other and with the world of the game.
This ecosystem a groundbreaking crypto-gaming project that uses the nonfungible properties of ERC721 to show that in-game assets are owned by a group of people who are not all in one place. Elden Knights was made by a team of veterans of the industry.
The game is played to earn $KNIGHTS tokens, which are given to the player for their time and progress. These tokens can be bought with other crypto assets or sold for them, and players can also use them to trade in-game goods with each other.
Users can do more than just play games or collect cards, because the blockchain makes the activity more unique and gives it more variety. The people working on Elden Knights are well aware of how fast-paced the industry is and want to make their project stand out from those of their competitors.
The game is played to earn $KNIGHTS tokens, which are given to the player for their time and progress. These tokens can be bought with other crypto assets or sold for them, and players can also use them to trade in-game goods with each other.
For more information
Website: https://eldenknights.com/ Whitepaper: https://eldenknights.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ELDEN-Knights-3.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/elden_knights Telegram group: https://t.me/EldenKnightsOfficial
Username: Yuray Borushko Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3425366 BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x20E53e9a0e8695bd97e2ef23F7Fad240ecb0615c
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bitcofun · 2 years
Shiba Inu has actually sustained another day of sideways and downwards cost action as the meme coin continues to have a hard time to keep any momentum. As CryptoNews reported recently, the SHIB neighborhood has actually had some amazing statements just recently, however none have actually triggered any considerable gains. The coin is presently trading at $0.00001085, a near 2% decline in the last 24 hrs in spite of trading volume increasing 28% to $120 million in the very same timeframe. SHIB stays the second-largest meme coin by volume, tracking just Dogecoin. SHIB Gets New Exchange Listing One statement that might get the rate moving today is SHIB getting a listing on another brand-new exchange. The 'listing result' is a widely known phenomenon in crypto where coins pump ahead of and after release on a brand-new exchange. It typically occurs not just since brand-new financiers with untapped liquidity on that exchange ended up being thinking about purchasing the token. Likewise due to the fact that financiers and traders on other exchanges understand of the knock-on impact a listing can have on the rate and likewise take up positions. SHIB will be noted on BitMEX today-- although it has actually not been verified when precisely it will happen. SHIB Whale Withdraws 1.72 Trillion Tokens At the end of recently, a Shiba Inu whale withdrew 1.72 trillion SHIB from the Huobi exchange to an unidentified wallet. It is not yet clear what the whale means to do with the tokens, however at the time of the withdrawal, they deserved more than $19 million. Taking coins off an exchange is normally an indication that the financier is wanting to keep the financial investment and not cost a while. ETH Whales Load up on SHIB According to WhaleStats, which tracks the top 100 ETH holders in crypto, SHIB turned Locus Chain (LOCUS) after a duration of build-up to become their leading holding. WhaleStats tracking information likewise reveals the leading 5,000 ETH holders have actually collected SHIB worth almost $140 million. That is likewise their leading holding-- beyond stablecoins-- almost double their second-largest holding, BIT. Crypto influencer David Gokhshtein likewise made a bullish declaration on Twitter, composing: "When it concerned meme tokens, ought to have simply went all in on SHIB." Shib Eternity Debuts as Top Download on Android and Apple Shiba Inu introduced as a meme coin with little energy, however in 2022 has actually continued to develop out its community. Its brand-new Shib Eternity video game released on October 6 and arrived of the downloads chart for card video games and as high as 13 th general, although, once again, the news did refrain from doing much to enhance the rate of SHIB. While lots of applauded the "enjoyable" gameplay, others have actually slammed a few of the more complex components, such as crafting. The video game presently has a 4.7-star score on both Android and iOS shops, and the Shiba Inu creators will now launch a complete how-to guide to assist gamers with the harder parts of the gameplay. Writing on Discord, pseudonymous creator Shytoshi Kusama composed: "For those of you who discovered the video game a bit complicated, do not stress, the 'gamers direct' is total and getting polished prior to release. It will be searchable." SHIB Burn Increase As is well recorded, SHIB has a big supply of tokens that continues to reduce the cost. There are presently around 550 trillion coins in flow, perhaps the most significant consider the coin ever reaching a big private cost per token. However, according to ShibBurn, burn efforts are increasing. In truth, 56 million SHIB tokens have actually been burned in the last 24 hrs alone. Price Prediction: Will SHIB Pump This Week? While there is great deals of great news surrounding the job, bears are in control of SHIB, and the most recent news has actually not had the ability to drive substantial development. The short-term outlook is bearish-- as CryptoNews evaluated here-- having actually broken through the balanced triangle pattern.
Despite a great deal of buzz leading up to 'Download Day,' the day Shib Eternity was launched, Shiba Inu stays in a bearish pattern and looks set to continue that method. Shiba Inu Alternative-- Tamadoge A practical option to SHIB is the third-largest meme coin on the marketplace, Tamadoge TAMA pumped after its preliminary exchange offering (IEO) at the end of September, making near 2,000% gains for early financiers. The cost has actually given that withdrawed, however TAMA's strong tokenomics and broader community-- along with reported listings-- must see development once again quickly. Tamadoge has a max supply of just 2 billion, which is 275,000 times less than SHIB and is likewise deflationary, with 5% of all deals being burned. A play-to-earn video game based upon the 90 s fad Tamagotchi is set for release quickly, with gamers growing their animals and fighting to go up a worldwide leaderboard for benefits. The very first 100 ultra-rare Tamadoge animals are on sale on OpenSea now Other P2E game video games and an increased truth app are likewise set for release in 2023. Read More
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