#and how to write Russian English)? for Wolfgang
sapphire-drawings · 7 months
“Aunt Wendy, why does Mr Webber talk funny?”
“They’re Scottish, that’s how people talk in Scotland”.
“Mr Webber, why are you Scottish?”
“William you can’t just ask people why they’re Scottish-“
(Sorry for sending so many asks about this au, it’s just so funny to me j can’t. Also this is in reference to the theory that Webber is Scottish due to his Tam’o’shanter quote saying that his grandfather has a hat like it, and I think Webber having an accent is charming and hilarious)
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I feel like this is reference to something I'm not familiar with....
I want to make Mr. Webber clearly Scottish but I've no idea how I also don't know how to "write Scottish" to give him an accent
But I do know there are "Scottish translators" and this came out of it
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Is it accurate? idk but made me laugh What if the goes Full Accent when angry and it's really hard to understand what he says? Kind of like THIS man that I can't for the love of god get what he's saying without subtitles
Also I feel stupid. "Ewe" is "Sheep"?? That's why it's called Ewecus???!!! I'm sorry guys, I'm just dumb. But HEY! the more you know ✨✨
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moonschocolate · 5 months
Tom Riddle headcanons!!
because lately i've been thinking about this tragic little human <3
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tw: mention of torture as a topic
first of all I wanted to clarify that in this there's no Voldemort, no interest in practicing dark magic, just a teen who goes to Hogwarts soo... :)
proud slytherin. no matter how much other people can say 'slytherin = bad' he just doesn't care, he will not argue with you if you think or say that cause he will find it pointless
I don't now where I read this, but if I'll find it I will tag the person who said this before me: he has autism!!
which means he is not a very social person, and he has little/no friends
and he is deeply attached to an object/topic
the topic in question is dark magic
he doesnt want to practice it, he just finds the whole thing interesting
which deeply concerns professors
he knows everything. about horcruxes, the three unforgivable curses, origin and all
he simply thinks that knowledge is knowledge
i strongly believe he has one hell of a library in his dorm
the most dramatic myths ever? knows them
he's just a nerd
read books about t0rture, c0mmunism, n@zism, because knowledge is knowledge
also reads light books of course i dont want to scare you
maths is not his thing
like yes he's good at it but he doesnt really care
did i say hes dramatic?
and an absolute pessimist
since i do not believe that his hair is like that just because it is, he HAS to have a hair routine (DROP IT TOM)
has an infinite collection of bookmarks
no person is allowed to touch his books
doesnt write on books even with pencils
listens to DRAMATIC classical music
(also y'all have to teach me how to put spotify songs with the blue rectangle cuz i dont have a clue on how)
Idk it reminds me of him (and regulus but this is not about him)
this goes against the fact that he's dramatic, but i think that in a relationship he would be a good-old fashioned lover boy
flowers, love letters, POEMS, kissing in the rain, handing you his jacket when you're cold
and of course he wears suits
NOT a sports kid
mf doesn't know a single sport
he just learned how to swim
that's it
is defo the kind of person who is SOSOSOSOSO SKINNY
He's skeptical af on food
like i believe he's a picky eater
and i dont think he eats a lot
like he will go through the day with some coffees, some water, breakfast and a snack in the afternoon
is always gentle doing anything
when he's mad he's even more mad that he can't throw anything because then he would be even more angry that it got broken
Like his arms are spaghetti
im sorry but imo he's short
like 1.70 cm (5'5''-5'6'')
which is not really short
will not admit it but hates the sea
like as long as he can reach with his feet the "land" below then it's no problem
if he can't he'll try to act cool and say he's tired and immediately get out of the sea
it gives him a sense of pure confusion because he doesnt know what he could run into
which annoys him
because when he cant know something it hurts him physically emotionally psychologically
he knows plenty of languages
english, french, latin, russian and german
because it's cool
also knows how to play the piano and the flute and the viola
"never judge a book by its cover" he does exactly the opposite
especially with books he judges the book by the cover, if he likes the cover he'll like the book too
and people can gain his interest only at first sight
he hates how lots of people can easily change their opinions as long as their group/loved ones have a different opinion
or how people always follow the crowd
people who judge mudbloods just because they're mudbloods are too stupid for him
i think we all know that he is THE teachers' pet
he's the Hermione of his generation
which means that while there are plenty of people with their hands raised the only one who will be listened to is tom
is a MANIAC in cleaning
his bed and his overall room is always tidy af
he hates getting his uniform dirty
he has plenty of nightmares about his past
which he never talks about with anyone
is the kind of person to have 4 or 5 cats
he is absolutely quiet
i got a strong feeling that this man was bullied before hogwarts at the orphanage
he has a cute little stuffed animal in really bad shape which he has from his years at the orphanage and it's hidden at the end of his wardrobe
he strongly despises children because he doesn't have a clue how to deal with them
acts like he has patience
lacks patience
in a modern au, the only thing he'd have going to school would be a black pen
not because he didnt care or was too lazy to get other things but because he didnt find having 3985729947 pens and highliters necessary
dada would be boring for him because out of curiosity he would've already learned most of the spells or wtv
i dont remember if i said it but quidditch is NOT something he likes
or just flying on a broom in general
(remus lupin behavior)
(I had to say it)
studying consists in him burying his face in the books for like 4 or 5 hours straight (my man has some serious issues)
you could tell im completely delusional because he became a killer and nothing's good-old fashioned lover boy about canon him but oh well🥰
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thebookofpurgatory · 2 years
- About -
About the story…
The idea for The Book of Purgatory came up in my high school days, when I started to become interested in drawing my own depictions of characters from books who lacked an official appearance. As a kid I’d always been into old books, notably, I was a huge fan of Bram Stoker’s Dracula in 5th grade. In college I thought of a weird idea to make something where characters from books interacted in a crossover, and eventually, through an English class I discovered my main character in Faust. After deciding coding a game and animating a cartoon were too difficult, I settled on comics, my nearly-forgotten childhood passion. I have often worried that literature purists might dislike how I portray the characters, but overall I wanted to take stories I loved and use them to explore my own ideas and feelings, which could give an alternate interpretation to the stories. As the comic is partly my own writing and partly an adaptation, I must give writing credit to the original authors of the works. Chapter 2 is an adaptation of The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain, with some parts removed and some parts added by myself. Chapter 5 is an adaptation of Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, specifically, I used quotes from Walter Kaufmann’s English translation.
About the Author
I’m Yaxsha, 22 years old and currently still a college student. Art is my life’s passion but not my occupation, because I think that’d ruin it for me. I love drawing things cuter than they need to be, and making colors brighter than they need to be. Aside from drawing, my life’s other love is cooking, probably the only thing I feel confident talking about. Naturally I also love my video games, my top five being EarthBound, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, Yuppie Psycho, Chulip, and Tales of Symphonia. I am also a longtime D&D player and Dungeon Master known for running unorthodox, emotion-filled stories. My art is highly inspired by weird, cult-following stuff such as Gregory Horror Show, Popee the Clown, Fake Type, Hellsing, Devilman, Okage, and some retro Japanese, French, and Russian animation. My life’s dream is to make other people happy with my art, my genuine art that comes from my real passion.
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Linguistic Diversity Challenge Day 3: Lak
What is the language called in English and the language itself?
The language is called Lak in English and лакку маз‎ (lakku maz) in the language itself.
Where is the language spoken?
It is mostly spoken in the Dagestan Republic of Russia, but some speakers also live in Azerbaijan and Georgia.
How many people speak the language?
About 154,000 people speak the language.
Which language family does it belong to? What are some of its relative languages?
Lak belongs to the Northeast Caucasian languages. The classification of where it belongs in the family seems to be a matter for debate. I have included Friedman’s classification from 2007. Chechen is possibly the most known language of the family.
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Lak itself has several dialects, of which Arakul, Bartkhi, Kayali, Kumukh, Mits'qi, Shadni, Shali, Ts'uwk'ul, & Wikhli are some of them.
What writing system does it use?
It is written in Cyrillic script as shown by the following poem excerpt of Вай яру вих бакъа by Ххалла.
Авлул хьуну най бур дак1нил хияллу, Майдансса ардаравх гъалбарц1рунияр. Ливц1унугу най бур яшмилул яру, Къумасса рат1авух мугьалттунияр.
What kind of grammatical features does the language have?
Lak has four noun classes and nouns have four stems.  Case endings attach agglutinatively to the oblique stem. The three core cases are nominative, genitive, and dative, in addition to several secondary cases and affixes.  Lak has verbal agreement for person. Any part of speech can take class agreement markers, which are prefixed, infixed, and/or suffixed. Lak is basically object-verb, attributive/genitive-head;  it has pragmatically conditioned free word order and a mixed ergative/accusative system. Lak has five sets of deictics, which also serve as third-person markers. The verb has three aspectual stems, perfective/ unmarked, durative in -la-, and iterative in -awa-.
What does the language sound like?
Consonants: Lak has over 40 consonants, some of which are found only in some dialects. I highly recommend reading Anderson’s chapter on Lak phonology as it goes into much further detail than I can provide.
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Vowels: Lak has 5 vowels which can be pharyngealized.
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Here is a song in Lak followed by a Russian cartoon dubbed in Lak.
What do you personally find interesting about the language?
Initially, I was drawn to the language because of the large number of consonants. The more I read about the language, the more overwhelmed I became. I think it is interesting that word formation in Lak is dominated by both compounding and derivation. Another thing I found interesting is the debate over how many cases Lak has. Some people claim it has 40-50 cases, which reminds me of The great Tsez case hoax in which one must define what a case is. Bringing me to my unpopular opinion that being afraid of languages with many cases is just weak.
Anderson, Gregory D.S. 1997. Lak Phonology. In Alan S. Kaye (ed.), Phonologies of Asia and Africa 2, 973-997. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Friedman, V A. (2006), Lak. In: Keith Brown, (Editor-in-Chief) Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Second Edition, volume 6, pp. 303-305. Oxford: Elsevier.
Friedman, V A. (1992). Lak Substantival Declension:  40 cases or 50?.  The Non-Slavic Languages of the USSR:  Linguistic Studies -- Second Series.Chicago: Chicago  Linguistic  Society.  
Schulze, Wolfgang. (2007). The Lak Language.
Schulze, Wolfgang. (2016). Word Formation in Lak.
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myrecordcollections · 5 years
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AK Musick
AK Musick
@ 1972 Germany Pressing
AK Musick formed back in the early 70’s. They were interested in producing music in a very democratic way. Their legendary LP is now a very rare item of what I would call “German experimental era”. More about it in the following interview with Hans Kumpf, clarinetist. Special thanks goes to René Debot for helping me to get in contact with Hans.
There is not much known about your group AK Musick. Tell us about the formation of the band? Where did you find other members? We all five members were studying at the Teacher’s College (“Pädagogische Hochschule”) in Ludwigsburg close to Stuttgart in Southern Germany. Three of us (Alfred Lell, Winfried Koch, Hans Kumpf) had the same clarinet teacher. The singer Angela Weber I have known already from my hometown of Schwäbisch Hall, where we joined the same pupils’ choir. The Keyboarder Helmut Grab also studied with the famous composer of contemporary music Helmut Lachenmann, a Luigi Nono alumnus. Were you and other band members of AK Musick involved with any other projects before 1972? Helmut Grab was busy in improvised rock music; the others were more active in classical music. I was the only one who was really involved in jazz before. Let’s share a few words about your childhood and teen years. You grew up in Stuttgart. What did you study and what influenced you the most? I was born in Stuttgart in 1951, but the next six years I grew up in Markgröningen in the Stuttgart area. My parents moved then to Schwäbisch Hall, quite in the middle between Stuttgart and Nuremberg, in 1957. There I was impressed by foreign students of the University in Heidelberg who performed in my hometown: I could listen to the original music of Africa, Asia and America. When I was a teenager I was already interested in the music from the whole wide world. In an alternative youth club (“Alpha 60”) I attended interesting jazz concerts (like pianist Wolfgang Dauner and trombonist Albert Mangelsdorff) and later I organized “music weeks” (including classical + contemporary music, jazz an             advanced pop/folk music). In my school, which was specialized in music, I as a pupil/student had the responsibility for culture. In May 1969 I organized a bus trip to Stuttgart, where Jimi Hendrix performed – even some months before the Woodstock festival. When I was eight years old, I began with a recorder (simple flute), later I learned in lessons trumpet, piano and clarinet. Now clarinet is my main instrument. AK Musick is a really avant-garde project consistent of free jazz influences. What can you tell me about the concept behind it and what does the name actually mean? We all were eager in new things, we wanted to make music in a very democratic way. Everybody had a classical education – this was the base. Of course we were also influenced by the avant-garde  composer Helmut Lachenmann (who also was in the studio during our LP recording). He writes very intellectual compositions, and the parameters are very important (this we learned with the Stockhausen alumnus Johannes Fritsch in Darmstadt, too!). AK Musick? “AK” is a German abbreviation for “Arbeitskreis” (“workshop”), which was used at the universities quite often at that time. “Musick” is a mixture of the English “music” and the German word “Musik”. Even in medieval times they wrote “musick” in England. And in “Musick”, there is included the English word “sick”. We had humor.
Is the musical content a live-recording from the 13. German Jazz Festival Frankfurt, that held on 14.11.1972? Would you like to tell us a bit more about the pieces on the LP?
No, no – be careful! In March 1972 we played at the German Jazz Festival in Frankfurt at the Newcomer’s Concert – with more than thousand listeners and “live” a radio/TV recording. In the same hall the Rolling Stones and Janis Joplin performed before, later Miles Davis and many others. On November 14 in the same year we recorded the LP at the famous Bauer Studios in Ludwigsburg. We prepared the studio session very carefully – time is money. At least we did it in three hours. The sound engineer was Martin Wieland, who had recorded before the popular cologne concert by Keith Jarrett for the ECM label.
“Impro-Vision” sounds like electronical music – but we used only natural instruments, “Hava” is a feature for three clarinets, “Ron Do” is like a classical rondo, but with solo improvisations as the new parts. The theme we played only once, and it was later technically copied to fulfill the rondo form.
The “composition” of the first track of the AKM LP.
What can you tell me about the label AKM Records. Was this your label? The cover artwork and everything is all handmade. How did you decide to do so and how many copies were released. I believe 200?
We released 150 LP’s. We were students and had less money. Therefore it was the cheapest way to make the cover art for our own as handwork – with templates. The booklet we printed with the help of the student’s association. We worked for a December weekend at the floor of the Ludwigsburg teachers college. It made fun.  It’s crazy: Today at Ebay they pay more than 700 Dollars for our old and historic long playing disc.
How long did the project last and did you play anywhere else? Are there perhaps any other recordings still unreleased? Besides of Frankfurt, we only played in the area round Stuttgart. AK Musick as quintet xisted for a decade. In 1980 we did the performances “Spuren einer Russlandreise” („Tracks of a Russian Trip“) after Winfried Koch and me were in Moscow and Leningrad/St.Petersburg. It was a multimedia combination of art and music. We all stayed friends, but we didn’t play in the old quintet ensemble. For instance, Angela Weber, Alfred Lell and me were singing in the choir of the musical “Cabaret” at the Stuttgart State Theater…
Twelve years ago I went with a radio tape of the Frankfurt festival concert to the Bauer Studios for digitalizing the analog recording. Then I burnt CD’s for my own. That is all.
‘Free Blacks’ is your next music project. You joined forces with Perry Robinson. Wolfgang Dauner was also part of this album. What can you tell me about it? This was again a very limited issue? Perry Robinson was famous as the leading free jazz clarinet player. So he was interesting for me. I heard him several times before, but when he played in 1974 (2 years after AK Musick) at the Frankfurt festival I spoke with him, and soon we settled a duo on a bark bench outside the festival hall. We played in harmony like two brothers. After that I organized a studio recording in Stuttgart. It was after a concert he did with Gunter Hampel – between 1 and 3 o’clock in the night. Because there was time left for the LP I added three solo pieces. There is one (“Mona-a-gogo”) with a little help of my friend Wolfgang Dauner. He had invited me for recordings at the Radio Stuttgart before, and after that I arranged this peace for me as a clarinet on two different tracks. These two tracks he transformed with a ring modulation of his synthesizer. I produced 200 LP’s of “Free Blacks” (it means the free black clarinet instruments…)
AKM Records released ‘In Time’, feat. Theo Joergensmann, Bernd Konrad, ‘Jam Session Leningrad’, feat. Anatoly Vapirov, Sergey Kuryokhin, Alexander Alexandrov and ‘Jam Session Moscow’, feat. John Fischer, Leonid Chizhik, Alexey Zubov. What can you tell us about projects you had together with previously mentioned musicians? You know, I established the AKM label for my own – with no business strength. Just for fun. My clarinet colleague Theo Jörgensmann (we met us in Remscheid – close to Cologne – at a jazz clinic in 1969) had no own label, then I said he could write “AKM” on the sleeve. My second trip to the passed away Soviet Union was in December 1980/January 1981 when I had my regularly vacancies as a teacher. But then I smuggled my clarinet in and a tape out – Jam Session Leningrad. There I improvised together with saxophonist Anatoly Vapirov, bassoon player Alexander Alexandrov and the late pianist Sergey Kuryokhin. I was the first Western jazz avant-gardist to play in USSR together with resident musicians. I came as normal tourist and had to hide my ambitions against the KGB. Some months later, I traveled with my New York based friend John Fischer (piano), to Russia and we did a Session in Moscow together with the well-known players Leonid Chizhik (p), and Alexey Zubov (ts). Chizhik now lives in Munich, Zubov moved to Los Angeles. In 1984 you released ”On a Baltic Trip” album on Leo Records. What’s the story behind it and what followed after this? Leo Feigin is a refugee of former Leningrad, who worked for the Russian Service of the BBC in London and found the label “Leo Records”. He had presented my LP’s recorded in Leningrad and in Moscow already in the British radio. And so he was so friendly to release my sessions done in the Baltic metro poles of Riga, Vilnius and Tallinn as a “real” record company. In Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia I played together with leading jazz musicians there. Of course I was quite famous in whole Soviet Union thanks to the underground propaganda of the free jazz dissidents…
What are you currently working on? In meantime I am retired as a teacher. I am busier in writing articles and working as a photographer than as a clarinetist. So have no special planes as a musician. If the people ask to perform with my Polish wife Katarzyna “Polish Poetry + Jazz”, I can do it. On other sides I like to play at openings of art exhibitions, and often I play a kind of Klezmer music at events for killed Jews by the Nazi regime. If you look back in the late 60’s and 70’s. How did you see this German scene. You were more part of jazz scene, rather than rock experimental scene with acts such as Amon Düül II, Embryo etc. But were you connected with what was happening at the time and what was the scene in your city? Hitler time was not long far away. We wanted to have a better Germany. We wanted to make a democratic and world open minded music. Of course, I have known and listened to Embryo, Amon Düül, but it was no influence to AK Musick. When we played at the Frankfurt festival Paul and Limpe Fuchs (often partner of the piano player Friedrich Gulda!) joined us as surprising guests on the stage. The best concert of my hometown Schwäbisch Hall in 1969 was “Black Sabbath” with Ozzy Osbourne… They played for 600 Deutsche Marks (approx. 200 Dollars) in a former church.
AK Musick with Limpe Fuchs. Thanks for taking your time. Would you like to send a message to It’s Psychedelic Baby readers?
Keep the eyes and ears open. International understanding is so important. Maybe music can help.
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21 Questions Tag Game! 🧡
Tagged by @mistbornvinventure, thank you, I love these things! (I just love attention okay?)
Height: 5′9 (175 cm)
Favourite Composer: Uh, Chopin?
Favourite band: Probably Queen at this point.
Following: 310
Writing Motto: I don't really have one?
Favourite Movie: I Killed My Mother
Do I Believe In Astrology: Nah.
How Long Have I Been On Tumblr: since 2011 I think.
Where Am I From: small town in Romania.
Favourite Non English Song: Moldovenii s-au nascut by Zdob si Zdub.
Favourite English Song: Ugh, this one is hard. Killer Queen maybe?
Languages I’m  Fluent In: Romanian and English.
Languages I Can Count To 10 In: Romanian, English, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish (almost)
Top 5 Mythical Creatures: Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Phoenixes, Fairies or someting idk.
Favourite Food: chicken vindaloo
Favourite TV Character: *mind goes blank* Wolfgang Bogdanow, would have gone for Jaime Lannister but I won't in protest of what the tv show did to him.
Favourite Book Character: IVAN KARAMAZOV (also Jaime Lannister of course).
Favourite Original OC: Michael probably, or Andrei from my old story, I quite like Andrei.
Favourite Fanfic: 'Not On The Lips' by bondboy68 and 'Arles Penitentiary' by onekingdomonce.
Last Book I Read: 'Levantul' (The Levant) by Mircea Cartarescu
Last Line Written:  “What could I have done?” she asked, her voice shaking. “Do you think I never considered leaving him? But there was no way I could get you away from him, no one would have believed me, no one would have helped me, no one would have dared stand up to him. I’m so sorry, my dear.” 
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Chapter 2: His Recovery
Wilson begins recovering from his injuries and begins to notice how much he’s been missing out on from the others.
Chapter Rating: G
Wilson awoke to the sound of several people talking in rushed, worried voices. His hands and legs throbbed and the smells of medicine and meat stew filled his nose. He tried to sit up, but a firm hand pressed against his chest, moving him back down.
"Easy, Wilson." Wigfrid's rough, accented voice crooned softly in a gentle and almost motherly way. "You've been out for almost half the night. Take it easy."
"What happened?" Wilson mumbled and instantly regretted it, as his threat felt raw and dry. Apparently the water he had consumed either wasn't the cleanest or wasn't enough to quench him.
"You passed out at the front of the base. Wes put healing salve on your wounds and Wickerbottom and I made soup for you. No, no, don't sit up. I'll help you."
Wilson opened his mouth to protest but decided it was useless as Wigfrid raised the spoon to his lips, tilting her wrist slightly to allow the liquid to pour down the scientist's throat.
He had to admit, it was much better than anything he could ever make himself, at least not without a crockpot. The broth was just the right temperature–not too hot, not too cold–and it contained the perfect ratio of carrots to chunks of meat. Wilson could tell this wasn't just morsels of meat, either. This was real, actual meat, likely from a catcoon or possibly even Beefalo. Wilson would be more than impressed if he found out Wigfrid had managed to take down even one on her own, but not necessarily surprised.
"Feeling better?" Wigfrid asked after the scientist had downed the last spoonful.
Wilson nodded weakly. "Definitely." He croaked out with a smile. "That was amazing."
"I'm sure Miss Wickerbottom will be more than happy to hear it." There was an unusual cheeriness in her voice as she said this. Maybe it was relief. Wilson was too tired to tell.
The man simply nodded in response, still a bit too weary to do much else. Wigfrid got up to dispose of the bowl and spoon and Wilson's eyes met those of Wes', who was sitting by the fire pit not too far away. Wes smiled, obviously relieved to see the other was okay, and made his way over. He sat down next to Wilson and produced a piece of papyrus and a pen constructed from a twig, some berries for ink, and a red bird feather.
How are you feeling? He wrote and showed the paper to Wilson.
Wilson smiled at the mime's concern. "Better than I was earlier."
That's good. Wes wrote. Why have you been so busy? Did we do something wrong?
Wilson shook his head as frantically as he could muster. "A-absolutely not! What makes you think that?"
Wes' smile faded. You never so much as talk to anyone here anymore. You're always off doing...god knows what. I can tell even Wendy's become upset because of it. She sees you as a father, you know.
"...does she?" Wilson's eyes widened. "Oh...I'm sorry..." He hadn't been paying attention to how anyone else was feeling. Not that he really had time, anyway.
What is it, then, if not us? Wes looked at him curiously.
Wilson shook his head. "I can't tell you, Wes. I'm sorry. It's not...anyone's concern but my own. Please understand."
Well, you might as well tell us. The further you slip into your problems, the further everyone else slips into worry. Wilson was surprised at how fast and yet how neatly Wes could write in English. Then again, that was usually what he wrote in since no one else here could understand the language except for Woodie and Wickerbottom. The only time Wilson had ever seen Wes write in French was when he spied the mime and Woodie passing a piece of paper back and forth and writing. They appeared to be flirting. Wickerbottom looked over their shoulders to see what they were doing, went three shades paler in the face, and kept walking like nothing happened.
"Good point. Just...please give me some time to recover, okay?" Wilson said, feeling exhaustion catch up to him. "Thanks for healing me, by the way."
Wes nodded. You're welcome. Get well soon. He wrote a little heart at the end of the sentence and handed Wilson the paper as he left the other man to fall asleep. Wilson smiled at the little heart the mute had written in and folded the paper, setting it in the dirt next to him. He curled up close to the stone wall of the base and attempted to fall asleep.
Sleep he did, but he dreamed something rather strange. As his body relaxed against the vine-covered walls, his mind painted a wonderfully elaborate but mildly disturbing picture for him. He stood in the cave where he'd originally freed Maxwell a long, long time ago. Well, it didn't feel that long to Wilson, but time was a mysterious and fickle little thing. It felt so real, as if he was really standing there, the ominous black shadows threatening to swallow him whole with his only defense being his torch. He stepped forward and immediately he was faced with the shadow throne, but there was something horribly off about it. There was no music, only an eerie, bone-chilling silence. The throne had been raised some distance off the ground with only a sort of terrace supporting it and a railed black staircase leading up to it. Various potted plants surrounded it. They appeared to be filled with roses and spiky plants.
For a moment, Wilson thought he saw a woman dressed in black on the throne, but in a split second, she had disappeared. In her place sat a red feather the same color as the roses in the potted plants.
Wilson dared to step forward. The bottoms of his shoes clicked loudly against the tile (he assumed it was tile, anyway) of the staircase. He reached the top and dared to reach out to grab the feather, but then he felt a hand abruptly grab him on the shoulder. Wilson flinched hard and turned around, immediately locking eyes with the one standing behind him.
"You can't keep this away from us forever, you know." His voice sounded so clear, so real, that for an instant Wilson wanted to scream and ask what happened and why he had come back here, but the words caught in his throat. The next thing he knew, he shot up in his tent, sweating and on the verge of crying out for help.
He panted heavily as he tried to recover from the ridiculously realistic dream he'd just had. As he came to his senses, he found that his wounds didn't nearly hurt as bad as before and couldn't help but wonder if Wes had slipped extra spider glands into his healing salves. The scientist also noticed that this was not where he'd fallen asleep the night before and wondered who could have moved him here. He stumbled out of his tent and noticed his clothes were extremely dirty and a little torn at the edges.
"When the hell did I let this happen to myself?!" He thought, appalled with himself for being so careless. Even in the darkest emotional times, you were still supposed to take care of yourself, right? Wilson suddenly became embarrassed, first because everyone had seen him like this and second because he was being so self-absorbed it would be laughable to anyone who knew how he felt.
For a moment, Wilson thought of sneaking out again, but he felt someone grab the exact same shoulder that was grabbed in his dream and he flinched even harder than he had then.
"Don't even think about leaving." Wickerbottom warned him. "You're taking it easy for now, mister."
"Yes, ma'am." Wilson sighed at his plan being foiled. Wickerbottom withdrew her hand.
"Sorry, was that spot in pain? You flinched rather hard when I touched you."
Wilson shook his head. "No, just...bad dream. I'm still a bit jumpy."
"I see." Wickerbottom nodded. "Then, I suppose, go get your bandages changed and, if you can, help start breakfast."
Wilson nodded and noticed he could walk with less effort now that the medication had done its job. He wandered over to where Wolfgang and Wes stood by the crockpot menagerie, preparing the morning meal for everyone.
"Good morning, Wilson." Wolfgang's thick Russian accent pierced Wilson's ears. Wes simply nodded with a smile.
"Hey..." Wilson also noticed his throat felt much better. "What are we making?"
"Jam. It's what we got." Wolfgang shrugged and handed Wilson a pouch full of freshly harvested berries. Wilson began to wonder what everyone had been doing while he was away, and that put him into perspective of just how distant he was from everyone else.
"Right. Okay." Wilson got to work helping the other two add berries to the pots and he decided he'd find a way to manufacture some bread since eating straight jam was still a bit strange to him even after all this time.
"Wigfrid already gone." Wolfgang said in his broken English. "Went to hunt. Hope she don't get hurt."
"Neither do I." Wilson nodded in agreement, thinking back to how she treated him last night. He wondered why she'd suddenly grown soft on him. She wasn't usually like that at all.
Wes tapped Wolfgang's shoulder and pointed to the tents. Wendy and Webber had woken up and stumbled over to the fire pits.
"Morning..." Wendy mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Webber seemed to be wide awake.
"Good morning!" He called, a bit loudly. Wendy tapped his shoulder and whispered for him to keep it down and he nodded.
"It's okay." Wendy rubbed the side of her head.
"Do you have a headache?" Wilson asked her. Wendy shook her head.
"Just need to wake up is all."
"I see."
The adults dished out the jam as the rest of the residents woke up, save for Wigfrid, who was well on her way to complete her daily hunting rounds by now.
"I'm a bit surprised you're still here, Wilson." Wendy commented over breakfast.
"Wendy," Wickerbottom chastised. "Be polite."
"No, it's okay. I'm still too injured to go anywhere, so even if I wanted to leave, I couldn't." Wilson laughed nervously, putting extra emphasis on 'wanted'. He noticed Maxwell was eyeing him strangely but decided to ignore it. After everyone was done, they parted ways to complete their daily tasks; harvesting the garden, crafting needed materials, fighting off spiders (much to the dislike of Webber), and other such chores. When Wilson went to stand, he was stopped by none other than Wickerbottom.
"Ah, ah. Don't you think about leaving." She warned. "I'm having Wes and Wolfgang watch over you for the day to make sure you don't try anything funny. Your wounds are still healing, after all."
Wilson nodded. "I didn't plan on it anyway." He shrugged.
Wickerbottom stared him down for a bit before sitting down for breakfast as well. Everyone ate in silence, with Webber finishing first and Wendy being the last. The two went off to play hide and seek in the garden and Wilson warned them to watch out for bees. There he sat, by the fire, as per Wickerbottom's instructions for most of the morning. Occasionally Wes applied more medicine to his wounds, but by now they were looking much better. Wilson figured he wouldn't need medication the next few days, even though it still hurt to move around.
The day passed slowly for the scientist, as there wasn't much to do. Wendy wasn't much of a conversationalist and Webber WOULD have been there with her if not for the fact that today he was in charge of handling the spider farm. Despite the fact that he was part spider himself, he seemed to have no issue with killing his own kind. This, Wilson supposed, was in part why Wendy got along so well with him; they both seemed relatively unfazed by death. As the day droned on, Wilson began to notice things that even before he began moping about he didn't see in the others. For example, he overheard a conversation between Wickerbottom and Wolfgang, in which Wolfgang stated that he preferred his meatballs made with a touch of monster meat, followed by Wickerbottom warning him about its effects on his sanity. He also saw Wes surprise Webber with a spider-shaped balloon animal later in the day. Webber adored it and it even got a smile out of Wendy, who remarked that it was lovely. Wes seemed content with their reaction, even though Wilson knew it had taken a toll on the mime's sanity. Sitting there, Wilson couldn't help but wonder just how much he had missed by being absent from the base.
The question bothered him for most of the day as he watched his campmates come and go, not moving due to Wickerbottom's warning that it may screw up the healing process. Wilson thought that was utter BS, but there was no use in disobeying her. It gave him some time for thought, anyway, a privilege that he did not receive often.
It was a relatively nice day, for autumn. Winter would be coming soon, and everyone knew it. Everyone except for Wilson, apparently. The incoming change of season had not come to his attention recently, and it made him wonder if he was really so thickheaded as to have let that pass him by so easily. The sun felt nice on his bare skin and a gentle breeze blew against  his face and through his hair, and god, did it feel wonderful. His injuries and the low throbbing sensation given off by his blistered hands were forgotten as he closed his eyes and quickly snapped them back open.
'Just a moment...' He quickly looked around the camp. 'One, two, three... where's Maxwell?'
The scientist pursed his lips. 'So they'll excuse his absence, but not mine.' He thought disdainfully. Then again, Maxwell could actually take care of himself, Wilson thought with a bitter smile. He shrugged to himself.
Just then, he remembered something. He'd left a pack at the makeshift lab he'd set up a bit of a ways away from the camp. It contained various gems and some other materials including a strange staff-like object he found in a chest. These were items he planned to inspect closer, and he figured that if he was going to be stuck here with these injuries he might as well do SOMETHING with his time.
It would just take a moment for Wilson to get there if he stuck to the roads. No one would even notice he was gone. He saw Wigfrid come back a moment ago, inventory full of meat, and knew that there'd be next to no risk of him being caught with everyone preparing dinner. As soon as he heard the sound of the crockpots being opened, he shot out through the gap in the stone walls, not bothering to look behind him. He made it about halfway there before he heard the sounds of twigs cracking and froze dead in his tracks.
'Crap.' What a genius he was for completely skipping out on bringing a decent weapon. In fact, he had virtually nothing on him, and injured hands would be a huge bitch to fight with. He slowly began to tread backwards the way he came before he bumped into a tall, thin figure behind him. Wilson flinched hard before two hands rested themselves on the smaller man's trembling shoulders.
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words-make-people · 4 years
“Muslims and 5 US Presidents do not agree with the trinity”
Dr. Adel Elsaie in an article entitled “Muslims and 5 US Presidents do not agree with the trinity” states the following: “At least five Presidents of the USA: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Millard Fillmore, and William Howard Taft did not believe that Jesus was the son of god. They were Unitarians that respected the teachings of Jesus and rejected his divinity. Moreover, Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist in the history, Leo Tolstoy, the giant of the Russian literature, and Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, the greatest German writer (Goethe Institutes for teaching the German language exist in many parts of the world) did not agree with the trinity. Therefore, those TV Evangelists are either ignorant of their history or they do not tell the WHOLE TRUTH.”
He further states: “Jefferson went so far as to produce a revised New Testament deleting all references to miracles and portraying Jesus as just an extraordinary man and a powerful moral leader. It is very interesting that Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the US Constitution, purchased a copy of the (Holy) Qur’an, and taught himself to read Arabic, and to know the basic Arabic grammars. It should be noted that Arabic is a Semitic language written from right to left as opposed to English which a Latin language written to left to right.  It is suggested in this article that Thomas Jefferson went to all this work in the Quran and it language to study the Islamic Law to help him in his legal work! You be the judge!”
In that same article he gives quotes from the Presidents starting with the second President John Adams:
"The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole carloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."
--John Adams--
"I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved--the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced!"
--John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson--
“As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that has ever existed?"
--John Adams letter to F.A. Van der Kamp, Dec. 27, 1816--
Dr. Adel Elsaie referenced the following sources in his article: Kane, Joseph Nathan. Facts About the Presidents (Fourth Edition). New York: The H. W. Wilson Co. (1981); DeGregorio, William A. The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents (Second Edition). New York: Dembner Books (1989); Kevin Hayes, “How Thomas Jefferson Read the Quran” Early American Literature; June 2004, Vol.39 Issue 2, P. 247.
The following are the writings of the third US President Thomas Jefferson (The writer of the US Declaration of Independence, and the signer of US Constitution):
“Among the sayings and discourses imputed to [Jesus] by His biographers, I find many passages of fine imagination, correct morality, and of the most lovely benevolence; and others, again, of so much ignorance, so much absurdity, so much untruth, charlatanism and imposture, as to pronounce it impossible that such contradictions should have proceeded from the same Being. I separate, therefore, the gold from the dross; restore to Him the former, and leave the latter to the stupidity of some, and roguery of others of His disciples. Of this band of dupes and impostors, Paul was the great . . . corruptor of the doctrines of Jesus.”
–Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William Short dated April, 13, 1820.—
”The divine aspects of Christ were "the fabric of very inferior minds. It is as easy to separate those parts, as to pick out diamonds from dunghills."
–Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams dated January, 24, 1814.—
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2wnikiangel · 5 years
Ask game
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people. Because I always feel I little bit nervous, when I need to tag people I like or follow, I would like to see answers of everyone who found this game interesting!
Tagged by @kasielartist. If you don’t know her, just go to check her awesome arts. She’s very talented and I think we will hear about her more in the future. And she’s very kind and modest. Just a precious. :)
Warning: I love writing, so everything you’ll read by me is pretty long. Not Sorry.
Nickname(s): My father started to call me “Niki” when I was 4 years old and I’m so used to it, that I practically like it more that my real name. Some of my friends likes to call me “Angel”, because I like to help people. That’s why my full nickname is Niki Angel. And yes, my older sister calls me “špunt”, that’s a czech slang for “very small person”.
Zodiac: Acording to Horoscope, I am -- creative (yes), passionate (kind of), generous (yes!), warm-hearted (yes!!), cheerful (yes!!!), humorous (trying but failing), arrogant (well, yes), stubborn (more than anyone around me), self-centered (nope), lazy (ooooh), inflexible (yes, and I hate it) -- a summer and Sun child, Leo.
Height: Something between dwarf, human and elf -- 1.55 cm.
Hogwarts house: Traits: dedication, hardworking, fairness, patience, kindness, tolerance, modesty, loyalty and produced the fewest Dark wizards of all the four Houses. Who I am? I’m Jean Valjean Hufflepuff! I remember how sad I was like a kid when everyone thinked about me like a stupid person, just because I was in the Hufflepuff. But, after some time, I wear our colors just proud as other houses. Because we have nothing to be ashamed of! Just look at the traits! That’s something what can change the world in the most positive way!
Last thing I googled: Keanu Reeves. It was because in Czech republic he isn’t so popular and everyone around tumblr and youtube are just so crazy about him that I wanted to know why. Now I know and I watched two films yesterday with him in lead role.
Fave musician(s): I FREAKING LOVE MUSIC. My taste it’s pretty diverse. I wrote only favorite of every gender of music I listen mostly everyday, because otherwise we would be there for more than a week. When you click at the name of the artist(s) you can hear my favorite song made by them.
Kpop: Ultimate favorite is “TVXQ”. It was my first Kpop band back in 2007, when I started to listening Kpop. Then I love “VIXX” (+ “Leo” / “Ravi” / “LR)”, “4Minute” (+ “HyunA” / “TripleH” / “Troublemaker”) and “KARD”. Others I like to listen everyday:
Girlband: “2NE1″ (+ “CL”), “AOA” (+ “Jimin”), “BLACKPINK”, “Brown Eyed Girls” (+ “GaIn”), “CLC”, “EXID”, “Girl’s Day”, “Girl’s Generation” (+ “Taeyeon”), “Miss A”, “Red Velvet”, “Secret” (+ “Hyoseong” / “Jieun”), “SISTAR” (+ “Hyolyn”), “Stellar”, “T-ARA”
Boyband: “100%”, “B.A.P” (+ “Yongguk & Zelo”), “B1A4″, “BEAST”, “Big Bang” (+ “G-dragon”), “Block B”, “BTOB”, “BTS” (+ “Rapmoster” / “Agust D”), “EXO”, “GOT7″, “iKON”, “INFINITE”, “JJCC”, “MBLAQ”, “MONSTA X”, “Nu’est”, “SHINee”, “SS501″, “Super Junior”, “U-Kiss”
Solo: “Ailee”, “BoA”, “DEAN”, “HOLAND”, “Hyoshin”, “Jessi”, “Sunmi”, “YEZI”
Rock / Alternative: Tie between “Panic! At the Disco” and “The Score”. Their music helped me on every exam on university and inspireted one of my biggest Les Mis fanfic project (I think it will be done next spring). Others: “8 graves”, “30 Second to the Mars”, “Billie Eilish”, “Against The Current”, “Coldplay”, “Disturbed”, “Evanescence”, “Fall Out Boy”, “Five Finger Death Punch”, “Get Scared”, “grandson”, “Hurts”, “Imagine Dragons”, “Linkin Park”, “MISSIO”, “Nine Inch Nails”, “One Republic”, “Set It Off”, “SIAMÉS”, “Starset”, “The Cab”, “Thousand Foot Krutch”, “The Neighbourhood”, “Twenty One Pilots“, “Digital Daggers”
Classic: Favorite is our composer “Bedřich Smetana” His Moldau is still one of my favorite piece of work. Then “Beethoven”, “Mozart”, “Vivaldi” and “Wagner”.
Cover: Because this talented people matters too! “Chase Holfelder”, “Nick Pitera”, “Peter Hollens” and “ZEK”.
And many, many, MANY soundtracks and instrumental music for games, films, series, original works, etc.
Following: Les Misérables and Ao no exorcist artists, writers and fans. Some psychology blogs too.
Followers: 10! And I really appreciate it. I’m still new to tumblr, not so active and my fanfiction writing is still on start. Hope, maybe after some years, I will have more thank to my works.
Song stuck in your head: “Imagine Dragons songs battle - Peter Hollens vs. Chase Holfelder”.
Amount of sleep: 2-4 hours per day. I’m so used to live under pressure, stress and lack of sleep, that’s is weird to sleep more than 4 hours. That sometimes happens on holidays, 1-2 times in year. And I seriously don’t remember how much sleep I’m getting. Maybe 8 or 9. Irony -- I love sleeping, but we have some love-hate relationship.
Lucky number: 13. Stuck with me from my middle school years.
Do you get asks: Actually - no. And I need you to know, that I’m absolutely okay with them. So if you want to ask something or just chat or you have problem and want to help, just messege me. I’m open to everyone.
What are you wearing: Red summer dress. (And, yes, I’m not one of the fashionable person you want to know.)
Dream job: Soldier! But... Well, I’m too small and not 100 % healthy so I must give up this dream when I was 14 years old and my doctor told me that I will never be a soldier. It was pretty hard for me back then, but I decided to work for police in Special Victims Unit with focus on sexual abuse on children. I’m slowly getting there thank to studying and hard work!
Instrument(s): I played piano profesionally for 10 years. I stopped after some time on highschool because I could no longer attend courses in my town. I can still play it, but don’t have piano or keyboard at home, so I sometimes play on train stations just for the nostalgy. BUT! I want to buy my favorite piano for 30. birthday. Hope I will save the money, I have 7 years for it. OH, and I can play some songs on quitar.
Language(s): Motherlanguage is czech, so is absolutely normal for me to understand slovak. I speak english, even thoughs I have C1 certificate, I’m nervous and can’t speak or write without shaking, sweating and making stupid mistakes. I learned german on middle and high school, but can’t say a shit practically anything in this freaking language. When someone ask me something in croatian, polish or russian, I mostly understand but I blame it on Slavic roots. And I’m learning french for 6 months now, because I always wanted to speak and understand this language.
Fav song(s): “Hurricane by 30 Second to the Mars”! Mentioned already in the “Favorite musician(s)” ask.
Aesthetic: piano sheets, coffee, blue color, literature, music, theather, optimistic thoughts, deep thoughts, dogs, family, friends, love... <3
Random fact(s): My lucky number is 13, so 13 random facts about me!
MY FAVORITE book is “The Picture of Dorian Gray”; musical is “The Phantom of the Opera”; anime is “Yu Yu Hakusho”; manga is “Ao no Exorcist”; film is “The Shawshank Redemption"; series is “Game of Thrones” but not the season 8; band is “TVXQ”; color is blue in any shade; season is autumn; dogbreed is “Czechoslovakian woldog” and icecream with flavour of citrone or pistachio.
My biggest dream it’s make everyone on this world happy, satisfied, loved and accepted.
I’m coffe AND tea person. I can’t choose what I love more!
I love cleaning the house while listening (and stupidly dancing and falsely singing) to music.
My life motto? “Freedom. Beauty. Truth. Love.” Bohemian all the way!
I’m pretty shy and don’t talk much at first. I like to be around people, don’t get me wrong, but mostly I’m a listener. That’s maybe why I love writing so much.
I already know what song will play at my funeral! It’s “Lacrimosa from Requiem by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”.
I’m romantic! If you’re my parnert just prepare to be woke up with your favorite breakfast, we will watch your favorite series and talk about it all the time, I will plan our vacation just to make sure it will be unforgettable for you, I will buy your favorite perfume, I will DIY presents for you, I will respect and love you with all my heart, I will praise your work, I will learn about your hobbies and support them... Yeah, my friends call it’s “annoyingly submissive” but who cares? That’s just me.
Even thought what I wrote here (^8.) - I fall in love only one time in my whole life. It was 2 months after my 18. birthday. He was tall, black-haired cishet man, witty, inteligent, humourus, gently, ironic, sarcastic and beautiful human being. And he’s my boyfriend for 5 years now and we have awesome 1 year old daugher. 
I studied law and public administration in highschool and criminology on university. In Semptember this year (2019) I’ll start my master’s degree for public safety and 2 years long psychology practice. After this I’ll go to work and start my distance learning of psychology (A/N: 3 years for bachelor + 2 years for master + 4 years for doctor + 2 years of another practive - then exams and only AFTER ALL OF THIS you can become a psychiatrics with your own office! That’s why I wanted start studying this subject AFTER my police graduation).
I have emepthophobia - abnormal and very strong fear of throwing up. This is why I eat only things I know for long time (no raw meat, no sushi, no experimental cusaine); I don’t like eating at restaurants (I’m afraid that some guest can get nauseated and start throwing up); I don’t go to amusent parks and never was (and I'll never be!) on their attractions; I am abstinent (Don’t try to force, seriously); I don’t like to be around drunk people; I hate hospitals and doctors (even thought a deeply respect them, but try to get the tube into my mouth ONE MORE TIME AND WILL DESTROY ALL YOUR BLOODLINE) and I HATE films when they put throwing up like “comedic” aspect (mostly American comedies. That’s why I don’t watch them.). Actually, just writing it down makes me anxious because I imagine all the things I’m writing and it’s horrible... (I needed to stop writing, calm myself for like half a hour and even after this I didn’t wrote everything that I hate about this phobia).
I’m demisexual but still don’t see myself as a part of the LGBT+ comunity. Maybe because when I come out some friends of the comunity (namely gay, lesbian a trans female lesbian) they say that “demisexuality is nothing compare their fight for rights” and it’s “just another heterosexual made-up thing for which don’t want sex or want to judge others who love sex with no relationships including”. That’s why, when someone ask me why I support LGBT+ so much and have so many friends of them, I’m saying that I am a “Straight Ally”. Even though I know it’s not all the true (because I don’t identify myself like heterosexual at all), I just don’t fell I need to explain or “come out” like some others. I just live with it and I’m happy. To all demisexuals: Don’t ever think you are weird. You aren’t! You can fall in love. You can feel aroused. You can have fuctional relationship with no sex or sex including. You don’t need to have anyone to be happy. Just like have a family, child/children, husband/wife and be sometimes excited to be touched by your loved one(s). You can love or hate hugs. You can found someone attractive just INSIDE and be happy with it. Every demisexual it’s different. But still matters. Don’t ever think about to be ashemed by your sexuality. It’s your thing and NO ONE can’t say a shit about it.
Yeah, and I beat cancer when I was 17 by the way. And still not 100% healthy but living.
Thank for tagging and hope you found it interesting!
See you next time, maybe with my another Les Mis fanfiction!
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Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, West Swale Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, West Swale Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. West Swale Saskatoon, SK, CA
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, Saskatoon, SK, CA
Climate change is being tackled by reducing the use of fossil fuels, limiting and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in an effort to mitigate atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Changing to clean, renewable energy sources does indeed, reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Reducing emissions is just one side of the equation. Why do climate change discussions focus on reducing CO2 emissions, and not the carbon harvest effected by trees?
This report looks at the method of alleviating climate change by increasing carbon sequestration. Tree planting is an option as afforested lands can sequester between 2.2 and 9.5 metric tons of CO2 per year!Gorte
“The dynamics can be understood using a bathtub analogy in which the water level represents the stock of atmospheric CO 2. Like any stock, atmospheric CO2 rises only when the inflow to the tub (emissions, E ) exceeds the outflow (net removal, R ), is unchanging only when inflow equals outflow ( E = R ) and falls only when outflow exceeds inflow ( R > E ).”Sterman Reducing E Emissions or “the inflow into the bath tub” is truly important to affect climate change as can be seen from the “bath tub analogy.” Yet, it is vitally important to consider the “outflow out of the tub” or R, the net removal, which is expressed in the quantity of trees, forests, oceans, wetlands, marshes which act to absorb atmospheric carbon.
“Trees help by removing (sequestering) CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis to form carbohydrates that are used in plant structure/function and return oxygen back into the atmosphere as a byproduct. Roughly half of the greenhouse effect is caused by CO2. Therefore, trees act as carbon sinks, alleviating the greenhouse effect”UFN
“Afforestation, reforestation and other forms of conservational forestry methods are often thought to be used for stopping the effects of climate change by reducing atmospheric carbon.”Pomerantz
“The Kyoto Accord on climate change requires developed countries to achieve C02-emissions reduction targets, but permits them to charge uptake of carbon (C) in terrestrial (primarily forest) ecosystems against emissions. Countries such as Canada hope to employ massive afforestation programs to achieve Kyoto targets.”van Kooten
“The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change commits Canada to reducing its CO2 emissions to levels that are 6% below those in 1990. In addition to reducing industrial emissions, biologically-based carbon sinks can used to meet this target.”Johnston
“The Kyoto Protocol is an international environmental treaty and requires ratified countries to commit themselves to an appropriate reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG), which contributes to global warming and potentially impacts human society in many ways. In contrast to reduce GHG by industrial sectors, afforestation on fallow farm land has obviously become an important alternative method to expand the potential pool of carbon stock in terrestrial ecosystems.”Lin
” Carbon sequestration is one of many benefits of planting trees on land that has not been forested in a long time. Others include ecosystem health, economic health, and ultimately human health”Bird
As a result, an answer is found for how is it possible to better climate change locally?
” We forget that we owe our existence to the presence of Trees.   As far as forest cover goes, we have never been in such a vulnerable position as we are today.  The  only answer is to plant more Trees – to Plant Trees for Our Lives. ~Richard St. Barbe Baker.”
Bird, Neil D. and Eric Boysen. The Carbon Sequestration Potential from Afforestation in Ontario Climate Change. Research Information Note. Note Number 5. 2007
Dabas, Manoj and Shubhra Bhatla. Carbon Sequestration through Afforestation: Role of Tropical Industrial Plantations. Vol. 25, No. 5 (Aug., 1996), pp. 327-330 Published by: Springer on behalf of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stable URL
Gorte, Ross W. U.S. Tree Planting for Carbon Sequestration. Specialist in Natural Resources Policy. Congressional Research Service. 7-5700. R40562/ May 4, 2009
Johnston, M., S. Kulshreshtha, and T. Baumgartner. The potential for carbon sequestration through afforestation in Saskatchewan: An ecological-economic analysis. Forest Ecosystems Branch. Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management. Prince Albert, SK. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Forest Ecosystems Branch, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Regina, SK.
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC. IPCC, 2000 – Robert T. Watson, Ian R. Noble, Bert Bolin, N. H. Ravindranath, David J. Verardo and David J. Dokken (Eds.) Cambridge University Press, UK. pp 375 Available from Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU ENGLAND Summary for Policymakers. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. pp20. Available from IPCC Secretariat in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian. The Nobel Foundation.
Lin, Chinsu and Chun-Hsiung Lin. Comparison of carbon sequestration potential in agricultural and afforestation farming systems National Chiayi University. Department of Forestry and Natural Resourcs. Taiwan. Scientia Agricola. Print version ISSN 0103-9016. Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.) vol.70 no.2 Piracicaba Mar./Apr. 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-90162013000200006
Ni, Yuanming et al. The Global potential for carbon capture and storage from forestry. Carbon Balance Management. 2016. Dec. 11 : 3 2016 Feb 6. doi: 10.1186/s13021-016-0044-y.
Pomerantz, Celeste and Jason Donev Afforestation. Energy Education. University of Calgary.
Schopfhauser, Wolfgang. Chapter 3 Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Mitigation through Forestry and Wood Industry. 3.1 World Forests: The Area for Afforestation and their Potential for Fossil Carbon Sequestration and Substitution. Confederation of European Paper Industries. Belgium.
Sigurdsson, Bjarni D. and Arnor Snorrason. Carbon sequestration by afforestatin and revegetation as a measn of limiting net-CO2 emissions in Iceland. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 200 4(4), 303-307.
Sterman, John D. and Linda Booth Sweeney. Understanding public complacency about climate change: adults mental models of climate change violate conservation of matter. Climatic Change (2007) 80:213-238 doi 10.1007/s 10584-006-91074-5. January 9, 2007. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. 2007.
Trees Improve Air Quality Urban Forestry Network (UFN).
van Kooten, G. Corenelius, et al. Economics of afforestation for carbon sequestration in western Canada. The Forestry Chronicle. Natural Resources Canada. Government of Canada.
Williams, Jeremy,et al Tree Canada Afforestation and Reforestation Protocol. Version 2.0. April 2015. Tree Canada.
“When the trees go, the rain goes, the climate deteriorates, the water table sinks, the land erodes and desert conditions soon appear”.~Richard St. Barbe Baker
For more information:
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, SK, CA north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map Facebook: StBarbeBaker Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Facebook: South West OLRA If you wish to support the afforestation area with your donation, write a cheque please to the “Meewasin Valley Authority Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area trust fund” (MVA RSBBAA trust fund) and mail it to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area c/o Meewasin Valley Authority, 402 Third Ave S, Saskatoon SK S7K 3G5. Thank you kindly! Twitter: St Barbe Baker Pinterest richardstbarbeb
Climate Change and Afforestation Climate change is being tackled by reducing the use of fossil fuels, limiting and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in an effort to mitigate atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.
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