#and i am also terrible because i have not sent these either woops :')
mercysought · 1 year
✨🧡🌙 SEND THIS TO TEN OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. KEEP THE GAME GOING ✨ ( i myself am a total flake with passing these things on, so 0 pressure on that front. just wanted to let you know i appreciate you so much and that i'm overjoyed we've been writing all these intricate plots for the past YEARS. like the consistency game here is strong and i remain to be utterly hooked by all our plots / dynamics. thank you for being a pal and being so v (ha-ha, get it? sjfisjdf ) open to writing with my muses 💙 )
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Luccaaaa thank you so much for this it really does mean the world 🥺
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cudan2 · 6 years
The Scarf Not Taken
Word Count: 2,035
Summary: Carlisle goes clubbing to get his first taste of the New York nightlife. It doesn’t go quiet as planned.
A/N: Many moons ago, I promised @kellythepitiablefangirl that I’d tell the story of how Carlisle found out he didn’t like clubbing (#6 on my headcanon list). That was Christmas. Of 2016. Woops. Without further ado, here is my terrible writing. (A little Carlisle x Reader because we don’t get enough of that.) Please note that I’ve never actually been to a club and also thanks Kelly for helping me with this!
“It’ll be fun,” they said. “You’ll like it.”
Oh, how wrong they were.
The night started off with Carlisle standing in his unnecessarily expansive closet. Sounds of crickets chirping and wind blowing through the surrounding New Jersey forests were accompanied by the soft melody of Liszt’s “Liebestraum” coming from speakers in the adjoining bedroom.
Carlisle wore his typical attire: grey slacks, a striped button down, and a knitted pullover – also grey. Of course, no outfit would be complete without a signature scarf he grabbed off from a rack and tied around his neck.
He headed downstairs to meet his family, or just Rosalie and Emmett in this case. Edward and Bella were at Dartmouth and everyone else, including you, happened to be on a two and a half month vacation in Europe.
It was two and a half months too long.
Although Carlisle wished for you to experience the world, he missed the feeling of your body in his arms. He missed seeing your lips purse as you concentrated on something or how you were able to make him feel as though nothing else in the world mattered. He missed you. Despite calling or FaceTiming you nearly every night, it just wasn’t the same.  
Meanwhile, it was one of the several nights Carlisle had off from the hospital – a mandatory break from his boss. With nothing to do, he felt it appropriate to finally experience the modern nightlife near his new home. New York City wasn’t coined “The City that Never Sleeps” for nothing.
However, he wasn’t so sure clubbing was the kind of nightlife he wanted to experience no matter how much Emmett insisted on it. It just didn’t seem like an activity a nearly 380-year-old vampire would be particularly interested in. But then again, he’d been proven wrong before.  
“What are you wearing?” Rosalie exclaimed in horror from the bottom of the staircase the moment Carlisle came into view. He stared curiously at her.
“I was told to dress comfortably.”
“We told you to wear something comfortable. That doesn’t mean you have to look like you’re going to an early-bird special,” Emmett laughed.
“Well technically, I am an old man.”
“But to a human, you are 23. There is no way in hell anyone will let you in dressed like that,” Rosalie scoffed, eying Carlisle’s clothes distastefully. “Alice would keel over if she saw you.”
“She probably did, assuming she wasn’t buying every piece of clothing in Paris. Or y’know, doing the dirty deed with Jazz.” He wiggled his eyebrows before his mate roughly hit his chest. Carlisle’s eyebrows scrunched slightly at Emmett’s crudeness. It was enough to have to live with everyone and their… late night activities. He didn’t need to be reminded of it every other moment.
“Emmett!” She groaned loudly before dragging Carlisle upstairs by the arm. “Argh, you people sometimes! I swear!”
Carlisle walked down the stairs for the second time that night, this time followed by Rosalie. She’d forced him into a barely worn t-shirt, tucked into a pair of dark jeans that were tighter than what he was used to, finally topped off with a blazer. His beloved scarf had been discarded somewhere in his closet. Carlisle hadn’t even left the house yet and he was already feeling out of his element.
Rosalie told him they were using “Uber” to get to the club – something about acting like a normal human. Quite frankly, she had made absolutely no sense to him but he didn’t question her. They knew what they were doing, right?  
Fate just had to prove him wrong though. When Rosalie called for the Uber, Carlisle didn’t expect to see a tiny sedan pull up in front of their house. He also didn’t expect to be forced to sit in the passenger seat, surrounded by the stench of vomit, cigarettes, garbage, and what he suspected was some sort of illegal substance. The driver was shaking and for some asinine reason, no one decided to get out of the car.
“Are you alright?” Carlisle asked.
The driver turned towards him and offered a lopsided, toothy grin. “Awesome, dude!”
Carlisle couldn’t ignore the red eyes and dilated pupils that stared back at him. He stiffened and sent a mental prayer that they wouldn’t get into an accident.
The hour it took to get from the outskirts of Alpine to the Meatpacking District was one of the most uncomfortable experiences he’s ever endured. After a while, Carlisle had resigned to holding his breath in order to stop inhaling in the horrid smells. It was almost as bad as a candle store.
Carlisle sighed. Rosalie and Emmett seemed like they were having fun so far though.  
After paying the driver, the three of them stepped out of the cramped car, and the sedan sped off to endanger someone else’s life.  
The street was bathed in glaring red lights. Sweat and alcohol infiltrated his nose and loud music flowed out from club, assaulting his ears.
They made their way towards the end of a line already wrapped around the block. Both the men and women lining the wall eyed him – some with lust, others with awe or envy. He swore it was the pants that put him on display like that.
Oh, how he wished you could be here tonight with him. At least then he wouldn’t be so inclined to sprint off. With every minute that passed by, Carlisle felt the urge to go home becoming stronger and stronger. Honestly, how those two managed to peer pressure him into clubbing was beyond him. And Carlisle thought he was the one with self-control.
Over an hour and a half had passed by the time they even reached the inside of the club. Carlisle felt the thundering bass reverberate through his chest while the artist spat out words at a rapid fire. Every corner of the club was packed with people either getting drinks or… good god, was that seriously what people considered dancing nowadays?
He felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned around.
“Dance with me!” a girl that barely looked 21 shouted at him. He smelled the alcohol roll off her with every breath she took. Carlisle wildly looked around for Emmett and Rosalie before realizing that he’d been abandoned.
Of course they would leave him.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea…”
“Come on! It’ll be fun!” She then began grinding against him much to his surprise. He tried to step back, but there were just too many people around him to move away far enough.
He didn’t enjoy this at all. How you would react if you found out this happened… he couldn’t even fathom it.
“Hey! Get the fuck away from my girlfriend!” Carlisle felt a hand on his shoulder and took this as a cue to quickly step aside and dodge a fist flying towards him. Another fist came at him but was easily dodged again. He mentally groaned. Why on earth did he agree to come here tonight?
“Please, I believe there was a misunderstanding,” Carlisle said before any bystanders could get hurt.
“I don’t give a shit! Stay away from her if you know what’s good for you,” the boyfriend huffed, realizing he wouldn’t be able to land any hits, and stomped away with the girlfriend.
Carlisle stared after them in bewilderment. He was definitely too old to be dealing with these sorts of things, or that was how he felt in comparison to everyone else in this cramped place.
To avoid that… situation again, he made his way towards the bar where the crowd was thinning. Bad luck seemed to strike once more. Not paying attention to where he was going, Carlisle bumped into another body and what smelled like vodka spilled onto his blazer. Now Alice was going to kill him when she got home.
“You asshole! That was seventeen dollars!” a man seethed at him.
“I’m terribly sorry about that. Perhaps I could buy you another–”
“Just get out of my sight. I can get my own drink.” The man pushed pass Carlisle, muttering more obscenities under his breath.
Carlisle sighed for what seemed like the millionth time tonight. Clubbing really wasn’t meeting any of his expectations, even if those expectations were practically nonexistent to begin with.
The vodka was starting to soak through the blazer. He maneuvered through a sea of people and finally discovered a bathroom in the back. Opening the door, he found the room to be just as filthy as predicted. The dim lights did nothing to hide the revolting grime on the floor, the shattered mirrors, or the peeling paint. He was almost afraid to walk further than the doorframe. He heard a loud moan and looked towards the one stall – a shaking stall. Two pairs of legs could be seen.
Carlisle decided that he had truly entered the first ring of hell itself.
He swiftly turned around, blazer be damned, only to find someone running towards him. He meant to move out of the way, but it was too late. Vomit spilled onto his shoes and formed a puddle where he stood. There was nothing he could do but stand there.
“I’m so sorry about my friend!” a woman came rushing up.
“It’s… fine…” He offered them a strained smile. The woman helped her friend into the bathroom behind him. Carlisle shook the vomit off his shoes, or as much would come off anyway. It was time to go home.  
Skirting around the crowd to avoid being seen, Carlisle ran for the closest exit he could find. The cool air blew across his face as he darted back to New Jersey, sending a quick text to Rosalie and Emmett to let them know that he’d left. Cars and streetlights quickly morphed into blurs of trees. Somewhere along the way, his vomit-covered shoes found home in a dumpster.
He didn’t notice that your scent had filled the house once again when he came home. Too focused on the terrible night he just had, Carlisle hadn’t realized he wasn’t alone until he heard the sound of a page turning from upstairs. He sprinted to the bedroom you both shared and there you were, sitting up in bed with a book in your hands and wearing only your underwear and one of his long-sleeved shirts.
“You’re home,” he breathed out.
You looked up from the book with a smirk playing on your lips. “I am.”
In less than a second, you were in his arms. He twirled you around the room, kissing you as though it’d been years since you last saw each other. Neither of you could contain the laughter that permeated through the air when he put you down. His hands cupped you cheeks, golden eyes gazing down at the face he’s thought about for so long. Nothing else mattered now that you were home.
“You have no idea how much I have missed you, my darling. Why are you here? I thought you weren’t supposed to be home for another two weeks. Where is everyone else?” Carlisle continued his questions until you shushed him with another lingering kiss. His hands slowly moved down to your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Carlisle!” you giggled, eyes twinkling with mirth. “Calm down, Alice just thought you could use some cheering up after the night you’ve had. I cannot believe you of all people went clubbing.”
A wry expression formed on his face. “I didn’t particularly care for it.”
Another laugh escaped from you. “Of course you didn’t. Clubbing isn’t fun when you’re incapable of getting drunk.” Oh. Carlisle mentally reminded himself to confront Emmett and Rosalie about that later.
“Alice should’ve sent you sooner. It would have spared me from that awful experience.” His forehead came to rest on yours, but you nudged him back.
“Okay, as much as I love you and would love to spend the rest of eternity like this, please go take a shower,” you pushed him towards the bathroom. “You smell disgusting.”
“My apologies, darling. Perhaps you could join me?” Carlisle offered, grinning.
“Maybe when you stop smelling like a bad college memory.”      
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music-of-silence · 7 years
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Extremely satisfied! Love this. Has every song I ever wanted to play from the movies. The music is very easy to read, yet is in the intermediate range. Not too tough for a beginner yet not too easy for someone who knows how to read notes. The cd has two tracks for every song; a demo track, with the instrument added, and a playalong track where you can play along like in an orchestra. It's amazing; I especially have been searching for Evenstar sheet music, but haven't found any as nearly as good as this book's sheet music. The other songs are also tons of fun to play. Well worth it. Go to Amazon
Five Stars She loved it Go to Amazon
Woops wrong review Wrote a wrong review on this, hopefully the first draft doesn't show! Go to Amazon
Beautiful music! Awesome! I enjoy being able to play along with a pianist and when she is unavailable, the play along / demo CD is great to play with. The demo tracks are also beautiful to listen to. I like how there is a whole section for accompianment and a section for just violin. As a beginner, I am already able to play a few! I enjoy these beautiful pieces very much! Go to Amazon
Great Great songs and music, but high difficulty. Takes lot's of practice to get used to the advanced sound and level. Go to Amazon
Great music; fun to play or listen to. My daughter was so excited to get this. It lets one play all the major themes on the violin...the CD is also nice, as you can hear what the solos sound like, then play the solo yourself with only the accompaniment. Not everything is like the actual music from the movies because the violin is playing the theme on all of these, but it is a lot of fun to play for a Lord of the Rings enthusiast. Music is about the right level for my high school student's ability - not too easy, but not terribly difficult either. Go to Amazon
Nice, easy solos Not too difficult to play these pieces for a 'beginning' student (perhaps the 1 year level), but they do promote the desire to practice because they are playable and most younger students loved the movies. Go to Amazon
success! My son hadn't played his violin for years, since mid college but she he was 11 he after we saw the second LOTR movie we came home and he picked up his violin & played a scene just by ear. With the Hobbit out, it reminded me of this so I found & sent this sheet music to him. He said he immediately got out his violin and played, losing the CD soundtrack play along. So, THANK YOU ! I was thrilled he loved it! Go to Amazon
Five Stars This is fantastic. Challenging it's something to strive towards and I can work through a little of my favorite songs as I learn the basics from a beginner's .. Maybe there was a mix-up in the factory? The CD doesn't match the book. Five Stars Good purchase! Five Stars My precious music book Oh this is beautiful, it's above my violin level but I will ... Five Stars
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