#and i dont run good counters against snake-eyes :
nyupuun · 3 months
I'm so excited for RDA support tomorrow in Master Duel I saved up 4k Gems just so I can PULL!!!!
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stormsplurge · 1 month
if they woke you up, somebody better be dying
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warnings: none!
pairing(s): seth jarvis x fem! reader
inspired by the interview he just did for spittin chiclets where he talks about how he usually wont fall asleep until 3am (and the title is from one of my favorite phoebe bridgers songs, halloween)
760 words
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the clock on the bedside table blinks “1:00” as you slowly open your eyes. the only light in the room is coming from the moon shining between the blinds, casting a cool glow on the noticeably empty bed next to where you were lying.
seth wasnt in bed; same as last night, and almost every night before. 
you can hear the faint sounds of a seinfeld episode coming from the living room, letting you know immediately where your boyfriend was. sitting on the couch in front of the tv instead of in bed next to you. so you begrudgingly pulled on the first sweatshirt you could find, trying to beat the cold winter chill that had invaded the apartment, and tiptoed out of your bedroom.
“seth” you grumbled. “its one in the morning”
“i know, i just” he replied, pressing pause on the tv and turning to face you. “i couldnt sleep and i didnt want to bother you.”
“you should also know that if you cant fall asleep i want to help. you arent being a bother, im your girlfriend. this is the shit im supposed to be able to help you with” you said as you sat down at the far end of the couch. pulling one of the spare blankets you had all over the apartment over your lap.
“im sorry” seth returned, scooting closer to you and interlacing your hands with his. “can i get a do-over?”
“i guess” you giggled, amused by the sight of seth doing his sad puppy eyes in front of you.
“i cant sleep, can you help me?”
“of course i can, give me five minutes.” you said as you rose from the couch, gliding over to the kitchen and pulling out two coffee mugs. running your fingers over the design adorning the box holding the tea bags, you turned your attention back towards seth. “the sleepytime bear reminds me of petya.”
“the what?”
“you know, the bear on the boxes for all those non-caffinated teas. with the red hat and the nightgown.”
seth slipped into the kitchen behind you, pulling out his phone and snapping a quick picture of the bear before sending it off to the group chat and spinning you around so your back was pushing against the counter.
“thank you” he said before pressing a long kiss to the top of your head.
“you dont need to thank me.” you replied, snaking your hands under his shirt and hugging his waist.
“i know, i just wanted too.”
“youre so sappy.” you mumbled into his shirt, letting the sweet, woody, smell engulf you.
“yeah but you love it.” he mumbled back before pulling the kettle off the stove and pouring its contents into the mugs you set out. 
you released each other from the hug and grabbed your respective mugs before hobbling back into your bedroom. you pulled up the episode of seinfeld seth had paused before sliding in bed. 
making tea might have been a waste of time, seeing as seth was more interested in holding you than holding the mug. as soon as you got under the covers he’d wrapped his arms around you.
“youre wearing my hoodie.” he whispered as he traced circles along your thighs, letting the callouses on his palms graze the goosebumps on your skin.
“am i?” you murmured. “i just picked it up off the floor, it was the first one i found”
“my old blue bombers one.” he replied. “it looks good on you”
“you say that about everything i wear.”
“i wouldnt say it if it wasnt true.” he says before turning your chin towards him and pulling you into a kiss. 
the stubble growing in as a result of his budding playoff beard scratched at your face as you pulled him in deeper, and as you turned your attention back towards the sitcom on the tv you felt your eyes grow heavier. 
you fell asleep with the moonlight glazing over you and seth, and seinfeld playing on the tv. on a cool carolina night, with no care in the world. 
seth wasn’t far behind, wrapping his body around you before finally succumbing to his fatigue.
maybe it was having his girlfriend care for him that slowed his brain down enough to let him finally catch a semi-decent night of rest, maybe it was the reminder of unconditional love that put him at ease. regardless of the cause, you woke up to sunlight streaming through the windows, and a clingy, but well rested, boyfriend attached to your hip. 
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
heyy i was just thinking and this one thing wont leave my mind. so its ghost x fem reader which is on her period and is like very emotional. for example shes making a tea and some water spills so she starts crying.
i dont know if ur taking requests but if not it’s okay!! <33
-so cute, I'm obsessed with softie ghost.
warnings: none just some good ole fluff
You’re standing in the kitchen, arms braced against the counter as quiet sobs fill the air, the spilt tea from the mug pooling on the tile beneath your feet. Simon walks in, grocery bags in hand pulling the mask off his face,
“Alright so they didn’t have the chocolates you wanted but I got-” he stops mid-sentence when he notices you, dropping the bags on the floor and crossing the room to stand beside you. “What happened love?” he presses a soft hand to your back whilst glancing around the kitchen, noticing the spill on the floor while you stand beside the shattered mug on the counter, immediately he turns his gaze to scan over your form, checking for any signs of injury. He brings a hand up to lightly hold your cheek, turning you to face him. Your eyes are puffy, your cheeks stained with tears as your messy hair falls around to frame your face.
“I just wanted some tea, I- the mug slipped,” you say through sniffles, 
“S’alright doll,” he says, pulling you against him, flush with his chest as his arms come up to snake around your back, thumbs brushing lightly over the tense muscles.
“God why can’t anything ever just be easy,” you say, he responds with a light chuckle.
“C’mon love, let’s get you cleaned up.
He guides your body through your bedroom, hands only leaving you to turn the faucet on the bathtub. He prompts you to lift your arms so he can remove the large shirt covering you, placing light kisses over your bare skin before moving down to help you step out of your shorts, your hands moving to settle on his shoulders in an effort to steady yourself. Holding your hand he lets you step into the tub, settling yourself before leaving the room to grab some towels and a mug of tea for you. You sit in the warm water, arms hugging your knees to your chest as you feel the water rise and Simon settle behind you, pulling you into his broad chest.
Your head settles against his shoulder as he moves his hands to run through your hair, light scratching at your scalp. You feel yourself practically melt into him, turning your head to gaze up at him. He looks down at your face as a hand comes to cup your jaw, a smile pulling at his lips.
“Thank you” he responds only by placing a soft kiss on your forehead before settling his arms around your stomach, holding you to him. The two of you sit quietly, the silence only broken by Simon’s soft hums as he rests his cheek against your head. You feel yourself slowly nodding off to sleep in the warm comfort of his arms before he slowly makes his way out of the bath, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist. He makes his way back over to you with a second towel, helping you out before lightly wrapping it around your body, leaning down to place another kiss, this time to your lips.
The two of you make your way to your bedroom, throwing on a pair of underwear and one of his shirts before settling yourself into the bed, feeling the mattress dip under his weight as he positioned himself beside you, tugging you close to him as you extend your arm over his chest, legs tangling between his.
“You wanna watch a movie?” he asks, fingers threading through your hair.
A small mmm is all you answer as he reaches for the remote to turn on the television.
“Which one lovie?” he says while flicking through the options.
“Pride and Prejudice” you mumble, your face practically buried in his bare chest.
His chest rises with a small laugh, “alright”. He’d never admit it out loud, but he loved watching so-called girly movies with you, he loved the way your face would light up when the couple finally got together, or how tears would brim your eyes during the emotional scenes. Hitting play on the movie, the two of you watch silently as his hands move down to brush light patterns over your skin, within 10 minutes you fall asleep, limbs clinging to him, as he nestles you closer into his chest, finding comfort in the steady rise and fall of your breath he falls asleep right next to you, movie long forgotten.
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
puppyboy Nanami 😳
at first i was like hmmm jjk puppyboy series as a joke, but bro, i dont think it's a joke anymore 😳 tw hybrid/puppyboy nanami, a whiff of breeding kink, mention of knots
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it was hard to comprehend. your boyfriend, a hardworking and serious salaryman could be so aloof at times. he's kinda like a labrador, literally. with his little tail wagging happily at the first sight of coffee in the morning as his eyes skimmed through the morning paper, you couldn't help but to creep on him and ran your fingers through his tails. normally, it annoys him when someone brush their fingers through his tail (cough cough gojo cough), but when it's you, he folded. it's because in his brain it's wired to react so whiny under your touch.
"you're almost purring this time," you teased, slipping between the counter and your boyfriend, taking the cup over as you took a long sip.
"it feels good," he replied nonchalantly, warm hint of red spread across the bridge of his nose as he focused on his papers. he does this often; standing half naked, glasses perched on his nose while waiting for you to wake up. now that you've come to disturb his morning routine, papers weren't so interesting anymore as he skimmed down where your bruised collars peeping through his shirt you were wearing.
"should i start on breakfast?" nanami smiled softly, hoisting you up on the counter, legs wrapping itself around his waist instantly right above his tails. his ears perking up in interest as your arms snaked around his neck. you shook your head, gently kneading the soft pad of skin right where his undercut ended. "that depends, are you on the menu?" his nose brushed against yours as he nodded eagerly, lips brushing so softly.
oh, he's always on the menu.
he always eager to please you, knows you like the back of his hand, where to hold, where to rut it, where to sink his sharp fangs in when you're needy and need to be put back to place. he likes you on all fours where his fingers could bury itself in the soft waist or smacking your fleshy ass until it jiggled. he knows when you're overstimulated because he intentionally does that only to see you cry for no more. but you'll always give him one more. you're always so dumb when his cock is dragging in and out your sopping cunt.
always so naïve only for him to lie. there's no such thing as one last time.
like other salaryman, nanami could be slimy when he wants too. when he's selfish and desperately wanting to see you cry, begging for more and none at times with trembling legs, face buried in the soft bed. you're on birth control for your own sake because when nanami gets a hold of you, he's a a dog in rut, desperately wanting to knot in you and that's on the normal days. the threat of your birth control might not be able to hold the fortress against his potent sperms has always been in your mind, but you don't mind the idea of his litters running around the house calling you mommy.
"maybe this time i'll get to knock you up," your body landed with a soft thud on the mattress breaking you out of your thoughts. you couldn't help but the squeal as he crawled on top of you, shirt into shreds as he buried his face in your neck. "you'll look so good and pretty all round and full with my babies, don't you think, mommy?"
you wish you could hide the way your cunt throbbed in your panties but judging by the little smirk he had as he kicked the pants off, you couldn't help but to wish that this time works its charms.
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© all content belongs to noritoshiikamo. do not modify or repost.
taglist: @lazy10ieiri @cotton-curse @nanami-luvr @nanamishair @laraazoldyck @booksweet @gojocumslut @hyp-oh-critical @ninefuckingoneone @ultgojo @poiseuns @fictionjunkies @bananaandbrans @ariesfic
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samadiw · 3 years
Knickers - Part 05 - We need to talk 🤐
D : "You smell good."
Hermione jumps
H : "Shit, you scared me, Malfoy."
Draco smirks and leans in closer.
D : "Didn't you ask me to meet you here?"
Hermione nods nervously.
H : "I did...."
She eyes him in his all black ensemble.
Merlin, he looked sexy as fuck.
H : "Umm, why aren't you in uniform?
Draco smiles fondly.
D : "My mother asked to see me, she misses me."
Hermione's heart melted.
H : "Oh, is she okay?"
D : "Yes, she's doing quite well, thank you."
Draco trails Hermione's bottom lip with his thumb.
D : "Its been hours since we kissed."
Hermione leans into his touch, her lips part and she whispers.
H : "Yes, I think it's time you refresh my memory, Malfoy."
Their lips touch and Draco deepens the embrace oblivious to their surroundings.
The sound of books falling to the ground interrupts them, they break apart and turn to the source.
A frightened 1st year stares at them.
Draco narrows his eyes menacingly.
D : "Move along, repeat what you saw to no one."
The terrified boy nods vigorously
Hermione rolls her eyes.
H : "Must you scare them."
Draco puts his hands in his pockets and raises a brow.
D : "Must we hide?"
Hermione looks at the blonde intently.
H : "I thought we agreed to keep our encounters secret."
Draco grins mischievously.
D : "Yeah, it does add to the fun, doesn't it?"
He closes the gap between them and traps her with his body.
D : "Meeting up randomly and snogging in forbidden places."
His fingers travel up her thigh and disappear under her skirt.
Hermione gasps but let's Draco do as he pleases.
Draco drawls seductively.
D : "Makes you feel dirty and adventurous, doesn't it?"
He presses flush against her.
D : "You get off thinking about me, Granger?"
Almost every night, but she wasn't going to tell him that.
Hermione rolls her eyes.
H : "Oh please, I have better things to do than masturbate every single night.
His long practiced fingers push aside the cotton underwear that covers her sex and strokes her inner folds.
Hermione whimpers and throws her head back in pleasure.
Draco grins in satisfaction
D : "Plenty wet now."
Laughter from the next aisle brings Hermione crashing back to her senses, she steps away from Draco and warns.
H : "Stop, there's alot of people around."
Draco chuckles.
D : "Why did you want to meet in the library, Granger? Is there a fantasy you've suppressed and want to bring to life?
Hermione averts her gaze and blushes.
H : "I, umm, have something to discuss with you."
Draco eyes the nervous Gryffindor.
D : "Go on, I'm listening."
Hermione's cheeks redden further and she stares at her feet.
H : "So, umm, Valentine's day is coming up and...."
Draco brings his hand up and interrupts.
D : "I'm going to stop you right there, I don't believe in fucking Valentine's day."
D : "It's a money making bloody ridiculous day."
Hermione's face falls in disappointment but she hides it well.
H : "Oh, I see, then this conversation is quite pointless."
Draco frowns.
D : "Granger, finish what you started to say."
Hermione grabs a large book and holds it tightly to her chest, she averts her eyes again and mumbles.
H : "Umm, no...I have to go."
Draco watches in confusion as Hermione hurries away from him.
Over the next few days Hermione ignored Draco and his advances.
She gave him various bullshit excuses.
What he did however see was Michael Corner (The sodding Head boy and shite Quidditch player.) Chatting up the witch he had been secretly snogging.
In frustration Draco walks towards The Great Hall and sees a bunch of people crowding around a bright red poster.
He walks upto Blaise and Theo
D : "What's going on?"
Theo grins excitedly.
T : "Valentine's day party."
Draco frowns and leers
D : "You can't be fucking serious."
Theo rolls his eyes and retorts sarcastically.
T : "Yes, yes, we are well aware of your crazy feelings about the day."
He smacks his forehead.
T : "Fuck, I've got to ask Luna."
Blaise nods in agreement.
B : "Good idea, mate, I'm going to ask Patil before some other fucker does."
Theo raises a brow and quips.
T : "Will you be joining the festivities with your mystery witch or are you going to drown your quacker ideologies in a bottle of firewhiskey?"
Draco sneers.
D : "First of all, theres no bloody mystery woman and second, well, yeah...maybe I'll ask someone."
It dawns on him.
Fuck, was this what Granger wanted to talk to him about before he rudely interrupted her?
Malfoy, you fucking donkey.
He had to find her
Draco looked around wildly, Granger was nowhere in sight.
D : "I have to go."
Theo asks suspiciously.
T : "Where?"
Draco glares sternly.
D : "None of your bloody business."
Theo chokes back a sob mockingly.
T : "It's like we dont know you anymore."
Draco rolls his eyes
D : "Stop acting like a possessive girlfriend, Theo."
Theo pouts and sticks his tongue out.
T : "You used to tell me everything."
Blaise rolls his eyes
B : "Stop your moaning."
Draco turns to sprint down the corridor to find Hermione but bumps into Corner instead.
D : "Watch where you're going, you insufferable git."
M : "Mind your attitude, Malfoy."
Hermione steps out from behind Michael and bends to pick the books she dropped.
M : "Are you okay, Hermione?"
Her eyes dart from the poster to Draco
H : "Yes, I'm fine."
Draco rounds on Hermione and asks desperately.
D : "Granger, can I speak to you?"
He throws a look of disgust at Michael and demands.
D : "In private."
Hermione puts her books in her bag and shakes her head.
H : "Sorry, I'll be late for class, let's catch up later."
Did she just disregard him like he was some unworthy piece of shit?
Hermione disappears into the Hall and Michael high fives Terry Boot.
Boot asks at once.
TB : "Did you ask Granger to the party?"
Michael frowns and shakes his head.
M : "I didnt get the chance, she's always got something going on."
M : "What I wouldn't give to tap that."
Draco heard word for word, he balls his hands into fists and controlls his raging temper.
Terry laughs.
TB : "You better get a move on then."
Michael nods enthusiastically.
M : "Yeah, I'm going to do it now and get it over with."
Draco almost drops his books and bag.
What the fuck?
What was this weird feeling of icy cold doom he felt in the pit of his stomach?
It slowly turned to blinding rage and he tried to tame it.
What he wanted to do was grab Corner by his robes and beat the mediocre wizard into a bloody mess.
Draco doubles over and fights the bile that rises.
Blaise eyes his best friend in concern.
B : "Er, you okay, mate?"
Theo frowns.
T : "Fuck, is he going to be sick?"
Blaise quips.
B : "Chill, hes feeling several emotions at once."
Theo raises a brow in question
T : "What?"
Blaise starts to count.
B : "1, 2, 3...."
It hits Draco like a ton of bricks.
He fucking liked Granger...alot.
Hook ups and random kissing aside, he wanted more.
Draco straightens with renewed purpose.
D : "I need to go."
Blaise smirks and nods.
B : "Yeah, you do that, mate."
Draco rushes into The Great Hall
Theo stares after Draco's distraught figure.
T : "What the fuck is going on?"
Blaise lazily points to the Hall.
B : "Let's go watch, shall we?"
Michael reaches the Gryffindor table first and taps Hermione on the shoulder.
Everything happens so fast.
Draco runs at breakneck speed and tackles the unsuspecting Ravenclaw, they go crashing to the ground.
Everyone around them gets to their feet and stares at the struggling men on the floor.
Theo takes a step forward but Blaise holds him back.
B : "Let Draco handle this."
Michael groans and rubs his bruised side.
M : "What the fuck is wrong with you, Malfoy?"
Hermione crosses her arms over her chest and asks impatiently.
H : "What the bloody hell are you doing?"
Both men get to their feet and try to adjust their tangled school robes.
Michael opens his mouth to speak, but Draco waves his wand effortlessly and places a silencio charm over the Head boy
Corner glares sternly and makes obscene hand gestures.
Draco clears his throat quickly and blurts out.
D : "Granger, will you go with me to this stupid Valentine's thing?"
Hermione blushes and grins triumphantly.
H : "People are staring at you."
D : "Fucking let them, I don't care, go with me?"
H : "I'll think about it."
Michael grins smugly.
Draco is indignant.
D : "Really? Are you fucking serious?"
Hermione steps closer and kisses Draco lightly on the lips.
H : "Of course, I'll go with you."
Theres pin drop silence, the entire body of students and teachers were staring at them with their mouths hanging open and eyes wide, except Slughorn.
He continued to eat his breakfast.
PS : "Minvera, my dear, I believe, you owe me hundred Galleons, did I not tell you the unlikely duo were a couple of sorts?"
McGonagall stares at Draco and Hermione in shock.
PM : "You did indeed, I just never believed it."
Draco smiles fondly.
D : "Marvellous, see you in potions, Granger."
Michael stares at the scene before him dumbfounded.
Draco mutters the counter spell.
D : "Oh sorry, Corner."
Draco slides in next to Theo at the Slytherin table.
His housemates gossip around him.
Theo continues to stare at his best friend and asks in disbelief.
T : "Granger?"
Its Blaise who answers.
B : "Yes, Granger, you need to learn to be more observant, Nott."
T : "Hermione Granger?"
Draco bites into a piece of buttered toast and grins.
D : "She's brilliant, mate."
The second Hermione sits down, Ron expresses his rather colourful feelings.
R : "Malfoy??"
Ginny snorts into her pumpkin juice.
G : "You are incredibly thick, Ron."
Harry laughs.
Ha : "I knew you were doing something, but I didn't think it was Malfoy."
Hermione blushes.
H : "No, umm, we haven't."
Ron looks at them in disgust.
R : "She kissed the snake."
Hermione smirks smugly
H : "I've been kissing him for weeks."
Ron looks like he's about to vomit.
R : "That's disgusting, you know that's Malfoy, right?"
Hermione rolls her eyes exasperatedly.
H : "Yes, I know, now drop it."
She looks around and scolds
H : "And that goes for the lot of you."
Ron bites into a sausage savagely.
R : "The world is going bloody bonkers."
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hslotharrie · 3 years
Pleasures of Quarantine
summary: while doing some domestic home life activities, harry becomes horny and his touches and teasing makes his own neediness rub off on reader
word count: 1677
warnings: smut (fem receiving). I wrote this while I was tipsy so it might not be great!
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One good thing about quarantine is the amount of time you get to spend with harry that otherwise he would've spent touring half way across the world.
So, here you were, applying a face mask onto Harry's already near-perfect skin. You had both just gotten out of a hot shower, wearing nothing but soft bath robes and smelling of 'champagne toast' (thanks to the bath set he had gifted you for Christmas). You were sat on the bathroom counter, Harry standing between your legs as you applied the thick mask paste. The mirror was still steamed and droplets of water still fell from Harry's hair onto your lap.
"I wanna kiss you." he mumbles. Pouting. Knowing the answer you're about to give him.
"You'll mess up the mask, H." you giggle back to him, poking his bottom lip.
"Just one, please," he begs. "only one n'then that's it."
Harry knows you can't resist the puppy dog eyes.
You hold just under his chin to guide his mouth to yours. He lets out a pleased hum when your lips catch his own.
You finish applying the sticky paste to Harry's face, then allowing him to apply your own. His face contorts into concentration. He swipes the bush across your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin before rinsing off the brush and setting it aside. You can't help but smile.
His hands play along your thighs. You think of what could happen later tonight, when you're snuggled in bed together, but you don't dwell on it too long. Instead, the two of you head downstairs to your kitchen. You take out two mugs while he boils some water. It's far too late for coffee or tea, which is why you take out some hot chocolate mix and whipped cream.
Harry, after first demanding a taste of the whipped cream (which you dispense into his tongue) makes a very inappropriate comment about tasting something else later... scoops the chocolate powder into each cup and then stirs in the hot water. You finish off the drinks with milk and whipped cream, giggling at harry when he takes a sip and ends up with a white moustache.
You disappear momentarily back to the bathroom, wiping off the now dried out mask and wetting a cloth to bring downstairs to tend to Harry's. Upon return, he's all over you. Apparently, no mask meant 'free reign' to Harry, and so his hands were making it very hard to do your job of cleaning his face off.
"If you would just— Harry! If you would just stop this would be done a lot quicker!" You scold, trying your hardest to sound stern with him. It ends up just making you both laugh.
"But I want y'now," he whines, pulling at your robe.
Your stomach twists at his words, his own neediness starting to rub off on you, but you keep your face under control as you wipe off the remaining bit of mask. You push off of him to return the cloth to your bathroom, holding in a full out laugh when he grunts out his complaints.
"Babyyyy." Harry calls from downstairs.
"Can I help you?" you snicker from the top of the stairs. He appears at the bottom with an over-dramatic pout on his lips.
" Mhm, so I gather. anything else?" you joke, teasing him.
"You're bein' mean." he pouts again.
"Just adds to the fun, right?" now smiling, you start to tug on the tie of your bath robe, loosening it. As soon as Harry sees this he climbs the stairs, eyes connected with yours.
He meets you at the top of the stairs just before the little bow you had previously tied comes apart fully, taking hold of your hips and pushing you backwards with him to your bedroom. The second youre inside, he slithers his hands underneath the robe, ticking your belly and just missing your breasts as his hands trail upwards to slide the robe off of your shoulders. He kisses you once more, guiding you the few feet left before the back of your legs hit the bed and you fall gently backwards.
You start to shuffle up the bed to make room for his body, but he catches your ankles and pulls you back so that your bum sits right on the edge of the plushy surface. He presses a kiss to your left ankle and then travels his hands down to hold your calfs as he lowers to the floor in front of you. You rise onto your elbows to see him and your legs instinctively try to tighten and close against Harry's grip.
"Ah, ah- dont be shy now," he tuts, tapping his fingers on the side of your legs.
Allowing you to keep one leg hooked around him, he moves the other to sit on top of his shoulder. He presses kisses along the side of your knee, lips rising towards your center slowly. His hands feather along your inner thighs only to pass your sweet spot and onto your hips.
He brings his eyes back to yours and taps the side of the leg not yet atop his shoulder to silently ask if you wanted to move it before he starts (you do, slowly lifting your leg onto his other shoulder and earning a smirk from Harry). He moves a bit closer, wrapping his arms under your thighs and holding onto your hips to keep them in place.
"You look pretty like this," he whispers into your thigh, so close you could feel his breath on your heat. You can't even form words at this point so you let out a quiet whine and push your hips against his hands in response.
You involuntarily hold your breath as he lowers his face, pressing a long teasing kiss to your clit. He smiles slyly at you before he dips his tongue into you, gathering your taste on his tongue in one swift stripe.  His eyes close in concentration, while your jaw is wide open; caught in a gasp of pleasure.
It doesn't take long for him to take you to the edge, you're a squirming, moaning mess when he finally attaches his lips to your clit, swirling his tongue and teasing his fingers at your entrance. Within two pumps of those fingers you adore so much, your hands are in his hair and your eyes are clamped shut.
"H-Harry, 'gonna cum, please, H," You beg (not for any reason ...you both know he has no intention to stop).
He can't help but to look up at you, taking in the way his girl is falling apart on his tongue. He's hard, almost painfully so, and he's sure if he curls his fingers one more time—
Your hips buck up against the one arm still holding you down and your legs tighten around him, even if you try your hardest not to squeeze his head between your thighs. Harry doesn't seem to mind at all, as he pumps his fingers and kitten licks your clit through your orgasm until you're gasping and pushing his head away.
After letting you come back to your senses, he removes his fingers slowly and brings them up to your mouth. You happily suck around his fingers, and he returns his face to your heat to lick another long stripe to collect your cum on his tongue for a taste of his own. You moan, still sensitive to his touch, and watch harry's face contort when he lets out his own quiet moan.
You sit up, letting your legs dangle over the sides of the bed and leaning down to kiss Harry. He stands,  keeping your lips connected to his own, and reaches to untie his robe. You break apart, shuffling again back onto the bed and waiting for him to join you.
Once the bath robe is off, he wastes no time climbing overtop of you, breath catching in his throat when his dick taps against your thigh. You kiss him again, smiling at the little sound of desire that erupted from his throat. You forgot how needy Harry was before.
"Need me to top?" you ask tenderly, running your hand through his pretty brown hair.
"No no, s'okay, just don't know how long I'm gonna last."
He reaches onto the nightstand for a condom, ripping the packaging and sliding on the material as quickly but also as gently as possible. You part your legs and wrap them around Harry's hips. He kisses you once more and positions himself at your entrance.  You both let out a strangled gasp when he starts pushing in, Harry having to squeeze his eyes shut to maintain his self control, the need to just pound into you too strong.
Once he feels it's time to set a pace, he leans down to kiss at your neck and collar bone as he moves his hips. Gaining in speed slightly, he lets out whines of pleasure; your own moans sending shocks straight into his cock. You smooth your hands upwards along  the curve of his back, climbing his neck and tugging gently on his hair.
He splutters I love yous and various profanities and each sound he makes makes your core warmer and warmer. One of Harry's hands snake between you, using his thumb to trace circles around your clit. You cry out, arching into him at the unexpected touch.
"Need you— need you t'come, baby, I'm getting close." he rasps, breathless, pulling his head up to kiss you.
You do come, hard, tightening around him and holding onto him for dear life. Even if he's on the brink himself, he coaxes you through it, praising and cheering you on. He presses his forehead to yours when he topples over his own edge, gripping your hip with one hand and holding himself up with the other while he cums. He's in ecstasy.
When he slides out he's peppering your face with kisses, giggling and thanking you.
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Flashing lights→prince!tom
Parings→prince!tom x princess!reader
Summary→when two kingdoms come together to form allies, A marriage between you and tom will hold that bond. you and tom have to learn to love each other. In front of cameras and media it’s love at first sight. alone it’s scarce touch’s and innocent looks scared to know each other.
Warnings→arranged marriage, small talks of smut, slowburn
A/n→ this was requested from someone who donated. If you donate to a blm campaign I will write a request for you! I am still doing this and a few other blogs are too! Every penny and every signature counts. Your voice counts💗 also there are going to be two parts and this is just part one!!!
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England's golden boy. That's what he was. The oldest prince that was still young, his white smile mixed with the well kept curls was what made him so charming and made the girls swoon. His sweet soul and his availability when it came to relationships was what kept the media on top of him.
Although everything changed in a matter of weeks, a marriage to form allies caused tom to shut his gates and only focus on you. There were no more late bar nights, no more public sporting events, it was now only you and his new marriage. The public only got a glismpe of the new relationship that blossomed over night but was staged to be love at first sight months ago.
“That's good,” you smiled at the maid who poured your tea. “Thank you.” she nods her head before locking you back in your room.
You didn't say much when you arrived. The only words you spoke with Tom was with the media around to catch them. Tom's arms snaked around your waist acting as if hes known you for a lifetime. Sweet cheek kisses and held hands to Tell the cameras whatever they wanted to hear to keep himself high and you higher. Other than those small moments in front of millions of cameras and people, you did not say a word to tom, Nor did you see him that much. 
Your fingers wrap around the cup as you bring the warm mug to your face. You knew your duties, breakfast at nine, lunch at one, attend any meetings in between, dinner at seven where you must sit with tom, and the rest of the night is yours but you must be in your room by ten. It is recommended that you and tom get to know each other in those nightly hours but the two of you rarely did. You are not allowed to leave the castle unless Tom is by your side because if he isnt that suggests to the media that you two have split. Any activities outside of the kingdom must be done with tom or a member of the royal family. The rules were strict but easy to follow if you didnt care about breaking them.
You felt bad sometimes about not making much of an effort with Tom, you'd been here for only a week but a week felt like a month and the days felt like weeks. Tom was almost always busy as well, too busy to love his own wife.
A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts, you set the cup down as you flatten out your skirt walking over to the door. Assuming it's a maid, it's not. Tom stands there in a polo shirt and khakis, its his golfing outfit and in about twenty minutes he would go out with his brothers to golf. The course was private and it was always reserved for them and a few friends. You didnt know much about tom but you knew he loved golf, everyone who kept up with the royal family knew that. Maybe all you thought you knew about tom personally, the public knew it as well.
“Tom?” you look at him confused as to why hes shown up at your door at a time like this.
“Hey.” his hands fiddle with each other as it was his thing he did when nervous, he would mess with his hands or rub his thighs. It was cute, he was cute.
“Hi.” you smile and he looks past you to see if anyone was in your room.
“I thought id ask you to golf today. We should get to know each other more. I mean you're technically my wife. well.. going to be anyways.” he speaks in a stutter, you make him nervous. Your eyes bat softly before looking down at the glove he wore. You dont golf, you didn't play much sports before coming over here so why would you make a fool of yourself in front of the prince.
“I dont golf,” you get nervous, you clear your throat not trying to be rude but you can already feel yourself shrinking more and more. “Sorry.” you start to shut your door but he stops it with his foot.
“Wait!” he stops you. Speaking a bit louder and his voice carries through the empty hallway. “You dont have to know to golf, honestly most people who dont golf just steal the cart.” he lets out a soft laugh. A laugh he gives to the cameras, the laugh he gives at dinner, the laugh he gives to everyone as he welcomes them into his home. It was a sweet, nervous, genuine laugh that he gave to everyone. “But i can show you. I just thought because we dont have much time together and were going to get married in three months--” marriage. The wedding in three months that was so far but so close. Mostly for the public, the knot was technically already official but the wedding would make the public swoon. Make everyone know you two are official.
“Right.” you cut him off with your own thoughts. You look outside into the garden and in a distance there is a golf course. The land looking different from your own home and making you miss the kingdom you originally came from. Your eyes water slightly at the idea of being home. The idea of laying your head on your mothers lap as you two watched movies before being told off to bed. The beautiful thought of working in the garden with your family. All of that traded for marriage and becoming united.
“Like I said.” you don't mean to be harsh, you feel a tear getting ready to fall from your eye. You sniff and look down. “I dont golf.” you shut the door and lock it up behind. Your eyes trail down to the wedding ring tom had given to you, the ring to show everyone who you now were. Who you now loved. You could learn to love each other but you had not tried yet.
Tom stood on the other side of the door scared. The mahogany wood stares at him back and he wants to each out for the door, try again, not mess up but he knows you need to be alone. He knows you miss home and dont know him more than a prince. He knew you only knew prince tom and he was going to change that.
It had been two days since your encounter with tom. You had only seen him at breakfast, lunch, dinner and outside your window when he golfed. Maybe you were too harsh with him. You had spent nights standing by your bed contemplating to go to his room, apologize for what you said. Try again, try to let him know that you only miss home, you could never hate him.
Now moonlight came through your window. With every twist and turn, checking your phone to see the time had reached another minute of less sleep. It was one of the nights where you missed home a little extra, you wanted to be back in your own bed but you were here.
With a sigh you rub your face pulling yourself out of bed. You weren’t supposed to be up around the house when no one else was, you didn’t understand why but it was among the list of rules you had to follow.
It would be the first rule you had broken, opening your door with a creek, you tip-toe down the hall and down the stairs to make some tea. Hoping that will work hard enough to put you to sleep for the night and leave your worries for the morning.
You weren’t the only one who couldn’t sleep though, Tom had the same motive you did. Although he snuck out more often so he knew all the secrets of the house.
He stood shirtless in the kitchen, pulling out a mug to get ready for some tea. You pause in your steps as you see him standing. He's facing away from you, his back muscles seem to flex everytime he reaches for something, it only causes your stare to worsen.
“Fuck!” He almost shouts as he turns to be frightened by you. You jump by the sound of his voice and run your hands over your face.
“I’m sorry!” You whisper and he places his hand over his heart. He takes a deep breath before he speaks, regains his composer before starting the conversation.
“Can’t sleep?” He asked you with a cock of an eyebrow. You nod and he turns to reach for a second mug, knowing already what you wanted.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “I mean no! No I can’t sleep.” You correct yourself and he chuckles a little getting the kettle ready.
“You’re missing home.” He tells you and you walk over to him. You’re close to him, closest you’ve been to him.
“ it’s obvious?” You ask and he shakes his head.
“No,” he tells you looking over with his soft brown eyes. “But I think if I was torn from my own home and forced to marry someone random I would be petrified too.” He tells you assembling the two tea bags. You watch as he does so, how the tea bags look so small I’m his hands, how he does everything so delicately.
“Well...I’m not as scared as I was when I found out but this is all still new to me. The kingdom I mean, your kingdom.” You lean against the counter as he passes the tea to you. You smile as a thank you and he turns off the stove.
“Our kingdom.” He reminds you and you nod still having to get used to it being for the both of you.
“Right.” You take a sip and he walks over to where you entered. Noticing you not following him he turns around, his eyes soft and his face pleading for you to come with.
“You coming?” He asked and you didn’t have much of a choice. Stay here in silence or get to know Tom, your future husband. You push yourself off the counter and follow, you follow him out of the kitchen and into the large library. The library that most days seemed empty, almost no one came in here unless it was for their own studies.
Tom leaves you by the couch to start the fire pit. It’s always cold on London nights, you seemed to learn that quickly. How cold the air gets, you always bundle up with extra blankets and sweatshirts but Tom seems to be perfectly content.
He takes a seat on the floor next to the fireplace. Reaching over to the small love couch and grabbing a blanket and a pillow for himself he looks at you with sweet eyes.
“Do you want to sit?” He glances up. “Or will you stand all night.” Teasing seemed to be his sense of humor, his sense of humor that was harmless.
You take a seat across from him. He shares some of his blanket with you before finding his gaze stuck in the fire. The room was silent, there were no birds like the morning, there was no chatter of guests like the day, the golf club meeting the ball was nowhere to be heard. The only sound was silence and the void was to be filled by your voices.
“When I was a little boy, I used to sneak down here all the time.” He starts and your eyes are now on him. His face lit by the fire causes you to see every freckle, mole, and wrinkle on his face. “The funny part was I hated reading. It’s just that this room seems to be unoccupied most of the time so I enjoy the bliss of getting away.” He takes a sip of the tea, you watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows the warm liquid. You hear the mug clink with the wooden floor as he leans back watching the fire unfold.
“It’s nice, I like it.” Were the only words your mind allowed you to speak. A small smirk rises to his face but then falls, he likes the sound of your voice.
“I read a lot as a little girl,” you tell him. You’ve caught his attention. “I was all about fairy tales and my mother would read them to me all the time. I loved the written idea about princesses but that’s what they do with them, they write all the good things and leave out the bad. They never tell what happens once the people look away and the crown comes off.” You tap your fingers against your mug. He understands, he didn’t read fairy tales nor did his mother read them. But he knew that in public he was the ideal prince, behind closed doors he wished so badly for a Normal life.
He moves, leans over to touch your face, move the eyelash that bothered him. His larger fingers come into touch with your delicate skin, it was almost like he didn’t touch you at all but the short eyelash rested on his pointer finger.
“Are you going to make a wish?” He asks holding it out for you to blow. You look at him then back at the lash. You’ve never been this close to him before, so close and so alone.
You close your eyes and blow gently, when you open the eyelash is gone. Toms got a cheeky smile before letting his hand fall.
“What did you wish for?” He asked. You cracked your own smile and shook your head.
“If I told you it wouldn’t come true.” You laugh a little and he looks at you more seriously.
“Oh come on! We’re going to be married in three months. Can you at least give me an insight of what you wished for?” He lets out a little laugh and you shake your head.
“No Holland, that’s not how it works.” You tell him and he leans in again and looks in your eyes. You’ve never seen such a goofy side to him, you don’t even think anyone has seen it.
“What are you doing?” You giggle a little as he has this face of seriousness. He’s staring deep into your eyes mostly just to get you to smile.
“Oh, I was trying to see what you wished for.” He jokes before moving back and accidentally knocking his mug over. You quickly lean in to grab it but don’t realize you’re leaning on Tom. Legs now intertwined, shoulders touching and faces only inches apart. You quickly try to clean up the spill but Tom can’t take his eyes off of you. He picks up the spoon and places it back in the cup before you realize how close you are to him.
His hand drops from the mug and trails up your shoulder, he touches every mole, every scar, every bump of the skin he may feel, he stops right as he gets to the strap of your shirt. He takes it into his hand but he doesn’t let it fall.
You watch as he does so, watch as he plays with the strap and maybe you’re so desperate, tired, needy for him to do something or for anyone to do something.
“Tom,” you whisper and he Looks up. His lips only inches away from your face as you speak. You’ve got his attention and now you’re lost for words. He leans in first, you do as well and feel his lips brush against yours. Anyone could walk in, anyone awake could walk in on you two right now.
His right hand supports your lower back, it wants to trail up but to be respectful it stays in place. His lips ghost yours before you pull back in a more teasing way. He only chases them, it shows how desperate he is for them.
“I’ve never kissed a boy before.” You admit. It was semi-true, in secondary school you played spin the bottle, the times you landed on someone it was just a small peck. Nothing more nothing less. You had never fully kissed someone, locked lips, pulled them close, eyes closed and begging for more. You never had that.
“It’s okay,” he leans closer. “If you’re uncomfortable we can—“ he starts and you quickly cut him off.
“I’m not uncomfortable.” You told him and he presses his lips together looking down at yours. “I promise.”
“Do you want to kiss me?” His lips now gently ghost over your cheek, it’s almost like he’s directly speaking into your cheek.
You nod but that’s not enough.
“I won’t do anything until you speak.” He reminds you and you say in the shakiest voice you have, a soft ‘yes’ leaves your lips.
His hand now on your face, he pulls your lips into his, they fall against his. They’re warm from the tea, chapped from the lack of sleep, but feel so good molded against yours. He’s gentle but let’s you know how much he loves it. Your hands hold onto his shoulders, touching the bare skin and feeling the heat as the kiss escalates. You had never felt so good in your life before, no one had made you ever feel this good. Even if it was just one, desperate kiss.
He pulls back, you catch your breath and want to lean in for more but he moves back. The sun is coming up, you didn’t realize how much time was spent down here, what felt like minutes was truly hours. His thumb rubs your cheek, reaches up to feel the bag under your eye before he plants a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I should get you to bed, it would be irresponsible of a prince to let his princess lack sleep.” He told you. His cheeky sarcasm comes back as he stands up from his spot. He holds his hand out for you to take and it’s almost like what happened never did. Like it was just in the fairytales you read.
Cups and blankets left in your spot as you get started to leave the library. The fire still burns and it was obvious the two of you were down here but like Tom said, no one ever went down there.
He holds you close as he sneaks you back into your room, when the sun comes up the maids start to come out, get things ready for the day before everyone wakes up. For Tom, waiting until the last minute to sneak back to his room was always a part of the no sleeping fun.
“Prince tom? Princess (y/n)?” A voice stops the two of you. Tom turns around seeing a maid, a maid with towels walking down the hall. He always treated them with kindness, he knew all their names, all their stories, he knew everything about them.
“Eve!” He smiles and she gives a strange look. “The princess couldn’t sleep! I offered her a midnight stroll that clearly was longer than expected. We’re going back to our rooms now to sleep, don’t be worried if she is late for breakfast, the princess needs her sleep.” He tells the woman and she nods. He gives her a soft smile before making it back to your room.
“Thank you.” You tell him when he opens the door for you, not only for the door but for everything he’s done for you tonight.
You turn around, place a soft kiss on his cheek before holding onto the door handle.
“Goodnight Tom.” You smile softly. His cheeks rose red after you kissed just the one. He bites down on his lower lip and nods.
“Goodnight princess.” He watches you close the door before going back to his own room. He almost skips in joy as he goes back. The point of tea was to sleep, let his mind slip and fall back to sleep. Now his mind was racing, he wasn’t going to sleep, he would think about you and your lips, how sweet they were and how they were just like you.
That night in the library was only the start to something real, something the media and your families wouldn’t understand.
Permanent Taglist: @parkershoodie​ @dahliaspidey​ @parkersvibes​ @itssss-a-bean @ppkrtingle​ @myfinalwords​ @bocauhl​ @tinyplanet-explorers​ @sincerlyfan @softbaby-tom​ @awesomeblackcottontail @rosebeegraham @stormyholland​ @unicorn-princess-1999 @spideyyypeter @marshyrebelcloud @oh-epiphany​ @yeahimcrying @highlydisfunctional1 @disgustangg @pterstingle @quacksonhq @starlightparker @reblogsfics @tomsrebeleyebrow​ @dreamyyholland @imaginashawnns @alilpunkrock @peterspideysenses @lovely-valllll @lowkey-holland @hannaholland1811 @kthemarsian
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Title: Well Taken Care Of
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Gif credit @jesimahcah
Requested by anon and anon. Combined two requests, hope that was okay. Thanks for requesting.
I hope you all enjoy.
Happy reading dollies
Slam, Kick, Kick!!
"Diego, you home"? You cautiously went into the living room. Diego stood at the door, panting. Noticing the door had a boot size hole through it, you knew he was having a bad day.
"Baby"? Walking up behind him you carefully put your arms around his waist. He breathed in deep.
"Sorry, I'll fix it". He softly whispered.
"That's okay, I was thinking about getting a dog anyways. No need for a doggy door now". You chuckled but quieted down when he didnt even look up at you.
"You want to talk about it"? You recommended. Knowing Diego, he needed to talk. He may act like a hardass but deep down he had a oey gooey center.
"I hate my family. I hate them".
"What happened"?
"I dont want to talk about it". He moved your arms and walked away. You chewed on your nails as you followed.
"Diego, talk to me. For starters, why are you wet"?
"It's raining". He actually chuckled to himself as he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator.
"Ha ha, smartass. I know that. But haven't you heard of a umbrella or I don't know getting out of the rain"?
"My dad died". He took a long swig from the bottle.
"I'm sorry to hear that. You okay"? You stepped closer to him.
"I'm fine. It's my stupid siblings, they think he was this great man that saved us. He didnt do shit but turn us into his own circus. We didnt ask for this. I hated him so much. He's a piece of shit and so is Luther. He's just like him. The guy sends Luther away to the moon because he cant stand being around him and Luther thanks him. Like how fucked up is that"?
"Fucked up. But you can't  take away the memories that they have of him. Some of theirs maybe good ones and they want to remember him as that".
"I don't care if I ever see them again. They all think I'm useless, dad did. They're just following in his footsteps".
"I dont think you're useless". You smiled sweetly.
"Just wait, you figure it out and see it". He finished his beer and left the kitchen. You followed, this conversation wasn't over.
When you cracked open the door, Diego was getting out of his wet clothes. The way his leather pants stuck to his body, it showed everything.
"You're very handsome".
Diego threw his shirt into the bathroom. "Yeah, that's all I am". He grumbled as he kicked off his boots.
"Not true. You're an amazing boxer. Surprisingly a good cook and that's saying someone who eats a raw, room temperature egg that's been laying on a counter for God knows how long". You giggle which made Diego laugh.
"Alright, I'm listening". He sighed as he sat on the bed.
"Where should I start? Oh, I know. You love me with all your heart and you aren't afraid to show it when you're with me. The way you treat me, says you love me and I feel like I'm the only girl in the world. You give everything you got to people you love. I know you and your siblings aren't really friendly but you would do anything for them. You have".
"How would you know that"?
You stepped closer to him, your hands on his pants covered thighs. Trailing up to his stomach.
"The floor squeaks at three in the morning. Klaus calls and you're on your way to save him. When you hear about families in trouble you rush to help them. Yeah, you may hurt the intruders but you've taken care of them when the cops haven't done a thing. You're the best at what you do".
"How do you know all this"? He asked , putting his hands on your hips.
"Who do you think sews your clothes or cleans the blood off them when you just throw them in the bathroom? Me and I dont complain or ask you anything. As long as you're safe and come home to me then it isn't my business". He lays his head on your chest and you cradle his head.
"I love you and I'm proud of you Diego. I'm proud of us and how far we have come". Taking your hands and bringing his face up to look at you. You softly kissed his lips, melting into the kiss.
"I love you too. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you".
"Yeah, well those eggs will kill you". You both snickered. He gently picked you up and laid you on the bed, hovering over you.
"You have beautiful eyes and a perfect smile". You licked your lips as you traced his lips. A blush coated Diegos cheeks as he tried to hide his face in the crease of your neck.
Running your fingers up and down his back, made goosebumps form along his skin.
"I love you, I love you". You whispered in his ear as you kissed along his cheek.
Diego melted like puddy in your hand, he kissed along your neck and collarbone. You swiftly removed your shirt. He trailed his hand down your breast to your underwear waistband looping a finger inside.
Your nipples were hard as rocks, so were Diegos. The cold metal of his nipple ring brushed against your skin, sending shivers up your spine.
"Diego, enough teasing". You kissed him rough, pulling his bottom lip and letting it go with a pop.
"You want me"? He brought his hand to your cheek and rubbed his finger across it.
"Always". You kissed his passionately, your hands going to his hair.
He half way stood up and shimmied out of his leather pants, making you giggle as he tried not to break the kiss. Successfully, he did.
You wrapped your legs around him as he settled in between them. His cock pressed against your clit, he slowly grinded. It was a awful pain to just have him teasing. So you took matters into your own hands and flipped him over onto his back.
"Woah". He laughed, settling in and getting comfortable.
Snaking your hand down his boxers you grabbed his cock and brought it out, grinding you clothed pussy against it. Diego moaned, his hands gripped your hips as he guided you along.
"Who's teasing now"? He bit his lip when you sat up and pulled your panties to the side. He helped keep your panties to the side as you lined him up to your entrance and sunk down on him. He bucked his hips. You licked your lips as he stretched your walls.
"Fuck". You hummed as you started to rock your hips, getting down all the way on him so there was no space between you two.
You put your hands on his chest as you rocked, his head fell back. You knew you had him right where you wanted him. You stopped rocking and started bouncing. Diego lifted his head right to your breast and took one of your nipples into his mouth. Twirling and sucking. Wrapping your arms around his neck not letting him move. You both liked the pace you were going.
"Holy shit". Diego growled, as he bit down on your nipple hard but not to hard.
"I'm close". You stopped bouncing and went back to rocking your hips, the tip of his cock hit your g-spot and it was close to triggering your orgasm.
Diego knew you were inches away from cumming. He decided to take matter in his hands again. He laid back on the bed, held you in place and bucked his hips into you over and over again. Drilling into you.  Skin on skin, pounding each other.
You couldn't contain your cries as you came, hard. Your body shook and trembled. The orgasm was the hardest you've ever had in this position. You clenched around Diego and he felt his release coming to the surface and he exploded. He quickly slowed down his pace with a grunt. Your walls were milking him as he flooded your insides.
"God, you're fucking amazing". You panted and laid down on Diegos chest. His heart pounded a mile a second. He wrapped his arms around you.
"Is that one thing you like about me"?
"One? I think you did multiple things there to make me fall even more in love with you". You giggled with a sigh. You bother were happy and complete with each other.
"I love you". He kissed the top of your head.
"I love you more". You snuggled into his embrace. He had the biggest smirk on his face. He may not have his family at times but he'll will always have you, no matter what.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Just a little spit
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Reader falls asleep during movie night and drools on beej, things get messy
It's been a long week, work was running you left, right and center, 8 hour shifts, 7 days in a row, so it was no surprised you were low energy, but tonight was movie night and tomorrow was a day off.
Movie night was a weekly occurrence in you little apartment, you've been looking forward to this night all week, exhausted as you were, you were powered by the idea of soon you'll be in comfy clothes and hanging out with you best friend. Changing into your pajamas, a baggy tshirt and boxers you feel as though a weight has been lifted.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice" you say plainly, you've summoned the undead bastard more times then you can remember, so at this point it felt like second nature.
Your bedroom fills with a thick smoke, amazing how he never sets off any fire alarms, waving the smoke away from your face, trying not to cough, you're caught off guard by a multitude of hands grabbing you and pulling you into the soft stomach of the demon in question, 2 sets of arms hold you tight to his midsection as he spins you around with glee.
"Bought time I saw my sweet little breather~ babes did you miss me?"
You stumble about when he places you down, dizzy and trying to find your balance while the ghoul chuckles at you.
"Oh ho, look at you, all casual and comfy for me? Looking like a snack babes" he coos eyeing you up and down, you can feel a shiver run up your spine, his flirting always got to you, wither it was legit or not, it was incredibly easy for the demon to make you blush.
You catch beetlejuice staring, following his eyes you notice hes staring at your legs, before you say anything beetlejuice cuts in
"Didn't think you were wearing any pants there sugar, your shirt hid those cute little boxers from me, kinda bummed you're not just in a shirt and panties for your old pal mr beebleboose" he snorts out an awful cackle
"Are we gonna watch a movie or are you just gonna be an ass all night?" You huff out
"I can do both" the ghoul shrugs, following you to the living room
Beetlejuice flops down on the couch "so besides you, what's on tonight's menu?"
"I was thinking final destination?" You ask waving the dvd case around
"YES! A bunch of breathers getting torn apart for cheating death, an excellent choice my dear Y/n"
You couldnt help but smile at his reaction,
"Oh! What about-"
Ding dong
Beetlejuice just stares at you, you smile "one step ahead of you my friend"
The ghoul gives you a smug grin, grabbing your hand and leading you to the door "got me without a plan sweet stuff, but your pal is the king of improv, I got a trick I've been saving that's really gonna get your knees weak, watch and be amazed" the ghoul then drops his coat around your shoulders, you weren't quite sure why, was it because you were in your pajamas? That you look alittle exposed? Was it a pride thing for him? To have you wrapped in his coat in front of a complete stranger? Who knows with beetlejuice, if it wasnt one thing it was another. The coat didn't exactly help cover much past your baggy shirt, in fact it emphasized the idea you weren't wearing any pants, oh well.
The ghoul swings open the door with glee, practically buzzing with excitement, you couldnt help but feel excited, it was always contagious when beetlejuice was in this type of mood.
It was a miracle that you were still able to get take out, with the amount of times beetlejuice has scared the piss out of the delivery guys, it was a surprise you havent been blocked. But it wasnt like anyone would believe the stories they would tell.
"Pizza for l/n"
"That's me, Thanks man" beetlejuice took the pizza from the guy and handed it to you,
"Hey, sweet stuff, what you order?" The ghoul asks without turning to face you, before you could respond beetlejuice snapped his fingers, your body goes ridged
"Pepperoni, bacon, and snakes" you rattle off nonchalantly, with beetlejuice puppeting you.
"Snakes?" The delivery man responds
Coming back to your senses, you eagerly await what's next.
"Snakes" with that beetlejuice collapses into a pile of black and white striped snakes, you jump at the sight, they begin to slither towards the delivery man, who straight up screeches and blots away.
You hear Beetlejuice's awful laugh, not sure where, as the snakes pile back into the demon you knew.
"Such a beautiful sound, right babes?so, What do ya think sweets? Dont think I didnt see you jump" he snorts out an awful cackle, while you shrink with embarrassment.
Beetlejuice wraps an arm around your shoulders "I'll let it slide sugar, cuz you look so sweet in my jacket, keep it on for the rest of the night and give me a 10 on my performance, and I wont tease ya about being scared" he chuckles squishing his cheek against yours, his scruffy beard scratching your face, he could probably hear your heart hammering away in your chest, you sigh trying to regain what little dignity you had left.
"I have to say bj, that was amazing, you really outdid yourself, a perfect 10"
The moment the words left your mouth you felt the ghoul's grip tighten around you,
"You're too kind, and correct about me being a perfect 10" he flashes you his big fangs, you couldnt help but laugh.
You really enjoyed these nights with beetlejuice, unfortunately you're second wind of energy was about to run out, you could barely keep your eyes open, it was bad enough you're already leaning against the ghoul in question, which you were teased with.
"My jacket not enough sweets? You want to get into my pants next?" He snickers, you were really too tired to counter that comment, instead you just mumble something unintelligible and refuse to make eye contact.
The ghoul drapes an arm around you out of habbit, how you would lean against him in the summer to cool off, streaks of pink flashes through his hair as he enjoyed your warmth, your scent, you. He adored your movie nights, just you and him, he would never admit it, but simple things like this, the whole domestic thing, with you, was almost enough to get his undead heart pumping. His perfect little breather, no idea what he did to deserve you, nice, funny, and hot, now if he could get you to confess you love him first then he'd be set, but just like him you are a coward when it came to such things, but beetlejuice can wait, for now.
Snapped from his thoughts, when he clues back into what was happening in the film, he smiles.
"Oh sugar, this is the best part- oh" turning to you, he huffs out a small laugh, you were out cold.
"I'm I that boring sweetheart? Or is it the film?" He chuckles
This wasnt the first time you've done this, beej constantly complained about how hard you worked and how tired it made you, but yet would never complain when youd pass out on him, but teasing was a different ball game, he adored seeing your face scrunch up in embarrassment, how funny you sounded as you try to babble out an excuse, the demon knew you liked him, but still adored messing with you due to how funny your reactions were.
The demon was brought back from his musings with the feeling of a unfamiliar warmth on his shoulder and arm where your head rested. Closer inspection, you were drooling in your sleep, beej couldnt help but smile at this, you are NOT gonna hear the end of that, he chuckles.
You shift in your sleep, and let out a soft groan, the ghoul let's out a desperate sigh, such a beautiful sound, just enough to get his motor running.
Yes beetlejuice had a soft spot for you, but he was a very sexual being, the amount of times the ghoul has spied on you during private times were more then he could remember, the amount of times he's jerked it to the thought of you were also more then he could count, god slash satan he wanted to pound you into the mattress so bad, have you yell out praises on how good a lover he was. It's been awhile since he cleaned his pipes, with your soft warm form pressed up against him, now seems like a pretty good time, the idea of being caught was always a nice thrill, to have you catch him, may be youd be flattered and join in, as impossible as that fantasy was, it was a nice thought.
Without much further convincing, beetlejuice had already pulled his cock from his trousers, and lazily began stroking it with a third hand, the others were busy with you, on draped around you shoulders, the other absentmindedly circling the spot of drool you had made on his shoulders. Every soft noise you made, every sigh, every groan, every mumble you uttered in your sleep was fuel to the fire of the ghoul's arousal.
Stifling a groan he utters "you have no idea what you do to me sweets" still circling the drool spot you made on his shoulder, shifting a bit in you sleep, his finger slips into your mouth, the demon was quick to retreat his hand in fear youd wake up, you only scrunch up you face in response. Beetlejuice let's out a breath he didnt know he was holding, not that he needed to breath, yes he liked the idea of being caught, but in reality youd be sick to your stomach at the sight, you'd probably banish him.
Once beetlejuice realized you were out cold, he returned to his strokes, until it clicks, the hand he was circling the drool you left behind, his finger was now coded in a nice thick layer of your spit. A ghoulish grin spreads across his face, hair fully electric pink, how he dreamed of that beautiful mouth around his cock, how lovely your moans would sound with your lips around his shaft. He couldnt let this opportunity go by, the ghoul slowly begins covering his dick with your salvia, he shivers at the sensation, still warm from your mouth, the ghoul utters a muffled groan "just like that sweetheart, you're so good to me"
Beetlejuice couldnt help but imagine you, mouth hovering over his lap, drool dripping from you mouth onto his cock. He groans softly "lubing me up babes? Such a considerate breather"
Once his cock was as covered as it was gonna be with the slavia you graced him with, he once again began with his strokes, starting off at a slow gentle pace, soft moans escaping his lips, you were asleep next to him, so the ghoul couldnt be as loud as he'd like to. When you were away the ghoul would treat himself to long loud sessions of alone time using your delicate laundry items, he could be as loud as his undead heart desires, not caring about your neighbors, but now, not so much.
"God I wanna slip into that pretty mouth of yours, feel how wet and warm it is, have you lube up my cock with your salvia before I shove it in that cute pussy of yours" he stifles a groan as his strokes begin picking up pace, his eyes were glued to you sleeping face, the arm the demon had around your shoulders slowly began to draw hearts with his fingers on your back.
You mumble and shift a bit in your sleep, your hand finds it's way to his thigh, gripping on to his pants, beetlejuice nearly jumps out of his skin, he was so lost in his fantasy of you, you completely catch him off guard, but hed be lying if he didnt enjoy the scare. It felt real good to have your hand resting on his thigh while he jerked off.
"Naughty little minx, you do want to get into my pants huh?" He chuckled softly.
The thought always crossed his mind during your weekly movie night, he fantasized about how you would grow bored of the film, lean into him, and have those pretty hands of yours find their way into him pants. Having his cute breather lazily jerk him off while watching a horror film easily had to be in the top five of his fantasies of you, simple but still delicious.
"Naughty thing" the ghoul stifles a groan as his pace picks up, the thought of your hand replacing his quickly taking over his mind.
Beetlejuice was using every ounce of strength he possessed to not start bucking up into his hand, not wanting to jostle you awake since you were leaning on the ghoul. Chasing his own orgasm, his pace becomes quite harsh, to the point where the ghoul summoned an extra hand just to bite and muffle his moans.
It felt so good, having you so close to him, hand on his thigh, salvia on his cock, god slash satan he wanted to scream out in bliss, he was so close, so focused on your sleeping face, his sweet breather, so kind and considerate, using their spit as lube for a hand job, he couldnt have asked for a better breather.
"Your so good to me sugar, you know just how to treat a guy, I'm gonna pay you back, anything you want, upstairs, downstairs, butt stuff, just say the word doll~" he groans out.
"...bee.." you mumble, shifting in your sleep, ever so gently sliding your hand up his thigh, that was enough to get the ghoul to the finish line.
"F-fuck y/n" and with that the ghoul shoots his load, into his hand and his lap, thank god slash satan it missed your hand, as hot as itd be to have those pretty hands of yours covered in his cum, now was not that time.
A smug grin plastered across his face as he gazes at you a soft "thank you" is whispered your way, as he slides his now soft cock back into his pants, snapping his fingers to clean himself up as of nothing happened.
The electricity of bright pink slowly leaves his hair, being replaced with a much softer mix of pink and green, the hand around your shoulders now lazily rubbing circles on your back, the film long over, beetlejuice snaps his fingers once again and the tv turns off leaving the two of you in gentle darkness.
"Nigh sweet stuff"
Waking up to the buzzing sound of your phone you groan, ot was your day off and yet you forgot to turn your alarm off.
"Morning babes"
No, you feel asleep on the couch again, leaving against that bastard "morning" you grumble
As you try to get up to start your day beej pulls you back down into him lap
"Oh no sugar, you're not getting away that easy~ was I so boring last night you fell asleep? After my amazing performance too, such a cruel little breather you are" he teases "not to mention you were drooling on too" he cackles pointing at the spot.
"Doll if you wanted to spit on me, I can name some better places then my arm" he hollers with his awful laugh.
You're never gonna hear the end of this.
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mountainsluna · 4 years
baby girl - size kink
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request: size kink smut with hongjoong where his gf is much smaller and shorter than him
pairing: hongjoong x reader
genre: smutttt
word count: 1.5k
✩ [author’s note] i...i need to take a breather after writing this...lord pls dont tell me i have a new hongjoong kink
✩ masterlist
✩ requests :  check bio or masterlist ♡
Hongjoong stretched out across the bed, the sound of the water running in the bathroom having woke him up. He turns to his side to see you standing in front of the sink as you brush your teeth. His t-shirt draped over your body looking more like a dress on your small frame. The view made him smile to himself before getting up to join you.
He kissed your head mumbling a ‘good morning, love’ into your hair before grabbing his own tooth brush. Once you finished up he noticed you moving things around the bathroom. Hongjoong lifted an eyebrow at you, “What are you looking for?”
“My blow dryer... I thought I left it down here.” You say, rummaging through the bottom shelf.
“Oh I put it in a box on the top shelf to get it out of the way.” He says, drying his face off before turning towards you. You had stopped shuffling through things, standing still as you eyed the box above you, Hongjoong chuckled knowing all too well what had stopped you. “You need some help, baby girl?” He asked watching you with a smile on his face.
You chewed at the inside of your cheek before reaching up as far as you could, lifting up on the tip of your toes as far as you could but you weren’t able to reach it. You huffed, turning to your smug boyfriend. “Joongie, can you get it down for me please?”
“Aww is it too high up for my little girl?” Hongjoong stepped right in front of you, “You have to give me a kiss first, love.” he said as he caressed your pouting face.
But when he didn’t lean down to meet your lips, you had to tippy toe again to reach him. You kissed him for a bit, holding onto his arms for stability. Until you felt him chuckle against your lips, causing you to pull away, hitting his chest lightly. “That’s enough~!”
“You’re just so cute! Can’t even kiss me without tippy toeing.” He laughed, grabbing you by the waist to move you against the wall.
His kisses started off soft but grew more and more heated as he continued. His hands running up and down your sides before wrapping around your waist to pull you against him. He loved how small you felt in his arms.
You moaned into the kiss at the feeling of your bodies pressed together. Once Hongjoong felt your arms wrap around his neck he lifted you up, placing you on top of the bathroom counter. Your legs dangled on either side of his as he moved his hands down to squeeze at your bare thighs. The feeling had you craving for him to give you even more. “Joongie, don’t tease me, I want you so bad.” You whined between kisses.
“Hmm but you’re so cute when I tease you.” His mouth moved down to your neck as he pulled your body against him, your legs wrapping around him as you attempted to grind against him. Your actions causing him to giggle into your neck, his hands moving down to your ass to lift you off of the counter to carry you to the bed. 
You left kisses against his neck as you clung onto him before he set you on the bed. “Get ready for me, baby.” He said before pulling away to remove his clothes.
Once yours were off too, he sat on the edge of the bed watching as you moved between his legs. His hand came up to grab your chin, bringing you into a kiss. “I want you on your knees for me, baby girl.”
You knelt in front of him, taking his hard cock into your hand before running your tongue along the underside of it. Hongjoong hissed as he watched you, your eyes never breaking contact with his as you sucked him off. You looked so tiny between his legs, he was more than ready to wreck you.
He gripped your hair as he moved your head up and down, loving the sound of you moaning around him. When he felt his orgasm approaching his grip on your hair tightened, pulling you up roughly and tossing you onto the bed. Before you could catch your breath, he was on top of you. “Fuck I love throwing you around, you’re like my own little doll.” His eyes were filled with lust as his arms caged you in on either side of your head. You giggled, his words making you feel even more playful.
“You should use me like I’m your toy then...sir.” Putting extra emphasis on the last word, running a finger up his chest and you swore you heard him growl in response, moaning as he took your bottom lip between his teeth. Feeling his hard wet cock pressing against your entrance, you grinded against him in an attempt to get him inside you. 
“Why’s my little girl so impatient?” He asked, snaking a hand between your thighs to rub up and down your folds. Constant moans falling from your lips as two of his fingers pushed inside you. “I still have to stretch you out baby, you think your tiny pussy is gonna be able to take my cock if I don’t?”
You bit down on your lip as his fingers fucked into you, your back arching off the bed as he added a third. When Hongjoong knew you were close he pulled out before you were able to cum. You whimpered at the loss of his fingers, but your sadness didn’t last long as he began pushing his cock into you slowly.
“How does it feel, baby?” Hongjoong whispers in your ear as he listens to you whine and pant underneath him.
“Fuck Joongie.” You walls were constantly clenching around him every time he went deeper. “You’re so...so big, oh my god.”
His cock twitched inside you at your words. He loved when you fed his ego like that, he wanted you to know he could wreck you whenever he wanted. “You like how big I feel inside you baby girl?”
“Fuck yes, sir.” You breathed out as Hongjoong’s hand came up to wrap around your throat, squeezing lightly. Your eyes closed at the feeling as you let out choked moans against him. He absolutely loved the way your body looked underneath him, his practically towering over your entire frame, the sight of you so small had him thrusting into you even harder. 
“God, you’re so small and tight, yet look at you taking my cock so well. You love the way I fill you up, don’t you?” He growled in your ear, bringing his hand down to grip your hip, stopping you from grinding against him.
“Yes, yes sir, I love it.” Inhaling sharply as he held you to the bed, his thrusts speeding up.
“You’re so easy to control baby girl, how can I not wreck you?” His mouth latched onto your neck, leaving small love bites on your sensitive spots. The sensitivity you already felt mixed with everything he was doing to you had you a mess, your panting and whining getting louder. You could merely moan in response to him.
“Joongie, I-I’m gonna cum.” Your words coming out slurred as you began to feel your body heating up.
“That’s not how you ask, baby girl. Try again.” His thrusts halted as he waited, his cock filling you to the brim, pressing perfectly against your most sensitive spot.
“Fuck, please please let me cum, sir. I’ve been a good girl haven’t I?” You said frantically, letting out small cries between your words, the feeling of him buried inside you had you still throbbing around him.
“You look so fucking pretty like this, I guess I can reward you.” He said, sitting up between your legs. Flipping you over effortlessly, his hands gripping your hips as he pulled you against him. “Now cum for me, love.” He started thrusting as frantically as he could, watching your body shake beneath him. It only took a few seconds before you were completely gone, your orgasm washing over you as pleasure filled your entire body.
Hongjoong’s thrusts didn’t stop as you rode out your high, sending you into a fit of overstimulation as you whined into the pillows below you. He gripped your hair, pulling you back to whisper in your ear. “You can take it a few more seconds can’t you, baby girl?” The new angle letting you feel every inch of his length, you could already feel your next orgasm building.
“God, yes, yes I can.” You answered as best you could, your head spinning, loving how rough he was with you.
“Yes, who?” He growled, his voice so low in your ear you nearly came at the sound.
“Yes, sir!” You cried out as you felt his cum filling you up. His thrusts slowed, but still hitting deep. The feeling pulling another orgasm out of you. You both moaned against each other, breathing heavily.
When Hongjoong’s released his grip on your hair, your body collapsed onto the bed, his falling beside you. He pulled you into a kiss as you both caught your breath. “Fuck I love you so much, baby girl.” He said, pulling your head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
You giggled into his embrace, your arms wrapping around his waist. “I love you too, darling.”
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Ships and Shells (Pt.2)
Virgil was already aware he wasnt the best tracker of time, but this was getting ridiculous. How long had he been trapped here? Two? Maybe three weeks? Was it more? Was it less? He couldnt tell, all he could count on to tell time was the appearance of Roman with trays of food at exactly six in the morning, noon, and six at night.
"So I take it we're still not close to land hm?" Virgil growled as he heard footsteps yet again.
But then he realized, these were different, these were heavier.
"Ah, Mr. Duke." Virgil said with a smirk and a snarl.
"Now your highness I know you dont like me but downgrading my title so harshly? Have you no heart?"Remus said, faking hurt.
"Nope, not one," Virgil responded, which, oddly enough, earned him a laugh from Remus' end.
"Aaawwweee, you poor thing, it must be so hard to breathe," Remus purred, Virgil rolled his eyes.
"What do you want." Virgil said lowly.
"We're almost to the next town, so we need to establish some rules," at this, Virgil straightened up slightly, this could be it, his chance at escape.
"There will be guards on all exit points, and no other ropes will be far enough down to reach, so dont plan anything stupid," Remus said, Virgil smirked slightly, pitiful, he thinks ropes being a little high up is going to stop me he thought.
"You will only be allowed in the main part of the ship, not the cabins, those are reserved for crew members," Remus continued, that was probably a given, but Virgil would find a way to break that rule to.
"And finally, Don't. Touch. Anything." This last rule was said with such aggressiveness that it nearly caused a shiver down Virgil's spine, he felt mildly betrayed by that.
"Is this understood?" Remus said coolly, Virgil merely nodded in response.
"I meant for you to respond verbally, your highness," Remus said.
"Understood." Virgil said, slowly regaining his composure.
"But, I do have one question," Virgil said, turning slowly.
"And that is?" Remus raised an eyebrow.
"If I cant touch anything," Virgil wrapped his hands around the bars of his cell, "then I've broken rule three every day since ive been here," Virgil smirked.
Remus stared at him for a few moments, dumbstruck, or at least, Virgil hoped he was.
"I meant, dont touch any items outside of your cell, floor and walls are fine, but no papers, books, ropes, wheels, candles, none of it," Remus said. Virgil ran the phrase over and over again in his head to try and find some type of loophole, but when none presented itself, he went quiet. He watched as Remus produced a key from his pocket and began working the lock on Virgil's cell.
Virgil rushed out nearly immediately after the gate swung open, half expecting Remus to grab him and shove him back. But no such moment came, soon he was out in the open air, the scent of salt water enveloping him, the feel of the breeze on his skin was almost comforting now.
"Keep him alive, please." Remus stated to the guards. Virgil watched as he, Roman, and Janus, jumped off the boat, each dragging something behind them.
And then Virgil was left with two guards on each side of the boat, standing beside the openings that would allow for Virgil to rush off onto the mainland. But he'd worry about that later, the twins and the snake were still all to close for him to run for it now, so it was unsafe for him to attempt anything just yet.
So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
For what seemed like years, he waited.
And finally, he noticed a slip up, and once he did, it was showtime. He knocked the closest desk over and waited for the guards to attempt to restrain him, only to sneak under their arms and rush out through the now open exit.
He landed with a thud on the harbor, and ran into the town as fast as his legs could carry him. He ignored the shouts from his captors, ignored the staring, ignored everything that was keeping him trapped in that ship.
The buildings in this town were a lot smaller, and there was no wall around the outside. The docks were lined with shops, jewelry and clothing and all sorts of other things hung from booths and lay on counters. It was then that Virgil realized, he didnt have money. Lucky for him, most of the people in the crowd were nearly a foot taller than him, which made it much easier to snag a cloak and an apple from the booths on which they lay.
This was alright for a while, until he ran into other people. Though in this case, the couple seemed far to focused on each other to even realize he was there, until the shorter man, dressed in light blues, with a grey scarf and cap on his head, broke away from his partner and turned in Virgil's direction.
"Oh dear- my apologies- didnt see you there-" said the shorter of the two.
"That's the idea," Virgil said quietly, this earned a worried expression from the first boy, the second, dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt with a black bandana around his neck, merely seemed intrigued.
"Are you hiding from someone? Is everything alright?" The first man stepped forward a little, cautiously.
"Oh yeah it's great, been stuck in a pirate ship cell for like two weeks with nothing to go off of but cryptic messages but its fine!" Virgil exclaimed with a sigh, barely caring about the fact that he didnt even know these people.
"Oh dear- that must've been awful," said the first boy.
"You'll have to excuse him, hes never actually interacted with pirates before," said the second boy, fixing his glasses.
"And you have?" Virgil said, looking him up and down.
The boy quirked his mouth slightly, into a sort of half-smirk that he couldnt quite finish.
"Former Lord Admiral Logan Sanders, at your service," Logan said, bowing slightly. Virgil's eyes widened slightly, he pulled the cloak further over himself. If Logan had been in charge of ships at one point, he likely knew about Virgil, and he had no plans to go back to the castle either.
"Nice to meet you," Virgil replied.
"And this is my fiance, Patton Boleyn," Logan said, gesturing to Patton, who gave Virgil a wave and a nod.
"Nyx," Virgil said plainly, though the word felt like bile as he tossed it out, it was the safest thing he had for now, but he certainly didnt want it.
"Oh have I been getting it wrong then? I couldve sworn the queen called out for a Virgil when we brought you on the ship," Virgil froze as he heard Remus' voice, and then he ran. He didnt care where he was going or how long it took to get there, but he wasnt staying on that ship, nor in that castle. He could hear footsteps racing after him, the sound swinging and wind blowing through the air.
And then again, cold metal pressed against flesh.
And then he woke up back where he'd started, a cell with wet wooden planks and a falsely comfortable looking bed.
Only this time he wasnt alone, this time he heard crying, and yells, fury like he'd never heard before.
"Oh quit whining, we're not going to hurt any of you, but we cant have you running off to tattle on us, now be a good prisoner and shut it," Virgil snarled as he heard Remus' voice, he was beginning to hate it, hate every joke that fell from his lips, hate the way he twirled that stupid mustache of his when they talked, all the flirting and the compliments, it was like the captain thought he was to foolish to see what was really going on!
"Ah! Our perfect prince has awoken from his slumber, now tell me Virgie, did you really think it would be that easy to escape?" Remus said, leaning on his morningstar and flashing a grin.
Virgil was about to open his mouth so he could tell Remus where to stuff it, when suddenly, he began to feel sick. Not just a fleeting sickness, either, no, this was like someone had set his insides on fire. He held back the screams for a few seconds, and was surprised to find a worried expression make it's way up Remus' face when he let loose.
"JANUS! MEDIC!" Remus turned and rushed out of the cell room.
Virgil couldn't tell what happened next, because one second, he was curled in a corner and clutching his sides from pain worse than anything he'd ever experienced before, and the next, everything was swirling away into a deep blue and black, almost like a dream.
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 7
Bakugo X Reader 
Words : 3523
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Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically
Nothing could compare to this feeling. You were still tucked into Bakugo’s arms, his warmth radiating from his bare chest into your back. His chin was on top of your head and his arm was wrapped tightly around you. You could stayed like this forever but the sunlight from your window was now directly in your eyes... wait no... that wasn’t right. The sun shouldn't be up while you were in bed.
You opened your eyes and saw the time, “Shit.” You tapped Bakugo’s arm, “Bakugo, wake up. Bakugo... Bakugo!”
His arm tightened, “Hmm?”
You wanted to be annoyed, you really did. But he was just so cute. “Bakugo, we are very, very late. We missed our morning workout and the beginning of class. We are in so much trouble.” Bakugo made no move to get up which surprised you. You mentally went over what day it was to make sure it wasn’t a weekend day.
Nope it’s Wednesday. “Bakugo what gives? We are late we need to get up!” The more you struggled to pull away from him the tighter his hold became.
“Would you fucking relax... we got the day off.” You went to protest but his hand slapped over your mouth, “I talked to Aizawa and we agreed you could use a day to recover.”
You licked his hand expecting him to pull away but instead he nuzzled into your neck and licked from your bare shoulder to just below you ear. A shiver ran down your spine as you squirmed in his grasp. “Two can play at that game pup.”
You wiggled your butt back and pressed it against his growing erection. He quickly let go of you and pushed himself away, “Nope! None of that. Not right now.”
You giggled and rolled over to face him. “And may I ask why not?”
He ran a hand through your messy hair, “Because we have a lot to talk about, and I’m not having sex with you again until we do.”
You stuck your bottom lip out in a pout, “I guess I can’t be mad at that... but I’m not thrilled about it either.”
He ran his thumb over your protruding lip, “What do you say we play hooky today and I take you into town. You haven't really seen much of Japan outside of this shitty school.” Your eyes widened with excitement, “We could consider it a cultural lesson.”
You kissed his cheek, “How in the world did you convince Aizawa to let us... wait... when did you talk to him about us having the day off?” He had been with you ever since the accident yesterday and you didn’t remember any such conversation. “Oh no he didn’t come here did he?”
He rolled his eyes as he rubbed your temple. He could see you were starting to panic, “No I saw him early this morning. I got up and let Mercy out for a run and he was outside on his way to check on you. He asked how you were doing and I said you were still sound asleep so... the rest you already know. We got the day off.”
You sat up and stretched. Wincing just slightly at your sore muscles. It didn’t escape Bakugo's attention. He sat up behind you and started to rub your shoulders, “How are you feeling by the way?”
You bit your lip to keep from smiling, “Did grumpy cat just ask me how I was feeling?”
His hand snaked up your neck and tightened just slightly, “Just answer the question pup...” His thumb rubbed circles behind your ear, a direct contrast to the pressure of the rest of his hand squeezing your throat.
You relaxed into his embrace, “I’d say I’m fine, but I get the feeling you wouldn't believe me.” His lips lightly brushed your shoulder. “I’m sore. But nothing too bad. I didn’t have a recovery girl in the states so believe me when I say I’ve had worse.” The hand on your throat pulled your head to the side to give him access to your neck. Was this way of rewarding you for being honest? For behaving? “I thought we weren’t having sex right now?”
His hand dropped from your neck, “We’re not...” His weight disappeared from behind you. “Now get dressed... something warm.” He was in front of you now looking at Mercy, “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Make sure she actually gets out of bed.”
Mercy barked in confirmation but as soon as Bakugo left he turned to you, “He does know that you’re my alpha right? He knows I can’t make sure you do anything...”
You laughed, “I think he conveniently forgets that I am the alpha here.”
“I think he believes he is the alpha.”
You dragged your sore body over to the closet, “Yeah well he can believe whatever he wants.” You pushed the clothes around until you found the jeans you were looking for. “But at the end of the day he’s the one drooling over me.”
The jeans were very tight and fit you like a glove. You tucked them into a pair of black ankle boots. You looked at your ass in the mirror and you smiled knowing Bakugo would struggle to keep his hands off of it. Now for your shirt. You went back and forth between a cropped sweater and a tank top. He had asked that you dress warmly... were you going to listen.
You held both options up in front of the mirror as you debated on how bratty you wanted to be today. On one hand, he asked you to dress warmly out of practicality. On the other hand he needed to know he didn’t have the right to order you around. You looked into the corner of your mirror and saw a black shirt on the floor beside your bed. It wasn’t yours, so it must have been Bakugo’s. He hadn’t worn it yesterday so it must have been there a while. There were often days in the past month he’d eat dinner in your room while you watched tv. Some of those nights he’d take his shirt off, claiming he was dying of heat stroke. You had just shrugged it off at the time because he did run hotter than most people.
You hung your shirts back up in the closet and picked up the t-shirt. It was a Metallica shirt. You raised it up to your nose and took a deep whiff. Yup... it’s Bakugo’s. You quickly pulled the shirt on and tucked it in to your jeans. Finally you pulled on your favorite fleece lined denim jacket. “Hm... five minutes to spare.”
You put Mercy’s collar on and grabbed a leash just in case and walked out into the hallway. You started to pull your hair into a messy bun when Bakugo left his own room. “Don’t, I like it when your hairs down. You always have it up.”
You paused. You don’t like leaving your hair down because it can get in the way if you need to fight. You shrugged. “I want it up and it’s my hair.”
He strolled over to you and narrowed his eyes at the shirt you were wearing, “I was wondering where that went.” He looked up to you as you continued to pull your hair up, “I really wish you’d leave it down.”
You huffed as you conceded. “Fine. Compromise.” You let your hair back down and ran your fingers through it. You pulled half of it up now and left it in top knot. “Better?”
He nodded, “I can live with that.” He took your hand and led you to the kitchen where he started making a pot of coffee.
You hopped up on the counter and kicked your legs back and forth. “Those damn animals drank all the coffee this morning huh?”
He snorted, “No one here drinks coffee except you.”
You cocked your head to the side, “But you bring me coffee almost every morning.”
He rolled his eyes at you, “Yeah dumbass because I get my ass out of bed in the morning and make it.”
He handed you a to go cup and put himself between your legs. Placing one hand on each thigh. “So… we’re going to go into town. You need groceries, I’m sick of you eating my food all the time.”
“Hey! You’re the one who keeps giving me your food!”
He rubbed his palms up your thighs, “If I didn’t then you wouldn’t have eaten.” He was so sweet when he was like this. If only he could always be like this. But then again maybe you wouldn’t like him so much if he was…
Bakugo was right. It was a bit colder today than usual. You huddled up next to him as you left campus. Mercy for now was walking next to you without a leash but you knew eventually he’d have to use it. “Can we at least try to do it without a leash… I hate the leash.”
“I know buddy… but these people don’t know you. We don’t want to scare them.”
Bakugo looked at the leash in your head and nodded, “She’s right man. You’re massive. You’d make most people shit their pants. But hey one day you guys will be big time heros and people will know who you are and you’ll never have to wear a leash again.”
Mercy just huffed as he ran ahead while he still had his freedom. You grabbed Bakugo’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I dont know if I’ve ever thanked you for being so cool with him. But I appreciate it and I know he does too.”
He shrugged, “It’s no big deal. I figured he must be going crazy only being able to talk to you all day.”
You smiled and swatted at his chest, “Oh come on I know you’re jealous you don’t get to be in the pack. You don’t have to hide it.”
He smirked, “Oh no... you got me... I secretly wish I could be your little bitch boy.” Mercy growled not liking that comment at all. “Sorry man, no offense. You’re not a bitch... but you also do everything she tells you...” Mercy lunged for Bakugo’s ankles in an attempt to trip him. “HEY! Easy! I said I’m sorry.”
You giggled, “I’d say you deserved that. He’s a little sensitive about our bond and our pack dynamic. It’s such a strong connection that’s almost impossible to explain. We just are. It’s like two computers sharing the same data base. We are always connected. We’re not very good at it yet but sometimes I can even see through his eyes. We are just extensions of each other. So you can understand why he gets upset when people mock it.”
Bakugo nodded as he reached out to pat Mercy’s head, “Yeah my bad dude. I wasn’t trying to make fun of you, I was just making a joke.” He slung an arm around your shoulder, “So how does it work? The whole bonding thing? Did you choose to bond with Mercy or?”
You played with a strand of your hair, “I don’t exactly know actually. When I was little, probably around 6, and started showing signs of my quirk my parents thought it would be good to get me a dog to help me practice. At the time we had no idea about the bonding thing. We just thought I could talk to dogs and shift.”
Mercy was next to you now, he loved hearing this story. “So we went to the shelter and I played with all the puppies. They can’t exactly speak right away you know, it’s something they have to learn. So I was going off more of a gut feeling. There was like this gravitational pull that drove me to the back of the room where there was a very dirty and feisty wolf pup absolutely destroying an old shoe. My parents were horrified at the thought of bringing him home but I just knew. We learned to communicate through our emotions first because that’s what he understood best. He slowly started picking up words and now twelve years later here we are.”
“So you were bonded from the beginning?”
“No, not at all. It actually took a few years and I still don’t know how I did it. I was almost thirteen when it happened. It’s like something just clicked one day and that was that. We’ve been bonded for the better part of the last five years now.”
The market came into view and you could feel your excitement blooming in your chest. This was the first time you had actually left campus on your own. I mean sure Bakugo was there but he hardly counted, he was with you all the tie anyways. He pulled you down aisle after aisle of fresh food. Each time you pointed something out he would say it’s name in Japanese before telling you what it was in English. There were a few things here you had never even seen before. Your favorite part however had to have been when you walked down the “American” aisle at one of the convenient stores.
You were wiping tears from your eyes you were laughing hard, “No wonder you guys think all Americans are fat.” There was an assortment of sugary cereals, pop tarts, candy, and cookies. “We eat more than this junk you know?”
Bakugo laughed, “Yeah like what? McDonalds?”
Your eyes widened, “How dare you? We also eat Wendy’s, taco bell, and Chipotle.” You then proceeded to try to explain to him why in the south you drink your tea iced and with a pound of sugar when you both heard a scream. You both froze as you went into hero mode. Your ears twitched as you tried to find where it was coming from. You could hear a conversation from the front of the store, “Someone is trying to rob the place… the person who screamed was the cashier.”
Bakugo looked at you very impressed, “You can hear all that?”
Your eyes started to glow, “Yeah, I can also hear him threatening to kill her, we need to help.”
Bakugo’s hand gripped tightly on your elbow, “No y/n. Your wolf form is was too fucking big. He’ll see you coming!”
You nodded he was right. You ripped your arm from his grasp and laid on you belly, “So I’ll crawl.”
“What the fu..” You shifted now laying on your stomach in the middle of the aisle, “You stubborn crazy woman.” You wanted him to get on your back but you didn’t know how to tell him that. So you ended up turning your head to him and cutting your eyes back and forth between him and your back.
“What? What do you want? You want me to climb on top of you?” You licked his face which only seemed to piss him off. “Disgusting.” He hopped up anyways and you had to admit it felt very natural him sitting up there.
You stood up to a crouch and slowly made you way to the front of the store. As you got closer the arguing got louder. The poor woman was trying to empty the register with shaky hands but she kept dropping things which just upset the villain. It was then you realized she wasn’t dropping things because she was nervous, she was dropping things because she couldn’t see. She felt around as she looked for the register. That must be the villains quirk. Blindness. You wanted to tell Bakugo but you were too close now to play a game of charades. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “On three you jump on top of the guy and I’ll get her out of here. Just keep him pinned and don’t try anything stupid.” You nodded back. “One… two… three!”
You leapt out from your hiding sport tackling the man to the ground. You put a paw over his face just in case his quirk was somehow activated by him looking at you like Aizawa’s was. You herd the bell ring as Bakugo got the woman out of the store and to safety. The man beneath you thrashed around trying so hard to free himself. At one point he pulled a knife from his pocket and stabbed your shoulder. To you it was the equivalent of getting stung by a bee. Sure it hurt a little, but not enough to get you to budge.
“Shit! Get off of me you overgrown flea bag! GET OFF!”
The bell on the door rang again and this time you could see Mercy running inside with Bakugo. “Is that a knife in your shoulder?” You barked like Mercy did when he was trying to talk to him. He ran a hand over his face, “I literally can’t take you anywhere.”  He looked down at the man who was still struggling, “Here’s how this is going to work. We’ve already called the police. She is going to let you up and when she does you aren’t going to move. If you decide to try and run, I will blow your ass up. I’m the maniac who won the UA school festival a few years back so I think you know I’m being serious.”
The man froze for a bit before going limp. “Mercy don’t look at him. I think his quirk messes with people senses. I don’t know how to tell Bakugo though… any ideas?”
Mercy jumped up and put his paws on Bakugo’s shoulders, “Oi what the fuck? Get down!” Mercy took his paw and rubbing it over his own eye before shaking his head and doing it again. “Okay so you’re obviously trying to tell me something but I don’t know what…”
This was going to take forever. You shifted back to your human form, “He said don’t look him in the e-.” The man punched you in the face and scrambled to get to his feet. “Damnit!” You jumped and grabbed his ankle tripping him yet again. This time he turned to look at you and just like you had predicted. You couldn’t see. “SHIT! Bakugo I can’t see! Don’t look him in the eye!”
A loud explosion rang from outside the store so you assumed Bakugo followed through with his threat. You reached out for Mercy with your mind. You could tell he was outside with Bakugo. You focused really hard, almost sweating with how hard you were pushing your limits and you could finally see again. Except it wasn’t through your eyes, it was through Mercy’s. “Well this is a bit disorienting.”
You had to use your other senses to try and find your way to the door. “Wow! Relax you can’t even see. Do you have a death wish dumbass.”
You scoffed, “I’ll have you know that I can see actually!” “Mercy come over here now I need your help.”
“Oh yeah is that why I just watched you trip over the curb? The police chief already said his quirk doesn’t wear off for like an hour.”
You crossed your arms over your chest in frustration, “I CAN SEE !” Mercy came and sat down next to you, “Hey I’m kinda using your eyes right now. So just try to look out for where I’m going. You’re literally my seeing eye dog.”
Mercy bit the end of his leash and put it in your hand, “You got it! I guess it’s a good thing we have the leash.”
You could now see Bakugo’s skeptical expression as he stared at you. You did your best to match his glare but you had no idea if you were even looking in the right direction. “Alright then…. How many fingers am I holding up?” He held up three.
He looked between you and Mercy, “You cheated! Mercy told you!”
Bakugo walked towards you and put a hand over Mercy’s eyes, “Okay and now?”
You growled, “One?”
“HAH! You can’t see. I knew it.”
As soon as he removed his hands from Mercy’s eyes you took a step forward and slapped his ass. “Oh yeah? Then how did I do that?”
His eyes went back and forth between you and Mercy again, “You’re doing that thing you were talking about… You’re looking through his eyes.”
Your face fell, “So what? I can still see… I don’t want to go home yet. We were having fun!”
Bakugo leaned forward and kissed your forehead, “It only lasts an hour. What do you say we just take a quick break and get something to eat?”
You nodded, “Okay…”
He took your hand that wasn’t holding Mercy’s leash and lead you through the crowd. He led you to a quiet little tea shop, “I know you said you liked your tea cold, which I still think is gross, but this is my favorite place for tea around here. I figured we’d get some tea and have that talk we mentioned this morning.”
Tags : @tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2 , @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha
161 notes · View notes
bucciaratizippers · 4 years
Genre: slight NSFW i guess
Pairing: Pannacotta Fugo x reader
Summary: Reader comes home to see Fugo alseep in bed and moaning her name, having a very good dream.
Word count: 1409
A/N: so hello there my ppl so this is my first Smut so i hope its not cringey i just u all end up loving it so ye if ur a softie and cant stand lemons then skip to the next chapter.
⚠️About Request⚠️
Also i do take requests so if u wanna send me a repuest u must do these following things
The name of character
What genre
And what scenario
Thats all love u all.
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You were on your way home as you walked past a nice takeaway restaurant. It was so bright thata you had to squint you eyes to see the name of the take away restaurant.
And to be honest you were feeling kinda hungry so it wouldnt hurt if you got some fod for you and your boyfriend.
Yes thats right you have a boyfriend. His name was Pannacotta Fugo. You two basically just moved un together and have been dating for 2 years now.
As you wantes to step into the restaurant your phone started ringing.
You let out a sight and run your hand through your hair as you picked up your phone.
"Hey sweetie how are you doing" your boyfriend answers from the other side of rhe phone.
"Nothing much, just tought i would buy some some Chinese takeaway for us ....that is if you wa-"
"Just needed to check on you feeling really tired right now, so please hurry so i wouldnt have to be worried that your still out here alone."
"Okay, okay im on my way i will see you soon"
And like that you hung up.
You entered the store, bought some food for you and your boyfriend, paid then left the store happly.
You open the front door to the hause you and Fugo shared but to your surprise it was very quiet.
Fugo didnt show himself nor appeared infront of the door to greet you and give you huggs like he would normally do.
You found this strange but then later considered that he was asleep.
You walked all the way trough the hallway into the kitchen.
You droped the food you bought on the counter as you went upstairs to wake up Fugo.
No sound so you yelld again.
Again not a single noise.
Later you gave up and headed your way up the stairs .
As you got closer and closer to the room door you heard some voices. Something close to whimpering maybe?
"Fugo? Is that you?"
You called as you tip toed closer to the room door. Slowly you open the door to find a already asleep Fugo in his bed.
You sigh in relief know there wasnt a stranger in your house. It was just your boyfriend sleeping.
But then you were 100% sure you heard something that soiunded like whimpering.
In that moment you heard him.
"[Y/N]~ hmmm"
You open your mouth in shock. Aas your boyfriend dreaming about you?
Right here? Right now?
"Ahh mh..mm [Y/N]~ your to good....for m.e.ee"
There again. He was moaning.
You tip toed closer to him and he was asleep ofcourse but to your surprise you see that there was a tent built around his groin area.
You look in shook. Between your thighs beginning to heat up just by the sight of your boyfriend's erection.
You let out a snall moan as you touch your self. Trying to create friction between your legs.
"Wait i wanted to wake Fugo up right? So why not wake him up in a very special way huh?"
You tought to your self.
You slowly make your way onto yhe bed trying not to wake him up immediately in the process.
You lean closer to his face and place some small tender kisses on his cheek. From his cheek you make your way to his jawline and place also small tender kisses there too.
You continue to loave a trail of hickeys on his neck while your other hand glides down his chest.
It goes down futher south untill it reached its destination. You palmed his erection through his sweat pants as Fugo lets out a queit groan.
It was musuic to your ears.
Slowly you began to trace the outline on his erection until you felt him twitch under your touch. You let out a small moan as you couldnt hold it in anymore.
You sat down in the position where your legs were on each side of Fugo's hips, hands on his chest.
You grinded onto his groin and let out another moan. Enjoying the feeling you were having.
Just then Fugo wakes up suprised to see you gindjng unto him.
But hey he wasn't complaining about it.
Out of instinct he bucked his hip into your heated core, his erection craving to be touched.
"Mmhm Fugo mhhm~~"
You moaned loudly.
Fugo ler out a smirk as he stared at you.
He quickly turns the tables by turning around you now under beneath him.
Before you could say anything you were stoped by a heated and desperate kiss. He licked against your bottom lip asking for entrance.
You want to taese him so you dont five him the permission to enter.
Fugo then grabs one of your breasts, you being startled by this lets out a little squeak ofcourse letting your guard down. He takes the advantage to slip his toung into your mouth.
The kiss becomes needy and more needy as the both of you are having a heated makeout session.
He breaks the kiss for some air and theen goes for your neck leaving small hickeys here and there.
You moan and whimper under his touch. Your hands snake around Fugo's neck.
Fugo quickly pulls of the t-shirts your wearing along with your pants. Now left with only a panties and a bra.
Onthe other hand you only manage to pull of his top he was wearing gliding your hands along his well toned abs.
Fugo unbuckles yiur bra, taking one breast in one hand teasing it and taking the other breast jnto his mouth.
His tounge swirls around your nipple arousing you.
"Mmhh ahh Fugo i need you right now mhhmm~~"
He stops to look at you. He looks at you deep in the eyes before replying.
"What is it you want darling?"
He says with a smirk.
"I need uhhhgg..... i need you~~"
"You've got to be more specific darling"
You gathered the strength you needed and then told him..
"Ahhh i need your thick cock to strech my tight wet little pussy ahh mmmm~~
Please daddy fill me up with your delicious cum mhhmm~~"
Fugo wasted no time pulling of ypur panties and flinging it to a random corner in the room along with pulling his sweat pants and boxer briefs.
As his dick sprung out you became more impatient and became a moaning mess aunder him.
Begging himm to slide his thick shaft into your tight walls.
He gives himself some strokes then aligns himself infront of your entrance.
Slowly he enters into you bit by bit. Once he is fully in he lets you adjust to his size before slowly pounding into you.
You moan like crazy, unable to control yourself at the moment.
He pickes up his pace as he pounds into you mercilessly and leans down to whisper sweet nothings into your ear.
Saying how good you make him feel, How he feels like putty right now, how tight your walls are squeezing him to how beautiful you look under him.
As Fugo hits your G Spot you immediately moan out his name.
"Fuck [Y/N]"
You both cursed as you both chased your orgasm yor nails digged into Fugo's back as you felt your orgasm getting nearer and nearer.
Finally you came on Fugo's cock and Fugo coming immediately after.
He fell right beside you and instantly hugged you. Bringing you as close as possible.
You also being exhausted embrace him to you whosper to him...
"ti amo"
"ti amo anch'io"
The both of you drifted to sleep.
The Chinese takeaway totally forgotten
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ditch-witches · 4 years
Mirror Mirror (Dean-Charles Chapman Smut)
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requested: yes/no (ask and you shall receive)
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pairing: Dean-Charles Chapman x reader
warnings: smut, aggression, swearing, etc. (i DoNt kNoW wHaT iM dOiNg aNyMoRe)
a/n: If you prefer soft!Dean, please exit stage left because I did him so dirty... - Love, Grayce.
You stuffed your hands in your jacket pockets, pulling your phone from its hiding place as you attempted to find out exactly where you were going. The bustle of the set brought a smile to your face as you mixed into the crowd of people moving towards the large battlefield seeming to grow out of the green hills. You had planned on coming to pick Dean up for the day, a surprise which was welcomed due to your connections with the historians working on the film when you had pitched the idea. You were greeted by a few of Dean’s co-stars---friends that you had met at parties and other events for the movie---deciding to stand on the grass beside a vaguely familiar face. She explained the scene to you briefly but it came out in a jumbled mess. She seemed to know about as much as you did about the movie except you knew she had a rather large role in it.
Someone backed into you, the both of you turning quickly to apologize to the other, but you bit back your words as you realized the person was Timothée Chalamet. You blinked, slightly bewildered at the lanky boy in front of you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t spill anything on you, right?” He quickly spoke, looking you over slightly.
“Honestly, if you had I probably would have thanked you,” you quirked, letting out a nervous laugh.
He furrowed his brows slightly with a smile. “Okay, then I take back my apology.” He eyed your outfit. “Do you work here or…” He trailed off, chewing on his bottom lip as he attempted to place you.
“Oh! No, I’m just visiting,” you gestured over towards the scene and something clicked in his head.
“That’s where I’ve seen you! You’re Dean’s girlfriend,” he replied with a sense of relief in his voice. He tucked the script under his arm he was holding and wiped a hand on his jeans, holding it out for you. “I’m that one asshole from Lady Bird.”
You chuckled, taking his hand. “I know. My sister’s a huge fan.”
He laughed. “Oh? How old is she?”
“Sixteen,” you quipped with a small smirk. He acted as if he had been shot. “I’m joking.” Someone else---someone also rather good looking---crashed into your shoulder, knocking you forward and into Timothée’s cup of coffee. You winced in anticipation of the burning sensation from the liquid, but it never came, instead, it had splashed all over him. “God, I’m a babe magnet,” you murmured, digging in your purse for a napkin. Timothée laughed loudly at your comment. Your mouth gaped slightly. “Oh, my god. That was inappropriate. I have no idea why I said that,” you stated with no inflection in your voice, causing him to giggle a little harder.
“It’s not a big deal. It was the medieval gods coming after me for not being in character. I’m not sure if you knew this but denim wasn’t popular with the clergy.” He took the sorry excuse for a napkin with a smile.
You smirked at him. “Really? I always thought Thomas Aquinas was a boyfriend cut type of guy?” You both giggled. You spotted Dean out of the corner of your eye heading towards the two of you, a rather confused look on his face. Your eyebrows perked up at his attire. His flowing hair and armor were a stark difference than what you were used to seeing. Mainly it was so surprising to you because Dean’s unofficial uniform had become sweatpants and a hoodie. “You look amazing,” you jeered, a smile on your face as he joined you.
Timothée sent him a weak smile as Dean noticed the stain on his pants. “I see you two have met,” he jested, nodding to the stain. There was something off about him but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Timothée began to explain the situation to a derisive expression of Dean’s. The director calling it quits pulled your attentions away from the conversation and a few people came to shuffle Timothée away. He sent you an apologetic smile as you waved him off. When he was finally out of sight, his eyebrow raised at you and you tilted your head.
“Are you alright?”
He sighed. “I’m fine. Don’t go anywhere.” You stiffened slightly as he left for the costume trailer. You felt almost guilty like you had done something to piss Dean off, but you weren’t even sure if he was mad.
You walked in silence beside Dean, your hand in his and his other absent-mindedly jingled his keys. The parking lot was beginning to empty as you finally reached his car. “Hey, babe magnet!” You turned to see Timothée’s car pulling up next to you. He smiled at you. “It was great running into you today.”
“Yeah! Uh, send me the bill for dry cleaning, okay?” You stated, sending him yet another shamed expression. He brushed it off.
“Don’t worry about it. See you Monday, Chapman,” he waved, pulling away after Dean sent him a smile. You noticed his face tense again. The car ride was also in silence, the tension in the air thick enough to slice with a knife. You were worried about talking to him. He had never hurt you and you knew he wouldn’t, but if this was just him being grumpy and tired, it’d be better to confront him at home.
“D, are you okay?” You asked, finally getting inside your house.
He turned to you, his deadpan expression ticking you off slightly. “I’m fine.” You crossed your arms protectively over your chest, narrowing your eyes at him.
“No, you aren’t.”
“You and Timothée seemed to really kick-off,” he quipped, an eyebrow slightly raising in your direction. His muscles tensed and he clenched his jaw slightly. The sharpening of his features sent a shiver down your spine. He looked at you almost darkly.
You shook yourself out of checking him out to send him a scoff. “So…” He took a step forward, his expression twisting slightly into an almost jokingly dark smirk. You fought not to pull him against you. “Are you jealous?”
It was his turn to scoff. “Why would I be jealous? You came home with me.” He stood in front of you, his eyes almost glaring into yours. You hated to admit it, but such a display from him turned you on more than you would have expected. He reached forward to run a strand of your hair through his fingers. “You’re fucking me.” You remained silent, your excitement building under his tinkering gaze. He took more of your hair in his fist and pulled you against him, crashing your lips together in an almost breathless task. His other fingers dug into your hip, bringing you flush against him. You wrapped your arms around his midsection as he tugged your bottom lip between his teeth. His tongue slipped into your mouth roughly and you moaned against his lips, your body feeling like jelly in his arms. His hands moved beneath your shirt and then down to your ass, gripping you harshly and grinding into you. At this point, you were already ready for him to have his way with you, and he seemed to get the point.
He broke away from you, leaving you almost whimpering. “Get upstairs,” he gruffly commanded before almost chasing you up the staircase, his child-like humor returning for only a moment until kicking your bedroom door shut and pulling his shirt over his head. You slipped your dress off as well, kneeling on the bed as he walked over to you, his lips finding yours again in a searing kiss. He pushed you back on the bed before dragging you towards him with a tight grip on one of your thighs. “Jealous… Me?” He mocked. He settled above you pressing his lips against your neck and biting at the skin, eliciting a moan to fall from your lips. His hand snaked down your body at an excruciating pace to slip between your body and your underwear. He began to rub circles against your heat, leaning off of you to see your expression. You rested your hands on his neck, pulling him down to kiss you briefly so you could hide a moan threatening to burst through your body. He slipped a finger into you and you groaned, wrapping a leg around him as he began to pump his finger in and out of you. He added another as your hips began to move with his rhythm. You dug your fingernails into his back and his dark expression flashed to pride.
A knot began to build deep within you as he alternated his speeds. You felt yourself tightening around his fingers; at this rate, you’d be done for within seconds. “Dean…” you whined, ready to make him quicken his fingers inside of you, but instead he retracted himself, sitting back on his knees and pulling you up to sit across from him. His fingers slipped into his mouth as his other hand reached up to rub a thumb against your swollen bottom lip, agitated from his tugging and biting. He wrapped his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you into another agonizingly short kiss before getting off the bed and dragging you into the bathroom with him. He pinned you against the counter roughly, his lips capturing yours as his tongue once again danced with yours. You held onto his shoulders to steady yourself as he unclasped your bra, his lips once again leaving yours to suck on your neck, his hand squeezing your breast while the other settled on the counter behind you. You slid your hands down to the waistband of his sweatpants, unlacing the tie but he grabbed your wrist, halting your progress.
“Don’t,” he barked. He roughly turned you to look into the mirror. Your hair was disheveled, lips plump from his previous actions, bruises littering your neck and chest. Dean looked glorious and in complete control behind you as he slipped his pants off, taking his boxers with them. He practically ripped your underpants down your legs before pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “I love you,” he said, moving your hair off your neck and looking into your eyes through the reflection of the mirror. You found yourself breathing rather deeply, overcome with pure passion for him. “Remember that.” Your eyes locked to his as a sardonic smirk spread across his face and you bit back a grin of your own.
God, you were in for it.
He spat in one of his hands before wrapping it around his cock, pumping his hand a few times before bending you at the waist and slamming into you. You groaned at the aggressive nature of his action: something so different from his usual manner in the bedroom. You gripped the edge of the counter as he pulled out of you only to fill you back up once again, snapping his hips into yours. As he pounded into you, letting a string of curses fall from his lips in a deeper octave you hadn’t reached before, your eyes shut in pleasure, attempting to keep yourself together.
Dean drove a fist into your hair yanking your head back up and tsking at you in disappointment. “Watch, sweetheart.” His lust blown eyes burned into you through the mirror as he leaned over you slightly, pressing his lips to your back before standing up straighter and pulling your hips against him, driving himself deeper into you. You knew his fingers would leave bruises and, in a way, you wanted them too. Dean moaned, biting his lip at your slack-jawed expression, his thrusts sloppy. You were thankful for his tight grip on you because your knees were weakening by the second, with each of his movements.
You couldn’t take the wait anymore. “I’m close…” you moaned, looking up at him through the mirror.
He shook his head. His pace picked up even more and your eyes threatened to roll as goosebumps began to spread over your body. “Beg,” he grunted.
“Please, Dean.” It became harder and harder to hold yourself together as you felt each of his jerks and movements. He leaned over you once more, his face next to yours in the mirror. Both of you were covered in a sheer layer of sweat with the look of pure lust for one another mixing with the colors of your irises.
“Cum.” It took milliseconds to reach your climax with his permission and he rode out his own orgasm against you, leaving the two of you panting and barely able to stand. He pulled out of you and you dropped to your knees slightly, a lazy expression covering your face. He helped you up and he leaned against the counter. You took this opportunity to fully examine his work. He watched you with bliss still playing in his eyes.
“Shit, if I had known it took spilling coffee on Timothée Chalamet to bring that out in you, I would have done it sooner,” you jeered, smirking at him.
Dean stood up, crossing his arms and sending you a cocky grin. “Joke all you want. I’m not the one that was bent over the sink, my love,” he quipped, cheekily slapping your ass as he exited the bathroom.
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drunk chris continuation?💕
A/N- Heres Part 2! Hangover cure! 
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Part 1
You disappeared into the kitchen to make the hangover cure, grabbing a bottle of champagne, and orange juice from the fridge, making mimosas to relieve Chris’s headache. You knew he was a beer man, but this was vitamin C boost. Whatever, that what you were claiming was the cure. You also dug into the fridge and dug out stuff to make blueberry pancakes. What was mimosas without fluffy pancakes to go with it. Flipping on your playlist, and plugging your phone into the kitchen outlet, you got started with the tunes of Billy Joel playing in the background.
Chris made his way to the shower, once he got the water running, he figured a couple tablets would help with the throbbing behind his eyes. Opening the medicine cabinet, he shook the bottle and popped the meds, palming his hand under the facet to collect a swallow of water. Dipping his head back to ease them back. Oh that better kick in soon he thought, while his hand dipped into the stream of water and finding it satisfactory, he shed off his clothes, tossing his wallet and phone up on the counter and got in. Giving a sigh at just how good the hot water felt falling down his back and turning into it fully to drench himself and soap up, already feeling better.
Afterwards he dried off and slipped on a loose pair of sweats and nothing else, since today was just a lazy day. Going into the kitchen, he caught you bouncing happily to the soft tone of Joel, sipping on what looked like bubbly orange juice from one of the flute glasses you kept for special occasions. His stomach rumbled, and he was surprised to find that yea, he was hungry. Hands sliding along your bare hips, lifting his shirt up enough for him to palm your ass while you flip two pancakes. “Feeling yourself again?” You tip your head over your shoulder and give him a quick kiss while waiting for them to cook through.
“Much better, I took a couple tablets and they helped. Is there anything I can do to help?” His hands were still on your bare ass cheeks, fondling them, making them clench under his touch. “Nope, one of those flutes are yours, and we will have breakfast out on the deck? Its not to bad out, but your gonna want your sunglasses. I will be out in a minute.” You scooped out the pancakes and onto a plate with the others you already made. Chris gave one last squeeze and a light tap that made you jump in place while he nipped your neck.
“Your an animal” You hiss at him joking while he went to grab stuff from the fridge to accompany the breakfast you made, along with silverware and plates. “Theres no denying that baby, I love everything about you, you expect me to keep my hands entirely to myself when your bare ass in the kitchen?” He wiggled his brows and whistled to Dodger, who happily followed him out onto the deck, setting up the table, he was quick to go back inside and grab his sunglasses, perching them on his face.
“No, thats the whole point. Although we sitting out on the patio, Im gonna need something to cover my bare bottom.” You claim when he returned to you to grab your plate of pancakes, letting his hand wander one last time for a firm squeeze, pecking your lips playfully. “Fine, I can understand that.” He relented and took the plate from your hand. You pat his chest and give him a light push to go back out.
“Your insatiable, go out, I will be there in a minute.” you laugh, and retreat to put on some boy shorts, slipping them on with a hop while you continue down the hallway, collecting your mimosa and the ingredients to continue making more. When you step onto the concrete of the patio, your toes flex underneath the warmth already building in the late morning. Setting it all down on the glass top, you perch in your seat, shading your eyes to see Dodger on the other side of the pool and stretched out in the shade.
Chris is sitting next to you, scrolling through his phone, and obviously reading over the messages you two shared last night, groaning softly and you grin while collecting a couple still warm pancakes, pulling of a bite to pop in your mouth. “What? wishing they took away your phone last night?” you ponder, leaning over to look at what hes reading. “They should have. It wasnt just you that got random ass messages. Mom, Carly, Shanna. “ he continued scrolling, and flipped it so your could see. “Even a joint message to Anthony and Seb.” You collect his phone to read through it and laugh at his rambles, which both men responded with Wtf man, go to bed from Seb, and Anthony, well he egged him on.
You talk to all your friends this way? Your girl gonna get jealous.We knew you loved us man.
“Its your job to take it away before I go out” Chris informed you when you handed it back over and went back to your pancakes, drizzling syrup over them. “Oh no, what if you need to give me a call, ask me to marry you again? Be sure you tell Anthony Im willing to share, im not a jealous girlfriend.” You smirk, and Chris glares over his sunglasses at you, making you lean over and put a playful kiss on his pouting lips. “You love me and you know it Evans.”
“Yea I do, still your job to take away my phone next time.” He finally took a pancake and ripped it in tiny pieces and nibbling on a piece. You were about to retort when you heard someones voice behind you, and half turning in your chair, you saw Scott wandering into the kitchen. Waving your hand to catch his attention. “Were out here, grab a glass and I will make you a my morning hangover cure.”
Scott grabbed a flute glass and came out, immediately dropping his sunglasses on his face with a groan. “Suns a bitch, shining so bright so early in the morning.” He walked past the two of you and dropped a greasy mcdonalds bag in Chris’s lap. “I figured you might want to try that.
“Its 11 am Scott...” You retort as you take another bite of your pancakes. “And I made breakfast.”
Chris is digging out a sausage biscuit and Scott hands over his flute glass, which you start to put one together for him. “And your pancakes are delicious Y/N, but we need hangover breakfeast, greasy fast food will soak up that last bit of alchohol. We are pros at this, been at it since 16. Blame Chris, he corrupted me way back then.” You roll your eyes and smirk when handing it back over, which he sipped off the top.
“You know what Im not surprised. Under that nice sweet man exterior of his, I knew theres a corrupted side.” you smirk at your man, winking.
Hes unwrapping the biscuit, sharing bites of the biscuit with Dodger whos sitting near him with his head in his lap. “If I remember correctly, I wasnt the one who insisted I went out.” He arched a brow, who in turn Scott pointed right at you.
The traitor.
“Excuse me, it was YOUR girlfriend and contacted me saying you need a drunk night out with your friends. I delivered.” Scott informed Chris, and your acting all innocent, whistling and looking around, suddenly the other side of the pool looks really interesting. In your weak attempt to change the subject. “Chris wouldnt some bird feeders look awful nice over there, something for Dodger to watch.”
Taking a bit bite of his biscuit, Chris snorted after he swallowed. “I KNEW IT WAS YOU.” Exaggerating his words, you look over slyly and shake your head in denial. “Oh I dont know what your talking about Chris.” In a semi aggressive whisper across the table, fake covering your mouth to exaggerate it “Scott how could you throw me under the bus?! were no longer best friends.”
Scott laughs and tosses back the last of his drink. “That is until you need someone to come over and hang out cause your bored.”
“Okay, well until then, your dead to me.”
“Deal Sweetheart, okay gonna go check on the others. Since you know, not a one of us left sober except for Mikey. Check on you two love birds later.”
As Scott left, Chris tossed the last bite to Dodger and you pushed away your plate, moving to a stand and coming around to sit on Chris’s lap, brushing your hand through his hand while he circled his arms around your waist and pressed his face in your chest, making your laugh. “Your not to upset I called in your friends, you really did need a night out Handsome.”
“Mmmph mmph mmoh” He mutters and you ease his head up, chuckling. “What?” your brow arches in question.
“Hell no, it was needed, but... “ His arm tightened around your waist and moved to a stand, not letting you go, your arm loped around his neck to balance while he braced his arm under your knees. “It was tricky and you didnt take away my phone.” Chris went around the table and started to the pool. As soon as you realized his intent and started to wriggle to try to get loose. “Dont you dare Chris... Chris! CHRISTOPHER DONT YOU DARE!”
But he did dare, and you went splashing into the pool, you shot back up sputtering when he to jumped in next to you, you swam over to where he would pop up, and shoved him back under. His hand snaked up to your boy shorts, pulling them off, leaving you squealing, and he shot up in front of you. Pushing your hands against his chest to push away from him, trying to escape, he dove after you, leaving you laughing and twisting away, till you came up behind him, yanking his own pants down, blowing water in his face when he turned around.
“Get your ass over here baby.” He growled and you shook your head, pushing the hair from your face and staying just out of his reach as you two circled around the pool till he ended up catching you right at the edge, and your legs wrapped around his waist, nipping at his lips playfully.
“Oops look like you caught me!” You grinned at him and he grinned back, cupping your face in his hands and kissing you back deeply. “My plan all along, wear you out and then I get to do what I want with you.”
Which he did, making you orgasm twice pressed between the pool wall and him, you two finally got out, and went to take a “quick” shower, the water going cold on you two, but at least the chlorine was washed off. Instead of really redressing, you slip on black panties and tank top, going out to pick up the patio table, and he follows you out to help, catching sight of your hips. “Oh shit baby, does that hurt?” He frowned and slid a hand over your hip. Frowning you look down, and chuckle.
His fingers must have gripped you pretty hard in the pool, as they fit exactly where he liked to grasp to get the most leverage in his thrusts. “Chris baby, I didnt even know they were there.” You purr as your arm loped around his neck and you nuzzled his neck. “So dont worry about it, It doesnt hurt at all.”
He looks doubtful, and you feathered kisses against his neck. “Promise, but you can make it up to me.” You grin and go back inside, which he followed you and the two of you worked on putting stuff away. “What is that Babygirl?”
“You can watch your video you sent me together so I can see you squirm and love me one more time in bed?”
He seemed to ponder that, and as you bent over the washing maching, his palm squeezed over your ass, making you arch.
“Deal baby, get that cute ass in bed with your phone.”
After dissecting the video in the most hilarious moments, you were laughing so hard tears were streaming down your face, awwing about how sweet he was, Chris took over and proved his words about how much he loved you in the best way possible, leaving you crying his name over and over. Did Chris end up unwinding? Most definitely. It was probably the best day hes had in a while.
Your plan worked like a charm.
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Breakfast in Bed ||| Wonpil x Reader
Summary: Making breakfast in bed for your bf on his birthday Genre: Fluff, you know the drill Warning(s): jam None  Word Count: 1558  Theme Song: Red - The Rose AN: Happy Birthday Pillie! A request/idea from @idontknowapil and now a birthday present for the brightest angel that has ever existed. Married AU bc why not
You rubbed your eyes as you placed the knife safely in a mug by the sink, taking in the sight of your handiwork.
The toast heart was a little bit lopsided you had to admit, but you’d managed to get the jam to the correct thickness and the sides decorated to perfection. Still, your work wasn’t over. 
Feeling the pride giving you a boost of energy boost against the drain of having gotten up so early, you placed the mango and raspberry squash on the tray before lifting it carefully. 
Taking the stairs slowly, you eventually reached the top without a single drop spilt much to your satisfaction.  Easing your shared bedroom’s door open with your foot, you reentered the safe haven that had taken you so much effort to drag yourself from. A smile arose to your features as soon as you spotted the precious man that all your hard work was done for. He was still fast asleep, one arm stretched up onto the pillow with the other having remained where it had been as he cradled you during the night.
He was so adorable that it made your heart flutter, his naturally wavier hair uncaged by the straighteners he insisting on using and left free to curl over his forehead. His features seemed to be lightly furrowed, as if his dream required him to think, and it pouted his lips so sweetly. 
It took a lot of effort not to just abandon everything you’d made to join him beneath the covers once again. Still, you knew his face would be a piece of art when he woke up to see the breakfast you had prepared for him, so you stuck with the plan. 
Tiptoeing over to the bed, you placed the tray where you had sprawled so the chances of him knocking it were slim, before returning to his side.  Leaning over so you could get a better view of the beauty before you, you drew your fingers gently over his temple. Shifting a lock of hair from his skin, you pressed a kiss softly there. He was frankly irresistible, and you found yourself ducking in to plant another on his exposed cheek—the other smushed into the pillow. 
He huffed cutely in his sleep which led you to giggle; he was coming away from the world of dreams but he wasn’t quite out yet. Flicking a glance to the toast that was inevitably enjoyed much more warm, you realised it would take some more drastic measures to pull him from his slumber in time for breakfast.
Pulling the duvet the slightest bit away from his chin you nestled his jaw in the palm of your hand, tracing your thumb across the apple of his cheek. 
“Wonpil, sweetheart,” you sang tenderly, “time for breakfast.”
After receiving a scrunch of his nose as proof that your tactic was working, you let yourself chuckle at how cute he was. Giving into the temptation, you placed another kiss this time upon his nose.  This elicited a hum and before you knew it, your husband—too adorable to be true—was dozily opening his eyes.
“Good morning,” you greeted, his hand leaving the pillow and rubbing his cheeks and eyes into a further state of awake. 
“Morning,” he reciprocated with a voice gravelly from sleep, as he used most of the energy he had to lift himself ever so slightly, just so he could kiss your nose in return. It was weak, but you knew it was a precursor of what was to come. 
Making more of a gap so he could begin to breathe some cool air and awake further, you smiled at him sunnily. “Happy birthday sweetheart.”
That seemed to pry him open a bit more. “Oh!” 
He began to shift himself up in bed, ready to get out after seeing the joy in your eyes and quickly rationalising you had a plan. He was confused, then, when you pressed your hand to his chest and encouraged him to merely lay back against the headboard. 
“Get yourself comfortable,” you said with a wink, as you levied the tray across into both your hands, “because you have a special treat.”
To say his eyes widened would be an understatement. You were convinced that they had wettened at the image of the breakfast you’d made and brought him. It wasn’t the first time either of you’d had breakfast brought to them in bed, but the level of handiwork this time seemed extra special—even if it was simpler than a few of the other occasions.
“I felt bad that you’d lost out on some toast so I got you some extra bits,” you pointed to the ‘side dishes’, a portion of salad, some toast soldiers coupled with a soft boiled egg.
He looked on the food you’d gotten him with what could only be described as a happy pout. “Thank you so much, this is just so perfect... I love you so much!”
You felt your heart swell, encouraging him to tuck in. “Before it gets cold!”
While he tucked into the heart shaped toast you slipped back into the warmth of the bed beside him, resting your head on his shoulder as you watched him enjoy the mix ‘n’ match breakfast you’d presented to him.
“It tastes so good,” he exclaimed through a slightly-full mouth, unable to hold in his compliments any longer.
“It’s just the usual jam on toast,” you humbly admitted. Not that he would have that.
He shook his head, dusting his fingers off on a napkin you’d found unused from your housewarming party. “No this definitely tastes even better than normal toast.” He let his hand no free of crumbs stroke your hair as he gazed at you, fully awake and bubbly like his normal self. “It’s the taste of love, that’s what it is.”
“Ew, corny,” you scoffed, turning your head away from him to avoid his stare catching the blush that had bloomed upon your cheeks. 
He laughed, dusting off his heart toast and swiftly moving onto his egg.
“This is going to taste more than amazing too,” he announced, ducking down to kiss your head, while you let your eyes rest.
When he got a subdued response—a smile, yes, but with closed eyes—he realised you could easily fall back asleep, and that would not do.
Savouring the first taste of the egg, he brought a soldier of toast and dipped it into the vibrant, runny yoke.
“Y/N, honey, stay with me,” he giggled, running his hand down to your shoulder and rubbing lovingly, “here.”
You opened your eyes to see the tantalising sliver of toast neatly coated with yolk being held towards you. Feeling your stomach rumble out of negligence on your behalf to your own hunger you very nearly didn’t stop yourself from accepting his offer. “Pillie, it’s your breakfast!”
“Yeah, which means I choose where it goes,” he countered smoothly, gasping in faux indignance, “am I not allowed to feed my own wife?”
You pouted, before letting him feed you. He did so with a grin so radiant you were beginning to reckon you were going to need sunglasses to appreciate him in all his glory.  The taste awoke your senses and you savoured the bite, letting the texture seep in and elicit a satisfied groan from you.
“You know what you’re right, this stuff does taste much better,” you backtracked, frowning quizzically at your work.
“Because... love infusion,” he declared in English, fumbling only a bit over the phonetics.
You felt yourself burst into laughter. He was too good for your heart. “I guess so, yeah.”
He continued to feed you slips of toast, and then spoonfuls of the egg itself, and eventually you learnt that there was no point in insisting it was all for him.
Once it was all finished, his drink sipped and not a single sprig of salad remaining, Wonpil reclined back with a sated sigh.
“Best meal ever,” he stated, “Ramsay’s got nothing on you.”
Rolling your eyes with a smile you moved the tray out of the way for him and onto your bedside table, changing the subject as you did so. “So, do you want to see your present?”
His motions to begin retreating beneath the duvets again immediately halted. “This wasn’t my present?”
“One of them yes,” you explained, surprised that he thought you wouldn’t have gotten him anything substantial, “but the proper one is downstairs!”
He reasoned with the suggestion for a moment, before a mischievous glint settled in his eye. “I think I’ll take my second one first.” 
You weren’t given long to be confused, your lips parting to chide him for sinking under the blankets once again, but the chance to speak being taken away as he proceeded to snake his hands around your waist. Having propped yourself up on one elbow when he’d begun to move you slipped to the mattress with a gentle thud as he brought you flush to him.
Creating a cocoon for the two of you, you were finally enveloped in warmth as he grinned victoriously, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“Let’s just stay here for a little bit, yeah?” he suggested, caressing your back.
And what could you say—you couldn’t say no to that man in a thousand years. Especially not on his birthday.
AN: my apologies idk korean breakfasts so we ran with some english stuff hell yeah
btw i hate this title its so basic so if it changes in the future dont be surprised
also fun fact about me:
i hate jam with like every inch of my life so 
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