#and i love angst
tys-kitty · 2 months
I just love it when people complain about the miscommunication trope in a book. Like, girl, have you ever read a Cassandra Clare book? Because I don‘t think so…
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lizard-queen-izzy · 3 months
Oh hey! If I post art now I can devastate you with my TimSasha angst!
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'forgive me not, forget me not'
There's something so devastating to me about them. Did you know they died just a little over a year apart? Sasha was July 29th, 2016. While Tim was August 7th, 2017. Barely a week over a year apart.
(Also, by pure coincidence in my designs for them, they both die with almost completely grown out blonde.)
[Refernce image:]
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6-atlas-6 · 9 months
I'm gonna be completely honest with y'all
I never finished project meridian or Geordi's playlist...
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toomanyhyperfixations · 5 months
Imagine that Molly becomes so depressed and lonely after losing Scratch that she eventually "gives up the ghost" the same way he did. When Scratch eventually comes back, he has to help bring her back to life the same way she did for him.
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friendsdontlieokay · 8 months
Dear Will,
Gosh it feels weird to write to you when you're literally in your room, but the truth is, I've become so distant lately, I don't know if I can even talk about this face to face with you, but I want to, I really want to, and by the time you get the letter I might not be here anymore anyway so I guess it's alright, right?
Will, I think I know what is going on with you, no actually I don't think so, I know so, and I know that you know it too, but I hope that you know that whatever happens does not matter, you're my baby brother and I will always love you no matter what happens, you don't have to feel like you're all alone in this world because you're not, even if I'm not here,I'll always be here for you.
And by 'I know what is going on with you' I meant that I know that you like Mike, and to tell you the truth I kind of figured it out before even you did. I thought that maybe you'd come to me to talk this through but I was wrong, and to be honest it's not even your fault because I've been so distant lately, or stoned, as you prefer to address it, the main point is I know I've lost the right to be your brother, let alone be your friend, a long time ago, and maybe I've also ruined the safe place where we could talk to each other, I definitely have. But just so you know, I've already pre-planned and prepared everything to torment Mike if he ever dares to hurt you or El, so do warn him about that.
I am so very sorry for everything Will, I really hope and pray that you'll be able to forgive me and find a friend in me again but Will, I just want you to know that I really miss talking to you, playing stupid little games with you, pretending to be asleep with you in the middle of the night so mom couldn't catch us, sneaking out to watch movies with you, listening to the clash with you, almost blowing up the kitchen while teaching you how to bake, Will, I just miss you a lot, and I wish I could fix these but I'm afraid there's not much time left, brother.
Will, I've been chosen, by Vecna, or cursed, whatever you call it. It's been a while actually, headaches, nosebleeds and nightmares but yesterday...yesterday I saw the clock. Actually I'm kinda surprised I'm not dead yet, but since I could manage a little time, I'm writing you this letter.
Don't be mad at me, at first I did think of sharing it with you or the others but I kinda figured that we actually have way bigger problems than this, yeah I know I still could've told you, or mom, or Nancy, but to be honest, even if it seems a little funny, lately I've been feeling like a plastic bag on this earth,or a blood sucking leech to be more precise who's just getting in the way complicating things more than they actually initially already are so I might as well let Henry take me as a bait already. Will, please do not ever turn out like me, I know you will never, it's spiritually impossible to ever happen but still, please don't.
The reason I'm telling you all this is because you're still my best friend and my favorite person, and you always will be, and remember that nothing in the universe can ever change it okay?
Will, to be honest I think I'm scared, I don't know what to do, it's like I'm walking inside the darkest tunnel and even though there is light outside, there is no way out and I'm too scared to even find a way so I'm just letting death befall. Still, there is a part of me that does want to make everything okay again, to fix it but I'm afraid that's not possible, not anymore, but right now, I'm too scared to give in and too scared to let go too. So, little brother, you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go?
Love, your useless big brother Jonathan
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biancadjarin · 1 year
idk about you but I love the idea of Eddie and Steve HATING each other, just constantly hurling insults at each other, filling your head with why the other one isn’t right for you while you date both of them behind each other’s back.
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Rhys will be dropping by to say ✨HI✨️
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So I’ve been really getting into mystic messenger again because depression has been hard and I’m super emotionally attached to these characters, especially poor V who is tied for my favourite with Saeran. Spoilers for the secret endings.
Imagine in the year and a half since Rika “committed suicide” V falls in love with the reader. In Vs route he expresses multiple times that he doesn’t deserve to love again so he never expresses his love to the reader.
The reader also falls in love with V but doesn’t express it to respect the fact that V is (supposedly) still mourning Rika.
So during the confrontation where V gets shot the reader (don’t ask how they get there I haven’t figured that out lol) protects V and Saeran shoots them instead. Yes we’re going this way.
Despite Vs worsening eyesight he knows the reader protected him and instead of Rika having the mental breakdown it’s V. Since V getting shot was fatal chances are the reader would die but I think leaving the ending open would be better because I’m not that heartless yes I am.
Someone has probably written this already but I rarely get inspiration so I’ll probably write this, maybe, idk. I love V and he deserves to be happy even though this would just be super angsty LMAO.
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rainbowcolored7 · 2 years
I could be totally off base here, but after sitting inside my misery all day I think I've finally pinpointed what it is about episode 9 in particular that's got me feeling so... off? Perhaps betrayed is a better word. Just, overall, icky. No joke, I finished my first watch this morning and felt actually sick to my stomach. Most saturdays I spend the entire day rewatching the new ep, today I've only watched it twice. But I digress...
I was thinking back a little on the only other episode that left me feeling tormented, which was episode 5, and how ep.9 is making me feel so much worse. I came to the conclusion that it's because we, as the audience, are being almost completely shut out.
In ep.5 we get introspection into how Porsche and Kinn are feeling, it's very out there and in your face, even without them talking to each other. Ep.9 gave us just about none of that introspection. We had Kinn completely closed off, barely showing any emotion. We got Porsche looking annoyed, but even his upset was held more inside with his silence and meditation.
As far as we, the audience, can see neither K or P are communicating with each other though both clearly have a plan. But they are also not communicating with us. Which is one, fucking amazing powerful story telling, and two, incredibly painful. We've been voyeurs to their struggles and their love and their ideas and now they've both put up a giant wall that has only a very small hole to see through. We know something is going on but it's blurry and a bit hidden and I hate it so much.
They've seemingly shut each other out. They have shut us out. And regardless of us knowing why they've shut us out, it still fucking sucks not being let in on the secrets. I for one would like to be let the fuck back in.
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shadwoes · 1 year
what if i also write rava 🤔
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orchid3a · 1 year
the amount of angst w heavy hurt no comfort i have in my wips is going to get me a place straight in hell
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romeoows · 1 year
my favorite dynamic that i have at work is with one of my bosses.
she's REALLY into fantasy romance novels that are pretty graphic and she always talks about them and what they're reading in her book club.
and i am also really into reading. however. our favored genres are incredibly different....
she talks about the romance and drama in her book, and i tell her how in the book im reading there's a pig that has killed people and is controlling someone's mind and has become an axe-wielding maniac on a farm.
she wont let me in her book club.
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hellfiremovieclub · 2 years
(if you saw my taylor swift roulette post no you didn’t— it’s not happening today) I’m working on angst with Eddie finally :) I’ve wanted to do it and it’s happening. Here’s part of it because I’m bored:
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apathetic-microwave · 2 years
fixating on atla so bad rn
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literally my spam blog is full of so much atla reblogs
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tache-noire · 2 years
Ohhh I'm having so many emotions about Papa Nihil being an Old Bird with stiff wings and little bald patches... he can't fly anymore, but he can watch his sons. He can feed the birds and watch them flit around.
Helping him stretch and exercise his wings every day because he doesn't have the strength to do it all by himself anymore. Putting heating pads on his joints to soothe some of the pain. Even though it's difficult, he still has to wrap a wing around you when you sit by him. Up close, you swear you can hear them creaking.
Every lost feather is a treasure to hold onto after he's gone.
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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My blog has become infested with angst goblins, and they must be fed with some hypothetical scenarios!🙏💚
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