#and i'm incredibly sad bc i just miss them sooo so much i miss the show i miss the boys i miss the experience
airenyah · 2 years
hey everyone did you guys know that
i love
i mean i really really love
แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน BAD BUDDY SERIES
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
My favorite things from last night show
Disclaimer : I was sitting in the fourth row of Manhattan, meaning I had an amazing overview of what was going on everywhere, however that also means I missed many, if not all, small interactions and background lines
+ I think i'll make a specific post about the characters and actors later on because I have way too much to say, this is only about the show in general and last night show's specifically
The way they use the stage is so clever ?? I heard about it but seeing it up close was actually very impressive + incredibly immersive. The newsies are everywhere, they interact with the audience, they are next to you, behind you, in the aisles... I legit got distracted from what was going on on stage so many times because I was watching them walk around the aisles
Also there are so many little off-stage interactions between the "background" newsies I really liked it not only is it even more immersive but it also shows how much work every single actor is putting into their character
The reaction to "who wants Brooklyn" is honestly a jumpscare. They all let out a loud "no" and hide their faces. My two favorites were Crutchie putting his bag on his head and Tommy boy lying face down on the floor
Jordan and Zack joined in during Seize the day !!!! Also the boys on stage cried during this number, and I'm pretty sure most of the audience did too. The overall performance was so emotional you could really see how much this show means to all of them
There was so much going on between them during Seize the day actually, I don't know if it's an everytime thing but either way last night it felt really sad, at the end of the number they all start to hug and comfort each other it was both really sweet and incredibly sad
Maybe it's because I only saw it once, but I liked the first part a lot better than the second part ? Like the watch what happen reprise, brooklyn's here and once and for all are still my fav numbers, but overall the first part felt a lot more flowing and dynamic than the second one ? (Maybe take into consideration here that I had a growing headache due to a very long day, so maybe that was why I couldn't enjoy this part to the fullest. Will come back to this if when I see it again in July)
Coming back to the use of the space here, but in King of New york I loved how they were just. Swinging on the lamps. Like I knew about it but I was still pretty impressed.
Watch what happens reprise was soooo good pls. I will come back to this when I post about the characters, but between davey's excitement and Jack's hopelessness it might very well be my favorite interpretation of this scene
The ??? Brooklyn newsies ??? The girls own my heart I swear. Also I didn't know they came into a circle and all said their name, until the climax of "SPOT !" ??? In a way it echoes the moment in seize the day when all the boys get into a triangle and say their names but it also establish them as characters, even tho most of them have no other lines
Once and for all was amazing what else do you want. Also I missed the whole number on stage bc Immie and Damon were dancing right in front of me so there's that
I will talk about the ending later, but I'm just jumping to the bows bc it was ??? So emotional omg ??
When they all line up at the end Alex Hatton started shaking everyone's hand and at first I didn't know if he was still in character or not but anyway it was so sad pls
Also when Alex and George bowed they hugged afterwards and they both looked both so sad I was crying
At the very end they had extra bows for all the leaving cast members and they were all hugging each other and comforting each other
(side note but idk what they did with the lights, bc apparently all the boroughs still had a pretty nice view of them but from Manhattan I legit didn't see anything from the extra bows ?)
Anyway at the end kamilla came out and put Lary on the stage and then basically everyone went crazy
I have sooo much more to say about this show but I need to organize my notes with the characters and stuff so i'll leave that here for now. Also yeah I'm still emotional about the cast leaving so I needed to rant about it so badly
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gleefully-polysexaul · 10 months
my honest review of red, white and royal blue film :)
firstly, i liked the film, i didn't love it but it wasn't bad either. it's just that fact that it felt incredibly rushed and they only selected the really important parts and disregarded the others. i mean they completely scrapped june and that is pretty big since she was a part of the "white house trio" and personally i think she was a important character that helped alex and i loved their little sibling bond also they got rid of raefel luna which is a shame since alex looked up to him and he had a major part in the book, between his role in alex's life and his "betrayal" and how it affected alex also he basically exposed richard (i think that is his name). i miss the turkey scene and alex's fear "hE kNOws mY sINs" bc i loved that scene. also where was leo and why was his parents still married?!? a big part of alex's journey is how much the divorce affected him and the fact that he opened up to henry for the first time after he shouted at his parents on Christmas eve. the waterloo letters didn't show anything to do with bea's drug problem and they also didn't get henry's mum involved which is sad bc in the book it was really emotional and significant when she showed up to support henry and the fact the king didn't try to fight it tooo much unlike how in the books the queen had to be literally threatened for her to give in. also no mention of david and mr wobbles which isn't that important but i like animals sooo... also i would have liked the cornetto scene to exist bc it's basically the first time alex saw henry as a normal person, all messy and in his pajamas and his perspective slightly shifts, not be a lot but he discovers a bit more abt henry and how he isn't perfect all the time. Also pez only got like one line which is a shame since he is funny and we completely missed the scene where Alex realises that he has friends which is pretty big for him. they also didn't go into how hard it was when henry's dad died for all of them (bea included) was also kinda annoyed that they replaced the queen with the king, i'm not sure why they did that but it was just a bit weird.
anyway, i had to vent this at 3:06 am or else i was gonna explode i think they should have make it into a series so they could have gone further into details and helped with the character development and actually add all the characters
just clarifying that i did like the film and i did like a lot of the scenes and the iconic lines but i think personally that they didn't do it justice, well not fully anyway and feel free to disagree
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wineonmytshirt · 1 year
HI JEN 💓💝💘💕💓💞💗💕💓💝💘
first and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 💌💌💌 i hope this new year brings nothing but love, happinness, and lots of success and growth for you and your loved ones! 💝 how are you doing today? :)
i saw your post about not being around, i'm sorry about the passing of your relative; my condolences to you and the rest of your family.
i agree with what you said so much! taylor has such a talent for storytelling; it's truly amazing the way she transports you to the scenery she's describing when she sings 🤯🤯🤯 although not colour, but the way she makes snow on the beach sound exactly like that... mindblowing!
ohhhh, i'm surprised to see we share some likings! i'm more of a casual fan (i don't really follow them so i have noo idea what they're up to, however, i enjoy their music a lot!), but halsey is very good! i used to listen to them obsessively back when badlands came out; it's like one of those things that etch into your brain forever. i loveeee haunting, control, castle, and strange love! i listened to if i can't have love i want power last year and i enjoyed it a lot too, although i haven't really listened to it more, i found it to be an amazing album as well (i am not a woman, i'm a god is such a bop).
fall out boy are also amazing!! save rock and roll is like one of my favourite albums EVER, and american beauty/american psycho also is one of my faves to listen to! if you said they have new music coming, i hope i don't miss it :) ariana too!! ugh, i adore her music; dangerous woman is also one of my favourites and she's just so!! i do realise i am quite disconnected from mainstream media lately, but before the pandemic i was head over heels with these artists! demi lovato is also incredible! i love their voice (i am not sure at this point how they identify, so i apologise if i'm misgendering them); truly a wonder to witness 👀 although i think they put a rock album lately? i heard one song and i want to listen to it skjndshfb
i was a big fan of 5SOS back in high school too, although some things happened and i kinda just ignore them now 🫥🫥 (nothing personal, they just remind me of someone) but i've seen they've gotten big and that makes me happy for them cause they were really good and their albums (the first two) were on my playlist every day!
OH I ALMOST FORGOT EMAILS I CAN'T SEND!! like every artist i mentioned before, i used to listen to sabrina a lot years ago, but i drifted away. however, recently (and due to @/into my melancholia [i hope this doesn't give away my identity 🫥]) i listened to emails i can't send and LOVED it! 💓💓💓 it's such a good album too, i've been obsessed with nonsense and read your mind.
as for mirrorball, it's one of taylor's best writing, however sad, but i can also relate to it
ohhhhh, i've read some stephen king's books (and loved them!) but i haven't read doctor sleep; i might check it out 👀 my favourite drink is coffee, i don't drink much alcohol but i love wine! fun fact: my first language is spanish! so if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes in here, i apologise hehe
full offense but bailey is the cutest and i love him 🥺🥺🥺
i know this was quite a long ask (again), but i hope you don't mind :( i wanted to gush about things too! i know soon we'll unveil our gifts and to be honest, i'm kinda insecure about mine because i feel it's not a big deal :( despite that, i hope you'll like it, and i hope you don't regret me being your secret santa. just know that i loved meeting you and learning about you and you're so nice and kind that i'm thankful this site has people like you that make it a safe place 💗💗💗
i hope you're having a lovely day, please take care of yourself! 💞💞💞💞
first and most important thing i have to say in response to this is that i am so excited to see my gift and it is a big deal to me bc you made it for me and put thought into it sooo let's be real i love it already!!!!!!! you've been so sweet and wonderful to talk to, thank you for your kindness, i appreciate you more than i could ever say💕💕
thank you for your kind words for my family, i really, really appreciate that. it's a weird time, but we'll be okay.
CONTROL CASTLE AND STRANGE LOVE?? could your taste get any better? you're an icon. i've tried to see halsey twice and it hasn't worked out yet... the day it happens... idek who i'll become.
FALL OU TBOY!!!! SAVE ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT ENTIRE ALBUMMMMMM JKSJKDSGJK . save rock and roll feat. elton john? bye. just one yesterday? incredible. miss missing you? AMAZING. young volcanoes? heard it live and nearly passed out.
i love fall out boy.
Z!!!!!! Z!!!!!! @intomymelancholia YOUR INFLUENCE CREATED ANOTHER SABRINA FAN!!!!!!!! I Love it.
if you love wine you should try the fruity kind i like! that might sound weird, but barefoot fruitscato, if you can get it... yummm!!!
Bailey loves you. xo
and so do I.
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cadykeus-clay · 2 years
I always appreciate your cr breakdowns and thoughts, I would really appreciate your thoughts on the group dynamics in the latest episodes and where you think things may go from here. Hope you're having a lovely day!
I assume you're talking about the most recent 2 episodes (33 & 34) and if you meant anything earlier than that, don't read on because uhhhhh. Major Spoilers
I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and really think about this show or collect my thoughts because I'm working full time and a full time grad student making me incredibly busy. So this will be ... disjointed.
My first point is: I love tragedy in stories, I absolutely adore it. Liam O'Brien kin to the core, a story has got to have a vein of sadness in it to really be good in my book. So I was honestly excited to see how drastically Matt took that combat and how many people went all the way down. I might not have enjoyed it if I was a player at that table, but I'm not! I was just watching it, and I loved watching it, so that's that.
That's not to say I wasn't also sad! I love Fearne and I really love Orym, and then last week when Laudna went down too, my heart sunk. But like. I stand very firm in the fact that Molly dying was one of the best things that happened to the M9's entire plot, because of the way it fundamentally changed the character trajectories to have more weight and meaning. (I have other feelings about how Molly wasn't going to be a good long-term character anyways because of his stubborn refusal to change, and other other feelings about how bringing back Lucien/Kingsley for the final arc felt very hollow to me when Molly being Gone Forever was so vital to the direction the plot took until that point. But I digress)
So, I am fascinated to see where these deaths take the party in the longterm. I am selfishly glad that Orym is back, not only because I like his character a Lot (he's my 2nd fave), but I feel like there is so so much we haven't seen from him yet. He's by far the person in the party who is holding back the most still, even though he's shared the paper details of his backstory I feel like he's bottling up sooo much inside that I want to see bubble over. He's always playing the mediator, I wanna see him snap.
I also think Orym staying dead would have been the least satisfying narratively because (as many others have said more eloquently before me) "it's ok he died bc now he can be with his dead husband!!" is such a shallow ending for him, especially when Liam explicitly said his final thoughts were "I failed". Fearne was accepting in her final moments, and in her rez vision was curious about what lay beyond. Laudna has been prepared to die since the moment Delilah brought her back. But Orym had a bucket list of things to do before he went, and I think it would really be a disservice to his character to not let him go through with them when he exists in a D&D world where rez magic exists.
If Fearne had died, I would have been really interested in how the party was going to handle telling Birdie and Ollie, who had said goodbye to her just that morning, and the whole plot with the Unseelie Assassins. (Would Yu have believed them? Would they have thought Fearned went into like ... Fantasy Witness Protection? Would the party be as motivated to keep following the trail of Ira and Ludinus when those NPCs were so directly tied to their source of grief?) But I am also happy that she's back! There is absolutely no energy that could come close to matching her level of chaos and fun that she brings to the table.
Now with Laudna more permanantly gone than the other two, I am definitely sad. I'm going to miss so much about her character in the interim or perhaps forever. She was so genuinely kind and optimistic and she brought a very nice balance to this group of people who are constantly on the tipping point of their worst selves. But I'm equally interested to see what happens when that balance is gone. How quickly will they fall. Imogen is already down the path of do whatever it takes (which I am SO into, I've been a champion of Imogen corruption arc since day 1, please please please imogen betraying everything for the promise of getting launda back please), but Ashton I also really want to keep an eye on.
He and Laudna were quite close and were also pretty good foils for each other (both had been left for dead by people they trusted, come back from it with mysterious powers they don't understand and a terrifying woman looming over their shoulder as a puppet master, who were trying to channel their moment of loss and pain into something more productive) and without Laudna there to reflect off them, I really don't know where Ashton is gonna go. Is he going to let pain take over? Try and become a more optimistic force to cover for Laudna's absence? Idk but I want to find out!
On the other hand, I wouldn't be at all upset if Laudna gets resurrected. I'm not as staunch as some others in the camp of "I don't like reversing deaths because it lowers stakes", but I do hope it takes time for them to get one. For one, I'd love to freshen up table dynamic with Marisha introducing a new temporary PC, there's no way that won't be incredibly fun to watch.
For two, I think a sidequest to rez Laudna would actually be great for the plot right now. We've had like 5 or 6 episodes of intense, campaign-wide plot back to back to back. Major backstory drops overlapping and a billion things with this Ruidis plot escalating all once, and it's been thrilling, but I'm ready for a break. I want some time to digest all this information, put together theories, let the effects of everything show on players. They don't need to completely ignore the Ruidis plots but, like, how long did VM take to finish off the Chroma Conclave? 40 episodes? We can spare a little time to handle other things.
In short, I'm having a great time being sad about it, and I am very excited to see where all of this goes and how many of the PCs go off the deep end about it.
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placeinthisworld · 1 year
hello!! first of all congrats on the url change i love it!!! and yesss after seeing what she did for red tv i'm so interested in seeing what she pulls out for 1989 tv. i think the song i'm most excited for is clean just because i love it so much but also blank space is gonna be so good!!
those are suchh good choices for midnights, i love maroon and mastermind. i agree that the anti hero mv was incredible and blew me away more than the bejeweled mv, tho i love bejeweled so much i have to appreciate it lol. but the anti hero mv expanded the story and emotions from the song and it was so funny and heartbreaking at the same time it truly is a masterpiece!!! and there's so many details in it that i don't think i'll ever find them all
that playlist sounds really good!! speaking of gracie and phoebe, i've been meaning to get into their music- do you have any recs?
and lmaoo i believe the best time to do christmas shopping is the week before 😌 (this has absolutely never caused me any problems at all ever) i ordered one gift for someone a week ago but other than that i haven't done any either so i guess we can be behind together! sending love!! 💕💕
Thank u!!!!!!! @intofolklores bullied me into finally using it (I’ve had it saved forever waiting to) but I really like it!!! AHH yes 1989 tv is going to be SO POWERFUL I cannot wait 🥰 I wonder if she’ll do that or speak now tv next…..clean is such an incredible song 🥺 I still think of the clean speech when I’m sad, the tv version is gonna hit so hard
MAROON!!! That song needs to be injected into my veins I love it so much. I hope we get voice/ songwriting memos for it bc I would die. But yeah same!!! Like I love the bejeweled mv but it felt very much more Easter eggy / fun compared to how specific anti hero is, so personally I just find anti hero sooo much more interesting to watch (but Taylor in bejeweled 🤩 so pretty) I can’t wait to see how Taylor directors a WHOLE ass movie with these visions !!!!!
AHH Gracie and phoebe…my absolute faves. I have a very acoustic/ sad music interest so these are my favorite songs from each!!
Gracie : hard to sleep, better, long sleeves
Phoebe: Chinese satellite, punisher, you missed my heart
Do you have any artists besides Taylor you enjoy listening to!?? I’d love to check them out too!
Hahah honestly same I think the anticipation of getting last minute gifts a week before Christmas is the only way to go 😂 i have done absolutely 0 shopping still but hopefully online shopping can save me, but at least you have one person crossed off your list!
Sending u lots of love back!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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starcloud-nova · 2 years
omg bestie u read trc!!? tell me ur thoughts!! or not <33 i hope ure well <33
MOON HI omg i missed u how are you
YEAH yeah i finished call down the hawk like two days ago it was so ugh like UGH. im gonna have to find mi somewhere bc idk how i'll be able to wait until school starts back up. it's been like sooo hard for me to read books lately so it took me like a month to get through all of them minus blue lily which was my favorite and took a week but i still loved these shits so much.
favorite characters were like. gansey because he's gansey but also NOAH 💖💖💖💖💖 noah was soooo fucking. i love that kid so much and i'm so sad we'll never get to see what he was like before he died :(. noah also continually reminded me of @ aries so much and that's part of why i loved his character so much. he was so much like aries. ily aries.
my fave book was blue lily, lily blue. god blue lily was so good i loved every bit of it but the raven king !!! fuck shit that was some goooood horror like damn i wish there was more horror in novels like that i absolutely died at That One Scene with adam. henry was also a welcome change in pace from the chaos of the rest of the characters. i didn’t like him in bllb but he’s better now <3
let me tell you the books were naaaaawt at all what i expected because mostly i knew them as Those Gay Books that tumblr liked or maybe it was just this one blogger who liked them so anyways i was surprised at the plot. like. psychics :0 magic :00 not what i thought it would be. also the person i followed really liked gansey and adam and ronan and so when i read the summary of the raven boys i was like surprised that there was this random chick named blue. shocked, even. who was she.
they were incredible books tho i'll admit like genuinely would have me hooked if i could stand reading for longer than an hour at a time. like the plot was so well written and worldbuilding was so amazing and the characters were all so mwah mwah blorbo. it's only been like 6 months since i started book 1 (im pretty sure it was late december) i feel so nostalgic for the early days :). stupid fucking gansey with his stupid fucking notebook, ronan who had chronic “im obnoxious" disease. adam and his whole thing:(.
i find it so kind of funny sad how ronan and adam and like. and he. and. him punching adams dad like that was whew. also spent the entire book in distress that adam was sticking around so that he could ask glendower for the favor. :(((like that broke my heart ADAM YOURE STRONGER THAN THIS I SWEAR YOU CAN DO IT you are capable of great things babey:((((((.
as for book two. hmmmm. hmmmmm. im forced to admit i didn’t like the dream thieves as much. not that it was a bad book it was a great book but adam was like having a mental breakdown and so he was being mean to everyone and then ronan was taking drugs like candy under kavinsky’s supervision and that also made me sad. to quote myself “i always want more complex characters and storylines with realistic trauma and reactions until my favorite character is mean” snsjdjdnd. mr gray was like 🔫🔫🔫 i didn’t like him but then he was redeemed i suppose. he’s aight, esp with how he protected the kids in later books.
when i was reading i liveblogged in kestrel's server because @littlebluejane had read the books before me and provided excellent reactions to my reactions. was reading out of a paper book so i have like several pictures of pages of the best lines and ouch it hurts so bad. like the dynamic between blue and ronan was so good :(((asshole who cares and asshole who doesn't. the “wrong demon" line from when adam and ronan were driving around town haunts me to this day, and then blue and noah <333 they were in love but platonically.
[SPEAKING OF NOAH when i finally connected the dots in book four and got to the scene where NOAH is the one telling gansey that glendower saved him i lost my god damn mother fucking mind. like holy shit. HUHH. i will never recover. ever ever.]
i would mention shit from like cdth but i just finished it and the series isn’t done yet so we can’t find all the fun easter eggs and. mostly i’m just sort of reeling. so much happened in this book but mostly the summary on the inside was misleading because it implies hennessy and farooq-lane and ronan are all going to coincide but i don’t think farooq-lane even gets to look at the two of them. very misleading smh. parsifal was on my shitlist at first but after he died he’s off the hook ig. matthew and his whole THING killed me absolutely slaughtered me. also the implication that aurora was based off someone else. yeah. a Lot of stuff happened in this book. yeah.
ne ways this got so so long i’m sorry i had to relocate to my notes app bc i was like wait this doesn’t make any sense this is all jumbled up so then i regrouped i rearranged i rescouted and now we are here. at the end of this post. sorry moon sorry followers have fun reading all of this. read the raven cycle. four books all roughly 400 pages by maggie steifvater. good yes yes good.
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