#and in my head
xx-thedarklord-xx · 1 year
Had a customer yesterday tell me how much she liked my makeup, said I had a pretty face a few different times and I’m pretty sure the word perfect was in there somewhere.
It wasn’t until after she left that I turned to my coworker and said,
“Wait, do you think she was flirting with me?”
The deadpan expression I got back when he said, “did you need a neon sign saying that? Pretty sure she was already planning out which cats you’d adopt together.”
Oh. 👉👈 I do like cates
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The urge to respond to “well whose the man in the relationship” queries with increasingly ridiculous hyper specific vaguely masculine stereotypes
“We’re lesbians, but I drive”
“We’re lesbians, but they take out the trash, if you know what I mean”
“We’re lesbians but I do our taxes”
“We’re lesbians, but they fancy the colour blue”
“Well, we’re lesbians, but I’m the one that wears flannel trousers and no shirt to sleep”
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that-ineffable-devil · 10 months
OK I have no real basis for this and want to come back to examine it with a less sleep-deprived brain, but like...
What if the Metatron is jealous of Crowley--not because of Aziraphale, but because of God. The Metatron is supposed to be the angel closest to God, the direct line, right? But Lucifer was God's favorite, Their most beautiful and brilliant child. Literally named Lightbringer and Morning Star.
And if we're right about Crowley being Lucifer...
What if that crotchety old scribe Metatron has been jealous since the beginning? Not only that, what if Lucifer's questions and ideas were welcomed by God? What if his thoughts always overshadowed the Metatron's?
What if the Metatron decided he needed to get Lucifer out of heaven? That he needed to install a himbo Gabriel as supreme arch angel--a stool pigeon easy to manipulate and sway? What if the Metatron encouraged Lucifer's less tolerated behaviors, manipulated events to cast him in an ever diminishing light, pulling the strings of heaven to ensure Lucifer would take the final bait?
What if that's how he knew how Crowley would react to Aziraphale's proposal? Maybe even worse--what if that somehow also informed him how Aziraphale would react to Crowley?
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transrevolutions · 1 year
my favorite types of characters are ones that are filled with rage from being powerless as a child and if an angry character doesn't have a backstory I will create one
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timetravelingtoamess · 7 months
I just think that my tav opened like a bookstore at the end of bg3 with gale and scratch and the owlbear cub after the ending. Like i just. Had so many books in my camp i dont know what else to do with them
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The idea of Arthur just chilling in a cell with his feet kicked up and his hands interlocked over his stomach with a smug little smirk on his face is so funny to me
Yeah, I commited those crimes
You're gonna let me out in a day or so tho
Or I'll charm my way out
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tresdem · 10 months
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If you can't take me seriously when I'm naked maybe you're not mature enough to be here...
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tobeblamed · 1 year
post-series dean is a man who mentally is at a much better place, having a healthier relationship with himself and the people he loves.
but post-series dean is also a man who does experience setbacks, who must face moments of relapse and overcome them.
post-series dean stops fighting hell's demons and starts battling his own.
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cognosentient · 2 years
♋:  is my muse emotional?
Perceptor is... internally emotional. He is not a mechanism that tends to show much beyond surface value for the simple fact that he does not know how. Perceptor was not "naturally" created. There were no joining of sparks, no forging of a frame externally or internally for him to sort of make into his own.
He was created as an experimental unit by a pair of unfit parents scientists in order to see if they could create a processor powerful enough for their computations on the energy crisis. Even in the early stages of the Golden Age, they knew that the energon would not last forever with the current population.
Perceptor was neglected emotionally, for a lack of a better explanation. Graph and Calculon thought it was best that they use positive/negative reinforcement with him through praise manipulation. In simple terms, he craved affection- and only received it when he did something "correct" or "right" in their optics.
And was given the cold shoulder otherwise, and virtually denied his existence.
This culminated in the fact that he was both extremely self-sufficient in an age range when most of mechlings around his frame level were just beginning to figure out how the world worked, as well as touch starved to an extreme point and socially stunted.
This was only further compounded the older he became, and the more distance he began to put between his commissional unit. It's sort of resolved into a cold facade that everyone reads as emotionless and frigid.
He's still learning how to read expressions or frameshifts. He even has something of a manual for what predicted expressions or replies should be given in different social situations.
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butchdonne · 7 months
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what studying literature feels like
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temporalteardrop · 4 months
bass makes a dollar. i make a dime. that's why i think about lesbian sex on company time
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loathsome-sickness · 5 months
"people show their true colours in life threatening situations" no, they show you what they act like when they're mortally terrified, an emotion notorious for literally turning your entire brain off to the point where people who go into those situations as a profession need to be literally trained on how to not have that happen
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anxiousangerball · 11 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but
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010010kom · 2 months
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my single contribution to the fandom.
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furiousfruitcakeee · 25 days
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Pretty sure this meme had been done before, but this needs to get out of my draft!!!! also don't mind my handwriting i tried my best
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planefood · 8 months
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this is how the cold war ended
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