#and my inbox is full of prompts
seiya-starsniper · 1 year
❛ it would have been better to die. ❜
WHOO BOY HERE WE GO KRIS, have some midnight angst cw: mentions of torture, blood mention
--------------------------------------- Dream cradles Hob’s broken body in his arms. It is his fault this has happened. The spell Roderick Burgess performed had been meant to capture an Endless, had meant to capture Death, or even Dream himself, but instead, the trap took hold of his oldest friend. 
His friend. How foolish it is now, to realize he cares so much for Hob Gadling, while the man bleeds out on the Burgess’s basement floor.
He could have prevented this, Dream thinks. He could have stopped this as it happened, if only he’d thought to pay attention.
But Dream’s arrogance has cost him once more. After their fight in 1889, Dream had withheld himself from Hob’s dreams, had not even bothered to check to see that the immortal still visited his realm night to night. Which of course, he hadn’t after his capture in 1916. But Dream had washed himself of Hob by then, had resolved he would not address the matter on their next meeting, that a hundred years of silence would be enough to relieve Hob of his foolish notion to consider them friends. 
And then, Hob did not appear in 1989. 
Dream had thought himself stood up. He raged once returned to his realm from the Waking World, feeling every bit the fool for waiting. The Dreaming was clouded with storms and fire for days after, and not even Lucienne would try to go near him in the throne room.
It was only when, in his anger, Dream sent a nightmare to haunt Hob’s dreams that he realized something was amiss.
The nightmare had returned, shaking and terrified, and reported it had been unable to perform its function. Because Hob Gadling had not been seen in the realm in almost 70 years. 
Dream had set out to find Hob then. Had hired the services of one Johanna Constantine, who like her ancestors before her, performed her job brilliantly and had triangulated Hob’s location within days. 
“I don’t like this,” Johanna had said as they descended the stairs of the Burgess estate together. “Something’s not right. Something smells wrong here.”
She was right. 
Roderick Burgess and his followers had all desired one thing: immortality. And what better way to gain immortality, they thought, with their stupid, simple human minds, than to cut it out of another immortal?
Dream glances at the unconscious bodies of the Order of Ancient Mysteries, and resolves to curse them with all manner of nightmare, waking and dreaming. They will never know peace for the rest of their pathetic short lives. 
But then Hob is gasping in his arms, finally conscious, and Dream shoves all thoughts of revenge to the back of his mind as he tries to stall the bleeding. 
“You are safe now, Hob Gadling,” Dream murmurs, trying to be as quiet and gentle as possible. “Your captors have been punished for their hubris,” he promises. 
Hob coughs, and blood gurgles from his mouth. Dream wipes it with his sleeve, willing the fluid to disappear as quickly as it appeared. He inhales as deeply as his lungs finally regain their function, and it is only then that he truly sees Dream.
“It would have been better to die,” Hob rasps, his vocal chords hoarse from disuse, “than live as I did, chained down here for so long.”
Dream stutters and despite himself, his whole body begins to shake. He cannot believe what he is hearing. Hob has not once wished for his sister’s gift in all the centuries they have met with one another, had not even given the slightest inclination that he had grown weary of living. Even at his lowest point in 1689, destitute and with no prospects, Hob’s expression had shone with endless hope and vitality for life.
Now there is no hope left in Hob’s eyes. 
Could Dream let him go like this? When he had just realized how much Hob means to him? How much he loves him? Was there nothing he could do to convince Hob to continue, despite the unforgivable atrocities committed against his person?
But that has never been Dream’s choice to make.
“So do you no longer wish to live?” Dream asks, voice steady, even as his heart is breaking.
Hob stares up at Dream, eyes resolute, and opens his mouth to speak.
Angst Prompts
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loadinghellsing · 9 months
Slice of life AU where Anderson is a priest and a gardener. He's also married to Alucard and Seras is either their kid or a teen who volunteers at Anderson's church.
I am... a little obsessed with this AU idea... and by a little, i mean a lot.
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Alucard is also a pretty good cook <3
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the-penguinspy · 1 year
avatrice + ineptly kiss cheek
ty for the lovely prompt as always, em :)
Beatrice had just finished putting the grounds in the coffee maker when Ava stumbles out of their bedroom, yawn halfway in effect as she rubs a hand over her face. Her borrowed boxer shorts are slung low over her hips, and her sleep shirt exposes her midriff when she brings her arms overhead in a languid stretch. Beatrice almost (almost!) overfills the water container in the coffee maker, but she catches her blunder in time. 
The coffee maker whirs and growls as it heats up the water and starts to drip into the pot, and Beatrice reaches into the cupboards above her for two mugs before she finally feels a pair of arms wrap snug around her waist. Ava’s chin hooks over her shoulder, and the sleepy grumble that accompanies the motion is muffled in the crook of Beatrice’s neck.
Beatrice rests the mugs against the countertop before turning around to greet Ava with a kiss on her forehead, fingers linking around the back of her neck. “Good morning, darling.”
A sigh of contentment as Ava settles more firmly against her. “G’morn’, babe.” She nuzzles Beatrice’s collarbone, presses a soft kiss there. Another one higher up on her neck. She eventually stands on her tiptoes for one more kiss, but her trajectory is flawed – off-course, her aim lands along the curve of Beatrice’s jaw instead. 
Beatrice smiles, a corner of her mouth quirked upwards; Ava’s irresistible on the best of days, but in the mornings, she’s just too – 
“Cute.” The adoration comes out on an exhale, automatic like breathing. The fact is this: Beatrice takes pride in her discipline and self-control. The act of loving Ava, however, requires neither; hasn’t, not for a long time, and Beatrice chuckles softly before her lips find their place on the apple of Ava’s cheek. She lingers for one moment, two – and in the beat between the second and third, she feels a satisfied hum rumble its way from Ava’s throat. 
The aroma of coffee wafts through the living room and saturates the spaces between them, filling in the missing puzzle piece – it’s not really a morning without the promise of fresh caffeine, paired with the lovely, skewed kisses from one delightfully sleepy Ava. 
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Please tell me what you think of this cruel, cruel idea I had--
Whumpee has been Whumper's toy for years now, systematically broken and healed just to be broken again
After Whumper had broken them enough that they would disobey only in the smallest of ways (would cry when told to shut up when the pain got too much, something like that) but wouldn't fight Whumper any longer, they gave Whumpee one small mercy. One item of comfort.
And when Whumper finally tires of them, desiring to truly break someone again?
Whumpee is gifted to someone else. That someone else was told about the comfort item and decides, why should Whumpee have it? It will only make them disobedient.
So what do they do? They use that item against Whumpee. It could be a blanket or pillow, so often cuddled or used to hide in, now used to smother Whumpee or restrain them. A stuffed animal ripped apart and used as a gag. Something made of rock or stone heated and used to burn Whumpee over and over, you get the picture.
And then Whumpee is rescued, maybe even just requested for a visit by their old Whumper. And that Whumper gets to see their former whumpee go from skittish but obedient to absolutely terrified. And when, out of the kindness of their heart, they try to hand Whumpee their comfort item?
They get to hear them scream.
that stuffed animal one breaks my heart especially😭 I'm hugging my blahaj tight and pretending it's not real 😭(okay but it's so evil I adore it)
but hehe I love love love this kinda evilness!! taking the one small, good thing in whumpee's life and using it against them to the point it's tainted forever to them!! that is the good shit!!
but also it's so mean I would need like. some comfort stuff after this idk give the whumpee a hug?? a new comfort object that's different from the first?? my heart can't take this I'm too soft
anyways. may I add onto this with a list of other ideas :O
If the comfort object is something hard, then throw it at the whumpee!
the first whumper let them listen to some of their favorite music as a comfort? play it while whumpee is being tortured to condition them, and then turn it on whenever so they panic :)
serve the whumpee their favorite food, but poisoned or drugged to give them a bad time!
whumpee has a cozy oversized jacket with too-long sleeves? turn it into a straitjacket!
only let whumpee have their comfort object when whumper is nearby. watching whumpee. maybe taunting them, hurting them, until their comfort object is associated too much with whumper.
also for the post-visit/rescue stuff!!
first whumper is super confused, tries to place it in whumpee's hands. it doesn't go well!
first whumper taunts them once they realize what's going on, laughing at whumpee for being so scared of something they once adored
whumpee is scared that first whumper is going to use their comfort object against them as well
if it's post rescue, caretaker holds their shaking hands, asks them what's wrong, and gives them a nice hug :D
caretaker helping whumpee find a new comfort object!!
whumpee feeling secure that their important and meaningful possessions are safe, and no one's going to use those against them
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chaoslynx · 1 year
Aww the fanart with asheiji and kids... <3 It gave me an idea for a fic: Ash and Eiji's child(ren) notice that something isn't going right in one of their friends' life. Obviously they're too young and naive to realize that their friend is being abused at home. But Ash sees, and knows... Merry XMas and Happy New Year!
About an AshEiji [child], I'd like the name Layla for a daughter. Aslan (or Arslan/Arsalan, which is a Turkish name and not Hebrew like Yoshida thought) is the hero of a popular Persian epic. And Layla is from a famous Arab piece, Layla and Majnun, the middle-eastern version of Romeo and Juliet.
Ash has noticed that Layla's been a little ... off, for a while.
She's always bene a little introspective for her age, and generally just a good kid. Gets that from being raised by Eiji, Ash guesses. No way someone raised by someone that good could end up with a cruel bone in their body, even if Ash is the other parent. At least, that's what Ash has to keep telling himself to try to get the idea that Layla won't end up like him.
But she's been even more withdrawn lately, like she's thinking about something beyond her years.
Ash doesn't like it.
It's not quite familiar in a way that's especially concerning to him, but it's uncomfortable enough to see that he's worried. And she's been brushing him off when he asks, but he's determined to get through to her. Layla is his daughter, after all, as weird of a situation as that is for him to realize sometimes.
"Hey kiddo," he says one day, when she gets home from elementary. "You okay if we do an ice cream check in?" It's a keyword of sorts between the three of them—Eiji included—that started just due to Layla's love of ice cream. It became an easy way to talk to her about anything serious or seemingly scary. Spoonful of sugar type of situation. The ice cream makes everything a little more palatable.
But Layla frowns, now, and hugs her knees to her chest. "I dunno," she admits.
"We don't have to, but I do think it would be helpful to talk some things out, yeah? Something's on your mind."
She pouts.
"Am I wrong?" Ash says, not pushing too hard, but just a small challenge.
"Dummy," Layla mumbles. "How'd you know?"
"Hey, language," Ash says, halfhearted. Like he hasn't said worse in front of her. "Come on, let's get some ice cream and talk stuff out."
Once they're settled in with their bowls, Ash waits for Layla to speak first. She already knows that he's wanting a conversation here, since he essentially used the parent equivalent of the safe word they gave her to get her out of any situation without others picking up on it. He's inviting her to say anything and everything on her mind, but he's going to let her do it on her terms.
"... It's my friend at school," Layla says after a few bites.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," Ash reminds her softly. "What's going on with your friend?"
"He's just"—Layla makes a face—"I dunno."
Ash feels a flare of anger for a moment. "Is he bullying you?"
But Layla quickly shakes her head, barely sparing this kid from the wrath of Ash Lynx. "No, more like I'm worried he might be getting bullied. Or ... something." She frowns down into her bowl, and Ash can feel his entire demeanor shift.
Ash goes almost deadly quiet for a moment, thinking of how to approach this. He can't make assumptions too quickly, but he does know that they've taught Layla enough of how to speak up for herself and what healthy friendships should look like that she's probably right if she thinks that something's wrong.
Taking a slow breath, Ash reminds himself that he needs to not scare Layla here as well. He doesn't want her to worry any more than she already is—she's such a good kid, but it isn't her responsibility to be looking after her classmates. If she's right about this—or, rather, if Ash is right about what he thinks Layla might be saying—then the adults in her classmate's life have failed him.
Ash knows what that's like.
"... What's got you worried?" Ash asks gently. "Maybe I can help him, or we can figure out someone who can."
Layla thoughtfully scoops another spoonful of ice cream. "Well," she starts, "he seems to get hurt a lot at home."
Ash's temper flares for a moment, and it takes everything in him to remember that Layla's probably talking about the normal bumps and bruises that happen with the accidents of childhood.
Except, apparently, enough of them to worry her.
"What kind of hurt?" Ash asks.
Layla drops her spoon and runs her hands up her arms. "Like here," she explains. She taps her wrists with the opposite hands. "And here."
"Like bruises?"
Nodding, Layla says, "Like when I fell down."
Ash winces thinking of it even now—Layla fell out of her bunk bed once a few months ago. She wasn't badly injured, but she did have some really bad bruising.
"And he always seems scared in P.E.," Layla continues. "I don't know what's wrong, but ... something, I think."
Ash winces, thinking of his own experiences with sports at that age. There could be any number of reasons why a kid might not be fond of physical education, but ... it's definitely not a good sign.
Ash swallows. "Thank you for trusting me with all of this, sweetie. I'm going to see what we can do, okay? We'll make sure he's okay."
" 'Kay!" Layla says immediately. She trusts Ash so strongly that all the worry she's been showing recently seems to melt out of her. She kicks her legs back and forth, enjoying her ice cream.
... Well, Ash has a new goal. Ethical routes first: he'll bring it to the school's attention first, and then follow up with a social worker and the ChildHelp hotline.
And, if all else fails, there's still a little bit of Ash Lynx left in him these days. He's gotten his hands dirty before, and he's not afraid to do it again. Not if it means he can help someone like who he used to be.
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awesamforehead · 7 months
There's a knock at your door! It's nearly midnight, what does this person want? You really don't want to open it, but then the knock comes again - to the tune of "shave and a haircut" this time. You peek out the blinders and see nothing. Another singular, loud, knock. Okay gosh fine you'll open it, if only to get them to leave you alone.
You take a deep breath and open the door. To nothing.
You look around. There's nobody there.
"Trick or Meep!" You look down. There's three blobs dressed up as badboyhalo (their dad), an otter, and... a minion? They're holding out buckets in expectation of candy.
(but it's only October 29th?....)
What do you offer them?
(Whether you say an actual candy or a word associated with something you know you'll like, I'll take your answer as an art prompt🪄)
Oh my goodness! What tiny little..creatures and their cute outfits! Lucky for them, I have some mini hershey bars left over from making little halloween bagies. I hope it can fit in their buckets
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musetotheworld · 1 year
Victory Ficlet anon here- wouldn't mind an expansion on that bodyguard/princess ficlet but if you want to keep things separate, would cowboy/wild west be a prompt of interest to you...? 👀
I'm not feeling an expansion (that's how you get WIPs) but a wild west AU I can definitely do!
"I'm not sure how much further it'll be safe, ma'am," Kara says as she helps her new boss over a fallen log. The path back to Cat's holding is still rough, too rough for a wagon to make it through. Kara's working on it, but with so much still needing done it's not a high priority. There's still plenty of time before she needs to lay in supplies for the winter.
"If it's safe enough for you, it's safe enough for me," Cat say stubbornly. She's made it a lot further than Kara'd expected her to, she'll give her that. But in her full skirts and dainty shoes, Kara's not sure how long that'll last. And any further than this it'll be just as hard to turn back as it will be to continue.
Another tree, this one smaller, and then they get to the rocks. "Beggin' your pardon, ma'am. But the rest of the trail is awful rough. We're gettin' close to the cabin, but it's not easy road from here on out."
"I suppose you'd call the first part of the trip easy then, would you?" Cat asks, resting against a boulder for a moment to catch her breath. "A nice quiet stroll in the woods?"
"Well, easy ain't my first thought," Kara admits. "Not with a pack full of goods plus watchin' for bears or anything else out there." Not that it's been difficult, but she's not about to admit that to Cat. Not when her new boss is paying so handsomely for her to get the holding set up.
Cat looks suspiciously at the woods around them, then pushes herself upright. "The sooner we get there, the better for us both, then. I can handle a little rough trail, I'd just very much like to be done walking."
Kara will also give Cat that much, she doesn't back down from a challenge. Even with spending most of her time after Cat hired her out in the woods getting things taken care of, she's spotted that much.
Of course, gumption only gets you so far when you're not properly dressed for the terrain, and they're almost to the holding when Cat slips, one ankle twisting under her as she tries to keep her balance. Only Kara's quick reactions keep her from going down completely, and it's not quick enough to completely save her from injury.
"It's definitely sprained," Cat says as she tries to put weight on it. "I don't think it's broken though, or it'd hurt a lot more."
Looking around to place exactly where they are, Kara debates what to do. They don't have too much further to go, but it's over terrain bad enough she doesn't think Cat will be able to make it on her own, even if Kara can find wood to make a quick crutch for her. Which means she'll need Kara's help, and that'll be difficult with the size of the pack she's carrying.
She could leave the pack here and get Cat to the cabin, but she really needs these supplies. Leaving them behind is just asking for something to go wrong. But there's no way in hell she'd leave Cat by herself out here. Not when she hadn't fully been joking about the bears in the area.
Well, nothing for it, then. "Ma'am, we're nearly to the cabin, but I don't think you'd fare well on the path between here and there, not with that ankle of yours. So if you'll let me, I think I'm gonna have to carry you the rest of the way."
Cat stares at her in disbelief for a long moment, then glances down at her ankle and lets out a sigh. "If you think that's the best way, I'll just have to trust you, now won't I? Not like I have much of a choice."
"I promise I'll be careful," Kara says, slightly stung by the response but trying not to show it as she carefully scoops Cat into her arms. "Path might be rough, but I've got the shoes for it, and I know it well enough to be safe."
With Cat in her arms like this it's hard for Kara to focus, but she'd run away from 'civilized' society years ago for a reason. She's not about to do something stupid now.
"Oop," Cat yelps as Kara picks her up, clutching at her shoulders until she feels settled. "That's not what I- oh drat it all, Kara Danvers. I do trust you. I just don't do well with pain. Now if you and your inconveniently convenient muscles would get us to the cabin, I'd really like to be done walking now."
"Inconveniently convenient?" Kara can't help wondering, stuck on that phrase even as she starts carefully walking forward.
She's surprised to see a blush on Cat's face, but the woman won't actually look at her, staring determinedly out into the woods instead.
Well then. That'll be a fun thought for Kara to puzzle over for the next few days while they're stuck in the cabin waiting for Cat's ankle to heal up.
But for now, she's got to get them there safely.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 13 days
at this point i'm slowly becoming a mainly aftg blog and i'm not upset about it
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I could only imagine her wearing the shirt of the CANES (the black one specifically) with a messy bow, making a coffee for Andrei
He reads "Svechnikov" on the back and oh men! he discovers a new fetish-🥑
this is A Mood™️
and also i’ve got two different headcanon posts coming up where andrei gets to appreciate his girl wearing his jersey/shirt with his name on the back 💁🏼‍♀️
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I know taking my time with asks and prioritizing other things isn't something I need to apologize for, but I still want to say if you've sent me an ask and I haven't answered it I promise I am not ignoring it. I will answer and I do really appreciate it.
I genuinely haven't had an empty ask box since around Dec 2020-Jan 2021 (somewhere around there, I don't know exactly) but I love to answer those asks and share ideas! so please know it is not you or your ask, and that I am doing things as I can.
I just know I've got a few that've been sitting for a while and wanted to say I'm not ignoring you, I promise! I just have Life and there are many of you, so please be patient :)
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
hey i don't wanna say this in a mean way but. to the person who just sent me an anon request. please consider how you talk to strangers that you're asking for favors
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goatpunches · 2 years
send me some mdzs or tgcf prompts … if you dare …
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Aaaaahh that ask game w the dual prompts was really fun, I wish I got more of prompts 😭 every time I do an ask game I go thru three stages: 1. Omg this looks fun!!! 2. Existential dread abt not wanting to let people down by not answering them efficiently 3. Wow that was so fun!! Wish I could do more :/
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cream-stew · 6 months
So I saw you want prompts in your inbox and I'm a quiet lurker when it comes to your works especially that Neuvillette fic ahshshhssh I'm a proud dragon and monsterfucker so if you don't mind another fic that's kinda similar or all round different with Neuvillette and Zhongli please
Just Dragons fucking their darling wife to breed full of eggs you can ignore the eggs part if you're uncomfortable or change it
And I hope to interact with you more if that's ok🥺🐑
Ps. Size kink go brrrrrr
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🔞minors dni
warnings: afab reader, monsterfucking, belly bulge, creampie, size kink, reader gets stuffed with eggs (genuinely idk if this should count as pregnancy but since it doesn't disturb me like pregnancy does I'll allow it <3 )
// note: monsterfucking is always 10/10 so I definitely don't mind lol also yeah you're more than welcome to interact more !! I always enjoy seeing your url in my notes thank you for the prompt <3
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neuvillette: he's very worried you'll end up hurting yourself bc you're riding him SO forcefully, whimpering and gasping for breath whenever you're fully seated on his huge dragon cock, but he should have expected that the moment he let slip he could fill you up with his eggs... like. how else did he think you could react? ofc you'd scream and beg for him to fuck you like that, you're not a fucking coward!! and the more it goes on, the less control he has on his baser instincts, and it's not long before he flips your positions and pins you to the mattress so he can pump in and out of your eager pussy at his own pace, even more frenzied than your own... who was he fooling with all that "noooo the size of my dragon form would be too much for you my beloved don't do it haha" talk from before, obviously he wanted nothing more than to fill you to the brim😌 and he's just as into the size difference thingy as you are, staring at the bulge in your poor tummy whenever he slams his cockhead all the way though your womb, sometimes even pressing his palm down on it so that you'll feel even more pressure in your insides !
zhongli: he's stunned that you'd let him do that but he doesn't need to ask twice. he locks you in a mating press immediately, not even letting either of you strip, he just rips your clothes to shreds and fucks you against the carpet, making you feel him shift in his dragon for while he's already balls deep in your pussy. you are so wet for him luckily, so the stretch stings pleasantly more than anything else and you just cling to his shoulders moaning and babbling about how "you've never been this full before!" despite his eagerness it takes him a while to actually get going at his usual vicious pace, too busy mouthing at your neck and leaving bruises and bitemarks wherever he can reach, but by the time you're telling him just how ready you are for his eggs in excruciating detail, he can do nothing more but actually start railing you as roughly as he can... you feel him cumming deep inside you and way more cum than usual flooding your pussy, but before you can say anything else you finally feel several eggs press inside in rapid succession! it's a real stretch to fit them all inside your tight pussy, but you'll do anything for your dragon husband <3
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kierahn · 6 months
yandere ! ceo x stripper ! male reader for @rin-sama-writes.
[ nsfw, minors dni. ]
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hi, i read your ideas in my inbox and i just had to make a quick drabble about it :] i’ll be making a full one some other time though since i still have 3 prompts to work on. (also, i accidentally published your previous ask before i got to complete the draft, so it got deleted. i’m so sorry,, 🥹🙏)
this is more of a power bottom reader, but i'll do a couple of dom readers soon. this just is a small warm up lol.
× cero had a long and tiring day of filling up paper works, organizing documents, attending several meetings, and the likes; usual CEO stuff. so to reward himself for a job well done, he decides to ask his driver to drive him to your workplace after work. he deserved a treat or two from you.
× the moment he stepped foot inside the nightclub you worked at, it was like a message had been sent to all the present employees. everyone scurried away the moment cero blessed the room with his presence, rushing to prepare the v.i.p room that he had built specifically for you and him to have some fun alone; away from prying eyes. no one deserved to see you in that blissed out state but him.
× the performers that you worked with on stage stopped to inform you that a client had requested your presence in the v.i.p room.
× it was him again, the man whose name you learned was cero, dressed in designer clothes from head to toe and a branded watch around his wrist. everything about him screamed rich which made him an immediate target for you. it was so easy to have guys like him all hooked up on you like some moth drawn to a flame.
× usually, cero would tease you or whistle upon seeing you enter the room, but he was strangely silent tonight.
× you approach the leather couch where he was seated and noticed how his usually neat appearance seem to be absent today. his hair was slightly a mess and his tie was crooked. he looked tired overall.
× normally, you wouldn’t care much about his wellbeing. however, you couldn’t help but notice how cero didn’t seem to be performing his best today. his thrusts were sloppy and he wasn’t hitting the right spots for you to feel good. even prepping you was a major fail ! you ended up scratching his back when he tried to put himself inside, expressing your discomfort.
× with a sigh, you stop him. “i think i’ve seen enough,” you say exasperatingly, detaching yourself from him. his grip on your waist seem to tighten, a conflicted look on the ceo’s face. he almost looked like a kicked puppy.
× he tried to protest, but you stop him by holding up a finger to his lips. “look, sir, i can see that you’re tired.” you trail your hand to cup cero’s cheek and glaze your thumb under his eye. you stayed seated on his lap, cero’s tired eyes gazing up at your own.
× “i’m fine. i’ll manage, i just need you right now.” cero stubbornly protested, a slight rasp in his voice. his hands trailed down your waist to resume what you two were previously engaged in, but you grab his wrists gently. “say.. how about i do all the work tonight ?” you insisted.
× it wasn’t like you were worried about him, you simply couldn’t handle any more of his sloppy attempt to pleasure you.
× you left no room for an argument. you shut down his protests about how he possibly couldn’t let you do that, or how he had been doing just fine doing the work. maybe in a normal night he would be good at it, but not tonight.
× you got off his lap and positioned yourself in between his thighs. no doubt, he was still rock hard and raging due to your interruption, but cero still kept trying to insist that you didn’t have to.
× when he tried to grab a fistful of your hair to stop you, you grab his wrist first, sending him a look of warning. he really needed to keep his hands to himself.
× just as the thought crossed your mind, your gaze wandered over to his crooked tie. ‘that could work.’
× without explaining any further, your hands worked to undo cero’s tie. he didn’t seem to have any violent reaction towards it, so you assumed that he was fine with you doing so.
x as soon as you finished removing his tie, you held his wrist together and tightly tied them up together with his expensive tie, much to his surprise.
x “for now, i’ll do all the touching.” you say with an edge to your tone, meaning that what you said was absolute. “if you try to touch me even once, you’ll have to forget about getting what you want.”
× cero furrowed his brows at your words. were you ordering him around ?
× but before he could express a single word of protest, a jolt of his thigh caught him off guard. he bit his lower lip to suppress the lewd sounds that threatened to escape his lips.
× your tongue wrapped around his tip sent him into overdrive. he immediately hardened inside your mouth, a small groan escaping his lips.
× “wai..t, y/n– ngh!” his muscles tensed when you started to move. holy shit. it was as if all his stress melted away.
× it was a foreign feeling for cero to feel so stripped of his control over his own release. it was all in your hands now.. or well, mouth.
x as soon as you got a hold of his whole length in your mouth and you assured that there would be no gag reflex holding you back, that was when you went all in. cero’s ragged breathing and low moans filled the spacious room, along with the sound of your muffled groans.
x it took him a lot of willpower to hold back from forcing you down on his cock and hitting the back of your throat, but he knew that he couldn’t touch you. damned tie.
x cero threw his head back, cold sweat dripping from his forehead as his fingers twitched and itched to lay a hand on you. a quiet whimper escaped from the ceo’s lips when you slowed down to tease him a little.
x when you looked up at him, you were met with cero’s eyes that held a hint of pleading. a plead for relief perhaps. it was quite a new sight, but not an unwelcome one. you were so used to seeing him act so prideful about making you feel good, seeing him in this state wasn’t so bad.
x a slight chuckle. the vibration from your mouth was, surprisingly, enough to make the ceo finish inside your mouth. you slowly pull out, his load staining the inside of your mouth and your tongue white.
x who knew he was this sensitive. you avert your gaze to study cero’s aftermath. his hair clung to his skin that glistened with sweat, eyes clouded with bliss, and he panted heavily like some dog in heat.
x you couldn’t help but smile in mischief at the realization that you could put a powerful man like him in such a state.
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reidsdaisies · 2 months
congrats on 500!! Can you write forget me not 19 with spencer x fem!reader where she’s in an abusive relationship (only if you’re comfy with it obviously!) and calls him for help? Tysm!
༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; spencer reid x fem!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ prompt(s); forget-me-not, 19 – "Could you please come and get me?"
༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; crying (reader), mentions of abuser (readers partner, not spencer) yelling, having been drunk, and being the reason reader is sad, spencer comforting reader, spencer driving her to his place
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.9k
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; hi! ty for requesting lovey<3 in my guidelines it says I won’t write abusive relationships, but as long as none of the characters are the abusers and it’s on the side, I think I can make an exception.
celebrate with me!
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Spencer hushes you, gently stroking your back. "Don't even think of him, okay?"
You just keep crying, your face buried in the sleeve of your sweatshirt, your sobs muffled. Spencer was acting like a saint, yet you couldn’t help but feel bad, as if you’d done something wrong. In actuality, you did nothing wrong; it was your partner that did, but he’s messed with your head so much to the point where you now struggle with differentiating right from wrong. The actual wrong thing to have done would have been to never contacted Spencer and to remain in the apartment with the man who had just verbally abused you.
“J-just focus on the road,” you say sniffling, dismissing him. Peeking over your arm, your gaze is drawn to the stars, watching as they twinkle in the night sky.
Spencer remains silent after that, not wanting to upset you even further, only wanting to get you back to his apartment—a safe place. You utilize this silent moment to reflect on the day’s events, whether you’d like to or not. Your thoughts wander to earlier that night, temporarily sending you back in time.
You relive recently made memories of your boyfriend, the mess he made of the flat, and the tears you wept as a result of his harmful impact on you. You try to fast forward and ignore what happened an hour ago, focusing instead on the event that brought you to your current location, sitting in the passenger seat of Spencer's car.
As soon as your boyfriend was done throwing his alcohol-fueled fit and you heard him slam the bedroom door shut, you simply left. You couldn’t take it longer, and you needed to leave before you could change your mind and tidy up his mess, or worse, crawl into bed with him and stay.
Your cellphone was still in the bedroom, and you didn’t want to risk enraging him further just to get it, so you decided you’d walk to the nearest pay phone and pray Spencer would answer your call.
You fished around in the pocket of your hoodie for a minute, pulling out some loose change you’d forgotten was in there but were so very thankful for. Inserting your coins, you dialed up the number of the only person in the world you knew you could entrust with the details your private life.
The phone rang a couple times, and after the third ring, you were met with Spencer’s groggy voice on the other line.
“This is Dr. Reid; may I ask who’s calling?” He grumbled, exhaustion evident in his voice. You heard a low grunt and the bed creak beneath him as he tried to sit up.
“It’s me, y/n,” you mumbled, your voice strained and disconsolate. He could hear your voice shake through the phone, which alarmed him, but he didn’t want to say anything until you finished speaking.
Your voice trembled as you weakly called his name, making sure he was still on the phone. “Spence..?”
“I’m here.” He finally came to full consciousness and sat up more in bed, his tone becoming more serious. “What’s wrong, y/n?”
“It’s my boyfriend; he.. it doesn’t matter. Could you please just come and get me?”
Any previous mention you’ve made of your current partner to Spencer was quite vague and awfully cryptic, and he could sense something was very wrong from how you tried to deflect from the topic of him.
Spencer had never left his bed sooner—even on rare mornings where he was late for work—and immediately agreed to pick you up whilst he fumbled with his slippers and tying his robe.
That same robe is still wrapped over his body, covering his grandpa-esque pajamas. You seem to be his top priority at all times, because he didn’t think twice before hopping in his car and driving straight to you. Just like you, he also looks a mess, with his hair mussed from sleep and heavy bags under his eyes.
Your eyes meet his, but it’s difficult to see him properly due to your blurred vision caused by all the non-stop crying. He begins to talk again.
“You don’t need to tell me what happened, okay? I want you to understand that. If you ever do want to talk, though, I’m right here. I’ll listen to you.”
“Thank you.. and I’m sorry for making you drive all this way just to pick up some battered woman.”
“You are not a battered woman, y/n.” Spencer cuts you off, his tone harsh, really trying to get you to believe it. “Nothing he does is your fault; you know that, right?” You’re hesitant to nod, but you do.
“Y/n,” he drawls, knowing you’re not entirely convinced it’s the truth.
“I know that, Spencer.” You respond, already wanting to be done with this conversation.
“I know you know that, but you seem to not be accepting it as fact.”
You sulk, but you can’t help but realize he’s correct; you don’t seem to be accepting it.
“Alright?” He mimics.
“Yes, alright. I understand.”
“Ok, good, because I don’t want you to feel any guilt over his actions. I just want to help you.”
His words warm your heart and bring additional tears to your eyes. They roll down your face, staining your cheeks. His hand returns to the place it was earlier, rubbing circles on your back.
“I care for you so much, and it pains me to see you going through something like this.” You nod, wiping your tears off your face before they can wet your sweatshirt too.
“Thank you so much, Spencer.”
“It’s no problem; just try not to stress; we’ll be home soon..”
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