#and nancy is like always cold so she somehow ends up stealing all the blankets
sweetronancer · 5 months
honkkk mimimimi
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(thinking about them cuddling rn😔)
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slut4supersoldiers · 6 years
Summary: Billy thinks you really like really love Vegemite but he wants to know if you really like really have a thing for him too. OR the one where some strange series of events push the reader to find a side of Billy Hargrove she didn't know existed.
Pairing:  Billy Hargrove  x Newby Fem reader
Words: 2k+
Warning: Brief mention of PTSD in the form of nightmares and SOFT!Billy.
A/n: I do not condone Billy Hargrove’s behaviour in Stranger Things. (That being said this is just how I imagine he would have been had the Duffers not done him dirty and shown him as a one dimensional douche bag). Sorry its long! I OWN NEITHER STRANGER THINGS NOR THE GIFS.
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I woke up again drenched in sweat with my heart beating at an uneven pace. With shaky, clammy hands I pushed the blanket off of my body and looked over at the clock on the bedside table. 3:05. There was no point in tossing and turning as I knew that sleep would not take over me till the snippets of the nightmare completely disappeared. So as per usual I walked to the kitchen to get some cold water in hopes of calming my nerves.
After chugging down the third glass of water, I set the glassware down and rested my forehead against the wall. The moment of peace however was short-lived as somebody whispered my name making me spin in around in surprise.
Will was standing before me in his pajamas looking as a pale as a ghost. The bags under his eyes looked prominent.
“Will. Why are you up this late?” I asked as I walked towards him and smoothed out his hair.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He whispered in a frail voice, the trembling of his lower lip did not go unnoticed.
“Hey buddy, come on lets tuck you in bed, yeah?” I couldn’t think of any other logical solution.
When he nodded I led him to his bed. We passed Jonathan who had passed out on the couch in the hall. Will and Joyce still had their own rooms while Jonathan decided to give me his room when Joyce took me in their house. 
After tucking Will in I switched off the bedside lamp and decided to head to my room but I stopped when Will suddenly grabbed my hand.
“(Y/n) do you miss him? Your dad?” He asked me; softly and cautiously.
“Yes bud. I do.” I smiled at the boy and ran my hand over the drawing that Will had made. 
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Sighing I bid Will goodnight and walked to my room. He already blamed himself for half the things that had gone down i didn't want to make him feel guiltier. Finally I shut my eyes hoping for sleep to takeover but all the while I lied awake thinking about how different life would have been if my dad would have been alive.
Like every morning the Byers and I got ready in a haste. Joyce came over to me like she did every day, kissed my forehead and said, “Bob is watching over us and he is proud of you. So am I.” She smiled through her tears muttered a sorry and ran towards her car. Jonathan had already left as he was busy with yearbook duties. That left Will and I. We finally made our way to school in what used to be my dad’s car.
My dad, Bob Newby’s death was hard on all of us especially Joyce and I. After his death I knew I couldn’t stay in my dad’s house. Staying in the old house only brought back memories that once I held close to my heart but now the same memories had began to prick at my heart. Joyce took me in and nobody objected. Since then I grew close to the Byers and everyone around them but especially to Will. So much so that I could instantly read him based on his behaviour. That’s how I figured out something was bothering him.
“Hey Will? You okay there?” I glanced at Will who sat on the passenger’s seat looking out of the window.
“Yeah.” He murmured half-heartedly.
“Is it the nightmares?” I asked cautiously.
“Yeah, no it’s just some school stuff.” He shook his head.
“Anybody giving you a hard time?” I briefly looked at him.
“No.” He replied quickly. That was a tell-tale sign that he was lying. But seeing as we had approached school I decided to let it slide.
I just gave him a smile and promised him that we would talk about it after A/V club when I’d pick him up. He nodded and ran towards the entrance of the school. As usual I waited till he entered the doors. However, instead of going to the door he walked to a car, a blue car. Wait, not just a blue car it was a blue Camaro with a California number plate. Had it not been the first ring going off drawing my attention, my eyes would have fallen out of the sockets after looking at Will interacting with none other than the notorious Billy Hargrove. I gripped the steering wheel tightly. Is this the “school stuff” that Will was referring to? I decided to confront Billy about this in school later. 
Unfortunately the later never came. Billy and I had no period in common save math but he mostly always skipped it and I was not surprised when I saw that his seat was empty today as well.
Billy was known for being a nuisance. But rumour had it that he had mellowed down a little. He would still come to school some days with bruises on his cheeks but surprisingly his knuckles were free of any wounds. Sometimes he would even nod at Steve in hallways like a civil person and had stopped bothering him completely. He had actually started to work hard and managed to get Bs in all of the subjects (even in maths he consistently scored B-) better than an F and D anyway. Much to everyone’s surprise he even stopped “chasing anything and everything that had boobs and legs.”(Nancy’s words). Instead of constant partying and hooking up Billy had started working at an auto-body shop in Hawkins. Everyone was shocked to see this side of Billy.
Did I find Billy attractive? Yes. Was the fact that he was probably turning into a better version of himself making him more attractive? Yes. But when it came to Will I was very protective and I eyed everyone with suspicion when it came to his safety maybe that’s why I still had my doubts about Billy. So I decided to finally confront him after the A/V club meeting where I was sure he’d come to pick up Max .
As the end of the day neared I grew restless. I was never good with confrontation let alone confront Billy Hargrove. But with my head held high and an unshaken resolve I walked to the middle school building as soon as the bell signalling the end of the last period went off. Skimming through the parking lot I realized there was no sign of Billy so I quickly marched to the A/V room. I thanked God silently when I saw him outside the A/V room but I suddenly halted around the corner when I saw what he was doing. He had cornered two boys against the locker and was pointing his finger threateningly at them. The two boys who looked younger- but were slightly taller and bigger for their age- looked down at their feet as if they were being scolded by their mother for stealing cookies out of the jar. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to identify who the boys were but it never occurred to me. Instead of standing in the shadows, I walked to Billy and pulled at the collar of his jacket forcing him to turn around. As soon as Billy turned around the two boys scurried away.
Billy simply rolled his eyes and looked at me. The anger in his eyes and frown lines were suddenly replaced by an emotion very foreign for him. He almost looked sincere and alert.
“Hi (Y/n).” He smiled. It was really weird to see Billy Hargrove do anything other than smirk.
“Keep your ‘hi’ to yourself. What do you think you were doing threatening those boys like that?” I jabbed my finger in his exposed chest.
He only raised his hands and looked at me with an amused expression. “Look (Y/n) I-
“No I am not done yet. What were you doing with Will today? Threatening him too, huh? I swear to god if you so much as look at Will I will pu-
“(Y/n)” I suddenly stopped my verbal assault when Will came out of the A/V room followed by all the kids. “What are you doing?” He asked.
“Nothing. She is here to pick you up.” Billy interrupted. Looking at me one last he began walking out, Max followed shortly. As all the other kids began leaving the building I stood their dumbfounded till Will reminded me that we needed to get going.
When we reached home the house was empty. Instead of retreating to my room I decided to make sandwiches for Will and I. As the both of us settled before the tv and began eating when Will spoke up, “Why were you fighting with Billy? I overheard your conversation.”
I almost choked on my sandwich when I heard the question.
“I wasn’t fighting we were just talking.” I shrugged.
“(Y/n) if I tell you something will you promise you won’t freak out?” He asked putting his plate down. I nodded slowly mimicking his actions.
“When I went back to school after the incident, the teasing and bullying somehow got worse. People started bullying El and Max as well because they hung out with us. One day when Max was teaching me how to skate Troy and James came over and began teasing me and calling me names. Troy came over to me and pushed me to the ground. He raised his hand to punch me but the hit never came. When I opened my eyes Billy was standing behind him and was holding back Troy’s hand. After that day, after dropping Max off sometimes Billy would wait back and ask me if the boys were bothering me. I guess that’s who you saw him talking to today after school.” Suddenly it made sense. Joyce always complained about how much she hated the two menacing kids and wanted to give them hell for troubling Will.
Before I could recover from the previous shock Will decided to surprise me even further.
“Also Billy keeps asking about you. Things like what you like and if you’re dating. Max told me she told him you like intelligent guys who care about their future. She also told him you really like really love Vegemite.” Will muttered the last part while stifling in his laughter. Through the shock even I somehow managed to laugh. All the cleaning up his act and constantly talking about “how swell Vegemite is” while looking at me whenever Australia was mentioned during Geography suddenly made sense to me. And suddenly I could feel my heart swell with happiness. Was he really doing this for me?
That night while dropping Will off at the Wheeler’s I decided put in some extra effort. I wore my favourite red sweater and tucked it in my white skirt. I even borrowed Joyce’s lipstick and tied my hair in a ponytail. I knew Billy would come to drop off Max and I wanted to ask him about everything Will told me, might as well look a little presentable while doing it. 
Even Will noticed my excitement when I saw the blue Camaro right behind us as we pulled into the Wheeler’s driveway. Giving me a smile he ran inside followed by Max. As I saw the kids running in the nerves started to take over. What if this is a joke? Surely Will wouldn’t lie but what if Billy was fooling him? 
I had no time to think any further as I suddenly heard a knock on my window. Startled I looked out only to see Billy asking me to come out.
I got out and looked at Billy who was leaning against the hood of his car. I slowly trudged towards him and sat on the hood of his car next to him.
“I am sorry for today. Will told me everything.” I said trying to cut through the silence.
“Yeah, I was bullied a lot in school and as much of an asshole as I’ve been I realized that no kid should go through it. Especially Will.” His words warmed my heart. I admit I always had a tiny crush on Billy (in spite of all the things he has done) and the fact that he was actually being kind was making that crush grow a little bigger. 
After a long pause I heaved in a breath and said, “Billy he told me everything.” I repeated my words. Billy suddenly looked at me. The same sincerity as earlier present in his eyes only this time he looked a little nervous, almost vulnerable.
“Is it true?” I asked.
“Yes, (Y/n) Newby. I like you. I’ve liked you for a long time. But after what happened that night with Steve and Lucas I thought you wouldn’t want to go out with a fuck up like me. So I apologized to Steve and all the kids. It was a little hard but not as bad as studying. I even tried Vegemite. It was a little difficult to find it but I tried it anyway.” He rambled as he jumped off the hood.
“Billy I don’t like Vegemite.” I stifled my laughter at the confused boy.
“But Max said…wait… that little
“Hey. It’s okay.” I reached out to grab his hand. I ran my fingers over the multiple scars on his knuckles that had almost healed. He intertwined our fingers and walked closer to stand between my legs.
“But I like all that you’ve done. I am proud of you.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my hair and looked down. The adoration in Billy’s eyes suddenly made feel shy.
“Hey, hey look at me please. Is this okay?” He slowly placed two fingers under my chin. Billy was known to be rough and violent but who I saw before was completely opposite. I nodded.
“If this is okay then would you like to go out with me sometime? Its fine if you don’t wanna.” Billy asked softly.
At a loss of words due to the proximity between our bodies I only nodded. Billy grinned wide and took a hold of my hand.
“As long as we don’t have to eat Vegemite.” I laughed. Billy playfully glared at me before picking me up to embrace me. 
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