#and now im starting to think thats somewhat on purpose?
hassianlovebot · 2 months
Okay so, I don't want to give spoilers in this post so this will all be somewhat vague, but I do want to say that there's another part to the Vault of the Roots after the bundles where the player's actions and dialogue are a lot more.. important and meaningful to the story. If anyone felt that this vault's story left a little to be desired, then definitely try the next part! Like I said, this next part gets started after you finish all four bundles (which isn't too hard or time consuming for this one), and like trust me, it's so much more emotionally and narratively satisfying than the first part is.
(Small spoiler in below paragraph for the first part of the quest!)
I don't want to hype it up too much, but it does handle the player's actions, thoughts, and agency a lot better than the first part. I haven't actually finished it yet so I'm not sure how the ending will be, but honestly, I think it'll be good. I think this next part will be especially more gratifying for players who weren't able to convince The Gardener (aka Hekla was the one to change his mind) since our actions and dialogue in this section directly help him in a much bigger way.
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amourcherie606 · 6 months
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Princess Tutu and Princess Kraehe Designs!! FYI these are not me bashing on the og designs, i personally love them alot and love the direction inspiration they have from swan lake!! <33 this was just me being silly :3 I took alot of care and research for these designs WHICH i will now be explaining the symbolism for both designs 👏
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Lets start with Tutu! I went thru several designs for her, the final design being a combination of elements I like from each of them. The First design was a heavy combination of Swan Lake's White swan costume and the new Ugly Duckling ballet (crazy ik!!!)! I really liked how the ugly ducklings costume had wings attached to her bracelets so I had to obviously give that to Tutu. ALSO I WAS EXTREMELY EXTREMELY TORN on giving her the iconic pink pointes but in the end I decided to give her red shoes cuz of the fairy tale with the cursed red shoes TOOOO represent how tutu is forced to dance for the sake of the story while Ahiru wears pink pointe shoes showing her genuine love of dance on her own. The 2nd design was based off of the barbie nutcracker interpretation CUZ I THINK A HEART SHAPED BODICE IS THE CUTEST THING EVERRRRR i love hearts so much.
3rd design was my first attempt without any inspiration but i still love it alot frfr. overall, im rlly happy with tutus design!! Tutu / Ahiru have an actual, somewhat history with the prince in the actual tale, in my version anyway. With each heart shard she finds, she herself unlocks a memory of her time in her fairy tale, glimpses of her time spent with the prince! crazy! :3
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Ohhhhhhh man i loved all of my kraehe designs like i was fighting for my life choosing a design cuz like,, they are so swag... Heavy inspo from the black swan and simply vibes i was going with
OHOHHOHOOOO the veil felt like such a big brain move for me personally- so basically
the veil represents kraehe grieving the "loss" of mytho -via him being obsessed with Tutu and how she feels like shes lost her prince. Also it helps covering her identity! At the end of 1st arc when Tutu and Kraehe dance for Mythos love, Kraehe finally unveils herself as if its a wedding CRAZY I KNOWWW
also she has dark red shoes that show shes also forced to be in this story and they r soaked in her "blood" to show she isnt meant to be kraehe, that she was stolen from her original purpose. she feels as tho shes dancing on glass yet continues to do so for mythos love.
Ill post a more clear front part of her outfit soon! But I felt like her outfit rlly wouldnt have that much details hence the use of only black and red. I rlly love her designs frfr also kraehe has feather weapons...i think thats so swag
So yah! ty for reading my rambles anddd it wouldnt hurt to ask any questions :3
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yonpote · 5 months
re: dnp onscreen "personas" lol. i mean yall know what i mean by that but i feel like explaining it anyway just to be thorough. this is related to what ive been calling The Shift.
2011-2012 was around the time where the barrier between real dnp and the people they played was starting to be fortified. and like, part of it is just, with phils channel once he wanted it to be less video journal-y and more weird experimental short films, he still wanted to entertain people while talking abt his life, so maybe he would stretch a tale a bit or act a bit peppier than he is irl. and with dan, he had concepts literally from the start of what to do with his channel, and how it was inspired by a lot of sketch comedy based channels like communitychannel and [REDACTED]. so its not like it wasnt somewhat personas from the start, but 2012 was when it was cemented, and once they became known for being a duo it was just further self-flanderization. a Phanderization even. like intentionally playing into the ornery guy who makes bad puns and the happy go lucky guy who accidentally says innuendos. real tsukkomi and boke moment.
ok im gonna elaborate on why tatinof was a fanfic now :) this is the PEAK of phanderization, to me it's not a surprise that the cracks in the egg PERSONAS were starting to show bc they were just Fully In Character for like a year or so straight. in tatinof, the serious bitter eye-rolling "ugh dont do a song and dance" guy was dan (The Straight Man) (dont laugh thats just what its called) so of course his counterpart was the silly happy just having fun "i wanna burst into song!" guy was phil (The Fool). but when you watch their making of doc, dan says that HE'S the one who wanted to do the song and dance. if youre an Enthusiast abt dnp, you mightve already known that dan was a huge theater kid and loves the book of mormon n shit. phil likes theater too, but dan LOVES IT like not just watching but Performing. BUT to a regular degular in 2015 just casually watching or a huge fan but hasnt watched every liveshow ever or a phannie who just really believes in the Phanon, this may come as a surprise. phil is the happy silly ball of sunshine right? like ok. these aspects of their personality (dans bitterness and phil's positivity) aren't exactly LIES. but like obviously theyre just humans. this is what Interactive Introverts was TRYING to comment on, but imo i think fell short of its attempt bc in the end they were still trapped in their personas for the sake of Giving The People What They Want
ok i kinda tangented so back to the personas, it's not as if today they are Fully Raw And Real with us on screen, that's just kinda inherently never gonna happen, there will always be shit we don't know about them bc like. it's still a screen. BUT now that they are more real with us, we kinda see the energy of the olden days back, ofc less MegaRandomHyper and more gay millennial waffling. but it's them! cuz they really are so similar to the personas, but there's always an underlying layer of This Is A Bit. when dan's annoyed at phil for something we know he's not genuinely angry ESPECIALLY when we see that phil does it on purpose to rile him up. i think something strange is that, it's not like during 2012-2018 we didnt see stuff like this, dan's always been silly and phil's always been sarcastic, but bc so many people had bought into the Personas of danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil, that ended up being cemented into fic.
ok i wanna ramble on more but maybe ill make a new post lmao
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the-marxist-mash · 2 months
My "I think the fallout show is bad" post spoilers included
I watched the fallout show with low hopes and mostly for the purpose of annoying my friend whom I love and I'll be honest it was bad 👎
Gonna split this into 1: issues with writing 2: lore bs that i hated cuz im a new vegas girl 3: things i will begrudgingly admit that i liked
1: bad writing
For me the show confirmed for me that it was not going to be writen for me and my tastes was in the second episode when the enclave scientist gives the vault dweller an ominous speech about how the world is too dangerous to set a fire to camp on the road side at night whichbis something very inlone with the Bethesda style of writing the falloit universe. This show really has no interest in talking about how humanity overcomes the suffering of the post apocalypse it is focused on the power fantasy of being the strongest and most competent person who is capable of navigating a wasteland overflowing with mutants raiders and robots, community doesn't save you from the wasteland only big guns and strong walls (and even then the walls dont help as much as the guns)
Then of course there is the shows general failure in world building. For a show that is allegedly not for the long time fans of the series and instead for casual fans or new comers to the franchise just looking for a new scifi series it has a lot of things brought into the show and left entirely unexplained. The enclave a major faction of the series with a lot going on gets a montage of life in their base where we learn they have scientists doing research, use an offbrand american flag, and seem to be somewhat vaguely nefarious. Then there's moldaver a prewar human leading a cult in the post post apocalypse and the only surviver of the great war in the show who is not given a clear explination for living this long. And speaking of the post post apocalypse the new california republic being introduced as already having collapsed as a result of a second nuclear attack on California which while this does get explained is a wildly unnecessary amount of information to give in the first season of a show thats allegedly for new fans.
2 lore shit i hated
So as a new vegas girly i can only describe this show as feeling like if todd howard broke your toys infront of you so nobody could play with them anymore. From the addition of vault tech nuking the ncr in a wild attempt to have the exact same plan as the enclave in both fallout 2 and 3 but with much worse execution to ghouls now having a specific anti feral drug the lore changes are bad. And plenty of people have already pointed out the way the new timeline does not just make it so the ncr is destroyed but it is destroyed before the plot of new vegas is set with fall of shady sands occurring the same year as the 1st battle of the hoover dam which just feels like this was included for the express purpose of decannonizing new vegas because it honestly only makes the story more confusing and harder for new fans to navigate by looking up information about the existing games. Then there is the way in which the enclave is seemingly retconned out of being the shadow government (where it held effective control over vault tech as a way to experiment with human subjects for various reasons) and instead vault tech goes on to start the great war for effectively the same reason the eclave had for trying to exterminate everyone living in the wasteland. And i think the worst part is that most of these issues could have been avoided if the story was just set in a different time (between 1 and 2 or even before 1) or location (literally anywhere a major faction has not already been established existing in cannon) and the story would have benefited so much from that
3: okay i liked some of it
The prewar flashbacks did actually have good bits
The writers didn't go full liberty prime and understood the anticommunism in the series was satire
They made the brotherhood look like a facist techno cult and i had fun with the explicit religious ritual stuff going on in their base
The snake oil salesman who can heal you but also might mutate you was fun and feels very much like classic fallout
The axolotl abomination that i thought had sloghtly too human hands turning out to be a vault experiment was fun for me
4 secret section where i complain more
Yeah i know its already green lit for like 2 more seasons and has way more time to explain shit i dont care i dont think they are either capanle or interested in making this any better
Anyway the show was bad thanks for reading my rambling complaints or sorry for inflicting this on you if you actually liked it? But i put a cut on this one so thats on you. Im gonna go write my own fallout stoeies for ttrpg campaigns with my friends now since todd wont give me a story i like
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himshoo · 2 months
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Satsuki has my heart so im here to present to you my brainrot/hcs on her story cause she has so much potential
The general story shes based on:
Her father Taira no Masakado led a rebellion on the Kyoto court and got killed (later became a vengeful spirit)
The rest of the family was ordered to be executed but Satsuki Hime and her brother Yoshikado escaped
Satsuki gains onmyōdō sorcery by performing rituals at the Kifune shrine and seeks to avenge her father
The aramitama (spirit) instructs her to take on the name Takiyasha-hime
She forms an army of youkai with her powers and soldiers who agree with Masakado’s cause
Ōya no Tarō Mitsukuni (also has onmyōdō) investigates, Takiyasha-hime disguises herself but reveals herself when he comments on Masakado's death
Later she sends her youkai army to attack Mitsukuni but ultimately is killed by him
(there's another version where she gains powers through frog magic, also pretty trans to me that she took on a new name that signified a sense of purpose)
my take on her possible story in the Yohaji universe
everything happened except she managed to survive Mitsukuni and retreat (does not defeat Mitsukuni)
eventually, the siblings are allowed back into society due to a decision by Nyudou’s dad
starts school in year 2 middle school
struggles to interact with others due to her former social isolation.
by highschool she somewhat assimilates to society though she is sometimes awed by the mundanity of life as life before was dominated by survival and seeking revenge. Like her close friends probably assumes that she had gone through something.
Yoshikado as a possible character
If Tanaka Mai is ever gonna explore Satsuki even to the smallest of extents I think she should include her brother because he is her only surviving family, like even in the background or something. I do also think she should include Masakado and Mitsukuni because they're more plot-relevant but im a sucker for family dynamics.
So he's my interpretation of him
was a samurai like his irl counterpart
equivalent to early 20
Was stern and protective in youth but softened once reentering society
still hates being in public
Satsuki was too young to remember most of their family so he made sure to tell her what they were like
Originally I imagined him as still being stern but I think there being a clear distinction in his personality before and after reentering society is probably better. It signifies the change in environment as he does not have to focus on survival and instead is now enjoying life.
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Thoughts and other stuff
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Above is a wood print of Takiyasha-hime summoning a Gashadokuro which is the same type of youkai Kuniko is and the artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi has a similar name to her. Though I'm not sure if thats actually where Kuniko's name came from but its probably why they were paired up that one time.
It is strange that in the story she is referred to as Satsuki Hime a youkai whose type is listed as 'Takiyasha-hime'. I was expecting a youkai that was a human transformed after death considering a major point is that Takiyasha-hime is painted as this hero who is seeking to avenge but is ultimately killed and failed to fulfill her father's desire for rebellion. Like her past as a human who practiced onmyōdō which she adopted a new name for and her transformation into a youkai has so much potential, especially in her possible relation to Kuniko as they both used to be human and Haruaki as someone who has uncontrollable onmyōdō.
Also, this was during the Heian period which is the same period as Seimei and further Masakado’s rebellion was against the Kyoto court, so to my delusional self this means her character will get expanded upon in the actual story. Like why have a character linked to Kyoto, Onmyōdō (which Seimei practiced) and the Heian era, if you are not gonna use her or refer to the story shes based on.
I need her to get screentime and references to her story please she has so much potential.
anyway the cringe is catching up to me so thats all
The sources of my info
some of them kinda plagiarise each which is something
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hanafubukki · 9 months
hana, correct me if this is wrong but i just rewatch the final parts of the update and it seems that Lilias dream is still ongoing. ???
The memories played before Silver was due to the ring's magic rather than Lilia's dream itself. (Like It shone when he was swallowed by the darkness right???)(my memory is fuzzy on how this started so feel free to correct me 😂😂)
I'm thinking this because I held the assumption that "Lilia didn't change anything about his dreamworld" like "he wouldve like to meet Silver and embrace the change even if it led to the loss of his first family" but even after this update—which i had high hopes that'll reveal the purpose of Lilia's dream— we still didnt get it.
Malenoa sacrificed herself, thats what we know in reality. But we saw how Lilia was forced to flee before she could die, and the last moment of this update, we're still in that bridge where we got seperated from Lilia and Baul bcs we have to take care of the blot swallowing Silver---
SO We are still on the run and and---maybe that means that the theory that Lilia wishes Levan and Malenoa were alive thats why he's having this dream still stands???
Like When he finally reaches Black Scale Castle with the egg, Meleanor shouldve arrived later as well.
Im still holding onto this because man,,,, i want more pain 😂😂😂✊✊
also this "alternate reality" is also beneficial for Silver. We know that Lilia is aware that Silver gets hurt knowing hes causing Lilia pain or him realizing that Lilia "is not his family." So maybe if this human child shouldve grown up with his original family, he wouldnt have to be suffering under him whos "incapable of love."
Maybe in the case where Meleanor is alive, the Silver Owls retreat, (maybe their ill king got cured and they stop chasing after Princess Glow lol) the wars stopped between nations then Baby Silver wouldnt have been alone waiting for someone to take care of him if his parents were there, he couldve lived a normal and happy life as the crown prince. If you consider that his original life, "its much better than Lilia could offer", didnt he also say that he shouldnt hesitate to search for his original parents?? What if this is what he meant and wish for as well???
That if only there was a world where there is no war, then Meleanor couldve lived, Levan would be found, Malleus wouldnt be alone, and Silver wouldnt torment himself from the sins of his ancestors.
Hello Lian 🌺🌷💚
Yep, we are still in Lilia’s dream still and something about how Lilia and Baul are being chased so they are going to hurry after them. I feel like next update will have Lilia waking up now that Silver has accepted himself.
Yessss!! The ring shines and omg I have thoughts and feelings on it because some said that is silvers bio dad guiding him and I’m so soft abhhh
Honestly, I think Lilia’s dreams means that despite the sacrifices and everything he went through. He was happy to have the connections and what led him to his family. He ended up with malleus and eventually with silver because of these circumstances. He also saw what kind of man the knight of dawn was too.
I am curious though, why it’s not exactly as “happy” as we assumed it would be. So I definitely see your point!! It also seems that lilia is somewhat aware?? That it’s a dream?? Because silver heard lilia was calling out to him. So I wonder maybe if lilia is somehow controlling the dream
I imagine the queen had similar powers to malleus?? And maybe we will see her UM?? And that will give a clue??
Andkdkdjsbw Lian did you have to hurt me this way?? I wonder if lilia knowing that silver is there…maybe he also wants silver to know his birth parents loved him??
I feel like if lilia believes that he didn’t provide enough for silver…I feel like silver is going to finally break and angry yell at him for such thoughts. Because doesn’t father know?? How much he’s loved??
My worry is malleus not knowing any of this. And him watching and his reaction to it all. He loves his family so much so if this is the first time he heard…then I can’t imagine the chaos of emotions he has.
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clericofkelemvor · 7 months
so sil joined the church of kelemvor roughly fifteen years before the game. now in the comics we DO get a little bit of a glimpse at kelemvor's church in the gate. theres a chapel dedicated to him, managed by father alby and nerys kathon, as well as other unnamed (and i think not shown, but like, its not just the two of them ofc) clergy.
some canon info and a lot of conjecture under the cut abt the way the church of kelemvor works, but tldr: over fifteen ish years, sil first works in the city then travels to places in need of a death priest, and they get kidnapped for illithid purposes while theyre on the road.
some time after 1485DR, likely still during the 1480s, thieves get their hands on the relics kept at the chapel and nerys, through circumstances, becomes and adventurer. with minsc!! and other people. the next significant thing is in 1492, after elturel is restored to the prime material plane, this particular group of adventurers comes back to baldurs gate and encounters the cult of the absolute. father alby at that point has been infected by a parasite and he has an ominous conversation with nerys, fights her and her companions that night after they prevent a ritual from completion, and dies by nerys's hand shortly after at the chapel - a mercy kill, before he fully turns. nerys also notes when she comes back to the chapel that it is in a state of disrepair and kind of falling apart.
what this means for sil is that 1) they very likely knew both nerys and father alby, and its totally possible that theyd heard of minsc specifically as nerys' friend/adventure companion! i dont think the inverse would be true though, they didnt hold a very high position and weren't a fixture at the gate at that point, but thats a fun bit. 2) i think they would have heard of the cult of the absolute. even if the mindflayer bit was kept secret, there had to have been an explanation given for father alby's death, and the cult was already somewhat known, though not the illithid part. we dont see what happens there, so im assuming nerys handled or took part in alby's burial before leaving again like three days later (only 2 of which were not filled with adventuring stuff. busy life.).
thats kind of it in terms of canon, although im gonna try to read the comics and see if i find anything else or can get more precise timelines.
now members of the death clergy seem to have somewhat varied roles. im pulling this from the forgotten realms wiki and a 3rd edition i believe book on deities (but seemed like very little had changed between 3rd and 5th edition for this).
i think sil started as a novitiate in the city and helped mostly with burials and administrative matters around those. considering their disposition at that time, they definitely avoided being the person consoling the grieving (or were kept away from it by other clergy), so they prob ended up doing more things like giving last rites, assisting with then later on leading funerals, and helping out with matters related to the deceased's wills or last wishes.
this next part is definitely more me extrapolating but what is dnd if not a beautiful sandbox. anyway. there are a few special statuses in the death clergy, but sil isnt an actual cleric until the game starts, and they were much too despondent to take on a more warrior role before then anyway. i think they stayed a regular acolyte for all these years, but specialized in travelling to communities that needed the services of a death priest. this could include small settlements that simply dont have anyone to perform burials, but also diseased or ravaged areas with a lot of death, in need of care for both the dead and the living. the wiki indicates that followers of kelemvor opposed the lengthening of ones life through necromancy or magic and despise undead (:^)), but also that they tried to ensure people didnt meet their end before they were supposed to. i interpret that as caring for the living as well as the dead; the grieving or abandoned who might take their own lives, and the injured and sick who might succumb too early. so i think for a good decade sil mostly traveled, at first with others but then gradually more often alone - due both to gaining enough experience to handle their duties by themselves and their very taciturn demeanor not making them a particularly sought out travel companion - to either remote settlement or places that had suffered/were suffering some sort of calamity, like hostile raiders, natural disasters, or fast spreading illnesses. they developed an affinity for medicine and treating people, a good sense of whats needed to handle inhospitable environments (say, mountains in winter, flooded villages, stuff like that), and eventually scripts they can fall back on when interacting with the distressed people they would inevitably encounter.
theyd be back in the city when the stuff with father alby happens, and help with restructuring the clergy there, and at that point start having a more important role within the church in the gate. theyve been around for a while, theyve fulfilled their duties well, and theyre in the right place at the right time to have a say. they're still very detached, but theyre dedicating whatever's left of their life to the church of kelemvor and they want it to run well. i dont think theyd get a higher rank necessarily, but theyre listened to when they say something, and just have more weight. i think that means theyd be targeted for tadpoling; as a fairly unremarkable and easy to disappear for a bit person who still has some connection to the rest of the church, and can thus be a gateway to infecting more people in an organisation that the cult has tried (and managed!) to take over before. they go back to travelling a couple months after the father alby stuff so i figure they got abducted on the road pretty easily.
the church of kelemvor presence in the gate doesnt seem huge, and doesnt seem actually particularly concentrated in one location. the chapel is presented as the seat of it in the gate and is situated in the lower city, but it seems pretty small, and while kelemvor isnt a widely followed deity it still makes more sense to me that the chapel seems so small because most members if the clergy are spread out across the city in smaller offices, either attached to cemeteries or legal offices and maybe even with the fists and guards. something thats also mentioned in the wiki is the "most solemn order of the silent shroud", composed mainly of workers, artisans and crafters whose activities are related either directly or peripherally to death (embalmers, gravediggers, etc). their task is to "inform the church of gravesite desecration and undead sighting", but i figure theres also just logistics that ties them to, if not the church, then their local clergy, and specifically death clergy. so i think itd make sense that theyd work closely together and that youd have scattered members of the church; their role in general doesnt particularly benefit from them being all in the same place, and esp in a city as big and frankly fucking messy as baldurs gate theres prob need of them in plenty of places. plus, like sil, i figure a fair amount of them operate outwith city boundaries as well.
i think thats most of the thoughts i have on this so far. i like thinking abt it bc this is actually such a huge part of their life, not just in terms of amount of time but bc they genuinely believe in the work and in kelemvor's guidance of souls. for backstory reasons :^) that im sure ill expand in eventually
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deluluwonderland · 8 months
Peeks...hi hello, so we can ramble about our crossfandom agendas here? 👁️
If you don't mind me— i have MULTIPLE of them, and would love to share about the multiple brainrots i have about them. heck i even made a whole very self-indulgent casual modern college au for them because i terribly need to shove all these characters in a single room and see what happens
I'll try to keep my first ask short tho, so I'll just drop my agendas and then maybe elaborate on them more in future asks? if that doesn't bother any of you-
(just a heads up, I'll be talking about characters from enstars, genshin and danganronpa!)
So first of all, my main and favorite duo (the one which started the whole college au mess)— my two favorite characters from two games i like, leo tsukinaga and lyney! :]
I have TOO MANY thoughts about them for it to fit here...so i might ramble about them another time. But please think about them for me 👉👈
Next one i am very insane about is the fontaine twins and 2wink because??? I am not the only one to see the multiple parallels between them right??? Especially lyney and hinata??? Both pairs of twins have such a similar past too— grew up on the streets by themselves (fontaine twins because parents died, 2wink because they ran away) and had to perform to earn money to survive
Then there's once again lyney, but with kokichi (danganronpa) this time— it's less i want them to interact, and more like holy fuck why the fuck are they WAY TOO SIMILAR??? they even have the same japanese va....
It all started september 1st 2023, when i was rambling about lyney to my friend who knows nothing about genshin (but was into dr with me), and she pointed their similarity out
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And ever since then, i have not been over it at all
(scrolls back up, see: "I'll try to keep my first ask short tho", dies a little inside BECAUSE ITS ALREADY GETTING SO LONG I AM SO SORRY...i am normal i swear (i am not))
OK BEFORE I FINISH I JUST HAVE TWO MORE— do you know the fanganronpa dra? Because I've had a leo and yamato friendship agenda for so long now. I just think they would be the best of friends, because they have a lot of similarities imo? They're also both my faves from their respective medias so,
BUT RECENTLY I'VE ALSO BEEN THINKING OF YAMATO AND FREMINET INTERACTING...because they're both somewhat into machines right? So I'm just thinking...yamato acting like some sort of older brother/senior/mentor figure to freminet? I don't know??? I think it has the potential to be cute and wholesome
OK I THINK THAT'S IT I AM SO SORRY FOR JUST. popping out of nowhere...but finding a blog about crossfandoms just! Made me excited because i am very passionate about my brainrots about it...hope you guys don't mind! Have a nice day :]
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putting under a cut bc this can get long, but also MINOR warning for genshin main story spoilers + enstars spoilers regarding 2wink specifcially, again its minor but still!
'' my two favorite characters from two games i like, leo tsukinaga and lyney! :] ''
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THEY WOULD BE SO FUNNY AS A DUO, im pretty sure leo would love lyney's shows and even made a song based on them a few times, they would be very inspiring!!
as friends i think lyney is the oddly 'sane' one of the two, usually, in a casual normal day lyney has to put idealistic leo in place, honestly
BUT i also feel like in a way leo can ground lyney, bc that guy is someone who lies a lot, its all for a purpose, even someone's good, sure, he even puts on a happy facade bc thats what everyone likes
but all that has GOT to be exhausting and he's surely been in a place where he's just lying to himself even, saying whatever nonsense with a fake smile. leo might be childish but idk i feel like he tell when someone is at their limit like that, ground him back to the truth but not harshly
ykno?/w??/ ajdhasjkdsah am i making sense?? i sure hope so but i will defo be keeping them in my thoughts thank you
'' Next one i am very insane about is the fontaine twins and 2wink because??? --- Especially lyney and hinata??? ''
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trust me lyney and hinata both gush about their younger siblings together, then lynette and yuta at the same time elsewhere are complaining about the trouble their elder got them into over tea hasjdhajksfha
'' Then there's once again lyney, but with kokichi (danganronpa) this time— ''
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ahh yeah yeah! i remember seeing like, fanart of lyney and kokichi back when the fontaine vas where announced, but man thats a while ago now... BUT YEAH THEY ARE SIMILAR, LIARS, LIARS, PANTS ON FIRE
irl i hate liars sm but in fiction they scratch my brain so much, theyre so... interesting... give me more...
actually on the topic of same vas, wasnt there someone in genshin who had kiibo's va? i cant recall who tho, maybe it was just a random shitpost...
'' you know the fanganronpa dra? Because I've had a leo and yamato friendship ''
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hmmm im only familiar with official danganronpas unfortunately, so im afraid i can't comment much, but still by all means encourage you to tell me more about them!! since i know nothing about yamato, please tell me more about how you think these characters interacting would go? :o
please please please give fremmy more people to look up to and to encourage him, he deserves all of it and all the love and care!! imagining him building robots with someone else makes me ahsdkjashdkjahskdjahsjkhasjk EXPLODES /pos
~mod Star
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silveme · 1 year
i will admit that since im mobile-only i cant actually read the playlist description BUT, i can very clearly tell characters/themes sections , and that some sections made me laugh out loud when certain songs would play, like specifically, hitting us with back to back songs that make made me laugh way harder than i probably should have been laughing, memorably,
Puppet Boy immediately followed by Under My Skin, so meaaan to them
the one-two punch of fuck my boss and da biggest bird.........
the combo of Just The Two Of Us and Thats Life,
the cars themed songs, ejsus fucking ..
starting out with a man without love is Perfect ... the first four songs paint such a picture like thr opening of a film except the fourth song is camel by camel of all things,
heaven knows im miserable now. i was looking for a job and then i found a job. making plans for nigel. then ghost.
i can go on (which would be me continuing to state the obvious) but im not planning on editing this ask once i type it out so (sweating) im so sorry....
there are some fantastic choices you can kinda tell who listens to what via vibes , even though obviously no i couldnt actually figure out that marc listens to will smith. but there is a VERY clear switch between steven music, marc music, jake music, plot music, setting music, show mystery atmosphere music, etc. even their mercenary background,
this is only somewhat related to the playlist, but i didnt realize that My Way Of Life was the song that jake was playing in the last scene, and then when you put frontier psychiatrist in there, did yoy know that that song is sampled in there. the That Boy Needs Therapy song. sampling the song that was playing when jake makes his appearance at khonshu's behest, a song that is all in one an admission of defeat, a prayer, and a claim. can i speak to the directors was this on purpose (shaking someone wildly by the shoulders)
your sense of humor shines through the entire thing even from the photo and the GET THE FRIES title reference which im still laughing to myself about it like an idiot and as i finished the playlist i was thinking to myself like. Thats it, Thats The Whole Show 👍👍 We've Covered Literally Everything yknow i marathoned this playlist but this playlist is so long that by the time i hit the end of the playlist after marathoning it i was driving home from work free bird'ing down the highway like I DID IT ... WHAT AN EXPERIENCE...
literally kicking my feet in the air giggling and silently screaming while reading this THANK YOU!! AND YES IT IS THE PERFECT PLAYLIST TO MARATHON I ALWAYS PUT IT ON WHILE WORKING. Also good to know that everyone else can’t see the description on mobile too, damn I thought I was doing something wrong. it goes like this “We’ll need the energy in the coming days…THE ULTIMATE MOON KNIGHT PLAYLIST In order: miscellaneous, Marc, Steven, Jake. I’m always updating and curating this! Also check out my Layla playlist”
Followers who don’t care about the best moon knight playlist ever pls scroll now or forever hold your peace cause I’m about to wig out✌️
This whole playlist is very much my personal music taste both old and new so I’m so glad other people love it too. Like I’m 20 and I’ve been listening to some of these songs since middle school (and one since elementary school….”awoken” LOL) and some is my more recent music taste
So anyway without further ado, here is some of my personal favorite moments on the playlist, I’ll try to keep it in order, strap in.
• Nutcracker suite Arabian dances: im very much a classical lover as you can probably tell by now but this has always been my favorite classical piece. It’s just sooooo “I’m tired and injured and trudging through the desert under the light of the full moon. I’m exhausted but I have to keep going” love itttttt
• Leopard: this song is literally always switching up!! Just like moon knight lol. One moment it’s sad and slow, next moment it’s anxious and fast, and then it’s smooth and chill. Need I say more.
• Back from the dead: “BLOW, YA TAKIN 2 SHOTS TO YA CHEST”
• Hunter: this one is very special to me cause it’s probably my favorite song of all time at the moment. It’s sort of the same deal with the nutcracker suite where it’s like you just have to keep on marching and do what you can to survive cause there’s not really a home you can go back to. It feels lonely, ghostly, desolate, and steadfast. So marc and so knightly. “I tried to organize freedom- you sussed it out didn’t you? You could smell it so you left me on my own, to complete the mission, now I’m leaving it all behind.” Very him and Khonshu am I right or am I right. HES GOING HUNTING. HES THE HUNTER!
• Pluto: this is a more recent addition, it’s just so visceral and violent. Like Marc! I also specifically added the live version with the strings cause it sounds so much moreee. Unhinged? Enraged? “Excuse me, I just have to explode this body” “I’ll wake up tomorrow brand new, a little tired, but brand new” just like going to bed as maRC AND WAKING UP AS STEVEN CMONNNNNN
• Dirty Harry: mercenary days marc moment
• mercure scene 1, la nuit: same thing as nutcracker suite and hunter. WE GOTTA KEEP MOVING EVEN THO WE’RE SO TIRED
• Off with his head: middle school classic of all time to me. It’s so “ugh. Gotta kill all these people to sate this ancient gods will. Sorry, I promise I don’t want to 😬”
• Awoken: relistening to old mlp fandom songs I used to love when I was little and then realizing one of them fit Marc Spector of all characters actually incredibly well felt like unearthing an ancient cursed relic. I literally still cannot believe it
• All the Will Smith songs: Marc speeds on the highway when he drives. And when he does, he’s blasting this. Also he doesn’t like any other musician besides will smith. He has literally had the exact same music taste since 1997 #comfortmusic
• Get out of my house: MARC IS THE HOUSE.
• All the love: the phone calls. THE PHONE CALLS. Did I mention the phone calls? The sighs too UGH. I’m imagining Marc coming back to that storage locker and listening to all the voicemails Steven had left him thinking he was calling their mom. Also am I crazy thinking the last “good night” sounds EXACTLY like Steven?
• Sandpaper kisses: “your gonna a leave her. You have deceived her. Just a girl, with featherweight curls” Layla 😭
• The moon/ Awake: EVERY. LYRIC. HITS. It fits the relationship between him and Steven amazingly. “When sins of sons to fathers come, too heavy is the weight. THE SPIRIT SPLIT IN TWO” <- when I heard that while looking for songs to add to this playlist my jaw dropped. ITS TOO REAL
• Ok let’s go: the moon/ awake to ok let’s go is the transition from Marc to Steven. It’s basically Steven being like “is this too much to take? That’s ok, I’ll take it from here” like he’s there to put Marc’s pieces back together after everything. It’s stevens introduction bc that’s his purpose after all. He’s picking up where Marc left off
• Diary: Goldfish problem vibes. “Dear diary, What a day it’s been. Dear Diary, it’s been just like a dream” “at night I can’t sleep, I toss and turn” also the guy is British so that’s a plus
• the miku song (I can’t type Japanese) : Steven grant anime opening. He’s running late to work with toast in his mouth
• COUNT THOSE FREAKS: literally episode 2. Mr knight vs that jackal vibes
• Sinking feeling, Only dreaming: I’m gonna lump these 2 together cause they have the same gist. Steven realizing that he isn’t completely alone and those strange occurrences and dreams are much much much more than they seem. His life is a lie! Poor man’s being put through the mental ringer.
• Linger a while: It’s just so british sounding you know what I mean? It’s so Steven nervously plodding along
•Oivomaintnt: steven grant walking simulator
• Wake up ( it’s 1984): “two worlds apart, BUT SO!! CLOSE!!!!!!”
• Is anybody here?: ohhhhohhh so Steven. Everything abt it is so perfect but here’s my fav lyrics “I left my soul exposed to frail hands who hold my fate up in the air.” Aka khonshus spindly witch fingers. “Waking in the afternoon, a captive in a passive tomb, moments turn to long Decembers, stoking fires from dying embers. I try To move a limb, but there's a disconnect within. A devil in the alchemy. A phantom staring back at me.ITS YOUUUUU” disassociation moment. He is quite literally slipping out of consciousness and losing days or even months of time. Also….a phantom….OR A SPECTOR
• Steal away: ok I lied this is the one song that’s based off vibes. It’s just Steven what can I say
• It only takes a moment, somethin stupid, might tell you tonight: HES FALLING IN LOVE FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME 😭😭😭
• Ghost: Steven being like “hey maybe actually not being alone isnt so bad :)” again, a ghost….OR A SPECTOR! Ehhhhhh? ;D
• you belong to me: Marc and Steven may be free, but Jake? mmmm not so much :/ wherever they go, whatever they do, he still belongs to Khonshu.
• What you won’t do for love: “I guess you wonder where I’ve been”
• Desalento: I don’t speak Portuguese so I don’t exactly know what this song is about but it’s just so Jake vibes. Esp near the end
• The most cursed hands/ who am I: first part is cool but disregard it. The real reason why I added it is at the very end. “Who am I? Just a gambler, holding aces in the devil's eyes. What is wrong? What's the sin? Where's the answer? Where the hell do I fit in? Or could it be, there's just a little demon lost in the debris? And I, should idly bide my time until a wager releases me” cmonnnn that is so good. Where does jake fit in in all this? Steven and Marc are already a team but Jake is disconnected from them, where does he go in the story? Also the little demon lost in the debris is KHONSHU, they thought they defeated him but heyyyy he’s still there just in secret now. And what can Jake do but follow his orders till he’s released! “It can’t remain unknown” his existence can’t stay hidden forever! Also the vibes at this part are just so suave and Jakey.
• how I could just kill a man: marc and steven are soooo free and don’t have to do shit anymore but guess who’s left to do all the dirty work now? JAKE! And he’s pissed! “When your up on the hill in your big home, I’m out here riskin my dome”
• Vroom Vroom: obligatory
• Tardigrade song: Jake lockley is one tough son of a bitch. He can take pretty much everything you throw at him, since that is literally his purpose. He wakes up after years of hibernation, kicks ass in the most inhospitable conditions imaginable, then goes to sleep again. Just like a tardigrade!
• We fly high: I have this image in my head of Jake rolling up to an avengers meeting and you can hear this from the parking lot blasting in the moon knight mobile before he gets out and slams the door. They’re all looking down at him from the window like “ughhhh who invited that guy” “not me” “me neither” “I think he just invited himself” *door bursts open* “eyyyy fugeddaboutit” It’s like his theme song to me, it’s what plays when he rolls up into frame wearing sunglasses. He’s just balling. Simple as. Steven: ouch! He bit me!😰 Jake: no I didn’t 😎😏
Freebird: and what a perfect way to end the playlist. Wow look you made it way to go, now let’s make our car do flips and donuts in the avengers office parking lot 🥳🙌
Sorry if that was too much, I always think about these when I listen to it which is still fairly often. I’ve never gotten to discuss these things with anyone! Delighted to hear that you enjoyed it!!!!! Hope it helped you discover some really amazing songs. THANK YOU!!!!!!! 💕
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draculuve · 1 year
theres always been lighthearted comments and jokes about those of us who unintentionally flit between interests, but im learning that there can be a deep kind of pain to it as well. because sometimes those interests will just fade away, or disappear as quickly as they came, both without you even noticing - but sometimes you discover something that brings you unbridled happiness and peace like nothing else, or you believe youve found your calling or life purpose, and you become so invested and enamoured with the joy and freedom of it all that you think theres no way it could only be temporary. you think ‘everything has finally fallen into place, everything is so right, my life is finally beginning, im finally free’. —and then you feel it. the tendrils of how you felt before, quietly seeping back in. you start losing your energy again; you start laughing and smiling less; you start doubting yourself and your aspirations. youve put all of your eggs into this perfect new basket, but now, where you used to look upon it with glee and pure love, you cant help but hear this voice at the back of your mind wondering why it doesnt look as pristine as it used to. asking ‘did you ever really like it? was that really what you wanted?’. when did your passion become past tense?
you try to ignore it or tell yourself youre just having an off day, because youre still attached to this new thing, its the centre of your whole world -- my god, sometimes it can even feel like its become part of your soul or entire being; you have nothing but adoration for it!! yet this preemptive grief still kicks in. even while youre actively engaging with whatever you were just honeymooning with, you simultaneously start to mourn it. you can hold on tight as you like, but that isnt what itll take to stop it from dissipating through your fingers. you feel outrage, because this that you now lived for or treasured is being taken from you for no reason at all, and theres nothing you can do about it. you feel lost and defeated and somewhat backstabbed. its a bit embarrassing, too, to have to go back to everyone who knows you and be like ‘youre right. it didnt last’. for the 100th time.
you spend the next unknown amount of time plunged back into disinterest and misery, fearing all kinds of things; fearing that youll never feel better again, that youll never see that previous ‘something’ in the same divine light, that youll never find something as good again, something that made you enjoy life. just as you believed the goodness wouldnt end, you dont believe this will end either. this extended period of mind-numbing, life-wasting dissatisfaction and boredom.
eventually you realise that this cycle is no different than clouds periodically covering the sun, or someone rampantly pulling the switch between summer and winter. your loves will still be there after the clouds pass; its all still waiting on the other side of this barren duration. and there may be something new for you then, or maybe something you managed to shelve and run, before the bad feelings could tarnish it; or something you salvaged from the negativity and to put back together with a tenderness that never left. theres so much consolation to be found in remembering that you typically do return to your old cherished things. sometimes with a gap of either months or many, many years, but ultimately youre both still there, ready for the right time and the right mental place to come together and create that spark again. the heartbreak of losing it once more will be right around the corner too, but thats when ill just have to remind myself that its only being taken to a collection of my other most prized interests and aspirations, and i can visit when the clouds have passed again
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inactivedoesntexist · 6 months
thank you sm liv i love you 😭 (if this takes a while to get to you it’s bc i was trying to word it in the least confusing way LOL) ok so basically! i start college next year and this friday, our dorm request/application form opens up and we need to fill it out asap. the issue is im basically in a crippling trio friendship rn 😭😭😭 with me, by best friend, and the third friend. theres only two people to a room and me and my best friend really want to room together (not just because we're closer but we both think that our personalities would work better sharing a room if that makes sense). it wouldnt be a big deal to tell our third friend that we want to room together but me and my best friend found out from someone else that our third friend feels like we're distancing ourselves from her and that she feels left out (i just wanna clarify that this isnt anything on purpose, we just never see each other at school anymore because of different schedules and stuff). sooo the problem is that our third friend feels left out and me and my best friend dont know how to bring up that we want to room together without hurting our third friends feelings 😭 so basically i just wanted to ask you how we should bring up the dorm situation without being mean?? ive talked to a few different people about it and they've all said something like "just be honest with her" but me and my best friend feel like horrible people tbh 😭😭 ANYWAYS thats all. if anything doesnt make sense i will 100% clarify for you dw and thank you anyways for even taking the time to read this and respond. like seriously i love u!!!
fjdkals anon ily too, thanks for trusting me and respecting my opinion enough to ask me for advice! i hope i can be somewhat helpful but you have to do whats best for you. <3 im gonna put a cut so my response can be long but it isnt taking over everyones dash lol
first of all, congrats on starting college!!! i have to be honest, this is a time where lots of friends do grow apart or friend groups go their own ways because life just kind of naturally flows that way. you may not know youre distancing yourself but again - life will naturally push and pull you from people and sometimes it will be forever friendships and other times people will fade out of your life a bit. i have plenty of people that used to be my closest friends that now i barely speak to because life has just taken us in different directions but there are no hard feelings and still so much love there. i think you just have to be honest with your third friend though and just say that you feel like its best for both of you to room together as the reasons you told me in your ask above. :o
i hope that makes sense? im kind of answering as i read here..
i know that hearing 'just be honest' is not really what helps right now... i agree that it would be helpful but that isnt going to take away your anxiety around the situation.
i think you don't have to be brutally honest but you do need to sit down with your best friend/roommate and talk about your approach beforehand and set some boundaries if things escalate. you can nicely explain this and anyone who respects you and your choices will not cause a scene over you doing whats best. i have plenty of friends that have lived in and out of being roommates but its all mutual that we can live where, whenever and respect that we're all still a group of best friends. ya know?
did this help? do you want anything more specific?
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outofcontexturi · 2 years
aug 29th 2022
im currently on shrooms and im having a bit of a weird high. things feel heightened in a way but not in a way i particularly like it. its a weird high. i dont understand how my friends like this shit compared to edibles. i love the way edibles make me feel but these shrooms are fucking strong and they make me feel down or like stoic so im gonna stop taking them from now cause they dont serve any purpose for me anymore im afraid. i get nothing from them. im glad im documenting this so i have a record of this shit cause i feel like this will help me not go back to these ever cause i seem to always have a weird time with them. they used to make me feel good or at least ive had one good experience or maybe two but the rest of them have been weird. this is weirdly therapeutic in a way. just journalling my thoughts like this. not being afraid to say what im afraid of may be a power in and of itself in a weird way. my belly hurts. and my head hurts so im wondering if thats just a thing that happens whenver i take shrooms but whenever i take them eddys i feel GREAT. feel like i can take on the world. its not even like i feel lost or anything. i know im me and i know im destined for great things but this current feeling is bad. i wont say terrible cause its not but it is a bad feeling considering what it is. but maybe this is a psychedelic that is telling me that im just not ready for it yet. its not something you can take like an edible and think you’re gonna get the same results. it doesnt work like that. im on facetime with saffrah at the moment. its silent. i kinda like it like that. im sure she can hear me typing away but i really enjoy the sound and flow of my typing. saffrah just hung up on me. i dont know how i feel. for a moment i felt lonely and then i had the thought that i have to be brave and now im here. present with the world and my thoughts haha. bethlehem is messaging me. i feel like im in a stable mood somewhat. im not good, im not bad but kinda in a limbo and thats not where you wanna be on a shroom. i wanna feel the euphoria but you cant search for a feeling you just have to feel whatever is available and let it pass. the good thing about all of this is that it will pass. and im blessed. God blessed me. i can overcome anything if i have the courage to take a leap of faith. i think i hear myself or a varation of myself screaming in my head or at least crying or some sort. its weird but now im a bit emotional. im like an hour and a half into my shroom trip. its 23:34. 23:51 listening to kanye west’s 2007 performance and i just feel good. mum wants me to pray with her. i feel good. im in a good mood. typing is a good asmr sound that i like. stronger just came on by kanye and im in a better mood. i understand why they say just feel the feelings when youre on these drugs. i have a nice face.the shrooms are kinda working now. i feel good. i feel very good. my care for things is gone again. i feel like im in my optimal. touch the sky. im gonna pray with lauren and probably call saffrah back. im listening to all of the lights at the larry hoover concert. mike dean really did his fucking job with the synths!! do you hear those synths?!??! man thats godly! i feel good. my head hurts less but i feel something. i feel like the more expressive i am the more expressive people are around me haha how pretentious of me like bruh come on man. but then again. currently listening to lil wayne’s dedication series (dedication 4). cashed out. i have to say lil wayne is the greatest rapper alive. he has it all man. cadence. wordplay. versatility. storytelling ability. 1:11! just saw another angel number. 1:37am listening to 50 cent many men. idk why but im just feeling things and thats okay. just messaged Honey to ask if shes okay cause she said she disassociating for a while but im here for her. and i love her. so theres that. i think im gonna end this here for now and start a new thingy but i really like hearing my typing which is why im still typing like cmon man. i feel good . listening to lets get blown by snoop and im gonna sign off there. God bless. love uri xx 01:43am 30th aug 2022 tues
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mha-smipy07 · 3 years
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warnings: SMUT, oral (both m/f receiving but m more than f), unprotected sex, language, isn't really a warning but i'm making a part two to this that will be shorter and idk when it will be out.
paring: akaashi keiji x fem!reader
A/n: hii i haven't written anything on here like this before so i hope you like it and feedback would be great or any tips for my writing
you on your way to the new apartment that your looking at moving in to meet your roommate. you've been looking for a place to move into scene you can't live in a hotel and your parents don't want you living with them now that your in college and dorms where to much monye. being beyond excited about this, like come on 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment that has everything you need and only $300 a month? can't get better than that.
but little did you know you'd be getting a new best friend with benefits.
when you got to the apartment was clean and smelled like? cotton candy? there was a big couch, with a tv in front of it. there's a good sized kitchen with an island.
"so thats my room and that would be your room" he points to the 2 doors, and one is open with you assume is his because the room is somewhat decorated.
"so where's the bathroom?" you ask opening the bedroom door. looking around. there's one two doors in the room next to each other.
"ya one down side is the bathroom is connected between our rooms, and there's no other way to get into it." Akaashi opened one of the 2 doors and there was a bathroom with a shower that takes up one side and the other had a counter and a toilet next to it.
"oh ok" you opened the other door and it's a closet, "i like this place and it's only $300 a month?" you asked looking at Akaashi as he nodded and gives a little yep.
you signed some papers and on you where to moving you shiz in here. Akaashi offered to help move your stuff over and you agreed and the 2 over you headed over your your parents house.
that's was it within 5 hours all your stuff was in your new shared apartment. the house itself was amazing but akaashi was another bonus, tall, nice, respectful, strong, and unbelievably cute and hot.
"un going to order some take out you want some?" he offers as you were organizing your new room.
"um ya sure" you agree and go to grab your wallet but Akaashi stopped you saying he's paying. you tell him what you want trying to keep it cheap.
when he got ack with the food he put it on the coffee table and pulled it closer to the couch. "oh ya i didn't feel a need to have a dining table because i've always watched tv when eating, it's that ok?" he almost looked embarrassed.
"ya ya thats ok dont worry" you fell back onto the couch next to him and turned on the tv. you guys were just eating and getting to know each other
you and Akaashi have lived together for about 6 months now and without a doubt you have a thing for him. you can't help but let your eyes wanted his body whenever her comes out of his room with some lose sweatpants and no shirt. you could look at him and tell he was an athlete.
every night you two sat on the couch and ate dinner with each other and tonight your gonna try and make a move. you made home made pizza and put the 2 pizzas you made on the coffee table.
"we should watch a horror movie tonight" you said with a smirk on your face. Akaashi look a little surprised because he didn't think you where one for scary movies but he would never turn down a horror movie so he agreed.
he picked the movie and you went to change. you changed into shorts that barely covers your ass, and a cropped tank top. you walked out and dropped your phone, you'd like to say on purpose but it was a accident. but you took advantage of it and bent over in front of Akaashi.
"sorry," you apologize and try your hardest to just give a small smile. you sat a little closer than you normally do. he never questioned your outfit choice because it was a hot due to the broken AC that your waiting to get money too fix. and to be far he was in nothing but some gym shorts and a thin tank top.
you two ate and watch the movie. you started moving closer to him so you where touching his arm. the window was open and a cold breeze came through, so you grabbed a blanket and put it over yourself but Akaashi took some of it and threw it over his legs, throwing his arm over your shoulder pulling your closer.
after about 5 mins you shyly placed your hand in his thigh and he let out a giggle. you could feel his breath on your neck and behind your ear.
"your not that sneaky honey, i know exactly what your trying to do" Akaashi's breath was hot against your skin and his words make your breath get stuck in your throat
"w-what do you mean?" you try playing stupid. "you want me to fuck you dont you? your plan was to turn me on with that little out fit and then bending over in front of me. now putting you hand on your thigh."
you swallow thickly and tried to talk but was cut off
"well your little plan kinda worked. because you do look hella cute in this." Akaashi turned you around and pulled you on to him lap with one swift motion. "know tell me, am i right? you were trying to make me want you?"
you gave a little nod and when you tried to move in to a more comfortable position you felt his semi-hard length on your clothed cunt.
"use your word." his voice was stern and deep. you managed a small "y-yes" out of your throat and you bit your lip. Akaashi smirked and started kissing your neck.
" it was obvious you had a thing for me after like 2 months of you living with me, but i don't mind this" he said against your neck in between kisses. he started sucking softly leaving small red circles on your neck that would be gone by the time you go to sleep.
he hit a soft spot which made you moan a little, encouraging him to suck and bit around that area. you subconsciously started grinding your hips down on to his.
"oo so eager are we?" he asked and let out a small laugh before putting his hands under your shirt. his eyes ask if he can take it off and you give a nod before he threw the shirt across the room.
you started kissing his neck and the grinding of your hips for faster making him hiss a little. you started tugging at his tank top before taking to off him. he unclips your bra and takes it off in seconds, his mouth finding your nipple he started kissing and sucking on it.
he tugged on your shorts and you took those off along with your underwear and he took off his shorts so he was in boxers. you slid off the couch and in between his legs on your knees.
"can i?" you asked hooking your finger around the hem of the boxers on him. he nodded and put his hips up so you could slip them off easily. his cock swung against his stomach and you couldn't wait to feel how heavy he is in your mouth.
you grabbed his cock and wrapped your hand around him. taking a finger from your other hand you pick up the bead of pre cum on the tip of your finger and licked it. your eyes could have rolled to the back of your head just from the taste of him.
you wasted no time putting him in your mouth. he was so heavy on your tongue, but you swirl your tongue around his tip and sucked a little before pushing almost all of him your into mouth in one go. he touched the back of your throat making him throw his head back and let out a short sting of moans. he grabs your hair into a ponytail as you started to set your pace.
"ahh- fuck im gonna come" he warned trying to pull out but you pushed your head down farther and squeezed his balls a little and he came in your mouth.
you looked up at him and swallowed all his seed. you got back up of the couch, straddling his leg and kissed his deeply so he could taste himself on you. he grabbed the back of your head and pushed you closer to him.
his hand creeped between your legs and started playing with your clit making you moan against his lips. he dipped a finger in to your dripping cunt and put his finger in his mouth.
"fuck you are so wet, you liked sucking me off didn't you?" he asked and got a cocky smile. you started grinding against his cock thats now hard again.
"you want me inside you?" he whispered into your ear, in which you nodded as a response. he let out a small chuckle and lifted you up and guided himself in you.
you let out a moan as you slid down his shaft and after you agusted it his size he started bouncing you on his dick. "n-never did i think i-id be fucking you o-on the couch" Akaashi struggled to say between grunts and shaky breaths.
"mm nether did i- ahh fuck right there!" you threw your head back has he hit that soft spot in you. Akaashi adjusted his position under you so he could hold you up and pound into you.
his thrust where sharp and fast. you were so close to your release your eyes started watering because how hard he was going somewhat hurt but the pleasure of your orgasim hit you as you clenched around his cock making him come at the same time.
"ahh damnn fuckk- oh my god" you both stammered out as both of you where trying to come down from your high. after Akaashi got a hold of his breath he got up bringing you with him to his bedroom.
"i hope your ready for more." Akaashi breathed in your ear. he was still half way in you and you tried to move on him but you couldn't. so you started kissing on his neck.
he threw you on his bed and grabbed a tie off his chair. he grabbed your wrist and kissed them before flipping you on your hands and knees pulling a little yelp from you. he tried your wrist together then spread thighs apart.
"you know you have such a pretty pussy, 'm kinda bummed i didn't get to taste it before i came in you,- but now- i came taste myself on you with i like to." his lewd words made you arch your back just a enough he had better access to your throbbing pussy.
he licked a long stripe against your folds, dipping his tongue in you to catch some of his cum on his tongue. after getting his seed on his tongue he licked up your back leaving goosebumps behind.
he quickly returned to your exposed cunt giving it kisses and licking down to your clit to circle his tongue around. damn he was good with his mouth because it didn't take long before you were ready to fall apart and come undone.
"f-fuck akaash im close mm~" you moan as you open your legs more but he stopped. he started kissing and sucking on the back of your thigh and up your ass. before you could look back at him he slammed himself into you.
his pace was ruthless, and the power he had behind his hips was crazy. you were amazed by how loud you were being. all that came out of your mouth was broken moans and slobber collecting on his bed sheets. the new position aloud you to feel every vein and curve of his dick.
he slowed down the pace to where he was barely moving, just grinding his hip into yours.
"f- faster" was all you could utter due to your fizzy head. Akaashi bent over your back to whisper in your ear "come on now, your gonna have to beg for me to go faster darling. but god your pussy is so comfortable" he kissed your neck.
"come on please keiji please go faster i need you" you wine throwing your head back, your turned your head around to look at him. god he was beautiful with his cock lazily moving in and out of you and his shit eating grin on his perfect face.
he reagusted himself and pushed your back down, making you arch it more. the arch was a little uncomfortable but it was long forgotten when your roommate started pounding in to you. after he had a steady pace set you couldn't even make any noise, no moans no nothing. all you could do was sit there and roll your eyes to your brain as Akaashi abused your organs.
"this what you were begging me for right?" keiji bent over you, his sweaty chest on your back as he started kissing and biting at your neck. "you where being such a slut earlier, where did all the big talk go uh?" he taunted you. he moved his hand down to your clit and started rubbing harsh circles around the nevres.
"ah- kashi- t-to much" you wine and wrinkle your face. your lower half burnt so bad but it felt so fucking good. you needed to cum.
"shut up and take it whore." he grabbed your hits for leverage as he pounded into you harders and reassessed for the last time, this time hitting the soft spot that makes you cum every time without fail, over , over and over again.
"'m cl'close, mmm right there f-uck you feel so good" you moan and shoved your head into the bed. you were embarrassed by how you said those kinds of things to him without even thinking, you have never in your life said things like that.
meanwhile when your being embarrassed Akaashi is making it his mission to making you come again. he snuck his hand down your front and to your clit making soft movements. you started moving your hips to meet his and you felt the buildup of pleasure burst inside you. Akaashi growled as you tightened around him.
"mmm god fuck 'm close baby" he actually moaned throwing his head back. his thrust where hard short and fast but it only lasted for 30 secs before he was shooting his seed in you.
he flopped over next to you, trying to calm his breath. he pulled you on to his so that you were laying on his side with your head on his chest. wrapping his arms around you he kissed your head.
out of nowhere he shot up and started carrying you into the bathroom and started filling the bath.
"uh what are you doing?" you asked with a small confused smile. he turned around and looked at you confused "um in cleaning you up, that's what guys normally do after sex" he kissed your cheek and lowed you into the water then sitting behind you.
"oh, no one has done this before" you said looked and playing the the water.
Akaashi wrapped his arms around you resting his chin on your shoulder "well then i think those guys are shitty and don't know how to treat a woman good" you turned around and looked at him with a small smile.
grabbing some soap and a washcloth Akaashi clean you head to toe, making sure not to get any in you when watching his cum out of you. "i don't think i have to take the cum out but i always get worried you'll get pregnant for an infection if i don't" he whispered into your ear and kissed your jaw.
when he was dont rinsing you off he grabbed a towel and dried you off. he gave you one of his tee shirts and threw on some boxers before laying down, and pulling you into the same position but with your legs in between his.
"hey, i just want you to know that nothing has to be weird between up after this but just know, um i like you a lot" Akaashi whispered to you but was looking a way trying to avoid eye contact.
"i love you.."
"i love you too y/n"
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leafcabbage · 2 years
hi hello very cool tumblr user leafcabbage. i sent an ask a few days ago abt starting your fic i dont remember if i was on anon but if i was then thats me!
anyways bc i'm clinically insane i finished binge reading ycssgwtlfs this afternoon and haven't been able to stop thinking about it actually!! sometimes the it gets worse before it gets better trope isn't my cuppa but you definitely made it work so well if not for the SHEER amount of hurt no comfort liiiiikeeeee omg omg omg omg that series of chapters where ranboo was just slowly losing their grip was just so exhausting to read (shals pos so slash pos!! i mean that like it very deeply emotionally affected me!!) and i am so here for it because it made the comfort at the end so so worth it. very excited to continue w the next parts :D
i also loved the little moments scattered throughout. i want to see so much more of techno and wilbur's relationship because that is really fascinating to me. i could read a whole other fic about that actually they have a great dynamic also bc we saw both their biggest flaws come to the forefront when trying to help ranboo. its just interesting. and!!!!! woah?! whats up with big q and techno?!! intrigue moment!!!!
and even though dream was a piece of shit (btw you wrote the gaslighting SO WELL that is exactly what it feels like. i was genuinely nervous everytime i read his name because we don't know whether ranboo was gonna get manipulated until he started talking. i thought it was a great detail that dream's mood was always the first thing we learned in every scene's narration because ranboo had to walk on eggshells with him. GOOD SHIT!!!! GOOD SHIT!!!!!!!!!) i rlly hope he gets out of that clearly toxic family eventually. how dare you make me empathize with him >:[
and purpled my beloved...... idk i just liked his and ranboo's dynamic. it was cute and i really liked seeing him and punz at the end. he is in the bathroom a lot. hope the guy is doin okay. i took that uquiz you made bfore i started reading the fic and i got him, so i am just attached ig oopsies. also tubbo and tommy's roomie was such a good moment it was genuinely really wholesome and is like my new favorite long build up joke ever :D
(also ahhh sorry if its annoying that i'm sending this in ask form instead of just commenting, especially since its kinda long!!!!!! but my eyes hurt from staring at the ol screen, tumblr interface is just a lot less headachy lol, thanks for writing such a wonderful fic and i hope youre having an awesome day!)
ahh this made me so happy!!! dont worry about sending it in ask form, i love seeing the little blue dot that means i have an ask, its very exciting. this did genuinely jumpscare me (in a funny way), which sound so dumb but i open the ask box and saw a long ask and went "woah!!" and genuinely actually jumped. thought you might enjoy learning that.
long answer so
i really really work hard on making the hurt worth it for the comfort, and having enough time to have that comfort and recovery. i think it helps that im writing a full series so if something wasnt dealt with in ycssg, i have quite a few more fics to deal with it and create closure. but im glad it was worth it! and it got tiring for me writing those chapters to be honest, it draws out just a little long and that was on purpose. it doesnt end at the perfect time, like in an ideal world ranboo would have accepted help at thanksgiving and that would be the beginning of things getting better, but thats not how life works. ranboo did not willingly seek out help, and thats an important part of the story. they accepted help because they were convinced they were literally dying and didnt know what else to do. and then they were somewhat reliant on tommy and tubbo, and if that hadn't been the case things wouldn't have ended up where they were.
sorry im now just talking about my own fic, that was all to say thank you ajshdlfk
thank you with the relationship comment too! i really wanted to make it clear that everyone has a life outside of the bench trio too, so in my head they have semi fleshed out stories and lives. especially dream. theyre all real people (or as real as fake people can be) not just props
dream was such a complex character to write, and he continues to be, and i love writing him so fucking much. he's ranboo's antagonist but he isnt evil and inherently awful, he has his own life and his own problems (which doesnt make what he did to ranboo ok at all, but thats just to say that hes a person out side of it) and im glad the emotions in his scenes came through so clearly!
purpled has ibs thats canon and its because i have ibs and i thought it would be funny. love the guy, really. hes one of my favorite side characters. i love him and im glad you like him too he deserves to be liked. IM GLAD YOU LIKED THE ROOMIE i have this ongoing joke with myself that he was fridged but in like a moving out kind of way. he was uhauled. hes my favorite NPC <3
im glad you enjoyed ycssg so much!! and i hope you enjoy the next fics too!!! this ask made me smile very much so thank you for that!!
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swordsxsarcasm · 3 years
MORE deltarune spoilers because i just finished playing from ch1-2 on a complete save file
ok so first things first:
1. spamton: i thought about it, looked around some more, and yknow how the butler in the queen's mansion cafe (after the fight) talks about how he built that body for a lightner? im pretty sure the lightner in question is mettaton. or, the ghost that Becomes mettaton. with spamtons final form being "spamton neo", the resemblance to mettaton neo in the geno route of undertale, and mettaton still being a ghost in deltarune, im pretty sure that mettaton had wished for a body like that, and the darkner running the cafe answered that wish by making the machine found in the basement.
2. onion-san: after two years, i finally heard onion-san's secret. or, both secrets, actually lol. so apparently onion-san has been hearing part of a song coming from deep under the water, and thinks that they'd heard the entire song before, out deep in the ocean. explicitly says that it's not a new song. they then say theyre going to investigate more and to come back tomorrow (ch3) to hear what else they'd found out. i have two theories about this, one, being that the song that onion-san is hearing is from the humans, and two, that the song is from the darkners.
the human theory is something ive been thinking on since i started replaying deltarune. im pretty sure this world is a timeline where the humans lost the war mentioned in the intro to undertale, and were sealed underground instead of the monsters as a result. the bunker is possibly the entrance to the underground, and kris somehow got out. kris's dialogue about humans seems to imply something dark, with the book about humans on the top floor of the library (accessible in ch2) having "pictures of unfamiliar humans", to which kris immediately slams the book shut. snowy and monsterkid, in ch2, down at the bunker mention that kris knows something about the bunker, and that whatever is in there is scary. this could be another entrance to the dark world (now that we know kris can open them as the knight) but it could also be the underground, where all the humans have been sealed inside of. humans also seem to be relatively unknown and somewhat of mythological creatures, with movies being made about them, and one of the npcs in the apartments asking questions to kris about if their blood hurts/where skeletons come from if humans have them inside of them.
the darkner theory is less thought out on my part, but still possible. the further underwater you go, the darker it gets. its possible that there might be an entrance to the dark world underwater, or maybe the dark world is simply part of the real world, and just unknown/hidden away. this could also tie into the bunker possibly being an entrance to the dark world, and might be the "true" entrance, but its been locked and so the worlds are separated. in ch1, (if i remember correctly) seam and the king mention how the lightners locked them away, and that the dark world wasnt always like this. ralsei also mentions that the lightners and darkners used to live side by side, almost symbiotically, with the lightners giving the darkners purpose and the darkners helping the lightners fulfill their journeys/wishes. if kris knows about it, its possible this isnt kris's first adventure in the dark world, and probably was alone the first time. i can see how that would be terrifying for anyone, let alone a child. kris probably locked the bunker so that no one else would get stuck in there/none of the darkners would come out. it could also possibly be that the "true"/"real" kris wants to release the darkners, but us as the player sealed the bunker somehow, hence why kris keeps removing our control and opening new fountains. there isnt as much to go off of with this theory as the human theory, but i think theyre both possible.
3. ok enough lore talk i have to mention it. THE DUCK. in ch1 when you make the thrash machine you can make a duck, and it sucks, and susie and lancer blow it up. the end. BUT IN CH2, ROUXLS KAARD BRINGS THE THRASH MACHINE BACK AS A BOAT. and if you played through from ch1-2 and got to customize the machine/make it into a duck, theres different text!
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AND. to make matters even better, when you fight giga-queen at the end of ch2, and the thrash machine is modified into a mecha for you to fight her in, you ALSO get a special ability if your thrash machine was a duck! i forgot to grab a screenshot, but its similar to the standard laser upgrade in the act menu, except it (supposedly) sucks. i did notice that the duck version, in addition to attacking, also heals you when you activate it? which is great. all in all, i suggest playing from ch1 so that you can get the duck thrash machine. 10/10
4. the saddest news, papyrus: even if you tell sans you'll hang out with his brother tomorrow in ch1, you still cant meet papyrus in ch2. sans says to come back when asriel comes back to town (which is a whole can of worms, because sans shouldnt know asriel yet since hes new in town. unless toriel blabbed about him while fucking befriending him) which will probably be chapter 6/7 :( i miss papyrus so much im very sad about this.
i think thats it, but then again theres so much that hasnt been explored yet. this is just my thoughts/stuff ive encountered in my playthrough. very hyped for ch3 sjkdgfksdhfhj
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serowotonin · 3 years
˗ˏˋ 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗮𝘄 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 ˎˊ˗
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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 ` sakusa kiyoomi ` 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 ` 1.2k ` 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 ` pure crack ` 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁 ` hcs `
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ` umm idk what this is.. lowkey based off real events? midnight ramblings? yeah that kind of thing i guess... also big thank you to @kaguol​  for giving this a read (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) `
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it was sports day at your school and most of the events were over and done with but the teachers didnt allow anyone to leave yet cuz,,,, reasons✨
which is why some of the students kinda just flocked to the gym to chill and maybe play around
that was until somebody suggested they host an unofficial, volleyball game
the net was still up nobody bothered to put it down so yeaahhh
rules of the game were simple: there were none, except keep the ball in the air and get it over the net…however you can
at first only a few ppl played… the “energetic” and “athletic” ones and it still seemed like a typical volleyball game
then more ppl started joining
and it slowly started getting more chaotic
it got to the point where the entire gym was the court
there were ppl running around chasing the ball, others just hitting it as hard as they can in practically any direction, then there were those who just stood there cuz everyone else was standing there so why not ??
now sakusa didn’t want to be there
he was tired because his class had signed him up for ALL the running events
why? well cuz he was tHe OnLy AtHLeCtiC PeRsOn in his class
utter bullshit btw
he plays volleyball hes not a runner
but still ended up winning tons of races just cuz… it was him💅✨ no explanation needed
n e wayss he was tired and wanted nothing more than to go home and take a nice long shower
but ofc the students of itachiyama wouldn’t let him
some of them dragged him into the game early on
again, because he was aThLeTiC ~
but this time they actually got the sport right lolol
honestly he was lowkey annoyed at how un-volleyball the game started to become but continued playing it anyway
it was hilarious how the others tried to receive even his weakest, half-assed spikes
sakusa always made sure to aim his spikes directly at ppl’s arms tho
not out of consideration for their pride or anything no no 
it was cuz whenever the ball touched the ground the ENTIRE gym groaned rlly loud and there’d be ppl going “NOOOOOOOO” 
and that annoyed tf out of him so he was nice with his spikes
then there was you
you were outside with one of your friends when the whole volleyball thing started and only came to the gym cuz the rest of your friends were in there
so you walked in, scanned the crowd, immediately noticed your crush *cough*sakusa*cough* and then found your friends standing in a group on the other side of the gym
now here’s the thing
sakusa has a crush™️ on you too. took him a while to realize and accept it but he did and now he officially has a crush on you
he just hadn’t really gotten around to the idea of asking you out or anything
mainly cuz he just very recently realized his feelings aka last night he was thinking about all the events he had to do for sports day and he groaned cuz ppl made him do it but then he realized ppl wasn’t actually ppl it was just you
you were the one who smiled at him and said “why not sakkun,, it’d be fun” and like that he agreed. then he realized further he actually thought about you a lot. like earlier he was thinking about how’d you look tmr since u weren’t gonna be in normal school uniform and you’d have your hair all done. and then he realized he was looking forward to seeing you which led him to realize you were one of the few ppl he actually enjoyed being around. THEN he fucking finally realized “oh… i have a crush…. on y/n……. oh”
somewhat conflicted abt it for the entirety of the day,,, bois experiencing feels for u ofc its gonna take some time >.<
he didn’t get to talk to you all day though,,,,,, he was busy with his own events and you were elsewhere
either way,, when he saw you walking past in the gym he kind of lost focus
lost focus in that the ball was coming to him and he jumped to spike it but only had his eyes on you causing his aim to mess up and well,,
he hit his target
*your head*
and because he wasn’t focused, it wasn’t a “soft” spike like all the other ones hes been doing 
it was a full-blown sakusa kiyoomi spike
that hit your face
sakusa just went: ᶠᵘᶜᵏ
you saw stars,,,,,,,, and fell on ur bum
like a split second later, you heard a calm voice asking if you were ok. you muttered out a yeah and felt arms helping you up
one of them was your friend you were pretty sure, but the other one’s hands were too big to be any of your friends’
“let’s get you to the nurse,” the calm voice said again. 
“mkay,, thats probably.. a smart choice.. yeah….” and, vision still blurry, you were guided to the nurse by your friend and someone whose identity you weren’t sure of yet
sakusa was still standing there
all that, the spike hitting you, you falling, your being escorted to the clinic,,,,, that happened in like 2 seconds
he didn’t even have time to say anything yet
to make matters worse, some random ass guy was the one who came and swept you out of the gym
sure your friend was with you but to sakusa,,, that guy sus af
after they left, the game continued and sakusa rlly didn’t feel like playing anymore
he wanted to make sure you were okay and wanted to apologize 
however,,,, the teachers came in shortly after and told them it was time for the closing ceremony
throughout the entire thing, his eyes flit through the crowds looking for you
he couldn’t find you tho>:((
big sad
after the ceremony was over,, he went to the clinic but you weren’t there
then he just kinda,,, /slump/
figured he’d just pull you aside tmr and apologize then
except,,, tmr came and he still hadnt found a good time to pull you aside for a proper apology?? 
you were just so… busy.?
finally,, at around lunch after you finished eating, you kinda just sat with your friends and were talking and stuff when sakusa decided now would be an appropriate time to apologize
he walked up to you and asked if you two could talk in private for a bit
your friends shot glances at each other. he saw,, but he didnt let it bother him
anyways,, he led you out into the hall and in the softest tone he could manage he says, “about yesterday… i’m really sorry, spiked the ball a bit too hard.. how are you feeling?”
you tell him ur fine,, just that it aches a bit but nothing serious
he nods and mutters another ‘sorry..’
then this happened:
“no it’s ok you don’t have to be so sorry. accidents happen.”
“it wasn’t an accident tho..? so im sorry, it wont happen again.”
“yeah ok,, wAIT WHAT?? wdym not an accident?!?? u spiked the ball into my face on purpose?!?!!?!?”
“WHAT NO- ofc not. i just,,, i kind of lost focus… on other things… at the time… and yeah”
*sighs* “i was focused on you when you walked past and didn’t consciously control my aim or whatever and ended up spiking it into your face”
“?!?!?!??…. why were you focused on me??”
“cuz i like you dummy” /it slipped he didnt mean to say this/
“oh.... wAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?”
and that is the story of how sakusa confessed
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ` honestly think it would be better as a fic but uh,,, my lazy ass cant be bothered to write fics rn so uh,, hope this was good for now? lol might mess around and write one later tho.. maybe `
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