#and she and her wife michaela have three kids
luandti · 2 years
Museum AU (snippet)
Lucy Chen was angry. At HIM. Again.
“Is this really necessary?” she crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at Tim Bradford, Head of Security.
He gave her an annoyed look in response.
“Listen, Chen. I do an important job here. Not all of us can make a living out of painting pictures of naked men.”
Lucy rolled her eyes. He knew damn well that wasn’t what her job was (she was actually an art teacher who worked in museum education). But ever since he had confiscated her flyers, looking for nude models for an art class, he made fun of her. Her co-worker Rachel had commented that it was a shame Tim Bradford didn’t volunteer because he was quote “fine as hell”. Lucy did absolutely not think about him naked after that, ever.
“What’s going on?” that was Angela Lopez who worked with Tim in security and from Lucy’s experience so far she was actually nice. Although, she looked pretty intimidating right now.
“I couldn’t get into the museum because my access card doesn’t work. Mr. super cop over there”, Lucy made an annoyed pointing gesture with her head in Tim’s direction, “pretends he doesn’t know who I am and sticks to protocol.”
Angela looked between them for a second. And Lucy could swear there was a gleam in her eye. “He called the cops on you?”
“I did not call the cops!”, Tim sounded exasperated. “I simply have to manually check her ID to make sure she actually works here”.
“You KNOW I work here”, Lucy said through gritted teeth.
Angela definitely had a gleam in her eye.
“Bradford”, Nyla Harper’s voice, laced with authority, came from accross the entrance hall. “You had your fun, now let her through”. Nyla was the co-head of security and Lucy loved her because she usually treated Tim like an annoying little brother.
Tim ignored Nyla. But after making a show out of looking closely at Lucy’s face and afterwards at her ID photo, he gave it back to her and let her pass. Angela promised she would be in touch as soon as they found out what was going on with her card.
“Ugh, he is the WORST”, Lucy was still angry when she entered the office which she shared with Rachel and Tamara, her roommate and intern.
“Tim again?”, Rachel asked and exchanged a meaningful glance with Tamara which Lucy choose to ignore.
“Why does he have to annoy me all of the time?”
“Are you sure that is what he does?” Tamara sounded amused.
“What are you implying?”
“I don’t know... I always thought he is kinda flirting with you?”
Lucy tried not to blush but failed. “He is not!”
She heard Tamara whisper “sure” under her breath and choose to ignore that, too.
The truth was Lucy had no idea what exactly she and Tim had going on. Sometimes she thought there might be something flirty there - especially after Nyla’s wedding last year when he had asked her to dance with him and actually smiled at her.
From the start she had not been intimidated by his tough exterior but seen it as a challenge. Sometimes she was extra cheerful whenever she intercated with him and in return he pretended to be annoyed by that. They had played pranks on each other, starting with Lucy stealing his money from him after he had lectured her about keeping her backpack in an “unsecure place” while she led a group of kindergartners through the museum (she had left her backpack in the break room like everyone else).
Sometimes they do share intimate stuff with each other, too. For example when Lucy had found out about Tim’s wife, Isabel, a former employee at the service desk who had been fired when she, repeatedly, came to work high. After not seeing her for over a year, Tim caught her stealing money from the museum. He had tried to cover up for her. But Lucy had seen him and decided to talk him out of it. She told him that he would regret helping Isabel. He had been angry with her at the time. But the next day she saw him entering Grey’s office. The museum director was generally a kind employer but he had reported Isabel to the police after that.
In the almost two years that had passed since then, Lucy had absolutely not asked Angela about Isabel at one point and had totally not felt a fluttery feeling in her chest when Angela had told her that after Isabel’s return from rehab, she and Tim had decided to get divorced.
Last May, when Lucy’s abusive ex-boyfriend Caleb had tried to contact her again and Lucy had been scared, Tim had noticed and walked her home from work for a month after that.
When her best friend Jackson, a fashion model, had been in a car accident and Lucy couldn’t find out what was going on, it was Tim who called one of his cop friends for information and later drove her to the hospital.
So, Lucy knew that Tim was actually a good peson. He was generally liked among his co-workers, too. Angela and him seemed to be best friends even.
But still there were a lot of times when Lucy and Tim were at each others throats. Like when she had tried to recruit naked models for her adult art class: Tim had taken all of her flyers away and said they were against museum policy. Lucy knew he had made that up.
Or the time when Lucy was so angry at him because he thought about marrying his then girlfriend Ashley, although, she didn’t like his dog, Kojo? What was he thinking?
Tim Bradford watched as Lucy Chen finally walked towards the elevators. Maybe he had been a bit over the top this morning, of course he knew who she was and there actually wasn’t any protocol which forced him to double check her ID. But he always enjoyed ruffling her feathers a bit.
“Timothy, you do know that you are beeing pretty obvious, right?”
Tim spun around, giving Angela what he hoped was an outraged look.
Angela couldn’t stop a teasing smile from appearing on her lips. “Ohhh... you really do like her then.”
Tim closed his eyes and shook his head gathering all of his patience.
“Ang... please not this again, he started walking back towards their office next to the Museum’s gigantic wooden entrance doors.
Angela followed him. “Tim is in looove”
“Angela! Stop it.” He opened the door to the small room full of monitors showing surveillance footage.
Entering behind him Angela was about to say something when Tim let out a frustrated groan. “I don’t want to talk about her, ok? Besides, she would never consider dating me.”
“Why are you so sure about that?”
“She knows about Isabel, ok? About what I almost did for her? How I couldn’t stop my wife from becoming a drug addict. How I was so bad at marriage that she choose to live on the street...”.
Angela stared at him for a moment. “So that is why you don’t ask her out? because you are ashamed of your divorce?”
Tim ignored her and sat down to go through his paperwork.
“Tim, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard”, Angela announced. “I am pretty sure Lucy is into you..”.
That caught Tim’s interest “Why would you say that?”
Angela rolled her eyes at him “I have told you this before you idiot: she asks me stuff about you sometimes.” Laughing quietly she added “she probbaly thinks she is low-key about it but she is really not.”
Tim thought about that for a minute. “Doesn’t matter she is dating that Chris guy from PR”. Tim said “Chris” with obvious distaste.
“No, they actually broke up a month ago”, none of them had realized that Smitty, the janitor, had stepped into the office.
“Smitty, do I wanna know how you found that out?” Angela asked carefully.
“I overheard her talking to Rachel”, Smitty revealed innocently.
“He still hasn’t ask her out, then?” Nyla appeared behind Smitty and Tim covered his face with his hands. Why was everyone involved in this?
“Oh, Timmy, don’t be sad”, Nyla gave him a playful clap on the shoulder.
“When you don’t ask her, I will...” Smitty couldn’t even finish his sentence before Angela and Nyla said in unison “No! Not again”.
Tim had enough. He walked past them, out of the building and took a deep breath on the sidewalk in front of Thorsen Art Museum.
I had the idea for this AU in my head for a while but I don’t have the patience or the time to write full fics (sorry ;)). But I wanted to bring it to life somehow. So here is a fraction of a Chenford Museum AU. I hope you enjoy this. Also I am sorry for any language mistakes.
Btw this is what I envision AU Lucy’s apartement to look like.
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As someone who decided to jump into Evillious Chronicles as a sort of distraction during 2020, I have emerged two years later to jump in again and to find that this fandom actually exists.
So, this is for the people who were sifting through Vocalist on YouTube and encountered the Story of Evil series: Daughter of Evil, Servant of Evil, Regret Message.
And let me clarify some shit. Important information will be typed in cursive.
Firstly, Rin, the yellow princess, is PLAYED by the Vocalist Rin Kagamine, the princess's name is Rilliane Lucifen D'Autriche.
The same applies for the rest of the cast, so basically:
Rilliane - Rin
Allen(Alexiel) - Len
Michaela - Miku
Germaine - Meiko
Kyle - Kaito
Secondly, allow me to tell you the ACTUAL story.
It starts with Rilliane and Allen's parents, Anne and Arth. The two of them were childhood friends with a woman named Prim Marlon.
Prim Marlon is a bitch.
Prim was bffs with Anne, but always had internalised arrogance in her as she saw herself above Anne due to being of higher status. So, she was absolutely pissed when Arth, the remaining Crown Prince, proposed to Anne instead of her.
Extra history, Lucifenia (the yellow kingdom) was once part of Beezlenia(I may have spelled this wrong, my apologies) the red kingdom. Arth and his royal family were actually killed during a carriage accident in the green forest, but some mischievous magical being saw and placed his soul in a golem.
So when he grew up, Arth became a total badass and freed Lucifenia from Beezlenia, he made this group of three which consisted of Mariam Phutaphie, Elluka and Leonheart(forgot this dude's name but he's kind of an asshole so whatev), with Arth's wife Anne co leading with him.
Eventually, Lucifenia succeeded and they managed to have kids, Rilliane and Allen.
Happy ending right?
Prim used the Sword of Lust to seduce Arth so she had a child she named Ney. Ney became her spy in the Lucifenian Court.
After that, she used the Glass of Gluttony to give the king and incurable decease so he bit the dust. Soon after, Anne did too.
But before that, Rilliane and Allen were playing when they encountered the Mirrors of Pride, there are four mirrors, and at that time, Banica Conchita was occupying one of them.
(Banica's story is for another time, this whole universe is interconnected and you will.be confused before you understand, that's why I love it.)
Banica possessed Rilliane, so during an exorcism, Elluka accidentally wiped Rillaine's memories of Allen. Before she got yeeted from Rillaine though, Banica told Allen that he could write a message place it in a bottle and throw it in the sea to make a wish come through as thanks for him sharing his food.
After Arth's death, there was a lot of controversy about who would sit on the throne, Allen or Rilliane. After an assassination attempt, Anne decided to fake Allen's death and Allen agreed, he was adopted by Leonheart.
When Anne died, Ney gave Rillaine another two of the Mirrors, which made the Demon of Pride possess her, which caused her to be a tyrant.
TL;DR: Some bitch who didn't get her crush to like her decides to screw over her crush's kingdom and kids. Rillaine is a tyrant because she was possessed by a fucking demon.
And now is when we get back to the og story. Let me tell you this, the animations, unless released by the actual mothy, is very incorrect. Rillaine does not have short hair, she did not remember Allen, and Allen did not kill Michaela.
Kyle is Prim's son with the king, and he was promised to Rillaine. He then fell in love with Michaela, who was gay as fuck for Clarith, daughter of white, and decided to jilt his fiance known for being a tyrant.
Rillaine is pissed, and proceeds to absolutely wreck Elphegort(the green kingdom) and burn the forest that surrounds it. The forest is filled with magical shit, get into that later.
Michaela actually managed to escape, but Prim sent Ney to finish the job so it would look like Rillaine did it. Allen just saw her corpse and took credit for it.
Kyle is tricked and joins the unhappy Lucifenian army with their revolution.
Now is time for Germaine.
Long story short, her adopted dad was Leonheart and Rillaine had Leonheart killed, so she's pissed too and decides to start a revolution.
When the rebels storm the castle, the demon flees Rillaine and leaves a hopeless fifteen year old still grieving her mother's death, betrayed by her closest friends (Ney and Chartette), and very remorseful for what she had done.
Allen that appears and makes her switch places with him.
Allen gets executed. And yes, being adopted by Leonheart alongside Germaine, Germaine knows that he is Rilliane and lets it pass. Kyle accepts it because he thinks Allen killed Michaela.
Rillaine escapes and is taken in by a nunnery, makes a wish to the sea to see Allen again which gets fulfilled but not in Story of Evil. She dies a ripe old age of seventy six as a beloved nun surrounded by the mourning orphans she took in.
There's actually another song from an orphan's perspective who decide to send the letter Rilliane wrote. Obviously, the letter is addressed to Allen because she still misses him like fuck. They meet Kyle, who tells them that the person has been dead already. Overall, the song ends happy.
Also, Prim gets killed by Ney, so yay, the bitch is dead.
I'm sorry if this was confusing. But this is the real story, taken from the wiki itself.
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gem-rewatch · 3 years
SU rewatch- S1E11- Arcade Mania
Hey, long time no see!
I’m desperately bored in solitary quarantine at university right now, and decided to try and pick this SU rewatch series up again for fun. It’s been a while since I’ve watched through the show in order. Plus, now that this show is completely finished, there’s plenty more connections to make. I can’t promise I’ll be consistent with this, but at the very least I can have fun trying to make a few more posts at my leisure.
Anyways. With that business out of the way. Let’s get right on to the show!
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We begin with yet another mission Steven’s guardians have brought him along on! I believe this is the fifth mission we know of that he’s accompanied them on so far. (Lunar Sea Spire, Inverted Pyramid, the unknown mission he returns from in Tiger Millionaire, the desert, and now this one.) It’s really sweet seeing the Gems begin to trust him tagging along more often. There will come a day in the near future where missions become routine for Steven, but in these early episodes, you can really tell that each and every one is a brand new adventure.
In terms of plot, though, this episode is honestly Future Vision: The Prequel.
We learn a lot about Garnet’s abilities and her role in the team here, even if all of these details aren’t spelled out word-for-word quite yet. Hints towards her future vision we see this ep include:
Garnet moving ahead of the group to be in the perfect spot to catch Steven when he falls.
Her flawless moves while fighting and dodging the monsters.
Her becoming a master at the rhythm game later in the episode.
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Like, damn. Look at this.
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Look at her go.
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My Q U E E N!
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I had to gif all of this just because it’s such a beautiful and smooth sequence of animation.
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If there’s one thing all of the Crystal Gems can 100% agree on, it’s that Garnet is friggin’ amazing.
Garnet: “Let them go. They’re just parasites. If they want to be a problem, they’ll have to answer to me.”
So, does this statement mean that- at this present moment- her extended stay at the arcade was entirely beyond her future vision? That the only futures she saw were ones where she was actually present to deal with containment of the Gem parasites? Given that later scenes insinuate she’d never been to the arcade before, and would have no “data” about its games to factor into her internal understanding of the world, this seems likely.
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I adore the gradual palette change here, from shadow, to setting sun. It’s a nice detail that adds so much more life to what could otherwise be a rather mundane transition scene. It seems like unique palettes were more common in early SU- I wonder why Crewniverse stopped implementing these as often later on?
Pearl, entering the arcade: “Humans find such fascinating ways to waste their time.”
Thanks, Pearl. Love you too. <3
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This sequence of Pearl failing at playing a car chase/road rage game hits so much different knowing what happens in Last One Out of Beach City. It’s genuinely radical how far she grows in confidence from this point, because here, she seems so shackled to rules and guidelines. Now that we know about her rebellious past, it might be tempting to write this characterization off as “early series weirdness,” but... I don’t think that’s what’s happening here.
Instead, I wonder if she’s working through grief-related regression.
Think about it... the pain of Rose’s passing is still so fresh for her. She was a rule breaking rebel once, yes, but she spent all of those days at Rose’s side. And I get the sense that she’s poured so much of herself into keeping Rose safe, into the rebellion against Homeworld, that without those, she’s caught in a vacuum. What IS her purpose now, when the very person she rebelled for is gone?
So she slips back into old pearl-like habits. Chronic rule following, and a fear of deviating from norms. How familiar. Thankfully, much of her arc throughout the show is her directly growing beyond these habits to live boldly as her own Gem.
The friggin video game when Garnet knocks its head off: “TELL MY WIFE I’M SORRYYY!!!”
Yo, what the fuck. This line is both hilarious and messed up, all at once. Please tell me the game isn’t sentient.
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Aaaand here we finally introduce Garnet to the video game sensation that is Meat Beat Mania! This game is perfectly suited to her and her power of foresight because its patterns are algorithmic and not vulnerable to spontaneous deviations, and thus easy to predict, with enough input. She’s probably getting a quick rush of satisfaction with every correct move, and she barely has to exert any energy with her future vision to get that rush. After years and years of wading through endless possibility at every avenue, this video game’s patterns must be a rejuvenating breath of fresh air.
It’s addicting.
...Kinda makes me think of how I get sometimes when I play solitaire on my phone for an hour straight. After a while, I barely even think, I’m just shuffling through my deck and moving cards almost on automatic. I don’t have to use much energy to play, and it gives me animated fireworks every time I finish a match. It’s a win-win.
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I don’t know what it is about the way Michaela Dietz says the world “airplane,” but this makes me laugh every time. Does... does she think she can win a genuine airplane here because she saw Onion win a tiny motorbike from the ticket booth?? Amethyst, oh my god. XD
She’s got the spirit, this wild child.
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So, moving on- we meet up with our crew later the next morning, Garnet nowhere to be seen. There’s an interesting exchange I’d like to highlight real quick-
Pearl: “If we’re supposed to fight a giant foot, Garnet would let us know.” Amethyst: “Yeah, Garnet’s the boss!” Pearl: “Well, we’re all a team. Garnet just has heightened perception that guides us towards our mission objectives.”
Considering the specific phrasing Pearl uses here- “heightened perception” instead of “future vision-” did Garnet outright tell the two of them to not explain her powers, just like she told them not to mention she’s a fusion? Because I’m pretty sure no one ever uses the phrase “heightened perception” again in reference to her powers.
Given the fact that Garnet chose to keep the knowledge of Ruby and Sapphire under the table until she felt Steven could understand her better, my guess is that this is a similar scenario.
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Ahah, I genuinely can’t tell if this is Steven being gullible, or just impulsively playing along with Amethyst’s antics. Still- gross, kid. Don’t wipe your wet cereal face on your shirt! Ew! :O
When he goes outside and starts to use a kiddy metal detector to scan for quarters... so THAT’S where he finds his arcade money! Because I can’t imagine Greg is financially able to give him that much to spend on non-essentials at this point in the show.
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Okay, so... I just want to bring light to the fact that Garnet has literally been in this arcade ALL NIGHT LONG.
It was evening when she first arrived here- the sun was visibly setting in the background, and when Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl left, the sky was dark. But now it’s morning. Steven was just seen eating breakfast. And Garnet is STILL HERE.
Does this mean Mr. Smiley locked her IN? I have so many questions... Did he try to get her to leave, only to be intimidated by her complete lack of response? I would kill to know more about this interaction. Poor Mr. Smiley. That man deals with so much bullshit in this town, huh?
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Geebus, is Garnet a solid wall. Previous episodes have shown Steven forcibly shoving whole tons of food, and swinging a mini-freezer over his head, and yet he can’t get her to budge even an inch.
I absolutely adore how he climbs up her frame like a koala, though, ahah. Cute.
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Meat Beat Mania announcer: “That’s rare!!” Steven: “Oh my gosh...!”
I take these two lines as evidence that this is the first time Steven’s ever seen Garnet’s eyes. Specifically, the fact that there’s three of them. Which, makes sense- since Garnet is still really reserved emotionally at this point, and is only begins to get in the habit of taking her visor off to show Steven her full face later on in the show.
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This expression deeply hurts me.
Steven’s so distraught here- because the others are in danger, the town is in danger, and he doesn’t have his trusty, dependable guardian who catches him when he falls and beats up scary monsters for him. Without her, the whole team is vulnerable and blind.
He feels alone. He feels... powerless.
And so he responds to that confusing, powerless feeling by trying to compensate with his own power. When all other routes he can think of fail, he smashes the video game console.
It... uh, it works... but once again, Steven entirely fails to consider the consequences, huh? He experienced a little bit of character growth in this regard in the episode Serious Steven, but even past that it’ll remain an recurring issue for him. Hell, his impulsiveness is a general character flaw even stretching into SUF.
In summary, though:
Poor Mr. Smiley. He works so hard, and doesn’t deserve this BS. ;-;
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ratdm · 2 years
I am nearly 30 years late for this, gosh! But my mother was young when this American TV series aired, she was just 19 back then. And now, myself being pretty close to that age too, but now, she and I watch this masterpiece. Let me talk more about Doctor Quinn: Medicine Woman from 1993.
Warning: This will contain spoilers! (I will say where!)
Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman began airing on January 1st 1993 and ended in 1998, it had six seasons in total. Similarly to a lot of the longer tv series, it's anthological, like The Simpsons. It's about Doctor Michaela Quinn, hailing from Boston into a small town in the Southwest of the USA.
According to the character named Loren Brey, it's the year 1867 at the end of season 1, because he reads a news article about the US that just purchased Alaska from the Russians for over 7 million dollars. I got very fascinated by how honest and humble everything sounded, even the sinful things Europeans did to Americans.
The main characters:
Michaela - she comes from Boston to cure people, she is the last child of her father, who was a medic too. So the girl got inspired by him to graduate university for female doctors and be hired somewhere else to help people. At first, mistaken as a guy from the telegram that got sent to the small town and read by Horace (the codex is gone) and pretty much mistreated because she is a woman, but later on, she is well respected. (Ah, yes, the sexism of the 19th century.)
+ she takes care of the three children of the only person, who accepted her and showed her around, named Charlotte.
Sully - he is mysterious, handsome, attractive (not my words, it was Dr Mike...yes), he is around the Native Americans and knows a lot of their legends, details, traditions and pretty much fights for their recognition and preservation. He is one of the kindest men in the city and pretty much respects everyone, and they all respect him too. It's fair and square.
The three kids - They are the best children ever, the eldest, Mathew even has a girlfriend, and the youngest, Brian loves Sully like a father.
+ let's not mention the middle child, Colleen and her...obsession... (Sully rage quits again.)
Some random and cool men that exist in the series (I am not simping) - Jake for instance thinks he doesn't have friends, but he does, Loren hates black people (wow, racist), Hank doesn't want to hurt either of the two and doesn't show kindness to anyone (except that one time...not Mikaela's bday, don't worry my sanity) and there's the priest, who is cool, but often doesn't want to help people because the religion won't approve it. Also, we have Horace, he is unappealing for most people, but attractive at the same time for one girl only. He is a super kind guy, with a big heart. He deserves all your attention and respect.
(It's funny how everyone is in some sort of a relationship in the series or does have a crush, it's so cute!)
The first season taught us different lessons like:
stop disrespecting women that can save your life, men. (btw, I am not a feminist, but this takes place in the 19th century)
stop screaming at the whore, damn it, she can't do what you want her to and don't blame her
stop acting like you are cheating on your girlfriends by jumping off the window, making your mom angry (just a reminder)
stop resisting...actually why, Loren?
stop killing the buffalo's populations...and Native Americans
stop leaving your children because of business that won't work and then come back to steal, and leave again!? but go on with the lullabies...
stop leaving your children to get inspired by non-existent relationships because of a romantic story in a newspaper and stealing the doctor's love interest, who isn't ready for a relationship because of his deceased wife and child
and last but not least
my mother literally smiled like a child the entire season 1, 5 more to go! this will be a hell of an adventure! so since the next segments are some spoilers for the ones that hadn't seen it yet...
conclusion: not your typical romance medical tv series, I recommend it a lot, you will love it, and don't forget, it's from 1993, don't even dare to try cancelling it online, retarded Gen Z kids on Twitter. I can see you.
Also, have a nice day! - 25.02.2022
Okay so here are some spoilers! -
First and foremost, I had a vague knowledge of the plot since I watched DQMW when I was...8? But my memories were like: it has mountains and a cool guy with long hair that was kissing the main character hahaha, rather the intro song, not that she was taking care of Mrs Cooper's children or something.
I didn't remember anyone else :(
Anyways, I'd be honest to say, that for medical tv series that according to mom is pure romance, I found it educational. Every episode talked about problems that still happen to this day, which reminded me of Verano Azul, the Spanish series from 1980 is a thing that I also watched as a kid, though I didn't even watch the last two episodes like a normal person, so I don't cry because the best character dies. :(
For example:
Father's Day - where the kids' father comes back, bringing gifts but lying where he has been, then steals money and escapes, but Sully catches him, gets the money back and writes a letter so the kids aren't sad that their biological father left.
(Sully is a good guy after all, but Mathew didn't bite, he knew his father couldn't write and read...ouch.)
Bad Water - Nowadays, we still have problems with the rivers being dirty from mining and other human activities including the air.
A Cowboy's Lullaby - Pretty much like Father's Day, but this time the father takes his child and promises to never leave it. Don't worry, different father and a little son, not anything related to the Coopers.
Happy Birthday - The doctor has a birthday, everyone talks behind her, wondering what to give her, and the men of the town act like they simp for her. Even Hank, who takes her for coffee and that is how he began calling her by her actual name, MiChAeLa. What modern problem from that, you ask?
Ah yes, the ending of that episode is awesome.
Sully comes when everyone's gone so he can be alone and give her a saddle, then she kisses him on the cheek and he pecks her on the lips.
Haitani: What about the dead wife?
Haitani: Eh...Fair?
But this season had one cringe episode, I forgot which one was it, but Colleen fell in love with Sully and let herself be in danger, so he can save her. The guy is being kind, he takes you to walks around, to dance, to be like a father figure to you, because you don't have a father, but nope, he is her love interest.
And she is jealous of Dr Quinn...ah yes, so reasonable. I laughed a lot about it. Seriously, falling for much older people than yourself is normal at that age. I've felt your pain, girl.
But of course, we have Sully saying he is not ready for a relationship, and rather said something that sounded serious: 'the kiss wasn't accidental', they didn't flinch. It ends with a beautiful group picture of the city's people, from Natives to Immigrants, incredible, isn't it?
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aftoncorpse · 3 years
Since fnaf is dead I decided to keep my au but make it sexier
Wilder Airhart and Henrie Atcitty are proud owners of Texas' most impressive amusement park Heart City, home to some of the largest Coasters in the US and the finest of robotic technology. But tragedy continues to strike the park with injuries and accidental deaths. Suddenly with the tragic deaths of three children, two of which are Airharts and one Atcitty, the park is quietly closed.
Years later private investigator Lukas Bogdan is anonymously paid to investigate every accidental death at the now abandoned park, and discovers something sinister.
It's set in the 70s and I want it to be realistic fantasy, with elements of ooh spooky ghosts but generally everything else being realism ^_^
Wilder Airhart is a Texas cowboy with a passion for tinkering, his wife is Phillippa "Pippa" Airhart she has four kids: Noah Harpe, Wilder's step son, Mikaela "Mika" Airhart (he/him), Georgie (she/her) and Emeric (he/him) Airhart, the twins :) sadly those two were killed
Henrietta "Henrie" Atcitty (he/him lesbian :3) is a Diné native engineer and married to Pippa's twin sister Michaela, they have two kids Clover and Fox (Fox is now deceased)
Lukas Bogdan is a trans man and a single father to his son Sasha
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crewhonk · 5 years
Only Happy Accidents (three)
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Summary: YN moves in with Steve, they have their first prenatal appointment, and YN meets the most important people in Steve’s life
Warnings: a little bit of angst relating to the Snap, Steve’s friends are protective, Steve is an emotional dad
Songs: “Life is Short”- Butterfly Boucher / “The Big Day”- Chance the Rapper
December 18th / 6th Week
Moving was a hard feat within itself on a good day, but there were a lot of factors in Steve Rogers and YN YLN’s life right now that made it especially hard. One, the moving truck that Steve had asked to borrow was larger than they needed, and too big to fit in Steve’s apartments parking lot so he and YN would need to park down the street and carry their ten medium sized boxes and one hamper of bedding down the street and up three floors to his penthouse in Brooklyn.
Second, it was fully winter now, and even bundled up, the sleet and snow on the roads and sidewalks made normal walking treacherous at best. The cold New York breeze cut through Steve’s bones and he made sure (much to Michaela’s amusement) that YN was bundled put to the point of non-recognition.
Third, Steve’s… friend-fiancee-previous-hookup was two months pregnant and he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in bubble wrap and hide her from the rest of the world until she had this kid. Then, he would wrap the baby up and tape them together just so he knew that they would be safe and together.
Steve Rogers had come to the conclusion that his goals would never ever be accomplished the normal way.
“Let me carry that, YN.” He smiled, coming up behind her to grab one of the last boxes she was reaching for. She huffed impatiently and leaned over the back of the truck, swiping for it and cheering happily when she finally reached it, pulling it towards her.
“I’m fine, Steve, I promise.” She hummed at his hovering— charming now, but once she was the size of a whale she knew she would get irritated with it. She had been right with the intense symptoms being a direct link to Steve’s swimmers, as her mood swings were just as legendary as her swelling hands and feet, exhaustion, morning sickness and her gas. She would ride this happy mood for as long as possible. Hell, she had only cried three times today.
“YN, you’re pregnant—“
“I know. I’m still a person who can lift things.” She smiled warningly and he nodded, stepping away and waiting for her to ask for help since he could see the label on the side of the box read ‘books’ and she was unable to lift it on the way here.
She pulled it into her arms and her eyes widened as she looked to him.
“I take it back. Help, please and thank you.” She grunted and he took it with one arm, not missing the way her eyes half-closed, zeroing in on his bulging bicep. He smirked to himself and reached for the box labelled ‘toiletries + medication’ and nodded to the last thing in the truck.
“You got the rug?” He asked and she nodded, seemingly at a loss for words at his strength.
“Uh. Yeah. Wait for me I’ll get the doors.” She rushed, picking up the tacky printed rug and pulling the drawstring on the truck door and closing it, darting forward and holding the doors to open them for him. She also ran forward and opened the elevator and as they neared his home, reached her hand into his jacket pocket and grabbed his keys, unlocking the door and letting him in first.
He put the boxes on his massive kitchen island and looked back to YN who was still looking in wonder around the Christmas-decorated house. She had made fun of him when he called it an apartment, and opened the door to find that it was the five times the size of the house she grew up in.
“A two floor, three bedroom, three bathroom place with a private rooftop garden is not an apartment, Rogers and you know that.” She gasped as she walked over to the large window in the open concept kitchen-living room combo. She could see a huge park in front of them and it seemed to be within a five minute walk of two schools and a church— despite her losing faith after everything her and her family had gone through.
“So, you like it?” He asked nervously once he turned from all the boxes on the counter and she looked over at him, smiling and nodding.
“Thank you for letting me live here, Steve. I know we’re practically strangers so this amazing that you’re doing.” She smiled, walking over to him. He wanted to open his arms and pull her into him, but they hadn’t quite established what they were as an item yet, so touch wasn’t quite something either of them were sure of.
“Hey, you’re my fiancee and the future mother of my son,” He smiled when she laughed, the loud sound filling the room and makings heart feel full. It had become a running joke— them using ‘he’ or ‘she’ when referring to the baby. Truly, both YN and Steve knew that it wouldn’t matter what the baby turned out to be, so long as they were healthy and happy and well-treated.
“Our daughter will be so happy here, Steve.” She returned, walking around the counter and opening the box dedicated for bowls and mugs and plates. They were a sharp contrast to Steve’s minimalist and impersonal style. Everything YN owned was against the cleanliness of his apartment— all mismatched and pattered and chipped and bright. She had an affinity for picking up things that made her eyes hurt.
The bright orange and red mugs were in sharp contrast to the three mugs he had, and the mosaic and patterned bowls and plates made Steve feel as if his Ikea plates were the most boring things in the world.
“Before you do that, do you wanna see your room?” He asked and she stopped, nodding with a smile. They walked down the hall and he opened the door on the end, letting her walk in and smile widely.
“This is awesome, Steve! The view is sick! The bed is huge!” She cheered, flopping down on it and looking up at him with a childish smile on her face. She looked behind him and her jaw dropped.
“There’s a bathroom? Okay. You’re never getting rid of me.” She gasped and he laughed.
“Wait until you see the walk-in closet.”
“Excuse me?!”
He threw the pillows from the box onto the bed, trying to not think about the last time he touched the blankets or sheets or multitude of pillows, a faint blush on both YN and Steve’s cheeks as they made the bed together.
“I’ll be right back, Steve. I think My toiletries box is still out there.” She said, and shrugged off his request to carry it in for her.
“You can start on the books if you want!” She called and he did so, reading the titles of the books as he filled the bookshelf beside the bed. When she didn’t return in five minutes, Steve called out her name and when she didn’t respond, he put the books down, leaving the room and stopping to find her staring into the room at the start of the hallway.
He walked up beside her and leaned against the doorframe, staring into the office he rarely used with a fond smile.
“This is her room?” YN whispered and he nudged her, smiling. She looked up at him with watering eyes and he cooed, pulling her to his side and kissing the top of her head quickly.
“Yeah, this is where he’ll grow up.” He mumbled and she sighed, leaning into him and looking around the room.
“It’s really bright.” She commented and he nodded.
“The sun sets on that side of the house so he’ll grow up with that.” He commented and she wiped her face with her sleeves.
“Sorry for crying so much. Wait until it really hits that I’m going to be a wife and mom in less than nine months.” She chuckled waterly and he squeezed her shoulder.
“Yeah, you’re gonna be married to Captain America in a few months.” He teased and she gasped.
“Sam Wilson proposed? I hope he knows I said yes.” She joked and he glared at her playfully, pinching her shoulder and making her squeal.
“Rude!” She cried out. He chuckled at her and shook his head, leaning into her and distracting her with the prospect of a kiss as he snatched the box from her hands, strolling down the hall to her room.
“No more carrying things heavier than ten pounds please!” He called out and she flipped him off when he looked over his shoulder at her.
“I’m nervous,” She whispered from the passenger side of the truck as they pulled into the parking garage of the avengers compound. She had used to fangirl with her friends over the idea of living here with the team and watching movies with them every Thursday night.
“About which part?” He whispered back. He was too, but this was her time to be nervous, not his.
“Everything. This is a big day.” She responded when he turned off the car, pulling her jacket tight around herself and steadying her breath. He reached over and took her gloved hand in his own, fingers intertwining slowly.
“I know. I’m here with you every step of the way. Only Sam, Buck and Nat live here right now. Clint stops by every so often and Wanda lives with her mentor in Manhattan. Scott lives with his family. Banner lives in an apartment near Columbia. Everyone else is all over the world again, so you won’t probably meet the whole team right away which is nice.” He reassured and she only looked more strained.
“Only the three most important people in your life are here, yeah, no big deal.” She mumbled and he shook his head.
“They have nothing on the two other people in this car, though.” He replied and she looked over at him, smiling softly and nervously.
“You’re a real smooth talker, aren’t you?” She teased and he squeezed her hand.
“Only to cute dames who I plan on marrying.”
“Oh, there’s been more than me?” She asked, liking the way they were able to tease each other without stress.
“There was a cashier the other day who I pulled a good line on.” He joked and laughed when she slapped his arm. “Come on, tiger. We’re gonna be late for Cho.”
YN found it was very lucky that she could worry about meeting Steve’s people after the appointment, since they hadn’t run into anyone on the way up. The file of her medical history and her families medical history was clutched in her hand, and the notes of her questions weighed heavy in her jacket pocket.
They didn’t have to wait long for Cho to me and greet them, smiling and shaking both their hands when she saw them.
“Congratulations, Steve and YN. I had no idea Mr. Rogers was in a relationship let alone trying for. Baby.” She commented and YN blushed.
“Actually, it was pretty unplanned. We met for the first time on Halloween.” Steve said for her and Cho smiled at them. If she was judging them, neither Steve or YN could tell. The office was warm-looking and YN felt that it was the safest place in the world.
“Well, I’m still very happy for you both.” She replied, and she guided YN to the bathroom where she could change into a hospital gown as she started putting the information into YN’s new file.  It wasn’t long until she walked out, struggling to tie the middle tie not he back fo the gown.
“Steve, can you—?” She asked, turning around and gesturing to the best of her ability to the tie she couldn’t reach. He felt his hands immediately begin to sweat and a blush creep up his neck as he looked at the bare expanse of her back. There was no secret they were still very much attracted to each other, so the fact that his hands brushed the skin of her back and he watched as tiny goosebumps erupted over her body was no surprise. It made him feel good, though.
The appointment was easy— bloodwork and urine samples and a pap smear which Steve stayed by her head for.
“I have one more pretty sensitive question for you, YN if that’s okay.” Cho said, as she read the last question on her clipboard.
“Okay?” YN replied, bracing herself.
“Were you a victim of ‘The Snap’?”
The silence that followed the question pressed in on them, and YN could feel her heart racing. She had yet to tell Steve that she was, and that her dad had died as a result of it, but you had to start somewhere, right?
“Yes, why?” She whispered and Steve sucked in a breath.
“So your age is 29 but you’re physically 24?” Cho responded and YN nodded, gripping Steve’s hand anxiously. His hold on her was comforting and anchoring and YN thanked the God she didn’t believe in that he was with her.
“There are studies happening in the medical field of how the body responds to something like what had happened in 2018. I have to ask if you’d like to be a part of these studies?”
“Sure,” YN said just as Steve replied “No.”
“Steve,” YN started, looking at him. His expression was nothing short of shock as he looked down at her.
“You’re not going to be a statistic. Our baby isn’t going to be a statistic.” He replied shortly and she touched his hand gently.
“If I can be a part of important studies that could possibly save lives in the future, why wouldn’t I?” She whispered and he chewed his cheek as he looked down at her, thinking.
“You’re too mature for your age, kid.” He muttered, squeezing her hand and nodding up at Cho who made a check mark on her clipboard and put it down, leaving the room briefly.
“You never told me about the snap,” Steve commented, and YN refused to meet his gaze.
“It’s not something I really talk about, honestly.” She said shortly, and Steve nodded, knowing the feeling of not wanting to talk about trauma and letting it go for now.
It wasn’t until Cho pulled out her ultrasound machine that YN’s heart rate picked up.
“We’re going to— already?” She asked, reaching for Steve’s hand and squeezing tightly. He wouldn’t be surprised if the baby was making her stronger too, as the grip on his hand was impressive.
“We can wait, but this ultrasound is one of the best in the world, so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue to find the baby.” She smiled, and YN looked up at Steve. He decided for them, nodding to Cho who snapped on some latex gloves and lifted the hospital gown (which YN had put on underwear under while they talked about a better prenatal medication plan and spitballed ideas about a birthplan).
“The gel is going to be pretty cold, and it won’t hurt the baby by any means. It’s made of the same ingredients as your usual lubricants.” She explained, shaking the bottle and squirting a generous amount on to YN’s belly.
The machine was a weird feeling on her, as Cho pressed hard onto the belly to get a clear picture. YN and Steve watched the screen with bated breath as Cho searched and a smile blossomed on her face when she stopped, snapping a few pictures and pointing at a small misshapen bean on the screen.
“That is your baby.” She said softly, and YN’s chin wobbled. “I can see their heart going, and if you look close you can see them wiggling away, which is a wonderful sign.” YN tore her eyes away from the screen to look up at Steve who was looking at the screen as if it were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his whole life.
Feeling her eyes on him, he looked down at her and grabbed her hand, pulling it up to his mouth and kissing her knuckles as tears welled in his eyes.
“YN.” He could only say and she nodded, squeezing his hand back. They didn’t have to speak to exchange what was on their minds in that moment, and Cho coughed, gaining their attention once again.
"I’m in a good place to turn on the audio if you want to hear their heartbeat?” She asked and both YN and Steve nodded vigorously. Cho pressed a button and a racing, muffled sound filled the room.
“Their heartbeat very is strong. You guys have a very healthy bean, congratulations.” Cho coiled and Steve let out a sound resembling a choked cry. He felt suddenly very weak-kneed and fell into the chair at the head of YN’s bed.
“We’re having a baby,” he whispered into her hand and she looked over at him, crying with him but smiling all the same. There was a sound of a printer somewhere in the room but neither YN nor Steve could look away from the other.
“We’re having a baby.” She confirmed and he leaned forward kissing her exposed shoulder and resting his forehead there, breathing shakily as her hand combed through his thick hair.
“I’m so excited.” He mumbled and she giggled.
“You’re going to be a wonderful dad, Steve. I already know it.”
The ultrasound pictures were going to be the only thing Steve wanted to look at for the rest of his life. The little white blob in the middle of the picture was rapidly becoming the centre of his whole universe, and there was a genuine skip in his step as he left the doctors office.
“You’re prancing.” YN teased and he stopped, spinning and smiling at his fiancee. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around in the middle of the hallway, making her laugh loudly and clutch him.
“Stop, Steve!” She giggled, slapping his shoulder. “I’m gonna throw up, oh my gosh!”
He let her own, holding onto her waist and waiting for her to be stable. Her hands cradled his beaming face and her thumbs brushed his cheeks happily.
“We’re going to be parents.” He whispered gleefully and she nodded excitedly.
“You’re gonna be a daddy, Steve.” She whispered and his eyes grew glossy once more. He stepped closer so that their toes touched and she wrapped her arms around his neck as best she could.
“Pretty Ma.” He mumbled smile fading as his eyes glanced down briefly to her lips. She licked her bottom lip nervously, and Steve tracked the movement with his eyes hungrily.
“I like that.” She whispered as his head seemed to lean down almost unconsciously. Her chin tilted up, their lips coming closer and closer to the others as more seconds passed.
“What?”  He asked, voice barely louder than a breath.
“You calling me ‘ma’.” She admitted, a pretty blush reading over her nose and cheeks. He smirked, nose brushing against her own.
“You’re the cutest, Ma.” He mumbled, barely brushing his lips against hers when a voice called Steve’s name from down the hall. Steve jumped up, turning and looking at the man who interrupted their almost moment.
Sam Wilson had appeared around the corner, clad in one of his Captain suits and strutting down the hallway. YN’s jaw dropped as she peaked around Steve’s shoulder, and Sam’s eyes landed on her, a wide, gap-toothed smile spreading wide across his face.
“You must be the woman who had Steve skipping down the halls everyday!” Sam smiled as he finally got to them. He jut his hand forward for her to shake and she stepped around Steve’s side to shake it, her grip firm but her mouth still slack-jawed.
“Mr. America— I mean, Mr. Captain. Fuck, I mean-“
“Sam. Just call me Sam.” He laughed, pulling away and placing his hands on his hips.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” he said. “Steve honestly never shuts up about you, I’ve been wanting to meet this amazing woman who’s got him wrapped around her finger.” He teased and both YN and Steve flushed red.
“I’m afraid I’m not all that fun, lately.” She shrugged, still smiling.
“Well, I doubt that very much.” Sam smiled politely and he shook Steve’s hand. “How ya doin’, man? Haven’t seen you at all this week!”
“Yeah, actually I’ve been meaning tell all you guys something.” He said simply, and Sam’s smile softened and he nodded looking between the two people in front of him.
“FRIDAY, can you call Buck and Nat to the kitchen, please?” He called, and with a confirmation, motioned for the couple to follow him. “Anything we should be concerned about?”
Steve grabbed YN’s hand and pulled her close to him, smiling down at her as they followed behind Sam.
“I sure hope not.”
After a quick round of hugs and handshakes, five people sat around the kitchen table, sipping coffee, and in YN’s case, water.  She had already had her one half-cup this morning before Steve picked her up, so she thought her safest bet was to stick with water. She hoped that it would also help the swelling of her hands and feet go down.
“What’s up?” Sam asked, finally after brief catching up between the three strangers. YN, still rather shy in the presence of her greatest hero, Natasha Romanoff, only blushed under her stare and looked up at Steve. He smiled at her encouragingly and pulled the pictures from his pocket.
“So, the night I went home with YN here, we were both pretty drunk and we forgot to use the proper protective materials.” He started, wincing at his choice of his words. “We’re not really supposed to be telling people quite yet because it’s still pretty early, but YN is uh— well, she’s pregnant.” He finished choppily and the room launched into a pressing silence. YN fidgeted under the three strangers stares, not making eye contact with any of them. It was Bucky who spoke up first.
“What do you want from him, huh?” He bit and YN’s head whipped up to find his jaw was set and his stare was intense.
“Buck—“ Steve cut in, and Natasha held her hand out to Steve, telling him to hold off for a second.
“I’m curious too. Is it money? The press? What’s your motivation here?” She asked, her voice gentle, but still making YN want to curl in on herself. Sam remained silent, not willing to grill her, but genuinely curious about what she was going to say.
“Don’t answer that, YN.” Steve said, shocked and offended at his friends questions.
“It was a drunk one night stand.” YN said, looking at Steve’s friends hard and ignoring Steve saying her name in her ear. “We were both very drunk and we forgot protection. I stopped birth control because I was snapped, and I haven’t even thought to start it again because it was my honest-to-God last priority. We were both reckless, but I wouldn’t change any of it.” She said, her words growing stronger as a fire seemed to be lit in her core as she went on.
“I couldn’t care less about who Steve was. I couldn’t care less about his money— hell, I’m still trying to convince him to let me at least buy groceries. Steve is a great man who is doing more to be a part of his kids life than most other people in my situation, and for that I’m grateful and I admire him deeply for it.” She finished and Sam, Bucky and Natasha looked at her, stunned.
“We’re also getting married.” Steve mumbled quietly and his friends looked at him hard.
“Excuse me?” Bucky choked on his coffee.
“Buck— you and I both know how important it is to us to get married before starting a family.” Steve glared, his mind blown over the amount of fight he was receiving from his brother. Bucky had the decency to look half ashamed at his grilling of Steve and his apparent fiancee.
“I know it’s not a traditional way of starting a family, but if this is how it’s going to happen for us, this is how it happens.” Steve finished, dropping the ultrasound pictures on the table. Three set of eyes fell to them, and Natasha felt her eyes grow hot. She could see it— the kid. It looked like a gummy bear.
“Come on, YN. Let’s get home.” Steve grumbled and stood, snatching the pictures way from his friends sight and folding them carefully despite the rage he was feeling. He took YN’s hand in his when she stood with him, eyes brimming with tears of shame and staring at the floor as Steve turned, pulling her with him.
They were halfway down the hallway when three sets of footsteps were heard following them.
“Steve! YN! Hold on!” Natasha called, and YN stopped immediately. She turned to find all three people closer than she thought they would be and Steve turned slowly, stepping slightly in front of YN as if ready to defend her to the death.
“We’re sorry,” She said. “We were just blindsided— this happened really quickly and it was a lot of information to take in. We’re happy for you if you’re happy.” She said awkwardly, shifting her weight nervously.
“We are happy, actually. Thank you.” Steve bit, still defensive. “He’s healthy, by the way.”
“He?” Bucky whispered, looking down briefly at YN’s stomach which was hidden beneath many many layers of clothes Steve made her wear.
“We uh— we don’t know what it is yet. Steve just wants it to be a boy.” YN mumbled, pulling her jacket closed protectively.
“Oh.” Bucky finished quietly and YN nodded awkwardly.
“We’re just protective of Steve.” Piped Sam. “He’s been through enough heartbreak and he’s been deceived enough that we were just looking out for him. We kind of like him, you know.” He joked and YN smirked a little bit, softening around the edges.
“That’s fair enough. I can see the risk there, but I’ll have you know that I grew up just as poor as he did. I’ve grown up not relying on money and was fully expecting to raise my kid the same way my parents did, but I’ve been blessed, apparently.” She started looking up at Steve with shining eyes. He looked down at her, mimicking her expression and His friends all shifted, feeing as if they were intruding on some private moment. “And I kind of like him too, obviously.” She joked patting her stomach and laughing. “I don’t think I could hurt this puppy even if I wanted to.”
“Hey,” Steve whispered, voice grumbly as he faked offence. “I’m a big, scary man, thank you very much.”
“Just about as scary as a hedgehog, Rogers.” She bit back and he wrinkled his nose at her, making her smile softly.
“We’re sorry for judging you.” Natasha said, vocalizing their thoughts. Sam nodded more obviously than Bucky who was the most protective over Steve, still watching her cautiously.
“All is forgiven.” YN replied and Natasha smiled kindly.
“Have you uh— have you started planning the wedding?” She asked and YN shook her head. “I can do it, if you want.”
“I could never ask you to do that, Ms. Romanoff.” YN protested and Natasha smiled at her politeness.
“You’re not asking. And it’s Nat— you’re family now.” She smiled and YN felt here eyes well with more tears. YN coughed into her fist to subdue the sob growing in her throat. “Seriously. Focus on each other and the baby and I’ll get in touch with you when I need your guys’ opinion and for fittings, okay?”
“Are you sure, Nat?” Steve piped up finally and she smiled widely at him and shrugged.
“How hard could it be to plan a wedding, huh?”
The drive home was quiet— the low rumble of Steve’s jaguar was hardly enough background noise, and YN had shut off the radio due to every station playing ‘Silent Night’ at the same time. Steve was tense the whole way home, seemingly focussed on the road.
The ride up to his penthouse was quiet too, Steve staring at his shoes and unlocking the door quietly, taking YN’s jacket off her shoulders as well as her hat and scarf and mittens, shoving them in her sleeve before hanging it on the coatrack.
Before he even took his own coat off, he pulled her into his arms.
“I’m sorry about today,” He whispered and she sighed, wrapping her own arms around his slim waist and resting her cheek on his heartbeat.
“’S okay. Wasn’t expecting too much of a warm welcome, anyways.” She whispered and he squeezed her tighter.
“Still not fair, though. They shouldn’t have judged us the way they did.”
“They didn’t judge. They’re rightfully protective of you, Steve. You’ve been blessed with beautiful friends who care and have also saved the world too many times.” She propped her chin on his chest and he looked down at her, swaying her lightly from side to side.
“I liked Natasha, though. It was nice of her to take the wedding off our hands.” She whispered and he nodded, rubbing her back and making her sigh happily.
“She’s gotten soft, honestly.” He smiled and YN giggled, pressing her ear back to his chest.
“Wouldn’t want to see her hard, then.” YN replied and they swayed gently in the foyer of Steve’s not-apartment for a few quit moments and he buried his nose in her hair. The couple spun slowly, illuminated barely by the lights from Steve’s Christmas tree in the middle of one of the floor to ceiling windows.
“We’re having a baby.” He whispered finally. He thought that if he said it more, it would finally feel real, but the words still felt foreign on his tongue.
“We are having a baby.” She confirmed and she sighed happily when he held her tighter, and sniffed. “Hey. No tears. I’m the emotional pregnant one here.” She joked and he sniffled again.
“Sorry, I just— I’m so happy, YN. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy before.” He confessed and her heart swelled.
“I’m happy too, Steve. Thank you for being in my life.” She whispered, still swaying with him in the doorway. Maybe the winter holidays were really magical.
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573 notes · View notes
Episode 6–The Sinking Story; Scene 3
Judgment of Corruption, pages 189-196
After that, Ma formally came to assist the USE allied forces as per Tony’s request.
“Though I don’t know how much help I’ll be.”
Tony grinned at Ma’s remark. “That’s alright. If you need anything at all, just let these two know.” He introduced two young soldiers who had similar features to each other. “This is second lieutenant Nyoze Octo and sergeant major Gammon Octo. They’re brothers. Nyoze is the older, and Gammon is the younger. They have Jakokuan ancestry, so you might find them easier to deal with.”
The Octo brothers saluted Ma.
“Pleased to meet you.”
“—Oh yes, the pleasure is mine. I’m quite happy to have such attractive young men at my side.”
Some lodging that was one of the military facilities was set aside for Ma’s new place of residence.
At Gallerian’s estate, Michelle was proposing an idea to her father in the living room.
“A trip?”
“Yeah. I was thinking we could go during break. Since I’ll be really busy once college starts up.”
“Is Mama going to go with you?”
“Yeah. So—I was wondering if you could come along.”
But Gallerian regretfully shook his head.
“I can’t just take time off work. Papa has only just become the director, and he’s very busy.”
“Alriiight…I guess it can’t be helped.”
“Where are you planning to go for the trip?”
“At first I thought it would be nice to go to Maistia where Bruno’s from, but Mama said that would be too far.”
“And they’re in the middle of a civil war right now.”
“Right. So I thought we’d go instead to your homeland of Marlon, Papa. I wanna see Grandpa, since it’s been so long.”
“That sounds fine. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”
“We’re planning to be there about two weeks, so we’re going next week.”
“—I’ll be lonely while you’re gone.”
“You’ll be alright. You’ll have Bruno and the other servants with you.”
“I’ll still be lonely.”
“I’ll call you every day.”
“And you better not get mixed up with any strange men over there.”
“Aw, come on. You’re always saying that, Papa.”
As the two of them laughed together, they could hear the doorbell ring outside.
After a short while, Larisa appeared before them.
“Begging your pardon, Sir—Lady ‘Ma’ has come to see you.”
“I see. Send her in.”
Michelle asked Gallerian, “Is it a visitor? Maybe I should head out.”
“No—Stay here. She might have come to see you.”
Ma appeared in the living room, brought along by Larisa.
“Good day.”
When Michelle greeted her, Ma broke into a grin.
“Good day, young miss—I’m a friend of your father’s, and the screenwriter named Kayo Sudou. I’d like it if you called me ‘Ma’.”
“Uh huh…” While making a half-hearted reply, Michelle gazed intently at Ma.
“Is there something on my face?”
“No—I mean, I’ve only seen her in photographs, but…You look a lot like my late grandma.”
“Oh my, heh heh…It’s a bit of a long story, but I changed my face out of admiration for your grandmother.”
“Wow…That’s amazing.”
Gallerian butted into the conversation, “Even so…It’s odd you haven’t aged at all, despite fourteen years going by.”
“You know of the facility ‘Lunaca Labora’, yes? This is a gift from there.”
“So you’re saying there’s a device amongst its machines that can preserve beauty.”
Being an adolescent herself, Michelle reacted sharply to the mention of the word beauty. “That’s curious. Maybe you should take me to this facility.”
“Hahaha, I think that would be unnecessary for you, Miss Michelle. You are quite lovely enough without using such means. –You look exactly as I thought you would.”
“Though whatever the case I’d like to take a day to talk to you, if I may.”
“I’m curious about you too. Including the matter of this beauty machine. But I’m planning to leave Levianta on a trip next week.”
“That’s unfortunate. Then I suppose we’ll have to save it for another day, after you get back.” Ma then turned to Gallerian. “I did come here to see your daughter today—but I also have a favor I would like to ask of you.”
“What is it? I’m all ears.”
“Since I’ve returned to society after so long away, I was thinking that I might make a new movie soon. My occupation is that of a screenwriter, after all.”
“A movie, huh—But you would need a lot of money for that.”
“Indeed. Therefore…I need to ask someone wealthy to provide the funds.”
“You’re asking me to be your sponsor?”
Michelle laughed and clapped innocently, listening in from the side. “A movie! That’s great! It sounds like fun.”
“Hmm. I don’t know…” Gallerian’s brow furrowed. “It’s not like I don’t have money to spare. But in all honestly, most of it is my wife’s money—or, more accurately, it’s assistance from her family. I myself have only just become director, so I haven’t been able to save all that much yet…”
As Gallerian was faltering, Ma shoved a book before him.
“What’s this?”
“It’s the ‘Daughter of Evil’, penned by Yukina Freezis—I was wanting to use it as the basis for this movie.”
“The ‘Daughter of Evil’…That’s the story of the princess who set the stage for the Lucifenian Revolution—But I’m quite sure someone’s already made this into a movie.”
“That’s true. But the ‘Daughter of Evil’ that I have has slightly different contents than the version that is widely known. It is the true story of the ‘Daughter of Evil’, that Yukina Freezis wrote in secret—I’m positive that it will be the subject of much conversation once it’s been screened.”
“In either case, this book was written pertaining to both your ancestor, ‘Kyle Marlon’, and the ‘Elluka Clockworker’ of the time, someone that I and your mother idolized. I was thinking that you might still enjoy it even as mere reading material. We’ll leave the matter of funding for after you’ve read it—just so long as you give the matter some thought.”
“…Alright. I’ll read it on my day off. Do you mind if I borrow the book?”
“Go ahead. But you must make sure to return it once you’re done reading. There are some records on ‘dead soldiers’ in the book as well, so I want to lend it to General Tony later.”
Gallerian nodded and started to flip through the book that had been handed to him.
“…This book seems to be written in Yukina Freezis’ own handwriting. It looks to have a great deal of historical value. I’ll treat it carefully.”
Michelle peered at the book from the side with great interest.
“The ‘Daughter of Evil’. I read that when I was a kid.”
Ma smiled again at the sight of that. “In the event that the movie is made, perhaps you could play a part in it, Miss Michelle. I think you’d be perfect for the role of ‘Michaela’, the woman with whom King Kyle falls in love—Now then, I’ve got some other matters to attend to, so I’ll leave it there.”
Ma bowed her head a touch, then left Gallerian’s estate.
--But in the end, the “Daughter of Evil” movie was never screened, nor was Michelle ever to play a role in it.
Three weeks later, an event occurred that caused a rapid transformation in Gallerian’s life.
To a man like him who led an unsatisfactory married life, his daughter Michelle was the sole person to whom he could devote his affection.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that now that he had fulfilled his personal goals to a certain degree, Michelle was everything to Gallerian.
Midway through its return voyage from Marlon, the ship that Michelle and her mother were riding on, the “S.S. Titanis”—
Met with an unexpected event, and sank to the bottom of the sea.
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cupsinmyears · 4 years
Hello! This is the story of my oc, Lucía Lara
She’s meant to belong in the story Cards by @arty-e
Trigger Warnings: Self-Harm, Child abuse
Mauricio Lara and Michaela Parra were two commoners of the kingdom of Spades. Their marriage, like many others, was arranged by their families. They hated each other; their personalities couldn’t be anymore different and there were constant screams coming out of the Lara house.
Things got worse when Michaela became pregnant (many, including Mauricio himself, claimed that the baby wasn’t his). She never planned to be a mother and because of that she started to hate her baby even before it was born. Her husband was also mad. He did plan to have a family at some point, but expected it to be with someone he actually loved and cared about. This along with the rumors that the baby wasn’t his made him feel resentment for the child.
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Finally, Michaela gave birth to a carbon-copy of herself. As expected, they didn’t care for the baby (named Lucía) at all. They would often leave her completely alone on her room, and no matter how much she screamed and cried from hunger, they ignored and sometimes even pretended she didn’t exist.
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The Lara family owned a bookshop that Mauricio inherited when his father died. When Lucía was five years old, her parents started to make her walk all alone with a cart full of books from their house to the shop. This was because Mauricio was incredibly greedy and stingy, so instead of paying someone to do this job, he preferred to force his daughter to do it. The cart was very heavy for a five year old who barely ate and on top of that, there were 3 kilometers between their house and the store. Still, Lucía did as she was told to avoid her mother’s screams. Besides this, she was often yelled at for anything she did that her parents considered wrong, which was everything she made.
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Lucía was neglected by her parents. They didn’t care about her hygiene or health and barely fed her even if they had enough to do so. On her first 9 years of life, her hair wasn’t cut once and her nails where constantly long and sharp plus, her clothes were always dirty. The time where she wasn’t out to transport the books to the store she spent locked up on her room.
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Because of this neglect, she developed a very self destructive behavior. Since her parents yelled at her constantly, every loud noise made her panic and cover up her ears. She would yell and hit the walls of her room whenever her parents fought and would constantly scratch herself until she bled with her long nails.
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When her parents sent her to transport the books, they always did it at dawn so that no one could see Lucia. She got up at three am and got back at five am. This was normal, until one day she found two women walking on the opposite direction of her path. After seeing a child on such state, the women (named Marcy and Winter) tried to talk to her, but Lucía ran as fast as she could to the store, leaving the cart full of book (her father yelled a lot that day).
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Marcy and Winter really wanted to help this child full of scratches and bags under her eyes. They waited for her to come back for the cart, but went back to their house hours later (taking the cart with them) when the child didn’t appear again. The next morning they went back to the same place at the same time along with the cart, the books and some fresh bread to wait for the little girl. She eventually came, and after staring at the two tall humans, Lucía attempted to grab the heavy cart and run away, hurting her arm on the process. The two women kept her from running away by giving her the bread and telling her that they would heal her arm. She felt so much pain and was so hungry that Lucía only sat while this women healed her and ate the bread quietly but rapidly. Winter tried to ask her what her name was and other questions, but she didn’t answer anything besides telling them her name. After her arm was healed, she grabbed the other loaf of bread they had and escaped to her house. Winter and Marcy were very worried after noticing her arms full of scars and decided to wait for her the next day. Lucía didn’t come back the next day or the next or the next. The women waited for her an entire week until she came back, to the horror of the women, covered in bruises. The girl sat down saying her body hurt. Marcy held back tears and along with her wife started healing Lucía’s bruises. They tried to talk to he, asking what had happened. She only answered later and said “Mommy was mad” before starting to cry uncontrollably while telling them how her parents had beat her up before locking her in her room with just a glass of water and stale bread. She was in there for a week until she found a way to get out and decided to run and try to find the ladies that healed her. The women immediately took her and went to the authorities to tell them what happen. Marcy was trying her best to comfort Lucía, who cried and yelled, scared of what would happen.
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Lucía’s parents were arrested and she spent some days on an orphanage before the ladies who healed her came and said that they were all going home. She was scared of going back to the Lara’s house, but was surprised when they took her to a small but cozy house. Winter and Marcy then told the little girl “You’re staying on our house for some days, my sweetheart; we’ll take care of you and if everything goes well, you can stay forever”. Lucía was scared, but wanted to trust on the ladies (she didn’t want to go back to the orphanage, some kids mocked her for speaking slowly) so she nodded. That same day, the ladies gave her a bath and clean clothes, cut her hair and trimmed her nails. Then, after eating a huge plate of soup, she fell asleep (waking up 10 minutes later to throw up) (the soup wasn’t bad, she just ate too much too fast). Lucía struggled to connect with the women on the beginning, but they gave her time, space and unconditional love. Eventually, she started to come out of her shell and showed her true self; a kid who loved to play and learn. She specially loved to spend time with the women. When Winter taught her to read and write, they spent hours together reading poems and short tales.
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And she would spend time with Marcy while she made pastries and hummed old songs
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After a year, the women realized that their foster care had failed and they adopted Lucía exactly one year from the day they met.
To be continued
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zekelandon · 4 years
A little fluffy Zekaela one shot
Zeke sings the lullaby that his dad wrote for him and Chloe to his and Michaela’s newborn twins. Michaela watches Zeke as he sings to the twins and she asks him to teach it to her.
It was only three days since Gracie and James had come home from the hospital and each day since their birth, Zeke had been doting not only on his wife, but also spending plenty time with his kids. Zeke promised not only to Michaela and the twins that he would be a good father but he promised himself as well. He was determined to not let his children have the childhood he had. Ever since he and Michaela had gotten married, they thought having a family was impossible with Zeke’s impending Death Date. When Zeke beat the Death Date against all odds, he and Michaela knew they had a chance to become parents. And they loved every minute of it.
When they had learned they were expecting twins, the two of them looked at each other and they cried their eyes out with extreme happiness and emotion. The Callings had blessed them nine months later with Chloe Grace (Gracie) and James Benjamin. Zeke remembered their birth. Mick’s water had broke and he rushed her to the hospital and he got to witness his amazing wife give birth to their two perfect children. Mick had been holding his hand so tightly during the contractions that he was worried she might break his fingers. Luckily she didn’t. And ever since then, Zeke stared at Gracie and James with awe. And on this night, he wanted them to know the lullaby. He pulled out the music box and wound it around. Gracie cooed and James sighed. Then, Zeke started to sing softly and gently:
“Frosty winter into spring, sunny summer into fall, I will love you through them all...”
Before he knew it, the twins were fast asleep. He sensed Michaela’s presence behind him as she gazed at him with love. “They fell right asleep,” she whispered as she wrapped her arm around Zeke’s back. He pulled her closer and she leaned her head on his shoulder. “I guess that lullaby does work,” he mused.
“What lullaby?”
“My dad wrote it for me and Chloe when we were kids. It was actually the lullaby that helped Ben and TJ find him in the first place.”
“Can you teach it to me?”
Zeke smiled at her. “Of course,” he said softly. He took her hand led her to their bed and he tucked her in. She gave him a gentle smile and he felt his heart swell inside his chest.
“Here’s how it goes,” he whispered to her as he stroked her hair tenderly. “Frosty winter into spring, sunny summer into fall, I will love you through them all...” He noticed that she too fell asleep and before she actually fell asleep, he heard her singing “I will love you through them all...”
And I will love you through them all, he thought as he drifted off to sleep, wrapping his arms around Michaela.
I always will.
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coffeeaddict201 · 6 years
It Has Always Been You by Coffeeaddict201
Also posted on ff.net
“Michaela, wait! Just talk to me, please,” said Jared, chasing Michaela outside the police department.
“No, no I can’t do this anymore,” said Michaela, finally turning to face him.
“Can’t do what? Talk to me?”
“I need space Jared, it’s just…it’s too hard,”
“Please, no, just talk to me Mic. Come on, what’s on your mind?” pleaded Jared.
“I’m confused, ok? One day, Grace is telling me how she saw Lourdes buying a fertility kit at the drugstore. Next thing I know, we’re in the hospital, and when you finally wake up instead of letting me go and get your wife, you ask me to stay with you,” Michaela had begun to cry, Jared staring at her with a desperate look in his eyes. He’s desperate to hold her, desperate to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
“I still love you Jared, how could I not? But you married my best friend. I just, I need time to get over you,” said Michaela. Michaela began to turn away from him, tears streaming down her cheeks when Jared took three quick steps towards her and turned around. Taking her in his arms, he looked into her eyes.
“I love you, Michaela. It’s always been you,” Jared leaned in and kissed her, hand cupping her cheek.
They broke apart after a minute. Jared hugged her close.
“What about Lourdes?” asked Michaela, Jared sighed and pulled away a little bit, keeping his arms around her waist.
“It’s true we used to talk about having kids, but the subject hasn’t been brought up since you came back. Things with her haven’t really felt right since you came back. But this, right here, right now, feels right,” said Jared.
He leaned in to kiss her again.
“We have to tell her, now, it’s not fair to her,” said Michaela, Jared nodded.
“You’re right, let’s go,” he said, taking her hand in his.
The drive to Jared’s house was tense, to say the least. He drove with one hand, refusing to let go of Michaela’s, but neither said a word until he put the car in park in the driveway.
“Are you sure?” asked Michaela.
“I’ve never been surer of anything, except when I asked you to marry me,” quipped Jared.
Michaela smiled for a second
“We should go in, she probably heard the car,” she said, avoiding the mention of marriage.
“Yeah, we should,” said Jared.
Together they exited the car, he didn’t reach for her hand again as they climbed the porch steps and walked inside.
“Jared, is that you?” called Lourdes from upstairs.
“Yeah, and Michaela’s here! Could you come down?”
“Hey Mic! I didn’t know you were coming by,” said Lourdes, smiling as she walked downstairs.
“Hey, yeah sorry to just barge in,” said Michaela, rubbing her hands together nervously.
“It’s no problem, really, want some dinner?” asked Lourdes, kissing Jared on the cheek.
“We actually need to talk to you,” said Jared, motioning for her to sit down as he and Michaela sat down on the couch. Lourdes immediately became suspicious.
“What’s going on?” asked Lourdes.
“I’m so sorry, this isn’t fair to you at all. I love you, but I’m still in love with Michaela. I don’t think I ever stopped loving her,” said Jared.
“What?” asked Lourdes, beginning to cry.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t want to hurt you, but I know it wouldn’t be fair to any of us if we weren’t honest with you. I still love Michaela, she loves me, and we kissed,” said Jared, he reached over and took one of Michaela’s hands in his, Lourdes turned towards Michaela.
“You told me…you told me you were fine with this, that you were over him,” said Lourdes.
“How could I be? I know it was over five years for you but for me it was about five minutes,” said Michaela.
“You told me you were going to say no, that you wouldn’t have married him,” said Lourdes. Jared looked at Michaela in surprise.
“What?” asked Jared.
“I’m so sorry Lourdes. I lied to you,” said Michaela looking at Lourdes before turning to face Jared and looking into his eyes.
“When the plane landed, before we knew anything was wrong, I turned on my phone and typed out a text. I said yes, Jared. I hit send but you never got it because all of our phones were out of service. Then I got off the plane, learned about what happened and that you two were married. I didn’t want to screw up the lives you had built for yourselves so I lied to you Lourdes. But I was coming back to say yes,” said Michaela.
“If you were going to say yes, why didn’t you tell him when he asked you?” asked Lourdes.
“I thought you had chosen to take a later flight to avoid coming back to me,” said Jared quietly.
“I was punishing myself for Evie, I thought I didn’t deserve to be happy. I just needed time,” said Michaela.
Lourdes sighed.
“I love you, Jared. But I’m not surprised, I knew this was coming from the moment you heard she was alive. The way you reacted, the way you’ve been acting since. I knew it was coming I was just in denial, just like you. That’s why I bought the fertility kit I just wanted to pretend like everything was normal,” said Lourdes.
“I’m sorry for hurting you, you deserve so much better,” said Jared.
“Thank you both for telling me. I hope you’re happy together,” said Lourdes.
“I’ll just go and pack a bag,” said Jared, he let go of Michaela’s hand and got up from the couch.
“I hope we can still be friends,” said Michaela.
“Of course we can, Mic, I just need a little time though,” said Lourdes.
“Fair enough, do you want me to leave? Go outside?” asked Michaela.
“No, of course not! But if you will excuse me I’m going to start making dinner for myself,” said Lourdes.
“Of course,” said Michaela, Lourdes left the room without another word. A few minutes later Jared came back down, bag in hand.
“Where’d she go?” he asked,
“She’s in the kitchen, said she needed time and space,”
Jared nodded and stared in the direction of the kitchen for a moment. He turned back to Michaela and reached out his hand to her.
“Ready, Mic?” he asked. She smiled and took his hand.
When they got into the car Jared turned the ignition,
“So, where to?” asked Michaela.
“You tell me,”
“You hungry?” asked Michaela
“Not really, you?”
Michaela shook her head
“Me neither,” she said.
“I don’t want to be away from you tonight, can I come with you to Ben’s?” asked Jared.
“Grace kicked Ben out, I would feel kind of awkward going back,” said Michaela.
“Shit, is he ok?” asked Jared.
“No, he’s been doing everything trying to protect Cal and himself, Grace doesn’t understand what’s going on even though he told her about the callings and she kicked him out,” said Michaela.
“So where is he?” asked Jared.
“This boiler room place we found that’s kind of been acting as our headquarters for all the weird shit that’s been going on. Not the most comfortable place,” said Michaela.
“So where does that leave you and me?” asked Jared.
“Hotel tonight, figure it out tomorrow?” asked Michaela.
“Sounds good, do you need to grab stuff from Grace’s?” asked Jared,
“Yeah, so I guess we are going to Grace’s now,” said Michaela.
Jared parked on the street.
“Want me to come in with you?” he asked
“No, I’ll just be a few minutes, Babe,” said Michaela, leaning over the dash to kiss him on the cheek,
“I missed that,” said Jared, smiling.
“Me too,” said Michaela before jogging into the house.
Michaela was tossing clothes into a duffel bag when Grace knocked on her open door.
“I kicked out Ben, not you Michaela,” said Grace.
“I know but Ben’s hurt, and I would feel awkward staying here,” said Michaela.
“Do you think I was wrong? To kick him out?” she asked. Michaela sighed and stopped packing.
“You’re frustrated with him, I get that, and so does he. He understands why you kicked him out. I just hope that you give him a chance to explain everything the best he can. Just know that he doesn’t have all the answers, no one does. No one knows what is happening to us,” said Michaela.
“Us? Happening to us, does that mean you’re hearing the voices too? And seeing things?” asked Grace.
“Yeah, I am, and so are the other people from the plane. So is Cal. Ben didn’t take him home immediately because Cal insisted that Ben had to go into the building and lead people out, that only Ben could do it. He wouldn’t leave Ben either. Ben tried to take him home, I tried to take him home but he wouldn’t go. If you won’t talk to Ben, talk to Cal, I find sometimes kids have the best way of explaining things,” said Michaela.
“Is that Jared’s car outside?” she asked after a minute, changing the subject.
“Yeah, he’s left Lourdes. We’re back together,” said Michaela.
“I’m happy for you,” said Grace.
“Thanks,” said Michaela, and with that she zipped up her bag and walked out the front door.
“Got everything?” asked Jared when Michaela climbed back into the car.
“Yeah, let’s go!” she said.
“I called and made a reservation at a hotel not far from here, wanted to make sure there were rooms and that we weren’t searching all night,” said Jared.
Jared drove quickly, pushing the speed limit, Michaela laughed,
“Shouldn’t we, as detectives, be a good example and not speed?” asked Michaela.
“Can’t help being eager, Babe,” said Jared, flashing a smile.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Manifest - ‘Crosswinds’ Review
By Baby M 
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 "This is gonna sound crazy." "I think our operational baseline is ten points up from crazy." "Yeah, well this is gonna turn it up to eleven."
It's ten days after the events of the previous episode. Marko and the other people rescued from the secret underground laboratory are still in a catatonic state from the effects of the electroshock experiments.  They're being tended to by Fiona, Saanvi, and Autumn in an architecturally stunning seaside mansion (which I shall hereafter refer to as the Impossibly Cool Beach House, or ICBH for short).  Meanwhile, Ben and Michaela are living in an apartment, and Jared is out of the hospital and returning to work.
Oh, one more thing – nobody has had a calling in ten days, either.
No one has had a calling, that is, until Michaela, on a visit to the ICBH, has a super-lucid first-person hallucination of stumbling through a snowstorm while a voice whispers "Find her."  At that precise moment, one of the experimental subjects, an attorney named Paul, wakes up.
Paul doesn't remember who he is, or how he got on Flight 828, or much of anything about himself.  He'd ended up in the experiment because he was one of the ones who had no one come to the hangar to pick him up.  His wife Helen not only didn't come to the hangar, she seems to have dropped off the grid completely.  (He doesn't remember her, either.)  From this, Michaela interprets the snowstorm vision as a direction to find Helen.
Fiona and Saanvi convene a meeting at the ICBH of passengers who returned to the plane to watch it blow up.  All of them are having a hard time adjusting.  Flight attendant Bethany complains that the "Believers," the 828 groupies who first appeared a few episodes ago – officially "Believers" with a capital B according to the closed captions – were waiting for her outside the courthouse when she was released.  (She's not the only one having Believer issues, either.)  Another passenger, Andre, complains that he was an "entrepreneur wunderkind" before the plane disappeared, and wants his life back.
When Fiona suggests that maybe it was her destiny to be on 828 to act as "as an interpreter" of the "shared consciousness" experience, the pilot, Captain Deal, stalks off.  He suggests to Ben that Flight 828 might have been Fiona's "twisted science experiment."  One might say he's a bit on the paranoid side.  Of course, as the saying goes, just because you're paranoid....
Michaela and Jared go to Helen's house, where they find piles of unopened mail and a milk carton left out on the counter which has an early November expiration date.  They eventually trace her to a motel, where she is hiding from her abusive husband.  "Paul coming back was like this wrecking ball smashing into everything I built."
Upon returning to the police station, Michaela tells Jared she doesn't want to work with him any more because she doesn't want to be "a giant wrecking ball smashing into everything in your life."  She then goes back to the ICBH and gives Paul a good hard verbal napalming for abusing his wife.
Ben, meanwhile, has gone down another metaphorical rabbit hole of inquiry, where he meets Aaron Glover, a freelance journalist who runs a podcast called 828-Gate. From Aaron, and Autumn, and Director Vance's right-hand man Powell, Ben learns enough to deduce that that the mysterious "Major" is a woman, and she's running a black-budget investigation into Flight 828 in search of what she calls "the Holy Grail."
Grace is spiraling into depression again, and Olive (who has seen this movie before) decides to do something about it by inviting Danny over for a visit.  This does not go over well with Grace, and it gets even more uncomfortable when Ben, responding to a text from Cal, arrives in mid-argument – and comes to realize that his return was a metaphorical wrecking ball with respect to Grace and Danny.  (That metaphor sure gets a workout this week.)
As this is going on, Jared shows up at Michaela's apartment and declares his love for her, leading to some rather improper physical activity IYKWIMAITTYD.
I should also mention that Autumn, having seen what the experiments did to her fellow passengers, decides to stop spying on Ben.  However, The Major is not the sort of employer who calmly accepts an agent's two-week notice.
At the very end of the episode, Cal has the same first-person snowstorm vision as his aunt did, complete with whispered voice message.  However, Cal's vision goes on for a second or two more, and we see that whoever is stumbling through the snow is carrying a picture of Michaela.
"828" Watch
Lots of "828" sightings this week!
Romans 8:28 is referenced in the inscription on Karen's headstone.
Ben and Michaela's apartment number is 414, which is half of 828.
Helen's house number is 1829½, probably symbolic of her "moving on" after Flight 828 disappeared
Her motel room is room 28 – but it's not at a Super 8 motel.  (That would have been a really clever little gag.)
The Believers have "828" all over their signs.
Also on the manifest...
According to government statistics, domestic violence is (unfortunately) common enough that if the 192 individuals on Flight 828 (191 on the manifest plus Thomas the stowaway) are a representative sample of the general population, there would be at least one abuser among them – and more than one victim of abuse.
If Paul really has permanently lost his memory as a result of the electroshock experiments, is he still morally responsible for his past abuse of Helen?  There was a very powerful episode of Babylon 5 which explored this theme: "Passing Through Gethsemane."
One scene takes place at Director Vance's memorial service, where the speaker makes mention of the Director's wife and kids.  Guess he's really, for-sure, permanently dead.  I'm going to miss that guy.
There's a short scene where one of the Believers asks Andre, the former "entrepreneur wunderkind," to let her touch him.  You can almost see the wheels turning in Andre's head, figuring out how he could perhaps make a living as an object of worship.
While teenager Olive is very good at reading her mother and recognizing that she's spiraling into depression again, she's not mature enough to anticipate just how badly pulling Danny back into the mix could (and did) backfire.  That's very believable.
This week's gold stars for acting go to:
Melissa Roxburgh (Michaela) for the scene in the cemetery where she's talking to her mother.
J.R. Ramirez (Jared) for the wordless scene where he comes home from Michaela's apartment and sees his sleeping wife Lourdes.
Jack Messina (Cal), for perfectly portraying a little boy who can't understand why his parents are separated.
The picture of Michaela we see at the very end in Cal's snowstorm vision looks to be a page out of an article in a celebrity fluff magazine like the ones you see in the grocery store checkout line.  I tried freeze-framing it, but I couldn't make out any of the print.
If I've figured the in-universe timeline correctly, it should be mid- to late December by now.  Yet, we've seen no Christmas trees or decorations, even if only in the background.
With all the repeated use of the phrase "Holy Grail," I kept waiting for someone to reference Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Unless I missed it, there were no Python references, not so much as an unladen swallow's worth, anywhere in the episode.
While that was disappointing, the showrunners are to be commended for resisting any compulsion they may have felt to use "Torn Between Two Lovers" (Mary MacGregor, 1976) or "Wrecking Ball" (Miley Cyrus, 2013) as licensed music in this episode.  Unfortunately, the record company back catalogs are brimming with thousands of other equally dreadful pop songs that could be (mis)used in future episodes.  Stay strong, showrunners!
Michaela, to her mother's headstone: "'All good things.'  What I would do to hear you say that one more time.  I wouldn't say I don't believe.  I would say that I want to because there has got to be a reason this is happening to us."
Olive: "Frozen waffles.  This is bad." Cal: "They still taste good." Olive: "She's in a dark place." Cal: "She misses Dad."
Captain Deal: "You weren't in that cockpit.  No one is blaming you for what happened to MA 828."  So who is blaming him?  Or is he blaming himself?
Ben: "Podcast.  That's still a thing?"
This was overall a pretty good episode.  I found it far too neat that everyone came to the immediate conclusion that "Holy Grail" was a codename and not just a metaphor (or a Monty Python reference), and as in previous episodes, Ben's investigation developed at a little too fast a pace.  On the other hand, the "Enoch Arden" scenario involving Ben and Grace and Danny and Olive was realistically developed and very well acted, as was the rapidly-evolving Jared-Michaela-Lourdes triangle.  It will also be interesting to see what develops with Autumn.
Three out of four metaphorical wrecking balls.
Baby M has been in a couple of wrecks, but none of them involved a wrecking ball.
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lxvewitch · 5 years
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[ BARBARA PALVIN, FEMALE ] is that MICHAELA “MIKKY” MIDDLETON from westmont high? i think that the EIGHTEEN year old is a JUNIOR. SHE is/are known to be ADAPTABLE but also SADISTICwhich is  understandable since i heard they’re referred to as the THE LOVE WITCH. i bet they wouldn’t want anyone to know but SHE WAS (IS) A MEN KIDNAPPER.
Mikky was born the daughter of a high-ranking member of the marines and a beautiful woman that was part-time model and part-time assistant in a doll shop.
Her mother never seem to be… quite there. She was usually delusional about the reality and even when she wasn’t in photoshoots, she was posing or even if she wasn’t in the doll shop, she was talking to Mikky’s dolls; still, her husband and daughter loved her very much, but she spent too much time alone with her daughter due her husband’s job.
When Mikky was not at school, she was with her mother either playing with dolls in the shop or watching her take pictures in the studio.
Her mom, wishing more than anything for Mikky to be pretty and nice, liked to get her very weird doll dresses and the girl obviously loved playing along. Problem was that her mom also taught her that she could basically have everything ( and everyone ) she ever desired. Yeah, mom, go and raise a brat.
Eventually and obviously, so many games that slipped into the real life, started to shift Mikky’s mind as well, shoving her in the same pool of delusional thinking of his mother.
Everything reached a point in which the mother threatened a customer when they interrupted the mother and daughter playtime to buy something. She was fired and her husband was called over after the police arrived.
He FINALLY decided that his wife wasn’t okay and she was eventually given pills to keep her head on the ground. While the medicine, indeed, helped the woman be more normal, she was clearly not happy. She looked dull and sad, not enjoying to play games anymore.
Mikky devoted herself to recover her mother’s attention ( who by the way was in a happier mood when her dad was around ) but nothing aside of the man’s attention seemed to give her the desired happiness.
Blah blah time goes by like this, Mikky always dressing in an eccentric way to get her mother’s attention like when she was just a child, but one day, the mother commits suicide in Mikky’s doll room and in front of her. The sight wasn’t pretty ( won’t go int details ).
Can you tell this is what threw Mikky’s sanity overboard? Her father stayed with her from now on and they moved from Westmont to LA where Mikky, thanks to her appearance, grew up being happy and adored, completely blocking the traumatic event of her life.
Still, she grew used to attention, WHICH SHE CRAVED AND LOVED, she had many lovers, but just a few she was really interested in… most of them older men or men that could give her some sort of security ( most likely  due the fact that her dad had to travel again and she needed to get a fatherly figure that could give her attention from somewhere else ).
Sometimes she would want a man or a boy very VERY badly and eventually, she would lead them to her place, where she would drug them and tie them. Mikky kept on showing them the same love and affection, but OBVS they weren’t happy to be there and the girl couldn’t really process rejection.   Let’s say this eventually took her to get sadistic with them, trying to force them to love her and when they didn’t… well, sayonara.
This happened with three men and when she was discovered to be the culprit, her father pulled some strings so the case was seen as if she was trying to defend herself from the men ( she was underage back then ). Her father couldn’t allow himself to lose her the same way he lost his wife, so he’d rather pretend Mikky wasn’t a wacko rather than taking her straight into therapy.
They came back to Westmont to start from zero and Mikky couldn’t be happier to be back home, but in this case, they bought an old factory lot and turned it into a nice and industrial home, giving Mikky the chance of redecorating the whole place so it looked like home and to keep her busy somehow.
Her father probably didn’t consider that a factory is probably not the place where you would want a serial kidnapper and killer to hide tbh I mean, so many hideouts and rooms… are you fucking kidding me, Middleton Dad? But hey, he just wanted to make his princess happy and so, she called the shots.
So she just came back more than ready for Valentine’s Day ( oh no ) and misses her old childhood friends from Westmont!
Stats about her that are important but not so to be included in here bio:
She loves everything related to witchcraft, even though that’s not her base aesthetic, but she LOVES to brew love potions… one of them once had cyanide.
Yume and Yami Kawaii aesthetics. Put some pastels in that gore scene.
Also NEONS, she loves neon colors and everything that makes her stand out.
If she’s wearing all black/dark colors, uh-oh, move aside, bitchy witchy ain’t having it that day.
Doesn’t has pets, she is psychologically too unstable to take care of another living being.
Can be an absolute sweetheart, but she will eat your heart, trust me.
Will totally sleep with your man (and maybe you too).
Wants to be friends with all girls ( DON’T TRUST HER ).
Cheerleader ( or wants to now that she’s back, the uniforms are so pretty! )
Always finds a way to get what she wants. ALWAYS.
Tbh not even my psycho boys would get near these girl ( maybe Robin, though, she could be good and fun to have on his side ).
Doesn’t understand levels of crisis/danger. If she sees someone in trouble after an accident or something, she really can’t process that what happened is a bad thing, that’s why she kidnaps and kills, she just can’t process it as a bad thing.
Childhood friends/CRUSH/acquaintances: She was the weird kid always dressing in weird doll dresses and with an uncanny white smile. Never got dirty while playing and just had a weird vibe. Either you choose your character and her were friends or not. She most likely liked a boy that now goes on Westmont.
Old crush: most likely rejected her when they were kids bc ew, girls and now she’s back on the game for either trying to win his heart again… or make him pay for the rejection.
Friends!: Even the weirdos deserve some ( toxic ) normality. Can she be part of a girl group pls pls pls? She has very idealized understanding of romance and friendship, borders into childish attitude and actually cannot picture someone NOT LIKING HER.
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saintdracopotter · 6 years
4 playful kids
Hogwarts was different at Christmastime. Only a few students, and even less professors, stayed behind to celebrate the holiday at the school. The absence of so many people left the castle quiet. Quiet, that is, until Harry Potter’s kids arrived.
“Thanks for bringing them, Gin,” Harry was saying to his ex-wife while the children deposited their things in his rooms.
“No problem, Harry. It’s your turn to have them this year. Fair is fair.” Ginny smiled as she watched Lily unpack her dolls and lay them out neatly on Harry’s bookshelf. “They’ll have fun here. Just make sure you’re there for Christmas dinner at the Burrow.”
Harry nodded. “Of course.”
Ginny hugged Harry and when she pulled away she said, “I’ll just say bye to the kids and then I’ll go, alright?”
While Ginny went to say farewell to their kids, Harry waited out in the hallway. He had only been standing there for a moment when a young child, younger than any Hogwarts student, came running through the hallway giggling wildly. He was blond, about the same height as Albus, and trailing closely behind him was Draco Malfoy, dignified potions professor.
“You’ll never catch me,” the child said, still laughing uncontrollably.
“We’ll see about that,” Draco said. He caught the child and swung him around in his arms before setting him down again. “I win.”
The little boy put his hands on his hips. “That’s not fair. You have longer legs.”
Draco was about to respond when his gaze drifted up and he saw Harry staring. Harry quickly averted his eyes, but it was too late.
“Come here, Scorpius,” Draco said. “There’s someone I want you to meet.” He took the child by the hand and led him in Harry’s direction. “Potter!” Draco called out.
Harry smiled at Draco and Scorpius as they made their way over to him.
Draco put a hand on Scorpius’ shoulder and said, “Scorpius, this is Harry Potter, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.”
Scorpius looked up at Draco with wide eyes. “This is the one you were talki-”
Draco put his hand over Scorpius’ mouth to stop his sentence. “Potter, this is my son, Scorpius.”
“Nice to meet you,” Harry said, smiling as he watched Scorpius push his father’s hand away and wipe his mouth with his sleeve.
“Nice to meet you, too,” Scorpius said, though his eyes were focused behind Harry at the three kids who had just walked up.
“Dad?” said Lily, tugging on her father’s sleeve.
Harry turned around. “Oh, there you are. Has your mother left?” Albus nodded and he glanced at Draco and Scorpius before asking, “Who are they?”
Harry opened his mouth to answer, but Scorpius responded, “Malfoy. Scorpius Malfoy.” He stuck out his hand and Albus shook it without a second thought.
“I’m Albus Potter.”
“Right,” Harry said. “And these are Lily and James.”
Draco nodded. “Nice to meet you all. I’m Professor Malfoy.”
“Oh, that’s Malfoy. The one you talk about all-” James started to say, but Harry covered his mouth with his hand. Albus and Lily laughed as James pushed Harry’s hand away.
“Daddy, we were wondering if we could play tag in the castle,” Lily said and James and Albus nodded along.
“Please, Dad?” said Albus.
Harry rolled his eyes. “Sure, I guess. But don’t let McGonagall catch you, or I’ll be the one in trouble.”
Scorpius’ eyes lit up with excitement. “Can I join you? I hardly ever have anyone to play with.”
Draco frowned at Scorpius’ words, but Harry was the only one who noticed.
“Yes!” Albus said. He grabbed Scorpius’ hand. “You can hide with me, come on. Lily is ‘it’!”
Albus and Scorpius ran off immediately, with James not far behind them.
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Lily called as she started after them. “I’m the littlest!”
Harry and Draco laughed as they watched the children run off. A moment later, they were left alone in the hallway.
“I don’t suppose you’d want to join me in the kitchens for some tea, would you?” Harry asked Draco.
“Actually, that sounds wonderful.”
“Tea’s ready,” announced Mimsy, the house elf, as she delivered a tray of tea to the two professors sitting together at the kitchen counter.
“Thanks, Mimsy,” Draco said.
“So, where is Astoria?” Harry asked as he watched Draco dump about two cups of sugar into his tea.
“Bora Bora, with Michaela.”
Draco nodded and took a sip of his tea. “Yes, her girlfriend.” “It’s nice that you have Scorpius for Christmas, though.”
Draco smiled into his mug. “Yes, I love spending time with him. I’m just sorry that he only has me to play with.”
“He can play with my kids anytime he wants, you know. Albus seemed to like him a lot.”
Draco smiled hopefully at Harry. “Really? Scorp would love that.”
“Yeah,” Harry said, feeling happy that he could do something for Draco. “We’d probably have to spend more time together, though.”
“I don’t have a problem with that. I like you, actually.”
“Really?” Harry said as butterflies took flight in his stomach. “Enough to, I don’t know, go on a date with me?”
Draco blushed and set down his mug. “Are you serious?”
“Yes,” Harry said.
“Then yes. A date would be nice.”
“And how about a kiss? Would a kiss be nice?”
“Albus? Scorpius? You in here?” Lily said as she ran into the kitchen. “Oh, it’s Daddy. Oh, ew. Ew, ew, ew.”
Lily ran back out of the kitchen saying, “They’re kissing, they’re kissing! No one go in there!”
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bellabooks · 6 years
What Bella authors are thankful for this year
With Thanksgiving tomorrow, we at Bella have been thinking about all the things we are thankful for this year. We are all especially thankful for you, our readers, whose support is immeasurable. Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving.   Genevieve Fortin: I’m grateful for my partner, my dogs, and my family. I’m grateful for the opportunities I have to keep growing personally and professionally. I’m grateful for change and I embrace it. I’m grateful for yoga and meditation. And for pink skies, always. Riley Scott: This year, my heart is full of gratitude. In September, the most incredible woman in the world became my wife. I am thankful for the many ways in which she enriches my life with laughter, love, encouragement, kindness, art, inspiration, and joy. I’m thankful for our sweet pack of dogs, including our new addition–a senior Cocker Spaniel rescue, whose silly antics, loud snoring and abundant love warm my heart. My wife and our dogs make up our perfect, quirky family, and I’m most grateful for them; however, the list does not stop there. I’m thankful for: -our home and my quiet writing nook. -family and friends, whose love reminds me what matters most in life. -creative minds and dreamers who inspire me daily. -book lovers and avid readers who give authors like me a chance to live our dreams. -good music, which serves equal parts as therapy and as my inspiration for creativity. -coffee, which makes me a better human being. -my unruly, curly hair, which keeps my control freak nature in check by reminding me I’m absolutely not in control. -patience and stubborn dedication that enabled me to finally decipher and master my grandmother’s bread recipe, just in time for Thanksgiving (after seven years of trial and error).   Lara Hayes: Picture it, last year.My brother and I were sharing a tiny apartment above a Thai restaurant right in the middle of our tiny town’s historic main street. Quaint and picturesque though Main Street may be, our views consisted of a parking lot and the face of a neighboring building where a tow-headed toddler would come to the window and stare. Just stare at us, you guys. And that is to say nothing of the bat problem… The kitchen was the living room and counter space was a three by one block beside the apartment stove. Have you ever had an apartment stove? It’s a stove that has been cut in half and the only cooking temperature is nuclear.  Do you know what you can’t cook in an apartment stove? A turkey of any size. So this year, I’m incredibly thankful to have moved! We have a whole couch now, with like three cushions, it’s incredible (this is the future millennials want). A washer and dryer that isn’t full of lint left by strangers. And I’m finally in possession of a kitchen that is worthy of my talents. I’m thankful to have enough space that my mother can come down for the holidays and stay under the same roof as her kids. I’m thankful that the kitchen table is in the kitchen, and that the kitchen is not the living room. I’m thankful for friends that have reached out to make sure I’ve got somewhere to go on Thanksgiving and even more grateful that somewhere is home this year.     Dana Piccoli: I am thankful for adventure. This year my work has taken me to San Fransisco, Palm Springs, Las Vegas, Atlanta, and London. It’s been an incredible experience to do what I love and meet so many wonderful people while doing it. Laina Villeneuve: This year, I am thankful for time. Once I finished Kat’s Nine Lives, I gave myself permission to have a break from writing. That’s given me time to lose myself in so many of my colleague’s wonderful books. Time to build up guitar callouses. Time to bake and savor prelude pumpkin and apple pies with my sister. Every day truly feels like a gift. Tracey Richardson: I’m thankful for having had my grandmother for all 54 years of my life, until this month when she passed at the age of 99. Erica Abbott: In a year of turmoil and loss, I find myself increasing grateful for the world outside my window. I’m lucky enough to live with a view of Pikes Peak and a sweeping vista of Rocky Mountains (yes, they often are purple). Whether you have mountains or ocean, forest or a cityscape, the beauty of the world around you is worthy of our gratitude. Michaela Lynn: I’m thankful for family and good friends. The older I get, the more I realize how precious both are and how ephemeral the time we have with them can be. Dillon Watson: I am thankful for my health. Carolyn Elizabeth: I am thankful for my children and their otherworldly ability to both keep me young and age me simultaneously. KG MacGregor: It seems everywhere we turn these days, there are people in need — people disadvantaged, persecuted, and fighting tremendous battles that upend their lives. I’m thankful this year for those who give, whether it’s volunteering for nonprofits, donating to food banks and shelters, chipping in on a GoFundMe site, or writing checks to charities and causes. I’m thankful too for those who speak out against injustice, and who cast their vote to make life better for others. You light the way to our humanity. http://dlvr.it/QrnLj7
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Part two
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April exits the hospital with her phone against her ear- she's talking with Violet. "What's the problem?"
"He's asking questions," Violet states. "Too many questions."
"Just tell him what I told you, Violet. Tell him the truth and tell him that he can't leave."
Violet sighs. "Fine. Where are you?"
"I was at the hospital for a check-up." April stops in her tracks and stares at the person who is blocking her way. "I gotta call you back." She hangs up. "What do you want?"
Caleb steps closer to her. "I think it's time to talk. Don't you?"
"Talk? We have nothing to talk about."
"Please," he doesn't let her leave. "April, let's talk. We can go to the cafe."
April looks at him for a moment before nodding. "But I'm deciding where we are going."
"Okay. Fine." April starts walking, and he follows her.
"You're upset," Caleb states as they walk through the park.
April doesn't look at him- they're walking side by side. "Wouldn't you be?"
"It was a long time ago," he says after a brief pause. "I made a mistake."
"Yeah, you did."
"Will you ever forgive me?"
"No." Caleb grabs her arm to stop her from walking- this causes her to push him away roughly. "Don't touch me."
"What I did was bad, but it was a long time ago."
April scoffs. "It sure as hell doesn't feel like it. Do you remember that night?"
"... yes."
"He was thirteen years old. He was a child."
"I know."
"Do you?!" April snaps at him. "Because I don't think you do."
"It was a long time ago."
"Stop saying that." When Caleb takes a step closer to her- April takes a step back.
"It's Dr. Coleman to you. You don't get to call me by my first name."
"I'm sorry."
"No. You're not. You're just sorry that the case was brought to court. You had forgotten about that night and Daniel. Your life has been normal- that night didn't affect you in any way. But it affected me. And it affected his family, who have been in hell ever since that night. Their hell will continue while you will get to keep living and put all of this behind you. You have that privilege. And because of that privilege, you are standing here and not in a cell. Take a look around you, Officer. This park looks a lot like the one from that night, but you probably didn't even realize that, did you? I will never forgive you for what you did. Ever." With that, April turns away and leaves.
Looking at the text Michaela sent, April feels conflicted. Michaela wants them to get a place- move in together. They haven't dated for that long, and April's relationships don't necessarily last that long or end well. She leaves the text on read- she received it hours ago.
"April, what are you doing here?" She looks up and sees Anthony. April is sitting by his desk at the precinct.
"Just came to visit you." She stands from his chair. "Why is your desk empty?"
"I'm leaving to see my family."
April frowns. "And that's safe?"
"The parents of the missing children have been informed. The bodies were sent to their home state so they can get proper burials."
"That's good."
Anthony nods. "Indeed. Christine and Walter couldn't have kids of their own- according to medical records. The case has been closed. It was ruled as a murder-suicide. The case got me thinking."
"About what?"
"My family. Suppose anything were to happen to my wife or child, then I want to be there instead of here. I want to cherish every moment that I can get. I mean, I'm lucky. I'm lucky that I got out when I did. That I got a normal life- as normal as it can get. I don't want to waste my life. I want to go home."
A smile forms on April's face. "You deserve to be happy, Tony. And so does your family."
"Thank you," Anthony smiles. "For everything."
"What do you mean?"
"You pardoned me all those years ago. I got my family because of you."
"No, that was all you."
"Take credit, April. My life started when you let me go. Thank you." Anthony pulls her into a tight hug.
April wraps her arms around his neck. "Stay safe, okay?" They pull away. "And you keep them safe."
Anthony nods. "I will."
April walks out of the police station- then a woman approaches her. "Excuse me?"
"Do we know each other?" April asks the woman.
She shakes her head. "No, we don't. But I know who you are. You're April."
"How do you know my name?"
"My name is Cassandra." April shakes her hand. "Cassandra Smith."
They pull away. "Smith?"
"Caleb's my husband."
"... I didn't see you at the courthouse."
"I-I didn't know about the boy. I didn't even know about the trial. I just found out. Did my husband really kill that boy?"
April nods. "Yeah."
"And you were there?"
"I was. He was my boyfriend."
Cassandra looks distraught. "Okay. I-I just had to ask."
"... I don't know," she says- her eyes are filled with tears. "I'm sorry I wasted your time."
"Does your husband know you're talking to me?"
Cassandra shakes her head. "No. He doesn't know."
"Why are you talking to me? You just wanted to confirm your suspicion? Or maybe he does know you're here, and you're trying to trick me?"
"No, no, no," Cassandra shakes her head repeatedly. "I swear I'm not."
"No offense, but I don't believe you. I have to go now." April walks away, ignoring the woman's calls.
April has returned to the hotel, carrying a chocolate cake and a bottle of coke. "Coleman," the receptionist calls out to her. She stops walking. "Someone is here to see you." April looks to where he is pointing. And she sees Cassandra standing there.
"What are you doing here? How did you know I would be here?"
"I followed you." Cassandra walks up to her. "Can we talk?"
April lets out a deep sigh. "We don't have anything to talk about, Cassandra."
"April, please."
April looks at her for a moment. "What do you want from me? To forgive your husband? That will never happen."
"I need your help."
"With what?" Cassandra lets out a shaky breath- she looks panicked. She has a look on her face that April now recognizes. "What did you do?" She asks in a low voice.
Cassandra tears up. "S-s-something b-bad."
"Wait here." April walks up to the receptionist, placing her items on the counter. "Can you take this to my room?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Thanks." April walks back to Cassandra. "Is this a trick? Are you playing me?"
She shakes her head. "N-no. I'm not. Please." A tear rolls down her face. "Help me."
After a brief moment, April nods. "Okay."
The car pulls over outside Cassandra and Caleb's house. The lights are off. "We're here. Now what?" Cassandra glances at her for a moment before getting out of the car. April follows her. "Cassandra?"
"Inside." April follows her inside the house. It's quiet and dark. Cassandra closes the door, and then she turns the lights on.
"Cassandra, tell me what's going on."
"Follow me." They make their way up the stairs. There are three rooms on the second floor. They go to the room which is at the end of the hall. April feels more uneasy as they get closer to the door.
Cassandra opens the door, letting April enter first. Her eyes land on Caleb, who is on the floor, unconscious. "Cassandra... what did you do?"
"I'm so sorry," Cassandra cries.
"Is he dead?"
"I-I don't know. I-I think so." April lets out a deep sigh. She slowly makes her way over to Caleb to check his pulse. She places her fingers against his neck, tensing when she doesn't feel a heartbeat. "April?"
"He's gone." April goes back to Cassandra, who is sobbing. "What happened? Don't spare any details."
"I-I-I told him that I talked to you, and he got m-mad. H-he was furious."
April observes her. "Did he hurt you?" Cassandra nods weakly. "Why did you come to me?"
"I know about what you did. I saw it on the news. You're brave, and I-I wanted to be brave too- like you."
April feels her heart break at her words because she doesn't feel brave. "We're going to fix this, Cassandra. But I need to know if you're on my side here."
"I-I am. I promise."
"Okay." April nods. "I'm going to help you. I'm going to need you to trust me. Can you do that?" Cassandra nods. "I have a plan."
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batshitcrazybeast · 3 years
OK I'm jon my ex wife is kayla my ex best friend is dusty and kayla laft me three years ago after taking everything I had worked for and done for her and our six kids she took everything I ever had and everything she had been hiding and saving we was in hard times first ever that was this hard and instead of being my partner and helping me up she ran me crazy and made me act way out of role for me and she did it to hide her 9 year affair with dusty and his ex wife Michaela and now that she took the only hope we ever had of putting our kids in a nice home and blew it on trips and dusty and herself they abused our kids and lost them to the state and I'm fighting like hell for my kids but she's playing poor me and making me out to be the devil she was a good person once a living faithful loveing person but that all changed and the only person that truly knew what kind of demon she was was herself amd dusty but they have hurt my kids and dusty has done things that he will answer for in good time bit kayla I can't make myself hate her amd I'm trying so hard how can I hate the one woman I love most in this shit
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