#and she just really embraced that
resolvebound · 17 days
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@quiiscnt im taking the opportunity to do 3 😅 so here's #2/3
Send ⭐ for a sample of a new muse I am thinking of writing // accepting
The shop filled with ‘pre-loved’ wares caught her eye. Her heeled boots clicked distinctly on the pavement as she crossed the street towards it, her reflection in the window growing clearer as she approached. Her red cape fluttered behind her, the vibrant colour popping against the dark dress she wore and the drab structures all around. Standing out from the crowd had never bothered Laki, so it was no matter to her that judging stares followed her as she went. Due to her brisk movement, a section of her lavender fringe shifted across her field of vision, she fixed it with a brush of gloved fingertips as she came to a stop.
A little step closer and her image disappeared from the window, allowing her to peer inside the shop. Various items were arranged in a little scene. A worn armchair sat flanked by an old coffee table that was laden with a delicate tea set. Beside them, a scuffed bookshelf housed a scattering of figurines and other knickknacks, while a few old paintings were propped up against the sides. She scanned her eyes over the contents of the shelf, skipping the well preserved and paired items in the search of, well….something she didn’t know yet. Something delightfully strange. Something odd.
Bending her legs, she slowly eased into a crouch to examine the lower items. Her gaze shifted behind the shelf, further into the shop, and her heart skipped. Immediately, she straightened and headed inside the building. Around chairs, tables, displays and racks, she moved over to another bookshelf holding an assortment of pieces. On the lowest shelf, beneath the matched sets of dolls and glassware…there.
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She reached forward and picked up the wooden figure with care, a smile growing as she traced the unusual features. It was not the same one from her childhood (she still had that one at home of course), yet she recognised this one as being from the same series. The company had released two lines of similar toys, one made of quality porcelain with expertly painted detailing and well-crafted clothes, and one made of wood and cheaper materials. In her younger years, she’d first had the porcelain dolls, as her parents had spared no expense in her toys (or anything in the house for that matter). Until they lost it all of course.
After that, well…she’d considered herself lucky to have anything to play with at all, and had been touched when her father had humbly presented her with the cheap toy one quiet afternoon. She recalled the way he’d almost seemed to be wincing as he held it out to her, his worry apparent in his explanation of the fact that he’d only been able to get a set that had been returned to the store as damaged. He promised that he would get her a brand new and much better toy once things improved, but she’d assured him what he’d given her was more than she could hope for.
Like her own doll, this one she held now was…unique. Imperfect, as some might say, broken. Whoever had previously owned the figure had attempted to style the woollen hair with some sort of dye and a cut that left the strands half unravelled.
Laki smiled warmly, fingertips caressing the unruly hair. As she smoothed out the scratchy fabric of the toy’s outfit, the shopkeeper approached her. The elderly man gave a disapproving gasp and shook his head, “Oh, I’m sorry Miss, I don’t know where that thing came from. Please, allow me to dispose of it.”
Clutching the doll tightly now, Laki turned her gaze to the man, her smile unchanged.
“I want it. How much is it?”
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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@mcyt-yuri-week Day 5, Rose/Thorns I never stop thinking about SL episode 8 never ever
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yashley · 1 month
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It’s easier with people around you. To make you feel more like you.
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dolls-self-ships · 4 months
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had the idea of a human au for my chicken run self insert (and all the characters really, more to come on that) for a while now and I’m so glad I finally was able to fully get their designs out on paper (or I guess screen)
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pink-november · 5 months
slay the princess swap aus are precious things to me cuz it's where i get blessed to see how the long quiet will be able to hold his voices and say his thoughts on them with the same tenderness and care the shifting mound shows to her vessels in game
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heartslobbf · 8 months
hater alert! far too many people say that juri’s character arc ‘isn’t about her being sad about being gay, it’s about being sad about unrequited love that happens to be gay’ and. well. that is not true and by saying that you are completely flattening the brilliance of juri’s character arc which literally culminates in her being able to accept her own lesbianism despite her unrequited love, despite all her shame and self-loathing, despite this pursuit by Some Fucking Guy to try and ‘save’ her from these feelings. like if you think juri’s entire character is just ‘sad about shiori’ how do you appreciate even a modicum of the emotion packed into that final juri duel. it is both about shiori and, even broader, her lesbian identity and what that means to her intrinsically as a person, removed from romantic relationships and just purely as like. you know. Who She Is. the idea that even when juri’s locket is cut from her neck she is still a lesbian that’s still who she is and she cant change that and, crucially, she doesn’t want to even as she is agonised by these feelings. that’s why she forfeits the duel!!!! she’s clocking out she’s quitting she’s saying no!!!!!! this is me and ive got to be ok with that this is me and i can accept that this girl might not love me and i can keep living despite that. like. god im so normal arisugawa juri im so sorry that no one understands you and your intrinsically unapologetically lesbian storyline like i do
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Yes, of course I have a thing for the rich lady that sets up elaborate games to hunt and eat people for sport. She’s British she’s posh she’s old she’s commanding and she’s morally revolting. How the hell am I supposed not to have a thing for her
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thehappiestgolucky · 9 months
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Oh boi I am in far too deep already and I regret nothing I like it here actually
Anyway, I’m not giving Arti her original pups back but it’s ok! She gets to heal with funky pups of her own again! And there’s an eldest kid and two extra parents, and a whole found fam group that can keep the tiny beans safe this time
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onwhatcaptain · 9 months
Some days it just makes me unbearably sad that we will never really get spirk because Paramount thinks queerness is acceptable only in non-legacy or "unimportant" side characters because it wouldn't really damage their reputation. Which isn't really queerness at all if the leads can't have it.
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littlebigmouse · 5 months
One worldbuilding detail Soul Eater really had going for it was the way they explained everyone having weird, unique and horror-movie inspired names such as Soul Eater, Black*Star, Franken Stein.
The school all these kids attend allows them to sign up with any name they want and to change their names once every six months.
You better believe if I were a thirteen year old with the ability to turn into a scythe and eat monster souls I'd call myself Soul Eater too. "But isn't his original name 'Soul Evans'? That's already a weird first name." He's from a family of musicians. He probably has a cousin called R'n'B.
It also made for the very nice touches in charaterisation where you'd see a character calling himself "Ox Ford" and knew immediately which brand of arrogant, insufferable child-prodigy this guy represented and you'd be absolutely right. Why is there a girl who can turn into a lantern who's name is "Jackie O'Lantern"? Because she's the funniest teenager on the squad.
Shoutout to Maka Albarn for taking her education so seriously she decided to not get herself a fun name, and to Justin Law, who let's say, subverted expectations.
It also just makes total sense for their wacky and non-conforming headmaster to not give a shit about names, or birth names, or gender norms. Death said trans rights, yo.
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Tamlin Week 2024, Day 4: (a belated) Happily Ever After
We stood atop the hill in silence, until the setting sun gilded the house and the hills and the world and Lucien called us to dinner. ~ A Court of Thorns and Roses, ch. 45
This was inspired by the meadow scene in Studio Ghibli's "Howl's Moving Castle", hence the Ghibli-esque illustration style I went for here.
Many pro-Tamlin fans prefer to think of ACOTAR as a standalone book, and I am no exception. So my contribution to the "Happily Ever After" theme is them walking off into the sunset at the end of book 1. I hope you like it.
I am the artist. Please do not repost without permission.
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rustingcat · 2 years
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Supercorptober day 19 -
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transfemgorgug · 17 days
transfem gorgug lives so close to my heart btw
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leixinyus · 8 months
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shredsandpatches · 9 months
I've read a couple of things recently that have pointed out that all RSC productions of Doctor Faustus since like the 1960s have framed the Helen of Troy scene as a depiction of whatever counts as sexually transgressive for the time/place, so Helen has been represented as a beautiful cis woman but, like, with full frontal nudity; a reanimated corpse; an empty wig and dress which get used as props for a wank session; a man in a dress; and a creepily young-looking girl (played by an adult actress) who is then implied to actually just be a real, normal person who gets murdered in a fit of insanity (?)
Anyway I kinda think this is off the mark not so much because ~good taste or whatever (although pretty much any assumptions regarding what actually counts as transgressive or taboo will probably go to some pretty gross places--if Faustus wants to shag a man in a dress, more power to him) but because I'm not sure how well the scene works if it doesn't also seduce the audience (you can pull a reveal on them later if it suits, but I tend to think the arc of the play as a whole works better if we get closer to Faustus over the course of it, rather than further away, and if his ultimate fate feels somehow unjust on a gut level even if we understand the theological reasoning). And while it's common to read Faustus' embrace of Helen as the thing that seals his damnation, I don't think it is, I think looking for one point where it becomes too late for Faustus is misguided and that it only works if it's either always too late or never too late for him. All the tension of the play hinges on that paradox.
That said, depending on how your lead actors play the central relationship and how quickly you escalate the sexual tension, you can always pull the "it was Mephistopheles all along" variant, which is always a crowd-pleaser.
(It's me, I'm the crowd)
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idk why but I headcanon genderbent epel to be much taller than normal epel. Like really tall. And muscular. And kinda manly. Y'know, to keep the trap/reverse trap thing going on.
And I kinda want epel to meet that version of him and be like "I could've been this."
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