#and sore
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My face never hides how I feel 🤷‍♀️ And this is how I feel about today. . .
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prnkill · 2 months
I lived bitch
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numberonemisandrist · 4 months
THINKING about culture and history and how culture changes throughout history into something our ancestors wouldn’t be able to recognize and something we can’t imagine living without, but it’s fine, because we don’t have to, we live only in our present, we have the culture and the growth we are familiar with and nothing else. but NATIONS can’t. the nations have to live with these changes and accept and reconcile with them in order to keep going, keep being one with their people.
Anyways all this to say, I’m imagining sick and twisted thoughts about America experiencing the radical shift from the fat=good mentality we had in the 16th-20th~ centuries to the fat=evil mentality we’ve had since.
The first time England tells her she could stand to lose a few pounds, it glues her to the floor, she freezes. The moment burns itself into her brain, worming its way into deep recesses she didn’t even know about. Even today, a hundred years later, she can still see the memory play out in front of her, clear as day. It haunts her every waking moment at times because
When did it change? When did it suddenly become wrong for her to look fed and strong and powerful? When did everything change, and what was she doing that she didn’t even notice?
And she spends decades fighting for that sense of control back, thinking that if she can just keep herself thin, keep herself how her people want, she’ll never be caught off guard again, she’ll never look around and realize everything is different and she has no clue what to do about it.
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I am so beat from cleaning apartments today and I have to do it tomorrow
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i am not ok
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so I’m in this theatre thing in my town
and two weeks ago we started profuctons for our first show: Friday evening Saturday evening Sunday afternoon hot as hell all 3 days
it’s in this old ass house and we do a tea before hand because 1930s
Me and my mother make or find food for it, and then I put it out, serve it, clean it up, pack it away, and do the same with drinks. And then work backstage, go home, clean dirty dishes, repeat next day.
we had two shows today. Afternoon and evening. Two hour break between them. Let me break down my day a bit.
Wake up
start prepping food in trays
take ibuprofen for headache
go to house and set up the tabels
put out sogns and flyers
lay out plates and cups and four beverages, 13 types of sweets, 8 types of savory food
serve loud people for about an hour
keep a child out of food because determined to be annoying as hell
put food in coolers
head inside to work the backstage curtains
meet and greet after the show
put food in fridge inside
go home to get refills on a drink we were all the way out of
go to lunch with cast (mother is in cast) at sushi restaurant [ordered before we went so easier to manage: I knew the food already]
go back to house using for production
repeat food flyers children meet-and-greet and fridge steps
put directional parking signs away
collect all dirty dishes and put in car with tablecloths and garbage and food
go home
make and roll out and cut fondant (devils) for cakes for the wrap party tomorrow until 1:45 am
do dishes again
I’m in hell. Notes from today
Back hurts
feet hurt
head hurts
side of my left knee is burning again
almost cried 3 times
almost screamed 7 times
crushing weight on chest
had oil, shortening, and powdered sugar on my hands way too much so oily and dry as hell hands multiple times
auditory overload at least 5 times
tactile overload 3 times
around lunch was feeling very foggy (fuck)
and I get to do it again once tomorrow then go to a party where I’m serving two cakes and steak and chicken (thankfully other people are also bringing food and it’s not at our house)
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circusofthelastdays · 19 days
worked 8 hours today, but finally on the way home now 💃🏻 y'all should send asks for me! (about anything idc)
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identitty-dickruption · 2 months
I feel so fucking disabled right now. trying to cook dinner while sitting down. bum shuffling between the oven and the fridge. not good. normal times
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
Walked all the way to my car so I can finally go get food, bc I’m starving. Realize I left my keys in the break room. Have ti walks allll the way back. Heartbreaking.
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goddessofroyalty · 11 months
One would think I would come back from a nearly three week Medieval Festival with all this inspiration to write. 
Instead I need a day or two to Become A Modern Person Again and then hopefully I’ll start writing again. 
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fangedup · 4 months
I'm hungry now
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karnalesbian · 1 year
i am the oof of my ouch
sore is my body and owie is my blood
unknown to rest nor known to goddammit I don't have the patience to do the whole thing the point is unlimited exercise works and im tired
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sagilsnonsense · 9 months
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I finally finished coloring Milo and you guys can see his little plushy now!
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loser-user-noaccuser · 9 months
I need danny to hold me so bad rn
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buttercupsfantasy · 1 year
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girlgerard · 2 years
do you ever think about how it’s only been a week since MCR glasgow and the subsequent t4t hookup hit tumblr
literally funniest morning of my life i cannot believe it’s only been a few days. i KNOW mx morrison is still reeling
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