#and then he said sawyer is the best of the best. there's no way you can't like him and he was right
yanny-77 · 21 hours
Are We There Yet?
An Empyrean Drabble featuring Xaden driving the Iron Squad to the beach. He has many regrets. Mainly that Ridoc's annoying as fuck and Violet makes him way too horny for him to be comfortable trapped in the car with her best friends.
Pour one out for Sawyer's pants. Sorry for what I had to do to you, man.
Read the drabble after the break or on AO3.
“Are we there yet?” Xaden groans. This is the third time Ridoc's asked in the last five minutes. Why did his girlfriend have to get saddled with the most annoying squad in the quadrant? Couldn't she have been matched with someone cool? Someone like Bodhi or Garrick. “Not yet, Ridoc,” Violet says, endlessly patient. It’s one of the many reasons Xaden loves her. “How much longer?” Her friend whines. “About two minutes less than the last time you asked,” Xaden grumbles. “What was that, Riorson?”  Xaden glances in the rearview mirror to see Rhiannon Matthias smirking up at him from the back seat where she sits wedged between Ridoc Gamlyn and Sawyer Henrrick. Xaden’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. His white-knuckled grip is the only thing keeping him from throwing one of these assholes out a window.  “I said it’s a nice day for the beach.” “Uh-huh.” Xaden tears his eyes away from the back seat. Because Garrick and Xaden are the only ones with cars, and because Xaden is dating Violet, he’s stuck driving the children instead of riding with his friends.  It’s a tight squeeze in his Sedan, a sleek dark blue Audi. The trunk is filled with their overnight back and floaties, which means that their beach bags are in the back seat. The cooler with their drinks and sandwiches is balanced on Sawyer’s lap.  The man’s legs keep jiggling up and down, jostling the ice and sloshing the water. “I’m not the only one who’s bored. Sawyer’s all jittery.” Ridoc presses his face against the window. “I know! Let’s play a game.” A groan comes from the other side of the back seat. “Guys, I really have to pee.” “I spy with my little eye something silver,” Ridoc says, ignoring Sawyer’s announcement. “Can you hold it?” Violet asks. Xaden chances a glance at her, taking his eyes off the road. She’s turned around, looking at Sawyer in the backseat with concern. A car changes lanes and Xaden has to swerve to avoid it. “Fuck,” Sawyer whimpers as he squirms in an attempt to get comfortable. “Be careful, Xaden,” Violet scolds. “You need to keep your eyes on the road.” “It’s in this car,” Ridoc hints. “Shut up, Ridoc,” Rhiannon says. “No one cares what you spy.” “We’re only forty-five minutes away,” Xaden says, irritation lacing his words. “You can hold it.” “I can’t. I’m about to burst.” “Can you just try, Sawyer?” Violet asks placatingly. She places her hand on Xaden’s thigh, rubbing gently to calm him down. Unfortunately, her touch excites another part of his body. A part that she’s getting dangerously close to. He’s going to have to immediately whisk her away to a secluded area when they get to the beach. Or a public changing room, whichever is closer. “Then Ridoc has to take the cooler.” Sawyer shifts frantically, trying to slide the cooler across Rhiannon’s lap and onto Ridoc’s, but then they hit a bump and he starts to panic. “It’s pressing on my bladder.” “Seriously, guys?” Ridoc’s voice is incredulous as he looks around the car. “No one has a guess for something silver.” “It’s Violet’s fucking hair!” Xaden shouts. “It’s obviously her hair. What the fuck else would it be?” Gods, Ridoc was so fucking annoying. Xaden could strangle him. “Jeez, you don’t have to be so mean about it.” Ridoc goes back to looking out his window. “I’ll think of a harder one this time.” “Please don’t,” Xaden and Sawyer groan simultaneously. Ridoc kicks Xaden’s seat in response. “How about we play the silent game instead,” Violet suggests. “This is so entertaining,” Rhiannon cackles. “I’m so glad you invited us to tag along, Xaden.” There’s a high-pitched sob from the back right, and Xaden looks up to see Sawyer’s face turning red. A look of horror spreads across the man’s features. “Pull over. Right now.”
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linusbenjamin · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Josh Lee Holloway 🎂 (b. July 20, 1969)
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creepswrites · 1 year
Dear, writter
May i've a request for Thomas hewitt, Bubba Sawyer,bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, and Vince Sinclair, With a hot wife fem reader, I want to see their life being a father to a hot fem reader. Because that is my dream. 💫Fluff💫
Please.... Your writing is so gorgeous 💋💋 master 🌹🌹🌹
Thank you so much
From your followers:
awww i'm glad you like my writing!! hopefully you enjoy this :D
SLASHERS with a F! S/O who is their hot wife
Everyone in town was shocked when you and Thomas got married
Thomas included but he never said anything about it
His family thought you were way out of his league, Hoyt was never afraid to comment on this to your face
But you love Thomas, he was a good man
So when he'd finally, finally, proposed to you, of course you'd said yes
When he found out you were having his child? He was over the moon
Luda May was almost as overjoyed, already making arrangements for the baby's room, making clothes, etc
She couldn't wait to be a grandmother and Thomas couldn't wait to be a father
When the baby's due date was getting closer, you could tell Thomas was nervous about if the baby would come out looking like him
But you reassured him that, no matter what your baby looked like, you would love it the same way you loved him
He was good with the baby, so gentle and patient, always happy to help when it cried
If Hoyt ever tried to give either of you a hard time, Thomas actually violently defended you, sometimes tossing Hoyt across the room with one arm
He'd never let anything hurt you or your baby
Like Thomas, everyone was surprised when you and Bubba got married
Though his family were far more excited about it! After all, their brother was quite the catch
You got along well with his family even before you moved in, with Chop Top and Nubbins always commenting to Bubba how lucky he was to have such a hot wife
It always made your husband get all flustered, babbling soft nonsense. He was cute
When you got pregnant, Bubba and the Sawyer family were over the moon
Family was extremely important to them and they were happy for you and Bubba
When Nubbins made a very ugly little hat for the baby, you accepted it but told him gently it'd be too big for their head but that you'd grow into it. He was excited about that prospect
Chop Top and Drayton helped Bubba set up the nursery so you could just relax
And when the baby was born, Bubba was so scared of holding something so fragile and precious
But you helped him, guiding his arms to hold the baby, and he was in shock and awe
He'd never thought he'd get married, much less to someone as gorgeous as you, and have a child together
Bubba was a nervous father, usually letting your kid get away with anything so you had to be the rule-setter when it came to the kid
His brothers were menaces when it came to babysitting their niece or nephew
But both you and Bubba were happy. He'd protect you both, no matter what
Honestly? This was a major win in Bo's mind
If you think he doesn't show off for you, you're wrong. That man takes every opportunity to
He also definitely flexed to his brothers about scoring the hottest wife ever
Of course, his brothers were very nice and respectful with you, though Bo wouldn't let them be too friendly
He's got a jealousy streak
Whenever visitors arrive to Ambrose, he's always got his arm around you or bragging about you when you're not around
He's whipped, you've got him wrapped around your finger
But when you tell him your pregnant, you're shocked at how scared he becomes
Of course, he doesn't show it visibly, but you know your husband and you can tell when he's nervous about something
Eventually, when he starts trying to pull away from you, you corner him and make him talk
Some yelling and fighting ensues but he caves, confessing he's scared he wouldn't be a good father. I mean, he didn't exactly have the best role model and he didn't want you or your babies to suffer for it
But you reminded him you were in this together and he'd relax a little
You had twins, because of course you did, but this only seemed to make Bo all the more anxious
He didn't exactly... know what to do with a baby? He'd never really been around infants so he's looking to you for help on this one
When they're a bit older though, he'll let them hang out in the auto shop with him when he works
One day you come home to find him asleep on the couch with the twins curled up on his chest and you just melt
He's a good dad and a good husband
Vincent was shocked you'd said yes when he proposed
He didn't consider himself attractive in the slightest but you said yes?!
I mean, you were stunning, he'd stared at you constantly even when you were dating and it certainly didn't stop when you were married
Bo and Lester were definitely jealous, teasing him to see him get flustered over how lucky he was
Unlike Bo, when he found out you were pregnant, he was excited
Nervous, absolutely, but everyone is nervous when they're having their first kid
He's so wary for you though, nearly had you on bedrest the entire pregnancy because he feared the worst
One time he caught you standing on a chair to reach something and he nearly had a conniption
But the twins came - because of course they were twins - and were healthy and beautiful
Vincent is so gentle with them, like they're the most precious things in the world to them
He makes little wax sculptures for their room to decorate it
Definitely encourages and supports creative hobbies for the kids! He gets them finger paints and crayons and the like
You've woken up in the night because of the babies crying but Vincent is already up, ready to help
Vincent's mastered carrying them both with an arm each and its very cute
Sometimes you catch him holding one of the twins and humming softly to them as they sleep in his arms, just swaying together in the kitchen
You feel so lucky but he feels even luckier to have you and your kids
Lester is by far the most... stable? So you'd been instantly drawn to that about him
He'd always get so flustered, bringing you flowers and blushing like a madman while you were dating
It took him the longest to propose to you though, he always felt like you were waaaay out of his league
Visitors came and would gawk at you and he'd feel a twinge of jealousy at the reminder that yeah, you could have anyone
But he did propose to you and you said yes because you wanted him, not anyone else
Neither of you had any shame in PDA, often holding hands or kissing in front of visitors
You lived with Lester and Jonesy in a little house on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by trees and very peaceful compared to the horrors of Ambrose
It had actually been Lester who suggested having a kid or two running around. After all, he had two older brothers so he was used to that business in a house with lots of people living in it
Over time, the two of you would have two kids, but they weren't twins
Lester was a good dad too! He was attentive and loving but he didn't let them get away with too much
He'd teach them how to shoot when they were a bit older because it was a fond memory he had with his own dad
Of course, Lester didn't have the best dad to draw comparison to
But at least he knew what not to do. Surely that counted for something?
You'd come home from working a short shift to find Lester and the kids playing in the backyard, running about with Jonesy as they played soccer
Both you and Lester would do anything for your kids and you knew he'd do anything for you
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 7 months
Shit at Feelings i
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Part one
Pairing: Bodhi Durran x fem!marked one!reader
Synopsis: Bonding with dragons? No issue. Killing venin? Unfortunate, but doable. Confronting your feelings towards your childhood best friend? No thanks.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: SPOILERS!!, drinking, swearing, filler dialogue, not proofread v well. lmk if I missed anything
A/n: my first Emperyeon series fic!! Was supposed to be just a one part fic, but I got carried away. I also just wanted to write a self indulgent piece w dialogue amongst the group too 🥲 this is my first time in a while posting but I fr love Bodhi sm I needed to have something w him in it. I hope you enjoy!
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You survived your first year, you defied the odds of what everyone else said about you. Not only defying those odds, but being one of the best in your year. Maybe Imogen and Xaden had played a crucial part, but most of the marked ones were surprised. You had been more quiet and reserved out of the group of kids for the high ranked officials, but that didn’t mean you were weak. You had proved that while being ruthless and cunning in your training. Your parents were Fen Riorson’s top battle strategist and healer after all.
In the gathering hall, everyone celebrated moving into their new ranks. While simultaneously saying goodbye to the third years they’ve grown to know. You were indulging in the alcoholic lemonade, and your fellow fourth wing with more than a few words tonight. You sat on the left side of Violet while Imogen sat on the right. Nadine and Sawyer next to Rhiannon across from you bickering playfully about something. You savoring your newfound will to live after the events at Resson.
The hall was sweltering in the summer evening heat, no amount of lesser magic had helped. Neither did the warmth you could feel from Ridoc beside you. Taking your jacket off, only being left in your tank top underneath.
“Damn Y/n,” whistled Ridoc. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your relics yet.” Everyone’s eyes went to you, and usually you would’ve been intimidated by all eyes on you. Tonight it didn’t faze you that much. Even noting the softened gaze in Nadine’s eyes, who had been skeptical of the kids of the rebellion at the beginning of the year.
Both sides of your collarbones are covered in intricate designs extending to shoulders making their way down to your biceps on both arms. You never tried to hide the relics, but you never took your jacket off or opted for a long sleeve, higher collared shirt when training in lessons.
You rolled your eyes at the male’s cheekiness and everyone gawking besides the few who knew what already laid beneath your jacket. “It’s not something I necessarily flaunt.”
“Obviously or we wouldn’t all be shocked here.” Sawyer snorted, sipping on his beverage.
“It’s so badass though.” Violet acted as if she hadn’t only seen it days prior.
“I had been fortunate in the placements of them. Since both of my parents were a part of Riorson’s regime.” You tried not to be bashful about it.
“Where’s your dragon relic?” Ridoc blurted as he looked at the design on your shoulders.
“Sheesh,” Rihannon reached over, flicking his ear. “You’re staring like you’ve never seen any relics before.”
Before you could give a response, something caught the youngest Sorrengail’s eye causing her to get up. “I’ll be back.” Violet stood up from the table, wobbling tipsily to the corner where you saw Xaden and Bodhi. The latter descended, seeing the silver haired girl approach them, offering a curt nod when they passed one another.
You gulped at how good Bodhi looked in his new third year jacket, even when it bore no difference to his second year uniform. You were just a sucker for Bodhi in a uniform admittedly. The mage lights illuminating his dark curls to a chocolate hue that tempted you to run your fingers through his hair.
Despite being close with Xaden, Imogen, and even Garrick—you kept your distance from the younger man for a year before he left for Basigath. When you were kids, you two had been close friends, maybe even inseparable. But when a rebellion happens, and you have increasingly become aware of how much your affection for him went so much deeper than being his friend—things become complicated.
When you were around him now it was the only time you felt truly timid. You could conquer the parapet, gauntlet, bond a dragon, kill venin and wyvern, but that man was your weakness. He had narrowly saved you and your dragon from a wyvern attack while back in Resson.
His cheek still dusted with a greenish yellow bruise, and jaw gashed with a healing cut. Unashamedly you thought it made him look so much more lethally handsome than he was. Gods you were resorting to a bumbling nervous lovesick puppy.
“Human women and their finicky hormones and emotions.” Your dragon, Cleasaí, chortled through your bond.
“Quiet, go eat sheep or something.” You slammed your mental shields up from her to the best of your ability while intoxicated.
Bodhi reached the table, already looking at you. His hazel eyes shimmered with curiosity as he scanned your exposed arms and collarbones. Either not used to lack of sleeves or was it the fact you unabashedly stared back for once. His mouth curled into a lazy smirk. You hoped he didn’t notice your already flushed warm cheeks redden under the mage lights, feeling a ghost of smirk on your own lips. The lavender lemonade made you feel bolder evidently as well.
“Mind if I squeeze in?” He asked, keeping his eyes locked on yours stil.
“I can move over—“ Imogen started moving closer to you, but he had already stepped over the bench to take a seat in between the two of you. “Or not.” She deadpanned. She had been one of the only ones that knew the complicated timeline between the two of you.
Your heart skipped a split second from the stare down between the both of you. Now feeling acutely aware of your posture and the swarm of what you could only compare to bees buzzing around in your stomach.
“Y/n,” he greeted casually, his voice a warm husky tone.
“Bodhi.” You tried to play cool, and take a sip of your frothy drink. Not only did you know he was looking at you, you could see Imogen in your peripheral, giving you a “what-the-fuck” look at the interaction. Ignoring the pink haired girl, you spoke up again. “Feel like a third year yet?”
“Eh, it won’t hit me until the new candidates get here.” He finally took his eyes off you as Ridoc offered him a bottle of ale. “Thanks man.” Bodhi’s side pressed up to you when leaned over to take the bottle.
His warmth doubled down into you, igniting the exposed skin where he pressed into you. Feeling his minty breath fan the side of your face, and the smell of cedar, patchouli, and musk invade your senses. You could feel his hard muscle flex through the layers of his clothing against your bicep. The storm that buzzed through your stomach turned into heat seeping into your core. Lovesick puppy or just desperate for male touch?
“I know I will be taking every advantage as a second year,” Nadine chimed in. “Finally being able to sleep in is priority number one!” She did a little celebratory dance in her seat. You snapped out the trance Bodhi left you in, and agreed with her.
“I’ll be savoring our newfound alone time too.” An extra hour in the morning, and weekends to actually do something more than chores or training. Maybe you can finally break out the sketch book that someone smuggled in for you during a supplies trip. You only found it on your bed with no note.
“Define alone time, Y/n.” Rihannon wagged her eyebrows at you. The group chuckled at the suggestive comment.
“Or will you use your newfound freedom to bring someone into your room finally?” Ridoc added, causing the group to laugh louder. If you weren’t red enough already, you had to be beet red now.
“What makes you think I haven’t already?” An inquisitive eyebrow raised at the shorter male from beside you. ‘Oohs’ rise from the group.
“Did you want to be number one, Ridoc?” Quinn giggled.
You felt both the male in question and Bodhi tense. The former blushing a deep scarlet in embarrassment and the latter wearing a neutral expression you couldn’t decipher.
“Sounds like you’re keeping watch of me.” You teased playfully. The flushed male who usually was never at loss for words was now stammering trying to deny it. “It’s okay, maybe one day I’ll take your consideration if I’m ever bored enough.”
“Not what I meant.” Ridoc put his hands over his face groaning. You finally let out a laugh from his reaction, you couldn’t help getting the slight joy of teasing him. He always got the joy of doing it to everyone else. It seemed the rest of the group was enjoying teasing the man just as much too. Everyone besides Bodhi, who had a slight scowl on his face until Imogen whispered something to him.
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By the end of the night, everyone was just about ready for bed drunkenly chatting and giggling at one another. You had consumed two more tall glasses of lavender lemonade. Most of the group now were clamoring around getting clumsy and incoherent. While you were trying to stay sane while remaining seated next to the guy you’ve always had undeniable feelings for. Overly aware of every little action he did at the table throughout the night. From him laughing to the way he gripped the bottle of his alcohol. Lovesick puppy.
You had stood at the exit of the hall up to the dormitories with Ridoc and Rhiannon. Both have to hold each other up as they bid you goodnight.
“Y/n,” Ridoc hiccupped. “I wasn’t serious about earlier, but if you’re—“ hiccup “serious I can be—“ another hiccup “serious.” You did everything you could not laugh out loud knowing it was the alcohol talking.
“She wasn’t.” Bodhi came up next to you, giving him a glare. You shot him a look, not used to such a serious or broody version of the man you grew up with. Him always being the friendlier one out of Xaden, Garrick, and himself. “Goodnight you two.”
Rhiannon’s eyes widened in a shocking delight. “I knew there was something between the two of you!” She squealed, like he bared his soul with a couple words.
“There is—“ you go to correct her, but the tall male beside you cuts you off.
“Goodnight Cadet Matthias.” He had an authoritative tone that made your knees buckle. Or was that the alcohol? His muscular arm wrapped around your waist as he noticed your unsteadiness, and you felt that same sensation you felt earlier when you leaned into him for support.
Your two fellow second years gave the both of you looks before clumsily walking away, leaving you alone with the male holding you up. Your heart is now hammering as he starts to lead you away.
“Let’s get some air.” Bodhi motioned his head to the courtyard as he effortlessly led your stumbling form outside. You wanted to scoff at his proposition. Your new bed and pajamas were calling your name.
A few cadets and lieutenants lingered around the expansive yards, but he quietly led you to an alcove that brought you to a secluded spot where no one could see the two of you.
You leaned up against the stone wall, letting the summer breeze cool your skin. Carefully observing the tawny skinned man from beside you. He took out a small rolled paper and a match, lighting the roll and the sweet smell of churam filled your nose. You weren’t allowed to smoke, and you knew if you were caught you two would be expelled and possibly executed at this point.
“What are you doing?” You hissed as he took a drag, watching him let the smoke leave his mouth and inhale through his nose. There goes that damn buzzing feeling in the pit of your stomach again.
“Relax this is our smoking spot, Y/n/n, no one comes around here.” He reassured you once he exhaled the smoke again. You rolled your eyes staring at the mage light that flickered on the wall. After a lengthy pause, you glanced back at him.
“What makes you think I wasn’t serious?” You questioned, crossing your arms around yourself.
“You know these are the most words you’ve spoken to me in months? Maybe even years?” He ignored your question.
You opened your mouth, before closing it again. You couldn’t admit it was because of your harbored feelings. Not now. Because he was right, you hadn’t talked for quite some time. It didn’t feel right nor did you want to omit that confession.
“Well you were here for an entire year and I was back home so yeah it’s been a year since we talked.” So you played oblivious with him.
He scoffed, “you’ve hardly spoken to me since you’ve gotten here.”
“You just seemed so busy—“
“Cut the shit, please.” He pleaded, now anxiously dragging the joint.
As he brought it away from his lips after a couple puffs, you stole it from him. Your fingers brushing slightly as you grab the small rolled herb. The small touch warrants an electrifying feeling between your fingers. Quickly brushing the thought of if he felt it too, you took a hit of the herb. Letting the sweet smoke seep into your lungs and haze the self awareness and guilt that filled you.
You didn’t want to let him in, truthfully. You’ve already witnessed too many losses during the succession and your first year alone at Basigath. It was when your parents had been executed when you started slipping away from him. You let the stereotypical crush trope hide deep down what you felt, how afraid you were. It would hurt to know, if you finally got the balls to admit everything you’ve felt, and something happened to him or you. It already almost did once, the regret and shame still kept a hold of you for the last few days.
You could now see the disappointment in his eyes. “You’ve always been quiet and reserved, but with me? That’s never been you.” You took another deep inhale of the herb.
“Could you blame me if I was scared?” Your hands slightly shook as you handed the joint back to him. Your eyes were earnest as you looked at him.
He shook his head, running hand through his hair. “You're scared? Fuck, Y/n I almost watched you die. And you know what ran through my head thinking ‘this could be it’?” He took one last smoke, throwing the remaining part of the joint on the ground, stomping it out into the cobblestone. “That the last fucking year spent with you was speaking through a chain of command or small talk bullshit when you weren’t running the opposite if I was near you for too long.”
A lump formed in your throat, and you could feel the tears burn the edges of your eyes. That electric current you felt in your stomach only a few moments ago had solidified into a brick. Then ascended into a wall that crushed you with an iron force with his words.
You two had only briefly talked while in Aretia after what happened.
You had tended to your dragon most of the time while waiting for Violet to heal. Your green clubtail had a poorly injured claw from a wyvern, and despite her persistence it would heal, you were nervous that it would draw too many questions back at Basigath. Xaden agreed and saw Brennan to help mend some of the wound once Violet was stable. You were not able to leave her side while the stranger tended to her. She was already furious that someone besides you had to touch her.
You wanted to talk to him more after that, everything had happened so fast though. Then you went back to avoiding him.
“You’re right.” You mumbled, picking at the edge of your nails. “I’m so sorry, Bo.” Your lip trembled, and the first tear slipped from your eye.
He sighed, sounding defeated. “Gods, I don’t want to be right.” He gently grabbed your elbow, wrapping your smaller frame in his arms. “I want you to stop icing me out, Y/n.”
He ran a hand through your hair, his chin resting on top of your head as you sniffled tears silently running down your cheeks. He had every right to be upset with you, but here he was comforting you. This had always been the Bodhi you knew, how he was before the height of the rebellion. Whereas you had turned cold, letting your cowardice and stubbornness control your emotions—for what you thought was for good reason.
“I know,” you stifled against his jacket. Finally wrapping your arms around him. His grip tightened, and you were overwhelmed by the sense of comfort. You hated what this man did for you and to you.
“I shouldn’t have had this conversation tonight.” He admitted. “I should have waited until we were both sober.” He let you go, and you wished you were still wrapped in his muscular arms. A cold seeping into you that wasn’t due to weather.
You shook your head, a sad smile on your lips. “I would have run.”
“And I wouldn’t have had the courage to bring it up.” A dry chuckle echoed through the quiet alcove.
“We’re riders and we’re—“
“Shit at feelings?” He mused as he watched you tug your jacket on. You wiped some stray tears from your cheeks with your sleeve.
“I was gonna say pansies, but that works.” You sniffled, as a toothy grin finally appeared on his face.
“Should we get to bed and do this all over again tomorrow?” He offered his arm. You raised an eyebrow at him, was he sane? “I mean the drinking part, not the arguing. I enjoyed hearing more than a word out of you tonight though. So I can resort to arguing if needed.” He nudged you slightly.
You rolled your eyes teasingly, “no promises.”
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated! I am open to feedback as well as requests too! 💕🫶
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
study season
fourth wing characters (Aaric, Bodhi, Brennan, Dain, Garrick, Imogen, Liam, Mira, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Sloane, Violet, and Xaden) x reader the ways our faves help you study for exams. words: ~900 🏷: no book spoilers, no triggers. gender neutral. and I included the girls this time!! some of these can be read as platonic and others mention kisses / cuddles, implying you’re a couple. idk, I just work here. I’m really liking this format lately, and it’s (fairly) quick and easy so you can expect more of these in the future while I procrastinate all the girlfriendverse chapters and smut I have to write lol
First, the more studious of the bunch:
Brennan is all-in, no hesitation, pulling up a chair next to you and learning this with you for moral support, but also for fun (can you believe this guy?) though you suppose it’s easier to enjoy this if it doesn’t count for a grade. Either way, he’s a very nice study partner, and he encourages you to take breaks every hour / chapter / etc. Brings snacks, too.
Violet somehow already knows all of the material, and explains it better than the textbook or the professor. Walks things back if you don’t get it and gets into the why and how, which so many teachers skip over, even though it helps explain the what (pet peeve of mine showing here lol). 
Aaric’s study skills are unmatched -- years of the best private tutors money can buy really paid off. Teaches you new strategies that you’ve never heard of in your life, and when you ask, he admits a bit shyly that he came up with it himself, but it works, and you get it done in half the time you would have before. (work smarter, not harder, baby)
Rhiannon gives you the pep talk of your life (we all need a Rhiannon in our lives) and convinces you that you’ve got this. Packs you a little snack for the day of your exam with a little note reminding you that you know this, just breathe and think. 
Xaden sees you struggling and forces you to take a break. During said break, he’s reading the book himself and figuring out what exactly has you so stressed and exhausted. Breaks down the tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and guides you through it -- “find three reasons why XYZ happened.” done with that? “Now make them into paragraphs.” etc etc, and an hour later, you have a passable essay. 
Dain is taking this more seriously than you are, and his discipline is like no other; you’re not stopping until the work is done, or until midnight, whichever comes first (because sleep is important for the brain, or whatever. Definitely not just because he misses you and wants to cuddle). 
Garrick may have no idea what you’re talking about, but he suffers through it with you, offering to let you explain things to him, because teaching is a good way to test if you understand something. Though you get what you pay for -- he’s a total smartass about it, asking questions about the littlest details even if they’re common knowledge -- he’s gotta be thorough, right? 
Ridoc may be the class clown type, but he’s smarter than a lot of people think. He comes up with a bunch of jokes that actually help you remember things. Somehow manages to relate the most complex topic in your book to a sandwich, and it actually works. He’s incredibly smug about this for the rest of the week, especially when you get the highest score in the class (he’ll take payment in kisses, thank you.)
Bodhi makes flashcards with you, quizzing you and giving you a kiss if you get it right (this definitely is not a distraction, and things definitely don’t escalate from here, nope.) He’s also really good at proofreading essays, and gives excellent feedback regarding the structure and the order of the information.
Liam sits there with you all the while, completely silent, working on one of his wood carvings at the other end of the table, but you know he’s there and he’s watching -- and that provides a healthy amount of peer pressure and keeps you on task. He’s an incredibly observant person, and he can see the stress building; he knows when to intervene and suggest that you take a break.
Sloane is the best person to commiserate with. She doesn’t want to be doing this either, but she’s also incredibly stubborn, and she doesn’t give up; after a healthy amount of complaining, she’s forcing you both to keep trying until it works / until it’s done, and then you’re treating yourselves to something for getting it over with, because you deserve it.
Sawyer is gentle and supportive, having a heart-to-heart conversation with you and reminding you that yes, this is important, but the world will not stop turning if you fail one exam. He knows how it feels to be compared to his peers, especially in how long it takes you to accomplish something (poor bb) and doesn’t want you stressing yourself out about that, either. 
Imogen is the opposite, all tough love, giving you gentle but firm reminders: “you didn’t make it this far just to give up,”, “I know you can do this, so do it,” but she balances it out with tender affirmation when you’re done. She’ll even let you skip out on training for the day since you’ve been studying so hard (and she takes training seriously, so this is more of a reward than it seems). 
Mira’s default approach is similar to Imogen’s, but she can see that you’re reaching your limit and dials it back, being more gentle with you and doing whatever you need -- encouragement? someone to just sit there? help / explanation / etc? she’s got you covered. herds you into bed at a reasonable hour so you’ll be well rested for the classes and exams.
And all of them are incredibly proud of you for working so hard and getting good grades 🤍
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bodydoublegame · 10 months
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hello! it's amy! if you follow my personal account, you'd already know what this is. body double is a side project that i do for fun inbetween infamous, just for when i need to refresh my brain! i decided to make a blog for it so i don't flood my personal account with this game lol.
This game is a side project that I do when I need inspiration for Infamous. That means development on it will be sloooow. Infamous is my main priority right now!
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Body Double is a an interactive story that takes place in a cyberpunk inspired world where top secret operatives of an elusive Cypress Industries have the unique ability to jump bodies.
Agent Sawyer is the best Agent in the business, tasked with protecting Cypress Industries and all of its assets.
Until three weeks ago.
Framed for the president's murder and in a last-ditch effort to save their ass, they switch bodies with our regular, ordinary IT-tech MC...who is now walking in the body of a suspect the entire city is looking for. Stuck in a citywide manhunt, MC is now on the run with a pesky Agent who refuses to tell them where their body is. To make matters worse, Agent Sawyer's subconcious is stuck in their head, speaking to them like a pest MC can't shake off.
With a help of a host of characters from Sawyer's past and MC's present, MC will have to throw themself in a conspiracy to clear Sawyer's name and get back to normal. Relatively. No pressure.
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The usual IF stuff: customize your mc from personality to appearance. Unsurprisingly from me, BODY DOUBLE is a character driven story with a focus on relationship dynamics, angst and drama...but this time with action.
Mold Sawyer in the prologue and be stuck with them in your head for the rest of the story. Are they humorous? Stoic? Vulgar? Emotional? Arrogant? You decide.
Romance characters like Sawyer's ex (messy) or the human-mech hybrid trying to kill you (messy) or your measly IT tech friend who has no idea what the hell is going on but they're a trooper. Or an AI. Your call.
Try to uncover a conspiracy and solve a murder in a cyberpunk setting.
Don't die?
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SAWYER [RO][customizable]: the agent accused of murder. The wires get crossed when they switch bodies with you, and somehow you have their subconcious in your head. They refuse to switch back until you help clear their name even though you're in their body, which means people are after you now. Asshole move, really.
ROACH: Sawyer's twin brother and perpetual hermit. As a hacker, he has eyes all over the city. He also misses his sibling, so he's determined to see it through.
AGENT BECK [f or m] [RO]: A cool and intimidating fellow Agent of Cypress Industries...and Sawyer's ex partner. Sawyer dumped them, broke their heart, and since then, ghosted them (as one does.) With that said, Beck is determined to help you. And them. Just make sure to try to ignore the longing looks they send your way. It's not towards you, of course.
CAI [RO] [f, m or nb models] : Cypress AI or CAI is Sawyer's former field partner. Honest, cold and emotionless, you can't believe CAI is actually helping you. It must be going against their every makeup to go against Cypress, but having someone like them on your side is beneficial, at least.
HAWKE [m][RO]: the mech-human hybrid tasked with hunting you down. Well, hunting Sawyer down. Their one mission is to see you (Sawyer) dead, which poses a problem so as long as you're in this body. So there's that.
SOLANA [f][RO]: the elusive club owner...and the last person to see the president alive. You can't tell if Solana is an ally or an enemy, but you do know the one thing that drives her is power. Good to keep an eye on her, anyway.
AXL [nb] [RO]: the wealthy child of the now dead president and new heir of Cypress Industries. They hate your (Sawyer's) guts. They have hired all the best operatives and assassins to take you (Sawyer) down, and will stop and nothing to get their justice. If only you could convince them otherwise...
MAV [f or m] [RO]: your best friend and fellow IT employee. A trooper, who decides to be your sidekick on this weird...journey. No biggie. Make sure they don't die.
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As usual, BD is 18+ for adult themes, explicit language, suggestive situations, violence and more! <3
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kisskiss-slashslash · 11 months
Hey, i recently had an episode of trauma coming back (i was a victim of child SA) and i just couldnt do anything; i couldnt speak.
Could you mabye write something about the boys with a s/o whos a victim
Sorry you went through that, friend, and that I took so long to answer this. Many hugs from this internet stranger.
Slashers with an S/O who was a victim of SA
Jason Voorhees
Jason doesn't really question why you seem to hate the horny teenagers just as much as he does. In his mind, that's just the stance any decent person should have. But then, one time, while you two pick off the campers one by one again, you walk in on two of them doing the deed and it takes you right back to what happened to you. You drop your weapon, and, alerted by the sound, Jason rushes to your side, kills both the campers and then sits with you, your head leaned against his shoulder, until you feel better again. After that, he will do the killing alone again, and just let you pick off anyone who is currently trying to escape.
Vincent Sinclair
He knows a thing or two about trauma, just not of the sexual kind. Luckily, there is not much in Ambrose that could directly trigger you... until you stumble over Bo's stash of porn magazines, some including certain fetishes and kinds of roleplay. You quickly put the magazines back to where you found them and flee into the basement, where you literally run into Vincent, causing both of you to topple and fall onto the waxy floor. He immediately knows that something upset you, and takes you to his workshop, puts on some calming music and cuddles with you and Jonesy. Then he will give Bo a strict signing to about having his magazines laying around.
Freddy Krueger
Probably the worst significant other for someone with that kind of trauma, considering he was the cause for that kind of trauma for some people too (like Lori). He will try to make light of it. If you tell him that something makes you uncomfortable, he will do it on purpose, to "desensitize you" (or at least that's what he claims).
Basically this guy is an asshole. But we already knew that, didn't we. The best thing that could be said about his way of handling your trauma is that he offers to pay your abuser a visit and make them regret what they did.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms will yell and rage and pout when you don't feel like being touched at the moment, during those days when the memory is particularly present and raw for you. But with time, you might be able to get him to understand that what happened left scars, just like the fire his parents started when he was a child.
He asks you to tell him what happened. And if you do, he will listen, and tell you "That won't happen again. I'm here now. Nobody gets past me."
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top and Nubbins tend to make some off-color jokes at your expense, but once you explained your trauma to Bubba, he immediately stops them when he sees that they are starting to hit too close to home. The two middle brothers absolutely aren't used to their youngest brother telling them off or standing up to them at all, so it leaves them sufficiently stunned and actually makes them understand how serious Bubba is about protecting your mental health. As an apology of sorts, they offer to sniff out where your abuser is hiding and make an example of him.
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raes-writing-space · 3 months
Childhood Friend!Reader x DogDay (Finding DogDay Hung Up)
Warnings: Mentions of gore and blood, abuse including manipulation, depression, death, cursing, DogDay does NOT get saved in the end, heavy bittersweet/angst warning, etc.
Viewer discretion is advised!
Summary/Notes: (Y/N) was one of the orphans at Playtime Co, reader is said to have been VERY smart and observant child, and found out about the Bigger Bodies Initiative at a very young age (around 8). This happened to affect their relationships with the other orphans, including an orphan name Samson "Sam" who was their best friend, who would later be turned into DogDay. Feeling guilt, they go back to the Playtime Co. after escaping "The Hour of Joy", and hoping to save those left, they find DogDay and imagine what life would have been like if things were different.
Word Count: Roughly 2,250 words? I use Obsidian as my writing doc.
Romantic or Platonic?: Could be read as platonic or romantic, but it may seem like it leans more towards romantic.
A/N: This is heavily based off an OC of mine and an AU I have for Poppy Playtime, but I really wanted to share some DogDay content since I've been scouring the tag for weeks now and need more content. If you'd like me to post my notes about the different AU's I have, let me know!
Since this is a writing from my OC, it originally has she/her and feminine descriptors/titles, however I did my best to change them to try and make it more gender neutral, if you happen to see anything I've missed please let me know!
(Y/N) was lead into a prison that seemed underneath the Playhouse, a place they didn't know about from their time at Playcare. They had assumed that was possibly where CatNap had to have been held, when he wasn't interacting with the children. They hated how isolating it already felt, despite the "childish" nature, nothing about a prison was childish. (Y/N) didn't even know what they were looking for at this point, just another way out - away from all these poor starving toys trying to eat them alive. That was when they saw the scene, it took them a moment to really process it all. DogDay, Sam, their first childhood friend they ever had. The friend that was picked for the Bigger Bodies Initiative when Harley Sawyer found out about (Y/N)'s knowledge about the project. That was a guilt they never could find themselves to forgive themselves for. They knew that truly, it was the adults that betrayed them both, but how could they simply still leave him here after all this time? DogDay was hung up by the arms, belts and straps tied to pieces of the cell. Even worse, his legs were missing, only a tightened belt around his waist was keeping his organs from falling out of his body. How long had he been like this? Had those toys been eating him alive as a last resort?
"Sammy?" (Y/N)'s voice called out, in the moment they sounded so small, just like a child again.
As if it was instinct at hearing the nickname, his head seemed to pick up, silent for a moment, as if processing if this was in fact real or not.
"Angel?" He questioned, voice box even sounding ragged.
Even the voice box has aged… (Y/N) knew that they were never really supposed to sound like themselves after the procedure, but things were so different now. Before (Y/N) could linger on it for too long, his voice brought them back to the harsh reality they were both in.
"There's nothing left to save… not here… A million pairs of eyes are on you now. Watching, waiting, hungry. They want nothing more than to crawl-" "Shh… Sam, shh… I know… I know… Let's not think about it for now…" (Y/N) moved closer to him, resting a gentle hand on his cheek for a moment, before a shaky hand goes to wrap around his torso, as another hand goes to undo the straps on one arm. "What-What are you- Angel, listen to me, please, you need to get out of this place, you need to live. You and Poppy can fix this. End this madness, the torment, please, just leave me." He started rambling quickly, especially as he could feel one arm become free. "I…" (Y/N)'s voice became shaky, as he immediately noticed the tears well in her eyes, "I know… I know I'll have to… just… Just let me have this moment… Please, I'm just tired and want to sit for a moment and talk to an old friend…"
There was a silence for a moment, a small grunt when they had done their best to keep him supported as they released the other straps, as the two of them slid down the wall of the cell for a moment. There was no way for him to be truly comfortable, but they tried for him anyway. The two sat side by side for a moment, before (Y/N) closed their eyes and leaned their head against his shoulder. DogDay must have been hung up for a long time, almost unaware that he could move his arms again. He seemed to then move his arm a little, before rotating his hand to be palm up. (Y/N), in their paranoid state since arriving, had noticed the small movements immediately, before they put their hand in his. Maybe it was the effects of the poppy gas finally getting the best of them, even after how hard they had been trying to fight it. Maybe they really were just tired, tired of running, of fighting for their life, of seeing their friends suffering, of all of it.
"CatNap will be coming for the both of us if he knew you released me… Angel, please… you have to go…" DogDay attempted again. "No… I'm sure he knows… And I'm sure he knows the power he already holds… Before the Hour of Joy… CatNap helped me speak with the Prototype. The Prototype was trying to plan something with me, and I was just… too far gone in my sadness to listen… The Prototype had even warned me about the event and how I should escape from it all…" (Y/N) trailed off, and DogDay seemed to turn to them, almost as if in shock that they had known this whole time, alongside the rest of the monstrous toys. "CatNap knows that I'm just trying to find answers, I don't know if Poppy is right, or if the Prototype is right, but I at least want to come to that decision on my own… So, CatNap knows… as you said, there's a million eyes watching… so, just let them watch, and listen… for now…" (Y/N) spoke again, as they rubbed their thumb against the palm of his hand, it was always much too big compared to theirs.
"We were best friends before you were chosen for the Bigger Bodies…" "I always knew there was something special about you…" DogDay tried to sound lighthearted, attempting to find the peace they were yearning for. "Theo… CatNap… knew the Prototype before his procedure too… He tried to help Theo escape, but then something happened, and the Prototype risked capture to save him… That's why he treats the Prototype like a God, for him, that is his savior." (Y/N) attempted to explain, hopefully giving him some more clarity, despite it not meaning much now in these final moments. "I like to think… before your procedure, maybe our friendship was on your mind… Maybe that's selfish of me, but as much as it hurt to see you become DogDay, when I heard how happy you were to see me… How you called me Angel and thought I was special… It gave me some peace of mind that you weren't angry with me, for not being able to say goodbye…" (Y/N) trailed off.
"You weren't there?" DogDay seemed to question, as if trying to recollect a memory that felt so distant to him that it almost never existed in the first place. "No… the fucker, Harley Sawyer, the doctor who created the Bigger Bodies Initiative, told me I would be spending the day with him… Purposely made me anxious, and kept me past curfew so I wouldn't get to say goodbye or see you go… Before he told me that you were chosen for testing, but that of course, the orphans at Playcare would be excited to hear you were being adopted… He wanted to break me down, so that I wouldn't somehow speak about the initiative, and… it worked…" (Y/N) answered. "He saw in my files that I once told a counselor that DogDay was my favorite toy and character, because so many people thought I was a sunny leader, like him…" Tears started to well up again, as they could hear him let out a deep disappointing sigh.
"And then they conditioned me to cheer up any kid who looked sad, knowing that out of all the kids, you would be the worst." DogDay pieced together, as (Y/N) simply nodded. "I was used as your reminder… Those sick… Why did you not push me away? You could have-" "No… I never could do that… Yes, you were a reminder of one of the worst days of my life… but Sam you gave me so many days that I consider the best days of my life… I would never trade those days in for anything…" (Y/N) looked at him, tears streaming down their face, as his gentle and slow hand attempted to wipe the tears away. "I only wish I could have given you more days like that… God, after I left… I started to imagine this… alternate world where everything was different… That we really were just kids at an orphanage who would be able to grow together, and maybe get adopted by kind loving families, and hope that we'd find and see each other again, and that… somehow we did, we always did…" "I imagine what life would have been like for us… If we would have told each other about our first crushes, or would get too embarrassed because maybe the truth was that we had crushes on each other… A typical stupid teenaged life, where we'd make mistakes, and learn, and be awkward, and fall in love or out of love, and things would just be easy…" "That we could just be kids or teens or adults just laying in a patch of grass and enjoying the real life sun against our skin… and that even despite all our real world problems, we'd know that it'll all be okay in the end because we had each other…" (Y/N) couldn't help but ramble on about this idealistic dream they'd had for so long, a motivating factor to keep going just one more day… Caught in a world that they knew would never exist, but made them feel genuine happiness as if it did.
"That's sounds like a wonderful world to be in…" DogDay couldn't help but finding himself imagining it, a sweeter dream than the nightmare he's lived in for so long. "I've lost myself in that reality far more than I'd like to admit… I've gone down so many routes, but refused to think about anything that wasn't a happy ending of some kind." "What was the happy ending you imagined the most?" DogDay questioned them genuinely, his body slumping a bit more, finally finding some semblance of peace. "We'd grow old together… It didn't matter how, if we were married, or had kids of our own, or were just best friends until the very end… But I imagined us having a picnic on top of this, gorgeous hill… That our old bones would have taken a while to climb, but we'd leave early, to watch the sun rise… And talk about life until we watched the sun set…" "I would thank you for… helping me understand what any semblance of love would feel like despite no adult ever showing us or teaching us how to love someone… I would thank you for being the closest thing I ever had to a family, for always being there for me just when I needed it… just like right now… I would make sure you knew just how much you meant to me, what you meant to my life, and in the end… all I would want is to make sure that I made you feel just as loved and appreciated as you've made me feel…" "You have. You always have." DogDay is quick to respond, never wanting them to doubt once for a second that he didn't appreciate his time with her too.
(Y/N) then started to shuffle themselves up, tears never ceasing as they knew this would be goodbye, there wouldn't be a way to save him, and there wouldn't be an easy way to bring him along, not when things could be more difficult from here… They knew they needed to leave him with something to dream about, on the happiest note they could really give him, and hope that he would forgive her for having to leave him once again. "Then I would kiss your forehead…" (Y/N) trailed off, getting on their knees and leaning forward to give a long and lingering kiss on his forehead, just as they had said, "And a big hug, that I wouldn't ever want to let go from, but knew I'd have to…" arms wrapped around his bloodied "fur" that had become his body, as they felt his arms wrap around them in return, also not wanting to let go, knowing this would be the last time he ever saw his Angel again. "And I'd tell you to close your eyes…" DogDay listened, closing his eyes as best as he could, knowing there would only be hungry monsters awaiting him once they left. "And let the sun feel warm on your skin…" He started to imagine it, so deeply and vividly that he could almost convince himself that he did feel a warmth… and maybe he did in some way… "And finally, thank you for spending your life with me… I wouldn't say goodbye, I couldn't… Because I know that one day, maybe in a different life, or an afterlife, that we'd meet again, like we always do… So instead I would just say… I love you, good night, and sweet dreams, I'll see you later Sammy."
"I'll see you later, my Angel… Thank you… I love you too…" DogDay trailed off, sighing as he let himself get lost in his imagination and not in the sound of their footsteps retreating from him.
(Y/N) suddenly found another pathway, they assume CatNap must have opened it for them at some point. They attempted to wipe their tears and breathe deeply, despite the circumstances, as they let themselves get lost in the fantasy again themself, ignoring the quieted groans of what they assumed must be the final outcome of DogDay's fate. They hated having to leave, they hated knowing as much as they did, but as much as they could linger on the negative, and let it drown them again…
Instead, they decided to take a note from DogDay, the symbol of optimism for his friends, and chose to only think about the good, even if they're just distant memories.
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
What would Nubbins be like with a best friend? She tells him that she considers him special and that she likes spending time with him... and she may come to feel something more for Nubbins
I’ll answer this in headcanons/drabble! Im also referring to the reader as “you” cause it’s easier that way but reader is a female. Tried my best with this one
Here we goooo:
The Sawyers and your family were close as the farms were close in proximity.
Your family had known it was Drayton by himself raising his siblings for the most part, so sometimes they took the load off of his hands when he needed a break.
This is how your relationship with Nubbins started.
You were both very young, about five years old, and when you first met, you were extremely shy.
The young boy was excited, acting out wildly as he could not control himself.
It made you nervous.
But after some adjustment, you began to enjoy his presence.
You first discovered roadkill together and you both became fascinated with dead critters.
Sometimes you both would poke at their bodies with sticks out of pure curiosity.
Eventually, you started going to school but you noticed that Nubbins did not go.
But everyday, he waited at the bus stop for you to get off and so you both could play.
It was your favorite part of the day and you could barely contain your excitement at school because of how much you wanted to be with Nubbins.
You had a hard time making friends at school because they were nothing like your little roadkill obsessed friend at home.
So Nubbins ended up being your only friend.
Chop Top teased him and said that you were his girlfriend, but Nubbins always tackled him and told him to shut his mouth.
You both were inseparable. Drayton always smiled when he saw the both of you running around together.
He found both of you asleep in the pasture one time and couldn’t help but chuckle.
It was cute to see you two together.
As time went on, you both began to grow up. Grow into your bodies. Adjust to hormones.
Going from being shorter than you, to towering over you in a quick amount of time.
Your body began to change too, curves forming and your womanly features coming in.
Your style had changed as well, going from wearing frilly, cute clothes to dark, gothic-like clothing to match your interests.
You both had stayed very close, absolute best friends.
But there was some feelings between you two that neither of you addressed.
The way he wrapped his arms around your waist to lift you up to the birds nest in the tree.
The way he held your hand to look at the new animal bone ring you made.
The way he smiled when you brushed his hair out after washing it for him.
The way he kept his body close to yours when pulling you in for a hug.
He noticed how flush your body was to his when he was showing you how to throw a knife at a haystack.
Sometimes you both stole glances at each other but tried to make sure the other person did not notice.
There were many things between you two that you did but did not talk about.
It was almost taboo to bring it up.
So neither of you spoke about it, continuing your friendship as if there wasn’t something more to you both.
Drayton always scolded him to make sure he did not get you pregnant, which would have horrified Nubbins if he was not in love with you.
One day, Johnny joked that he was going to “steal that fine piece of ass from Roadkill Boy” and it set Nubbins off bad.
He hurled insults and physical objects at Johnny, screaming to stay the fuck away from you and if he didn’t, he would slit his throat.
Johnny knew he struck a nerve and just chuckled, only wanting to get underneath Nubbins’ skin.
You asked Nubbins if he would like to have a picnic with you in the sunflower fields and he quickly agreed.
The next afternoon, you skipped down to the Sawyer house in a black, lacy dress with a black cropped bell sleeve cardigan cover up (long ass description I am so sorry).
You wore bone jewelry Nubbins had gifted you and you curled your hair to perfection.
When he answered the door, he felt his heart skip.
You were absolutely beautiful.
Chop Top yelled that Nubbins had a hard on which embarrassed him a lot and Johnny just about died from laughter.
But he did not have a hard on, to your dismay.
You gently grabbed his hand and pulled him outside to go to the sunflower field together.
He seemed a bit off, he was not his usual, wiry self.
He seemed nervous and a bit out of it. Not usual Nubbins behavior.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” you asked as you both made your way into the sunflower field.
“Y-yeah.” he stuttered.
You frowned. This was not your usual Nubbins. You wondered what was wrong with him, but you didn’t want to push it any further.
“Well, I made us some sandwiches and got chips. I made your favorite dessert too!” you chirped as you pulled him quicker. “Come on, I’m starvin’.”
He giggled as you pulled on his hand softly to speed up his pace. Your hand fit perfectly into his.
Setting up the quilt and giving Nubbins a show with how your dress started to ride up your thighs, you both sat down on the quilt with a small sigh. You took out the lunch you had prepared and you both began to eat, talking about the latest roadkill you had seen and the latest victim the Sawyers had mutilated. You knew what went on, but it did not bother you. You were twisted in your own ways. But Nubbins loved that you didn’t seem to mind their bloodthirsty tendencies and their cannibalism.
However, he did enjoy the sandwiches you made even if it wasn’t made of human flesh or organs. Sometimes he had a craving for something other than human. And you filled that craving. After the main course, you took out dessert. A double chocolate cake that you decorated carefully with chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles. Nubbins had a sweet tooth as well, and chocolate was a huge weakness of his.
“Y-you’re the best, ya’ know that?” he said as he munched on a slice of cake. “This is amazing.”
You smiled. “Aww, well I had to make it. Ya’ are my special boy, ya’ know.”
A slight blush covered his cheeks as he giggled. “Am I your s-special boy?”
“Of course you are, you are my best friend in the whole world.” you replied with a blush tinging your cheeks as well. You opened your mouth to say something else, but you closed it.
He tilted his head. Some things did not go unseen with Nubbins. “What else were y-ya’ going to say?”
You swallowed and shook your head. “Nothin’.”
“I thought we d-didn’t keep secrets from each other.” he pouted.
You felt your hands begin to sweat nervously. You fumbled with the trim of your dress. “Well, I really enjoy spending time with you. It’s what I look forward to a lot. Just being with you.” You avoided his gaze.
“I-I-I feel the same way too.” He replied. “I really l-like spending time with ya’ too, Y/N.”
An awkward silence filled the air as the birds chirped quietly in the background. You both looked away from each other, not sure what else to say.
“I’m in love with ya’.” Nubbins said softly, the only sentence he said without stuttering.
Your head snapped up. “Seriously?”
Nubbins slightly flinched at your tone, immediately recoiling back. “I-it’s okay if ya’ don’t feel the same way-”
Gaining some courage, you leaned forward and cradled his face between your hands. “Nubs, I’m in love with ya’ too.”
He blinked at you in bewilderment. “Y-ya’ are?”
“Always have been.” you said quietly as you looked down. “Ya’ are my whole world.”
A smile tugged at his lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer. “Oh, I knew ya’ was gonna’ come around!”
You giggled as he began to get hyper. “My special boy, I always have been around.”
You kissed him gently. He was not very sure what to do, as he only had watched a lot of television that only showed a few kissing scenes, but he just went with his instincts. After what felt like forever, you pulled away and grinned at your Nubbins. He grinned back.
“So w-we’re a thing?”
“Yes we are!”
You both spent the rest of the evening together in the sunflower fields, watching the stars in the sky and talking. He held you close to him as you snuggled into him. This felt like home to him.
After some time, he noticed how frequently you were yawning and figured it was time to let you get back home to rest. He walked you to your house, which was not very far but he wanted to make sure you made it safe. He was not going to let his lady walk by herself in the dark. You kissed him goodbye once more and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him. He didn’t want to let go of you either
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Nubs.” You said sleepily.
“Y-yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He replied as he ruffled your hair. You smiled at him as you went inside.
Trekking back to his home, he could barely contain his excitement. You were finally his and he was so proud of it. When he walked inside his home, Sissy hounded him immediately.
“Why are ya’ so smiley about?” she teased. “Someone got a little girlfriend?”
He nodded and smiled more.
Sissy gasped. “Ya’ finally got Y/N?!”
Chop Top peeked his head around the corner of the door frame. “Nubbins got a girlfriend?!” He started to dance around and tease his twin. “Nubbins got a girlfriend! Nubbins got a girlfriend!” he sang.
The hitchhiker could not help the string of giggles that came out of him. His cheeks hurt from the amount of smiling he was doing.
Bubba was freaking out with Sissy as they both squealed with happiness.
Johnny clasped his shoulder. “Ya’ shifty sum-bitch, I knew ya’ had it in ya’!”
With all the clamor and excitement, they did not hear the phone ringing except for Drayton who answered it and relayed the message.
“Nubbins!” he yelled as he came into the living room. “Ya’ little girlfriend called and said to come back to her house, she forgot to give ya’ somethin’.”
“Yeah, forgot to give him some ass!” Johnny and Chop Top howled with laughter as Sissy punched Johnny in the shoulder. “Oww, Sissy what the fuck?!”
Nubbins had a faint blush and nodded. “A-alright.”
Drayton eyed his brother. “And ya’ better make sure there ain’t no hanky panky goin’ on! Don’t need no love child of yours to be runnin’ about!”
“Lighten up old man, let Nubbins have this one!” Johnny said. “Go on, get to ya’ girlfriend now!”
Nubbins exited the house and made his way back to your house quickly. He was a little confused as to what you wanted to give to him, but he didn’t mind walking to your house this late. In fact, he didn’t mind doing anything for you at all.
He noticed that it was empty. Your parents must have been gone and he didn’t take notice of it earlier when he walked you home. He was too busy thinking about how you loved him. Knocking on your door, he glanced around and shifted onto his other leg. He was still a bit hyper from the commotion of his family.
When you answered the door, he felt his blood rush. You were wearing panties and a plain t shirt that outlined your curves. He tried not to stare too much.
“Wh-what is it that ya’ wanted to give to me?” he asked.
You chuckled. “Actually, I just wanted to see if ya’ wanted to have a sleepover. My parents are gone.”
He smiled. “I would l-l-love that.”
You both cuddled together and watched a movie, dozing off as you two soaked in each other’s presence. He was yours, and you were his. Forever.
“Where in the hell is that boy?!” Drayton complained. “It’s 12 in the goddamn morning!”
“Like I said old man, he’s gettin’ some ass right about now.” Johnny replied as he and Chop Top watched a horror movie and ate popcorn. “It’s best to leave them be. Ain’t hurtin’ anyone.”
“Y-yeah, he ain’t had a girlfriend ever.” Chop Top said while shoving popcorn into his mouth. “It’s g-good to see him happy.”
“Fuckin’ A.” Johnny said as he nodded his head.
Drayton sighed. “I’ll let it be this time, but I swear to God if she ends up pregnant I am beating the shit out of both of ya’.”
“They are gonna’ fuck like rabbits.” said the Slaughter boy with a chuckle.
“What was that, boy?” His mother asked in a warning-like tone.
“Nothin’ mama.”
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supervillain-smut · 2 years
How do the slashers react to reader making a face at the taste/spitting out their cum?
Bo Sinclair: He gets cocky and thinks you spit because there was too much for you to handle and you choked. Surely that's why your face was scrunched up like that. Right?
Brahms Heelshire: He's so unnecessarily hurt over such a small act that was entirely his fault over his childish and poor diet and refusal to eat completely healthy. You've tried time and time again to try to feed him healthy food, but he won't have it. You'll just have to get used to the taste.
Bubba Sawyer: Oh you spit that out. Cool. Doesn't matter to him. doesn't feel any sort of way about it.
Ghostface: He's into it. He prefers it when you spit it out anyways. No thoughts behind that mask as to why, just thinks you're into it same as him.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: He may have been indulging himself outside of his diet recently, he'll be the first to admit. So when you make that face of disgust he gives you a tissue, napkin, or towel to spit into; whatever's nearby, and apologizes for putting you through that, and promises to make it better for you for next time.
Harry Warden: Well, that was rude. He'll just have to fill another hole to make sure you don't waste any of it.
Ji-Woon Hak/The Trickster: Oh no you don't. He has quick reflexes and clamps his hand over your mouth the moment he sees your face contort in disgust. Makes fun of you not being able to handle him.
Michael Myers: How dare you. You were going to swallow whether you liked the taste or not. He feels completely offended that you'd even dare to disobey him or spit it out. Swiftly clasps his hand over your mouth and will even plug your nose to force you to swallow if he feels he has to.
Ruben "Ruvik" Victoriano: He knows he doesn't have the best diet... at all. He's well aware of the fact that what you eat affects your... Taste. He knows, okay? He just got carried away and forgot to say anything. Or use the correct head for thinking.
Stefano Valentini: Yeah, okay, he'd been having coffee more times a day to stay awake and work later. Yes, he'd been drinking more alcohol during a night out then usual. He didn't think that would actually matter, that the myth was true. But once you'd made a face and excused yourself to the nearby bathroom to spit into the sink did he realize it actually mattered. He felt internally embarrassed and gave you a look that said "I'm so sorry".
Thomas "Tommy" Hewitt: He doesn't mind if you make a mess. He has no clue what you should or shouldn't do, whatever you want to do is fine, and he's more then happy to watch you spit all of it out.
Vincent Sinclair: He thinks it's normal to spit. Surely you weren't going to swallow that? Was that even supposed to be consumed? He doesn't really know. What he does know is that it's now all over your chin and the floor.
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adaptacy · 9 months
Johnny Slaughter Pregnancy H/Cs Pt.1
Cw: Mentions of trauma, angst, but also fluff and him being pretty cute for an (ex)cannibal, older Johnny, post-Sawyers
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Important Notes:
He'd left the Sawyers a long time ago. Almost three years now. Things had gotten shady- shadier than ever. Police got involved. He had to split. And he'd moved to Georgia of all places. Close enough that he was still in familiar climates, far enough that he was removed from the interference.
He didn't know what happened to the rest of 'em. Probably for the best. He'd gotten a job as a butcher, of course. It was what he was good at- carving, skinning, etc. And it paid the bills. And introduced him to you.
About a year after he'd moved, the two of you met in the shop. Johnny had been assigned to cover the register for the day since the usual coworker was gone, and you'd happened to show up that day as it was the shop you frequented when you went on grocery trips.
The interaction went as you'd expect. You asked for what you needed, and he gave it to you. You also asked if he was new, and what happened to George, the usual man behind the counter. Johnny explained that he was out sick, so he was covering for him. You found his accent amusing, since it was different than what you were used to. You asked where he was from. He said Georgia. You didn't believe him.
And you left with a kind goodbye. Didn't see him again for another two months. Didn't really think about him. Until you found him in a bar, and recognized him. The two of you chatted, and he ended up asking you on a date. Things only went uphill from there. You got along really well with him.
Well enough that, now, a little over two years later, the two of you lived together, and you were almost 6 months pregnant with his child. You didn't know a lot about his past. You knew he'd been born in Texas and didn't really know his parents. He said he'd been in a foster house, but wasn't ever adopted. He never said anything more. It seemed to be a sensitive subject for him, so you didn't really bother prying.
Overall, he was really sweet. Intimidating as hell, and had a sinister smirk, but you'd never seen him be aggressive or violent in any way. He was like a really cuddly teddy bear. A great example as to why you shouldn't judge a book by its muscular cover.
While the two of you weren't engaged, he definitely was planning on proposing. But he didn't want to stress you out- he wanted to wait until after the baby was born. He was actually quite looking forward to having a kid, but he was also very anxious about it.
Pregnancy Head-canons (SFW):
He was unsure at first. When you told him, he had no idea how to react. He put on a smile, but you could see through it. However, you didn't want to upset him, and decided it was best to give him time to process it before you overwhelmed him.
Truth was, he was scared of having a kid. He was scared for you- His own biological mom had been killed, and while he knew that it was a freak situation, he couldn't not worry about the same happening to you. In some twisted way, he worried that somehow his past would come back to bite him in the ass. And that you'd get involved.
He had occasional thoughts of running before you were pregnant. He felt that, even if something terrible happened, if he somehow was found by the cops, he could just leave you. That he could run, and protect you. But now that you were pregnant with his baby, there was no more running. And that scared him. He never would've wanted to leave you, but it was comforting to know that it was an option. It didn't feel like an option anymore.
He also wasn't sure he could be a good father. His 'family' was batshit crazy, and they'd raised him the same. What if he passed on bad traits to your kid? What if he was an awful dad and turned his kid into a psycho like him?
He'd been doing better, of course- Johnny stopped killing people, he had to. At first, he'd told himself that he'd just lay low and go back to it once the cops were less a problem, but after the first couple months, he got used to it. Got used to normal meat, to normal diets, and he found he had a lot more free time when he wasn't chasing victims around all the time.
Even so, he still worried that he'd somehow manage to make a psychotic cannibal even when he was far from it. Or that his kid would have his anger issues, or his anxiety, or somehow have his trauma- he didn't want to put that weight on anyone else. And he didn't want you to have to see that.
But eventually, Johnny warmed up to the idea. especially when you started showing a tiny baby bump. He loved how certain shirts wouldn't quite come all the way down your stomach anymore, and even if you complained about it, it gave him some... really sweet, sickeningly domestic feeling. A feeling he'd never even dreamed of.
Despite everything, he was a family man. His family was the only thing he knew growing up. And while his was a mess, and left him worse for wear in the end, he still suffered from a constantly feeling of loneliness. He was so used to constantly being surrounded by, irritated, and cared about by family, and when he was living on his own, he lacked that completely. Moving in with you certainly helped, and now that there was going to be a third in the house, it actually reassured him a bit. He'd still be able to build family bonds, and with biological family this time. Plus, you weren't a psycho, so that definitely helped.
Because of this, he grew very attached to the baby once he got over his initial worries. He'd still have the occasional intrusive thoughts, but they were rare and he was able to push them out of his mind. He wanted a family with you, and he was going to have one.
But, Jesus fucking Christ, you were so goddamn careless. You acted the exact same, did the exact same activities, you lived life precisely how you did before you were pregnant, and Johnny was surprisingly overprotective of you and the baby. He refused to let you go to the bar or have even the slightest drop of anything alcoholic, and you'd expressed your frustrations that he was still allowed to drink but you weren't.
So? He stopped drinking. And then you came out one day to share a cig with him, and he'd practically carried you back inside because he didn't want you anywhere around cigarette smoke. You didn't really believe that cigarettes and drinking could have that bad of an effect, and you didn't do them all that often anyways. But Johnny refused to take any risks. He wanted to give your kid everything that Johnny didn't receive growing up, and that started with making sure you were as healthy as possible.
It wasn't long before he gave up smoking, too. It was tough, for both of you- really tough, actually, but you managed to make it through. If he could give up slaughtering and being a cannibal, he could give up cigs, and he knew you could too.
When the morning sickness started, he swore that you were dying. You had to reassure him constantly that it was fine, but only when your doctor also reassured him of this did he finally let it go. Still, he made sure to get whatever anti-nausea remedies possible, since you 'needed to keep the food inside of you' for the baby.
Oh, that too. He made meals. on meals. on meals. on meals. He was still a butcher, so he got first pick of the meats, and he loved bragging that he cut it himself. It was actually really cute to see someone so muscular and manly in the kitchen seasoning chicken and making salads. He was a really good cook. Wonder where he learned that...
Pregnancy cravings he would do his best to fuel, and while you joked about how he should try them with you, he refused. Listen- he could stomach a lot, but pickles in ice cream? Absolutely the fuck not. He could hardly watch you eat it, and he was a fucking cannibal for most of his life. But, he still provided them nonetheless.
Listen, the baby bump was one thing, but when you really started showing and started complaining about the baby kicking, he was at a loss for words. He didn't even know that was something that the baby could do at this stage. Well, to be fair, he didn't really know anything about pregnancy since he was the youngest in his family, but he could've assumed most of it. Other than the baby kicking. He'd ask over and over again if you were sure it wasn't just a stomach ache, or if you'd eaten something wrong.
In order to reassure him, you'd grab his wrists and put his palms against your belly. "What are you doin'?" "Just wait..." "Sweetpea, I'm serious, maybe we should go to the doct-" A pause. He looked between you and your belly. "Feel it?" "That... that was it?" "Mhm. That's our baby."
Rest assured, the first thing he did any time you mentioned the kicks in the future was reach to feel it himself. There was something about feeling the kicks that just... made him happy. Pleased him. Maybe it was knowing that your kid was healthy, or the fact that feeling it meant it was really happening- it just made the entire thing feel more real to him.
Around the 7 and a half month mark, he refused to let you do anything by yourself.
Getting food? "Nah, darlin' I can get it. Just stay here, I'll be right back."
Dropped something? "Don't- Don't go bendin' over, yer gonna fall, or hurt yerself. Where'd ya drop it? I'll get it."
Showering? "Hold onto my arm- I gotcha, sweetpea. How bout I run a bath fer ya? Make ya more comfortable."
Changing clothes? Well, he kind of already was there for that since he liked seeing you naked, especially with a baby bump, but you get the point. No matter what you were doing, he was there, doing his best to help you, even if it was pretty unnecessary sometimes.
Part 2 coming soon! Tumblr just has a word limit. Domestic fluff Johnny makes me so happy <333
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soapyghostie · 1 year
Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad to know you're having a good time, and I'll make sure to keep the requests coming! (Fair warning, a lot of these are going to be Texas Chainsaw related. Like right now!)
Drayton, Nubbins, and Bubba reacting to Reader killing a victim for the first time, specifically to protect the man in question? To set the stage a little, while they've never opposed the Sawyers.. diet, they generally stayed out of everyone's way when victims showed up. Until now, that is. -☎️
Ah! No worries Anon! Texas Chainsaw Massacre is such a great movie and I love the Sawyer family. I have no problem writing for them. Well, I hope you enjoy!
Drayton Sawyer
Drayton was never the one to get directly involved with actually killing the victims. His role was always gaining their trust, kidnapping them, and cooking. 
When you came along, you openly opposed helping his brothers kill anyone who walked on their property. Well, if that’s the case, you can help him cook. You know that everyone has a role to play in the Sawyer household right? Drayton isn’t going to let you lallygag around. 
 One day, while you and Drayton were brewing up some chili for dinner, a victim escaped their chains and crawled out of the basement. You guys didn’t hear them come into the kitchen because the next thing you know the victim is holding Drayton hostage with a knife to his throat, spitting out slurs and crying to let them leave. 
You were panicking on the inside. You knew you couldn’t let them go or they’d go to the police. However, you didn’t want them to kill Drayton; he was the love of your life. You decided to do the only option left to you… 
You backed up slowly, while saying words of comfort to the victim, until your back was against the counter where you could grab a knife without alarming them. Once you got the knife, you quickly lunged and stabbed the victim in the neck. Drayton got free and you continued to stab the victim to clarify the victim’s death. 
You felt awful for taking a life, but the Sawyers were important to you, especially Drayton. If you had to, you’d kill for them, again. 
Nubbins Sawyer
Nubbins likes to stab things. I definitely said it. You name it: people, animals, carcasses, trees. Literally everything and anything! Stabby stabby makes him happy. 
When you guys first started dating and you told him you weren’t into killing people, he got very sad. ☹️ He just wants to do some stabbing with his s/o, but he understands. You can just do some chores around the house; you can’t just do nothing around here or Drayton will get onto you. 
Well, there was this one particular day where you were doing some yard work, you saw Nubbins toying with an injured victim running around the property. You brushed it off and continued to do what you were doing until you heard Nubbins’ cries. You turned your head so fast that you almost got whiplash and there you saw it… 
You saw Nubbins on the ground with his leg split open, bleeding an awful amount. The victim was standing above him with an ax. Idk how they got ahold of that ax, but they did. 🤷‍♀️ 
You looked around and saw a shotgun on the porch; it was fully loaded. You didn’t think twice. You pointed that sucker at the back of the victim’s head, pulled the trigger and their brains went everywhere. 
You went into the house and grabbed a medical bag. After grabbing the medical bag, you examined Nubbins’ injury and patched him up to the best of your ability. You just killed someone, but you’d do it again if you had to, for Nubbins. 
Bubba Sawyer
We all know that Bubba is the butcher of the family; the one with the chainsaw; the one who makes sure there is meat on the table for the whole family. 
After you told him you were opposed to getting involved with the family’s schemes, he supported your decision. Besides, it’s dangerous business; he doesn’t want you to get hurt. This sweet boy always wants you safe. He’ll get Drayton to only give you chores inside the house as it’s safer. You'll be least likely to cross paths with a victim that way. That can only last so long, sadly… 
You were doing some tidying up around the house, listening to chainsaws going off in the distance. Just the usual. You were used to the chainsaw noises by now. However, you heard squeals of pain and you knew that something happened to your Bubba. Your instincts kicked in. You knew there was a spare chainsaw Bubba kept in the basement; you grabbed it and went outside to a horrifying sight… 
There in front of you, Bubba with one of his arms cut clean off his body while the victim had his chainsaw raised above their head, ready to give the final blow to Bubba’s skull. 
You rushed forward. You got in front of Bubba and raised your chainsaw to meet the other, blade on blade. For a long time, the quiet Texas homefront was filled with chainsaw roars and clashing blades until you got a clear opening to drill your chainsaw straight into the heart of the victim.  
You made sure they were shredded to pieces before you checked on Bubba. Once the victim was taken care of, you took Bubba inside for special aid. Hopefully that was the first and last time you would kill someone, but you never know. 🤷‍♀️
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lemon-jellybelly · 2 years
watchin' you just ain't enough (I wanna taste the way you say the things you say)
The party is fun, but you and Jeremiah can have more fun on your own. Things get heated once you find some privacy.
title from the song "Taste" by Sawyer / crossposted to ao3 / gif by bethereforya
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Shayla and Nicole were practically shouting in your ear to be heard over the music, but you could still barely pay attention to what they were saying. It was hard to focus on anything when your boyfriend was across the room, knelt down, golden curls flopping back as he tilted his head to catch the liquor from the ice luge. You were mesmerized by the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed and couldn’t help but grin on your own as he wiped an arm across his boyish smile. He was so gorgeous that you weren’t the least bit ashamed when he glanced up and caught you staring. The wink he sent lit butterflies in your stomach, and you tried to cool down by taking a sip of your drink and turning back to the girls in an attempt of nonchalance.
It didn’t work. “I didn’t realize I was being so obvious,” you laughed as they watched you in amusement.
“It’s adorable.” Nicole insisted. “You guys are like, the perfect picture of young love.” A blush warmed your ears as you took another, longer sip.
“And besides, who can blame you?” Gigi added, having joined while you were distracted. “Jeremiah looks really good tonight.” Her eyes lingered a bit too long as she continued, “he always looks really good.”
“You don’t have to remind me.”
Gigi nodded in response, lifting her arms in a show of retreat.
She was right, though, of course. While Jeremiah was always eye-catching, his white shirt was crisp enough to make his summer tan glow and just short enough to offer a glimpse of his lean torso every time he lifted his arms. Which, thanks to the current round of beer pong, was often.
It wasn’t long after you finally tore your eyes away from Jeremiah that he came in search of you. You were mid-laugh when a familiar pair of arms circled around your waist and hugged you to his body.
You let your head loll back onto his shoulder so that you could look up and greet him quietly. “I brought you a drink.” He said, tapping your thigh with the red cup in one hand.
“I have a drink,” you said, holding it up as proof.
“Yeah, but this one is fresh.” He enticed you, raising an eyebrow. “Only the best for my girl.”
You couldn’t help but beam back at him. “Well, who am I to say no to that?” You exchanged cups, Jeremiah handing you the full drink and chugging your half-empty one in its place.
When he finished, he ducked his head down to kiss your exposed shoulder, your neck, below your ear. A shiver ran through your body and though you hid behind your drink, you soon gave up on trying to keep a straight face for the girls. There was no question of who had your attention, and you wanted to soak it in without an audience.
You barely even finished asking Jeremiah if he wanted to take a lap around the party before he was tugging you by hand out of the room, and you waved mischievously at your friends as you left. You said brief hellos as the two of you made your way through the house, nodding to Steven as he mixed a drink and cheering on Belly as she crushed Conrad in flip cup. You knew the upstairs was technically off limits, but you said nothing as Jere led you up and through the first open door he found.
“Is this Haley’s bedroom?” You asked, examining the walls as Jeremiah locked the door. You’d never met the host of this party, but the girl in the photos looked about your age. You took a final sip, letting the buzz course through you, before placing your cup on the white vanity.
“I would assume so.” Jeremiah shrugged, taking your hands and turning you to face him. “But that’s not really my focus right now.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Oh? So what is?”
With a smirk, he cupped your chin to lift your lips to his own. As much as you loved to tease him, you loved to kiss him more, and so you gave in. As you made out, Jere slowly walked you both backward, until his legs hit the bed and he lowered himself down. His hands trailed down your back, shoulder blades to spine, hips to thighs, where at last he gripped you and pulled you down to straddle him. You giggled but the laughter quickly faded away as he slid his tongue into your mouth.
One hand remained at the back of your thigh and the other grasped your waist, holding you flush against him, as your own arms slid to lock behind his neck. “Jere,” you whispered against his lips, and he hummed.
“Sounds so good when you say my name.” He murmured, lips tracing down your jaw to attach to your neck.
“Jere.” You repeated, a bit more insistently, tugging gently on a curl at the base of his skull. He moaned quietly against your throat before sucking the skin, hard, eliciting a gasp that had your back arching into his chest. One of Jeremiah’s hands crept tantalizingly up your shirt to slide under the band of your bra, pressing you even further into him, if that was possible.
He was moving back up to kiss you when a knock reverberated on the door and you froze, faces barely a centimeter apart. Neither of you moved, hoping whoever it was would walk away, until a second knock pounded on the door and you glanced over your shoulder.
“Ignore it.” Jeremiah whispered, and you stood no chance against his sparkling blue eyes. You hesitated, but his fingers pressed lightly into your skin, bringing your focus back to him. With practiced ease, he peeled off your top, stroking the bare skin revealed along the way. If another knock came after that, you didn’t hear it.
You kissed him urgently and he responded so, deftly unclasping your bra next and tossing it to the floor. His hands were warm as he cupped your breasts, thumbing over your nipples until you whimpered. “That’s it,” he encouraged between kisses. “Let me hear you.”
“Feels good,” you sighed. But it wasn’t enough; you needed to feel his skin against yours. You sat back just enough to reach for the hem of his tee and pull it over his head, tousling his hair in the process. There was a moment before he pulled you back in, in which you admired his taut muscles and smooth skin, only to realize his eyes were combing over you the same way.
“I love your body.” He said, fingers now trailing up and down your sides. “I love you.”
You bit your lip, still shy in front of Jeremiah despite it all. “I love you more.”
For a beat, he could only gaze at you in admiration. Then, with a slight shake of his head, as if in disbelief at his luck: “come back here.”
You obliged gladly, rolling your hips back onto his lap and feeling him, hard, underneath you.
He raised his pelvis slightly to grind harder against you. Your ensuing moan was all the permission he needed to reach for your waistband. The button on your shorts released easily, and Jeremiah wasted no time in slipping his hand down the front to press against you through your panties.
His fingers easily found your clit and worked up a steady pace that had you whining into his mouth. “Fuck, baby, please,” you babbled. It was so good, but it wasn’t enough to make you cum and he knew that; he reveled in making you beg for him.
“Please what?” He asked innocently. You dropped your head to his shoulder and moaned as he increased the pressure and therefore friction against the dampening fabric. “Tell me, sweetheart, what do you need?”
You panted as he continued toying with you. “Need to cum. Please make me cum, Jere.” You could see his pupils dilate in the time it took for him to close the gap and kiss you again, harder and messier than before. You were getting so, so close. He could feel it, your body trembling against him, so it was entirely cruel when he stopped suddenly. You let out a cry. “No, no, no.” You begged. “Please don’t stop.”
“Just for a second.” He promised soothingly, tugging down your shorts. “Just want to get you out of these, want you to come around me.” True to his word, it only took a moment to rid you both of your remaining clothes and grab a condom from Jeremiah’s wallet. Then you were back in his lap, hot skin on hot skin, and then, with matching sighs, he was inside you. Your bodies fit together with ease, the once-burning stretch as he filled you now comfortably familiar.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you exhaled, tangling your hands into his hair and pulling lightly. “You feel so good.” His response was a broken moan, and the sound had your stomach fluttering.
With the guiding help of his hands on your hips, you built up a rhythm that had you both keening as you rocked back and forth. “God, you’re so tight.” Jeremiah muttered breathlessly. This only encouraged you to pick up your pace, and he tipped his head back, exposing his throat for you to lick. “Oh, fuck, yes. That’s my girl.”
The words had an unexpected effect on you, and you nipped at his throat before speaking. “Say it again.”
He tilted his chin enough to eye you. “You’re my girl. Always.” He didn’t wait for a response but brought your lips back together. Your movements were somewhat limited by your refusal to peel your upper body away from his, but both of you were satisfied by the depth he reached every time you sank back down on his cock. In fact, you may have been able to cum just like that, but you weren’t one to complain when Jeremiah wet his thumb on your tongue and brought it down to circle your clit. A steady chorus of gasps and mewls fell from your mouth at the added stimulation, but Jere wanted more. “You don’t have to be quiet, baby,” he urged. “It’s so loud out there, no one can hear, tell me how good you feel.”
You immediately acquiesced, letting your jaw relax and the sounds flow out. “I feel so full,” you whimpered. “I want this all the time, wanna be able to feel it tomorrow.”
“Yeah?” He egged you on breathlessly. “Want to walk around with a reminder of me? You can’t get enough, can you?”
“Mm-mm.” You hummed. “Always want more of you. Next time, want you to cum inside me. I want to feel it.”
You could feel his abs clench at your words. “Oh, fuck.” He groaned. “Fuck, that’s so hot. You’re gonna make me cum now if you’re not careful.”
“Want you to.” You encouraged him, but he was determined to get you off first. He dropped his head to lap and suck at your nipples, fingers speeding up below, and it wasn’t long until Jeremiah could feel you tightening around him. As you got closer, his movements lessened in skill but increased in passion, until he had you right on the brink, chest heaving, thighs trembling.
“So goddamn gorgeous.” He said, taking you in. “Come on baby, come for me.” He fucked you through your orgasm, swallowing your cries and supporting your shaky body with an arm across your lower back. The overstimulation was beginning to border on painful when his own muscles tightened and he came, too. You loved the way he looked like this: a sheen of sweat at the root of his messy curls, ocean eyes two shades darker than normal, jaw strong despite his open lips. He may have hooked up with other guys and girls before, but now he was yours, all yours, only yours. He was flirty and friendly with everyone, but this? This was just for you.
Satiated, you were both catching your breath and neither of you made a move to separate yourselves. “Love you,” you told him again, nuzzling into his collarbone.
He cradled you against him with both arms, pressing his lips at the top of your head. “I love you, too.” You rested this way for a moment, listening to his heartbeat and inhaling his scent: a sweet mixture of sweat, sunscreen, and shampoo. Above you, he tilted his head and closed his eyes, resting his cheek against your head. This was comfortable yet exhilarating, safe but bold. This was love.
The spell was broken by a sudden pounding on the door, followed by an determined attempt to turn the locked handle. When this failed, a desperate voice came through the wall: “whoever’s in there, you better not be fucking on my bed!”
You and Jeremiah caught each other’s eyes with matching guilty grins. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” And with one last kiss, you sealed the deal.
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heavenlyfay3 · 8 months
By Sawyer-Lovely little fanfic for you guys until im done with the other three🤗
warnings:dubcon stepcest smut breeding
Rafe x Reader
There you were stuck under your bed trying to get the shoes you left on your bedroom floor weeks ago. your skirt was ridden up revealing your ass you were squirming trying to get out but realizing it wasn’t happening unless someone helped you.
“God, things like this only happen to me”
You remembered you left your door slightly open so if you yelled hoping someone might hear you
“Hello is anyone there? Sarah…someone help I'm stuck!”
you immediately recognized the voice of your stepbrother Rafe
“Rafe!? hey help me I'm stuck!”
“yea i can see that and in a very flattering position”
“what Rafe? just help me please!” you couldn’t hear very well under your bed so you disregarded what he said thinking you misheard him
“Fine i’ll help you” Rafe grabbed your hips and tried pulling you from under your bed each time he yanked you, your ass jiggled and he couldn’t help but notice.
“come on Rafe your not even trying!” you said annoyed that you were still stuck
“well if you’re gonna be a brat about it then maybe i won’t help you”
“huh what do you mean?”
Rafe didn’t say anything he just grabbed you and lifted your ass up so that it was in the air (you could’ve 100% got yourself out you knew what you were doing😜)
“did you really need help? or did you just want some attention?” Rafe said giving your ass a light slap
“i-i didn’t realize I could get myself out” (LIAR🫵🏽)
“I mean if you wanted to fuck you could’ve just asked Princess,” Rafe said pulling your panties to the side
he pushed down his pants and pulled out his cock he slowly rubbed his tip along your slit just as he got to your hole he started slowly pushing his cock inside you
“Oh my god” your jaw went slack at the feeling of him stuffing his huge cock Inside you, you couldn't help but grip the carpet underneath your hands
He immediately started thrusting deep and slow You could hear him groaning “Rafe w-we shouldn’t be doing this”
he held your hips and started thrusting faster hitting all the right spots and making your eyebrows knit together you covered your mouth to stop from moaning
You can't help it the feeling of his cock is sending you over the edge. your cunt is taking him so well and you couldn’t think straight you couldn’t help moaning and whimpering
You can feel every inch of him as it slides in and out of you, with each thrust you got louder and louder it was so wrong but it felt so good
his thrust became sloppier and his breathing became heavier you could feel his cock twitch inside you
You start moving back onto his cock fucking yourself as he cums inside you his hot seed filling you up as it throbs and twitches he's whimpering and groaning in such a slutty way
you cum around his now soft cock still inside you as he tries to catch his breath "holy shit"
a/n: idk idk Sometimes it's really hard to like explain sexual situations I'm trying my best tho!🥲👍🏽
tag list: @love4ldr
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cxsmicals · 1 year
The Slashers with a S/O who is in to film photography
(Includes: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms, Bubba Sawyer, Vincent Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Ghostface)
~ I’m indulging myself since I love film photography and it’s my favorite hobby! How would the boys react if you were a photographer AND what is their preferred camera?? Also I finally watched Black Christmas so Billy gets to come out and play for this one, yay!
Michael Myers: Michael doesn’t really care one way or the other about photography of any kind. He will be interested to watch you find things deemed ordinary and try to photograph them. If you show him some post-mortem photographers he might show a little interest. When all is said and done a point and shoot is his go to. Simple, easy to control, the flash built in gives it a sense of eeriness. He prefers black and white film as to give mystery to his photos.
Jason Voorhees: He’s enamored by your documentation of the forest. He takes a keen interest in your photography right away and asks to at least hold your cameras, and is careful to not break the vintage ones. if you convince him, a simple instant camera is his go to. He enjoys having the instant pictures of you in his belt compartments. If you get him out of his comfort zone he would like a brownie camera since it reminds him of his mother. He prefers color film as to see all of the details
Bubba Sawyer: He loves your photography. He supports it wholeheartedly like the sweet boy he is. If you’re a portrait photographer you might be able to get him to pose on a good day, but it’s unlikely. He loves polaroid cameras. He wants to scrapbook and keep all your memories together. Color film, he wants to preserve every single aspect of the memories.
Brahms: He doesn’t mind the photography that much. If you manage to catch him on a good day where he’s eager to learn he’ll pick it up quickly and want to learn all he can. Brahms is a classy bitch. He wants to be elegant and have the best, so a high class Hasselblad is his make of choice. Boujee and badass. I feel like he’d like to shoot in verichrome because it’s incredibly hard to find film and even harder to find someone who knows how to develop. He will absolutely fund your habit and get you a dark room to set up.
Vincent Sinclair: Any artistic hobby is great by his accounts. He’s happy that you have this hobby as it’s something you and him can talk about. He’ll want to keep all the photos you make and might enlist your help to make advertising for his own wax museum. He’ll want to show genuine interest so a 35mm or a standard 120 is his go to. He wants you to know he cares. He prefers black and white because he sees it as more “artistic” since you need to take more liberties for it. Much like Brahms, he might be willing to help you set up your own dark room to get the photographs properly developed on your own.
Billy Lenz: Oh Billy Billy Billy. Boy is ecstatic to turn your hobby in to a depravity. He is the most gung-ho about the photography since he wants to see you from all angles. If you let this goblin near your collection some cameras will just go missing. Typically it’s your polaroid but occasionally your 35mm might go missing as well. He wants to see you but he also wants to see the stars so he’ll try his best to photograph the night sky. If you want to spring the money for a telefoto lens or just give him a telescope he will be appreciative. If you two are intimately inclined then you WILL hear the shutter go off at random points in your sessions. If it’s not from your polaroid he will urge you to get the photos developed as quick as you can.
Ghostface: He’s got things to see and people to murder, so he’s not always around to indulge your habits. However, if he were to pick a camera, since he’s always running around, he prefers a simple point and shoot disposable that you can get at Walmart. Black and white, bland.
(Thanks for reading y’all. I am super drunk while writing this so if some if these are OOC or there’s spelling issues i’m blaming the gin for that. I also enlisted my boyfriend’s help for this since he knows these characters better than I do. Sorry for those whole like Ghostface i’m just not good at writing for him I’m sorry..)
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iaminfourthwing · 25 days
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter VI
“He said he’ll handle you?” I laugh out loud while Violet is a blushing mess between Rhiannon and me. We are taking our seats for Battle Brief that’ll start in a few minutes.
“That is the kinkiest shit I’ve heard so far” Rhiannon adds with a smirk.
“Nah, I think the way our girl here described the way his shadows felt around her is her admitting how she want to be handled in bed- ““OKAY! Stop that now please!” And now she is beet red. Rhi and I burst out laughing while the others around us find their seats, Sawyer and Ridoc taking their usual spots next to me while looking confused by our laughter.
“Can you people be any louder?” a feminine voice sneers in front of us. When I look forward, I meet Luca’s eyes who looks as annoyed as I feel by her presence. “Some of us are trying to study” she continues with a roll of her eyes.
Studying? Her? The past lessons, no matter the class, she asked the most unimportant and actually dumbest questions.
“What color was the dragon that was attacked?” “Do you think gryphons could be trained to spit fire?”
Like- what the actual fuck?
Ridoc snickers to himself while thinking the same. The second and third years are walking by and Imogen is giving the girl in front of us the nastiest side eye I have ever seen.
I make eye contact with the boy behind her. Bodhi Durran, Xaden’s cousin and probably the most beautiful man on the continent. He is incredibly handsome with dazzling brown eyes and tawny brown skin. I would pay a good money to get a chance to stroke my hand through his thick black curls adorning his head just once. Violet said his features reminds her of Xadens, and while I see what she means, I think Bodhi is divine in his own way. His smile is lovely, and he holds himself with so much confidence and grace, I am jealous of everyone that can call themselves his friend. My father would kill me if he could hear me right now.
Before I can start to blush, I cast my eyes forward to Luca.
“You know Luca, if stupid could fly, you definitely wouldn’t need a dragon, and everyone could live a bit more peaceful here without your annoying ass.” My smirk is downright devilish, but it serves its purpose – she is offended. Sawyer loses it and Ridoc starts laughing too. Violet and Rhiannon giggle to themselves.
Luca rolls her eyes again and opens her mouth to say something, but I am faster. “Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.” I need to get my sassy side under control before it backfires in the form of my father.
Laughter fills the hall and the boys next to me gasping for air while trying to get their hollering under control. I can even see Dain trying to fight of a smile, as he walks past us. He finds her just as annoying as everyone else does.
Lucas cheeks redden with embarrassment and she finally turns back around.
The boys are still laughing but it’s a raspy chuckle behind me that gains my attention. Turning my head slightly to the left I make eye contact with the blue ones of cadet Liam Mairi, Tail Section in Fourth Wing, Second Squad. He surprises me by giving me an amused smile and wink to which I just chuckle lightly and turn back after Violet jabs her elbow in my ribs because Devera entered the hall.
After Battle Brief our next lesson is with Professor Kaori, one the only Professor after Devera and Emetterio I kind of like and respect. As an illusionist his signet allows him to project whatever he sees in his mind.
“Red Scorpiontails, like Ghrian here, are the quickest to temper. Keep that in mind, when you approach one at Threshing and better decide fast if you need to run.” The projection of a massive red dragon in the middle of the room shows just a fraction of its actual size. The reds can be vicious, I’ve already met one when I was with the General at the Samara Outpost.
“So if you offend him, you are-“ “Lunch” Ridoc interrupts him from next to Violet. I chuckle but it’s true. You better do your best to avoid them.
“So, what is the best way to approach them?” Professor Kaori asks the class. “They like it more when you approach them from the left and front, if possible” I answer.
“That’s right. This year there are three Red Scorpiontails willing to bond of they find their match.” He switches the image to another dragon.
“How many dragons are there in total?” Rhiannon asks. We are all looking forward to Kaori with excitement, nervous about what the answer will be.
“A hundred for this year.” My brows hit my hair line. That’s thirty-seven fewer than last year!? Shit, that will get bloody when Threshing arrives. There could be a lot less after Presentation, two days before Threshing, and the dragons will change their minds after seeing the cadets for this year. I mean … I would understand them, some of these cadets are pathetic, physically and mentally.
“…but I am not about to lie to you and say that we’re not seeing increased breaches when you know from Battle Brief that we are.” I catch the rest of Kaori’s answer. It’s frightening how fast the wards are faltering and I tense every time when Devera starts the daily Battle Brief.
A massive navy-blue dragon appears in the middle. Sgaeyl, Xaden’s dragon.
“No blue dragon is willing to bond this year, so you don’t have to worry about how to approach one, but you need to recognize Sgaeyl if you see her” Kaori says.
“So, you can fucking run” Ridoc drawls. The others laugh, but it’s true too. No one with any common sense and brain would even dare to look at her direction or approach her with or without her rider by her side. Xaden is ruthless but Sgaeyl … you better find somewhere else to be because she is downright malicious, as my father would describe her. She is a beast through and through.
“There are other blues in active service and all of them are intimidating, but Sgaeyl is the most powerful of them all” he adds in a serious tone. No wonder she bonded Xaden. They are the most powerful dragon rider duo of our generation.
“What about the black dragon?” a first year from First Wing asks. “I want that one” Jack says with excitement shining in his eyes.
“Oh, hell no!” I say out loud, turning some heads in my direction, Jacks included. He is glaring with a mix of hatred and amusement in my direction.
“Not that it is going to matter” Professor Kaori interrupts our glaring contest with a flick of his wrist and then there is … Codagh. I avert my eyes immediately to the side and turn my head, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Violet, her concerned eyes finding mine. Besides my father, she is the only other person who knows my history with the black beast. I catch Liams gaze over her head and while he looks confused by my reaction, I can also see … concern? I give him a reassuring smile, or more like a grimace since I am confused myself. Why is a marked one, especially a Mairi, concerned about my wellbeing?
“But just to appease your curiosity, since it is a bit rare to see him, this is Codagh, General Melgren’s dragon.” I can feel his eyes on me, and sense some heads turning in my direction again. “Ignore them Arya” I repeat to myself mentally.
“And this one” Kaori changes the image to another black dragon “you’ll never get to face again, not in the wild at least. He has a massive Morningstartail with unbendable power.”
“He looks like a killing machine” Jack calls out, still excited.
I notice Violet shifting uncomfortable in her seat. And while I try to blend out the image of this massive dragon that reminds me way too much of my father’s beast, Kaori answers some questions about him.
“… he is one of the deadliest dragons in Navarre.” No one saw him for the past five years since his previous rider, Naolin, died trying to resurrect Brennan Sorrengail in the Battle of Aretia. Father told me about them, how they died for the kingdom, next to each other. How Brennan was killed by Fen Riorson, Xadens father.
“How do you approach him?” Jack demands to know. That’s where I draw the line.
“You especially don’t because the continent doesn’t need a fucking psychopath with a dragon like him. Besides if he would be willing to bond, I am pretty sure that he would be smart enough to choose someone that is not you or even related to you!” I snarl in his direction. There is anger building up in his eyes as he tenses. The cadet next to him sits still, not moving a muscle.
“And what about you, Melgren? Do you really think you’ll be chosen without daddy manipulating Threshing to help you? Or his dragon? I bet Codagh will bully some of the dragons to approach you, because none of them would want a rider as pathetic as you!” he laughs maliciously, expecting the others to join him.
Some of the cadets around us gasp in shock, even Kaori looks greenish. How dare he say something like this?! Violet tenses and whips her head around to face me, worried what I’ll do.
“Please” my glare is as cold as my voice, my eyes practically black right now, like always when I am mad. I can see the effect it has on him, even his squad mates shrink in their seats, avoiding my eyes.
“Say that one more time and I shall have you beheaded.”
My voice dropped a few octaves due to me being enraged, more than that. To insult a cadet like this in this quadrant can cost you your life, even though the world would be a better place without him. He accuses my father of manipulation, which is a capital offense, but accusing Codagh?! If they will ever find this out, Jack is dead. Not because father is protective of me, but because it's a stab at his reputation and position.
Kaori’s still shocked grimace finds his way into my line of sight, eyes wide, mouth agape. He knows the best what I am capable of and that my threat isn’t just a threat, it’s a promise.
Barlowe snaps his mouth shut and his little friend seated next to him looks like he is about to piss himself.
The bells ring, signaling that the hour is up. I take my stuff and storm out of the room, almost running into Xaden and his entourage, who steps away in the last moment. Ignoring them all, I make my way into the wing’s gym, to work out my anger and frustration. I’ll miss challenges today, but it’s not my turn anyways so I don’t care. And I will kill Jack if he breathes my way.
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