#johnny slaughter fluff
adaptacy · 9 months
Johnny Slaughter x Drunk!Virgin!Reader
It is angsty, and kinda sad, and very dub-con (practically non-con), and also just- Johnny with feelings? if streams of consciousness don't make sense, that's the point. also i'm tired so sorry for spelling mistakes or if i just use the wrong word sometimes LMAO
"Alright, I've gotcha." You were leaning all of your weight into him as he sauntered down the sidewalk, and you didn't let up even as he inserted the key he'd just received into the door, twisting the handle and opening it up into a half-assed room, typical for the cheap motel you were staying up.
"You really... mmbooked 'em just for... me?" You slurred, your head lazily flopping onto his bicep as he led you inside, closing the door behind him.
"Didn't tell me you were such a lightweight," the man sighed, helping you over to the white queen-size bed, which you didn't put up any fight against, collapsing onto the comforter and giggling. At what? You didn't know.
"We should, mhmhm, kiss." You blinked, slowly, up at him, seeing triple. Triple hot. Triple hunk. Triple gentleman. He was being so sweet. He carried you here, gave you a ride, he promised your parents wouldn't figure out that their golden child was getting wasted at some rural bar miles away from home. He was so caring.
Sure, you'd only known him for like two hours, but those two hours said so much. He didn't say much. Well, he did. Flirted a lot. Was he flirting? Did you misunderstand? No, no, he got you a motel room. Just for you. He was definitely flirting. He was like a guardian angel, wasn't he?
You made a mistake, a lot of mistakes, actually. A lot of shots. A lot of alcohol. Glasses and glasses of mistakes. But he was here to make sure you wouldn't be making anymore. He was protecting you. God, what a sweetheart. "What's your name again?" You mumbled, your tongue twisting around itself to form some terrible labyrinth.
"Johnny," he reminded, bending down over you and catching your lips in a kiss. His was gentle, but forward. Yours was sloppy, messy, hungry, dazed. You were sloppy. And messy. Oh, your parents would never forgive you.
"Johnny, I'm so... ugh, you're lovely," you complimented, your nose bumping against his as he tried to kiss you again, but you just had to let him know first. "So loving. We should get married," you giggled.
"Baby steps, darlin'."
"I'm your darling?" You hummed, smiling sweetly. Innocently. What the hell were you doing? No wonder the bartender warned you. But he paid for your drinks. He was just so generous. How could he possibly be single? You were so lucky to have him. "I think I love you."
"You're crazy," he laughed, the sound sweet and appetizing and so manly. You laughed too, because you wanted to be like him. Wanted to take care of people like he was. Wanted to be big and strong like he was. Wanted to be so sweet, wanted to kiss like he did. He was perfect. He kissed you again, and you kept giggling, your skin crawling with... excitement? nausea? you couldn't really tell the difference. "You wanna go through with this?"
With what? "Mhm," you hummed, closing your eyes for just a moment. Then you opened them again, and he was still there. All three- two? Four? All of him- them? Ugh. "Yuh-huh," you affirmed. If he wanted to, you'd do it. No clue what 'it' was, but he was a good decision maker. You were clearly, definitely, obviously, drunkenly not.
"You done this before?"
"Yeah." Done what? You'd done a lot of things. You hadn't gone skydiving. Or bungee jumping. What a funny word. Bungee. Bun-gee. "Bunnn, geeee," you announced, and Johnny squinted at you. You giggled. What'd he say?
"I'm gonna take yer shirt off now." He kissed your cheek, and you nodded. Was he going to get you into a bath? Oh, he was such a sweetiepie. Like a grandmother. But hot. and muscular. and young. and had a way deeper voice. and, actually, he wasn't like a grandmother at all. but he still made you smile.
He removed your shirt, and you tried to lift your head to kiss him, but your head was so heavy, and your muscles were so weak. Ugh, you wished you had muscles like him. he could lift your head. you definitely couldn't.
The best part was, he did lift your head. and he did kiss you. He was a mind reader, too? Was he even real? Men like this didn't exist. Not really. men as sweet, and loving, and gentle, and-
His hands were on your pants. Strange. He knew what he was doing. You trusted him. What was his name again? "Joey," you thanked.
"Johnny," he corrected.
"Mister Johnny," you slurred, brushing noses with him. He kissed you again, and he tasted like the bar. He'd been drinking too. He was like your drunk-buddy. Drinking buddy. And designated driver. A perfect package. Why are engagement rings so expensive?
"You alright?" His voice spoke again, and you blinked, finding that there were now only two of him. That you could see. Your vision was dark at the sides, but who needed peripheral vision, anyways? He was tugging your bottoms down your legs, and you looked up at him.
Somewhere, distant, faint, barely even present in your mind- somewhere, something clicked. Some puzzle pieces snapped together. You could make out the shape of the puzzles, the caves and the peninsulas, but they were blank pieces. There was no puzzle. It was blurry. Fuzzy. Like a puppy. Or a kitten. Or a squirrel.
"What?" you mumbled.
"Eyes on me, sweetpea. You alright?"
It was hard to focus on him since you'd have to focus on two images at once, but you tried your best. It only brought a headache. "Why... wouldn't I be?"
"You're awful' drunk."
"I'm knows," you scoffed.
"Do ya?"
"Obvs," you reminded, reaching up a hand and pawing at his face as you tried to boop him, grinning up at him. His hair draped over his pair of faces, and you wanted to bite it. Wanted to pull it. ugh, you were such a bad person. who made bad decisions. you hated alcohol. why'd you even stumble into that bar? your parents would be so mad.
Her eyes were almost crossed, and Johnny found it dizzying to try and gain her attention. She swatted at his forehead as she replied, and he pulled back ever so slightly. Gently, he pulled her hand down, trying to be patient with her. She'd been tipsy when he got there, but this was something else.
He tried not to think about it- This wasn't his first drunken sexual encounter, and wouldn't be his last. His lips pressed to her chest, his fingers caressing the insides of her thighs. She was warm, inviting, almost intoxicating. Then again, it could've been the potent taste of alcohol on her tongue. Stronger than his own. He swore she didn't have that much to drink, and she knew what to order- It wasn't her first time drinking, or so he assumed.
He'd hardly understood a word she'd bumbled on the way home. A ramble about her parents and treehouses here, another about college and service animals there. He didn't bother trying to decipher her codes. He was sure she didn't even have a clue what she was saying, so it wasn't his responsibility to figure it out.
Her fingers played with his hair, awkwardly tugging and scraping at his scalp, but he didn't mind. She mumbled something out, but the more time he spent with her, the less precise her words got. At this point, they were unintelligible, but she seemed happy while saying them. Oddly enough, it brought a smile to his face.
He reached down, unbuckling his belt. She continued with her string of corrupted vowels as he did so, and he ended his trail of kisses on her stomach before standing up straight once more. Her body was so... pristine. Shiny? It had this certain glow to it- a glow that her eyes lacked. They were stuck half-lidded, even feigning unconsciousness a few times, but he'd been proven wrong each time when she'd open her mouth to quickly inform him of how much she loved sunflowers, or to tell him an impossible-to-follow story about her first pet. He'd listened- not understood, but listened, to her, and then she'd fall back into silence for a few more minutes.
And even so, when she was so clearly destroyed by the liquor she'd been drinking like water, she looked so peaceful. She lay on the bed below him, completely flat, completely relaxed. Her arms casually positioned above her, her palms facing him. He wanted to hold her hand. So he did, and it brought a small smile to her face.
He wasn't going to stick around after this. He never did. He never wanted to. But she- she was so intriguing. So strange. He wanted to learn more about her, wanted to understand her. Wanted to listen to her stupid rambles and her whispered confusion. He wanted to see her frustrated, wanted to see her cry, wanted to see her confident, wanted to see her.
Shit. Maybe he wasn't all that sober. His hips leaned forward, and her eyebrows slanted, barely enough for him to notice. But he caught on, and his brows mimicked her movement. He was close to entering her, sliding between her folds, but he wasn't inside. Not yet. She looked confused.
"We're makin' love?" She asked, and Johnny narrowed his eyes, cracking a smile. That was a first. It was always fucking, or having sex, or getting laid, or some other degenerate nickname. Making love? That was for married people. Old couples. People with kids. People with commitments. Didn't she understand?
"Yeah, darlin', we're gonna make love," he replied, leaning down and kissing her neck. "Is that alright?"
"Mhm," she answered, and Johnny released a breath. She wasn't going back to his place. But he wasn't going to hers, either. Too innocent to be a victim, too drunk to be a partner. This was just another in his long list of mistakes. Another night that he'd forget after a few more bottles, a few more weeks, a few more stolen cigarettes, a few more kills. He always forgot them. He'd had too many. Needed a break far too much.
And she was surely the same.
And yet, when he pushed in, there was a tension, and then it broke. Something- something physical, something inside of her broke. And she whimpered, like he'd cut her. Her voice was light as she asked "What?"
Johnny couldn't move. He couldn't act. He couldn't continue. He couldn't speak. He wished he couldn't think, but that was all he did. When he looked down, his worst fears were confirmed. Dripping onto the white comforter were two marks of scarlet, and Johnny squeezed her hand.
No. No, no, no, no. No way.
Johnny held his breath. Wanted to wake up. He never felt bad. he never felt sympathy. He never regret things from his heart, only from his head.
but there was a singe in his chest. A poking in his lungs. And, despite her consciousness being continents away, she realized. Or, at the very least, picked up on his guilt.
"Please don't be mad," she whimpered, her voice breaking. And she cried. She held it back, but tears weren't easily disguised. He shook his head, trying to pretend that it was fine. Trying to pretend that this was normal, that he regularly took girls- drunk girls, pretty, innocent, completely wasted girls virginities.
But he didn't. And it showed.
"It's okay, I'm not mad," he assured, his jaw tight. He didn't know what to do. It was too late. Maybe she wouldn't remember in the morning. Maybe she wouldn't realize what she'd given up--
What he'd taken from her. Stolen from her. Why would he assume? Why would he ever think this was a good idea? Why would-
"I'm sorry," she sobbed, and Johnny did something he'd never done before. Never even thought to do.
He leaned down, and he hugged her. She hugged him back- or, tossed her arms over his back, her drunken sobs hitting his chest like a goddamn bullet. He made girls cry on purpose. He made them scream, and sob, and bleed-
She was doing all of that. But he did not want her to. He shushed her, kissing the nape of her neck, running his hand over her back, all in an attempt to comfort her. He shouldn't care. He'd never cared. He had never shown any feelings towards anyone for any goddamn reason. He was not that person.
But he felt like a bad person. He'd killed people, but that wasn't the issue right now.
No, he was so much worse than that. She was sweet, and clueless, and couldn't handle her alcohol. She'd had a terrible night. No girl like her would be in a shithole bar if she hadn't. And he'd made it worse.
And come morning, she may not even be aware of it. She'd wake up, stranded, sore, sick, in a cheap motel, alone. She'd assume that she'd called a cab, she'd assume that she handled herself fine, but Johnny would know. He'd know the truth.
What was he doing?
Nancy was right. Running off and ignoring the family was a terrible idea. She'd sworn that he'd get himself into trouble, and while she'd definitely been talking about the law, or barfights, he felt like this was his karma. This was his trouble. Hell, it didn't even affect him. It shouldn't affect him.
But she was crying in his arms, and she didn't even fully understand why. And he held her, feeling a responsibility to care for her, to comfort her.
He was going to have to stick around, wasn't he?
Come morning, she'd wake up sore and sick, and with a stranger. And he'd be there. And he'd scare her, and stress her out, and hold her hair as she threw up tonight's mistakes, and he'd probably hug her again as she cried.
Johnny sighed, using his thumb to wipe her tears. She'd already fallen asleep. He laid her down, put her clothes back on as best as he could, and covered her up with the blankets. And he left the room.
He stood just outside, unpocketing a carton of cigarettes and putting one in his mouth, using a rusty black flip lighter to ignite the end.
He didn't know what he was going to do. But he felt a responsibility. An attachment. He didn't understand it. Maybe in the morning he'd lose all sympathy and be gone before she woke up, but he found that outcome unlikely.
He'd figure it out. He had to.
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bitterpotionn · 9 months
Johnny Slaughter Headcanons - Night at the fair
I wanted to write up some headcanons for Johnny at a county fair. I was inspired. I hope you guys like these shorter forms of content, if you do let me know! But don’t worry! I will still be working on more long-form content.
Warnings: fluff, mention of sexual favors, Johnny is a sweetie (for once)
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Johnny would be really hesitant to go. Why do you even wanna go anywhere other than the family house?? He would need A LOT of convincing and begging. Eventually, he would give in, after a lot of persuasive blowjobs.
Johnny would love the fair food. He would try all the different stands. From tacos to cotton candy to caramel corn. He would always be holding some type of food. He would complain about a stomach ache later and make you take care of him.
His arm would be around you constantly. His observant eyes scan the entire area, making sure no one is looking at you for too long. If you guys are waiting in line for food, he is firmly holding your hand while ordering. Glancing back at you every so often.
You guys would come across some of the prize booths and you just HAD to have one of the stuffed bears. Johnny would groan and complain but deep down he wanted to win you that bear and show you just how capable he was. He would play the game flawlessly and win the bear. He would hand it to you with a wide smirk. He would be very proud of himself. You better cherish that bear and display it nicely back home, because he will have no problem reminding you that he won that bear for you.
As you walked down the crowded walkways you would pull him to the Ferris wheel, giving him a pouty face. "Pleeasseee Johhny we could see the whole fair from there!" He would roll his eyes and shake his head. But with another squeeze of his hand and a pouty face, he would give in.
Once you were on the Ferris wheel, his hand would find its way to your thigh, squeezing every so often. Your eyes would light up as you watched the colorful lights of the fair light up the dark night. His eyes would be on you, admiring the way you looked so happy. He made a mental note to take you out more. He loved seeing you like this.
Johnny would be more hesitant to ride one of the more fast-paced rides. "Darlin' these things are dangerous, what if you get hurt" He would say glaring down at you. "They are perfectly safe! It would be fun!". She smiled up at him, holding both of his hands. After some more pouting and promises of some "favors" when you got home, Johnny would let you ride "just one." Truth be told, Johnny hasn’t been on a ride like that since he was a kid. He was nervous, but he’d never admit it.
During the ride is one of the only times you would see Johnny genuinely laugh. Fully-fledged laughing. The way the ride spins you both around would make Johnny laugh like a kid. Afterwards, he would complain that he feels sick and that its time to go home. Turns out eating all that fair food wasn’t good on the stomach.
You both walked hand in hand down the dark street, heading back to his parked truck. You could hear the laughter and loud noises of the fair disappearing behind you as you walked. The air was still and warm. You leaned against Johnny as you walked, his strong arm wrapped around you. You were holding your stuffed bear close to your chest, giving it squeezes every so often. "You have fun, doll?" he said looking down at you. You smiled and nodded looking right back at up. "Thank you for going with me, we should do this more often" He chuckled and shrugged. "Yeah you're right, it was fun" Once you arrived to the truck he helped you up, he set your bear snuggly next to you. About ten minutes into your drive back home he looked over at you, you were fast asleep against the window of the car. He smiled, a genuine smile. He laid his hand on your thigh, admiring how peaceful you look.
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sawyerslvt · 2 months
Bubba's First Time (Leatherface- TCM)
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Summary: You get kidnapped by Johnny Slaughter at a bar and he brings you home to kill you. Leatherface ends up protecting you. To express your gratitude, you let him use you for his pleasure.  Word Count: 4,105 Warnings: MDNI, coercion, rough sex, smut
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You’re screaming, flailing your arms around and fighting for your life as you get pulled inside the house. It was the dead of night and your kidnapper drove a long way to get here. You know your screams get lost in the darkness of the night, with not a soul nearby to hear your pleading cries. 
“I found me a real pretty one huh, old man?”. The man is speaking to an older man. “Quit your playing round’ boy! Get it over with, supper's ready”. The old man doesn't seem amused and you're yanked away towards a staircase leading to a basement. Before the man forces you down the steps, your eyes get drawn to a room. It had a dining table in the middle, food already placed and ready on the table. In one of the chairs sat a large man. He wore a strange looking mask, both elbows on the edge of the table with cutlery in each hand, ready to dig into his meal. You manage to make eye contact with him, knowing there is not much he could do for you. For all you knew, he could be a fate worse than what you were about to face in this basement. 
You look at him with your tearfilled, makeup smeared and terrified face.  With the short seconds you got to share with the beast, you noticed a strange look on his face. His face looked softened, his muscles relaxed and his eyes looked intrigued by your desperate state. He tilts his head and you can't help but feed yourself delusions, was it pity… or sympathy? 
The man tugs at you and you lose sight of the beast, hidden behind the walls. While being dragged down the stairs, his face was scarred into your mind. Your cries get more frantic, movements more hysterical but the man doesn't budge and you're met with a heavy slide door that leads down to the basement. 
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Not much time passes before you're hooked with your tied wrists to the ceiling. “Stay still. This will only hurt for a minute”, the man wears a smug smirk and his voice has hints of mockery. You can tell this amuses him. You've run dry on tears and energy to fight back, so your response to his demand was a mere defeated bow of the head. The man lifts his knife to your throat but before he is able to slice, the same slide door reopens and the beast is stood by the entrance. 
“I'm almost done here, boy. I'll be up in a second”, his voice now irritated by the interruption. The beast takes heavy and confident stomps towards the two of you while letting out deep grunts. He halts in front of the man, still holding a knife to your throat. He finally lowers his knife and you feel it nick you, drawing some blood. “What's the matter with you, boy?!” the man snaps. The beast gets closer to him as if to intimidate him, or at the very least, making himself clear of his intentions without using his words. He gets in front of your hanging body, blocking and getting between you and the man wanting to kill you. “Oh I see, you want her to yourself?”. The beast nods and you're confused by the strange interaction. Other than the weird display and protection from the beast, you're left feeling eternally thankful for him saving your life. You're not sure how long the luck will last but for the moment, you let out a sigh of relief. 
“I'll leave for you to take care of her after dinner. Let's go before the old man makes a fuss”. The man heads up the stairs but before the brute follows along, he walks over to you. He is looking up at your exhausted expression and you manage to make eye contact. He was wearing the same expression from earlier… It was kind. He lays his large hands on either side of your waist and unhooks you from the ceiling. Although he had rough and large hands, his touch was soft and movement gentle. He slowly brings you down to the floor and you feel like a feather the way your feet were carefully placed onto the cold stone surface.
He continues holding your waist while you're drowned into each other's eyes. “...thank you”. You finally break the silence. Your voice is soft and quiet, like the squeak of a mouse. He lets out a low grunt and to your surprise pulls you in for a hug. Your eyes widen at the suddenness of it all, he didn't say anything, he keeps you in his arms and gives you a squeeze almost as an apology for what you've been through. That's how you interpreted it, and you let him hold you as you’re absorbing his warm apology. All too soon, his warmth is gone and as he walks away and shuts the sliding door behind him. You're left missing his touch.
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After what felt like ages, you hear the sliding door open back up and your heart skips a beat, scared it might be your kidnapper. You feel a wave of relief hit as you’re met with the large figure of the gentle giant. You hadn't moved much since he had left. With your time in solitude, you were thinking of ways you could thank him and as the man was walking towards you, your thoughts grew wilder. You’re sitting on your feet with your hands on your thighs, looking up at him towering over you. You look like a dog greeting its owner. As if he read your mind, he rests one of his large hands on your head, petting you as he admires your beauty. You lean into his touch and it feels good to feel something other than fear For once, you feel safe.
You slowly make your way back on your feet, all while never breaking the alluring eye contact. Your hands travel up his body as you stand up but his body seems somewhat stiff, confused- but not complaining. “I wanted to thank you for saving my life”. Your voice is sensual and very suggestive. As your hands make your way to his big bulge, you feel him get stiffer but this time he also pulls away with a disapproving groan. He looks down and shakes his head slightly. "It's okay… I just want to express my gratitude”. Your voice is gentle as you reach for his bulge again, now growing due to your touch. Once again he hesitates and pulls away with the same disapproving grunt. 
The room you're in had a mattress leaned up against the wall. It had some signs of usage in the form of mysterious spots and holes, but given your situation, you didn't think too much of it. You pull on it, making it fall to the ground with a thud, letting some dirt and dust fly into the air. The giant watches you curiously as you prop its edges parallel to the wall. You turn around and watch him still standing behind you. You scoot over to sit on the mattress with your back leaned against the wall, hands resting on either side of you. You look up at him as you tilt your head and smirk slightly. You’re spreading your legs slowly, letting your skirt reveal your panties to the man in front of you. He looks completely stunned but you can tell he doesn't want you to stop what you're doing. “Just watch me then”. Your words escape you somewhat desperately as your attraction to the beast grows like an uncontrollable virus.
You let your hand find its way to your aching clit over your already soaked panties. You slide your panties off of you and leave your wet slit exposed to the air. You feel your spine arch and head shoot back as your fingers come in contact with your nub. You start to slowly rub your clit and move your hips in circles while making sure your legs stay spread for the man to have the best view possible. As you pleasure yourself, you have your eyes shut focusing on the stimulation, until you hear the man grunt and move around. You bring your head back and see him kneeled down at the end of the mattress. He continues letting deep groans escape his throat and he inches closer to you on all fours, slowly, and without breaking eye contact. You watch as the giant is moving towards you, his big body casting a dark shadow over you, making you feel smaller than you've ever felt. His eyes narrowed like he was finally seeing you as the prey you were meant to be. You rub your clit harder, as the view of him in this position made it impossible to tame your wild mind. 
He stops right in front of you as he watches you pleasure yourself, licking his lips as if he was tasting your sweet pussy. You can't handle his lack of action so you grab his hand. He's confused by your touch but curious about you, allowing you to hold it. You hold onto his hand and start pulling it down to your pussy. You feel him protest and pull back again. "It's okay… you saw how I did it? Just do as I showed you and you’ll be fine” you try convincing and swaying his opinion with your gentle and sensual voice. You pull his hand but once again, he tries pulling away. “Look, I'll help you. Just please… I want you to touch me”, your voice is desperate and you want his long and thick fingers to fill your tight pussy. 
You consider him defeated as you feel his hand soften. You pull his hands towards your sensitive cunt for the third time and this time he allows you. You wrap your whole hand around his middle and index finger. His hands were so big and that's all you could really fit in your small grasp. You bring his hand closer until you feel his rough fingertips come in contact with your clit. Both of you let out a gasp as a result of the contact. You use his fingers to rub your nub and fuck, it felt so much better than your own fingers. You continue rubbing harder and faster and the beast's wonderful grunts fill your ears as if he was feeling pleasure himself. 
Without any direction from you, the beast unexpectedly pushes his index and middle finger into your hole. You let out a loud moan, making your own ears bleed. He doesn't understand what he's done but your reaction was something he was starting to get addicted to. He pulls his fingers back out and you hold his wrists, pulling on them to let him know that you wanted more. He pushes them back in, this time a little harder and you let out the same moan. You feel as the beast goes from hesitant and held back to him becoming progressively hungrier in his movements. He forces his big fingers into your hole, abusing it and you encourage him with your hysteric cries. He sees your white cream coat his fingers, confused by it, he brings it to his mouth and tastes your juices. You see his eyes widen as he's tasting you, licking his fingers clean before sticking them back into you to coat his fingers again, then licking them clean again.
He continues doing this many times until he realizes the best way to get the most of you was to bring his mouth to it. And that's exactly what he does, he lets his mouth find your pussy and immediately starts licking. He starts by giving you small licks, but the more he tastes you, the bigger the licks get. Until he finally started sucking as much of the juice as he could. He uses his hands to spread your pussy lips and sees your red and swollen clit stand out. Curious by it, he sucks on it and hears as your moans get as intense as ever. You grab his hair with both your hands and pull a little. That was all the signs he needed, now he was laser-focusing on your clit. He’s obsessed with your reactions and he sucks hard, he licks fast and sucks even more. “ff-ffuck mm gonna cum, please”. Your words escape in a broken scream but the beast doesn't stop. You feel your walls tighten and you cum in his mouth. He shows no signs of stopping and once he sees even more white cream leak out of your pussy, he licks it all clean. He shoves his tongue as deep as he can to taste as much of your sweet pussy as possible. You taste so good, he could never get enough and you moan loud as his tongue explores the inside of your sensitive hole.  
His mouth is killing you. The air is heavy and the scent of your wet cunt is filling the room, making him lick his lips again. Once he calms down you pull away from him, knowing he could stay between your legs for hours. You position yourself to sit back on your feet. You touch his bulge again and he watches you, giving you groans of approval. You start stroking the outside of his pants. He was already hard but you could tell it wasnt to its full potential, yet it felt massive. You subconsciously take a gulp, anticipating and preparing yourself for his big size as you pull his pants and underwear down at the same time. 
When his cock was fully exposed to you, you found yourself floored by his enormous size. Not only was it long, but the real shock was the thickness and girth of it. You've never seen anything comparable, just staring at it made your pussy throb. You can tell he’s fully confused by what you're doing, he has no idea about the purpose of the thing between his legs. “I wont touch it if you don't want me to. But can I please watch as you stroke it?”. Your plea is desperate and you're begging the gods above to have him accept your prayer. He looks down and a deep grunt escapes his throat and you can tell he’s confused by your request. He looks into your eyes as if to say ‘how?’ and you let a small giggle escape your lips. Has he really never done it before? 
“Alright big boy, I'll show you how”. You give him a comforting smile, showing that you're not judging him. If anything, this made it even better. You grab one of his hands again and wrap it around his own dick. You see him grasping his cock and you can't help but bite your lip, being presented with the sight of his big hand wrapped around his big cock. You hold his hand with both of your hands and start to slowly stroke alongside his shaft, up and down. The skin on his cock moving with your rhythm, massaging his member. He looks into your eyes and his breathing gets heavy. Once he gets into the rhythm you created for him, you let go all together. 
He continues stroking his cock, up and down, just like you showed him. “There you go, honey”. You see his eyes narrow and fill with hunger. He starts experimenting with different speeds at his own pace and you feel proud of him. You lean back towards the wall and spread your legs. You lick your fingers while looking into his eyes and bring your fingers back to your aching clit. You resume playing with your pussy and for the moment you sit in front of each other, both of you pleasuring yourselves as you watch each other. The beast gets more and more aggressive, the new sensation had him hooked and his movements were desperate. As he’s breathlessly stroking his cock, you grab his wrist with your hand, canceling his motion. He looks at you with lust filled eyes, excited for your next move. 
You remove his hand from his dick and replace it with both your hands. You squeeze it in between your hands and admire his full size, it was beautiful but intimidating. You're stroking his cock and you feel it twitch as you move up and down, twisting, pulling and massaging it. Occasionally, you let your soft fingers circle around his tip, giving him an unreal sensation. The beast lets out groans like you've never heard before… but you weren't done here. You feel your aching and neglected cunt scream and beg to be filled. You decide it's time to finally give her what she wanted. 
You pull on his shirt and direct his back to lay against the wall. You spread your legs and hover your opening over his cock as you rest your hands on his broad and strong shoulders. He holds your waist with both hands as he watches you grab his cock and align it with your entrance. Without giving him any time to prepare for you, you sink down on his cock. Both of you release loud gasps as you’re shocked by how well his tip alone filled you, and as he feels your warm and slippery insides. You don't go all the way down, you can't go all the way down but you continue bouncing up and down his tip, getting yourself wetter and slowly stretching yourself out for him. He lets out deep groans and you love how he's letting you know exactly how he feels. As you let your entrance play with his tip you take off your shirt. He looks at your tits and you see his eyes widen. You giggle a little to yourself and guide both his hands to play with your nipples. He gets the hang of it immediately and squeezes and pulls on your nipples. He didn't know what it felt like to you but by the way you moaned louder, he knew he had to continue doing it. 
You hear the brute let out a frustrated groan, he's growing impatient with you teasing his tip and wanting to feel you all through his length. You let out a loud moan, bordering on a scream and he forces you to sit on his cock. You look into his eyes with your mouth agape, surprised by his action. You're not nearly ready for his full length and girth but he doesn't care. He pushes you all the way on his cock, forcing himself deep inside you. You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head and you go silent for a moment, trying to adjust to his size. He slowly pulls out, veeerryyy sloowwwllyyy and you feel every single inch of him as he's exiting your tight little pussy. With only a small bit of his tip still inside you, he thrusts back into you, hard and quick. You let out another scream and he lets out a deep grunt. 
After a couple pumps, he starts getting more consistent and regular with his thrusts. You're amazed by how naturally it came to him. You’re hovering over him and he forcefully bucks his hips into you, sliding in and out as the sounds of skin slapping echoes in the empty basement. “fuckkk, just like that. You're doing so good”, your voice is weak and breathless but he had to know how good this felt, how good he felt. He lets his hips rest back on the mattress and you sit all the way down on his dick. You feel full of him, his girth pressing against your tight insides. You move around a little and cup his face with your hands. He's still wearing that mask but all you see are his stunning eyes and beautiful lips. You can tell they're soft. 
As his cock is buried deep inside you, you lean in and kiss him. He's shocked and doesn't know what to do. He keeps his eyes open as he kisses you, but after seeing your closed eyes, he shuts them as well. He places his hands on your hips, squeezing it, feeling your tight pussy throb around his cock. He gets into the rhythm and you feel each other’s soft lips play with each other. You press into his face while still cupping it, your kiss gets increasingly more desperate as you start sliding up and down on his cock again. You continue riding his dick at a brutal pace, going faster and harder by the second. He helps you by pushing you down further everytime you bounce back up. You introduce your tongue to his mouth and he welcomes it, sucking and swirling it around his mouth. 
You break the kiss and press your forehead to his, not slowing down from the bouncing on his cock. “I'm so proud of you, big boy”. You smile and you look down on the base of his shaft being completely drenched with your pussy juice, and his cock pounding in and out of your soaked cunt. The pitch black hair around his balls being white because of your white cream coating it. The wet and sloppy sounds of his dick thrusting in you is filling the room, you're surprised by how it's still audible over both of your moaning, screaming and panting. The way he's pounding into you makes you question his virginity, you don't believe it, there is no way. His eyes are too confident, his thrusts are too perfect and his dick is way too good. 
He lifts you up from his cock and it makes a quiet ‘pop’ sound as his dick gets released from your pussy’s tight grip. He lays you down on the mattress and climbs on top of you. You can tell that he now knows what sex is, he knows exactly how to do it and you smile to yourself thinking of how the student has become the teacher. He slides his hands under your knee crease and let your legs fall over his broad shoulders. This way, he had a perfect view of your face as he pounds into you. He aligns his cock with your entrance and gives you a quick peck on the lips to prepare you for his cock. You smile at him, letting him know you're ready and you feel like you're about to burst. Every second without his cock inside you, was a second too long. 
The beast didn't believe in slow and steady. He wanted rough and hard and that's exactly how he entered you. As he forces his cock into you, you're shocked by how much deeper he could get from this position. You didn't know the female body could have something this deep inside her but you learn something new everyday… You lay your hands on his chest as he pounds into you and you feel your walls tighten. “F-fucckkk…I-mmm… Imma cum!!!” You can hardly breathe, let alone talk as he's deep inside you. He's making up for years of not feeling this sensation. He’s furious this feeling has been kept from him and he's channeling all that frustration into drilling his cock harder into you. You feel his cock twitch and you can tell he’s close as well. Even though he doesn't say it, you're slowly learning what his different grunts mean. The ones he's letting out right now definitely meant ‘I’m gonna cum in your tight pussy’. 
He lets out one last deep groan as he fills your pussy with his warm liquid. Continuing to pump into you to empty every single drop of himself. You moan so loud, it made your head spin and feeling his cum shoot deep inside you was a feeling unlike anything you've felt before. He slowly pulls out and you feel as the mixture of both your cum is leaking out of your abused hole. He watches as you squirm and shake from the trauma of the intense pleasure. 
He lays down next to you and you get on top of him, resting your ear to his chest, listening to his fast and irregular heartbeat. You hug his massive body and close your eyes. You lay in silence for a while, catching your breaths and soaking in each other's presence. You look up at him, giving him a passionate and soft kiss. “Thank you for saving my life”. 
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credit for dividers: @y-onb @animatedglittergraphics-n-more @roseschoices <3
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duchess7878 · 6 months
Johnny Slaughter Housewife HCs~
I think a lot about being a housewife to Johnny <3
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Being a housewife for Johnny after he keeps you would include;
• Johnny would be the type of husband to always want physical contact, like hugging you from behind when you’re doing dishes or laundry, maybe adding some kisses to your temple and cheek. He loves it even more when you touch him, especially when you grab his face with both hands and kiss him softly
• whenever he’s gone long, he can’t help but think about you at home. Specifically you waiting for him to get back. He loves when you rush to greet him and he can’t wait to scoop you up and hug you tightly, he also loves when you get all excited to hear about his day
• if his ‘business’ involves going out of town, he’ll bring you back little knickknacks like the Fluggerville sticker he gave to Bubba for the Nicotero outfit
• he loves your company, whether it’s him just sitting quietly when you’re working around the house or you keeping him company when he’s busy with his own work, but anything bloody he keeps you from, you’re too precious to him to get tangled up in all of that
• Johnny tries his best to keep you out of the family business, saying you’re too pure for that and he doesn’t want to ruin you. If the family, specifically Drayton and Nancy, ever tries to get on your case saying you need to pull your weight, he’s immediately at your defense
• he loves bringing you flowers, says you “make the house look real nice,” whenever you are gifted some. But really it’s just because he loves seeing you smile real wide when he surprises you with them, he doesn’t want to admit it though
• Johnny being eager for your cooking and only yours, not wanting to eat anyone else’s. “Their food is no good, not like yours darlin’.” He’d say when you would talk to him about not eating at the family dinner
• he would do his best to get you anything and everything you wanted, just wanting to see you happy and smiling. Your smile is his favorite thing in the world
• probably his favorite things about having you as a housewife is sharing the bed together. Nothing is better than you crawling up into his arms, tucking your face into in chest and snuggling into his side. He couldn’t be happier
• Johnny being the fix-it man of the house. If your sink, washer, dryer, car, anything is broken, let him know and it’ll be good as new immediately. It may even work better than before
• gifts being left around the house for you, little candies, jewelry, crafts, etc.
• he would let you wear his shirts, knowing you like his scent. He would make sure to leave you one he’s worn when he goes away for a bit, not wanting you to get lonely
• him being head over heels in love with you and every small thing about you. He just wants to grow old with you and he hopes you love him forever
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sinsofbeauty · 6 months
Lovie, could we possibly get a bit of fluff in a Johnny x chubby!reader? Like she can’t find anything to wear bc she doesn’t feel like anything she puts on is flattering and she looks bad in it and is feeling really upset?Asking for a friend ofc 😅
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Chubby Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Established relationship, Pet names (Bunny, Baby, Honey), Softer Johnny
Requested?: Yeaahhhh
Overview: You can’t seem to find a single thing to wear, and it’s bringing your mood down lower and lower. Though when your boyfriend comes in the room, he tries to comfort you the best he can.
A/n: Literally love this idea!! I gotchu bb ;3
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Heavy footsteps had entered the quiet room, belt buckling under it designated flaps as brown eyes gazed upon your backside. Through the dusty window, the morning sun shone, casting a drab ray of light on your figure. Johnny, who had just stepped in finishing up with his belt buckle, peering you down as you observed yourself in the mirror. You appear upset, frowning when you see yourself and attempting to modify the dress you wore to fit your physique. After glancing at the stacked garments on the bed in the corner, Johnny's gaze shifted to the open closet, which appeared to be nearly empty. 
“We goin’ thru clothes today bunny?” When he noticed your face, he raised his eyebrows and questioned. 
Glancing across at the bed, you suddenly became dissatisfied. In a short period of time, so many different outfits were worn, yet none of them seemed to attract your interest. “I wish,” You stare back in the mirror and say, huffing a little. “I’m just… trying to figure out what I want to wear.”
“What’s wrong with that dress?” Johnny asked, gesturing to the one you were wearing. 
What was the issue with it? The colors? The patterns? Perhaps the horrible way it molded itself around your body? Nothing you've worn in the past twenty minutes has made you feel good about yourself; everything just looked awful. From pretty blouses paired with skirts to dresses that are long and short? Simply put, you weren't feeling it today. You felt so insecure about it that it upset you. Even though it wasn't his fault, the mere question from Johnny disturbed you. You felt yourself involuntarily tugging at your stomach in an attempt to cover it up.
“Just look at it…”
Johnny had indeed taken one good look at you. His attention swept over your entire body, taking in every exquisite curve that your clothing effortlessly embraced. The thin material snatched your breasts and the remainder of your waist as it flowed down around your hips. He didn't find anything wrong with the apparel or the way you looked wearing it. The man gave you a small shake of his head before raising his gaze once more to meet yours. 
“You don’ like it?” He asked, taking a couple steps towards you. His head loomed side to side as your facial expression grew more and more confused. “I think it’s beautiful on ya’ baby.” 
Johnny had taken your hand and lifted your arm above your head, spinning you around to face him. His eyes observed you closely in it’s half lidded state before turning you back around. Facing the mirror you were looking at before all you could make was a disgusted face. Though that soon faded when the man pressed his body up against you from behind. Your eyes became a little wider as he began fiddling with the straps and smoothing out the creases that were sticking out of your dress. 
“This ones a lil’ tight,” Johnny murmured softly, his voice like a low rumble bouncing off walls. 
“Is it?” You say, your chest suddenly shifting with disappointment. “I… don’t like the way I look in it.”
“Why not?” His voice hinted with curiosity.
“It’s just… I’ve tried so many things. They don’t look appealing, most… not as flattering as I’d hoped.” 
Johnny’s movements stopped, which made you look up at the mirror. “I think it’s more than flattering.” A smile appears on his face when his large hands take your hips. “Y’know what I think?” 
“I think I could take ya’ out in this one. How ‘bout dinner?”
“Johnny, this dress isn’t good enough for dinner.” 
His smile widened as all he could do was chuckle. “Really sugar? Cause I could jus’ eat chu’ up~.” When Johnny began to attack you with kisses, you squealed and laughed as he buried his face in your neck. Your body was enveloped by his arms, leaving you exposed to his comforting warmth. His teeth scraped and nibbled at your throat as you reached for his hair and yanked him away. “Ah- careful! You’ll start pullin’ on other strings-“
“Johnny Slaughter-“
“Y/n L/n,” His eyes squinted at you, making your cheeks fluster. “I think that dress is lovely on ya’. Anythin’ ya’ wear, you’re a beautiful woman.” His head leaned down and kissed your temple. “My beautiful woman.”
He just knew how to make your heart flutter. Given that Johnny wasn't always good at consoling people, you treasured these moments. Something like this, where he truly sought to convey his feelings, even though he wasn't always the one to do so? It sets butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't help but smile when you saw Johnny as considerate and positive as opposed to cold and uncaring.
“There’s the smile I like to see,” He said with a chuckle, planting a firm kiss on your cheek. “Can I get a kiss?”
“Hmm, no.” 
“Give me a damn kiss woman.”
You giggle moving your head, your lips colliding with your lovers as you both hum in sync. All he could do was nuzzle his head with yours when he pulled back. “You’re awfully… cuddly today.” 
Withdrawing from you, he grabs your hand and spins you around to face him. “Don’ like it?”
“No- No I like it!” You say placing your hands on his chest and patting him softly. “It’s just a little… different?”
“Is it? Ya’ like it when I’m more stern and rough wit’ ya’?”
“It’s what I’m used to honey,” Johnny gave you a mischievous look and a huff when you lightly tapped his face with your palm. After that you made your way over to bed, piled with clothes that you’d taken from your closet. 
“I’m serious though,” He says, the heavy footsteps of his boots trailing from behind you. The man’s hand had taken yours, lowering it as it held one of the dresses you put on before. You look up at him, confused with your eyebrows well raised. He takes the dress from your hand and looks at it, before placing it back down on the bed. “I wanna take ya’ out.”
“If you think taking me out will make me feel better-”
“How ‘bout our spot?” He said, making you pause your words. “Anythin’ ya’ want. I’ll even throw in some drinks if that’s whatcha like.”
You gave Johnny a major side eye before sighing, closing your eyes and running your hand through your hair. “So persuasive,” You state, making him chuckle. “Fine, but we’re coming straight home afterwards.”
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johnnyschainsaw · 3 months
If you’re taking requests, can you draw/write Johnny Slaughter adopting a kitten?
Word count: 691
Warnings: none
genre: fluff
I had so much fun writing this one
The small cat looked quite funny, it had short black fur and a long scratch down its cheek and was seemingly missing an eye. Johnny chuckled a bit, noticing the resemblance. Eventually he gave up and walked away. It was after about 3 minutes of walking that he turned around to notice the cat had been following him. Johnny cried out in frustration, picking the cat back up and placing it outside the property fence again before storming off back to his shack. After getting back into bed, ready to sleep again he heard scratching on his door. He swung the door open furiously and a little fuzzy bolt of black shot into his room. Johnny rubbed his eyes in anger and pointed at the feline intruder. “You can stay here just the night until I can put you in my truck and drive you some while away, but if you wake me up I swear I'm gonna gut you like a fish” he muttered before locking his door and getting back in bed.after a little bit he felt his pillow dimple besides him as the cat curled up against his neck. Johnny's cheeks tightened a bit as his mouth curled upwards, y'know he'd always had a soft spot for cats. the next day Johnny chucked the cat into his truck. he grumbled as he attempted to read the map, driving for almost an hour into town. Johnny hopped out of the cabin slamming the door behind him leaving the cat inside. after about 20 minutes Johnny came back with a shiny red collar with a bone shaped tag in his hands. he let out a grunt as hopped back up into the trucks interior and turned to his unlikely roadtrip buddy. Johnny gently snapped the collar around the small cats neck, "I think Shredder suits you" he mumbled under his voice, turning his truck around to head home.
Incessant meowing ripped through Johnny's ears, the high pitched yowling snapping him out of his somewhat peaceful but definitely needed sleep. He threw his pillow over his head in frustration, praying the sound would stop and the damn thing would get eaten by foxes or something. After a little while Johnny eventually fell back asleep, but it felt as if as soon as he drifted away he was snapped out of it almost instantly. He jumped out of bed with a huff, he slid some shoes on, not bothering to put a shirt on or change out of his pyjama pants and walked outside, the brisk night air hit his skin and made him shiver but he had a job to do. he made his way over to the slaughterhouse where he knew the occasional neighbours barn cat would sometimes sneak in at night to steal forgotten offcuts, just one of the downsides with living in a rural farming area. Johnny pulled open the heavy metal door with both hands with a grunt, the tinny clang echoing around the large building. “I'm gonna find you damn thing” he muttered under his breath as he began to search for the source of his insomnia. Johnny peeked under grates, inside boxes, through cracks in the wall but He couldn't find the little bastard. Johnny was about to give up when he felt a hairy thing against his leg, he let out a yell of shock at the unexpected push on his leg jumping back. He shone his flashlight down on the floor and rolled his eyes. The stupid thing was rubbing into him and purring. He bent down and scooped it up under its arms, holding it out like some sort of smelly garbage. “You ain't staying here” he grumbled walking towards the door. Johnny eventually made it to the gate where he placed the cat down outside and slammed the gate behind it. He stood there waiting for it to leave so he could be sure it wouldn't be keeping him awake, but surprisingly the cat just sat there staring at Johnny. “go on git” he waved the cat away hoping to frighten it away. but, the cat just sat there, purring loudly and staring.
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aklxojjk · 6 months
The Restaurant’s Cashier
Waking up you knew that today was either going to be a nice and relaxing day or an anxious filled day. Every sunday you and your family visited a restaurant called Texas BBQ, where your family would take turns ordering for the whole table. Two Sundays ago was your mom, last Sunday was your brother, this Sunday it’s you. With a heavy sigh and a stretch you rose from the bed already stressing about the day ahead of you. It’s not that the cashier is mean or anything of the sort, you just had anxiety and having to memorize all your family’s orders plus having to speak up and not stutter when ordering was… hectic. You put slippers on and slipped into the bathroom, already dreading the thought of ordering food.
Gaming most of the morning away you realized that it was almost time to go to the restaurant and you had about 10 minutes to pick out an outfit, do your makeup, and put jewelry and shoes on.
“Wow, I’m just so prepared every time huh,” you said as you rushed towards your closet finding a nice comfortable pair of shorts and a long black shirt and began to change right there on the spot. Immediately after half putting the shirt on you stumbled over to your makeup stand, scattering some mascaras over your stand to find the perfect combo you always use.
‘my fucking god where is that shitty mascara at’ you though out loud for a second, eyes lighting up as you found the combo you always use. Something about this mascara made your lashes look 3 times bigger than they actually were.
“Hey, you ready?” your brother asked behind the door, respecting your privacy.
“Yeah just lemme finish my makeup and put my socks on,” you said with a raised voice knowing he could probably barely hear you from behind the door. You finished putting on your mascara and just added a bit of glitter under your eyes and some strawberry chapstick on your lips. You slipped your socks on as you opened the door, tripping over the frame.
"IM READY" you yelled, with your whole family yelling back "IM READYYYY" in response. Silly family things.
On the car ride there you tried not to mention that it was your turn to order because maybe that would make the other forget and it would ease your anxiety a bit.
“So mom wants the grilled fish with fries, I want the BBQ ribs with a side of uhm…fries i guess? dad wants popcorn chicken,” your brother said, not even looking at you, too busy admiring the usual roads you always take.
“popcorn chicken… you copying me?” you say looking at your dad with an eyebrow raised.
“I’m not really hungry so yea.”
you looked away already noticing the restaurant in the distance. It was super close to your house so the rides were always quick. you stepped outside, sighing your anxious feelings away hoping that maybe there was no line and the lady up front wouldn't ask a billion times for you to repeat yourself.
“I’ll go get the table” your mom said leading the way as the rest of your family followed close by.
‘Donald Trump if you can hear me… please save us’ is the only thought going through your head as you march down what seemed like an eternal pathway.
“Hi.” you greet the cashier; the same old woman as always.
“Hi darling! what can i get ya?” the old woman says happily, knowing you and your family always come to visit on Sundays.
“I would like a-” your eyes flickered between her and a worker in the back; he was staring you down with a pleasant smile as he continued to cook.
“uh 2 popcorn chickens and a… lord” you already forgot the order.
“Take your time now darling, there’s no one behind ya in line” the sweet old woman said laughing a bit, you glanced at the worker in the back again, noticing his eyes still lingering on you.
“Righttt okay, one grilled fish and one bbq ribs with a side of fries” you said with a smile, slightly shy from the man staring at you. He was definitely something.
“Alright that’ll be… $60.78” she said, turning the card machine towards you. You honestly didn’t even check if she got the order right. you just prayed she did as you couldn’t take anymore of the man’s eyes on you, seeing them trail up and down your body.
“I forgot the drinks…” you said giving her an anxious smile.
“Oh come on now sweetheart! you and your family come by every sunday, I already put it in,” the lady says with a smile as you shyly put the card in.
You couldn’t manage to form a reply as you looked up to see if the man was still staring. To your surprise he wasn’t, which made you think that maybe he didn't truly mean anything by it.
“Alright and would you like a receipt?” she asked and you nodded immediately, knowing that if you didn’t ask for one your dad might send you straight into the seventh layer of hell; he had a thing for receipts.
“Thank you ma’am,” you said as you grabbed your receipt nodding at her in a polite manner.
“You’re welcome sweetie, and next time just call me Nancy.” the old lady nodded back, turning around to give the order to the kitchen.
As you found your usual table— which was on the other side of the wall directly adjacent to the ordering counter— you and your family sat out of sight from the kitchen. you fidgeted with your fingers wondering if you got the order right and if she heard everything okay.
“Check if she got it right,” you said to your dad as he immediately started to check the receipt.
“Always in this damn restaurant!” he says with a bit of anger but not loud enough to warn the other customers and employees around.
He glanced at the receipt, “she put only one popcorn chicken. And she got 4 fountain drinks- you know your mom only drinks water,” he says rolling his eyes.
You let out a big sigh, rolling your eyes as you harshly picked up the receipt. You didn’t really care that she messed up. You felt a bit guilty since she was a bit old- not her fault she couldn’t really hear your low and anxious voice. You walked back to the front counter, looking at your receipt as you fidgeted with it.
“Hey ma’am this is wron-“ as you began to look up, you noticed that the woman is no longer there but that man from earlier is standing there.
He didn’t say anything, but just stared at you with a blank face.
“Oh my bad I thought you were the old lady.. uhm she got my order wrong.” you said, glancing from the receipt up to his eyes then down at the receipt again in an attempt to break eye contact.
“Tell me what she got wrong,” he said in a clear voice, trying to be heard over the sounds of the kitchen behind him.
“uhm it was 2 popcorn chickens and 3 fountain cups instead of 4. One drink was just water.” you made eye contact with him immediately feeling your cheeks lightly burn.
Honestly you had no thoughts in your head except two: this man is attractive and you couldn’t focus on anything else. You stared into his eyes as he was tapping away at the machine, fixing your order up. This was the only time you could examine his features without him catching you.
He was on the taller side and looked about close to your age with dark hair that was a bit on the longer side for a guy, but was clearly well maintained. His facial features were striking, which explained why you wanted to keep staring at him at every chance. He had a muscular build that was not initially noticeable due to his mundane work outfit, but that became apparent once you realized it was there.
“Eight dollars,” he said nonchalantly in his little southern accent after he was done fixing the order.
“Oh right,” you mumbled under your breath, taking your card out as you went to pay for the extra meal they originally forgot to put in.
“Here you go darling,” he said, handing you a new receipt.
You thanked the man and turned around, wanting to return to your table immediately.
“Hey hold on,” the man shouted as you turned back around and stood in front of him, “you forgot the other receipt.” This time he had a smile on his face as he handed you a third receipt.
“Ohh sorry,” you apologized for running off so quickly and grabbed the receipt, turning again to fill the water cup for your mother.
As you made your way back to your table you stopped by the soda machine to pour water into the cup. As you watched the water pour you realized, ‘wait two receipts?’
Just now realizing you received two receipts, you took the second receipt out of your pocket. “text me ;))” it read with a phone number under it.
“holy shit!” you said, realizing that he did actually mean something by it.
As you were reeling from this surprise, you felt your hand turn cold. ‘Oh shit!’ you yelled in your head as you looked down and saw the cup overflowing with cool water. You walked back to your table with a full cup of water and a now cold hand, placing it down in front of your mother.
“Did they fix it?” your father asked while staring up at the restaurant tv, watching some news headline about a recent murder in the area.
“Yeah, here’s the new receipt,” you handed over the receipt to him making sure to keep the one with that guy’s number in your pocket. “I’m so hungry,” you said, trying to distract yourself from the realization that you were probably blushing in front of him and didn’t even notice.
Soon your food arrived and you immediately showered your food in a bunch of different sauces.
“jesus…” your brother said, looking at your food as if he wasn’t doing the same thing.
You hummed as you were about to dig in. “It’s not going anywhere bro,” your brother added as he watched you stuff your mouth with chicken and fry goodness.
“I know,” you said with a bit of food still in your mouth.
You didn’t speak much as you usually preferred to just eat in peace instead of talk. As you were casually sipping your drink, you kept noticing the employees walking by and glancing at you. ‘Ah fuck no’ you thought, hating the feeling of being watched as you ate. You tried to brush it off, thinking that maybe they were just checking if you were done eating to snatch your plate away. But when you were actually done you noticed no waitress coming by to take your plate, that's when you noticed the big ass sign that said “leave plates on table” so you were not tripping and they were definitely looking at you weird. You shrugged it off because you couldn’t really do anything about the staring.
You pulled out your phone and airpods to listen to music while you waited for your family to finish eating. Then you remembered the phone number in your pocket and sneakily pulled out the other receipt. You looked at the paper now in your hands as you typed the number into your phone. “cute cashier guy” you typed in as his contact name since you didn't ask for his name nor did you look at his name tag.
With stomachs now full, you and your family stood up marching towards the door, stopping by the soda machine to get some more soda before returning home.
“How was y’all’s food?” The man from earlier stood next to you restocking the soda lids and straws as you refilled your cup.
“It was amazing as always,” your brother said pushing you to the side so he could get his drink refilled.
“That's always good to hear! Y’all have a good day now,” he said, staring directly into your eyes.
You gave him a nod as you mumbled a thank you and ran off to where your parents were holding the door open for you. You took the door from your dad’s grip and held it open for your brother as he was now carrying his soda and a bunch of sauce packs he found. You saw the man point to his name tag. “Johnny” it read. ‘That's actually not a bad name at all, it's definitely moanable’ you thought as you smiled and walked away, waving at johnny.
As you ran to catch up with your family— who had long since left you there holding the door open like an idiot— you kept thinking about his name.
“johnny…” you said in a low breathy voice just trying to see how his name felt on your tongue, simultaneously wondering how he would feel on your tongue. In your head this sounded normal but your facial expression was definitely cringing.
Opening the door, you slapped your tummy with a big sigh and turned to your brother, “that shit was good,” you said smiling knowing he was gonna say the same thing.
As your parents pulled out of the parking lot, you started to think more about that guy. He was very attractive. Handsome with some nice strong arms that could probably pick you up with ease… you would like that. You pondered away looking at the sky and getting lost in your thoughts until you heard the car stop and realized you were already home. ‘damn,’ you thought, ‘that was so fast.’ you hopped out of the car and walked inside immediately wanting to text him.
You stepped into your room, plopping down on the bed with your phone in hand as you drafted up a text to send him. After debating for a while, you decided to go with something simple and direct.
“Hey :)”
Some weeks had passed since you first texted him and your relationship with Johnny had grown. He would often text you during work.
hey I’m getting off work soon
wanna hang with me?
hmm dunno I’m kinda tired
I’ll pick you up and buy you some food
all of a sudden I’m dressed and ready to go 😝
I’ll be there in 5 pretty girl ;)
Not only have you guys been flirting but you also got to know him more. He was adopted when he was little by Nancy, who treated him like her own son. He had plans for the future (and he wanted to make sure you were in it). You had now been to about 5 official dates with him, but truthfully you had been spending more time with him than your own family. Every day you would wake up, text him, and then go see him. Nancy had asked you so many times if you were dating but you kept telling her that you were not a couple.
A few nights after that you received a text from none other than your Johnny.
you up?
yea what’s up?
uhm i have a smalll tinyyy question
just say it johnny
would you be my girlfriend?
I know i shouldn’t ask over the phone but i just wanted to get it out, I really like you.
You gasped at the sudden question. Yeah you expected this but still it was shocking.
you tried to act very nonchalant
okay then send me a picture of your face.
what for?
oh come on honey just send me a damn picture already
tell me what forr
I just wanna have something to look at…
while doing… what 😇
You were no saint, you knew what he was implying but you wanted to make him spit it out.
you’ll find out.
just let me know when and I’ll pick ya up ;))
Panic settled into you, ‘oh my god…’ you quickly rushed to the closet looking for something pretty but not try-hard, maybe some shorts and a hoodie. gotta work for it you thought as you looked at the hoodie.
pick me up in 10
straight to the point
I like it.
You didn’t have many sexy undergarments but at least you had a thong your friend bought you a while back.
“That’ll do” you said, putting your shorts over the thong and putting on the plain hoodie, no bra.
You were lucky you had just showered or else you could’ve missed the chance to finally stand on business. You just had to spray a little perfume and apply your scented lotion now. ‘hmm this smells just like strawberries’ you thought when you got a whiff of your arm while fixing your hair.
“am i fuck-ready or what,” you said while looking at the mirror, staring your body down. You kept staring and a bit of worry began to form in your eyes.
“Maybe I should put a shirt on,” you said, tugging at the ends of your hoodie strings.
Not another thought could enter your mind before your phone went off.
I’m outside.
You felt a shiver go down your spine, it was time. You quickly exited your room and made your way out the front door, seeing his car pulled up in your driveway.
“Hi Johnny,” you wanted to seem totally relaxed and not nervous.
“Hi sweetheart,” he said in a low voice as you entered the car.
No other words were exchanged. He only turned to face the road and started the car. You quickly realized this was the way to his house, you had been there before a couple times.
“Wait your parents aren’t home right?” you asked a bit worried you would have to be quiet.
With an eyebrow quirk he turned to you. “Why would that matter?”
“Wait, are we not…” you started but got cut off.
“I’m just kidding honey, yea we are.” he said putting his palm up waiting for yours.
You slid your hand on top of his and he immediately closed his grip and brought it over to his side. You can feel his hand trace circles over yours, he seemed extra gentle today.
Letting go of your hand he exited the vehicle and you could see him go around the back making his way to your door. You felt a breeze and turned towards the car door.
“we’re here,” he said, holding the door open for you with a charming smile.
“yay” you replied in a sad tone. You couldn’t help a worried expression from creeping over your face.
You were finally here and now you had to actually follow him inside. When you made it inside his house you paused to take in the house, not particularly interested since you had already been here before.
“Just give me a sec,” he turned around to put his keys on the key holder then take his shoes off.
You followed suit then took the time to sit on one of those fancy looking high chairs he had around the kitchen bar.
“soo uhm what did you mean by that?” you stared at his back waiting for him to look at you.
“You know what I meant,” he said as he made his way over to you, looking you up and down as if he had been waiting for this moment.
It doesn’t take long for his hands to find their way under your shorts’ leg bands. You enjoyed the new feeling of warmth emitting from his rough hands.
“do I?” You did know what he meant but you just wanted to try and seem flirty.
He scoffed in response to that, rolling his eyes and removing his hands from your thighs.
“I was joking~ come on” you took his hand in yours and guided it back to your thighs, already missing the feeling of them.
“you play too much,” with a single quick move, he snatched you up in his arms, making your legs wrap around his waist.
“Johnny, wait-” was the only thing you managed to say before he started to kiss you, getting a taste of the chapstick and smelling the perfume you showered yourself with.
The lotion made your skin smooth and soft as he rubbed one hand on your leg and the other found its way under your hoodie to support your lower back
“been waiting for this-” he bit your lower lip, wanting more of you, “-for some time now.”
He didn’t move you over to his bedroom just yet, wanting to savor you more. The taste of strawberry made him want to lick his lips after he was done with you. At this point your body started heating up, feeling a heavy blush overtake your face and your eyes fluttered with lust. The heat emitting from your body and the fact that you were wearing a hoodie did not go together.
“It’s so hot in here,” you exclaimed, breaking the kiss to fan yourself with your hand.
“So let's take this hoodie off. It’s 80 degrees, what were you thinking?” He chuckled, setting you down again on the chair and hovering his hands over the waistband of your hoodie.
He wanted to tease you- to make sure you felt desperate for his touch. He took his time lifting your hoodie, observing your expressions to see if you were still comfortable.
“Why are you taking so long,” you pulled your hoodie over your head, setting it down on the chair next to you.
His eyes were staring at your now exposed body with eyebrows raised and a small ‘o’ shaped mouth.
“What?? what's wrong?” you glanced down to see what he was looking at and immediately realized what made him become so shocked: you had no bra on.
“So ya came prepared, huh?” he looked into your eyes, a smirk on his lips as he took a hold of your waist and pulled you off the chair and into him.
He wanted to take you right then and there but he knew that he couldn’t just yet. You tugged at his shirt wanting him to take it off and he received your message loud and clear, taking his shirt off and watching you stare at his abs.
His lips attacked yours once more earning him a muffled moan that vibrated against his lips, his hands now exploring your chest and bare abdomen.
“You feel so good,” he paused and whispered in your ear before diving back into kissing you, his hands squeezing your hips.
His strong arms wrapped around you once again, pressing you flat against his body as if to eliminate any space that could’ve possibly remained between you. He started to walk towards his bedroom, enraptured by the taste of strawberry on your lips.
He stumbled slightly as he made his way to his room while carrying you, hitting the walls and corners on the way there. Neither of you really cared to let go of each other to let him see the obstacles in his way. He set you down on the floor and turned you to face the bed, standing behind you towering over your shorter figure.
“I feel so bare…” you looked down at your feet feeling a bit vulnerable.
“You look beautiful,” he said, finding the crook of your neck and kissing it gently with hands snaking around your waist.
His hands ran across your skin, rising from your waist to your breasts and giving them a firm squeeze, reveling in the feeling of your soft skin.
“I don’t feel it..” you crossed your arms over his hands, feeling too exposed.
He brought his hands down from your breasts to hold your elbows, sliding them down to your sides.
“I’ll make ya feel it,” smirking against the skin of your neck he now used your hands— which were being held by him— to make you caress yourself.
Wanting you to feel yourself. Wanting you to feel how good you felt to him. How your skin felt soft and tender under his touch. He brought your fingers up to your mouth so you could suck on them. You parted your lips and did as he wanted, sucking on your them until they were decently wet.
“Does that feel good?” he moved your now wet fingers to your right nipple, making you swirl it and play with it.
He used your other hand to massage your left titty, which made you squeeze your eyes in satisfaction.
“Yeah… it does,” You whimpered in response, allowing yourself to be vulnerable in his presence and arching slightly at the feeling of his body pressed up against your own.
He let your hands go, encouraging you to keep playing with yourself without his help. He held your hair up, wanting to have more access to you and began leaving a trail of kisses that started at the back of your neck and went down to the middle of your back then to your sides where he left a love bite. Unzipping your shorts, he slowly slid them down, watching them fall off to reveal your thong.
“Who would've thought you owned a thong huh?” he smiled cheekily, now sliding his hands up your legs stopping at your hips.
He lowered himself, bathing your hips in kisses and gentle squeezes. His rough yet gentle handling fueling a fire in you. He didn’t speak for a while before he suddenly spun you around and pushed you to the edge of the bed.
“Johnny—” you yelped, a bit shocked as he pushed you rather harshly.
He placed a knee under your own and pushed it to the side, wanting to get a better view while his other leg was placed on the edge of the bed for support. He lowered his body to give you a quick peck before kneeling down. ‘A munch has got to eat I guess’ you thought, smiling down at him as you watched him kiss up your thighs, the feeling of his teeth scraping against your skin sending shivers up your spine.
“If you move I'll stop. I wanna take my time with you” he said, sliding your thong down and chucking it to the side.
“That’s not gonna be a problem,” you confidently replied.
He smirked up at you, knowing you wouldn't be able to hold still at all. He stroked the inside of your thighs with one hand while he drew his thumb gently along your slit with the other, making you shiver at the cool sensation of his fingers. He wanted to make sure you enjoyed this whole thing. He began tracing your clit in the slowest, faintest circles.
“That feels… nice. I like—” your sentence was cut short when you suddenly felt his thumb press more against your clit and his soft strokes became more prominent. You rolled your hips, trying to chase his hand.
“yeah, you like that doll?” you felt his smile against your skin as his kisses came dangerously close to your pussy.
He moved his hand from your clit down to your entrance sliding his fingers in and out of you, his mouth open as he watched you squirm at the slow pace while pondering if he should just give it to you straight.
“Why are you going so slow Johnny,” you said while straining your body to get him to speed up, which he happily obliged to.
He began pumping in and out of you while he sucked on your clit, sending pleasure straight to your core. You whimpered at his fast pace and that skilled tongue of his, arching as you combed your fingers through his hair with a sigh of relief. The slow pace was agonizing and this felt so much better. The tip of his tongue began rapidly pounding against your clit. The room was silent except for the occasional wet sounds and moans that emitted from you. You tried to close your legs due to a tightening feeling forming in your stomach, which made him immediately stop what he was doing.
“Why’d you stop johnny?” you huffed in frustration with a displeased look on your face, not wanting him to stop.
“I told you not to move darling. You have to listen to me,” He went back to that same slow, excruciating pace as he circled your clit with his other hand stretching you out slowly, “but if you beg I’ll make ya cum real quick. Would you like that baby?” his head was tilted and he was smiling at you; he knew you wanted it badly.
“tsk.. please johnny… can you please make me cum? I’m begging you,” you begged with pleading eyes.
He chuckled in response, “yes ma’am.”
He loved the way you begged and the way his name rolled off your tongue. He immediately dove back into your cunt eating you out like it was his last meal. He gripped your legs to prevent you from moving which you were thankful for.
“Fuckkk,” you dragged that word out with a whimper, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach.
You whispered his name like it was a prayer, your high slowly approaching as you squirmed. You reached up to cup your breast, throwing your head back in pleasure. Letting out a loud moan you stopped moving, feeling your release finally arrive. But Johnny kept going.
“Keep going pretty girl,” he helped you ride out your high with his fingers as he went up to kiss you passionately.
“you’re so good at this…” you huffed, out of breath from your orgasm.
“And we haven't even started yet,” he stood up, taking his belt off and unzipping his pants.
He gave his dick a quick pump before stroking your slit with it. You jumped at the feeling of it, your clit still sensitive. He rubbed his dick against your clit a few times before slowly inserting just the tip, both of you taking in a sharp inhale at the feeling.
“Fuck…” He purred lowly.
He wasn’t particularly big but he wasn't small either, he was the perfect size for someone who knew what he was doing. You put your arms on his broad shoulders as his arms held your lower thighs. He placed them on each of his sides, leaving marks on them from how tight he was gripping you. He took it slow— inch by agonizing inch— watching with his mouth agape at your cunt stretching itself out for him. The tightness forced him to stuff himself fully inside you. He took this time to find your hand and interlace his with yours, wanting you to feel more connected with him.
“You’re really tight baby, you holding up all good?” he whispers in your ear, kissing your cheek followed by your lips.
“y-yea just getting used to you I guess,” you mumbled, avoiding eye contact; you’d rather not look at him as he’s stuffing you like a thanksgiving turkey.
“Good,” he started to slowly move, making sure you could get used to him.
His hand slipped away from yours, finding its way to your clit again and rubbing circles on it. You let out a muffled whimper as he kept touching you but you quickly covered your mouth.
“It's okay, let me hear ya pretty moans now,” he said looking down at you, trying to speed up his pace now that you were comfortable under him.
You let yourself be heard but kept your hand over your mouth, hiding your face from your boyfriend.
“Why are you hiding now, you’re so pretty,” he moved your hair out of the way.
Instead of pulling your hand away you kept it there, not wanting him to see your face.
“What are you doing that for?” He said with an eyebrow quirked, his hands moved to grip your wrists, pulling them to your sides making you be seen by him, “there you are…” you had no choice but to be seen struggling under his grip.
“yea I wanna see you, wanna see your face,” he was inches away from your face, just watching the way you moaned and how your eyebrows moved.
“stop looking so hard-” you playfully push him away, using the hand that was covering your mouth to cup your tits again.
“But you look so pretty baby,” he said while pulling you by the legs so he could close any distance between you, needing to feel you as much as humanly possible.
You felt your stomach tighten and put one of your hands on his shoulder, looking for something to grab onto. You were ready to feel your orgasm again, remembering how good it felt the last time.
“uh-uh baby. I need to get some pleasure too,” he said, removing his hand from your clit and increasing the speed at which he was pumping into you.
You pulled him in and switched positions so that now you were on top, “then let me make you feel good,” you had been waiting to say that, smiling hard at him seeing his shocked face.
“Okay then make me feel good my little cowgirl.”
You weren’t a cowgirl but you were gonna ride him like one.
“What feels good to you?” At first you were just dragging yourself on him. It felt good to you but does he feel the same?
“Give it a little bounce princess,” he looked up at you with a smirk on his lips, enjoying the view of you rubbing yourself on him and finding it pleasurable.
“Like this?” you were clueless on what made him feel good but you were trying.
You bounce on him trying to give him any pleasure you could. You kept bouncing, feeling his dick hit that tender spot inside you. You were messy and that's exactly how he liked it.
“Mhm keep going,” he let out a low moan, encouraging you to keep bouncing on his dick, but as you do it, it slips out all of a sudden.
“oh sorry…” you were a bit awkward but you redeemed yourself when you wrapped your hand around his throbbing cock, moving your hand from base to tip then back and finally slipping it back inside with a yelp.
He didn’t say it but that was pretty hot, he wished you would take his dick more often in the future, wrapping your small hands around him and pumping him before entering you.
“Talk to me johnny I wanna know how you feel,” you pleaded with your eyes, genuinely just wanting to know if he was enjoying this.
“Shhh,” he hushed you as one of his hands moved to your left boob, giving it a squeeze and the other hand squeezed your ass.
He was definitely enjoying himself having you on top of him; titties bouncing, a flushed look on your face, and your eyes almost closed.
“Mmm fuck I’m close,” he said moving his hands to your hips now gripping them with force, making you bounce at the speed that he commanded. He was thrusting up into you now with a sloppy rhythm, longing for that feeling of release.
“Me too,” you moaned, taking one of your hands that were supporting you down to your clit and rubbing and scissoring rapidly trying to chase your own orgasm.
“You’re so greedy,” he chuckled, seeing you so desperately trying to play with yourself, he slapped your hand away and rubbed your clit for you.
You both began moaning loudly as your orgasms were rapidly approaching. He came first, thrusting himself deep into you trying to pump you full of his load. He watched intently as you kept riding him, rubbing your clit and making you come undone on top of him, mixing your fluids together.
“So this was your first time, right?” he said, pulling your limp body close to his and rubbing your back with him still inside you.
“yea…” you said, kinda embarrassed he knew immediately.
He had now touched you in places only he knew.
“It’s alright, you did really well. It doesn't matter to me if it was your first time or not. I’ll always prioritize you first. Always, my little cowgirl,” he said, using his hand to lift your face and give your lips— which were glossy from all the biting and licking— a kiss.
You felt so tired you didn't even notice him pushing you down on the bed and bringing some wipes to clean you up.
You began to grow sleepy, rolling to your side as you yearned for the perfect sleeping position. He watched you roll around before eventually settling in and falling asleep, and decided to give you one final kiss on the forehead to let you know that he was there for you while you slept.
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kivino · 8 months
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Requests are open!! Make sure to read the rules for requests in my pinned post before requesting!!
Number of requests currently: 1
Message me if you want to be in the taglist!
Everything is (sort of) arranged in chronological order of posting. Once I have more works Character Masterlists will be available.
Personal favorites are in bold!
Created - 26.08.2023
Last updated - 01.12.2023
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Fantasy AU with Valeria! - Fluff, SFW
Platonic!TF141 x Eastern European!Reader - Fluff, SFW
Roommate!John ‘Soap’ Mactavish x Reader - Fluff, SFW
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Night time bonding || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - Fluff, SFW
Summary - You have a hard time falling asleep. Ghost has the same problem.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader smut drabble - NSFW
Summary - The title is pretty self-explanatory.
Hush || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - Slight angst, fluff, SFW (requested)
Summary - Different situations where reader and Ghost hug because he’s too afraid to say “i love you” at the moment, but both of you know what his hugs mean.
Take us back || Zombie AU || Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x Gn!Reader - Angst, gore, mcd
Summary – The new world was rotten, and you rotted away with it. 
Every time, I fall for you || Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x Gn!Reader - Fluff, suggestive
Summary - Kyle fell for you hard, but he doesn’t know if it’s mutual.
Double vision || John ‘Bravo 0-6’ Price x Paramedic!Gn!Reader (requested) - Fluff, SFW
Summary - John gets into a car crash on his leave and meets you - a cute paramedic who instantly attracts his attention.
I don't care what's in your hair || Roommate!John 'Soap' Mactavish x Gn!Reader - SFW, Fluff, Teasing, Friendly banter
Summary – Your roommate Johnny comes back after his deployment and his hair looks like it needs a little trimming.
Big guy || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - SFW, fluff
Summary – Ghost takes a liking to the nickname you give him, but struggles to understand just how much he likes it.
Closer || Slasher!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x M!Reader - Dark themes, kidnapping, dead dove do not eat (requested)
Summary - You hear various dark rumors from your colleagues and you don’t believe them, until there is one particular ghost looking you right in the eye.
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Out of the shadows || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Shadow!Gn!Reader - Slight angst, action, SFW
Summary – After the betrayal of Task Force 141 and the slaughter of civilians in Las Almas you decide to leave Shadow Company on the spot, which works out sideways, leaving you with simmering hate towards the man whom you used to look up to and new interesting figures in your life. 
First step. - Where you cut ties with Shadows.
Second step. - WIP
Third step. - WIP
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Price, who’s down bad for his spouse
What if there was a cure to the zombie virus? (“Take us back” fic related)
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WIPS (this is getting a little out of control now)
Lost and found || Zombie AU || Platonic!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Child!Gn!Reader - SFW, Hurt/Comfort, Found family, Parenting
Out of the Shadows || Second step || Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Former Shadow!Gn!Reader - SFW, Slight Angst, Revenge themes, Violence
Out of the Shadows || Third step || Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Former Shadow!Gn!Reader - SFW, Slight Angst, Revenge themes, Violence
Angel of small death || First verse || Priest!Phillip ‘Shadow 0-1’ Graves x Gn!Reader - SFW (for now), religious inaccuracies, idk anything about american catholics i'm eastern european and i will use it as an excuse /j
Whatever it takes || Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gn!Reader - Angst, SFW
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248 notes · View notes
<NSFW content will be bolded, only slight nsfw will be in italics and bolded>
The Outsiders:
(Some of these include Shepards but I forgot the label)
The Gang x goth s/o
The Gang x Mean Girl s/o
The Gang Hugging Headcanons!
Johnny Cade Dating Headcanons!
The Gang x s/o who flinches in a fight
The Gang x smalltime Movie Star! M! Greaser PT 1
Johnny x Hot!F! Greaser + Gang Reactions!
Johnny x Two Bit x Dally (PLATIONIC) Headcanons!
The Gang walking in on you changing!
Johnny can sing x Gang Reaction
The Gang x m! Mute Greaser friendship Headcanons
The Gang x Scary! M! Greaser
The Gang x Rich Soc! GN! Reader
The Gang x modern AU!
The Gang x F! Greaser Crush Headcanons
Steve Randle Headcanons!
Autistic F! Reader x The Gang
Gang Cuddling Headcanons!
Teasing! Hot! M! Greaser x The Gang
Scary! Hot! Teasing M! Greaser x The Gang
Young Ponyboy x Two Bit Fluff!
Sodapop, Two Bit, and Steve School Headcanons
Pretty, haunted, scared looking F! Greaser x Gang
Innocent M! Greaser making unintentional dirty jokes x The Gang
The Gang x F! Scene reader
The Gang x F! Hyperfem reader
The Gang x Hogwarts Houses!
The Gang x Protective! M! Greaser going crazy in a rumble when they get hurt
The Gang x Dark! F! Seductive! Reader
The Gang x Androgynous!GN! S/o
The Gang x GN/F! Waitress s/o
Movie Star M! Greaser gets killed in a movie x Gang Reacts!
Nice! F! Greaser with RBF x The Gang
NSFW M! Reader Headcanons x The Gang
NSFW F! Reader Headcanons x The Gang
M! Greaser gives princess treatment to the Gang Headcanons!
The Gang x baker/cook! s/o!
The Gang x Reader who reads out loud very goofily
The Gang x Great storyteller Reader
The Gang x s/o! In a band!
Short but deadly! M! Greaser x The Gang
Tall! Whimpy! Polite! M! Soc x The Gang
Yandere!F! S/o x The Gang
Chaotic!M! Greaser x The Gang
Insecure about braces! M! Greaser x The Gang
Stupid Damn Feelings: A Dallas Winston x FtM!Curtis Reader smut
The Gang x Masc!Butch!Genderqueer! Tough buzzcut F! Greaser
Gang Reacts to Pony with M!Conservative!Down Bad! Soc
The Gang x F! Tough lookin! But Soft! Crochet! Reader
The outsiders characters as things me and my friends have said
The Outsiders Incorrect quotes
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
Nubbins Sawyer with sick s/o
Nubbins Sawyer x Bimbo/Himbo s/o
Nubbins Sawyer x Insecure!F! Reader
The Sawyers/Slaughters walking in on you changing
Nubbins Sawyer General Headcanons!
Johnny Slaughter General Headcanons!
Sissy Slaughter General Headcanons
Comfort! S/o with shitty abandoned friends
Scream 1
Comfort! S/o with shitty abandoned friends
Slashers in General
Slashers with s/o on period!! Ft. Micheal Myers + Stu/Billy and the Sawyers
What the Batfam eats for Breakfast
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sadsimp · 9 months
Wet Hugs
Some Johnny Slaughter fluff :) I know it’s probably super out of character but who cares?? I love this little goofy killer man😩
@dreamties :)
I sigh and snuggle more into the bed and pillow trying to get more sleep. I’m teetering between awake and sleep, I’d rather have the latter. It’s warm and the sun shines through the window, lighting up the room. It’s nice but something seems off, is that why I can’t go back to sleep? I try to ignore the uneasiness and get some sleep. I end up dozing off….
I immediately wake up to cold water being thrown on my face, soaking me and the bed and Johnny’s laughter. I shriek and jump out of the bed and wipe my eyes, “Shit! That’s so cold!” I yell at him and he continues to laugh, holding his side.  
“What the hell?!” 
“You should’ve seen your face Darling!” He chuckles wiping a fake tear from his eye. Damnit I can’t stay mad at him, it was kinda funny but i have a trick up my sleeve. “You’re hilarious Johnny.” I say after he finally calms down, “Aww, c’mon it was funny.” He defends with a small smirk, holding the cup and waiting for a bigger reaction. 
“How’s a good morning hug sound?” I ask opening my arms and moving towards him. His eyes widen and he turns and runs out the room cackling with me right behind him. 
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adaptacy · 9 months
can i request johnnys gf who knows the family secrets and loves them all anyway, just disappears one day and they all think she finally just left for good, ran away and isn’t coming back, but she actually just went to jail or ended up stranded somewhere lol
CW: meaningless angst, red flags from family members (cough nancy cough), johnny feeling down
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He didn't understand it. He'd done everything right, hadn't he? She'd known for two months now- had dinner with them, had helped chop the meat, had gotten along with his relatives.
And she just leaves? Wasn't she scared? Didn't she fear the repercussions of an attempted escape? Didn't she know what he was capable of?
"I tried to tell you, boy. She was nothin' but a waste of time," Nancy scolded, rolling her eyes at the boy on the stairs. He gave a small nod, but only because he didn't want to hear her complaints. "Frankly, I never liked 'er."
"Well, I- I did," Nubbins hiccupped, swinging his leg back and forth as he gently kicked the railing.
"You liked her like you like them photos you take. She was nothin' but a decoration," Nancy snapped, and Nubbins nodded, quieting down.
"I thought she was sweet. Different, too. Nothin' like most of his girlfriends," Sissy encouraged, placing a hand on Johnny's shoulder. He shrugged her off, and she pouted, scooting away from him.
"It's whatever, she wasn't nothin' special," Johnny grumbled, standing up. The trio around him watched as he turned and headed up the stairs, and though Sissy attempted to follow him, Nancy grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.
Shutting his bedroom door behind him, he lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He just wanted to know why. She'd never had a problem with him. They'd gotten into arguments, but they'd always been resolved. The sex was good, she talked about it all the time. She'd constantly showered him with affection, and now she was just leaving? Who did she think she was?
Johnny hadn't enjoyed anyone else like he enjoyed her. Hadn't put up with anyone else like he'd put up with her. She was annoying, and weak, but he'd-
No, he wasn't going to use the L word. She ran away, she didn't deserve the L word. I mean- she ran away. She had a life here. A house, didn't she have a family-? She dropped all of that to leave, to ghost him? Instead of doing what any normal person would do and just break up with him?
But no, he wasn't deserving of a word, a note, an apology. An explanation. That's all he wanted. Just a reason. Just one reason. Clearly, it wasn't the cannibalism that turned her off. And she'd chosen to hang out with his braindead family members, so it wasn't them either. She liked the way Johnny looked, she'd said so, and he hadn't changed anything.
Did she meet someone new? No, they spent all of their time together. She just ran. Left.
Johnny sat up, pushing his hair back over his head. He wore a scowl, but his eyes were more hurt than anything. And wet. He raised a hand, wiping the pad of his thumb across his left eye. Now his thumb was wet.
He groaned, rubbing both of his eyes and shaking his head. He was angry. Not upset- he was frustrated, and angry, and violent. He was not sad. Johnny didn't get 'sad'. That was not a thing he was capable of feeling. Nancy had taught him that- people like Johnny weren't capable of real feelings. Emotions. 'You're special, boy,' she'd repeated, telling him over, and over, and over again. Throughout his entire life, that's what he was told. Reassured.
So he hardly understood why the hell his eyes were wet. His cheeks. He wiped his face again. Probably just sweat.
He just wanted an explanation. He wanted to see her again, too, but mostly just needed a reason. So he stood, grabbed the keys to his truck, and hopped down the stairs. Nancy and Sissy called after him, but he didn't listen.
The entire drive to her house, he was silent. The radio was off. He just stared ahead, his thoughts racing. His thumb tapped borderline anxiously on the steering wheel, and he was definitely going over the speed limit. Thankfully, nobody else was on the road.
When he reached her house, her car was out front, and he found it infuriating. He was growing angrier by the moment, and he didn't bother to knock. He picked up her doormat, inserted a key, and shoved open the door. He called out her name, but there was no response.
Stomping up the stairs, he opened her bedroom door and opened his mouth to yell, but he couldn't manage the words. There she was, sleeping on the bed, looking as peaceful as ever. As unbothered. As apathetic.
He just stood there like an idiot, watching her sleep, for almost ten minutes before he finally approached her.
"Wake up."
She stirred, gently opening her eyes. She squinted at Johnny, and then scoffed. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I want answers."
"Me too, asshole!" She yelled, grabbing a pillow and swinging it at him. He caught it, yanking it out of her grasp, his eyes narrowing.
"What? What answers could you possibly need? Are you really that goddamn-"
"I loved you! And you got your fucking mom to break up with me for you? You are so goddam childish," she growled, sitting up and grabbing a second pillow. She swung it at him, and he caught that one as well.
"Wait- what?" He stammered, pulling the pillows away from her, holding them in front of his chest like a shield.
"Seriously? Don't play dumb. You're unbelievable. You think that just because-"
"You left me," he clarified.
"What? No, you didn't want to keep seeing me. Nancy told me," she replied, her eyebrows pinching together.
"That ain't true. You stopped showin'," he scoffed, throwing the pillows to the floor.
"Then why'd she tell me you wanted to break up?"
Johnny sighed, rubbing his temple. "Damn it. I knew she was gon' do somethin'. Darlin', that ain't true. I woulda told ya myself," he assured. She frowned at him, and grabbed a third, and final pillow, threatening to hit him with it. "I'm bein' honest."
"I don't believe you."
"You believe Nancy over me?"
"...No, but-"
"I thought you'd gone 'n run off," he huffed, sitting down on the bed next to her.
"Seriously? You think I'm that heartless? That I'd just run off without any explanation? Damn, Johnny, that hurts," she chuckled, almost nervously. "I was gonna call. But I didn't wanna end up as dinner in the case that you were really mad at me."
"You shoulda. Sorry, darlin, she's been on my back 'bout you. I shoulda seen it comin'," he apologized, she rolled her eyes, leaning a head on his shoulder.
"I probably should've been more skeptical. That is good to know though, cause uh... I didn't really know what I was gonna do without you," she murmured, taking a hold of his hand.
He furrowed his brows, turning to face her. "Did you say you loved me?"
"I'm pretty sure you did," he pushed, narrowing his eyes.
"Shut up."
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bitterpotionn · 6 months
Johnny Slaughter - Comfort
I've been struggling a lot recently with my mental health so this is a completely self-indulgent fic. This Johnny is soft and sweet and I might cry.
As always any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome. I read every single comment, reblog and message and I appreciate them more than you know.
Warnings: Mentions of depression and self esteem issues, kinda sad, fluffy Johnny, comfort
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The air was unusually cold that night. The only thing that could be heard in the cramped room of Johnny's shack was the crickets and the makeshift air conditioner Johnny installed in the window months ago.
She was curled up on the thin mattress they both shared. Torn blankets snuggled up against her face. She tried to hide the small sniffles and sobs that fell from her lips to no avail. She buried her face in Johnny's pillow, breathing in his scent.
Johnny had been gone most of the day. She never really bothered to ask where he was going. He had mumbled out something about picking up a construction job right outside of town through a mouthful of his morning eggs.
It was hard for both of them recently. Trying to maintain a somewhat comfortable life proved difficult because of their mutual lack of funds. It didn't help that recently she began feeling more and more empty. Almost like a shell of who she once was. It was no one's fault, Johnny though sometimes cold, provided a lot of support. Despite this, she felt like she couldn't go to him with problems she felt were superficial.
How could she go to Johnny and describe her struggles with her appearance and self-confidence when they were struggling to even keep food on the table. It all felt silly to her. How could she be so loved and cherished by Johnny yet feel like a monster every time she looked in the mirror.
She spent most of her time cleaning or reading. There wasn't much to do here and despite her insisting to Johnny that she could get a job he always turned her down. Johnny grew up traditional, to a fault. He believed that a man should provide for his woman and he didn't want her to lift a finger in the process. Little did he know that this only contributed to her constant feeling of inadequacy.
All of this free time gave her time to obsess and freight over things. Her weight, her scars, her acne. All of these things contributed to a whirlwind of dark thoughts that clouded her brain in a thick fog. Nothing to distract her, nothing to keep the thoughts at bay. Sure, Johnny took her out on dates and she could leave anytime she wanted but all of these things felt like temporary fixes to something that was stirring deep inside of her.
The thoughts sometimes became dark. So dark that it would scare her. She thought about Johnny, how destroyed he would be.
She quickly shook her head and gripped the blanket tighter. Chanting small mantras to herself, trying to shake the thoughts out of her head. She lifted her head from the pillow, her eyes shooting to the clock hung on the wall. 12:45 am.
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, softly laying her head back down on the pillow. Letting the tears pour from her eyes once again.
Before she could cry for too much longer, she heard the familiar sound of Johnny's truck approaching the shack. The bright headlights shone through the window.
She let out a quick gasp as she turned away from the door, burying her face in the blanket, trying to pretend like she wasn't just sobbing. She didn't want to worry Johnny, he had enough on his plate as it was. She tried desperately to quiet her crying and steady her breathing.
She heard the door slowly creak open as Johnny quietly walked in. She heard him walk around to the back of the shack, probably to change out of his clothes.
She bit down on her hand, only letting out a small whimper, trying to maintain her composure. Johnny's foot steps creaked against the worn wooden floor as he approached the bed. He sat down with a small groan and lifted the covers.
She felt his warm body cuddle up behind her, wrapping a scarred arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his bare chest. She tried to keep her eyes closed, tried to pretend like she was sleeping but her small sniffles and shaky breathing quickly gave her away.
"Hey, you awake?" his raspy voice broke the silence she had been swallowed in all night, she felt his warm breath against her ear. She only nodded slightly. Johnny's eyebrows furrowed as he gently grabbed her chin, attempting her angle her face toward him. However, she quickly moved her face away, burying it right back into the blanket.
Johnny's eyes widened at her sudden movement. His hand moved to stroke her hair. "C'mon don't be like that," he sat up and pulled the blanket from her face. She quickly covered her face with her hands, a small whimper emitting from her throat.
Johnny frowned and stared at her. "Baby, what's wrong? his voice almost sounding desperate as his hands stroked her shoulder. She slowly let her hands fall from her face and into her lap. It was clear she had been crying for a long time. Her eyes were puffy and swollen, her eyes almost bloodshot. "I-I'm sorry," she choked out, a small sob falling from her lips.
"C'mere," his voice was soft as he pulled her into his lap. Her face buried into the crook of his neck as she cried. Johnny didn't say anything as he gently rocked her, rubbing her back.
They stayed like that for a while, once her cries slowly began to stop he pulled back to look at her. "What's wrong, darlin'," his eyes were filled with worry, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at her. She chewed on her lip, unable to find the words to describe how she was feeling. She didn't know if she even could. "I don't know," her voice came out as a soft whisper, she avoided his gaze.
"That's okay, you don't have to know. I just want to make you feel better," he explained, his thumb brushing away at her falling tears. "Can you just hold me?" she looked up at him through glossy eyes.
"Of course, doll," he laid down and pulled her close. Resting his chin on top of her head. Her arms wrapped around his warm torso. "Whatever is goin' on baby, just know I'm always here if you need to talk," his voice was soft. "No matter what, alright?"
She nodded and nuzzled against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat comforted her as she closed her eyes. Johnny stayed awake though, looking down at her. He was worried about her. He always was.
He noticed small changes in her over the last few months. He never knew how to approach them or talk about them. If he even should. His heart hurt now, staring down at her distraught figure. He wanted to desperately to make her feel better but he just didn't know how.
But for now, laying like this with her was enough. Holding her through her shattered sobs, giving her small words of encouragement as she tried to pull herself together. Right now, holding her and listening to the crickets chirp was enough.
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sawyerslvt · 9 days
His Pretty Girl | Johnny Slaughter (TCM)
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Summary: You and Johnny spend some alone time together at the slaughterhouse while the whole family is away. You get to have both sweet, fluffy moments but also rough sex :) Word Count: 3,584 Warnings: MDNI, smut, sex, fluffy Johnny, overstimulation, age gap
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‘There you go… just like that pretty girl’
His rough and calloused hands travel the sides of your waist as you unbutton your blouse. You're surprised by the soft and gentle touch he’s able to provide, considering the state of his hands. Cuts and scars scattered all around, covering his big hands. 
You don't break his eye contact as you slowly reveal your plump breasts, button for button, making him hitch his breath in anticipation. His eyes are glued to you as you slowly undress yourself. They travel all over. From your eyes, to your breast, your waist, your swollen lips… oh, especially those lips. Johnny can never get enough of your lips. He had spent a long time sucking on them earlier, but he could never get enough. Kissing has never been as good as it is with Johnny. He takes his time, it's not something he does in passing. Kissing has its own full sessions, deep, wet, sloppy and passionate. It never fails to leave you in a pool of your soaking wetness. Your pussy begging to be filled with his thick and experienced fingers.
You make sure to make slow work of your undressing. This part was usually something Johnny would take care of but he’s letting you go at your own pace. The patience the man has managed to build with a woman like you is unbelievable. The way he snaps and barks at any- one or thing, no one would ever believe you if you told them how smitten he is, when the topic is you. Still you see the pain behind his eyes as he clenches his hands around your waist trying to keep his cool. This slow shit you’re pulling has got to be the cruelest form of torture that this slaughterhouse has seen. And that says a lot considering this was the slaughterhouse belonging to the Slaughter family. 
‘you’re killing me darlin, please pretty baby. let me do it’ You smile. An annoyingly, adorable smug expression that tugs at Johnny’s heartstrings. God, you're too much, you're lucky he’s managed to build that patience with you, but lord knows, it's about to crumble down with the way you are looking at him right now. 
‘mmh mmh’ You shake your head as you deny his request. You don't finish unbuttoning all the way, just enough to have your soft upper breast be visible, enough to drive any man wild. You get close to his face, conning him into thinking you're gonna crash your lips into his, but instead you place your small and delicate hands on his hard chest and push him down on the worn down mattress. Your breast recoils as you land on top of him, while his back crashes into the soft surface below you. His hands are quick to find their way to your ass, cupping it as your barely clothed body lay over his bare torso. You let out something between a giggle and a moan. Johnny bucks his hips under you, making you aware of his growing erection under his tight jeans. 
‘you feel that my love? Do you understand what you do to me huh? Let me see…’ He glances at the blouse you're wearing. ‘take this off for me and i’ll take care of the rest little one.’ His voice is that low and deep one you’ve learned means don’t fight me. That's the same tone he uses to carefully make you realize that your games are done for, and it's time to listen to your Johnny. 
‘uh… s-so i was thinking… that… m-maybe I could be in charge this time?’ Johnny smirks and raises an eyebrow at the lack of confidence in the voice of someone wanting to take charge. He lets out a small chuckle and you can't help but look down and blush at him making fun of you. ’How could I possibly resist that sweet face, doll?’ He moves around under you to get more comfortable, his cock trying desperately to pierce through the thick fabric to kiss your pussy with his tip. He places both his hands behind his head and gives you a cocky smirk. ‘Give it your best shot princess.’
You didn't expect him to fold so easily. That's all you had to do? To ask? Not that you had any complaints regarding how he dealt with you before but sometimes it's nice to feel like you're in control. You shuffle around in his crotch, digging your aching pussy deeper into his big bulge. You make sure to drag your hands over his chest as you slowly make your way closer to his face. This time, actually placing your soft lips on his. You moan slightly as you come in contact with his lips, he grunts as a response. The man was a natural, you've never met someone that had the rhythm Johnny possessed. He’s truly one of a kind. You cup his face with both hands as you deepen the kiss. It's already so desperate and you haven't even gotten started yet. 
You break the kiss to unbutton your blouse the rest of the way. This time, not in a slow fashion at all. You're suddenly impatient to feel Johnny's rough hands caress your bare skin. He knows you well enough to already have his hands touch and travel your belly and breasts before you even finish taking the blouse off. Once it's off, his hands find their way to your bra clasp and in one swift motion, it unclips and your breasts jiggle as they get let loose. He lets out a low and desperate grunt at the view presented to him, you sitting on his now pulsing and aching cock, topless, and ready to be fucked dumb. 
You swing your leg over and get off his crotch and sit with your hands laid on your knees. He watches you curiously and honestly… you've never really been in charge before, you're not sure what to do next. Johnny goes from having his hands behind his head, to now leaning on his elbows. He gets that you've already hit a fat wall at the ‘taking charge’ thing you made a fuss about. He gives you a quick nod of the head, pointing at his bulge. A quiet ‘oh’ escapes your lips at the realization. You smile to yourself, a little embarrassed you couldn't figure that much out. 
You fidget with his zipper with your mouth slightly agape, preparing for his size. This is far from your first time doing this but somehow it suddenly feels like it. As soon as you manage to unzip and wiggle his beautifully tight wrangler jeans off his bulge, his cock springs out as if it was suffocating and finally comes up for air. You’ve been with Johnny for a long time now, he took a liking to you immediately and you got promoted from helpless victim- to plaything- to wife in the blink of an eye. You've seen his cock more times that you can count but it will forever shock you like it's the first time. It’s massive, you didn't even know they come in this size. You swear, you see his hard cock pulsing. His veins look like they're about to burst. You quickly bring both your hands to wrap around his girth like you're protecting him from exploding.
‘yes just like that darlin, you're doing so good.’ His voice is so smooth and it makes your hands automatically rub his length to make him praise you more, his pride for you is addictive. Up and down, slowly, up and down as you make sure to hold a fairly tight grip of his sensitive cock. You watch as you see the tight skin of his circumcised penis move with your hands. You stroke a finger over his tip and feel his pre-cum leaking out, wet and sticky for you.
You tap it and pull away to see it create a string of cum between your finger and his sore tip. ‘fuckkk.’ He lets his head fall behind him and as he does, you bring your lips to his swollen peak. He quickly brings his head back once he realizes what you've done. You suck to build pressure and then circle your tongue around his tip. Playing with it, teasing and tasting his cum. You let out a quiet moan before you let your lips sink deeper down his shaft. You hear him gasp as he positions himself to only lean on one elbow to use his other hand to grab the back of your head. His hand is so big, it almost engulfs your whole head as it follows the movement of your head. Up and down, as your mouth slowly fills with more and more saliva to lube it up and make it easier to slide. ‘fuckkk you're being such a good girl for me princess.’
He continues watching you with his head tilted, you look back at him with your glossy doe eyes, having gone a little too far down, making your eyes water. ‘my sweet angel, am I too much for you?’ You shake your head, with his cock still filling your entire mouth. You manage to let out a small ‘nuh uh’ to emphasize how you wouldn't have it any other way… though it just comes out as a moan anyways. ‘good, I wouldn't want to hurt that pretty little mouth of yours.’ 
Your pussy is so wet… too wet to not do something about it. And as you've been put in charge, you decide to do something about it. You slowly and tightly come off Johnny's massive tip, making a quiet pop sound as your lips disconnect. ‘don’t take this the wrong way, sweet thing.’ Johnny quickly gets up and before you know it, he has his hand wrapped around your throat, pinning you down on the mattress. He pushes your throat into it, making your whole body sink into the soft cushion. You're wearing a skirt with cute pink lace panties beneath. His big and toned body casts a dark shadow over you as he slides your panties down your legs.
He licks his fingers and brings them to slide between your folds, assessing how wet you are. You are very much ready for him. ‘you were doing such a good job little one.’ He pushes two fingers into your sore hole. ‘but you were taking too long. Now I might have to get disrespectful’ He slides in and out of you and you arch your back and gasp. ‘stay still for me.’ He increases his speed and forces his fingers harder into you. It was already difficult to stay still a second ago, now, it's impossible. You feel his hand tighten around your throat, a warning for disobeying his command. You use all your power to stay still and you miraculously manage to stay still. ‘thats my good girl. you like that?’ his voice is so deep, you feel yourself drowning in it. ‘y-yes… johnny… m-more.’ He smirks as he looks down at you. ‘you want more? what’s the magic word sweetheart?’ He has a massive grin but his eyes are narrowed, you wonder if his victims get that same expression, you can't help but feel a small wave of jealousy wash over you. ‘p-please Johnny. I want more of you.’
He lets go of your throat and pulls his fingers out of your pussy. He licks them clean as he looks you in the eyes. You’re breathless from just watching him, causing you to bite your lips. His dick is still wet from your saliva as it hangs outside of his jeans. They’re still partially on so he pulls them completely off, leaving him fully naked. It's the perfect time of evening for the sunset to find his scar scattered body through the windows and kiss his soft skin. It's like the gods did that just for you and you send a quick thank you prayer back for providing you this perfect view. He looks so majestic in the warm sunlight. His toned body creating shadows in every crease, making his abs stand out more, his chest and his V-line pointing to his erect cock, reminding you of why you're laying there in the first place. 
He starts stroking his dick, its making wonderful sloppy sounds as his hands use your saliva to rub himself. ‘you’re all mine, aren't you?’ He starts placing himself closer to you. He slides his soft and plump tip through your folds, and over your red and swollen clit. ‘yes johnny, I'm all yours.’ He puts more pressure over your clit with his tip, pushing harder and harder. ‘oh yeah?.’ His eyes are laser focusing on how your pussy lips unfold and open up for him and he pushes himself on your clit. 'I'm all yours.’ You repeat, god, you're so weak and impatient to feel him fill you up already. 
Without any warning he pushes his cock deep inside you. You let out a loud moan, bordering on a scream as you feel how his thick cock presses up on the walls surrounding it. Johnny's dick fits you like a glove, tighter even. You were already so wet but he’s so big that it's still difficult to adjust to his size. He stays still inside you and gets closer to you with his face, placing a gentle kiss on the side of your ribs. ‘are you my princess?’ He slowly makes his way up your body. He places another kiss on top of your breast. ‘my doll?’ Another one on your collar bone. ‘my pretty girl?’ and one last one on your lips. ‘my love?’
He starts moving around inside you. Slowly sliding in and out. It starts off very subtle but the wetter you get, the more drastic his movements get. He lets out the most wonderful groan as he feels how wet you get. ‘fuckkk, you're being such a good girl, you’re taking me so well.’ He’s now pounding into you, deep but careful. His movements getting more and more erratic as you clenching around his cock is too much for him to stay gentle, which he had originally planned. Loving, gentle and passionate sex is something he cherishes a lot, especially and only with you. But the ‘Johnny’ in him loves it rough, disrespectful and intense. He pulls out briefly to place your knees over his shoulders. He gives you a quick peck on the lips as a pre-apology for how he’s gonna destroy your pussy in the coming minutes. 
He pushes his length back in and lets out a loud and animalistic grunt. This time he doesn't bother starting gently. He looks into your eyes and it's the pure hunger of a hunter. He’s the wolf and you're the helpless little bunny being in the wrong place at the wrong time, except you’re far from in the ‘wrong place’. You couldn't dream of being in a more right place. He’s drilling into you, hard and deep. It's so intense, you feel how his balls slap your ass with every deep thrust and the tip of his cock piercing your womb with every push. You feel so full of him, your heart, body, mind and soul is so full of him. You can hardly call them yours. You mean it when you say that you belong to Johnny. You really do, and you forever will. 
You moan and gasp with every thrust. The deeper pounds deserving of loud screams. Johnny does the same. His deep voice producing the sexiest noises a man could possibly make. His groans and grunts sound even better, knowing that they’re for your ears only. And that you're the one causing them. You're lucky the whole family is away and that the slaughterhouse is located in the middle of nowhere. You're convinced your screams could be heard from miles away.
‘i know baby, i know.’ But he makes no attempt at slowing down. ‘fucckk darlin. the things you do to me.’ He gets close to your face and gives you a sloppy kiss. His tongue explores the inside of your mouth and you can hardly kiss him back. Only being able to give him whines.
‘j-johnny… i-m gonna c-cum pl-please.’ You feel how you’ve been fucked all the way dumb, you can barely speak and your ability to think was gone long ago. ‘hold it for me pretty girl, just a little longer.’ He speaks with such sweetness, you wouldn't think he was inside of you, rearranging your guts, almost killing you with the force of every thrust he pushes into you. 
It's impossible to ask that of you, to ‘hold it a little while longer’. You cum on his cock but you try hiding it behind your expression and suppress your moans as much as you can.
‘did you cum?’ Johnny immediately knows and you wonder if he's a wizard. ‘...no.’ You lie, decently convincing if you say so yourself. ‘silly girl, I feel how you’re pulsating and clenching around my cock right now.’ He stays still inside you but is looking deep in your eyes waiting for a response. ‘i-i’m sorry johnny. I couldn't do it.’ You look up at him with the biggest and sweetest puppy eyes you can possibly give. They usually work… usually. By the look he’s giving you right now, you know this isn't one of those usual times. 
‘of course you could do it, if you needed help, you should've told me. what have I said about us using our words?’ His voice is so deep and masculine, it makes your whole body shiver to be on the receiving end of his scolding. ‘i-i know johnny, im s-sorry.’ Your voice is weak, partially because of how he’s scolding you, and partially cause he’s fully fucked your brains out so that your whole body is just jelly. ‘that's not enough sweet thing. I'm gonna have to teach you a thing or two.’ 
He shoves his dick back into your pussy and the overstimulation feels like it could actually kill you. You just came and everything is sore and sensitive. From your walls, to your clit, your entire hole. Your poor tight and abused little pussy. It's too much. ‘j-johnny!!!’ You scream as loud as you can with the limited amount of oxygen in your lungs. ‘shhh my love, it’s almost over. Remember this feeling next time you try being slick.’ He somehow increases his speed and force, you thought he was already at his peak but the man is a tank, there is always more to come. ‘fucckkk princess, you want me to cum in this tight little pussy? hmm?’ He’s breathless from fucking you so hard. ‘do you sweetheart?’ You can tell he’s only seconds away, and fuck, you can’t wait. ‘y-yes johnny. please cum inside me.’ Right as you finish your sentence, you feel his hot cum fill you up. It shoots far and deep inside of you. His pretty and white cum mixing with yours and spilling out of your abused cunt.
You shake and flinch as he pulls out. Johnny takes notice of your sudden movements and brings his right hand to cup your face, making a U shape with his hand. ‘my sweet angel… did mean ol’ johnny go to far?’ He has a sweet but mocking tone in his voice. You slowly nod your head… he didn't go too far, he could never. He’s insanely good at reading you but you would be a liar if you said it wasn't intense and overstimulating. ‘come here sweetheart. Show me where it hurts and I'll make it go away.’ He grabs your hand and singles out your index finger to hold it in front of you. You bring your hand to your pussy to point at it. He chuckles and you see his dick jerk a little. ‘alright pretty girl.’ 
He spreads your legs and places his face between them. You gasp and you fear what he’s about to do next. He's actually gonna be the death of you. Tonight, right now, right here. You flinch when you feel cool air being blown on your wet cunt. He’s blowing at the entire area around your abused pussy and as much as it feels different, there is actually a very relieving feeling. Your Johnny always knows how to make everything better. He spreads your lips and continues blowing. It feels way cooler and more intense this way. This time, you also feel it on your clit, everything cooling down and a big wave of relief hits you. Before he comes back up, he gives your pussy a little kiss as a sorry for what he put her through. If she could talk, all she would say is thank you, for everything, all of it. 
He comes back up and gives you a kiss on the forehead. 'Better?' He asks curiously. 'Better.' You answer confidently. He lays down next to you and pulls you in for a hug. He holds you in his big embrace. His arms, big and strong, not a thing in the world could hurt you when Johnny is around. You love him so much it hurts. He gives you more kisses, covering your forehead as he holds you, letting his hands travel all over your body. You feel whole… safe and loved as you drift into a deep sleep in Johnny’s arms. 
credit for dividers: @anitalenia @v6que <3
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duchess7878 · 6 months
Soft!Johnny x Reader Part 2
A part 2 has been requested for my soft! Johnny fic and I will happily oblige :) I hope you like it!
@spearbsm here you go :D 🎁🎁
Part 2/2
Warnings: Mentions of murder
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With Nancy catching on, Johnny didn’t have much of a choice. The sky was dark, blanketing your property in a bluish-black hue and forcing Johnny to adjust his eyes if he wanted to get around your house without bumping into something, waking you. He had decided he was going to kill you himself and before he could think twice and change his mind he had left Nancy’s to drive back to your house.
He had waited until the last light went off in windows and then sat a bit more before deciding to make his entrance. He wanted to make sure you were sound asleep because he needs this to be quick, he never wanted to hurt you, but that’s what it’s come to. He snuck his way around to your bedroom window and lightly opened it, the breeze immediately drifting in and gently lifting your curtains. He had scolded you before to lock your windows along with your door, but it looks like you forgot or chose not to listen.
He put his leg through, followed by the other and quietly stepped into your room. As he approached your bedside, he couldn’t help but admire the way the moonlight suddenly came into your room and lit up your face. Your beauty was breathtaking and he wanted to cherish it forever. Before he could understand what he was feeling, heavy tears fell from his eyes and caused them to burn. Nothing had ever made Johnny feel this way, but the thought of you being gone did.
Another step and the floor creaked heavily, causing you to shift and moan in your sleep. His breathe hitched when he heard your soft sounds, wanting to hear his name coming from your lips like that. The floors creaking did not let up as he tried to move and it was his undoing.
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I heard a creaking sound and it woke me from my sleep, at first I wasn’t going to bother with it, thinking it was simply the old house groaning and creaking. But then another creak followed it right next to my bed. I immediately opened my eyes and turned my head to the side, seeing none other than Johnny.
“Johnny? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” I asked, worried about his sudden intrusion. Johnny is a traditional boyfriend and this is heavily out of character for him. I saw a small glint in his hand before he quickly hid it behind his back and became as still as stone.
A thick silence fell over the two of us and it became unnerving quickly. I glanced behind him and noticed the window was open, had he broken in my home?
“Johnny, what are you doing here.” I demanded more than asked.
Without a word, he took a step closer and I scooted back on my bed, pulling my legs closer to me and away from him. I couldn’t see his face because of the moonlight behind his back and it made him look so big and beastly. Has he always been this scary? The silence was suddenly cut with a small sob. At first I thought I was hearing things until another one came from him, this one much heavier and louder.
All of a sudden he tackled me against the mattress, heavy sobs racking his body and shaking the bed along with us. I was taken aback by the sudden show of emotion. He was always telling me to not butt in and just let him be a good boyfriend, but now he needed me. I wrapped my arms around him and placed one hand on the back of his head, pressing it to my chest as the other rubbed up and down his back.
“What’s wrong Johnny?” I asked softly, petting his soft hair and kissing his forehead. He sobbed violently once I spoke, not able to get any words out. We sat for a moment as I rubbed his back and gave him as much kisses as I could muster. As he slowly regained his breathe his was able to tell me what was wrong.
“I don’t want to lose you. I love you too much.” He said quietly, reaching up to hug me tightly.
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He decided at that moment that he wasn’t going to lose you, no matter what. Once he knew you were back asleep, he left the same way he came in and quickly trudged across your yard and to his truck. He climbed in a tore out of the driveway, speeding home to Nancy’s.
Upon arrival, he wasted no time in parking, pulling up into the driveway and not caring if she knew he left or not. He slammed the front door open and he immediately heard Nancy from the living room to his right.
“Don’t slam doors, Johnny. I raised you better than that.” She had said. Without skipping a beat, he sat across from her on the couch and leaned forward, staring at her intently.
“Somethin’ on your mind hon?” She asked, not looking up from the newspaper in her lap.
“I’m gonna marry that girl.” He spoke.
“Is that so?” She asked, flicking the newspaper to straighten it up.
“Yes ma, I’ll die before I let anything happen to her and I know you don’t want that.” He said, his gaze not leaving her once despite her not returning it.
“I have my ways Johnny. You do whatcha want, but the moment she slips up, I will kill her and you won’t get to her in time.” She said putting the newspaper on the table.
“No you won’t, because I’ll kill you.” Johnny could barely believe what he was saying, but what he felt for you was priceless and he’ll never get it again, so he’ll hold onto it with every fiber of his being; even if that means going against everything he ever was.
Nancy’s eyes widened at his words and tears flowed from her eyes.
“Oh Johnny, I wish you could see what she’s doing to you. To us. You’ll see soon enough, my darling angel, and it will hurt you more than anything in this world.” She cried.
“You’re wrong. I love her and I always will.” He got up from his seat and headed out the front door, walking around the house and down the dirt driveway to the back. He finished the walk to his shack and slammed the door, walking to the fridge and grabbing a beer.
He stood against his counter thinking of you, eager to see you again.
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I love writing these requests so much, I hope you like them!
This is part one to the story! 👆
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creepling · 3 months
all works fall under the texas chainsaw franchise, including the films and video game. ⊹₊⋆ = involves smut.
. . . drabbles & headcanons
how the gang became friends (all victims)
modern au family headcanons (all killers, crack fic)
sawyer/slaughter family using captured!reader for sex ⊹₊⋆
sissy and johnny exposing the victims
college headcanons w/ the tcm boys ⊹₊⋆
educated-themed headcanons w/ family
habit-themed headcanons w/ family
random tcm victim headcanons
. . . fics
odd one out - (johnny x fem!reader x leland) ⊹₊⋆
to devour is to love (original character, fic series)
. . . drabbles and headcanons
stockholm syndromed reader (fem/gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
hunter/prey (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
reader around family w/ protective johnny (gn!reader)
solo johnny headcanons
johnny w/ stoner!reader s/o (gn!reader, fluff)
how johnny picks his victims (solo)
johnny puts reader in hosptial (gn!reader, angst)
reader makes fun of johnny for his fave movie (gn!reader, fluff)
johnny's s/o enjoying the hunt (gn!reader)
reader stabs johnny to escape (gn!reader)
fucking johnny in the back of a truck (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
romance-themed headcanon (gn!reader)
johnny flirting with plus/mid-size reader (gn!reader)
johnny x POTS!reader, hurt/comfort (gn!reader)
yearning johnny (gn!reader)
johnny threating stockholm'd!reader (gn!reader)
. . . fics
the slaughtered lamb (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
that boy is a monster (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
busted cars and sunsets (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
disguised lessons (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
cotton white (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
. . . drabbles and headcanons
perv!drayton peeping-tom at reader ⊹₊⋆
. . . fics
you make lovin' fun (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
. . . drabbles and headcanons
danny helping you struggle w/ depression (gn!reader)
got to stay hidden (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
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spicy-pears · 8 months
I'm not sure if this is how it works. But I have a drabble request? About a girl who's car breaks down a mile or two from the slaughter family gas station. And while she walks along the road listening to music, johnny starts to stalk her. And similar to maria start liking her as he follows.
Please and thank you 🙏🏼😇
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𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝒅𝒐𝒈, 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒔.
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕: 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒍.
𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒚 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂 𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒚 𝑨𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒓.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒐𝒈
𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕. 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚❣️ 𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒙𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒚.
(𝑰𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔, 𝑰’𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚.)
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The wind caressed your hand as you let it hang out the car window. Your fingertips would surf the rushing breeze as the music brought your body to a joyful sway. "I'm in love, Sweet love. Don't you ever go away." With a loving smile, you serenaded your passenger. He sat so obediently in his seat, his black fur pushed around with the wind. At the same time, your nails gave him gentle head scratches.
You decided to take the solo drive back to Georgia. Preferring the peace of being alone with your calm pooch. Rather than being in a cramped car with bickering family members. Maybe you should have stuck with your family. You began to admit this mistake of yours. One wrong turn sent you cruising down the vast and long road through the countryside of Texas. This small town was so insignificant its name had the smallest text on the map. “The town of Newt” the fields of corn, sunflowers, and wheat was a sanguine sight. It filled you with the unrivaled serenity that bustling city life couldn’t provide.
Although the free vast countryside brought a timeless opportunity to enjoy nature. The small town seemed to be paused in time, the sparse buildings along the road. All seemed to be built back in the ’50s and ’60s. And hasn’t received any care or renovation since. Wood on barns began to run ragged with make-shift patch-up jobs with metal sheets. The singular diner in the area weathered through pouring rain, showing it through the copper rust stains that ran along its sign and roof.
Oddly enough, the only pit stop around kept updated gas pumps. You were almost tempted to stop and look inside the antique 60s-styled gas station. But a man working there peered into your eyes as you slowly drove by. A look you confused as unfriendliness towards tourists, a look you only needed to see once. Promptly, you turned away from the scar-covered, dark-haired man and continued on your way.
You didn’t fret much about the detour; you’ve been in similar situations. And each one proved to be a nostalgic time that fueled your fire for adventure. “You having fun, boy?” Your glance turned to your perfect passenger. His body curled into a bored ball of fluff, the sorry state making your lips twist into a concerned smirk. “Alright, we’ll be out of this town soon. Ten more miles, and we’ll be in Austin and back on track.” You began petting his coat in an attempt to comfort him.
 Another mile deep into Newt, the local radio tower would interfere with your radio. Cutting off your soothing music, and began broadcasting an eerie news story, "The search continues for a missing San Antonio native. A female college student, who was reported to be taking a trip to Corpus Christi, Texas. She's described as-". Suddenly, the radio began to conflict again, bellowing a loud blaring static. The interference would cause your car to stall, leaving your car at a sudden halt.
"Okay...time to get out of the countryside." The frightening experience made your heart beat fast. Leaving a throbbing feeling running down your veins. With your eyes shut tight, you calmed your nerves and kept your composure. Armed with the knowledge of how to fix your car easily, as this wasn't the first time. With a gentle sigh, you turned to your beloved dog, "Should I walk you first?". Excitement overtook the large pooch as his wagging tail gave the car a light shake.
You’d open his door with a loving laugh, setting him free. While you grabbed your headphones and cassette player. The cassette your mother gave you caught your eye as she painted little white daisies and wrote “y/n playlist.” You would pop the loving gift into your cassette player and began walking, treasuring the one-of-a-kind tranquility. While you dove deep into your own little world, you felt an unwanted tap on your shoulder. Forcing you to whip around, your expression confused and defensive.
“Excuse me, miss. I saw your car broke down back there. And I wouldn’t feel right leaving a pretty thing like you out here on your lonesome. Would you like to hitch a ride?” You instantly became suspicious of his niceties.
But politely, you smiled and shook your head to reaffirm your words: “No, I'm fine. I'm just walking my dog. Thank you though.”. You watched his face skew with confusion and scorn. The latter left you feeling awkward, as your words shouldn’t have caused such strong emotions. Regardless, you would awkwardly wave the strange man goodbye and went about your stroll.
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𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽
Johnny was forced to stay in Newt. After his recent failure, a failure that gained the public a vivid description of his appearance. He preferred leaving home, as it left him a wider range of prey. But the report about him proved damaging to his hunting style, as any woman would now be privy to his nature. Unfortunately for him, being stuck in newt meant one kill every other month.
To not attract more attention to himself and keep trouble off the family's doorstep. Johnny resented the tight leash he was on; the restrictions felt like an insult. He carries his weight and more for the family, bringing home clueless girls and keeping the cold room well stocked. One minor failure with a few college girls shouldn’t gain such strict conditions.
Nonetheless, he was sometimes blessed with a rare treat. Women who couldn’t bother to learn how to change a tire taking long cross-country trips. And most of the time, they run out of gas or break down near one of the properties. Giving him the thrill he thirsted for. Sometimes, he would play nice, posing as a helpful hand that would repair their car. Only to offer them shade from the heat inside the gas station, like lambs to slaughter. This time, he would stubbornly and selfishly try something new. His failures gave him a new trick that sissy patiently crafted for him.
He saw you pass by the pitstop and instantly homed in on you. He found himself becoming "fond" of you. Instead of quickly subduing you, he followed you through the field. Until he realized he wasn’t the only hunter out today, the strange man you blew off would go back into the field. With similar intentions as Johnny, he wanted to catch you. What he wanted to do with you was unknown.
Johnny was no gentleman. He only cared for things that benefited him. And being the only hunter would benefit him greatly. He wanted to be the one to have you as he pulled out his harvesting blade; he committed to that conviction. He supposed he’d “save” you in the process.
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The precious Texas oak trees swayed with the wind, almost on beat with the song playing. Your eyes closed, taking in the warm sunlight against your eyelids, singing with the serene feeling coursing through your body. “Strumming my pain with his fingers-“You came to a halt as you heard a burst of sinister laughter drowning out your music.
Your dog stood still, growling at the field of sunflowers, as you cautiously took off your headset. Your little world crumbled against the hauntingly quiet reality. No other sounds of life existed for a moment, not even the wind. Only the long, low chirp from the Texan cicadas which brought you unease.
"Careless city girl, I had to kill that man to save your hide!" Suddenly, you felt a strong arm wrap around your tiny waist from behind. While his free hand firmly pressed a chemical-soaked cloth against your mouth and nose. The potent vapor reminded you of cleaning products, how it made your eyes burn and water desperately.
Through your burning tears, you looked up at the now bloodied man you previously saw at the pit stop. Viciously, you would reach for the man's wicked face, digging your nails into the sensitive tissue of his ears. His pained wince eased into a demonic hiss. Your hopeless clawing proved fruitless, as the acidic smell made you grow weak. The hold on your face grew rougher, "Now quit your fightin'!".  
Your gaze was laced with exhaustion as your chest heaved lightly through the snug tank top that hugged the plushness of your chest. A final plea for release, you drifted your hand down his face. Only for him to keep smirking at you with an impatient glare. Latter of which made you feel like a tiny toddler fighting sleep. Ultimately, your body grew limp as you finally fell unconscious. "Good girl, pretty as a peach even.” Johnny would throw you over his shoulder, carrying his catch home. He would turn to your dog, patting his thigh, a subtle command for the dog to follow.
“Come on, big boy. Let's take ya’ll home."
"Killing me softly with his song"
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