#and then saying Duke is boring but dc tries to make him more important than he is? bitch u mean writing the fucking story?
starlooove · 4 months
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Actually hate ur guts lmao
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stxleslyds · 3 years
I have read your thought about the Batfamily, now I really want to know your thought about the one who started it, the Batman himself. We can't ignore the fact that Bruce is abusing his children, but there's also some moments where he's being a good father to them. But some of his act doesn't make sense.
He's beating his children, then calling them his son after. He act like a mad man after Damian's death (yeah, they did Jason dirty in here), feeling sorrow and desperately wanting to ressurect him, but then neglecting him continously in the future. I didn't know much about Cass, Bruce seems to always be a good father to her. But her fans once pointed that Bruce (or DC) is too hard on her to not killing/too soft on the others, because the other batkids has killed some villains while under Batman and still got to continue putting on their costumes.
What is exactly Bruce character? How is his relationship with every one of his children?
I feel like Batman can't be in a good relationship with one of his children without destroying his relationship with the other. I always love parents and children relationship in comics, but with batfamily sometimes it just so 'fanon-y' and some are hurtful.
I stopped reading Batman book for a long time. And come back reading that wedding and city of bane arc, because I want to know how they killed Alfred. And honestly those run are terrible. The issue basically just a batcat fanservice, with the worst Batman and Catwoman characterization ever. The batkids didn't even got many appearance and treated awfully as if they are just extras, even if they all are capable and have connection with Alfred.
Hey there Anon!
My thoughts on Batman and Bruce have changed over the last few years, he wasn’t the character that introduced me to DC comics but what I got to read from him at the time seemed good. As time went by, I started to feel like the whole concept of Batman was overrated and he kinda tired me in entertainment such as movies and all that. He never truly was a character that I actually liked so by the time that I read Under the Red Hood I knew that I liked Dick and Jason better than Bruce.
Batman was interesting but I was completely indifferent about Bruce. That whole thing changed around the time that the New 52 was sort of ending, there I started to heavily dislike Bruce and then that turned into pure hate. Now, I am just tired of the guy and every time that he appears in Dick or Jason content my day is ruined.
I hate that DC has been writing Bruce as an abusive and manipulative person and father to his “kids”, he has done a lot of wrong to them in comic history but all went to shit (in current comics) when Bruce tried to manipulate Jason into reliving the day that he died and his resurrection in Batman and Robin vol2. #20 and when he beat Dick and manipulated him into becoming a spy after telling him that he had told everyone that he was dead in Nightwing vol.3 #30.
Bruce was a horrible human being in the pre-New 52 timeline too sometimes, mostly towards Dick but in a way, it felt like Dick was able time and time again to get away from him a little bit. Now none of his kids are given the opportunity to turn their backs on Bruce, they are kept in his surroundings no matter how abusive he becomes towards them.
My biggest problem with Bruce’s abusiveness is the fact that the writers never treat it like he acts in an abusive way, they never make him apologize or have an internal discussion where he realises that he was in the wrong. “Bruce is a horrible person to his sons but it doesn’t matter because he is right and he is Batman so that’s that”, that’s the message that I feel DC is selling us. Bruce never receives punishment or is called out for his behaviour, Dick was never able to tell Bruce that what he did to him was unforgivable, he never got the chance to explain to anyone that he didn’t play dead, and when he came back from Spyral he took all the shit from his “family” himself.
Sometimes DC does something even worse, they try to hide Bruce’s neglect with things that never happened like they did with the Ric thing in Dick’s case. Dick was passed around from villain to villain when he was most vulnerable and at the end of it all DC had the guts to say that Batman had been watching over Dick all the time. Like, why lie in such a blatant way? Does Bruce enjoy watching his son suffer from a far or was he too much of a coward to tell Dick that he was a shit father, got stuck in a hole and then decided to play “Cat and Bat” with Selina instead of caring for any of his children?
The situation with Damian’s death and resurrection was a whole thing that was meant to prove that Bruce loved Damian and considered him his son. But in their effort to make Bruce look like a good father to Damian they completely destroyed his relationship with his other kids and that was also the start of Bruce referring to Damian as his ONLY son. And like you said after Damian was resurrected Bruce ended up neglecting him afterwards which ultimately led Damian to run away.
His relationship with Cass and Duke is something that I cannot explore because I am not into those characters and they are involved in books that I am not interested in. So I cannot say anything about that.
With Tim it’s complicated because I feel like his relationship with him was never actually father/son it was more like mentor/mentee and that seemed to work better for them, ever since they started the whole family thing Bruce started to act a little bit too rough towards Tim and that ended with Bruce punching Tim during the “City of Bane” arc. Bruce never apologised or was shown realising his mistake, but DC made sure to explain that Bruce was going through a rough time so that’s why he did it. It was pure rubbish and I dislike it a lot.
I answered an ask a while ago about how I thought Dick and Jason could become family the way that DC treats the “Batfamily” within comics and I came up with the idea of the “Dickfamily” because I felt like DC made a big mistake the moment they revolved the Bat family around Bruce and not Dick. Bruce is a character that is known for being lonely and for being surrounded by darkness that he only manages to escape through the light of Robin (Dick Grayson because he was the first), he was always depicted as someone who is hard to work with and considers his teammates only co-workers and not friends. He is a difficult person to connect with, so why on earth did DC come up with a family surrounding that man? (I actually know the answer to that question and it is: money, DC did it to sell more comics under the Batman name but we are going to forget about that here, let me be petty).
Why would DC make it all about a man that doesn’t connect or goes out of his way to say that he “works alone” when Dick Grayson is standing right there? DC hates that they created a character like Dick because he is just better than Bruce at everything, he just is, he is better family to Alfred, Jason, Tim and Damian, he was even written as a better father to Damian than Bruce ever was!
Bruce is just not a people person or a person that forms strong bonds with people. And that makes the whole “Batfamily” concept suffer and come off as something forced that doesn’t actually work.
Tom King was one of the writers that tried to kill the concept of the “Batfamily” with Bruce and Selina becoming a couple and by continuously saying that Selina was who was the most important person in Bruce’s life and the one that made him a better person. All Tom King did with that is make fans and non-fans of the “Batfamily” feel rage. Like, I might not like the “Batfamily” but there is no way that Selina comes first to Alfred, Dick or Damian, there is just no way and if that were actually true then that’s boring.
All the writers that have pushed the “Batfamily” concept (try) do it in a way that makes it look grand and of actual essence but without putting any work on it, if you ask me the “Batfamily” (if there has to be one) should only include Bruce, Alfred (he do be dead though), Dick, Tim, Cass and Damian (I suppose Duke too, I don’t know much about him). The “Batfamily” has to be small because that way you can actually build relationships and make them matter. Having Kate, Steph, Jason and so many others involved in a concept that was made to fit around Bruce looks stupid! Bruce has had almost zero connection to Kate and Steph in the last ten years and Bruce’s “relationship” with Jason is a complete joke!
Bruce is just not the character that is meant to be surrounded by too much people, and he is not a good person towards his family so the whole ass concept should be thrown to the trash and finally let it die. But money is important and if there is something that DC will never stop doing, is milking Batman for content that can be (sometimes) pretty basic.
All in all, I think Bruce sucks and that his “kids” shouldn’t be dragged back to him ever again or at least for a long while. All of them would actually benefit from not being involved with anything relating to Batman. Dick could benefit from Bruce and other Bat-related characters staying away from him and letting him live his life in Bludhaven. And Jason? My sweet Chonky? He would be in such a better place if Bruce disappeared from his life, imagine the actually good books we would have if Jason was free to act the way he was meant to do as the Red Hood…
(We saw a little bit of that in the back up story of Detective Comics by Rosenberg, Batman is still involved but he and Jason are definitely not on the same side of the story! So excited for Task Force Z!)
I don’t know If al that I just said answers your question but I hope you have a fantastic week Anon!
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
Lesser Gods, part 1
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This story starts in Los Angeles, where Sofia Ramos and her dad are stopped abruptly by a meta-human in the highway, after killing her father, he throws her to a fuel container (that explodes). She survives.
We then move to Gotham City, where Signal and Orphan are waiting for Black Lightning to attack Juggernaut  Saint John, a guy that likes doing church shootings (this issue came out at the most unfortunate time). Signal gets impatient and wants to attack, Black Lightning and Katanna save the day. A discussion arises afterwards, about Signal being too hot-headed (in reality, traumatized after being injured that boring story arc from Detective Comics, previous to the latest Tomasi run).
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Jeff later has a conversation with Bruce about the whole purpose of the Outsiders. And it sounds like Batman doesn’t know what to do with Orphan or Signal, and he is forcing this group onto Jeff.
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Jeff then goes to talk to Tatsu, for some words of wisdom. He knows he cannot be her leader, but they can be partners. Tatsu tells him that Duke is trying to hide his fear and Cassandra is hiding from herself. To make things worse, Jeff not being sure if he is in the team or not, makes him look not committed, which makes everyone nervous.
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Duke and Cassandra are travelling together on a motorbike, for fun, I assume, and he starts having visions of Karma, saying that he is weaker than Bruce and whatnot. They are interrupted by the bat-watch-signal.
Batman explains to them that the Ramos were the last survivors of a metahuman experiment and Sofia is now being chased. They need to find her and keep her safe. Jeff doesn’t think they should take this mission, but Katanna thinks they should, because they can.
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Sofia is then found by someone at a train station, who tells her that she is being chased by a man called Ishmael, who works for Ra’s Al Ghul. This man talking to her is called Bishop Cable Kaliber, he comes from the future, where she pulls humanity from the ashes.
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Turns out, this is not the first character named “Kaliber” in the DC Universe, but he doesn’t seem related to any of the others. Why Ra’s al Ghul wants Sofia, of all meta-humans? I guess we have to keep reading to find out.
So, the team. I am intrigued to know why Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo don’t get “creator” credits in this comic. The original group was created by them, and they created Katanna. But I guess that is a lost cause.
On the other hand, Batman is the only white person in the team. This is an amazing achievement for humanity for super-hero teams. Sure, the coloring on Cassandra is not exactly clear. But I know for a fact that Black Lightning and Signal are black, Katanna is Japanese, Cassandra is... from somewhere in East Asia, and this Sofia Ramos is most likely Latina.
The concept of the Outsiders was that they were going to be involved where the Justice League couldn’t (as they would great a great unbalance if they were to meddle with humankind's normal affairs, like wars). Shortly after two issues, the Outsiders started acting like an extension of Batman in Gotham. Future versions of the team tried to justify being the Outsiders, but eventually fell into the “super-hero group” category. This version is not even trying. What it does seem to be, is a task force for Batman.
That’s ok. I mean, it’s pretty much the same Tim (with Batwoman) was doing two years ago in Gotham. But this seems to be a bit more international. And it also seems like Bruce won’t be that much involved, which leaves us to the group dynamics between the four characters (and I guess soon five). That’s fine for me.
Apart from the coloring of Cassandra Cain, the art in this issue is pretty iconic and there is a lot of play with shadows and lighting. That’s important in a book that has Black Lightning in it.
What do they mean in that cover with... no rules?
I give this book a score of 8
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edyacouky · 5 years
DC Comics JayRoy Wedding (1/6)
(Can be read on AO3)
The wedding of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, the wedding of Batman and Catwoman, was the most expected and surprising. Since day one, everyone taken bet. So when a date was chosen, Alfred Pennyworth taken the matter in his hand organized everything with uncooperative fiancées. All Bruce and Selina wanted was the wedding being over and start their newly married life together.
“I had waited for almost forty years before you finally decide to settle down with someone. Almost fifteen years before you have the nerve to ask Miss Kyle to marry you. At least for that, Miss Kyle deserve better than some kind elope marriage and you can indulge the wish of an old man.
-I love you too Alfred.” Said Selina with an amused smile while Bruce resign
The wedding day, all the decorations were in place, the caterer brings in time the food. Bruce wears his tuxedo and smiling doing it (Thanks to Alfred), Selina dress was simply gorgeous. Mermaid style with top Queen Anne style. White and covered by black lace.
And the most important part is no villain could come waste the day thanks to their family and friend. Speaking of them, miraculously, all the guests came.
Alfred was particularly glad when he saw Jason in suit with his teammates Roy Harper and Kory Anders.
“Always a pleasure seeing you Master Jason and your friends.
-Don’t worry Alfie we don’t come for trouble, only for the food. Jason said
-And for dancing. Kory said
-And use your washing machine. Ours is broken. Roy said
-Yeah, because of you.
-Coming ceremony will start in hour, let you enough time to do your laundry before we all go to the synagogue.”
Like every time Jason has to be in the Manor, he was really uncomfortable. He can’t seem stay in place. This time he even uses Kory to make sure Dick doesn’t come close. This two weren’t really comfortable with each other.
“Breath Jaybird. Said Roy trying making him smile. Our laundry will be clean before we can say it.
-We shouldn’t have brought our laundry if you didn’t decide use our washing machine to make a dysfunctional weapon.
-For now! Let me make some modification then it will be the best weapon ever made!
-Gentlemen, please talk about weapon and work after the ceremonies.” Alfred said punching everyone to the cars
In the synagogue, the Outlaws tries seat in the back, far away from the member of family. Of course Alfred refuse let them do that. He forces them set in the front, no way they could leave before the end without being seen. Roy and Kory put themselves between Jason and his family. Kory put her just beside Dick.
“You’re ok Princess? Ask the boys at the same time Damian ask Dick if he was ok
-Yep.” They answer at the same time
Soon everybody have to be quiet when Selina enters.
Jason feeling a little sad when Bruce’s face lighten with happiness. He couldn’t remember when he saw his old mentor this happy. And despite their difference Jason doesn’t think this is fair. Bruce have every right being happy. He hopes at least for Damian that this new happiness will stay in Bruce’s life.
His good though stay for ten minutes, and then he gets bored. Despite Alfred’s glare, Jason flopped in his seat, posing his head on Roy’s shoulder.
“If you sleep, I will sleep too. And I don’t know if Kory would wake up us before we snore.” Roy said amusing
Jason snort.
“I just didn’t know wedding could be so long.”
Roy gasps.
“Don’t tell me you are currently lose your wedding virginity?
-Give me your hand I am nervous.”
Roy takes his hand, kiss it, and make them laugh with glee. They have to calm down when Damian menaced throw them out if they can’t be quiet. Roy and Jason have a sarcastic remark but when Alfred menacing them not having cake they keep it for themself.
“Wake me up when it finish.
-If Kory wake me up before.”
They smile to each other and success don’t say an another word. They didn’t sleep neither but when the newly married couple started leaves the synagogue Jason and Roy rise up and can’t wait go to the reception. Kory seemed being calmer than at the beginning, but share their enthusiasm. They waiting on the street that everyone finish take photo and go to theirs cars, they discuss about the ceremony, what they will do during the reception, when Dick came to them.
“Jay, we would like take a photo with all the family.”
That true, Selina, Bruce, Alfred, Tim, Damian, Duke and Cass waiting for posing. They look like a happy family all together.
“Good for you.”
For a moment Dick look at Jason without knowing what to say.
“I am pretty sure it was a way to say to join them. Kory said
-Thank you. I was sure it was obvious but he makes me doubt.
-Yeah, can’t wait hear what you would said when people will ask who the fuck I am and why I am on the only family photo.
-We will find something to say.
-I pass.
-Jason, don’t make thing hard. It’s Bruce wedding day. Just come with us.
-Boys! Hurry up!  Alfred said. I want this photo now.”
Suddenly, every pairs of eyes were on Jason and he can barely breathe. Only Roy’s hand in his back and Kory’s hand in his help him.
He didn’t want take this photo when he can barely stand them. He is pretty sure they try compensating the family portrait but he can’t help feeling it is fake.
“We can go, you know?” Kory said
Then everything will be his fault. He didn’t say a word when he rejoins them. He tries being less visible as possible and he thankful when they let him be. Bruce opens his mouth to tell him something but the photograph tells them to smile because they have to leave.
Jason put a small smile in his face and looks away. When this is finish, he came back to Roy and Kory.
“Go, go! Jason said. I think Bruce went tell me something.
-Say no more!
-Go to the Outlaw car!”
They start walking when a bouquet falls in Jason’s arms. Everyone exclaimed and start talking to him and take him in photo.
“Well Jason sound like you will be the next person to get married.” Clark laughing
Great, that was just so great. Of course, he has to catch the bride’s bouquet.
“This bouquet is so beautiful. Kory smiled
-Then it is all ours Princess.”
Jason gives it to her and like each time he is with Kory and Roy, he smiled. A true smile, bright and shiny.
The reception was nice, the food delicious. The Outlaws danced, laughed and Bruce had no chance to talk to Jason.
At some point, Kory disappears. But since, Dick disappear too, Roy and Jason didn’t panic. They trust her to find them if she was in trouble.
They decide does something when it was pas three a.m, only because it was at this hour they were agree to go. Roy and Jason go before Dick’s bedroom door and tock.
“Hey Princess. Roy and Jason here. We just want know if we can go now or at lunch. You know since we came together, we go together”
Not even one minute later, their phone rings and they could read a message from Kory : “Lunch”. The boys laugh.
“Have fun you two.
-Well since we have to spend night here, why don’t we go into your old bedroom and have fun? Roy propose
“Good idea except it’s not. I am not a big fan doing it in a mausoleum. We have unhappily fun only in a guest room. Jason said
-Or two.” Roy said before kissing Jason
Well, who is Jason to take happiness away from his boyfriend?
Before lunch time, Kory enters panicked in the room where Roy and Jason finished their night.
“We have to go!
-What? Lunch is serving yet?
-No! I don’t know! We just have to go!
“Kory calm down. What’s going on?
-I make a terrible mistake and now we have to go!
-Did you kill Dick?
-Did you kill his dick?”
Kory throws a pillow at Roy before use it to punch Jason.
“Stop laughing!
-Sorry, sorry.
-But seriously, what’s going on?
-I sleep with Dick.
-Yeah, that we understand.
-Like many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many …
-Stop brag.
-Time. And now I am not sure it was a good thing and I want go before he wakes up so I can’t have that discussion with Dick.”
Roy and Jason groan.
“That’s true, he always want talk.
-Just let us dress and we go.”
Kory didn’t want wait for them to be ready inside the Manor. So she flies by the window and wait them inside their car.
When they were dress up, they go to the enter hopping there will be nobody.
Bad luck. Many guests, mostly his family was fully awake.
“I take that you and your friends don’t eat with us. Alfred said
-Maybe next time Alfie. Nice wedding. Selina good luck with this family. Jason said without stop walking
-Jason …” Bruce start saying
Roy and Jason hear Dick’s footstep and stop the conversation.
“No time here, B. Send me the files by mail.”
And they were gone.
“Which mission do you want give to Todd? I can do it!
-None. There was no mission. Bruce said displeased. I don’t know why he said that.”
Before Damian can argue, Dick appears on the doorstep, visibly disappointed.
“Where is Kory?
-We didn’t see her. But since Roy and Jason just go I thing you miss her.”
Dick groans while take a seat and start to eat.
“Nice. Selina said looking at the bruise with an amusing smile
-Not a word.” Dick warned them
There was a silent. Then Cassandra whistles with a satisfying smile.
“Et tu?” Dick said looking betrayed.
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