#and then we should do &team and soloists
slytherinshua · 1 month
idk my sleep schedule is messed up but so is yours…..
no cause i’m over here like 👹👹👹👹👹 at my screen over these mcnd covers i am NOT okay i am, i love it
me with chanhee :( i live within his lives… all those views? 98% of those are mine he’s my love and so underrated which sucks cause people are missing out and sleeping on him :((( AND NO CAUSE YOU NEED TO STOP i’m not letting you convert me to a group for a while idc 🗣️
u love everything i show u be fr u wanna stan alllll the groups i know u too well 👹 as soon as i start pushing another group ur gonna be folding bcuz nobody likes to sleep on talent like why would u willingly miss out 😟😟😟 ill stop sleeping on cix and you can stop sleeping on all the other nugu groups that i love <333
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izvmimi · 2 months
cw: pop star au! alcohol mention. suggestive.
“unsure what your mentor gojo might have told you about me, yuuji,” you start, swirling your drink with the tip of your pinky finger with just one rotation before looking up at the man before you. "but i don't particularly enjoy the idea of being used to springboard another artist's career."
yuuji itadori hasn't picked a soloist name yet, still known by Yuyu as part of his four-member boy band, but the cutesy name doesn't fit with the venom of your voice, so you call him by his first name. plus, if you are truly meant to be working together, close and personal, you might as well get comfortable. he grins when you pronounce his name rather than bristle at your statement, the gleam in straight, heartthrob-white teeth almost a taunt to you.
"i don't think that's exactly what i'm aiming for but good to know."
his eyes flit from yours to the drink you just stirred, and watches as you put it to your lips, not saying a word. he looks practically cautious, and for a moment you wonder if he's grossed out by the action or if he's just intrigued by the shine on your glossed lips.
yuuji's dressed relatively subdued tonight, in a simple black turtleneck, unlike the shimmery gold chain shirt you remember him wearing on his most recent performance, standing out amongst the crowd despite his quite attractive band mates. the dusky pink of his hair which his design team clearly insists on accentuating doesn't help to avoid drawing your eyes to his among the group like a beacon. everything about him says look at me, look at me from the bright hue in his brown eyes and his build at the perfect balance of thick and aesthetic. you can't deny you too have been looking but you're tired of offering olive branches to bright eyed up-and-comers who lack the ability to be grateful.
you're not some type of gatekeeper but you know this game and gojo wasn't even subtle about it.
make my boy a star! toodles!
you roll your eyes at the thought, but even you have to admit he's mentored you a bit too though to get you where you are. despite being about yuuji's age, you're practically a household name, thanks to gojo's willingness to believe in you. you sigh.
"anyway, i'll have my agent contact you in the morning. we don't have to discuss anything more."
you throw back the rest of your drink and reach for your purse. yuuji raises his eyebrow at you then chuckles. the drink before him is untouched implying a bit of trepidation, but he's leaned back in his chair, one leg propped up on the chair stretcher. it's a look that's far too casual, that would look slightly disrespectful if he weren't so soft-looking.
"if you're uncomfortable being that close to me, you should really just say so," yuuji says. his arms stretch out above him and you tilt your head to the side.
"excuse me?"
yuuji also rises to his feet, and the difference of stature between you two is suddenly noticeable as you hang your purse around you. he intimidates you a bit, you have to admit, especially when he's close like this.
sweet. harmless. a little cocky. fuckable.
he skirts a little closer to you leaning in, his voice honeyed, ready to strike.
"you don't have to be my springboard. if anything, you can bounce off of me if you'd like."
yuuji laughs as your breath catches in your throat, but you shake it out and press a hand against his chest, pushing a comfortable distance between you two.
you're not going to be held accountable for a comment you made in a variety show months ago, even if it were true.
"don't push your luck," you hiss. he beams, and he's no longer sweet venom but the sweet man coming to you for a simple opportunity, no strings attached.
"you're right! i'll do anything you say," his lips pull sweetly and you wonder if you're being sucked in just like his fans.
he's polished perfect for the people, but that doesn't mean he's perfect for you.
but as he follows you out and your driver arrives depositing both of you safely at your respective homes, you wonder if perhaps a little romp will do any harm.
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harus-simp · 1 year
Why so quiet?
-Junhyeon x reader-
Requested: heyy your fics are so cute! can you do one where you're in a secret relationship with junhyeon and you're a presenter for the boys planet show? (Anonymous)
Author's note: sorry for the delay anon, I couldn't find the time to do it :((
But I hope you enjoy it anyways ;))
When you got to be on boys planet as a planet master and get to evaluate the trainees as a group you couldn't help but laugh realising certain someone was there working hard for his dreams.
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Walking into mnet's principal building made you anxious, the more you thought about it the less you agreed with your decision.
Now why were you exactly feeling like this? Well,as a former contestant from the produce series all the memories and past experiences kept coming back to you in an abnormal speed, you couldn't even control it.
However, on the other hand you were kinda excited and grateful to be invited to boys planet to come as a planet master, because after your elimination you debuted as a soloist growing in popularity and becoming well known to the idol industry.
You stood in front of the door and tooked a deep breath before ignoring your nerves and entered confidently there.
You were guided by the staff to the place you needed to be as you went over your script one last time, preparing for your entrance and meeting the boys.
"Okay ready in 3,2,1,go"
You entered the room you were supposed to enter while the trainees started to notice your presence and recognising you with various funny reactions. Ones where surprised, others excited and then there was someone who stood in utter shock, with his mouth opened and without saying anything.
"Why, so quiet Junhyeon?"you overheard someone saying to his fellow friend.
You smiled as the noises faded and they let you start to talk.
"Hello, I'm kpop idol soloist y/n, nice to meet you!"
You were greeted with applauses and lots of cheers as you continued.
"I'll be here as your planet master and even evaluate you throughout the week for this artist battle, so be prepared"
On the other hand, we could see Junhyeon with probably the calmest reaction he has had since the start of the show, which seemed a little bit suspicious to his fellow team mates.
"You still there?"gunwook said as he waved his hands in front of his face.
He shaked his head as he answered : "yes, yes I'm here, just surprised to see y/n sunbaenim as a planet master.
They were on their right to be confused because where the fuck did the loud and extra junhyeon go? He wasn't normally like this.
After explaining them the mission you waved them goodbye as you exited the room and could go to the cafeteria to have something to eat and rest for a bit. After a while you were heading to your car because till you had to evaluate them they had a couple days to prepare for it, so you weren't needed until then so you were dismissed.
As you got to your car you were hugged from behind immobilising you as a voice who seemed to have been running started saying.
"Hey-umm- baby- why didn't you tell me you were gonna be here?"he announced
You smiled widely realising who the voice belonged to as you turned around and hugged him properly.
"Hey hyeonnie!"you answered hugging him tightly.
He couldn't help but smile at your mere sight hugging you back delicately and expecting an answer to his question.
"Let's just say I wanted to surprise you, it will be fun to be judging you as an artist haha"
"Ahhh, you should have told me so I could be really prepared!Now I can't show you my talents properly!"he whined
"Nonsense, you don't need to prepare for anything, I'm sure you'll do just fine"you assured him
He looked at you pouting not convinced by your explanation.
"Baby, I mean it. You are really talented, and I know that any concept you'll get you'll kill it"you said and right after that you kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand reassuringly.
He looked at you mischievously and arching his eyebrows at the same time.
"Oh, I'm I that good?"he said teasingly getting closer to your face.
You side eyed him looking incredulous at his antics. Just a second ago he was kinda insecure and now his ego rose so quickly? Yeah he was really interesting at times.
"Well, gotta go babe bye bye " you pecked his lips softly and entered your car.
"Ta-take care"he stuttered as he didn't expect your sudden gesture and he wasn't used to your love for pda yet.
As he was returning to the planet camp he saw gunwook and taerae smirking at him.
"Wha-what are you guys doing? Were you spying me?"he asked feeling himself blushing.
"Is the Kum Junhyeon blushing?"asked gunwook teasingly.
"Hey no- that's not the point"he tried to change the subject.
"We were just heading for practice so we kinda need you,so...we were looking for you"answered taerae
"But we saw something really interesting tho" continued gunwook
He pushed them inside just trying to evade all the bombarding questions he was asked, obviously failing on his purpose.
The practices went on really quickly as well, and as they were fast they were really tough too.
When you were evaluating the En Garde team before eliminations it went good, the energy was amazing and everyone performed flawlessly without any major mistakes. However, after these it was like the team relaxed too much and their critiques were not quite as good as they had been previously.
"What is this?"young joon asked them with the calmest expression ever. "Is this the best you can do?"
You could sense the tension in the room, it could be cutted with a knife. The trainees were completely serious and ashamed of their result, the silence it was transmitted there made everyone anxious and without any hopes left.
"With this attitude I can't continue"the choreographer said as he left the room angry.
You decided to lighten up their moods a little bit.
"Hey guys, don't be discouraged by this, you didn't do terrible either. It's just you guys didn't stand out portraying correctly your talents".
The trainees smiled a little bit at your efforts of cheering them up.
"So please quit those long faces and think now of what you can improve alright?"
"Alright"they answered you with low spirits.
"No that's not the spirit, let's do it again, alright?"you said a little bit louder this time
"Alright"they said louder
"Now that's what I'm talking about. Well that's all, see you on the day of the performance then".
And after the days passed and the Artist mission battle started officially you were waiting patiently to present your boyfriend's team after the amazing performance 'Supercharger' team made. You were really excited to see your boyfriend's progress and how much he had improved.
While performing you could sense everyone's hard work and effort making you so happy and relieved for them,but specially you noticed juhyeonnie who gave his all trying to impress you, making you a proud girlfriend.
So, on the little break (and I mean little literally, you didn't have much time) you decided to congratulate them personally making everyone excited by your positive critiques, but you took your baby to one side being left by the others who by now all knew of your relationship (aka gunwook and taerae spilled the tea)
"OMG You killed it!"you said to him excitedly.
"Heh, don't know did I?"
You perfectly knew he was just teasing you, and that by complimenting him you would just boost his ego, but you couldn't help but fall into his trap.
"Yes you absolutely did, the performance was great!"
"Of course it was, your boyfriend was there, duh"
You knew that behind those little jokes he actually meant to be thankful and grateful for your words, but you preferred him to be like he was being right now.
"Don't be silly!"You said hitting his arm playfully
He now looked at you with that gummy smile you so loved and fell in love with. He felt so happy to have you by his side on the way to his debut.
"Well I better get going, I must present the next group"you said as you started to go back to the stage.
"Wait babe!"
He grabbed your wrist and gave you a peck as you had done in the parking lot before. It was short, but really sweet nonetheless. And although he felt the urge to stay like this for a while, he separated from you knowing well that you'd probably scold him.
"Now you can go"
You smiled as you bid him goodbye while he went back to his friends.
Oh,how this boy drives you crazy! 😛
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crystalsnow95z · 7 months
Hi, could you do one where Namjoon is insecure about his looks and his position in the group so he goes on a crash diet and overworks himself. He passes out and the other members take care of him.
Oo these are the types of stories I can write quickly, I got an obsession with angst lately.
The seven boys gather together in the hotel room, doing a quick live after their concert that ended an hour ago. Namjoon sits on the floor with Hoseok to read the comments that fly by, Namjoon's eyes catching his name in the comments.
The boys were eating food that staff prepared for them, chatting with army until they finished eating.
"What are we eating? Ah..I'm not entirely sure what its called.. I think this is ox tail. It's really good." Hoseok shows the camera the food on the chop sticks before popping it into his mouth. "This is my first meal today.."
"Me too, me too." Jimin says between bites of noodles.
OT6JJSJVJ:[Namjoon you're too fat to sit in the front you're blocking Jungkook. Move to the back.]
7wUArmy:[Leave Namjoon alone. He's probably stressed because they lost against that soloist again.
OT6JJSJVJ: [RM is too busy focusing on writing cringe lyrics to lead his team properly. He should let Hobi or Jin be leader.]
Namjoon looks away from the screen, not wanting to look at the comments. I'm leading my team as I've always done.. it's true dance practice doesn't go too well without Hoba there, but I can keep everyone in line..
Hoseok notices the sadness in his eyes, reaching over to touch his knee, unsure on what he read. The long English comments go too fast for him to read. "Make a heart if you read this?" He makes a hand heart. "[Love you army. What is every one is doing?]" Hoseok tries to speak English to get the international army answering his questions.
Vminkooker13: [I'm in class]
NIRAGRAPOPO: [I'm studying Korean. It's super hard..]
OT6JJSJVJ[I'm just watching six cute boys]
"Six? No. Not six. Seven. Seven." Hoseok catches the comment.
Ot6JJSJVJ: [I only see six cute ones and one pig.]
Namjoon recognizes the username from earlier, knowing it was them they meant. He stops eating, placing his chopsticks down. He weighed himself last week and noticed he gained five pounds, but he thought nothing of it since he was working out so much.
"[Ah, korean hard? Same..same with English..]" Hoseok answers the comment he read.
"[Keep practicing. You can do it. I..uh..believe..in you.]" Jimin cheers them on. "Fighting."
"[English is so hard..]" Jungkook agrees.
"[Good luck!]" Taehyung cheers.
Namjoon smiles softly and cheers up by hearing the younger members attempt English. "[Learning a new language isn't easy. Thank you for attempting to learn. It means so much to us.]"
MICMICBUNGEE: [you should teach the others English for us I-army. Felix and Chan got their members speaking English.]
"[Hey, hey. Stop. Stop.] It isn't Namjoon's fault we aren't good at learning it. He does his best to teach us." Hoseok defends his leader.
"[Leave.] Leave now if you are going to talk that way." Yoongi says curtly.
"[Reset. Reset chat with Purple heart. I want purple heart.]" Taehyung requests making a heart with his his hands, not wanting to see any more argument.
"Heart, please?" Jungkook asks, relaxing when the comments are flooded with hearts, blocking out all the comments.
"Let's send only love." Jimin tells the chat.
RockVison: I love you Jimin-sii
PaRtYYeeah: I love you BTS
Lobeyourself: I love you Namjoon. You're the best leader in kpop!
The comments flooded with love, but the damage was already done. Namjoon pretended to go back to eating, but he only picked up a few noodles with each bite, looking at his image on the screen.
He looked to be a healthy weight, but when he looked at his image compared to Taehyung, seeing the younger member stretching revealing a bit of his small waist, he grabbed the cushion he was sitting on to hold, covering his body.
I need to start dieting..
"What's wrong Namjoon-ah?" Yoongi asks leaning closer to Namjoon to talk by his ear, whispering while Jimin and Hoseok talk to the chat. "Is your stomach bothering you?"
"Ah, a little bit.. I think the food is a bit too greasy for me.." Namjoon takes the opportunity to stop eating.
"Wash up and get some sleep when we turn off the live.. I'll bring you some medicine." Yoongi whispers, leaning back on the couch.
Chim13: Namjoon-sii is cute with extra weight. I love my gentle giant.
Namjoon read the comments again, giving a forced smile when he sees another comment about his appearance. "I look cute? Thank you. I'll probably end up losing it, though. We have a really tight schedule this month."
"Everyone's finished eating but Jungkook? Since this is his hotel room, we can leave him eating,but I'm tired. I'm going to my room. I love you guys.." Yoongi bows, dismissing himself from the live, trying to get the others to follow suit.
"We have a flight tomorrow so we should all go." Jin gets the hint, all seven brothers saying good bye to army, sending their love before shutting off the live.
"Good night, guys. See you in the morning." Namjoon is the first one to leave. Its still a bit early.. I'll do a quick workout before washing up..
Namjoon takes a deep breath, trying to stop his body from shaking. I forgot how hard it is to diet.. I need to get some water..
"[BTS, this is your first concert in America in two years. Are you guys nervous?]" One of the MCs asks, looking at Namjoon standing in front, but Namjoon jumps in surprise, not noticing that the man approached him.
"Ah, nervous..yes..but..so excited!" Jin covers for Namjoon, speaking into the mic. "[Right, guys?]"
"Yeah yeah!" The others cheer behind them.
"[This will be a good warm up for you. Will you tell me what song you'll be performing?]"
"Sorry hyung.." Namjoon murmurs, taking the mic back from Jin's shaky hands. They were invited to iheart award show and left earlier than most of the staff, leaving Namjoon in charge of translations. "[That's a surprise for Army..]"
"Nice. Nice. So you won the biggest fanarmy for the past few years, do you think you'll win it this year as well?" The man asks.
"[I mean.. it is called the fanARMY award. We are so grateful for our fans. We would be nothing without them.." Namjoon's words make the crowd around them scream. He was grateful for Army their voices covering up the sound of his stomach gurgling. I should've eaten more than that apple this morning..please let that be his last question..
Namjoon hardly ate anything in the past five days, and it was catching up with him. He had to clutch the mic with both hands to keep his hands from trembling, feeling a wave of fatigue wash over him, feeling dizzy.
I don't know if I can perform like this..I'm so tired..
"I'm looking forward to seeing your performance. Good luck!" The interviewer leaves to their next guests, the members being shuffled forward for a photo.
Namjoon keeps one arm around Jin's shoulder to keep balanced, forcing himself to focus on the camera. Jin can feel Namjoon trembling, but he doesn't say anything until they make it to the back room.
"Namjoon-ah are you feeling okay?" Jin asks with concern. "You're shaking.. are you sick?" He touched Namjoon's cheek. "You feel cold.."
"I'm not sick. Don't worry. I'm fine, I'm just super nervous and very embarrassed. I didn't notice him approaching.." Namjoon answers honestly.
"You don't look well, Namjoon. I think you're getting sick. Try to take it easy today, okay? We'll take the lead from here, okay?"
"Alright, Hoba." Namjoon agrees easily. For the past few days Hoseok was already contributing the most during the meetings alongside Yoongi.
Maybe he would be a better leader than me. I can't even diet and focus on work at the same time..
"Sit here, I'll go get you some water." Hoseok pushes him into a seat, motioning for Jin to follow.
"Do you think he's sick?" Jin says softly, already guessing what he wanted to talk about.
"I don't know, that's what I wanted your opinion on. He hasn't been coughing or anything.. he just seems really tired." Hoseok gets a water from the mini fridge, poking Jungkook with it. "Give this to Namjoon for me?"
"Sure hyung." Jungkook takes it, going over to their leader.
"Do you think we're doing too many practices? Should we cut our night practice shorter? Taehyungie and Jaykay look like they've lost weight, too.." Hoseok frets over his younger members, seeing Jungkook's broad back but small waist as he walks away.
"I don't think it's a problem. Jungkook and Taehyung seem fine, it's only Namjoon who's exhausted." Jin gestured to the three youngest Jimin giving the hair stylist a hard time as he continues to role play with Taehyung, pretending to be shot in the chest, stumbling back a few steps.
Jungkook rushes over to Jimin to save him, placing his hand over the 'wound.' "Jimin-sii! Jimin-sii hang in there."
"Kids stop giving noona a hard time." Yoongi scolds them. "Wait until she fixes your hair to play."
"Okay Suga-hyung.." Jimin says with an apologetic smile, taking a seat.
Hoba handles dance practice, and Yoongi can control the younger members better than I can. What I'm best at is interviews, but I've been messing up lately.. am I still cut out to be their leader?
"Namjoon-sii, your in ear. You haven't set yours up yet.." Jin approached him, making him jump.
"Aiish..! Ah. I'm sorry, you startled me.." Namjoon blushes when he sees the other members look in his direction.
"Are you okay?" He asks while he helps get him hooked up, leading the wire to go up his shirt and through top, stretching it to his ear.
"Yes. Everything's fine. I was just deep in thought. Thanks, Hyung. I do the rest myself.. " Namjoon bows slightly.
"You're lying to me Namjoon-ah. Something's bothering you. You know if you want to talk about it, I'm here. We all are. Okay?" Jin says in a soft tone, rubbing Namjoon’s back.
Namjoon was tempted to tell him how awful he felt, how he's only allowed himself to eat one small thing like apples and small chicken breasts a day while keeping up with his workout routine and their busy work schedule. But, he couldn't get himself to do it.
We need to focus on the performance, I don't need them messing up because of me..
"I'm just a bit depressed, I'm okay.." Namjoon felt his stomach knot with guilt, making him feel even more nauseous than before.
"[You guys are up next.]" A staff member calls into the room, saving Namjoon from the oldest member's prying. "[You have four minutes.]"
"[Thank you.]" Namjoon gets to his feet to bow, then gathers his members. "We need go. We're up next.. we have less than 5 minutes."
Namjoon takes a deep breath as he walks with the other members towards the stage, listening to the crowd screaming. He feels Hoseok's fingers wrap around his shoulder, looking at the worried 94er.
"We're doing Fire..you could do this song blind folded.." Hoseok reassures him, squeezing his shoulder. "You don't have to be nervous.."
He's right.. I know this song inside and out.. I've done it hundreds of times.. he seems to always know the right thing to say..
The members calmly walk towards the front of the stage, the music starting as soon as they make it to their positions.
Namjoon tried to keep the same energy as the other members, but it felt like he was moving in slow motion compared to them. He pushes himself harder to keep up with the others, ignoring the green haze that blurred his vision.
My verse is coming, I need to pull myself together, I'm making my team look bad..
Namjoon takes a deep breath, moving to his position. His heart was pounding loudly in his ears, making him miss his cue, stuttering over the first word before recovering.
His anxiety spiked, only escalating how awful he felt. His body swayed when he moved to the next position, his vision tunneling until everything faded to black...
Namjoon's eyes slowly flutter open, feeling the prick of an IV leaving his skin.
"Namjoon-ah you're awake.." Jin sighs in relief, reaching to take Namjoon's hand. "When you fainted like that, you scared me.."
"What happened to you, Hyungie?" Jungkook asks with concern. "Please you need to tell us what's wrong so we can help you.."
"I'm sorry you guys..this is all my fault.." Namjoon's voice comes out softly, tears swelling in his eyes. "I just..wanted to be someone you and Army could be proud of.."
"What do you mean? No one's disappointed in you. Everyone here is proud of you.." Yoongi says genuinely.
"We just want to help you get better, but we need to know what's wrong. Please Joon, what's going on with you.. you've been pushing yourself too hard." Jin says with a mix of frustration and concern.
"Do you remember that live we did? The one we ended early? I read a few comments and.." Namjoon pauses, feeling ashamed that he let them get to him. Jin rubs his thumb across the younger’s knuckles, encouraging him to go on. He looked around the room, seeing all six of his brothers waiting patiently for him to continue, their eyes filled with worry.
Namjoon takes a breath, slowly releasing it before finishing. "I'll be okay..I..I just need to eat.. I haven't..had a real meal since that live.."
"Oh, Namjoon.. baby, you have to eat.. you need at least one meal the way your lifestyle is.." Hoseok's voice didn't have a once of judgment over Namjoon’s actions, only concern for his friend.
"I know.. I'm sorry.. I just couldn't do it.. I felt so sick after that live.. I ended up throwing up that night.. i just.. I dont know. I felt guilty..like.. every time i looked in the mirror..I saw that i was bigger than i used to be..The scale was going down, but i wanted to be as good as i was when i first debuted..." Namjoon admits, struggling to get the words out.
"It's okay, Joon, you don't have to explain yourself.. just let hyung take care of you. We'll get you a proper meal, and once you're doing better, we can get you on a healthy diet." Jin speaks calmly.
"We can go on a diet together after this tour. Right now we need to keep our energy up. Okay Joonie?" Hoseok sits on the bed next to Namjoon, wrapping around him.
"Hoba?" Namjoon says his name, leaning into him
"Do..do you think I'm the right person to be the leader?" Namjoon asks meekly, not looking at him.
"Where did that question come from? Of course you are. We decided you were the best choice in the beginning and my opinion hasn't changed." Hoseok reassures him. "Just because you need help doesn't mean you aren't cut out for the position anymore." Hoseok spoke honestly.
"Namjoon-ah, I never once thought of you as a bad leader. You're only human, you'll make mistakes and you'll have bad days, but if I were leader or Seokjinnie hyung or Hoba or whoever.. they would too. Don't let those antis mess with your head. You are the one I want to follow." Yoongi explains to Namjoon in a serious tone, remembering the live and how they cut it short. "I know I wouldn't be able to handle the stress.."
"Oh me neither.. I already have enough work with choreography. I don't think I would've made it past the first year if I were given a leader role. I almost quit during our training days." Hoseok adds in.
Namjoon felt the weight that was holding him down, lifting from his chest hearing the praise of the older members. "Thank..augh.." he winces when he feels his stomach cramp with hunger. "I need sonething..."
"[Sir, is it okay for us to go?]" Jimin asks the medic
"[If he fainted from malnutrition, then he should be fine to go, but if you start feeling dizzy like that again go to the hospital to get another.]" The man tells him.
"Let's go get something to eat." Jimin says, his own stomach growling at the thought of food.
"Let's order cheese burgers." Taehyung says eyes already round with anticipation "But we can have whatever you want hyung."
"That sounds amazing.." Namjoon smiles.
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sageistrii · 1 month
Proof of a BTS member truly shit talking one of the members would shake the foundation of the world as we know it.
Every group that I know of--from the Beatles onward - split because of internal conflict (Yoko) or because one member was clearly the soloist (Beyonce, Harry Styles, innumerable others). But that's a Western norm.
I do think JK was/is being groomed for solo stardom. He didn't have to enlist; he could have continued while the rest of the team served and delayed his enlistment for another four years. Tbh, I figured that was Scooter's plan because I couldn't see why he would spend all that time and money and then just see JK go.
But the media would have had a field day if that was attempted. It would have singled a break-up and not just a hiatus.
I don't know if JK's solo debut was disappointing to them or not. But I do think JK's enlistment with Jimin is significant for the future of BTS. Whatever may have been planned, JK is not going anywhere.
I still harbor resentment against JK for his part of Jimin's debut, and I still think BangPd chose the wrong member for long-term success in the U.S., but I'll concede JK's sincerity about BTS. Grudgingly. 😉
I do believe all the members love BTS but i don't think some of them have truly grasped that attaining a level of solo success means the eventual death of the group and honestly I think any one of them should go for the solo success, if it came naturally and not at the expense of others. I don't think jk thought about how Jimin or the group as a whole could be affected by the stunts they pulled for him, like I said I don't think he cares too much about how these things work, he's just there for the ride and the promised success.
And no shade, but I can't say I care about his sincerity about BTS. Yes I do admit I still like them but I'm at a stage where I would not care as much if the group fell apart, just as long as Jimin is thriving. In fact, a part of me hopes jk and scooter could have done all of us a favor, by declaring him as a solo artist so we could all be free.
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kbandtrash · 4 months
Meet the Authors
Ha ha embarrassing it’s been almost 4 years of kbandtrash and I don’t think we’ve ever done this
General introduction? We just like writing lol. Everything we write is pretty clean (no smut, kissing is the farthest we go like not even making out usually, we don’t even use curse words lol) so generally this should be a pretty safe space for anyone
I’ll start with a more personal introduction
Hopeless romantic, happy ending enthusiast, designated karaoke harmonizer, made the deadline to be a ‘99 liner by 2 weeks ✌️😗
The initial Instigator between the two of us. My roommate introduced me to day6 May of 2019 and Megan (formerly annoying little sister who used to do anything to get me to notice her) was the only one who believed me (mean older sister) when I told my family this kband stuff was pretty good
Bands I listen to (and biases): N.Flying (Seunghyub), Day6 (Sungjin), The Rose (Dojoon), IZ (Hyunjun), CNBlue (Yonghwa), FTIsland (Hongki), Onewe (ot5), Lucy (ot4), Hifi Unicorn (Kiyoon), Xdinary Heroes (Gaon, Junhan)
(Plus Hoppipolla, Gift, Qwer, Banduni, Rolling Quartz, Honeyst, Marmello, D.Coy)
Groups I listen to: Dreamcatcher (Dami), Oneus(? complicated rn) (Hwanwoong), Seventeen (S.Coups, Vernon), SF9 (Chani, Hwiyoung), Ateez (Hongjoong, Mingi), Stray Kids (Seungmin, Chan), P1Harmony (Jiung)
(Plus Pentagon, Purple Kiss, Tempest, &Team, Enhypen)
(I also have a huge crush on D.O. and I love Younha)
Extra notes? I have a degree in secondary math education. I also have a decent amount of skill in the arts though like I sing and play a handful of instruments and you’ll see me reblog stuff here from my art blog sometimes. I can read/write half decent Korean as well
Currently playing: Blue Moon by N.Flying, Eternal Sunshine by Ateez, Ah! Love by Seventeen, Better Better by Day6, and Nowhere by FTIsland
I now turn the time over to Megan
Hopeful romantic, sad ending enthusiast, designated karaoke melodizer (not a boring soprano tyvm), born smack dab in the middle of 2006 🤩💅
The current Instigator between the two of us. I hesitantly took hold of the kband stuff and then it exponentially increased. My kpop Spotify playlist is 176 hours long (3127 songs). Please send help 😨
K bands: CNBLUE (Minhyuk), Xdinary Heroes (O.de/Junhan), N.Flying (Hweseung), Day6 (Wonpil), FTISLAND (Jaejin), Lucy (Wonsang), Onewe (Kanghyun), IZ (Junyoung), Gift, Hoppipolla, The Rose (Hajoon), Rolling Quartz, Honeyst, Marmello
K boy groups: Ateez (Wooyoung), Shax, Sparkling, P1Harmony (✨Jeongseob✨), Seventeen (Hoshi), Kingdom (Mujin), SF9 (Taeyang), CIX (Yonghee), Oneus (Leedo), Golden Child (Joochan), ACE (Donghun), The Boyz (Q), Stray Kids (Jeongin), TXT (Taehyun), Pentagon (Yuto), Shinee (Key), AB6IX (Woojin), Astro (MJ), Enhypen (Niki), Drippin (Dongyun), BDC, WEi (Yongha), Cravity (Seongmin), BtoB (Changsub), NCT (Haechan), Tempest (Hanbin), Monsta X (Kihyun), Just B (Bain), Got7 (Youngjae), Epex (Ayden), BAE173 (Hangyul), Mirae (Dongpyo), iKon (Junhoe), X1, Wanna One, Victon (Byeongchan), E’last
K girl groups: Kard ;), Dreamcatcher (Gahyeon), (G)i-dle (Yuqi), Twice (Jeongyeon), Itzy (Chaeryeong), IVE, Kep1er, Purple Kiss (Swan), Everglow, Oh My Girl, ICHILLIN’, Red Velvet, Billlie (Moon Sua), Stayc (Isa), Weeekly (Jihan), NMIXX (Lily), CLC (Sorn), Tea Party/Omega-3 (Hyunji)
Soloists: Kang Daniel, IU, Woodz, Kim Hanbin, Eric Nam, Lee Hongki
Extra notes? I like learning languages and I love music and I’m permanently tired and I’m a Musical Theatre Kid and I’m about to graduate high school? Crazy
Currently Playing: One Time by CNBLUE, Halazia by Ateez, Love Me for Me by P1Harmony, Stereotype by Stayc, and Fallin’ Flower by Seventeen
You can follow us on tiktok and instagram as heartandsoul.psyche 🙈👀 we’re silly and we sing sometimes
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Jensen and JDM Main Panel NJCon 2023
Jeffrey does the beginning of the panel jump with Jensen! As a bonus treat, there was a video posted on twitter of Jensen coaching Jeffrey on how to do the jump: 💌
What is their favorite backstage memory from one of the cons? For JDM it’s when he spilled the beans and ended up telling everyone he was having a daughter. For Jensen, he says, he’ll never forget the moment at the last comic-con they did for SPN, before he and Jared walked out to a crowd of 7k people he turned to Jared and told him to take it in cause that was it and they went out there and put their arms around each other and he thinks they both got a little emotional. It’s a moment he’ll never forget and he’s glad he took that moment cause usually you walk out and sit down and they announce the other person but he walked out and stood there waiting for Jared to join him and it was pretty memorable. Aww, Jensen 😭
And JDM, actually, watched the boys last SPN comic-con panel backstage because there was a live feed of the panel in the green room.  x
The next fan shows some love for John saying he did the best he could with the tools he had, and the only reason I bring it up is that I love how much JDM loves the character of John. And, once again, Jensen is asked about that project that he had teased. He says he’s still waiting to be able to say something about it and that he got in trouble in the last con for saying something so he’s gonna keep his mouth shut. That it’s not hard to figure out but as soon as he’s allowed to talk about it he will and he can’t wait to share it. It’s all good things and there’s supposed to be an official press release but he doesn’t control that, and he was hoping he’d be able to talk about something today but no. He’ll let us know when he can. x
What is an important milestone in their career that they feel helped push them forward? Jensen says that much like all of us there’s a series of forks in the road that we have either chosen where to go or the path has been chosen for us, that when he was in High School, he would eat, drink, sleep baseball for like 3 years. Then in his senior year- he had been doing drama as an elective but his extracurriculars was sports - his drama teacher went and spoke to his baseball coach and told him that they knew they were in season and it was playoffs but they wanted Jensen to try out for the Spring musical. And Jensen only knows about that conversation because his coach told him about it, and at first Jensen was like ‘but we have playoffs’ and his coach was really encouraging, he let him know in a very nice way that he was a good ball player but he wasn’t getting scouted, he wasn’t gonna get a college scholarship from playing and told him that he’s only in High School once so he should try to get as much out of it as he could and promised he’d be in the front row, and for a Texan coach in the 90’s that was not heard of; so Jensen did the play and there happened to be a talent scout there who watched it and afterward went up to Jensen and told him he should go to LA cause he could have a future in this and Jensen told them to take a hike but they went and talked to Jensen’s parents and his parents told him that if he wanted to give it a shot to do it so he thought about it for a few months and went to LA instead of going to college. That was a moment in his life that changed his direction. And for those curious, the play was West Side Story and he played Tony. 
He says he had never sang in his life in front of anybody, he was terrified, and the girl who played Maria, she was like an all state soloist choir person who could sing like Adele but she hadn’t done theater so she was nervous about the acting part, he was nervous about he singing part so they helped each other out. And his whole baseball team was in the first two rows shocked, and when he noticed them he thought there was no turning back he would get beat up after that but instead they all went up to him and very awkwardly said that he was good. 
Jeffrey says he doesn’t have anything that compares to that story but for him in all honesty it was the year he did both SPN and Grey’s Anatomy. He had been working for 20yrs doing pilots and guest star spots trying to keep a roof over his head and get a foot through the door but it really wasn’t until SPN and Grey’s Anatomy that he got to do that and it thankfully hasn’t stopped. 
Jensen mentions that they both know people who are greatly talented and never got the opportunity, and he thinks success in this industry is largely being in the right place at the right time. JDM says he knows people who are his age who still haven’t got that break and are pounding the pavement, hoping and praying, and it’s hard. Jensen comments that he thinks it’s harder now to get in that back when they were younger because now, especially with covid everything has gone remote so you don't have to live in Hollywood anymore to get into the industry. 
They both say they wouldn’t even know how to find an agent nowadays; it’s all zoom, you don't get into a room and read for people face to face like they used to have to do. JDM says that was the worst, that he was horrible at it, that he would lie and tell stories trying to charm them before his reading. Jensen adds that you would try to charm because that would usually get you if not that role then another role in the project. Jeffrey also says some people are really good at auditioning and then you put them on a set and they can’t act their way out of a paper bag and some of them are still working today. Jensen says they’ve worked with a few of them 👀
What was Jensen’s favorite thing about the Soldier Boy suit? Jeffrey immediately says codpiece at the same time that Jensen goes to say it 😂 
Jensen shares that, no word of a lie, he had to fly to LA 6 different times for them to build that costume for him and you just have to stand there like a mannequin cause those are costume-made suits that are worth a couple hundred thousand dollars and are works of art and that LJ, the designer, and her team are just incredible. But he remembers JDM texting him one time when he was at one of his fittings and he replied that he couldn’t talk because he was in a Soldier Boy fitting and JDM immediately replied saying he needed a picture of the codpiece, and Jensen was like ‘I’m glad you asked that cause they're asking me to pick it right now’ and he had some lined up and he sent JDM the picture asking which one. Jeffrey told him to go with the biggest one but LJ told him no. 
There were so many parts he didn’t like about the suit, probably more than he did like, but his honest answer would be the boots because they were the same boots Dean wore for 15yrs. LJ had told him they were doing a military-style boot and she sent him a few options to his house in Austin, he noticed they were very similar to the ones Dean wore so he messaged her and let her know those could work but that he knew of a company that makes a boot that he’s never gotten sick off in 15yrs and that he knows he can stay on his feet for 14hrs a day and his feet won’t hurt at the end of it, she asked what they were, he told her they’re called Carolina’s and she told him that’s what they would get so he loves that because of the connection there. 
Jeffrey asks him if he could go to the bathroom in the suit, Jensen answers that he could and that was a conversation that was had, some of the suits were not made with access panels luckily his did, it went together like pants it was a top and a bottom and it would zip together and then there would be the big utility belt, he says there’s a whole group of people it takes to get out of that thing and like the chest piece is solid so he couldn’t really move, he was doing fight scenes feeling like an idiot but it looked cool. x
Back in 2020, Jensen told a story at Vegascon about a fan he met called Kirby from South Carolina the reason I’m bringing it up is because the next fan tries to make a joke about it by introducing themselves as Kirby from South Carolina but Jensen doesn’t remember this story at all and there’s even the implication that he might have just made it all up but Jensen then says he doesn’t lie *snort* suuuure. Could he have forgotten this crazy story he told? 100%. Do I think him capable of making up a funny story just for shits and giggles? Also, 100%. 
Back to the question, if Jensen had to do a booze and cheap tattoos collab what would he pick to represent his new Radio Company album? He replies that he luckily has both those answers sitting next to him. He would pick JDM’s smoky rye whiskey, and a couple of thumb tattoos that they got done very quickly and cheaply. So cheaply that they did not pay for them, they got them for free, he and Jeffrey tell the story about how they were on their scooters looking for a tattoo shop and Jeffrey told him they had to recognize them or they would bail it so they go into the first one and the guy behind the desk asked if he could help them, and they told him they wanted to get a couple small, quick tattoos and the guy replied he could fit them in about an hour so they walked out the door and went to the next shop. In the next one when they walked in the owner, who was doing a big leg piece, saw them and went ‘holy shit! get out of my chair!’ so they knew that was the place and they didn’t know what they were going to get, Jeffrey was thinking of getting like 70 on each finger, and Jensen was so ready to go and then went ‘well, maybe just one’. Also, the guy was like ‘I can’t believe it I'm tattooing Negan and Soldier Boy’ so it wasn't even from SPN that they got recognized from 😂
The next fan has a statement and a question, they would like them to please let Kripke know they want him at a con. Jensen says that he would be either really good or really boring because he’s so careful about what comes out of his mouth so he might just say no comment to everything or if he was able to he could give the dissected version of every question and answer, that it would be awesome. Jensen says that attending a con has actually been on Kripke’s radar, he has commented to Jensen that he’s interested in it but he’s so busy that things would have to slow down in his world for that to happen and Jensen hopes it does for Kripke’s sake. JDM asks if there’s only one more year of The Boys to which Jensen replies that there are a lot of rumors but nothing official and that he hopes Kripke gets a break sometime soon and during that break, he gets to attend a con. 
And the question is, are there hopes for a tour in the future? No. Obviously, they were very thrilled with the success of the show, that it was incredibly nerve-wracking cause there were so many moving pieces to get that done. They had 13 people on that stage that night and just the thought of like their drummer calling the night before that they have a family emergency and having to bail like anything could have happened so Jensen was really nervous and he was putting a lot of pressure on himself and he remembers at the end of it Steve was like ‘pretty badass wasn’t it?’ and Jensen’s reply was that he never wanted to do that again but then after he settled down he was like ‘maybe we should talk about doing that again’ but touring might be aggressive. But anything’s on the table he would have to talk to his partner about that; JDM says he saw the concert online and then texted Jensen telling him it was really good, that he remembers the first con he ever did was in Vegas and that was the first time Jensen ever got up on stage and sang- he sounds like such a proud dad, it's so cute.
Jensen says the really shitty part of it was that they had to follow probably one of the best performances they’d ever seen out of Louden Swain. x
The next fan wants to let Jensen know that TW’s portrayal of John made them love the character and they hope it’s something they get to see more of in TW and SPN. Jensen says that he, Robbie, and Drake had an at-length conversation about what this John pre-Mary’s death would be like and they really wanted to make him a more approachable character because it would have been an obvious choice to make him the same, there’s no shift, and he thinks that’s a beautiful thing in storytelling when a character goes through something so traumatic that it changes them sometimes for good sometimes for bad. That it’s arguable whether John was changed for bad or good because he set out to do good even though it was a vengeful mission he was setting out to right a wrong because he had gotten wronged and his wife and his family had gotten wronged so he was setting out to right that wrong, now the debate is whether he did that the right way or the wrong way but nonetheless it changed John so he wanted there to be a different type of John in TW so we could see a glimpse prior to that and he thinks that Drake did a great job. x
What’s their favorite format to play in? Jeffrey says the one with the best writing. So probably not the 23 episodic series one because that’s really hard to keep up that level of writing, that lately there’s so much kinda good stuff out there, streaming has kind of changed the game but it also has kind of put a dent in the business because not everyone can be Netflix or Amazon so a lot of shows that we watch are in trouble right now because they don’t have the money because everybody gave up on commercial tv which is crazy; but you follow the best script. You get the best script, you get the best people to work with but as they’ve said a lot of it is luck you don't know half the time if it’s good.
He mentions the SPN pilot and Jensen says the Pilot was good writing and that it still holds up today, and Jeffrey says he knew SPN was good when he saw the soundtrack was in the script. Jeffrey, once again with the honesty, adds that there are also good scripts that get screwed up. So he does like more streaming and a condensed season he thinks it’s easier to keep the quality level. 
Jensen answers that he tends to gravitate towards tv over film because with film it’s all there, the beginning, the middle and the end, but with a series it’s a journey and you don’t know where that journey is going to go for the character, the story, or the relationships, and he tends to enjoy that more. JDM mentions that he also thinks they’re not making the quality of movies they were 20yrs ago and the best writing, directing and acting is on television. 
Jensen adds that doing a 23-episode network tv show is a grind but with as much as they were doing they did turn out some really great stuff and he thinks that's a testament to the people involved in the show, that they were really invested and loved the show, that being said he’s also done daytime soaps which was brutal, his record is 24 pages of dialogue in one day. This makes them share a mini story about how one time when Jeffrey was filming both SPN and Grey’s Anatomy he had gotten off a 14hr day at Grey’s, hopped on a plane, and got straight to work on SPN so his brain was mush so the way around that was to put his dialogue on post-it notes and stick them everywhere including the boys, they had Jeffrey’s dialogue on post-it notes on their chest 😂
Jensen says that if he had his choice he would do a half hour multicam because schedule wise it is unbelievable, when he thinks about Friends they worked 8hrs a week, three weeks on one week off, they were making a million per episode- that one of his first gigs was a multi cam half hour, JDM says it was the same for him that he did a half hour with Jason Bateman called Black Sheep and he played Joey and he tested for Joey from Friends but he didn’t get it and he’s still mad about it. 
Jensen continues and says that it’s also like doing live theater, every week you get an audience of 200-250 people, on a small soundstage and you put on a show for them for 2-3 hours, it’s great energy and you’re workshopping the material all week at a difference when you do a series you block a scene, you might run it one time then go to camera.  He thinks guys like he and JDM, you can pretty much throw them at any situation and they’ll be alright cause they’ve been doing it for so long they'll figure it out but multi-cam that’s where it’s at but they don’t make as much of those shows anymore. x
If they played pro baseball what would their walkup song be? Jensen says it’d be the theme song that used to play in his high school games which is the theme song from The Natural which is a baseball movie. Apologies to Jensen cause I’ve never seen it. Also, there’s a hilarious moment where Jensen does a bit of the melody and Jeffrey just goes “the theme from Star Wars?” 🤣
It is time for the last question and Jeffrey is very confused and surprised about the last question process. 
What are their favorite karaoke songs? JDM has never done karaoke before and he wants to say Jensen has asked him to before and he’s said goodnight. Jensen hasn’t done karaoke in quite some time and he meant to say he’ll never forget but instead, he said he’ll always forget 😂
Anyways, what he was trying to share is that when he was shooting Dawson’s Creek they went to a little karaoke place and he was just getting to know the cast, they didn’t him that well and it was his first time hanging out with them, and he was playing pool and somebody asked if he was gonna do a song so he reluctantly went up thinking it was either going to go horribly wrong and they would laugh him off the stage or he’d do something different and he sang El Paso by Marty Robbins. x
Jensen and JDM Main Panel NJCon 2023
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cryiling · 1 year
revalink but they're kpop idols in the same group and people make those stupid ass dating analysis/speculation videos about the both of them being a couple because their bickering comes off as flirting to everyone else 😭
stop bc this is literally yoonmin AJDBANDJ the bickering like an old married couple is SO THEM
at first I was wondering how would revali and link even be in the same group? and ik in this post you mentioned that revali probably wouldn't even be in a group, he'd be a soloist. but then I was like:
what if they were in a survival show together and they debuted in the final lineup 😵
I'm gonna be so fr I have never watched a survival show, not even i-land or boys planet, so idk how any of it works, but imo revali seems like he would be in first place throughout the show even though international fans don't like him, they're like how is he winning?? but revali is just so good (and the show is probably a little rigged since the judges have favorites, but it's not bc revali bribed them- he wants to win because he deserves it, not because of some bribery)
meanwhile, link is the fan favorite; he's charismatic and good looking, he regularly goes viral on tik tok, he does a freestyle like that one guy from bp, I think his name was woonggi? and the fans absolutely lose their mind, and link shoots up to first place. ofc revali immediately sees link as a threat, and so their (one-sided) rivalry begins (link is just vibing but revali is absolutely livid that he's second. out of 100. like that's stil reallyl good revali u can chill!!)
throughout the rest of the show the two are fighting for first place, every other voting period they've switched spots, and it's clear that they'll both make the final cut, but the real question is who's going to place first?
it's link. of course it is.
anyways they debut with hmm like 5 other ppl so it's 7 of them in the group (idk who though, don't ask me 😊🙏). and at first it's SO AWKWARD like revali is bitching about link every chance he gets and the managers are like.. can u pls stop. we keep having to edit the clips of you so you can maintain a somewhat respectable reputation 😭
the editors can do whatever they want, but at the dorms, revali and link are totally fighting each other, like istg whoever their leader is has to do some serious damage control every time one of them says something out of pocket.. revali starts talking abt how link shouldn't be on the team and the leader is like woahh hey let's not do that
that doesn't stop revali though :/
ykw does make him stop? after a huge fight where revali definitely says some things he didn't think through (I'm not gonna say bc it hurts my heart to think abt), link storms out of the dorms, and the leader (istg I'm gonna make it teba atp) is like dude u fucked up.. go apologize to him
and revali bristles and is like why should I?? but deep down he feels super uncomfortable and guilty for this whole thing, he's like have I gotten so lost in this rivalry that this is just who I am? he doesn't voice all that but he does leave to go find link, who is predictably in their practice studio. but when he gets there, he can hear crying through the door. and when revali listens closer, he hears, "I don't know, aryll, sometimes I just feel like I don't belong here. I don't know if-" a pause, a muffled sob. "I don't know if I want to do this anymore." silence, then: "i just want to do something right for once. it's never good enough."
revali backs away from the door; he's heard enough. he goes back to the dorm and straight to his room without talking to the other members. he shouldn't have been eavesdropping. and besides, if link wants to quit the group, that's not his problem, right? at least revali will finally get the spotlight.
but the thought of link being gone, it leaves a cold feeling in his gut.
umm this got dark fast and I don't like the direction I went in.. maybe their rivalry can be more lighthearted 😊 but yes anyways revali gets this wake up call and is like ohh maybe I shouldn't be an ass! and after seeing link in a new light he gains a new respect for him. so the next day after letting link calm down and after revali gathers his thoughts, he goes to talk to link and they're able to work out their differences! just kidding 😇 it's not that easy. but their dynamic does shift, and it becomes less toxic and the bickering and friendly challenging becomes more reciprocal rather than being one-sided bullying
atp it's been a little over a year since their debut, and their fans have CLEARLy noticed the positive difference in their dynamic. so ofc the crazy delulus start making dating rumors abt them! 😦 because there's no way they could have started being so nice to each other for no reason, something definitely must have happened! the rest of the fandom is clowning the shippers like ur actually so dumb for shipping them
as time passes the two are able to look out for each other but still have a sort of friendly rivalry! my brain is running out of energy to come up with things but they're literally yoonmin from bts, like look at this compilation of them bickering and tell me that's not them🧍🏻‍♀️
fans see these interactions and go crazyyy like maybe those delulu shippers weren't so delulu after all 😦 clearly they have a way different bond than with the other members, and they're constantly acting like an old married couple with the constant back and forth over literally the tiniest things. and ppl fr start making compilation videos of all their interactions and SWEAR that there's something going on, and it's literally just.. revali and link arguing whether , or link getting revali a bottle of water on stage, or revali and link on a team together during a variety show
bickering aside, though, they would privately support each other in their own ways 🥺🥺 imagining revali staying up late at the studio to practice until his voice is raw, the other members of the group have all gone to bed in the dorms but link notices that revali isn't back yet (omg bc they were roommates??👀) and so he gets up, prepares a mug of oolong tea, and brings it to the studio for revali. he makes him take a break to rest his voice, and after much convincing, link brings revali back to the dorms and makes him go to sleep
in turn, revali — who knows how vulnerable link really is to harsh criticism — takes extra care to compliment link when he thinks he does well, and to give guidance in a more constructive way. if they have a particularly good performance, he'll tell link that, and if he notices link having trouble with a certain move or part of the song, he'll talk to him privately abt it and help link improve!
honestly this whole au is giving me serious 13 iconic yoonmin moments vibes, like imagine revali stumbling across one of these revali x link compilation videos and actually looking at the way they interact with each other and going like oh. oh.
AAAAA anyways this post is so messy and the beginning didn't even end up being something I liked that much but I had fun writing this 😊 ty for the ask oomfie this was lots of fun to think abt!
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think the reason why their schedules matched up is because they’re working on smth together there, i wouldn’t be surprised if we get their subunit soon
Could be, but I'm not so sure it's that big a deal, but we'll see won't we.//
It’s a big deal. Jikook are the top of charts Hybe soloists. They have been team up together for years and rumoured subunit for longest time. It’s a big deal. They individually and as a pair in top at the moment. Jk looks so happy in those footage unlike he was tae, stressed set back hesitation Jm was bc with the album so it make sense we haven’t seen them much in public and asas jm’s schedules over bam here we have jikook. According to reliable sources jm had no official schedule even media said he followed jk. For sure vacationing together and filming content also he was there to support jk personally. Lol it’s back to square one , we thought more freedom for tk but it’s jik all over again and tae running o e sided tk as usual
Are you sure you're a Taekooker because all I can smell in this ask is Brimothy.
Reliable sources, rumours etc, sure but why are you butt hurt over the fact I don't think it's a big deal whatever they are doing.
Why should you, someone clearly not into Taekook, care so much about Taekooker's opinion?
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: Are there any important milestones or successes in your career or even life that you felt really helped push you forward or put you on the right track and what they are? It's a weird question, but I couldn't come up with anything else.
JDM: Solid question.
Jensen: I'll tell you one, give him time to think.
JDM: It's a girl!
Jensen: That bit's got legs. It's got legs. Look, I think he, much like all of us, are in a bit of a series of forks in the road and we have either chosen which way to go or the path has been chosen for us. I was talking about this at dinner last night. When I was in high school, I was like eat, drink, sleep, baseball for, like, three years. And finally my senior year, the drama department teacher comes and I'd been doing drama as an elective during school, but then all extracurricular stuff was sports. And so the teacher comes to my baseball coach and says, 'Hey, I know it's in season right now, and playoffs are coming up, but I really want one of your players to try out for - or to be in the spring musical. And coach is like, [incredulous voice] 'Who?' So it was me, and I only knew about that conversation cause I got called into the coach's office and he said, 'Hey, listen, I got, uh, had Ms. Kaiser come and talk to me and said she really wants you to do this spring musical, spring play. And I was like, 'Well, yeah, but coach, we have playoffs coming up'. He's like, 'I know. But you've given me about three solid years of good baseball.' He said this, not so bluntly, but in an actually nice way, but he's like 'You're not good enough, you're not getting scouted by any - you're not gonna get a ride to college, and you're probably not going pro. He's like, but you're a good ball player, that said -
JDM: You're really good looking.
Jensen: [laughs] He says, 'You're only in high school once. You should try to get as much out of it as you possibly can. Go give this a shot, I promise we'll be sitting front row.' And for a Texas coach, back and this was in the 90s? That was not heard of. So I went and I did the play, and there happened to be a talent scout that came and watched the play. Came up to me afterwards and said, 'I think you got it, kid. Think you should move to LA.' And I was like, 'Yeah, take a hike.' But he went and talked to my dad and my mom and told them and they said, 'Well, if you want to give it a shot, give it a shot.' And so I thought about it for a few months and instead of going to college, I went to LA. Never turned back. That was certainly a moment in my life that really kind of changed its direction.
Question: What was the part?
Jensen: Tony in West Side Story.
JDM: [sings] Maria.
Jensen: That was it, and I'd never sang in my life in front of anybody. I was terrified. And they put me - the girl who played Maria, her name was Kendra Ware, Kendra, if you're out there somewhere I hope you're well. And she was like a all state soloist choir person. Like could sing like Adele, and here I am, never sang in my life. But she hadn't done theater. So she was nervous about the acting parts, and I was nervous about the singing parts, so we helped each other out.
JDM: Nice.
Jensen: But first solo, I come out and it's that song [sings a few lines] there's this part of the scene at the front of the stage [sings a little more] and just the front two rows are my whole baseball team going like this [mimes staring upwards, mouth open]. I was like, well, there's no turning back now. I'm either gonna get beat up after this - but I didn't, they all came up and very awkwardly said [slaps JDM on the arm, mimes looking everywhere but directly at him], 'That was good, man.' [laughs] And that was that.
JDM: That's a good story. I like that story. I don't have anything that compares to that. No baseball team or nice people. No coach told me you can't do this anymore. You know what, for me, in all honesty, it was that year that I was doing Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy. It just changed - yeah, and I've told the story a million fuckin' times, but that's the truth. That's when it all kinda happened. I'd been kicking around for twenty years, doing pilots that didn't get picked up and [Fan: Sliders!] Sliders, thank you, woo Sliders. Guest star spots, Sliders. Anything to keep a roof over my head, just trying to keep a foot in the door, but it really wasn't until Grey's Anatomy and Supernatural same time. And thankfully, I haven't stopped, it's been going since then, which is, that's seventeen years ago now.
Jensen: It's been a good ride.
JDM: It's been a decent ride, and no really huge complaints.
Jensen: And there's a lot of folks, and he knows a lot and I know a lot that were grinding it out back in the day in the early two thousands just trying to get a foot in that door, been trying - greatly talented people -
JDM: Hugely talented people.
Jensen: And just couldn't - never cracked the code or just never was at the right place at the right time. I think it's largely that, too, success in this industry is really largely being at the right place at the right time and it's been really good to us, man.
JDM: I know people that are my age and still haven't got that break, that are still out there pounding the pavement, and hoping and praying. Man, it's rough. It's hard.
Jensen: It's harder now, I think -
JDM: I think way harder now.
Jensen: to get in than it was when we were. Because now, especially with COVID, everything has gone remote. So you don't have to live in Hollywood anymore to get into the industry. He and I -
JDM: I mean, I don't even know how to get an agent or anything these days. I don't even know how that works. No, no, it used to be -
Jensen: I wouldn't know how - don't ask us for advice!
JDM: How do you get in today? It's so different now that I wouldn't know what to say.
Jensen: But we did it on Supernatural we'd get a guest star to come in and be like, 'Oh are you local or did you come up from LA?' 'No, I'm from Cleveland'. Like [throws one hand up].
JDM: Really?
Jensen: Yeah, sent in a tape, got the call back and then they sent them. Especially now, it's all Zooms it's all tests - you don't go into a room and reading for people face to face, the way he and I did. Man, auditioning was the worst.
JDM: Horrible. I was horrible at it.
Jensen: It's the worst.
JDM: It's a rough way to go. So you'd just spin yarns. I would just lie and tell stories in the room. Trying to get people to like me, because I hated the auditions. Everybody does the same fuckin' audition, there's -
Jensen: Yeah, try to charm the pants off in the first few seconds before they want you to read.
JDM: That's it.
Jensen: And that usually will get you, if not that role, another role in the project.
JDM: That's right. And then some people are really good at auditioning? And then you put them on a set? And they can't act their way out of a paper bag.
Jensen: Oh yeah.
JDM: Some of them are still working today. [Jensen cracks up] I'm not gonna name any names.
Jensen: And we've worked with a few of them. [someone in the audience brings up Misha] Yeah, is Misha still here?
JDM: That's horrible! I think he's still on his jog(?). [both laughing]
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crystalelemental · 8 months
Unit Teambuilding - Halloween Roxanne
Masters has been kinda tame this year.  Granted, I am absolutely spoiled by the early months playing this, going from Anni Lillie, H!Caitlin, SC Jamine, SS Lusamine, and Renegade Cynthia, in rapid succession. I think I have it in my head things should go that well all the time, but they don't. And this year has been...extremely bad about hitting the targets I wanted. I mean for god's sake, how was there no Lusamine alt in the Alola VA? I'm been kinda pissy. The biggest wins have been Emma and Anabel to round out Looker fam, Adaman and Irida because I love Hisui, and the Summer Twins, which was really exciting because it was unexpected rather than it being a big favorite. There just hasn't been much at since, like, before the third anniversary.
But this?  This is what I've been waiting for.  Roxanne's my third favorite character, and the last of my Big Three that needed an alt.  And they went with the witch aesthetic, which is the best aesthetic for Halloween.  Even went Runerigus, which is an odd choice that I wouldn't normally love, but is perfectly in line with her conceptually.  This was the big win.  We're so back.
General Overview Looking at Roxanne's base kit before grid showed up gave me heart palpitations.  Sand Tomb is a fairly poor move, offering trap, but having pathetic accuracy.  We couldn't see the amount she boosted stats at the time, but X Atk All separate from trainer move meant slow self-setup.  Her Buddy move is AoE with penalty, and isn't particularly strong on its own either, so her Tech nuke had to pull a lot of weight.  But more concerning, her Buddy move debuffed speed (and defense).  Which put me on high alert, worrying about Cakewalk.  Roxanne felt like she was being set up to be really bad, unable to stand up to the Ground meta despite how limited the competition was.
And friends, I am thrilled to announce: Roxanne don't miss.  Trainer Move gets +3 crit in one, and +2 accuracy to the entire team.  Her trap spreads to all foes on first hit.  Her Buddy move doesn't just debuff Def/Spd, it boosts team Def/Spd, which is an absolute godsend for Ground-type High Score given the slow pace of the type.  While her buddy move lacks for damage, its debuffing potential and its literal zero gauge cost with team speed boosting completely make up for it.  She even has the option for debuffing attack, which is huge for team survival. And of course, her Tech nuke got Sync Power Flux, which is super reliable given her speed boosting, and Slo-ponnent 5, which is divine, since it can be set up in one use of Buddy move. And for no reason other than pure shenanigans, Roxanne inverts all buffs into debuffs on the entire enemy field when she syncs. And as if that all wasn't enough, as if having the most powerful Ground nuke in the game and all this debuffing and team buffing wasn't sufficient...Strike role.
Obviously, Roxanne is not without her flaws.  With buffing or debuffing, she's slow to get to max multipliers for allies. Her inversion of buffs only happens on sync, which takes a while for CS, limiting the potential of Five Stats +3.  She lacks for any serious healing potential, so despite Vigilance on grid and defense buffs, she's not exactly a soloist for Gauntlet.  Activating Slo-ponnent is also incredibly hard in CS if you're aiming for the buff inversion, and a single use of X Spd All from an enemy means there goes that multiplier.  And Ground has some serious powerhouses.  Cynthia's 5/5 grid is nutty, the Giovannis are quite adept at 3v3s, and Maxie's still particularly strong.  So while competition is limited, it is pretty significant, hurting Roxanne's ability to seriously stand out without the Role cake.
EX, Role, and Move Level? You should max invest immediately.  5/5, EX, with role.  Show them Roxanne is actually super popular so they make another.  Do this for me.
But if you want to be serious, Roxanne has a couple approaches.  As a supplemental pair, 1/5 gets the job done.  Trap effect, boosting team damage and speed, debuffing team Defense, she carries a lot on her back, and does so reasonably well.  3/5 is for sync damage, which is good for when she operates more independently.  And this is when role becomes a serious consideration.  EX obviously good for sync, but the Role.  Tech/Strike is incredibly strong, and very worth considering given how her DPS operates.  Effectively, how you plan to use Roxanne changes what you'll want.  For supportive effects as a Tech, 1/5 non-EX non-role is fine, she'll support her type well.  For a sync nuker with supplemental DPS pair, you'll want to maximize sync, but can avoid the role.  Strike role is for Roxanne becoming the center of attention.
Team 1: H!Roxanne, H!Caitlin, Colress/Courtney ROXANNE CAPS CRIT YOU SAY?  You have no idea how happy I am that she and Caitlin are both Halloween alts that synergize.  Get me a good Jasmine pair next year and we're golden.  For now though, Colress can assist the debuffing effort as needed, though frankly, Courtney may be better for the Zone.
Team 2: H!Roxanne, SC Lyra, Cynthia/Maxie/SS Giovanni Roxanne's single biggest claim to fame within her type is the gauge management.  Zero gauge use on buddy move, and boosts team speed each use.  It's amazing.  This is the component that salvages SC Lyra.  Now you can have the gauge to make her effective with these slow ground types.  Cynthia enjoys the boosts to attack that either Roxanne or Lyra can provide, and her 5/5 will be fine on Sandstorm.  Maxie is tremendous, hitting high AoE DPS on the sides while Roxanne nukes center, just mind the Sun duration.  SS Giovanni is especially noteworthy, because the man sucks and needs a billion gauges, and now he finally has a friend.  Or at least, he thinks they're friends.  We're not friends, Giovanni. Get out of the lodge.
Team 3: H!Roxanne, Piers, Steven Since he's rerunning, may as well discuss this.  Roxanne's ability to boost attack is very nice as a complement to supports that mostly handle crit and little else.  She's also able to boost speed, which is a godsend for slower supports, like Piers.  Taken together, while it puts quite a bit on her, she's able to facilitate boosting up a damage dealer like base Steven, who further supports with a high flinch rate attack that stalls turns for this setup. And because they're Rock Pals, it's thematic.
Team 4: H!Roxanne, Bertha, Cynthia Bertha has potential as a sync nuke, but her trap effect is hard to get on something.  Enter Roxanne, who insta-traps everyone, and provides +2 accuracy for the entire team, allowing Bertha to consistently hit.  Or you can use both, skip a proper support, let Bertha tank, and build up a striker like Cynthia.  You have everything you need here.
Team 5: H!Roxanne, Arianna, S!Hilda Arianna is a known Tech nuking monster, whose conditions are relatively challenging to set up alone.  She needs trap, which she only hits half the time single-target, and she needs Relentless, which she's a little slow to get to.  Roxanne supplements everything she needs perfectly.  Last +2 attack to cap, debuffs defenses, applies trap in one shot to all foes.  With Summer Hilda, you can make the team bulky, invert buffs in CS to really mess with things, and even offload some of Roxanne's tasks by letting hits boost attack and debuff defense.
Team 6: H!Roxanne, Gordie, Sonia Gordie is another big winner of Roxanne, thanks to her ability to facilitate both Cakewalk and Inertia sync nukes.  Because he has both, Roxanne is particularly useful for him.  But his self-setup is a little shaky, so bring a good support like Sonia and you'll be fine.
Team 7: H!Roxanne, SS Acerola, Mallow Alright, here's a fun one: Roxanne can debuff attack with grid, and even supplies Def debuffing and Spd buffing. Which is really good for a partner like Mallow, who effectively wants all of that. SS Acerola can supply the needed Terrain and Sun, and the needed offensive buffs. Mallow can get straight to DPS, while Roxanne does her job with debuffs.
Team 8: Argenta, H!Roxanne, SS N This is one I feel real confident in, because I effectively used it with the Argenta breakdown. H!Roxanne, if she takes the attack debuffs, functions like BT Leon, only instead of one extra -1 on a random stat, she gives the team boosts to speed and defense. Beside her, we have SS N, whose Freeze Shock is absurdly strong, and goes absolutely apeshit on that +2 PMUN bullshit Argenta feeds him. N is easily able to one-shot sides, and Roxanne should be more than capable of nuking center as needed. Because of the attack debuffs, she even sets up N's sync, for whatever good that does anyone. Maybe your opponent otherwise has damage reduction or something, I don't know.
Final Thoughts Roxanne is one of those sync pairs where I can absolutely see the flaws, but I don't care. Realistically, this Buddy move is just a gauge-friendly version of BT Leon, and I barely use him. I shouldn't be so excited about her kit. But it's Roxanne, and I love her. I will be using her constantly from now on.
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ohdudehesflirting · 2 years
8 chaotic overworked teens<3
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𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬| Chenle and Seulgi are academic rivals every one in the school knew it at this point, the both of them being competitive and extremely inteligent it just made sense that their rivalery grew, one day miss kim decided to make the unmakeble and pair them together expecting chaos but turns out that with their burnt out kid syndrome they have more in common that they thought they had.
With very good kept secrets everything can go downhill
𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚| chenle and seulgi(oc)
𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗔| rivals-to-lovers highschool!au fluff angst
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚| swearing, sarcasm, mentions of food, being stressed lmk if i missed something
𝗧𝗔𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧| @prdshobi @furryllamas is open!!
𝗙𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚| chenle, jaemin and jisung from nct, yena(soloist and iz*one), yeji (itzy), ningning (aespa), jay (enhypen)
𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧| listen here
written part under the cut!!!!!
Chenle had planned to go out and have a study date with his friends and maybe have some food afterward to reward themselves after 3 or 4 hours of work hunched over in an uncomfortable chair squeezing their brains so much that it felt like putty later, what he didn't expect is seulgi, the person he found out was not so bad after all, with her friends by the cash register and he didn't expect even more is her happily waving even with her friends teasing ab how he is the so-called friend “the fuck are u doing here” Seulgi started, although her choice of words might seem hostile Chenle had spent enough time with her to understand that she meant its nice to see you. “Hi Seulgi I'm good thanks for asking I came here with my friends to study” Chenle said in a mocking tone although the smile resting on his lips only showed how happy he was to stumble upon her “yeah yeah” she hummed not really paying attention to the underlying tone in his voice.
Before she could say anything else Jay cleared his throat making sure his presence was known “right Chenle these are my best and only friends Jay Yeji and Ningning” the girl said introducing each of them individually with a grin spreading across her face “nice to meet you guys she has talked about you guys a lot how do you stand her” he jokingly asked before Seulgi jokingly hit him “ow” Chenle let out a groan in pain “dramatic ass” Seulgi muttered rolling her eyes “hi Chenle its nice to meet you” Yeji started “aren't you friends with Jisung? we are both on the dance team” she said holding fondness to the boy that was just mentioned.
“Yes I should introduce them to you guys” the Chinese male said before making gestures to his friends to come over to what the group followed without complaining “so these are Jaemin Jisung and Yena also my best and only friends” he said mimicking Seulgi’s earlier words “ohhh so this is Seulgi” Jaemin started “hi guys I'm Seulgi these are Jay Yeji and Ning” she said introducing her friends “I know Yeji and Ning, Yeji from going to drop off Jisung at dance practice and Ning from her dropping off coffee or sweets at the debate club but I hadn't met Jay yet it's nice to meet you all” Yena started since she was the extrovert of her friend group she gladly took the lead on instances like this genuinely acting like a mom but she enjoyed taking care of her friends.
“Yeah I know Jisung and Yena but I haven't met Jaemin yet so it's a pleasure” Yeji said trying to create a conversation mainly with Jisung. Yeji, in all honesty, admired the boy, he was a year younger but still was one of the aces of the dance team, as a leader she swore she didn't have favorites but Jisung was slowly breaking that promise, but they were both too shy to try to build a conversation even though both of them would enjoy it very much, Yeji didn't want to leave the world with regrets so she started doing what she wanted, you have to enjoy life while it lasts right?.
“Yeah, I love your dance style the lines you have while dancing are so crisp and your facials always match the piece perfectly” Jisung praised his dance leader honestly just letting out what he has been thinking for months now “dancers” Seulgi muttered under her breath just loud enough so that Chenle could catch it and let out a chuckle before starting “as much as I would love to spend the whole day talking and getting to know each other I think we all have a shit studying to do so let's get started if we want to have at least five hours of sleep” “yeah but let's sit together sitting next to Yeji all the time gets kind of boring” Ningning joked to what Yeji visibly let out a scoff before Ningning gave her a side hug and muttered “I'm joking I love uuu” the rest agreeing to Ningnings idea.
Three or four hours later with tired backs and sore eyes, all 8 teenagers called it a day not before coming to the conclusion that they liked each other’s presence and promising to hang out together more frequently and with the excuse of that making the group chat overworked teenagers.
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Ok i wanna add my thoughts ! Pls excuse my English if it’s not great and it’s very late.
To an extent I agree w the person named sterre and I think Louis needs to step up his game when it comes to the business aspects of his career. He hires his team, wether there’s constraints or not I do think there’s no possible excuse for why Simon jones and Matt vines are still around. Unless they are blackmailing him (I think that’s unlikely😭), why would he keep useless ppl around? Maybe it’s not that severe but what else could it be. Bc it’s comfortable ? Girl get out of your comfort zone and give those two their 2 week notice. I know he would prob feel bad doing it but like - THEY LITERALLY SUCK. Hire younger or smarter or more innovative people. I know he doesn’t have many celeb friends but everyone who meets him loves him so there’s no way that he couldn’t find a new decent team who know what they’re doing. It’s truly not that hard for a already rich charismatic white dude who’s about to drop a banger of an album.
At the same time though , I don’t think we need to hold Louis responsible for any business aspects. He played a part of that in 1d to an extent so I think he’s capable but the thing is… he’s an ARTIST. He should spend his time focusing on his art. On his fanbase, on his life, on the things he actually enjoys. He also has a private life and wether u believe any of it or not idc but he travels a lot and clearly has ppl to take care of so there’s that. I don’t rlly think u can make art properly and worry abt all the marketing and fandom politics AND have a life like it just wouldn’t work unless you’re Superman, or a woman.
In general his team being useless is not HIS fault, they should be the ones taking care of everything else that isn’t part of his job. Bc there are only 24 hours in a day and as someone in a creative field I tell u that we don’t work the same as ppl w an office job and schedule do. It’s a whole other world, and we need ppl who work in other more strategic fields to help us. But I do think it’s his fault for almost like- rewarding people who at the end of the day, are working against him. It’s confusing bc he does and says such smart things but in the business aspect - I don’t think he’s being smart at all. He says he’s unorganized so maybe it just slips his mind. He even forgets some release dates so I truly think he’s completely hands off when it comes to business. Which is idiot behavior 101 if that’s the case but like maybe it’s just too stressful so he stays away from keeping up w his team’s endeavors. He’s not on anyones ass clearly or else they would do better.
I think after having so much behind the scenes responsibilities in 1d (and let’s be real emotional responsibilities bc like the others used to say, he always made sure the boys were alright, as much as he could) he’s kinda just done thinking abt anything other than the creative aspects of his craft and tbh, he’s also still rebuilding his confidence. That was such a big thing this year bc you can’t be a singer if you’re insecure about performing. We can’t expect everything from a man who’s clearly just trying to enjoy life while doing what he loves and hoping ppl will accept it. But if he wants to be taken seriously and if he wants to succeed he can’t just stay in his comfort zone and watch everyone run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Helene or someone there w a brain needs to tell him that you don’t get shit done in your comfort zone while still wondering wether ppl see u as a soloist or not. Or else it just leads me to believe he truly doesn’t want this as much as he implies every time he’s asked. It makes me think he’s a lil too comfortable w where he is or just too scared to take action. So unless Simon jones is forcing Louis to keep him around by blackmailing him w his nudes or something - Louis pls change everything about your employees and go tell your label to act like they REALLY want that uk top 40
I think Simon Jones is a negative force in Louis’ life and I frankly cannot believe he’s still here after Louis has left Sony.
But I think Matt Vines is organized and patient, and, working in an environment heavily weighted against Louis, he has achieved some good things. There are lots to criticize Matt about, but he is a good counterbalance to Louis’ bursts of ideas and impulsivity. But he is failing in one major aspect, which is to promote Louis as a significant solo artist.
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sen-no-kotowari · 2 years
PGR Dark Selena Character Profile
Back with Amplifier Selena's Character Profile ( ̄︶ ̄) Will be posting some of the Character Profiles while working on the other Interlude Stories this time so there won't be any Interlude Stories posted for a while. I will be editing this post when I manage to get Secrets 11 and 12 so please bear with the placeholders in its place. With that out of the way, you can learn more about this model of Selena on the cut down below, along with her previous Interlude Story.
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Voice Line Data
Motion Voice Lines
Lobby Voice 1
Selena: Because life is full of things we cannot fathom, there's nothing to regret about the past.
Lobby Voice 2
Selena: ...If you could see the end of this long-standing war, what kind of scenery do you wish to see? Fertile land? Levees? Groves? Or perhaps the seashore? I think I would enjoy seeing these places I've never been to before together with you, one place at a time...
Lobby Voice 3
Selena: I've been traversing a long, winding road—a long, winding road where I couldn't even remember the scenery when I took the first step on this journey. However, I could clearly remember that you are here with me, from the start and even at the end of this road.
Raise Affection Level
Selena: Can you hear it? The surge of sound that resonates further in the depths of my soul as I feel your touch... It's so beautiful...
Repetitive Taps
Selena: I wonder. What should I do in this situation?
Selena: (Hums) ♫~ ...Oh, Conductor. I'm sorry, I was thinking about the new composition's melody. If you're available later, could you listen to it?
Online for a Long Time
Selena: Allow me to bid you good night. Good night, good night... May you and I be given a tranquil rest tonight.
Selena: Let us fall asleep by each other's side. May inner peace dwell with you inside your slumber...
Selena: The storm has come. Please, hold me close to you...
Offline for a Long Time
Selena: Conductor... Oh, Conductor... I finally get to hear your voice again. I beg of you, please don't leave me alone at the heart of such silence...
Introduction and Formation
Structure Acquired
Selena: Good day to you, my name is Selena. Uhm... Have we met somewhere before?
Level Up
Selena: My skills are gradually improving. Thank you for recognizing the fruits of my effort.
Selena: If it's prestige, then I've already received more than enough of it.
Model Improvement
Selena: I'm still who I am, no matter how I look or act—I am Selena.
Skill Upgrade
Selena: It's another step closer to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Selena: This will become important when I brave the storm together with you.
Add in Team
Selena: It's an honor that I could perform in this musical performance together with everyone here.
Assign as Captain
Selena: Thank you for appointing me as the soloist for this concert.
Mission Accomplished
Selena: The secret to an excellent performance in a recital is to practice every single day without negligence.
Daily Small Talks
Voice Line 1
Selena: I was able to see how the distant past was filled with a myriad of brilliance while I was doing archeological surveys. Though it was covered in dust, it looked like it was breathed new life by a heavenly light the moment I laid my eyes on it.
Voice Line 2
Selena: Because life is full of things we cannot fathom, there's nothing to regret about the past.
Voice Line 3
Selena: Is there a place here where I could practice music, I wonder... Oh, no, it's because I couldn't let you listen to how terrible I play the flute from the lack of practice...
Voice Line 4
Selena: Whenever I look at unearthed relics, I begin to imagine what kind of culture people from the past had and how they face each sunrise and sunset in their lives. We study a momentary event from the past right here and such a relic from the past is now sitting in the palm of our hands in the present... Isn't it beautiful?
Voice Line 5
Selena: The tides billow, with the wind do the sand gracefully blows and the people hum... I arrived at where I am whilst listening to such sounds.
Voice Line 6
Selena: I like this place. If it's here, I could protect myself from the storm. However, there would come a time when I must face the storm someday.
Voice Line 7
Selena: Art is a figment of the imagination born from facts because it relieves the perception of the people living in this world and becomes a beacon for everyone... I still chase after it even to this day.
Voice Line 8
Selena: I'd love for you to listen to how I play the flute but, is it inconvenient for you right now? If it's right in front of you, I feel like I could perform a melody I've never heard of until now...
Voice Line 9
Selena: Have you ever seen an iris in full bloom, Conductor? Just like how the people revere the sun that leads to dawn, I, too, would like to dedicate a hymn for that particular moment.
Voice Line 10
Selena: Opera and the arts—both may be completely nonpractical on the battlefield. However, even just recording the story of those people who lost their lives in battle and imparting them to the people living in the present becomes one form of comfort... Don't you agree that it does, indeed, have a significant meaning?
Voice Line 11
Selena: ...If you could see the end of this long-standing war, what kind of scenery do you wish to see? Fertile land? Levees? Groves? Or perhaps the seashore? I think I would enjoy seeing these places I've never been to before together with you, one place at a time...
Voice Line 12
Selena: So long as you're here by my side, even the most restless of nights become the calmest of mornings. Please, I pray that these mornings would continue for a long time, even if it's for a while.
Voice Line 13
Selena: The world around us is but a stage where everybody has their own role to play, regardless of who they are. Even if this stage would crumble away the next moment, I would strongly grasp hold of your hand and face this calamity together with you.
Voice Line 14
Selena: Where do you want to begin our journey? Be it a sea without any destinations or a seashore we never dreamed of, let's head there together.
Voice Line 15
Selena: I've traversed a long, winding road—a long, winding road where I couldn't even remember the scenery when I took the first step on this journey. However, I could clearly remember that you are here with me, from the start and even at the end of this road.
Raise Affection Level
Voice Line 1
Selena: Thank you very much for your consideration.
Voice Line 2
Selena: Thank you so much.
Voice Line 3
Selena: I have no reason to accept presents this much from you though?
Voice Line 4
Selena: Is this material for research-purposes?
Voice Line 5
Selena: Good deeds give a ray of light to this despicable world we live in... Oh, it's nothing. What I said is simply a remark from a theater play.
Voice Line 6
Selena: I shall perform you a canon as my token of appreciation. Would it be all right if you could listen to it?
Voice Line 7
Selena: Oh, what am I doing, tracing the tips of my fingers on my flute, you ask? I'm... practicing my fiddling skills for a bit...
Voice Line 8
Selena: If I offer you an explanation of this relic's origins, perhaps... could you stay here, even for a while longer?
Voice Line 9
Selena: I stored all of the iris flowers I received from you in this petri dish. I think of planting its seeds the next time I go down to Earth. I believe they would also be happier coming into bloom on the land rather than being used in the laboratory for experiments.
Voice Line 10
Selena: I feel like I'd tense up instead if we're this close to each other... You might hear how fast the beating of my heart has become.
Voice Line 11
Selena: I've composed a new song but... would you like to hear it? Although it's still far from complete, I... I want you to be the first one to hear it.
Voice Line 12
Selena: Whenever I receive a gift from you, it feels like I've also accepted the meaning behind them... It feels strange.
Voice Line 13
Selena: Uhm... If you ever decide to go to this particular area on Earth, could you please tell me, Conductor? There's this quaint flower garden I found by chance, so... Yes, it's in an obscure area only I know about.
Voice Line 14
Selena: Can you hear it? The surge of sound that resonates further in the depths of my soul as I feel your touch... It's so beautiful...
Voice Line 15
Selena: Art triumphs over imagination, giving life to inanimate and intangible things... Just by imparting emotions, what we imagine vividly comes to life. Thank you so much, for the precious gift of life you've given me.
Voice Line 16
Selena: Would you... like to gaze at me for a while? Each time our eyes would meet, it becomes as though I am immersed in a spring of water warmed by holy fire.
Voice Line 1
Selena: There is a proper time, place, and order for things.
Voice Line 2
Selena: I wonder how should I change the theater's ambiance so I could further capture the audience's emotions. Perhaps this ought to be considered more skillfully...
Voice Line 3
Selena: Ehehe, since I feel quite at home here, perhaps I should refrain from humming a song in my sleep. You don't mind if you ever hear a faint hum... do you?
Voice Line 4
Selena: Let us fall asleep by each other's side. May inner peace dwell with you inside your slumber...
Voice Line 5
Selena: Who knew the warmth of your body could be this comforting...
Online for a Long Time
Voice Line 1
Selena: Hrm......
Voice Line 2
Selena: Practicing for a long time isn't good. It's about time we take a breather.
Voice Line 3
Selena: I could hear the melody your heart sings... It cries for a moment's rest, feeling quite weary. May we meet amidst a tranquil midsummer dream...
Voice Line 4
Selena: You seem to be tired altogether. Would you like to enter the world of dreams with me?
Voice Line 5
Selena: Allow me to bid you good night. Good night, good night... May you and I be given a tranquil rest tonight.
Voice Line 1
Selena: ...Oh, good morning.
Voice Line 2
Selena: Hello Conductor.
Voice Line 3
Selena: You're here, Conductor. Why, I noticed the unique rhythm of how your clothes rustle whenever you walk, I certainly wouldn't mistake it for anything.
Voice Line 4
Selena: Whenever I gaze at you, there seems to be a floral fragrance blowing... It's the flower on my shoulder? No, it simply is but an accessory...
Voice Line 5
Selena: Good morning. So... Do you have some time right now? If it's all right with you, would you like to perform a sonata duet with me?
Voice Line 6
Selena: (Hums)♫~ ...Oh, Conductor. I'm sorry, I was thinking about the new composition's melody... If you're available later, could you listen to it?
Voice Line 7
Selena: I thought of wanting to remain in this place always, because I love being here—the places where you are have become my "Forest of Arden[1]."
Voice Line 8
Selena: Thanks to your efforts, the conditions for the iris to bloom were brought together. Don't you think of wanting to appreciate its beauty a little longer?
Offline for a Long Time
Selena: Conductor... Oh, Conductor... I finally get to hear your voice again. I beg of you, please don't leave me alone at the heart of such silence...
Voice Line 1
Selena: Ah...
Voice Line 2
Selena: I have to protect what I hold dear well enough...!
Voice Line 3
Selena: The storm has come. Please, hold me close to you...
Repetitive Taps
Voice Line 1
Selena: Is it okay if we could stay like this, just for a while longer...?
Voice Line 2
Selena: I wonder. What should I do in this situation?
Voice Line 3
Selena: The places where you touched felt as though flowers were blooming...
Activity Task Full
Selena: Without a doubt, you did well today. Although, I think it's better if we relax in the meanwhile... Would like to have a dance with me?
Battle Dialogues
Battle Start/Character Switch
Selena: ...Preparations are complete—begin the overture.
Voice Line 1
Selena: It's the opening act.
Voice Line 2
Selena: Let us dance to this fantasia.
Voice Line 3
Selena: And now for a minuet.
Ultimate Skill
Selena: A cadenza to finish... Thank you for listening.
Light Damage
Selena: Gh...
Heavy Damage
Selena: Even if I have misplayed a note, the performance must go on until the very end.
Selena: Conductor, where are you... I could no longer... hear your voice now...
Friend Support
Selena: What kind of harmony do you like?
Selena: Let's go for a jet whistle[2]-like attack.
Battle End
Selena: May the lingering echoes of this song become a lull for the souls that are suffering amidst the theater of war.
Structure Documentation
Document Detail 1
A spare model in its initial development stages and adaptation phase. Although the development was halted due to the contact with Selena, who was the recipient of this model, from the Space Station was terminated, it was able to restart development again because of a certain artist's support.
Document Detail 2
The person behind the model's design was a certain artist who pushed its development forward. The flower ornament on her chest is its trademark characteristic. According to that artist, part of the model's design was apparently something Selena herself had handled.
Document Detail 3
"I also... wanted to show it to her." Most of the inputted data in this model were acquired from Eden's wide-range echolocation probing device.
Document Detail 4
The probing device found the "voice" that was traveling around the Earth. From there, the artists called the song they heard believed to be created by Selena "The Mermaid's Aria." Since the song was freely moving around the Earth, pinpointing its location in real-time is a daunting task to undertake.
Document Detail 5
The Fantasia model is nothing more than a Structure framework sleeping still inside a capsule, just like its namesake. And yet the soul of that framework is constantly wandering on the surface of the Earth with "The Mermaid's Aria."
Document Detail 6
Looking back at the mermaid's song that was roaming on Earth, perhaps she had noticed that there were people who were humming the same song. At that moment, she no longer was alone.
Rumors and Secrets
Secret 1 Not only did Selena learn existing languages, she also tried to create a unique language from that said language. She used it in one part of her aria and it had more emotion compared to other phrases.
Secret 2 Although that particular language had appeared in other opera manuscripts, the meaning behind the footnotes always gets miscontrued.
Secret 3 Selena has left a phrase written in that unique language in the corner of the letter she sends to her pen pal. It turns into a beautiful poem when the phrases are connected.
Secret 4 She insists on writing on paper and each time she chooses a couple of etudes, Selena transcribes it down on paper and keeps it. Since she's embarrassed about it, however, she seldom goes over those records again.
Secret 5 Selena's love for theater was influenced by her father. She became an opera singer because a certain person advised her to be one when she was a child.
Secret 6 She thinks that expressing one's emotions is correct and is something that should be encouraged. Selena tried ways to liberally express herself, but she couldn't continue it after a considerable time.
Secret 7 Selena doesn't know much about the traditional musical instruments of Kowloon and the first instrument she became familiar with was the suona[3]. She tried playing it once but gave up on trying to integrate the instrument into an opera.
Secret 8 In one of her most heated "friendly arguments" with Ayla, Selena had a debate with her as to how should they incorporate the suona in hard rock music.
Secret 9 Even though Selena's songs and musical performances are full of emotions when she's on stage, she seems to feel embarrassed whenever someone watches her practice.
Secret 10 All of the secrets mentioned here are inputted data in the Fantasia model by Ayla after she learned of them from Selena's acquaintance.
Secret 11 Most of the secrets mentioned here are made available by Selena's mysterious penpal.
Secret 12 The secrets mentioned here are neither a delusion nor a fabrication.
The Forest of Arden refers to a place in one of Shakespeare's works, "As You Like It."
Jet whistle is a technique in flute that uses a forceful and loud attack of air.
Suona (or the Chinese shawm) is a traditional Chinese music instrument that produces a loud and magnificent sound.
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peppertaemint · 2 years
Weird question because I'm sure you don't talk about EXO much but I'm an EXO fan and have been since 2018. What's your opinion about the hate that SM gets from fans of SM groups? I know they're not a perfect company and they've made a loooooot of mistakes towards their artists some that proved tragic and also business wise but purely speaking as an EXO fan, I don't understand why SM gets constant hate from fans. Yeah they could treat certain EXO members better imo but that said, they've done nothing but give EXO the best writers, producers, choreographers they could ask for. Their discography is almost flawless as I'm sure you feel the same about SHINee and the members as soloists. I'm Baekhyun and Kai double biased and their albums are great. EXO subunit groups EXO-CBX and EXO-SC are also great. SM has also backed them with great teams. I know Lay didn't resign with SM but but he's also very successful in China and is CEO of his own company there so it makes sense he wouldn't resign with SM again. He did say his company was working on a deal with SM where they can work together and essentially still be part of EXO I take it so all of that said, do you as a SHINee fan see anything that I can't regarding SM mistreating them? I mean if it rains, SM is somehow at fault for some fans it seems. Do you think the hate is warranted or do you think this is the result of entitled overly dramatic instigating international fans?
Hello EXO Anon!
I think it's very fashionable to hate on SM for the smallest things. In all fandoms, I think there's quite a healthy number of "damn the man" stans who love to shit talk the powers that be. Because that's what SM, Hybe, YG etc are - they're "the man" who supposedly have all the power and call the shots, and when anything goes wrong it's their fault but when everything goes right, it's the artist who clawed their way to success, right?
As always, I'll be brutally honest in my reply. I think SM has done a fair (and I use that word carefully) job of learning from horrific mistakes and creating a talent agency that does look after its talent. It promotes from within, for example Changmin taking an director role and BoA working with younger talent to ensure their voices aren't drowned out by management. Is it a perfect place? Not by a long shot. Is your workplace perfect? Mine isn't even close LOL.
I can understand how a "hate SM" culture arose, however, given all the things that have happened. I'm not going to list them here because any quick google search will bring up a plethora. I judge SM in the present. I see senior artists getting great opportunities to take artistic direction in their work. I see younger artists working incredibly hard but again, getting opportunities to develop their craft with top talent. I do see inklings of changes with girls groups. GoT was perhaps misguided with the whole mean girl shtick but I don't think the tough attitude we see from Aespa, and the enriching meta world they're involved in, should be overlooked in a country where women have a lot less agency than their male counterparts.
And the other thing I see at SM is a lot of variety in the art they're putting out. When I watched NCT The Link, I was astounded by the solo performances. Each artist brought different vibes — they weren't all crazy kinksters like Johnny and Taeyong, but this more adult content was side by side with different music and performance styles.
And I agree that in terms of quality of music, such as EXO's discography, SHINee's, etc, the quality is astoundingly high. That's not to say there aren't duds or songs I don't vibe with, but there's a lot of well-crafted music with meaning and artistry behind it. I don't get the cookie-cutter feeling. Look at Red Velvet's MV for Feel My Rhythm and the countless art references in there. Maybe the sound of the song doesn't feel new for a girl group, but the content of the MV, even if perhaps flawed by trying to do too much, hit many different levels. It's not 14 year old girls singing about someone looking at their cookie. Yes, I'm going there.
SM shed the questionable pedo-oriented content and Hybe picked up where they left off. This is where a lot of the criticism comes in because Hybe is supposed to be a new, forward-thinking company that puts its artists first. SM hasn't debuted a minor since the producer Min Hee-jin, who is NewJeans' creative director, left.
On the balance of things, I think SM fans have a lot less to complain about and they lose sight of reality. I don't know if this happens in EXO-L spaces, but in Shawol spaces, there's a lot of victimization of the members. Since Key's last comeback, it's all been about how he had to claw his way forward with that comeback and then everyone just copied him, when in reality the retro-futurism concept, although uniquely and superbly executed, was hardly new when he used it, and SM repurposing their props/creative ideas is not exactly a crime. It's likely the same product designers etc working on the next project. What is remarkable is that Key did his own creative direction, in essence, and he was given the space to do that and has been given the space to do creative direction from at least 2015 when he started designing costumes. He's not a victim. He's a creative working in his industry and excelling in it. 💀
Re Lay not resigning and the company — there's basically laws in China that make it necessary for actors and talent to operate their own studio. The studio becomes a legal entity for them. And that entity can take responsibility for bad fan behaviors legally speaking. I'm no expert but I would imagine Lay leaving to create his studio would help him work safely in China given the legal landscape. As far as I understand, this has all come up after the YiZhan controversy that highlighted the negative behaviors of large fandoms, and the government wishes for actors or singers etc to be ultimately responsible for that behavior. This is my understanding but people are free to correct me if I've got it wrong.
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boysplanetrecaps · 5 months
The Great Produce 48 Rewatch: Ep 4, Short Hair (AOA) Challenge
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Hello and welcome back to the Great Produce 48 Rewatch Recap Thingy! We’re chugging along through our first group challenge mission. We already saw the Love Whisper team, and in the previous post, we saw the Great Peekaboo F*ckup of 2018! Now it’s time for team Short Hair. What terrible, unforgivable, barely noticeable mistake will the MNET editors pick up on this time? Only one way to find out. Let’s dive in! 
We pick up at 16:53 in to episode 4. (Or use this link for it with Spanish subtitles -- best I can do right now, since hte other link doesn't seem to be working.) The whole Peekaboo performance was actually just a pre-credits sequence, as it turns out, and now the episode will… start, I guess. 
Lee Seungki calls the two teams up to the stage. Oh no! They all forgot to wear pants! It’s just like that dream I had the other night!
Team 2, who I’ll call “blue team”, introduce themselves as “High Class.” 
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Left to right, they are:
Lee Sian, 19, from Idol School, who fell from C to D and was ranked 18th in episode 3.
Hasegawa Rena, 17, who auditioned alongside Noe, fell from D to F and was ranked 54th.
Imada Mina, 21, from theNever Ending Ferris Wheel group, who rose from D to C and was ranked 64th.
Ahn Yewon, 17, one of the YGK+ models, who has lived in F and is ranked 88th.
Matsuoka Natsumi, 21, also from Never Ending Ferris Wheel, who rose from F to C and was ranked 55th. 
(Originally, Tanaka Miku was in this group, but she had to leave due to an injury.)
The red team introduces themselves as “Sneak a Peek.”
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Left to right, they are:
Yu Minyoung, 18, the always squinting mint polka dots wearer in Celeb Five who moved from A to B, ranked 32
Jo Yuri, 16, future soloist, the one who fell from A to F, ranked 19th. 
Takahashi Juri, 20, future member of Rocket Punch who auditioned with Mako, rose from B to A and is ranked 29th.
Kim Minseo, 15, yellow polka dots in Celeb Five, stayed in C, ranked 39th
Kojima Mako, 21, auditioned with Playing With Fire, rose from C to B and currently ranked 23rd. 
Kim Sihyeon, 18, future member of Everglow who rose from B to A and is ranked 13th.
Dance Bae notes that Red team has a lot of popular members, but that we never know who will win until the end.
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Subtitles: now with 100% more Spanish! 
We zoom back to the practice of group 1 (red team), When we left off, this group was getting along really well and had chosen Juri as their center despite her polite protestations. We go to dance practice, and Dance Bae is NOT HAPPY with Juri’s performance. She stops and asks the group, “She wanted to be center and you let her? But it seems that she has absolutely no idea what she’s doing.” There’s supposed to be a “domino effect” movement -- where each moves in turn down the line -- and Juri is off-beat, ruining the effect. Since she’s in the middle of the line, it really has a major effect. Oh no!! Juri!! Dance Bae makes them do it again and again and again.
I should note that I love Juri from having watched Queendom Puzzle. In the now-times, Juri has a beautiful, smoky-toned voice, a ton of stage presence and charm, and a hilarious 4D personality.  She’s just great. But back in 2018, maybe some of this hadn’t settled in for her yet. 
Juri feels terrible about making her whole team anxious.
Dance Bae says, “I’m sorry but… you’re doing a bad job at the moment. This will hurt your feelings, but I don’t have a choice. With Juri here, you girls will have a problem. “
The editors splice in a picture of some rain to indicate how we’re all feeling.
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LTR: Kojima Mako, Kim Minseo, Juri, Yu Minyoung, Jo Yuri, Kim Sihyeon 
Sihyeon stammers a bit, as we hear her voiceover saying that she feels like she’s been doing a terrible job as team leader, and that she’s worried about how sad this is going to make Juri. Before Sihyeon can say anything more, Juri says -- starting off in Korean and switching soon to Japanese -- that though she appreciates the opportunity, she thinks they should change positions to help ensure that the group wins.
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Though Juri holds it together when talking to her group, bowing out gracefully, she interviews that she is upset that she didn’t do a good job despite how hard she worked.
They decide to vote for a new center, so they can show Dance Bae something different next time. They’re about to vote (and MNET does some annoying editing, whatever) when Jo Yuri says, “Actually, I think that Juri really suits the center from what I’ve seen, and I know she can get better with more practice.” Everyone seems to agree, and Juri begins to cry in earnest, harder than she cried when she thought she was resigning. 
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“Juri, please don’t cry!”
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“You can do it!”
Sihyeon says, “It has to be so hard for her. She had to learn a song she’d never heard, and on top of it she was the center. My heart is with her. I think she’d be feeling angry and discouraged if she had to give up the center position this way.”
Juri is grateful for their understanding. She tries again and works hard. Ganbarimasu! 
And then… it’s time for the performance!
Here is PD48 Editing’s blessed edit.
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Mako, Yuri, Minyoung, Minseo, Sihyeon, Juri
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Clockwise from bottom left: Minseo (kneeling), Minyoung, Mako, Juri, Sihyeon, Yuri (kneeling)
Jo Yuri: main vocal  Takahashi Juri: Sub vocal 1 Kim Sihyeon: sub vocal 2 Kojima Mako: sub vocal 3  Yu Minyoung: Rapper 1 Kim Minseo: Rapper 2
My thoughts: 
Overall, a really good performance, though not necessarily mind blowing or anything like that.  
Vocally, they sounded really good on the whole. Yuri hit the notes cleanly and well, with a nice vocal color, though she didn’t hold the notes quite as long as I think she should have. I mean, she’s 16, it’s fine. Juri’s voice wasn’t like it is nowadays, and that’s ok, she still did well.
The two rappers, Minseo and Minyoung, actually had a lot of energy and sounded about as good as you could hope they would. They also brought a surprising amount of charm and confidence.  
As usual it’s almost impossible to tell if their dance was synchronized because the camera work was focused on their faces, but what I could see looked mostly fine. Here and there I think I noticed Juri a tiny bit behind the beat, dance-wise, unfortunately. 
Stage presence wise, Mako, Juri and Yuri were the weaker spots. Mako had a cute smile that didn’t quite fit the “sexy” feel of the dance, and Juri looked a little scared the whole time, like maybe she was thinking about the dance steps or something. She wasn’t connecting to the performance. Yuri also sort of was just going through the motions. The way she sort of sang a given note and sort of stopped gave this energy:
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If I could have stepped in and just changed things, I think I would have put Sihyeon in the center. She performed this like she was a lost member of AOA -- smiling, pouting, flirting, hair flipping, the whole nine. She did great. 
The MNET Edit:
We get a lot of reactions to Yuri’s various high notes, and some shots of the audience loving it in general. Not really any annoying instant replays, either.
The judges gush about how good Yuri was. Soyou says, “I’ve liked her since the beginning.” Dance Bae adds, “She’s a good dancer, too.” 
And that’s where we leave it for now, as Team 2 takes the stage.
Team 2 (Blue Team)
One more time:
Lee Sian, 19, from Idol School, who fell from C to D and was ranked 18th in episode 3.
Hasegawa Rena, 17, who auditioned alongside Noe, fell from D to F and was ranked 54th.
Imada Mina, 21, from the Never Ending Ferris Wheel group, who rose from D to C and was ranked 64th.
Ahn Yewon, 17, one of the YGK+ models, who has lived in F and is ranked 88th.
Matsuoka Natsumi, 21, also from Never Ending Ferris Wheel, who rose from F to C and was ranked 55th. 
(Originally, Tanaka Miku was in this group, but she had to leave due to an injury during this rehearsal period.)
When we left off, the Japanese members of the team had chosen Mina to be center over Sian, out of fear that making Sian the center would make them “Sian and the girls.” We were left with the question of whether that was a good decision. 
We dive right in with a voice over from Sian, saying: “At the beginning, I didn’t think it would be that important, but I felt it when we chose the center. The fact that you’re not from here could be an obstacle.” This overlays the shot of the Japanese girls choosing Mina, and this shot…
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… Sian trying to teach herself the choreo while the other girls are sitting working on the lyrics.
There’s also this shot:
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That’s not a mirror -- that’s a frosted glass wall. Some girls are practicing in the room, and some are practicing in the hall outside. Again, not working together. 
Sian interviews, “I didn’t even know what to do.”
We go to dance rehearsal, and Dance Bae is NOT HAPPY. Their formations are all off, and their synchronization is non-existent. It really shows how little they rehearsed it together,  and Dance Bae says that they’re all basically just doing their own thing. “How could it be so bad if you practiced? Have you practiced hard? Together?” 
Rena interviews, “We couldn’t practice dancing together as a team. The Koreans focused on practicing the choreography, but we Japanese were focusing on memorizing the words.” With different priorities, they were dividing up their time differently. 
We see the girls at dance/rap practice. It’s not great. Mina in particular is clearly having a lot of trouble with the fast rapping. Soyou give them this look:
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Then she says, “I don’t really have much to tell you because I couldn’t really hear you well.” She sings a single line twice, once in full voice, and once in a breathy, hard to hear voice, to demonstrate the difference between how they should sound and how they actually sound.
Cheetah, that queen, says, “You’re not really close, are you?” And Sian thinks to herself, oh God, they noticed. It’s my fault because I’m the leader. I kept torturing myself like that.
That night at the dorms, Ah Yewon tells Sian that Cheetah was right -- that they’re not going to get anywhere the way they are, that they have to open up to each other and get closer. Sian decides that she’s right, that they have to try to practice openly together and try to understand each other. 
The next day, they’re in one of the rehearsal rooms, and I think they must have a translator there because Sian is speaking in full speed Korean. 
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One of these people has to be a translator, right? Also, note that there are still six girls on the team.
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Sian says, “It’s not like we didn’t want to be close. The problem is the language barrier.*
*Me typing this translation of a Spanish subtitle of a Korean sentence spoken to some Japanese speakers is so many layers of language barrier. It'd be even funnier if you, dear reader, are a non-native speaker of English. Especially if you also don't speak Spanish, Korean, or Japanese.
Mina says, “I’ll try more.” (I can’t tell if she’s speaking Japanese or Korean because there’s another sound at the same time she’s speaking, and she speaks really softly.)
Sian says, “I’ll try to learn some Japanese,” and Mina waves her hand from Sian to herself and back again. Sian adds, “I hope we can build up our team work.” The Japanese members nod in agreement, and then Sian says, “Oh god, they scolded us so harshly today! I hate getting negative comments!” And all the girls stand up for a big group hug. Yay! Oh no, it looks like Natsumi is crying! Boo! 
Natsumi voiceovers that she wants to help Sian build their teamwork. Yay team!
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More “hwighting” and less fighting, please. 
The next day, Sian gives the Japanese girls something she made/wrote down, to help them remember the steps. They thank you and Natsumi reaches out to touch her hand in gratitude.
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They all interview that they are working better as a team now. 
No one mentions it, but at some point Miku got injured and had to leave. That sounds really dramatic, MNET. She wanted to stay, from what I heard, so it had to be a pretty bad injury. There must have been a lot of tearful conversations on the topic. Maybe you’d want to show that? Or show the girls scrambling to redistribute parts and learn new formations…? Oh, but you can’t show it, because it makes you look irresponsible, like you’re not taking good enough care of these young girls and letting them get hurt because you push them too hard. Well, thanks, I guess. 
Anyway, by dress rehearsal, there are only five of them. The judges don’t smile much as they run through their performance, but at the end, Soyou tells them that they more stable than group 1, with good pronunciation and good teamwork. And Dance Bae even comes back stage to tell them that their hard work paid off.
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“I’m very grateful!” … “I want to cry….”
Sian congratulations her team, and Natsumi begins to cry again. Who is this girl? Is she me? 
Sian interviews that she made themselves believe that they could do it, and then they did it. 
But can they do it on stage in front of an audience? Let’s find out!
The performance:
Here is PD48 Editing’s blessed edit.
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Natsumi, Rena, Sian, Mina, Yewon
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Clockwise from bottom left: Natsumi, Rena, Mina, Sian, Yewon.
Side note: What are these shoes? Are they… high heeled loafers? What is happening? 
My thoughts: First off, how does Natsumi get her hair THAT glossy?
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I mean, all the girls have really pretty hair, but Natsumi’s is on another level. It’s like her hair is made of black onyx, or a dark iPhone screen, or something. It’s wild. Check out her fan cam to see it in action. 
Anyway, this was not quite as good as the other team, mostly because of the vocals. They were all on key, and no one made any obvious mistakes, but listening to them sing, it was impossible to imagine that this is a professional debuted group. They sounded like a high school talent show group. 
Lee Sian was brave to take on main vocals when that isn’t her area of expertise, so I don’t want to ding her too hard -- she sang well enough to be a sub-vocal in a real group. And that’s a compliment, I swear! So good job, Sian! Did she knock my socks off? No, but she did alright-right-right. 
The other four also did well considering, but it’s not as if I want to put this on a playlist and listen to it over and over. Of the three Japanese girls, only Rena seems to avoid the characteristic nasal sound common in these AKB48 members. Natsumi and Mina both have unpleasant vocal color, but at least they are on key, so they’ve made big progress. Main rapper Yewon raps kind of off key, which I know sounds crazy but part of what a rapper does is pick up on a tone to rap in, and Yewon didn’t do that quite correctly.  
Dance wise, I don’t really know, because the camera work is obstructive. Nothing really obvious goes wrong, I’ll say that. I think that 
Stage presence wise, I think this group has a slight leg up on the first group. They all have pretty good to great facial expressions, and they’re all reasonably confident-seeming. Yewon is a bit…
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… too much. 
Mina has a great trick of letting her eyes close a little, and then opening them wider suddenly. It’s like, a power-smize!
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It works. 
Revisiting the issue of center, and whether or not putting Sian in the center would have made it “Sian and the girls,” I think it’s relevant to note that Sian was the main vocal. If your center is also your main vocal, then it starts to feel like Destiny’s Child. So, yeah, it makes sense for someone else to be center, and Mina was the best choice among the remaining girls. I think they should have raised that issue during the discussion of who should be center, but maybe they did, or tried to, and had trouble with the communication. 
In the MNET edit, we see the judges praising their pronunciation, and praising Sian’s ability to look right at the camera. We also get a few instant replays of some of Sian’s high notes. 
When they’re done, the judges are proud of them, and Cheetah looks so cute.
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“I’m proud of them.” “Me too.”
Dance Bae says that they, the trainers, think that Team 2 did better than Team 1, but notes that you never know how the audience will vote.
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“Good job, everyone!”
The girls hug backstage, and Sian said that they’re hoping for a miracle. 
For this part, I have a link with English subs. 
The girls teleport to the locker room Results Zone…
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More power to the transporters! We’re losing the signal! 
They’re sitting on like, foam rubber blocks. MNET, seriously, WTF?
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Sian, Rena, Mina, Ahyoung, Natsumi
 Natsumi’s face (far right) is so expressive.
It’s time for the results. The background music is the same music they always used in Face Off when they were revealing the creature makeups, which is so funny to me. 
As usual, they reveal the results in a “versus” format -- Main vocal versus Main vocal, etc. What’s kind of strange is that we find out that there was no “sub vocal 1” on the blue team…? I guess that had been Miku’s part, but it’s not as if no-one sang those lines, so I’m confused. Anyway… 
Both the main vocals, Jo Yuri and Lee Sian, get a ton of votes -- 152 and 148, respectively. 
That’s fair as they both did well and are also pretty and popular. The second highest vote getters on each team were Japanese -- Mako on Red with 120 votes, and Natsumi on blue with 90. Juri is ready to blame herself if her team loses, but neither center did exceptionally well; Juri got 52 votes, and Mina got 36. Here is the full list:
Team Red (win):
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left to right:
Yu Minyoung 28 Jo Yuri     152 Takahashi Juri 52 Kim Minseo 26 Kojima Mako 120 Kim Sihyeon 64              Total: 442, Average 73.67 
Team Blue (lost):
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Very classy of them to applaud for team red. 
Left to right:
Lee Sian 148 Hasegawa Rena 50 Imada Mina 36 Ahn Yewon 16 Matsuoka Natsumi 90 Total: 340, Average: 68
Juri interviews, tearfully, that she feels bad about the whole thing. Her team was so nice and believed in her, and she feels like she let them down. “It’s because of them that I was able to go so far,” she says. “I’m so grateful to my team.”  
You know, my friends, if I wasn’t already a Juri fan from getting to know her on Queendom Puzzle, I think I’d kind of hate her at this point. MNET shoving her in my face, and focusing on her storyline above all else, it just makes me kind of irritated. I know Juri is awesome-sauce, though. So this is just further proof that MNET is The Worst. Thanks, dumbasses. Thumbasses. 
And with that, we’ll wrap up for now! Thanks for sticking with me so far! See you next time, when we cover Team Mamma Mia.
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