#and they're ✨sword boys✨
jophinabean · 4 months
The guys I've dated first in each ikemen game I've played so far
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I guess I have "a type"
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erinartemis · 3 months
OMGOMGOMGKFMSGSKB IM FREAKING OUT IT'S HERE!!! MURDER DRONES EPISODE 7 TEASER!! EEEEEE!!! I went frame by frame and picked out some cool scenes I wanted to scream about, so get ready for a bunch of crazed ramblings and some theories !! (Long post ahead, folks)
Okay first of all- just- the lighting in these shots ✨ simply gorgeous... Also that "poster" thing in the background of the first image is very interesting.. obviously it says HELP (though that looks scrawled-on afterward with probably blood), and it looks like there could be possibly eyes? EDIT: it's not eyes it's two drones standing !!!
Also can we appreciate how creepy cool that hole in the ground is :00
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Good to see we've still got a bit of that classic md humor: "not to be overdramatic but core collapse" xd
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N oh no N IS HE OKAY?? what am I talking about ofc he's not (I'm going to cry at this episode)
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This thing. What is this thing. Probably part of the Solver, as it's all organic and eldritch-y, and it has veins. It looks lit from behind, almost like we're looking out from the inside of something? I think it's possible somebody gets dragged into one of those physical manifestations of the Solver, and this could be their perspective from inside it! Oooor we're looking at it from the outside, and there's something glowing inside the mass.
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Next up, these guys??? So many possibilities here... They look like humans, but they aren't necessarily so, just like the "Tessa Isn't Human" theory. And from what little you can see in the teaser, they are moving in an odd way- suspicious. I originally thought they could be manifestation of the Solver or something, created to confuse, but after considering it for a bit, I realized it's more likely this scene is a flashback to when the core collapsed.
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Okay. This shot is a bit confusing; can't really make out what's going on- To me, it looks like something is possibly exploding? And the red string things are lasers or something? Also the blobs in the foreground definitely look like Solver hands, but- that's all I've got for this one
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Tessa. Tessatessatessa tessa are you pulling a sword on Uzi? oh no, you are, aren't you, ohh no
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WHAT DID UZI SEE. ON THAT TV SCREEN. HELP SHE LOOKS SO TRAUMATIZED- Also also wanted to point out the "freaking ninja star" on the ground.. little callback there :,)
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the crucifix will be important, oo religious imageryyy eee
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Small thing, this is clearly the same scene from the GLITCHx 7/8 teaser, but it's the shot from a little bit before the clip in that teaser plays. I wonder how much control Uzi has over herself at this point... These robots are going to so much pain someone help them
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OMGOMGOGMOGMOMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HYPED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS- WE'RE GETTING MURDER N YALL!!! FIRST TIME SINCE THE PILOT EEEE!!! Oh my gosh I just KNOW it's going to be an emotional response to something horrible happening- something to do with Uzi getting fully possessed, or almost dying, or N THINKING she's dead, or just all the stress of EVERYTHING, along with V's (hopefully not actually) death, and it just pushes him to his breaking point OH AND all the repressing he's been doing this whole time WILL NOT BE HELPING WITH THAT !!! I'm SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT AAAA-
Oh it could also be that N gets factory-reset, causing him to actually lose his memories or something, which is AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PILE OF ANGST, but personally I hope/think it'll be closer to the first one... It seems very likely to me that all of the stuff N's been going through (and how he's just been pretending everything's fine) would catch up to him, and it would lead to an "outburst" of everything he's been bottling up. PLUS do y'all remember that merch ad?? I know it was just a promo, but merch stuff has been shown to be kind of relevant to the plot in the past soo... yeah I'm feeling very good about this theory-
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Okay so this is the same guy from the earlier image with all the humans- That feels notable, like they're going to be important. And is it just me and my poor video quality or does the Sentinel hand look glitchy?? Could it have turned on the humans like the one that turned on "Tessa" in Cabin Fever??
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Oh dear, that's oil (or blood; they whole thing's too red to tell) coming from Uzi's eye... Feeling like the same thing that happened to Doll happens to Uzi... agh the ANGST hdfbsjsb
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DOOOOOLL DOLL DOLL !!! SHE'S THERE !! I THINK SHE HAS BUTCHER KNIVES AGAIN !! I wonder who she's fighting... (I mean it could be a sentinel, but it looks like she's talking, so I'm guessing it's one of the group) ee I'm excited to see where Doll's character goes from here !!
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ALLLLRIGHTY!! This has been a breakdown of my personal thoughts on the teaser! I am SOOO excited; these next two weeks need to go by FAST but ik they won't- Anyways... thanks for reading ! :D
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demigods-posts · 11 months
percabeth headcanons that live rent free in my head (disclaimer: they're adults in all of these, so most of these are a bit ✨ spicy ✨ so read with caution lol):
• percy loves watching annabeth workout. specifically, anything that has to do with her arms and back because of how muscular she is in those areas. seriously. you try to focus when your girlfriend puts her hair in a tight bun and grips onto the pull-up bar and lifts her weight off the ground and the veins in her biceps pulsate and the muscles in her upper back contract as the sweat beads down her body and—
• ^^^ annabeth knows he loves it, so she purposefully puts pulls up at the end of her set so percy can jog over to the training area after teaching sword fighting lessons and drool over her because she likes the hold she has on him
• annabeth is a unit. she is a warrior. she is the moment and nothing in the world can break her focus and shit, percy is shirtless. look, it's not a crime to stare at her muscular and incredibly hot boyfriend when he emerges from the camp lake dripping wet and shirtless and smiling at her and his shorts are just barely clinging onto his hips and—
• ^^^ percy knows she loves it. he's not an idiot. he doesn't will himself dry for the sole purpose of rendering his girlfriend speechless. he likes the hold he has on her
• percy is pretty, okay? he's a pretty boy, and annabeth calls him this all of the time whenever they're alone and percy just blushes and buries his head in her hair and annabeth adores it
• annabeth orders a skirt online because she wants to experiment with her style, except it's a little too big on her. percy jokingly offers to try it on for size and annabeth, newly intrigued at the thought, practically commands that he do just that. so he does and the moment is an awakening for the both of them
• percy ends up really liking how wearing skirts makes him feel so they buy more and more skirts for him to wear and annabeth is super supportive (and she also like seeing her boyfriend in skirts. sue her)
• annabeth once surprised percy in a tux for their anniversary dinner and holy fuck. straightened hair. eyeliner. rings on her fingers. all of it. she feels hot embracing a more masculine attire and percy couldn't agree more
• ^^ annabeth also got percy a bouquet of flowers on this date and he cherishes that bouquet like it's his most prized posession
• they have matching necklaces. annabeth wear a necklace that says 'seaweedbrain' and percy wears one that says 'wisegirl' and they never take them off
• this one is incredibly specific so don't @ me but one night on their honeymoon, annabeth gets a little more drunk than they anticipate and almost lights their marriage certificate on fire
• of course, percy fucking panics and dunks water all over her and the certificate because what the fuck, babe? we've only been married for a week. what could have possibly happened to make you regret marrying me this quickly?
• and hilariously enough, because annabeth was drunk, all she remembers is getting dunked with water for ✨ no reason ✨ so she likes to fuck with him and say that percy tried to murder her on their honeymoon
• "our honeymoon was pretty much perfect except for when you tried to drown me, asshole" "no the fuck i-!" "if you hate me, just say it." "annabeth-" "bitch." "annabeth-!"
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fairly-linked · 6 months
Nightmares ✨ (Time x GN!Reader)
Whew, okay. I feel like everyone needs a break from the dark ass yandere shit (especially after that Twilight one, my god)
So here! Have some fluffly shit instead! ✨✨✨✨
That was all he could make out, other than laughter in the distance. It was pitch black, to a point that Time could hardly see the outline of his hand in front of his face no matter how close he held it; but somehow, he could tell by the whispering of the wind in the trees that he was in a forest.
The laughter he hears is not a voice he recognizes. At least, he thinks it's not. But he isn't too sure. It almost sounds like...
A very familiar scream sends a freezing chill down his spine. One that sounds just like you...
His heart drops into his stomach and it suddenly becomes hard to breathe. This laughter from the other person, twisted and maniacal...
Was that Zelda's voice...?
As panic and confusion begin to course through him, he rushes to the source, fighting away stray branches and bushes and stumbling over his own feet a couple times.
He reaches a clearing, one with water nearby. He can hear the water of a stream, although he can't see it; but what he can just barely make out is two figures against a tree.
That voice has to be you. It has to be. There's no one else it could be...
...And the height of the other person matches Zelda's. As he catches a glimpse of her crown and the blade in her hand glittering in the starlight, it confirms his suspicions.
"Zelda? What is happening here?" he questions, trying to mask the fear in his voice as he speaks to the woman he once thought was an ally and trusted friend.
He'd better not have to choose between you two, but if it's necessary...
...He determines then and there that his choice would be you, in any scenario.
"They're a problem, Link," Zelda states with disgust bleeding through her voice, pressing the blade against (Y/n)'s neck.
"Zelda, hang on. Tell me what's going on," he demands, trying to hide his anxiety and confusion. He unsheathes his sword, should the princess make any sudden moves.
But he's so confused...
...The princess was normally so levelheaded, so calm. As far as he knew, she'd never even met (Y/n); but before, he'd had no doubts that Zelda would adore them.
(Y/n) was a wonderful person. He and the princess had the same senses when it came to telling a good person from bad...
...Or at least, he thought they did, which is why he couldn't wrap his head around her motives.
"...They're a distraction for you, Link. For you and every one of your little apprentices..." she hums condescendingly, pressing the blade more. (Y/n) lets out a hiss, and even with as dark as it is right now, he knows Zelda's hurting them.
"Zelda, enough! Step back, and let's talk about this."
Zelda pauses. She doesn't move, but he just barely catches the glint in her eyes as she glances at him.
"...There's nothing to talk about, Link."
Zelda draws the sword upward, preparing to strike. Sheer terror courses through his entire being as he lurches forward, screaming as he reaches for (Y/n), who reaches back for him in their final moments.
Time jolts violently as if he'd hit the ground. Scrambling to sit up and take in his surroundings, his heartbeat begins to slow as he realizes he's back at camp. All the other boys are asleep, with the exception of Sky, who'd taken watch.
Time places a hand to his chest, bowing his head as he tries to steady his heart rate and return to the present.
Goddammit, another nightmare... It was all just some horrible nightmare....
Sky frowns, walking up to him slowly.
"Are you okay?" the meek hero says softly, concern in his gaze as he stands next to Time.
The old man, still breathless, nods as he looks up at the younger hero.
"I... I am alright. Simply a nightmare..."
...Time says nothing more on the subject.
Sensing that the old man didn't want to talk about it, Sky nods. Time looks down, sighing in relief as he sees you lying next to him and beginning to stir. He places his hand on your head, rubbing your forehead gently with his thumb.
"...Time?" you mumble, rubbing your eyes.
"Shh, I'm here, dear. Sorry for waking you."
"...Are you okay? I felt you tossing and turning..." you say so sweetly the old man thinks he might melt.
...Had it been so bad that he was rolling over in his sleep? He sighs a little.
"I am alright, my love. I'm here. Everything is okay..."
You pat the spot on the ground next to him, urging him to lie back down with you. He obliges, his body still exhausted from broken sleep; but he's slightly confused when he sees you scoot upward, to where his head lies by your shoulder.
You let out a yawn, opening your arm for him to come closer and rest on you. His eyebrows raise in surprise; but he doesn't deny you your wish.
He moves closer, allowing his head to rest on your chest. Your arm on the side he's lying on comes up to cradle his head, your hand stroking his hair, while the other holds his hand.
He rests one of his arms over your waist, and for the first time in a long while, he allows himself to relax against you, sighing contentedly as your hand in his hair causes him to feel like drifting off again.
This... feels nice. Now he knows why you love it so much when he does it...
It isn't long at all before sleep overtakes him again. In his half-asleep state, he hears you mumble a soft "Sweet dreams".
The last thing he feels before he drifts off to sleep in the warmth of your embrace is your lips on his forehead.
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tashacee · 6 months
Consider ✨
An au like Heros Aspect but Wild is stuck in the dark armor instead.
I crave comedy of errors style misunderstandings =)
OOOOOOOOOH boy i started to answer this before and it got REALLY DARK so i've scrapped that and have started again.
A lot of the initial chase and fleeing would be strangely similar. Yes, Wild can talk now, but the others think he's Dark Link, and Dink always lies. They don't listen to a word he says until he's lying in the river, bleeding from where Warriors shot him, trembling as he tries to show he's not a threat.
Dink doesn't bleed. That's their first clue that Wild is one of them and not a monster. That's what gives them pause.
("Wait- he's bleeding." said pinky, holding up a hand to stop the others and lowering his sword a fraction.
What the- damn right, he's bleeding! You just shot me! Wild wanted to retort, but something told him that wouldn't help matters. It was a little voice that he liked to call his inner-Zelda, and for once he elected to listen to it)
And then Sky came stumbling out of the woods, telling his brothers not to attack, that he was one of them.
Wars Four and Legend exchanged glances. Four was the first one to shrug and say 'eh that tracks'. The others wondered at his easy acceptance, but of course, they didn't know about Shadow.
Still, the boys were probably more wary with Wild in the Dark armour than the Aspect, and when he reached out to touch the sword they watched him like hawks. But of course, Fi didn't burn him. Instead she gave him his name and cemented him as one of the team.
("OH THANK HYLIA!" the newly dubbed Wild said, sighing in relief and flopping back into the water. "I thought you guys were really going to kill me!"
The three who had chased him exchanged uncomfortable glances, but none of them said what they were all thinking. For a moment there, so had they.
Wild looked up at them again and they all - minus Sky, of course - started. His eyes were all red and glowed even in the daylight, casting a sickening pallor over his already grey skin. He furrowed his brow and smiled, the scars that laced one side of his face pulling at the movement.
"I- I don't normally look like this." he whispered nervously. "It's a mask I tried on. But I can't get it off." he sighed. "Worst fashion choice ever.")
With this explained, the boys bandage his wound as best they can and bring him back to camp, embarrassed and apologetic. Wild brushes off their apologies. After all, he does look exactly like the shadow monster that has been trying to kill them. What's a little grievous bodily harm between a shared soul, eh?
The others are a little concerned about his blase attitude to being hurt, but who are they to judge?
Once again, they make him wait outside the camp while they explain to the rest who he is and how they met. Legend includes both that he looks like Dink and also that it's because he tried on a mask and got his ass cursed (his words). Wild can hear Time facepalming from where he hides.
He's still nervous stepping into camp. Twilight still encourages him. Wind is still friendly. Time is still welcoming. Hyrule is still nervous. It's obvious that they're all shaken by his appearance, but it takes about the same amount of time for them to all warm up to him as if he was in the Aspect.
The main difference is that Dark!Wild can creep up on them and scare them more effectively, what with being his normal height and having creepy glowing eyes. Also when they're trying to sneak places at night, his eyes are super distracting. He gets banana sunglasses to match sky's, just to hide their glow.
Some of the stunts the Chain pull are different. Rather than Cat Island, Wind tells everyone that Wild is from Shadow Island where he rules over the dead. Some are exactly the same. Wild still makes friends with the cats in ordon, and inexplicably, kids still love him.
He does not understand why.
But what mostly stays the same is that he has brothers who love and care about him, and who think he's an absolute idiot for getting himself cursed to be stuck in the Dink mask.
And yes, he still manages to get stuck in the Mask of Awakening.
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loafyall · 3 months
Sword’s Metronome AU (Stellaron hunters Yanqing au!!)
NOTE : this Au is not mine, It is originally from @a-vivid-dreamer , I've taken permission to write this small fic which i thought of while seeing their page.
Go check @a-vivid-dreamer out! They're an amazing artist and an illustrator!! ⭐⭐✨
~~~~~~~~~~On to the main story~~~~~~~~~
Why?... Why?...
He's sucessful in making Jing yuan's life better, But-
Why can't he fit in?
That's the thought Yanqing had after he returned to his present.
He intervened in something he shouldn't have- Yanqing can no longer be the same.
No matter how hard he tries
"He lost his life, And his own childhood innocence."
'Elio has his eye on many, but you, The swordmaster of the luofu, have caught his attention.'
Yanqing still remembers that, the first thing Kafka told him
How foolish he is,thinking he could save everyone,trying to be that protagonist. He was wrong.
He may never be the same, the sweet, Kind, Fearless boy was never seen again.
But he still shares his same name.
No matter how much, Or how less people search,
No trace of his existence nor birth has been found till date..
Yanqing, once known as the 'Lieutenant of the Xianzhou alliance',
To a Destiny's slave.
Perhaps, he wished for Jing yuan to call for him, As his retainer.
Just like those days.
Now he's lost within,his existence and his innocence, Were long gone.
The latest addition to the stellaron hunters, People who he first used to dislike in his life,
But now he's a part of them.
Things will never be the same.
And that's what yanqing thought.
Oh came that same old face in jing yuan's dreams. Who is he? Has he met him before?
That's only what jing yuan can think of, Just who is Yanqing?
Why is yanqing so.. familiar?
"who are you, yanqing?"
perhaps this is what was meant to be when Yanqing did this.
Now he's not longer the boy.
And jing yuan was never the same for yanqing.
NOTE : OMG I can not believe i finished this-
I think I was awake for like God knows how many hours think about this!!
CREDITS TO : @a-vivid-dreamer
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onepiece-polls · 10 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 3 Side D
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MiShanks art by @oz-gauze. Check out the original post here.
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Shanks x Buggy:
What if we were childhood friends who gave up our drama for each other then never saw each other again for years
What can I say, I'm a fellow shuggy truther too 🤝
Shanks obviously adores Buggy, and Buggy is so tsundure~! Mr 'I hate Shanks'-but-will-take-every-opportunity-to-talk-about-him-and-be-with-him.
Oden says in his journal that he can't tell if they're friends of enemies, and I just love that. Plus when you add in the revelation about Shanks and Buggy in the recent chapters.
They're childhood friends. They're exes. They've been married for 20 years. They're opposites. They're the same. They're silly goofy guys who make me want to cry my heart out. Red/Blue is always meant to be.
Buggy """""HATES""""" Shanks. This hate is so strong that he WILL yell at this red-haired bastard despite the fact that he is a coward, who is terrified of all the Emperors. Everyone thinks this is strange. However, when you grow up with said Emperor on the same boat, watching him stumble over his feet as he's trying to learn to use a sword, stuck scrubbing the whole deck because he was stupid enough to prank "Dark King" Rayleigh, and make that same stupid pouty face every time his Conqueror's Haki doesn't do anything because he is an itty bitty child, most of that fear gets pretty quelled. Also, that same fucker lost an arm because he's a DUMBASS and he deserves to be made fun of for it (not because Buggy is worried and missed him not at all no no Shanks is just DUMB and needs to be TOLD he is dumb more. But just by Buggy. Because Buggy has known his idiocy forever. He has earned the right to yell at this stupid, stupid Emperor for being a self-sacrificing fool and for giving away that stupid hat and... Wait, hang on, when did this bastard get hot!? WHAT THE FUC-) And Shanks just keeps smiling at Buggy and his antics because he has 100% been in love with him since they were children (his actions while they were on the Roger pirates are the DEFINITION of pigtail-pulling as flirting) and he is just happy to see that he's safe while being exactly the same larger-than-life clown he always knew. He would gladly give up his life of sluttery (that I am convinced this man has. Just look at how he exists) if Buggy would just agree to join his crew, but will not push him if he doesn't want to. He just loves his pretty clown from a distance and waits. TLDR: Buggy is mad that he's in love with Shanks and Shanks just likes existing with and/or annoying Buggy (they come as a pair). GOD I just love childhood friends to lovers bro. Just let the cabin boys kiss.
[Spoiler Warning] Red and Blue gays! Emperor husbands! Childhood friends to enemies to lovers!
Propaganda for Shanks x Mihawk:
They had a massive battle at one point, when mihawk showed up on that island where shanks was relaxing shanks convinced him to get drunk with him very easily, also in the war of the best mihawk just flat out said he refused to fight shanks
Goth swordsmith & Golden retriever
Two of the most badass characters in the whole series, cat/dog energy, the fact that Mihawk specifically sought Shanks out to show him Luffy's bounty??, also Mihawk leaving the fight because he didn't sign up to fight Shanks??, I love two middle aged man who are somehow friends AND MAYBE MORE lmao
They’re so funny to me. Like seriously goth Mihawk and happy chaotic Shanks. I just think they could be so good together
Rivals to lovers -- Powerhouses -- Introvert and extrovert -- Mihawk wears red and has black hair while Shanks wears black and has red hair like ✨Color schemes✨ -- SAME BIRTHDAY YOU CAN'T CONVINCE ME THEY DON'T CELEBRATE IT TOGETHER
They are rivals. They are besties. They are so friggin gay for each other. It's DILF love.
what if we were both swordsmen but you lost your arm to save the future king of the pirates so i have remained SOOO bitter about it but then find out the kid u saved has a promising swordsman so im less bitter so i go drink with you and you force me to ditch my wine for booze but it works because you care about me despite my solitary life so we remained long distance bfs and think about each other constantly. is that something
Mihawk being a recluse but going out of his way to visit his bf regularly is proof enough
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l3viat8an · 7 months
Sorry for sending so many things today I have so many thoughts nsjsj (I've only sent 3 asks so far but shhh my mind is running)
Imagine if MC just. Doesn't shut up for long. When they're doing anything (homework, reading manga, scrolling through Tumblr, etc)
Like just randomly. Sound.
Chilling with any of the brothers, and after a bit of silence, Mc just randomly quietly trills or is like "ah✨wow✨" for no reason
Or doing homework and just quietly sings completely random or out of order song lyrics / completely different songs ("myyyy mother tollld Mee someday I will buyyy, gallyyy with good oooars, sail to distant shoores. ✨Eyyy macarena✨")
or reading the homework aloud w/ their own thoughts (my favorite example is "the lovesong of fuck you" which I said while looking for an English story I did not care about bc the assignment had references to like 5 of the stories from the unit)
Randomly giggling while reading (either novels or manga, both work)
Random sound effects while gaming with Levi ("pew :> pew :>" while shooting something, "die please" during boss fights, "slash slash :> slishy slash :>" when fighting w/ a sword, etc)
Or randomly talking to themself while alone or reading what they type aloud
Totally not based on the fact I literally never shut up during the schoolday since I have online school (I've also; sing-counted to 200, sang the abcs to myself, "imagine if ___" things, voiced random thoughts, "aaaaa" calmly, etc)
I’m so sorry idk how I didn’t see this yesterday hskshsj
‘n I’m feelin’ a little called out cuz I’ve done a bunch of this / sound effects just make life better!!!!
Also imo Levi and Mammon definitely do the same- like they’ll randomly make sound effects for things and just say the most random shit outta nowhere it’s the ADHD lolol so they’d probably join in when you do it around them. Making the same sounds or trying to hum along if it’s a song!!-
Lucifer and Satan are more the type to ask if there’s a reason for your little ‘✨wow✨’ what’s so interesting? Anything you want to share with him? He also listens whenever you’re just kinda talking to yourself. in case you’re talking about him XD
Asmo likes to almost mimic your sounds or whatever you say. Just equally silly sounds and stuff, he’s also another boy that loves to join in when you sing even if it’s your own made up song!!
Beel just kinda listens, probably thinks it’s a completely normal human thing to do. And it really is lolol occasionally he’ll ask what you’re singing or what’s so interesting you’re making those little, excited sounds!!
Belphie’s most likely to make fun of you- but he’s just joking!! Likes to tease you for making up songs and calls them ‘your own little theme song’ hakahaj
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axiolaprim · 6 months
I don't think we get to know what dorm Ramshackle originally was (I haven't gotten to any of book seven yet, I'm on book six in the English sub version…as much as I want to learn it, I don't know Japanese so I can't play it in Japanese unfortunately :')) so I made a dorm amd a history for since ✨ boredom ✨ so, here you go :)
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I'm putting the information below a cut so that it doesn't take forever with scrolling if you want to just skip…and because of uncensored ideas of k!ll!ng :)
The name Indaecor is a blend of the words indagator or indagatoris meaning explorer in Latin and aecor meaning ocean or sea in Latin (translation according to https://www.latin-english.com/english/explorer/ since I don't know much Latin unfortunately but wanted to use it to make the name since quite a few dorms have names of words blended or even just put on top of other words)
I originally wanted to use Cruella as my inspiration since that'd be awesome and make sense considering that we're technically the housewarden and Crowley called us a "beastmaster" and she doesn't already have a dorm…and then I felt like an idiot because I remembered professor Crewel
I decided upon Captain Hook because I haven't seen any TWST adaptation of him, it would be quite easy to match him into the dorm's aesthetic with a bit of recoloration on the furniture, and he has a way that he could be seen in the light of a hero
Considering that this isn't a canon dorm and we don't know why Captain Hook was out for Peter's blood I decided to story merge
Captain Hook is called "The Captain" due to his status as a pirate captain and Peter is called "The Orphan" due to the facts that since he was so untraceable and he kept so much secret around his family that they were thought dead
Indaecor is the dorm of "chivalry"
The hook and sword are due to The Captain's hook hand and weapon of choice
The red and purple color scheme matches his coat and hat
The reason Indaecor dorm is at the gates instead of in a pocket dimension like the other dorms is because due to it's chivalrous spirit they would house anyone who needed a place to stay upon visiting Night Raven and because due to their chivalry they were the first ones to come to assistance in the case of an intruder or someone needing help either inside or outside the school grounds
The dorm uniforms (shown below) are based upon The Captain's traditional uniform
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Backstory synopsis and why Indaecor was removed as a dorm:
As a young boy The Captain lived under a tyrant who wouldn't let anyone leave his reign, but one night The Captain snuck out but lost his left hand to a struggle with the tyrant. A few years pass since The Captain escaped he now has refugees he's helped escape the tyrant and they soon become a band of pirates helping more people escape while in an eternal stalemate with the tyrant.
Decades later it was found out that the tyrant was a long-time hero called The Orphan who was known for housing a gaggle of playful children and protecting them from an unnamed yet aggressive enemy which meant that the stories contradict and that they're both the villains of the stories, an idea that the headmage at the time was not fond of seeing be associated with the school and thus revoking Indaecor's status as a dorm.
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starsurface · 4 months
Back again hehe! (Not anon now tho) Literally adore this page sm! Content is so heartwarming I can’t get enough of it and is easily one of my new fav accs to look through :3 Maybe some MK1 caregiver Reiko and Regressor General Shao Hcs? TY✨
Awhhhh, thank you!!! I love your account as well!!! It's so wholesome and so fun to go through 🥺 (Also the emoji's I used are: 🗡🛡!!)
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Reiko w/ Regressor Shao Hcs
🗡 Shao regresses kinda young, about 1-3
🛡 This is probably mostly because he holds back his regression for a super long time because he's busy, he's the general, he doesn't need relaxation time, this, that, etc, etc
🗡 So when he does regress, he's a baby that just wants to be held and loved 🥺
🛡 I like to think Shao involuntarily regressed for a super long time before even knowing what age regression was
🗡 But also never really fully slipped and was probably stuck in between headspaces without knowing
🛡 It was too scary, feeling fully small and fuzzy, what if someone caught him snuggling his blanket or babbling to his favorite stuffie!!
🗡 It was a deep secret he had where he'd find some time to relax and snuggle with his blankets and hide from all his big kid responsibilities
🛡 The first time Reiko ever saw Shao regressed was when they were doing reports together and Shao started getting frustrated because the words were getting too hard and the acts on the page were too horrid and too big for his tiny mind
🗡 Since Reiko already knew of regression, he kinda just went with the flow
🛡 Said that Shao was too tiny right now to be doing any kind of big kid files and they should take a break and do something fun! Like sword fight or wrestle (Reiko's personal favorite little activities)
🗡 Instead they just kinda cuddled in bed because Shao doesn't like doing those things when he's tiny
🛡 He already has to do them when he's big, don't make him do it while he's small 🥺
🗡 Shao doesn't fully regress regress without Reiko
🛡 He can't, it's too difficult and scary
🗡 Plus what is someone walks in? Or he forgot to lock the door? Reiko's big and strong, he can protect him!!
🛡 One of both their favorite activities is story time
🗡 Reiko has a lot of war experience, and he can use some of his victories into great outlandish tales he's done!!
🛡 (^ keeping most of the gore and stuff to practically nonexistent, and maybe fabrotacting a few things here of there, gotta keep the baby entertained!!)
🗡 You know those big dogs that think they can jump on you and sit on your lap like they're the smallest thing in the world?
🛡 That's Shao, 100%
🗡 What do you mean he's gotta be careful when he's trying to get cuddles? He's just a baby 🥺
🛡 (^ Don't worry though, Shao gets all the cuddles he wants, Reiko’s super strong!!)
🗡 Does have to be careful of his horns though, he doesn't wanna poke someone by accident, that'd hurt :(
🛡 If he did accidentally poke Reiko with them, he'd probably just get a gentle reminder that we gotta be careful when we have super cool horns because sometimes we can hurt others
🗡 Please do not yell at this man, he will cry
🛡 Or, more have tears weld in his eyes and start blubbering when you turn away
🗡 He's a big boy, he doesn't cry!! >:(
🛡 . . . Lier
🗡 Positive reaffirming and gentle redirecting work best with Shao
🛡 He doesn't like getting yelled at, or going to a naughty step, or any type of punishment
🗡 He already has to bark orders all day, deal with people he despises
🛡 Luckily, Reiko can turn very soft when he can read a room
🗡 He gets very patient when Shao does something naughty, leading him in the direction rather than yelling
🛡 Will rarely have to every put his foot down because Shao doesn't actually break too many rules
🗡 Most of their rules are for safety anyhow, although he still doesn't understand why he can't draw on the walls 😒
🛡 When Shao feels a little bit older and not baby baby, he's very bossy
🗡 What does Reiko mean he has to write one more sentence on his paperwork? No he doesn't! He can come cuddle him right now!! That's an order!! >:(
🛡 Stomps and huffs when he doesn't get his way (and Reiko has to finish his job, stupid paperwork)
🗡 Doesn't like feeling tiny and Reiko's not there, its scary
🛡 Reiko's got a full time job on his hands, bossy baby on his hip 24/7, fr
🗡 Doesn't like others babysitting him either, right now only Reiko knows and he has no plans on changing that
🛡 Reiko doesn't mind, they'll move at his pace
🗡 Horn scratches are must!!!
🛡 Well, any scratches are a must, lightly on the arm, back scratches while cuddling, almost anywhere Shao has scales
🗡 For being a lieutenant, Reiko has really nice nails that are perfect for scratchies
🛡 Reiko's favorite CG nicknames are Papa or Bubba (when Shao's really small 'Ko cause Shao will repeat it and it makes Reiko feel all big and proud)
🗡 Shao's favorite little nicknames are Little One, Fierce Guy, Tough Cookie, Baby-Bear
🛡 I could probably see Shao being a dragon regressor too??
🗡 And that means he steals all of Reiko's nice shiny stuff for his blankie nest, its his now, Reiko doesn't have a choice >:(
🛡 He's also much more active in this headspace and will play more games like tag or hide and seek
🗡 Shao also likes being called Hatchling when he's a dragon
🛡 Overall, he's either a very cuddly baby, or a little bossy baby (still super cuddly though)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I know they're mostly focused on Shao but I hope you like them!!! :D
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plantwithoutplot · 6 months
SO let's talk about one (1) Portgas D. Rouge bc there's basically nothing on her in canon so all HC are valid so plz consider: she was Shakky's first mate when Shakky was the Empress of the Amazons and also the Captain of the Kuja Pirates. That's how she met Roger; while Shakky was flirting with Rayleigh, Rouge was annoying/flirting with Roger while trying to steal his cabin boys bc they're just so cute, you know? (Rouge/Roger should be a Dumbass x Dumbass ship in this essay I will)
(ALSO consider: Ace would have been named Ann if he was born a girl. Ace was also the name of Roger's sword. HC that Ann was the name of Rouge's weapon.)
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I'm all for Rouge being a badass woman who had her own dreams and adventures, and who could be just as stupid and wild as any other D!!! ✨🤺
And let's be honest: the Cabin Boys would love her just as much 🥺 she ain't kidnapping them if they're willing to tag along, yknow―
For real I have SO MANY headcanons I wanna share with you about herbut part of me wanna keep it a surprise for Speak Up, Boys! too. . . DILEMMA 🫠
(thank you for your patience + I still have your ask about the 6 sentence story with Makino and the ASL brothers, safely tucked in my askbox till the day I have official vacations 🥹🩵)
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raevenlywrites · 27 days
✨🍄🔮✨hello!! I bring my finest hens to keep you company on this lovely night 🐓🐓🦃🐓🐔🐓. birds are such a blessing. they're everywhere you go and are always singing with joy.
"And they lay eggs!" the feral hogmother says with a greedy gleam in her eye.
"Eggs we will cook first!" the ToothFeral insists.
"To an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees," the Federal Godmother chimes in.
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The Children of Litha offer you up the Page of Swords.
"Oooh a boy toy!" cries the feral hogmother.
"Don't be so literal," the Gothmother chides.
The feral hogmother clutches at the feral godmother's arm. "Make this one come out of the card, babe, I wanna play with him." Her tusks elongate and she starts salavating.
"You'd... better go." The feral godmother plucks the blossom from his hand and gives it to you. In the yard, the hens are dancing in a mushroom ring.
Come get your feral blessings! A shuffle for a truffle
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reilora-borealis · 7 months
.... and you're NOT gonna tell us about the Shadowgast Playlist? Please 🫴, hand it over.
I said in my original post this was my toxic trait... nonetheless I am SO glad someone took the bait 😈
I'm not going to post the link because I value my spotify privacy and also I have an embarrassing username that no one needs to know about. However, since you asked nicely (and let's be honest, I wasn't expecting anyone to care! so thank you!), I will share ✨ my personal top 5 shadowgast songs ✨ with a bit of context for each.
If you're just here to roast my music taste, bear in mind... I said toxic trait. Proceed at your own risk.
1. Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce
"If I could make days last forever / If words could make wishes come true / I'd save every day like a treasure and then / Again, I would spend them with you..."
This one has two meaning imo: first, early-campaign Caleb wishing he could change the past to save his parents' lives; later, Essek wishing he had more time to spend with Caleb. The original version is beautiful, but there is also a cover by Yungblud (yes, it's on the Hobbs & Shaw soundtrack) that's badass but a very different vibe.
2. Lilith by Halsey
"I'm perfection when it comes to first impressions / I romanticize and then I get to stressing / Big brain like I'm teaching at a lesson / Baby, it's a blessing..."
Every time this song comes on I legit yell ESSEK ANTHEM! because it is. This is the Hot Villain theme song. The beat is so sexy. The lyrics are on point ("I am disgusting / I've been corrupted / And by now I don't need not help to be destructive"). The vibes are just immaculate.
3. No Halo by Brockhampton
"Went to church for the hell of it, stumbled in drunk as shit / Been going through it again / Been talking to myself, wondering who I am / Been thinking I am better than Him..."
Look. I could write an entire essay about this one song. Wizard hubris, depression, and the crisis of faith Essek goes through when the Nein find out about his betrayal. Also, for those who theorize Essek is the unwilling chosen of the Luxon - he could, in fact, be "God's special mess".
4. X&Y by Coldplay
"I dive in at the deep end / You become my best friend / I want to love you but I don't know if I can / I know something is broken / And I'm trying to fix it / Trying to repair it / Any way I can..."
Two characters who both think they are terrible people that don't deserve love, trying to be better and trying to better each other? And they fall in love? And they're narrative foils? No one is doing it like them! (Plus the chorus "You and me are drifting into outer space" just screams ~wizards in the star room~.)
5. All The Stars by Kendrick Lamar feat. SZA (album version)
"Tell me what you gon' do to me / Confrontation ain't nothing new to me / You can bring a bullet, bring a sword, bring a morgue / But you can't bring the truth to me..."
I don't know how this song manages to be both broody and uplifting at the same time, but it is and it's perfection. It's the grimness of reality and the hope for the future, the refrain of "All the stars are closer" symbolizing all the possibilities that are now within reach.
And oh boy, I don't have time to write about the whole playlist but if you've made it this far, here are some bonus mini listicles because this is my Roman Empire 😌
Entire playlist of just shadowgast-coded Hozier songs:
Arsonist's Lullabye
In The Woods Somewhere
De Selby (pt. 2)
Someone New
Like Real People Do
Moment's Silence
From Eden
All My Homies Hate Trent Ikithon songs:
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots
Eat Your Young by Hozier
Buzzkill by Mothica
Another Brick In The Wall, pt. II by Pink Floyd
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy
Other ships? In my shadowgast playlist? It's more likely than you think:
The Cave by Mumford & Sons (widobrave)
Cringe by Matt Maeson (widojest)
Tessellate by alt-J (blumendrei)
EDM wizard songs if you're into that sort of thing (I am):
Time Stops by Virtual Riot
I'd Love To Change The World (Matstubs Remix) by Jetta
I Could Be Anything by the Glitch Mob feat. Elohim
New Eyes by Echos
Keep in mind this is just a handful of songs out of like a hundred, so I welcome you to give me the benefit of the doubt and fill in the rest of the playlist in your mind with whatever makes me seem cool to you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, I am sorry it took me four days to write this... 😅
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
I can admit some of their outfits look a little interesting, but I may be the only one who loves this event 🤣 They kind of remind me of musketeers, mostly Mammon and Beel are who I can remember off the top of my head.
I'm a sucker for masks too (Mammon looks mysterious to me, my bias is showing) but I JUST HAD A PHASE WHEN I WAS YOUNGER WHERE I WAS OBSESSED WITH THE MUSKETEERS IN DIFFERENT MEDIA AJSJDJ
- ✨ anon
omg I totally had a musketeers phase too! I read the Dumas books and everything. They do kinda have that musketeer style happening, huh?
Anyway, I'm sure you're not alone! I just have a problem with the blacked out eyes specifically lol. I would be okay with the masks if it wasn't for that! The masks themselves look fine! Interesting, even!
But I have to say they went way too overboard on some of these outfits. I like the general concept, just not the execution. And unfortunately, that seems to be the case for most of the outfits they make, to be honest.
This game has a tendency to make all the outfits look absolutely gaudy for some reason. I don't know if they're just trying too hard to make each one unique or what. But my favorites tend to be the ones that are less extravagant - the yukata and yokai outfits or the bunny boy outfits, for instance. Then there are some that have the potential to be great, like the white suit outfits, but they just go overboard with things like the little hats and weird fabric flares and bizarre boots. If they'd just cut back a tiny bit, all of these outfits would probably look really nice!
In the current event, I wouldn't mind Barb's outfit nearly as much if they just got rid of the hat. I don't know why they insist on including hats so frequently. They look so silly. I'll never get over Dia's fedora from that one outfit... I can't remember which one it was, but honestly if they had just left that off, it would have been nice.
Don't get me started on the pirate outfits.
So to me, this is just another in a long line of too-much outfits and that's just this game's style. I'm willing to overlook so much when it comes to outfits, but the blacked out eyes cross the line for me, I'm afraid!
I would love to see an actual musketeer event, though! I think that'd be so cool! They're all dueling with fancy swords and defending their king and traipsing around a palace! Well, okay, I realize my vision of musketeering is likely not historically accurate. And how would they incorporate all the Catholic? Well, it's about aesthetics anyway so let's not worry about it lol.
Also the event story itself is fine for me so far, but we also don't know how it ends. I mean, of course the white wolf wants MC, it's charmed by them just as much as every other living thing in the Devildom.
Whoops sorry, ✨ anon I think I got a bit off topic! Anyway, while I'm sure you're not entirely alone, even if you were, you are free to enjoy the event and outfits as much as you like! I'm happy that you're happy and that these outfits are able to remind you of a fun time in your life when you fell in love with something!
I think that's great, blacked out eyes or not! 💕
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So uh, apparently people are sending asks to corporate blogs, Berry, you are much better at wording things than me, so can you please explain to people why that's a bad idea if they don't want tumblr to potentially be further sterilized and infested with ads?(please tell me your secret to wording things better btw)
I'll do my best! o7
TL;DR: sending asks to corporate social media accounts -- even silly or mocking ones -- is giving ammunition to advertisers, and the more that advertisers stay on [tumblr], the suckier the site will get for us, the users.
basically it goes like this:
Before anything else, you need to remember this: social media accounts owned by for-profit corporations are marketing tools, which means they're advertising. Corporations do not use social media outside of marketing; if you see a corporation using marketing, it is always an ad.
Anything you see from Marvel or Disney or Microsoft on [tumblr], Twitter, Reddit, or whatever?
Even if it doesn't say "sponsored", it's an ad, and that's all it is.
Every meme, silly behind-the-scenes video, apology video, announcement, relatable/personable post? They are ads, and ads are the product of advertisers.
A relatable meme posted by Marvel has more in common with an Avengers trailer than it does with a relatable meme posted by one of your friends, so for the rest of this post I'm going to just talk about corporate social media as advertisers, because that is what they are.
Now, advertisers want as many people as possible to see their stuff. Advertisers are exclusively in the business of grabbing attention.
This means that advertisers don't want to scare people away. Advertisers want their ads to be shown as broadly as possible, and they don't want their ads associated with uncomfortable or edgy things.
"Uncomfortable or edgy", of course, is a double-edged sword; on the one hand, when Sean Hannity defends a pedophile on Fox News, the ad boys will pull their ads, because yikes -- but on the other hand, when sex workers try to exist on [tumblr], the ad boys will also pull their ads, because of a long and stupid history of stigma associated with sex in the western world.
And important to remember: advertisers will give [tumblr] money while they're here, and whoever gives [tumblr] money determines the shape of the platform. (this is why you should blaze posts and do the paid ad-free browsing thing)
So here's where we talk about ✨engagement✨!
Engagement, invented by Sir Francis Engagem in 1836, is one of the banes of social media creators everywhere on the internet. It's less of an issue on Tumblr because Tumblr is a trashfire, but what is relevant here is the fact that engagement gives advertisers the means to make more ads.
If you send asks to Marvel:
Marvel will take that as a sign that people are seeing and engaging with their tumblr account, which means that people are seeing and engaging with their ads, which means that they will want to keep doing it.
since [tumblr] is a platform built on collaborative mechanics -- including reblogging, commenting, screenshotting, and, yes, asks -- unless the ask is truly rancid (and most asks, even mocking ones, are not nearly rancid enough to prevent this), sending anyone an ask is providing them with a means to, for lack of a better term, "make content", which, in Marvel's case, means make an ad.
Sending asks to corporate accounts encourages them to stick around and make more ads, which will lead to them having a firmer position on the platform, which will lead to them getting more control over the platform, which will lead to the platform slowly edging out all the "uncomfortable and edgy" stuff.
Do you like having queer spaces on the hellsite? Do you like having weird art on here? Do you like having bizarre memes and unique site culture? Do you like being able to say things like "kill" and "mental health" and "kung pow penis" and "I want to put Benedict Cumberbatch in a blender"?
Then ignore and block every corporate account you see.
do not engage. do not ask. do not reblog. block block block.
this post links to a compendium of corporate blogs. use it to block them fucking all.
spread the word
(and idk if I word things well or not? my go-to for wording things is to just try to make things as clear as humanly possible and be very specific about what words I use and when)
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sunshinegat0r · 11 months
I went to a Fall Out Boy concert last night! It was so much fun, I haven't been to many concerts and their set designs blew my mind. They're one of my favorite bands and everyone there had such fun outfits and styles, it was just a blast.
My friend did my makeup and hair and tbh it was stunning, so uh I guess face reveal below the cut? And also a clip of my favorite set piece/one of my favorite songs ♥
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We went for a "galaxy punk" look and it was SO ✨sparkly✨ Hell yeah sword necklace and space earrings ⚔ iiiii normally wear exactly Zero makeup, so this was a lot for me.
Maybe mid-way through the show, they had this Giant Dog Head that could bob around and open its mouth, and it was SO COOL, and the eyes glowed 👀 The song is "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race," please excuse the exuberant camera motions, I was fist-pumping with my other hand, lol.
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