#and theyll become friends. how do they do that? i know its not luck. how do people have conversations in ways that lead to that?
be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
maybe i am cool and fun to be around. i feel like people dont like me but ive hardly been around anyone in so long so i have no proof of that.
#the bin#there have been some people who seemed to wanna be friends. i wish it couldve happened.#there was one of my sisters old coworkers who said they wanted to be friends. i really wanted to get to know them and hangout but i didnt#have tbeir contact info and my sister kept randomly having falling outs with them bc shes the worst#they stopped wanting to be around my sister. apparently they still wanted to be my friend but i never got her contact info#she seemed so cool. she showed me her los and monster high collection one of the few times we hung out. i wish we coulda watched#barbie movies together or smth. but no.#how do you meet people? where do you meet people who like the some kinda stuff you do? is it all just luck based?#ive been thinking music shows might be a good idea to try n meet people. that seems to be where a lot of people meet their cool alt friends#i wish i wasnt so lost on how social stuff works. others seem to just make friends wherever. but whenever i talk to people it ends quickly#how do you turn an acquaintance into a friend? some people will meet somone once in a circumstance where theyd never run into them again#and theyll become friends. how do they do that? i know its not luck. how do people have conversations in ways that lead to that?#how do you even learn you have these common interests or that you just like their personality? i hardly know what to talk about that isnt#immediately relevant. i do pretty well socially in work settings bc i can make some casual conversation but its all pretty enpty#i feel so awful every second of the day. nothing distracts me from it. i just wanna talk to someone. watch a show with someone#hold soneones hand. not be alone all the time.#i miss telling jokes. its like such a big part of me and how i interact with people. i have bareky gotten to joke around with anyone in#months. i think that especially is crushing me honestly#i just. i feel SO BAD. every day feels so long and horrible. its only one more month and then things will change at least somewhat but#everyday is so hard to get through. every hour feels like forever. i hate it. i can do anything to feel better#i feel empty of everything besides horrible feelings
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t4tdanvis · 5 months
This ask is your sign to talk about any of your aus (please do)
😼 you dont know how much i LOVE talking about my aus
i have like 10000000000000000 different aus but i will choose one of them to talk about rn. one i dont think ive talked about much on tumblr?? ive talked about it a LOT in the aphverse server im in so shout out to yall for putting up with me /j
this au is also probably the au that made me extremely obsessed with vylad. not my fault hes just so fucking attractive 😔
so anyways. dante and gene both get kidnapped by a "medical research" company (which is a front for like. human experimentation). later they find out that garte is the ceo of that company and bc hes friends with dante and gene's dad (shittiest dads in the world gotta stick together /j) their dad basically just handed them over to be experimented on
so anyways they have wings now!! dante has black wings and gene has white wings. also the experiments messed with the colors of their hair. here is a very quick sketch of what they look like now
Tumblr media Tumblr media
dante is 22-ish and gene is 24-ish whenever they escape the lab (they were both there for 4 years). vylad is the one who helps them escape (however dante ends up getting separated from them and runs off. dw hes fine he finds travis, garroth, and laurance)
uh... i should probably explain the setting. and then we will talk about my bbg vylad 😁
so this takes place in the future obviously. its a dystopian future where uhhh basically a while (30-40 years) ago a bunch of countries went to war and completely destroyed most of the landscape of the world and killed off a LOT of the population and now the world is sorta trying to rebuild itself back up. the place where the story mainly takes place is o'khasis city, which garte is the governor of. its one of the (relatively) safest places for many many miles, and traveling across whats basically a desert filled with random people out there doing anything to survive is dangerous.
ur also just not allowed to leave the city without permission (and u have to have a very good reason to leave). this is for a lot of reasons including how dangerous is outside and also bc they want everyone to stay there so they have enough people to keep everything running smoothly
anyways. vylad. hes got a lot of lore. oh god
so first of all. vylad, zane, and garroth all have the very unfortunate luck of being the kids of garte. when gartes kids were 5, 6, and 7 respectively, he began working on a mind control drug that would basically make anyone who took it do whatever he said. at first, it didnt work super well, and he spent many years getting his scientists to perfect it. before he could fully perfect it, vylad ran away when they were 11, so they were never fully under mind control. zane and garroth, however, were put under full mind control and have been ever since (you do have to keep taking the drug about once every 24 hours or the effects will start to wear off, but garte can just tell them "take one of these a day" and theyll have to).
vylad knows about what garte is doing but doesnt have any evidence, and the side effects of the drug mean that his brain just sorta fucks itself over (giving him headaches, making his limbs not move properly, causing him to black out) whenever garte tells him to do anything (this is because the drug was very much a prototype and it permanently fucked up his brain)
when vylad ran away, about five days after he escaped he sorta just passed out in an alleyway on the edge of town. that happened to be the alleyway that sasha, gene, and zenix were currently staying in - sasha manages to convince gene and zenix to Maybe Not Kill This Random Kid and vylad wakes up after like 18 hours and is like "what thje fuck happended"
anyways, sasha, gene, zenix, and vylad quickly become a team, although vylad is the only one who goes and sneaks out of town randomly every few days (hes going to garte's company's lab to see if theyve created a cure for the mind control drug, because theyre trying to create a cure as a backup just in case anything goes wrong)
gene is technically not a runaway, they still mostly live at home with dante and maria. their dad isnt really in their life at all, until he randomly shows up when theyre like 20 and suddenly dante and gene mysteriously disappear a couple days later
vylad immediately knows what happened, but unfortunately the section of the lab where he knows theyre keeping gene and dante is super high security. if he gets caught, theres literally no hope for anyone because garte will just put him under the mind control drug forever. so it takes four entire years for him to rescue gene and dante
thankfully, garte didnt have them put the two under the mind control drug, since he needs all of it for zane and garroth. which makes vylad's job a little easier lol
oh yeah also remember when i said that dante gets found by travis, garroth, and laurance? yeah. garroth is 100% under mind control (which does give you bright green, glowing eyes, but he hides that with contacts) and is being forced by garte to spy on his friends. and whenever she, travis, and laurance find dante, she reports back to garte that one of the escaped experiments has been found, and so garte tells him to go find gene as well.
i need to actually write this bc this is something i actually wanna write instead of just rotate around in my brain forever HDFHDGGHDGHDF so im not gonna tell u all the plot. L for u ig /j
oh also vylad and zenix are very good friends. the best of friends. just guys being dudes. a couple of pals. just some buddies who send each other romantic letters when theyre apart and also kiss each other. just super close friends :)
also sasha has a pet snake and zenix has two pet rats (xe uses xeir rats to carry letters to vylad) :>
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hxseok-honee · 4 years
honee explains : soulmate stuff for peripeteia !
heyyy okay so i know this au is gonna be kinda confusing when it comes to the soulmate stuff so i thought id write an explanation post and put it in the masterlist for this au! and trust me, dont worry if this whole concept is confusing -- it took me an hour on the phone w my friend talking through potential ideas and a fully thought out concept for this au for me to even get it right and i still have to make adjustments as i go. so heres how it works ! there is some stuff i wont cover for the sake of the au and figuring stuff out with the characters as it goes along!
1. everyone has a soulmate. i considered making it so that some people didnt but that would have opened up a whole dark side of this that i didnt want to do for this au -- its a cool concept though! evil witches and wizards without soulmates ? thats wicked stuff
2. however, you dont HAVE to end up wth your soulmate -- it’s not guaranteed , and thats to allow for some bit of freedom in life, right? its not all left up to fate and its not binding -- but that could bring up some problems,,, like the emotions thing. additionally, this is such a rare case that not everyone knows this.
3. at age 11, when you first arrive at hogwarts, you start to be able to feel your soulmates emotions . it’s kind of like just having a second set of emotions that youre aware of in the back of your mind, but when theyre strong emotions you feel them much more intensely. they never take over your emotions, but you are kind of always aware of them. and if you both are feeling the same thing at the same time,,, that could be a cool thing to think about :))
4. the Clock Day! thats not the official name for it (that shits in latin, its too hard to remember), but its basically what everyone calls it. essentially, the same day you start feeling your soulmates emotions, a kind of countdown begins for you, and it appears as a marking on your body somewhere. like a stop watch on your body. no one else can see it , and you ARE allowed to tell people what it says but most like to keep it personal. or the most theyll say is that it’s “soon” or “next year”, that kind of thing. its not rude to refer to someone else’s day or talk about someone else’s soulmate, but it is kind of rude to push and demand information from other people about something very personal. so, what happens when this countdown reaches 0:00:00? you are kind of hit with this clouded vision that reveals to you the face of your soulmate and memories of them that match up to some of the most powerful emotions theyve ever felt that, ofc, you have also felt. its kind of like matching up the other side of the story with what youve been feeling from them up until that point.
5. you dont have the same clock day as your soulmate. there is nothing stopping you from telling them once you figure out who they are, but in doing so you are essentially ruining their own clock day and the once in a lifetime experience that everyone talks about, which makes this very bad luck and kind of a taboo. hogwarts students believe that if you ruin your soulmates clock day, you wont end up with them because they will never forgive you and choose to find someone else to love. no one can confirm this, but some say you will eventually lose their emotions because youve severed the bond in breaking their trust. however, as traditions and taboos go, the story gets lost in being passed down and things just become scary stories and no one knows what the truth is anymore, so a lot of students dont know WHY theyre not supposed to tell, they just know its bad luck.
6. this whole soulmate thing can definitely cause some rifts in different groups of students -- ex : purebloods would know all about the practices and traditions and rules, but muggleborns would have to learn it and are more likely to be overwhelmed by the whole thing. you can see how this can get messy based on the beliefs a student holds about secrecy and privacy and asking questions, which is completely natural when you dont know what the etiquette is and you’re trying to learn.
so all of this is kind of to say -- the only confirmed soulmates as of this moment in the au are tae and jimin. that DOES NOT mean other members of the group havent had their clock days. it just means they havent said anything if they have. :))) 
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wormssss · 4 years
so. basically. tl;dr i ffuucking hate school it sucks and it doesnt. do ANYTHING but make things worse . anyway.
the schooling system like. it sucks for me specifically in a few ways idk abt anyone else. for starters; neurodivergency literally at all makes it so hard to function in a classroom environment. its so loud? idk if anyone else gets that in their classrooms but you can hear my class of 23~ from the bottom floor of the 3 story building and that’s considered quiet. as well as like, i cannot function in a classroom without my friends? im out at school and like.... everyones.. transphobic obv why wouldnt they be, and its not in like a..any avoidable way. if i sit with the guys they’ll refuse to talk to me and deadname me all period adn if i sit with the girls theyll laugh at me every time i fucking breathe idk, but the school still thinks putting me in a classroom with kids that visibly hate me and see me as a CRINGE ENTERTAINMENT IRONY MACHINE is like a good idea? and a good way for me to make friends? i dont know if its my luck or if they’re deliberately doing it, but, next term for example i have drama and cooking as classes. two of my friends also have cooking ....but they dont have me in their class. they��re together. but im not in their class. im on my own because other than them and the girl who already did cooking these past two terms (so she cant do it next term) i have.... no other friends. so im definitely in a class of complete strangers! and the way they have this school, you have no choice but to work with someone else in a cooking class...... you are paired with someone in the same mini kitchen and its a disaster but i digress.
also, like. school goes for 6 hours. by the time you get home and get changed and get settled, its sunset so you can’t go out and do anything. you can’t go to the park or climb a tree. youre stuck inside. your family is like groggy from work or whatever and doesnt want to talk to you. you have no energy to get online and talk to your friends online. or theyre asleep. so basically at least for me i get... no time to actually talk to my friends, for example i havent had an actual conversation with piper in like... two months i swear. we’ve forgotten how to talk to eachother and that actually goes with all of my friends. by the weekend we’re still awkward because we havent spoken in months so we can’t really even talk. and because of this rigid like, routine you have to have to actually be able to go to school at all (wake up 7. eat. get dressed. go to school. come home. get changed. eat. shower. go to bed. repeat), i actually like.... find myself. forgetting Everything. i dont know what it is about strict routine where i cannot be myself (my school has a strict and ugly uniform), but it makes me ... completely forget everything slowly and my memory decays. my time blindness gets worse to the point where i dont know what month it is on a regular basis and like... i ditch a lot? because of this? maybe if the schedule didnt make me dissociate and forget everything i wouldnt ditch constantly and like. actually go to school. but like my attendance is... im not at school 25% of the time because i physically cannot go every single day and attend to that rigid and exact cycle that doesnt even teach me anything
doesnt even teach me anything? i dont ... learn anything from school. they like. reteach the same meaningless part of a subject every single year. every year in religious studies in october i learn about the rosary and we spend a lot of the period praying the rosary and i like. ok. cool. its a religious school yeah but what am i actually learning from this. and every year in social studies we learn abt the waitangi treaty but the way they teach it is so whitewashed and utopian and its fucked and they teach it the same way every year around the same time. and anzac day. and in math im not going to use any of those skills you teach me, i dont care about algebra or anything because thats not really going to actually help me in my life im an artist for fucks sake teach me about managing my own finances! teach me how to do taxes! teach me how to function in the society i live in! teach me the important things that ill sink under or die without knowing i want to actually know important things but by cramming so many unimportant things in my brain all the time i forget the actual important things, i fucking failed basic addition and subtraction last year, i’ve forgotten division and multiplication past the 10 times table, but i can vaguely read an algebra equasion BUT FUCKING ALGEBRA EQUASIONS WILL NEVER UFCKING GET ME ANYWJERE!!!!! and it makes me so fucking angry i want to learn and function and KNOW
and the way they tightly bundle everyone to being one conforming individual who dresses like everyone else, is at the same intelligence level as everyone else, is a catholic like everyone else, does not question authority as everyone else or does not question themselves like everyone else or think like anyone else OR BE DIFFERENT THAN ANYONE ELSE makes me want to FUCKING THROW UP. there are so many hopes and dreams that i remember watching from primary school to now sink into a hopeless pit of stereotypes and basic conformity, people who used to be nice are suffocated into being horrible people so that theyre liked by their peers or get anny attention from the school at all, guys who used to respect women (god forbid) suddenly becoming horrible to anyone of any slightly different gender identity but you can actually see on their face how weird it is to them, waves of 11-14 year olds getting nose studs that get infected and they’re forced to have them taken out by the school, kids trying to do their makeup to look like SOMEONE to BE AT ALL DIFFERENT FROM ANYONE ELSE are put right back in their place and told to take it all off and their parents are called and if youre caught with the wrong jacket your parents are called and youre told youre too poor to wear what the school provides yet THEY DONT EVEN LET YOU WEAR WHAT THE SCHOOL PROVIDES WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS 70 DOLLAR HOODIE FOR WHEN YOU WONT LET ME WEAR IT WHILE IM SHIVERING I DONT SEE THE POINT OF ENFORCING SUCH TIGHT POINTLESS SMALL BOUNDARIES OF WHAT A PERSON CAN BE WHY IS IT SO LIMITED? are we not allowed to do anything? you cant even have one strip of hair dye yet a teacher can have a full head of bright purple hair what’s that about? you can have antisemetic pins on your senior year blazer jacket but the second you put a pride pin on there youre called to the principals office and asked why youre promoting this to kids
you try a speech on trans rights and they dont even pass you and pretend its because you got over the time limit but you didnt, you timed it yourself for your friends you didnt get over the time limit and you know it but you didnt even place in fourth you placed last out of 6 or 8 and you wonder why that is because every year in the past you soared into first so whats that about???? in my speech i said be yourself and dont be afraid to experiment with your gender lightly and they told me to take it out because its seen as too much and i said what the fuck? that’s the most important part of my speech, i want to promote acceptance in others and the self and they said take it out or you cant present your speech. they actively suffocate any sort of self expression or nonconformity of any sort you have to be a plain cookiecutter boy or girl and thats it you cannot be anything else, for nearly 6 months theyve fought me and my mom about my hair but if anyones being hurt by it its me because it draws more attention to the kid you can call slurs, are you hurt because im actually expressing myself? are you hurt by my little sharp stud earrings and my industrial piercing and the embroidered cuff on my shirt? are you offended by the heart on my belt or the platforms on my school shoes because the last time i checked none of these were illegal things to have at school
this kind  of got a lot angrier than i meant to make it but ive been . really angry abt this for the past year idk. i really just wanted to write this because i ahvent spoken to piper properly in months and the way we talk now seems like when we just met but i cannot carry a conversation anymore because school knocked the wind out of me all over again and the sudden inability to talk to any of my friends online makes me want to scream until my lungs give out im so tired
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barlieandthescouts · 4 years
Charlie Gardener High School Headcanons Also I Don’t Know How To Spell So Ignore The Typos And Misspellings
One of the smartest kids in school
Usually skips out on lunch and eats a PB&J in the back of the lunchroom to avoid getting made fun of
When Bruno found out, he joined Charlie three days of every week
Charlie was flustered at first but slowly got used to Bruno hanging around
They’ve gotten shushed by the librarians quite a few times
Charlie's part of the student council
Hes the treasurer because he's good at math and budgeting
He figures he wasn't popular enough to be elected president
He prefers his role as treasurer anyway
He's also captain of the debate team
He's very good at arguing
Like, scarily good
No one should have the power to be as persuasive as Charlie is
Once the new teacher picked a fight with Charlie
Charlie won
His favourite class is Science
He breezes through it, because logic and data is his best friend
His favourite is chemistry, how everything has its place and has controlled change
He gets an A+ in science, math, and english
He gets an A in all his other classes
People would think he obsessed over his grades, but he doesnt really give a fuck
He really just wants to learn more stuff
And he knows he gets honour role anyway, so he doesnt pay much attention to them
He plays piano sometimes
Not that often, though, just occasionally, but if he put his mind to it he could become a prodigy
He’s won first place in every science fair, except for one
He is pissed that he didnt win the 7th grade science fair
A freaking volcano won, which he thinks is very uncreative
He doesnt usually put his tropheys and ribbons on his shelves and walls
Most of his ribbons and tropheys are stashed away in a box at the bottom of his closet
One day while Bruno is over studying (more like slacking off, really) he finds the box and brushes off the dusk before proudly displaying the tropheys in Charlies room
Charlie attempts to put them away again, but Bruno won’t let him
Theyve sat on his desk untouched since
Charlie grins when he sees them now
Hes constantly fidgeting around with his wristwatch
c o n s t a n t l y
bored?? fidgets with watch. nervous??  fidgets with watch. Focused??  fidgets with watch. Literally always  fidgets with his watch.
Dislikes gym class
Dislikes the locker room more
Always wears matching socks
His sock drawer is organized and he cant remember ever wearing mismatched socks
His shirts are neatly folded for the most part
His desk is messy organized
To anyone else, it would look messy
But to Charlie everything is in its place and he can find his papers and his stuff easily
On his bookshelf he has a few neat trinkets among all of his books
He has a seashell from the only family trip hes been on, he has a candle he burns when hes really stressed over something, and he has a few rocks that are special to him among other things
His favourite trinket is a small wooden giraffe that Bruno carved for him
He had run up between classes, given it to him, then ran off
When Charlie has a big academic event or is doing something that makes him nervous, he keeps the giraffe in his pocket as a good luck charm
Makes his younger brother a brown paper bag lunch every morning
Has been close friends with Mari since grade school
She’s the first one that he came out to as gay
And vice versa
They talk about boys together sometimes
And life
Theyll sit on the beanbags in Mari’s treehouse and talk for hours sometimes
Theyve only ever had one argument
Theyll go to Pup N Taco all the time together
Some people think that the two of them are lowkey dating (theyre not)
They kind of have the friendship that Simon and Leah have (from Love Simon and Leah Off Beat books)
Charlie isnt the best at baking
He’s got cooking down like an ace
But baking is dififcult
He doesnt get where he goes wrong- baking is like science
Measuring the ingredients and mixing it and following the steps perfectly-
But no matter what he does he just doesnt understand baking
Bruno is an ace at baking, although he would never admit it
Bruno has tried countless times to show Charlie how to bake, but Charlie is hopeless
Charlie enjoys giving up and sitting at the counter and watching as Bruno bakes
He tells Mari all about Bruno when they talk, and Mari smiles, knowing what Charlie doesnt
Until he meets Bruno, Mari is the only one who he will let call him anything other than Charlie
Mari’s nickname for him is “Periwinkle”
Because in the first grade when the teacher asked everyones favourite colours, while all the other kids said simple things like “blue” and “red” and “pink”, Charlie said “periwinkle”
When Mari got a car, she picked up Charlie and his brother most days on the way to school so that they dont have to wait in the cold for the bus
Charlie often spends his free study period in the library, getting his homework done so that he can work on his own projects at home
Once Bruno lent Charlie one of his leather jackets
He wore it up until the moment he gave it back
Bruno said he could keep it, to Charlies delight
When he cant sleep, Charlie wraps up in Brunos old leather jacket
these were all trash but i hope you liked them
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lydah · 4 years
hey everyone, I am approaching my tenth year of retail service because i am old, and i have noticed that a lot of my friends and followers are applying for their first jobs (i am so sorry) so i just wanted to share some Retail Survival Knowledge and advice for everyone who is joining the retail side of work (i am so sorry)
This is all just things I had to learn myself, that I wish somebody had told me 10 years ago. 
1. Everything you read about interviews doesn’t apply to retail. The first 8 months of trying to get a job were held back by me trying to call back or walk in to ask about the job, giving bullshit answers to questions like “what is your greatest weakness” (EVEN THOUGH being a perfectionist IS my greatest weakness, i was able to repaint it to sound like it by saying “i am such a nervous wreck I can get very upset about trivial things and that’s something I’m working on etc explain explain explain” to make it sound real.) 
2. Just bring a resume, even if its shitty. Put anything on there you can, Just 4 months ago I applied for 3 jobs and every single one said the same thing, “you have a resume, you’re already 2 steps ahead of everyone else who’s come in here.” 
3. Retail interviewers are looking for warm bodies, not professionals. Most of my coworkers aren’t seasoned retail workers, but just teenagers looking for their first job. Go there, be a human, chatter, have fun, they’re just a human too, often a human who isn’t making much more than you will be. 
I know it’s hard, especially if you’re a fellow anxious wreck, but think about it this way. When you walk into that interview, look at it like “i am here to provide you with a service, what can you do for me?” rather than “i need money please please hire me.” This helps a ton with confidence levels, and I think saying things the right way means more than what you say. 
The past 3 jobs I applied for, I got job offers on, not because I was treating the interviewer like a saint who may give me a sweet, sweet paycheck that can’t pay my bills, but because I talked to them from one human being to another. Being real in the interview is refreshing. The more I talked to them as an equal peer, the better the interviews were received. 
Remember, you ARE providing them with a service. Nobody wants these jobs, they don’t pay well, the retail customer culture has become a literal hellscape with weekly horror stories, and most jobs are understaffed. It’s easy to get a job in retail, because retail NEEDS people. Every hiring manager I’ve talked to has said it, whenever I’ve brought up the problem with understaffing and hours. “Trust me, we are looking, we are campaigning, we stand at the front of the store giving out flyers to find hirees. The problem is nobody wants to work here.” 
4. All Retail jobs are the same. From Walmart to Target, from Winco to Kroger, from Petsmart to Best Buy, they all offer basically the same nearly pointless benefits, they all offer basically the same pay, and regardless of anything, they all offer basically the same work experience. Just apply to whatever is close by. 
Winco gets so much positive press for being progressive and paying well, but you won’t see those benefits til you’ve been there for a decade, and who wants to stick around for 10 years, especially after the company got bought by Albertsons. Walmart gets a lot of shit for being a bad company when they’re literally doing the same thing everyone else does, but they’re more blatant about it. I worked at one Walmart when I started transitioning and it was possibly my favorite job, while Winco was probably one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had in my life, full of OSHA violations and daily cuts and bruises. It’s the workers that make the job, not the company. Remember that. 
5. I cannot, stress this one enough, Loyalty doesn’t get you anywhere. If you don’t like your job, look for a new one. The raises you’ll get every 6 months to a year will not give you any difference in your paychecks. Oftentimes, the raises are so low you’ll end up eventually getting paid less than people who are just getting hired on, because the companies minimum wage climbs faster than the 6-10 cent raises you’ll get on a yearly basis. I gave walmart 4 years of my time with impeccable full time work, and by the end I was getting paid 80 cents less than a kid who was just hired and had no work experience. Experience doesn’t matter, seniority doesn’t matter, you’re a number to them, they don’t care. 
6. Be friendly with your managers, but don’t forget that managers are not your friends. Anything you say to them can and will be used against you. As a Chronic Oversharer, this is probably one of the hardest things for me. Give them as little information as possible, don’t add them on social networking until after you’ve quit, be careful what you say. Their job is to manipulate. They get friendly so you stick around, so you share information you shouldn’t, and so you keep working hard for them even if they don’t pay you for your work.
7. Ask Questions. Ask So Many Questions. This was something it took me a while to get used to. I was scared of annoying my peers, so instead of doing things right, I took guesses to stay out of everyone’s hair. This isn’t good for you, it’ll make your coworkers hate you because when you make mistakes, we have to fix them. As the Local Retail Know-It-All, I will always love a coworker who doesn’t guess infinitely more than one who tries to keep a low profile by acting like they know what they’re doing. If you ever have a question, Ask It. Ask your coworker, ask your manager, ask the resources on the computer if the company has them posted online, if you’re not sure about something, ask until you’re sure. I’ve never had somebody get annoyed by it. 
Asking shows you care, even if you don’t. It provides you with knowledge that will help you with this company, or help you with future companies. Every job I’ve had has had nearly the same premise with slightly different layouts and interfaces. I’ve gotten to the point where any retail store I walk into, I know how to do everything. Getting that knowledge makes you more hireable, which also makes you harder to pin down, because you won’t feel stuck somewhere if you hate it. 
8. Finally, the minute that you might have an OUT to get away from retail and into any field you’re EVEN SLIGHTLY interested in, TAKE IT. GET OUT. If somebody says they want to teach you to be a dog trainer, TAKE IT. If somebody says you’d be good in an office because of how fast you type, TAKE IT. If somebody acknowledges that you’re super good with this piece of technology and that you’d be good working for this company that pays 5 dollars more per hour, TAKE IT. 
OF COURSE this doesn’t mean you should be gullible, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be skeptical of people who seem shady, people you don’t know, and weird signs you find on the street. Scammers do exist, don’t put yourself in danger because somebody is offering something unrealistic. But if its a friend, a coworker, anyone who can give you a contact, it is ALWAYS worth looking into. I gave up too many opportunities because of my fruitless and unnecessary comfort and loyalty with where I was. I’ve been offered jobs that were clearly fake, too. Look into things, but don’t be brash about it. Look things up online, follow your gut, but don’t give up opportunities for a company that doesn’t care about you. 
I know that looking for work can be scary, and I believe you’ll find something. If you’re not good at interviews, THATS OKAY, there will always be some manager who is so desperate for help theyll hire anyone who walks in. That might be the first job you get, and it might suck, but it’ll give you something to put on your resume. Just keep looking! I believe in you!
Also, I know that this is painting it all with a very negative lense, but don’t be intimidated by it, it gives you a place to start in life, and in this climate, that’s what is important. Retail has helped me a lot with my social skills and anxiety, and has made me a lot of memorable friends, and turned me into the person I am today. 10 years ago I thought I was going to do retail for the rest of my life, but after all of this shit, I have the confidence to pursue greater things. 
My point is, don’t sacrifice your health, your safety, and your comfort for a shit job. ITS JUST RETAIL. Its your fellow coworkers who will make the retail life tolerable, it’ll be people like me who will teach you the ropes, and you should listen to them. The Cynical Coworker Who Has Been Doing This Shit Too Long has always been my best friend. You’ll be able to spot them a mile away. Hold onto them while you can, they always leave before you know it. 
Good luck to everyone who might find this info useful, remember I believe in you, and I think you’re going to do just fine, it’s not as scary as it seems. Life will take you places, and you’ll get where you want to be, even if it takes you longer than your peers. Just keep moving forward, and know that YOU GOT THIS.  
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tumblunni · 5 years
Brainstorming about my yokai watch ocs: Dimmy and Gorgeous Ambassador, the most cutest family
* My Dimmy's name is Blythe and they are nonbinary. Gorgeous Ambassador is male and i dont have a name for him yet. I was thinking maybe try and make up a dub name for kageusuo (anime exclusive pre evolution) that sounds like it could have been his nickname as a human? Cos his story is that he used to be a wandering mercenary in ye olde ninja times, i feel like itd be fitting.
* Blythe is the main partner of my protagonist in my yokai watch lp, basically the jibanyan of the anime of my heart. Their personality is mostly similar to the Dimmy in the anime, but i feel like theyre maybe older and more powerful than the average Dimmy? Like a weak low evolution yokai thats stayed unevolved for centuries and is actually more skilled and world weary than you'd assume. Protag just got lucky that she bumped into this one super magikarp, lol! Also i like to draw them looking more teenage age by just taking the regular Dimmy design and making the tail extra super long. They stand roughly twice as tall as the protagonist and can wrap around her shoulders like a scarf :3 Blythe is however totally unaware of their super powerful mega skill and is very self depreciating and low confidence. But Mallory totally sees them as a cool older sibling mentor figure and is always trying to figure out ways to make their tol squiggle friend feel included and valued :3
* the way Gorgeous Ambassador comes into the picture is that he was actually the same sort of figure to Blythe! Back in the ninja era Blythe was partners with another human, but he passed away in tragic circumstances and it led to their current depressed self. However he actually reincarnated as a yokai and has been trying to find his lil sibling ever since! I feel like he was a failure samurai who tried to protect people but was so weak he never could. And he was always broke and starving and begging to do any sort of miscellaneous jobs for anyone or even let them punch him in the stomach for a few coins. And he had just as much self confidence issues as Blythe but he coped with it by becoming a compulsive liar instead, always boasting and trying to sell himself as some legendary hero to keep from facing the truth. Since Blythe was a cute lil babby yokai at the time, they always believed their human master's tall tales and looked up to him, which made him feel really guilty and try harder to work on becoming someone this kid could be genuinely proud of.
* Blythe was first born as a household spirit. Cos i was thinking about what Dimmy would be before it became a ninja, since the medallium description says it 'got a job as a ninja to put its powers to use', so like it isnt really a ninja yokai but just a yokai thats a ninja? I guess?? I figured that the idea of being an invisible shadow supporter fit with household spirits/domovoi/zakishi warishi (probably mispelled that) and the various other similar creatures in mythologies all over the world. Just the idea that theres some sort of being that protects your house and if you give it offerings and take good care of the place it will protect you and your family. So yeah its my headcanon that thats how Dimmys are born, and that theres probably many variants wearing different outfits inspired by whatever type of humans they guarded. Tho yeh ninja is a job that works really well with their abilities so it makes sense itd be the primary representative of the species in the games.
* Human-dude-who-would-become-gorgeous-ambassador first met Blythe when one of his various failed attempts to get a job happened to cross paths with the family Blythe was guarding. This family didnt believe in such old suspicions and never gave offerings to their household spirit, so it stayed small and weak and was almost fading away. Baby blythe didnt know why their humans didnt love them, even though they tried so hard to bring good luck and clean the fireplace and stuff. So they felt a sense of kinship with this poor failure samurai who was begging for food on their doorstep. The humans of the household spat in his face and turned him away empty handed, but the tiny yokai snuck some rice from the pantry and gave it to him. They were surprised that he was able to see them, and he gave them the first thank you they'd ever had!
* Addendum note: i feel like gorgeous samurai was cursed with being able to see yokai from a young age and its part of whay made him so determined to become strong enough to protect people. Perhaps his biological family was killed by an evil yokai and nobody ever believed what he saw? And he wandered japan trying to save other people and always failing and being blamed for what happened, since nobody could see the real culprit. This reputation of being a liar when he wasnt = he ended up actually lying about how he was totally fine and not sad and also great and not hating himself. Its not really something he can control anymore, its like a stress response and it keeps getting him in trouble but he cant stop. "Yes sure i can save the day, i'm awesome!" only makes things worse when he inevitably loses again, whic only makes his self confidence worse and traps him further in the lies...
* so anyway, he became friends with this lil babby yokai and kept coming back to visit them and tell more tall tales of his grand adventures. And eventually he managed to help Blythe come out of their shell a little and agree to leave this house where they were only fading away. Haunting him instead, the lil shadow soon flourished back to full health from being loved for the first time. And their new big bro would always give them the biggest share of all the food even when he was starving, and always wasted his money buying things for them, and knitted them lil scarfs and just HE WAS A GOODEST BIG BRO! They also made a great team, and he was finally able to fight evil yokai with a yokai of his own helping him out. Things were good for a few years!
* Eventually though, they faced a foe too strong for them to defeat. (Not sure yet who it is, cos it could be cool if they faced it again in the present day for a rematch?) Blythe's human friend ran into a burning building to save the people being attacked by this yokai, but because he was already gravely injured he didnt manage to make it out in time. And blythe was just a tiny bab who wasnt strong enough to carry his unconcious body to safety. So their last memories of him are of crying and begging him to wake up as the house fell apart all around them, and eventually the flames swallowed him up. the tiny yokai just ran and ran away from their shame, and never saw an ashy figure rising from the ruins and calling their name...
* eventually after years of struggling alone and lacking meaning in life, Blythe had a chance meeting with our protagonist and thus begins my yokai watch 1 lets play! At the same time their yokaified big bro is still out there searching for them, and maybe one day theyll meet again...
* also i wanna go with the pre-evo the anime added of Gorgeous Ambassador evolving from a sad depressed vampire lookin dude. Even if the whole circumstances here are vastly different! But we dont really have any info on what kageusuo's powers or stats would be, so i guess i'm free to mess around with that? I like the idea of it being vampiric just cos i feel it looks like that. But instead of drinking blood maybe its a hunger for shadows? Which is actually beneficial to humans and makes them less overshadowed aka the opposite of Dimmy's power. So if you ever feel that you're radiating charisma with perhaps a slightly lighter shadow, maybe youve been inspirited by this guy! And then the evolution into Gorgeous Ambassador doesnt actually change anything at all, except just looking more fashionable and confident (which is absolutely a lie). His power already made people more fabulous while being unable to affect himself, he just worked a bit harder on himself to try and catch up with everyone else. Self care vampire!
* oh and in this interpretation the way that kageusuo would be integrated into the gameplay is that Gorgeous Ambassador would get a new ability that lets him switch forms in battle, rather than it being a separate yokai. (Tho would still have a separate entry in the medallium just for conveinience of being able to view both character models whenever you want) Stuff that causes low confidence would make him poof between forms, and itd just be something like more attack based vs defense based, or maybe having two separate personality stats so its like his AI is slightly more versatile than the usual frustratingness of most yokai? Srsly im still so annoyed at so many yokai that have two mutually exclusive moves and the ai is stupid about using them at the wrong time to cancel each other out. Like how Dimmy can be given the AI personality to focus on attacking and thus take advantage of its auto-skill to be good at dodging aka a glass cannon. BUT also one of its skills gives that same status to an ally instead, which by definition takes it away from itself cos 'dont target this other guy' means there arent many other options. So you cpuld alternatively play dimmy as a supporter who exclusively protects others with that ability BUT the annoying part is that even when you set an AI profile to one particular move it still only makes it LIKELY to do that and not guaranteed. So every now and again your attacking dimmy will cancel its own buff to protect an enemy, or your supporting dimmy will forget to support abd instead buff itself despite not having the attack stat build to take advantage of it. Plus you cant have both and switch between modes mid battle, so thatd be REALLY useful if one yokai actually could do that, and also could change stats to fit! Im not sure how to give it a trigger condition thatd let you sorta change at will but also not be 100% easy and overpowered. I was thinking tying it to his confidence could mean missed attacks turn him into kageusuo and critical hits turn into gorgeous? But thatd be TOO uncontrollable...
* oh actually i think maybe i'll nickname him Amber! Just cos my brain just mispronounced gorgeous ambassador and It Kinda Works??? Also its a kind of name that sounds very pretty but also has connotations of gentle shyness, i think. Matches the duality of his fake boastfulness vs his true self doubt.
* Oh and i also thought of maybe having Blythe evolve into Casanono, even though you cant do that in canon. I feel like turning into a pretty humanoid would be a good way to symbolize their growing confidence ans casanono/casanuva has a big nonbinary aesthetic in my opinion. Plus of course the fact casanono is a variabt of a confident yokai thats actyally shy. Originally older brother dude was gonna be a casanuva to match, until i heard about Gorgerous Ambassador and decided it fits him better (especially with that new anime form!) So now im thinking maybe have Blythe be both casanono and casanuva at once, similar to their bro's form switching? But itd be more like casanuva is a rare super saiyan esque powerup when they experience rare moments of confidence. Im pretty much just doing this because SADLY casanono is a joke character who is literally mechanically forced to be useless in battle. Its ability makes it harder to catch yokai which ia already goddamn difficult, and it wastes a skill slot too. As opposed to Dimmy who has a similar personality of always being ignored and depressed but its abilities are actually beneficial. Itd suck to go from Blythe being my mvp to being unable to use them at all, so this would be a way to still always draw them as casanono in comics to match their actual personality, but using casanuva in battle cos.. Well.. Yeah its the functional one of the two. Level-5 if youre listening please make casanono useable in future games!! Casanuva is absolutely the worst one personality wise so it sucks that the game agrees with his ego that he's great and also punches his depressed counterpart into the bin of ignoreness DESPITE BEING SUPER SYMPATHETIC AND RELATEABLE AND ALSO CUTER COLOURSCHEME
Anyway thats all the thoughts i have so far. Except oh also itd be funny if throughout the whole story blythe keeps talking about their dead brother as if he was the super best most serious hero and then when the protagobists actually meet him he's this gaudy dork XD
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musicluvforever · 6 years
Kiss me s.m pt2
I send her a message, telling her that i would pass for her around 7 o’clock, and made my way to the place to verify everithing was perfect. The plan is simple, go for her to her parents House, even we live toghether for two years now, she went to say hi and talk a bit with them, go to the restaurant that we went for our first date, I made a reservation so that the restaurant was only ours for that night, talk about us, then go to for a walk, and the a ride ending on the classroom where everything started, right there our friends and family will be there hidding and when I decide to say it all theyll came up while our song plays on the background.
y/n POV
“I have to go, Shawn is waiting outside, it was good to see you, I missed you “ I said while I hug them
“It was good to see you to darling, but please dont forget about your parents too often” my dad says giggling
“Good luck tonight darling, I love you” said my mom hugging me again
“Okay, I guess, see you then” I opened the door and he was there standing with that beautiful smile and holding a bouquet of roses, my favorites, I smile and gave him a small kiss “Why is it for” I looked at him smelling the flowers
“Can’t give to my beautiful girlfriend a bouquet of her favorite flowers?” he asked back helping me to walk to the car
“Well, i dont know if you did something and its a way to apologize” I said before getting comfortable on the seat and laugh when he roll his eyes playfully
“I didnt do anything you, are you hungry? Im starving” he said turning on the car and starting to drive
“Yes, my mom didnt let me eat more food, even when i told her that i was so hungry! “ i dramatically said and he started to laugh “hey! Dont laught it was my favourite food!”
“That is sad love, but, lets go out for the dinner” he turn to me on a red light “what do you say?”
“Okay, but i want chinesse food” i kiss him quick before he start to drive again
“Naah, let´s go for italian food” he said holding my hand
“But i want chinesse” i said playing with his fingers
“Lets go for italian and tomorrow we ask for chinesse, okay?” he said leting go a Little sigh
“Okay, is everything okay love?” I asked
“Yes, yes, why? Everything is okay, why you ask?” he let a out a Little nervous laugh
“Well, you look a Little nervous and for no reason you bring me flowers, and you insist to eat italian food” I said looking at his profile
He didnt say anything, he just smile and continue driving to wherever the restaurant was, I turned on the radio and see through the window until we stop outside the restaurant from our first date and anniversary dates
“Hun? Why are we here? Its not our anniversary, right?,OMG! Did I forget our anniversary?” i looked at him a little scared but he was laughing “ why are you laughing? Mendes, why are you laughing?”
“You dont forgot anything, i just wanted to come here, its been a while since we eat here and i wanted to come”  he say while he hold my hand and walk to it
We make our way to our table, we order our food and we start to talk about everything since we met, till our first date,and our first day that we moved together and how we almost burn the apartment trying to cook a cake
“Im full” he said finishing his cake that order
“Me too” I laugh when he took the piece of cake left on my plate
“Lets go for a walk, what do you say?” he looked at me a little nervous
“Okay? You are acting wierd boy, what is going on?” I said while we walk
“Nothing, you always make me feel nervous” he said kissing the top of my head ”that’s why, let´s go, it´s getting late”
“For what?” i said looking at him while got inside the car
“You’ll see”  he said smiling and made his way to i don’t know where
After 30 minutes driving he parked outside our university, went down and help me to get out of the car
“What are we doooinggg here? I think i told ya that i wouldnt come back here after those infernal years” i said while i followed him 
“I know baby, I know, but you'll see why are we here” he guided me through the hallways till we stop in front of the music classroom
“What it's going on Shawn? Why we are here? I swear that if this is a joke I will kill you!” I yell when he got into the room
“Come in baby!” he says
“What the he... Shawn? What's going on? What is all of this? Why there are pictures from all our dates? Where are you?” I said trying to look around but the light was enough just to see all the pictures
 Suddenly Kiss me start to play and Christmas lights start to shine and he was in the middle of the room
 “Shawn? What's going on? Sh... Shawn what are you doing? OMG” my hands started to shake as he go down on a knee
“Y/n y/m/n y/l/n we've been together for 4 years now, we've been through a lot of things, we survived to our first big fight, we have a lot of history behind us, and I want more history with you, as my wife, as the mother of our kids, will you make me the honor of become my forever?” he said
I went down, shaking, crying and smiling like the Cheshire cat, hugged him and nodded with a little "of course". He put the ring and start to laugh and screaming "she said yes!" And from nowhere all our friends and family came out celebrating with us
“You are crazy but I love you” I said kissing him
“I love you too, my dear” he smile while we kiss
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sylvaetria · 7 years
dude just dont even feel bad about deleting asks you dont want to answer. do not. people are stupid and refuse to read things and its just going to wear you down and make your blog a place you dont want to go to. just delete them and move on, theyll figure it out. good luck to you
I’m already worn down ffs lol.
I know I spend way too much time catering on this blog. It’s me trying to not make people hate me, because that happens a lot IRL - I push people away, I can be rude and callous, and I try not to give any fucks to prevent any emotional backlash. And that has gotten me dubbed “The Ice Queen.” And as much as I may laugh it off and agree, because sometimes it’s true, it still fucking hurts that I’ve gotten to be that way, that that’s how people see me.
I want you guys to like me, I don’t wanna be seen as that person on here, and I wanna contribute something useful to this community that I love. It’s hard for me to express my own opinions on here, and just in general, so I did the only thing I felt was applicable to me, what I could do, what I liked doing - spending hours of my time doing the thing that really helps define each person’s own craft, their research.
But I let it go on for far too long, and now it’s just expected of me, and if I just outright stop, Idek what would be left. It’s my own fault for continuing to do it without reaffirming my boundaries or saying, “hey don’t treat me like Google.” I fed the flames, and it seems hypocritical of me now to curse the wildfire.
I’ve talked at length to friends about this tbh. I’m aware I did nothing but encourage that behaviour towards me - again, I didn’t wanna be made the villain for having to say no, because we all know that Tumblr can definitely blow things up outta proportion sometimes. I’ve seen people on here get the worst kind of messages over really inconsequential things, and I sympathize, and I really don’t want that to be me. It comes down to my stupid brain worrying people wouldn’t like me, and me wanting to seem useful. And I let it go on far too long.
I’ve assisted in the digging of this hole. I may not have passed around the shovels, but I certainly didn’t say to stop digging in the first place.
And welcome to the side of me you guys don’t ever see, for a reason. 
But I guess I can’t blame you guys for not treating me like a human, when I tried to dehumanize myself on this blog as much as possible, and basically just become the blog, so you guys wouldn’t see any of this shit. I hate being emotionally vulnerable. 
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pixelbatsy · 7 years
92 things!
yiKes im so late to this but i was tagged by @craighsiao, @kittenmusicals, @pbophelia, @zigisbisexual, and @mermaidwarriorqueen yall are so crazy i love yall thank u w all of my heart :’)))
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my mom 3. Text message: "dont watch princess bride” w a pic of it buffering from my friend lmao 4. Song you listened to: fetish by selena gomez my newest bop 5. Time you cried: an hour ago bc of my shit eyebrows that got Ruined!
6. Dated someone twice: lol
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: lol no
8. Been cheated on: LOL 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: hooyeah 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: not yet djfakld
12. millennial pink lol 13. periwinkle 14. maroon
15. Made new friends: hooooo boy yeAH irl and on tumblr!! 16. Fallen out of love: specifically w thomas hunt sry bb 17. Laughed until you cried: me 24/7 18. Found out someone was talking about you: hajdhf yeah but she cried and apologized so we’re cool now 19. Met someone who changed you: omg yes so much 20. Found out who your friends are: yesyeysyes i luv them 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: who still uses fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: none?? 23. Do you have any pets: an inside cat, 3 strays outside that we just feed and they just chill out here, and also some fish that are like 6 years old 24. Do you want to change your name: i wanna switch my first and middle name 
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i went on vacation in florida and new orleans with my best friends hfjakdhf 26. What time did you wake up: 12:30 my sleeping schedule is fucked 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching makeup vids lol 28. Name something you can’t wait for: TRR CHAPTER 15!!!!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 30 mins ago idk 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my ability to talk to people bc my anxiety!! ahhaha!!!! 31. What are you listening to right now: FETISH BY SELENA GOMEZ A BOP!! 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no?? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my fukxign eyebrows that the lady messed up ughggjkhsd 34. Most visited Website: is this even a question lmao tumblr and youtube 35. Mole/s: ugh i have one on my stomach and it bothers the shit out of me but i have more in other places im just too lazy to look 36. Mark/s: do cat scratch scars count bc i got a lot of those 37. Childhood dream: my mom told me my 1st grade teacher asked what i wanted to be and i remembered the episode of curious george that i watched before leaving the house and said an ice cream girl in the park but either that or become ariel 38. Hair color: rly dark brown but in the sun it turns rly light like into like honey brown idek 39. Long or short hair: ive had both but long hair is such a chore so short bc i have like medium rn 40. Do you have a crush on someone: who needs that when ur already married to henry cavill but chris powell, drake, the prince, maxwell, dick grayson, jason todd... 41. What do you like about yourself: i DID like my eyebrows smh its ok theyll grow back 42. Piercings: lol i didnt even get my ears pierced so none 43. Blood type: who are u identity theft fuk off m8 44. Nickname: CATLYN, kk, kalina bc me and my friend have a 824 snap streak and its our #goals ship name 45. Relationship status: single married to henry cavill i even had to organize my own wedding for a project in floral design sophomore year 46. Zodiac: cancer im a crybaby ik 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: pretty little liars, grimm, young justice, the big bang theory, two broke girls, sherlock, and family feud lmao 49. Tattoos: i want somethin smol but not yet 50. Right or left hand: i was gonna be a lefty but my daycare person literally treated me like shit and made me use my right hand so now im a righty and she got her ass fired :)) not like i remember anything tho lmao
51. Surgery: ortho surgery bc my mouth was too small and my teeth were so fucked up but braces gave me a glo up lol 52. Hair dyed in different color: omg no but i have these rly cool brown streaks on the side of my head and its also underneath my hair but its rly pretty ppl always ask me about it bc its like genetic idk its cool 53. Sport: i fucking live for watching football om Fg
55. Vacation: im guessing this is where ive been?? so uh hawaii, florida, mississippi, louisiana (and bish i been to shreveport, louisiana home of my boi jake mckenzie dshfjs), texas aka my home, las vegas, california, cozumel, jamaica, belize, and soon the bahamas!! 56. Pair of trainers: oh my god i have like 30+ pairs of shoes i love shoes!!
57. Eating: nothing rn i ate steak for dinner tho 58. Drinking: water! 59. I’m about to: start watching a youtube video 61. Waiting for: my bday party w my friends on wednesday (lowkey those choices chapters too i wish my bb chris powell could wish me happy bday :’)) 62. Want: a BIG FAT bank account 63. Get married: to a nice rich husband yuh finished the sentence
64. Career: im a senior in hs and i got accepted into my pharm tech class aaaah were gonna get to go to hospitals and and wear scrubs and shit im so excited i wanna be a pharmacist or like somewhere in the med field bc they make BANK and also they help ppl :’)) 65. Hugs or kisses: from my future bb kisses 66. Lips or eyes: eyes yus 67. Shorter or taller: im 5′5 so im smol and theyre tol 68. Older or younger: mmm i prefer older but only like a year younger if theyre worth it dhfgsk 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: this is so hard but arms bc abs arent a requirement but arms,,,, yes 71. Sensitive or loud: how am i both sensitive and loud (tru) 72. Hook up or relationship: lol relationship i want it all 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant but troublemaker when im feelin big mood
74. Kissed a stranger: uh kinda 75. Drank hard liquor: not yET LMAOOO 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. Turned someone down: jkasjdf lowkey yeah 78. Sex in the first date: no omfg sfdhgj 79. Broken someone’s heart: wym 24/7 lmao jk no 80. Had your heart broken: by many fanfics lord lol 81. Been arrested: nonoono 82. Cried when someone died: im making animals count so yes 83. Fallen for a friend: almost but skrtskrr were still friends
84. Yourself: if i try really hard YUH 85. Miracles: 11:11 twice a day for extra good luck yuh 86. Love at first sight: lol no 87. Santa Claus: yeah until i was like 14 88. Kiss on the first date: YUH WHY NOT if theyre not shit 89. Angels: meh not really
90. Current best friend’s name: omg irl alina and caroline my bbs and online @evisms i rly love u,, so much 91. Eyecolor: brown 92. Favorite movie: the man from uncle that ive seen 7 times!!, wonder woman!!, ex machina, hidden figures, coraline, and moana
im not gonna tag anyone bc prolly the entire choices population has done this but hit it up if u wanna!!
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isoscele · 7 years
from dream to whispered dream
Summary: Rose wants to destroy the patriarchy. Bismuth wants her passions to be recognized. Pearl wants to have a School Improvement Committee. Ruby and Sapphire want to play softball and watch each other play softball. Blue Pearl wants a nap. And Jasper just wants people to stop sending her pictures of dogs.
or, the first gem rebellion as told by the dumbass teenagers who started this whole mess.
Blue to Pearl
Blue: were you listening during calculus
Pearl: Yes.
Blue: did you happen to write anything down
Pearl: Why? So you could copy off of me?
Blue: ideally
Pearl: Fine. They’re in my bag.
Blue: ur the best!!!!!
Blue to Pearl
Blue: what tf is this
Blue: pearl
Blue: pearl what is this
Pearl: I write in shorthand now.
Pearl: Much quicker! : )
Blue: . . .
Blue: ur cruel
Bismuth to rocks with feelings
Bismuth: doggo!
Bismuth sent prince.jpg
Rose: give him pats from me!
Bismuth: already did!
Rose: tell him i love him
Bismuth: he loves you too!
Jasper: no godam way
Jasper has left rocks with feelings
Sapphire: she’s just jealous
Bismuth: i gave him pats from you 2 sapphire dont worry
Sapphire: . . .
Sapphire: good
Ruby to Joan of Arc deserved better
Ruby: Go Pearl!
Blue: go pearl!!!!
Ruby: Kick Their Butts!
Blue: all those butts!!!
Ruby: Debate The Heck Out Of Them!
Blue: just imagine you’re arguing against us
Blue: as in, don’t hold back
Blue: but don’t cry
Blue: wait do you get pity points if you cry
Ruby: There’s No Shame In Pity Points
Pearl to Joan of Arc Deserved Better
Pearl: Thank you for all your support!
Pearl: “Pity points” don’t exist in debate, I’m afraid.
Pearl: Also, I resent the idea that I can’t argue without crying.
Pearl: I have several trophies to back me up.
Blue: what activity doesn’t have pity points
Blue: my entire life has been upheld by pity points
Ruby: OK But Did You Break Into Song?
Pearl: No.
Pearl: Maybe.
Pearl: Only on the bus ride back.
Rose to rocks with feelings
Rose: i wanna overthrow the patriarchy
Bismuth: go to bed
Rose: ok
Ruby to Sqawwwwd
Ruby: Can I Play Softball With You Guys After School
Navy: of course! the more the merrier
Ruby: No
Doc: we need to have a Conference.
Ruby: OK.
Doc: she has been found consulting with the enemy
Navy: she deserves a second chance!
Ruby: Guys?
Ruby: You Didn’t Kick Me Out Of The Chat
Doc: the enemy, navy. the enemy
Ruby: I’m Still Here
Ruby: I’ll Just Go
Ruby has left Sqawwwwd
Leggy: wait whats happening?
Blue to Pearl
Blue: where were you during lunch?
Pearl: Talking to administration.
Blue: about?
Pearl: The water quality in the fountains.
Blue: ur really invested in this
Pearl: You could say that.
Pearl: Hydration is an important factor in energy and brainpower.
Pearl: What if someone gets sick?
Blue: no1 drinks from those things
Pearl: Yes, because it’s dirty.
Blue: howd it go?
Pearl: . . .
Pearl: Not great.
Blue: that sucks
Blue: want a hug?
Pearl: Yes, please.
Jasper to this was supposed to be a study chat
Jasper: no more dogs
Sapphire: leave the chat if you care so much
Bismuth: this is a democracy.
Rose: how about a fish?
Rose sent bubbles.jpg
Rose: look at its squish face!
Sapphire: The squishest
Jasper: you are all fucking useless
Bismuth: seriously feel free to leave at any time
Sapphire: yeah jasper
Bismuth: yeah jasper
Sapphire to Ruby
Sapphire: call me if you have the time
Pearl to pearl cant argue w/out singing
Pearl: I stopped by the Y earlier today.
Pearl: They have swordfighting lessons!
Blue: cool
Pearl: If I start working more weekdays, I can even afford a few of them. Oh, can you imagine it?
Ruby: I Can Imagine You Going All Inigo Montoya On Jasper’s Butt.
Pearl: Oh, yes. So can I.
Blue: do they have a sword rack
Blue: and a hairy guy saying “choose wisely. it is to become an extension of yourself”
Blue: or some crap like that
Pearl: I think it’s “bring your own weapon.”
Ruby: Do You Have A Weapon
Pearl: Well. No.
Blue: you r ur own weapon
Blue: follow ur dreams
Pearl: . . . Thank you, Blue.
Blue: no prob
Ruby: I Can Maybe Hook You Up
Blue: omg what
Blue: ruby has Sword Connections ™
Blue: they grow up so fast
Pearl: Really?
Ruby: Not A Done Deal.
Ruby: I’ll Check It Out.
Pearl: Thank you so much!
Blue: i need someone else to acknowledge that swordfighting has been dead for centuries
Blue has been blocked from pearl cant argue w/out singing
Blue to Pearl
Blue: rude
Blue: let me back in
Pearl: No.
Blue: at least send me a video of you stabbing someone
Pearl: Okay.
Blue: i’m proud of you
Blue: your picture shows up when you google carpe diem
Blue: legit
Pearl: Thank you. Sorry I’ve been snappish lately.
Pearl: I’m kind of stressed.
Blue: it’s cool
Blue: oh look i found the pic
Blue sent partypurl.jpg
Pearl: I was going to unblock you, but good luck with that now.
Pearl: I thought I told you to delete that!?!?
Ruby to Sapphire
Ruby: Yeah Just A Sec
Incoming Call: Ruby
*Hey, Sapphy. Everything okay?*
*Good. What do you want to talk about?*
*Nothing in particular. I just wanted to hear your voice.*
*Aww. That’s so sweet!*
*. . . How sweet?*
*Sweeter than the first day of summer vacation.*
*Sweeter than our official first date meal.*
*Cotton candy?*
*Yeah! That. Cotton candy ain’t got nuthin’ on you.*
*I can’t believe you remember that.*
*Heh, well. My memory may not be great, but I make exceptions for important stuff.*
*You’re making me melt.*
*Like what?*
*Like mint chocolate chip ice cream all down your arms two Sundays ago.*
*Ha! That was pretty messy, wasn’t it?*
*It was adorable.*
*. . . Sapphy?*
*I love you.*
*I love you, too.*
*I’m playing softball after school today. The team’s finally letting me back on.*
*Really? That’s great!*
*Yeah! I wish you could come, but the girls might not like it.*
*You’ll have to sustain me with pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.*
*Okay. I will.*
*Will you have the uniform and snapback again?*
*Lots and lots of pictures.*
*I have to go to English. Text me later?*
*I can’t wait.*
*Bye, Ruby.*
Blue to Swordfighting is a Respectable Art
Blue: thx for letting me in again
Blue: u know, the person who dragged u kicking and screaming into the technological era
Pearl: You’re welcome.
Blue: i was being sarcastic
Pearl: I know.
Blue: how goes the fight for water u can see through?
Pearl: Not well, but I refuse to give up.
Pearl: Do you think I should start a petition?
Blue: i’d sign
Ruby: Me Too
Pearl: Historically, petitions at this school haven’t worked very well.
Ruby: Get Teachers To Sign.
Pearl: Say, that’s not a bad idea! Not very many of our teachers seem to like me that much, but they surely feel the absence of clean water as much as we do.
Pearl: We should have a School Improvement Committee.
Blue: it would be a full-time job
Pearl: Filled with volunteers, obviously. Dedicated students, parents, and staff.
Pearl: Oh well, it’s just an idea.
Blue: u can try
Ruby: My Parent Would Join
Pearl: Ooh, yes! Could you perhaps speak to them about it?
Ruby: Sure
Blue: hey don’t u have softball
Ruby: Yeah. Sitting In The Bleachers
Ruby: The Girls Are Still Arguing About Whether Or Not I Can Play
Pearl: They told you that you could. They can’t go back on their word.
Ruby: I Don’t Know If They Remember.
Blue: that team is nothing w/out you
Blue: they should’ve begged u to come back
Pearl: That’s right! Get out on that pitch and show them what they were missing!
Ruby: OK
Ruby: Yeah
Ruby: Just Ran Around The Bases
Ruby: To Show How Fast I Am
Ruby: They Looked Impressed
Blue: knock em dead
Pearl: Good luck!
Rose to why is jasper still here
Rose: ughhhhhhh
Bismuth: you okay?
Rose: the entire student gov rejected my proposal to partner with ps-847 for the dance
Bismuth: that sucks
Bismuth: you knew it wouldn’t be a popular idea, right?
Rose: yeah
Rose: i thought at least one person would be neutral or smthing.
Rose: all violently opposed
Bismuth: the road to change is filled with potholes
Rose: who said that?
Bismuth: me
Sapphire: she’s right. it’s good that you’re doing something.
Rose: i occasionally want to bash pd’s face in
Bismuth: the road to change is also filled with bashing faces in
Jasper: finally a line of chat i agree with
Sapphire: @jasper have you just been . . . lurking there
Sapphire: also no bashing faces in
Jasper: jesus
Jasper has left why is jasper still here
Ruby to Sapphire
Ruby: I Forgot To Ask Earlier
Ruby: One Of Your Friends Is Into Forgery Right?
Sapphire: blacksmithing, yes.
Sapphire: forgery is like with art and money
Ruby: I Knew Something Was Off
Sapphire: her name is Bismuth
Sapphire: why?
Ruby: Can She Make Swords
Sapphire: she loves making swords
Sapphire: she owns so many of them
Ruby: OK Well I Have A Friend Who Needs A Sword
Ruby: For A Class She’s Taking
Sapphire: i’d have to talk to her about it, but it seems doable
Ruby: She Can’t Really Pay
Ruby: I Mean She’ll Probably Try To But
Ruby: She Goes To My School. That Probably Says Enough.
Sapphire: Bismuth’s worked in favors before
Sapphire: she’d do it again i think
Ruby: Pearl’s A Really Cool Person.
Ruby: She Knows So Much About Swords
Sapphire: theyll get along well then
Sapphire: i’ll talk to Bismuth and pass along her #
Ruby: Thank You So Much
Ruby: Oh Almost Forgot
Ruby sent pic_0412
Ruby sent pic_0413
Ruby sent pic_0414
Sapphire: ur so cute :)
5 notes · View notes
themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
Handling the Financial Irresponsibility of Family Members
When youve devoted a lot of effort to fixing your own finances and putting yourself on a great financial track and youve spent a lot of time absorbing and thinking about good financial practices, the financial conversations you hear can sometimes be really frustrating. Youll hear people talking about their huge financial missteps as though theyre no big deal or even as though theyre a good thing. For example, maybe youll hear from a relative who is proud of the fact that they replace their new vehicle every three years with another new one when they barely make $40,000 a year. That alone isnt a big deal, but its often coupled with conversation about how theyre struggling financially and how the entire financial system is unfair. That same cousin who showed up in the brand new pickup truck that looks virtually identical to the brand new pickup truck they bought three years ago complains about how the whole system is rigged and that theyll never retire, and then theyll turn to you and expect agreement and reinforcement. Even worse is the relative who takes you aside to give you a long sob story of financial misfortune, one that would have been mostly solved with an emergency fund, and then asks for a loan that you both know theyll never pay back. Those situations happen to me on occasion, and I used to find them incredibly frustrating and almost anger-inducing. Their financial mistakes were incredibly obvious and I wanted to simply say, Cant you see that youre doing this financial damage to yourself? Over time, as I matured a little and heard many, many stories like this from readers, I came to realize something very important: most people do realize their own financial mistakes. That cousin knows how much those trucks are costing him. That other cousin knows that theyve made some bad moves to wind up in a position where theyre swallowing their pride and basically begging for money. People are not unaware of their own financial missteps. If people arent unaware of their missteps, whats going on, then? For starters, while understanding (at least some of) your mistakes can be pretty easy, actually correcting those mistakes is pretty hard. It requires a lot of behavioral changes. It requires a lot of self-denial. Most people wont commit to those kinds of changes in their life unless its desperate. At the same time, if youre not making a ton of money, its very hard to get ahead financially because you just dont have a lot to work with and there isnt much room for error. You can make lots of good financial moves, but if you dont have a lot of money to begin with, one or two missteps or one big unfortunate event can undo a lot of effort, and that contributes strongly to a sense of hopelessness. Another factor to consider is that while many people might not like aspects of their life like their retirement situation they like other aspects of their life a lot and thus, on the balance, they prefer things as they are rather than making changes. I know a lot of people in this camp. While they might long to have more money or have a healthy retirement savings, when they look at their life on the whole and the changes they perceive that they would have to make to get on a different path, they dont want to make those changes. Their life, as it is now, is better for them on the whole. Im sure that, in some aspects of your life, theres something youre unhappy with, that youd like to correct, but you dont do so because the balance that you have in your life right now is better than what it would take to correct that thing, so you table it. Many, many people do that with their finances. Furthermore, people often want to blame forces outside of their control for the things that go wrong in their life. Undoubtedly, forces outside of our control can smash into our life like a meteor, but we made a lot of decisions leading up to those events and after those events. Did we prepare our life to be future-proof, or did we live in the moment? It takes some introspection to see this, but its a flavor of introspection that many people dont want to take on. It doesnt mean theyre bad, it just means that they want an easy explanation for their financial difficulties and unexpected events are an easy thing to point at. When you consider those factors, it becomes clear that when you see someone else being financially irresponsible, it shouldnt frustrate you; rather, its simply a different choice of priorities. It does not mean that your priorities are right and theirs are wrong, nor does it mean that their priorities are right and yours are wrong. Very likely, your priorities are right for the condition of your life and your own personal characteristics, and their priorities are right for the condition of their life and their characteristics. So, lets roll things back to that family event where your cousin who has that brand new vehicle is complaining about never being able to retire because the system is stacked against them. It might feel frustrating, particularly if youve worked hard to put yourself in a position where you can retire and you know from personal experience that it can be done with hard work, but what should you actually do? Nothing. Thats what you should do. Just sit there and listen to their story. Its not your story. Its their story. Just listen. If you feel frustrated, just try to envision the world through their shoes for a while. That person probably has a lot of personal pride in that truck of theirs, which is why theyre always buying a new one. That other person probably feels overwhelmed by a series of unfortunate events in their life. There is almost no case in which your interjections about financial responsibility are going to be welcome. Instead, try to find a rapport or common ground with that person. Ask questions about their story. Compliment their truck and look it over with positive reactions to it. There will come a time when you are telling your story (but probably not today), and thats the point where you can slip in some financial wisdom. Today, listen to their story and use that opportunity to build a stronger relationship. What if youre being asked for money in some way? If the person is asking you for money, then you should absolutely feel free to say no. There should never be an obligation to just fork over money upon request, no matter what the relationship and no matter what the situation. Just say no. Being in a situation where youve loaned money to a relative or a close friend creates a lender-borrower relationship, and no one on earth has warm and fuzzy feelings for their lender. They might be appreciative of the loan, but theyll never feel joyous about repaying it, and that means some degree of negative feeling from them is going to be levied toward you. Rather, look for other ways to help. Offer to help them find work or to polish their resume. Offer to look over their business plan. Offer to give them a ride to work for the next few weeks until their car is fixed. If you absolutely feel as though you should help them directly, then make it a fully no-strings-attached gift. Just put the money in their hand and tell them that its theirs. If you absolutely feel you must give someone some advice, get them into a one-on-one situation and tell them that you have some experience with getting ones financial house in better shape and youd love to give them some suggestions, if they want. Leave the ball in their court dont thrust unsolicited financial advice at them as it will often be resented. Aside from those things, the best thing you can do is stand back and try to gain an appreciation of their story as a distinct journey through life, not just an extension of your own story. Many, many family conflicts occur when you try to substitute what you value into someone elses story thats centered around what they value. You dont know whats best for them, so dont fall into that trap. Theres very little benefit and a whole lot of pain down that path. Good luck! https://www.thesimpledollar.com/handling-the-financial-irresponsibility-of-family-members/
0 notes
Car Insurance?
"Car Insurance?
i bought a new car and it needs new insurance, in michigan there's a no fault wut does this mean? how can this b used and how does it work? how does the insurance cover this?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap car insurance for new drivers??
does anybody know where i can get the cheapest car insurance for a Peugeot 106 1.1 im 17 and should pass my test by November, thanks.""
Car insurance for young driver?
I was wandering if I bought insurance for a car that I own on a provisional, drove it about on the provisional for a bit, then passed my test and told the insurance company that I had done so, would it shoot up to the 5,000/6,000 quotes I've been getting or would it not rise as high because I was with them on a provisional? also any general tips on knocking down the price, it's just ridiculous, it's for a 5 door fiat punto! thanks in advance :)""
How does car insurance work when making a claim?
What happens when a claim is made after an accident? If a car is written off how much does this insurance company pay? If a car is repaired by the insurance company what happens then? I guess they pay for the damage, but do they pay any extra? If the car is repaired then the value of the car will drop, therefore leaving the driver out of pocket even though the damage was not the drivers fault. How does it work? Cheers""
Insurance Question - cash insurance check and pay doctor within 30 days?
I keep receiving these huge checks from my insurance company and have paid the doctors 100% of what I owe - except one - where i sent the check back because of GROSS and large billing error ($21,000 worth). I did not want any liability for the error of this claim, therefore am I liable? Also, when I received the other checks - I paid the doctors within 30 days of receiving the money. Is this legal? Why is the insurance sending me these huge checks to deal with? I have enough on my plate with my own medical issues.""
How much did your car insurance go up after you claimed?
I had a single vehicle accident, my car may be beyond repair and I've no chance of getting my 1st yrs no claims now. How much did yours go up after you claimed?""
CAR INSURANCE. Cheaper car insurance?
There are 3 drivers in our house (Dad, me and my brother) and two cars (usualy 3), is there a cheaper way to insure all of us on all the cars?""
Whats the best car insurance?
I am an at risk drive at age 19 driving a 2005 toyota sequoia that hasn't been paid off yet i have one at fault accident ( i hit a car in a parking lot with nobody in it) and i have two speeding tickets now i need full coverage because im still making payments but I would like to know what to go with because so far all my quotes are really expensive! please help me out guys i cant afford 300 dollar car insurance!
All my friends seem to be getting cheap car insurance?
All my friends seem to be getting cheap car insurance but i cant seem to find it lol, im 17 and i know its expensive but people say they find it for 1.4k or 1.5k which id be happy with but im getting quoted 5k (and dont say what type of car is it!!) cause i know all that""
""If I buy a healthcare insurance plan from the exchange, can I switch plans just like I can with car insurance?
I know car insurance companies must refund you everything you did not use when you decide to switch insurance companies.
Looking to get a car insurance but.....?
Looking to get a car insurance but i am not sure what it covers and what should i ask my insurer to include in my policy?
What are the benefits of low cost insurance?
What can be the advantages of having low cost insurance for people.
Can I register my car without insurance in Utah?
my registeration on my car lapsed in april, I do not drive the car but in Utah you can not even park it out on the street without it being registered. so I was wondering since some of my neighbors are wanting my parking spot since they are moving in can I just register my car since I have enough money to get it registered but I do not want to pay the monthly insurance on it since I am not driving it I am just holding on to it until my daughter turns of age to take it.... thanks.....""
Short term health Insurance for my parents who coming to California from China ?
My parents are coming to visit me (California) from China. They plan to stay in U.S. for 6 months. They're 67 yrs old, my father has Diabetes (not so serious) and my mother is very healthy. I'm thinking to get a short term health insurance for them just in case they need to see a doctor. Since it's the first time they come to U.S. they have a visit visa, I'm US citizen. What insurance I should get for them? Thank you very much for your response in advance!""
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
North Carolina Health Insurance?
Right now I have blue cross and blue sheild insurance. It's becoming ridiculous to pay each month and deductibles are through the roof! I'm a healthy 25 yr old female. I need to know, what are some insurance companies in the state of North Carolina that are cheaper, but are still helpful with doctor's visits and prescriptions. What health insurance do you have and what's the cost? Any help or opinions about would be great! thanks:))))""
Company not offering insurance?
I've read the policy, forms, etc... Prior I was hired. The company that I work with gas this insurance benifits. I have already reach my 90 days and 3 weeks period. The company is not offering me with medical insurance. Not even an evaluation. But that doesn't matter. My question is, is it illegal in the state of California if the company does not offer/ask you an option to have insurance or not? Please advice.""
""Has anyone bought insurance from Insphere Insurance Solutions (MEGA Life, Alliance for Affordable Services?""
I met with an agent yesterday and Googled the companies he represented, and saw so many complaints from both agents and consumers that my mind is spinning. I own a small business with only two employees. I don't want to be ripped off by some sweet talking insurance salesman, but if he is honest (chuckle) and his products are as good as he represents, then I would consider this option. If you've had any experience with these companies, I would like to hear it... good or bad. Thanks.""
Is buying insurance where i go to college ok?
I live in new york city where insurance is high as hell but i go to school where it is much cheaper. i also live on campus. am i allowed to buy insurance where i go to college? i spend alot more time at college than i do in the city anyways.
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 yr old female?
hi. im 17 years old and live in glendale arizona. i want to buy a honda rebel 250. but im kind of worried about the insurance costs. i get average grades and am a good driver behind the wheel of a car and behind handlebars. how much do you think theyll ask of me?
How much will my insurance go up...only airbags deployed...?
My airbags deployed...I had a relatively low speed bump, rear-ending another vehicle...there was minimal cosmetic damage to my front end and ZERO damage to the car I bumped. I currently pay about 300 every 6 months.....my deductible is 250...how much will my insurance increase if I ask the insurance company to pay to fix this....it is a 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts...""
Should we keep health insurance or get rid of it?
anyone know the pros and cons of either getting rid of health insurance or to keep it?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
How much will I get from the insurance for my totaled car?
A person hit my parked car and damaged the body, the wheel well, and the wheel is bent crooked and rubbing on the strut. My problem is the car is old and probably only worth $500. It will be really difficult to find a replacement for $500, it seems i might need to spend $1500 -$2000. Maybe this is close to the repair price, I don't know. What do you think they will offer me? What should I do?""
Need car insurance help!?
Here's my story: I am 23 yrs old and have gotten 3 speeding tickets. One already came off my record and another just recently came off. I got my renewal statement and my premium hasn't changed at all. Is there an error or tough luck for me?
Car Insurance?
i bought a new car and it needs new insurance, in michigan there's a no fault wut does this mean? how can this b used and how does it work? how does the insurance cover this?
I'm moving to florida from new jersey.?
Anything I should know before I move? Like is rent cheaper or auto insurance or like anything that would surprise me?
Can someone explain to me how car insurance works?
I just got my license and my mom wont let me use the car to go out with my friends until I get insurance too. She has full coverage on her car but she said I have to be added to it? Please explain to me how that works. I thought once you had insurance on the car everyone who drives it applies to the insurance...
A Question About My Health Insurance?
If I have health insurance, for example, health net..and I got married..would I still be covered even though I have a different last name or will my health insurance drop me?""
Question about changing term life insurance companies?
My term, no medical exam life insurance is almost up for the 10 years and it's going to renew higher than what I can get from another company, so I am going to apply at another company online and cancel the old one, but it says are you planning on replacing another policy? if yes, you can't buy this insurance, if no then you can buy it. I don't understand, why wouldn't they be happy to get another customer, is it illegal to change companies? I am in California. Should I just put no so it will accept it?""
How much (roughly) would car insurance for this car be a year?
im going to be 15 when i would be driving it and its a 1998 Lincoln Navigator and im with state farm and i will be added onto my moms policy and my sisters also on it and my mom and my sister have never been in car wrecks and im taking drivers ed and I live in montana (low crime) so about roughly how much would it cost a year for insurance on this car?
""What is the rate of car insurance in denver, co?""
also, i am going to be going school there and i am from hawaii..will i have to change my license plate and get a new car insurance or can i keep my hawaii insurance because im just a student.""
Health & dental insurance?
who has the best health & dental insurance for a small business of less than 10 people?
Car insurance... Who are you insure with/best quotes. Will choose quick best answer.?
Who is the cheapest insurance company o go with for a 20 year old male whom has been driving for 3 years. Getting insure on a mazda 6. Thank you
Insurance costs for a Yamaha Majesty?
or Yamaha Morphous? I want to purchase one of these two scooters, although I'm leaning more towards the Majesty. For a good driver with a good record, How much is the insurance on these?""
Does insurance compaines cover the person or the car at fault?
The girl that parks right next to me in my apartment swiped the side of my car. she is now claiming her friends park her car sometimes, but she knows she didn't hit my car. Personally her car is her responsibility and I feel like even if a friend of hers was parking when the incident happend, she is responsible for damages because its her car. Would she be responsible? Can I take her to court if she doesn't have insurance? And if she does have insurance would they cover this? I also have good pics.""
Medicinal marijuana and health insurance?
So I live in California and have entertained the idea of getting a medicinal marijuana card, but the thing that always holds me back in the end is the fear that somehow my name would go on some list that insurance companies would have access to, and then proceed to jack up my premiums due to me being flagged a smoker. Does anybody have any insight regarding this? For those of you that have medical cards... did you see an increase in your monthly bill from your health insurance after signing up for the card? I know about doctor/patient confidentiality, but still... legal marijuana is still too new, so I'm being overly cautious, ESPECIALLY when it comes to health insurance premiums. Thanks in advance. -C""
How do pilot insure themselves in the USA?
Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance?
Dual Car Insurance trouble?
I had insurance through a company called Sunset Plaza Insurance, and only agreed to do a 6 month period (from 12/08 to 06/09). I moved during the time, and never received a renewal notice at my new address, even after I gave them my new address. However, I found out that for the past 6 months (06/09 - 12/09) they have been charging me for insurance. But I never signed a renewal consent or anything! I remember explicitly saying that I only wanted the insurance for a 6 month period too! What are my options? Please..any advice would help!""
Is my daughter covered under my car insurance?
My 18 year old daughter finally got her drivers liscense (how i do not know) She has had it for four days. Last night I let her drive before I put her on my car insurance. She hit a car . I wanted to pay the guy out of my own pocket but it looks to be $4000 in damage. Im pissed .
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
I am 19 in Texas. is it cheaper on insurance to do the whole teenager coarse or is it the same going adult 6hr?
My dad is wondering if it would be cheaper on insurance if I did the the three week teenager coarse or if it doesn't matter anf do adult which is one 6 hour class. Again I'm in Texas and a guy and know about how its cheaper for girls on insurance
Does it cost anymore to be named on someone else's insurance policycy?
Does it cost anymore to be named on someone else's insurance policycy?
Does 2 Insurance Policies Affect Each Other?
I am going to be buying a car and the cheapest way of getting insurance is by naming my mum the named driver of the car and i was added on..but she is worried that if i crashed it would affect her no claims bonus on her other policy..would it?
""What are the insurance range for a CBR600RR, beginner drive with 5 years of ecxcellent SUV driving expereinces
I live in So. Cal and want to purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 model) how much insurance should I expect to pay for this car?
Where can I get a better health insurance plan ?
I tried with some of the agents, but it is not working out for me. Can anyone help me, If you have taken any health insurance plan.""
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
What are your reviews for Geico and Progressive?
We have Amica insurance and they cost $1200 a year and our car is Saturn ION 2 2004 sedan. This is financed car so we need full coverage. With clean driving history and clean car history do you think this is a good price? Should we try other companies to compare? What are your reviews about Geico and Progressive? Do you think they are good companies and can give us better rates?
How do I know what medication is covered under my insurance?
I have BlueCross BlueShield, and my card has an Identification Number, Group, and Plan Codes. But how do I know what medication is covered for me? Can I find this on the website?""
Maternity Insurance...Anyone have it?
My husband and I are trying for another baby. And most insurance companies in TN say you have to wait 9 months for the insurance to take effect. So is there any insurance out there that will help without having a time limit and not Tenncare or WIC. We will not qualify for that due to our income.
2007 Dodge Charger SRT8 insurance price for 16 year old male?
Any estimates? I have enough money saved up to buy a used SRT8 Charger. How much would insurance cost? An arm and a leg? I get A's in school.
Car Insurance?
i bought a new car and it needs new insurance, in michigan there's a no fault wut does this mean? how can this b used and how does it work? how does the insurance cover this?
Hyundai tiburon insurance help?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
I need cheap auto insurance below $150?
I'm 18 just got my drivers license got a honda civic lx 2010 and i need auto insurance i have a suckish job and i'm currently not in college but i will be attending after this next semester. i'm just looking for auto insurance, why is it so complicated?""
Insurance for a 22 year old driving a new Z06 or a new viper?
I don't have one and i'm not 22, but i was just wondering how much do u think insurance would be if i get a z06 or a viper when i'm 22 and before you say anything negative, its because i hope to do really really well in school and make at least 65g a year out of college in finance. . . . . Also. why dont 22 yr olds drive around in realy nice cars like that out of college if theyre making 60-70g a yr??""
Can car insurance companies check if you drive another car ?
if you get a car insurance quote and you say you have access to another car in your information is there any way they can check ? I have just renewed my car insurance and noticed that it was cheaper when i said i had regular use of another car. The thing is i do have use of my brothers car but im not an actual name driver on the insurance. My brothers car is fully comprehensive and thinks that anyone can drive the vehicle. Is this true ? i dont get how my insurance company are going to catch me out if im driving my brothers car without any mention of my name on his insurance
What do you wish your insurance agent would do for you?
Aside from the impossible, what do you wish your insurance agent would offer, help with, take care of for you or do differently?""
Car Insurance and Tornadoes?
Just curious since I live in the heart of tornado alley in Southern Kansas... Say if my car was at home or at a store or other place of business and a tornado destroyed or damaged my car, will my insurance cover the damage? Full coverage.""
Home Insurance?
If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?""
Will a renters insurance and automobile insurance claim effect homeowners insurance rates?
Im purchasing a home in 2 months. Meanwhile my apartment was broken into and my second vehicle was stolen via my spare key which was hidden in my apartment. My losses for the ...show more
Car insurance so unfair?
I am 18 and I know the prices are a joke, all I want is a 1.6 astra 2007 and I have to pay 10 k to get insured.Over in the US and over countries kids get massive jeeps, why is it over here, most people can't even afford a 1 litre corsa. Pisses me off that I get tied in with the same brush because of my age, surely can they charge a ridiculous price such as 5k and give you half back if you don't crash? they will still be profiting massively, as my dad pays 280 a year. If i want to suceed in life, I think i'm best leaving the UK, they just want everyone to use public transport and don't want people to have the luxury of driving a car. Anyone else agree ?""
What's Toronto cheap auto insurance/Broker?
This city is pure Bull sh*t! I can't find a affordable insurance. If anyone have a good car insurance, please leave their name of contact #? Thanks""
Who in california needs auto insurance?
Does an 18 year old driving a car under his parents name need auto insurance? Or is it only have your own registered car?
Am I still eligible for car insurance?
My car insurance dropped me today because I had four traffic tickets over two years ago. It was when I was just starting out driving and since then I have learned to be a responsible driver. Since the premiums were up for renewal next month, they pulled my file (audit) and found the tickets, and dropped me. I was told Progressive and Safe Auto would be good ones to check out. My first two tickets will be at the 3 year mark in a few months, the next about a month after.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
im 16, and my mom is making me pay for insurance for my new car. i was just wondering because my job isnt that good and moneys hard to come by these days...""
Auto Insurance quote...please help!?!?!?
My sisters insurance..we live in CA by the way..has 2 cars insured. Her total premium for 6 months is 541 but we pay 114 a month. How did they get that monthly payment? If she was to add me to her policy the premium would go up 2 $740. My question is how much would the monthly payment turn out to be????
""Someone reversed into my car, is it better to go through maaco instead of insurance? its jus ta minor scratch?""
i was at a stop sign and i was abou tthe 4th car, well the 3rd car decided to reverse to leave and backed up and hit the front of my car. its not really that bad but its still a big scratch. is it best to just have her pay my estimate at maaco? or deal with insurance? i don't want to get jacked up insurance rates because someone doesn't know how to reverse.""
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance?
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance? I live in New Orleans, and the insurance for new and used vehicles is REALLY expensive. I have a clean record, and am applying for insurance on a non sporty vehicle (Honda Accord or Civic sedan). I was wondering if I can get a P.O. Box in another Parish (County) where the insurance is significantly cheaper. This way I can apply with that address rather than my residential. Thanks for your help!""
State Farm insurance?
I have my own insurance and it was. 230 a month now I am getting a new car and I need collusion I am getting a Honda civic sedan 2012 white can anyone tell me an estimate on how much my insurance will go up Ps the car is financed . I have State Farm, I am 20 years old I reside in ny and I have had no accident""
What is the Best & cheapest insurance in Texas?
I drive a 1989 Toyota Camry, I just go to and from school (less than 2 miles away) i only drive the car like Mon. & Wed. and yet i have to pay like 150 for car insurance, in 6 months of paying, i pay what my car is worth. So i wanted to know is there any cheap insurance i dont care if they suck or anything like that, i just want something below 100 dlls. so please tell me which insurance you use and how much you pay a month that would really help. Thank you in advance -Angela""
Can my bf receive settlement from a car accident if he doesn't have insurance but the car that hit him does?
My boyfriend just got in a car accident. It was a hit and run. The police found out that the car that hit him was stolen but had full coverage insurance. The problem is my boyfriend's insurance expired 2 months ago. The police saw the accident happen and had him to come down to the station and file a report. Since he does not have insurance can he still receive a settlement for damages since the car that hit him has full coverage
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
Which car insurance company will accept me; I have a few traffic citations on my record?
Since 2006, I have gotten 3 speeding tickets on my record, and 1 citation for getting into a turning lane too early (3-pointer). I got a speeding ticket in march 2006, february 2007, and december 2008. I got the last turning lane citation just a few weeks ago. I am going to court for both recent citations (from December 08 and a few weeks ago) pretty soon. I will use a no lo contendre to reduce the points on one, and ask to do community service or take a class to reduce the points on the other. I understand that most car insurance companies look at both POINTS and OFFENSES. I am with Liberty Mutual right now under my parent's family plan and since 2006, NONE of my tickets have affected our insurance. I want to take precautions and see who can quote me for having a poor driving record as I mentioned above. This year just might be the year Liberty Mutual will review my record and then, BOOM...rates are sky high. I want to responsible about what I did and get on my own plan soon. What I did was irresponsible and stupid and I am DONE making mistakes on the road. I'm 22, female, a student with a 3.47 GPA (Dean's list), trying to finish my bachelors at a university, and share rent with my brother for an apartment. I work part-time and go to school full-time. Which companies would accept me? I've got a poor driving record, but a good 'student' record--if that even matters. Please help. Otherwise, I will have to wait till some violations clear in 10 years or so. Either way, I would really appreciate if someone could tell me what my options are. I will be out of school by summer 2010 (next year) and will need to get on my own plan by then.""
Whats the average cost for insurance for a corvette? but monthly?
well i want to get a corvette but i want to know the average insurance for it?
Motorcycle Insurance Change?
Hi, I am currently 16 years old, and am riding a 50cc motorcycle at the moment, but I'm hoping to upgrade to a 400cc, but may not be able to afford all the things necessary straight after my birthday in August. So could I re-insure my 50cc for another year and then when I can afford to change, phone up my insurance company and change half way through, and if they don't give me a reasonable quote change to another insurance company? Many Regards, Rhys x""
HELP with insurance ofr 16 year old?
yo wat up. i just turned 16 and i found my dream car its a 2008 bmw 335i. but now i was thinking that if my dad bought the car and put the insurance under his name would that still be ...show more
How much would my life insurance be?
If I get it as soon as I'm 18? I am also physically disabled, have epilepsy, visual cuts, and partially deaf. Would it be higher? Or lower since I'd be considered a vulnerable adult?""
Car Insurance?
i bought a new car and it needs new insurance, in michigan there's a no fault wut does this mean? how can this b used and how does it work? how does the insurance cover this?
What does your credit score have to do with your car insurance premium?
Why do some some insurance companies base their rates on credit scores? What does that have to do with driving records?
Motorbike insurance?
barclays motorbike insurance
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
looking for a very affordable auto insurance quote/payment per month. Anyone knows? please and thank you.
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How long until driving on a suspended license ticket on DMV record is ignored by insurance companies?
How long until driving on a suspended license ticket on DMV record is ignored by insurance companies?
Why are pickup trucks so cheap to insure?
i went to go look at a truck that is 10 years newer than my ford explorer. it was a ford f150 even with full coverage its still lower. the insurance for the explorer is nearly $2,000 a year. and the f150 is $1800 a year even with a big powerful V8""
""What type of motorcycles should I get, to have some what cheap insurance and price of bike?""
Im 23 years old live in southern Ontario. Looking into getting my first bike, I currently have my M2 with a safety course. What type of bike should i look at to have the cheapest insurance rates/ price of the bike? Thanks. Appreciate any comments!""
Trying to find cheapest van insurance for private use?
Has anybody researched cheapest van insurers in uk
A good individual dental insurance plan?
I don't have dental insurance, and my employer doesn't offer any. I seriously need to see a dentist, I haven't been to one since I last had insurance 4 years ago. But I can't afford much right now either. I need a plan that will cover preventive treatment, doesn't have much of a waiting period, and will cover at least some of any major work, because i think I might need some. By the way, I live in central PA.""
Teen Auto Insurance??????
I am just wondering what the teen drivers or parents of teen drives pay monthly or however you pay for insurance once the teen gets their license? I know there are alot of factors that contribute to how much a teen pays for insuracne but I am just curious. So basically how old are you?...and basically just how much does you or your teen pay for insurance, if they have a car what type? or if you are a parent, are they added on your policy, and still how much do you pay for insurance? Thanks :)""
Affordable Health insurance Ideas?
I enrolled in health insurance that is costing me 92/mth BUT I'm really feeling it as I have many other expenses. Can anyone suggest any low price healthcare insurance for me. currently with Coventry. I need an insurance that has good therapist that make home visits. Thanks
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
I got a no insurance ticket so I bought insurance less then an hour after.?
The date on the ticket is the same date my insurance started. Anybody know what the outcome might be?
How much would insurance be?
im getting a 1993 eclipse for my birthday and i have to pay for my own insurance, so how much are we looking at here for insurance? i just got my license and have a c/b average for my grades. we are going through farmers but when i went to the website it wouldnt work.""
Does Medicare or Health insurance work in other states?
If i lived In............. Rhode Island would my health insurance work in another state like Massachusetts.
If the insurance company totals my car do they keep it?
My car is old. Its a 95 Neon and it was backed into this weekend. We got one estimate of 2600 but that is more than the car cost. If we go thru the insurance company and they total the car will they keep the car or let us keep it. It still runs fine.
Did you know about a lost payee on your car insurance?
What are the best websites to get car insurance quotes from different companies in New York City?
What are the best websites to get car insurance quotes from different companies in New York City?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
""Car from 2003, 17 year old female driver. Car insurance average?""
I'm a B+ student, my car belonged to my dad and is now being given to me. It's a ford focus. I'm 17 and a girl from New York. Can someone please ESTIMATE how much car insurance would be for me? I tried websites but I'd have to put in my social security # to get an average and I don't want to do that yet.""
How do I check on an existing life insurance policy?
How do I check on an existing life insurance policy?
Made a mistake on previous car insurance?
I'm worried about changing insurance companies as I forgot to tell previous insuraure about 3 points I have. What will the new insurance company say about the situation? Should I ring my old insurance company and explain? But the insurance has expired thanks
What is a fast economical car for a low insurance group?
I have been driving for a nearly and year now and would like to upgrade my car, I have a 1.6 16v VW Golf and was looking for something faster, economical for a low insurance group, thanks. Around insurance group 4 - 7. Nothing any higher.""
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
Car Insurance?
i bought a new car and it needs new insurance, in michigan there's a no fault wut does this mean? how can this b used and how does it work? how does the insurance cover this?
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
The storm chasers hunting bolts in Australia’s Top End
Our photographer hits the road with seasoned storm chasers in the Northern Territory to track down some of the regions famous lightning storms
Im standing on a dirt track somewhere in the wilds of Australias Northern Territory and in every direction I look the indigo sky is being shredded by bolts of electrical energy. Its unlike anything Ive ever seen before. Ive been hunting a lightning show and boy have I found one.
Suddenly Im very conscious of natures imposing scale and, more importantly right now, my proximity to a bared-wire fence the kind of object thats likely to attract a strike. We should probably get in the car, says Mike ONeill, the veteran Darwin storm chaser who has led me here. Reluctantly, I agree.
The Top End is one of the worlds most active regions for lightning and sees almost daily storms between November and March every year. A single storm can produce more than a thousand bolts in a matter of hours. Intense tropical heat combined with sea breezes and coastal moisture provides the perfect fuel.
Storm chaser Mike ONeill, one of many avid storm photographers in Northern Territory. I probably do up to 1,000km on a chase. Photograph: Jonny Weeks for the Guardian
ONeill is one of a handful of storm chasers photographers and meteorological buffs in the region. Whenever and wherever nature decides to put on a show, one of them will be watching.
I probably do up to 1,000km on a chase, says ONeill. Sometimes you only have to go around the corner to get a decent photo, but sometimes you have to go towards Katherine or even towards Kununurra [in Western Australia]. It just depends where they are and how much time youve got.
I chase every day on my days off. Even before work if theres a storm on the coast, or after work sometimes until five in the morning. I cant live without it.
Signs of a storm
After waiting a week for a thick monsoon rains to clear the region, conditions have eased and tonights predicted storm is one ONeill seems excited about as we begin our journey.
From Darwin we drive south towards Adelaide River, stopping from time to time to assess the cloud formations around us. Other local enthusiasts including Willoughby Owen use radar at every step, honing their understanding of the storms progress as they go. ONeill, who has been chasing for 16 years, is feeling more instinctive.
Radars great but it cant tell you what youve learned from experience, he says. You can tell just visually looking at these clouds theyre a lot healthier out here. Youve got thick towers and where you see it anvil out at the top its actually pushed through the anvil, so its got strong updrafts. Thats the sign of a decent storm. Thatll definitely have lightning in it.
Willoughby Owen checks his radar. Photograph: Jonny Weeks for the Guardian
Storms in this region typically form because the sun heats the land during the day and sea breezes push in during the afternoon, creating boundaries between hot and cool air.
Over here in the Top End weve got easy initiation forced by the Arnhem escarpment, says Owen, whos fortunate that he finishes work about 4pm most days, just as the storms begin bubbling.
The cloud tops reach 45,000 or 50,000 feet, stronger storms 55,000 or 60,000 feet. When youre near tropical lows, when youre near a Madden-Julian Oscillation, you can get tops of 70,000 feet, which is extreme. The lightning can be more intense from those storms, and incredibly loud and violent.
Lightning is made when ice particles inside clouds collide at high speed and become charged the bolt is a sudden and dramatic discharge of that energy, and may be many miles long but around a centimetre wide. The average bolt produces a current of 6,000 to 30,000 amps. Compare that to a radiator that draws about 10 amps and you get a sense of their power. The temperature is also extreme, measuring 30,000C, five times hotter than the surface of the sun. The effect of increasing heat and pressure on the surrounding air is what generates the thunder clap.
Storm chasing is littered with jargon and at times it makes the already complex science seem impenetrable but ONeill and Owen do their best to explain. They tell me many lightning strikes are from cloud to cloud (known as C-to-Cs or crawlers) but some are cloud to ground (C-to-Gs).
Lightning is indiscriminate, ONeill forewarns. The earth has a natural charge. When a thunderstorm is nearby, objects on the ground a cow, telegraph pole, car, tree, anything get invigorated and send upward streamers. When the stepped-leaders come down from the clouds theyll try to make a connection. Thats when you get the bolt.
If someone in the vicinity of a storm notices their hair standing on end, thats a foreboding sign. And, according to the 30-30 rule, if the time between the visible lightning bolt and the subsequent clap of thunder is less than 30 seconds, youre within range of a strike.
Secret spots
Asked what makes a good storm photo, ONeill, who began taking pictures after reading a coffee table book by the renowned storm chaser Peter Jarver, says he has changed his approach over the years.
I used to be mad keen on just getting the lightning bolt in the centre of the frame but everyone does that now, he says. A lot of people go to the same spots and theyll all stand next to each other and get the same shots.
Im more of a composition man now. If I see people standing in a location, Ill go back 20 or 30 metres and get them in the photo. I just want a different aspect rather than a cloud with a bolt coming out. If theres a storm and theres power lines, Ill keep them in there, because its like manmade electricity and natural electricity, so its contrasting subjects. I just want to get away from the norm.
In any case, ONeill prefers to find fresh, unknown vantage points and spends hours hunting for them: We all have our secret spots, he says.
Mike ONeill sets up his camera beside a dirt road overlooking a range of ant hills. Photograph: Jonny Weeks for the Guardian
Having pulled on to the dirt road with the storm brewing around us, ONeill sets up his camera with his cars headlamps illuminating the ant hills in the foreground. He tells me Ill need a shutter speed of 10 seconds (longer as the sky darkens) and a low ISO setting, as well as my tripod and remote trigger.
But ONeill has an extra bit of kit a special lightning trigger which automatically senses when a bolt is being emitted and takes a photo. He used to think it was cheating but now relishes the images. Meanwhile, Im activating my shutter manually, hoping to get lucky. As the sky darkens and the storm erupts, I realise luck is already on my side.
Its going off, mate! ONeill says as were enveloped, bolts jumping out of the sky around us. I dont know which way to direct my camera.
ONeill soon gets back into the car. The metal body of the car makes it safer to be in its like a Faraday cage, he explains. Its good to be standing out there, but right now, nah. I value my life more than a photo.
Monster doggies
Willoughby Owen using a 70mm-200mm lens. Photograph: Jonny Weeks for the Guardian
During my first time storm chasing with Owen, he brings along his friend Jacci Ingham. The two often go out together, unlike ONeill who is steadfastly a solo chaser.
We dont see much activity but Ingham relays the magic of a potent storm in infectious fashion. MCSs [mesoscale convective systems] are great, particularly if you get around the back of them, she says. They produce massive, squiggly scrawlers that fill the sky like spaghetti. Theyre my favourite.
Over dinner on the way home I discover Ingham is YouTube famous. Shes had 27 million views, Owen says. I presume hes joking but he takes out his phone and shows me a viral video of Ingham storm chasing in Darwin in 2010 as a lightning bolt comes crashing down just metres away.
Both Owen and Ingham have been to the US to chase tornadoes. Its almost an annual pilgrimage for Owen, who has been eight times. And he says he only moved from his native New Zealand to Darwin for the meteorology.
I just love weather, he says. I love seeing its raw and powerful beauty, how it all forms, how it all plays out, the modelling, making a forecast theres a lot of chaos involved in making a forecast. I love how rapidly it can change and when you think you know whats going to happen, it does something slightly different or even the opposite. Youre always, always learning.
10 December 2009 was a memorable night. There was a massive amount of lightning over Darwin. There were bombs going off everywhere. The wind was savage, it was just going ballistic. You could read a book under it.
18 February 2015 was another. It was like a storm in Oklahoma, rotating, twisting massively, you could see the whole structure move. It was just a beautiful storm.
Willoughby Owen and Jacci Ingham spot bolts in the distance. Photograph: Jonny Weeks for the Guardian
On my final night in the NT, Owen and I find a picturesque storm cloud building at sunset. He has driven us to a secluded spot in Adelaide River a telegraph hill with panoramic views and the distant cell is firing out dog-leg bolts from the base of a vast cloud formation. We eventually turn around and realise more action is developing behind us.
Fuck me dead! he yells. Big, massive, monster doggies its going off tap! Owen is broadcasting the the scene to his Facebook Live followers and his tearaway enthusiasm belies his otherwise mild nature.
The view from the telecommunication hill, showing a vast cloud structure and a dog-leg lightning bolt shooting out from the lower right. Photograph: Jonny Weeks for the Guardian
Having set up my camera alongside his, I make a schoolboy error, allowing the weight of my long lens to topple the tripod and send several thousands dollars worth of camera gear crashing down the hillside. I quickly retrieve and reassemble my gear and Owen directs me to a patch of sky where he reckons the next bolt is coming. Hes spot on. Within seconds a powerful bolt illuminates the black sky. Im not sure my settings and framing are right but finally the image displays on the back of the camera its a little wonky and maybe a touch soft, but its there, Ive got it.
Get in! I shout, sharing Owens visceral joy for a split second before swiftly triggering the next shot. He has taught me that the best lightning strikes invariably occur while youre wasting time reviewing old pictures.
The bolts slowly become fewer and father between, and junk cloud eventually interrupts our view.
I get a text message from ONeill checking our progress. He told me he wouldnt be out chasing tonight.
Getting some from work! he says. Wish I was there, but getting some cool keepers. Stay safe!
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nXZffr
from The storm chasers hunting bolts in Australia’s Top End
0 notes
themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
Preparing for a Frugal Road Trip
Minh writes in: My family (husband and two kids) are going on a very long road trip next weekend. We are moving across the country and our stuff will already be unloaded when we arrive with my sister handling the unloading. We are currently staying with a friend and the few possessions we still have (a few changes of clothes and electronics) will fit in two suitcases, so the real work of the move is complete until we arrive. What I am looking for are some strategies for making this trip as inexpensive as possible. We have nothing at all planned for the trip except arriving in Boston on Sunday. Ive done many very long road trips with children over the last few years. There are a lot of little things you can do, both before you depart and during the trip, to make the entire trip tolerable and to save a lot of money. So, lets break this down. First of all, your trip is going to be about 46 hours in total on the road, spread over three days. That gives you an average of 15 hours on the road per day. You absolutely have to be driving in shifts. One person should not be driving this entire trip, for that persons health and mental acuity and the safety of the other people in the car. (Honestly, if it is at all possible, I would split this trip into four days, perhaps by leaving mid-day or in the early evening of the day before your currently intended departure.) Also, when youre driving that many miles in a single day, your best approach is to leave incredibly early the first morning and then gradually leave a little later each day. The time zones are going to work against you during this drive. Before the Trip There are several things you can do this week before you leave. Its likely that at least one of you is currently not working, so that person can handle many of these tasks in the few days before the trip. First, take your car into a trusted mechanic for full maintenance and a checkup. Explain that youre going on a long road trip in the next few days and you want to do all you can to ensure that your car arrives with ease. This should involve a fresh oil change, tire inflation and rotation, and so on. If you do not know how to change a tire and how to get your spare out of your car, ask the mechanic, who should be able to explain how to do it. Second, plan your trip out in detail. Figure out in advance where youll be stopping each night. Given your rough itinerary and assuming you must do this in three days, some good stopping points would be Cheyenne, Wyoming, the first night and Chicago the second night (preferably on the southern end of the Chicago area). For each of those nights, figure out your hotel before you depart. This gives you some time to shop around for hotel rooms and save some money. While youre doing this, figure out which states along your route have low gas prices. In general, youll want to buy gas at spots on this map that are green, the darker green the better. Often, crossing a state line (such as the Nevada-Utah border or the Iowa-Illinois border or the Ohio-Pennsylvania border) can make a large difference in gas prices, so knowing whether you should stop before crossing a state line or after can save you enough money over the course of the trip to make a real difference. Third, go on a grocery shopping trip the day before you leave. Youll want to fill up as much space in your car with nonperishable food items as you can. Consider buying a smallish styrofoam cooler that you fill with ice and items that you need to keep cool on the trip. This will enable you to make simple meals on the road instead of stopping at restaurants. Stopping at a park with children for lunch and for dinner, allowing the children to play while the adults stretch and walk around and make a simple meal out of what they have on hand will not only save money, but it will make the trip more pleasant for everyone. Some suggested meals include breakfast cereal (buy a few plastic bowls and spoons, keep milk in the cooler), sandwiches (bread, cheese, condiments, and meat, partially cooler-stored), pre-washed and pre-cut vegetables (you can buy these at the store and prepare them before you leave, keeping them in small containers in the cooler), fruits, nuts, crackers, and so on. You dont need to eat gourmet meals on this trip; rather, just aim for simple and keep costs low. Fourth, make sure you have some basics in the car. Id make sure everyone has an empty water bottle. Id make sure that there are some reading materials in the car for entertainments sake. Id have some backup device chargers. Id have an emergency roadside kit and a first aid kit. Those steps will head off a lot of issues that can cost you money and time along the way. During the Trip There are a lot of things you can do during the trip to make everything more efficient. Here are some tips for a very long car trip with children in tow. First, when you stop for any reason, make everyone use the restroom. This should just be standard policy for any road trip, but its particularly true with kids. Everyone needs to try to use the bathroom whenever you stop at a place with a bathroom. Second, alternate drivers and encourage the passenger to nap. A fresh driver will make everyone more safe in the car. We usually bring along audiobooks and podcasts to keep the driver occupied (and often the passengers, too). Third, stop at parks for meals. I mentioned this earlier, but parks are the best places to stop on a long road trip if youre trying to be economical. You can eat a meal made up of things you bought at a supermarket (far cheaper than fast food or a restaurant stop) and it gives everyone a chance to stretch, move around freely, and get some fresh air. Encourage your children to run around a lot while youre stopped and theyll be less stir crazy in the car. Fourth, check with the hotel and, if they allow it, refill your cooler with ice each night and morning at the hotel. This amounts to free ice. Some hotels dont care if you do this, while others have a policy against it. Check and make sure. I always ask and have only been told no once. The person at the desk generally doesnt care unless it becomes problematic for other guests (meaning youre hogging the entire ice machine for a long period of time or using all of the ice yourself). Fifth, drive the speed limit and use cruise control on the interstate. Speeding saves you only a few minutes per hour while significantly hurting your fuel efficiency, increasing your likelihood of an accident, and increasing your chances of a traffic ticket (and the time lost there blows away the few minutes you might gain by speeding). Just set the cruise control to the speed limit, especially on long interstate legs, and just cruise along. Finally, a long road trip with kids is not the time to discuss contentious issues. Leave issues of contention behind. There is nothing more miserable than a long road trip when youre in strong disagreement with the people youre riding with. If youre feeling uncomfortable, youll want to stop more often; the more often you stop, the more likely you are to spend money and the more gas youre wasting. If there are issues of contention, just dont bring them up. Find something else to discuss. Final Thoughts No long trip like this is ever going to be perfect. There are going to be rough moments and challenges and choices to be made. Youre going to be tired and cranky, particularly on that third day. The more you do in advance to make the entire trip smooth and the more tactics you have in your arsenal during the trip to avoid rough edges, the more likely it is that your trip will be an inexpensive one and as pleasant as three sixteen hour days in a car with a full family of four can possibly be. Good luck! (Hope you dont need it!) Read more: https://www.thesimpledollar.com/preparing-for-a-frugal-road-trip/
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viralhottopics · 7 years
27 Tiny Realizations That Will Help You Keep Going On Your Darkest Days
I know how difficult it can be to get out of bed each morning, trying to find motivation to go about your day. You know I didnt think that Id be where I am today. Although Ive had my fair share of successes, I thought Id be more successful by now. Or at least, feel successful. But I dont.
I havent yet reached my full potential. Im not yet living the life of my dreams. I havent yet found a partner to share my life with. But this isnt to say that Im not happy. Because in many regards, I am. Im happy because I can see the opportunities out there. I can feel my potential and I know that one day I will get that little bit of luck necessary to make dreams come true.
Unfortunately, that belief alone isnt enough to get me through the darkest days. You know what days Im talking about those days when you cant muster a smile. You cant find kind words. You cant simply pull yourself up and keep going through the same motions youve been going through for years. The fact is that the more you dream, the more likely you are to start believing that the life youre living is a nightmare.
Dreaming is certainly important, but you need to also appreciate the things youve done, and the things you now have. Its the combination of all three past, future, and present that creates the necessary motivation to fuel your projection towards the stars. If it werent for these 27 things, I wouldnt be able to keep going:
1. Knowing that one day Ill wake up smiling.
2. Knowing that the day will come when all the hard work and sacrifice truly pays off.
3. That moment in the future when I realize that, regardless of how many people told me otherwise, I made the right choices in life.
4. The belief that the one that got away will eventually lose that title.
5. Those brief moments when I dont feel quite so alone, reminding me that a shoulder to lean on can be found if one looks for it.
6. The stubbornness that is refusing to live a life of mediocrity
7. Having faith that Ill find someone that loves me for me flaws and all.
8. Those days when the sun seems to shine, even though its cloudy.
9. Those rare moments of joy that linger for just a little longer than usual.
10. Noticing that even the worst of people have some goodness inside them.
11. Accepting that even those that treat you like shit, only do so because theyre miserable with themselves.
12. Those moments of silence that speak volumes.
13. Realizing that no matter how many times I may stumble or seemingly regress, Im always moving one step closer to the person Im meant to become.
14. Accepting that Im stronger and more courageous than I give myself credit for.
15. The fact that cuts and bruises, even when incredibly deep, will heal if you allow them to.
16. Those times when I manage to somehow slow down, somehow stop running and take the time to just breathe, to just be.
17. The support of my friends and family because even though they may not believe that Im going to accomplish what I tell them I will accomplish, I know theyll be there for me if I fall.
18. Those summer nights when I lay down in the grass or in the sand, and look up at the stars, realizing that although I matter, at the sametime I dont.
19. Looking back at all that Ive been through, all the mistakes I made, all the times Ive been used or taken advantage of, and noticing that Im still standing. Im still fighting. Im still refusing to stay down for the count.
20. The beauty and perfection that can be found in the smallest of natures workings.
21. The belief that regardless of whether or not this is all part of a greater plan, things will be alright. Ill be alright.
22. The pride I sometimes feel when I stop beating myself up for all that I wasnt able to do, and appreciate all that I was able to do.
23. Refusing to compare myself to others, because no two people have lived the same life, have had to deal with the same trials that life throws their way.
24. Accepting that Im not worse. Im just different and thats a beautiful thing.
25. Putting aside whatever jealousy I may feel when others accomplish the things I wish I accomplished, and using their achievements as fuel that continues driving me forward.
26. Being happy for others, because the fact is that you wont always be happy with yourself. But you can always, and I mean always, find someone else to be happy for.
27. Allowing myself to cry. Not even for a particular reason, but just to remind myself that sadness isnt something we should fear, but rather embrace. For its always better to be able to feel something, than nothing.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kXBMtw
from 27 Tiny Realizations That Will Help You Keep Going On Your Darkest Days
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