#i wish i wasnt so lost on how social stuff works. others seem to just make friends wherever. but whenever i talk to people it ends quickly
be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
maybe i am cool and fun to be around. i feel like people dont like me but ive hardly been around anyone in so long so i have no proof of that.
#the bin#there have been some people who seemed to wanna be friends. i wish it couldve happened.#there was one of my sisters old coworkers who said they wanted to be friends. i really wanted to get to know them and hangout but i didnt#have tbeir contact info and my sister kept randomly having falling outs with them bc shes the worst#they stopped wanting to be around my sister. apparently they still wanted to be my friend but i never got her contact info#she seemed so cool. she showed me her los and monster high collection one of the few times we hung out. i wish we coulda watched#barbie movies together or smth. but no.#how do you meet people? where do you meet people who like the some kinda stuff you do? is it all just luck based?#ive been thinking music shows might be a good idea to try n meet people. that seems to be where a lot of people meet their cool alt friends#i wish i wasnt so lost on how social stuff works. others seem to just make friends wherever. but whenever i talk to people it ends quickly#how do you turn an acquaintance into a friend? some people will meet somone once in a circumstance where theyd never run into them again#and theyll become friends. how do they do that? i know its not luck. how do people have conversations in ways that lead to that?#how do you even learn you have these common interests or that you just like their personality? i hardly know what to talk about that isnt#immediately relevant. i do pretty well socially in work settings bc i can make some casual conversation but its all pretty enpty#i feel so awful every second of the day. nothing distracts me from it. i just wanna talk to someone. watch a show with someone#hold soneones hand. not be alone all the time.#i miss telling jokes. its like such a big part of me and how i interact with people. i have bareky gotten to joke around with anyone in#months. i think that especially is crushing me honestly#i just. i feel SO BAD. every day feels so long and horrible. its only one more month and then things will change at least somewhat but#everyday is so hard to get through. every hour feels like forever. i hate it. i can do anything to feel better#i feel empty of everything besides horrible feelings
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trashy-greyjoy · 7 years
am i the only one who lost complete faith in bellarke the shows been om air for 4 years and the one final opportunity they had to kiss shouldve been right b4 they separated for 6 years they both were walking into their potential deaths and it just makes no sense how there wasnt at least a confession. then i remembered the writers are still pandering to antis who never shut up so it pretty much made me think that legit every small moment that has been given to us is bait for us to stay watching
2/2 you seem like one of the voice of reasons in the fandom and i just had to get it off my chest im just pretty sure the writers are baiting us all along for when they bring you know who back in the series finale or something its so sad bc we stuck around for so long and idk im pretty sure everyone has this feeling that bellarke will never happen so the antis will be happy. i wish theyd realize most of general audience prefers bellarke idk im just sad i wasted my time on this show for 4 yrs
Hello nonny! Not worry I am here to restore your faith in all things canon blarke and s5 is our time! I totally feel your pain, sometimes even I get in those ‘blarke is never gonna fuck what’s even the point’ moods, but i have some long ranting posts ill shoot your way so you have some things to think about and hopefully it'll raise your spirits! (also you saying I'm a voice of reason made me laugh because in all honesty I'm a huge emo mess )
About the kiss being in the s4 finale. at first I really thought it would happen too, since if they think they're gonna die they should confess and make out, except, they didn't think that, at least Bellamy didn't. He thought they were gonna have 5 years of the 2 of them stuck in space to figure it out and be together so he didn't feel the pressure to have to confess before they went up. Clarke probably didn't do anything because she was almost certain she was going to die and she probably didn't want to put all that on Bellamy if he was just going to lose her anyway. Thats especially easy to notice if you pay attention to the face caress scene where she seems light hearted and happy looking at him and then she remembers her mom’s vision. And if you recall there were two separate instances where one of them tried to either confess or say goodbye and the other wouldn't let them (Bellamy before clarke went to the island and Clarke before the head and heart convo). ALSO leaving the confession up in the air gives the opportunity for them to add a lot of conflict with bellamy not getting to tell her going into next season. So when you think about that, it makes a lot of sense for them not to have kissed in the finale.
About the writers pandering to a certain audience, I agree. they name dropped L at unnecessary and excessive points last season to pacify the antis as best as they could. I get it, I hated it, it hurt Clarke’s character, and it wasn’t needed, but like i get what they were trying to do, unsuccessfully. HOWEVER I don't think that'll be a problem going forward. The time jump allows time for Clarke to have grieved and moved on in the last 6 years. She’s not fresh off the loss of a loved one and she’s been able to come into herself and move on essentially. AND the writers have been active on Twitter, and talking about Bellarke for the first time since S2 which is a big deal. They’re out of their Post-L Hibernation and they feel safe, well at least safer, talking about Bellarke on social media, meaning they’ve moved on from trying to pacify the antis in that regard. I think we’re pretty much over seeing them directly pandering to the CL’s at this point. 
Running off of that there’s also the scripts that the writers release, which have so far been pretty Bellarke heavy with the “another piece of her soul on the line”, “kill another person who she loves”, every part of the finale scripts and Bellamy’s “heart screaming”. Like... they released a script canonically saying Clarke loves Bellamy (and in a romantic way since the only other person she loved that she killed in canon was Finn). They’re putting it out there.
There’s no way they’re going to bring L back. Jason said she’s dead and not coming back. ABC has said it. And she’s trying to stay as far away from this show and that character as possible right now, she’s moved on she’s not going to come back. 
As for baiting, yeah they stretch it out and a lot of people think 4 season is unrealistic, but I say time and time again, when you look at canon slow burns and how long they take, 4 seasons, not even full seasons let me remind you, is child’s play. Mulder and Scully took 7 seasons to kiss and almost the whole 9 seasons to be fully canon on the show. Stiles and Lydia took 6 seasons to be canon, Rick and Michonne took 4ish seasons to go canon (still more episodes than The 100′s current 58). Booth and Brennan, Fitz and Simmons, Harvey and Donna (I see you Ana), Ron and Hermione, they all took years and almost twice as long as Bellarke have. It’s how television works. It’s annoying and it’s unrealistic a lot of the times, but its a trope, it follows a pattern, it’s how television shows grab a certain type of viewers and and ensure that they can keep them for the run of the show. Because it’s widely believed by the tv industry that once the ‘will they won't they’ aspect is gone, viewers lose interest so they string it out as long as they think they can. Whether its true or not thats how it works. 
There are also two more major reasons I think, or rather I know, Bellarke are endgame. The 6 Year Separation, and the fact that That’s The Story Jason Is Writing. 
I have separate long posts for these on my blog so I’ll be brief and link those for further reading, but to start off, extended separations are romantic tropes. Being separated for years and thinking the other person is or could be dead is a tried and true romantic Hollywood trope. Almost every example of this in entertainment, be it tv, books, or film, has romantic connotations surrounding it. The entire post about it can be found right here, if you want the low down, which I suggest. I list off other examples and proof in it. 
Moving towards Jason writing romantic Bellarke, it’s what he’s doing. If you look back at all the pivotal ‘Bellarke’ scenes in the past, Jason or Aaron have written a good portion of those episodes. Jason, the show runner, and Aaron, the guy he was ready to have take over if his other show got picked up. That combined with how many times he’s said that this is ‘Clarke and Bellamy’s story’ and in the past (S1-2) how free he was when speaking about Bellarke on social media. It’s always been the plan. He just likes to pull a Chris Carter (show runner of The X-Files, and the OG JRoth) and try to drag it out and deny it as much as possible. Seriously look up some of the stuff CC has said about Mulder and Scully in the past and it fits the same pattern. You can find the full post right here, where I give quotes and explain everything further. 
Taking a turn for a second, you can also think about the fact that tv shows almost NEVER put their big endgame together until the end of the show is approaching, especially if it’s between the two series mains. They don’t give that to you early on, that’s why most bigger ships in tv are at least partially slow burn, they don’t put the big couples together in the first season or two.
And I guess to close out, you can think about the fact that S1 Bellamy is set up as a romantic interest for Clarke from the beginning. His character and their relationship follow the ‘enemy/bad boy isn't actually that bad and actually has a heart and realizes that when he meets the good girl that challenges him’ like come on my guys... they’re set up as a trope from episode 2 when he saves her, and then episode 3 when he stares at her killing Atom and he gets all soft and realizes she’s not who he thought she was. It even comes complete with the jealous canon love interest and the ‘we’ve been through a lot together”
Never mind, I have one more point. Look at the sizzle reel for next season. It’s set up to make Bellarke look romantic or at least intimately connected. I have another long post for that one right here. 
I hope that did the trick for reassuring you at least partially and now we can all stew in this hellatus for a few more months before this hell shit returns to us!
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slytherdanes · 7 years
The Misunderstandings
WHO: Andrew, Spencer & Gen.
WHEN: Autumn Festival.
NOTES: After spending the afternoon in the pub, Andrew begins talking to @genevieve-whistler​ and they have a drink together. Gen gets rather mischievous, however, when @themisunderstoodslytherin​ walks into the pub and spots the two of them. A sly kiss from the blonde witch was all it took to make Spencer turn around and leave, getting the wrong impression entirely. Andrew follows him in an attempt to explain and things get heated. (much of the thread has been lost to the void, but here is what was salvaged)
He didn’t know how things differed for Andrew, whether it was anything to with his blood status or just him as a person but he could tell there was a big difference on their views of their sexuality. Andrew had seemed to accepted it, there was no signs of embarrassment just acceptance and confidence. Spencer was the total opposite. He’d learned to hide it his whole life, even hide it from himself to a certain degree. It was easier for him now, personally, not socially. Socially he still kept it hidden away like a dirty secret, but he’d come to accept it himself. There was nothing he could do about it, no way he could change it - all he could do was hide it and hope for his sake that it never came out. “Just because it shouldn’t doesn’t mean it isn’t. I’m expected to marry a respectable pureblood female from Slytherin. My father would be furious if she was Ravenclaw let alone she actually being a he. It’s just not done, I mean, if it is it’s not spoken about.” Spencer tried to explain with a sigh. “I’m not sure I could get you to understand, you’d have to know my father to get it and even then there’s still so much that …” He trailed not really knowing what he was going to say. So much what? Secrets? Stuff he didn’t know? He just shook his head getting frustrated with himself. “No, that’s exactly how it is. Everything I do is reflected on my father.” He told him believing every single word he was saying. He nearly found himself asking how the blonde would know, but bit his tongue realising how cruel it sounded - he didn’t mean it in malice and he didn’t want to hurt Andrew he was just frustrated that there was so much Andrew wouldn’t be able to understand. “I’m not, I’m exactly like my dad. Everything I do is controlled by him in way, controlled by fear of him.” He’d said too much, he needed to shut up.
A smile came to his face, a genuine smile. It was weird considering the circumstances, and it hurt like hell as it tugged on the cut on his lip but that didn’t stop him smiling. He probably looked weird smiling considering the situation but he’d never had someone care about him being hurt physically or emotionally. Spencer froze as he felt the male’s hand on his face, it felt weird - a good weird, but weird nonetheless. The only time anyone had really raised a hand to him was to hit him, so the touch felt foreign. His eyes followed Andrew’s thumb as it moved over his lip. He took an intake of breath, attempting not to wince. He scoffed at the male’s comment. “How do you know?” He retorted, knowing he deserved most of the things he got coming to him. “I don’t need the infirmary. It’s nothing I can’t handle, I’m not a wimp.” He argued with a thrown. He’d received worse, and had never got help for it before. He was used to just letting things heal or patching himself up. If he’d ever complained or asked for help he’d get another hit for being a wimp. He met Andrew’s gaze briefly as he removed his hand before clearing his throat and looking away.
The expectation to marry someone specific was foreign to him. He had never had such an expectation thrust upon him. Of course, there was the idea that he would end up marrying a woman, but besides that it was nonexistent. Granted, that was a rather big caveat – but it was never something that was necessarily forced upon him. They lived in very different worlds, and Andrew had not known just how different they were. “Well, at least I’m from Slytherin?” He offered in consolation, though he was only joking, trying to make light of the situation. “It’s not right to have those sorts of expectations laid out for you. People should be allowed to choose their own paths..” And Andrew wasn’t saying that just because he was interested in Spencer. It was something he believed for everyone. It was hard to go against what one’s parents had in mind, Andrew knew that. Still, there should never be anything limiting people. “So much that?” Andrew didn’t want to pry, but a large part of him wanted to understand more about Spencer. There was so much that was under wraps and Andrew wanted to know what was under there. “You could try me.” He shrugged. He may not understand, but there was no harm in trying. Andrew
Andrew’s brow drew together, concerned for the other man. “And you’re okay with that?” He asked, genuinely curious. It didn’t seem that Spencer was okay with that, but Andrew had little idea what went on in his head. The concern within Andrew grew even more so when Spencer mentioned that he was fearful of his father. Given his close relationship with his parents, before their untimely demise, being afraid of his father was something completely new for him. Of course there were times when he might be worried about his parents’ reaction to things, but to be afraid of them? Never. “I don’t think that means you’re exactly like him.”
The genuine smile on Spencer’s lips made Andrew smile himself, once again. He wasn’t entirely sure what he had done – perhaps it was that he cared. Still, regardless seeing the man smile was something Andrew enjoyed. He could feel Spencer freeze at his touch, and wasn’t sure whether that was necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. Regardless, the wizard allowed Andrew to continue inspecting his face. “Well, at the very least I don’t think you deserve it.” He offered. “The guard was out of order.” Andrew didn’t know what Spencer had done, but it can’t have been much worse than most prisoners. “Where is your guard anyway?” He asked, looking around and seeing no one accompanying him. “I don’t think you’re a wimp, and I know you can handle it, but we should get it cleaned up.” He insisted. Andrew cleared his throat as well, swallowing after and meeting Spencer’s gaze once again. “We can head to mine and see what we can do, if you don’t want to go to the hospital.”
A small laugh left Spencer’s lips, only Andrew could make him laugh about such a serious subject. He was thankful that he’d tried to bring some light to their conversation, hating how deep and serious it was getting. “I suppose one out of three isn’t terrible.” He replied with half a smirk. “It’s just the way it is. It’s like it for quite a few traditional pureblood families. My father doesn’t exactly see it as it being my life to live y'know? I mean, he gave me life so it’s his to control.” He explained without even thinking twice about it. That was the only problem about Andrew, he made Spencer feel so comfortable that he found things slipping out of his mouth, things he wasn’t supposed to talk about. “Just so much you don’t know.” He finished, leaving it at that almost shutting the male down. He’d said enough for one night. He wasn’t going to let anything else slip.
“What choice do I have?” Spencer asked shrugging nonchalantly, he’d had enough time to come to terms with it. He could see thoughts whirling around in the blonde’s head he only wished he knew what the thoughts were. “I feel like it does. I mean, the things I’ve said - I’m just spewing all the rubbish he does.” He admitted feeling disgusted with himself. His teeth sunk into his lip drawing blood, as his mind attacked itself with insults. He wished things were different, that he was better. Andrew deserved better.
“Others might disagree.” Spencer replied with a smirk, getting used to the pain of his cut stretching as his lips moved. “I don’t blame the guard.” He told Andrew truthfully. A smirk came to his face as he questioned Spencer about his guard. “I locked him in my bathroom as he ran for his wand.” He probably shouldn’t have been as impressed with himself as he was but he quite enjoyed the fact he’d managed to outsmart the male. “Fine, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” Though the thought made him uncomfortable just thinking of the insults his father would shout if he could see him. “I’d prefe that.” He admitted forcing a smile.
“And obviously I have the most important one down.” Andrew joked once again. His blood status and gender identity were surely more important than his previous Hogwarts house. Still, better to have one than none. “We can work on the others.” He winked at his fellow wizard. Those were two things he could not change, even if he had wanted – which he in fact did not. Once upon a time Andrew would have begged to be a pureblood wizard, for all the torment it would have saved him. He did not care much for it these days. He had come to learn that it was something that would never change, and he was okay with that. Even if everyone else wasn’t. Quite frankly, it was a miracle he was placed in Slytherin being a muggleborn – so he had barely ticked one thing off of Spencer’s list. Andrew nodded. He knew what pureblood families could be like. He knew too many purebloods to not have an idea. Still, it was still crazy to him when he heard a first hand account of such things. This would never happen in his world outside of magic. “That’s not right.” Was all he could think to say. Spencer was raised this way, it was ingrained within the wizard and nothing Andrew would say could change that fact. Still, he didn’t believe it was fair. “You deserve to live the way you want to – to do whatever you like, and be with whoever you’d like to.” The words were slow, calculating and every one of them true. “No one should have control over the things you do.” It was easy for Andrew to say, of course. He wasnt the one in such a limiting situation. With Spencer’s words it was easy to see that he had no intention of explaining further. He was right. Andrew wasn’t sure of the entire situation, but it was difficult. It must have been for him. He wasn’t sure what exactly to say to him. What could he do? What choice did he have? It was easy to think: Spencer could just disobey his father. Much harder to do, though. “Ignore the expectations?” The amount of time it had taken him to answer, paired with the uncertainty of his tone showed that Andrew didn’t think that was a realistic or easy thing to do. “You might have said those things, but it seems to me that you don’t believe them like je does.” He wasn’t certain about what Spencer had said or done because of or for his father, but Andrew could see that a large part of Spencer was fighting against that. He didn’t seem happy with it, or content in the ways some of the prisoners were. If Spencer felt that way, then there was no way that Andrew would even have the time of day from him – let alone be having these conversations with him. Andrew had never met Spencer’s father, but from mere descriptions he knew that his father would have put him down long ago. Spencer hadn’t even said some of the things other prisoners were quick to call him. He didn’t believe that the two were alike. Granted, he hadn’t met him. He didn’t want to, either. “Other’s can disagree all they like, it won’t change my opinion.” Andrew hadn’t been concerned with the opinions of others for a while. “You probably should. He had a field day.” Spencer’s face was the proof of that, and he was sure the guard would be happy to see what he had done. Andrew couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips. “Good play.” He shook his head in amusement. “He probably won’t be happy about that.” It was a good job Andrew had been the one to bump into him, for he was certain other guards wouldn’t have been as forgiving. Andrew nodded just the once. “My place it is.” He offered the other a smile. “Because that lip looks pretty painful.” He had noticed that the lip had been bleeding more so during their conversation.
Spencer laughed shaking his head and the blonde, he felt odd laughing and joking with him considering everything that was happening but in a way it always felt right with Andrew, never forced. “We can? Are you planning on having a sex change I don’t know about?” He teased with a laugh. “Maybe a blood transfusion?” He added shaking his head with a smirk. Even if Andrew was able to change those things Spencer wouldn’t want him too, he liked him just the way he was - which was the issue. No that was a lie. The issue was Spencer. If anyone should have been changing it should have been him. If he wasn’t such a wimp, if he was brave enough to stand up to his family he wouldn’t of been having this conversation. “I guess it’s not but that doesn’t change the way it is. I mean, not everyone goes along with it but some people just don’t really have a choice. Well, I guess we do but sometimes it doesn’t feel like we do.” Spencer confessed with a shrug
“Everyone is controlled to a certain extent. I mean, surely you had rules growing up as a kid? Your parents stopping you from doing something you wanted? It’s just like that really but a little more strict and controlling.” He pointed out trying to show Andrew how he saw it.
The male scoffed finding Andrew’s suggestion amusing. “I wish I could.” Was his only reply. Even Andrew knew it wasn’t that simple. He smiled at the male gratefully. “No I don’t, but that just makes it worse. I’m too much of a coward to stand up against it, I just go along with what is expected of me.” He replied shaking his head while digging his nails into his palms. He truly did have a hatred for himself, one that ran deep down to his core. He probably had his father to thank for that. There was only so many times someone could be told them were worthless before they would start to believe it. “Thank you. It means a lot.” The Slytherin replied honestly. He tried not to laugh at the male’s statement if he thought this was bad he’d seen nothing yet compared to what his father had been known to do. “It could have been worse.” Spencer knew that oh too well. “I thought so.” He relied with a smirk. “Well there’s not a lot he can do about it now. I’m just hoping he’s escaped by the time I return.” He’d not thought that far ahead while locking him in there. “Lead the way.” Spencer stated gesturing for the blonde to show him the way. “It’s not that bad. Probably looks worse than it is”
Shaking his head in amusement at the wizard’s comment. “I wasn’t planning on it, but who knows?” He joked, winking at the other. “A blood transfusion could work.” He nodded in joking agreement. “Just need to find a willing participant.” He laughed. Andrew had no problem with his blood, so there was no issue joking about it. Had he actually felt lesser because of it, then the conversation might have been less playful. Of course, with the following seriousness of the conversation, it couldn’t remain playful for long. He nodded along with Spencer’s words, unsure of what to say. Andrew knew that it couldn’t have been easy. There was always a choice, Andrew thought, it was just a matter of how easy that choice was. “I guess not.” He frowned, feeling sorry for Spencer and those in similar situations.
“I had rules when I was a kid,” he nodded. “But that was a long time ago, and a lot changed when I hit, maybe, sixteen?” The rules set out for him had diminished significantly, and the freedom after he hit eighteen especially was much greater. Andrew would never have considered himself controlled, though. Even if as a silly teen, he might have complained about such. “You’re not a kid, anymore, Spence.” He frowned, sad about the fact that Spencer’s parents were treating him like such.
Andrew didn’t think that it was a good way to live, how Spencer was obeying his father at every turn. Especially given the controlling nature. Had he been doing things far beyond that he should have, then it would be more understandable. Of course, his father held views that were not the greatest, and that Andrew didn’t agree with. But still, it wasn’t entirely fair. He placed his hand on the upper part of Spencer’s arm. “You’re not a coward.” Andrew believed that much, though he hadn’t seen the other with his father, he couldn’t believe that Spencer was a coward. “Not everyone is okay with breaking expectations.” And Andrew certainly wasn’t trying to force Spencer to do so. It was a shame, though, for himself. He did wish that something could happen between the two of them, but wasn’t going to push Spencer into anything he was uncomfortable with.
“I am glad it wasn’t worse.” Andrew would have been a great deal more angry had it been. “Well, then you’ll have to stay out a little longer than originally planned, just to make sure.” He offered. More time would give the guard greater chance of escaping. Andrew nodded and moved further up the street before taking a left turn. “Maybe, but it needs cleaning at the very least.” He shot Spencer a look that suggested he shouldn’t argue with him. After walking down the street, he took another right turn and arrived at the place he’d called home for the past few months. He checked in his pocket for his keys, searching for them – tried the other pocket and finally pulled them out. “There they are.” He laughed lightly. He raised them to the keyhole and unlocked the door, pushing it open. He had the sudden thought that his sister might be in, though he hoped she was not. Andrew thought telling Spencer such things might make him less inclined to enter, and so opted to remain silent about that. “After you,” he said, holding his arm out to let him pass.
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nieloxychen · 5 years
time to ramble abt a weird and super real feeling dream i had that ill now try to make a story and multiple ocs out of
important: takes part across several worlds with one single connecting character. most of the ocs exist in the last, most recent world (that main oc tries his fucking best to stay in bc its actually not a complete dumpster fire)
main oc is tito (he/him, they/them, it/its on occasion)
world 0 - 
doesnt remember much
his origin
died in a car(?) crash somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
world 1 -
 wakes up semi corporeal somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
something bad (not defined yet) happened and a young woman is hiding in the rv from the sth bad that happened
shes looking fr her sister
tito cant help but help her out and they look for her together since 2 is better than 1
she has been looknig for help for a while
no one has been willing to since she thinks her sister is in the middle of the bad thing
(also the big city. lots of gross stuff everywhere, lots of ppl trying to murder)
no one wants to go there
they go together and nearly die a lot
both get infected w a strange illness
shes geting better, hes slowly dying
they find the sister (why she was there idk yet) and tito basicly sacrifices themself so the sisters can escape the bad thing
badly wounded he crawls away into an alley and breaks down next to some trash cans
(just remembered that somewhere in this world there was like a hill made of grey bodies all weaved together and like tunnels in there and the arms were moving and shit what)
colour here were mostly grey and brown
world 2 -
wakes up in an alley next to some trash
hears music, its a festival!! 
he goes to check it out, its a sports thing w like speed and stuff! 
seems like a nice place right? wrong. 
that sport is forced, loser gets sacrificed to big weird monster thing
 kind of a hunger games situation happens, he offers himself up so a parent isnt seperated from a child (just cant not help, its a bad decision and they get that but they just *clenches fist* hero comlpex a bit)
obviously looses, he doesnt fucking know the sport, what did he expect? 
BUT the infection from world 1 did sth to him? (superpowers kinda, has no clue what anything is or does) 
hes still affected by it somehow and is able to escape the ppl leading him to the monster thing to eat
finds out they picked a rando instead and feels bad
tries to save the rando
figures out monster thing is basicly a big fungus that uses ppl to carry spores 
-> the infection he carries infects a spore carries and they die immediatly
quick plan: infect fungus w a disease it is completly unkonw to
doesnt work, spore carriers actually are connected to fungus, its building anti-bodies
he dies in the sewers trying to escape the ppl feeding the fungus.
world 3 - 
wakes up in the sewers
THERS WERE-PPL!! dont change into any specific animal, but tend to have a favourite
theyre kinda nice, help them out, give them food 
they accidentally get infected through shenanigans (it was very non-specific in the dream yo)
tries to figure out both infection based power systems here, quicker to get the were-thing since ppl aroung them actually know what that is. everything else is just weird to everyone
also - possibility of first infection evolving through each world change? didnt notice powers in world 1, only some in world 2, more here?
BUT also very little time to try and figure shit out till now
very chill for a while, hopes they can settle down and maybe not die maybe
SURPRISE children are getting kidnapped!!
by who?? to where? why??? no fucking clue!!
so tito goes to help bc thats just what theydo by now fuck
gets captured, basicly forced to do what kidnappers want w threat of children getting killed (im just gonna say they were able to do them damage for a while before the kidnappers figured out who he is/ a weakness. there was no reason anywhere)
they find a hole in the command chain, go out in a blaze of glory, all the kidnappers are gone (as far as they know)
theyre also very dead and bleed out in the middle of a field
world 4 - 
flying vampires, flesh-goo ppl (idk, the pic i remember was a lady changing into a black-greyish flesh-goo to climb up 90° walls in a seond), theres slenderman maybe????? all kinda sorta want to kill tito for the reason of...
well there has to be a reason he keeps waking up in different worlds right?
but hes not super good at thinking and they dont stop to explain it so??
arent just trying to kill him though, theres also some old man theyre going after
helps the old man, is the grandchild (adopted) of some immortal lady
she is very thankful and gives him the gift of 3 very specific magic powers of his choosing (theyre like marbles and he has to pick 3)
1. Open any door anywhere (doesnt need to be connected) and just wish to go to a place (the more specific the better)
2. Change anything he wants to into a small marble though sheer will power. has to concentrate to keep the shape
3. basicly featherfall but more controlled. actually, more like steven universe floating powers
by now the first infection is basicly a magic system of its own but its all very instinct based. poor tito has no fucning clue
the colour here were very bright, lots of flowers and sunshine and stuff
and just a fucking slenderman flying behing dream-me, blasting through houses and trees and shit?
dies after being chased by flying slender-vampire and goo lady (wasnt fighting back bc they were proctecting sth? idk what though) in like an abandoned farmhouse
world 5 -
wakes up in farmhouse, theres a person!
ocs here we go
person is helke. shes nice but kind of scary sometimes. its mostly a joke for her though
she helps him get used to the world
his powers are by now vry fucking op. but there are SO many powers here too and she fills him in
silver minds: can sense things like weapons if theyre being carried w the intent to harm them or someone they want to look out for. can redirect them against their users, or just stop them alltogether. somewhat staticy voice when stressed, very cold to the touch. born this way
schalks: completly immune to mind intrusion based powers. somewhat of a pack mentality. cannot be located if they dont want to be, very selective in what contact they want. group together for social contact, and also: need contact to eachother bc they need to share excess energy between eachother or they kinda implode. infection based, 2 schalks can have schalk bbys but not often
werewolves: ya only wolves. helke is one! grow up in packs, but adults tend to seperate from larger packs to form their own. can change whenever, super strong always, also fast when changed. just really like raw meat yk? born this way, packs can be made up from basicly anything
more im gonna add, but these i remember. not including the names
basicly helke wants to start a pack and invites him to stay since she doesnt like being alone and wants to help, and ofc he wants to help her
they meet another young werewolf (i think. big fighty and a beard. might be sth else at some point) and he joins them. this is nikola
they meet a young girl, whos a silver mind and kinda running away from home bc bad home life. her names rita.
they invite her to join the pack, which she does and pack rules are kinda big so after proving themselves as reasonably good guardians for her shes officially adopted
she runs into a lonely (very lonely, kinda dying) schalk who lost contact to their group and the pack help them find their group.
their name is an
the group becomes kinda part of the pack, but the rest of the schalk group isnt a fan of big groups of ppl, so the 4 schalks and the 4-pack live in different locations
now /someone/ notices tito like how goop-slener-vamp did in world 4 and tries to capture tito (who was hanging out w rita while that happened.
thank fuck for marble magic, so rita is safe, tito can flee to the schalks (take us somewhere safe)
an turns tito into a schalk, so he wont be found anymore so now he has to kind of move between the 2 camps a lot
on their way to and fro they meet another kid called jacko (also running away, wont say why). is taken into the pack after more safety precautions
hes just a lil human, no magic nothing 
thats the story ig
tito - (he/they/it), roughly 25 (time is weird) not good at thinking, wants to be nice, wants to help, very op, kinda whimsical, very sweet person. DOES NOT WANT TO DIE AGAIN it sucks just want to be happy and make others happ, protective big sibling, everyone is their baby sib
helke - (she/her), 27 wants to help and have a big family/pack, big jokester, tries to be scary, only strangers will believe that, great at handywork and making every sort of meat food. also hunting. lumberjack vibe, chills w nikola, sports w tito, gmaes w kids
nikola - (he/him), 24 chill weed vibe. big fan of cleaning, lock your door if you dont want him to do your laundry. big into birdwatching. somehow in a pack w very intense or op folk which he finds a bit intimidating. doesnt realise hes also big intimidating. has gotten into 3 fights in his life but they were SCARY af, safe zone for tito, fun zone w tito
rita - (she/her), 15 good girl, can be kinda scary, very competetive, VERY COMPETATIVE, will draw hearts on your cast and help you and stuff, after having broken your arm, close w helke and tito
jacko - (he/him), 11 good boy, v shy, v opinionated. would have a blog if older. tried to make one but fled after 1 bad interaction. had to talk abt that a lot to understand it. arts n crafts boy, also climbing, looks up to nikola a lot
an - (they/them), 26 very quiet, thinks theyre right p much always, wants the best for everyone, but not super great at respecting ppls wishes. needs sense knocked into them every now and then. tries very hard. fails. plyam w leena and karim, not good w nikola
leena (she/them), 25, big into animals, big into food, big into random interest of the week. looses interest quickly though
karim (he/him), 26, big art, the one braincell between all the schalks (including tito bc omg BOY), draws creepy things on trees to fuck w ppl, prankster fuck
essek (he/they) 24, fashion and food, loudest of the schalks, goes into the city to get neccessities and general stuff, kinda crushing on tito, sib of karim
in general, the pack is very close. even an and nikola, but theyre kinda cold since an turned tito (tito is ok w it, nikola is big mad an didnt give tito an option, big fight 3, very fucking scary). but they do love eachother a lot, what ive noted were just the stand outs.
same w the schalks, theyre very close but i havent had any of these long enough to get a super good feel on the relationships between eeryone
but i love them already
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survivorkvaloya · 7 years
Episode #3: “I Wanna Start S#!t” - Chelsea
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Honestly, Steffen, not much has happened for me in the first two episodes. We'll go over it really quick. I liked my original tribe of 5 with Jules, Liam, Christine, and Ryan. They were all awesome. My mentor, Colin, a fellow House of Shade alumni--also awesome. We won the flash game challenge (of the 5 competitors of my tribe, I scored 1 point which landed me in the middle of our tribe rankings). I bonded with Christine early. That could be something to hang onto. The following round was a crapshoot competition and we won that, too! On my new tribe, I like Lauren and Jack and I also have Christine there. I really wish there was more dirt or drama because I love writing lengthy confessionals, but things are just getting started here!
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Alright. So I guess no one wants pleasant kind hearted lily around. They want mean angry bitter ass lily which I'm happy to give but they ain't gonna like it. I got an extra vote on this island thing that no one is gonna know about because fuck these bitches. I know I will need the upper hand later when the couples try to destroy the singles. When I get out of reflection island I'm gonna try to buddy up with Connor and ask him to be my new mentor. Jules I'm pissed. I wish I knew exactly what happened but I will try to get to the bottom of it and make sure all those losers pay. I hope you start feeling better too. I feel like I can't trust anyone after that but Jackson seems pretty genuine of not knowing or not being able to do anything. But, because of this HUGE betrayal everyone on that other tribe can fend for themselves. I'll be all nice nice yeah I'd love to work with you but nah. I ain't interested. Let's be clear here, I have no loyalties and I'm not playing some kind of loyal game. You cut my mentor ill cute you. BYE Andreas also told me about Jules getting voted out most likely before the vote which is cool. I appreciate that. But Nicholas Colin we ain't buddies. I'm rooting for a student to win but it ain't y'all. Tonight I will hopefully put together a board of what original tribes people were on their swap tribe and who their mentor is. I think this will help me get a better picture of what's going on. Also, being bitter as fuck only two days in? My aesthetic. 
Oh and also I miss the damn creative challenge? There better be more to come because I'm sad. I've never done a music video challenge this was my shot and these bitches took me out!!! What the HECKIE???? 
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nothing's really happened imo. this main is slow. i want drama. nicholas said there's a majority cross tribe alliance. where's my invite? i wanna start shit. my goal is just to make merge so i can blow up, the best way "Trixsea" Steele knows how. :) :) :)
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I know i killed this music video challenge, but Chelsea told me that me and only 3 others submitted anything and after re-reading the rules and seeing that its an extra 5 points for every appearance we could actually be fucked. It wouldn't be to big of a problem because honestly I like going to tribal and getting to vote people off, but I also know of the cross tribe majority alliance who supposedly has majority on our tribe right now. If we lose this I'll probably try to blow up and either shake that alliance up or go out in a blaze of chaotic glory.  
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Im at tribal right now and I was getting a sick feeling that I was going to be the one voted out... But I always feel like that. I think that I am going to get my team together, Liam got a vote and if he wasn't sure if he wanted to work with me (even thought he said he wanted to) so yeah.... Me, Andreas, Colin, Liam, Ryan, Jackson... Then we have the numbers? yeah cus there is only nine of us rn. We could pull in Conner to make life really easy and to add a couple number just encase. If we do that then out of everyone we would have: Me and Liam, Colin and Brett, Ryan and Jackson, Andreas and... someone (-_- sorry) and then Conner who lost their student. Thats 9 people in a game with 18? maybe that  about half. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore but I do know that this needs to happen soon before I get bumped to the side... I do no like being a side bitch 
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Ahhhh, I'm literally so in love with this challenge it was so much fun and Chelsea did such an amazing job editing it. If we don't win I'll be shocked...and scared. Lauren disappeared for a bit and didn't participate so like I'm a little...or a lot worried for her. As of right now I literally love this tribe. QuilLynn is super smart and I adore her, Willow and Chelsea are sweet and adorable and Brett is a gem. I guess the only person I haven't clicked with is Jack but for now everything's looking good and Im hoping we win the challenge :)
Whew, I'm so excited to have won immunity! The challenge was so much fun and now...its messy cause alliances are starting to form and QuilLynn told me about one that apparently me and Lauren are in? So I don't know if Lauren's making deals without me or what, but nobody's approached me specifically and I'm not in any chats so! I'm not sure what's going on and I don't like it. I think right now my #1 is QuilLynn. She's smart, sweet and very easy to talk to so I officially adore her and wanna protect her at all costs. I need to get things in order with Lauren cause I don't wanna get in the middle of some warfare we don't need to be in. 
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We lost. Again. This is the worst. My tribe is cursed. Kinda. It's like a blessing in disguise for me tbh. I'm using this time to recover from last round and regroup. There's more talk of a majority alliance forming and I wanna make sure it happens so I can solidify my place in it. I think my number 1 ally has shifted from Nicholas to Jackson now. Jackson is literally my fave person in this game. He's so nice and fun to talk to, he's socially and strategically aware, and most importantly, he's really cute and nice to look at so! I still got that alliance with JD and Andreas but I am not really loyal to it. JD seems to playing messily and I've mentioned before Andreas seems too well connected for his own good. Anyway, onto this vote! Literally? The only thing I've heard? Is Connor? but....... that's all I've heard. Connor isn't putting out another name. No one else is putting out another name. And that's a recipe for paranoia in my mind. I wanna trust the majority that's been built, JD says Jackson and Ryan will be voting with us, and I trust them 10000% but I'm a paranoid hoe. 
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my confessional game so far has been weak af so far like I literally forgot to write a confessional last round, so I guess I'll just do a quick recap. Essentially I have mixed feelings about my tribe bc there are 3 other people who I really like Chelsea, QuilLynn, and Gage. We ended up creating an alliance and QuilLynn titled it "arent you Klad I didn't say fjorden" which is iconic! Anyway that cookie challenge last round killed me but I'm glad I came up with the strategy to split 3 on 0, 3 on 9 and 3 in the middle. Lily was convinced that they weren't going to put all their cookies on one of our tribe mates so like I'm kinda glad I proved her wrong lmao idk. As for the people I have mixed feelings about Jack is okay I mean he usually replies but in PMs he can be kinda boring and give one word answers. Christine is really nice but she just doesnt reply a lot? maybe she just doesnt like small talk or something. Brett, I've heard really good things about him but he only replies when its about him lol, like if I ever start sharing one of my stories or whatever idk he just stops replying lol. Lauren, okay shes super cute but seems inactive. Anyway I was like super excited that we got to do the music video challenge this round, its always super fun even though what I make is always really awkward lmao. Anyway like 4 people from our tribe didnt submit, Jack was sick (so he says), Gage was moving which is alright, and Lauren (didn't say anything about why she didn't do it lol), and Chelsea was editing so its all good. Shes like a really good editor and our video turned out great so I'm glad we won even though we had like 4 people in the video compared to them having like 7. So then QuilLynn informs me that Chelsea told her that theres a majority alliance of like 8ish people?? like what the fuck thats about half the people here. So its Andreas-Jack, Colin-Brett, JD-Liam, and potentially Lauren-Christine. And there are a bunch of people we're unsure could be in the alliance. And then as Im hearing about the alliance I'm realizing that it consists of the people on my tribe who dont always reply to me lol or when they do are boring. And I mean I know im not the most interesting texter but these people are worse then me. So then I was talking to Ryan and asking him about his tribe and the reward and stuff to see if I could get any information about whether if hes in the majority or not without directly asking. So I was like whats was the idol clue reward this time and he told me about how it has to do with whoever gets the lowest score in the challenge, which sounds super complicated bc if someone with the lowest score doesnt have the clue then no one gets the idol. And he gave the clue to me, and I wanna give it to QuilLynn but we dont need too many people throwing the challenge and if one of our alliance members already has it then it should be alright, and it'll keep up my trust with Ryan since Im not supposed to give it to anyone so Im hoping its a win win. but he told me that I wasnt supposed to tell anyone about what the reward was but before he told me that I had already told my alliance bc I think I trust them more oops? but I think I want to trust Ryan. I told him that I heard rumors about a cross tribe majority alliance but thats all I knew, and he told me about a group of mentors and students talk about a potential alliance and they asked Danielle about it and she told Ryan she would try to get him in if she could. So then I tried talking to Danielle just making small talk or whatever and she only gave one word answers, which was fucking weird? Like some shit is clearly going on that I dont know about? I can already tell im becoming messy af which I wanted to not try to do as much as I did last season but maybe im just naturally a messy player and theres nothing I can do about it lol. Anyway I hope the majority isnt something I should worry about and I hope they self destruct somehow or Im just hoping that it doesnt exist at all and it was just a rumor made up to scare people or some shit. 
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So why I made this blog is to cope and rant and stuff
Yeah yeah I’m just a stupid teenager and my problems don’t ever really mean anything, especially when it comes to stupid high school drama, but I do have actual problems.
Here’s my stupid rant or what ever.
Two days ago I lost one of my best friends named Ahrlenny Wendy Hernandez, she was battling leukemia for little under two months, perhaps longer but that was when she was diagnosed, prior to that she had been in the hospital for a month ish due to having liver and gallbladder problems, she even got her gallbladder removed due to having stones. Anyways so she had missed out on a month of school and when she finally came back for little under two weeks, she was feeling extremely poor again. She went to the hospital and they did blood test after blood test after noticing an extremely low white blood cell count.
She called me and some of her our other friends in our chat and told us while crying that there was a massive chance of having leukemia. We reassured her and said it was unlikely and that if she did have it we would help her over come it and help her heal through out the entire process. The next evening, I get a group call in my a group chat with my little gang that included Wendy on snap chat. She is balling now, saying how she has it, Julianna and I once again reassured her that she would make it through this with us by her side over that call, then we told Sophia, Aileen and Raven that night, who then reached out to her to say the same as we did to her. We would help her heal, do cute stuff with her like videos for youtube about makeup and gossip and everything we could for her.
She started chemo, this was about a month and a half ago, maybe less. She was doing fine, the chemo wasn’t even making her sick nor throwup even. She even still had the energy to keep her streaks up the entirety of her poor health. She was texting us in the chat about doctor stuff. We would tell her the latest band drama and she would laugh or sass in a reply to what happened with us. It was simple enjoyable moments I should have paid more attention to.
We were told to tell certain friends in band about her having the leukemia, she didn’t want people to all know about it, whether fear of misjudgment or not wanting pity I’ll never really know. We told everyone we needed the very next school day. The day we told people, Aileen and I told people to make cards and such to give her when we were going to see her in the hospital for the first of two times. We got a white and purple orcid and two stuffed bear animals. But when we called the hospital that day after school she was in surgery for taking bone marrow out of her hip and we(Jacob, Aileen, my mother and I) decided to visit her the next day, though she said she wanted to see us either way. We wanted her to rest and promised it for tomorrow. We got an actualy card instead of some scratch paper, and had all the people who knew sign it to our best ability.
Aileen and I got picked up by my mom and we had the card, the flowers and the bears all with us in tale. We were excited to see her for the first time seeing for in about a week or two. We wanted to tell the tea irl now.
We got to the local hospital, asked for Ahrlenny Hernandez and put Aileen Martinez and Isabella Duncan for our visitors passes, though Aileen was Eileen and Martinez was Maritinez, but my name was spelt correctly haha.
We were then guided to Wendy’s room and go to see her cute, dumb, smiling face. Her Spanish only speaking family was there, her mother was talking to her sister, her Father was watching soccer on the TV and her little brother was as energetic as always. It seemed rather normal for them to be there.
We went over to Wendy gave her our gifts and our card, and one extra bad card that talked about being her plug from some kid in band once she got better, and for wendy to subscribe to his youtube channel. Werid plug but ight.
Anyways, it was pretty chill but Aileen and I were also pretty awkward around her family. We had fun, talked shit about some band kids, talked about what we would do after this all finished. Everything seemed so perfect, so calm, so hopeful.
I then got a text from my mom asking where we were as we had been in there for an hour, and she wanted to go home. We hugged Wendy goodbye for the second to last time ever. And went home. Then we kept texting in our snapchat groupchat, everything was going alright, chemo was doing it’s thing, it was looking up.
Three weeks later Aileen and I planned a sleepover on for February Second, where we planned to visit Wendy the next day and spend as much time as we could with her. We tried to bake cookies for her and her family, but at Aileens, she didn’t have butter, just this butter like spread, and no brown sugar just normal table sugar. We tried to make it work, but the batter cooked to odd for cookie like texture, so we tried to make two cookie loafs, the first one I messed up due to not baking it enough and the second one was pretty good if I do say so myself.
We slept pretty hard that night, and woke up to get our stuff together and go visit Wendy. My mom had work at 11:00am, and would give us a ride at 10:20am- it was 9:00am when she said this but my stupid ass read it as ten-twenty like in ten to twenty minutes. Rushing both of our selves ready we waited and then we realized the the wrong in my reading and waited.
We got to the hospital at about 10:45am, and asked for Ahrlenny Hernandez once again little did we know for the final time. We got to her room which had her(duh), her nurse, her mom, her dad, two aunts, and her little brother. It was p a c k e d. We went over to her, hugged her hello, and sat down near her bedside. She was getting chemo as we entered the room too. She had gotten pale but nothing near to looking deathly, she had lost some weight as well, and was eating a bad of sun chips and drinking water when she was getting the chemo.
I had a bag of mini-marshmallows and proceeded to eat about 4/5ths of the package, it stated to “have fun with your yum” but also to eat one at a time but little to late I was eating them by the handful. It was amusing to us three, even the nurse! So we talked and gabbed about the latest band stuff, like about gigs, fundraisers, drama, gossip and funny stories that she sadly missed. We were laughing and having a lot of fun. I told her about the cookie loaf situation which made her laugh, same thing happened when I explained that whole 10:20am not ten-twenty minutes. It was so fucking wholesome and fun, and I wish I got to savor it more.
At some point her uncle and cousin showed up and barley said hello to her and just started watching soccer which was pretty sad and funny all in one second. Her two aunts when they showed up hugged her and gave her a stuffed animal and food.
As we were talking about all the things we wanted to bring up she even asked us what color wig she should get, purple or blue? She said. Purple always worked great on her.
I started to text our chat to invite them to say hi to Wendy at the hospital but they had work or family problems and couldn’t go, so I texted my friend Gustavo, he was friend with Wendy and in the same band we both played in. We convinced him to come and said he wasnt gonna walk, but said yes. At some point she was supposed to get up and do some walking around the area to keep her self moving and such, but I convinved her to stop at this little side room that had this airhockey machine in it.
Of course she and I played against eachother, and it was a lot of fun, but mid game, in which I was agressivly playing, she stopped cause she had gotten a phone call from her mother, turns out Gustavo had shown up to the room a L o T quicker than we expected and so we walked over to him and brought him to the air hockey room, made jokes and had fun, I still however was playing pretty aggressively and at one point she didnt even have to try and I was pretty much playing against myself. It was pretty funny as I even hit the puck off the air hockey table top a few times like an idiot.
We finally rested a little and then we walked with Wendy around about two or three laps around that part of the hospital. We got back to her room and talked for a little bit more. But my mom was saying I needed to get home to shower and clean my room. So we said our goodbyes and hugged her for our last time ever. Aileen and I where there for nearly seven hours, when we finally left. We got a ride from Aileens mom. And that was the last time I ever got to see Wendy’s smile and hear her laugh for the last time.
We still texted for the following weeks, she told us little over two weeks ago that she was finally let go to go home, but that she would have to go to LA or Sanfransisco for better chemotherapy, She said La as in Long Beach she has family. And we wished her luck like we always did.
About three to four days before her passing, on Friday or Saturday, she sent us an update, her last one. She said she went back to the hospital because she had fainted onto the ground. She got her blood tested and once again she had extremely low white bloodcells. She said that she was sent home and told to eat every 2/3 hours and that she would be fine. We had little communication the day or two before her death. Mostly silence. None of us noticed reall, just thinking she needed time alone or something.
Tuesday morning she passed away, I don’t know if she went painfully or in her sleep. I don’t know if she was home or at the hospital. I don’t know if it was the leukemia, the chemo or if she got sick from her family. I don’t know. All I know is that that day I was talking about raising money for her to my school counselor and for two hours after I got home I was getting notifications from many friends if the rumors were true.
I was in disbelief, no no no! I was thinking it was some sick disgusting joke. I hoped it was. It wasn’t, her cousin posted on his social media wishing a good rest finally after a fight she had with her life.
The next night was spent getting all the photos I could of Wendy, I made about five posts on instagram/snapchat stories and four on instagram that day about her. Who she is and was to me. I also spend that night calling people to inform them of our loss of a musician, a friend, a sister and a family member. I called my old band director even. So many calls, so many texts, so many fucking tears. It took till Wednesday night to know it was real, a gofundme made by her sister to raise for her funeral and rest. Its all real.
She was taken away in the blink of an eye, she fought hard but lost. And I fucking hate that someone like her lost, she’s so fucking strong. I never got to say my last I love you to her. No last goodbye. No last stay safe. Nothing. Everything taken from her, her family and friends all so quickly.
Stupidly enough drama about her death accured after, the day after we had found out, literal hours after we found out, one of my friends posted a story to her instagram stating how she loved Wendy like a sister and how she’ll miss her and someone who hated Wendy proceeded to ask her “did u tho” hours after most of us had found out.
Then today, Thurday the 28th of February, finally a moment of silence was made, no one in my class and in many others did not stop talking during it all. And apparently it felt rushed and disingenuous by the person who had made the announcement about the now passed 15 year old girl.
It’s all fucked. This situation. But fuck man I just wanted one more minute to tell her how lucky I was to have her as my friend. But I didn’t and no one did get that minute.
Goodbye my friend. Stay safe. Please.
P.S. the long instagram discription is one of my poster about her.
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theeyeofinfinity · 7 years
Closure continued
I havent updated this in a while, feels like an eternity really since the last time. I had to check the time stamp on my last post (october 14 or something) & realized that it seems about the time to refresh this thing. I'll be honest, youve never left my mind or my heart for that matter. Really i cant find anyone to blame but me for my actions because while what you did i don't think i'll ever see as right, i could have accepted it more maturely than what i did. I was just afraid, i still am afraid. I never really wanted to see a world without you, & while our old selves were toxic to each other i wouldnt let go of you. My knees still go weak when i think of you & as much as i wanted to never love you again, ive only accomplished the opposite. I don't think i will ever not love you, regardless of how youve treated me & vice versa. I won't even deny that ive done some nasty stuff & I'm not proud. So when i left things the way i did i just used an outburst you had as an excuse to separate myself from you because i just didnt know what else to do. Staying away made me love you & staying next to you only made it bigger. Ive thought about you every day since its fallen apart. Thats going on two years now. I check your social media from time to time & see how you are. Ive never lost tabs on you & while i don't have the courage to come talk to you, i hope we do cross paths again later in our lives. Maybe things might change & we would end up together. Every time i think of you i always hear you saying "we met too early" & i honestly think thats what it was. I wasnt ready. You werent ready. We pushed something that probably should have waited. While i was disappointed with how much you changed, it was me who was afraid of change. Change to me meant losing something & i grew to abhor the mention of change. When you started changing i thought i was losing you & became depressed. Desperate. Paranoid. I went crazy. Or maybe i just am crazy. But in the last couple of months ive grown to love change. Ive changed who i am for the better. I'm out embracing the world & my only regret is not doing it sooner & not doing it with you. I probably won't ever get the chance to absolve that regret & its something i'll have to take to the grave. But only time will tell. But no matter what i say or how mad i get ive never not loved who you are, what you are. I just wasnt ready to move, i was too scared to move. & i was left behind. I'm glad youve found happiness in who you're with & that he's inspired you to explore the world. Theres so many things i wish i could tell you & honestly, the break up wasnt the worst part. What hurts the most is all the happy times i cant share with you. Theres a song i came across that described all of the things i felt called "good things" by jonathan roy. It really hit home with me. I know you most likely don't believe a word of this, i don't even know what i believe anymore. All i know is, ive never missed anyone more than you. Ive gone through so many things while youve been gone. Ive been a witness to funerals & change of hearts i never thought would happen. So this is me saying that my door is always open too even if you don't think so. I won't close it anymore. Because in reality i only ever closed it to bait you into opening it again just so i could have you there. Everything i did was just to keep you from leaving forever. Even the pushing away. It stopped working, i knew it would but some part of me always hoped it would keep you there. I also just wanted so bad for you to be the one who regretted severing ties. I wanted so bad for me to be right. But i knew i was beat. I won't blame it on you changing anymore, because like i said; ive grown to see it was me simply not being ready. Not Ready for the relationship & not ready to change & leave my comfort zone. Now that ive embraced it i realize how much better life is. Soon i might leave the US altogether so i'll be facing as much change as possible haha. I'm sorry that i failed you as a partner. I cant even tell you how sorry i am that we ended up apart. But i had a feeling that it all played out for a reason. It could very well be that we just werent right for each other. My gut says that we were split because of how much our lives would pull us apart had we stayed together. I might be a whole hemisphere away from you now & i know we'd be miserable. Just having you be four hours away would make us miserable. But you get to have a boyfriend that you love & want to be with right there on campus & I'm happy for you. I'll have to find my path alone for the time being. Sadly i havent had the time to put myself out there & am getting ready to go on two years of being single. I miss your nagging so much more than i ever thought i would. Ugh how i miss the bitching. Even the fighting. Because i knew that i still had someone there. While we may never date again, or even be friends again. Just know that my fire will keep burning until I'm six feet underground. Part of me is happy that ive overcome my pain & pride & opened my heart back to the idea of you being the love of my life. Part of me is beyond scared because i doubt i'll ever see you again. I'll let time decide this time because when i crossed time, i lost you & thats not something i'll ever do again. Life will find a way if it was meant to happen. So see you in a few years or maybe this really is goodbye... & if it is... i'll never forget you. For better or for worse you're name is scarred over my soul & i won't ever be ashamed of it. So my door will be open & now that i know you still check on my stuff (quite frankly i didnt think you did so i stopped updating it, i only ever did it for you to still hear from me without me having to say it directly.) i'll wait for you to read this whenever you do. You might never read it. & thats okay... if you do.. my number hasnt changed & you can come find me. I'm done hiding from you & hating the choice you made. All i have left is love for what used to be & a desire to try it again some day if it ever becomes possible.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Tagged by @branch-chief--faba!
RULES: answer the questions and tag 15 blogs you want to know better.
Nicknames: Bunni, Dan (irl)
Star Sign: Libra
Height: I dont think ive measured my height since i was a teenager, but around 5′6″ or 5′7″ or something? average height i guess
Time Right Now: 15:45
Last thing I Googled: “Endellion” cos its the username someone had in a game or something that was on my dash, and i wanted to know what the name means cos its cool. Apparantly its the name of a saint?
Last Movie I Watched: rewatching Finding Dory and CRYING AGAIN
Last TV Show I watched: Black Butler Book Of Circus, and before that it was ERASED/The Town Without Me. My picky side is so frustrated that the dub changed a cool name into something generic as hell :P
When did I create this blog: cant really remember, is tehre any way to find out? a fair few years I think, i cant recall if it was just after i ran away from home or just before?
Why I choose my URL: I’m bad at remembering stuff so I tend to use the same username and same password everywhere. (Tho spelling the password differently just in case. But cos bad memory i end up having to roll thru every single spelling every time I log in XD) Bunni89 was just the first username I had as a nine year old and it stuck. I wanted to be Bunny cos... it was the name of my plush rabbit doll. And my fave animal in general. I’m not very creative! And then the ‘lets spell it internet speak’ bit and the random number was just to try and find a version of bunny that wasnt already taken. Then I’ve just used that username for the next 15 years and its stuck so much that its even kinda my irl nickname now! Aaaand then just tumblunni because puns.
Gender: agender/nonbinary
Hogwards House: Slytherin cos i always feel sorry for anyone generically written off as a villain for stupid reasons, hufflepuff is probably more likely cos i have no special traits except being huggable.
Pokemon Team:  I try and have a different one each generation, like Ash. But i still keep all my previous teams pride of place in a special box in each game and I love doing postgame stuff and minigames with them. I get really attatched to my mons! I’m so guilty feeling that I lost two mons from my unova playthrough during the transfer bck and forth from friends’s games back when i didnt have a DS for a few years. my poor samurott and leavanny... :( Anyway, my current team in sun and moon is primarina, mimikyu, goloisipod, alola raichu, alola muk and lurantis! I wanted to have a drampa but i bought sun by accident instead of moon. And I also really like mareanie and that mossy anchor pokemon but they were so impossible to find that i only got them late in the postgame. I actually fished up an anchor friend myself but i had to trade for a mareanie :P
Favourite Colour: blue! and just the general aesthetic of black and white with one bright colour highlighting small details. thats a cool!
Lucky Number: 74 is my favourite number!
Favourite Character: TRESH GROMP GROOMPLE GRIMPLES GREMPY GROO y’all know who it be, i am not able to be silent about my faves aaaaand I have a bunch of other obscure minor character villain faves in other fandoms too, and just generally i am lame
Number of Blankets: Two, and a sleeping bag sometimes cos weather is so cold lately. We had like one unbearably hot day and then straight back to ice!
Name: Dan
Birthday: October 12th
Siblings: A half sister I havent seen in a decade... i hope she’s okay...
Favorite Smell: I have a really bad sense of smell and generally i can only smell really strong bad smell,s alas. Tho i do think gasoline smells nice and thats such an EVIL TRAP cos its all deadly gross fumes n stuff!
Pets: Had a cat, rabbit, fish and hamster as a kid, but havent had another pet for years. i really wanna someday be able to take care of one on my own!
Wake Up: consistancy is for the weak
Sleep: see previous question
Type of phone: i have no idea what this phone is, i dont know anything about phones. its some super cheap super bad touchscreen thingie i got in a christmas sale for twenty bucks
Love or Lust: aromantic asexual here giving a big ol shrug at this question
Lemonade or Tea: Lemonade. I am the worst brit, i hate tea XD
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Day or Night: Night
Text or Call: Text
Make up or natural: no makeup aaaa its a sticky face prison
Met a Celebrity: nope
Smile or Eyes: ??? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN. how can you compare the two. im just imagining someone smiling and their mouth is full of eyes. WHY DID YOU INSERT THIS IMAGE INTO MY BRAINMEATS
Light or Dark Hair: having dark hair is annoying when you wanna dye it, so i’ll go with light hair just for the practicality 
 Shorter or Taller: oh was all this meant to be about what you find sexy in someone instead of yourself?? cos im average height and i already answered that... 
 Intelligence or Attraction: wait this is a question about what you find most attractive so how does that make sense. unless it isnt...?? thing you most want to be: intelligence or sexyness? well i want everything except sexyness so there u go. 
 Chapstick or Lipstick: havent used either in over a decade 
 City or Country: both have their own good and bad points, ive had different social anxieties living in both :P 
 Last Song Heard: this cool amv for a movie i love pointless fact: it was legit made by the same director and animation team as the first digimon movie, its like the version of the script he wished he could have done as its own property. he also made wolf children!
Fruit or Vegetables: Froooooot
Anime or Cartoons: I like both in different ways. Mostly I just like a certain sort of story/art style/character lineup/etc and i like it no matter which genre it appears in. And i tend to really like the stuff that takes inspiration from both genres cos it seems they’re more likely to have that sort of stuff! Combining all the goodness! 
 Phone Case: wait you can buy cases for phones?? 
 Showers or Baths: showers are conveinient, baths are lazy. depends on how bad my day has been! 
 Dream Job: i dont have any dreams really, im a weirdo. ive never been able to find one. at best i flip through a few current hobbies and have a vague idea that it could be fun to be paid for doing them, but its never a really huge interest and i never try and work towards it cos i know im flaky and ive changed my mind a million times before. I hope someday i can find something that just clicks and i wanna do it forever!
Milk and Cookies or Doughnuts and Coffee: WAIT YOU EAT DONUTS WITH COFFEE?? WHY?? donuts are already soggy! thats weird! milk n cookies forever yo. or donuts on their own, but donuts are too sugary for me, i can never eat more than one without feeling sick.
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ts-indonesia · 5 years
Episode 2 - “Even though I won my minigame, our tribe still took an asspounding” - Dylan
As Owen & Julian returned to Cahaya, episode two begun, with a flash game wagering challenge. On the Obor beach, the “Charlie” alliance remained dominant over the tribe, while on Cahaya, alliances were more fluid, but with Isaac & Julian emerging as potential targets.
After a somewhat decisive Cahaya win in the challenge, Jess & Olivia were sent over to infiltrate the Obor tribal council (woo feminism?). After kick-starting the tribe’s first tribal call, Jess/Trent begun to fostering a relationship that would continue through to the endgame, and Rob emerged as a consensus for being the person people had spoken to least.
As tribal approached, Rob felt increasingly nervous, sensing his name was out there and targeted Kenny as an alternative vote. While he may have been unsuccessful in saving himself, he did manage to convince Dylan out of pity to throw his vote on Trent, causing a degree of paranoia over an already fractured Obor tribe.
At tribal itself, Rob was sent out 7-1-1, leaving the returnee infiltrators paranoid they were being framed, and the king of card pyramids out of the game.
So I did not participate in the challenge at all since the last couple days have been relatively slow. I did maybe two things and was guilty af about it but we won! I love not having to worry about stuff like getting eliminated. I approached Stoner & Jess about making an alliance and we sealed the deal and Stoner dubbed it Snap, Crackle, Pop which is a very lame name but tbh I’m so glad to be in an alliance I’m ok being named after a freakish cereal-peddling breakfast gnome. Jess & Stoner definitely know what’s up in the game and are fucking hilarious but dealing with smart people means you can assume they’re thinking as  logically as you and thus it’s easier to appeal to their interests rather than dealing with more histrionic personalities. I also suggested we create a larger alliance roping in Olivia & Michael as they’re the most active. Michael’s a nice dude with similar interests and Olivia is super sweet and funny so I guess I’ll include them for selfish reasons. I’m just worried I’m overplaying at this point. Definitely think the less active people will be the first to go but I wanna keep winning  so I don’t have to worry as much. :’)
I’m just talking to everyone, setting myself up for the next few tribals. Everything seems to be going according to plan.
When the hosts arent watching your confessionals *sad face* https://youtu.be/5VtSLMs86Zk
Owen & Julian came back and said the other tribe is quiet as fuck and Julian straight-up said we were “messy” and “talk a lot” at their tribal. Not only is this dude not pulling his weight in challenges, being very insistent on how he should infiltrate the other tribe, he’s also talking crap about us in a public forum. Chill out dude, you’re making yourself a target. Regarding the challenge I kinda outsmarted it (outfoxxed it?) by saying we all play each of the games first and then decide based on such information who plays what and seeing how talented some people in are at some games and less so in others it seems to be paying off for us so far. Let’s hope I can continue to be friendly and helpful without making myself out to be too big of a personality. It’s not about how good I think I’m doing; it’s about how others think I’m doing and what they choose to do with that.
Awwwwright come on Casanova let's do this
The scores I have gotten so far in Casanova are 1300, 400, and 20,200. So I think I'm just gonna stop after 3 more attempts and hope 20,200 is good cuz i got homework to do lmao
Well fuck now I just got 47,600 so it looks like my 20k wasn't even that good
Fuck flashgames and fuck anyone who likes them or anyone who has ever made a flashgame fuck flash games I fucking hate you flashgames DIE DIE DIE FUCK YOU FLASHGAMES. On a different note our tribe has really great communication and great support I really hope we win. But also fuckkkkkkkkk flashgames 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
It worked! We won again and not only did I ace my portion with the highest wager but I also came up with the game plan that led to victory! God I'm so glad I'm not sucking! I kiiiiinda wanna go to Obor to create an impression and MAYBE get and advantage upon arriving but we'll see!
Really was considering putting up a fight for being part of the Infiltration because I really don’t wanna miss out but the last thing one needs at this point is bad publicity. My goal right now is to keep winning and try to form something of a majority alliance so I can avoid tribal council but also remain secure in the event we have to go. I’m glad if someone did go though it’s Olivia & Jess, two people I’ve built solid relationships with and hopefully they fan give us an idea on what’s on the other side. I’m really upset it took me this long to return to the prowl. I really do build up my self-esteem and suffering from anxiety and depression all my life makes me afraid to step out but I’m able to take center stage if I need to! Not having my anxiety meds for months has turned me into a mumbly, absent-minded, socially awkward mess but I think I’m managing surprisingly well. The other tribe might start feeling demoralized soon with losing back to back and the fact they’re already fairly inactive if Julian & Owen are to believed makes me a bit sad for them. But that sadness is quickly overtaken by pure...idk? Satisfaction that we’re winning so much. Let’s hope I don’t get too cocky and fuck it up...again. Foxes are cunning or something.
I got stomped in that challenge.  We lost hard though at least it wasnt just me.  Rob is gonna be the one to go cuz he talks the least. It makes me sad cuz we talked about music and stuff. I told him that I used to play French horn in middle school and people said it was a nerdy instrument, and he said it was a cool instrument. He seems like a really nice person. I wish he could stay.  But everyones gotta go sooner or later, myself included. And I think when we merge or swap, the other tribe is much more intense than this one. It might get zany up in here.
Alright so I actually made a video confessional for this round but I rambled and mumbled too much so you are all stuck reading a JK Rowling novel length confessional. So... within the first couple of days the words "Guyana" and "2nd place" have come up at least 15 times each. This is my legacy I guess. However, these people are making it something legendary when in reality I was slaughtered and left for dead. Stoner needs to be like Anna and LET IT GO. Honestly though, I don't really mind Stoner but I know he's charming his way across the tribe being buddy buddy with everyone. When you ask ANYONE on the returnee tribe who they like 9/10 will say "Stoner and Foxx". That to me POTENTIALLY translates to "Stoner and Foxx are making chats with everyone and trying to pull in a 3rd, 4th, or 5th". That or I need to punch myself in the face. It's anyones guess? Olivia approached me about forming a group of us two and Stoner and Foxx. I don't want that thumb print in this game. Am I against it? (yes)... I don't trust these three for shit. Am I going to refuse it? HELL NAW. I basically pushed the responsibility of forming this group onto Olivia so I don't have any responsibility for this group if it gets out. LITERALLY a couple hours after... OWEN approaches me with a proposal of a group consisting of myself, Owen, Olivia, Stoner, and Foxx. HMM. LITERALLY EVERYONE WHO I DON'T WANT TO WORK WITH IN THIS GAME... You see.. I really want to work with Michael. He ticks every box in a potential alliance mate in this game. However, if this gets out I'm fucked. I'm going to die. I also really wouldn't mind working with Matt B. He's an intellectual but he could potentially murder me. SPEAKING OF MURDER.... I have to murder someone on this Obor tribe. Why did I want to be an infiltrator? I'm a crackhead and boredom. I also wanted to keep to use this as an opportunity to bond with whoever I buddied up with from my tribe and use this as a way to get sassy details from the newbies. Speaking of these newbies.. Did y'all feel them crack? Talking to them was like talking to 4 kids on coke. They were all over the place!  We initiated the first tribe call and I think that was a pretty strategic move on my part. I kind of wanted to see dynamics and see how people meshed on call. Calls are kind of the hardest places to hide in my opinion.. HOWEVER, everyone just randomly left after a while so mission failed? I decided to use this as an opportunity to talk to Trent. Trent is someone who I know of through a friend. I've only heard nice things about him and that he's insanely loyal. HOWEVER...................... WOW................... He basically spilled his whole game in a heartbeat to me and I'm kind of shook. I'm still shooketh to the core currently. It's a LOT. He essentially confessed that he's incredibly social and incredibly good at competitions. He also went on to say that he believes he has a strong hold on these newbies. All of these are red flags for me because I strongly believe that we are TRYING to play the same game. I might have to start a #Trentexposedparty in the future? He also said he's good with Anabel and Kenny. So if this ever turns into a Vets .vs. Noobs situation... yikes. I think I'm good? I HOPE. I think keeping Trent in the loop for now is incredibly beneficial. I just pray he's not as open as he is with everyone else like he is with me. I'm going to try and keep him on a tight leash for now.. SPEAKING OF KILLING PEOPLE (I forgot to address this so #yolo) People want to murder Rob. I'm SO SO SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS BECAUSE........... I KNOW ROB. Rob is 1 of 2 newbies who I know. Rob also likes to MURDER ME in games. He's slimy, he plays both sides, and he is also a player who KNOWS my game. I can't have that going forward. I need a clean slate. I need people to focus on me flopping my first season and not my prior games which I ACTUALLY HAVE WON (surprising I know... I win thing sometimes). SO let's murder Rob? PLEASE. Who knew I actually would be taking out an ACTUAL TARGET THIS ROUND OF MINE? NOT ME. NOT ME.
Being an infiltrator has been interesting. Really just miss my tribe tho :/ hope the feeling is mutual. Piss poor night irl and wish I’d not volunteered to go tbh. Whatever tho, we’ll go back to normal tomorrow and I’ll keep forgetting to search for the idol
Today's the day of the tribal. From what I've heard, there's a consensus on rob. But I like rob even tho we haven't talked much. He told me he wouldn't vote me out, I didn't know how to answer that so I said I wouldn't vote him out either. Voting ppl out sucks 😭. Now I cant vote rob because that would make me a liar, I'm thinking of voting myself but I know that would put a target on me and the others would know that it was I who voted myself. I don't know what to do. On a lighter note, there was a tribe call yesterday evening, and it was really fun! It was so nice to talk to everyone and hear their voices.
I am almost positive the Idol has been found and that is...um, what’s the word? Bad. Frankly I don’t think having an Idol is a huge benefit besides information and peace of mind but the fact we might have an issue with it where we have to counter with split votes and stuff is going to be a headache. As much as I like my tribe and how similar are interests are winning a lot does sort of create this no-stakes game where you just small talk to the same people every 2-3 days. I’m gonna miss it when the game gets intense but rn I’m on edge. Though I’m always down to sling some dice and I made a half-joke that our tribe should play some D&D and hooooly shit would that be amazing if it happened
a part of me wishes that there was some drama / beef between players because that would make it much easier to vote people out. There's a consensus to vote rob and the reasoning behind that is that he hasn't talked much in the chat, nor has he talked much to players. To me, that's sort of an iffy to vote someone out but then again, if not Rob, then who? Voting Evan was a bit more obvious of a choice, even though it was as hard (for me at least), but I didn't even think of Rob as an option to vote out until someone in my alliance brought his name up. I'm in an alliance with trent, chris, anabel and leigh. Even though we're the majority, I have a feeling I'm in the bottom of my alliance so I don't want to rock the boat for now.
round 2. Still bored af with my tribe but still absolutely popped off to help keep us safe :’))))) we snatched the challenge..... loves it. Getting back from the other tribe was scary bc I had literally no info to give. That tribe didn’t give me any dynamics. But I did find out that jess and foxx wanted to pull in chris olivia and someone else (michael maybe?) for a five person alliance. Like wtfffff!?!?!? Why would chris and jess not work to include me in a five with foxx? Fuck that. So I went to jess and acted like I didn’t know and I brought up the idea of a five person alliance to her of her me foxx chris and olivia lmao and told her I’d talk to foxx a lil more. Then I tried to talk to foxx but it didn’t go so well I just have a hard time thinking what to say to him..,, So honestly idk. The good thing is I feel okay socially with isaac and matt, Julian and chris have our group and I like olivia and jess. Foxx and michael are my only real disconnects and I have the feeling the others might go for Julian if we lose..... which would be sad but not the worst thing in the world. I’m not in control yet but just u wait xoxoxo
Watch me get third boot lmao
I kinda fucked up at last tribal and made a few comments about this tribe... I've been doing damage control this round and I think things are ok now???
I've told Dylan and Jess/Olivia to vote Kenny. I sure hope this works.
I do not wanna leave. I am terrified like no other. We bouta head to tribal. Wish me luck
Another night another loss. My fantastic tribe lost another immunity challenge. I feel like this is going to be a trend. Everybody is sooo quiet. Jess and olivia came  over to our tribe after we loss and i bonded with them a little bit. Hopefully im making decent friends with the returnees, enough I can use that to keep me in if a swap happens. Hopefully since they haven't lost they are all itching to play the game and i can help spark that and get them to turn on themselves. Tonight's vote SHOULD be 8-1 for rob is everyone is being trust worthy. my alliance of 5 (me, anabel, leigh, chris, and lorelei) is still going strong. Not sure I 100% trust chris because I think he's being friendly with everyone. But luckily I am too. Pretty good relationship with with Dylan and pretty good with Kenny while he's a little quieter. Hopefully I'm in a decent spot after tonight. We will see
After taking an asshole pounding from the last round, it became obvious that I needed to make sure I was good with everyone on my tribe. This means telling 4 different people (Chris, Anabel,Rob and Kenny) I trust them the most. I like trent a lot but I can tell hes going to be a social and physical threat down the road compared to the other people on this rookies tribe. I was stuck on cubefield at 501k for a few hours then got a funny feeling that if I didnt score higher if lose my matchup and my intuitive ass was correct in predicting I would have lost by 1k points. Even though I won my minigame, our tribe still took an asspounding. Robs name was thrown out almost immediately by just about everyone, so I tried to hint that he may be the target but he didn't get it I guess. so the most difficult part of this round was figuring out what to tell rob for a vote. After an astonishing 15 fucking hours, he finally told me hed be down to do Kenny. Cool vote Kenny. I do feel bad though, so im going to throw my vote on trent as I feel he is least likely to be targeted on my tribe at the moment, and it could potentially spice things up!
following the first round, i feel like i was able to get in a decent spot where i wouldn’t be targeted first.  i feel like i’m pretty active, and i’m trying to do my best and conversation with people.  i think i wanna tru and solidify SOMETHING with someone because its these early alliances and bonds that tend to run deep into the game with.  However one thing i’m never good at is determining when to initiate game talk.  like i wanna ask about their thoughts on other people and who they think we could work with, but my fear is starting that talk and then being viewed as paranoid and a gamer.  And this early on i really don’t wanna have to deal with that.   i think this round i felt a lot more laid back and not as active conversation wise.  with classes starting up i need to be on my A-Game from here on out.  i think if we lose next challenge, i should be fine.  people have talked about how issac just doesn’t seem to be here and julian is often gone/is crazy.  so those should be two easy boots, but you can never be certain in this game.   the damn torches are confusing as heck and idk what correlation they have on the game.  the idol search is fun being an easy grid but not fun bc i can’t find anything or forget to search.
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
July 19th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on July 19th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Wednesday7 by Viki Kuli.
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Featured Comment:
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Wednesday7 by Viki Kuli~! (https://tapas.io/series/Wednesday7%20) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey super~!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad to see Wednesday7 get the CTP treatment!
I think my favorite moments thus far were Chapter 3 and the beginning of Chapter 4, mostly with the character interactions.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes there are definitely some interesting character actions going on
tho one of my fave moments is when the cat slips the key under the door for penn
that is an A+ cat
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah that moment was good too
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
actual favorite scene wise though i think id have to pick the scene at the bar. i like the visual nature of mercury's visual distortions. and i also really love mercury's reaction to it. i think just the pacing and expressions are entirely too real. like how he kind of snaps at Penn even though its not Penn's fault exactly. yet, you get why hes snapping cause hes freaking out. and just that little detail makes it a really engrossing scene for me.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I agree, the bar scene was really memorable.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats one thing i definitely like about this comic in general though. i feel that the emotions are really realstic and that helps you put you there in each moment
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but back to character interactions, i do enjoy mercury and penn's dynamics. its kind of this interesting mix of tenseness since penn is a stranger who got overly personal really fast. and like...its one of those things where id hate to be mercury cause that situation seems uncomfortable. having a stranger be the only one that can help.
WHOA HI lost track of time okay uhh
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Favorite scene....Okay no I gotta agree with @✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨ -- the scene at the bar was good
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
speaking of the bar scene again i also really love the game they played. i thought that was an interesting setup for getting expositionary info out of the way.
It does really make me wonder who Penn actually is though He definitely knows a lot more than you might think he would(edited)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Kind of speed read the comic but my stand out moment was the deal with Wednesday. Visual interesting, great angles, and the character at his lowest.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That was a really tense moment, making amends with (and ultimately assembling with) a wolf spirit/ghost/whatever
also eey Jonny
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
yo justin
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i really just want to know why penn so rando approached him. like was it really just being a neighbor thing? but it might just be strange to me cause ive never been rando approached by neighbors who want to introduce themselves so idk. XD
but yes, the deal with wednesday was really interesting visually for sure. i loved the tense drama as well cause you can really feel that eternal struggle but ultimate acceptance its probably better than death
For sure x.x It's like, "welp, this'll suck, but it's something?"
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
I don't think the initial meet up at the apartment was odd. He got real werid at the bar but that's because he found out some weird demony stuff about him.
And then there was the handshake before that, which clued Penn in to Merc's....weirdness
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
what ever life he leads could also make him not very social(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah once the handshake penn's behavior made more sense. just that initial approach even felt weird, but like i said just not something ive experienced with neighbors.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
For a sec I thought it was a "sixth sense" type of ordeal or ghost vision.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
maybe he does that with everyone to find demons or something.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. thats what im wondering. if penn is a demon hunter. cause if he went with purpose thatd make way more sense to me.
not that he cant be a nice but weird neighbor
QUESTION 2. Besides Mercury and Wednesday, there are two more characters worth discussing: Penn and Julia. Despite seeming normal, Penn seemed to have the best clue of what was going on with Mercury. Who exactly did Penn know that this same thing happened to? Why do you think this person supposedly didn’t make it? How do you think Penn found out about the house where he took Mercury? Was Penn approaching Mercury a coincidence, or was Penn somehow drawn to Mercury because of the impending possession? There is, of course, Julia as well to talk about. What do you think Julia’s past history is with Mercury, especially given she apologized vaguely for something in the past? Do you think Julia will find out about Wednesday, or will Mercury keep it a secret? What role in general do you think Julia will have to play in the story?
A demon hunter? Not sure about that since he basically helped get a demon stuck in Merc
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooooh, this'll be interesting
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well demon hunter in the sense of wants to find the ppl cursed by demons. he just may not know how to do the demon murdering yet
hes only in finding demons 101 at demon hunter school
Okay hahaha xD Yeah, getting into Penn's past will probably reveal a lot about Wednesday, too....like do they know each other? Penn seems to recognize Wednesday at least
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe he needs a demon to resurrect whoever he lost
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
idk. i didnt get a sense that penn had ill intentions or wanted to use mercury. but i could be wrong. penn could indeed have a specific goal in mind for helping mercury (besides just trying to not fail again). idk if penn knows wednesday. maybe penn knew another day of the week. like monday.
Actually yeah, rereading a bit, I don't think Penn knows much about Wednesday specifically, just that someone else previously went through this and died because they didn't get demon'd
I bet everyone hates Monday......
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
But that implies he's been searching for someone to by demon'd
I'm just super suspicious of Penn
With good reason x'D He seems good! Just......
What does he knooooooooow
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Who even knows!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
its good to be suspicious though cause how could penn tell mercury was possessed via a handshake. like...i know he knew someone who was possessed before but i doubt that just auto gives you the power to know possession via handshake
Fair xD
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
not to mention who does penn know that told him about the house
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
With Julia I figured that her and Merc tried to start a relationship that didn't work out. Maybe something to do with her leaving for town or maybe they were friends first n it was weird
the blushing implies something romantic
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i do get the distinct impression that there were romantic feelings involved. tho hard to say if they were together or not. though im leaning towards they were together...maybe like while they were in school. and then julia was rando one day like "welp im out i need more in my life"
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
maybe not that blunt
she got her dream job in town and Merc didn't/couldn't leave
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah, least that was worth it
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
it doesn't seems like things ended too badly but I could be wrong.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i mean its still possible they werent actually dating before either. which couldve actually been a motivation for julia to leave. like she liked mercury but since neither would make a move she felt that hoping and staying for that relationship wasnt worth it.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
My presence is really driven by the mood of my month old daughter. I'll be good for a while, checking the backlog here.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey Math
THat's fine- best keep your baby occupied and happy
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nice, someone already mentioned the scene with the cat passing off the keys, I liked that one too. :>
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf i also think all cats are A+ cats
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
And when all cats are A+.......no one will be........
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Cat MVP(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, if memory serves, Mercury was an "I" (introvert, in the character bio) while Penn seems pretty extroverted. That can be awkward. I also liked in that bar scene how if Mercury hadn't been quite so specific, he could have won. ("You have a child" versus specifying the gender.)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
he wanted to one up him and lost
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's true, A+ to cats. Was also very well behaved in the carrier on the trip!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah it was kind of sad how close mercury was to being right
and then just missed
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I feel like it was that handshake which had Penn press the point... agree that maybe he just shakes hands with everyone waiting for that sort of thing. Must get weird at family reunions.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
shakes everyone's hand at the bar until he gets kicked out
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Penn might have known Friday. Looking forward to the inevitable Robinson Crusoe cameo.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
a bit off topic, but as i think about penn's knowledge of the house more, im starting to wonder if the person he knew he brought to that house. and that person refused to make the deal so thus died. and so mercury is going to tell penn that and penn is going to be devastated.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, I thought maybe there was some kind of relationship thing with Merc and Julia. But I thought maybe he comforted her when she was having a bad relationship with someone else. But then she fled town to get away.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. Though Wednesday reveals a few tidbits of information, little is known about him. Do you believe Wednesday’s goals really are to just get closer to humanity, or do you think Wednesday has secret goals? Besides what we’ve seen so far, what do you think Wednesday will do with his newfound freedom? Do you believe Wednesday will continue to remain interested in the human world, or do you believe he’ll eventually get bored? Additionally, do you think Wednesday will find a way to bond with Mercury? Speaking of Mercury, why do you think of all the people in the world Wednesday picked Mercury? Was it just happenstance, or is there something special about Mercury? Of a last note, do you believe Wednesday will meet another demon/spirit?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the previous person was the owner of the house, and that's how Penn knew about it?
On the "why Merc" point...apparently Mercury's parents were in on it, naming him like that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I suspect that this isn't Wednesday's first merging with a person, but the seventh. Given the title. ^.- I'd be curious to know how the previous melds went.
Mercury = Mercredi = Wednesday I get the gist that Wed just wants a body to live in since he's probably trapped in whatever parallel purple world he comes from normally
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Respheal: Should you really speak about his parents Venus and Mars that way?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Mercury was also the messenger, hence the speeding around town, methinks.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
What about Saturn?
or Uranus?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
He seems to just want to cause mayhem
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
or Wednesday's alternate universe friend Friday?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i can only conclude mercury is from a hippie family and left town cause he didnt want to do anything with their new age stuff.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
horribly forced joke over
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i mean to be fair there could be a club. of planet named ppl who are all possessed by demons. and penn is gonna go introduce him.
i mean to be fair there could be a club. of planet named ppl who are all possessed by demons. and penn is gonna go introduce him.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Wed said something about destroying humanity.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but yeah with a title like wednesday 7 it could be implying that wednesday has done 7 possessions now. although there are also 7 days of the week so maybe wednesday is actually the last to possess someone in this generation
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the club is behind that bar that they went to? I feel like that wasn't coincidence that they were there, and that's when Mercury started having the swimmy visions.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
7 days of possession per haps
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
OH. Which reminds me. The talk Mercury had with the bartender in the background there was funny.
Rebel: Oooh, that's an interesting one. Wednesday's late to the game.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Then again getting drunk does really weird things
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Incidentally, I kind of like that idea that random names we give to things take on their own identity out in the ether somewhere. In part because it fits with my personifying math functions, but still. ^.-
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
could Penn be a previous possession?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe but i dont feel he is. although it would explain why he could tell via handshake
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(The scene I meant by the way was this one, where he's calling the bartender "Joey") https://tapas.io/episode/558419
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooohhhh, good find
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i thought that was a cute background convo.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh! Penn had a daughter, and he's divorced. Maybe his Daughter was the previous possession, and it led to the marriage breaking up.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and my thoughts still stand, don't underestimate the lower of alcohol
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
What's Joey's backstory?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Joey owns a small kangaroo.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ya know didnt penn just say he lost someone to a demon? i keep assuming it means said person died, but maybe said person is just 100% possessed all the time whereas mercury gets to get his body back somehow.
i think you mean joey was raised by kangaroos O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel: That's an interesting thought. Maybe after the person dies the spirit can still possess them, but only for a finite amount of time....?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Penn possessed killed someone.
would be pretty dark
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He's spent time in the state.... penn.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
"Back into your pen(n)!"
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
math no
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that could be tho. penn is secretly a murderer
although now im worried for mercury
petty thievery is one thing O_O
murder is a whole other ballpark
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
but if he's possessed then did he really kill them? or did the demon do it?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The cat trusted Penn though. He can't be too bad.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
So here's a question.... are there spirits for months too? Because August just refers to Augustus Caesar. Is the spirit of Caesar roaming around out there? Because I don't think he'd fit in too well.
Jonny: Hmmm. Maybe there's rules like with hypnosis, you can't do anything you wouldn't normally? (Is Mercury the type to steal watches?)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well given that a day of the week can have a demon spirit thing, its not inconceivable a month can. albeit i doubt august is the spirit of augustus ceasar XD unless the demon dresses up like it for fun.
and if hes possessed it depends on who controls the body O_O
i do hope wednesday and mercury can mentally communicate somehow
or leave like post it notes for one another at least
"Drank all the milk. Buy more. -Wednesday"(edited)
Yes please
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Julia... that's a bit like Julius, for Julius Caesar, for JULY, hmmm.
I need this in my life
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"That wasn't milk. -Merc" (Gotta keep him guessing.)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
would stories have demons since they embody thoughts and emotions for people?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Stories like Virgil's "The Illiad" kind of thing?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
would make sense if stories could
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Wait, he wrote the Aeneid, what am I thinking.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
although if stories can i think demons outdo humans in population
so there must be specific circumstances that allow someone to possess someone else
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though that reminds me of that old poem about the days of the week. And "Wednesday's child is full of woe".
Ref: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Monday%27s+child+is+fair+of+face
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Okay, so time for a fun theory. Penn and Wednesday used to date, but something went wrong with the possession. So now that Wednesday has a new body, we're in for hijinks as Mercury and Julia have a date at the same time as they do.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the real reason they divorced: penn's one true love is wednesday
and by they i mean penn and his other spouse
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
God I hope that doesn't happen
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Penn was born on a Wednesday.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Solomon Grundy born on a Monday
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe wednesday had to pick mercury because of the name and maybe mercury was born on a wednesday. maybe it takes that sort of high affiliation for possession
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It would cut down on the number of possessions per year.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
possession tax?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
They have a tax for that too?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the fact that Merc's place was partially furnished is also indicative of shenanigans.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. In order to save his own life, Mercury fuses himself with Wednesday. However, the full consequences of this act are yet to be known. How do you think Mercury might gain control of his body again, even if only temporarily speaking? Assuming he does (as the comic description implies), do you think Mercury will be completely normal, or will being possessed by Wednesday give him access to Wednesday’s supernatural powers? Do you feel Mercury will have an easy time having a normal life, or will the experience render him unable to fit in with society anymore? How do you think his relationships will affected by the change? Lastly, do you think Mercury will attempt to get rid of Wednesday, and if so, what lengths do you think he will go to?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Already contains Wednesday's favourite couch.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats a good point, math. it is suspicious the apartment was furnished without mercury knowing
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well look at the bight side
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe Merc's mind is in some other plain and we'll see that
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
you're merged with a bloody wolf
you can do wolf things
Like howl
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Merc regains control on the full moon.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
what other badass wolf things exist?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Julia tries to bring Merc back but Penn gets in the way(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Merc's probably going to have to do a bunch of research. I imagine he'll corner Penn for info, could create a rift there.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe it's a night thing. We've only seem Wed at night
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(I won't propose a Mercury Penn ship because that's too Sailor Moon jewelry-esque.)
Jonny: Oh, that's a good point.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe its a day thing and wednesday can only come out on wednesdays
cause wednesday did keep checking the time it seemed like
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Especially cause there's no thing as Wednesnight
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, we don't know what day of the week it is. Though that would make meetings awkward, if they can only possess on particular days... hmm.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
really hard to say this early on.
i definitely think mercury is gonna try to cure himself though
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
he has to
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause i mean on this first night wednesday has already caused a lot of chaos
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
No kidding
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
At least he has a totally different appearance from Merc. So the people with the camera phones and the theft videos won't be going after him.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Will Wednesday save the girl on purpose in that latest episode, you think? Or will he just mess them both up by blowing past? (Maybe giving the watches away is meant to show he's a ladies man himself?)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i think hell save her on purpose. but less cause hes like "oh no that girl allow me to save her"
but more as a "wow this looked fun"
i would be interested in seeing merc's mind on another plain as jonny suggested. i think that would lend to some very cool comic visuals
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That might be interesting. I wonder if he'd see the purplish vision things in living colour, and the real world as purplish blobs.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
now thatd be a cool reversal
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
With Penn living in both places, maybe.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder if well see wednesday and penn have a conversation
that could be interesting
and could reveal stuff about penn that maybe wednesday knows for whatever demon spirit reasons
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, I wonder how well they get along, since Wednesday just kind of blew by him.
There's also that mercury tattoo, maybe Merc lives there? O.o
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Interesting find
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
lots of little details I missed. probably cause I read it fast.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i just noticed
that sign says swift st.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i really hope that was an intentional joke XD
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well you do move swiftly along
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh! I noticed that at the time and thought it was really clever.
Glad you remembered to say something.
I wonder what does show up on traffic cameras, if anything.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well given the comic description probably just what it appears.
cause the descrip implies that basically wednesday is gonna be some wanted criminal
which is gonna suck if they collect dna evidence
suck for mercury that is
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ah, right, good point. Fingerprints even.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
possible story arcs
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. so mercury is definitely gonna be tapering on the edge there
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
OH crud only 4 minutes left
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I wonder how much Mercury's been watching of stuff like technology. He did seem to know to grab the more expensive watches. Surely he knows about surveillance systems?
Hi everyone! Sorry I just make it on, had work until now :/ but the discussion looks awesome so far! thoroughly enjoying it
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hello there!
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
hey man!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's actually about to end ^^;
3 minutes left
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hi author/writer/artist!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad you made it in time so I could tell ya you're an awesome person with lots of great skill and talent
and I wish you luck with working on more of the comic!
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I suppose one of the questions that Mercury should probably answer is what Wednesday did last time, given the remark "Good to be back".
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"You still have all these unpaid parking tickets from twenty years ago too."
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
glad you could make it, @vikikuli ~! even if it is towards the end
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
You'd think Penn could've paid them.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that would be wednesday's last body's job to pay im sure O_O
does anyone have any quick closing remarks?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It'll be interesting to see how the body sharing goes.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I already said mine so I'm good!
And yeah, I second that
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Penn is evil
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
But only on WEdnesdays.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Viki Kuli, as well, for making Wednesday7 and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Viki Kuli’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Stomp by Brodnork. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on July 26th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://stompwebcomic.com/
0 notes
meanwhileinoz · 7 years
People On Reddit Share The Dark Secrets That Could Destroy Their Marriages
We’ve all got secrets.
Things we are afraid to tell anybody. People will judge you, especially if your secret is messed up.
That is why we have the Internet. To post our secrets anonymously, facing no criticism and getting it off our chests as well. A Reddit thread revealed people sharing their darkest secrets, which could potentially ruin their lives. Read them below:
“Years ago my gf (we’ll call deb) and I were out with her friend (we’ll call Sara). This one day Sara had to pin unlock her phone each time to take one of many pictures….out the corner of my eye I saw her pin. I saved it in a note. Months later sara and deb were at my place and went to the pool. Sara left her phone indoors. I used her password and hit jackpot. Nudes, videos, message logs with some guy she was talking (well call jeff) to, along with tons of dick picks and videos of him jacking off…
With this goldmine of pics and vids I concocted a slow plan…..very slow. Slowly I broke off with deb but kept in touch with sara. I then created a alter ego online (we’ll call it Vanessa). For months I worked this identity so it looked real. This identity started following Sara on all social media (Sara accepted any friend requests). Vanessa blackmailed jeff. Jeff was given 2 days to stop talking to sara or his dick picks got leaked. He was chicken sh*t and dropped her like a hot potato. But Sara was strong willed…when Vanessa threatened sara to stop talking to jeff or her pics get leaked she protested…so I knew I had to change tactics. Vanessa disappeared for a while until I could get Sara’s phone in my hands for a bit. One day sara was over and ‘lost’ her phone at my place. I ‘found’ it for her the next day…. Not before I installed a spy app that let me keep track of her everything. A few weeks later Vanessa came back but now armed with the conversations sara was having with everyone. While tracking Sara’s reactions and suspicions, I made it show that Vanessa wasnt real….
Now all my friends know me as being pretty tech literate. One day im talking with Sara and she breaks down crying telling me how she been long distance sexting this guy and somebody hacked his or her phone and now shes being blackmailed by some stranger she doesn’t know. So she askes me if I could help her. Long ending short I made it look like jeff was Vanessa. I made it look like he created this person so that he could blackmail Sara into f*cked up sex stuff. Sara left him and guess who was the hero? Me. I caught ‘Vanessa.’ Sara was now safe because of me. Once we blackmailed the guy, ‘Vanessa’ disappeared… You know…for realism. Sara and I now had this tragedy…this hurdle that we overcame together. We started dating not long after. She was never going back to long distance relationships and wanted to try local….4 years later were married.”
  “My father never had anything other than boys, and my mother always wanted a girl. Try as they might, they just had tons of boys. When I was 6 they adopted a girl of also 6. Everyone was pleased, and she was quickly included into the family by everyone and we all took an immediate shine to her. Especially me.
We started playing ‘doctor’ at 9. This progressed to fooling around by our early teens, and into actual sex shortly thereafter. We’re both over 30 now. We have sex whenever we see each other. We also like to pretend we are twins when we do have sex. We’ve both had our shares of girlfriends and boyfriends, but we always kept it up even while in those relationships. She’s actually married now.
We still have sex about 2 times a month, more when the family gets together for holidays. I can’t even imagine the bricks that would be sh*t if anyone ever found out. It’s been close a few times, especially when we were younger, but nobody’s ever caught on.
  #3 From a divorce lawyer who goes by TheLadyInReddit:
“Client is an elderly gentleman, some type of retired professional. His son is a pastor. Everything about his situation seemed very normal in terms of income, property, etc. However, it turns out he had a pretty serious porn hobby and he was concerned his wife might find out and use it against him in the divorce. However, as I mentioned above, I assured him that was pretty run-of-the-mill these days and unlikely to affect anything. He then asks if I feel the same knowing the porn is not ‘mainstream.’ I asked what he means and he looks very nervous. I wanted to make sure he wasn’t referencing CP, so I pushed him on it.
The guy was into goats.”
  “My friend inherited a beautiful diamond engagement ring. The stone was worth $20K. His fiance was thrilled to receive it and flaunt it. Now his wife of 25 years, it’s still one of her most precious possessions.
Only I (and you 4 million) know that she does not own the original diamond. My friend sold the stone for $15K and an equal sized, substitute diamond on the day he picked it up from being sized to fit her…
The value of the ring was learned at appraisal, and was actually appraised a bit higher. The $20K was the number he knew he could get from a wholesaler in the district. It is still insured for the higher amount. The stone that was substituted is a diamond – and I couldn’t tell the difference. The money was mostly used to clear debts.”
“I’m an atheist. I’m also a deacon in an evangelical church. I’m not exactly proud of it but I try do my part to convince people to live like Jesus because even if he wasn’t god, he certainly had some good ideas about loving other people.
The problem for me is my family. I’m married with a one kid and another on the way. I believe that such a revelation would be devastating for my wife. I’ve tried to tell her in subtle ways but I can’t bring myself to just come out and say the truth. I love my wife and I don’t wish to harm her emotionally in that way.”
  “I am a gay man married to a woman who has no idea I am gay.
How is my life? It’s great. It’s pleasant. I have two beautiful children who I love more than anything. I have a successful job and a lovely home. My wife is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. So that is my life.
Myself, however, the way I feel inside is not so good. I feel disgusted with who I am. Growing up in a Catholic household had me living in fear of being banished by my family for revealing my sexuality. That’s not something I’m afraid will happen, that is something that is a well known fact in my family. I would love more than anything to be honest to everyone. I am a coward though…
As ridiculous as it sounds I thought that getting married and settling down etc would make these feelings I had about being gay go away. Before meeting her I was constantly struggling with the fact that I might be gay. My upbringing made me believe that being gay was wrong and so I always tried to convince myself that that’s not who I was. For awhile it worked. I think I wanted so bad to be straight that I just made myself believe I was. I got married to my wife at 23 and for a short time after our wedding I was relieved. I thought ‘Yes, I knew it. I knew I just had to find someone who would clear all this up for me!’ That just came crashing down. We started having sex more to try and get pregnant and that caused me realise [sic] that I am a gay man. I’m not remaining in the closet because I’m too scared of my wife’s reaction. In fact she would probably be the most forgiving. I have decided not to come out because of my family. I’m not exaggerating when I say that they will disown me. They wouldn’t think twice about it. I wouldn’t be happy. I would be lost. Now that I have children that just scares me even more. I wouldn’t ser [sic] them much at all and that’s not an option for me… There are many things I wish I had done differently but I do not regret any of my choices because they’ve all led me to where I am today. My son and daughter are these amazing little people. I live in a great house with a loving and sweet little family. Our marriage (sham marriage as some people have pointed out) is a good one despite my sexuality. Our marriage is healthier than some that I know about and hear about. I have accepted that I may never come out and I’ve learnt to be okay with that. I will consider going to therapy too. This is the most I have ever talked about it. Up until now I have not told a soul and so I have really swept everything under the rug. It is amazing what you can block out if you really try.”
  “I once helped out my a female friend’s family by taking care of their cat for a week. Every day for a week, I would go over there and snoop around their house. I found my friend’s diary, and proceeded to read the entire thing. I used this information to get her to like me, and she is currently my wife.”
  “I have lesbian sex with my best friend about once a month. Neither of us say anything to our husbands. We drink a good bottle of wine, get tipsy, get nasty, and fall asleep. When we wake up, we laugh, kiss, and go about our lives.”
“No ones going to probably find this comment, but I have an addiction to prostitutes. I can’t control myself. I’m also married and my wife has no idea. I spent $2000 on our credit card while she was overseas for 3 weeks. I lied and told her that I had a gambling problem, that’s why I spent so much. Little does she know, I was bringing hookers home.”
  “I’m a guy with a foot fetish. And I -never- told my wife even though she has amazing feet. BUT it gets worse – I have a weird twist to my foot fetish. I’m really into ‘pedal pumping’ (i guess that’s the closest way to describe it) and I’m mortified to tell her or anyone else, and never have. When I was a little kid we spent a LOT of time at church during the week for mom’s choir practice and there was a decent looking piano player lady who would kick off her shoes and play the piano barefoot. And even though I knew nothing of my sexuality, I remember Saturday afternoons, being up on the stage/pulpit during boring choir practice, laying on the carpet, playing with Matchbox cars and trying not to make it seem glaringly obvious that I was transfixed watching this lady’s bare foot pushing on that piano pedal…
I was totally transfixed, and it continues to this day. Women playing pianos, organs, driving barefoot, using a sewing machine barefoot. My fantasies usually always involve me imagining myself as the pedal, and the woman has a sexy bare, nylon, or sock clad foot. If it’s a smelly foot even better. I feel guilty and stupid to this day. Why on earth would a fetish like that develop when I was a prepubescent kid?”
  “When i was in 8th grade i fell in love with my girlfriend. I never thought it would be possible for someone so young could have such strong feelings. The relationship didn’t last more than three months because my mom and step-dad divorced and i had to move. I thought about her every day since i moved away. I met another person and have been married for 20 years now. I have four kids and have no complaints about my wife. Five years ago through social media i was able to correspond with 8th grade girlfriend. It turns out that she still has feelings for me too. I have been faithful to my wife for our entire marriage but want more than anything to be with my first love.”
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fanfic-factory · 7 years
Love at First Sight (Chapter 34)
P.o.v Ross Ellington and I finished our food and decided we would head over to my place to see what the others were up to. i drove up the driveway with Ellington following right behind in his car. we took separate cars because we wanted to stay as low profile as possible but if paparazzi caught what i did back at the restaurant i guess our secrets out. I got out of my car followed by Ellington getting out of his. we walked into the house o find chelsie and Rydel with their arms wrapped around each other ads they cried into each other's shoulders for a second i was a bit confused but then i realized that rocky had probably slipped up and told at least one of them and then the one he told probably told the other. walked over to chelsie and tried to give her a kiss but she stopped me. 'damn it! she does know!' i thought to myself and right on cue she yells in my face "how could you!" mean while Rydel is yelling at Ellington. 'god i am going to beat the living shit out of Rocky when i find him!' i think to myself as chelsie continues to yell at me. eventually Rydel and chelsie stopped yelling at us. im happy because we now have a chance to explain and i also want to make sure that they don't hate us forever, especially Rydel and Ellington because that could ruin the band and i don't want to let any of our fans down. Ellington and i finally got a chance to explain to chelsie and Rydel at happened and why we didn't tell them sooner and that we were sorry from keeping all of this from them. im actually really shocked at how understanding they were. I'm happy that they understand because all i can say is love is love and because of Ellington i am strong (reference to strong by one direction) I'm kinda shocked about how understanding they were though because of how they went all ape shit on us not even five minutes ago. p.o.v Rydel right after i told chelsie that the both of us were being cheated on be both burst into tears and then Ross and Ellington came through the door it took us both a few seconds to realize that it was them because our vision was blurry because of our tears. When we did reslize it was them though we both instantly went from tears to pure rage. Ross then walked up to chelsie and tried to kiss her. At this point we had both had enough of the secrets and lies and just went full on ape shit at them because of what they have put us through. we kept yelling and yelling at the two of them until we felt they have had enough. after we finished yelling at them they made us sit down so they could explain it all. it made sense but even though i was understanding it would take a while for them to gain my trust back again. p.o.v chelsie After ross and Ellington explained everything to us my emotions were so messed up. i wanted to kiss ross but he's not mine anymore, i wanted to yell at him but my voice was basically gone from already yelling at him, i wanted to just hide away from the world and die because i lost the love of my life. he's not mine anymore i wish i could just back off but its not that easy. i couldn't bear to look at him for one more second or hear one more word come out of his mouth so i left. i got up and left. p.o.v Keara i was sitting in my room texting riker. i had asked if i could go to his place to hang out but he told me what had happened between chelsie, ross, Rydel,and Ellington and then the idea of hanging out at his place all of a sudden didn't seem so great. then i asked him if he wanted to come over to my place to hang out. he actually replied so fast it is literally as if e would have done anything to get out of that house and after hearing what was going on there i can imagine why. i decided that for once i would actually socialize with my family before my boyfriend got here so i went to the living room. when i walked into the living room i saw that they were watching the Big Bang theory. since i love the Big Bang theory i decided i would sit and watch it with my family. was the episode where raj had this competition set up and the rest of the group of friends was split into teams of two. right when and Howard and amy realized that the one thing they have in common is loving Neil diamond iker walked in singing along to sweet caroline. p.o.v Riker i pulled up to keara's house and got out of the car. i walked up to the door and walked right in because her house is basically a second home to me. i walked in and i didnt know what they were watching but i did recognize something. i recognized the song that was playing on whatever it was they were watching so i decided to just walk into the living room singing along to sweet caroline by Neil diamond. after i finished singing she stood up and walked over to me so she could hug me. Then i kissed her. i was well aware that her parents were standing right there but that wouldnt stop me from kissing my amazingly perfect girlfriend. her dad kind of gave me a look that made me think he was going to comment on what i had just done. He didnt end up saying anything though so i payed no mind to it. Her mother than said hi to me and continued to act like nothing had happened. after the slight awkwardness we just all decided to watch the rest of the episode of the Big Bang theory. after the episode ended we snuck off to keara's room. p.o.v Rachel i was sitting at home playing my guitar and singing for the baby because i feel that it would be better for the baby as appose to just talking to it. i was getting a bit bored because i was home alone. parents were both at work and my sister was hanging out with her boyfriend ho might i add is not nearly as cool as rocky. when i thought about that it gave me an idea. i grabbed my phone and texted rocky "hey babe can i come over im a little lonely" he replied quite quickly saying "i dont know if thats such a good idea how about i go over to your place. ill explain everything when i get there. love you" i read the text and a huge smile was spread on my face. the reason behind that being that i havent seen rocky in a while and its kinda weird without him. i decided to watch Austin and Ally while i waited for Rocky to get here. i was super happy when i found out which episode was because it was my favourite episode, Austin and alias. My favourite part or the episode was about to happen 'yay!!!' i thought to myself. my favourite part of the episode is when austin swings ally aka Roxy over his shoulder and walks away . rocky walked in literally seconds before it happened. basically saying the first thing he saw when he walked into the livingroom was me laughing like a complete loser. "nice! watching my brother on tv?" he asks while chuckling to himself. "yeah! you got a problem with that?" i asked him sarcastically. "no" he replies as he sits down next to me, outs his arm around my waist, and kisses the side of my head. after the episode ended he asked me if i wanted to have a movie marathon of random movies and of course i said yes. i picked out three movies to start while rocky got the food ready. the movies i had chosen where pitch perfect, cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 and frozen. the first movie we decided to watch was cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2. personally i love this movie so much because its hilarious and all my favorite parts happen in a chain reaction type thing. After watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 we decided to watch frozen. I absolutely love frozen. it is such a cute and funny movie and olaf is absolutely hilarious. my two favorite parts about frozen e when olaf sings his song about summer and when he says 'ohh, look at that. i've been impailed' and finally after frozen we watched pitch perfect. i would narrow the movie down to my favorite part but it is kind of hard to do considering the whole movie is absolutely hilarious. if i had to choose one part that would be my favorite i would have to say the riff off because the riff off consists of a bunch of really good songs that are made even better in the movie. after watching pitch perfect we realized it was getting really late. "babe can you stay here tonight? i get really lonely when both my parents work and besides i havent seen you in a while and i miss you" i said sounding a bit needy but t doesnt really matter cause im not exactly afraid to admit that i can be a bit needy at times. "sure babe id love to stay with you tonight! let me just go back to my house quickly to get some things and ill be back soon. love you. he kissed the side of my head and left. i decided i would get ready for bed while he was gone to get his stuff. i quickly put on some pyjamas and brushed my teeth. i took a quick drink of water and by the time i had finished all of this rocky was walking through my door again. he quickly got ready for bed and curled up next to me under the sheets. e were lying down in bed and his arms were wrapped around me. usually that would be enough to put me to sleep at a time like this but apparently tonight that wasnt enough. "hey babbe?" i said hoping he woulld still be awake and to my luck he was. "yeah babe?" he said semi curiously. "i cant sleep. could you maybe sing a little because i think it might help." the next thing you know he was singing half a heart by one direction because he knows how much i love that song nd also its a softer song so it made it easy to fall asleep. He kept singing the song as he kept singing i kept getting closer and closer to being asleep and then eventually the sound of his amazing voice just faded away.
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fanfiction-mania · 7 years
Love at First Sight (Chapter 34)
P.o.v Ross
Ellington and I finished our food and decided we would head over to my place to see what the others were up to. i drove up the driveway with Ellington following right behind in his car. we took separate cars because we wanted to stay as low profile as possible but if paparazzi caught what i did back at the restaurant i guess our secrets out. I got out of my car followed by Ellington getting out of his. we walked into the house o find chelsie and Rydel with their arms wrapped around each other ads they cried into each other's shoulders for a second i was a bit confused but then i realized that rocky had probably slipped up and told at least one of them and then the one he told probably told the other. walked over to chelsie and tried to give her a kiss but she stopped me. 'damn it! she does know!' i thought to myself and right on cue she yells in my face "how could you!" mean while Rydel is yelling at Ellington. 'god i am going to beat the living shit out of Rocky when i find him!' i think to myself as chelsie continues to yell at me. eventually Rydel and chelsie stopped yelling at us. im happy because we now have a chance to explain and i also want to make sure that they don't hate us forever, especially Rydel and Ellington because that could ruin the band and i don't want to let any of our fans down. Ellington and i finally got a chance to explain to chelsie and Rydel at happened and why we didn't tell them sooner and that we were sorry from keeping all of this from them. im actually really shocked at how understanding they were. I'm happy that they understand because all i can say is love is love and because of Ellington i am strong (reference to strong by one direction) I'm kinda shocked about how understanding they were though because of how they went all ape shit on us not even five minutes ago.
p.o.v Rydel
right after i told chelsie that the both of us were being cheated on be both burst into tears and then Ross and Ellington came through the door it took us both a few seconds to realize that it was them because our vision was blurry because of our tears. When we did reslize it was them though we both instantly went from tears to pure rage. Ross then walked up to chelsie and tried to kiss her. At this point we had both had enough of the secrets and lies and just went full on ape shit at them because of what they have put us through. we kept yelling and yelling at the two of them until we felt they have had enough. after we finished yelling at them they made us sit down so they could explain it all. it made sense but even though i was understanding it would take a while for them to gain my trust back again.
p.o.v chelsie
After ross and Ellington explained everything to us my emotions were so messed up. i wanted to kiss ross but he's not mine anymore, i wanted to yell at him but my voice was basically gone from already yelling at him, i wanted to just hide away from the world and die because i lost the love of my life. he's not mine anymore i wish i could just back off but its not that easy. i couldn't bear to look at him for one more second or hear one more word come out of his mouth so i left. i got up and left.
p.o.v Keara
i was sitting in my room texting riker. i had asked if i could go to his place to hang out but he told me what had happened between chelsie, ross, Rydel,and Ellington and then the idea of hanging out at his place all of a sudden didn't seem so great. then i asked him if he wanted to come over to my place to hang out. he actually replied so fast it is literally as if e would have done anything to get out of that house and after hearing what was going on there i can imagine why. i decided that for once i would actually socialize with my family before my boyfriend got here so i went to the living room. when i walked into the living room i saw that they were watching the Big Bang theory. since i love the Big Bang theory i decided i would sit and watch it with my family. was the episode where raj had this competition set up and the rest of the group of friends was split into teams of two. right when and Howard and amy realized that the one thing they have in common is loving Neil diamond iker walked in singing along to sweet caroline.
p.o.v Riker
i pulled up to keara's house and got out of the car. i walked up to the door and walked right in because her house is basically a second home to me. i walked in and i didnt know what they were watching but i did recognize something. i recognized the song that was playing on whatever it was they were watching so i decided to just walk into the living room singing along to sweet caroline by Neil diamond. after i finished singing she stood up and walked over to me so she could hug me. Then i kissed her. i was well aware that her parents were standing right there but that wouldnt stop me from kissing my amazingly perfect girlfriend. her dad kind of gave me a look that made me think he was going to comment on what i had just done. He didnt end up saying anything though so i payed no mind to it. Her mother than said hi to me and continued to act like nothing had happened. after the slight awkwardness we just all decided to watch the rest of the episode of the Big Bang theory. after the episode ended we snuck off to keara's room.
p.o.v Rachel
i was sitting at home playing my guitar and singing for the baby because i feel that it would be better for the baby as appose to just talking to it. i was getting a bit bored because i was home alone. parents were both at work and my sister was hanging out with her boyfriend ho might i add is not nearly as cool as rocky. when i thought about that it gave me an idea. i grabbed my phone and texted rocky "hey babe can i come over im a little lonely" he replied quite quickly saying "i dont know if thats such a good idea how about i go over to your place. ill explain everything when i get there. love you" i read the text and a huge smile was spread on my face. the reason behind that being that i havent seen rocky in a while and its kinda weird without him. i decided to watch Austin and Ally while i waited for Rocky to get here. i was super happy when i found out which episode was because it was my favourite episode, Austin and alias. My favourite part or the episode was about to happen 'yay!!!' i thought to myself. my favourite part of the episode is when austin swings ally aka Roxy over his shoulder and walks away . rocky walked in literally seconds before it happened. basically saying the first thing he saw when he walked into the livingroom was me laughing like a complete loser. "nice! watching my brother on tv?" he asks while chuckling to himself. "yeah! you got a problem with that?" i asked him sarcastically. "no" he replies as he sits down next to me, outs his arm around my waist, and kisses the side of my head. after the episode ended he asked me if i wanted to have a movie marathon of random movies and of course i said yes. i picked out three movies to start while rocky got the food ready. the movies i had chosen where pitch perfect, cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 and frozen. the first movie we decided to watch was cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2. personally i love this movie so much because its hilarious and all my favorite parts happen in a chain reaction type thing. After watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 we decided to watch frozen. I absolutely love frozen. it is such a cute and funny movie and olaf is absolutely hilarious. my two favorite parts about frozen e when olaf sings his song about summer and when he says 'ohh, look at that. i've been impailed' and finally after frozen we watched pitch perfect. i would narrow the movie down to my favorite part but it is kind of hard to do considering the whole movie is absolutely hilarious. if i had to choose one part that would be my favorite i would have to say the riff off because the riff off consists of a bunch of really good songs that are made even better in the movie. after watching pitch perfect we realized it was getting really late. "babe can you stay here tonight? i get really lonely when both my parents work and besides i havent seen you in a while and i miss you" i said sounding a bit needy but t doesnt really matter cause im not exactly afraid to admit that i can be a bit needy at times. "sure babe id love to stay with you tonight! let me just go back to my house quickly to get some things and ill be back soon. love you. he kissed the side of my head and left. i decided i would get ready for bed while he was gone to get his stuff. i quickly put on some pyjamas and brushed my teeth. i took a quick drink of water and by the time i had finished all of this rocky was walking through my door again. he quickly got ready for bed and curled up next to me under the sheets. e were lying down in bed and his arms were wrapped around me. usually that would be enough to put me to sleep at a time like this but apparently tonight that wasnt enough. "hey babbe?" i said hoping he woulld still be awake and to my luck he was. "yeah babe?" he said semi curiously. "i cant sleep. could you maybe sing a little because i think it might help." the next thing you know he was singing half a heart by one direction because he knows how much i love that song nd also its a softer song so it made it easy to fall asleep. e kept singing the song as he kept singing i kept getting closer and closer to being asleep and then eventually the sound of his amazing voice just faded away.
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 3 "Like Hun....Drink Some Chamomile and Take a Chill Pill" - RTP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovnWp1YTRcA&feature=youtu.be To sum it up in three main points: 1. Im happy to be playing with Owen again 2. Im also just ecstatic in general to play in Ahena again, regardless of the outcome 3. On 3/2/17, at 6:25 PM, Unkie Dunkie wrote: > Fuck me up fam I’m ready to play
Oh my god! What the hell's going on over there that would make them want to come here?? Three people came here, one kinda by accident sure but like... Really? We are a sweet ass tribe but like... Really? It's like someone from London moving to come ' little town ' with only 7000 people there. Something doesn't fit. I don't like it. 
Ok so we won the challenge which was awesome. I was the only one on my tribe not going to the labyrinth so fuck me eh. i feel pretty good with my ol boys alliance of matt david me and owen. hopefully we can stick it out for a while
then two people quit from odysseus and im like yasssss more ppl gone....and then there is a mutiny. i wanted to mutiny so bad just for the drama, but no one else from my tribe wanted to do it and im not gonna be the dumbass that mutinies by myself...nuh uh..... and then three people from olympus ended up on odysseus...haha omg wtf...im shocked trevor went to lydia and not to me and owen...hmm....im sus of that so now we have this reward challenge...and i make a totally normal comment like...oh hey maybe the people competing should have good survivor knowledge since the challenge is ya know...guessing survivor contestants...and duncan is like YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW SURVIVOR TO WIN THIS....like hun....drink some chamomile and take a chill pill....no technically you dont...but it sure as hell makes it easier....i guess duncan is my first target on this tribe if we lose again....whatever...bye
Yikes I doubt I made one last round. I'm basically going to rely on my Bangladesh people. I love Logan and Eddie, so they're the perfect people to work with. I like Colin too, I just need to talk to him more. Two people quit and there was a mutiny offer afterwards. Three people from my tribe mutinied when we were literally dominating challenges, sort of. We hadn't lost yet. Trevor, Sam, and Isaac were people I was wary of, so I know that I can't trust them at all since they're obviously not wanting to work with me. I know I'm not talking much, but still. Reward is basically going to rely on me since Logan and Colin aren't well-versed in Survivor and Eddie is MIA. Rip me. If we lose immunity, I feel like Colin will be the person leaving. He's literally the odd man out. Don't know if he knows it. Hopefully, at least, and in my mind. Sorry Colin. I'm screwed.
I think I've written more confessionals for the first three rounds of this game than I did for all of PI: Malibu. Oops. But anyway.... that mutiny WHEW. Fuck those guys huh. We went from the ONLY tribe with all 7 members to......... 4 members. I knew Trevor was leaving and I lowkey had a feeling Sam and Isaac MIGHT but still for them all three to leave is such a kick in the face. That alliance between me, Logan, and Trevor lasted not even 24 hours. Not even ONE DAY yall. Hopefully we can slay these next two immunities so we don't have to go to tribal, because that would honestly suck. At least Logan and I have half the vote so that makes me feel a little bit safer, but still without majority and with the possibility of a rock draw/fire making challenge (idk how it would work if it ties) this could be devastating to my game. Anyway, thanks Trevor, you fucked over the person who trusted you the most.
Hosts are furious.
Immunity went well, bless. At least I hope so.
Y'all don't even know how much I love Logan. Like I am so glad I got put on a tribe with them and actually got kinda close with them. They're such a sweetheart and so easy to talk to. They are WINNING this season KNOW that. Literally my entire tribe is so cute and sweet now?? Now that the uglies and traitors have left we're all cute and adorable. God I really just hope we don't have to go to tribal at all before the swap. If I have to vote anyone on this tribe I'll cry.
ROB I think I've become the leader of the tribe. I don't want to be, but Eddie is barely here and I don't think Logan and Colin would step up to do challenges and stuff. I like everyone in the tribe and I don't want to lose these immunity challenges. The mutineers will be the first to die. Lying sucks, I'm not positive if I said yet if Sam told me he was NOT going to mutiny.
Ok so heres a pre-immunity results confessional. so my Ye Ol' Boys Club alliance is going pretty well. it doesnt seem like we are gonna be best friends but we all know its good for numbers and after that first tribal we trust each other. so that seems good for now. and knowing that we are swapping in two rounds is keeping us all from doing anything shady so that when we swap we dont have to worry about each other turning on us. that being said.... in our foursome i feel like i naturally get along with owen the best...hes the easiest for me to talk to...granted i feel pretty comfortable with all three of them....but matt just gave me some tea about the labyrinth and told me that he wasnt telling owen or david. now i have known matt for a long time and i was there for his matt fucking summers days....but i know matt has grown and thats not how he plays anymore but that reputation will never go away...there is a trick to keeping matt on your side....treat him with respect and trust what he says....if youve been friendly and honest with him he will do the same to you...and the second you question or belittle him youre as good as shit because he is already plotting your demise...hmm...treat someone with respect what a concept huh. not only that, but this makes me feel like i have a good #1 ally with matt and a good #1 ally with david. as much as i love owen i know damn well hell turn on me before trevor...and i wouldnt hold that against him...hes a good ally for numbers rn...and it helps in case i swap with trevor and can stick with him too....but i feel more secure knowing i have david and matt on my side and they are closer with me than with owen....i dont really wanna lose...but voting duncan out rn would feel pretty good...hes made some snarky comments to me a couple of times and thats really my biggest criteria for wanting people out....you sass me you get my vote
anyway i wanna die but yay! no loss, and im safe one more round. prayin they vote off trevor. i dont trust you.
Rob: is there an edgic? Jay: yes Rob: thanks Then I better get positive tone this episode
OMG YES WE DID THAT. ok why am I saying we. ROB DID THAT. HE TRULY DID. MY DAD MY KING MY ICON LOVE HIM. Omg I'm so happy we don't have to go to tribal. Now we just gotta survive ONE MORE ROUND before the swap, I'm sure we can pull it off. Wish us luck <3 <3
The plan for tonight is Crow... I feel like all is going to plan, as far as I know everyone has told me they're voting Crow, bar Ryan (whose told other members of my alliance that he is) and Scott the Silent. I just lied to Crow, and feel bad, but he seems too dangerous... Also, my alliance is now me, JD, Trevor and Lydia, but I'm also close to Isaac and Sam. I feel super in control for now... I for some reason get the impression I'm about to be idoled out, but c'est la vie
I'm super nervous for tonight. Its like 'Baby's First Blindside'- its very exciting! Anywho, I love my 'The Leal Jousewives of Atlanta' alliance (Trevor,JD,Lydia and I) and I'd hate to be idoled out, when I'm lined up so well! :(
Ugh, I have a gut feeling that it's probably me tonight, but I have been told otherwise.......lesson learned: don't try and play two games at once xD I am voting for Scott because I know he's the person most likely (behind me) to get targeted/exiled from the tribe. My strategy (although it may look like I don't have one) was to test out the "Anybody but me" strategy, but it doesn't look too good right now... Maybe I'm just paranoid and it'll be 8-1 against Scott, but I have a feeling there's scheming going on that will likely result in my elimination. If I survive this, I pray there's a tribe swap so I can effectively redo my social game LOL, if not, well.....I'll just have to scrap along!
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