#and to his classmates it's an impossibility that he could be anything BUT perfect
daily-terus · 9 months
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miupow · 5 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ girl dad yeonjun headcanons .ᐟ
warnings: sfw, parent!au, dad!yeonjun, mentions of fem!reader and mom!reader, just self-indulgent tooth rotting fluff ⋆⑅˚₊
a/n: wanted to drop some fluff so here you go... this is a repost from my old blog! originally requested by @https-yeonjun ♡
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-> yeonjun always wanted to have a daughter. he’s always wanted a family and whenever he’d envision that family he’d always seen himself having a daughter. or two.
-> he decided from the moment you told him that you were pregnant that the baby was a girl. it didn’t matter how often you chastised him for it, he just knew it.
-> and of course he was right, which he was very smug about.
-> not really. he ugly cried when she was born
-> calls you and his daughter “his girls”; the two most important women in his life :’(
-> he sings to her all of the time :( sung to her when she was still in your belly, sings her to sleep, hums gentle melodies when he’s holding her tight
-> she drops everything to run and greet him when he comes home every day, and yeonjun’s always quick to scoop her up n spin her around
-> she gives him makeovers all of the time! puts pretty bows n barrettes in his hair, puts play makeup all over his face,,, he’s always covered in glitter no matter how hard he tries to wash it off lol
-> he would genuinely enjoy tea parties with his daughter, would go out of his way to make sure they were perfect and complete with everything she could want
-> makes breakfast before either of you are up, loves surprising his girls :(
-> your daughter has terrible spoiled princess syndrome and it’s all yeonjun’s fault!! he’s the most unstrict dad ever. she completely walks all over him lmao
-> he just can’t say no to her!! he’ll get whatever his princess wants, no matter how much it hurts his wallet
-> and she pouts the exact same way he does!! all sad puppy eyes n duck lips omg she’s impossible to reprimand
-> hed be such an affectionate dad T^T constantly wants to hold n cuddle her, give her all of his time and attention, tell her how much he adores her!!
-> she’s his princess and she KNOWS IT!!!
-> soooo supportive in anything his daughter wishes to do! he’d be her biggest cheerleader <3 in the crowd at the school play making sure he’s cheering louder than all of the other dads
-> he’d lose his mind if anything ever happened to her
-> even if it was just her classmates saying mean things, he’d raise absolute hell
-> he’d completely freak out if she gets hurt, even if it’s a little fall or a scrape. immediately runs to coddle her and soothe her cries. she def plays up the waterworks so he gets her ice cream, and he knows this but is too smitten to care
-> he just can’t stand to see her cry :( would do absolutely anything in his power to make her tears stop no matter what
-> i have to stop before i melt oh my god
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goldsbitch · 4 months
Right? p6
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
summary: Y/N is a photographer for McLaren F1 team. Hard working, goal oriented professional who would never put her career in jeopardy for some stupid crush, right?
warning: smut
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Life in formula was a fast one. But alas, there was finally a moment where a date had been set for your first official date indoors. Two week break between races provided a nice opportunity.
You were based in the UK, but one little Monaco trip didn't hurt anyone, right? No hotel room. Zero back up plan. It was strange how complicated it was for you two to get a moment for each other. You were not even sure what make of this little crush. Whatever. In the end it was a nice little trip.
So there you were, standing in front of an address he shared with you - casual elegant outfit, newly done hair and just a little bit of more than you got to do during busy work days. It was more for yourself than for Lando really. Everyone likes to feel like the it girl sometimes, right? This whole affair was a nice detour from the goal oriented life you lead every day.
There you were, standing in the open kitchen in Lando Norris's apartment. You could care less where the two of you were - as long as there we no prying eyes and you could look at each other with lust in your eyes without needing to hide anything. Teenage hormones overtaking the adult brains within milliseconds.
The looks. The random touches. The abnormal proximity. Nobody to hide from.
He ordered take out, as cooking was not a thing any one of you found to be interesting. He had obviously made some touch ups to the place, dimmed lights and all cleaned up, he had a nice elegant shirt on and the kind of messy hair that screamed "I actually spent an alarming amount of time on it". Both of you playing a little game, as if fooling each other was even an option at this point. Light innocent conversation felt like a like dance - who is going to break the rules first?
"Mr. Norris, this is all very nice," you pointed out, "but I believe we are here to review some photos."
He took a napkin to clean up his face and played the game along. "Oh, silly old me. Must have forgotten. Of course. To the screening room."
The two of you got up from the table, Lando's hand on your lower back and his cologne hitting you in the face in the best way possible. Oh why, oh why, why were you getting into this mess? You wanted to be taken into his arms like a naughty teenager kissing her classmate for the first time. Letting him guide you into pleasure. You finally explored how his skin covered his perfect face structure, there was nothing hiding his features. And unlike with your pictures, you could actually see how his jaw moved when he spoke, especially with the perfect light hitting him now. He got you. He understood your need to aesthetics. You could take a photo of his right there. Preferably without clothes hiding his body.
He turned his projector on. This was all part of the cat and mouse game.
"I need to see the pictures you have first. You owe it to me at this point."
He closed the distance between the two of you, looked you deep in the eyes, his blueish greenish ones filled with a need and after long minutes spent with a dinner, that none you actually wanted, he kissed you. Differently that ever before. This was tender, not slow, but somehow free. His soft lips caressed yours and you could have melted right then and there. Only then you understood why all the singers praised the first kiss - this felt like one. He was not afraid to explore, to observe your reaction and feel proud for making you feel that way. He was speaking to you in a language only touch could understand and his words were loud and clear - I want you. And there was absolutely no way either one you would wait a minute longer. Not after how he touched you at the gala. Not after all the meeting he had to sit with his dirty thoughts making it impossible for his to concentrate. Not after all the night you wished he was on top of you. Not after how you mesmerised him while taking photos of him. His hands grabbed your waist firmly, wrincling your dress and sending thunders through your body. You grabbed his hair, pushing him even closer, as it that was even possible. If desire was a color, there would be no other color present in the whole city. Your bodies seemed to understand each other, there were zero thoughts going into your movements. You roamed around his shoulders, he wandered off to touch your ass and slowly started to pushing you towards the couch. You never felt anything as comftable as this specific couch - but one would say it was Lando's body pressing on top of your that was the selling point. His chest touching your boobs, his waist pressed on your and you could feel his erect dick begging to be touched too. Hot blood flowing inside both of your bodies. You started working on unbuttoning his shirt and he smiled into your kiss, not having parted your lips since he first locked them with his. You knew he wanted to say something, so you stopped him by biting his lip and sticking your tongue into his mouth. All bets were off tonight, you both knew why you were there. So he helped you with his shirt, the with a swift motion got you out of your dress before you could even notice, and started working on his pants. It was all very quick, passionate and hard. This is not how you're suppose to be acting towards your team driver. You're not suppose to be fucking him. You're not suppose to be stroking his dick. Oh, but how good it felt to hold him in your hand. Finally, right? It will just be this one time, right? But if it was just this one time, you'd make it a good one. You didn't even know when he stuck his fingers into you, because they felt so natural, you might have thought they were always supposed to be there. Oh, but it felt good - so good - too good. You could have gotten of just with his light motion, but that was not in his plan for tonight. He watched you, being totally present in that moment, right there and then, and he got drunk on the way your body reacted to his actions. When he knew you were more than ready, he finally entered you and one could write a single chapter on how exctatic that felt to him. You were quickly put into some sort of trance, cause by his motion. It was like being on a different planet. In that moment the only thought you could gather was why the fuck did you ever had sex before meeting him and if your previous experiences could even count as such. You got locked in the moment, focusing only on his moves, closed eyes and having touch as the only source of your sensory receptors. He on the other hand let your soft moans in to get him going, moans that only seemed to get louder and higher with every minute that he fucked you. He moved faster, than slower, than faster again. He wanted to try different positions with your, but he wanted to take this view of you bounding under him, to his memory so desperately that he did not dare to endanger the moment you two had.
It could have been minutes. It could have been hours. Time stopped being a reliable way to measure this moment. You came twice, he pulled out and came all over your chest. The two of you laid next to each to other, as much as the couch allowed, trying to catch your breath. There was only one thought on your mind. Fuck. How were you suppose to walk past him now?
You both were riding the pleasure high for few moments. Hearts slowing down, taking in what just happened after weeks of built up tension.
You stayed naked in each others embrace. You traced Lando's freckles, creating shapes and constellations. He was way less subtle and focused on light touches of your nipples. It felt fragile, tender and intimate. Pure contrast to the vibe you had just minutes prior.
"I know it's not ideal," he spoke softly. You froze, not knowing where he was heading with this. He noticed and continued immediately. "Not ideal because of McLaren and stuff." You nodded, not wanting to continue this conversation. But he did. "However...I am having a nice time. And I hope you're too," he waited for your answer, which only came in a nod. He gave you a weak smile. You just didn't feel safe yet and he understood. He leaned in to kiss you - at least that what you were expecting. Instead he stopped right before your lips and whispered. "I was promised some super secret photos, wasn't I?" You smiled, happy that the tension got broken again. Flirty was something you knew how to do with him. "Only if you show me yours too, sweetie." "Oh, I am so ready to dwell into the beauty the two of us are," he sighed and finally kissed you.
part 7
@i-wish-this-was-me @lqvesoph @ophcelia @noneofyourfbusinessworld
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Academy!Coryo x reader Warnings: swearing, now that i think of it slightly ooc Coryo but its Academy era so idk, use of y/n
dividers by @saradika
Pure. If you had to choose one word to describe Coriolanus Snow, that would be it. The boy was basically a slab of untainted, white stone brought to life. Clean cut, not a speck on his record, and god forbid his grades be anything less than frustratingly perfect. It was something that infuriated you constantly.
How could someone possibly have absolutely no visible weakness?
Sometimes it seemed even basic needs such as sleep were unnecessary for your blonde classmate while you, on the other hand, relied on disarranged nights of frantic muttering and rustling paper to maintain your top grades. Only, of course, to spend the next few hours behind a deck having your sanity and patience stripped away by the object of your hatred/affection/whatever those heated stares every once in a while were.
Either way, the back and forth cycle was driving you insane! You were one step away from screaming for it to just-
“Miss Fremont. Would you like to explain to me what is so interesting about Mr. Snow that it is physically impossible for you to pay attention to the lesson?”
Red crept onto your cheeks as you sank slightly in your seat. Your classmates whispered and giggled around you and Mr. Snow was clearly displaying a mocking smirk when you spoke.
“Nothing, Sir.”
Later, after you’d rushed from your classroom, through the library and into the little study room you sat in the corner of. You buried  your head in your knees.
How embarrassing was it that you were caught staring at that smug little shit, and by your teacher no less! Not even a classmate, who might have let it slide-
Oh fuck.
You groaned, curling into yourself further. You were caught staring at Coriolanus Snow, the annoying but pretty boy Clemmie had shipped you with from the beginning, your sworn rival. She was never letting you hear the end of this and you suspected neither was Coriolanus.
The soft thump of your head hitting the wall was amplified in the small space. Surely, you reasoned, snatching the Plinth Prize from under Coriolanus’s attractive nose would wipe that smirk off clean off of his face. And for that to happen you would have to get up, pull yourself together and study until your hands shook and your eyes burned. 
Not necessarily in that order.
This time, you’d end up on top.
Coriolanus found you spread out on the floor, almost buried in pages upon pages of notes and examples and resources. He had, like you, come to the library to study, but all thoughts of classwork were put aside when he saw you, sleeping in his usual study spot. If he was entirely truthful, he didn’t think you could make a face that peaceful. Coriolanus knelt down next to you and brushed a strand of hair out of your face.
“Time to get up, sweetheart.”
You swatted his hand away sleepily, mumbling incoherently.
“Y/n you’re drooling on your notes.”
No response.
He sighed, already losing his patience. He’d try one last time, he promised himself, and then he’d leave and find another place to work. 
“Y/n, love, you have to get up now. Can’t let you lose to me too easily next week, now can we?” 
This time he gave you a little shake, finally getting through your sleep deprived haze. You jolted back, flustered for a moment.
“Co-coriolanus, what- Why are you here?”
He waited until you were done dusting yourself off before replying.
“I realise you might not know this, but some people like to come here to actually study.”
You scoffed and pushed him towards the door.
“I was doing just that before you interrupted me-” He raised an eyebrow, “-so leave me alone.”
The door slammed in his face.
Now, you think he’d gotten the message. But the next evening, right after your last class for the day, he was back, like a recurring nightmare. Being seen in this state, your hair messy and eyebags dark, might have irritated you had you not been cramming for two final exams and an assignment that was due the next morning.
"What part of leave me alone was confusing for you, Snow, because I would be happy to explain it to you after I finish this. I'm busy. get out." You say from the desk, exhaustion evident in your tone.
Clearly, you had no patience left for anything, let alone him.
Coriolanus, despite having almost the same workload as you, seemed entirely unbothered by this.
Perfect bastard with his perfect hair and his stupid, perfect smile. Exactly the money he was displaying right now, actually, as he unpacked his notes next to yours.
"Move over sweetheart-"
"Don't," You growled, pausing your work, "Call me that, sweetheart."
He sat down across from you and began writing in that beautiful handwriting. "Whatever you say... Darling."
You really wanted to slap him sometimes.
A/N: this is my first time writing for Coryo so if someone finds this please tell me what you think <3
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
day at the pool with our boy James Tartt <3
Anything for you, my beautiful and smart-as-hell wife <3
2023 Summer Blurbs
Fuck Jamie Tartt and fuck his slutty little shorts.
This was a family event, with Keeley and Roy and sweet little Phoebe, and Jamie’s running around showing off his perfect fucking thighs. Damn everyone who decided men should start wearing 5 inch inseams on their shorts.
And it wasn’t that he looked bad, or ridiculous the way he did when he wore his hair all slicked back, he looks infuriatingly good. And there was nothing you could do or say about it.
“Oi!” A voice from behind you shouts, paired with hands squeezing your waist, making you squeal and quickly turn your head from where Roy and Jamie are attempting to push each other into the pool as Phoebe watches on and giggles to see Keeley with a giant grin on her face.
“Jesus, Keeley, you almost gave me a heart attack,” you respond with a hand over your rapidly beating heart to prove your point, but she just laughs at you.
“You’re allowed to talk to him, y’know,” she tells you with a sly smile as Jamie and Roy go splashing into the pool and Phoebe falls into a fit of laughter.
“I have no idea what you mean.” You try to slip away and make your way to your sunchair, but Keeley just sits down next to you, that knowing smile of hers never leaving her face.
“Don’t you think it’s a little weird there are so many adults at Phoebe’s party?” You ask, trying to change the subject while trying not to watch as Jamie hoists himself out of the water.
“Well, she’s gotta invite Roy, and Jamie’s Roy’s best friend, and she has to invite me because she loves me, and she has to invite you because we’re besties.” Keeley explains it all very clearly, and you can’t help but to laugh.
Phoebe, despite being a child, is one of your favorite people in the world, and you’re really just thankful she likes you enough to invite you to this pool party of hers.
And not just because it means you get to stare at Jamie, soaking wet in his swim shorts.
You and Keeley carry on talking, Phoebe coming over to join you when her mom runs back inside to grab more drinks, and you’re so carried away with your girl talk, getting all the drama from Phoebe about her classmates, that you barely notice when a dripping-wet shadow blocks the sun.
Suddenly, a pair of hands are grabbing and tugging you up from your spot on the sunchair, your protests and attempts to grab at Keeley for help practically useless as you get dragged closer and closer to the edge of the pool. You’re so disoriented that it’s not until you catch a flash of blonde hair out of the corner of your eye that you realize Jamie is the one terrorizing you.
Before you can tell him to stop, the two of you go tumbling into the water, his hands a firm grip on your waist. Sputtering, you break through the surface to see Phoebe laughing at you, and it’s practically impossible to keep a smile off your face when you hear that sound. Jamie has a proud look on his face, and you just roll your eyes when he leads forward to kiss you.
So much for keeping your relationship a secret for now.
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mrstraffy · 3 months
Well i was playing character AI and suddenly boom...i feel like writing a fanfiction😭✌️as always, I'm so sorry if there's some grammar errors and I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story of mine😘.
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History Teacher
Trafalgar Law x reader
It was the second week of September. The month you dreaded the most as it would also mean that the final exam are nearing. Yet you still can't seem to focus in your history classes that you're in right now. The teacher kept on talking about the world war and your country's history but all of that doesn't matter to you at all. Well, how can you pay attention to what he is saying when his existence alone make you fall into the state of a daze?
Mr. Trafalgar, or his full name Trafalgar D Water Law, the first time you lay your eyes on him you can't help but fell so hard for him. In your eyes he was stunning and perfect in every way despite his cold behaviour.
His name send shiver down to your spine and the way his voice sounded like a melody in your ears, or the way his eyes seemed to be your favourite mirror. Just looking at his hand make you knew that those arm gonna be your favourite places and you long for his love. Damn, you adore him too much. However, deep down you knew that it's impossible for the two of you. You know that he won't consider you as a partner. But a little bit of plot twists won't hurt right? Alas, its fate's nature to play with people.
"Does anyone have a question?" His voice makes you wake up from your daydream. You look around and no one seems to have a question. Either they understand the lesson well enough or they just don't know anything at all, who knows?. And it seems that you're the latter one. That's what you get when you don't pay attention in class. Despite this ,you don't know what possessed you when your raised you hand. "Yes Y/N?" Instantly you regretted your decision. " Sir I have a very important question." You said with determination. "Go ahead Y/N". As you gather all you courage, you ask, " what is the difference between history and you?" You know that your question is stupid but you wanted to take the opportunity to flirt with him✨. Well, you need to make the first move if you want to chase your dream, right?
"What an absurd question you've got there Y/N. Well, as far as I'm concerned, history is something that happened in the past. As for me, I'm a person, a living thing that need shelter,water, food, and air to breathe in order to survive." Law said, trying to answer your question the best that he could. "I can't say your answer is wrong sir, but there is a shorter and simpler answer to that question." You replied to him with a hint of mischievousness in your tone. "Why don't you lighten me up then, dear Y/N." He retorted. The moment you heard him call you dear, you swear that you felt like you're not touching the ground anymore. But you need to focus on the task in your hand. "History is in the past. But you sir, you are my future" you said with a small smile grazing you lips. Upon hearing your statement the whole class was turned into a chaos. Teasing both you and Law. You even hear some of your classmates saying things like, " brave girl" and " so, they're into older man huh?" But you could careless about what they're saying as your teacher's reaction is more important. If you don't look carefully you might not notice that there is a hint of blush on his cheek. But amusement is clear on his face that its surpassed the blush.
"Alright class, that's enough" hearing this, your classmates shut up almost in an instant. "As for you Y/N, I admit it that's a good answer. And i don't mind making it a dream come true for you." And once again the classroom erupted into another chaos. Unbeknownst to you, your teacher have always put you in a special place in his heart. The first time the both of you lock eyes, the cupid has played his part. Shooting the both of you with his arrow. However, the hesitation from both sides makes it hard for the two of you to unite. The role as a teacher and student makes it a challenge for the both of you as it is forbidden for a teacher to have relationship with their students to avoid unfairness between students.
Law could careless about that as he can quit being a teacher for you. Since you've made your first move, well he might as well work on his plan now that he know you're attracted to him. That's how the two of you started your journey together. How the two of you faces challenges and judgement from other people together. You guys would always have each other back no matter what the obstacles is. After all, what kind of future it is if one of you is not in the picture.
A.N: a little bit cringe but pls bare with me.
Also, I think law as our daddy...(you know what kind of daddy) is *cough* HOTT🥵
Btw that's all from me byeee👋
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Word quantity: high. Word quality: low. You have been warned.
Goo Kim x Reader: School Days with Princess & the Delinquent
Chapter 10 - Please read chapter 1 first!
Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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Graduation day is filled with cheers and tears from the rest of your classmates.
Students and parents mingling and celebrating together. Cliques and groups hugging and bidding goodbye to each other and hello to the next stage of their lives.
Impossibly lonely even in the sea of bodies and your forced cheer making you surlier as the hours crawl by, you leave your parents and friends to their own devices. Reject invites to parties and final hurrahs with a strained smile. 
Up on the rooftop, you sit in solitude as the sun sets.
(It’s a shame that you’ve gotten so close to Goo, because he has left a mark everywhere. All the places you frequent are filled with memories of him. You can’t escape.)
You watch the final group of stragglers leave school. Swaying and singing happily. Drunk on happiness or something stronger you don’t know and don’t care.
Maybe you should be feeling more about never seeing some of these people again, and yes, you’re thankful for your friends rallying around you in the last couple months yet your heart hangs heavy.
You think about what university will bring. New experiences, new friends, new love. It should be exciting but-
Your emotional battery is depleted. 
Continues to deplete every day as you look for a tall frame and blonde hair and a smile that only reaches their eyes when they look at you. 
A voice that cuts through the rest of the humdrum, loud and crass and a touch manic. 
Words you know you should never trust, that worms its way into your heart anyway. 
And a nickname, just for you-
It’s been months though you can hear him as clear as day.
“Princess?” A voice calls out again. Have you missed him so much you start hearing things? Are you so delirious with your sadness, about being ghosted that your mind has conjured up a perfect echo?
The bleached hair, sharp eyes behind glasses and sardonic smile moves into your line of vision.
As if he hasn’t disappeared for months, as if he just said be right back and gone away for 10 minutes. He gives you a little wave. Casual as anything. Waggling his fingers like you’re supposed to find it cute.
“Goo Kim?”
“That’s me!” he says, approaching you with a spring in his step.
You know this could never be a figment of your imagination. You could never imagine this full complexity of Goo Kim; anything your brain dreams of is just a pale imitation of the real thing. You can never fully capture the confident strut, the way his lips lifts and reveals a faint dimple, the long elegant fingers adjusting his glasses, the way the breeze catches his hair. 
You’ve thought about him so much that now seeing him with all his layers, all his charms, completely dazzles and blinds you.
Discomfort overwhelms Goo the closer he gets, finds the front harder to put up.
He’s missed you. 
Had hoped that absence didn’t make the heart grow fonder and much preferring out of sight, out of mind. 
It’s a loss he had allowed to rest and soak into his bones, thinking that that was the way to deal with these frivolous sentiments. Tried to lick his wounds and patch it up with money. Thought he had gotten used to it; could happily live with it as long as he achieved the lifestyle to match his ambition.
Goo didn’t realise exactly how much he missed you, how much his soul aches at not seeing you, hearing you, touching you until you’re standing right there.
He doesn’t know what to do with all this.
Goo stops within arms reach and you both stare. Taking each other in. A classic smirk painted on his face and disbelief on yours. 
How had you become so entangled? You were supposed to be like oil and water.
“Bastard,” is all you manage as tears spring to your eyes and nostrils burn. You avert your gaze, dropping it to the floor, ashamed at your outburst. 
That he is the same as ever, unruffled and nonchalant, and you are vulnerable and weak.
You try to quiet your sniffles by biting your lip, try to not bring your hand to your face to wipe your tears. That would make it obvious.
(Like it isn’t already.)
If you stand there and don’t make a move, don’t make a sound, then you can fade into the background, becoming invisible and Goo wouldn’t know the effect he has had on you.
A firm hand gives you an awkward pat on the head, and then with a gentleness that makes your heart hurt, pulls your body against his and into his arms.
“Who’s making you cry?” Goo makes a strained effort to inject levity and amusement into his tone to hide his own emotions “Tell me and I’ll beat them up.”
Even so, his voice cracks at the last word. 
Like a rupture of a dam, your arms come up around his neck and you let your tears flow.
“Ugh! Do you know how expensive this coat is?!” His actions don't match up to his words, just holding you tighter to him.
An unsuspecting wet laugh bubbles up and out. This is the least of what he deserves. You hope it stains and never washes out.
You wipe your eyes and rub your nose on his clothing with no remorse. 
And you know, being here in his arms, that it feels like you’re letting Goo off easy.
You have so much rage and so much mistrust that you don’t know where to start. You have so many questions and you want to demand so many answers. 
Yet him appearing in the here and now doesn’t feel like a coincidence. You can hear the clock ticking, counting down the borrowed time together.
As you rest your head on his shoulder, smelling the expensive cologne but with the undertone that is distinctly Goo, you wonder what to ask first, to say first.
You rummage through your mind, picking through your grief and heartache, searching how you can put into words the explanations you need right here right now so you don’t have to live with regret and what-ifs forever.
The buzzing in your brain quiets then disappears, and you think you’re ready.
There’s a lot you know about Goo Kim. You don’t need him to recount his feelings for you. His actions and behaviour during your brief time together make it clear.
A bitter question that you need to resolve.
To know if you should treat this as closure and move on. Or if there is any hope.
“Is this goodbye?” 
You’re not sure if Goo can hear you, your voice thick with tears and muffled against his neck, but his body stills and you feel it.
He hums, deliberating over your words. The subtle and intimate vibrations of his throat reverberates through you too.
Goo doesn’t know.
Really. This is messy enough as it is and will only get messier. Probably too messy, too dangerous and resulting only in more heartache. For you, for him, for both.
You’ll be a weakness, a fatal soft spot that he has no use for. A flaw with bright flashing arrow heads for enemies to target.
But the need to see you today, a final farewell on your graduation overrode everything else.
(Gun only gave him a knowing glance when he announced he was taking a personal day in a tone that left no room for argument)
This visit was supposed to close a very bizarre chapter in his life. 
Post-juvie and pre-HNH.
A stop gap, a temporary distraction.
Just a last little bit of novel normalcy before Goo’s life is upturned forever. Onto much better and much bigger things.
Here you are.
Entering in his life when he needed you the least but wanted you the most.
Resembling more and more like lightning in a bottle. A once in a lifetime opportunity. Too good to pass up.  
And here Goo is.
He can’t give you up. Only a fool would do so without seeing how it plays out.
Goo doesn’t know why he’s still thinking about it.
The fact he is here at all is answer enough.
Releasing a breath, he tells you “No.” 
“This isn’t goodbye.”
You let his word, that single syllable sit with you.
Settle into your body. Grow familiar with what it means.
You’re not sure if the no is for right now or for forever. You think this is good enough. You think you can live with any future heartache if you can spend more time with Goo now. 
Live in the present and all that.
“Princess?” At his questioning tone, you turn to look at him.
Goo takes in your pink nose, the tear tracks running down your cheeks, your red eyes; he sees everything he has felt for you reflected in your face.
You study his features, refamiliarising yourself. You always knew Goo Kim was handsome, but now he seems ethereal. Wearing an expression you haven’t seen before, a look in his eyes that seems wilder than ever and a face that is absolutely enamoured. 
Goo brings his hand up to wipe away the last of your tears, running it along your jaw then thumb brushing over your cheek.
“I’ve wondered about this for so long,” he murmurs, leaning close, pressing your body fully along his. Until he didn’t know where his ended and yours began.
Closer and closer he inches, until you're everything he sees, until he can only feel your breath mingling with his, until there is no space left between your lips and his.
He kisses, at first gentle and cautious, before finally pouring in all of himself.
He kisses in a way that is purely Goo Kim, a little feral, a little teasing and a lot fun.
When you both finally break apart, it clicks into place.
This is everything Goo has been searching for.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Todomomo is literally the closest you can get to a autistic4autistic t4t ship without it being canon or intentional.Shouto's dad is an abusive hypermasculine prick who's implied to be misogynistic(teaching Touya his views on women as a kid,that they're 'useless' based off their genders)and Shouto wants to grow up to be the man he never could and refused to be and dosen't care about gender at all,much less conforming to it's roles and gets called a pretty boy a lot and is way closer to his mom and sister than he is to either of his brothers,Momo is the daughter of a rich couple who adultified her to the max in order to make her the ultimate 'proper prim lady' with little regard to her emotions and mental well-being and only care about her when she lives up to their impossible expectations and she had to get that 'I have to be perfect or else i'm WORTHLESS and NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYTHING' mentality from somewhere and it's not like she wasn't isolated from her peers by not being allowed to be a normal kid in any way(her mom didn't even let her go festivals and she had to sneak off on her first one with a fear of her finding out in the back of her head the whole time!That is NOT normal behavior for your child to exhibit,Doña Yaoyorozu!!!)and she presents femininily in a way that's viewed as artificial by assholes but it's just genuinely who she's made herself to be!Shouto explicitly inhereted his mother's build and hates that he keeps looking like his dad as he gets older and Momo's said to look older than her girl classmates even disregard her body type and towers over most teen guys!!!
Shouto has a neutral expression that looks purely deadpan and just a bit angry/annoyed and he's awful at socializing and he's insanely good at flirting with Momo but IT'S NEVER ON PURPOSE and Momo has a resting smiling face as her default look and she gets scandalized at regular teen behavior and she's an expert at navigating social situations with practiced politeness and they both take things literally and don't understand the dumb kind of norms and have a special fondness for a particular food because it gives them comfort(cold soba + tea types)BUT ALSO!!!!They have matching additional food motifs(bubble tea specifically + strawberry based things)and cordinated outfits with their own aesthetics(their sweaters,,,,,,that got turned into a running thing in the games and i believe official art too)and are canon cat people(*insert that 'All cats have autism' pic here*)and Momo is a bookworm while Shouto is a comics nerd and Momo got into alt music thanks to Jirou and has a love for desserts and Shouto writes platonic love letters to Rei and perfers the spicier/savoury kinds of japanese food AND THEN THEIR ACTUAL RELATHIONSHIP
Shouto voted for Momo because he thinks she's the best they're is but didn't verbally communicate it to her because it never occured to him he'd need to and Momo admires Shouto just as much and said it outloud to his face from the start and Aizawa being the only that helps them clear up the mix up?????His old autistic man ass that's married to audhd icon Mic?So Shouto goes into detail to Momo's face too about how cool he thinks she is and that's when they officially becomes friends and he never shuts up about her to anyone from then on,this nigga's new special interest is his best girl friend he's got a crush on,and he did notice she was sad when no one else did in an earlier part but had no clue what to do or say to cheer her up so they spend time together now that they're really buds and they both know just what to say to eachother by the War Arc and Momo finds Shouto being a fucking doofus with geeky ass tendencies and moments she could make a youtube compilation out of it if she was lil meaner to be so attractive she says he's perfect for Prince Charming as a role in a play Class 1-A did in one of the novel's.Izuku broke Shouto out of his ice,Jirou and Mina broke Momo out of her doll shell and now neither of them need to mask but what brought them together was being next to eachother at their worsts and at their bests and only thinking the latter no matter what or who said otherwise.Including themselves
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minkkumaz · 10 months
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sometimes it felt like you were in a completely different world than yungyu. others called him bad, but you could hardly believe that. everything inside of you wanted to figure him out.
PAIRING lee yungyu x fem!reader WC 2.3k TAGS classmates to lovers. school au. bad boy yungyu. minor cussing. OMI NOTE this might be one of my favorite things i've written.. ever? i'm so soft for gyu, and his bad boy persona honestly takes the cake i don't know. this plot kind of reminds me of 'she fell first, but he fell harder.' also i might've snuck a ddlc reference in here w my multifandom ass..
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immortality is a concept that defines eternal life, incapability of dying. and while in your world it didn’t exist, word about him never died. there were always rumors, people telling you that getting involved with him would ruin the perfect idea of yourself. despite this, it only intrigued you more.
school was alway the main source of gossip and other immature problems, half of it being completely untrue. word spread like wild fire, even when it didn’t make sense. so why was everyone so sure that lee yungyu was this bad influence? there were times when it was best to stay behind and not involve yourself in the uproar.
though you couldn’t help but stare, unable to figure him out. the corner of his mouth crinkling whenever he smiled, how he’d always do a peace sign when posing for photos. for the most part, maybe it was less about figuring him out, and more about just admiring the boy.
a stupid class crush wasn’t something you’d admit to, he never talked to you; and your closest friends convinced you that you must’ve been a lucky one. 
but out of the corner of his eye, he always saw you staring. it wasn’t a secret to him that there was this odd curiosity peaking out of your skull. if anything, it was the final push to get him to talk to you.
it was an early morning, the trees outside were beginning to bloom this april. you always thought it was the prettiest time of the year, pink and white flowers littering the long branches. a lot of the time, arriving to classes early gave you a sense of responsibility.
the air was calm, and you could focus better on any assignments you might’ve missed the night before. there were a few stragglers here and there, making the classroom less empty on these occasions. yet you appreciated when it was just yourself.
today was no excuse. all of your things were sprawled out on your desk while you busied yourself in your notebooks. responding to questions that were left unanswered on your worksheets, planning out the rest of your day, and listening to the soft knocks on the door in front of you.
wait, knocks on the door in front of you?
the knob turned slowly as lee yungyu poked his head inside to search around. not a single teacher was in sight, though there was a cute girl sitting at one of the desks, staring at him wide eyed. his expression softened upon seeing you with all your stationary spread out.
he let himself in, letting the door quietly shut behind him. at first, you were confused why someone like him was in school at this hour. wasn’t being super late with some comedic timing apart of his whole brand? it was new, but you tried to act like you weren’t shocked.
resuming what you were originally doing, it was in your best attempt to ignore the boys presence. clicking the end of your pen, you continue to scribble nonsense on your paper. though it became almost impossible as you heard the sound of a chair dragging across the floor.
looking up from the desk, his dark eyes met yours. but in retrospect, he was nothing near intimidating up close. he sat himself down and smiled at you before he spoke.
“hi, you must be y/n, right?” your name flowed off his tongue perfectly, sending a small shiver down your spine.
“ah.. yes. you’re lee yungyu.” you respond shyly.
“oh? so you know me as well then.” yungyu smirked, crossing his arms atop the table.
“well, you’re nothing short of infamous in school.” you mention, making him quirk an eyebrow.
“word gets around too quickly here. the school year barely started.” he sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“there isn’t much else to expect from our classmates. i could only imagine what you’ve heard about me.” 
“i’ve heard nothing but good things.” he told you, “you’re too innocent to get yourself into any trouble.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you question.
“nothing! i was just saying.”
“you know, we’re not strangers anymore. so how about friends?” he proposes out of the blue.
“huh? why so suddenly?” you tilt your head like a lost puppy, only earning a light laugh from him.
“i’ve seen you staring at me. it only made me more curious about you.” he admits, making your heart drop to your feet, “it’s cute.”
“i said what i said. so, friends?” 
“okay, friends.” you agree hesitantly, tapping your fingers on the desk.
“great. how about you come with me to yoonsung hyung’s party in the woods tonight and hang out? heard it was gonna be pretty cool.” he asks.
“yoonsung? as in student council yoonsung?”
“that’s him.”
“i didn’t think he threw parties like that.” you mumble, thinking about the responsible boy.
“are we talking about the same yoonsung? he loves planning things, and i’d like to say we’re pretty close.” he tells you, picking up one of your pencils.
“that’s interesting then.” you comment, “i didn’t know the two of you were friends.” 
“you must not have been stalking me hard enough then.” he jokes, drawing little stars on your notebook.
“i’m just teasing you. you don’t have to be so tense around me. though i am shocked you agreed to hang out with me.”
“i didn’t exactly agree to anything yet, yungyu.” you claim, erasing his stars.
“i know you’re going to say yes to me.” he looks at you intently, almost as if he’s trying to brainwash you into agreeing.
“maybe if i could get this work done by the end of the day.” you grumbled.
“boring. what are you working on anyways?” he picks up your paper to read the print, it was a rough draft of something you were writing.
“the writing homework we were assigned yesterday. i was just trying to finish it up but i haven’t liked what i’ve made so far.” you groan, snatching the paper out of his hands
“if you try so hard to make things perfect, you won’t make much progress. just write things down and fix it up later.”
“that.. that is actually pretty inspiring. aren’t you supposed to be some bad guy?”
“what did you want me to do? rip up your paper and tell you how shit of a job you were doing?” 
“okay, i didn’t mean it like that–”
“y/n!” a voice called out to you, sounding very obviously distressed.
two girls appeared in the classroom, sliding the door open with ease upon seeing you with yungyu. they look almost scared for you, and after the short conversation you’ve had with your new friend, you see no reason as to why. 
you glance back from your friends to him, and all he does is grin at you. ‘that’s my cue’ he mouths silently, barely peaking a whisper.
he sits up from his seat while the girls rush towards you. in the middle of this, he takes his hand and swipes your pencil pouch on the floor, watching as all the pastel highlighters and pen scatter on the floor.
“see you tonight, y/n.” he slings one of his backpack straps over his shoulder, leaving you with your friends.
“what were you doing hanging out with him?” one frowns, kneeling down to help pick up your things.
“if he was bothering you i can tell a teacher! he’s bad news..” another one whines, squeezing your cheeks to make sure you’re okay.
“i’m fine guys, don’t worry.” you mutter, sliding out of your chair to gather the remains of your materials on the floor.
“i hope you didn’t let him convince you to go to that party.”
“our y/nnie is too kind to turn someone down, but it’s for your own good..”
was all of this for your own good? their words were like knives, only deepening the cut of curiosity. everyone called him bad, but you could hardly believe that. the past thirty minutes were living proof that there was so much more to him.
regardless of their words, you felt determined to go with him to that party. there was a high chance it would help you figure out who he really was behind this twisted persona people made of him.
the forest was dark and empty, only a small beacon of light in the distance that you walked towards. there was no saying why you let a boy you had only met mere hours ago lead you through the towering trees. 
leaves crunched below your hesitant feet, the only evidence that a living body has been through these depths. the grip yungyu had on your hand was almost enough to be scared of him, but it was mostly reassuring. he just didn’t want to lose sight of you.
as the party grew near, sparkling string lights weaved their way through the branches. they glistened in your eyes like stars. the chatter of people grew more audible, and before you knew it, the scene overwhelmed you.
food, drinks, a boom box, and a multitude of your classmates all gathered to have a fun time. your first party didn’t seem as scary as your friends drawn it out to be, and his presence didn’t make it any less intimidating.
“this looks fun, come on.” he pointed out, taking you farther into the crowd. 
“there’s so many people here.” you add, making your way through the large group of party - goers.
“wouldn’t expect much less from yoonsung. he knows everybody.”
you replied with a nod, still holding onto his cold hand. there was a small spot amongst everyone in the middle, where you both stayed put. 
people were dancing along to the music, similar to the way the flowers swayed against the wind in the spring time. suddenly, he unlaced his fingers from yours and placed them on his shoulders, snaking his own around your waist.
“do you dance?” he says quiet enough only for you to hear.
“ahm.. not really, i’ve never been good at it.”
“then follow my lead.”
“oh– okay!” you stammered, making him giggle at your obedience.
“eager, aren’t we?” he mentioned casually, “you know that i’m bad, yet you’re spending the night with me.”
“you’re the one that invited me out, stupid.” you pout, looking away from him.
“but you still couldn’t keep your eyes off of me, could you?” his hold around you tightened, pulling you closer to him. a blush crawled its way across your face.
“it wasn’t even like that!”
“what do you want from my world anyways? you’re just a good little girl.”
“and you’re supposed to be a bad little boy? that’s what you act like, but i don’t buy a second of it.” you argue playfully, “and even if you were like that, why do you want to hang out with me?”
“jeez, picking a fight with me already? i’m bad, but definitely not little.” he bites his tongue.
“not a fight, just trying to figure you out.” you admit, letting your tone turn slightly serious.
“what’s there to know when everything you’ve heard about me is probably true anyways?” he scoffs.
“that you make girls run away sobbing? that you graffitied the principals car over break? that you used to be some kind of bully?” you reply, “or maybe do you have feelings like everyone else and just don’t know how to handle them?”
“god, that got deep.” he laughed nervously, “you might be the realest person i’ve ever met.”
“you’re not so bad, you know.”
“not so bad? you barely even scraped the surface, it’s not something i have to try at. you on the other hand..”
“i’m not trying to be bad, yungyu. i’m hanging out with you because you’re my friend now, right?”
“from stalkers to friends to lovers, sounds like some weird fanfiction.” he teases.
“when are you gonna let that go?!” you grumble, letting your head fall forward into his chest.
“i’ll let it go whenever we get to that last part.”
“pfft.. what…?” you try to play it off.
removing your head from the spot on his chest, he’s already peering down at you; glancing from the plump of your lips back to your eyes. he moves a hand to place on your crown, gently forcing your head to tilt upwards to look at him.
and from all the things you’ve heard about yungyu, the one true thing was that eye contact with him could kill. it made you squirm in your spot against him, feeling a weird tension in your soul.
“you have a thing for me, it’s kind of obvious.”
“oh my god don’t say that out loud! it’s already weird that i’m here with you” you squeal, covering his mouth with your palm.
“so you’re not denying it?” his words are muffled.
“why do you always say such confusing things?! i don’t know if i like you yungyu, we’ve barely been talking for a full day.” you take your hand away with furrowed eyebrows.
“you know, you influenced me to pay closer attention to you. i guess you could say it gave me the crushes, i just wanted to see if you’d admit you had them too.” he confessed.
“you’re crazy, gyu.”
“am i really, though?” he muttered, tilting your chin to angle himself inches away from you. 
it made you freeze up, a weird whirlwind of emotions floating throughout your stomach to make you sick. there weren’t enough synonyms for flustered that you could think of, but you didn’t pull away.
why didn’t you pull away?
the answer was that you couldn’t, after scrutinizing him for months, he was finally in front of you where you wanted him. and that made you realize how simple everything was, laid out perfectly after playing your cards right. 
he was a person, and people are weird. they’re compelled to do crazy shit, and yungyu wasn’t an exception, you understood this.
when you didn’t flinch, nor wiggle in an endeavor to escape, he closed the small gap between you two. it was only a few seconds, not a single person nearby paying any attention. but the spark you felt was so real.
“wanna admit it now?” he smiles, pulling away from the heat of your lips.
“in your dreams, lee yungyu.”
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
TRYING TO ESTIMATE HOW STRONG ZIM IS (and also how much he weighs because that’s essential in figuring out how much he can lift):
Alright so in the comics it’s confirmed that Zim can lift over three times his body weight.
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So if we figure out Zim’s weight, we can easily figure out his lifting strength.
So I tried to do just that. It’s not perfect as I had to use some headcanons and guess some of the more impossible to find information, but it does work.
I actually did this once before on a post about a Crossover between Invader Zim and Punch Out, but I didn’t go fully into detail and just wildly guessed several of the weight statistics because I had no idea how to find the weight of things like Zim’s PAK.
First, figuring out Zim’s height. I already headcanon that he’s 4’8, but just to make sure that this is as accurate as possible I looked up the average height of a human twelve year old (as Zim is near identical in height to his twelve year old classmates) and what do you know i got an average height of 4’7, which is close enough to my original headcanon that I just used my headcanon estimate of 4’8 anyways.
So Zim is 4’8 now.
Then I looked up the average weight for a twelve year old of similar size and got answers ranging from 66.8 pounds as the lightest answer and 93.6 pounds as the heaviest. Averaging those together gives you a weight of 80.2 pounds.
Meaning that Zim’s weighs 80.2 pounds, right?
Because Zim has two major factors that also affect how much he weighs. His PAK and Spinal Implants that connect the PAK to his body. We need to estimate the weight of those things as well.
So I went and got this image off of google:
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This is a picture of a height measuring thing that you strap to your wall. Most importantly, it can be used to more accurately measure Zim and his PAK.
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So I did just that through the use of photoshop, lining up Zim with the 4’8 mark on the ruler.
And after properly lining everything up, I measured his PAK
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Using multiple pictures (not just the one on screen) I found that Zim’s PAK is about 1.5 feet tall, 1.5 feet wide and sticks approximately 0.75 feet out from Zim’s body. I say approximately because I couldn’t for the life of me find a good picture of Zim sideways that shows his PAK in a properly measurable way so the 0.75 metric may be somewhat off.
(Interesting enough, Zim’s PAK LOOKS like it’s not perfectly circular, but it still measures perfectly 1.5 feet lengthwise and 1.5 feet widthways. Maybe it’s been perfectly circular this whole time and my eyes are just weird. In fact, that’s probably it.)
But that’s not all we need to consider here. We need to think about the material that PAKs are made of. PAKs are obviously made out of alien metal that we can’t calculate the weight of, but be can come close to what it MIGHT be made of using some reasoning and averages.
I picked two different metals and did the measurement for finding the PAK’s weight with both of them, then averaged the two together to get the final weight. For those metals, I went with the two most possible answers for what Zim’s PAK could be constructed of if it were made of real earth metals: Titanium and Aluminum.
I chose titanium because it’s an extremely strong and (apparently) somewhat lightweight material that something like a PAK would likely be made of. I also chose it because titanium is the go-to strong cartoon metal that Irken PAKs would probably be made of from a meta perspective. If you want a strong metal that can be used for basically anything in a cartoon, you either pick titanium or make up a whole new metal.
I chose aluminum for two main reasons: it’s light and it’s extremely common. In order for any living being to carry around a heavy duty metal backpack 24/7 without spinal damage, it would realistically need to as light as possible. Aluminum is extremely light and is extremely common in the construction of basically everything. Realistically, if an Irken PAK was made by humans, it would probably be made primarily out of a metal like aluminum.
I hope that by averaging between the heavy duty strength of titanium and the lightweightness of aluminum, I can replicate the weight of Irken PAK metal, which we see in the show is extremely strong yet lightweight.
So I did the math via an online metal aloy weight calculator and:
If an Irken PAK was made purely of titanium, it would weigh 466.6 Pounds.
If an Irken PAK was made purely of aluminum, it would weigh 282.9 Pounds.
That’s lot a weight, but that’s not how much Zim’s PAK would actually weigh. Keep in mind that this is if the PAK was made PURELY of titanium or aluminum. It’s the weight of a PAK-shaped block of pure titanium/aluminum, not the actual weight of the PAK.
So to calculate the real weight of the PAK, I instead calculated the weight of a titanium/aluminum SHEET that represents the metal shell of the PAK, with the weight of the computers and technology inside it coming afterwards.
I assumed that this metal shell would be around one quarter-inch thick because that’s a decently thick sheet of steel that seems realistic enough to work given how Irken PAK’s are extremely vital to the Irken’s life and it makes sense that they would have a decently thick shell to protect the delicate equipment inside. They’d need to be able to protect from a large amount of physical damage and a quarter inch of metal seems good in that regard.
PAK Shell Dimensions: 1.5 feet height, 1.5 feet length, 0.25 inch width.
Titanium shell: 12.96 Pounds
Aluminum shell: 8.262 Pounds
Average those two results together and you get a weight of 10.6 pounds for the shell.
Then I searched for the average weight of a powerful computer (I got 40 pounds as my answer) and added 10 to replicate the weight of the PAK’s computer and life support systems (the 40 Pounds) combined with all the tools, weapons and PAK legs that the PAK contains (the extra 10 pounds)
Giving Zim’s PAK a final weight of 60.6 pounds. (To be honest, an Irken PAK weighing 60 pounds doesn’t actually seem that far fetched or unrealistic.)
And finally, we need the weight of Zim’s spinal implants. A big technologically advanced metal plate in Zim’s back that help his PAK connect to his body without any problems.
To find the weight of these things I measured a portion of Zim’s back around where his PAK connects to his back and got these statistics:
1.3 ft back height
1 ft back width
0.33 inch implant thickness (just like the PAK shell thickness, I had to guess and go with what feels right for this)
So I plugged all of that in and I got this:
14.98 Pounds (Titanium)
9.884 Pounds (Aluminum)
Average those together to get a final weight for the Spinal Implants of of 12.4 pounds.
So finally, Zim’s weight and from that, his strength.
80.2 + 60.6 + 12.4 = 153.2.
Zim weighs approximately 153.2 pounds.
(For some context, that’s close to the average weight of an adult human man.)
By multiplying Zim’s weight by 3, we get how many pounds he can lift.
153.2 X 3 = 459.6.
So Zim can lift up to 459.6 pounds. Except not really because in the comics it’s mentioned that Zim 77 (the Zim we see lifting three times his body weight) is limited by an injury and can ONLY lift three times his body weight, with this incredible feat of strength actually being WEAK by Zim’s standards.
Since we never have an upper limit stated in canon, I headcanon that Irkens can lift four times their body weight so we’ll use that.
153.2 X 4 = 612.8
Zim can lift up to 612.8 pounds.
But there’s one last purely headcanon-based thing I want to calculate. I headcanon that Irk has twice the gravity as Earth, so Zim is twice as strong on Earth as he is one Irk. Irken PAKs contain technology that adjust how the body and its muscles are affected by gravity to counteract this so Zim’s lifting strength on Earth is still usually 612.8 pounds, but Zim can shut off his gravitational adjusters with a basic mental command to his PAK.
So for Zim’s TRUE (in my eyes) strength (on Earth), we take that 612.8 pounds and multiply it by 2, giving us a whopping 1225.6 pounds.
Summary under the cut:
Zim Physical Statistics [estimation]:
Height: 4’8
Weight: 153.2 pounds (Body and spinal implants weigh a combined 92.6 pounds and the PAK weighs 60.6 pounds)
Lifting Strength (Irk Gravity): 612.8 pounds
Lifting Strength (Earth Gravity): 1225.6 pounds
Conclusion: Zim stronk
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pinkcatcafe · 1 year
Mirror Mirror On The Wall...
As you were pushing away the wet hair stuck to your forehead, your mirror started to ripple, and before you had any time to process what was happening, a boy appeared on the other side. You both seemed to have the same reaction, and jumped away from the mirror with a yelp.
A/N: Aka you meet Riddle through a mirror before you arrive at NRC. First post, accomplished!! This is my first time writing a full drabble/fic, so I hope its not too all over the place. There's probably some inconsistencies with the twst canon so keep in mind it might be a bit OOC. Might do some of the other characters if this does well :3 Anyways, hope y'all enjoy! Apologies for any grammar mistakes. small note, I write NRC as an actual college, so everyone will be At Least 18.
Tw: None
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Today was not a good day.
First you forgot to set your alarm and woke up late, which meant you had to rush and get ready for class. And just your luck that you were late for the class with your meanest professor, who chewed you out in front of all your classmates and you heard them snicker at your misfortune.
Then, as you were getting ready to go back home, it started to rain. In your panic to get dressed and out the door before your class started, you forgot your umbrella. How lovely. Complaining wouldn't do anything about the rain, so you just suck it up and run back home, hoping your bag won't get too wet.
At least you had some of your comfort food waiting for you at home, right? Nope. You were supposed to go buy some groceries today, but the rush of everything made you completely forget, which also meant you had none of your favorite foods in your fridge. You probably had enough to make the worlds saddest sandwich, but even thinking about it made you want to cry.
Finally having had enough of this terrible day, you decided to just go to your room and lay down for a while, maybe take a nap and sleep this bad day away. You open the bedroom door and head over to the dresser mirror. You kind of looked like a wet dog. A sad, wet dog.
As you were pushing away the wet hair stuck to your forehead, your mirror started to ripple, and before you had any time to process what was happening, a boy appeared on the other side. You both seemed to have the same reaction, and jumped away from the mirror with a yelp.
"What the fuck?!" You yelled, thinking perhaps the all-nighters you pulled the past few days had finally caught up with you.
"Who are you?!" Yelled the boy back at you, his eyes darting around the mirror, probably wondering how this was all happening.
"Why-" You start off, rubbing your eyes, unsure of what to say, "How is there someone in my mirror?"
You both looked at each other for a moment, and you came to the conclusion that either the boy in the mirror was real or you were in serious need of mental help. You stop thinking about having possibly lost your mind for a moment to look closely at the boy in front of you. He had bright red hair, with two small pieces of his hair forming a heart (which you thought was pretty cute... Maybe you could try a similar style sometime), and big grey eyes that seemed to be calculating your every move. His skin was pale, and his posture was (after regaining his composure) pin straight and perfect. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then started to talk.
"I take it you aren't the one who did this, considering how shocked you are. And if you did do this, I assume you wouldn't show up soaking wet." He says, quite matter of factly, and you remember your current appearance.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock. How would I even do this? By all means, this-" You say, motioning towards the mirror with your hand, "-should be impossible." You say, a bit annoyed at the fact that he also seems to think you look like a wet dog.
"Somebody must have put a spell on our mirrors, though I wonder who would dare step into my room to pull such a childish prank." He says, and his face starts to get a bit red from anger. You scoff at him, and he turns towards you, annoyance gracing his features as he raises an eyebrow.
"A spell, seriously? What are you, five?" You tell him, though it's not like you have any logical reason as to why a random boy has appeared through your mirror. You take a moment to quickly look behind your dresser mirror, but you only see the wall. The redhead scoffs at you, and you look back at your mirror in time to see him narrow his eyes, looking as if you were starting to get on his nerves.
"Yes, a spell! What else could it be? It seems like it might have been someones Unique Magic, considering the distance between our mirrors, since you don't appear to be a student at NRC." He says, annoyance slipping out in his tone, though it's not like he could hide it with the way he was looking at you.
"What are you even talking about? Magic isn't real." You say back at him, and he raises his eyebrows at your statement.
"What are you talking about? You must live under a rock if you think magic isn't real. You are from Twisted Wonderland, aren't you?" You go quiet at his remark, confusion showing on your face.
"Hold on, we definitely aren't even close to being on the same page right now. How about we start over and see if we can actually understand each other, deal?" You offer, and the boy takes a deep breath, before nodding along to your request.
After calmly (or as calmly as you possibly could) talking with the boy, you had learned a few things about him.
His name was Riddle, and he was currently a first year student at Night Raven College, which was somewhere in a place called Twisted Wonderland. After introducing yourself and telling him where you were from, you both concluded that Twisted Wonderland wasn't anywhere on Earth, and vice versa. You truly had no idea how something like this could even happen, but if you put any more thought into it you were sure your head would explode with unanswered questions. That was something for future you to think about.
You also learned that magic was a real thing in Twisted Wonderland, which is why he was so annoyed at your disbelief that someone had casted a spell on your mirrors, but when you explained that magic wasn't a thing back in Earth, he understood your reaction.
"Well, I must go. It is almost time for me to go to bed." Said Riddle, which made you look at the time, almost 9 o'clock.
"I have to go as well, I need to change out of these clothes before I get a cold or something," You say, pulling at the damp clothes stuck to your body. "But I'll see you later, I guess? If the mirror happens to do it's thing again."
"I suppose so. Goodnight, until we meet again." Riddle says, and as you wave goodbye, the mirrors surface ripples and the boy disappears from your sight.
Standing for a few seconds more to gather your thoughts, you wonder if maybe this really was just a dream. A weirdly real feeling dream. Whatever, you can think about it later. Right now you needed to take a warm shower and go to sleep.
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You saw Riddle a few more times after that, and it was a nice surprise whenever you saw his reflection on your mirror. You would talk about how your day went, occasionally venting about what was bothering you, and Riddle offering advice when he thought you needed it. He would tell you about his studies and classmates, and you laughed at how often there seemed to be chaos at NRC.
You came to learn that he was a stickler for the rules, memorizing hundreds of them for 'when he became a Housewarden' he said.
"I will become a Housewarden next year, and to be a Housewarden of Heartslabyul I must know all 810 rules of the Queen of Hearts. How else will I guide my dorm?" He said with a smirk, and when you said that seemed way too excessive he went on an hour long rant, in which you decided to not mention the ridiculousness of the Queen's rules ever again.
You also learned that he had a big sweet tooth. His eyes would light up at the mention of sweets, and he loved to learn about the different sweets in your world, as well as comparing them to the sweets from Twisted Wonderland. He also told you about his friend, Trey, and how his homemade sweets were some of the best he had tasted. You were a little jealous that you couldn't have a taste.
There were times when you managed to make Riddle smile or laugh, and your chest felt warm each time you managed to make it happen. The first time this happened was when you tried baking on your own. Riddle had been bragging about some sweets Trey had made, and you thought 'what the hell, it couldn't be that hard, could it?'. You were just about to start your recipe, when you accidentally knocked the bag of flour off the counter, and in your haste to try and save the bag you got flour absolutely everywhere in your kitchen (and all over yourself). You heard Riddle calling from your dresser mirror and trudged over to your room, cursing at the mirrors timing and trying not to get flour everywhere. He heard the door creak open and looked up to see you covered head to toe in flour, an angry look on your face which looked ridiculous paired with the flour, and before he could stop himself he burst out laughing.
His laughter made such a beautiful sound, and his smile was just as lovely. You stood at your doorway, stunned, processing the fact that you made the ever serious Riddle laugh. Your previous anger at the mess you made seemed to melt away at the sound of his laughter, and you couldn't help but join in and laugh at the entire situation.
It wasn't very often when he laughed, but every time you heard his soft giggles, your chest got all warm and fuzzy. You were quite proud of yourself whenever this happened.
Riddle would never admit this, but he was also starting to grow fond of you. Aside from Trey and Che'nya, he felt like he had gained a new companion, and although you both didn't always see eye to eye, you were able to have fun and comforting conversations together, which Riddle greatly treasured. He always looked forward to the next time you would appear on his mirror, though he kept his excitement hidden.
Even if you did think he was too strict sometimes, with himself and others, you became quite fond of Riddle as well, which is why you were sad to see that his appearances on your mirror were starting to dwindle. The last time he appeared was about a month before the start of his second year. He told you he was chosen to become Housewarden, and you excitedly congratulated him on his accomplishment.
"It will become difficult to meet once I start my second year, due to my Housewarden responsibilities." Riddle told you, and while you were sad about that fact, you were also very proud of his accomplishment.
"Yeah, but I'll be cheering you on from my side!" You said, and Riddle felt his chest warm up at your enthusiasm.
You spent the rest of that evening catching each other up on everything that had happened in your lives since the last meeting. The mirror started to ripple, which meant you had a few seconds to say your goodbyes.
"Good luck Riddle! I know you will be an incredible Housewarden!" You said with a smile, waving goodbye to the smiling boy.
"Goodnight, until we meet again. And... thank you." Riddle replied, albeit a bit bashful at your well wishes, and his voice faded along with his reflection.
Neither of you knew that the next time you met would be marked by your arrival at NRC, but if someone had noticed how Riddle's cheeks were dusted in pink once you ran towards him and grabbed his hand, they kept quiet, lest they get collared by the blushing Housewarden. And if Riddle's heart skipped a beat once he met your gaze, well, that's only for him to know.
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madnessandentropy · 8 months
Summary: A fic set in hell in which my original character (she is NOT an HB/HH oc and neither is the other one) has a horrible experience while at therapy. Basically expanding on the concept of hospitals, therapists, and rehabs in hell being designed specifically to not help you (also a critique of irl therapists)
CWs: Bad therapists, victim blaming , sexual harassment, cannibalism, fatphobia
(Pls reblog and leave a comment, constructive criticism is also welcome ❤)
Therapist From Hell
The therapist would not stop smiling.
Sharp white teeth lined that mouth in neat rows, a set of razors for each jaw.
Morgan shifted and looked at her lap. Her blood rushed in her ears and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.
She inhaled slowly, and focused on her clothes for a distraction. Her long purple and black dress was one of the few splashes of colour in the room, a beacon in a sea of grey and black.
That was one of the problems with this awful place. Nearly every single thing in this room was either black or various shades of grey.
The carpet was dark grey and mottled with little black spots that made Morgan feel nauseous.
The walls were light grey as was the desk and the stiff, uncomfortable chair jutting into Morgan's legs and scratching at her skin.
Tick tick tick
The clock. The stupid clock. It was so loud. It was ugly, hexagonal and black and silver, mounted on a wall next to a black bookcase.
Tick tick tick
The ticks were so loud. Morgan's ears screamed in pain with every little movement of the bulging, twisted third hand.
"Miss Vettä."
A low voice forced forest green eyes to lock with sickly yellow.
Tick tick tick
The therapist would not stop smiling.
His eyes crinkled from the stretch of his grin and they flickered with an indecipherable emotion.
He was a perfect match to the rest of the room.
His skin was ash grey, stretched thin over an impossibly gaunt face decorated with black scales and black lipstick. He was skeletal, cheekbones protruding and the rest of his form rail thin.
His hair was long and black with a single grey stripe runnig down the right. It was wavy and thick, the style almost reminding her of a king cobra's hood.
His suit and shoes were black too, paired with a dark grey tie and socks.
His eyes, those nauseatingly yellow eyes, were the only splash of colour on him. They were accentuated by black and grey eyeshadow, making them look brighter. Scarier.
He was handsome, that couldn't be denied, but his very presence filled Morgan with a fear so primal she was tempted to flee.
Tick tick tick
"Miss Vettä, you've barely said a word. This may turn into a wasted session, I fear."
His voice was so painfully professional. It was smooth and deep, laced with an accent Morgan couldn't place, sickly sweet.
"I... I can't think of anything to talk about." Morgan mumbled, feeling slightly delirious. The overpowering scent of lavender pouring from the various incense dispensers in the room made her head hurt.
Tick tick tick
That horrible, toothy smile widened just a fraction.
"Well then, dear, let me help you." The therapist said sweetly.
He reached next to him and took hold of a clipboard. He gripped it with bony ash grey hands, bespeckled with scales, that faded to black at his fingers which extended to claws.
Something in his left pocket squirmed.
Tick tick tick
"In our last session you mentioned that in your previous life you were harassed by a classmate at your university. Why don't you tell me about that?"
Tick tick tick
Morgan's tongue stuck to the roof her throat and her heart sank.
"N-No... I'm not... I'm not comfortable with sharing that."
Tick tick tick
The therapist's smile faded slightly. He leaned forward.
Tick tick tick
"I don't think you underssstand the effort I put into ssspending my time here with you when I could be treating more talkative patientsss."He hissed. The lights flickered. His eyes glowed brighter. "Tell me or choossse ssssomething elssssse."
Tick tick tick
Morgan swallowed. "I-"
God, why was that clock so fucking loud?
As if a higher being heard her thoughts, the ticks were drowned out by a single gunshot.
Morgan jolted in her seat and swivelled towards the nearest window. The blinds were drawn, obscuring the chaos outside. However, she could still hear muffled cuss words and screams of pain.
"Ignore that." The therapist said breezily, as if somebody wasn't screaming in agony right outside the window.
Morgan swallowed.
"Go on." The therapist coaxed. "Tell me absolutely everything."
"W-Well..." Morgan's mouth started moving before she could stop it. "There was this new guy in my uni class that arrived in the second term. He was older than the rest of us, said he was changing careers, and he was awful. And creepy. He always made me feel unnerved."
"My, how judgemental." The therapist purred.
There was a pen in his hand now- black and silver- and the ink was a very specefic shade of red that made Morgan's skin crawl.
"It was valid I swear!" She shrieked. "He was a creep! He made comments about all the girls and stared at the ones who wore skirts and told them to 'pull it higher'. It's... it's why I just switched to wearing jeans."
Embarrassment washed over her when she finished her tangent when she saw the therapist's smile twist into a bemused smirk.
"A-Anyways, he equally caught an interest in me. At first he left an anonymous notes on my table. He would tell me I looked pretty, that I was cute or other things like that. It wasn't anything creepy yet, and I will admit I was quite flattered at the time. 'Secret Admirer' and all that, you know?"
"Then he got hold of my number." Morgan took a shakey breath, trying not to look at the thrashing lump thar was the therapist's pocket.
"I don't know how. But he did. He messaged me, telling me it was him who left the notes and asking if I liked them. Then... he started saying things that weren't as sweet. Telling me about how thought about me when he- saying I looked pretty but he thought I would sexier if I... if I lost weight. Stuff like that."
"I know I'm not exactly-" Morgan gestured to herself. "-thin, but that was such an awful thing to say. I-It made me so upset. He wouldn't stop messaging me though, he kept sending me gross messages and..." She shuddered. "Pictures."
The therapist would not stop smiling.
"The block button is there." His tone was professionally dismissive. "Did you press it? Or... did you like the attention? You mentioned you have self image issues before, after all."
Morgan sat up straighter and glared at the therapist.
"I blocked him." She growled through sharp clenched teeth. "And then he found me on other social media and I blocked him there too. Then he just went back to putting written notes on my desk."
The therapist would not stop smiling.
"Did you report him?"
Morgan hesitated.
"...Not at first. I was afraid of how he would react and I wasn't sure if I'd be believed. Complaints against him were always dismissed and those who lodged them always looked so... a-afraid afterwards."
As Morgan spoke, her voice quivering, the therapist opened his mouth. Wide.
A large pair of fangs flicked out, glistening with something sickly, and a black forked tongue slid out to slide across them. He looked utterly delighted.
Morgan trailed off,coming to a sudden stop as she watched the display in mild horror. Gooseflesh rippled across her dark blue skin.
The therapist would not stop smiling.
"Don't mind me." He cooed, fangs retracting. His voice made her teeth itch. "Continue."
"I-I only reported him after... after a dance our class put together. It was going to be so much fun and apparently he wasn't coming, so I got excited and brought a really beautiful dress for it. It wasn't fancy and it was kinda short, but it looked good on me and it had a good price."
"Turns out that asshole was coming. He made it his business to feel me up and whisper really gross shit to me even after I told him to stop multiple times." She buried her face in her in her hands. "The staff did nothing."
There was a brief silence after that, filled only with the scratching of a pen and the ticking of that damn clock. The lump was still moving, making a faint rustling noise.
The therapist would not stop smiling.
He tilted his head and blinked owlishly.
"Why did you wear that dress?"
"You said it was quite small. You know how dressing like that is interpreted . Why did you wear it? It's almost like you were asking for it."
Morgan gaped, flabbergasted. "I-"
She was cut off by a brief ringing noise and the therapist sighed.
"That's the end of our session I'm afraid. Thank you for your time. This was a most productive discussion. I'm quite hungry now."
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a... a mouse?
It was white with pink stripes running down its back and large pink eyes. It squirmed in the therapist's hold, squealing and flailing like a mouse gone mad.
Something about it was strangely familiar.
"Want a bite?" The therapist asked, teeth glinting.
Morgan shook her head wordlessly.
The therapist did not stop smiling. He simply shrugged.
"Ah, more for me then."
He tilted his head back, dangled the mouse by the tail over his open mouth, dropped it in, and swallowed it whole.
Morgan watched, mortified, as a visible lump slid slowly down the therapist's throat.
What had she just witnessed?
The therapist acted like nothing happened, picking up a notepad off his desk and scribbling something on the first page before tearing it off and handing it to her.
"What's this?" Morgan asked, squinting at the unreadable scrawl.
"A prescription."
The therapist's smile was so wide it took up half of his face.
"For a medicine to help with weight loss. It'll help those image issues of yours. The medicine and me prescribing it to you will cost extra."
"W-what?" Morgan stuttered. "I can't afford paying extra!"
She had learned through other patients that refusing a prescription outright ended very poorly, and it was best to try and bargain.
"That's something for you to sort out with the front desk." The therapist cooed, ushering her out the door. "See you next week!"
He slammed the door shut and Morgan was left standing alone in an empty hallway.
With no one else there and the prescription paper unreadable, Morgan had nothing to distract her from the... mouse.
That mouse.
That. Mouse.
It was so familiar.
White. Pink streaks. Pink eyes with a flicker of orange.
It looked so scared.
Green eyes widened.
O h.
Morgan suddenly felt very very sick.
She saw that mouse.
She saw it last week. But not as a mouse. As a person. Crying, telling the disinterested cleric that they couldn't afford their prescription charge.
Morgan's stomach churned and bile rose in her throat.
She raced to the front office, paid for her session and prescription with shaking hands, shoved her new bottle of pills into her back, raced outside and proceeded to throw up all over the pavement.
Panting, she turned to glare at the tall, grey building stretching up to the blood red night sky.
She gasped.
At the window on the ground floor, peering at her from between the now open blinds, was the therapist.
Sickly yellow eyes glowed dangerously. There a mouse tail protruding from between his teeth.
Morgan started crying.
The therapist did not stop smiling.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I've never written in quite this style before.
Tagging: @onehelluvatime please let me know what you think!
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irlcats-bracket · 11 months
Bracket 3 FINAL
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also named price in another submission
shes fat shes a terrible bitch and shes the love of submitter's life. they dont technically know her breed but she looks like a calico kinda. white and black and brown all over. their favorite spot to kiss her is the little brown diamond on top of her head, but she has all kinds of pretty markings. she'll cuddle submitter but not their parents and hisses at anyone else. hence the bitch. its SO funny. she doesnt "meow" so much as she chirps and yells. u touch her n its the worlds loudest MRAP. submitter leaves for work and they go "bye price!" and she goes "meep" and they say "i love you!" and she goes "mow" and it always makes them smile because she rarely does it to anyone else. shes so fat. she has a big ol premidorial pouch because shes 100% indoor and u can hear her claws go clicclicclic on the floor because shes so heavy. she likes to climb on peoples back. she chases moths but no other bugs and likes to make friends with neighborhood critters. she hates bellyrubs from everyone but submitter. if they leave their door open at night she creeps in and lays in the worst possible spot and makes it impossible to sleep. she makes the best bread loaf. shes so fucking round. SPHEREICAL. submitter love her more then anything ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (here submitter said that i can shrink it if i want to but no fucking way i am shrinking things abt a cat aside from their name maybe)
shes named after a canadian hockey player. submitter hates hockey. thanks uncle C dhsbdjjsjsjsjs
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how could you possibly vote against this face 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 shes the roundest, bitchiest cat in the whole world and shes my best friend. stealer of cream cheese and hearts.
submitter also provided a small collection of Pricetag looking very orb-like, but i hit the picture limit and so i can't show it in the post
perceive price orbs here
below i am only leaving the orbest price (in my opinion)
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vote for price orb. shes practically a perfect circle. what more could you want
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also look how polite she is
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submitter's sweet baby boy. He passed away recently, and submitter misses him dearly. He was the softest cat they'd ever pet, and that's not just them being biased. His fur was silk. He was the friendliest cat too, and when he heard new voices he was always up to come meet people. He also enjoyed being around people, and you could always find him in a room with the family. He enjoyed terrorizing the family dog whenevr he got riled up (dont worry, she enojoyed it too), and he loved to bother submitter's parents when they started working from home. Any call submitter had with their folks, he would always make a background appearance, yelling quite loudly. He also had some of the loudest snoring theyve ever heard, and they're so lucky to have a small audio recording of him sleeping. Submitter had him since they were 8, and he was nearly 17 years old when he passed away. Submitter tries to sleep with a crook in their knee so if he's ever lonely, he can come cuddle.
also known as Pumpkin Spice Latte
She's a adorable, a total diva down to the way she walks. Loves tummy rubs if she knows you, if she doesn't she'll probably just run and hide. She makes a little chirping noise and submitter loves it. She also loves running full speed around the house. Pumpkin doesn't really eat people food, not a big fan. She will however steal the bacon off your plate and lick the butter off of any food item.
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Some Pumpkin fun facts for propaganda:
her favorite type of toy to play with are springs (the cat toy kind). When we got our new oven we found at least 3 behind where the old one stood.
She's my first pet and the whole reason I lived through my sophomore year of high school.
I named her Pumpkin because years ago a classmate asked me what I'd name a cat if I ever got one and for some reason, I said Pumpkin.
Alongside bellyrubs she also loves being brushed
I am told that she is me in cat form
I swear she's a cryptic. She'll just appear and she'll be staring into my soul. I do not know where she goes or where she comes from but I'm a little afraid to question it.
She used to spiderman climb up our window screen and we had to patch it up
She likes to watch the birds and bunnies in our yard with her brother Binx (or by herself), it's the only time she tolerates him
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Okay some more fun facts:
She likes to lay on visitors shoes. If your shoes are on the ground they are now in her laying range.
After my grandpa passed she slept with my grandma for the longest time.
Every time I sleep in the living room I wake up with her on top of me.
She's my very first pet, one I was convinced I was never going to get (I have loved cats my entire life but we've been a no pet household until her)
When we adopted her, she was the only cat who actively tried to get my attention via hoping on the cage and meowing. Which when you're dealing mental health problems and feel as though you're unwanted is just the best fucking feeling in the world.
Her original name was Harriet. I wanted to keep it or at least change it to a different human name because I thought it was funny but my grandma told me no.
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lynnie-ee · 2 years
White lies and study dates.
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╰┈➤"Having a crush on the busiest man of the entire school wasn't easy. Desesperate times call for desesperate measures, they say; and the prefect now understands why.”
╰►Gender neutral reader, oneshot, 2,2k words.
╰►Note: English is not my first language, so feel free to tell me if there's any grammatical mistake!
╰►Masterlist. (requests open)
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"Ah, I didn't understand a single thing professor Trein said in class."
  (Y/n), prefect of Ramshackle, sighed tiredly as they walked out of their classroom, with Grim next to them, while Deuce and Ace walked behind with a similar expression of sorrow. Their eyes carefully gazing the Pop Music Club members that were near them.
"Maaan, I swear he does it on purpose, it's impossible not to fall asleep during his lessons." He groaned, waiting a few seconds until he tried to hit discreetly Deuce's arm.
"O-oh right! Crewel classes are so difficult-"
"We're talking about Trein, dumbass!" Murmured annoyed Ace.
"Yeah, of course...! Trein's class is the most difficult that we have, so confusing..." The blue-haired boy tried to fix his mistake.
"It's so sad that (Y/n) gets the worst grades out of us, my pooooor henchman..." Grim sniffed with a dramatic demeanor.
The prefect looked at their group of friends, disappointment written all over their face, thanks to their performance. But it was soon replaced by shock, as they suddenly felt someone sneaking an arm to their shoulders.
"Ah~ Are you feeling distressed by Trein's class, (Y/n)? I'd help you, but I wasn't the best at the subject in my first year, haha..." Cater said, trying to come up with something that might help the prefect, or at least cheer them up.
"Fufu~I did great at History of Magic, but I don't think my method of telling stories would work with others humans. I tried it once and they didn't believe what I said! A pity, really." Lilia barged into the conversation, and even when he tried to look saddened, a tint of mischievous could be recognized in his voice.
"I'm so sorry I can't help you either, prefect! Last year I couldn't understand anything by myself in that class..." Kalim apologized, genuine worry in his voice, as the first-years glared at him with interest. “If it wasn't for Jamil, I don't know what could have happened to me. He's the only reason I approved my assignments."
"Oh, but what if they hold back a year because of this? We'll miss you, prefect..." Ace mumbled with melancholy.
Everyone stood there, dissimulated looks being placed at Kalim's figure.
"Oh! I know what we can do!" The Scarabia housewarden abruptly said, a cheerful smile brightening his face.
"Really? Can you help our unfortunate magicless little friend here?" The red-haired first year continued, placing one of his hands on the prefect's shoulder.
"Yeah! I've got the perfect plan!"
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Jamil hated Kalim's plans with all his heart.
Every time he came up with a new idea, HE ended up being responsible for them.
Every. Single. Time.
Kalim wanted to throw a party? Jamil was the one in charge of the preparations. Kalim wanted to study something new? He was at his side to tutor him. Kalim wanted to go shopping in the city? He had to join him to make sure that he stayed safe.
  And boy, he was tired.
He already had so many chores to do even without those extra tasks, it was almost a miracle that he was able to manage his duties as vicehousewarden and his own school work, as time wasn't something abundant for him.
And he didn't need to add anything else to his already long list of things to do.
"I don't have time." He shut down Kalim as soon as he approached him.
"Pleaseee, you're the best at tutoring and they reeeeeally need help!"
"There are freshmen with good grades, they can ask their classmates."
"But they probably won't be as easy to understand as youuu..." The dorm leader said, a new idea going through his mind. "Besides, do you really want someone else spending so much time with them? It wouldn't be good for you."
Jamil suddenly looked at Kalim with urgency, an alarmed expression on his face.
"Kalim! We said you would make no comments about that!”
"And I won't say anything! But it could be a good opportunity for you."
The vicehousewarden remained silent.
"It would make you look cool."
"I don't care."
"You do."
“Maybe if you use the time you spend tutoring me?”
“And you think you’ll do fine with no help?”
“Of course.”
“No.” He sighed again. “I’ve got enough with school duties and preparations for parades, I don’t need-”
“Then I won’t make more parties!”
Jamil gazed at the dorm leader; a suspicious look being directed at him.
“You literally threw a party when Grim scored a 30 instead of 20 on a test, and you’re telling me you’ll stop with all of them?”
Kalim thought about the situation for a few seconds, he really enjoyed being able to celebrate and eat delicious food with all of his friends, but he had to sacrifice those moments for Jamil to have more free time to spend with the prefect.
“Of course.” He nodded, his usual cheerful smile on his face. “If it's for you to be with your crush, it’ll be alright!”
“…Please stop referring to (Y/n) as my crush.” The vicehousewarden asked plainly. “But if I don’t have to cook so much, I could help them to improve their grades, I guess.”
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“Uh? Jamil said he could tutor me?” A confused prefect stared at the housewarden of Scarabia, his natural enthusiastic demeanor being even more noticeable as he smiled at the Ramshackle student.
“Yep! It would be very bad if you failed Trein’s class, so Jamil’s help will be enough for you to score 100 on every test from now on!”
“I don’t doubt it! Thank you very much, Kalim.”
“No worries~ Just make sure to stop by at Scarabia today, after class. See you later!” The second-year student smiled once again, as he started to walk to his next class.
“So, you actually got Jamil to help you? Very nice, prefect. Now, how do you plan on acting dumb for as long he tutors you?” Ace questioned, after he got out of his hiding place, inside of a nearby classroom.
“I’ve got no idea…”
After the classes of the day were finished, a nervous first-year student walked through the mirror of Scarabia, a small bag filled with their notes and books for the class.
"Hey, come in. Let's go to my room." Jamil pointed as soon as they arrived at the lounge of the dorm.
"Oh? Really? I thought we'd study here."
"That's an option, if you want to be interrupted every two seconds and have distractions left and right."
"But I wouldn't like to intrude on you; we can go to the library if it’s better for you.”
“Don’t worry, I’d rather stay here in case Kalim or any other students needs my help."
After 30 minutes of studying, (Y/n) felt their head was going to explode. It was rather difficult to pretend to listen to Jamil when all they had on their mind were the elegant and subtle moves he made as he flipped the pages of his books, the concentration on his gaze as he explained a rather complicated subject, and not to mention the way his lips moved graciously as he spoke the right words to explain things easily.
What kind of skincare routine did he have? What about his hair? It shouldn’t be possible that he naturally had such beauty, but then again, he looked so perfect even when he did the most mundane actions, the prefect keep wondering if-
“(Y/n)? Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” He suddenly interrupted their thoughts, an annoyed expression on his face that didn’t seem genuine at all. “For you to come asking for help and then ignore what I tell you, quite bothersome you are sometimes…” The vicehousewarden sighed.
“Ah, sorry, I got lost. Could you repeat the last point of the lesson? I remember I couldn’t hear professor Trein that day because Grim kept demanding me to buy pastries after class, he wouldn’t leave me alone until I got him some candies from Sam’s store.”
“Fine, but pay attention. You’ve got an exam about this in a week, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t think we’ll have enough time to cover all the contents, maybe we should focus on-”
“We’ll study everything, don’t worry. Let’s continue, then.”
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It was obvious to some students that the prefect of Ramshackle and the vicehousewarden of Scarabia had a special way of treating each other, even more for the members of his dorm.
However, after two weeks of studying together, everyone knew the kind of relationship they had.
After all, Jamil wasn’t someone recognized for a cheerful attitude or being especially nice to others, yet he looked so unusually delighted every time (Y/n) was in the room, it was clear for other students to understand the situation.
Yet, none of them seemed to be brave enough to take the next step, until that day.
  “So your classes with Jamil actually helped you? Share your tips with us prefect, don’t be shy to tell us.” Ace teased the prefect, as they observed with a pleased face the result of their test. 
A beautiful score of 100 was written on the top of the paper. 
They only let out a satisfied chuckle, as they put the exam inside the folder they had for History of Magic, filled with their notes and previous exams.
“Now that I remember, maybe we should get ready for P.E class, Vargas said we’re gonna have a practice with other classes today, and you know what that means...” Deuce interrupted the conversation, an alarmed expression on the first-years’ faces, who already knew how difficult was going to be the class that day.
“We better hurry up before he makes us run extra laps, let’s go.”
They made their way to the gym, but as soon as they reached the door of the room, a sudden agitated look could be seen on the prefect’s face.
“I forgot my folder at the cafeteria, I’ll go get it in a second, wait.”
They ran through the hallways until they arrived at the cafeteria, feeling confused as their folder was nowhere to be seen.
“Were you looking for this?”
(Y/n) knew that voice.
Great Seven, please tell me this is a joke…
They slowly turned around, only for them to see an angered look from the vicehousewarden of Scarabia. They could easily notice the tension on his body, and the frown that occupied his expression.
He still looks kind of cute, though…
Although it could have been better if he hadn’t been holding their previous exams in his hand, of course.
“So you’re telling you asked to tutor you, saying that you were almost failing Trein’s class, and made me put effort and time on something that WASN’T EVEN NECESSARY? Your lowest score was an 85, (Y/n)! Most of your exams are between 90 and 95!”
The prefect could only smile awkwardly at him, as they slowly reached Jamil to take the exams and folder from his hands.
“In my defense, I never scored 100 points before our study sessions, though…”
“Sorry, sorry! I just didn’t have any other option!”
“Option for what?” He questioned, still with an irritated scowl on his features.
“To spend time with you-! Ah, I know it might sound dumb to you now, but you were so busy all the time, I didn't know how to get to be with you without anyone else interrupting... I'm aware that I made you waste your time by teaching me, I'm sorry for that."
Jamil didn't answer immediately.
He stared at (Y/n), wondering why would they make an excuse like that just to spend time with him, maybe...? No, probably it wasn't that.
Although a small voice in his head was hoping that it was because they felt the same as him.
"Why? You're welcome to Scarabia all the time, you know that."
"It's not the same." They answered, a faint blush on their cheeks. "When I get invited by Kalim, there's always a lot of people in the room...And I'd rather be only with you."
Soon enough, Jamil's face felt suddenly warm because of his bashful state, along with a surprised look as he stared back at the prefect.
“You are so dumb sometimes.” He mumbled, the frown coming back to his expression. “If you want to spend time with me, just tell me. It’s not that complicated…”
“…Yeah.” Jamil mentally sighed, reminding himself that he should feel more annoyed at the prefect’s antics. But he didn’t.
“Perhaps you’d like to go outside the school this weekend, then? We can go watch a movie or visit a cafeteria, whatever you’d like to do.” (Y/n) quickly suggested in their sudden rush of confidence.
“Well, considering that now I don’t have to tutor anyone, I guess I have time.”
“Is that a yes?”
The Ramshackle student smiled widely, briefly kissing the cheek of the vicehousewarden as they bid him goodbye, running to their next class.
Jamil stood in the middle of the hallway, still feeling embarrassed as he lightly touched the spot they kissed a few seconds ago.
Maybe he was the one who actually learned something from the prefect.
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ash5monster01 · 8 months
Truths of Our Past Part 7
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Pairing: Older!Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, angst, mentions of nudity, mentions of infertility, mentions of suicide, depression, depressing thoughts, past trauma, facing trauma, romance, understanding, fluff.
Summary: You had met Charlie in University, were married shortly after, and had become accustomed to a beautiful life together. When you receive a wedding invitation to one of Charlie’s previous classmates weddings you discover that Charlie had a dark past, one he had been trying to forget. In the midst of it all you try to help him through it while finding out that he’s not the guy you thought you married at all. Maybe he’s even better.
word count: 3.3k
Part 6 ←→ Part 8
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Day 7/8
You woke up the next morning to a damp wash cloth pressed against your skin. Eyes fluttering open to see your soft and handsome Charlie smiling at you as he wiped away the lipstick that had been left on your skin. It had been smeared from Charlie and your slumber but waking up to see him like this you’d do that every night if you could. No words had to be shared as your hand reached to run your fingers through his hair, the lipstick now almost gone, only the slightest red hue left on your skin. He was entirely too perfect and the memories of living your life here came to your mind again.
“What do you think about moving?” you suddenly asked, voice still lazy with sleep.
“Moving?” he questioned, still tracing the cloth over where there had been marks on your skin.
“Yeah, like out of the city” you said and Charlie thought about it for a moment, the idea not entirely impossible.
“I wouldn’t hate it. We’d probably make less money than we do if I found a job out of the city but you work as well so we’re still bringing in more money than most” he said and you could only smile, your heart aching over leaving the Times but also soaring over the idea of moving to the next stage of life. You’ve already accomplished more than you ever expected.
“That’s true, it would be nice” you hummed in delight, hand still softly combing through his hair. Charlie smiled at your blissed out look and pressed a kiss between your breasts.
“Where you thinking of moving sweetheart?” he asked you, chin resting on your stomach.
“Here” you said like it was the simplest thing in the world but Charlie tensed above you. You could feel his heart rate accelerating against your hip and slowly you lifted your head to furrow your eyebrows at him.
“Is everything okay?” you asked softly and he wore a nervous look, almost unable to make eye contact with you as he processed his thoughts.
“Baby, you know how hard it is for me to come here” he began to say and you were sighing, head falling back into the pillows.
“But everyone is here Char. Knox and Chris, Todd and Ann. I love the area, the scenery. I want a big beautiful town house for our kids and the simple life. I want a life here” you told him, tears burning behind your eyes.
“It looks amazing baby, I know, but I grew up here. I know it seems like the American dream but reality is lives were crushed here, my life was crushed here” he argued and you refused to lift your head and look up at him. You didn’t want him to see the tears that were almost slipping out the sides of your eyes and down onto the pillows.
“We could fix that. We have the power to make it different for our kids and for you. Neil’s death can’t keep you from happiness forever Charlie” and your words stung, you knew they did, and maybe they weren’t entirely fair. Yet it wasn’t fair to continue using Neil as an excuse to hate the world because Neil deserved to be remembered as a beacon of hope. A lesson on living life to the fullest and not missing out on anything. Now here Charlie was, not taking an opportunity because of a sadness that he’s carried for ten years.
“I am happy baby, I swear” but you were rolling away from him, tears slipping onto the pillow and out of his sight.
“Then why can’t we be happy here?” you asked and he couldn’t even answer because he didn’t have one. At least not an answer you would accept because it would prove you were right.
“I’m sorry” he softly said but you couldn’t entirely take it right now. You didn’t want an apology if things wouldn’t change.
“I gotta get ready for the rehearsal” you told him before getting up and locking yourself in the bathroom to be alone. You needed to be alone.
It wasn’t long until everyone was downstairs and sharing a late breakfast before having to go to the rehearsal. Knox and Chris clocked instantly that you and Charlie weren’t talking but they knew not to say anything. Everyone just accepted the silence the whole way to the church and everyone did too when they realized it as well. Chris desperately wanted to get you alone and ask why but based on the devastated look on your face she knew it was better not to ask just yet. Ann on the other hand didn’t have a single clue.
“Oh Y/N, I promise this won’t take long” she whispered over to you, positively giddy over getting to practice her wedding.
“I know Ann, I’m fine” you promised her, a forced smile upon your face.
“Clearly” the sarcastic response from Chris had both you and Ann looking at her with shock. “What, you’ve had a long face all morning”
“It was a long morning, I don’t want to talk about it” you told her, arms crossing over your chest and Chris sighed.
“Look I’m sure your behavior is justified but we need to get through this first” Chris told you and you nodded, feeling a bit like a scolded child but understanding.
“Alright, let’s get everyone in place” and that was how you found yourself stood beside your husband, moments from walking down the aisle. Good memories and bad ones intermingling, and both of you to stubborn to look at each other.
Ann is discussing details with the wedding planner who is just as blonde and bright eyed as her. Knox and Chris stand in front of you, soft whispers and large smiles on their faces. It pains you to watch but you haven’t said a word to Charlie since this morning and you weren’t going to start now. You try to distract yourself with Maggie who won’t stop glancing at Meeks who had gotten stuck walking with Ann’s junior bridesmaid Laine, her sixteen year old cousin. Thankfully later in the night you had remembered to inform the girls that Pitts had mentioned a girl named Kathy and she was stuck with said red head. Now it looked like she was seriously considering it.
“Join arms everyone, and remember your counts!” the wedding planner was announcing and you spotted each couple pairing arms. You could feel Charlie’s stare and you stayed unmoving.
“Come on you two, don’t be shy” and then Chris was turning around and shooting a glare your way. Sighing you joined your arm with your husbands, his other hand coming to rest on it. A peace offering and the comfort it provided you made your heart clench. The worst thing about being upset with him is he was the only one who comforted you the best.
“I know you’re mad at me, but we have to do this for Todd” he whispered to you and you sighed, a sign of defeat as you heard the bridal march start to be played and the doors to the church open.
The wedding planner barked out orders as each pair walked through the church doors. The church was empty and cold but at least Charlie provided some warmth as you memorized which foot to lead with, how many paces you should be behind Knox and Chris, and exactly how fast you should be walking. You tried to remember your own wedding rehearsal but it was hard to recall considering you were so jittery with excitement that day. Much like Ann who was bound to be the most perfect bride. You envied her for it. To be so hopeful and beaming for a beautiful future with the man you love. Not knowing how complicated things could become between you and the other person.
It wasn’t just the moving thing. You and Charlie had been on different sides of the same path for a while now. The infertility had been killing you. Slowly chipping away at your entire being. You didn’t want to be that couple in a sad, quiet, empty, apartment, in a big city and no one to share it with. Charlie was enough but you wanted more. More of you and him in the world but he feared the world because of Neil and you feared how that could destroy the entire outcome of your relationship. Maybe some small part of you thought moving here could somehow magically help you get pregnant. Whatever reasoning it was you just wanted to be with the people you loved and be happy. Not go back to your upper east side apartment that felt so cold. You wanted little Johnny down the street and Ann to bring over warm cookies. You wanted a family even if you couldn’t have your own.
“Baby will you please talk to me” Charlie begged once the rehearsal was over. You had been waiting outside the church, arms freezing in the autumn wind. You felt Charlie drape your coat over your shoulders.
“There isn’t much to talk about” you told him, mind still buzzing with your realization. Your thoughts scared you and now you were stuck with them.
“There is everything to talk about, you can’t simply be mad over just the moving thing” he groaned out, hands tugging at his chestnut hair.
“And why not? Is it not justified to be sick and tired of a big city and a job I can’t even use my real name for!” you finally snapped, head turning to face him. What use was it to be a writer for the Times and have no one know it was you doing such amazing work?
“You’ve never complained about this before, who is to say the local paper here wouldn’t be the same?” Charlie said and you finally looked at him. The pain behind his eyes was the reason you had spent so long not looking at him.
“Maybe it will be the same but at least we’ll be here surrounded by people that love us” you told him, eyes filling with tears.
“Is that what this is about? To be closer to my friends and have some weird blended family thing going?” he asked, shoulders shaking as he tried his best not to yell. He had been so worked up over you ignoring him, he was trying not to lose it.
“Maybe it is, because I’d much rather have a weird blended family than stiff dinners with your parents and disapproving looks from mine! This chosen family we have here is all I ever needed” you told him, head tipping to the sky to keep the tears at bay.
“So I’m not enough?” he finally asked, voice seemingly calm for such a loaded sentence.
“Of course you are Charlie but that big apartment. Three rooms just for us to fill one. It’s a constant reminder that it’ll be nothing more” and the weight of the conversation hit Charlie like a brick. The tears blurring your vision and cheeks so red from the cold.
“Baby we’ll have kids and even if we don’t you’ll still be reminded of that here” he said, trying to step near you and comfort you. Yet you backed away before he could.
“Yeah but at least here we have friends and nieces and nephews. More people to fill that hole in my heart Charlie because it’s swallowing me whole right now. It’s sucking all the life out of me and I don’t know how to get it to stop” the tears were pouring down your face now and Charlie felt his heart shatter at the sight of you.
“Why didn’t you tell me this?” his voice was broken, his own tears stinging at the back of his eyes.
“How am I supposed to? How am I supposed to look you in the eye and tell you I’m miserable because we can’t have kids?” you asked him, the backs of your hands wiping at the tears streaming down your face.
“You can tell me anything baby, I’m always going to be there for you. No matter what it is because I can’t lose you too” and the weight of Neil slapped both of you again.
“I’m going to walk back, I’ll see you there” you told him and Charlie went to reach for you but you stepped out of the way. “Let me go”
And he did even though it went against his better judgement. He knew you needed to be alone right now and that was what hurt the most. To know that you’ve been hurting all these months and he was too blinded by his own pain to notice. He hadn’t cared about the no pregnancy thing as much because he was scared to put kids so innocent in the world that could be hurt like Neil. He felt relieved that he didn’t have that burden of keeping a child so hopeful that they don’t want to take their own life. While he was seeing it as burden you were seeing it as heart break and he hadn’t been there for you when he should have. Now here you were on opposite sides a war that should never be fought. All he needed was you and if he didn’t fix this soon he would lose you.
You were thankful Charlie had brought you your coat or else this walk would have been freezing. It was exactly what you needed though. The fall breeze numbed you in a way that made things a bit more bearable. The autumn leaves in the trees were still vibrant but more littered the ground than they did branches these days. As you got further into town you noticed it was a buzzing more than normal until you saw lots of red and white indicating celebration of football. Homecoming more than likely and as the marching band began to play and girls began to cheer you wanted to be further away from the commotion. “Do you need a ride?”
“What?” you found yourself saying as you spotted the man beside you. His red hair was gelled back perfectly, tie tight, shirt pressed, and long jacket hanging over his shoulders. Common for lawyers your age, it was almost intimidating how put together he currently looked.
“You look a little distraught, figured I’d offer a ride” he said motioning to his car. Eyes falling on the building behind you, you spotted the window that proved your previous assumption. A law firm.
“I um, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with me at the moment” you offered with a sad laugh and he could only chuckle as he began to remove one of his leather gloves.
“Sadly I know exactly what that feels like, I’m Richard” and he was offering you a hand which you politely shook back.
“Y/N” you told him back and he smiled before nodding his head to his car.
“I’m still offering that ride if you need” he told you and you sighed, eyes glancing at the chaos of the town and the rumbling engine of his car facing the direction of peace.
“As long as Maple Ave isn’t to far out of your way” you said to him and he looked almost surprised you had agreed before moving to open the passenger door for you.
“Not at all” he informed you before shutting you in. You watched as he walked back around before getting in the drivers side and shifting the car into gear.
“So Cameron & Son’s Law Firm” you said gesturing to the window he was now rolling away from.
“Yeah, I started it with my Dad a few years back. The name ended up to be useless since he passed last year” he told you and you instantly felt guilty for bringing it up.
“I’m sorry for your loss” and he shook his head, eyes trained on the road.
“Don’t be, it was kind of freeing for me. I learned a lot about life this past year that I wish I would’ve known” he told you and you nodded as you looked down at your hands.
“What about you?” he asked and you gave him a confused look, surprised he was suggesting you were a working woman in this day and age. “I can spot a member of the work force when I see one. We all wear the same mind numbing look on our faces.
“Journalist, for the Times actually” and he wore a surprised expression, eyes glancing over to you.
“Really, have I read any of your work?” he asked curiously and you shrugged.
“If you’ve read any of Dean Manning’s work than yes” and the low chuckle that came from the boy beside you almost surprised you.
“Screwed you on the pen name huh. No works published under the marvelous name Y/N…” and then he trailed off realizing he didn’t know your last name.
“Dalton, Y/N Dalton” you told him and something else entirely washed over his face as he now glanced at you even more.
“As in Charlie Dalton?” he asked, voice a bit strained and almost nervous.
“Yes, that’s my husband” and if you weren’t crazy he had definitely started to speed up in the direction of your departure.
“Of course it is” he practically laughed to himself and you felt confusion wash over you until you recalled the name, the red hair.
“Richard Cameron” you practically said to yourself before realization dawned on you. “You’re him, wow. I never would have guessed”
“Look that was a long time ago, I’m sure you’ve heard things that I’m not proud of anymore” he said, hands squeezing the steering wheel until his knuckles were white.
“Calm down Cameron, please. My husband and me are on the outs right now so we’re kind of a team” and he calmed only slightly as he turned onto Maple Ave.
“He isn’t here is he?” he asked nervously and you shook your head.
“He’s probably still at the church for Todd’s wedding rehearsal stuff” you said and he sighed and looked over to you.
“So you’re staying at Knox’s place” he knew where it was, a former alum in the same line of work as him. He wasn’t entirely off his radar.
“Yes, actually” you said as he now drove with a purpose, knowing the destination in mind.
“Look I’m sorry, if I had known I would’ve never offered the ride. I keep my distance out of respect” he started to blabber but you held up a hand as he pulled to a stop in front of Knox’s house.
“Don’t worry about it Cameron, my husband has become a gentle man. I love him with everything in me and I know he would be thankful you got me home safe” and he nodded even though he still felt little comfort.
“If you could tell Todd congratulations for me. He deserves it” and you nodded, hand reaching to pop the door open.
“I’m glad I met you Cameron” you told him and he seemed shocked as you got out of the car.
“I haven’t been called Cameron so much since I graduated Welton” he told you and you could only smile.
“Brings back some good memories huh?” you told him, head leaned down into the window.
“Yeah, it does” and you accepted this before offering a wave and shutting the door. He waited like a gentleman until you were in the home before driving away. It looked rushed but you were sure it was fear of reaction to his presence. It was clear he had changed from the man your husband had known. Maybe all the boys had after those days. You wished there was some way to relieve their pain but maybe it was destiny. Maybe Neil’s death put them all on the path they were meant to be on. They all became the people they were meant to be whether it was what they wanted or not. The only good thing was at least they still had each other.
Well at least most of them did.
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2n2n · 8 months
searching for a reason...
...I really love this phrase for the ch100 image spread. It encompasses so much...
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what reason is there to stay with someone?
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why should Tsukasa live, if Amane doesn't love him, doesn't want him there?
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how do we find a reason to do anything?
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.... Tsukasa and Nene would like Amane to tell them what he wants. Make a decision. Give them a reason to stay with him.
And Amane.... what reason does he have, to stay with Tsukasa, or Nene? To cling to them?
of course, with Nene-chan... there is no reason to stay by her side. He is a dead-end.
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I wonder why Amane fought so hard to freeze time, in the past?
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maybe a similar motivation to Picture Perfect, locking Nene-chan inside of an eternal dream.
Is there a purpose for a boy to stay with his twin brother, forever? Isn't it something you grow out of? What reason do two brothers have, to not grow apart? In school, you have a prescriptive reason to stay in each other's company. As children, you don't need anything like a reason. You don't have to ask your brother to stay; he will be there, in your home, with you, of course. He's simply 'there', you're simply 'there', so, you're together. Like normal classmates even, you don't need any designation. You'll see eachother regularly.
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What reason is there, to tirelessly work to stop time?
How do you keep someone just where you can see them, forever and ever, without telling them why?
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There is a thing in a lot of AidaIro stories....
something like a ticking clock-- a time when characters expect inevitable separation. They often accept it, belly-up to fate's design. Something like, "Oh well", "that's just the way it is" "I don't have a place to ask for anything more".
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In Fox-Masked Guardian Spirit, the entangled souls are on a perpetual timer, resetting at tragedy just before the living child reaches the age of 8.
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Cult and Lily's separate curses place a timer on their bond; inevitably, Lily's seal will vanish, and she will no longer be bound to duty in the church.
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even the twins in AidaIro's Narisokonai Snow White face inevitable separation-- the date Estelio is meant to move into the royal castle with Princess Neige, leaving Rasphard behind in their family's estate. A reality Rasphard accepts, tumultuously-- his brother has a different fate than himself. He is the unfortunate twin with a lonely fate, a life without happiness.
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There is often a struggle... "how do I remain in your life?" a pining. Estelio longs to know his brother, Saza loves Yuki, Cult adores Lily.
Even in Nikka Killey! ... what reason does a useless familiar have to stay beside his master, if he can't do anything for her?
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in many ways, ah.. I think Nika Killey! is the simplest version of this struggle-- reduced to a talented, capable girl set for exams, and her troublesome familiar... there's no looming ah, murder-suicide, poisoning, traditions, obligations, rules, punishments, here. Just two people-- one who simply doesn't offer the other any use. Use! Use!!!!
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there is only one 'reason'!
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With Nene-chan, Amane can't do anything for her. All of the things she lists in Picture Perfect-- getting married, going to college-- he can't do any of that, as a Ghost! What reason is there to stay with him? Nene-chan can say it so plainly: I love you! That is the reason. It suffices in Nika Killey!, MDLD.
Going back to JSHK, there's much in common between Amane and Hakubo, as I've said before! Poor clueless Hakubo didn't have a reason to save Sumire. As an Oni slave demeaned by humans, he was convinced love was not something he could offer to Sumire, even if he wanted to. She didn't ask him to save her, she didn't give him a reason. To come up with a reason all on his own... was impossible for a slave, accustomed only to performing duty. He had never had a reason to do anything, before. He simply followed commands. He had no wishes or desires of his own!
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AidaIro characters often betray tradition or concepts of right and wrong, to secure what they love. Nevermind if it destroys your future ... nevermind if I can only doom you, nevermind if you can't do anything useful, if we can't become anything. I'll have you, anyway, because I want to love you.
I wonder what one can offer to their brother?
The expectation is to grow up, pursue separate education and careers, eventually, right? Get married to someone else... that sort of thing. Isn't it childish to stay attached? Like remaining with your childhood best friend forever, or something, playing games. Immature! What reason can one give to parents? What if the other person has prospects? Like Lily, Killey, Estelio, Nene, Yuki (.... well, deceptively, to their counterparts. Most of those people are destined for agonies if the person they long for doesn't hurry up, reach out and grab them.... it is so fun in AidaIro narratives like that hehe)
If I think about AidaIro's plots... I wonder what Amane went through. Amane lost his brother once, as a child. After middle school, will they really attend the same High School? How long is Tsukasa destined to live, in this cursed life? Do their parents approve of their son's attachments? What do they want for Tsukasa, or Amane, individually?
Amane seemed to resent the bright and limitless future presented by the moon landing.
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Amane had a reason to reject that prosperity.
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What did Amane want to be? Where did he want to go?
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He killed his brother and himself....
to create what future? or.. to prevent what future?
He created a reality Tsukasa could not leave him, marked as his possession. I think Amane made the decision Tsukasa asked of him.... he seems pretty happy about that decision. You decided to stay with Tsukasa, didn't you? Into oblivion.
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Amane had to decide what he wanted .... he decided something, for sure! But... for what reason? I wonder if even Amane really knows, or if he's as clueless as Hakubo after he slaughtered the village that tormented Sumire ....
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I hope you'll tell us that reason some day, Amane....
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