#and went BUCKWILD with it
delphinidin4 · 2 years
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catvampire · 4 months
every time i think about that taylor swift quote i just
it's the double whammy of
implying that patriarchy has only existed for a few centuries and before that things were just peachy for women, and
that the solution to patriarchy being founded in capitalism is when woman wins at capitalism
like. it's been known for a long time that tswifts "feminism" has only ever reached as far as it personally benefits her financially but holy shit did she tell on herself with that one
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autisticaradiamegido · 9 months
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day 240
so heres the thing. i have never tried pixel art
but for a first (and second, and third) attempt i am not mad at these!
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ghostedglitch · 2 months
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why's it always me trying to do things my blorbos would do? why can't they simply be more like me, huh?
here are sollux and karkat wearing my clothes. there is assuredly more where that came from.
completed march 22, 2024
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dyslexic-mess · 4 months
I buy that Alistor is on Liliths leash. How he got there, no idea, but I'd believe the real reosen he's hanging around Charlie is under orders considering how vaugh he's been about his motivation.
BUT. What I don't buy is Lilith being the big villen. I've seen a lot of people theorise that she's been missing because she's screwing around with heaven or she left because she saw Lucifer as weak or something, but I'm sorry. I just don't see it. Like.
This Lilith???
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Your gonna argue THIS woman just up and left her family??? No. Just- no. I don't believe it for a second.
So where IS Lilith, then? If she's not the big bad, pulling strings from behind the sceans, then where is hells queen? Well, this is where I get into speculation territory:
I think she's been kidnapped by Roo.
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ocean-returns · 2 years
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[ID: Two GIFs from Lupin III: The First (2019). Lupin tips his hat. Zenigata tips his own hat in response, with some kind of enamored expression on his face. End ID.]
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birues · 6 months
I'm thinking abt the time we talked to Hythlodaeus on the moon and how much do you think WoL has told him? How does he know Emet-Selch is dead? And what did he mean by "Oh so Emet Selch wanted you to have it." If he's talking about the Azem crystal which Emet-Selch made after the sundering... How does he know about that?
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Reminiscing about r/place because it’s coming back apparently (?) and remembering that there were two kinds of people on the subreddit
1. Streamers, discord servers, and subreddits staking a claim and running it like a drill sergeant to keep it in place
2. People like my friend who found one random group’s place, changed the color of one pixel slightly off, and then camping there to make sure it stayed permanently through to the final screenshot
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
it only took 10 years but i finally hatched my first pokefarm legendary
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Heads up, JD! 💥
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wuvvy my dearest love
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bees-with-swords · 1 year
Oh to be a zookeeper at the Gotham zoo... Someone anonymously "donates" stolen gems once a month. Half your birds have imprinted on a crime boss. Villains keep stealing your animals for gimmicks or genetic experiments. A few times the fucking Dark Knight shows up clutching an orphaned baby bat. Your funding from the Wayne foundation is insane. You've been stabbed four times since you started working here.
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the-bisexual-a-genda · 3 months
So watched the recap and Brennan said Aguefort created at least some of the time quangles (the mall was also a quangle) and I think that’s the favoritism Kipperlilly is talking about. Arthur cronomantically bailed them out twice I believe. The final battle in Freshman year and in Sophmore year to allow Ayda to research planeshift. Lastly and most importantly he turned back time to make it so the Bad Kids Sophomore project was finished on time. Now this could be enough for Kipperlily and the ratgrinders to get pissed about. They didn’t do it on time wah wah. And as funny as it would be for the antagonists to be antagonists for petty reasons. And I do think it started petty. I think that first bail out is what made the ratgrinders or at the time high five heroes start to “famously hate you guys”. But considering the end of Sophomore year is also when Lucy died. Part of me thinks that can’t be it. Something happened during the quangle. Or even because of it. And I think that’s what turned them against Aguefort and the bad kids in earnest.
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heymacy · 11 months
🎶 blast from the past music game 🎶
i was tagged by @howlinchickhowl (ty for creating this howl ily ily!) as well as @energievie, @creepkinginc, & @metalheadmickey to play this fun music tag game!
name: macy
nation of birth: united states
teen decade: 2000s (oh god 😭)
share a song that you once would have included on every playlist/mix cd/mix tape you made, but which hasn't travelled with you into 2023: everytime we touch by cascada
where did you first hear this song? my friend’s bedroom, in the (late) summer of ‘06, during a saturday night sleepover. on the radio on her purple boombox, no less. we went absolutely HAM
how old were you when you first heard it? thirteen
being who you are now, how do you feel about the song? IT’S A BANGER
what is a song you love now that fills the same kind of vibe as this, but more befitting your current self? pink pony club by chappell roan
i’m tagging @gardenerian, @iansfreckles, @nicksobotka, @heymrspatel, @whatwouldmickeydo, @gallawitchxx, @whatthebodygraspsnot, @7x10mickey, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @thisdivorce, @deedala, @michellemisfit, @rereadanon, @mishervellous, @crossmydna, @vintagelacerosette, @squidyyy23, @callivich, @arrowflier, @too-schoolforcool, @grumble-fish, @harrowhark-a-vagrant, & @xninetiestrendx ✨
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bumpscosity · 1 month
clone wars season structure is wild. goofy 2 episode arcs followed but 10 episodes of nothing but death and despair
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goodluckdetective · 2 years
Sometimes I will stumble upon science texts about health that smell fishy despite looking legit and when I dig a little, sure enough, I find a pit of bad science, biased research and debunked studies.
What’s worrisome is when all of this happens and when I look the book up, I find almost zero discussion of the very bad science I have just found and just praise.
Gang, the citations. Please check the citations. I beg of you. A study of 10 people is not a smoking gun of evidence and if it’s presented as such, something smells.
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