#and what it does have isn't particularly interesting or innovative
incredibly unimportant in the general scheme of things but I cannot BELIEVE ted fucking lasso won the glaad award for comedy series over everything else that was nominated. I love ted lasso but their queer rep is one badly handled forced outing, one toxic victim-blamey relationship, and one actual well-handled queer character, all ONLY included as queer in the final season, and it stinks of "we got criticized for not having queer characters so here you go!" type of mentality. as opposed to like everything else nominated where the stories are ABOUT queerness in interesting ways and not just boilerplate tropes
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Re: Em Friedman, I personally always got the impression that they're just a big fan is Aabria cuz I think Aabria was one of their first guests(?) in their TTRPG class
And that's why to me all the coverage about Acofaf, WBN and now Burrows End reads with kind of a biased perspective
Like, I love WBN but as you said, it's not really doing anything innovative per se, and the whole coverage and hype about the Bear episode in Burrows End really made it anti-climactic when the episode aired
Idk, maybe I'm wrong, but a lot of the Actual Play coverage from Polygon (not just Em) seems kind of like D20 and WBN circlejerk while they're more than happy to throw CR under the bus
Oh interesting. Like, I do get that Actual Play is not a particularly massive community and I could see how someone who interviews players regularly might end up becoming close to them and generally that maintaining distance and journalistic integrity is uniquely difficult, but also like. Here's the thing. I know Critical Role is The 800 lb Gorilla in the actual play space; no one else is selling out Wembley Arena. I don't mind if they're not getting the same boosts from publications, because they don't really need it and people love an underdog and all that. It's still not great, that this bias exists, but Critical Role is much harder to keep up with because it is at this point 8 years of content to fully know what's going on in Campaign 3, whereas you could have someone binge watch ACOFAF in a long weekend.
What gets me is that it's not just fawning and biased. It's ignorant of the actual play genre and claiming things that are flat out untrue. "Critical Role isn't as good as Dimension 20" is an opinion. I don't agree with it but it's a valid position for someone to have, and even journalists are entitled to preferences. But like, again: TAZ Balance started at level 1, with the party obtaining a legendary and dangerous artifact at a low level, and it started in late 2014. NADDPod campaign 1 also started at level 1 and ran up to level 20, and it began in early 2018.
Longform D&D/Pathfinder are also not new. Both of the examples above ran over 60 episodes; NADDPod's first campaign was an even 100. Rusty Quill Gaming ran an impressive 218 over 8 years, though they tended to stick to about an hour long per episodes so it's closer to NADDPod in actual hours of gameplay. Obviously Critical Role, while unedited and not a podcast primarily, has had 100+ episode campaigns. All of these were also set in homebrew worlds, though TAZ was extremely loosely based on Forgotten Realms to start, and RQG was essentially a divergent history of our world. So what, precisely, other than the Children's Adventure, makes WBN different? Like...I know fandoms struggle to understand this but it does not do anyone a single fucking favor to act like well-executed but traditional formats (or solid but par for the course work) is radical and innovative genius! It doesn't make me say "wow, WBN is clearly groundbreaking." It makes me go "wow, Polygon's coverage is written by a fucking idiot who's unfamiliar with the landscape of actual play."
What gets me about the bear episode is that it was also, in my opinion, very well-executed and an interesting battle, but it was not like, any different from another battle map except that the production team did a really good job making it slightly gorier than the norm. That's it. And as for the twist...look, again, I'm reserving final judgment, but I keep thinking about this (regrettably it is from Orson Scott Card, who is both a homophobic asshole, and also wrote "How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy" which was my introduction to Octavia Butler and genuinely informs my understanding of the genre to this day):
"If you are using a known foreign language, by the way, take the time and effort to get it right. Among your readers there will always be someone who speaks that language like a native. If you get it wrong, those readers lose faith in you - and rightly so. Wherever you can be truthful, you should be truthful; if your readers can see that you're acting by that credo, they'll trust you, and you'll deserve their trust. But if they catch you faking it, and doing it so carelessly that you can easily be caught, they'll figure that if the story wasn't worth much effort to you, it shouldn't be worth much to them, either. They may still like the story, but you have blunted the edge of their passion."
This is both what I'm worried might end up being true re: Burrow's End (except instead of a foreign language I speak like a native, it's How Radiation Works) but it's also true in that like...all of those longform campaigns? I've watched or listened to them in full. Acting like it's innovation to...do a thing that's been done by so many other prominent actual plays is not even reading to me as bias. It's reading to me as a combination of wildly misplaced priorities (genuinely I think between this and the ask meme I'm like "hmmm have we considered that we're asking a huge amount from a niche medium and acting like it is the responsibility of a bunch of actors with dice to constantly reinvent the artform in which they work and dismantle the kyriarchy and prevent us from getting into arguments with our friends, instead of, as WBN's own page says, play games to make stories out of sound?") and also just. Ignorance. This is a person who is talking about something they genuinely don't know about. Why should I listen? I mean the bias doesn't help, but really it's the ignorance that kills it.
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
For the starlet au, does one (or both of them) have in their heads an end point to being closeted? Like, once I’ve got $10m invested, we’ll live off the interest and move somewhere quiet? Or do they both love the lifestyle too much to quit? Or is this kind of school, like how stars had to hide like Carey Grant?
They don't particularly have a plan to, no, but it's less about the lifestyle of being rich and more the actual work. The money doesn't hurt, obviously, but they're also very aware that being out doesn't generally lend itself to being top pick for casting in top-billed, innovative projects on the rare occurrence those come along. Being closeted affords them a lot more comfort in fitting into Hollywood's leading lady mold, and while they know they could have a career while being out, they wouldn't necessarily have the career they're after. It's awful and they hate it and on a lot of levels that know they're contributing to the silencing of queer voices in media, but they love the work, so personal sacrifices are made. Because even though things are better, they're definitely not good for out queer women in particular who want a career like the ones they have, and frankly both are terrified of losing what they've built. And at the end of the day they like always being a name tossed around in big rooms. They like getting the good scripts without hesitation of 'are they marketable in this kind of role?' just because of who they love
Sometime in the distant future though they'd get tired of it more and less, feel fulfilled enough in their careers that the need isn't so intense. And at that time they'd just quietly take themselves out of the limelight. Eventually their relationship would come out without any word from them, instead just by people seeing them together and connecting the dots. Fan sightings of them out and about in whatever city or country they settle in, always spotted together and holding hands with their weddings bands on the right fingers, living in the same house, having 2.5 cats and a dog with a fenced in backyard. If anyone bothered to ask, they'd be alright with casually sharing that they've been married for about about 15 years, together for about 10 years more than that. Simple as that. Nothing more.
But that'd be way, way down the line
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bearvanhelsing · 1 year
💖, 📒, and 💗 for Aria; ☺️ and 🍊 for Tyrel; 💋 for Adelaide; 🌸 for all? Gosh, I hope this isn't too much, I got too excited to see you join in.
Thank you Emiiii these were so fun!!! ARIA: 💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist/do they still feel this way? Aria was a lot less guarded romantically when she was a little younger and fell pretty easily for people who took interest in her. She became involved with a Tiefling girl she met in Eastgate for quite a while who showed her a lot of places that would eventually become some of her favorite spots like The Crimson Coin. Ultimately it didn't work out because Aria became rather emotionally dependant on her. Feelings persisted for a while after and she was pretty emotionally devastated at the time but she's moved on for the most part.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school, or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Aria is passionate about a few subjects that she doesn't really get to talk about that much without getting disapproving looks from other members of Absalom aristocracy. unsurprisingly she loves talking about firearms whether it be types of firearms, new innovations in the tech, or how to properly wield one. If someone ever asked her how to use one she'd be uncharacteristically enthusiastic about teaching them. She also has a fascination with devils, demons and daemons and even though she doesn't worship any of them and has a relatively rudimentary understanding of them, she's always eager to learn more. Especially devils. She just thinks they're neat! Aria finds herself bored with any extensive discussion regarding morality, politics, history (depending on the subject)... and mathematics. 💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why? Physically, Aria would probably consider her eyes to be her best feature. She always tries to make them pop. Personality-wise, Aria is a little more insecure because she receives much more criticism on that but she thinks of herself as someone who is easily able to find fun and bring it to others whether they want to or not lol. Her great-grandfather may say that her rather cutthroat attitude is a promising trait in a young businesswoman. The answers of former lovers may regard how soft she is and most that I'd consider the closest things she has to friends are PCs so yet to be determined... 🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks? Aria has a scar on her hip that she got in retaliation for biting someone during a bar fight. Mostly unnoticeable now because her fur covers it but she really hates it regardless. TYREL: 😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Tyrel might be the only person in Golarion who is put in a better mood by being in proximity to Camellia but he loves her lots... Other than that, feeling as though he got the better of someone during an interaction is very satisfying to him. I wouldn't classify him as a very happy person generally. He suffers from imposter syndrome pretty badly and he doesn't particularly like himself that much even though he likes where his life ended up. He does enjoy making those close to him happy and he's usually pretty good at it with his quick wit when he's not being selfish.
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink? Tyrel loves a good roasted goose! The family chef used to make it for his birthday when he was little and he's very nostalgic for it! He's not too picky, and I wouldn't say he hates it but I'd say he is usually disappointed by meals that include a salad. I just can't imagine Mendevian salad being that good lmao 🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks? Tyrel has two scars on his chest. One is the worldwound scar and the other is the one from when Cam stabbed him while they were on the alter lol ADELAIDE: 💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
Adelaide struggles to show affection to other people even when she genuinely cares for them. A lot of her attempts to do so when she was very young were perceived as clumsy or awkward by her family and as a result, she has a hard time showing it as an adult. Part of why she gravitates toward Shardik and animals in general is that they don't make the same judgments that people do so she feels a lot safer being affectionate with them :') 🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks? Adelaide doesn't have anything notable in this regard. I don't see her as the type to get a tattoo and I haven't finished Kingmaker yet so I'm not sure if there are any opportunities for her to get a cool scar yet!! lol
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thinkatoryprocess · 2 years
Sorry to flood you with Ratfucker pining but I keep thinking about Sam himself. What kind of a person chooses this vocation? What did he study - psychology, social work, business, innovative technologies? How did he end up doing this? How do his pan and kinky identity figure into all this? Does he have ASPD? What are the implications of that for the kind of obsession he's developing for Rome? How self-reflective/self-critical can he be? He obviously has some empathy, even if intel. Fascinating.
Oh, oh, I have answers on this one!
I'm likely to get into this at some point, but. Sam was in the middle of an undergrad psych degree and, on the side, ran an account and website devoted to doxxing Nazis and various other kinds of dangerous racists. He was extremely skilled at this kind of research, but not as careful as he could be, and the danger caught up to him. He had a family friend pull him aside after said event - Ratfucker Marcus - and was offered a position to train under him.
So why did he agree to go to Royco if he's antiracist? Because Sam decided that his real problem was dangerous antisemitism, as he's Jewish, and ATN isn't that bad when it comes to Jews. (No Ravenhead at this point.) This feeds into the "okay but what the fuck is wrong with him" question, I guess; I'm comfortable saying Sam has an antisocial personality disorder. Rules and morals don't register on his radar, and he doesn't particularly care about people's well-being. I would say he's hypothetically capable of experiencing an emotion or some empathy, but he absolutely does not know how to handle it. Thus his complete inability to manage his interest in Roman.
Sam's obsession with Rome has him pretty devoted, and Sam has no compunction about helping Roman with whatever he has at his fingertips - which is all well and good when you're talking about baking someone a casserole, but we're talking about a sociopath with limitless access to information and blackmail material. Sam is gonna need some managing by Roman to keep him from yanking off the leash to bite any perceived threats.
But we'll see all of this later. Rome's spending enough time with him at this point that the layers are gonna peel back and Rome will start to understand what he got himself into.
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grandhotelabyss · 6 days
What would you say to the idea that the modern 'weird tale' takes the almost puzzle-box nature of Poe's stories, contraptions designed to produce a specific and unusual effect; and adds to it the psychological charge of the Joycean epiphany; so that you get these stories that are about things that are barely fathomable under our current view of reality, but can nonetheless be mined for psychological interest? (Lovecraft, under this idea, was a somewhat clumsy yet pivotal figure in that his psychology isn't particularly deep — but it does dominate his stories completely!) Or have I just described what Poe was already doing, and the real innovation was to subtract the psychological stuff from being associated with the weird and uncanny?
Yes, I believe you've accurately characterized how the modern weird tale works, though I haven't read enough of that genre in literary form to make a completely reliable judgment and am extrapolating from relevant movies (A24 horror mostly, as well as Annihilation, Arrival, the new Color out of Space, etc.). What you describe—the Gothic supernatural or uncanny as psychological symbol—is definitely latent in Poe's stories, hence their influence on early modernists as diverse as Baudelaire, Dostoevsky, and Wilde. Many of Poe's most famous stories from "The Tell-Tale Heart" to "Ligeia" hint that their narratives take place primarily in the narrators' minds. In "The Man of the Crowd," which I've heard more than one scholar label the inaugural work of modernism for its influence on Baudelaire and Benjamin, the uncanny becomes no more than an unreadable intimation. The narrator's psychology, as well as that of the titular man, then becomes almost the sole focus of interpretation as an index of how the metropolis affects mental life, to borrow the title of Georg Simmel's essay that is sometimes assigned alongside Poe's tale on syllabi. On your last point, yes, "the psychological stuff" has passed into its decadence—elevated horror, trauma horror, etc., is played-out, I think, as my slightly impatient response to I Saw the TV Glow suggests. Dostoevsky: "Never again psychology!" Either follow Lovecraft into pure externality or shut thy Poe and open thy Kafka and produce something so mysterious it defeats psychoanalysis.
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eternitas · 1 month
17 and 24 of that ask game for Sanji, Hayato and Xiao uvu
This Ask meme
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [character] would like?
Very obvious answer? Anything to do with cooking. He breaths cooking. But he is also a majour softy and slight pervert so I can see him have some guilty pleasure movies that involve a lot of romance and soft erotica. I am not very versed in ANY of these things, but I could see Sanji enjoying Titanic and Moulin Rouge. I also think he would love Food Wars for not just the cooking, but the over the top orgasmic depiction of how good food can taste.
Obvious answer? Cryptid fanatic. Doesn't even matter if the movie/show/book is good. He WILL engage with it, even if just to say afterwards that it SUCKS. I personally see him def more into horror that is on the supernatural side and less horror that goes into splatter or gore territory like Saw or-- whatever other slasher film there is, I personally do not watch much horror. Since he is also incredibly intelligent I can see him be REALLY into crime thrillers, but only the super technical and bizare ones that are hard for some others to read. I can also see him be into extremely accurate mafia novels. If he reads a mafia related book and it gets something terribly wrong he stops IMMIDEATLY. One movie that especially fascinates him and the book it is based on is 'I heared you paint houses'. I think he is a biiit of a fan of Scorcese, tho he does also have his opinions (TM)
I think there is ONLY an obvious answer? Xiao is REALLY into chinese mythology and Wu Xia Stories. He isn't someone who engages a lot with shows or movies, but he does read enough especially theoretic books about different martial arts. Fiction isn't exactly his thing unless it's historic novels set in ancient China. Or the usual classics. He actually also has a bit of a soft spot for poems and books that are juste purely wholesome. Stories about someone making it out of the darkness or just the beauty of mundanity. Nothing overly melodramatic. Maybe that means he would like some Ghibli movies? Jury out on that one.
24. What's your favourite thing about [character]?
Oh boy here we go
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wet boy soggy cat baby pathetic manlet. Need I say more? I won't go into spoilers, but Sanji is both incredibly infuriating and beloved to me. I just love when he is caught up in a situation, where he just ends up showing his true colors. How soft and kind he can be, how much he cares about others even those he might not particularly like much or strangers. He is ready to lay his life on the line EVEN IF HE SAYS HE DOESN'T CARE OH BOY DOES HE CARE!!!! Especially the Wano Kuni Arc has made me adore him so much. Whole Cake Island broke me into pieces but Wano Kuni showed both his worst and his best sides. Also who doesn't love a man that can cook? The way he just LIGHTS UP when he gets to talk cooking or about his dream of finding the All Blue! *chefs kiss* (pun intended I am absolutely kissing that chef, icky smoke be damned)
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The fuck do you mean like? This bitch is the bane of my existance and i hate him and his stupid face with his aweful green eyes and the dumb smile he is capable of making. Oh and don't get me started on his aweful obsession with UFOs and cryptids wow what a loser, what an absolute cringefail, it's not like I enjoy his damn progress as a character from a selfcentered obsessive idiot to a more open cooperative jerk that actually trusts people and relies on them, oh gods are you crazy nah get that away from me. Bitch is so smart it's infuriating I loathe how intelligent and truly innovative he is, god his brightness is so annoying!
I do love his cat tho c:
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Love of my life one of the most misunderstood and MISINTERPRETED characters in all of Genshin yes you heared me FIGHT ME!
Look. Xiao is dear to my heart. I know I say it was Kaeya who got me into Genshin, but nah we all know that is a lie, yes he was the character that piqued my interest, but before the game was out the Genshin website already had some mini profiles on some characters and Xiao also had one. I made one look at the guy and said "that one". He is an abuse victim that was enslaved and forced to do horrendous things, knowing nothing but savagery and violence until he was saved, swearing unwavering loyalty to his savior who gave him his current name. And his life just kept being full of violence, as he became a Yaksha, cleansing and protecting Liyue through slaughter. This guy has probably MILLENIA of karmic debt accumilated, he was a GENERAL in a war, he faught alongside a myriad of other Yakshas and-- in the end he became the only survivor. Xiao is the LAST Yaksha, he is the only one remaining, he keeps his comrades and friends memory close to him, he saw them perish and fall to their karmic debt and after it all he became someone who kept fighting for Liyues safety in pure solitude, because GUESS WHAT he can't even get close to mortals. His strong karmic debt causes others harm, so he naturally isolated himself and accepted this fate. Sacrifice is something Xiao sees as natural and unavoidable, bitch is DEPRESSED and absolutely unsocial. He just has no social skills whatsoever and human customs confuse him. It's not maliciousness, it's actual confusion and mostly ignorance that leads to him being mostly misunderstood. He needs patience and a lot of understanding. So many people just write him off as some edgeboy, being rude and arrogant- when in actuallity boy just doesn't know how to deal with people. deep down he is a soft soul. FOR FUCKS SAKE his namecard says QUOTE
He longs for a day to come when he will wear the mask and dance — not to conquer demons, but to the tune of that flute amid a sea of flowers.
He lost so much, he believed to find his end by being alone forever until he succumbs to his karmic debt-- and yet he tries SO HARD
From watching the Lantern rites Xiao lantern from just outside the city, to watching the fireworks on the roof of wang shu inn, to COMING INTO THE CITY TO DINE WITH OTHER PEOPLE, TO ACTUALLY RELEASING A XIAO LANTERN WITH THE TRAVELER HIMSELF!!!! Even in his letters he says that he is starting to be more casual with the other adepti, he joined the fucking Poetry Festival-- I am losing my mind at this guy he is genuinely so fucking pillowy soft deep down, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE SWITCH THE VOICES TO CN AND HEAR KINSEN IN ALL HIS GLORY CONVEY XIAOS CHARACTER!
(I am sorry but whatever the english voice director told his VA was absolute bullshit fight me on this.)
I am very normal about this guy
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Other canon things that make me lose my marbles
The fact that the moment Xiao and the traveler first meat a track plays in the background that is called Lovers Oath
You can bait Xiao into coming somewhere or participate in something when you say the traveler will be there
During the Chasm Storyline he first wanted to keep the others away saying that to keep them safe and Yanfei USES THE TRAVELER TRICK to get Xiao to IMMIDEATLY join their gang.
Usually special dishes are food that is prepared by the characters themself. Sweet Dream, Xiaos Specialty dish is something the traveler makes for him
He???? eats or at least ATE dreams???? He says almond tofu tastes like sweet dreams???? thats where the special dish got its name from???? hello?????
when a traveling pilgrim came to the mountain as Ganyu and Xiao were training he did NOT want to deal with a mortal and basically told Ganyu her next training task is to deal with that guy before he skidaddled. Pro move to escape social interactions
when saving everyone from the chasm he sacrificed himself to ensure everyone else makes it to the surface. Daddy dearest ofc saved him but he was SO ready to let this be his end. I am glad it wasn't
from what I can tell his illuminated beast form is a bird, not like cloud retainer however and the fact there is a CHONK BIRB XIAO PLUSHY has me wheezing.
especially in early game crystalflies are hard to catch. Xiaos first birthday letter included 10 crystal cores, the item that drops when you catch crystalflies, a very valuable resource for crafting condensed resin. He also admits that he kind of didn't intend to catch that many and that he believes they would look cute in the travelers hair
he is strongly implied if not outright confirmed to be in chronic pain from his karmic debt. Pls save my boy
I might be a bit off on some of these but I am at LEAST 89% sure these are true facts.
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anuharhomes · 3 months
Building Community Connections in FY 2024-25: Enhancing Property Value & Wellbeing
The Hyderabad skyline isn't the only thing rising in FY 2024-25. Apartment investments, particularly gated community apartments in Hyderabad, are witnessing a remarkable surge, fueled by the city's economic prowess, cultural tapestry, and strategic location. 
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For discerning investors, value transcends mere figures. It lies in unlocking the hidden gem of community connections: a potent force that amplifies both property appreciation and resident wellbeing.
Imagine this: Stepping into your apartment in Hyderabad, you're met with warm smiles, the echoes of children's laughter, and a vibrant network of neighbours united by shared interests. This isn't just a dream; it's the powerful reality that cultivating community connections can create. 
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Belonging and social interaction are fundamental human needs. By fostering connections, you invest in your well-being, happiness, and sense of security.
Hyderabad's pulse is accelerating. The city's skyline stretches with ambitious projects, its economy buzzes with innovation, and its cultural tapestry continues to captivate the world. Amidst this dynamic growth, Hyderabadis are increasingly seeking havens that offer more than just four walls – they yearn for community, belonging, and a sense of shared purpose. 
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filthy-reckless-rp · 5 months
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Thalia Baizen Pronouns: She/Her Age: 40 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Editor in Chief of 'Kouture' Magazine Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Kate Siegel
Who Is Thalia?
"The tales of your incompetence do not interest me."
If it isn't the one, the only, Thalia Baizen. I can feel the room shudder at the very sound of your name. You never cared to be loved but you ensured that you would be feared and respected. You clawed, schemed and worked your way to the very top. You'd stab a thousand backs, step on a thousand necks, if it meant getting what you want. Ruthless, unforgiving and incredibly talented, you were always destined for great things. The only person that you truly trust and believe in, is yourself. You're an innovator, a creative force, and you know how to get the best out of everything and everyone. Here's to you. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
If you looked up 'independent woman' in  the dictionary, you'd find a picture of Tahlia Baizen. Everything she has, she has built herself from the ground up (although the Baizen name may have helped unjam a few doors here and there). Her family may have overlooked her, but she kept a keen eye on them, watching and learning from their victories and failures, making mental note of what to do and not to do. And then she put it all into practice and worked her ass off. 'Kouture' magazine is her baby. And she's incredibly proud of it and all it stands for. But the idea that she should loosen the reins? Or let someone else take over? God forbid. No one can do what she does, no one. And she will run herself into the ground before she asks for help or admits defeat. That stubbornness and drive might explain why her relationships always end in fights and tears and accusations that she has a fear of commitment. Which, she absolutely dos not thank you, she's committed to her work isn't she? It's not her problem people can't accept that he job comes first.  
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Likely the firing of some poor intern over a minor issue. Although the fact that Thalia is a notoriously difficult boss is far from a secret. Thalia finds Gossip Girl to be a laughable amateur at most, definitely not a credible threat or source. The 'real' press already rips her to shreds, a gossip blog is nothing. 
Carter, Elizabeth and Lucas Baizen - the nephews and niece. Thalia is not particularly warm and fuzzy with anyone but does take an interest in their lives. After all, they can't help who their father is.
Valentina Mendez - darling Valentina... If Thalia believed in soulmates, Val would be Thalia's. They were married once but it didn't work out. Now, they still work together. The 'what if' isn't lost on Thalia.
Zara Cooper - a messy fling that may or may not still be ongoing. Zara is very smart and very beautiful, two things that Thalia Baizen often won't resist.
Beatrix Royce - darling Beatrix... they had a whirlwind romance. Bea was always too good for Thalia, too kind and wonderful. It never would have worked out. They were married once too but it's over now.
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nverl0st · 6 months
spotify wrapped ! 2023
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this shit is weird. don't judge me man. a fansong (you know which one) almost made it into top 5 as well... i do not remember listening to alien alien on loop THAT much, but i suppose upon first arrival to spotify, i do like to play this song since it's nice and easy to listen to. the rest i distinctly remember looping for hours on end. interesting.
my favorite part of each song:
alien alien: the bridge (which is literally the chorus but quiet) into the final chorus, which then changes key (half step up into c minor!) into the final final chorus. such a good song man. first (and only) song i ever dictated.
animal... specifically the amane cover: the instrumental is different to the original animal, and makes it more impactful, i feel. also, amane's voice is darker and can capture the changes in tone in this song really well in a way vocaloid can't. i'm really not a deco*27 fan, but i have to say this song (even the original vocaloid version) is fire. the chorus is probably my favorite part because it does so many accents on the off beat.
duh duh duh dum: um. no comment. i too hate when parody/fansongs songs are way catchier than they should be. this is what i mean by i listen to random shit. i do really like mozart and tchaikovsky's part though, and not particularly the choruses. and... i'm a sucker for allusions.
anonymous m: this song is so fucking innovative, especially in it's song premise (an interview), lyrical yet still spoken word (which can be done because of the fact it's vocaloid). the choruses, especially the last one, are so catchy and beautiful. my favorite part is the last line, where miku was going to say that this was "hatsune miku", before she changes to "anonymous m".
this december: the second i heard this song, it felt familiar. the song form is quite innovative and i've not seen much like it before. it's simple, yet it's still quite hopeful and genuine. my favorite part is probably the vibe of the song, as well as the lyrics, including: "i'm alright if you're alright" and "only in my darkest moments, can i see the light".
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this is definitely interesting. classical is probably mainly made up with the fact i listened to classical as much as possible before the weeks of the ap music theory exam. broadway... is thanks to my choir teacher, and the fact i really like some of the songs (though i don't check out the genre by my own accord). also pop is probably j-pop...
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haha another year passes, jin still my number 1. it's because of the fact that vocaloid producers often don't release albums/only have a few notable songs. and i always come back to revisit kagepro, the songs are always so good. i do love marina and a lot of her songs, so that's why she's there too. idk how yu-peng chen is here but i unfortunately still love genshin music. pinocchiop is probably one of the more common producers i listen to, though i don't have a lot of his songs in my playlist. maybe it's because of anonymous m. and mothy i thought i listen to more than pinocchiop, i had judgement of corruption, evil food eater conchita and madness of duke venomania on loop at different times of the year. hm.... also surprised kuragep isn't here. fucking love diary of underage observation.
well... this is the first complete year i've used spotify for. it's definitely been a year.
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husampersonal · 11 months
Why You Should Hire A Marketing Consultant For Your Corporation
Works with CEOs and senior business leaders at financial services, skilled services, and technology firms of all sizes to craft imaginative and prescient into strategy and design break through model,... Works with CEOs at industrial, logistics, and manufacturing corporations to develop profitable marketing initiatives that drive revenue and market share development. Works with healthcare services, IT, SaaS, medical system, life science, biotech, and retail/hospitality firms what is cmo in business to develop effective development methods, enhance patient/customer care, and enhance... Works with B2B world know-how companies and in varied industries to turbo-charge growth and build enduring customer relationships, using battle-tested account-based gross sales and marketing strategies.
AT CMO GROW we perceive that right now office is an activity, not a vacation spot. We are now residing in an outsourced or “cloud serviced” world, Marketing and Sales outsourcing supplies world-class services at a fraction of the value of hiring a marketing govt and will turn out to be the new norm. Hiring KARMA jack as your marketing consultant will make your organization extra searchable with web optimization fractional cmo digital marketer, producing extra site visitors for you and your small business. We ensure your website is accessible, easy to search out, and matches your band. Our objective is to generate visitors, find leads, and proceed to extend income. Generally speaking, CMOs do the same functions and duties as full-time CMO but for fewer hours.
They require vastly completely different approaches, and this makes the tasks interesting. To dive into the primary points of a business and thoroughly evaluate the outcomes, I must spend no much less than 20 to 25 hours per month on a project. As a boutique service, it will not be very scalable, however I will have the power to give my clients the complete consideration and the time that they want what is a fractional cmo. The proper consultant (and I humbly refer to myself as such) builds their work in such a means that they'll leave the project at any time and the business will nonetheless maintain flourishing. A great example I often see is that of the workplace manager/bookkeeper/controller. Often, someone is assigned this position despite not being able to closing the books, yet the corporate is counting on them to offer accurate and well timed financials.
You can begin by contracting their services for as few hours weekly as you need, and scale as you develop. We develop data-driven social campaigns to target your consumer’s ideal contact factors, guaranteeing the proper people are always met with the best message. We start by constructing a digital playbook round cmo consultant what makes your corporation unique, serving to you to leverage strengths and make higher impact inside industry specific markets. Whether you're a longtime brand or burgeoning business, Hawke Media exists to provide you access to best-in-class marketing services.
Works with technology-centric firms in SaaS, IT services, computing, and technical business services to drive worthwhile progress and speed up market adoption. Works with SaaS, expertise, and media firm CEOs and non-profit organizations to drive technique and operational plans for worthwhile how does a fractional cmo work development. Works with technology, SaaS, and ed-tech firms to fuel revenue and market share progress by harnessing customer insights and leveraging technology to drive innovation.
You want a firm and a consultant who would not approach their clients with a one-size-fits-all mentality. Additionally, a firm that provides a fixed charge isn't normally an excellent long-term resolution as they how does a fractional cmo work may discover a approach to reduce corners to gain margin. Mostly, you want to find the solution that is going to be customized to you particularly and one which is prepared to evolve with you as you grow.
Overall, the period of engagements can differ widely, and the number of days worked per week will depend on the particular needs of the client and the scope of the engagement. However, fractional CMOs and part-time CMOs sometimes work one to three fractional cmo marketing days per week, while marketing consultants may fit on a project foundation and may work part-time or full-time relying on the needs of the project. Our content distribution program sX Social 334 establishes your constant marketing message in your required vertical markets.
Alacrita has a quantity of CMO-level medical MDs in our consulting group, who assist our biotech purchasers as interim Chief Medical Officers, during for example, intervals of prolonged seek for a full-time particular person. Our CMO consultants are typically out there for as much time because what does fractional cmo mean the engagement requires. Maybe your organization already has great executive stage leadership when it comes to conventional promotional and advertising channels, but is missing that same level of power within the digital realm.
Works with B2B industrial, know-how, and SaaS companies to unlock EBITDA and topline development by rethinking technique and execution throughout the commercial spectrum of sales, marketing, and product. Works with industrial corporations to drive double-digit revenue development and margin improvement through fractional cmo services distinctive strategic sales initiatives and high-impact revenue growth solutions. Works with CEOs in SaaS and Professional Services to develop new growth strategies and income models, drive gross sales execution and ship M&A integration that increase firm valuation.
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skillpractical · 2 years
Engineering Courses to Increase Your Profession
In the present cutthroat world, it is very sure that you seek a rewarding vocation, and Engineering without a doubt is genuinely paying the experts generally their persistent effort. Assuming that you have chosen to participate in the field of Engineering let us let you know that it is a compensating experience, particularly for people who need a stable long-haul vocation development. It is one of a handful of fields of work that is equipped for blending objective elements with an imaginative brain and envisioned ideas. Engineering is only a genuine science and innovation grounded truly.
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As of late, our Schooling Gathering revealed that very nearly 20 million understudies are showing up for Engineering selection tests across 17 states inside India alone. With the always-rising interest in architects and cutthroat pay rates, an ever-increasing number of understudies are preparing for their design courses. In any case, what is Engineering precisely and what are the advantages that accompany turning into a specialist? Difficult work is a given that goes into getting ready for selection tests. Engineers improve on complex work to frame associations between logical disclosures and their potential applications to human necessities. They work to work on people groups' day-to-day personal satisfaction by presenting better advances whenever the open door introduces itself.
Engineering is an extraordinary decision for profession for people who are enamored with difficulties. Assuming that you have critical thinking abilities, Engineering offers you adequate chances to show what you can do as there is continuously something that necessities fixing and getting to the next level. Likewise, every single issue that specialists face has its own exceptional properties requiring explicit and exact arrangements.
So on the off chance that you seeking to take up Engineering as the following huge, you are at the right stage Choosing the most fitting school among such countless choices is an errand. The test is chasing after Engineering isn't restricted to applications and selection tests however it is likewise basic to look at the best Engineering school in Maharashtra or around the states where you can apply.
Most understudies get mistaken for the validity of a specific school and follow what the group does. Additionally, you should find your area of interest. For instance, one's scientific abilities and innovative mastery can be areas of strength for being another understudy may be great at mechanics and man-made brainpower. Use it to pick the best course that will allow you to tap information or become a specialized supervisor at any business which requires selling very good quality innovations.
While there are many establishment choices to choose from inside the metro urban communities. You will discover a portion of the perceived colleges and best schools to seek after Engineering. The alumni additionally have the choice of proceeding with their examinations and branching out into different fields like corporate knowledge and promotion.
Today, engineers are entrusted with making the answers for probably the most squeezing issues we continually face and it keeps on being a compensating profession for youthful personalities!
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elyyssi · 2 years
Concealed Series of Desolation: A Scrutiny Behind the Anthology “Lockdown Litanies: Countless Untold Stories”
an Essay by Elaiza Joy Barber
Stories have always been part of our life. Through storytelling, it helps us to express and interpret everything we encounter, including science, personal relationships, feelings, memories, thoughts, and challenges. Every story has a different arc, which keeps readers interested. Some stories feature innovative plots and profound concepts, which improve the overall quality of the work. Every author has a distinct story to tell as well as some experiences to give. Just like the poems that we’re about to scrutinize, the authors shared their experiences as they expressed the feeling of desolation. Boundless stories that demonstrate fortitude in the face of difficulties. 
As I read the first poem, “Dear Diary” I came to understand that we are aware of our own changes. And that changes happened because of the experiences the author had gone through. Because of all the author had encountered, he or she changed. Nearly lost everything and was abandoned, but in the end, the author still had the freedom to choose where he or she is happier.  It was noticeable in the lines “It felt different, I, too, became different”, “But all was left in me, I ended up alone”, “I own up my mistakes in finally choosing freedom.” It does remind me of the song Don’t be Afraid by Anji Salvacion, where, although coming from a place of darkness that prohibited her from seeing the wonder of life, she had the ability to choose freedom particularly in the lines, “And no, I'll overcome this feeling, this incomplete feeling, I wanna seize life outside, be free with you in my life”. Despite feeling incomplete because of the things that have happened in his or her  life, yet the author still believes that he or she has the freedom to choose happiness. Instead of being free with someone, let's do it for ourselves and, as the poem suggests, move away and discover a world on our own. 
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The second poem, “The tale of a Modern Sisyphus”. As I analyze the poem, I have learned that the persona is going through the same phase over and over again. It’s like she’s fighting for the same purpose but then always ends up trying again. Rolling a large boulder up a hill repeatedly, only to have it roll back down when it approaches the peak. It was evident in the line, “Gracious to push the boulder up the mountain, and start once again like nothing happened”. This reminds me of the song The Climb by Miley Cyrus. Manifested in the lyrics, “The struggles I'm facing, the chances I'm taking, sometimes might knock me down, but no, I'm not breaking.”  This song encourages working for your goals while ignoring obstacles. The song teaches us that success in life isn't just about what you accomplish; it's also vital to reflect on the path you took to get there and to recognize and value the lessons you picked up along the way.   
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Moving on to the third poem, “O’ Yayi (A Prose Poem)”. As I read the poem, it was clear that the persona is longing for his partner’s love and attention. It’s about someone who gave everything a loving husband could ever give, evident in the line “ I picked her up. Married her. Eased her pain. She received all the comfort and luxury a woman could ever get from a loving husband.” But then unfortunately, he’s not receiving the same love he’s willing to give. I remember the song All of me by John Legend. In this specific line, “'Cause all of me, loves all of you, love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections” This line represents the willingness to love your partner even though there are flaws or even they have had problems in the past. Just like in the poem, despite everything Yayi had to endure, and even though he is aware that she has not fully let go of her past, he still accepted and loved her. 
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On to the next poem, “Two Red Laces on the Wonderwall” My understanding about this poem is that the persona is being used. He or she is being used but still, willing to give his or her all. It was shown in the lines, “I fell in your words. You, vindictive. I did what you said and leaned forward, I opened my whole to bare my soul.” Sam Smith’s How do you Sleep is the song that reminded me the most, specifically in the lyrics “Love to you is just a game, Look what I have done now” It portrays the idea of being used or being played. 
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The fifth poem, “Umbilical”. As I understand the poem, I think it’s about a mother’s suffering as she was giving birth to a child. The poem���s about a child's perception while in the mother's womb and how he or she experiences the anguish and suffering the mother is going through. It was shown in the lines “The pain she suffered just for me to see. Drained herself to save me from misery”. And so this reminds me of the song Iris, a song by Goo Goo Dolls. The line “And I'd give up forever to touch you, 'cause I know that you feel me somehow.” Despite what the mother is going through, she’s still willing to risk everything for her to see and save her baby. 
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The next poem, “RE: Paper (I’m Red, IMRaD)” discusses our nation's educational system. This piece shows what quality of education we have compared to the other countries. According to the character, imparting adequate education to others is never a simple endeavor. The line “Ironically, in areas we expect for leadership, Communication, media, and socio-emotional management, We are not that high.” demonstrated it. Individuals expect from them, but they are unattainable because of how poorly the educational system is managed. I would relate to this Taylor’s Eyes Open with the lyrics “But now we've stepped into a cruel world, where everybody stands and keeps score, keep your eyes open” by this lyrics, it will represent the persona’s appeal to let us know what the current situation is. 
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The seventh poem, “3 A.M. Awakening”. In this poem, it is shown that the persona is preparing him or herself to go even though he or she is having a hard time since, I think, he’s being judged for who he or she truly is. It is expressed by the lines, “Breathe as if it’s easy to do today, but I think much in a different way. Heaven spoke lies to me telling I’m sick, with people’s eyes daggering every inch.” This also reminds me of Goo Goo Dolls’ Iris, particularly in the lyrics, “And I don't want the world to see me, ‘cause I don't think that they'd understand”. It represents the persona’s feelings since he or she feels like everyone who’s judging him or her has no idea of who he or she truly is.
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Upon reading the poem, “My Frail Lady” I have confirmed that we all really have our own battles to face. I realized that it is really a must to be kind to others because we do not know what they’re going through especially when they're left alone. We might see them happy now, but we’re not sure of what they truly feel. Just like this poem that  talks about a person who struggled alone. It was obvious in the line, “Such frail, frail lady, Bookkeeps her internal screams.” Since it was inspired by the life magazine’s “most beautiful suicide” it reminds me of the song. If depression gets the best of me by Zevia. The lines, “'Cause the one thing on my mind, Is for me to disappear” and “And lover, when I leave, I know that we don't speak, I'm sorry that I failed you” It reminds me of the story behind Evelyn Mchale. The note she wrote including her message to her fiance. 
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And the last poem, “Major Arcana”, As I read the first stanza there are signs showing that the persona comes in for fortune telling. Evident in the line, “...beamed a smile; harbored all nerves; placed your palm over—...defy the secrets of the heavens and asked, what do you see? Tell— Me.” As I continue to read the poem, I have learned that it is also about hope. It’s about the persona who’s hoping for a better future, shown in the line, “What you want most right now is success—to win and never give up this fight.” The cards push them to still believe and hope for their future. This prompted me to the song Flashlight by Jessie J, with the lyrics “I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight, you're getting me, getting me through the night” This represents that even though they will walk through the darkness because of the things that will happen to them, there is always a flashlight that will serve as hope to get out of that darkness. 
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Reading all of these poems made me realize that there really are a lot of untold stories that reflect our society’s current situation. Through reading these, I feel like I’ve also gone through their difficulties. By this activity I had the chance to view current issues from different perspectives. I also discovered that, in spite of all the challenges, we will always have the option of choosing to be free and grateful. That there is hope despite everything we experience in life.
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bitcofun · 2 years
Source: Adobe/Mike Orlov Ahmed Al-Balaghi, CEO and Co-Founder of Biconomy, a Web3-focused multichain relayer for blockchain designers. ________ Much of the approach and conviction behind Web3 has to do with eliminating intermediaries and producing a future where users have self-ownership over their monetary possessions and decision-making. The present crypto facilities is extremely fragmented with spotty usage cases and progressing guideline, leaving a lot to be preferred. Several chains and layer twos have actually come near scale Web3, however there's a great deal of friction in between these chains causing lower network impacts. There's a strong case to be produced changing standard banking systems with cryptographic innovation, however utilizing monolithic blockchains that limit users to their environments isn't the response. It just supplies a viewed sense of monetary flexibility, where centralization has actually exposed its restrictions. Not to point out the long list of intricacies that wait for users entering into Web3. There's the cumbersome user experience, the self-management of wallets and secrets, and the absence of killer apps. And after that, as Web3 has actually been ending up being more multichain, the concern of handling cross-chain friction has actually made the experience even worse. While we're still early, the winners of Web3 will be the ones laser-focused on developing a practical experience. This is where a chainless experience matters. While the Web3 infra will be multichain, the experience will need to be chainless. Holding users slave on one blockchain and after that puzzling them with overly-technical procedures will not motivate involvement. What if we could abstract away their cross-chain systems to the background, so the user does not require to fret about them? Dapps (decentralized applications) and items constructed on-chain will allow much better involvement without jeopardizing the essential decentralized function of Web3. No one chain to rule them all A typical story is that a person chain will ultimately discover a service to the myriad of issues dealt with by others, from gas charges to deal times, and will eventually end up being "the one" blockchain above all others. Each glossy brand-new blockchain comes packed with guarantees to open the holy grail of Web3, however history programs this only lead to exposing the blockchain's defects. New chains will appear to propose options, and the cycle of development continues. While these brand-new chains browse fresh obstacles and technical obstructions, they likewise end up being fertile ground for contractors to try out brand-new jobs, even more sustaining interest and neighborhoods in Web3. This flywheel of engagement is healthy for all of us. For example, over the in 2015, Solana (SOL)'s overall worth locked has grown from USD 152 m to USD 7.87 bn, showing the development in financial investment on the chain. With the various chains growing in strength, the requirement to cross them ends up being a lot more crucial-- since users will require alternatives and movement throughout chains. This holds true liberty in Web3. Currently, bridges are the go-to system to make the relocation throughout chains. Similar to the majority of brand-new innovations, these have actually encountered issues-- most particularly with user experience & & onboarding. The majority of users do not wish to handle utilizing bridges, moving their funds around, handling numerous chains and so on. And brand-new mainstream users have such high knowing to comprehend any of it, that they are going to escape. Another concern is security. A bridge hack in February this year showed to be among the most significant in crypto at the time. The Wormhole hack saw USD 321 m taken. Issues around bridge security had actually currently been raised, particularly by Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin. As the truth of a multichain future beckons, the requirement for linking bridges ends up being indisputable.
Bridges will be vital to Web3 facilities, however the experience of utilizing them will need to enhance by leaps and bounds. Chainlessness as a response While bridges might be unavoidable, they do likewise include issues. This is why interoperability can't exist if the chains are still front and center in the user experience. To speed up Web3 adoption, we require to ask, "How can we declutter and streamline the cross-chain procedure?" Do we actually require to see and perform every part of the bridging or deal? Just like how something you bought off Amazon with a number of clicks reaches your home in days, dapps and other jobs developing on-chain must have the ability to conceal the nuts and bolts behind the scenes while staying transparent and decentralized. That's the essential approach behind chainless - users must simply have the ability to utilize any dapp on any chain like they utilize a Web2 app. Bridging the funds, calling the dapp agreement on another chain and so on need to be managed by dapp/infra in the background. A crucial example is NFTs in play-2-earn(P2E) video games. In 2021 and into this year, P2E has actually ended up being a substantial entry point into crypto. Axie Infinity creator Aleksander Leonard Larsen stated throughout a panel at the Token 2049 conference that half of the video game's gamers had actually never ever utilized a crypto app prior to. This makes good sense for a number of factors. Many individuals take pleasure in playing video games. Less individuals have technical know-how in DeFi That's why it's "simpler" to leap from video gaming into crypto through something familiar like a mobile video game. A more illuminating factor is that P2E video games rather obscure the intricate systems going on behind the scenes. For example, DeFi Land is a yield farming video game on Solana that conceals the more intricate monetary components of yield farming behind an enjoyable user experience. This puts the chain and systems behind a satisfying gamified experience. While video gaming is an excellent example of a more chainless experience, Axie particularly likewise provides insight into the failure of siloed chains. Since Axie Infinity was constructed on its own chain, which implies that the users who got here through this particular video game absence access to the other Web3 items and jobs. P2E, in this case, as an onboarding system, gets here at a dead end. If Axie Infinity was linked to other chains with special worth proposals, gamers would merely see the video game as an enjoyable gain access to point, with the liberty to move into other Web3 tasks and communities. The onboarding of gamers continues. Changing the rate of admission The user experience concerns we deal with today are typically viewed as part of the rate of admission into Web3. This state of mind is not sustainable if we intend to make our blockchain innovation inclusive and offered to all. With an efficiently chainless yet multichain experience, users will have the ability to hop throughout chains without performing a lots technical commands. They can quickly move possessions, NFTs, and their user identities in between worlds to work, live, and play. By then, conventional banking intermediaries and monetary gatekeepers will still be around, however they would be much less appropriate. _____ Learn more: - Growth in Digital Assets Trade Puts the Spotlight on Blockchain Bridge Security Risks - A Multichain World Is Key to the Success of Web 3.0 and the Metaverse - Multichain Future Brings Multiple Competitors to Bitcoin & & Ethereum - Analysts Read More
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jimmy10hands · 2 years
Coming into playtesting I had a simple level design loop wherein the player had to traverse some obstacles and make their way to the objective as quickly as possible. There was a timer in the top left that would count up from the start of the level until they reached the timer, wherein it would freeze and that time was more formally displayed on the middle of the screen as the scene time slowed dramatically to give a slow-mo effect, before resetting the scene after a few seconds. This last part was done so that it would be easy to simply start up new levels at each objective, but for now it's just the one level.
Another feature was that if the player fell off, once they reached a point the camera would freeze in Y direction, giving the illusion the player had fallen off screen before respawning at the start point. During this time, the timer does not stop and continues to count up as a form of time penalty for falling.
Players were a fan of the concept, but would have really loved a leader board (as would I)
One felt the speed or jump mechanic didn't quite feel right, which I kind of understand. A wider but lower jump might feel more appropriate.
I talked to players about the level design, and even let them fiddle with it and try to explain how they'd like it, which was an interesting insight and gave me an idea for implementing user created levels.
A little confusion on where the objective was on first time playing, so implementing some sort of indicator for that would be a good idea (arrow, minimap, etc)
Overall, the players gave some valuable feedback on some pros and cons of the game. The consensus seems to be that the premise seems engaging to some in a competitive sense, GIVEN that the levels are well enough designed to make them somewhat challenging, as well as having multiple potential paths to the objective, as one linear path is always guaranteed to be the fastest, so choices help add to the element of replay-ability.
If I were to continue to iterate over this into the future, there are several changes I'd love to see.
those described above (Objective marker, Leaderboards, User level design feature)
A more unique aesthetic, as while the alien gets the point across, it doesn't feel unique or match the experience of the game very well.
In general, I'd say I'm pretty happy with how the idea turned out, and it achieves the initial goal I set out to achieve. From playtesting, several users seemed to be having fun with the idea and with these few improvements, possibly even adding the item system at some point, even if it's not in Gdevelop. What I also found was that this type of game isn't for everybody, as I found both in my own experience with my playtesting and through the readings, particularly chapter 4. Here it talks about "The Nature of Play" and that "play is not any one thing but rather a state of mind. " Fullerton goes on to explain the types of players where "each of whom comes to a game with different needs and agendas."(Fullerton, P103-104).
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game design workshop: a playcentric approach to creating innovative games. AK Peters/CRC Press
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