bipedalcapybara · 7 months
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This is Abyssopelagic: The Angel from Below!
Here is the cover art I illustrated in collaboration with @goatistired and @kantokraze for the Halloween Big Bang with @drv3giftexchangeclub !!!
The focus of this collab is Harunaga with Maki Harukawa as a struggling college student and Angie Yonaga as a being from deep within the ocean, with appearances made by Maki's ex-girlfriend Kaede Akamatsu and a post-grad student Korekiyo Shinguuji searching for something by the sea... Check the tags for more and heed the warnings in the chapter notes!
Pilar has posted the first of three chapters in their poignant and beautifully written piece for this collab on AO3, linked here!
Kiyo's piece will come at a later date and be linked to a future edit of this post before the end of the sharing period along with the two latter chapters from Pilar, so be sure to bookmark the fic if it catches your fancy!!
Be sure to check out all the other art that was created for this Big Bang over at @drv3giftexchangeclub , and check out the writing on the AO3 collection made for this event, linked here!
Many, many thanks to Pilar and Kiyo for generously offering their talent and skill to my Harunaga self indulgence, it was a pleasure to work with the both of them for this! Be sure to give them a follow!!
🦇🎃🦇 Have A Happy Halloween!!!! 🦇🎃🦇
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thefox-i · 2 months
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Explanation for this:
Dangaronpa V3 is kinda meh to me so this is my au in which Rantaro and Kaede are the main protagonist and antagonist duo.
I also think the 3rd trial is a big waste of potential. They had such a cool idea in mind with the whole "Korekiyo confessed to one murder but not the other" but then in the end it's revealed he actually commited both and it's like.... ok??? You're telling me we could've had a trial with 2 murderers who didnt know about eachother's exsistance and that no matter what there would be a killed left among the survivors??? Anyways in this au I like to pitch the idea of Himiko secretly being the second killer who accidentally murdered Angie and although Korkiyo did kill Tenko his crime doesn't count as Himiko killed Angie before him.
There could've been fun loopholes I'm just saying 🙄🙄🙄
Also I think the dynamic between Rantaro and Kaede could've been fun to explore in a "Kaede wants to trust and believe her friends while Rantaro is aware they could betray them at any moment" kind of situation
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lightbulb-warning · 2 months
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dangs your rompers
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spittyfishy · 3 months
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Tenko Chabashira’s Precious Little Life
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evilbisexualgirl · 4 months
DRV3 characters eyes in my style!!!
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cheerpuppy14 · 5 months
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Replayed p5r lately so I'm reposting my old drawings of danganronpa characters in persona style
Can you believe these are 4 years old
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 months
Kodaka April Fools tweets 2024
Lying just because it's April Fools' is so dull. Honestly painful to watch. Lying in general doesn't do you any good. In my younger days, I told every lie I could, saying some genuinely insane stuff about being a supreme leader of evil and whatnot, and thanks to that, now that I'm in my thirties, I got famous for all the wrong reasons and can't find a stable job because people think I'm associated with the yakuza... Sigh, I wanna deck my cringe younger self's face. Quit lying for fun while you can.
My classmates aren't doing great either. Thinking you're hot shit during your school days always comes back to bite you... My advice to my past self: slow and steady effort is worth more than any talent. Also, the part of life you spent larping with that silly horse laugh is not going to be one you'll want to remember later. I wish I could make that clear to him. White lies aren't a thing. Talent is never enough. My class is proof of that. Wanna know what my classmates are like now that we're in our thirties?
Akamatsu became a piano teacher. Her player skills capped off in her teens, it seems. But she's not that good at teaching so she's considered kinda mid at her job. And now she's struggling with the father of a student incessantly hitting on her. Tough world to live in.
Toujou opened a housekeeping company but she was too strict with her employees so everyone quit. And now she's doing everything on her own. Sucks to be in your thirties without any successors or employees. She's a prime example of how being so much better than anyone else doesn't do you any good. Well, she's always working for celebrities, so she's doing well financially, but I heard about some major court fight about a missing item under suspicion of theft from one of her clients. That can't be nice.
Yumeno got to her thirties still saying magic is real, so she's past the point of no return. She agrees that's an unhinged way to live, but she's too old to suddenly change gimmicks. Work takes her all over the country, but her gimmick doesn't allow her to publicly drink, so she has to get plastered alone in her hotel room after shows. I wish she could fix her life with real magic.
Harukawa? ...Haven't heard that name in a long time. Now she was a living edgy fantasy. The past tense was because I hadn't heard of her in a long time. I don't know the details, but apparently, she went to some war zone outside of Japan because her first love didn't want to date her. Takes some real edgelord to react to a broken heart like that, but if she's still alive, I have no idea how her thirties are treating her. My personal guess is that she's a mother of many.
Chabashira opened her Aikido school but is having a hard time attracting students. So she had the idea of starting an anti-sexual-harassment campaign that could double as advertisement, but thanks to her cluelessness when it comes to romance, she got canceled for mistakenly tossing men in regular couples. She's still doing the "degenerate males" bit in her thirties. Girl really needs to get on with the times. Rumor goes that she still downs huge packs of tequila bottles with Yumeno every now and then. Really don't think there's any salvaging her reputation.
Shirogane is an office lady still continuing her cosplay hobby on the side. She could be doing well if she knew how to keep her mouth shut but frequently rambles about cosplay history and etiquette, so no one likes having her around. Stay emotionally dependent on a single hobby long enough and your passion starts to close you off to others. That's her problem.
Angie was the most successful in the class! She made big money both on the art and the religion fronts. However, there were some controversies about her devotees selling counterfeits of her paintings at exorbitant prices and one magazine made a huge news coverage of it, which resulted in her catching the police's attention. She's been recently untraceable, with the rumors saying that she'll never be back to Japan.
Oh, and Iruma... Up until some point, she had the best life of all of us. She made big money off of her inventions' patents. So far so good. Things only started going off-rails after she married an ex-stripper. The two started a YouTube channel together. And later, her husband ran in last year's elections and lost big time. They got an awful debt from his election campaign and she had to get into side jobs to pay it off. And her husband? Disappeared. No word from Iruma herself about what happened. Tough world to live in.
No further updates from Kodaka in the past 3 hours, so I assume he went to sleep and will come back to tweet about the 7 remaining boys in the morning.
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nekromeowncer · 1 month
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mxi-88 · 1 month
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added more designs to my dr charms for no reason. here they are all together :)
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quinns-art-box · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAEDE AKAMATSU!!! she is one of my favorite characters ever of all time but yall already knew that. here she is having a nice birthday with all her friends 💖 because i have postgame v3 diseases
i thought it would be funny if everyone accidentally got her the exact same thing (a sweater vest) and they're all varying degrees of embarrassed/amused but kaede is just so happy and she's gonna wear all of them
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alouki · 9 months
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A bit late for that trend I know-
But at least I didn't give up like 99% of the things I drew ( ・-・)
Oh well, see ya then~
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glazeliights · 2 months
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more sillyguys
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crackanronpa · 3 months
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zedleaked · 10 months
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doodles to cope with chapter 3 cause what the fuck is happening iwurhgwrg
bonus lil doodle bc I like the concept of them being ghosts..
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dusdadreamer · 10 months
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various v3 doodles
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bossubeats · 4 months
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cupid finds more victims 💝 or..... not..?
(no im not late at all shhhhhh)
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