#animal abuse
odinsblog · 7 months
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Istg, if I ever get rabies because some dumb ass antivaxxer refused to vaccinate their dog, I’ll probably be doing the rest of my blogging from prison because I promise you, Imma curbstomp the shit out of the owner
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agueforts · 1 year
ayda aguefort
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kedreeva · 1 year
For those of you non-reptile folks out there (or the reptile folks who haven't heard/don't know yet)- "Prehistoric Pets"/"The Reptile Zoo" is one of the worst faces of captive reptile keeping. Jay Brewer, the guy that runs it and faces it on youtube, is basically running the equivalent of a reptile puppy mill, and sensationalizing it for views.
He keeps his animals in enclosures that are far too small for them, participates in mass breeding without care for the health or well-being of the animals involved, including creating morbidly obsese animals to have the "biggest" ones for clout and so that he can breed them as fast and often as possible since they don't get too skinny from being bred too often while being massively overfed. He's also well known for cutting eggs (which by itself is.... eh but-) where he removes the entire top, pulling live babies out, and putting them back in, which is ridiculously dangerous to the baby.
This year he's going to be getting his own television show. I don't know the name of it yet, but given his behavior on youtube - where he purposely elicits stress responses, defensive behaviors, and bite attempts from large reptiles purely for views, with no interest in whether these actions are in the interest of the animal's best welfare - I doubt he is going to improve any. The producers are GOING to try to sensationalize it a la Tiger King.
Please, I am asking you to not support this man or his new show. He represents the worst side of the hobby, the people that have no business being in business, no business keeping the animals he does. Don't spite watch, don't curiosity watch; pirate it someplace if you must, but any views that count toward success of his show only puts more into his pockets to continue doing things he shouldn't, and it's his animals (and the animals his popularity convince others to buy thinking they can do the same as him) that pay the price for it.
Please understand that he is NOT a good representative of the reptile keeping community, and that so many people do not find his keeping, handling, or practices acceptable. Despicable would be a better word.
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raviniaraven · 11 months
Hey just a heads up if you're going to Minneapolis Pride this weekend, if you pass a booth with people asking you to watch a video and they'll pay you a dollar, don't do it. They're a group like PETA that's trying to trick you into watching a graphic video about animal slaughter. It's a ten minute video of animal gore that they're trying to play off as activism. If you are any type of sensitive to gore, don't watch the video.
This isn't any sort of criticism of vegans or vegetarians, this is just a friendly warning about groups that want to show you animals dying and covered in blood. Regardless of your opinions on animal welfare, that's not okay to show to people with no warning.
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despazito · 4 months
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12 weeks old is insane!!!
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todaysbird · 1 year
Bad animal husbandry when done by an animal breeder is still bad husbandry
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little-tunny · 1 year
I hope this doesn’t sound rude, but is B-man disabled? He’s really cute, but he also seems a little different from most cats, especially around the eyes! Is he just a funny little man or what?
Yes he’s disabled! He was born with CH, which causes issues with balance and motor control. However his case is very mild, and he’s learned to counter balance with his tail and silly gait as he’s grown up! I made a 3 minute video with a few animations all about CH when he was a kitten, if you’re interested to learn more about his disability, please watch it! 😁
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i just really hate trends man like y'all don't have brains that aren't just the pure satisfaction of participating in capitalism like christ achieve some consciousness
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sher-ee · 10 days
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we-the-human · 4 months
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pinkbeetroot · 4 months
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tragedy of farm dogs
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pissvortex · 11 months
the monkey hate ring has been uncovered by BBC and it seems to be what everyone predicted: insane reactionary americans, many of whom ex-military or in the military, were paying indonesians thousands of dollars to torture and kill monkeys that they capture from the wild
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onenicebugperday · 5 months
honestly there's very few people i look down upon more than those who hear logical and scientific criticism of their keeping and somehow mental gymnastics their way into insisting its ackshually correct because their leopard gecko has yet to spontaneously combust or something. absolutely foul
Yeah "not dead" is the lowest bar for animal welfare idk how they sleep at night
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homeofhousechickens · 3 months
Hey i have seen them getting more popular on tumblr and interacting with a lot of you guys and I want to let you know that floof9000 is a very unsavory individual. They have abused multiple birds and I think they may still be a minor? (Or not anymore? Its been a few years) so i suggest you just block and do not engage in any way. Yes this person has been reported but unfortunately their target of choice doesn't have many protections and they are actively enabled.
My biggest fear with them is that them interacting with people on here will give them legitimacy so they could possibly get their hands on more rescue birds or at risk birds which they have a history of making disappear or abusing. They sometimes stalk and harass people (and rescues) with their partner as well which is why I think everyone should just block and ignore.
DO NOT sell them any birds or point out any at risk birds to them or give them any breeding advice. I firmly believe this person should not have access to animals.
You guys know I normally do not make these kinds of posts lightly or often but I am growing concerned at the number of casual interactions with bird blogs I'm seeing from them. I'm making this post unrebloggable so it doesn't escape containment please keep yourself and your birds safe by blocking them.
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They have this habit of getting birds then the bird will get sick or have strange behavior then it disappears like what happened to Puffin the bird above. I think it's a cycle stemming from the positive attention they get on social media.
This person admitted to letting their pigeon eat foreign objects but the objects he mentioned are not possible for a pigeon to be able to naturally try to eat such as coins and baby carrots
They also likely plucked Puffin because it's true that pigeons can have severe molts in the neck area but it very rarely looks so uniform and there would be no reason for the skin to be inflamed and bruised.
I suggest just blocking this person and moving on I have known about this behavior since 2020 and I have seen nothing that suggests this person has changed.
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I've already asked this to a trusted Herp Friend:tm: (and got Many answers from a few others as well) but i wanted to ask you too.
Myself and a friend were arguing(kinda? Debating more like tbh) the ethics of defanging a snake (non-venomous or venomous) I think it's kinda cruel and also unnecessary my friend thinks it's fine bc the snake can't feel it and according to them it has no negative affect on the snake.
So what's your opinion/belied on this situation? I want to ask you bc I'd like to hear from someone who's been handling snakes a lot longer than me.
I believe it's always, always unethical. I've worked with snakes who have had venomoid surgeries (never by any facility I've worked with, they were always rescues) and those poor snakes are heartbreaking.
Venomoid surgeries, intended to render a venomous snake non-venomous, are so cruel that any decent, ethical vet will refuse to perform them. They can take different forms, including partial or complete removal of fangs, venom ducts, and venom glands.
The big issues here are twofold.
It is impossible to ever surgically render a snake non-venomous. All those components can grow back or remain semi-functional after surgery. I can't overstate this. These surgeries are useless.
Those are integral, massive components of the snake's face and jaws. Venom glands, compressor muscles, and ducts take up a lot of real estate in a venomous snake's face.
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Snakes who have had venomoid surgeries often have to live with a lot of chronic pain in their faces. They have trouble opening their mouths and eating. I've met some who will drool venom. At my lab we had to make the hard choice to euthanize one of our ambassador rattlers a few months ago - she had undergone a venomoid surgery to remove her venom ducts and the compressor muscles were starting to atrophy and cause her a lot of pain. Botched surgeries are common (largely because, again, no decent vet will perform these), and that adds a whole additional host of complications.
I feel particularly strongly about this just because I know so many snakes who are suffering as a direct result of these surgeries, but yeah. Always unethical, I consider them animal abuse.
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yesterdaysprint · 1 year
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Chicago Daily Tribune, Illinois, June 17, 1935
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