feralkwe · 9 days
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@anneapocalypse like i had already made peace that i will never get to wear the cool helm, but at least the tradeoff is that i get to be viera. i was SO STOKED for this armor. and then i saw that the female set of 50 class gear looks like it does, and i have been in a state of simmering rage ever since. the ONE class i want cool, spiky, slightly ridiculous armor, and THIS is what i get.
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
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@anneapocalypse do you know something? the whole andraste's ashes thing is not even their main problem. it's more like the FIRST RED FLAG
other fucked up evadne/leliana content:
evadne killed marjolaine but then told leliana she was nothing like her which. yknow. kinda mixed signals, i think. and definitely had nothing to do with evadne being overprotective and jealous nope not at ALL
because marjolaine is dead and leliana is unhardened, leliana goes back to the temple to "protect" andraste's -- now violated -- ashes. i wonder who could have violated them.
the way i've figured it, the reason templars were allowed to infiltrate the grey wardens is bc evadne spends half her time in amaranthine running the city and managing the wardens and the other half of her time in denerim to serve as chancellor, leaving trusted senior wardens behind to manage while she's gone. her girlfriend, who is working for the fucking divine, is either inept - which is why leliana doesn't send a warning, because she didn't know - or actively complicit in the templar infiltration of the wardens. because how else would they have known evadne wasn't around??? there's no way leliana is so inept that their letters were intercepted by some other spy of the divine's.
leliana goes to kirkwall, "investigates" the situation there, and then delivers the message that divine justinia will bring templars to kirkwall for an exalted march. to put down the mage rebels. evadne is actively part of the mage collective. the champion of kirkwall is her cousin. HER BROTHER IS A CIRCLE MAGE IN KIRKWALL.
leliana protected evadne from the divine's machinations but was entirely willing to hunt down hawke - evadne's blood related relative - to force him to serve the chantry
leliana's closest friend - the divine - is murdered and evadne refuses to even see her, and only sends a letter via the inquisition months later
leliana establishes the inquisition to replace the divine's armies and drag mages back to the circle by force
like. comparatively. the whole "yeah i violated some magic ashes which could or could not have been andraste's" thing is weirdly not the biggest problem in their relationship
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lilbittymonster · 1 hour
↕️ for the ask meme!
↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch?
Kitali is a switch who tends towards dominance. She knows what she wants and she's not afraid to ask for it. Which is so very compatible with her husband who is a service switch and her partner who tends towards submission.
It never ceases to tickle me thinking about just how down bad these two extremely powerful men are to submit to a woman who's half their size. Size difference ships Good.
Thanks for the ask @anneapocalypse
Sinday Asks
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valeriannnn · 2 months
people I’d like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag, @anneapocalypse!
Last Song Listened To: Day9 is doing a Starcraft month of videos since Bobby Kotick is no longer at Blizzard (it is fine if you dont know what any of that means) which i am THRILLED about and also now i am listening to terran music again
Currently Watching: Aside from all the new day9 vids, I'm also working my way through lilindigestion's game playthroughs after i saw his outer wilds supercut and really enjoyed his commentary
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy?: Sweet > Spicy > Savory but combinations are best \o/
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsession: FFXIV also. i have had a hell of a week this monday and had to think really hard about my catboys to get myself through it
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azim-steppes · 2 months
people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @anneapocalypse, thanks!!
Last Song Listened To: Doubt by Jeff Rosenstock, but I've been listening to the entire album, HELLMODE. Seeing him live tomorrow!!
Currently Watching: Naoki Urasawa's Monster (2004). Also following Dungeon Meshi. Monster has been on my list for a long time, a bit of a sleeper hit nowadays I think but its regarded as one of the best anime to watch... its 20 years old now but it still holds up very well. Great thriller. Only 7 more episodes until I've finished!
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy?: Savory! I like all 3 but I'm most consistent in Savory I think
Relationship Status: Pretty Single.
Current Obsession: FFXIV... lmao. I'm down so bad! Very obsessed with my WoL Yeke-Bukha. Thinking of doing more RP related activities. Excited for the new expansion! It's fun to see and learn about everyone's WoL stories too. ^_^ It's been a long time since I've attempted to make acquaintances/friends in fandom spaces tbh, I'm having fun.
Tagging: @elendsessor, @h0llyw0lly, @bother-blame, @translucio if u wanna ^_^
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chocochipbiscuit · 1 year
For the ask game: 1, 3 and 11!
1) do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
Answered here, but because I’m nothing if not loquacious, I feel like expanding!
Every story needs to have a good ending. I know a lot of emphasis is put on ‘strong hooks’ and openings, but the ending is the last thing the reader takes with them. There have been stories and games that I’ve loved…except for the endings, which then taint my willingness to re-engage with that media.
Sometimes I stumble. That’s what outlining and spitballing with friends is for. And when I’m doing something short, or a creative writing exercise, I’m not so invested in the ending; my prompt was to show the progression of time between four scenes? Okay! I can do that! And because it’s so short, a story might emerge (because humans are pattern-seeking creatures, and a ‘story’ has a narrative pattern that differentiates it from a series of unconnected events) but those exercises weren’t written to be ‘stories,’ they were written for me to practice or explore certain techniques.
3) on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
I almost exclusively write love stories in fandom. Shipping! Romance! Passionate smooches! I read a lot more broadly outside of fandom, but for fanfic specifically? I fall in love with characters and want to write about them falling in love in return. Relationships (whether established or getting together) offer new ways to explore characterization and the ‘what if’ nature of fanfic!!!!
11) what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
Answered here, but I realize that I forgot to answer the second half of the question!
I don’t think of what I do as ‘research’ generally, because usually I try to pick things I’m already interested in and know a little about. I don’t usually set out to look up specific questions, but instead try to soak up the ambience or topic and see what interesting details pop out. I will look up specifics to make sure it doesn’t contradict something I’m writing, but generally I just go with the ~vibes~ and try to make sure it makes sense.
ALTHOUGH. I WILL SAY ONE THING. As a former physics tutor and general science nerd, it does drive me absolutely BONKERS when science is misrepresented or deliberately watered down for the sake of a nonsensical analogy! One of my personal peeves is the use of Schroedinger’s cat (there was no real cat! It was a thought experiment meant to illustrate how fundamentally weird physics is at the quantum level and how it’s not necessarily directly applicable to the macro level!) So when it gets used as a weird smirky ‘well, it’s alive AND dead, we can never be fundamentally sure of ANYTHING’ then authors are completely missing the point!!!!
I also fully admit the irony of it because I wrote Schroedinger’s Pussy to play with the pop culture reference of it but ALSO maintain that it works as an analogy here because of the history of necromancy and nuclear war and the mass devastation/death that triggers their thanergetic surges, then WELL! Two angry lesbians in complete denial about their feelings and unwilling/unable to resolve their issues in a healthy manner seems like a PERFECT way to play with that trope!
I also dislike ‘ooooh quantum multiverse theory!!!’ when it’s used as an excuse for interdimensional hopping or to mire the characters/readers in solipsistic time loops.
…okay, this rant got a bit away from me. Nutshell summary: No, I will not write a pirates AU because I am currently not interested in learning more about boats and maritime trade routes and I do not see the point in writing a thing for which I will have to learn other things! But yes, I will write a mermaid AU where I look up whalefalls and the difference between jettison and salvage, because I find that much more interesting!
(Questions are from this ask game!)
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ziskandra · 1 year
✨ What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Probably what I would consider one of my more underrated works is the one-shot Common Ground, an Alistair/Anora character study set in the early days of their marriage. It was written for a fanwork exchange centred on themes of grief and mourning. While I thought the obvious direction would be exploring Anora's emotions about Loghain's death, I wanted to flesh out her relationship with her mother a little more. Like, I just think there should be more content that acknowledges Anora basically lost her entire family in the space of two years: first her mother dies two years before the Blight, and then she can lose both her husband and her father in the course of the civil war.
And although Anora has a spine of like, titanium, that must have really fucking sucked! Also, at this point in time Alistair's still processing his own grief with everything that happened, of course, and it's this common ground (ba dum tish) that gives them something to start bonding over and deepen their relationship. 💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
literally anything, like, I am always delighted by even the barest hints that somebody, somewhere is enjoying one of my works! that being said, some of my favourite comments of all time have been:
borderline incoherent rambles where you can tell the person enjoyed the story they forgot how to even words (I feel like this is my default style as a reader!)
line-by-line live reacts
someone telling me that I've changed their mind on a character/pairing
praises of characterisation, especially in smut scenes (I feel like this is my core niche)
random gifs
somebody being so inspired they drew fanart??? (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE).
But yeah, honestly, as long as someone's not like, hurling abuse at me or commenting solely for the purpose of telling me that beer cannot be brewed in zero gravity (a thing that has actually happened before), I really do welcome any and all engagement! Please. Just. Tell me directly somehow, I beg. I know other writers prefer to receive comments on Ao3 and the like, which makes sense, but just please know for me personally, I'm also happy to be messaged or whatever on any platform. 💖
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telumendils · 1 year
@anneapocalypse: #ngl surprised the 'drown us in blood to keep you safe' line didn't make the cut
tbh i almost put that one on there but solely bc it makes me laugh. like he goes so hard so fast. my hawke is like ok buy me a drink first.
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bogunicorn · 2 years
For the fic meme! "Hawke is Dead/Not Dead" 3, 5, and 11?
Context for other people! I wrote Hawke is Dead/Not Dead for Smutquisition Exchange 2022 for @mounted-archer. :)
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
“Family name?”
No family name. My wife has died, you understand, and she took my last name with it, carried it around in her mouth, on the back of her tongue. It was living between her teeth and waiting for her to come home, to say it aloud and return it to me. I couldn’t say it now if I tried.
5. What part was hardest to write?
The actual sex, oddly enough! Everything else I wrote for that exchange was a lot more focused on the smut itself and was much more lurid or obscene, and that's generally how I end up writing explicit fiction. I meant to do that here, but it didn't fit the tone at all, so the sex scene itself got scrapped and rewritten a couple of times until it felt correct.
11. What do you like best about this fic?
I'm a sucker for cathartic grief and tragedy, I loved writing everything from Fenris's POV before he learns that Hawke is actually alive. Especially his confrontation with the Inquisitor. I did write that with a specific Inquisitor of mine in mind (Alexandre, as seen here, mind the mess), but making him identifiable would have distracted from any of the important parts of the story. So that was more for me personally, as Alexandre is a character for whom empathy has to be learned, and by the time he's choosing between the Warden and Hawke, he's grown enough that it causes him a genuine pain that it wouldn't have before he joined the Inquisition.
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ammoniteflesh · 1 year
#30 for AO3 wrapped!
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Not to be overly sappy or anything but the extent to which people enjoy and vibe with my writing has been SUCH a pleasant surprise. I love the comments I get, I love getting to re-experience my work through others' eyes. Just, yeah, a very welcome validation that I'm Not Half Bad At This, Actually.
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tinygamertris · 6 months
There's one wonderful person who likes almost every post I make about Gentian and to that person I say thank you for the excellent seretonin, it makes my day.
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ancient-romes · 6 days
Finding the panel where Miles acknowledges that Tucker was taken advantage of by Crunchbite and Burnie refuting it by saying Tucker "can't be taken advantage of" and then seeing how Tucker was treated in restoration like......i am connecting the dots and i do not like it
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
Heard you like coffee and tea, so what are your OCs' favorite Hot Beverages? (In-universe or modern, your call.)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH anne you're spoiling me with all these oc questions ;~;
evadne: tea connoisseur; she's partial to white teas! white darjeeling or bai mu dan. baihao yinzhen for especially stressful days.
kal: kal's ancestors would come back from the dead to kick her ass collectively if she wasn't a tea drinker. but this is good because she DOES like tea, so they can rest in peace. she tends to stick to black teas which are more familiar to her, and she drinks hers with milk, sugar is optional. i specifically think of masala chai when it comes to kal, which is probably not a tea she makes often but a kind of indulgent, reminiscent tea; the recipe was passed down to her from her mother.
aedan: he is from expy england so he drinks tea but there's no sugar, and it's barely steeped because he throws the bag out within 3 minutes. he could not tell the difference between an earl grey and an english breakfast if you had a gun to his head. he drinks pg tips
faris: he's a hot chocolate kind of baby, to me. i think he discovers the white hot chocolate from costa and forgets about the blight entirely.
damon: requires 3 coffees a day to function as a human/be as seemingly cheerful as he is. he drinks his black, and switches to espresso when they move to the amell estate and he can afford to. drinks the bad shit at first, but he'd splurge on arabica beans the moment he can. (this is 100% why anders wants to move in btw and its so valid of him)
mal: she isn't a coffee or tea drinker, but i think she'd chug a cup of coffee every now and again, especially when she's on watch, for the caffeine.
marya: not really a big coffee or tea drinker, but when she does drink tea, it's with her clan. doodh chai, absolutely!!!! halla milk for their chai... ahhhhhhh!!!
isra: being inquisitor is hard work. she drinks coffee - she'll take it any way, black, cream, sugar, whatever. most commonly seen tipping whiskey into her coffee. i think she'd love an irish coffee tbh.
joan: coffee drinker! black but she dumps a lot of sugar into it.
moon: kopitiam, of course!!!! an essential in the morning with kaya toast and half-boiled eggs.
alexis: columbian coffee, with cream, but no sugar.
mahanon: mumbai cutting chai or elaichi chai!!!! also using halla milk ofc <3
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dreadfutures · 1 month
Fan Work Friday
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Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase one fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :)
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
Fanartist: @kiivg
The first time I saw one of kiivg's pieces, I had the thought: I've never seen anything like this. Then I did a double-take, because even though I can't pinpoint it, this style strikes me as quintessentially storybook. It should be on the cover of a comic, or it should be a bonus chapter illustration in your favorite novel--both because of the striking style and the amount of STORY King packs into each single standalone piece.
The first of King's works I saw was one that I consider really KING now: oriented so that I had to tilt my head to get the full picture. I find it only pulls me in deeper, looking really closely at every detail before I get the full picture. Here's one of my favorites (give it a reblog!):
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Definitely give King a follow. When they do post art, they have plenty of Dragon Age, Cyberpunk, and BG3 art to wow you with!
Fanfic: its free son - SlinkySpiders
The note I had in my bookmarks was: "there are elotes in gotham and this author is my hero"
SURPRISE this is a fanfic for the Robert Pattinson The Batman film, which I think is a nearly perfect hopepunk movie, and the first Bruce Wayne I've ever seen on film who NEEDS A ROBIN. So here, have a batdad and his kid.
I love an awkward man trying his best to be a parent to a kid who has the same problems he did. Let's parent our inner childs through real children, that's my weakness. Also, Dick gets to be childhood friends with Barbara Gordon, so that's great.
It's "unfinished" but I think it does just fine for what it is, and I hope people enjoy!
Rating: G Pairing: Bruce Wayne & Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne & Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Chapters: 2 (unfinished) Length: 11,678 Summary: Three years after the events of the Riddler, Bruce finds himself taking care of an eleven-year old, completely out of his depth.
That's my post for this week! I'm excited to see what everyone tags me in. It's been great to find new artists and fics through this game. :)
(again, for any fandoms! let's spread the positivity <3)
@thedreadblog | @noire-pandora | @wolfsskull
@demarogue | @thevikingwoman | @anneapocalypse | @fiadhaisteach | @victoriousscarf
@warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren | @breninarthur
@ar-lath-ma-cully | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @theluckywizard | @nirikeehan
@oxygenforthewicked | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @melisusthewee | @blarrghe | @delicatefade
@leggywillow | @about2dance | @plisuu
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imakemywings · 1 year
Mass Effect Femslash Recs
Happy February 4th! For Femslash February, a nice collection of femslash fanfic recs! Asteriks by personal favs (★‿★)
* after the flood, all the colors came out by madamebadger - f!Shepard/Tali - Tali has nursed a crush on Shepard for years, but there was never any indication--any at all--that anything could come of it. And she has plenty on her plate with the rebuilding of Rannoch. But the truth is that the heart is not so easy to quiet. Especially when Shepard comes back to visit.
Almost Like Being in Love by Urdnot_wrekt - f!Shepard/Liara - As with any new relationship, Shepard and Liara can't seem to keep their hands to themselves.
Between Us by @anneapocalypse - f!Shepard/Tali - While the war rages all around them, what was between Tali and Shepard remains.
* building mountains in your memory by @chocochipbiscuit - f!Shepard/Liara - Liara spends two years mourning Shepard's death before Cerberus brings her back.
Cardamom and Cloves by wolframbeta - f!Shepard/Liara - Liara takes the night off from her duties as an information broker on Illium to share a meal and quiet conversation. It doesn't go according to plan.
Expiation by supernovasooth - Jack/Miranda - Miranda tries to apologize in her own way.
Faithfully Faithless by Settiai - Ashley/Liara - War and faith didn't exactly go hand-in-hand
For the Living by DrJekyl - f!Shepard/Samara - Samara's relationship with death has always been complex; her relationship with life and love even more so.
Grasping at Straws by Settiai - f!Shepard/Ashley - Ashley kept getting the feeling that she was missing something.
The Great Cabin Conspiracy of '73 by DrJekyl - Aethyta/Benezia - Two matriarchs somehow get stuck in a chilly cabin with no security escort and no extranet access.
Kiss and Get It Over With by ziskandra - Jack/Miranda - Faced with the end of the universe, old differences are set aside.
Motion by SomethingProfound - f!Shepard/Traynor - Sam Traynor's life would be a lot easier if Marines could keep their shirts on. Or: a new friendship aboard the Normandy between the ship's comms specialist and her Executive Officer blooms into something else as the war rages.
nights, by the light of whatever would burn by madamebadger - f!Shepard/Tali/Garrus - In every life, you have to make trade-offs. Shepard has always been at peace with what she's given up to be who and what she is, mostly because she's focused her attention on everything but her own personal life. Even her dearest friends know that she will always, to some degree, hold them at arm's length. But the war has a way of burning everyone down to their most essential selves, and in the end even Shepard can't help seeing, finally, what she wants, what she needs--and what she may have lost.
Purple Shadows by Settiai -Ashley/Liara - Ashley hadn't even considered that the Shadow Broker would be the best person to help clear her name. She'd reacted on pure instinct. It probably said more than she'd like it to say, that her first thought when in trouble was that she needed to find Liara.
* Rakhana by DrJekyl - Aethyta/Benezia - The revelation that the hanar are conspiring to uplift a newly discovered species, the drell, sends shockwaves through the galaxy and right into the T’Soni household.
A Recommendation by YourLocalPriestess - f!Shepard/Ashley - Ashley and Shepard haven't spoken more than a few words to each other since Ilos, and more importantly, since their kiss beforehand. But it had been over a week, and a recommendation leaves Ash with room to doubt what they have.
* Silent days, violent shades by acrosspontneuf - f!Shepard/Aria - ‘There’s profit in survival,’ Aria says, later, an offer masked as a parting shot as Shepard starts to walk away. They both know that Shepard can’t run, but Shepard allows herself the illusion for another stolen moment. The thought of disappearing is tempting - she could discover other galaxies, let this one save itself for once. She could live without being so intrinsically aware of how close she is to the end of it all.
something more comfortable by xenosaurus - f!Shepard/Tali - The first thing Tali does after Rannoch is move all of her things into Shepard’s quarters.
* Stolen Goods by DrJekyl - Aethyta/Benezia/Shiala - Benezia returns home early from a work trip and finds that Aethyta and Liara are up to minor mischief, with Shiala as their willing accomplice.
An Unexpected Pleasure by BlackJackKent - f!Shepard/Traynor - Shore leave is a time for cutting loose from the day-to-day protocols of military life, and after a few drinks at Purgatory, Sam Traynor finds the courage and motivation to try flirting again with Commander Shepard. She's fairly sure Shepard is interested in women too, and her intuition doesn't lie -- the only trouble is Shepard hasn't quite realized it herself yet.
Worth It by Pigeon_theoneandonly - f!Shepard/Traynor - In the midst of the reaper war, Shepard finds a pocket of normalcy for Sam.
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demarogue · 11 months
Trope Tiers Meme
Thanks for the tag, @nirikeehan! 
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So I found a lot of these difficult to place, because I will read virtually anything that my faves write, even if it isn’t generally my cup of tea. And some of my favorite tropes can still be done, y’know, badly. But this feels approximately right? 
Anywho, tagging @dreadfutures @serial-chillr @a-song-in-the-stillness @truebluedreamer @kiastirling @about2dance @anneapocalypse​ @santkazoya​ @velidewrites​ @ultadverb​ @thesistersarcheron​ @soopsiesdaisies​ @nightcourtseer​ and whomever else would like to participate, feel free to tag me I’m curious about your answers!
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